•J "V I. M ^'oai ‘ > "tl J I J v^l ' fJodies ^ f' Kf'rner n lhv\^ « II Vi>nn; '■ "■ ItA..^ wii, t C Grior riu^tjr n, J R Hawcs H Sunsii N FaitiTjou tiidiA bri'.cofi rth. ^! S nyram lif. r» ileNeui mi, JHUies Rfjnc-ij, N FI-luing J H Carppr.'^^f . Tl H H ir-1, Wm La»j , Lt wnur l H. iiilerv; K r-HW! -rJ A H Hampton TKS OONGRE' L laru L Yhr.c«., i ert V’ J jLn-uu, i l*> .M Biker. A £ Mu ill, K..!,'-:' IX'Tnbs liurrief VWiliiiL t. Sp^rr w. T J Semm=? )ert ii fin-wn, Jinm B R .S V Peywa r» tr- jf^e [*a^is, ■s K[ I w BttTDWe... l^d'in ’ Hii) !!■''. ter, U' i; disr^i ESEM MiVr..-’ ima? J Fij^ter. K L M ’urrj. Frsncis ? Cloj'ton. Js' L Puzii' X J B;.'.ion, Grandison arlafid. T>■ B HmW Da^tin-i. R R ft Hanrra^c. r J Mud Cenan. Le*-* frippe, Lacius J K ''’'rit-I)’ :teil ,. . irleH J Vii:«re. tb»n^ luer, Lucien .1 I’lf'"' ins, i -"‘ ^ , i . yj M- J" '•‘"‘Pf, sh, H * t'bambers, V Ilytr. row. Its 11 [ena.^ T D McPow- vU H Arrir.i^t.-n. U (;-.’*hcr, A T W BoyWr^ John Mcgaeen.J^* He.--' : Mf hire, ^ , J P Thomas > r Ivr-ht. i: H '’^r'or S V H bm'.th. Preston. p'-' 4jr»ri \ li‘^ ^ OF SO? ATJ f. « F.-IH I-W Fi FIIC'I. T. I T«B—fc——— H ■ ■S— Ail. r'AVKTTKVlLl.K, C.. FEBRUARY 5. lS(>:j 'Ys \vn t’tt:i>t)\ys -i h '^\\y K s()\s. ..lls: V U *f p M‘ "ir of' '.4^ '•* 'rip u'li. ■■' j'.ii- n Florenre .".nd Fayetteville Ra'l Road* f'lP jirovi-iiin;. Ilf >tn >i iinriii. i* ..t itit* I f .'II 'h of Nor h I'>ii'o!iiiii. «nli ii»* o(>p fl .m 1 'it t; .1 i!n.. :tt I hn f illi. w; rig- ;il ir : tn ' umltT : Ito •’:’ i 'H ■•f ’.'m' t.M will: p..)-.,! - 1 r.'c i-e -iii'i-crM’ •i . . I (>♦> ''m li't 11 S’. pi .t ill- ■ I- I V \ I’M . i> '1 H :t'i ( '(I " S ' ’ll'nv I (• •• H /{■III /{'hi t I >:Hi ' ih F'l>,r", It! t ■ ■ (i • M*' * tl i 'oiil " 1.11* ; V \ u A . \i . I'll- 'I.. I f, I'll' V \ t: flll'i )it*: :;ii oolii'- fur **:'.cli ^»fiiM(Min*nt- V.y j'.‘ \'lI’tTiiser" iire ot in--.; ’ions liosire.l. or :■ -l.i'i. au'l clirtr^«»d acooni- i i'Kr,re«‘.l n*w iii- .1 t' \| •\- iil N 111 I. f nr).;r r \i .i D .11 ir« e i.-li Ui|.!- r It,.. !■- \ XI, ■K ,s .| .!■. . ...» 11 ■ (»■ ■ r 111II i •' 111- ii! I ‘•t»'n. ill nr.iii'l hein k M>- .nd J V .% LIMIIIjI' ;T113j|^n for Sale. . tjKFi'll lor s.,le tiiy PI,.'A I'iON •> mill*.! whsi o: (’m ■• hi?|. ' 1 wil I .|it‘v (1 •r iiKfly ''l iii'H. i'. Ill iiiifi./ ’->0 HCrfS, 'n I, i’.ii' in •.« u ' .''C.. w M it • 1{ iiij-. V’ fitr'ier'il# .)"IIN MOIU-ON II V % lil'% isJiiiii lor I OKI I'lH r. r 'H>- i:i- I'l. I \ ]• Vl |. *\ „i, M(l I YO Tirr. ■! '.n i.ti ril.Mi- f.ir T’.ow «'ib«crihor k iruH>. nor will '» !i>iiir.*r 1 take f(i« tii- vv'-ien rnii’Kinir 1. 1 'SS i i i. fJc gj. . . t\\ ^ ttorney at Law, FAVKTTtVlLI.E. X C. :ii. t' .anty iDd ''iip»Tirir Conns of rvuU. il irti^r;. Moor*; HU'.t RobcSvu Couu- > •. ‘itiO’' piveti t® ihr oolleciioa of ill Xli'M ; ... i.u .4/ Fl‘>ri! Cii'leof.—^Wnier ihe'i.■••'Ciioii of NIi-N'-.ir, l>r \ I) MoLein. \'olii"tI'l Simil Lilly ui 1 'iil. .Alei in ler W ii» >!i. or .my onp ■ Ai Quffnsthile —Un.lt'r t^n* il're. tion of Muni Rhp I) \lrI,e'Hj. I) .Nfct'iillum, .Ih.j McKae, Ji H \5i-Qiit***n. nr ntiy one of tht*'ii At Alfordsi'ille.—Uniertlip .lirpction of Jiihr> f*urct*ll. Jno. Mr\lir. Stoii Alford. Uu^.M Mcl’^lluin mi i Jno. .Mt'O illiim, or any on«* of them Th# .'^iih*orif'ti>'n Mo >k^ will rrm‘»in opf*n f t the 8pa-‘** 'I *’)‘i rl.iy.i When a xu!!ii.it*iit sum is j'ili«.,Tihe> ih.> C''»nipanv will be .'>re iDii»-.l f'.ir th*« purpose of ^I’lild ing the Rond A \. McKF.rnAN, L* A. HAV \V. .>rr.EL. NkL. \lcKAY. J\o. M IJOSF, Gp'.er.l ('uinnii«MOi\er'>. p.VPii T'l'i'. .ill'll- T, X'Jtf l\ \io 1 il'U: 1.' 4!? 1 I I I IIIV ; N T n V F, a'l Mt .'ill 1 ! he f.iiliii J .if \ pool irip i u>.i. 'itVlO ;• ■ i"o- •' 11. li'f ■ (I). r* -Fir!iii.i(£ Mil). •Aiiii'fi I '«il; i.]' ,»n iiS'-rnl tertan. JOIi.N M()RI:4 N '!■ ili? • ill .1, 1*111 Tur niiici'al l.niidM lor Salt*. IH \\ K nn in'er.-si inp-ihiid n ,t ot 6'K> \ RE ' on >'if V ii t*r.i .(I H i vi r. .m w r.ic’ ht. • !.f-u 'h'.c'VkT..'! sil: iiiMip ,I] 1 pur. Hilipt-'ri', n 1 s,r :)r ot (fii.i'i 1.J11 luy t.ir U , v.fli wirMiy I j> ,ri..