Ri«» -tl ILIE (DIB 'Uuk s K m i-w K K K I, r. \s \ Oi.. \li.J FAVK ITKVILLK. N. C.. JAMj VKV 29, my.i. [NO. n«j». H A..r IrNiii lies Reynoi.is nint^ '’arpent‘*r H H . rd, "Vui Ljiwv rd Hcodert^D jrt voonii-i tt, y*, ilhani K ,T-i •y, . . r ,J.. 1. )tl, ‘ - '-l9C»l! 1 , K. H H l«e. J Mar id \ i.i-w .1 U»r l-pr itiiiptir ’ I'. TL “» I s.. K..t. I) M Ith»*r. . ^ Hoy ■ i't Meg : ^ w -J - S F‘ -te, .'I ^ Me?- -. " Currn. iV Gray- oOi »ari. : ^ pr>- r. Tho^ p llolcorotw'. A It !?-£eier, i '-' V. ET^ ne; ,d»eDture: so. LK .V ition. itli N ten by lilU. - ^ i * soyi MONOWS \N1) THURSDAYS. KDWAIll) J. HALE & SOI^S. K1 ITOKS vNd proprietors. *..r !he J^enii-Wceklv Obskbvkk $3 00 if pai.l in ivHiu'o; '>0 ii p.si.l during tiip year of I’Hi. c-i ~ t -ifter tht‘ yvtiv han expired. ■>i> '■;: ily (hiM-.KVKK S'J (tO per anaiitii. if paid in sivjtiiv'i-. ?2 if paid durinjr the year of Hultscrip- -r. ' >>0 Ht'U r the j’ear hii.s expired jn^” AliVKKTlS*KMEN'T8 iiiperled for t)0 cents' per •I'lro of It' line for the first, tw\d '0 eei\ts fur each pnhlioHtion. Yertvly KJvertiHeiiient>i bv -spe- , t". it r.*H^o!>.-kt>le Vdveriixei- ale ■ e l t>. ri.iit ihf uiiiii‘ ». r'0! uiMerti.iii> de-irp'l, oi ,c "lli !nHlllnit I lilt flit t.ill, Mli.i i-tlHl yeil A •erti.iHy ,t • Itisf-tnei tf.' roiiPnilt'd chuf(r»il H-t «u Hl'M .iOi ai d ftf -r ilii- diite. tiu n»Tii t'nter«a wi'liout pfivuieiii .ifi be -ent tn •;(». h ^uf)3erjf>Ki'‘ i' 1 .r raid tor ■C' vfoiT ol4 subs- ribet # is desire 1. .rii- -y*fteiti nr'. ple«^e nofi;v i '■ rm? •I ti>- w i^'er Hiivarit>e, noi will ii-r a longer ttnie I iftlic the pi;* .'ifn i^nkin^ Q'v 1. w Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N C .L tti!end the (bounty und Superiui Courts of '".tnberlRnd, Harnett, Moore and Robe'^on Couu- Prcmpt attention givetj to the oolleefion of r11 i emruited to his handsj 17. 185V.. 58-1 f mi W. WILLIAMS & ro„ \\ liol«;^ale in ^NrocerieH, \ND IMPORTK.RS ANIt UEALER.S IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Irou, /tc., HAV STKtET, FATETTKVIM.K, N. t. Ju'.v ISCl. oGtf '"OX \V 1' KKNDALL .1 KENl>AL\, i'OX, KCAOAlL A: 4 0., A N I) WHOLESALE OROCERd, Vo. tl A 12 .North W&ter Ht.. Wllmln?ton, N. .1' lers from the Coantry promptly Pftrtieul»r attention iji^en to th*> ^ale of rortoii J ,d other produce \[1T\} Ibtil lo-tf T. C\ A. B. U, WOKTII, (ouoiUiiiou and Forwardiu? Hlerctiauis WILMINGTON, N r J^B y '..IS. l^'il A F£W LADIF.." :fle t>emiDftry -i' r.‘. iStil •4ff i'A U 1»! 'HU be so'omtnolati*tl with Icttr l •»! T; f FItMtPKK '>t> JOHNSOW WILLIAMS it ^%i/r nAKKKfii. \V^;r (’(L. Floreuce and Fayetteville Rail Road. i T|N1>ER the provisions of an Ordinance of the ('on- I U vention of North Carolina, Books will be opened on ; the Itith June at the following placeB and under the di rection of the followinj? persont*, to receive Hubscrip- tioiir" III the ('apital Stock of tlic “Florence & Fayette ville Rail Road Co.” Shares One Hundred Dollarij each At t/te Rail Road Ojfice in FayttttviUe. — Under the di rection of the General Coinmiisionerp, A A. .McKethaii, 1>. Ray, A. W. Steel, Wm. McL McKay and .luo. M. llose. .1/ the Red Sprinyt. — Under the lireclion of Hecioi McNeill, Wni. J Stewart, .la^!. A. Smith, Itan’l 0 Mc Neill iiiJ C’,,1 .\1px McMillan, or any ^ne of them. .4/ Floral Collegt. — Under the direction of I>r Neill McNair. Dr A. D Mcl.ean, ,\rehibald Smith, Kduiun 1 I.Illy tiiJ t 'ol. .VleXHU'ler 'Vat'itn. '-r uny one oi 'ti^m , I' —Under the direction of Murdock Me Ka.*. {» NIcL.**od, b Moi'altuiii. Jas MpKuh, Jr . tnd J H M.-yueeii, or sny one of them .If AtforJavili' --Under the Jirecnon id'Purtvll. Jnii Ml'.Sail. Siou Vlfotd. L>iiir**ld nud Jim M' I'hIIuih, tir any one .if theiii I’h*. .'?ah>»**ripfion bo..k4 will r.*inain ••{•i-n for ttir •I'HCf cf GO days Wiien a »uftici^iii su.'d i« ■tib'»cri>>i^ th*- t'.'mpKuy will b« ur^anizo l tV.r the purpuxti of ^n>ld In^ itie Hoftd A i McRF.l'HV.N. D A RAY. \ W STTSl, WM MrL McKvV. JNO M -aOSE General Ooinrai«sio>ier- Fnyettevillc, .luiie 7, "•jif Wesierri Railroad Offlce, ^ FayetieTille, N C Sept 27, 18G2. i’ 1^0H the purpose of increa«in»r th» capital hioaW of thit Coiiipacy, to enable it to extend the Road Irom the Coal Fieldo to the N'crth Carolina Roail I’^e following )fent!*“men have been appointed Commi-i»'i'''ncr-4 lo re ceive subscribers in their ieveral ne’ehborhoods. vii At Gulf—L J Haughton, Brooks {larris, Dr George i' i>ewby and G Waahingtoa Above the Gulf—Jno J Go! Uinn, P R;ve« *iid Hugh W Dixon At Oriii Hill —O W (iolvistoti. Dr L W tiorrell >iud S’ M Alsi.iii .