\ w L. All. ill SRIWI-WKKK li Y. I'AVf-/|''|'KV ILLK, c.. I'KnuiJAin l‘J, [NO. rjo*». ol : V , o V.»NV\Vr- 'Vl« THURB1>AV.S. KUWUrO J. liMK X SOI^S. , r *t:. l^R« rPTlTKTOHfJ . S-’!vi 'Vrokiy l)usERVER 00 if paid in ‘ !i' psii (liiriue the year of HuV>-crip- V ' -irt.T t'.f \par ha» ex^.ir*-.!, i»i.-KPVKK $*J iX» per ^luiinm. if pai>l in ■■ - ' ■ pHi'i 'hiring the yenr of su>>'Orip- ■■' nfter the year h.-i-* expire ! X VKRTISKMENTS inicrtpil for cents per ■ ^ line!' for the first, and ^0 cents for enoh : ;-.jt .iiMic.uioii. Yearly alvertipement« hy tpe- Hi reasonable ratef Advertiser* are , !o .ate ihe iiumbftr of inseriious tiesirod, or r.iutiuiii'd till fcrhi.i. nri.1 oharpe'l nooont ■ier —•••m-nt* .•.■.tiiiuiif t l f harjjr I ur» t.l uieui- SPR" >OTirF m»aa Uer tKii il»»t^, uo aanie ut a uew 5uli«'ri>ier ii'ered wittiout pdvmrnt lu ad?an.H*. nor will >j nt t 1 ^nch miH.^oriher? for a long-er tim.* i‘>id for I I .T oil subi.Titers hs de^ir.- to take thr pa n ill y«»(ein wtVi rkottl'y >ih when tuaWiu^ . .'e* laii'j 1. Il\wr. .WrJv. A.ttomey at Ijaw, I'ayetteville, N |\! I'.t^nd the County and SuperiiH" Otiiirt-i ;.f \ ' iiiberland. Harnett, Moore and Robesi.n C'onn- j ?r'inpt attention given ti» the oollet'tion of .*11 |,\- ■ »n!.ni3ted to bi? h^nd^ • 186v* * (iRo lvV wTlTiams i l'(».. [tliiulesale Drwlei'ii lit liirdcrrirN, A.ND IMi-ORTEKiJ ANI> MlALERs IN iiifArf* and tiidrrj, Irou, B4\ STKLKl. KAiKTTEVlLLf.. >. t. , J, 1S61 3tji! ; COX vy p kendali. J B KEXUAl.L iOl., K£.^D4LL A O., oiiiuil«$^lon iTIerohaiif!^ A S l> AHOLLifALE OKOCKKti, Sg 11 i. li Sortii Hater Si., Wilffllcgtoii. r. ‘.ef' rrotn bot' DntrJ j^^KupUy i ^*ti t« tLr ■nHi** '’3 * 'twii : i-ri lUir \W J OH. I T L K 1 , t-iiHtr (Out t amtni^^lon .fitfihunt, iWKilKVILLK, N ( ^ , .K, . II 1.1 i %VORTIM, m&iio^iou aud l*'orHar«liitg !n«*rrhafits WlLMI}^iiTU>, -N (' l'5'il ^41 f i A K U! [. F;,*'. u-vI'IF'^ ‘iti fto/'omnio with si \\ '.i ’-'uJu^rv T fluol'KK JDHSSON. WILLIAMS i CO.. nAKKR>s. k 'h;rtv I.'. I. pans now in operaiiou nine miles .>■ r". VVilmiUjcion I’.'irties wishing I'l supply - wi!)i ,ali . ,11 befuiui«hed by applying to '• n. .Fr V«eDi ivi Fayetieville, to h. I’age. • In' work-, or to M WILLIAMS, Geaer.al Superintendent. . ■ Nov. ‘JO, IS^'.L", . Hltf i OTTO\ Vo. 19 Hay Rlrwt. ('. y. M\LLKTT ftife and Tobacco oa I'ousigumeiil. |l> --K3 of frexb beat h\'-‘ and !('• EueH .Maou [1 ’ ’H.'’nrftd Toha(>fl'i, varioa‘'‘ijuaHtio« For ’•ale by W WILLUMH i CO “ c'..le, .:4.18b::. .\OTICE. ‘^.-■’1 to be absent from ht.nie e few laonttis tn W;is, Archjbaia McLean is snj siuthont^.l tratuac' liiy hu8iQ€>f« tibili 1 r«turu N O. Alter tliiM date I %«lll Five Cents per pound for r!*nC“ do t iu eiteville. or ai fny uiill."? I. MURPHY .4 • Floreur«* and Fayftt^Tillfi Kail Koad. I 1|Nl>KR ihe provixion«i ot an Ordinance of the t’on ■ I yeiition rtf North ('arolina, Uookt* will he o}.eiied on the Itirh .Inne at the following plape^' and nnder the di rection of the following persons, to receive subacrip- tion^ to the Capital Stock of the •‘Florence & Fayette ville Hail Road Oo.’’ Shares One Hundred Dollars each. Af (hf Rail Road OAce in Faye>fevilh.—Under the di rection of the Generaf Commi»sioner8, \. \. .McKethan, 1> .\. Ray, A. W. Steel. Wm. McL McKay and .Ino. M. UoHe -■1/ t/if lt»d^ Under the direction-of Hector McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart. .las. Smith, Dan'l C. Mc Neill and Col. Alex. McMillan, or any one of them. .4/ Flora! CoUegf.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair. Dr. .\. D. McLean. .Archibald Smith, Edmund Lilly anil ('ol. .\lexander Watson, or any one of ihetn At Quefvni1ali>.—Under the direction of Murdock Mo- Hae, It McLeod, It. Mc(’alluBi, .la>» McRae, .Ir . and .1 fl .Mcyiieen, or any one of them. At i^foTiUvtlU. — Under (he direction of John Purcell, Jno .Mc.Vair. Sion Alford. Dugald Mt'C'.'vlhmt anil .luo. Mi-C^liutii. or Any one of them The .Siibs-.'ripiion Books will remain open fur the dpaf'e ..f »;0 Jfiys When a sui^icieni sum is subscribed the I'ampany will hn i.rgHCiiiir.i t\..r the purpo.:e of >>uiM lUt; tlir Hoad > A A McKETHAN, U A RAi’. \ W STKEL. WM McL McKAY, JNO M. ROSE. (iviieral (’Mmmi^sioner« Faveiirvitle, June 7, .'f'Jil' Western Knilruad Ofllce, I ♦•'teville, N C., Sepi ‘27. 1862. i itiv purpr.’