„ .luHN Mij'MRON f'ltri‘'So;... >’ IV 13 iS.;-' 77 !t» WI.VO ti *'n ei •.il.'d on r-'ci ijit jnj. tipr\ l»v.', I i;>. a>'thori7 d 10 Mfin .'I'lce ir.e psrn.,| »us pt-n^iion Ilf t*'p operti'ior. of the oon^^cript law, c hs t'. rerniii ciin'il'r'ritH .:i i o lior^-' 'lif-pi.rit* 1 t- v.iiun'i.ei in (•'trori inii'P of I heir ' wn sfieiMi'iti. Thus h\ ’’(lina ti'erini; v u will mtoi I l''*infc fo!'ii'‘d into th« dO'sc- pt C imp J sini diiX' 'US to r i;pivi'recrniiH for r-vpt Kt-li'- 's Cl' ipinv fr-'m '•! r*- c u.iiy. ir it i.'sirp-l I v.'i I r>;-»-T»e ■IP.V w' o .wi'i'. |.i j in .1! ii. r ■•.vij .itiipw of 'his c i;iunHn I. T - who wiiiil 1 'IV'i l f rcfd i'l'O th" w:ii. I •i..: |..' '.1 Ih..i!i ro co-ii'- 1 w ■ ■). vohiii'. 'T 1ik»- r... n .|ii.l iw-mf j., .I'iv'fis th.- i •T’l.l 'iiz f >- fr"iii our •■oi' 1 s* i.iit.i.v I • in**rt .• ; wli . f- ..’i ii'ke volunieerii'g ft' f'. fol-.'W ni; liiiifM iij 1 jil i>‘t‘.; - Kel •'.* Slorp. F.;liru>iry t’l'b. .'■*lo ■ ’i “ 1 Sw^t.iV Si vti.in, ■• 1 Itii. Jonesboro’ •• 13'h._ \ B‘»L1N. l.iont, Co. F. .'lOih Ri*j{ I N. ' '1'. Pal! Oeplt MiOn. M-iorp Co , Jan. ;>•. '■J'J 8ti>d ♦ NOTICE. fpHF iittcntion of all absentees from my oomp.iny is I C'illed to 'he f.illowing order. J K KYLE, Cspf Co. B, 52d Rpg’l N. C T. Magnolia, Duplin Co , N C,\ '.»9-tlOF Jnn’y 2-5. ^ y FULL pardon fxcept as to he forfeiture of pay for 11 P ;0 ‘'unds 1,1.!! W. WILLI\MS i I'll.. * hni!'..:!!!. I>e;ilfr« ill i|-roi'«rie«, .iM. iM1’i.h;kr> ano i«k.\i.f.rs in • rjii'.re and (iitlery. Sivedes Iron, 4e., HW sti:ei;t. fvvkttkvillk, n. v. J i , 36it \V P KENDALL J. s KENL'Al.L « A: VO, .A .N D ' : ' \ ) : G ^ 0 C Tl S, 11 A 1'i Vorth UatiT St., ' illlliiiili'll. ^ . ■cut. ,it 10 It I. (. «.v , i. !i Hiiil ^’oruHr«JiM'.{ Merchants, U 11,'!! V'iTON, V (’ Sii: i \ U II! iHie i with hiiHrd ai T. ' HttOPER - ; .Vi J Iil''0\, WILLIAMS A I'O..' KAI.r t| \KKIt«i. o > iaasnosi i" i • r .iinn uine intln V- . rji :i I’iVi.'' vri'-i.ni; to aji piv . ■ I'.(I be '!i-n;'.' “ ! by s| piyin^ m F IV I'll .*»! !1-’. l > K I'fi^e. Western K.'tllro:t(i Offlce,) F lyc’tpvillf. '» (' , J; pr, J7; 18»-. { F(R the purpn* ■ o( ii.pi-pfj-iiivt ih-* cai.i'xl ptoclc of (hi.; (Toinpsny, to (•ni>l*' it to ex', nd the R ud front the f'o^l Fi»*l ls to 'be \ijfth Cirolini R.uiil 11.e (oll. w:n(f ifen'lempn fuve heen nppoin'rd '■ini'nt-«ionprs ro r»>- oeive «iib.;erib rs in their s,.vi-ri*l tiei/hborh V12; .^1 Gulf—L J flaiiehtoD, Brooks Harris. Ur Oeorjie C .Newbv an 1 G VVH«hinef.'n Ab.'vi" thp Ou!f —Jno J Gol is'jn J ^mes P RiTP« und Hujrh \V Du n At Ore Mill—0 ^ Goldatr.n, T>r L W (J.ittpI! «nd N M j^laion Abo»e Ore riill—Din'! Hickney, B V(^r.»h an.I Jus Psce •\t F 'U t’-. Mi'].' — Dr f? M Foiiai nn i Dr J D O'^nves. At F rmklinsville ^nd vioiaity—l^iiac H F.)U?t airl .A S Hornt*T .At \sheVir.ro’—Joiiaih.n VV,.nh und R F ll.ioTer. Ai N.-W .M >t ke.—kV .iK.-r >tii 1 Nf*'.in At T*i,inia*Tille — G Fo.tpr nnd Jno W Timm n At H sh l’.> T—1» R >' Lit'N i%- i i.l •''.-ib.irn P-rry \i .''“li'iii— Fi'.inci' Fi ‘.— s’-'l R L P it'.-.-j (Ti. At O .*‘iis''o“o'—' P \|p« |..tihH:l. Peter \dam«. Ilon J \ ni'mpr »n 1 Je»sp H I.in l-»jr In-iiriicliona wi'l hn «pnt 10 t'.p Pom i«sioners at an »-nru ,1m\ bv iht- Pr.-'i'lon' 'h • ’ .mp.riv «4ti ' J M Ho-K .S.-c > R R. Co. LOOK AT this: TiiF. nvnri'ULM; iIiIThl, Fronting 300 feet and in the busine^ fiortiou of the Tonn, €oiitainM more ^pncioii** and if ell %eiifRoom** Ilian any Hotel ill the -Slate, and ray Patron>» say niy Condiments are very ^ooJ tor the times T. HtUUIIA, Proprietor. M^v 20, 1802. J7y FAVETTIiVll.rE MUTCAL l.\SHR4\CE COMPI\T. TO '0\S«'KIPT«r WIN'G t'.-‘*n detsile I hr Kperial or.l-r. for thi’ty •iV'i, on rt-pruitiii:; service, I nereby ii;ive notice 'le ('oiiscritit Liw iias been »o far ,su^[iended ad to alL.w ronb''r.pts to j dn -'.nv c.itiip^iny luiw m hprvice, %: j Hii’l be I'lpTp'!' '‘eii'i'l-i i ''le b^.uiuy «n i other beu*'- ■ ■* ; fi’H pr.,vi'led by l,»w I '■ volnnt ” 1' i;' confidenily ..R'^ON'' w shin»f Iu ^ 1V i l'\' I'R >l'E‘iT\ d(-i )l,m i ht« lib. r^l i,if,T 'in 'hrt pfirt of the Gov- j .-rtiKt.'nr wi I he rfi'*'r;y »rr.h • ii’.' i by the ijretter pml K't 'ti j rif up liabV t'' i«v ‘lOe urul. r the ci'rii>crij.t hcI ‘1. fr.U' I \J, ii! yo'i H 71' V-t ar. 'pi o-'t;ulty .if iiepi.niinji vol- • >iivi - V 'irf-i' ynefl*. > lur jinibraca f Ltod 1 ti ;i :rr>;.r>r'Uni'* om’t* 1' h.- tipen Hide rnr .'|iHci‘i! dufv to eulist men for 1 he, (.'