Wilhwn loB^ I k >1 Toal “H'.rj J j; Qi MeKav ''‘'^'4, NVMaer , • " Berner -’•- S A^, ■ ^ ’ilenn. W ft AH Ttivis ’ K ^ OUDg * H Aver, rj|r J R Hawe, ''' s, H Scansiii ^ Psttersoo trii;:L Tth. M > -Robbin, i»‘. r> McNeill ■ ! , Jaiiics Rsync!'i4_ N Fleming J K OarTKTfV . Th=^s H'Hoim 3tr -ir'.b 1 A.t,rd. WuiLin !.. .Lard IIscd«noa A H H “mptcL L' ' v'N'iTIESj L isncj, c c r; \\ Jibr'in, Qi* A E Mu- lU. !'. :• ■?? roombs ■ ■- j'.'i' • V, i.jaiD £ I :. -: - i' J SfOim* .'• ■ ■ fjrc-wp,. JinMj I ’ \' s . H. ? i PeytuB '(• .Tire Davis, O- '• /'.-ert W Barnwell, -ir. *' Havn«. Gsi- V; ; i ': '., w ? tei. ''' H.-.ilarl Pr^WD t N 1 \ ' I \'C-* •i- .J K.'''er,*Wm R , ■ ;-r_v. F.ancis ; ; ■ '. J:!' 1- Pu*f'>- ,( i; :;.,-.n. 'risodisoo r-'i- i. 1: B Hanly »'v^^ -. R B Hilton »,j , . , ( J MuB- ci.a*). i'Hvid W Lefil rn : i.acius J Ol^ R - - J ’ ,' : \ , Vre, Chari# i.p/.sD J r»npr«. j'v H.',j wc;*??. [. ■ ‘ V ^ , , iVBell- ro%>' -V »:ook, Tl"* T D McDo»*H; A - ^:-;^r.ATD»- ) B !. VjtueeDi •'* I. Ti Da i ’ti' n .“'S'snD. %‘ei • ' :rin , ■‘,,r VV Gr»^ ; . Maloo® ^ , .^l, Jo'’" I ” - P Holco®^’ \ R Botelefi ion, ' ^ looA'ff^, ot ..Mi.n 7 ■■ ill' •■ . Pl- e i TOWiiiyyi DIB SRIWI-WEEK L Y. \iM Ml.] FAYETTEVILLK, N. ( .. MARCH 2, 18G3 [NO. 1-207. t INiri* MON!>.\VS \ND THUKSKAVS KDHAIttt J. HtI.K it SONS. Kl ! I’OKS \Nl> rilOl’RIKTOK.'^ r ,,• . I I Ik S.Miii Woekly Ohskuvku ^:5 00 if }>:uil in ■I' '' }’ iiJ 'luriup the year of sufserip- -iii: 'r 4 afti'r tht* vear hax cxpiro'l I i,,' Wffkly ('n^KRVKR (Kt per riTimini, il'p:nl in \ ’ on ir paiil .lurinjr tlio year of Hu>i'!frip- i; >r ' ’ I!" nfler the year hiis expired. Al'\ KHTISKMI'N'TS insevteil for TiO cents per \ ire >t 111 line'- for the tir-’t. ‘xnil :?0 cents for each ’('filinjr pu'ilicaiion, Ve.-irly a(iver(i.-*en!enti hy npe- iutrRit“. at reti'^onHble rates Advertisers arc r 10 ied to siate the number of insertions desired, or ' t V will he C(>ntiniicd till forbid, and charged ^lecord \dvertiseniput“ eiinfinued chnrppiJ as new iJ vpri iseniems. NoTii'i:. V'. in. I tti'r I his d[»f e, n«i name i'f a new'Jub«i-rilier „ oentcii-J xii’iioui pa^iin-ut in advano', nor will •> j '-i'i'r he '^enl tu such ''ui>-»rvi’.ier3 for a longer time !, ■ paia lor. S,;. h -.'I iii’.r i.dd siibncribers a^* desire lo lake the pa- •! this .-system w ill please notify u: when making : ■ .:ices. Jan’y 1, .licK.iW Attorney at Law, Faykttevjli.e, N. C. ’ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of ’uiubcr'ind, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- I’rompt attention given to the collection of all : 1-^ euiru'-ie-l to his hands. Cl. 17. 68-if n fiEO. W. WILLH.MS & CO., Ufalei'M III liiroi‘erie«^ AXD IMlHtRTF.RS AND HEALERS IN hardvrare and C utlery, Swedes Irou, &f Julv HAY STREKT, FiYETTKYILLK, X. t. 1801. 