>I t , IoKhv W.u„ H.ulj:... »-• K.rn,.r i««n .;a. s A. ^ 'Jleiju. \\ j. H Lu.,. " H Ar». IV'II. !. ^ Ijritr . «' H Havk.,, >le'', H St«Di.ui PniterM ,n idd ck tnttoii. th. M ^ R errni e. r> M. Ne... [u, .lam-. Reyn.,.4 Fieming J H i‘arp.:n'r-' T^ js H n.,n.r» iW IjX^L A.‘ r 1 \\ oi La«i Lr ' .‘d H vudenci L I :. « A H H. F.*S ' ^ S' T H h. m (. 1 ancev, ■ ; \\ .i : .I'i'D, i hi- I B>r -;. A E '’laj . K'iMf-r’ i • RlIT'!* t tiioHh I ^arr - I J "ciii. ■ t ("r H: -tv J ie« ^hirk,. i’ -■ V l'-‘ytou Te*)._'-e L'sv;*., Wil- ^obert \. j'mriia^tii. )n tl .V: '' i'- jlitll ^ ■ '■' -■■ \\ i NTA i ■ : ' 8 .J 1 ': ■ :, V' ii- H [ ('ur t i' ' opt' . Fu,' liu; krid. . ■w L ’ I - •rtn : fcB, 1 »pe, I Wlu. j.j >, ,, ,, i Larlee *, L ■ «> L'uprf. , Jun’ McKc>'- ■! i-IapP’ H ;!au.b*‘f" \', Bti*' ffcr, ' .. W .k. !*■ L u ^ I" [ , - rl, Kui^ in* T I- McDow^ 1 Arr,ti.-'Ti, .1^ S G h ■ r w ; obo i; riaDiy b Hiltou .1 Muli t> Lewis J Gar V- pur . r. .1 ^ I. . ^ ;-.vftDD. ske) • p , 11 " ; Nt ,r,r, oma- ’ d M Li ’■in I ri^t' 'mV ' • H Jeon.,'*- r: \\ ^ (,h: • - fkS0 HO' i^ ^ ty; For :..i in'l I.. Ol 1 t :iou. oil S K W I. W Fi K K li Y vi>L. Xil.j I AM'/i’i'KVll.l.K. >. ( .. JANUAKY 26. I8ti3 [NO. 1197 KoUrif'*^ , So:^« Not** f n ,tr(. \loS!'\VS \\b THURSDAY,S ,l>\UKO J. If VLK & SO\S. , ioV..^ v.i i‘ROrRIETvMlS >..,, 'V (‘h'kIv OBsicnvvR ito if pHi>l in ■liuitu; ih*»\eHrrvf , - t I* - ‘ V' ■'k!' tisx ;>lilies I >'■ n\:;R ■ ui.i p„r .tf.n.uii, it •.. i.i iis r - ". 1 ttid duriorf th*- y»->ir or -ar.'.TiT: r ' i’ .-r rri»* *i — S{ irt- t \i.'V i.lv 1 HKMEXT' :Q'.:r!(>vl t'o' ivrii- {t' » .. • • ' the tii'jfc and oetii- i^r encK , L. Vt^rlv uvtv,-rii+eiiirtiii- ^ v ■»(. • ,.■■ ,;i i-'L-jiiH>.lc V ivt-rfi-fr* ti; ^ :-i . I.,- /luui'.irr of iii>er:;. n- oi , .-..I,;! .Ue-i t'* ^.iJ iul V\ ESTERS Kail Office, ^ } iiyetieville. Vug. "29 \ {y 4nd af'pr ih^ l^i .Uy of Sppt ih»- foll-.win/ raiftj wil! ht- ofj Hnsaen^^is. vii Frtiui eitfrTlllfl lo Llttl« River oi* w-. ir, SpvUt 8prini 75 •' ftocK fUanoL. 1 Uo ■u Jones> f»ru 1 ‘i. to >lcl7»r's. 1 6U Vw* tiTv , f filj I will V... J tv tt.B eii’li t, i6Hviog .. jU witL "Ul- Ot. Illiuuc't iV, oharii»^ »- •» i Sl'KOlAL NOTIi E ti.i ntiine ot ‘k !>ew luL.—'! w.tlfiii ill i.lTar.cy*. Ul-i will ^gt I 'I"! 'iibron'- -i~ i.ir H iouu'tii (iu.^ 1 n •ie-irr tu '. ik«' ii*' ]'i .-111 w.!i pl»»n'.- uoi;:-, n- v> ti.?u niHknifi: J>U.'v 1. *'•>11 luolol H k.M A (..-vv i.ito 1.1 Frt^i^’M will gw iiilu »)lieot ni (tir! p*n.e !iiur. vihioti wil! tj«j {.rlni.-J sjiil farni -ti>J '.tie jjat-ik 111 V.-W JiiVX Br orvJ.T of 'titj h’r.'s’i •INO M. HOSi*, Tfe*!, r «' K h ' .\iit' Su. 60i! %VEs«iTEK.> RAIL KOAO. inJ 'liter the C’2‘1 iu: . thp Tr^iuN ii r i*»:i Ito‘>'l will run 'ifiilv, leaving Ruvt'UcviUi.* jt 'I li'.'t;, A \1 i^turLiug les»v»* NK'lver's [)epot nt 1 u clock, 1' M C B M U.F.KTT. Vii-s t 2tl. ' VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. fT'HE uu'ier'iijiii'>1 h t.-inp ri‘c*‘titly mi 1. riiik**!' p'l lie 1. Uiuie?. iiiC'iuiprttiiiie wiih propt-r ai.eution to th** proj/ftty h>>rt'iiiuli.*r it.' oribpil. will aell n Auoiii.n I'jr ’ ^ciii r.Miov.) u: li; j i'lnok >1 , .,n liie 2'th Jm‘v nesi, ; uiiit'ss ■j.)Otitfi Ji!4p.nea 't' ui priv.iie ; Lit ItactuI I.aN’1> if. Moort* Cf'iHity, ,wi it.o FayeiivViil.* aud VS.'Jtk>rri Fl'iofe KjH'1 'i^oul halt n t'rfiWfbu ( if ihag^ .u>l A'iii.jCuro', >iboui iJ7 Aejrs. of >»riic(. ■•..om* ."^u ur OL’ acres i-. j.r >t.a> ly ..-ie-iibJ, »nil . ftTiii D‘IuO lour .iiJft:** g -O'i it Ii-i? OlJ 't a u iLul-ri 61.* I)\V£LLiNlJ, Kuctcii. SiaoUr H uid^ Bar... Hi.'.re *t .itiJf-. -f '-'iotii -^'a'jUo, i,;- T' o 1^*1.^ will 6o a. ..1, «' ;• > J.feliiUvjl, Iir .1 ■-J wiii be )i «>'■* I - f.uro; u-i-i litJ *^ili kNo t ,\i i.iitai.f' Vi's LtutT al.d Hctfi' lenfyj lb ;iit! loiMi A . ■ ' . Wllli jl WlltlOUl i rt J ■ 1 -iinj^ ilir v»i w.g.- uac ot t;..'inrta? nh‘.m aiun-- , .Tuai itie Mlittjjw L'vjti.uiu- Ht )!]: liA> nores. lOi- ■' vfhi tl 1.1 jri I'lili iV'id.u I: f.i-.s ou i -..mf- S or lu i. i ■• .)1 giu.J iu>‘HitiiA At,.> ui -Ki aorf* ii ili ..J V*ith ri ^(llp-Tlor ,,l' VNtlt-Ul, Ulkd Willi (>• •iiid Hlliirl oit’a 'l'h«» r»»ui'ili:.lei is lU od C' ii'i.l ou tor a tHii 11 fl'op 1 liiv.- 1’uili^h' of llie oul^iidc Il-iu>. of .'hiji p:!ice is piiili o'. llie oili!*r liiic, at>oui j lifil**' ' .il!i lilt* Vl'l.^P. Iliti'.U" « If-', ‘tlioUl i !k. . e- .11 . till ivii'ioii Soiii»* lu aoren ul *ti.eli If >*'lubiJ ill Willi,.r oi'it- iiiL' r* si inieii.ied fur (.