\bove Ore Hill Dan l Hackney. A B Mar^h mid Pace. -At Fou-ii'« Mills -Dr H M Fount and Dr . I> tJraven At Franklin«ville and vicinity — Isaac H l'oii.»t and A S Horn.'v. At Asheboro’ -Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover \t New Market—Jef»se Walk«»r and Josejjh Newhti At ThomaxviUe — G Foster and Jno W Thomas .\t H’gh T'oint -I>r R C Lindiay and S*»Hb(>rn Wrr* .\i Salem — Francm Frie§ anii R L l*atter.*on At GreenBboro’—C P MeudenhaU. Pet^r Adaois, tl.m J A Gilmer and .Te«i«*> H Lin.t^ay Insiru('iions wiM bo .aptit to the ’om[ui»s>oii«»r‘'. at -lU earlv dav bv the President of the Company »>4tf ' ' J M ROSE. Sec y W R R C« LOOK AT THIS! THE F,llETTEViLLE IKITEL, Fronting S(K) feet and In the boNinthh portion of ttie Tovrn, ,ro]itain« more «ipaciouki and uell ventilated RooniM than any Hotel in the Mate, and aiy Patrons fay inv (’otidiiuent« are very ^ch.J tor tile times T. H AHUlliL, Proprietor. May 20. 18o2. 27> FAVETTEVII.I.K WrTl AL IXSrRAXE rOWPAM. I^and at \uetion. (VN 1I,L t'ttrr till Hnle at .\ijction, on Tut-.-'da^ Fcb'y :’.J, ;it tiiM Mtirkft Hou-se. it l‘J o’olock, «iO Atren of I.Ar\D, lyiiiif oil the River 2 mileH below town, bel''ngiiig lo T. J. Robinson. 80 :»cies are clenred and under cultiva tion This tract contain!* nbout iOO acres of exc«‘llent Swamp Lnn 1. ind 150 aorefi of »and hill. ,r*-ll timbered; the reni«iind-r, next to the River, i? a iapte I to ll.e icrowth of ciirn and th* cuhivKtipn of gra«s. .Any one dpxiring to purchase can get furthiT infor raation by Hpplyin^ to the owner or to the subHcrihcr ’ E I.EKTE. Auei r •lan’y •• 92-is Liny pans now in operation nine milff> ■ if Wilruiuglon Partie-* wi‘hing to supply .-aj-i»lv.— with Halt, can bi* fnrni«bed by applying ti> *i 'otiiio.-.u, Jr . Aireni at FayettevilU-. to E Page, ir.iiiil^er (h*- W(irk-. or to .1. M WILLIAMS. Uetivi -il Snperiutendeni ^ . pville. .Sov. 1 8t)"J 81tf Capital in Premium Notes aniountH h Cash on band %nd other assets. C’OTTOi\ >0. 19 Ha) 18t>-_*. VAR.\. Street. r. p. MALLETT 88- Kice and Tobacco on Con^iignment^ In ' A!*KS of fre.sh beat Rice and 1W> l^xen Mann- I'l iHCtured Tobacco, various qnalitieR. For sale by . • GEO W. \MLLIAV‘» \ CO rAyettevilie. Sept. 'J4. 18C2 ••"if .\OTI€K. i I expect to be absent from home a few uoattis in A the Weit, Archibald .McLean j* my autLorited to transact mv business until I return. N G. JONES. I ec'r -JS. 18()>. After tliit* date 1 will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de- 'iv-mh I in F^weiteville, or .it my milltf 1> MURPHY Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S T. Hawley. Nathan A. Stedman. B. Mallet t, James Kyle. A A. .McKeihan. J. D. Killiam«, S. W, Tillinghast. Wiltn'gton. ou RockSsh. '»ct -J. S. J. Hinsdale. Win. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh. A. W. .Steel. J. G. Cwok. Hon. J. G. Shepherd. R. F. Brown, 1 A. E. Hall. r hn Collin.s and C. C'. .McCrummen, Traveling Ageutu H^”The Companv invite applicationn. .May 28, 1861. ' 21- A njEni The New Style, Hmali, COLORED PifOTOtiRAPHS, AT VuHorsl4^ll'*t CliillM’y. ‘LSI) .H>iit lor shI S J«iAI.T. ' oil cuUsiEiini“ut liy G. W. WrLLlAMS &. 70 t; %% A ATE IK .‘^iWk BUSHELS W II EXT, J.-SOO CORN Ppr-ion* having th*« abnve ai ticlea to sfll ill u-i five ’.bf highest (lR.ih prur {>> osr.iiig on Mr. M Th i.nif'on. *' the Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or on sub,;ri- •' S' rn- old s>!>iiJ on MarU-f sq,|^|.f. \LEX JOHNSON. Jr N 18«2 • Tf'ti W I.AAi!> IT *irTIW.\. ^olu oil TUESDAY ill February n • hn Marb,-! H..HS*-, .•,( 1. nd iiti i’'Arv«r’» *'reek kn>'«vu ftie Kin/ I met cimuiu* ColllttiUS 1«I6'I UlTfH Ttie tibovt* Un Is ad|oi'i it M J (lui« ll t .||||,>I>4 ihrtre is H Saw und li.iM Mill ..d (ti,- lid too : rmM PerK'iiis dKsiriiijt to fiuri,l.as^ i“hu .!'• -(ii i.riv :t**ly t.v ■'i^l'ngou f !; i>'K'l h. ‘ uct r J-ui’v 7. i.s o'cl.-rk Fw.j fi'ai'i thi' Kinir -ill t H i !»or^“. the P.olloU I I iti 1- .-t J I’ -l.-i %Mlil'AIII..E .TIlLliS for Hale. t^FFER t;.: “ii'e 'i>v Pl.ANT.ATION. 2 niile'- we-t 'atiiiig I I. ai I M' ^hic!i ■=• n til 1-' ( will rr>c monev r liif**!'. •U.l' , ’.iy. d. ttJ acres .•( I u Uiu «nl .'^crcw H.ifid«. Cniifeiierv't 1"HN MORI^^ON %'ALl'AllLf: I.A\TI!^ tor .oiale. 1i.>rFnti for S,;lu /,ij PL VNT.ATH »N on .Met endoii » I'rt-ek. t milfs we-^t oi ('.•irttjag**. '.jiug on tie basin of th.