3Gtf : J W. P KENDALL. J. sJ. KENDALL Ki:\01I.L A: CO., roiiiuiiM^loii i^lereliaiil^ AND WHOLEiALE GROCERS, No. 11 A: 12 -\ortb Water SI., Wilininstnn, ,S. |^f=->rJerd from the Country promptly executed, ranicular attentiou eivea to the sale of ('oiton ,!..l -her produce. \pri' 'J, * "'jI. lO-tf J 0?». I T L K V, Ut'Oifv anti I'omtniftsion rthant^ FAVKTTEVll.LH, X. C. ' in 1 '■ 93-tf T. i . A: B. a. WORTHr loRiDiissiou and V*'orwardiH? 3Ierchant, WILMIXGTOX, N. C. Jan'y '28, ISOl 8-ltf 1' A K l»! t: W L.\DIES can be acconuuodated with board at he 5?einin'ir3’. A rpi. 1:'. i8*il. T (’ HUOPKR. w JUH\SO\. WILLIAMS & (0.. NAI/r nAKElK^. t. h ivc thirty ; pans now in operation nine miles -i-ii of Wilraineton Parties winhing to supply ' ' -.V. J with Salt, can be furnished by applying t" ' 1.--lU, Jr. .\jr''n' at F-iyt>itevill--, to F. Tag**, lenr at (he workn. or to .1. M WII-LIAMS. General Superintendent, i iv; ■ Hville, Nov. l‘'^i'J Sltf t'OTTO.^ VAR\. No. 19 Hilj Street. ( . P. MALLETr '.ny Uioe and Tobacco on ( onsl^nment- ] jk '.\>KS of fresh beat llice anil UMi I'.nxes Mauii- lU f'lcturi'd Toliacco, various ipialities. For sale by (jl'jf W. WILLIAMS & CU. t ayfci'evillc. Kept. 'Jt, 18*32. H.itf AOTICK. 4 ' 1 expect to be absent from home a few months in A ' We-it, Archibald .McLean is my authorized Acen! to transact my Vmsinesfl until I return. N. G. JONES. Uec’r ’2f', l^tiO. ''3tf Afff*rtlii!« date I ivill pay Five Cents per piound for rags dc- _ livered in F-Tveticville, or at my mills ju KocktiHh. L>. .MURPHY ■)ct. -J. tir> NA i/r. ^^LM» Mall for sale on consii^nniont Viy N iv. L’(i. G. W. WILLIAMS it CO. tf %VAATEI>. iUsriELS WHEAT, R ti%a hi:r \\ t Ir being ilelermined by the Trtisle‘s of the l'ar.>;ina Female (’ollege to reopen Ihe Inxtituiion at the ear lies! possible daj'. a married gentleman of sonie ex perience is desired to take charge of it, a Methodist pj .' ferret! One or two Ladies arc wanted as inwtructnrs, they nuiMt be competent to teaoii music on the Piano in addiiion to the higher branches of I'nglish literature For terms, address, giving references, WILLIAM G. SMITH. Pres IM Trustees .•\n»onville. N .(\, Feb’y : litp.l l»I.OU>i A A ll rOIATS VLL M'MBEKS, can be had at .M A. I!AKKIl's Giui Shop, on May Street, oi>po.site the old W-igon Yard ' Fayetteville, N Feb'y 18».:i '.'1* Im Sa^ orders for C.VSTINGS executed at the siiort- ; pst notice and on most veasonable terms Hierhest cash price paid for old Iron and Mrass. ; M A IMKEK. %Vi:f4Ti:KA KAII. KOAII. ^PHK Trains of this KoavJ leave Fayetteville daily, 1 (Sundays except#.!) at 8 o cloek. A .M , and re turning leave Mclver’s at I o’clock. P M /’ iy// rr„iu M ON I * V, W K1 > N F.S U V V arul F KII > .