•jrii i.cii yp;ii 1 Ilf I ■ ...pM 111 V Ilf ijsi^is of bi-vui al Com If. FI. -WrI.. Attorney at Law, Fayettkville, N. C _ 3 .-u i '.ht* County and 8upt>rioi Coiiri- ot I -.-liMnd, Harr**tt. Moore and Kob^soii Coun- .p" utieniioQ givea »«» the roHeciion of all . ■*•'1 to hi“ hand--* ■ '‘ift'j ih-if I,Ed W. WILLI AMS'& 00., holt'»*al«* Dealer** iii 4«rocerie', and IMFuRTERS AMi HEALEHtj 1> riiware and C utlery, Sweden Iron, &e*, HAY STBEET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. t. abif . t w P K.E.NDALL J *j REN DALI. iOX, It«:-\'I>ALL Sk VO , ouimis^ioii .>lerchauf« . A N D AiiUL£iiAL£ QaOC£HB, HO. n X 12 Norili Water Si.. Wiiminsioii. *. C. ;-om tte >.'oai.irv procupil', .LLi. vr t.-j of Cv'tuf. .. rru-l i.'.. I.i. -Sl Ii. «. WOKTIi. (ififiiMoii and I^orftardiug )lert huuts, WILMINGTON, N 0 1.!'',; ■'iff t \ U It! ■ r. ' •? *''rva»raod-..i «. t witt. r .i*ri 1 ». ncKJPER Johnson, williams & ru., s\!/r nAKKHiS. I - ,i :y j vD'U 'W III opp! ati- n nine mile- '1- it \V ■ ..iji;; .'a F^rii»-(i wi'jhiiix to supply - • w n »a.;. »n fe furni-h** I by applying to ■ ■ u. ,fr . A^>“Ql *t KAyfttfcv;':>'. t.i tr r*g>‘. i’. wjriK. :? to J. M \MLLIAM.S, (t . r .1 S'inr*nt.t*nd‘>ni ■N' lV JO, 1>". J ^*lt! M>TTO.\ YARA. Vu. 19 Haj street. !• mallki r ir __ • fOl- Kiie aud Tobacco ou I'ousignmeiit .j , - > r tr»Kri b(*a! K. . -1 B'Mhdu '■ • i f0'^'KC0.->. vamu .j.r.' 'ip- ^ '•} GE 1 \V . II i L1 i 'i' V ' * * ... H. J' 1. 1H6J. • ibii^nt froui h'.uit* H {’‘V wiute^: tiil.a'l U uiv nuthori! ii \j .titif-r uiiti! 1 re?ura \ G jOM> 'if thiH dat«‘ I %»ill i.. l.jaU'j fOi !aL“' d)*- “li ;t. ; II (.1 iii^ niil'r \llei ,y F1. e • ■ ! • \! I K I- H V Western Kullroad Uffire. > l'.iv«»ti>vilU>.. N S.-pi. _’7, lSti'2. I^''^ lit itif pri'fio^f ol ini’ivH»in2 iht* cai'iial stock ot Ibi- ('oriipniiy. t.i t*nable ii toMi.ii l the Koid fr.im iKp 'otil Fi»*iiN 1 ! 'hf .Niifth I'uroiina Knad. th** f.iil.iw.ng di»n;havi" h.*eii sp^.oiniei ('oaiini.-.'iionpr= t • ri o«*iv? sub‘crib-r.« in ihpir >ievpral npi.:hhorb.)od'*, vit: Gulf—L J Haii,iht(.ii, Hr.voks Harris, hr Opotifp >’ Newby an i 0 W ifthingion Above the GuU .luo J Gol Istoii, Jam.*-? F Rivos an.t Hujjh W Dixon, At Ore Hill—G W Gold«toij. !.>r L W Gorrell and N \1 .\lsiou. •AboTM Ore Hill—l>an'l H.tOknfy. A B Mar.>it» and Ja* At Fou'fri Mil’s — L>r H Nf F iu«t ai; 1 I»r J 1> Grave** At FrankUu'iviUe 'ini vicinity—l'^aac il I'oiHt and A S {loni.*r A: A*>hpbnro’—.lonaihan Worth \nd R F Hoover. \t S«*w Market—Jpb.sp Wnlker and J.)seph Sewlin At Thomaoville — A G Fcster.and J^o VV Th'>inas .Vt Point — l)r R C Lindsay and Seaborn Ferry At Sjil.»iii--Frauois Fries and K L Patter-.^r., ■\l U« een-^boro’—C P MpBiei.hall, Peter Addin'*. H‘.n J A Oiltset and J;s«e H Lind>^aT Ib'StrucitoDa will be went vo tne Col.^u.i^ai^•tlrrs ti ut» r-ad- i-47 by iLp Pr-'«il.»n' ot thi »'oinpaiiy r.4ci J \i RuS£ S.*o'y vV K U o Florence aud Faietrefflle Rail Road. 1''NDER iti« pyovi-ion-* of an Ordinan'e oi the I'ou veiiiiou of Nor;h Carvilina Books will f e opt- .wl ou the It-th Jnne at the following t.laie* and u.~ ler the •!» le.'tioQof the foUowiu? frersoti? ... i-eoei' :ii''.'rip tion-i to thfi I apital Stook .>f ;he "Floreaov t Fayeue ♦ i'’.e Hail Road Co ’’ .“Shares On.* Hon lred each .4: tKi Al'tu hoxid Ojhcx f'. i'jytrrft ri? - L r. i -r ths di tecii.Ti 01 the GeD»*ral Cotam sii.iners, A M -R.t'taan, L> A Pvay, A W ‘^te**.. Win McL McKav .-.nd Jno M H.,-e A: tht hrJ St-^rin^i I’nder iti.» direoiioti ol fl«-etor McNeill. iVm J. Stewart. Ja-* A Smith, Dan'l C. Mc Neill and t ol. Ales McMillan, or any one of them. -It /’.Vrt.’/ CoU;jf — Uud.*t ih“ .U’-ec'tioa of 1»T Neili McNair, l/r A. D McLeao. Ar. .’..•'.alJ n'nith, Edtniui i Lilly and Coi Aiexand»r W.»- .n -r ■^n-' on.' *.f At Q^tfruXile -Tuder lb.- dirv.-iiou vi >1, Rap. D McLeod, D McCalUun, Ja^ MoRae, Jr . ■ 1 J H. ■M'^WuP'S'n, or any one of ihe&i. Ac Ai/oriixcuie. — CnUer the •iire*ti'jn oi Jori'v t'.. eh, Jno. McNair. Sion Alfrrd. l>n^ .M Mri'alliuu t ’’-o McCallum, or any one of tbe’u. The Siib'criri;ii>n Rooks will rruiain open t 'r the *ipace of 'l ivs When a -Jiillif'ien! sum ; .-iib«cr * ;* 1 the (' imp iny will be org.iiuzed for itie ptirpo>-e of but..! ing the Rri id A A. M'-KETHAN. I). A HAY. A W. steel. WM. McL M''KAV. JN’O. M R(»SE. General Cotnmi^'i ir.erH Kayen-’ville, .fune 7. 1*'*'* ••‘-Itf LOOK AT Hi!' FlVETTlHILii: Frouriti^ 300 feet and In tiie bufNine^*!!