* Fields roiilaining -100 vilii>.h is ax ' [iroi'iictive a.s any laii Ij in tht fouut-, of Moort*. Tiio improvr mt*nl3 jto'vj snl the siiiiation ttealthy Tern.R liberal .KltlN MOKIjoN' AOTIIE. (H \Vh feb ut oiiO*) Acrt> ■ more, in litlt*' oui in the coariy of Moored- Fartniug Miueral. and Tur- lentiuolaul. ntiii-n 1 nil] s,»ll on lili Tal i^rm.i. John mokison flineral l^and«« for Kale. 1H.AVK an ini‘ie-f or one-’hird iti a icact of i>>Hf A('PvES on ttie WHi^rs of li>t*p River, uu vhii'h have ’■rti-n ii Tt>red -i -.-.It niinf .•m l purr aalipr-lre. auil an il ol goiid jii'ilit^ f^r ieailit^r. well worthy iTOi.infifi'. iyvv-ticiition .Ji*H\ MOP.ISU.S 'arihft^cf. S'H I:-; 77-tf \ or ICE. 1>LP..SOSa w stwtig I.-, buy TOWN PRuPERTi will do well to call ou the iul.-jcrlber 1 will sell >u reav'n- able terms my Hou^e and Lot. haviuff aUo a good Kitch en, Smoke houj»e and g »od Well of water Also, foui Town Lots with Kood .“^tablw* tberdon and very conv.>- nient. snd one other imall Lot Al^n 'i2 arre» of L/%nJ ioiiiiitg he tv>trn i 'Carth-ige. c.uiveuient for wood \ M BRANSON t'aril.ag,*. l»eo ^ l'«OV! ^8tf AIIUITOR’^ depart:?iea ^PHE attention of all pers itiH who are conc itied ii L hereby called to the Act >f the Genvral AsHt-inbly which creates the olHce of .Auditor of Public .\cuouatt. Accounts with the St.»le for the cxpctiditure of pul'lie inoney will be required to conform, in ail cfiseti tonc'a- ing military afiairM, to the .Vrmy ReguIationB of the Confederate States; and all accounts, whether in the military or in the civil departincntH of th governm.'ut I are to V>e presented quarterly, and as soon i.“ may be nfter I the close of the regular quarter j The undersigned avails hiinself of the present ojipiT ■ I unity 10 notify all who are delinquent in rendering ac counts of publij money or properly in their hands since I h»* coinmencenient of tin' war now pending, ol tin- ni‘ct*s- I sity of having tlieir accounts prepared and settled The atiPDtii.ii if ih* General \sspiiibly will b» ('nllf I to the I iiam.»‘' .if these persons, and suits will bf diiecii-d in t-a-H- wti'*!f this n(itii-e is disrej^arded. I CIhmms -.jjHinft Ihe S'ai». will b** atidiie l accor liiijr to ! tilt* Mili>.s olis**rved by llii> lait* Uoard of Cl iiiiis j F. PHILLIPS. Auditor, .ti- ‘ .la'i’y 7 Vtl^-tit W. R. RH'HAROSOX X fO., Stook Brokers aud Commission M)rchauta, RAEEKiill, A. 4'. ’ [Djficeoh Fiifj^tU fillt Srrei-(.] I IT 1 LL (five particular itlifuli.in to shI^s and f.ur.-tia- fS If 11^ Stale and (.’onff'derm*- In'ti lH, Biuk 'in.l i;tli**r . St ifks. collfction of draftm l hii\ liusint-i-i cotint-i'ted ■ with the d tfpivnt departiKcnts of the State govtrnn eni. P.ank iif>t«- it mII Stti.'s bou^lit aud r^ol.i R-'Ji-rrur'-!, ■ O, If Parsley, Wjliuitieton W Wrigtit. Jolni l> '■NiHiHiii-. Fayt'tit-villo. W tl Broadfooi, J .1 Blackwood, Charloiit* W K Lane. Wayne •lohn D Whitfird. Craven t’oniiiy. Hon Thomas Ruttin, Vlainanoe ly'ouniy Hon W S' F,dwards. W'nrren t'ouiity. 'foil 1* W t'liiirts. Rockineliaiii Couuly H W. Guioti, Lincoln County vud cit'iens nf Kaleigh. geii«“rally Jsn'v l-'l. isn;’. WEitiTER.'V RAIL ROAD. ^pUE Trtiins of this Roail leave fayetteville daily, 1 (Sun'lays excepted) at 8wo’-3lock, A. M-. and re turning leave Mclver’a at I o'clocK, P M. Frayht Train MONDAY, WK!>NESDAYand FRIDAY. Bv oriler of the President. JNO. M. ROSE, Trea.s’r and Act’g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22. 18H3 071 f VVi:sTKK\ Rah. 1voai> )ffic l''{ivette\ ille. .Juii. 'Z'l, 18() MROM and after the 1st day of Feb’y. Freight on this 1 Road will be STRICTLY fWSll, lo be paid liailij, when ficighi is sent to or delivered from the Depot. ncK, > t>3. i liv order of the Pres’t. JNO \I. HO.^i:, Treas aiid A( I’;.; Trans Ag v»7-t;t ’’iniE mil I t’onff*d Ihe In a Bud Wi^.