\ V Hy order of ihe Prcsi J.NO. M. HOSE, Tn aa r and AcCg Trans. Ag’t. i Jan. ‘2'2, Ixtj:}. '.'Ttf ! SfilOO KtlWAKD. I 1) VNAW'A^ from Mr N. Carpenter, on the ('harlotte j i; Kail Road, near Browa Marsb, in November last, my negro Girl DELL. The said girl is a N i I negro. ) about 5 teet tj or iuches higli, very wc:l pui up. and with a smooth black skin. Slto is supposed to have taken up with a free negro man i in the Brown Marsh neighborhood I will give the above I reward for her delivery to me in Fayetteville, oi SVi i for her coutinement in any jail so that I can get her. i JAMES P HtiUERTSON i Jan ‘J.S. '7-if Rcci’iiilM uaiiliMl lot* tli«‘ i'liiii- berlaiid Ko>>». H.WING beeB uetailed for a short time on recruiting service. I will give n -tice to all who wish to join this Company, that they now have the oppartutiiiy of doing so. 1 will be happy to meet auil receive your names at the different places and times specifit- l: .\t Black River. Lock's ».'reek and iU>dar Cireek. on Satur day the 7th Feb’y; also at the same places on the 1 Ph. Capt. R. McDaniel will receive the narnes at L-,>ck‘s Creek, Lieut. D. M. Johnson at (’edar Creek, myself at Black River JAMES A. GAINEY, Lieut. Co. F, 21th Reg't N C. T. Feb'y -I, 186.'5. ll’tlOtf •^late of Aorlli t'aroliiia, RICHMOND COCNTY Court of Pleas and t,^uarter Sessiotis, Jan'y Term, 1''*;;; ORliERED by the «’ourt lhai the ('lerk ot‘ »i.-«id (^ouri notify the following persons to appear and p.ay the Taxes due on the following describeil lands as reiurncil by the SUeritf of said county, or they will be sold tor the taxes; -Mei. .Murchison It.Hh* acres, val., f '21 ')0 tax, 18(51, Naked Creek and Rocky Fork W'ni. Hadley acres, .? t.'iO val . j-') ^ t!ix, 'tU. Black Branch of Solomon s (’reek Jno. Hadley DX> acres. $S0 val., 2'J cts. tax, 1'-^''1, Beaver Dam and South Falling Creek Hampton Hadley 2K> acres. :?>'.» val,, n cis. tax. 18'il, Beaver Dam and South Falling Creek L II. WEBB. Clerk. Feb’y 12 :! tip.l LOOK AT THIS! THE FIVETTEVILLE HOTEL, Fronting 300 feet and In the business portion of the Town, coiifaiiiM more !«i|ia(‘ioii^ and uell ventilated Rooiii«i than any Hotel in the Kfate. and iny I’atrons stay niy (’oiidiinent.s arc very lor the times. T. W VDDILL, Proprietor. May 20, 18C.2. 27y favi:tti:vii.i.i: MITIAL IXSrillMK COMPAM. (’apital in Premitim Notes amount-j to ;S2tj7.;.'-.' 2b Cash on hand and other assets, 5.077 Total, ^272.7^)o (>l The Company have paid all losses pr«miptly. and have never made ati assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, :j;2'.i,f'S2 >9 OfFII'KUS; GEO. McNEILL, President 1>. A, R.\Y, Vice President C. A. McMlLLAN, S-j*: y. Diekctoks: Henry Lilly, W'. N. Tillinghasi, H. L. Myrover, • S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaiirin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel. James Kyle, J. G. Ceok, A. A. McKethan, Jlon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Williamfi, R. F. Brown, ) . 8. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, t"*’™ hn Collins and C. C. NU^Crummen, Traveling Agents. HagT’The Company invite applications. -May 28, 1801. 21- A The >>;»■ St}Ie. Small, 40L0RI:D FHOTO;iiAFHS, AT V2iiii»rM4lcir% i» i-> I: R T i: R — I) Ks i: rt e r>s. Deserted irom the SiateSalt Works, about the 2.'’