S IW 1 - W R Fi li «, T, Alt.! l'\VK'rrKVllJ.K, N. C.. FhUUlUAHV 9. [>{>?,. N WS \Nl> TULRSDAVS. J. UU,Y] & SONS. ''KIKTOKS. ■ U;\ ‘)u«!.;nvF.R if-': (10 if jiai.l in !’"J (t)n iiig ilto yo.-ii-of s.iV'ici'ip- .v i*:ir h:i^ oxPM’ol. . rn S'i 00 T'or nnnniu, if p.ii'i in I ;!’ i iniitifr the yt'.'ir of s:ab>ji'rip- . . i -.e yoi.r hus oxf)ire«i. 'niVTS •.I ^orte.l fur (ill coiiIm per 11 ilu' ; !-si. :ui'i oO conis for eacli an. 'I ein ly aiU'criiseniotits hy spo- -'I'liublo raif*s. Ailvorn>ierfl are ■ ii‘' .■■■or of iii>-oriioii?! desireil. or , 'bi.i. ami olinrgpt^ Hccor'i- ■' 'Mil I . .■buigf't 'js n.»w !i(l- .iTU'i: 1 :l IH‘\\ 'iill'SCril'rr .■l iV:llKV, nor 'flu f.ir :l l.illgt*! liu:t* . I • :.t:- .-I to laku ih(* |>»- riuiifv us whnn making Jau y 1. 3b58. A.ttorney at Law, A': K. i h VILLK. N • il!MV ri.-i/M. >CiVC . kuU \ : \ 'iipfviur Tour::* of »i’t‘ tp, i Ko^'fs- a (.^oLin- ^»n -'»f' a.i tv ,l \ n > A ('5 I,, . V t’l ijIN*4 . r A . ■ ■ ' A MTU . 1 N iijd i n? »• . Iron, ike,. ii\)r \k- VKi’TtVlLT K. >. t . W 1 KtNDAl.I. J. S. LtNDAI L cV i'O , Hii^sion iflerchaiif« \ N V L ^ #1 L r: grocers, 11 A 1*2 North rtator Si.. \\ ! . !. • I ouniry pr •niptly ex*»c:iici 1 , ,'.;..n •r'ven t*' the «nle of I'li.'tou 10-tf . 4 . A. «. ii. U OR'l'H, U-n HMd ^'orivardiHg Mtrohauts, ILMINGTOV. -V. O - . ^4lI A K Bl! ■ -J .ICl-'CUIIli' laifj witn lioar'! T. t . ItOOT’KR \VII,UA>tS (fc ('0., n%KK«s. Florence and Fayetterille Rail Itoad* UNDtR the provi'ions of nn Onlinanc't' of the (’ou- veution of Norih Carolinii, Hookd will be ope letl on I ili^ itith Jitne HI the following placps anti uiiiler the ili- ! reotion of the following persons, to receive auhpcrip- . tioiis to the i'apital Slock of the “Kloreuce Fn>eite rille ll;iil lloml (''o." Shdres One Humiretl Uoll'irs each. I .4? thf Hail Hoad ihHce in Ftii/rttfciHe —Under the di- I rection of the Qeneral Commissioners, A A. McKettian. i '>. A. Ray, A W. Steel. Wm. McL McKay «.nJ Ino. ' M. Hope. * -1' (he Ilf'i Springn.—Under the 'lireotion of Hector I NJcNeill, Win. .1 Stew'irt. .las. A. Smith, Dan’J (J. Mc Neill ami ('ol AU’X McMilUu, or »ny-I'ae of thetn. -1/ Fh>ral ColUi/e.—Uailer the direction of Dr. Neill ' McNair. l,>r A. I) MiiLean. .\rchih'ild Smith, Kdinuad Lilly rtu*i Col. Alexander Watson, or any one of them •4/ Quernstiale—Under the direction of Murdock Mo- j Rae. D McLeoil. D Mc('/illuiu, .J:is McRae, Jr , and J ; H McQueen, or any one of theisi At Ut^'ier the direction of John Purcell, Jui). McNair. Sion .\lford. l»ug iM Mc('\11nui and Jno McCalliiTii, >r aifV ono of them The .'^ul".ripti,'iii liook^ wil! remain open for the “•pa. e i f 'ill .1 •V'' Wlien ■! sufii'’i>*iu sam is subscribed the ('■■itipany will be m g^tiizi-.i for the )>urpo«e of build uig I U(.ad A \. McKLl'llAN, D \. HAV, A W. STF.LL. \V\I McL .McKAY, J.NO. M .ROSE, tieueial I'oiiimis^ioiiers. F»vetteville, June 7, 1>''’-. H'Jtf Westeru Kallruad Office, i Fayeiteville, N. C . Sept. '11. 1802. i t^t)R iht* purpose '‘f iti('rea«ing ihr* cay iial utock of this ‘ ConipanVv u> enable it to ext tid the R'Vft from the t'oal Fields to -he North ('^irolina Ro»*.ii ttie following tfeuilf’ieu liave peeti appointed ('’ommi-'iiouer.-i to re ceive subserib rs in th»*ii JHveiiii i.oiifhborhi'.'ln. viZ: .\t Gulf—L J Haiightou. Riooks ll.irr; . l-r Geuigc i' .>ewby and (J W-i!*hiTigton .Vbrvvp th«* rtulf—Jno J }o: James F Rives an>l Hugh \V Di.t'-n. ■\t (i.e nui—G W' Guldstnti, l»r L W Uorrell and N M \W.-n. \bi''»i H II —llivrn’;ey. .V 1$ \1 ir-h dtid J'li Pace ■\! F It; t M’’!- -L*:- H M F ju-*! .ni L'r J l> Grrtve-* At Fr I’^klinsv'il': "inJ vieini>—IsaMC 11 Foust ai. 1 .V Horn'".. ■\t .^shebor.>’—Ji nathat. Worth and B F HooTer. At N w M-irkeT—.le.sse \V lk»r and .Toseph N(*wh'i At Th,)tnaxvilie— \ G Foster and J:i ' W Thom-ts •\t H’gh IV.int- l>r R C Lind«>»y and .'‘esbnrn I’erry .V' .'"ilom—Frt»nois Fries and R L P.itterson. A' Green«>ioro' C P 'dewdcnh-iil, PetL'i Adauit. iij'i J \ Uilmer «n.l Je^«e H F,inJHay InatruiMiono will he sent to the (’omnii-ssi'ifiers at an carir ilnv the President of tho ('ompauv r;4t( ' J. .M ROSE. .Sec y W' R R Co LOOK AT Til IS! Tin: FivmKviLLi: Frouting 300 I'eei and fn the bn*^iness portidu of ihe Town, coiitaiiiM more MpacioiiM and well ventilated Koohim than any Hotel ill the Mtate,' and my l^atrons .'»ay nj}’ Condiments are very yooJ tor the times. T. WADDILL, Proprietor. May-.’o, lSt>2. -7y FAYETTE vFlLE MrilAL INSrRIVCE COTIPAW. V AEjILARLE toi* ^ale. 1 OFFER tor sale my PLANT.