^e ol inereasinjt the capital stock of ihit r CooipHuy. t.. enable it to extend the Rond from the ''oal Fields to the .Sorth ('aroliiia Hoad, the following ({enilefiien b&re been sppuitiiej t'onjaiissiouHrd to re I'eive ■iutiscritii^rs in (heir :ieveral nei^hborht>ods, ■\t liiilf—L J Hauti;btun. HrooK» Harris. l>r Ueoige (' -Newby and 0 Washington •\bo»e the Gulf -jno’j (}ol1si,n Jitfoeti F Ri»e» and Hu^h \S Dixon At ttre llill- i} ft' U.ild^ioti. l*r L U Uorrell and S VI Mgiou Ab.t^e Ore Hill - ban 1 Ha« l.uey. .\ h Marsh .»nd Ja» P'iC.' Ai Foil-1 s MilU L>r H M Fou-*! an.l Iir J I> l)ra»ei At hratiklin^vilirf and vinniif leaac H Foit^i ^tid .A Horiiey .At Asheboro' — Junatlian Worth and B F Hoofei At New Market Jennie \Nalker and Joseph Newlm At rhomartTtlle - .A il Foster and Jno W Thomas \t Mi>th Point—I>r K t' Lindway and Setiborn Perry. .Ai Salem—Francjg Frie» ami H L Parierson At Greensboro'—P Mendenhall, Peier Adtifns Hon J A Gilmer anil Je««e H Lindsay Inoiriictiona will be ^ent to the ('oaiinia^ioner'! at »n .lay tiy the Presiiienr of the t.'oiupany ‘.4fr J \l K»t.'F.. Sec y Vi K R (’o IiUOK .\T THIS! Till-: I'UKTTKllLli: HIITKL, Profitifii' 300 reel and io th* bu*4ineNM portion of the Town, C'Oiitaifi« more ^pacioiiM and well Ventilated KooniM than an> Hotel in the Mtate, anl tny Patrons say my (’oudinienU* are v«ry ^("kI tur the tiine^. T. W^DIIILL, Proprietor. •May JO, lM»,j. ‘J7y FAYCTTIIVII.I^K MCTC.4L INSFRA.M'K COMPAM. Capital tu Premium Notes amounts lo *2f>T.'iH8 Cash on hand and other a-sei-, o,t77 H5 Totril, .fJ72,7t)r. Cl Th« l'ompan_» have paid ;ill lo ses promptly, and hav» never inade an assessment on their premium uoies. Total loH^*e8 paid, Officers: OEO. McNEILL, l*resi«leni D. A. R.AY, Vice President A McMILLAN, Sec y. Dirkctors: , Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillingha-st, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale. S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin. Nathan .A. Stedman. T. 8. Lutterloh. fiALV. r Oil nt»uf(l(rf'mi-nl by G W WILLIAMS S Vi^ianiLb^ tor .^ale. I OFFER for snle my PLANT.VTlON. ‘J miles we«i , CHriluige, Moore county, ConiMininc J/id acres, >i which is a Grist and Saw Nlilf Couon Gin nnd .Screw 1 will llljiK (lll!.\TBV l!i num HA\ fNG'heen lielailedon recruitingsei vice toi i !■ da days, I am aiithori/-‘d to announce Ihe p.iiii:fl >u8 rtceive in payment State Bonds, Oonfcdeiuce i l'*^n^ion of the operation of the conscript law. ■'•I ;is to tIhi.KUs Vo rt»i\M'Kii*T tiri'K'i:, i liAiiEroii, N ('., Keb’y •’), ) money or likely Negroes. JOHN MORISON. VAHJAIII.E for ^iale. 1 OFFER for Sale my I’LANTATION on .McClendon s Creek, 6 miles west of (Carthage, lying on the ba‘-in of :he Coal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as productive as any lauds in tne county of Moore. The improvements good and the situation healihy Terms ''^Pral. JOHN MORISON IlOTK'E. IH.A\ L about *j^K)t) acres more, in different tracts, in the county of Moore.—F:iriiiing .Mineral, an I Titr- peniitie lind,-which I vil! sell mi liberal terms. JOHN MORISON' • Vliiieral 1^21 iidM lor Malt*. IM A\ E an interest of one-third in a trad ol •tHii •Vt RES oil the WMtei's of l>ei>p Kiver, on wliicli li ivi bffu discovered a salt mine ind pure sultpotre. :»iid un I'il ot good quality lor greasing leather, well woiiLv Ideological investigHiion .loMN MORISON I Carthage, Nov. l.'-t 18*t2 77-if .NOTICE. 1)ERSoNS wishing to buy TOWN PRol'LlUTV will d.> well to call on th# subscriber I will .sell on rcasoii ttlilr terms Diy House and Lot, having also a gooil Kitch en. Smoke house and good Well of water Also, lout lown Lots with good Stables ther«on and very couve n:ent. and one other k>inall Lot .Also. 82 aures of I, »u I joining the town of t'arihage, -oiivenient for wood A M. HKAN.SOS I’arihHtte, Dec. 2, l“tl2 S.'Jtf .%dininis>tratioii :\otiee. IlHE 'Jutiecriber hnviait L)ialiti>‘d hm Aduiiniotrulrit on the Estate of la^ Sundy, iec’d hereby gives uotiiv to all persons bAvtng olaims against s.tid F'sittte lo pre sent them to Wm Mcb McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar ol their recovery tM’l'flARlNK SON 1>V, Adui'j Aug 4, 1M»V2 iv I Administrator'’^ i\otii‘t*. 'pilL! subbi'tiber having lU [»ecember Term, IKt‘.’, .ii 1 the t.'ounty Court of t’iiuil>«rl«nl...ju‘.lified A>l iiiiiiisti Hi or npuu the Lsinte o) Neill G .Mc.Neill. dec’J, noiiGes all per^*ons having cl.tims igniii-*! the Esi.iie lo present ihem within the lime lirnite 1 tiv liw, .itherwi'e ibis notice will be plealed in bar ot'recov*iy I)ebt..i- are re^iiesfetl to make prompt payment. HECToR \|cNKlLI.. \dm r l*ec. III. IHUJ. • sr,. . T|TKPEliTl\f: HAC'K^. in vVF. a /o.’J supply ul Turpeutiue H.