>th .iatituiry last, Ihe tollowing men, viz* W R Dor'hins Moore County; H. P. ( iirrie, iiiehmond County; N. T (iirrie. •• William Blue. *• .lames Blue, •• A P.'iiterson, The atI*-ntion ot ttie Militia t.M1iei»rs of Ihe CoutUies of Uichiii'Utd and M . n-e is called to tliis rid vert isemeni I itey are renui-sled to arrest the above named men and send them to Ihe Caiiip of lusiruclion, as thej' will not bp received here attain J. M WORTH, ^ _ Salt 1,'omniissioner. VOIIR ('(lll.\TRV IS (HhU\(i!'~ H\\ ING been dei>iilod on recruiting service for a few days. I am I'lthonzi'd to'niinounoe the p-vriial stis pension ol the opTition of the conscript law. so a.s to permit conscripiH and others so disposed to volutileer ill coti'panies of their own selection. Tlius by voluii tei rini'; you will avoid being forced into the ccjuserip' c nnp. 1 am anxious to rect l»e’’ecruita for Capt. KelU's ‘on);>.iny from Moore count}', or it desired 1 'wiU receive ■iny whe wish to jnin other comj>anies of 'his comman I 10 those who would avoid being forced into itie war. I '.ippeal to them to come forward, volunteer like men, and assist in driving the invading foi- frcrn our soil. 1 sh.ill be hiip]iy to meet any who feel like volunteering lit Ihe I'ollowing times aud places: — Kelly’s Store. February tUh. Sloan's ‘‘ •• itth. Swan's SiHiion, “ 11th. Jonesboro' “ 13th. A. B0L1\, Lieut. ’o. F. oOth Reg’t N C. T. Fall Oeek Nhlls, Monre , Jan. ;jt). t'.)-8tpd Ri:^ R( iTM WAA a i:ii! *IOO Hatiititf ant! si25 per ^flonth i“ayZ ! Iil.WE heerj .irJ.T'‘d f-y ,M ij Gen. (Justavus W. Smith to return to this place as a Recruiting Officer for Capt .Ino MeKellar’s company. Gol. Evans’ Reg’t, I’artisan Rangers. ni>w near Ktnston. A favorable op portunity is now otferi’d to conscripts to volunteer and thus "Jecure one hundred d )llars bounty in addition to Iweniy-tive dollars per month pay. This branch of the service is remarkably healthy as the trooper is kept constantly in m«linn. We have bt°n in service eight months and have not lost a man by sickness. To the rescue, sons of the gallant “(>ld North Slate!" Your t-rethren in th« field call upon you to help them drive back the vile inv.-i iers of our soil. Apply to me in Fay etteville, or to R. W Ilarlie ai the O’ourt House. ARCH'D McFADYEN, Lieut. Co A, 03d Reg’t N. C. T. Jan'y '5n, ISi',:;. y'^t-HipJ C'0|»l»era«! 'OE»|»eraM!! .>an LBS .SUPERIOR tH’ALITY ('OPPERAS • )UU Also in Tiereea FRESH BEAT RICE. Far sale by PEMBERTON & SLOAN. Jan'y H, I Mr.,;. 02tf VAI.I arm: tor Kale. 1*‘-FFKR fi>r sale my PL.\NT.\TION, 2 miles west ol ’arthai:e. >!oore county, containing 2/>0 acres, on which i- a tJrist and S.-iw .V-'il, (,%itton Gin and Screw. 1 will receive in paymen; .'-^tate Bonds, Confederate mi»ney or likely Negr los. JOHN MoRK’^l.lN. VAI.I AltI.i: I.AAIIK for~Sale. (OFFER for Sale my PL.iNT.VTIi)N on McClendon’s (Veek. t» miles wesi of (’arthage, lying on the basin .