* portion of tbe Tovfn, €o»itaiii« more «|>acioim aQ«1 viell feiitilatcd Rooiiih thau aiiv Hotel in the ^(tate, i»riJ (LV l''5tron3 nay ray i'ondiment« are vt5 ^uv>J tor tbe times T. VIAUUILL, Proprietor. May IHK:.'. '£'y VA\ KTTEVILLE WlirAL l^iSlRAM'E I'OMFAM. J.»e7.68P lit) r,.077 :^3 ['■ ii-ie.', .ill 1.1 Ahioh > in -.11.1. ii-i: d ol -re il. »u .11 c .i-1-.iiu.r ot oh.'ice ;ltll . lll'l ..'-ll.T iruit leriiiiz.-d HU 1 pr.»iurli\f nous l^,l^. ;• >iit kilrUi.' ;.l.viul exi-''il.*u: c ul.':i '; i.i-, -a I’tlll Ire,'- ill tl.* *• .1',; l i t', varietif^ f ,t|i; iw. 1. trot!'; - >i ' .111 .I’ -ii meadoiv. I Ilf 1' .r.; X l.“ii •V-.-i, v.;:!i ii wiQkC lb i -0 te‘t. bo'.hiwo SI .r.cf liigii. I'hu r.. .nil iit iheiuuin building arc all p; .'icr..i lu pmii uaid linirh s.^le; four ot lueiu spiici m.s >uid wjih >tood liro pliiceii; onu a dorniiiory. witiii ut tire p'.i»r*', and one a library room, rttted up >-iih niovea^.le siM'lves. vVO Itie winjf has two rooms with fire place', •* diniiijt room atid ouu room without a Cre pKce, with tis«d w»rdrobes, and a opa- oious and dry c*l!ar uni*r tiic builamg The oui- buildingfi consist of a kiii hvn. ihreo i.«*(:i'o Qouies with two rooaii^ iu (“loh o’' itieiii, t iur of th>f ri.ioius havng eaoh a fire jdu' ?, vn l o;.»' ■( tneiii a b ov«>; well nou.-e witn {.iiufy. I. Wrge «ni.»i£e hou-e. cirri ige house, wood house, two I tb. e- enoh wnti two ri.iitiiitJ >ia.i oue flic plaoe. a fraiti»r>l hur-. >l i •iM tVet, w.lh •>i.ible roon. tor r horses, -^pri'e for sueaf wbi-a’ en.in^h lo j,roduce 6lKj bushels; two ceil.’ l g itno.'o c-it ,ii ie of fi./ iiug each I’JO bU'iielb of prain, ■wiih a t aseinput ». _.ry lo shelter cat- li*', and also st|,.-irtAi.t; C'-w ^toiiti uiilk house supplied *iih cor,Slant iircatii ol o.j I t^iiag wa'.cf The bnilJin^ • liTf al'. in cioc t at C-i. i- U. -..tiJ have ■ic*!. ' U!.> j.a :* -*d i'cl liS .1 .,'r 11 ■ Iii I.i iuak e IoIif;rI luv^ultlcd, L‘Ati‘*J^lj LO oie h'ilcig'.. ^ ii.y • 'O ur 'rotUer reiiJinj? lU ^>.1- uiiD(t'vri, nif 1,1 ■■ri.*f in tiveueville, . t lo a.y *ori lu law i Jacis a lu '.s'.ebkirv , wiio i# du } t'Uij.oWer ed lo iriat.' . sale. \a I f*IU a^H.ll lo ftrUi. '.Laie po^.-cB- '.tl bee r t7. H'l* FLORAL l'OLLK€5E. *pHE Trustees of Floral C-/llp(£e take pleasure in an I nouncing to the public t’;at thty hav>* BU*(V‘- ii-1 in attain procuring the >iervioe'i of Rev. Duniel Jnhn-ir.:i a.- Principal of thin ‘•chool. A full corp-. of oomppten’ Insinicters both hi Literary and (riiatneiiial 1» pariini'us hUI be niippl 1'he school will open ..t. \\ e.loi'Silay'the llih .>f J i lSti3 CircnI'Ua eontaitiiutt ^ull par Iculars iu r>t; to tertuii. So , t-an be tiaJ oi» appHoaiioo lo RfV D i Johnson Gilop.ili^. N C TiJts Siewntd s Hall will also t e uadur Um oooifi.l aau ft*iri4g^Dieut of Mr JotiCison bvard ai Steward's Hall ela por uiuuih M C MiiS\IH. ritfvj'y to li^arii of Tru'*t.*«y Lk-.;'! 'J,. l%n',; sy 4rt Land at Auction. I vvlLL for sale a' Auction, on Tueod«> l^rb y i i 1 ii itie -Market Hou^e, ai o’clook. 640 Acretf ol LA.'%lt., l .lt>n o(j ibe Hiver - nilleo below town, belonging lo T J Kobitiiji>ii W acri*s are olemed and uiidei- cnltiv* tiou Thin trapi ooiitttliis ‘*t>oin ivore- ot exoelVut H« ;iiup Land and 16t* acrea of vand hill well timbered, tbe reinaindi r, next to the Kiver, m adapted to t^e growth of corn and the cultivatiijti of grasw \ny one desiring to purchase oan get further infor- Ui:ilii>n by afijilying to itie f>wner or t.> the rtub^icribpr t’ !I LKETh^. Auet'r, ■latl'y '• 'i*'2-tn w ti.»lnijfti I c,»u give ifuiue JIiNvTHaN Wl»RTH 4lit Capital in Preiruum,Notes anioums to t'ash oti tiatid iud other as'v^ta. %'ALtAlll.t:: nil.Ls tor Kale. IUFPEH lilt »iie niy PLVSI.VIION. 2 inilfs weai ol CariLi.j;e. Moore v-nunty, convu.iuing '..l.Mi acres, •, u which i* a Griit ^tid saw >Ii.;, ■ oticu Giu aud ;?ciew. I w.;l KCr.ve ia j aymenl Hi .to {’..■j I's, itifeieruld tii.>uey .r likely Neift.r j! UN MoKlSON VALI AULi: LA.\l>Si lor S«iale. IOFFLH lor ^ale Kiy PL,\.ST.\TiON on McCleud -n's ( ;-eek, ti loiies wes; Jt i.arihage, ivin^ 'Qu ;he tiaoui >f iht C>.a. Fir.ds, eou t.i..iijg .liW acres, whioa ic as pro-luoiive a- ai-? .-lU lU the couaty of .Moore, fiie iinf roVf.tuetii- g>. "i "ku t the >ituatiuu heilthy Tei uis liberal jMtlN M'>RI>mN AOTH'E. In \VK .ibjui oiKHi icres moie, in iifleifiii tract •*. :n itic iiiiiuty of .Ml K.irnuiig M;ueral, >»ad Tur- pen me l»u i, —whii’ii 1 wi,l «el. i n Ur.erai term- JuHN .MuKISUN. .Vliiierai LaiiilM lot' .Hale. an iuier.-'»t of one- '*:rd in h irict of ft'K) ACRE' ou tn* wi.er*' of L>.