—The IVew York Herald of the 17th has the following:— Aid am! ('ojnfort to the Enemy by \\hoU-ide. —One ol’our abolitiou oryaus of this city publish ed a letter ye.sterday, purporting to coiue from the “Headquarters of the Array of the PotoiniiC,” which is a contribution by wholesale of ‘'aid and comfort to the enemy.” All the declared trea sonable or disloyal publications of all the news papers heretofore suppiesscd by the trovornuioot amount lo nothing compared with thrt mischitw ous disclosure.s, if true, of this sensation letter of our aforesaid abolition contemporary it tells tin* world and the rebel army in front ul ours at I I’n-tkricksburg tliat the “adtijitiistiution li«ik _ . with distrust on the Army ol the Potomai;,’’ and tliat that ariuy “looks with distrust on the ad ministration; that (ieiieral ilalleck ha.M di tiouneed this army ti5s “disaffected and daiifit-r.ms," atid Egypt I'oal .TIine. dersH'tit'd were, at the November Term of der'ile t'oiirt. llisiucl of North (’arolina, aj poMiteJ Manai^ers of tlie Egypt (^>al Mine properly, ,1,^,^ i„ Army iifthe Totomac has ee:i mid iiavei eiitoreil iiiio poii'irtnorship for the purpose of • uiiiiing and s.i|iiug Coai. and solicit orderH for the s.Htne in Hiiv desired ijii tnlily Orders for aoy amount can tie Mi(,plied on -liori itolire. The Coal Ifoin this pro perly i-* undoiib'edly the best in the I'onfederaie .Stall s. \ pprualioii viUe. .S' . ed to exist;” that “the animosity in Wasliinglou towards the army ifJ amply repaid by tht bitt i ness of th>- artuj' towards the (’abiiiet; thui Uexr Burnside had been ordered to move auaiust tL- iii'iVji'e nnde lo Chas B ^^all‘tl, tayeiie- ; enemy “la-it Thursday week,” atid tliat tlie.oivj^r r .iHHies P.rowj.e r-r wus countermanded with the discovei v that some t’HARLES B. .MALLEI 1. JA.MES BHoWNE Fayeiieville. Jan'y -0, ^^G:5. '.if.tf j of Ifu generals “hud no eonfldence in him;” that i the annv itself had no eontidence in him; that the EOR HA EE. “inOUWTAIW HOTEL” MIIRliANTUN. I’. ^pHlS large establisliuieni, situate in the towu of Mor- 1 ganion. N is now ottered for sale. Terms made known m appUcatiou to .1, M. H.\PP0L1)T. he ~i army is demoralized aud in a dangerou?> posiliou, ‘ and that the Cabinet is debating wheliier to brtuk it up, to appoint a new commander, or to try an other advance under its present organization and leader; and on to the end of the chapter. .Un 10. I8r,rt. -Morgiiiion, N. C. '.7-3mpil y'.- J m BEVERLY ROSE. i 'o 111 III iHslo II V rc II a II t AND «4EAERAE Aa:A I\ FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. - ALSO- Doaler In the dilll*reiit kiml> of Dif}» Kiver (’uni. for which order* will be promptly suppliPii Jau'v 14. ISOd, V*4 tlipd MIAP! HO AP I? wholesale and retail Nl now rtiaking and keei> constantly on hunil. ^^t niy Factory on Person street, F.\M1LY B\H SoAP. a’ Ai1niini«traliou 'pHK siiiweriber bavins' i|iialitiel ; 1 Ihe EsiHte of Jas .undy. dec d tv all persons sent them i« «crib*»d hy li»' I heir recover ^ A’otiee. * A'lininistrairix orr hereby gives notice h:*ving claims against snid Estate to pre- Wn. McL McKay within the time pre- r. or thi- rioflcp will be pleaded iu bar of I'ATHAKINK SCNDY. Adm'x. — ALSO — Plain. Variegated. Perfuuieil. and Toilet and Shaving Sciaps A supply kept - for retail at J Hollingsworth's. Orders promptly tilled tciri ■ard aud Tallow wanted, given Fayetieville. .lan’y 17, Brown Wind'«or W Leifs and Isaac j Highest cash prices j C P .loNES, v*r»-‘Jnipil 4)ne: Of'the. Abuses oj' the 2 tines.—Justice to the soldiertj of our army requires that every enormity, .AOTH'E. ofhcial or oilierwise, through which they are de- ^pHE subscrit-er wishes to purchase a TURPENTINE prived of the bonetits to which they :ne unqiies- 1 STILL, of some 15 to Jt' barrel c ■p\ciiy. for which j tionably eutitlud, should bc exposed, with a vu w to the application ol proper remedies. From an autlieritic ,sourco in the army on liie Kappuiciii nock wo liave the following: •‘Some one in llichinond, having authority, m pretending to have authority, over.tlie railroad transportation, does not hesitate to piteh boxen out of tJie cars, when said boxes are presents Irotu home to the soldiers; while packages placed aboard by sf>' i itidtors are allowed to come up iu vast numbers every day, I suspect that ^aid some body's pocket does not suffer by the indulgence afforded^ these harpies, I heard the otbur day that some individual had bought a lavm uut oJ four days’ profits.froni fleecing the’soldiers. It is said he made $'J,oOO a day! lie finds no difficulty in getting transportation for his ginger-eftkes, «p pies, &c., while the soldier must be content to go without the little delicacies his mother may aee *)il Calico. tQ send him.”—Richmond ^yhij\ I a reasonable price will he given Tii-'se having lo sell, will tjive the size and length of Usage, as Well as the price for its delivery at Trollinger’s Depot, on the Wilmington a;-d Cliarlotie lloiid. Rich- I uioml ('oiiiiiv W F. leak i llockinghani. .lan'y C*. ■ 07-titpd I !