-VOKS. oti hah I, wh’ ti 1 HilJ re»4dy to *ell ti> tboSr wtjo llis^ Wish (o purchaiie .Also, ready topt.-pHr€* .Af«-- at Niiori Uotice. in ihe he.-i inannei permit conscripts and others so disposed (o v-.!ii:itc»t iTi Companies of Ihcir own seleciion. Thus by vi>luu- leering you will avoid being forced into the con^joript camp. 1 am anxious to receive recruits, for (^ipt. Kelly'-j company from Moore county, or it dc.sired I will reocivo any who winh to join ot her companies of t his commnu.t. To those who wouM avoid being forced info the war, f appeal to them to come forward, volunteer like men, and assist in driving the invading foe from our soil. I shall be happ3' to meet any who feel like volunteering at Ihe f'llowing times and places; — Kelly's Store. February Rtb. Sloaii\s “ '.ijh Swan’s Staiiiin, “ 11th. Jonesboro' “ 13th. A I50L1N, Lieiii. C’o. F, .'tith Reg’t .N. ’ T Ksll Creek .Mills. Moore Cn , .Ian. oO. '.♦‘i-Sipul ' TO RIP'I^! ^ ii .WlStj been detailed by special order, for thirty duys, on r»-cruitiiig service, I hereby give notice ^ MlS(X»NSTRU(yriON having been placed upon the published orders of officers detailed upon recruiting scrvice, it is hereby announced for inforiflfttion qf En rolling Officers and others interested, that the execution of' the Conscript Law has not been suspended in this State for thirty days nor for a single hour. The officers charged with the execution of this law will devote themselves to the zealousi and pr‘nipt per formance of their duties The safety and welfare of the country demand that i,,corruptible integritvT every uiau lu thi.s crisis shouM do his whole duty. Not ^ *. ♦! • ? i - a day nor an hour should be lost in filling up the thinned i their tanks J r> year.T' iigo. >ui‘( ranks of our glorious and gallant array A few more 1 uow many have lallen by the wayside ami U'’\v such victories as it has recently achieved will speedily j fill honorable jjrave.s' Tlie first who Uicl «ecnre peace and independence to the country. | my adini.s.sion to the Bar wa Thoma i, H vb:u't Ry order of soon to be followed by Loui.s 1>. il.Miry. .}Aw Ii ommand I of Conscripts for N. C. ' r- ■. , . .. .. - J. C. I’KiPcr. .Adiutanl A TRIlil'TE To THE MEMORY OF Hol’.EHi K TROV. rew and brioi are the year.s that hav*i pa.'-.sod since ! was admitted to the I’ellow-^hip ol tho “Ca/»( /eay a.- ‘-A MkM1:KK uF TIIK North Caroi.i.va Bar.” On the ( ireuil and in the Court Koom I met with men of tuwcriiip in tellect, burning eIojuence, witherinu savc.irsm, brilliant wit, great learninji and hiirh uttuiniu-. nt.s in their prof’essioji. And withal they were po.s- sessed of a spotless purity ot eliarm t* r u'ld of i mo W' il tin i;. Feb 7. l-'2t lte‘rnit^> \vantc*d tor the 'iim- lierland Ploii&li Bo%>>. Koliy, J. I. 3IcKay, ArcliM A T. Smiiii. II ert iStrange, John 1>. Kcc-les, l)avid Keid. .Jaiiu' (■ bobbin, William S. Ahlu'. .Janus L '.hiik-.- and Warren Win.-low, all .if wlioin vvt i. m, iiiors. 01 ujy juniors, 1 mention with f( 'lino.sul n.-W'lNU lieeH retailed f;>r :i »hori time on recruiting ; .1 i ’ j- i - i • i -11 service, I will give noiice to all who wish lo join * wliu iiave uiou witliiii fho .''UUir |itMH>u tii ^ ^ .T* T~^ 1« I . 1 ^ ^-vl W .ti 1^. ^*.1 I 1 /• 1 1 •—' ....... * ■ '111 '** ihiy \)mpanv. that they now have the opportunily of! names of J. G. McDugald, Slocumb ol 8amp'"li, ^ 10 allow conscripts If) j. in anv company now in service, i , r n i . i • w^ir m i > n ' and bv thereby •‘eniitled to ti.e bounty and other bene- j ‘ receive your \\ htte oi Hladen, Henj. K. Husk.- nn l H.t.i v C. B. Mftllett. .lames Kyle, A. .A. .McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W, Tillinghasi. WA.^TKII. •' ‘(Ilk BLMhKI.* WHEAl, • i SiM, •. (’ORN ~ —jii? ;a'‘iij(? (he at.wve Hrficlei. to i-dl will r»-".*lvr ■ S'; f'; Last. I ricp by oalling on Mr N( Tho.iiason. • n >!ernhact \lills. FayettevUe, or on ‘he sutison * tiis old st.iud on Markfei .*'iuare. ALEX JitHN.'^ON, Jr. .V.V 7r»tf Twentj-li-e UullarM Keward. h N.AWAY from the subscriher, his negro boy MO H ES He is 21 years of ajje, about i, t’eet 10 iuches -fli, robust, long feel and ver^ much Kirnedout, ai the ■ ^lid look° down when spoken to. (!e was seen w I McPijaurR Mills in Robeson county on the Jlsi ult., wis in Fayetteville about three weeks ago The • w..rd will be paid for his delivery to me or for 'luement in any jail so that I get him. W. D JOHNSON. • '.ue!t«viile, S. C., Aug. 14, 180'2. G'Jtf A R.n i’ BA ' ■I i-repHred lo manufacture all kinds of Wagon f .f Array use. I tan my leather and can " K -1 tiugains * .Agents will do well to send their !