-- p K:v- v. on wnioti h:ive been discovered .. s»lt min ■ an i pnri' r iltpeire, .'iiid .tn 111 of good quniii> 1 r gt.M-Kij;; ie- iipr, vvel; w..nny geoli gical investlji i:i.ia JUllN M Mll.'^ >N, Carlhag(>. Nov, IH 1S*^'2 7 -it .\«TH'i:. IjERiiONwirihiiJif to bu3' I'liW.S FHtiF'EKi V will do VK.il tj c;*ll on the i»ubbcr;oer I w; I ■?-*i ou reas ,n- atile ttjrins my Hou.e and Lo’.., ‘laviL.^ .i.ao a go. i Kituli- tu, c^oite ii'jti-e and ^ i-. i ^ ell oi wter A so, loui ^ Towti Lots wiih good r*mb.i » tt;er«on ani very conve- f nient, 'ind one ‘ii!i«r saiail Li t ,Aino, ■ - acreu of Lii.d ' Joiuiritf lie >.j«n o; ' arm .lio. cjLiv,.ij;ent for wood. ,'. ,\1 tiflANr^u"'- I- ;tr.a)ie. I't ■ 'J, siiii ~Hi:t f:l\AOTIC E. MIE following’ p. : •.■ wil hav tuonej , pi i.^-rt\ ot evidencH.. ,.f .le^.t in .tieii tiai.ds belonging in alu n enemies, i*re h ?rehy rt‘.,jiiire.l . > n.eet me ui Aaheboro’, on ttie •■'.d 1IV of F ..'■uiry uei'., and to surrender lue each ptopeiijj n- ' Tiay 'lav** in theii t-tBion, and 111 I’ay ov-?r rint*h ui* ••I lumicy ai.-; tie in their hftod“, aud «‘hi''h have be.-u retutued t in'* belong ing t, Hlieu euet.iii-.!. til • Jeajc Waik t. Altnd Lt.\l> AT %I I'TI€KA. ’'ILL be rfolii on TCE.'^DAY, :! 1 Februnry ueit, at the Miii.''**! House, at 1*2 u'ol.i''k. Two Traoia of L ind on CarverV ‘'reek, kn.iwn «9 the King and BoUod I'liids The Kinii traol ontains tiio aor*, ihe Bolton iraot uitti v'nH lu£>ij acres P(ia above land* adjoin .ho land* of J P. MuLe»a, M. J Buie and others There i? >i rfaw und OriHl Mill on the Boltou It^ot Person? desiring to p-jrchase CHn i.^ so privately by calling on C E LEETE, .Auct'r Jan y 7. 92-t8 AI DITOR’^ DEPARTTIE.KT. ^piIE HUeiition of all persnna who are oono.*rned is 1 hereby call*d to the Act of the Gt'Oeral .\s8einbly wiiioh creates the oflic.i ot Audiu r i ^ I'ublio .\cconnti. . ■Accounts with itio State fur the *-\pHuditure of jiublio ni uey will be required to conforni, in all ca«ea toucL- iiig uiilitary atiair*. to the Army Hegu.atiuii« ot ‘ha t.\*tifederate riiateii. and all aLOoua’.,'?. whethet in Ifce military .^r m the civil departniunta oi it*e governiiiant \te to be pr«»et»ted qunrterlv and a* «ojU a* may t.e afi.-p ttje ot tDe regular .quarter I'lie undet9ign.*d nv.itj hiuiiie.i of ttj.* pcrsrtii opp.-r tuouy to notily t»ll wt.o arc dei.iiquciit in rendering uo oountii ot pubh; money or properij in the i uaujn .iLOi lu..* coiiifn(ruo*-aieni of the w.»r uuw pending. »: ttip n.'t*.*-. illy ot havin; their ao.' .unts pf-psred »nd s.-ft;ed fhe *u«atii.n of th« Ger.eral Assembly will b* callt* 1 lo the •ri iHir- i t th--,“e f,>ei!>oii». aud suii” will ^e direeid in wiietft ih\*i n.itii'e 16 .iisrfgir-ded i'laiu.1 igainst the ^tate Wiil be uudUnl anvii litjg tj ihe rult - ..biefv«d by the late Hoar-i of ('.aiiiii* H F PHILLIP.S, Auditor, .to Jan'y 7 ‘J3-*'.t I.^AAl' ilOLLIACi!^WORTH, At his Old Stand, Persoa St.. OKFKrtS for -^ale, .SuLNb SALT \ jtood Hssorttneni of Chewing an l Smokiag To- baoeo, f'tiutl, Flour, Sugar, Li-ather, ito , aud all artiolea uxually k*pt in a Groc**ry Store to be Uad in roarkt>t, which will b^ told for eaeh •.! givvn in eichange for Country Fro^luoe 1 tiipd Tl RPEATIAE HAI'liM. IH \VH a good supply of Turpentine H \^'KS, on haiid. whicii 1 aiu ready to ^ell lo tno«e who may wish to purchase. ,\ls i. ready toprefiar«* .\xe,s at short notice, in the best manner. L. WOOD Knypt'eville, N. C., Dec 80. 9f> .3tnpd HOR5^E l^HOElAi;. « UWIN(5 to the .livance in the pric-.* of Iron the sub- ^crii-,er is compelled ti rai?e itie price of shoeing to • il per s‘h')‘* He dors tlii*- with rel;icti.nce, but its ! neressity will be Hi'y.nrent lo hin cusii'mer* when h« 'tales, that ih.» iron alone used in ma'^ing shoes costs luore ihiiu h iil ot hik idiMrge, an 1 more tD;iii iwice as luiicli la he forinerlv receive.1 f r iron and iihofinif J W WELSH, t.vili *. Jftu'"yiJ'iiiJ '-*1 ''■wpd W. R, RllHARUSOi\ & CO., 8took Brokers and Commission MerohaQts, RALEIGH, H. i\ [ 0_^'iv on FayettevilJc. Street ] \\T ILL give pattieular attention to sales and purchases M of State and Confpderate bonds. Bank and other .'Jii.oks. o.iUeciion of drafts, and anv business conneet»d «ith the .Dtfereut .le(>artc'ent« of the .^tate governn.ent Oanfe noics of all .Soathern Siaie« bought and «o Id ^ EefeTf-nctu 0 G P'ii!*le)'. VVnming'on W A Wri/!ii. Jnhii !• Wilhams. FayetteviMr w (i br.iAdfo*H, J J BUokwood, Chi*rlottr W K Lane, Wayne County John I> Whitford, Crav**n i,'ounty Hon Thoraa.s Ruffin, Alamance t?oumy Htiu VS N Ldwards, Warren i7ouuty Hon l» W Courts, Ruokingham C.