\1’10N, 2 miies wesi oi Carlha^ie .Mo?ie ci‘>unty which is a Giisi -lu i .'hw ,\li I wil! rei ive' in piym-'nt money or lively Nv>jro» '■■nriiDing J'»0 ac; ■.*« ' u t'otic.ii Gin .n ! Scow Stale lionds. (.Vmfederate JOHN MOlll-^ON. H VOI-'H (’(l|l\TRV l>S flLLl.M;! AVl.VG bl en d.?t >.r. I- f'ruMii!>r rvi u , ■ us . t' VAf.ilMltiiE lor Sale. 1(>FFER for Sikle mv PUM’ATION ou • IcOend in'!. (’reck, G tuilef wt>i (,>f ( Ijiu/ c ii the ^■!l-iIi of Ihe ''o^’l Fields, cotii.-iiniun 21tji) ucrcs. whicti is ;i!j pr-liictive as au> i-iuds in I !io coutUy of Mmjie. The improvemi-tits ^oi'i :i!ij t!ie ■'iiuuiinu h.alihv T rms lihfral. Ju!!N )N. Ill VVK aii''U! aOOtl icres more, in 'ifTerenl tiau' - in Ihe county ot ^foore, — Farming; .Mineral, and I'ur- peuime l;in 1,--wiii.'ii 1 w ;Il el. un i.o- r.al term*. JOHN MtJRlSoN Tliiiee*.*ii Laiid:^ lor Nale. In \VL an ucei i ;:i.--Miiid ii. si ii ict of \( III'^"' .III ihi w ti'i'u of !i. I Ki -‘t oil w loti t'l -II %i rt i I ;-llt lll l p'tl- -lltputl-t. rttl'l !in l il of gi'ii I t, I Ip ji,.-!-. vvtll Wt.riliy eeii .Kiot! .nve^i C',ii,.ii JOK.N Mup.lSO.N .'Hrih'igv. Nu% i.; i''Hj ,77-ii \« TSt'g'.. I )!:R‘^I.'.N ■ ft..shin,; t., l.my I'CWN I llOpKi.n wili.K. I -.veil 111 i'.'iil '11 'h • sub.-i rib r 1 wri si'; 'ii reas .n ill lerni'' i;iy ilnii- ' lu.i L .|. 'iMviiiii al-^' a d Kiton r;, 8L:iolii' huu-^v 'i!i I j£i .id »'i '.! >.f water .\ ^o. t'>U' To*'n L'iH witii kTn ■ 'i^ibi-- i iorc-i.n aii l > ooiiv. nieiit. and . n-' ; joi!n;is ihi- . vu ' • pension of tiii- .iperation of the cui-^cript l iw. perniii conscripts ‘in 1 o'ti.'rs;- ! tispiw.'t t-> .r-i i'l C'.ttipiitit. s (if their -wn i'H. Thu-’ by voiiai toi-rin ' y.u wil' ^ivoid ^lein^ 'irceii iiit; I'le 'Mi.ocripl catu 1 ,'i!n aiix 'U.'I ■ Vj'eei'e reernrMir (' iti' K: ! '3 company from .\io"re enuuiy. ir if dc.^irfd 1 wi^l i. ' anv w'.io wis'i to j in uherci. '.i anirs of this coinm in I. T • those who would 'iV iid lu‘iug torced i- n the war. I apfieat to them in coui’- ^ m w i. volu"i.'er like tn- an 1 ;issis‘ iv d i‘. iiip: tl: - iiiv td;'';; f«-.‘ fruiu our .S;ii‘ I simll he haj''>y t i mt'-t ii .• w li > i\'el liite ■. oUintrf riiipj at the foliowiiiif n:ne“ nnd fhic — Keli ■' .'^lO'**. F. iinrtvy tlth. Sioa .’s •• •• '.'(h Swan's .''l iti'in, “ lltli. I Jone'^Soro' •• IXih. ,\ Ui)i..fN. Lieut. 'o. F, .'iMlti lieg't N. •' '1'. Fil’' ( reek .'•Jilis, .M'liiii' ’■ , J-i'.. •".* Hiji.J c’-lled to the following order. J K KVLE, ’ap> Co. R. 62d Reg’t N. C T. Mftctnn'i i Dnt>lin Co , N ) J in’y 2->, lSi;3 T '.to tlOF H (’ irtb-ijii \:so. -i'- ii'Tes of L .nd ,. i.ieM for w -.id \ .\i RRVS.-!(jN. r>Ai: TO 4 0 !*’!>»: b. i n lfi:,i!. . i,v 1 i.r if!. for thii iy ■ 1 b- _iv(“ ■ b.,',.'!! s-> f ’.i su-*! endfd hs »iiy c Miii> ::iy w la •^ervict . and t'e theri-by ‘■en;iil- i i ■ m f bi.im'v >t>i I "l tier l)i*n*- tii' prnvided b\ 1 w f v ilunti'e: .j ' I' is (;’i’.ti(i-‘>it iy extn-'.’ted thai tin- tibt> i! :,:i le inrl ol the O'!'. *TI'II.. lit wi'l bl' I.' 1 ' ili.i; ,!ol ] t:; of tti •>.' liabl« I' »;TV tin t.-r the j.: -i.I . volt V'l I ' 11 ' i't U" ' . •1' b "^ :iillg ■' 1 nii;i e. ' V •;= •! ■> '.r : i vic--i. Krid i lOi’ \ \ I ' iyj. on rr'-"iitM-i.: It..if lie t’onscriiit IjIw to alb>w riiiiscri|>ts to j jii. T IF suhs* In • L't-i 1(011 Notice. 1.1 f; ; i i.s V 1 ini 111': •• j to ■ fi'^or.- i '.‘nt I iiHUi t • : scribe 1 K_v 'ieir reo vi i A ;, I • tb;- 'Icivrt. »VI ■ M-t. w.'.l A'i n \KINK 11' V i:i: • . piiri uo'.’_ It S.t,^ b.-en II' 1 I, 'ap' r W I! '■ N. •' I'-.,..;,' I'm- Ili.V iv riil'rttiv lil llii- - i ' b. i: 1*1:' h t(. ■ 1 I M Ft. ! .V i; I\,.iyy .If i ; d I , t O-:-th i ;t ll-ijri,'t Huire : t. ' .rniv r. Co . i;t btO t; ic - yut ■- 'itriy Jai; 3t. 1 ; :. ■ mi'i 1 ir wev .‘iiii'it meti ■ i\ if the O- I Iteg' IT, t>> euH-it 't iliOTIC'E. ,4/W.>7 /Voy,/f.—Harpers’ Weekly, 17th i.d HMIK attention of all absentees from my comp my la January, contains the I'uliowiiig advcrtiSL^iJiMii: “ ('oujtJcrai ^ RrOrl) Jiii.ni i/ —i’ac simile i I'ca- Siury Nuto.