(nitaiju)n >/' Sticesi^iOit. —lender this head the New York Tribune has u long aiticlc, from which we copy the first paragraph, sijOAving that they are Jjegitining to be aware of the despe rate straits to which this war is reducing the North. One could almost feel pity for the miser able condition of even a base people, with whom - .u - 1 t • u V I wo have been united so long Hear the Tribune: the perioii ot iinaiithonz^d absence, is hereby pro- ' , . . to r11 eTilist^^fl m^u abuent without leavn, who . *^W e are beginning to fed the t lfeots (it vvoful m iv voluntarily return to their respective coinni.inds on ! example. The diabolical spirit ot R. Vx l'iii'H not or before the I'lth F. b’y next. lPt.8 All enlinted men « encounters u.-J in the field, but it has entered • do not vobmnri’reuirn witiiin the lime epecineJ, I i »• i i i .. i „ a ^ H.,.i all who sh.ul after, his date absP^.t themBelU from 1 legislative chambers, and, und.r the u.ahgn !ht»ir c without proper authority will be charj^- prompting of tn6 l^eniOCnitlC uOhC u^KiD ed with desertion and tried by the new Military Court rule or ruin, it is tampering witU ihi> popular loy- now in session If found (guilty ihey will be sentenced alty. One year ago, men onlv ujiiriiiurvd trea- to death whether present or abnenl. and commanders opened their mouths, and fill- ::ind';ne:;7a;'be\;r:n‘:^ ^ I abominable political devices By command of Maj Gen. 0 W e are beginning to sec that about \he worst !^i|jnpd W MKLTON. Maj and A. A. Gen. i bittlo lost to the I'nion cau«e, thus tar, is that — — - I Qf {jjg Sexf York .^tate Klecti'*n Nobody believe? ^ , w. , i J‘-^«tio Sevmour to be friendly to the Adminis- T anv hone.1 svmuHtUN with its 1 .'^:iiiili Weil M --Ht; - tei-iiH rny . ■ o» .» Ii jii- 'h-• >u ;■ r: r I ■-,* 'in I 1.1)1. 'iHvine fi 1 i: . I 'V ;i o'" J N. -I A - , S III. -.11 i ■ . .illi.' l.'« tow. ner » r.sM I ■ M »*i h . cr.' ■Also Si -li'res (''■■'ivonipi.! f'ov W: A M. BRVS.SUS 83tf C>iririqi?e, Doc '2, 186'2 Ailniini«Crnaion .\'olice. TME vn^'scrilpr l.avin? (j-i^lihpd h» .\dinini-tratrix i,n tlie Eita.e .f la- .'on ly. Ip-’’.! herp*>v tl»es tiOlice 10 ill i.prsons ha.vine ''biims le^in-' ^ti-l F.st>ile lo prp ■*er,i tii.-m ti> Win \S.'L 'IcK iv wii.itn in.* titiip pre ■•cnbp.l by I i%r, or tli'.' n .iipp wiU ►.■ (Ve. led in b H" nf tipirr.r v.-rT ATHAKINK >rShV, Vlmii. Ana I I't I !:r;;r.rNsra-■‘"j •I) to this place aa a RecruitiQg Officer embarrari.sments—yet he h eleoied (.overnor. The mob in Albany has given us a bitter f. re- taste of possible anarchy. From the W est, we hear ot schemes by the desperate and disaffected conspiraceis tending to fresh ruptures and the Unal overthrow of the Republic. \\ icked men, even at the North, are beginning openly and shameloss- ttonths and have not lo^jt a man by sickness ^ To the j ly to dally with di>;Uninn; asd propose, since dis- r .Mie, sons of the gallant “Old North location ha« come into fashion, to multiply the to return to this place aa a Recniiting Officer f -r Capt Jn.i .MrKellar’s company. Col. Evans' Reg'i, Partisan Rangers, now near Kinston. A favorable np- portituity is uuw ofT'ered to coDsoriptg to volunteer and thus secure onp hundred dollars bounty in addition to twenty-five dollars per month pay This branch of Ihe sprviop is remarkably hpalthy as the trooper is kept constantly in metion. We have been in service eight brethren in th« field call upon you to help them drive T ARCH'D MoFADTFiN, Lieut. Co. A, b3d Rer*' N. C. T. Q'^-Slpd t'ap' T W I? irr ' '’av ,lry ('imp:iny of the 03 J R^gt i back the vile invaders of our soil. .Apply to aif> in Fay- N C. Tr.iops I atii .lui'i ir z- i, howover, to eulisi for ettoville, * r to R. W. Hardie at th" Court House. •\nv c nipa-ny in thii comn. in.l 1 will bp i:i Pi't b-ir..’ ..t; Tuesday of f^bruary Court, the on Frul-iy iHe 13 h. ait’offin’sP ore. in Moor.» • Jan’y '.u. C.iiintv; .III Tu.*-div the 17tH, Hii'J Tuenday the 24th at j Ct.rt iaje Ri-oruitJ for C'tvtlry 'oiiipHi»i“'S will be ri ij'iire.l to fn'ni-h :i *ior-e Coiismpu; hi-" 'i.e voliintpo's apd strike for the .to fence of your cjuntry N F MU.SE. L'. Co K. H.3'1 N r . R.-cruiting Offioer Jin 31. 18>"3. 99 8t .%«1iiiini«trat(>r’** !\ol'ce. IE su''••.t"er r.H«iiiif > D ce^n^e'' i i- «:i 1 of the ,untv t'.iurt 'if 'ii ti'v rUn I, iju tfi -d as ,A I im;i.:s r .t ir ut.i n ttie E»- *ipo' '•'hiIi G. vl .S>- 11 d‘-p’ t n*i''fit-s all pprson.* h-tviiitj rl-uns .uh'isi iii^ Ksi.ite t. th. rr, wr ;..in ' ' i' l • liinii.-.t \ 1 .w. jt'i.