-uniy H W". Guion. Linoolu ('ounly .And ciiiieUf- of Kaleigli, generally. •Jan’y Iti. , ‘K’l-liu BEVEHI.V ROSE, ' roiuiiii^sion .Merchant \NI) liiEAERAL AiiV.%T, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. — ALS«> — Dealer in the diflereot kinds of lX*ep River I'oal. for which orders will be promptly supplied Jan’y 14. l«f.3. y4-fiipd SOAP! INOAP! I .AM now making and keep constantly ..n hand, at my Faetory on Per.son street, FAMIL^ I'.aR SOAP, at wholosalb and letail. — ALSO— Plain. Variegated, Perfutnel. Toilet and Shaving .'oap= ,\ supply kept for retail at J nollingsworih's. Orders promptly filled, gia^Lard and Tallow war ■ 1 given. -ituble would you be a horse?’ ’*1 ■ir.” was the rather curt rej'iiuder (Hi .1 P.rown Win.lt)or W Lett’s and Isaac rjighe«t cash prices (’ Fayeiteville. J»in'y 17. I''* %VA \'fi'EO. LGo'JU NLHSL Apj ; lo J H Jan V 17 P JONES. 2mpd \NDEKSON. *J5 Jt Uoi ». ^ iraritt'd. IWLsH lo r>uy s«*vernt VoCNG HtjP.SLS, ituiiable foi Atallfty or Rag .u W C TROY. F'ayeiieville, .s. C Itii . ! 7. 1 ?f>'J .Hilcti Cow lor >iale, 11 H yojng ciilf. will give twojrallun* per dny oi G. S. bEMlSG. 95-‘2tpd more il w»*il fed '['ply tv* Jan y 1'.* KAVE IKTERE.HT. VLL fVr>!Oii'i itidebied i.i the subscribers by note or accouui i»te teijue-ted to make payment and save mterost Jan'y lf>. 1H». HUSKK ANDERSON ALnAliAC'H. k FK.E.SH HUpply of Farmei’s ,v F*l »nter's, 2d Ediiion .Also, a few of Turner^ For i*ale by E. J. H.aLE &. dONS. P. S The publishers have rai:ed the prices lo 16 cen'8 each, at which price we will sell them. l'alil>a;fe ^eed! Cabbag^e >ieedll I^UNCt'.MBE C.ABBAGE SEED, fresh aud genuine, at J. W. .lan’y 15, 18*i3. REWA RI>7 LETT’S. 94-2m ^pHIRTY DOLL.ARS reward will be paid for the ap- X preheuHion and delivery at the Camp of Instruction in Raleigh, N. or at Ca.stle Thundei* in Richmond, Bailor and iht Aew Orleani WoTTien.—A let ter from New Orleans gives the following aqfount of an interview between Butler and two New Orleans women;— “After they had stuted their business, to which he listened, he turned to ihc y«'UiiifCT ^ind said: “Have you, luadaui, t.Hken the oaiL ol' alicgisnce 10 the 1,’nited States'” ‘'No. sa . ' was ihe reply “You are then a rebel?” “I am Tartaug toihe othet lady, “You, madam, I suppo.st, are a ioyal oifizen?” “I have taken our Eng!.sh p pers.” “You are Engli.-A by birth?” ‘‘X-* sir, onij- by marriage. My husbatid bein^, Lnglisli ;ne Lri- tish consul gave me Kngliiih protection. “Al . with a learlul grimace, “It yju sfterc iioru in & :il^-poso Su- 'ALI ti- Diher t^rimuce. “[f you w*re married ifi u uds would your children be Uoiikeys.' Ak^»“ the lady anbwered. * 1 Auppobo so eiy we.l, with a magnificent wave of the ImiiJ. lieti you have t^iken the oath ol alleiritiiice 1 will i;.ik to you. ] have no commuuicatiun with icbci.s ' Another lady was taken in atiemptiii'i to ru i tbe blockade. She had her ^ilvo^ wiili lier. W hen she wu.H brought Vjcloro liutler he a.'k>.d hi.r ^vaue questions, and her replies* tiot sutislym- Kiiii, he said to her: “Madam, you ate u liar. > .a being very passiotuite, aii.'Swered, ; ...;e I another.” After a fiery dispute he i i a i,.r ! te pri.^on. She however e&eapu j. t irou^ii i ;;i- terventiou of some of hi^ olHi'-'fa, wit.i i -w ija . s i imprisonment, and the coutiscation ui lior nor.'-'!:, carriage and plate.” i The Enemy in Ureenbrier. — The cn. i. y lij\c* recently made another raid into Grci.:iL; Kr coun ty, where they coiumitted a i.Uiubttr oi Uej. cau tions. Their number amounted lo aOuut in. hun dred and fifty They ventured wul.m . u. li.ue of Lewisburg, where they b'arne'J i.i ut Jeseph Foemster, jr., containiiig .six > pro vender, A:c. They also tired his dn llin^. uitne timely arrivil of a company of i^clgar lu- alioa saved it from destruction. They ai.->u om ti.- a tiie dwellinj^, barn, granary, and stablo ui Austin Hundley, Sheriff of the county, together witii his furniture and grain. The snow was stvtral inches deep, and his family were turned ou: in their night cloihes — his wife bare footeu -»n II was kept under guard until'his housb v.a.- far cou- sHtue,.! that he wus unable to -^r.jtiiir^ /iichin.: -id i'J aiid (ht Uu/ —2so dan jI meii j seem so ludifierent to then own pecuniary inter- tstd as newspaper men v\ hiist tn^.