«i, xactly like the j^enuine, 85(i0' in ContV'Jerjite Notes ni'the dcnunmiation, sent by mail, postage {aid, on the receipt of ??5, by W. ]i. iijiiloN, 11 iSpvum street, N. i Harper’s WeeWy culls itsi lt tho “.Journal of Civilization.' Yankee civilization, o e-iursf. In no other country in the world could such an anniiuncenien'appear iti a Ncwsj :.|.i r. Sn'-ti un blushing rascality may well doty the world i.ir n parallel. A people who ^lory in the practi. . .aid avowal oi I'cnitentiaiy ciiuks havo bfi^n un known till now in the history of inankitjd. irh lnO,:(l . % •* ArinijalufSur^ Sl'ifi.'t/itit.—'I'hc(^uartt*rin;i.-iir , (lua lal’s lopoi't iliows tliat we have -KI t.i-no ral". Iti.’i liri^ade liriir-tdc- ('oii^niis.sarie.-', L>H) Chaplain.-', -i-U companifs oi ' artillery, rt-oinicnt.s of etivalry and ’ nients of inl'antry. • In the navy wt* l;avi- 4 .\d- niirals, lU (’aptains, l»l Coiuniuiider.-', U'd * n-t i liieutenanr.s, -•) Second Lieutenants. 2G Ma.->ici . , in line ol pmn:otion, I'J 1‘ayuiastef':., lU .\s.'i'i;int P:ivinastt;rs,Surgeons, lo l^issncd .V»if>taiii ' ur ! ;eoii^, MU A-'hi^tatit Surgeons, I Kiminoci in t. 1 iMjf'ineci s, -'J Passed M ! i.'hi},!i: . ti. i-u '■ in^ Midshipmeti, ell- . .■md .n'viv rioaiiu ii, .adni.;i_\ sennien, land-;m»:-:i. boy>;, tiriMiicti and i-oal hoavi-r.s ( 'h't; 'i : '•!)> ^Jil'CUi , \FULL pardon except as to th*> forfeiture of pay for the period of unauthorized abs» nee. is hereby pro- l Ui'ne 1 >o all enli-s'i-! tn- n* absent without leav*, wh-i tii iv v.^^tnlari'y re'urn to their r( sp.-ctive comm.inds on III- b.'fore the loih F'ti’y next, I .All enlisted men v.-li ■ to n it v..^i>H iri!v rcMirn wittiin the time specified, ail 1 all who shall after thin 1 We absent theruwelves from th.eir c 'nimaads without pro} er R4’^0rity will he charij- ed wish (tt-iicriion an t tried hy the new Military ’'oiirl> ni'W in '>"-ii.in If f .iind guilty they will be bentenced to d‘ ';'ii wl.ether jiresi'iit or absent, and commnn Icrs will be i.r ltT-vl to execute the (^ctitence wherever the condemned C4ti be arrcsteil liy eornm ind cf Gen. G- W SMITH Signed S W MFLTON, M l) and A. Gpu. Tu' -i 1-.v ot F. ;- . Ill C. til !' -'I ! ■' .. i !'ites ^ T II try I'oir I, I-. ill M l 'll-‘ 'J l' ISEC'KIJIT?^ %Vi^TEW: i S!100 tSonntf/ fnttt per ^flontti I ■ IH.AVK bi-en ..rdeii-d by M ij Gen (iustdvus W. ; S:nirh tu return lo this jd.ice as a Recriiitijifr ()flicer ' f.iv Cijii. .hio M. Kelbir'- ciiflvany. Col. Evans’ Reg'i, ' Pa>ti“an I’. 'Tipn's. now neir ICtnotnii. A favorable op- i I j'.iriiinii V is m-w itferf* ) to c inscript^ to volunteer "ind ! tl.iH ■•■'are on- Itntidre I lull'irs bounty in addition to iwii’iv li'/e d'd’. M'S pi'r tiionth jiny This branch rf ilie ! i -vi ii'.’ ni rVatily h.-althy as ;he trooper i.s kept : eof.'• v.i'y in .ii .ii n. 'V,- hav.-' ti.-i-n in service eitrbl j ' months and have n‘:t a ii.an by sickness To the ^ rpsciif. Suns i'f the palbint •'•Md North Stftte'. \ onr i t re;>,ren in the field ch'1 npon yon to help them di ive I buck the vil** inva lerp of oiir soil, .\pply '0 ii.: in Fay- ; oifvilp, ,.r to H W, I! ^r.iie at thf Cijurt Hon'c. ! ' .\RCHT> McFA1)V1:N. j L'*euf. - 1 N T ■ wi‘ %diniiii'«tra:or*'H Aotice : I Itlf; ' 1). .un: • III ! I.';.-- i;iiii.a‘i a‘ ; .( ri t .■ t - . ’ • notiti -s all p ., ;v- 'pii'r', Sll '-'I- I. t !• >.'i.un I nrilj .■r-Tll ■!>>■ 1 ti'A I, '■•eil G McNrill. dec " iiiS •'.l!i«!i tl:=- hstiite I ■ ii'.eseat liifiii wiiii;u . n.- uui iiiuiie t b.w, 9*tetw:.~t* iiM'^ notice «i i (> p.f ; ! t m ii'i. ■' ivov.tv Ueb.'.rj are teipi*s;ed 1.' m ik’* pruinpl I'lVmeiit llErrOR M.-Ni:il,i.. Adm r i)it> lU. iHi.J •■'A- I I 'pi. I’f'i.iii t I iii • !l; I i I .;, ■. :-x --.-p.i'1 1 tu.-niti^ 'letive Nlclv. i’ n’ I Frei.ht Trat- Mi>VI>.\N 11 ee; - ' slv.k'' for th«- N !' SM. 1.- Co K. S. I ■ T .-i; • " I ; (iflii-: nxit. KOAi). J I,- ;■ IHr,;. WEATll. .\orit' |'\R I'.WTS is in t w'i I'.tvd All (ipl-rHlli:l| (■I'. f.ii ine I at h’s offi'"'' I (t.ihin.-i-i s ofiine .itn'y ..I. !?! : Hi pd ■ i i-an be coi>- ■n the teeth Dr. 11. W. ■tp.i i: -iV. K. t O i , k. '.'clocK P \vi; uNi:.]> ville dai’y, •\ .M.. nil i ri: M . tnd FRIUAV - I 14'. i,.- .* liie Presi l-n! .iNu M I’nSK, Ti.