-ilOO KE%VAR». from Mr N ■’'ui'enier. on the ('harlotle ne-ir Brown Marsh, in November last, my negro Girl BELL The said girl is i No. 1 negro, about -y feet il or H incite'^ hia;h, very well pul up. and with a smooth bl;\ck m..,: She is xuppo-ed to have tak‘!n up wit h a free negro man in the Brown M'ir«h m-ighliorhood 1 will give the above reward for her deaveiy to me in Fayeiieville, or S50 for her conlinfimeiil in any jail so tha' 1 can gel her. JAMES P KOBFRTSoN Jan 07 If 1) \ NAWAV fi \ Kiil Road. \ug ». IK..J 4!t- t 1 $267,«88 .5.077 Total. $272.7t)5 61 The Company have paid all losses ]iromptly, and have n, ver made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $20,r.82 (JVt Ofkicbbs; GEO. McNEILL, President D. A. RAY, Vice Presiileni C. A MoMILLAN, Sec y Dirkctors: W. N. Tillinghasi, Adiiiiiii«lrator*i« A'otiee. MIE subscriber having ai Uccembei- I'eriu. 18'i-, .^f ihe County Court of t'uinberlan I. qualified as V'!- ininis:ratorjip''n the FNtate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notibes all persons having claims agiinst ihe Kstate to present therir wiihin the time limiteiJ fiy law. otberwi-o this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make pronipt payment. HECTOK McNEILL. \dinr Dec. 10. IHtiJ s.'i- t ^AVE I.ATEREJ^T. \LL Persons indebted to the subscribers by note or .iccoiiiit .are reqiiesio I lo make payineni nnd save interest HUSKK \. .\NDKKSoN. Rl A THE REOrkAllE. P{E’F.S l!iiglish Calico. ■’.> pieces Ginghams. •ViO iloz. Spool (’otton Thread ■> lbs Black Flax Thread urn M. Needles, flssorled from .*> to Iti. l-'i packs Enzlish Pinj 12 doz. Fine I'ooih Coiiib' gros- Fire Mmciies ,') bbls. ii-eeii t’opperus. For sale by W. Jan 'Jii. McINTYRE ‘tT-ni .lan'v l'», I'^t'io. I H i ha rrRPEATI.AE UAC'KK. i.VVE !» good supply of Turpeniiiie H.VCKS, ou baud, which I am ready to eell to ibose who may wish to purchase. Also, ready to prepare Axes at short notice, iu the best manner. L. WOOD. FHyeiieville. N, C,. Dec. 30. ‘JO -Tmpd 0' H4»RME NUOEIAI... iVNlNG tj the advance iu ihe pi ic- of Iron llie .jub- icriber is compelled to raise the prioe of shoeing t.) $1 per shoe He does thi- with reluctance, but its neoesdify will be apparent to bis ousfomers when be states, that the iron alone uee i in making shoes co.sts more than half ol uis chsrge. and more than twice as luiioh as he formerly received fur iron and shoeing J W WELSH, Fayetteville, ,lan'y 2, lHf>;'{, 01 *iwpd .»lCiAR. “■ BBLS. SVG \K for s.iie an c> nsigniiieni. by JOS I TLKY. 03tf T%%enly*ll e Oollar** Re%iard. 1,)AN.\WaV from the subMcriber, his negro boy MO t 3ES Ue is 21 years of age. about o fe-.'t Pt inches hifrh, robust, Tong fe«i aud very 'nuch turned out at 'h** toes, nnl lookn ilnwn spokm to He was seeu at iIcPi'.*nl s^Mills in linbcaon couniy on the 2jst ult., ; ,anQ was in Faveitevi’le Hb>ui hri-. weeks ago. The above rew-.rd will be paid for in- .l. iiviry to me or for bis coufinemen^in any jail so ihit 1 ^im, W lOMNSON. lieiiueiisville. ,S. Ausr. 14. I8fi2. AR1|V HARA'EMK. 1LN1 prepared to manutacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use I tan my leather and can KJve good bargains. .Vgents will do well to seud their 'f lei* lo me as they shall h ive prompt attention, and iieni .j|i in’quick dispa'ch JOHN C.ARTFR. Idsion P O . Chatham Co.. N. i (line 1;!. |H*>2 I ’ ’ *^00 ll>M. Arabic for Male hy J. R LEE. • lot. l.S. 601 f AOTK'E.—REWARO. 'PMK subs.Tiber will pay 2.'» dollars reward to any one I wtio will return lo him. in Fayetteville, a negro who r^iimw iy from his r*sidence on Friday nighl I I ART. %%oodwarrM Molar 4'ainera. IJHOTOORAPHS can be had at Van.irsdell’ii Skylight I Oallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etieville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and jiasiile; from small to life si*e. .Anibro- typea. .Vfelaneotypes, nnd all other .styles of Picture* peitain' »g lo the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G' * for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inche«. ’or«t and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instrn- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life sire colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your pitironage. I would also return my sincere thanks ' for the liberal patronag* bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec'r 20, 77- 15 J>»n'y 10 JO.%. I'TEEV, tfrocrr and C'ommiftsion J^evchant, KAYKTTKVILI.E, N (V JaU'j 10, l-'tj.l WH-'f ~ UAATED. 