-rws^'j I h’- nut ioe wi'l t**" p;>- I J it 'tl ‘. ir "f rpc ;v. r\ . D.*b‘ors I ir. ipijup.. ,1 1.1 ■ (11(1 .'it fi tyiiKiii. j HE 'IOK M.VKnj, \dfTir D-c lit. w,- I ! _ _ _ ! Ti KPi:\ i i^i: II \c Ks. I J ri> -I '.|.';.v of I'll I'l i.ii:!.. il V*'KS. or : t,) - el' ' o I "1 1-.,' VT 'I I III ■(' . i.ly 1.1 (.'•p J. r». V -it sti.iri ■ .» -!l n t i. w*i' '1 i-n ri" , I 1 p.irt'ii ,se. A1, III t Ip tl ->i ■[! •nn-r. I, F 'V N. r \ OOD. :? I. .1 O'l'.; \t,i. ,'VING ttlP I'lsSifp 111 ( IP pr;.' • of Ir 0 I''6 sU*.- •ril er i- ro upt-ll*. l i, in - itiv i.ric.- of -h ••intf to $1 pi r ¥ii'.- H'- 'lo-s iiii- w :n r- un ii c.-. but iis neci-'.-ity w l! b- 'tppvrpiil 'o *iis cu-t. tu-r« whi-u he statps, ihiit the ir ,u alo:i>* us-i in iimKf'ij sh.'ps costs morp thsii h .If oi tiis eharg-, -m l rmirp than twice ». muc'l he form--rly recpivpd f ir iron .tnd 'h.».*iD(r J. VV \VEL:?n |.^H.-aTeTilp. .T^n'y I"*'''-? Ml '’w|.d - BBLS. SUG\R ■ ir i*lp on 'jon“iemien'. ^'V JOS L’TLEY. i»3tf Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand -ind other assets. $267,H“8 ‘.:b ■j.o I I 35 \ M E WILLI VMS, .■'ujii'ni I'irnt i i- \ i’J il. > Slit \! !>'.TT. SH- Total. 27'2.;r,.T 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and hav» never made an assessment on their prpmium no'es. Total losses paid. f2'*,6H2 Offitfrs; GEO. McVEILr.. President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice t'fcs'lent. C. A. MpMILLAN Secy. Dl R v:(’TiiRs; Ml iMisls:niuent -. . d ' il 1} Xe- vl illU- I , ;.-j Ft s-.le hy .V A [1,1,1 A MS X t'O. : a.f \OTIt E. 1, n' f'luii iiome a ;.-w rwon'h« in ,r. • 'i \(f-L»-4ii is niy auth-.rite.; .-^int iiii^’.i i letiirn V O. .(OVES -“^if W. N' TilHnsrhast, S. .1. 11 iii'i.l tle, AVin. Nl.-Li'irin, T. S Lutterloh. .A. W. i^^ieel. J. G. Cwok. Hon I 0. Shepher.l. R F. Brown, 1 , . A. E Hall. hn Collins and C C. McCnimmen. Traveling .Agents fja^'The 'ompany invite applications. Mav -28. 18HI 21- Henry Lilly, H L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Vafh in .A. Stedman. C B. Mallett, Jan)8F Kyle. A -A. McKethan. J. D ^»’illiaPiH. S. 'V Tillinghast. 15 J in'y 10 J OS. I T I. E V, Grocit' and t'ommission .ytrrehant, FaYKTTHVILLK, N. Jin’ylO. l'G3 ‘t.‘5-'f \T the Favfttevill.* .Ar“ena\ Four or Fiv'' (.HJOD BL ACKS vll TM'^. t,i wh- ni ^il wig* euipli.yui..ni will given A, ply J. V Lt. ''.il : J .n'y 9, 18'-.3. \OTIC'E. H.AVE ve’ f.iT i‘^1.- me hiind.‘.-.i ho I fifiy thoi;«iinl •01. E FRT.'IT TREKS w'lich 1 nu si lling off at old priCBii CYRUS P MFNDEN’nALL J^ri 9 93 Im WESTEKX It.lIL ROAD. Tip. I'raiiir. of this Roi i Iprive F.iyeneville daily, (''iinii>. ex 'pptod^ nt 8 o'dock, M., and re- 'liitiinir ipivf Mulver's at 1 o'cIopk. P M. Freight Trcim MONDAY W E l)NESl» \ V *nd FRI DA Y By or'ler of the Presi 1.>|U. JNO M ROSE. Treaij'r and Act’g Trans. \g't 1 »n. -ii. l^'G^ - y7tf W'KsrEitN IvAii, Office, } l-'ayelteville, Jan. ‘2‘2, 18(>3. ^ I'^'lOM at.'d .liter the 1-t .1-iy of F.b'y, Freight ou Koal Kfill ^e .''THl‘ TLY t'A.SII. to le paid «ii-u 'i.’ ijht is “PH' t 1 or d.-liver.-d !rom 'he D«poi. Bv or.lpr o^ :he Pr-s't JS'> 'I ROSE Tre is’*’ au 1 .Vct'g Trsn-* .\g't 97 '’it »EliT %L .liOTIC IC. R J DAVIS is in lowp and can beocn- suited All operati.iii-. on the teeth pprformed at his office .'er I>r B W. Robinson’s offii'e Jan'y 31, 18G3 «9-6tpd mo: ON this Store, a roll ct Confeder .1' E;;ypt Coal .11 ilie. TM E nn lpr« trn.-d ^prp, a' the N ivpinber Term of the C'infp lprata Court i'istrict uf .North t'aroiina, ap- poiiiteJ Manaeerd of thp Ecypt C'.al Mine |.ro['Prty. and have pntered info copartnership f(>r the pui-poHe of niiuing and H.*lling Coal, and solicit ir.lprs for the same in Hnr desired quintity. Orders tor any anir.uot can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro- I ^ . pepty ia undoubtedly the bp?«t in the Coufpderute States. ■ ^ relai . ai ■\pplications may be ti' ide to has B .Malleit, Fayette ville. N (' , ot Janies Browne, ('harleston, 8. C. t HARLES b MALLETT JAMES BROWNE Fayetteville .Inn’y 20. 1'»1^ '.>*'tf ^lOAEV LOST. FRIDXY) mornir.?. in or near the Book ?sury Notes The finder will be libprally rewards ; on returning the mo- ri».y to F .1. Hale /t Sons jany ."