- me as they shall have prompt attention, and tf m quick dispatch. .fOfIN C.ARTF/R ' •'•-ton P o , Chatham Co., N. C., ) June lo, I8*>2. i ib«. ijfiim .%ral>ic tor wale hy I R LEE. Wtf 1%AA~TK». ' Ffiyetie»ill« .Arsenal, Four or Five GOOD ' ■ '•‘Ml rU'J to wh'im g III t wages and steady >-iit w :i be given Apply to ir address J. A deLAGNEL. Lt Col C 8. A , Comd’g. - y v, iteea V8i.f i>larble Factory, i>y “eniitie«t to iTie bounty tils provided by law f ir voltmieers ’ li is confidently eipecifd that :his liberal offer on the part of the Gov ernment will eagerly embraced by the greater p.sri I of those liable to liervice under ih“ conscript act t Men! yon fiave yel iin opporiiinity of becoming vol I iintci'i-s Voiii •oiintry needs your s,«|-vice» F.jnbrace this Opportunily -it once It has been made my -peci >1 duty to enlist men for ('•ipt. T. W Hari'is I'nvHlry ('omp-.iny «f the iW’.d Regt .N C Troops 1 im •authorized, however, to enlist for anv ci'iupatiy iu ihi« ciimmand 1 will lie in Piitvtmro' .m Tiiesdav of Fel.ruary Couii, Ihe IHih. oil Friday ilie l-!lh. Hi I'ottin s Siore. iu Moore ^ t'ount'M oil TnesdHy ihe I7ili, anl Tuesday ihe 24lh at C.irihft^e Kecniits tor ciivalry companies "wiU be re tjuired to furnish h hoi se ^ Conscripts' liec.ime v.iliiuteers 'lud strik.* for the d»‘ i feiK;e of vour couniry N F Ml'SE. L*. Co. K. ; ii;M N r T , Hecriiiting (Iflicer. I Jail :!1. iM'i'!. '-'0 oi i KI'U'KI IT^ WlATKII! Hoktnty ,ttnf *‘2r» prr ! 1HWF tieiMi ordered l>y M-tj (ten tiiisinvtis W. j Stniih to reinrii tu this phice a- a Kecruiiing officer tor Ctipf .liio \lcKellai' - conipKiiy. '.'o’ Evans’ Keg'i. i P.artii'in Hangers, now near Kinston. .\ favorable op- j poriiiiiiiy IS now otfereil to coii.script-* lo volunteer and I (hus ipciire one hundred ilollar-* bounty iii addition to | twenty five dollars per rooiith puy This tiranch of the i service i-* rt/markably healthy a- the ii ioper is kept names at the difl'ereni places and limes specified; At I Black Kiver. l.ock's Creek and Cedar ("Jreek. on Salnr- I day the 7th Feb'y; also ai the same {ilaces on the 14th. i Capi. R. Mclianiel will receive the names at Lock’s Creek. Lieiii. 1> M. .lohnsoii at Cedar ('reek, myself at . Rlack Hiver JAMES A. GAINEY, Lieut, ('o. F, 21ih Reg't N. C. T. Feby ». IHti '. 12o()tf voi.i \V/% fl''nE very best opportunitj' nnd most liberal terms are 1 now offereit to men llahle lo conscription, and all * others wbo ilesire lo enter liie service of the Confede rate States Th«» conscri'f.t law is p-iriially snspeii'if*d for a lime ; lojrive all men subject to military duly in opportunity I to volunteer in any ('o ot Heg't iliey in ly wish loenler. i Transportaiiou will be given iliein i > their companies I an I seventy live cents for rations each day after they a-e sworn in will be allowed They will also receive One Hundred Dollarr tioiinly on the first pay roll alter they ioin their companies. Ml who wish to volunteer ; in the 2»itii Keg'l N C Troop 'C>-!nerly ('ol Vance's) ' and now coinnmnded by ihe).>t n^r. 'allaut anl acconi- . piisheii Colonel 11 K iliirifwiii, will please call on me : al C-ttiliMge. where 1 will gi.>- ihem all the intormaiion I I can, ami t>e glail to rrceivi- itn-ir iianies. .AI*>o a full pardon, ,ex'-if.>i torfeliure of pay while .abscni.1 has been granieil to .ill deseriers ami al>sentees wii 1 will return to duly or leport Itieuiseives to the re- 1. l).*c .;ioj,.i A. W. Steel, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. G, Shepherd, R F". Brown. ( . A E. Hall, hu Collins and C. C iMcCrummen. Travrling Agents H^-The Company invile appHcaiion- May -28. Ibtil 21 I A Ibe Stu 8ljl^ hamn, j COLORED PHOtOlifRiFilS, I Al 1 i _ .. . _ 1 ART. \%'oodward% Kolar ('amera. 13HOTOOR \PH.S can be had at V.inorsdell’s Skylighi Gallery, Hay atraet, opposite Marble Yard, Fay ettevillf, N. plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pasiile: from small to life size, .\mbro types, Malaaeotyj.es, and all other styles of Pictures periain* ig to the Art. Also, Gilt F'rames, Gilt Mould ing, Ql - for very large pictures—as large as 2ll by .‘?l> inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictnres; Instru ments. .Slock and tJhemicals for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs ma.le from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 Jiope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere ihankH fur the ht>«ral patronage bostowed on me herelofure by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORHDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 2d. 1859 77- F.