4 r the Ft/e, teviil; \i *en'vl, Four ol Five ll>or* A BLA’KSMITHS, to whom good wages aid steady employluent will t.^. g.veo ply lo or address Li J Col Jan’y 0. IS'J.'I. del,\CiNFL .S, ,\ , Ci>md tf. O.lif I HAVE I CHOI. A on I E. ■V „i -nle one hiiiidi e.t .id i fitly ti.uip-ind F. F ftUI’f I'PkKES, which I 'im selling ai Ill's p Jsn H mi;si)P,',h,\ll 0.^-1 ITI i>liirl>le Faielorv. 300 4'o|»pei’aM! ('opprraw!! LBS SUPrUIOR (.QUALITY CoPPKRA! Aho 10 Ti-rn-s Fi.ESH P.EAT ItlCF For Jan r ' lie by /WfJ Drc K- K %i Tor s ,b T! by PEMBERTON RtH'.l KT \iri' SI,. >A‘ '.'2if AEWAA'AOa. V FRESH supply of Farmer's Pl inler’s. 2d Edition. ,\lso. a few of Turner's For sale by E. J H.ALE I't S(>NS. P. S The publishers have raised the prices to 15 cents each, at which price we will .sell them. 'al»ha;;;e Meed! ^'abhafte Meed!! Buncombe C.VBB.AGE SEKD. fresh and genuine, at J. w LETTS. Jan’y lo, ISoJ?. '.•■4-2m REWAKU. 'piIlKTY dollars reward will be paid for ihe ap- I prehennon nnd delivery at the C-iinp of In^flUi'iion in Rsl«igh. (’.. or at Castle Thunder in Kichmond, Va . of each of the follnwin); named deserters tr.>in I'o. t\ ;id N. 0. Reg'i, viz: William J Edge, John H i’riil- geon, David Powell. Pat McElroy, Pai. Sweeny, John Nagh» and Themas Cavanaugh. Notice is gitwn to all absentees from my company that they must report in person or by proper .Surgeons’ certificate immediately, or they will be consMered d>>- "erters Surgeons’ certificate must be made on oatii before a Magistrate, by the Surgeon giving the certifi- caie with the certificate of the (\iiiniy Court Clerk, and seal of Ihe (^oiintv attached thereto. H. W. HOUNE, ’ t'afit. C') I', Id N. C. iteg’t. Jau y II, 186:1 Ol-.'.vi Wa^roRM Watiiecl.- ^pHE undersigned, Salt (’ommissioners for the county j '• 1 of t’umberland. wish to employ from one to twenty- ' fife WatfOiiM lo haul .Sail from S'lltville. Va., for which t they tull/uv twelve dollars per hag of loii lbs. and al- I l-.iw the wagons to tike one tenth of the .Sail a? the Wiiik’. at .'iil ••'•o per bushel on their owu account Wag ons irom aiiv part of the Siste will be employed on ap- j plicaiioti lo us.' bv letter or otiierwise. I* F ALDKRMAN. ,lNO W\DDILI., .h. H M OKKF.LL Fayeiieville, Dec. 1, !S(-‘2it i^OTSC K. ! 'IlHE UNDERSIGN KD, both having cnicreJ ilie mili- i tary scrvice of the (^.^ufederale Siates ot \uicric.a, ! hereby give notice to their olJ customers and frieiid-4, I that they have appointed John D Starr and John D. ' WilHainx, of this place, their nitornoys *o collect either s;*par«tely or conjointly all moneys line them eilhe.- by i -vccount or note, and otherwlH-^ to aiiend lo their bu- I ^iness jitencrally during their absence. They reaped- ■ !''il’v usk II persons indebted t. fhem (o call as proinpl- Iv as porisihle ,u their ngent- • 'ji make payment. ■' H« WILLIAMS, s^pt i'.» is.il. r>8-tf SAI El ! I l.ttT o! thr pojHi'ar '. r I put up in papers, for s.iie by Jan v 21. 1863, MAI EI !! !,. i. ‘ Coiiiederate" SNIjFF, J. W. LETT, 06-3w $oO REWARD. ILL [riy ,i Reward of Fifiy Djllars for the appre- ^lension an.l confinement in the jail of Cumberland County ot' my negro boy who ran away last summer. Lewis ig a black negro, with a long under lip anil h:i? lost one of his lower front teeth; is eifihteea year.^ of age, stout built, aud about 5 feel 8 inches high. His moiher and mesi of his relatives live iu town, but he has many iicqu tiniances among the negroes in the ueighborh''od of St PumI's, Robeson County, so there is no doubt ibai he lurks from the suburbs of town to the country and is well provided for in either place .\ ,McCORyU0D.\ LE. F iyeiieville, .1 iii'y 21. 06 if llfiiiltiiiarkrs Eiirolliiig Officer Itli foil. Disl.,) Wn.MiNtJTON, N. .Ian. 7, 18F>8. ) ^pilE ('"ommanding t)tiicers of Regiments of N C Mili- 1 tia. in the ll'n ('ongressional District, are hereby notified to bring itie t^onscripis between the ages of 18 and 10 years, within their Regimeuis. lo Ihe Court Hou ses of their respective couiuies, for examination, al the times iieri-inafter ineniioned; New Hanover t.'o,, 22d and 2;>d Regs , Jan. 20, 21, 22, 23. Brunswick •• 5'*ib “ '• kl6,27,28,29. (^olumbu* “ 07th Feb^ 2, M, 4. 5 Robeson “ oSih and r>Oih '• “ 0. 10, 11, 1’2. Richmouti tiOth atid'.1st Iri, 17, 18, 10. Hlnden “ .3;)th “ 2-3.24, 25, 26. Ciiiiiberland •* ;’i-id nnd -'ilih •* Nlarch 2. 4. 5. Harnett •• t»2.l *• It. 10. 