^O PLO WS AA’I> PLO W >OI'\Ts7 All numbers c.n be t.ad at M. A B VKER’s Gun Shop, on llay Stre«.t, opposite Ihe ol 1 Wagon Y'ard Fayetteville. N (’. Feb'^j 2 18G8 99-lro .Ml orders for C.v.S I INGS executed at the short est n .iicp and on mosr reis inable terms Highest cash price p»id for oM Iron and Brass. M A BAKER. ~1I ATHI \ERY~I €>R SALE. 4 SET ot ISUt KET MAtJHlNERY. will make 9 styles A. ' f Buckets. Ha'f-Bushel and Peck Measures, and with a -el .if competent operatives l-’> doz buckets can bp mii Ip per i-iy. .Al-o one of Page's Improved Grist Mills with holts for Wh«at and Corn. MAKEPEA^E & McR.AE. J *(1, 27 98 4tpd Salt and Tobacco. C?OUVl> SALT and LEAF TOB4CCO, ai wholesale or Jan’y 2*:*. I8^i3. ISA\C HOLLINGSWORTH’S 98-41 pd and -teadi ■ r n,i irp.-s d.-L KGNKL. I S .V . ( ■ m l g. 93if I HA’ 1 C •( Ricliiiiolid, Va., Jan. 94th. A S I |pRrr. my name i' nublishp.l ss a des#rter. the il Llitors will do me a f»v,ir |.> r.iinlish this If Capf. Hornp wishes to know whet e I am. if he will come to the Winder Hospital he can see me. 1 have writien to him twice since I have been here, but re- ceivp-J no answer. 1 was sick here for a long time an,l Rin now detailed to wait on the sick. Surely Capt ILirne liid not receive my letters. But he cannot deny iiiy Ipsvmg his company honorably, when he so often toM me that he was willing for me to leave it. |9'^ 3tpd] DAVIP POWELL. A OTIC E. N Friday of the wei k of February County Court, in Hobps-m county, beitig the 27th of (he month, I will •11 i,n a credit of HiXvmonlhs. at the residence of Joseph Bicis. m said county. \ILLiirivpparticulirJitlentiontoHHli'S anti ptirchasBS j 114^I\ Ik^Oll 11^ ^e§^roe^i >V ofS ate and C.infp.ieratp m is. B mk «u I othpr ; - „()rSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, ’ ot iraf •=. iD*l »ui' ^U'-]nr*s» i FOR SALE. “WICUVTAIIM HOTEL” ,\. f. 111 ' lai tj.- p-t lb i-'itnen', siliiap in the t. wu of,Mor- 1 K'in'iin N C., is now offered for v^Ip Terms made kn-wn on a^.piicati'.ui to J. M ll.APPi)LDT. Morgantoii. N C. Jin 19 18i'.:l 97 3mpd W. R. RI(HAR1)S0> & (0., stock Brokers and Commission Merchants, RALEM.II, A. i\ on Fii/etttviiU S>reet.~\ TILL liivp particul ir ;ittenlion to f-al ttrr llii« date I will c ,V i' ,.1 .ii.« iipr l oiin i for ra,fs de- liv.'r-- iti F . v.'ti.'vil!*'. or nl my mills D \UKPMY ti-T S t 11 -^It oil ' ' G i'n.*!il bv W WILLI \MS iC t’O 79 tf A c;evi! The 'SfXf Stvle, Small, COLORED PHOTOIiRlPRS, AT VsiHorHd^^ll^^ Gallery. ART. A%oodvrard% Solar Camera. (’oppt'raoi! C'oppera'tl! OAA SUI'KRI »R Qf.'ALlTY OPPERAS. fjUU Also 10 Tierce- FRESH BEVT RI F,. For sale by PEMBERTON -4 SL-*AN. JanyR, 1‘'03 92tf SALT! •' SA^'KS for salo i>y 25 Dec iT)0 ROBt RT MITCH I'LL 88 tf r,U Li.,' A\ TEO, WIlbAl. TMRN ’. ..T.> srt ic’f- t . P • .- !-ll i',(.r up >1 r F . ...V .-. ..I will rPC.-ive Tho oRson ■ ii(. >-iif)-cri- A I i.X .T( it| Jr. ;.5tf r. I' ■ih, e =JotL'»rxi nrd. .trro boy MO f....i I'l ino'ipf' r, i:i'i'.-. iiisrip.lout at the . I ,!!.1 wa- sppii at ■i . .. n I tip 21 St ulf .• ','-.1. igo The ' .!h Veil, If, ,ne or for I tti:.t I him. • W U .KtliN^ON. II !:'Ji2. ■ I Wl.i . ^ !i! Hi - t I i • »!iy jail l)HOTOGRAPHS t Gallerj, llay street, opposite Marble Yarl, Fay etteville. N. C.: plain, retouche-1, colore'i, m water colors, oil and (lastile; frorn small to life size. Amb'O- ; types, Mel.ineotypes, ind all other stylts of Pictii p“ pertain' g to the .\rt. .Also, Gilt F'rames, Gilt Mould- ; ing. 0 '■ t for very large pic'ures—a? large n‘> 2G by 36 inehes. Jord and Ta«sels for hanging pictnros: Instvu- mfeniK. Stock and ('hi'inioals for snie bw forca«h. Life si*p '.olorcil Photographs made from sniall pictures. Kivviiig pprniar.ptiti; locaipd hpre 1 hope to merit J .' 1- j,.;iir'.):..'ii:;'. I would ai.-io return my sincen. thr.nks for ti l' liberal p.itr.mage boarowp.l on me her.*t0i0i’c by ; the zjo.l pfO} li‘ of I’ayettpville and vi.,.;ni?v. C. M. VANOHSDELL, Phot' ^iiiphist anil Proprietor. {)e#r 2'. I. 1^5'.* 77- iHarble Factory, j sacks 1F SALT: 10 Bf)ls, S»l S")d«, for soap making; 12-S B ixps J A Lung’s bpst brands of T.jbaco-. f>0 Bbls Prime Sugar; t>60 L’-s Sole Leather. JOS. A. WORTH. Dec'r ‘22. Ib62. 89 2m A Larsre Oiirlium I'ow yi^ITH H Youug Calf, tor snle Jan’y 6. Blarkxiiiith to Hire. NO. 1 'V r.iai-iP. .A'ldtnss ••W.” at tnis DAVID MURPHY. 