-tyni«-\ille, .N. I’. HOKNE .HflOF.Ii\.i. OWING to the ailvance in ihe pi ice of Itou the ;ut>- scril>«*t IS coni^telled to raise the pric«- ot “h...*irig u. af^l per shoe Me does thi“ with reliiclanoc. tnii it- necessity will t>e apparent 10 his owsiomers wiieti he siaifS. ihat the iron alone used in making shoe« cost- more than hall ol his charge, and more than twice a* much as he formerly received for iron and shoeing ,1 ^ WELSH Fayeiteville, Jan’y 2, 1K;.'1. ‘il I’.wpd .\OTirio. U.N I-riilay of the week of February Comity Couri. in Robeson coiiniy. lietue 27th of lh^ rootv U, 1 will sell on a credit of sin inonth-. at ih** rcsi.JeiKe > I Joseph Hig(;s, in s%id county, ^e%'enteeii Ukely Voiiii^ A’e^roe**, HOLSEHOLU and KITCHEN FLRMTl'HL. and other articles of a peri-'haf>le kinii. NEILL MjNEILL, Hxecutor of the Will of A Davis, ,'r. Jan y 24, 18«io 'tH-ts aotic'e;. 1'^HE Subscriber ott'ero for sale his PL.ANT.XTION, containing 4!it .acres, v^iih l;'>ii acres cleared L.and. within a few minutes' walk of Laurinbnrgh Depot. W. C. & R R. R. On the premises is a two story dwelling and all neoesgary oathouses. .Also, joining said tract can b« had (531 acres, with '2(Mt acres cleared land. On the premis(»s is a good two story Dwelling and al! ne cessary outhouses. Persons wishing 'to puichase wib call soon or address me at Laurinbnrgh, .N C. H C MiLAUHlN Jan. 2h. '.H-bipd C'o|»|»eras(! 'o|>pera«»!! tjikii LbS. SUPEhlOR ^^UALITV CoPl'KRA.-; »»V/V; Also Hi Tierces FRESH BE\T HICK For sale by PEMHERl'oN .t SLoaN ■Jail y H, IHi),;. '.I’.'it ooiistiiiiily in meiion We have tieen in service eight m.iiitb' Hud have uol lost a man t>y sickii.'ss To the i lepciir. soUs of the gallant “Old North Slate ' Your ’ t.fethreU III th« held ''all Upon you to hel(i them drive : liai k the vile iiiv;i lei [> of . II «oil 'I’I'ly lo me ill l':iy «-Mi ville, .ir lo f{ U llurJie al ili.* Court House AHCH I* MrFVDVF.N. i Lieut Co \, i..;.( I’eg'i N. C. 1' .1 m'y 'ill. I h>> .. 'I'l.si %vi:«ti:Ki\ kaii. koaii. ol (hi' Hovt Ifiwe Fayetleville duily, except.-I ‘.I ^ o'- lock. \ \| . and'iv- i turning leave Mclver’s :ti 1 o'clocK, P .M , F'c/ij/ii /' iin Ml IN D \ V. W K1 »N F.''L».A V .'ind FRIDAV. Hy order of the President JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and Act'g Trans. Ag't. Jan 22. IHtiX 'i7tf ' cniuing otbcevs iu the county on or Wef ive thi* Uhb of Feti’y. aiul i bereliy w 1 •»! ill men in ilu- county absent MMIt. Train 1 .“ill 11 lay; from Co M, :irith Keg 1 .N C Troop'. to report to me on or befme iliHi time This i- iiie IhsI opporliiiiily you w II liavi- 10 redfHiii yoiiis,.|yes fri.m death and disgrace iiiore la~iin(fiiud >lamnable ihaii ever was neaped on men tiefwre 1*.\ your jireseni course you will lea\'e a berl'aee ot’-hain.- to your chil.lren. and your cbililren's rliiMrf-n will ciiise ihe memory of the base deserters and iraitor-. wli.i handed d .wn such a load of infamy find >li-icract- to their posterity Tht' ab.ditlom-'- nre g“iting very tired of the war. ftO't there are indication- of peace Then if every man will come forwanl atid )o hi« duty we may look for an early p-ac.- ' G. WILLCOX. 2d Lieut. Co. H,,2t>th Reg't N. C. T. Recruiting Oflicer. Carih:iae, Jim'v -’I, \'2iO-oi pHOM 1 Rofl .‘^\i'KS tor >iale by Dec 22 Kuf.tKI MlicHrl.l rsB tf f' K tio w n 100 S.ACKS OF SALT 10 Bblfj. .Mai .Soda, for sonp laaking 12.'> Boies .1 \ Long’s tiesi btnnJ^ ot Tot.a*-ci), .'iti Bfds. Prime .Sugar, ^•^(l Lbs. Sole Loalher. •lOH. A WORTH Dcc'r 22, 1802 H'.tCm A l^ar^e lliirhaiii €'ou 4 Veil'll Young Calf, for sale >T DAVID MUHPH\ Jiin'y o. ^*2-lf Blacksmith to Hire. \\0. I Workman Address •W, ’ mi this office. Dec. 2^4 MM If Palma I'hri^ti lleauM. HMIE subscriber will pay the highest cash price-, for I iny :{iianiity of Palma Christi Means. J A WORTH. )7-if Fay«ttPville,Oct. 8. I Al.jTIA.'lAl'N. Afresh supply of Farmer’s A Planter^. 2d Edition. Also, a few of Turner’s I For sale by E. J H ALE >t .SONS ■ P. S The publishers have raised the prices to U. j cents each, at which price we will sell them. i^lOO re:WARD. ny 4HFJ} LAiJi>i:ii. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAIliH i SONS’ STOHK Fayetteville, V. Jan’T 20, 18ti0. 84- C^roceriesS GroceriesII AI*.