^K H a\ C > ?i> ! - o' rurp'ntiue H haU'i, V . I uni I r .1 wi~b to puict ise \ls.i, I U'jtice, :n the b"-i' 'Jiatitier F teville. N . i» ;adv to I' ntine til tho-e u 10 reiiare i ‘> at I. WOOJ VO -5i' • d OVMNG ' I acriber i 3)1 per shoe Hou^i: ■I the t h ;j-• CoUip»'!le 1 «^IIOEI\4*. in Ilie prii e of Ir^ a t e riU' rai-e ttie pi ice ot sh t-inij ^ H- Joes ilii- wi'h veluctatic . tiui i'- aece-isiiy wili be a» ,.ar«-nt to iii.-f cw^t'^mers n-ien L- staien, that I i> ir ;u alone u-e t ia niakit.ir shoes cost- more than half of his charge, and more twice u- tnucb H-> he fvttuerlv recenred for iron and shje ujf .1. VV V, Et>SH. Fity«»ttf»vili. .I>vn’y 2, 1'5'i' '.'1 'iw d .«^rt.jAK BRLS. .SUGAR I! - J on consienmeu', t.v Jt>S UTLEY y.jtf an- n * •1 P ir t. GeU' . i i' l ai nine miles - 'vi.;: .nj: I ■ sui piy - .■ ! by i| plyinir io t-vili.*, 1-, E Pajie. M AILLIVMS. Superintendent. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand *nd other assets. J2G7,'’.sH 2b o.'*77 35 ^ltf OrrOA VARA. No. Hay Slrvet. 1 T P. .MALLETT. ■ s^- id Tobacco on Consignment ,t .. ,j, t,. R'lCe and 1 lO R 'xes .Manu- V irio’i- o'l I'l'ies For s-ile by GKO W. WILLIAMS & 0- :4. 16*i2. t)3tf AOTllE. • from home a few months in ,.11, ''i^Leari i« my authohted iiv ..’.r;u(>i'S I'mil I rfciuru. N. 0. JONES. '^•Xif \ Mer thi^ date I will I ; .- euis per pound lor rajts de- i-r I ii- r I", •.•et'eville, or e.t» my mills I) MURPHY Total. $272.76n 61 The Company have paid alf losses promptly, and hav« never made an assessment on their premium not«s. Total losses paid. $29,t>82 69 Officees; OEO. McNElLL. President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. McMILL.\N, Sec y. Dikectors; Henry Lilly, W'. N. Tillin^rhast, H. L. Myrover, P. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, W'm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, 15 Jan’y lt> JOJ^. ITI. EV, Grocer ttnd ,'ftirch($nt, rAYKTTKVlfJ.E, N C. Jan’y Itt. 1^03. ',':;-tf A\TEI>. 4 T the Fayetteville .\r^eaial, Fi ur or Five GOOD BL,\('KS.*'ll I’HS, to wh )tn jrood wages and ■‘teady employment will be given At ply to or address 'Pill 1 LI Lt J. A l.’ol. V A. W. Steel. •J. 0. C«ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, H. F. Brown, > , A. E. Hall. [Wtlmgton. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling .Vgents |tgf“The Company invite applications. .May 28, 1861. 21- C. B. Mallett, Jumet* Kyle, \. .A M'oKethan, J. L». TV'illiams, S. W. Tillinghast. Jan’y 1863. deL.VGNEL, .\ , roinJ'g. 0 ;tf AOTIi E ^A 1/l'r n-‘ij;nnu-ii! tj\ VV willTois Jl ' o i% %ATEO. 1 WHF.AT. i iRS . I) .vi' urt !i'le“ I ) :ral tiir 1.1! M r. i-''i vel r.ivill.i. Ill .-'.iiiaT . \! FX l w '.11 I ei eive rii.i Mason. ■ ti,- '.i.b'i-ri Il «; Oollar^ Keward. -iibjcriber. iiis negro boy MO , ir- ..f a-'e, about lV-t ]0 inches ■I'. 1 \.'ry uiiiidi tiirne 1 out ai the I '*..11 jp V- V 11,1 WH.J set'll at n 'hii 21s: ti:t . ■■ i ■■ ■ jjd. The ly lo I!'.: or tur I’l > ti. ■i.-l, , t 1 /.-t W A ;ETI! The Xew Style, Small, I'OLOKED PIIOTOUKAPHS, AT i ART. %Voodward% Solar Camera. I)H()TOflR.\PHS can be had at Vanor-'dell’si Skylight j Gallery, Hay street, opposite Murble \ urd. Fay | etteville. N. (^; plain, retouched, colored, in water j colors, oil and pastile; fioiu sm^ll to life sw.i?. .Viitbio- types, Melaneotypes, and ali other styleii of Pictures {leriain- g lo the Art Also, tlill Frames, Giit Mould- I ing, tJ' f s foi vory large fiictures—as large as 2ii by inches. Jord and Xassels for hamming pictiirc.s; Inatru- iiients, Stoek .and I'hetiiioals iVir sale low for cash Life »iie colored Pliotogr.ijdis made from small pictuie.s. Miwing permaneiiily loeated liTe 1 hupc to uieril yoiir patronage 1 w.iuld also letuni my sincere thanks for the liberal jiatronage bestowed on me heretofore by : the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. VANORSDELL, I Photographist and Proprietor I I'ec’r 20. Ibiiit 77- In.VVE yet for ?alf: one hundred and tifiy thousand CHOICE FRUIT TREES, which I am selling oil'at old prices CYRUS P. MENDENHALL .Jfan. 0. 931m Copperaxs! Copperas!! ,)/vik LBS SUPERIOR qCALITV COPPERAS. .-Vlso It* I'ierces Ffilv''H RE.\T RICK. For sale by PK M RE RTON \ S L) A .N, •lan'y S, IKt;:^. '.'2;f Dec. 22. sAi/ri for sib* bv «AI/I'!! RORI'RT MlTi’ilKLL. SHif 100 SACKS OF SALT; lU Bills S.il .'