9-' tt .Stock with me diff-rpnt (|pp'irirpe,it“ of ilip Sta'e g.jvi.rni pn'. Bank notes of 'til Southern St ii«8 bought and sold. Re/erencfs: 0. G Parsley. Wiltuington W' A Wright. .John D Wil ams. Fayett“ville. W G. Broa ifoiit, “ J. J Blackw.iod, Ch-irliite. W K Lane. Wayne f^ounty. •lohn D Wh'fi.r-i. ‘''raven Co'inty. Hon Tti.imas Ruffi i. A’amanpp County Hon W. N E Iwar-ls. W'.irreT ('ounty. Hon D W Ci.U''ts, R'lckineham County H W Guion. Linciln f'oiinty ■'nd citiipns cf Raleigh, generally. Jan’y 13. 18»'i3. ’ 9,'» 1 m «|.%|»! .«i>OAI*! IWl now raakiuy- an.l kepp constantlv on han.L «t my i- Factory on pprson street. FAMILY BVR SOAP, a' ; ’''’'“"'''“"I''?*'V' v. AVu' wholpaale and retail. — ALSt>- Phiin, Varieg;>t >1. Perfumed, Toilpt and Sn-ivin^ S .aps A r ipply kept for retail at J noliingsworih’s O 'lers promptly lillpl Htt^T'Lurd anJ Tallow wan^..^'^. Tivea. ind Brown Win-lsor Lett's and Isaac W Highest 0 o^sh pr' j Fayet’eville. J tn’y 17. P JONES, ^-'i 2r.ipd Palma n‘aii>4. HE ii^'-■■ ib.-r *'11 ;.^y ' l.i/li. -«r i-nsi, prjcps for iny ou mtiiy ot Pai-oa Cnrisii Be ins. J A WORTH. Fa vet t «.Ti lle.O ■>!. H ti7 if IT"^ AOTICE. siibaoriber wishi's to purchase a I aa-l othtr articles of a perishable kind. I NEILL McNEILL, j Executor of the Will of A Davis, Sr. ! -Taii'y 24. l‘’G3 98-ts ~ .AOTICE. ' 11HK Subscriber offers for sale hi« PLANT.ATION, containing 438 acres, with 150 acres cleared Land. 1 within a tew minutes’ walk of Laurinburgh Depot, W ic & R R. R On the premises is a I wo story dwelling I and all neregsarv onthouses .Also, joining said tract i can be ha.I ti31 acres, with 20t) acres cleared land • >n * the premises is a good two story l»wplling and all ne'' 1 cpssary oiutioiise*. Person- wishing to p.ircbasp v . call soon or address nie at Laurinburgh. N C H C Mel AUHIN Jan 2M 98-iiip't Headquarters Euroliiiiff Officer 4lli^lon. Disl., WiLMrvoTON, N. (’ , Jan. 7, ) T - 1 lia, in the 4th Cougressionsl District, are hereby potifipd lo bring the Cousoripts between the ages of 18 and 40 ye-irs. within their Regiments, to the Court Hon* ees of thpjr resppctive comities, for ♦xaraination, at toe times hereinafter ii'entioned: New H-mover ('o.. 22.1 and 23il Regs., Jan. 20, 21.2‘2, 2.3 Brunswick “ -’)Gth “ “ *20,’27,‘28,29. C.'lumbus “ ;i7th '■ Feb'y 2. 3, I. 6 Robe-i.m *■ :')8th and 69th '• “ 9,10,11,12. H'chmond GOth and Gist “ “ l>, 17. 18. 19. Bladen •• 5.')th •• •• 23. -24. •2,'i. ’2*5 Cumberland •* 53d and 54th •' March 2. 3, 4, 5. Harnett “ r.2d •• “ 9.10.11,12 fragments of our institutions. All thisisi terrible. \\ e can better afford to lose fifty fif/hts than thus to weaken the morality of our cause. We can better afford to submit to invasion, t^ian thus to make disintegration familiar to our constituencies. We can better afford to let tin Slaveholdmg sol diers bivouac in the Capitol, than to be be’rayed into Begotiatione which are full of danger, or to dally with compromises which, with their edop- tion, must precipitate us into unmititrated an archy. Already, we begin to hear of Western Confederacies, ot New England Confederacies, of •Middle States transsmogrified into Midile Con- federaeieH. Already, we have hints of new and tempting combinations, aiming at safe and con venient b^juiidaries and the monopoly ot internal tiavigution. Already, the coming Cong'f-?s c:it«t3 its dark shadow before; and, busy as the Devil always ha. been in VV’ashington, a time Is com ing when he will redouble his activity in that unensy seat of an endangered Crovernment.” A Brace of Yankee Genfntln.—A Gen. Cros^ ret, lately in command of the yankee army at Winchester, Va., granted pas.sports to some ladies to come South. Just then he was superseded in command by f»en. Milroy, who sent a stjuad of soldiers after the ladies, brought them back, ayd had their trunks and persons searched fur contra band articl»?8, but iound none Crosarot wa? very indignant, said “he did not come there to fight women,” and forthwith tendered his resignation, Milroy iiumediutely placed him under arrest. Crosaret is not fit for the yankee atmy if unwil ling to fight women. Milroy is. liurnitiy Ltefifhtr to prtii'dtt iSninl/ Pox. The Richmond Examiner says that previous to the daily burning of old scraps of Leather in the Libby prison and Castle Thunder, tl^ere were tnree or tour cases per day of small pox; wlieieas for the whole of last week there were but two cases aud they are supposed to have bee., con tracted before the burning commenced. BgtL the preventives of small p>x, and the only oneji as yet discovered, thus originate in the skin ot the bovine species. Cotton.