* merchant ; bells his wares at from five to itu thousand per ; cent, advance on the old rates; wnilst ! ;i 3 farmer I is raising upon his products in proportion, and I whilst everything necessary to sustam life, as I well asi a newspaper, is selling at ten and twenty ! prices, publishers are still furni>hing daiiy papers I at a very slight advance ou the old rates. N\ s* 1 believe it may be safely a.ssumed that there are but ! two classes of luen in the Confederacy, not in the i army, who are not “speculators” or "high price ; men,” in some way or other. The p.tison still { preaches to his congrcgution. at a sa. ly winch j barely keeps soul and body togethi r, wluie pub- ' Ushers of newspapers are worthing fo. liie puonc 1 gratis and boarding ihemselves.— '^uiumOu.-, Suu. '■ ^niall Pox.—This disease has appeared in several parts of our town. Mr. *Saiiian liui ri.'jii, in the country, and one or two negiut.-^ in town, have died of the disease since our last. Ai^o 1-i persons out of 4 families on Sandy i»id-e iiii_ii- borhood. There are two ca.ses at tlie ay .'lao Hospital in this town.—/Suli^li-ury ( /«,/, A friend writes us that a fatal c.i,-5e oi ^tuall Va., of eacn of the followinr named deserters from Co. | , i i i i i .. C. >?d N. C. Reg t, viz: William J. K'Jge, John H Prid- | occurred near Leachburg, .John.tun, i: t cut.y g>*on, bavid Powell. Pat* .McElroy, Pat. Sweeny. John '* '' ' “ ' * !!$tCiiAR. - BBLS Sl'GAR l«>r .jc .^.ju.ignmsriu, by jttS L'TLEV 15 J s b y 1;» 1 Juti JO«. IT LEV, and Cotnmif*»lutt .Yltrthunt, FAYETTK\ILLE, N 0 ii>, it'f'.e H.H tf .Nagle and Tnetnas Cavanaugh. Notice is given to all absentees from my company ( that they inu«t report in person or by proper Surgeons' ; Ov-riiticate immediately, or they will bp considered de- seriers .Surgeons' certificate must be made on oath ' betore a Mfigis'rttie, by me Surgeon giving itje certifl- Crtie with me cerllticaiP of itie t’ouiity ('ouri t'lerk, and of iLe l,'ounl« auaclied thereto 11 W. HORNL, t'api t o I', :tit .N C. Heg't. Jau'y 14, 1S«^-; 9»-aw Horxe lor Sale. U"‘ iD VVttKR HOK'^E i’ i re.> ir vtdr 'Klii ui» pUov lu mil.-s B'Uiu of F-.^ett.* K.HN McboNAl.l- ♦•iALT. nuie lili ii..U3ignmi*lit t.v Ii \\ williams .V 1 o 7•,^ If ■fotal. >272,705 Cl The ;onipany h-ive pii.i.1 ,^»ll l.,i»*.» protuptly. and h»v.j Oejer fuade an assessment on their premium uotpn Total lotifiep paid. C»> FK EB 1 UlX> Vic-NEILL, President b A K.AY, Vi(^e President C. A McMILLAN, .Seo y blRKCTOR: W. N. Tillinghaat, Pi •)wrr, .Alleu 1 '.uib. V' A Prevo, .Joseph Newbn. VV ilii« Ri ig>^, A S lorn-y, W m L ftin ot Cnraw.y, A P Johii» .o, M iir . Ful.er, Benj. Rurh, VV ^.nhuiguiii Hurn, Jeife.-Tou L-ill''. W' \ Wotiiin, \'!*iu ILnly.J M.Wor'h _ _ A, S'-ae. CofTin. F'lus' t'., tit org** ."^i lunton, \iic-j>»h ■»2^ tJS2 *iV ^ Heniy. v. . tiiT P Sb ti j‘*nh.»il, B F Hnnver, Jessy a-id Frederic Pearoc. Huldati Kobt)ins. Jacob iiriles. J.in.e® W Pe'iirie, Joim H Feuroe, C Totnlinson au'l W N .Miller JOHN M.\SN1NG, Ji . Receiver Jati'y S. 3w W AATEO. VT ih« Fii}I'tieville Arsetial, Pour ur Five iKhjU P.LACKS'^IlTHss. to'wti iia g« o.i .^ages and stea-ty employuient will be gl.etj .A{ ply ‘o or aldres*. J A Co!. : Jan y 9, liMl.'!. ieL AGNEL, S A , I'omd'g AOTIC E. H \V’F. yet for >*ale orn* hundred .»ud tiJiy tf.ous'tnd CHOICE FRTIT TllEE'J, whioh 1 am selling otf \t 1 price's t'VRL’S I’ MENDENHALL Jhii 9.3-lm Mr. JJavid Stephenson caut^ht it in iJichUii hd, and died in a few days.—/A 'r/yA . .1 (Jouiicii oj Ul//'.—“Dixie, ot tue Jackson j Appeal tells the following: “Here is a good story ot old .:itoiit\.a.., -.r ;he I accuracy of which 1 do noi vouch, thi.u>;b't e ime to me directly from the camp The niei-L aiter the battle, a council of war was held b^* jreneral Lee, to which all his general^ of division were j invited. Gen Jackson slept throughout the pro- 1 ceedings, and upon being awaked ind asked for his opinion curtly said. “Drive 'em in th3 river, I drive ’em in the river! “Hermes” writes from iiiohiuond to lLb char- lest.ul Alercury: Gen. Lee has said that to him it vr- ; victory, over Burnside and nis own i>- -j - wb . for the first time were cured ol stra' gl-'h - (Jn.y low''the wagons to'trke on'e tenth of the Sail at the i six casesare reported. Compare tiil’i with Sharp- W.irku at »1 60 per bushel on their ownacftount Wag- i burg, where there wert* /iO.OUU, ah'l you wii see on= from any part of itit- Stale wUl be employed «n ap- j force of Gen. Lee's remark His army is I now disciplined as it should be, and the world ' has never seen its etjual. It has lou^ht n.ne battles than any army ever fought, and it iia DAVllt .MI RPHV y2-tf A Large Durham I'ow !» Youn^ Calf, for -al«* Jan'y .