11,12. Surgeons will be in ittend itice duiMiig the days ap pointed. to ex.ituine an.l graut certificates to those enti tle.! to them The f.tllowing or'lcrs. which have been published by tbe ,\djiiiant and 1 n.'-pecior (leneral ol the S. .Army, for the e.tecuiion of the Conscript Act, will be strictly c in itte oil'; Ml biws aii'l regiilati.'iis applicable to deserters sliall be applied 10 .-'uch C.onscripis as f:iil 10 repair to the pl.-vce of rendezvous for cnrollnient. or who shall desert afier enrollment, .Ml the igcnoies employed for the apprehension and i-ontinemeH' of di;seriers and their iransporlaiion to the c'mtr iioN of their respec'ive co!mn,’in.Jers. shall be ap- [ iiltriible to persons linblc to d'wy as conscripts, who I sliill f>»il I ' rep:\:r to the place ot rendtzvous »fier the ; pul'licaiion I'f the call \11 ppiiCHiions tor e\enij>:ion must be made in wnl- ' mg. July sworn lo liefo.e.aii acting ,Iusiice of the Peace and befirini; ihe eeriiticirle of (he t'lerk o! the ( ounty CoiW’t. under the seal of the (%iurt, Ap!>’.icaiioiis must in .liii^bca'c. :imi sent thnjugh ilie Colonels of iiie llegiotenis P.-', s.ins claiiniitg exempt i.Ill iiiusi hand in their ap- Mortoli'ti/ of Yank' c Ojfictrs.—A correspoadent of the London Times says there are strange stories in circulation in explanation of the great mortality of Vankee o^icprti at Antictam and other battles. He doe.s not give the storie.s, but it id e-asy to conjec ture their purport. The meaning is, that the officers were shot by their own men. As a sort of confirmation it is sta cd as notorious, tliat the Vankee officers, high and low, are very unpopular with their men. At Fredericksburg, on one oc- ca.sion, the prisoners called out to our men not to shoot them—but to kill their officers as much as they pleased.—Richmond )Vhi'j. Land PafentK.—It has been reported to iis that the Yankee Government are issuing patents, authorizing Northern settlers to occupy the con (juered districts of Eastern North Carolina,— Whether this be true or not it is sufficient to know that the Yankees are none too good to din mit such a fraudulent outrage. The wliole aflPair, if it be so, is nothing but a stock jobhing traud, by lueans of which tho.se who allow the4>iscives fi: be thus Imposed upon, are to be cheated nut of their money. No doubt many-of tliese patents could be .sold at the North, but they are not woirli the paper on which they are printed, for tbe farms in North Carolina will never be occupied by Yan kees.— Ret. Ej'press. A poor woman of Campbell county, Virtcinia, sent nine sons to the war in oue-companj' in the 4‘Jd regiment, one of whom was below conscript age. One of these ha.^ died ol disease, «uoth«r has been crippled by a wound, but the remaiumg seven are now “present for duty,” Well, this mother ol the Gracchi—said (^^raechi being una ble to go to see her—came to see them the other day. She is about sixty years of a^e. but walked to the post where her boys were on picket at the time, from Guiney’s station, fifteen miles di>tant, in an increiHbly short space of time. Do you wonder now at the performances of Jack.snn’s forit cavalry, when they liavc such mothers':' But to go on with the story; The aceoiuplishcd i fticer now in command of the 4lid having mentioned these facts to Geu, Jones, if was decided first, that the best ambulance in'the brigade should convey her back to (iuiney’s whenever it should pleario her to return; aud .second, that she shoirid dine with him.si'lf and staff.- Hearing that the wife of one of the nine, as well as another woman, mother of I three soldiers in the same regiment, had accom- j panictl the old lady, they too werejnviteil. Din- ! nor pa«.sed off very pleasantly. One of our guests j (themotherof thethree,) convinced us that wo sol- ! diers of the second war ol independence were I much better off than those ot the first, )>y tellini; , us that she had often heard her Tather, who was a Revolutionary soldier, tell his boys that they didn’t plf'caiion- a; once to the t'oloucls of their respective re- ] know nothing—that he had often waded fhiough ■ilFL: SH If Palma lliri«ti Rean^. i^Hl. '■iib-.-'ril er will pay the hiirtiesi cash jirici' ^tiy unantity of P-vlina I'hristi Ite-.n**. ('imp for :I00 ID Bbls. S.»l .Sod*, for j 12r> Box?" J \ Loiig .^0 Bbls. Prime Sng.ir m5u Lbs. Sole Le.\ih.MV .1 Soap iiiaKiiig: b(-si tiran Is of l“ol>aci iiy laf5>ku, TWO IMMms ABOVK C. T, HAIGH h SONS’ STORK Eayetleville, A'- Jan’v 20, 1860. 84- .lOS. D.