^oda, f T soap making; b'lXe- J. ,\ Lonjt s best brands of Tobacco; oU Bbts Prime Sugar; ^•'itl l/'S Sole Leather Jos. .1. WORTH. Dec’i' 22, lJ"ti2. 2in A liar^e iliirliaiii t'o\% U'l'l'H a N i un,i '«'f. till *>ale. l> AVIlt Ml Riun . .lan’y o tt Tri'as'r sn i .Xci'g Tra 'S. Vij't. Jin 'J'J. I'-i';^ ‘.'7tf Wkstckn Rvii. 'hov?' Uffu’i:. ^ Ka\>'tlcvi!l‘. \ I'^R't'f at;d ifier th Nt lav of Feb !’reiif!it on this ^ Road will be ST!^irTLV •'A'^H.'to tic } :i/tr . whfii f’eieht is -I'nt t i or deliver-d from 'ti*> U:*T' ■: I’v order of tlic Pre I't J\i*. .M. K i.^K, Trc-.-s :• H. 1 A.;, I'rai. Ag‘ '.•7 '*1 Eu%i»t t oal ^liiie. 1^'lE undt-rsi^ii-d were, a! llie Nov.'i> ''.t T--rrn of t e Confedern!e t'oiiri. iJi-iiricl "f N jrin ^'aiolina, a, - i'ointe'; VlKua-:'rs of i;ie Fgvp" '’'il -Mine t'Tuperr , and have e-iten d ii-.to cop'»rini rshi[i for the pu:po--. li mining and selling Coal, and i 'licit orders for the > mn.^ in any desi'^ed nuti.ntiij. Oidoiri for atiy amount can be supplied on -^hort notice. Tiie Uortl tr -m itiis pro perty i> un luubted’y the be-t in tti** t l ufedeiate Staie. .\pplic 'lions may be ma le to ' .'laa 15 .Malleti, Fayetti- villtt. N t' , 01 J imes IJrowne, rharli-si; ^, S. C THARLES n MALLETT. JVMLS RKoWNE Fayeitevdle. Jati'y 20, I860 '.t'itf 10 R NAI.E. “IVIOU^^TAU'J HOTEL,” (’. ^111' Iargi‘ . sribiisiiinen', ;»itna e in me ti wri d Mor- uiti'ti N C., i.' now •■tS-ri-d I'^r - ih Terms ma'le known 'M application tn J. M H.VPPOLl>r, •Morganton. N. Jan. 19, IHr,;^. '.'7 oinpd W. U. UltHAlll)SO\ ^ CO., Stock Brokers and Commission rflGrcliants, KAEEItai, A. i'. on F'ii/rttcv,Ur S;n'r/.\ ll'^lLL give particular iitteniiuii to sales «d ptuYdihSO:i of Statv m 1 nfeder.ato b I’ld-. H ink an i ■ t Iht Stocks, ool'eeti ’a of ^ af's, and an- ' coniiec:. c with the-different l"piartnient - of the Siaie ir iverni- • nt Bank note-t of all Southern Si ;tes liougat and sold. O. G. Parsley. Wiliuington. W. A Wriput. John U 'Vil uns. FayetteYi-.l.*. W. G Broaifi *. J. .1 Rlackw I -J, Chari itte. VV K Lane, W.ay ne ''ouniy. .lohti 1). Whittor l, 1 iven tj I’liity. Hot; Thomas RufTin, ;am-.rt’c Count» . Hon W. N. Evlw.ards, Wirien ('ounty Hull 1) VV ('‘.iirts. Rofkingliam I' lunly. H »V Guion. Lincoln Comity And citizeii* of Raleifrh, genetally. Ji;n'y 13, Hiid. im SOAP! SifWl 1\'d n vr makitiir atiij k-n-i' l onn intiy (oi hand, at n;\ Faciorv on I’-’v-ori slrcei. FAMII.N I! \ R S'\P. V wtiolesale aiiit retail. .\LS«) Pla'ii, V.vi'iegai-d, l‘erl.i:ij‘d, :uid ili'iwu \Viiilsor Toilfl and .'^(i ivitij S.>ip‘ ,\ supijdy kep! 'or ivitil n* 1 V* 1-■> s in f li»llinifsworlii’s 'i trib-!-- prii.iiptly ti:;- I Lard and l ill.iw w-.n: -I. i-i.;''- t lash pr'-^es given ^!0\E1 LOJST. hi- :FR:ii\V m.^niii.'z :Ti it near the B.iok Store, a roll of C.nfeiler t ' . ;sury Notes. The fit.der will )ie liberallv rewar !• . , n returning the nio- ney ; F J Halo .'i Sons .l iny ri.o%\>i A.Ai> rs.ow poiat?^, \LL numbers! c-n be 1 i a M A P.\KER’sGnu Shop. i>ii Hay Str’>et, oi'pn^^ite the old ^v^^on ^ ard. j Fayptt*-ville. N (' F di'v 2. 18^)3 '.i'.t Im I .Ml orders fi r 1 .1.-riNGS executed at the short est notice and on most reasonable terms Highc:?! ctsh pricf' paid t’or ol 1 Iron and Brass. M A BAKER__ nAt'IIIAEUV rOR SAEE. VSLT of P.Ui'KEr v1.\CH1N1;RY, will make y style* ■f KuckL-ts, Half-Bushel and Peck Mea.otires, and with a ' ot of comfieteiii operatives 10 doz. Buckets caa be ir 1-* fier day. Vl-io, one of Pa2''s Improved Giit Mills with bolts for Wheat and Corn M.\KFPE.ACE & McR.AE. Jan. 27 98 4tpd ItiachMftiiilt l4» Hire. \t>. 1 VV. riini.iii. Vddie'i-* ‘V\ .' til I til.'' othof. l>ee Palma I'iiritf^ti ifieasas. riibsei ilier will ji'^y the liiuhest i-ash pi ii.- any quantity d Palm.i ’hti.-iii Reins. foj- J A. VVcjRTil. OtII. •tn'lN >(iN o2it' -. : : . . M wr' ..li kin-i' • : .y U'r I -Il 'a;. leathi-i : ' • Ag lit' .t ^ .. vr ! I J ' ) N.»; Wag Oil til i can si-H'i tiieir ;il ,nd Hi ‘- R 34tf f-IIIII l^rabie lor r^ale l»y J. R LEE tJ9if j REWARD. -1 I iHi I* I e ward to anyone I . :ii; n p’c. iilieTille >1 negro VI i‘ ,,i • . lenc ■'.n Fr i iynight S • 1 il. •• .1 ;xi' ■- about I. l;..-i lo bi- tliick, a • -i ’ , u I. wiiti tliiok lips Siie is '■! .!■ -ib.iv- re»t'i t ■ ' '■•Mli 'i i-r .. '•1 ii.amr. I ■ • > e t ift -.'id pbiei-. • ^ TL KKli ( Ifli A Fayei teville.'