• W ag:oiift> Watneil* f’pHE undersigned. Salt Cotatjiis'»ion‘*rs for the oouuty I ot CuiuberKud, wish to employ from oae to twenty- tive Wagons to haul .Salt from tialtville. Va.. for which they vill paif twelve dollat*;* ^er bag of 100 lb»i. and al- plication to us. by leiiBt or otherwise. • P. F. ALDERMAX. JNO. WADDILL. Jr. R ,M. ORRELL. Fayetteville, Deo. 1. 87-2tf WAATEM. 'I -,:1KL.S WHEAf, 1,.V^! " CoR.N '■ I- r.:;vm,r ihe rih i»e aviicif.i t > >**ii w I it-'-*-!**- ^ »■ >'- I’ik- 1 pnoe by cahic^ ui* Ur .\I Tu - .-n " Mi,;,. F ; yet to vi I ii>, or on 'he sub 'r; * vl 1 H';»iid ■■•.1 \lirt-t*i S(jiiare \l.K\ .iOHNr-ON. Jr. • 75tf iuenlV'-li'e Dollai*«i llt'uard. ' \>VAV from the • •b^cvititir, hii- .,,v .\in He i „1 yejir- of ag*-. al. lUt ft-.-, lu 'inohe- !■'' u-t. loL}f leet iiTi i very mui ri taiHfvK.ui -i un- 111 1 doA/i wh*-:i fpoken lo. He » ii .• » ? Vliii- III lioijesun county .>u ih* 21st uli *^“iu F*y(-ticville about ihref-weelw* .igo. The c ifW'ud wili Ke paid lor Ins delivery lo me or for ' ' 'ir en' in ;«ny i.;il tliat 1 get him. W b .^OHNStiN . ivrlie, S. C.. Aug. n l^^'.'J. 3'2if Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan .Siedman. C, B. Mallett. Jaine“ Kyie. A .A. M'cKeth.aii. J 1» ^'.’illiftroH, S W Tillinjrnasi. S J Hinsdale, ji. McL.niriii. is. Luttorliih. W. S(^-?l. G. C > it, Hon. II. F J. G. Shepherd Brown, t A. E, Hall, j Wiiin'gtou hn (.'ollin*' and C. C. Mf.'Cruminen, Tr.: v**liiic piSb^The Comj.any invite applioalions May -2S. IhC’. ’Ji '.I e'-.-l h -■ t. ARflV HAR-\E?j.>>. '■*!ri.treti r*, manutaciuv** all kinds ot W»5;on I'lr Army use. 1 tan iiiy leather nnd can t^ii'^.-.ins Ageuts wili do well to send their ■>ie s they shall have jirompL attenrion, and ‘('lick diripntc.>i. _ .JOHN CARTFR tl !’ 0,1 n-itiia.'ia Co.. C,, > June lo. 1 h'i2. ( \ UEIV. ! , I lHe New Htrlt-. Hmall, j . rOLOUEB PN(OTUtiK lFH.S, ! I AT j I VuitorntU'HV iia||«.|*v. . I ‘ __ I ART. %Aoodvrard% Molar ('amt-r lh*». tiiiiiik Arabic lor «ale by J. R LEE. t)9if \OTH E. .STA riis i;i- wihi.; .v .Mr.i-i. I’l :tVKi.'>R’s oi ricK >'(li.ri *tii«. N t.'. l>i o. IL', iMi’,”, ) ‘ H i-';-"' - b-; -i inu:,!,. !..* j .i.i, u.u “'•■.it -4 V.efi.rt* Jauuaf. 2.'»tii, I*-*.:; D P KAMSLLK, Surg. and >Ied. PuTteyor PHOTOGH.VPHS can be had at Vanorsdell's .'^kylighi Gallery, Huy street, opposite MarVile Var.l. F,iy. etteville, N. plain, retouched, colored, iu water colors, oil ati'i p.^stile; from sm.ili to life sizn. .\inbro- typts. .Melaneotypes, and all other >«tyle.s of Picture!" pertain! g to the Art. Also. Gilt Fratne.s, (iilt Mould ing. G' -• . for very large pictures—as large as 20 ny inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; ln>.tra- ments. Stock aud Chemicals for sale low for casii. Life fliie colored Photographs made from small pictui'cs. flavirg permanently li.cHted here I hope to merit your patronage. I would aixo return my sincere'hanks Valuable Male ol Real E^lale. ON :M d:vy of February ucxi, will be soli fur t'ash, at the Court Jlous« door lu ih» town of .A-lieboio', the folh wintr Tirt^i cf i.\M>. se^uesiare 1 to ihe u-e ofihe CoutVderr.te .'States of .\uieru’a. i>nd ord'.*r»'i lobe sold - Oue Tract ol Land i mile -uuih i f .-i-w .''i iltrin. r>ou laiuitig bil acrt*s, foiniori_\ l.eliiiigiu^ lO C. VV. Woolen (.»rip T’-H7t fidjoinii*if .la''ef I’.jwellaod others, coniatn- ing I'Jl acij^, fortiiriiv prop'.-rtv of Tn-^s. ytalker. Oue uii.Wided 4 pin of ■^f)7 aoreij of L'lud on the ; 'R' .tero of Caraway, adioiniug Enoch Harlau r.ii t others. )ne Tract ou tlie waters of l'o!ec,‘’.i, con.a.ning 7f) uor.*“ fotiii**iiy belonging in .loseph P Julian 0»ie other Tract on the waiers of Po’iecat, foiuierly i.^'l.itiifiiit' t*' l>''b‘Ti l>aw>-on, ’iiid 'i‘-.-Js»e>l .ai >i!(0 Al o, will be -..1 I al tii>- >aii»* titue >vu ■ | i i'e. tOiiuei sales having be^li ‘■I iSliii', ' ICtj acre- of I.in.t till a Houn' n.ii'1 t »v i in itii- towu of Cnioii. toiui*-riy ti.-liiu.ring to A. f;ark (.•op Tract on l’oli''.in.f containing St'i f.cre.', fornifily belonging to C W. VVooltri. .A!so, a House and L.it in 1 .New Salem, forinnrly piop.'riy I'f *' W Woolen 1 .lOHN \1 .N.MNG, .Ir . Receiver i lan’y K. ! i .^diuiikistratioii .\otie\ 1 ^nUlj sii^isi'.riher Ir-.vinif ijiiiilifi^d as .Aduiiiiistralris on 1 tne F.Ktiii.* of Siindy. ile'?’1 hereby pives aoiice to all persons liavimj p.l'umu >ij>.iiust said Estate lo pre- st-ni tiieinio Win 'IcU. .