\R0K and well selected Stock of F.XMILY GROCEHIE.S always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al I grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other artioles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- I ocrr EttablithsMiit COX, KF.NDAIiL ft CO. WUxBiagtoB, April 2,1861. 10-tf RANAWAY from .Mr. N. Carpenter, on the (Jharlolte | Rail Road, near Brown Marsh, in November list, j my negro Girl BELL. The said girl is a No. 1 negro, j about h feet ri or H inches high, very well put up, and with a smooth black skin. ! She is Hupposeil to have taken up with a free n«*gro man ! in the Brown Marsh neighborhood I will give the ai)Ove | reward for her delivery to me in Fayetteville, or for her confinement in any jail so that I can gel her JAME« P. ROBERTSON Wcsn.uv lv\ii, Ko\i) Offk i:, ) ‘'nvcf^(*^ lilt*, .Imh.1^ DM and i.fier ilie Ki day of Feb'y, Freight on this .a l will be .'^THlCTLV C \,s;H. to be paid lA/iVi/, when freight is sent l>» or ilclivereil from ihe D'-pot. By order of the Pres'.. .I.\'0 M. Rti.'^E. Treas'r and .Act'j; Tr.ans. .\; t '.i7-iii C'oal illine. ^pilK undersigned were, at the November Term of the I (,'onfederate ('ourt. District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal .Mine pro{>erty, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, nnd solicit or'lers for the same in any der'ired ijumtity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The ('oal fr mi this pro perly is undoubtedly the ^est in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to t!h.as l» Malleti. Fayette ville, .S C , or .lames Browne, Charleston, S. (V CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BHOWSI'. I'ayettcville, .Jan'y 20, IMO^'?. '.ttitf I OR ‘naOUniTAIN hotel,” MOKIiWTOV, ^I'llls larsf.* .“si iblishmetii, «iluar** iti the town of Mor- g 'litou. N C., is now ollere l for Kale. I'j^rms made pplictiiloll to .1 \l H.\PPt)LDT. Morganton, N C. Jan r* I8i’, i'7-;’mpd VV. k. KlHilll»SO\ \ CO., StuoU Brokers and Comuiisaion Merchants, H A. i\ j on Fill/rltrrillr S'r,--’! j II' 11.1, pH ticular ai tent ion to sales Miitl (iiirt-hases fV Ilf .'!iaie an 1 Confeilerate bonds, P.ank an.l other I Stocks, i!olleciion'of drafts, and any business connected I with the ditferent departments of the State governn.ent Hank uoi«s of all Southern States l.ouirtit and sdil. IHeUrniC' f o (i Parsley. Wilmington W A \V l ight, “ lohii D Williams. Fayelleville. W (I Broadfoot. ' .1 .1 P.lackwood, Charlotte. W K l.aue, Wayne County * .lohn D. ^Vhilford, (Vaveii County. Hon Thomas Riifiiii, \|;imance (%iunty Hon W. N Edwards, Warren Comity. Hon D W ("Courts, Hockingliatu Couufy II. W. Ouion, Lincoln County j And citizens ot Raleigh, generally. ; Jan’y Kl, lSti;{. ‘.lo-lm I M>.%P! MIAP! I AM now making and keep constantly on hand, at my Fac'ory on Per«on street, FAMILY P.\H .S)AP, at ^ wholesale ami retail, j — ALSO— j Plain, Variegated, Perfumed, and Brown Windsor j Toilet and .Shaving .Soaps. ■ .A siijxly kepi for retail at .1 W Leir’s anil Isanc : Hollingsworth's. I Or(l*r-' promptly filled. Uig^'Lard and Tallow wanted, given. rPHK S I L»n‘ NO'I l» l„ K Subscriber oilers 'or ;ile tliat valuable tract of 1, situate otioiit one iiiiln west of Wadesboro', comaining SEVEN HL'NDHl'.D ,\ND tNE ACRES, more or less, known as the '.Icivr Pianiaiion. Said land i“ well adapted to the cultivitioi'i of Colton, Corn, Wheat, Oats, iVc* .A good pari of the land is covered wilh its native fnre-t. A portion of the land is cleared snd in cultivaiion. There is a dwelling house, barn and other out hou-ee on ihe place. Terms liberal. P.cference to .Alex. Little, Attorney, at W’adesboro’, or to the subscriber, five miles west of Jonesboro’, Moore county. .lOHN L. MclVER Feb. ’ l2lX»-«tpd VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. IOAn -VCRES on Juniper Creek, near the Fayette- ville .v; Wfstern Rail Road, known as the McFadyen land 1 his tract of Laml is well timbered, and convenient to market There is a plantation, com- f.Ttable dwelling house and other necessary out-housvs on said laud. Terms liberal Reference to Frei^eric’ii Swan, near the W’estern Kail Roid, Moore county. JtJHN L. MclVER. Feb. l‘iflO-t)tpd Wanted to Piirehaxe, yORTH CAHOLIN \ and VIRiHNlA B.VNK NoTE.S, or the notes of any Southern Banks. High premi um i>aiil. 1 S. LITTERLOH. Feb'y I2lK)-.'?w Wanted lo Hire, \ (iOoD HOl (i 1H I,, tiy Ihe month or .juarler j\ Apply lo AG THOHNTON, or i; J H INI'S Fayeiiovilli*. Feb'y ISii-! l-4tpl Jusl r»‘c(*iv(*d oil IOHsiKnui**!!! iirtB tor salt*. \FE\> bbls .'