—A ship with 1,700 bales of cotton from the Cape of Good Hope, grown from Sea Island .sfted, bad reached Liverpool. Anotlier vessel had brought o50 bales of cottim from P >r- tugal. Large (quantities of cotton seed were be- intr imported into Liverpool and thence exported to new cotton fields. ill :urpentinf. Surgeons Will be in atten lance during the days ap- TILL of :^oTi- 1.^ to 20 barrel cipaeuy. for which ' pointed, to examine and grant certificates lo those euti j tied to them The illAlwlSTRATES of Cumberiaud county are parttculsrly requestfd to meet at th" 'ourt Ho'ise in Fayetteville, on Friday next, at 11 o’clock. A M . to fake into consideration measures for the relief of the people of the county. DAVID McNEILL, t hni’n. Feb’y 2. 1SG3 ^ 99 2t ATT E A r IO A, CO A SC RIPTS! Recruits wanted for llie Defence ofA’orlhi’arolina. By ORDER of \(«.j Gen G. W. Smith, commanding the Army in North Carolina, lue subscriber and others have been detailed to recruit men to fill up the ranks of thiR .Army in order that the threatened inva* sion of the State may be repelled The f'onscnpt Law is suspended so tar as to enable any persons wtio wish to volunteer now to Jo so by volnnlccring wiih the sub scriber and join any Company they wish, that is, anj' company now in s«rvice under comman.t oftJen Smith, whose headijuarters are now at Goldsboro . The bounty. Fifty Dol-ars will be paid so soon as m.JS- tered into service, and all conscripts volunteering will avoid the necessity of going through Camp of Instruc tion .Vll persons absent fr.>m their (Companies without leave or who have deserted will report themselves tome at onoe .All who repon themselves promptly are pro-, raised a full nard >n except as to forfeiture of piy. It is hoped this appeal will not be disregardeil ' North ^'arolina is threatened with invasion, the Ar my needs Cue service of men liable lo joilitary duty, may I not hope that they will respond promptly, and thus secure to all 'hat they hold dear on earth, ample means of dffence. Address or call on me at A G. Thornton’s, Fayette- e Is. \ .IV AR7IV IIAIl.\ESS. i-j.iiv t I." iii.>ou'..,;iiin- ali Uin.tr ,1 Wiiniiii - t .\riiiy II-**' 1 ' *n my le.«ther and can .rgii*s Ajfpiiii- w>! .I'.i w. ll 10 »en,l lOeir •'1= liiey snail I'l.tvt' [.roiiipl , . ;. k I i -111 r r 1 Il P O . ('hathara Co., N. ,lijii»- l-'L l^t>* at tent lon. an! J >MN’ CVRT»-'R 12. r 8Ut • ;» ill**, tiiiini Arabic lor nale by J. R I.EE ♦19if T. MAIGH i $50 REWARD. I I ALI I A ACS. VF ESH ■‘upp V fi F if.iipr’s vV PI infer’-'.'2d Edition \^so. a f.'W if Tur:ier - F.irs.lpbv E J HALE 'JONS P. Thp piib’i,hp'’s hiV‘ raise) tiie prices to 1»> [ cen'B pach, at which pr.ftp wp wil' s-11 ihetn. j WIL' ' ^-y i Rpward of Fifty D .lUrs f.ir the uppre I »» jrm I I hens on'and confinement in th j-nl of'’ur'berKmi 1 ol"V ■»■%» j y ,f rny necrohny who rar away lasi R\N \W \Y troiii .Mr N. I'arp.'ti pr, .-n the Charlotte Lewi !« a bi'-ick ne,;io. with a lone nn.b r lip Rail R a.i. nesr Br'wn Marsh, in Novpmber last, j „r lowpr front te-th; -iert.’rn i my n.*i.'ro Girl BEI.L Thet=.ii aiilisaN.. 1 ne/ro | .,»• ^i„„» (,i,il,, ajid abo>' i'l fee' ini'hes ! about ') feet 6 or H inch-s higii. v-ry well put nu. an.i j ji,, n'oi^er and -■» ni'* reKtives tivo in Th fle h'»v«n? - 1 ROM. ’Vll’ Tne ina lengin oi *^ ^ » usatfp "S well as the p> ins for its di-livery jit Trollinger’? the .Vdjulant and Inspector enera o • ■ * Dppot. on the Wilmington and Cnarloiie Road. Rich- i for the execution of the Conscript Act. will be stnctly mnnd County. Rockingham. Jan’y 19. Jan. 80 99 2tpd A’efjro fiJirl Wanted. niiliiy'. p!iui V: r of t-ortune; ei *’• a, 2.1 ..... „ Man I. REWARD. I, . i 'i, , ir - I e A ir.i t o .ny one I., II lo F .M-i'Hvill-. •» n. gro w . ; I .: 1 h's r*‘»' ^f-tiP - '•II Fill I v nigh I ■ 11 V 'S ^ii'i iip :io t£iri'i;i atiout -',1 e i I I be t l-i'ik, ' ■, J ' wiili ' ii-k lips She is ] ' - -V Ip* iTii ; I r TWO ntii'-Rs \Bu\F r. Faycltpvilie, H. V. •fan’v 20. t^GO. j wiih a «m >->lh hltck skin. j She i« siipposeil to hav^ (sken up wi’h a free iioero in-m I in thp Urown ALirsh neitr'ibofhood I wi;l j;i».» th.