\lcKny within the litne pre scribe I by law, or thi.* ii-.ripi' will be pl.’.aded in bar of theirrecov‘*ry f .Crn..\RlSE SCVbY, Adm’x. Aliy. i. 49- I 4'o|»|M‘rajI C'o|>|>era«!! ‘>nik .•^UPEHluK QCALIT'^ roPPl'.H VS. »)U*I .Also 10 Ticroes FRF.'sH BE \T P.ICK. For eile liv I'KMBEKTON .v .“^LOAN. Jap y 92if NOTICE. H\LT! sai’KS for sale by Dec MALT!! ROBt RT MITCHELL, ?iS if • never been defeated. Always brave, it had but this single vice of straggling and now Ttmr has been conquered. fpHE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the inili- X tary service of the Confederate States of Amerioa, hereby give notice to their old customers njid friends, ■ that they have appointed John D. .Starr and John D. Williams of this place, their attorneys ; to 80me*0ther department, arid thinks it will be ■ separately or conjointly^11 moneys .Jue tnein eitn«r oj . ^ i-•» i n . r account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- creditable to him if it shall prove tpe. It -.a:,S j sinesa generally during their absence. They respect- that the prejudice against him, both in and out fully ask all persons indebted lo them to callprompt- , army, renders the chanej both.politic and The Chattanooga Kebel mentions a rumor in army circles, that Gen. Hragg has asked to be ! transferred from the army of .'liddle I'ennessco 1 ii/i S.ACK^' of* .',\LT; I U* * Ivi Bbis. Sal Soda, f«'r ^oap (L-aking. ;2‘> Bo'^es J. \ Lo?ig s best brands of T.ibao" ill Bf.ls Pi'inie Su>'f»i*. :-,.u 1,1-'' S'.le Leailier Ji»S A WvMtrH. 1> . 'i -‘J. .H'. _’in Iv as pOH«ible on their agents aod make p^'ment. ^ S'r^^HR .t WILLIAMS. Mept l',4, IHOl. r>8-tf OIL AND ‘ BLACK. J'l riiE .%d3iiiniwiratoi'-« Aoti(*e. •■jbscriber h iving a( December Term, 18i52, the ('ounty >'01111 -.f CunibPrlaiid, qualifieir aa .\d I ' for the liberal patronage bie.-t.*wed on me heretofore by mini«traior upon ihi* E tate of Neill G. Vle.Neill. decM « 1 _ J 1 _ f^ .*K - I . ■ *. - ^ I . . I -1 . r _ . - _ • . I- - I' . . the good people of Fayeilevili» and vicinity, C. M. VANOiiSDELL. Photvg ij ui. I and Proprietor. l>4c’r 20, 1869 ' . 77- Rlant VV»iiTHnt« for i^ale at thu» Office. notifies all persons hav.ng r’.jiims ag.iiusi ihe F.state ti preseui them \>iihin tt..^ tim;* liuiited hy law, otherwise j this notice-will be p.o..ded in bar of recovery. Debtors i are requested to niake prompt payment. HECTOR MoJiEILL, Adm’r. • D«o. 10, 180i:. 66* I AOTll'E. 'invii 1 *ly SKGR(t MKN, Ge-.;ge. l» year- old, and 1 Jii 'k C. lieKiigiiij to 'h.- E'la'e of Th .mas M M’- ^ Lriaii. tl.'C'd. will tl," - I privately. wr .'VM -.aitatile .'ipt'iicaii' n sliiill I • iua*ie to me. I will also hire out j I WO likely MKN for I'.iia year. { M.'.RY ANN EVANS. Ex’x. i Jfin'y 2, AOTII'E.—REIVARH. j rpilK lubscriber will pay -o dollars reward to any 0U9 j 1 who will relurn to him, in i'ayelieville, a negro | GIRL, who ranawav from liis residence ou Friday night j tlie 21 of January, ISO^i neero girl is about ' feel and a half high, is inclined to be thick, a rath*-r bright, black fane, fu'l, with thick lips. She ia It; yars .ld, hut large for her age The above reward will b,’ paid to ar.y oii>* who willrpturn her safely honit. or loilee her in Jail and inform tne of the fact ,an 1 place. * J. W. TUCKER. ; F;iyftteville. .l»u. 5, 180.'} 91-tf Blackniuitli to Hire. A NO. 1 Workman. Addreai “W,” at this office. 3» 89*lt and LCBRU ATlNu OIL. L VMP P>L \i 'K in barrels For sale by JOS, R. BLOSSOM A: CO.. Wilmington. N. C. March 7. 0-tf i^lartile Factory, neces.sary. We asked a sick noldier the other day if ho had the I'urumunia. “No,” he said witli a sorrowful shake of the head—“if haint new wi' me, it's the same old monia.”—Chafami./y.1 Rehf Orocerien i iwrocerles:! AL.VRGE and well iclecipd •"'to’k of F.A>!IL1 GROCEKlF.a always on hand, consist mir o." Bacou-Sides, Me.s.« Fork, .Mullets, .’'lack" Nos. 1 and !i, 3Iolas.^e«, Sugars of al grades, Tob-aeco, (’igars, And all other articles usually kept in a Whol. eery Establishment firo- COX, KENDALL . CO. W^ilmington, April 2, 1861. 10-tf !lv 4J'.0 J.AUDEIi. ! TWO UdilftS .IBOVE 1;. T. B*!®® •* FayetteTille, N. C. Jia’-T ao. Palma ’liri>»ti ilean!«. The subscriber will pay the highest cash p ic -' any quantity of Palma Chrisii Bean->. J. A. V t.PT' Fayetteville,Oct. W. i ,-t»’ RULED WRlTl]\w PAfe ? A Good s^ply of Commercial Note itu . sm-.L L«tier Fapara, ru 8i- D«0. 18. rulad, juKt rvoeived. E J. HALE i SONS. 86.