>ei. H. A I. FitESH •'lil i>’.y A -'o, a few or s-ii* by , 5| A i\ IC’S. Funner' v PI in’ei '-. ^fd 1' t I’liratir * !•: .1 (f \l.i: ,v. .(' i' .S Th^i p'.ib’io'.. t - havi rai-| 1 ih-' een’M eaei ai whirii pr;"‘- w •.''ill s^-l’ sfi- ir. Kalt anil Toliaeco. I^OUM-* SALT snd LE.AF TOB ACCO, at wholes.ale or )0 retail, at ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTira. J-m'y 28, IH' :’.. 98-ltpd_ Richmond^ Va., Jan. ^4tii. V.S I iearn my name i" r-ohl'slied >s a deserter, the E litors will do me a t-vor 10 pn’^lish this. l;'(':ipt. Horne wishes to know where 1 am. if he will come to the VVin i Hospital :ie can st-e me. I have written to him'twice since I have been here, Vott re- cei’^ed >10 ani-wer. I was sick here for a lonir time and am now detailed to wait on tiie sick. Surely (’apt. Horne did not receive my letters. But he c.innot denv my leaving his companr honornbly, when iie so often t 'id me that he was willing lor me to leave it. ('.m-3tpd] DAVIl> POWELL. AOTK'E. ON Fii^lay oftiie we»'k of Feliruary County T'ourt. iu Robeson county', being the 27th of the month, I will . el! on a credit of sis months, at the rciidence of J «fph Biggs, in said i^ounty. JNeveiiteeii IJkelv Voiins Ae^roew, It' USLHOLD and KITCHEN hURNlTUHE, and other articles of a perishaole kind. NEIlL .McNEILL, Executor of the Will of A Davis, Sr. J in'y 2*1, 1'"'63. 98-ts AtrriCE. 'I’llE Subscritii*!' offeT^ for .-^ule his PL.ANT.ATION. 1 containing ■lo,'-. acre.-^. with 150 acres cleared Land, within a 'ew minuips walk ot Lautinburjh l)epot, V\ C. X R R R. Oi, the premises i-J a I wo story dwelling and all ni’oe^sarv outhouHes. Also, joining said tract can tie h .d 631 ncit*s, with 200 acres cleared lami. On the iiremisoH ;?i ti gnod tw > story Dwelling and all ue- c.'-snry nutii(tli'e>'. Persdn-i wishing i i purchase wil! call soon or - ddreis me at Laurinburgji. N ('. H «' McLAURlN. Jan 2h 9.S-6tpd .li‘utliiiuu’ti“rs ijirollin:: (Iffict'r UliJ’un. iiisl., ^ \V 1 l.M i NOTON , .N - t’,.laii I, ist»3. Jl ri^IlE C iitiiiandiiu-- iblieers of Regiments of N C .Mili- I (ia. in the It. i’ongiv*;slonal District, are hereby II,.titled to bring the i^onM'rip's between the aties of 18 nu't to yi-tir^i. within their R. gimenis. to the Court Hou- t-e- of their ri^-ipei i've coii; !ii **, for e.xamination, at the iii>ii-'i hiTcitiafa*'' mentione'^ .New 11 anovi I t o., 2'id and 2'd Regs n - The jilantei'.s of Alabama, t ! or '■ ;.;i:i, f lorida and the t'avolina>, hold the i’ato I the country iii thcii hand.", lu t’ufin niueh ir ‘ iriven. atul of l4icin inucti will he ruj'iircd. 'J'ji’ y must furni*-h most of t.hc sufiplifs not only lor ' the armies in the field, but fur the people ol all ’ II'.e ('onl'iderato States. t«re:it i.-> the ta.-ipoti'i- ' bilit}' re.stin” upon tho j)Iantci> ol‘ fiic.se Statr> We havf Cotton enough on hand fur all purposi s. Hvory acre t»! open ground dinuld be put in i^rain of .some kind —Suianttuh Jitjinhhcaii. Fi'hUiy vf i —Numerous inst:^iees ol the hdelity ol the dor have beon put on record Iroin time to time, and the army correspotident ot rht, Philadelphia Inquirer relates the followin'^ fresh proof, a.- witnessed on the bloody lit Id m-ar • F rederieksburo : (^n Monday last as lion. John Covode, eom- puay witli a number ol officer.s, was pa.^sin^; over the battle tield beyond I'rederieksburLr, their at tention was called to a small do” lying by a corpse .Vlr. ('ovode halted a few minutes to see il litc was extinct. liaii>ing the coat from the man ■ face, he found- him dead. The dog, looking wist fully up, run to the dead man's lace and kissed his silent lips. Such devotion in a small dog was so singular, that Mr. Covode examined some pa pers on the body, and found it to be that of Ser geant W. II. Brown, Company C, Ninety-First Pennsylvania. The dog was shivering with the cold, but re fused to leave his master’s body, and as the coat was thfown over his face again he seemed very unea.sy, and tried to ijet under it to the man’s face. He had, it seemed, tollowed the regiment into battle and stuck to his master, and w'hen he tell remained with him, refusing to leave him or eat anything. As the j^arty returned, an ambu lance was carrying the corpse to a little grove ol trees for int«rment, and the little dog following, the only mourner at that funeral, as the hero’s comrades had been called to some other point. A CuHtioH.