- .ibov,. j ri-war.l for I'l-r d. liv, ry ii iop i'l F ly . iipvil'e. or j for her confinemcnl in aiiv j iit so that I cm g-*t h»-r. ! • 'j'.WlE' P HOBE'irSON Jan 2-^. i|7 If “ Tr'seti'^Jgr, ri.ll. ^ill'Iue the sizp ind length of 1 . The following 'JJ? I Avera*b,->rc’. Harnett country ^ S«rg’t Co. B, >5*’th R«g’i V C T Oartied out; . . ,, All laws and regulations applicable to deserters snail be applied to such Conscripts as fail to repair to the p! »ce .)f rendezvous for enrollinpnt, or wh^ sh-ill Jpi-eri af.er enrollment .\11 the agencies emfiloyed for liir apprehension and confinernen' of d-'serter«. ao'l their M +nspor;ation to the coruii aiids of their respective coinnn»nders. shail be ap- pli.-able to persons liable t.i duty as conspriptJ who shitll f-tii to repair lo the place oT rendezvoij.. after th.» puolicaticp iif the call. 'il applicntions for px.''mp'if'ii iQits' he i-tisde in writ- in^r. liily sworn i.u'l'pf.ire an actinji Jii-tipp of the P^^vco ' ^ * at.d bp.i.-ing the re» titi.-ite of fiie Clerk of th« Touniy j Cl iiTi. under the ^c.'tl of liie ('’•uu t. Vt'p’.icatiiiTis p.U't he in 'iiipiica'e. ’‘nii sent throunh | ^ntinty. an j,,j'Qm,.jiion oonc.-rn'nir the recovei v H.-ri:4iPi.i I bic tow i b;ii he has manV ici)U 'intanc*’- i the r- 'i.’'ib.'irh-'0;l P.'i ’s. i.- ^ iherr. I;.! no ilou’tii th I' he InrU- from 'he lonvn lo the country n’ld is w'l pnivid...i -..v i {.lane. F vettev lie, .i.in’y I. H(-/roe- ibiirbs of “itlier M. t’OilQUOD.VLK 91. ;f IWISH I', purchase n npgro gi*l Ir im 14 t(. IH y*sr8 of age, f.*r a gentlenian residing in the couni'.v For one oi goo,I character v l.beral price will be r'*'''* JOHN H f'OOK. Jan y «1, 18G3. _ STRAVEO nnOM th. snbscrifer la.s «rnn. FIVE ^HFRP,-all r white, bearing the marks ot a -^w >l'>w o;k in the Piir -vifh -trover-slope and an undpr halt moon in the left'' i V.nrht tbe>n of Al»x. McLeod, of Mo,.re I ! r xpect they have gon»‘ or are f'vtngt ■ go ' ■ ■ of the t'oloneli. me K.-gi;itent■« IlHL UN DKR"^ 11.« NKD. i-o'h n iv-.itr pmere-i the mili tary ‘service of thp ^'onit-1'rai.* Si;np- of An-erioa. hereby give notice to fheir old ru.si uners rin,l frii.n . ■ , 1 tlOIIIP. ’ ’ ’I I lil-lCi KI'.R 9. :f ' ' I'l IP ( Orocevies i O rocerie^f:: " > i LARGE and well selected Stock, of F.-VMILY ** I ^ GRtlCERIES always on hand, coiisistinc of Bacon-Sides, Mens Pork, Muller.^, Mjcker No**- 1 and 2, Molassea. Sug.irs of al grades, Tobacco, Cig;irs, ,^nd all other articles usuaiiy k* pt m a W'ho'esal.- Gro- ; fuLy ask i ’ i>erx,iii.j ui.> I eery Establishment | Iv as possi’ile on their r.-t.- COX. K END A LI. \ CO. j * i WiiouQiftoa, April 2) ibCl. lO-if 8epi. 19, 1801. ■f w. LETT s. 9t ?m that tliPT hive app->inti*'l I Wil'imiis, of hi-' pill--.-, s..|nn’.‘iy I- '•..:ij il. ,, :i-.;cioi' ' I ■ t- sitiPHK genpr 'i'v .Hu in>/ • hll I* 'in.*.. i:i,| I •I >hti D. '■ --11 iinr 1. O" -.'y . !■> .-.lil I.lo-l. SI -HW p.lV'IK’lll. ttt .V WILI.IaALS &6-tt !>‘*ei i-i.p; ('abbaire ?*ieed! I'abbaj^e Seeil!! 1>rNC-‘Ml>E t^AB’'A(JE SEED, frw^h and Tenuin* > Itti'v 118*»8. liOwt or Vli«laid. \CF.",T \ vr n .!*’ • I '.y 1 - • i -,f W;'miiU'ton, ,iiv-iVi’ •' V.” •h'>" ■ ! i -Li.i-1, M. I r Si-v.’tiiy Fi>^e [I 1. ! I p.* h n- l.v T ,n’y ISiVJ. f^.-(he hire -i J' -r . AO ■r^.'ii'i »ri' f.ir'ii.i Ipo {.> traiL- for sai'l r» 'I.', a-i ttip pn vijpnt lUtbe s •.oip b-is beeu s(-irp«>'l The fill let wtil confi-r .i f vvor r-»t;ii*ning t. • >!e.rap to ARCUiUALiJ .McLAUi HLIN. FaiyetteTille, Jma’y 81. 99-2tpd I’prson- ci.ii!iiio;t exemptii n inns* bainl in their iip- pLc-'.tions .at once to tne Colon i-, of taeir respective re- gin-piits. All Conscripts will come preti.ired with fhr«.e d*.>s rations and a bbink^t. re-ly t.i propp'd at i-ici- C imp of ('onscritits at Raieigh. WM M. SW’ANN. EnroJIii'K \piirovpil: W H. C. W HITINO. Rri£- ;; -:i. Co:nd’r , . J .a’y 8. 1.^ -.;^. _9^> --.lvd SA’I'E5-'!! ALO I' of the imP» -Confedeiate” SNoFF, nnt UP iu papt-rs, tof sale by TAYLOR JOHNSON. FayQttevill... N C. 99 2tpd Them will ’ thankfully receive 1 and lib.-raUv re* sr.le.l. AidresJ. Jan. SI. 3 or 4 jcood nef;ro hand»« want ed for niy farm. ^3. ^LOt’KER. Several TfULES and Artillery »ood animals, for sale mm.d'; ♦ : J (’ I*.!. 1 will Mell mj inf€*vc««l ii? ;» B^tofSALT WORKS be .w W'i',n.ii '» poi up 1“ pa|" j»n’y 21* 18^- J. W. LETT. 9«-«w Jan’y 80. 18o.3. Blanks for »»!« tii*® Office. ■'9 i;. i

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