^ALT. in good order and of excellent iiiialiiy. Api'lv lo ■ B ROSE. l-2fpd ipialiiy. Feb'y 18i;;',. :voTi4'i: Mullins of Fayetti.-ville, and now there is am»thi;r added to the list, one who was both ni^ senior and my friend—Robf.rt K, Tku\, the sul>jei t'»! thin briel’ tribute to hi.s memory—a iiiati wln> was known to and beloved by :ill th’•‘c id his prol‘es.sional bretbreu whu buve j i. i dod him tu the spirit land as well :is by all tlmse whom hi,- has left behind. The above rntdl'x/nr ol Death > ^'Uaiiiu;;.- hum the Cape FVar Circuit in 1year.-. sh>uiid n mind us ‘‘what shatlows w Hre," and hIiduIiI alau icminJ us that if .i'i'ii M !:.\ oan die and be luronttvu we have but a poor share tor remembraiR-t; ami>ni* the sons of men unless ,>.i.mf s:ilti-d oin- li’teJ for the task shall prepareand ]iulili.sh ■• i iii- Hf'-i h .\.ND B.AR I tf TH t: '-VI'K Ft:AR ('l H'I I j nt' NuRTH (’.ARCiblN'.A.” 'J’u sucli a work 1 wi. lid I' -i' contribute a memoir of HuHKiti K. 'f'nio, itid ;;i the mt'anwme take a melanclmly pl‘;i.tnf m j. li ning fhe.'-:e lines to his memory in iii- iiop.' tii.ti others m.ay he indneeii t^> imif.'itt* Ip.' manv t'rsivp and virtuous exampb'. llobert Iv 'I’roy was tin- son ul' .\ 1 - i 'I'ro), ol (^clumbus ennnty, bettoi known u-.’^olifi tor Troy of the Cape Fear (Jircuit, » I,av. \er ul' considerable eminence in his ilay. ‘luto-rl liied at his residence in I'laden county, >'U Oft , l't>2, ao(‘d ubout 17 y'-ars in «:n ly Ut’»t he taiiolit school. MariHt; that |MTlod in- vv.i tor tt short time an Assistant to Kev .'^inn-ui! 'olion, l>. [>., at the 1 binaldson Academy in f a\fftevilie, where he was retranied by th.' 'i hol ir- i.eing too strict a disejplinariaii. I’.ir a time i-e had thoughts ol’ prepuiino him.'M'll lo eiitia- the .'iin- istry of tlK* I’resbyleriaii ( iiureh, but heieaitary instincts pre*railed and he beeume a uionibei ot hi.s father’s profes.sion and .-^efth^d ai Klizabeih town, l>ladon county, but in what year 1 am nut advised, probably in ls4l. Wliih;-in Bladen county he married Miss Mary .Anders by whom he has one .son, Alexander, the inheritor ot many of his father’s characteri'-tics The heal'ii 1 Mr. Troy failing him in IMaden eouiity he i; n;-VLd to Lumberton. I’oheson coniity. In .N >vi ii b r I there met Mr. Tioy ior the iir.>.t time, .'nul he* was then in tho enjoyment of a /«/f ■./(/ t among ^iuch men as r?trange, Toumer, .'^laith, (Jen’l Winslow, Mullins, llaigh, l>obbin and .Shepherd, and that r'luk hv kd't notwithstand ing the '■‘•oinln’j ‘tt" ot such as French, Kully, Ashe, Uob t .'^traiig-', jr . W. Win.slow. L’itch, J^srson, M. li. ^^luitli, Dargan, C'amoron. the Mc Leans, Fuller, Mci>ugald and others, until the Spring of ISo't, when from enfeebled health he quit the liar he ha'l so much adorned. To have held rank .so long among such gifted and intel lectual Lawyers is .Air. Troy's be.^t and iaghest eulogy, and dcmonstratep the confidence olierits had in his judgment and powers. At the liladen Har he wa,- met by llohues. Miller, Davis. Lon don and Fiiupie, and it is no disparagement to them to say that here too, Mr Troy had and held a leading practice and was held in the highest esteem by them all. Mr. Troy was well versed in the‘-aneient lore of hi.- profession :ind his mind wis deeply fiiibued with the nice disfinotions and “subtle devices” ol the I'athers ol the I.iw, and throughout his entire jiractiee preferred (’oke !o lilsckstime, though he wa« well read in i>oth; he also exedled in the ‘‘lorm" tn' kind of action and wa-; rarely t evet, nonsuited; he w;is not n prolieient in the exam ination of an unwiliiii” witnc.-s. nsnaily becoming indignant at whal lit' felt was the withholding of truth, and usually roused their ire so that thpv pulled against him In thi.- department of the profession Dobbin excelled in a pre-eminent degree; he seemed to insinuate his blandest tones and coaxed and wheedled the truth out of them fnvKKS.,po„m, . I'his art Troy (lid nol |K«css. Irat in all olhoi I a while helly and a short tail .MarKs. An unaer .. i . /i ■ -L- fri.. parts ol the management ol a cause in the Ctmrt House he was ready and well skilled, and prompt to take a manly advantage ol every slip made bj square iu the lefi ear and a fork in the other. Tho owner will oblige me by coming forward, proving pro iierty, iiayiiiK charges and taking her .away I B 18tJ3. DAVIS. 1-otpd Feb'y i:\traet Logwood! |}\traet l^o^^wood!! Kxtract l^ogwood!!! POUNDS E.STRACT LOGWOOD, just re- Zl/UU ceived and for sale by PRATT. DOWIE & JA.MES, Charleston, S. C. 1H(«. 