—Great care should be taken that the matter tor vaccination should come from a perl'ectly healthy person. A death occurred iti Augusta, (Jeorgia, on Monday last, uni^^r very shocking circumstances, from erysipela.s, or sonip similar disense communicated by vaccination with diseased matter.—Pt tt rshun/ E.:pi-'ss. Fi' Fay.'lfeviU*-, Jan’y I i JON F.S. 1 2n>]it AOTICE. ^I'HE i,liscii' > r wish ■' to p.iri no- a I'l ilPKN l'lNr, I STILL, i.f .‘'Oine !•') 2" nai f. 1 cap;n'1 , l.ir which a reasnnatile ptiee will be given. Tiiose having to sell, will give !iie 3\t' in 1 leng'h of us me. IS wei’, a- Ihe price f,ir it- t.diverv a' i rollin'Tf'r's D-*poi. o. the VViliiiingion and 'au/'oi 1 •' •! lad Rich- m ind oil lit v ’V. F Li: VK RockinghMiti. .Ian’s 1“ ‘.'i-iiii d Rriiii-wii k (' du:ii!... Roiiesoti Rich moil.'1 RIa den 'U'ltlli i-i llld “ Harncit " Surge ins will t. .'.nth i7i il obi h and 5’.*t h ii' ':h and jl?t h •jod and -J II h r>2d e iu atli-iidance . Ian. 20, 21,22. 2;'.. •• 2»1, 27, 2b, 2i'. Feb'y 2, 1. -j 0,10,11,12. ‘ t'i, 17, l^ 1'.' 2:!. 21, 2.1 2*'i March 2. 1. t>- •• IK. It, 12. iuring' the itays ai>- ■ .•vti'^- ■‘■s I ’ tliose onti •j || xN.'.W.W ft -1. .Vlt N. • -1-. ,,n tie rtail II ad. n- ir Hr >wn Via!-ii. in N-'v. i; ItEWARi). leo-. ’!iar'oii^^ liibct ast. IiM'ias 1;. T. HU«;H k l*'ayefe%iSSe, lan’v -20, |P»)0- 8=- Oroceriesi 4wroc€riess:t A LARGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sid‘ s. Mess Pork, .Mullofs, Mackor > Nos 1 and 2, Mohi.ss.'«, .Sugars ol al ' grades, Tobacco, Cig«rs. And all other artioles usually krpt in a W'holesale Uro I cety Establishioent Wiliuingiou, April 2, l&til. COX. KENDALL a CO. lOtf mv negr 1 ftirl [»Kl.L I'hos.io n = l i- N'. i ' ; ibnut 6 tcv t ii ur 1: vhi-s n’w., very wrij. put ur', and ^ith a luootii bi.ck .-kin. Stie is s!ippo^i;.l toii'iv.' tti,k*‘n i:p wi. h a frc;-n’gri'- tub in the BroA'u Matsii n.-ighlKirliood 1 wiil ^:ve ttie atiove rewaidtor l-i-r ilt 'iv. ry t'- tm* in F »yelievii!e or $V) fo; Jier eontinem -ut in any jail s,i that I can gel b r. JAViKS P ROBERT.'ON’ Jan 23. ij7.tf .'t'O'l'iClJ. HL UM)1‘.’?'^!GNLL. b ■ . a iviii,^ or.i. ivd i.'ic iitili- tary service of t !ie '-.nte it-rate States^ ni Anieriea hereby give notice to their old eustouiHr-i un ) tVicKir, that they have appoiuied .lohii L». St.n r and Joliu 1>. VVillianm, tiii.- -i. t!i! ;r •iMoiai. v tn c.^deci ■ hei 90|arateij or coiijoii'ly '.!: ■ ; yj in-.-’it eiiW, ■ {,j account or no'c. ''.-i. it'.-i ' h>, ( siii;ss genera!!) t.u- iiir r • -■ 1 ; ■ , , -e-, r-c , fnl’.y ask a.l pcr' iri MsJi-hi.'d to he;-, inc iii pr, ;p> ly HS possible on their rv 1 -iiake p i,meal. Sj^iKR Ji WlLLlAMj. ' Sept. 19, 1861. 58-tf |J . Ill W.O 1 lit •'.n t • .ifitoiiiefit 111’. i!--ii’o I- y in- VI- i“ ' oi ■ ;k* ..lie low. ig-‘ SI out •oiili. D in'(he ; '\V5 I'. ;r. . VV I i- HMU' .1 tl'l (’it: app I er to,*"i. b r lie ii!i' nany aei:)u--nnTa' i.. the -i-hbo''b‘od of Si. I’^.oi’s. tiiei" is n.t d-’Ulii 1(1 luT'u to th» country ‘vu i s plf ce i'’*_v.'tte\ dll-. Jau’y 21. mi-ii'j ,i..i ; ^ la^i mg un r lip i., '-.ie. u ,S jiKTO-S .jve-* livr in e 111 "a* : r so from 'Si- s-.'miba iif jir. vi 1 -d :T la v iiher .MuCOilQU'iD.aLE. !)('i If T' 4';fl>l»av^e ?^eed! H^abha^ie « UNt''»MBE C »BH.\GE SEKD. f; sti an i r .1 VV. 1 Seed!! ireniii:ie. at VV. LE'rr s. 9 l-2m in v 1’>. iSO-j. Lo«it or ?SiMiaid. C!’n r \T'^ no!* I'jade by 1 ,a2 Well-' cf Wibii' it, . (.. .\ .-ii.tvdd *ii L .;c hl'i A nd’. d .d lir.' o .1 I ;'.r. .“aid noi’, !•:' '‘i' p lyi ietii The fin let' will confi r a f>.v. •■It t- .\ a I t :on. Five ■ ' *r ‘ r t’le l t i tr id • for .' I- leHil at ,[ (le l uing - e same to Fayetteville, Jan’y 31. iVRCHlB.VLD .vlcLAl’CHLL\. , 11 'J9-2tpd ‘ p.iinted, to examino and pr mt r.ed to them. . ’ . , The f. 'lowing orders, whi-h ha'-e been piiblisheu by the Adi itaut :^ud in-peetor C.. nentl of the C. S Army. f„r the ext niiion of th.- Conscript. Act. will be strictly ciniodout; Ml l>w.' ’.nd rpgurition-i aiip.urtible to ioserters shall b.' ii r'lie i tosu -ir f’ors.-ripi • as f il lo repair l‘-. the p' .1!': endez\’OM« f(.r e:irollni -ni, nr who h i! dc-seri allt'r enroilineiit .