^c’r 22, 18t'i2. VVOKI’H. 80-2m T 61KI 'ii*- 2>1 of Jitnuary. IHiio. Said negro girl is about ' ^eet and a half hign. is inclined to be thick, » ■‘“her blight, lil+ck face, fu'l, with tnick lips, flhe is .. Hts ojil, bill large fir her age. Thf above reward *:•.! l.e ptiiil 1(1 Hi.y one who will rc'uru her safely home. * .il^e her in J ill and inform me of the fact an.l place. J. W TUCKER *■'typtleville, Jan. o. 1>63 HJ-tf Mrr'Mlla (ir>T RflW* Hi thlf* OfficO. Groceries I twroceriesll AL.\RGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mes.s Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Oiears, And all other articles usually ki-pi in a Wholesale Qro- oerv EBtabliBhmeut COX, KENDALL 4 CO. Wilmington, April 2, 1861. 10-tf AOTICE. wo bu.-iy NkGRO men. (leorge, 41 yeaiM old, and Jack 4', t'ploiij^iojj to the Estalo of Thoniis M Mc- Leran, dec d. will he sol.) privately, wheucv-'r suinble appiioatioTi shall ma.te lo me [ will als-f hire >iit I wo likely ME^i for this ycir. M yBV ANN fciV TnS, Ex’x. .lai. y 2, 18tj.^. A i..ar;^e lliirliain 4'ow yi^ril ii a Yoiiiig Calf, tor sale. J.an'y ii. F ■I t V * tic.I II'. WORTH '■i7 if Xf A M FOr\i». s\l \l,f, sum of \10NF,V Wi.s lefi in onr Sloif. 1 Some person nnknown, about ten d«y 2 pairs of Ladi ago .\lso. a copy irht at .bis «tlore. and prot) UD in the road on gimnii s. .\ll C..n-cripts will come ■ prep'.rrd with three days’ ra.ions iind a Muikei, ve.i.lv i.. (.rocped nt once to ti.e oi'('oiiT'i'ri i>t-» :»l llileijjii. W.M M. sv\ \NN. F.nrolling ofticer. \ [iproved: W'. 11. C. Wi'irnsi;. I’rie oen. r.)iii'rp Jhii'v 8. 18(i:-i. *'.ll»-:)t p'l i snow a foot deep in his bare shirt-tail! ago. -Msos Ihrea.] GLOVKS, left some week, ot Revival Sermons.” 2 vol? - boui^lit at ,his store, and probably dropped liy the pur chaser, as they were picked moi^il. by a n(>gro boy ItAA'ID MIIRPHV I'.'-tf Blaek^initli to Hire. A NO. 1 Workman, .Aiidresa ‘‘W,” at this otlioe. Deo 29 89-If Hay. .lan’y 26. ^ HALE A. SONS llied„ at the residence of Rev.V\ H. \lexander, on TopsaH Sf>und, in Oct. last, Mr Jokn Smith, of Duplin county. N C. He s.iid he had two sisters if livifi«. in Fayeiieville, N *). By giving evi- denc>- to claims «s rpl ilives. ihey will hear something to I heir advsniage hy :»ddre=sinp me at T.ipsail Suiad, N>w Hanover couciy, N. C t’H:i. H. ALEX VNDER Jan’y 24. IStl.S 97-2f fo^iSin^ile eoplesol the Observer oan be procured b; Don>rab«nribera, at the Bookstore. Frioe 6 oenta. What was England’s course towards I'urfu-al'' j Did England uwait rt!COgnition by Spain.' 'I’h.' : revolt in Portugal began on the l.'t Dei*'J);h r. 104D. fn January. 1011, the Cort" !cL".iiizii I the authority of the l>uke of iJra^anza, ati'l wiOiin _ , ijne year afterwards a treaty was siiiiied at \\ ind j sor between (Miarle.s T ami tlohn l\, which nt»f I WILL pay li-e above rew-.ro lor all, or thirty dollars onlv recot:niz. d the iijd.'pendenc-^ ol 'ortiiga . but I each, for Ihe confuietiieii' m ihe.I lilof Kobe.son coiitt- RE%VAUO. L pay li.e above rew-.ro lor all, or thirty dollars »^''ly reC0gniz‘d theJi i„,.:i„ ,i, ,,,, ' ^ which treated the Ki»g Castile as a di..po.^.’".s.s- ty nf the following n:imed persons, who deserted my Comoany (F, 51 st Reg’t N, C, T .) sometime since: Nicholas Tyner. Davidson Kv.ins, Michael Kvans. Bcnj'jmin Hodge. Michael Tlod^e, 'ames Grimsley. Wellington Briirman. Frederi -k B:is» Eiljaii Byrd. All absentees from thu Compaov. by reason of sick ness or oiherwir^e. must ii port ihcmselves immediately tothc^e IIead.^u.lrurs. or I sh.iU piiblish them as de- «erters .nd trcu them Capt. Com’dg Co. F; firlst Reg. N. C. T. Camp \Vhiting, near WilmingtODj Y . 06.3ipd January 17, 1863. . j . ed sovereign: and alleges, on the part of Knehm.l, that he was moved to conclude this treaty, “by his solicitude to pieserte -the tranquility ol his kinvdoiu, .and to secure the liberty uj trade for hh beloved subjects.” The conlest was carried on; the Spaniards obtained victories; they excited conspiracies; they created divisions. The palace of the King of Portugal was the scene of domes- lic discord, court intrigue and meditated ttsurpa-’ i tion. There is no trace of any complaint or re- 1 monstrance or even murmur, against the early recognition by England, though it was no' ,uncl twenty-six years afterwards that tjpain herself acknowledged the independence ot Portugal, and ' then in a treaty concluded ^under| tbe mediation I of £ng^d. A

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