1200-titpd DKi\T %l^ i\OTI€;K. Dr ,1. D.AVIS is in town and can be con sulted All operations on the teeth performe 1 at his office over Df. B Pwobinsou’s office. Jsii’y 31, ISblj. Feb'y W. his adversary. In arguing a cau-^e bel'ore the Court or Jury he was always fair, and yet his whole soul was centred in the cause for the time being; his style was terse and vigorous and he loved Viest the old Au- glo-8axon words, and with thorn and his t'xceed- iutjljf e.aniPM manner, l.e convinced his hearers that he at least had an honest conviction of the truth of what he said. While Mr. Troy was not the most popular orator at the Luinberton Bar, yet he was po^se.ss d of a peculiar style of elo- ({uence that alway.s had a manifest effect upon juries, and pcr.ons always listened to him with peculi'dr interest and marke,l attention. The writer can probably not give a better estimate of i Mr. Troy’s abilities than by saying, he alwav“ I loved to have him as an associate but dreade Highest cash prices C. Fayeiiijville, .lan’y 17, AOTIt'i:. p. JONES. ‘I.') 2mpd •9P-5tpd 200 Acres Land For Sale. O/Wi ■'CRESof unimproved land in Richmond Couti- | adversary, and has t’reiju'ently felt mor Z\}\J «y. ou 'ordaiys Creek near laurel HijU .ad- , thou.-ht he sliould joining the lands of John Fairley, Dunean K. Mo«ioe | i i u • j v, i k; -oK-ers.irv been andotLrs. .\LEX’R PURCELL. ; and would have gamed had hi.- .ul^er«ary r,cen rpHE subscriber wishes to purchase .‘i. TI HPLNTINE I STILL, of some ^ to 20 barrel capacity, b>r which Feb. 12tKI-8i $50 REWARD. Jan. ‘28. 97-if !>iOTICE. mflE LNDLRSIGNED, both having entered ihe ttiili- 1 tary service Of iheConfe.lerateSia.es of America. ' hereby give notice to their obi custom-rs and friends > that they have appointed John D. St.irr ^nd John d! W'illiams, ctf this place, their .attorneys lo .collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them -ither by account or note, and otherwise lo ailend to their bn- siness genei-ally during their absence. Thej resp^^ct- ftilly ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly aa possible on their ageats aad make payment. STiJlii & WILLIAMS, Sept. 19, 1861. 6g.tf a re.isouable price will be given. I'hose having to sell,' wilWgive the sijie itid length of usage, as well as the price for its delivery ‘ t rroiliager s Dcoot, on the .Wilmingiou and ( harlotte Hoad, Rich mond County. ^ W. F. LEAK Rockingham, Jan'y ‘.>7-*ilpd PMiwN pi.o%v poivrsr \LL NUMBER.^, can be had at. .\I. A BAKER’s Gun Sh.in. cn Hay .street, opposite the old Wagon A'ard. Fayettev.'lo, N •' Feb’y 2, 18t>M , '.ti* Im {(]^>> \>l .ir'Ier J'>>r C ASTINGS piecuted at Ihe short est notify* -tn-l on sosi reasonable »erin» Ili(the«: c ish prioe paid for old Iron and Brasa 1WILL pay a Reward of Fifiy Dollars for the appre hension and Confinement m the jail of CumberlaDd ('ouDty of my neirro boy who ran away last summer. Lewis is a black negro, with along under Up other than Troy I In the Supreme (!ourt routu Jie was alway.s lis tened to with marked deference and respect, and ■ was much beloved by the Judges who composed that tribunal- F’roui his position and talents lie j was compt-'J^*-'* to take an active part in politics, yet he never loved the bustle, excitement and and has lo«» one of his lower front teeth; is eighteen j burnings and bickerings they produced, and years of age, stout built, and about n feet. 8 inches whenever he could withdraw by finding some high. His mother and mest. of his relatives live m ... but he has mtiny acfiu liniaiices ami & noirKKr\rhnA/l Af RAhfti the suburbs He was a town but he has msny fWfiu liniaiices among the negroes other speaker he inv.iri.ibly tlid so. the neighborhood of St P.iul^s. Robeson County, '^o j warm and enthusiastic .Mtvson, a devoted Son of ! : *• >h» suburbs ot | Tt.iv.nrti.Qnno an/1 !i ftnnsistent and ntniis r.bipr iii therpisno doubt that he lurks from the suourbs of ; ^ consistent and pious Elder in lown to th» country and is w?ll the Presbyterian ( hurch, and to him and hi en- place. Fayetteville, Jan’y 21. A McCORijUODALE. 96-tf Hlnnk Wnrrants for at this Office. P. 'baMR. I Jan’y 16» 186^- 94-2m Presbyter ergetic action is Lumberton indebted for three public edifices, viz; The Ma.sonic Lodge, Temper ance Hall, and Presbyterian Church Mr. Troj waa charitable beyond most men, as was evidenced in his adoption of more than ono orphan ch'^ld to

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