\'ii :tie .(ri oipi. . •! tor ihe appreht-nsion and coolin -ni of d—j.'; or- atm ih-.r • van-'p.in a 1011 t the ooiiiomi.,1 of thoif r«'speciive c.oii-'i.uidtr ■. -h I’.i > ap- plb'vblc :o persons liahb* to 'iuty as conscripts who tjhall fi.il to rer.^-ir t-' the place or rcvidezvons •fl. r t'Ue publicatioti of the call. .All applic:iiion.- lor exemptii^'i imtst bp -ii.ide in v#rit- dn'y .'Worn to before an actiiii^ .lustico 01 the Pence a'd bt ariDg iii^ ♦'rtiti.'e of the Clerk it the t ounty Court, u.^ lpr the senl of 'hf Coii"t. At plicatior, • must be in dupliea'e. :ind sent through the l -oloneis of Mie Kejimeuis. Pe.son.J ^i'aimiiig exemption nitisi hand in iheir ap- plica'i ai -lUCc to the Colonel' of their respectivt re- g'.i’ietl!S. , .\ll C n-crip!s will Cuine ]irepared with three days rations 1 >»d blanket, ready to proeeed at once to Ca '.ip Conscrints at Raleigh. WM M. SW aNN, Enrolling Officer. .\pproved: W. 11. C- Whiti?o, l iiK. '-Jen. t.omd’g. . , J. a’v 8. 'Xntf. 4 LOT of II. ‘ prf u.ar br>nd, -Confederate” SNL’FF, A P>” up J yf LETT. Jan’y ‘2V, 1863. , "jG*3w lloiitedei’atc Statf*^ ol Aiiic'rifa: In t'unfeuerate Disinet Court foi me Di'inet t ai.e Fear, in the Disi.- ot of .Nonu'(..ata lina. at S. it-bury Di-cemtiHr Term. 1802. GENERAL ORDERS, r. The Clerks of the s«>veral District Coiir:s wiil n,'t i'j'-iie execuiion i-jrcosi.s, in 8ei[ui->.iiv!.iiou fayes. un til tliree months after decrees, to enatile def>-ndanti to pay into court without execution. 2 1 Defendants paying co-ts to Marshal, in SeijU-"; tration cases, will tile m the xuvej*tl fMerks'^ Ofii- ces. on or befor ■ .'Spring Term, ISC..:, ihti receipts of Marshal, to enab!^ tiie I'leiks lo ascertain what will be due tor interest ai Hie t;xpiraiiou of twelve month.s from the lime of the decrt'c. •Sd. Defendanis against whom decree.^ were entered at last Spring Term, will pay fo the R-oeivers the in- t**rest th.at mav accrue an ) rtjninin unpaid, within three months afier Spring Term, or ex^-eiitimi willis-*ue therefor; and they will be subjected 10 ihe*0*ts of Is suing and eullectiag itie same. 4lli Receivers to whom .ieciee.-, in part or in whole, are paid, must imta diately ni'ify the Clerks of such ■'payment and the (’h rks wil' noL issue • ^.'cutinij W{^eu ( a) inotila^re thus made Ordered, by th.-i'i iirt. that the ClerV of this Court cause publiealion of ttie aliove General Order t« be madew. fkly, for four con.secutive weeks,,in the raomhs of .taniiary and F 'b’uarj, in the State .iouinai, Fa\ t))>«Tver, .A«ih.'ville New 1. ('urolina W iicL»i)'in anl-W'ii innu'.iun Jiii.r'-al .\nd I'uriiiHh ^ eoi y ihereofto the (deiks. of ihr hisii le.i (’oiirts I'f Pamlie. atid .Aitierniarle. 10 iji‘ .spread iipou the t e..r.Js oi •'aid Coun>. .AiU'^t. IAS lOLEM a'N, t’l’k (• D C ,!an. P'llh. l>:‘o'5 . *’C-4w i\orl II I'arolf iia B^esiflerjSi* V JIOOi'. ',Oi!K'. j'c hec*iming vi ry scare*.-, but we ^ havi> on hand a good stip.plv of th ' NORTTl C.\RO- LIN.V I! M \ i'^".RS. ^-os. ' aiv) : tiy p. ■ v Pi if. - jor '!ub lurd ol Ihi- !'niyersitj' of N-orili ('ar ilina anil N ■ ' by lifv ( M V't iley, Sup.'v.iii Mi.ieiil of (^oniiii -u Si’iiools ■f N rih I'arolina hir l uaiomers having well nigh e.xa .asted oiir f^;ock of Northern Readers inh lud wlo-nt.*!. K>ir commenced, ^e .hope will iiow turn their njtte-i’ion >0 ih^sc ..loks by uome autbi rs, rather than allow their cni.dren to do without reading book.->. . , For sslj only at the oM retail prices of -o cents 38 cents, and 7-') cents. R. J. Feb y 1. iSfia- HALE & SONS Wi THK XOaTU CARWLi.VA IIFE I.SSlIKAJifE COMP.iNt, VfOW in the ten^h year of succe'-.«ful operation, with growing capital and firoier hold upon puli': ' con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy oer- sons from 14 oO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. ■All slaves from 10 to CO years of age are iti.^ured for one year c- for Sve ye-vrs for tw-,> third- ir v a A.I losses ar® punct .ally paid within 9t day- r satisfac ory proof is presented. For f irther infona.tion the pubi' i.- ri- Agents of the Compatiy in all parts c he R H BATTLE, Secretary Ra' .v.h E. J. HALE. -Vij at at Jan’y 1869. FayctteTille, N. C. to 1-1 to

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