«f the Coal Fiel is. containing 21'tO n ’res. which is as productive as any lands in the county of Moore. The iniprov.'iueu!" go li and the situati^n healthy Terms liberal. JOHN MORISON. AOTIt F. iH.WB about Mmm: icres more, in difTerent tr.acts, in the county of Moure,— Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land, — which I will sell on liberal terms. JOHN MORISON. ^liiieral liand** for Male. ]!l.\VE iU interest of one-third in a tract of 500 .\CRES un the waters of Deep River, or. which have been discovered a sail mine and jiure .«altpetre, and an 011 of good quality for greasing leather, well worthy gcologic.al investigation. JOHN MORISON. I’arthnge, Nov. 1'? Ir'tiJ 77-tf .\OTirK. IJERSO.N'S wishing to buy TOWN PROPERTY will do well to call .m tlie subscriber. I will sell on reason- . able term; my lb.use and Lot, having also a goixl Kitch en. Smoke house and good Well of water. .Also, four 1 Town Lots with good Stables theraon and very conve- ; nient. and one other small Lot Also, 'i'2 acres of Land joining the town of Carthaee, convenient for wood, A. M. BRANSON, i Carthage, Dec. 2, 1-“' 2. 8.^jf UOO \e;sroes Wainteil. The Undersigned desire to hire Throe Hundred hands to work on Ihe grading of the Chatham Railroad The line runs through .a healthy country, on a high ridge, and all hands employed on the road will be well fed anil cared for. We will hire either by the month or the year -Vpply to ufl at Cary, 8 miles west of Raleigh, or at Haywood, or Lockville, Chatham county, N. C I. N (U^EtiG & (’O , Contractors. Jiefcrmcen: K. P. Battle, Pres’t Chatham R. R. Com pany, Raleigh, and W'. J. Hawkins, Pres’t Raleigh J£ G'lstun R R. Company, Raleigh. Feb’y 10. 180.'^ [r. s.] 2-15)t ^,»)00 1.5'M) *• CORN. I'crsun- having the above articles to sell will receive 'i‘ highest (’ash price by calling on -Mr. .M Thoir.aaon. ai ihe .Merrhant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri- >>er at >iis fil.\ -iand t n \larket Sijuare. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. b, IHi'.-. 75tf ART. Wood«Tar«rN Molar 4\*imera. Tweiily-li e DoU:u*^ Reward. \NAWAV from the subscriber, his negro boy .MO- ’ SE3. He is 21 years of age. about 6 feet 10 inches i high, robust, long feet and very much turned out at the toes, and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at .MtPh^iul’s .Mills in Robe-on county on the 21st nit., and was in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The i'r ive rew.ird will be paid tor his delivery to me or for ‘i - con^em«it in any jail so that I get him. W. D. JOHNSON. BennettsvHle, S. C., Aug. 14, 1862. 52tf ARTIY HARAEM«r ~ 1AM ■jirepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon ilarnes>? for Array use. I tan my leather and can w:ve good bargains. Agents will do well to send their ■ i lers to me .as they shall have prompt attention,-and =ent '.!] ia quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. G' -f-iton P. O., (Ihatham Co., N. C., 1 oAif June 13, 18b2. / *^00 ll>«. tiitsni Arabic tor »ale by J. R. LBE. )ct. 1'). J9tf WAATi:U. \ F lyi'i :i*villi ,\i 'eu-.I, Four or Five GOOD \ '.I' I'il-5. t.i whw.i, (T.r l wage« an 1 steady iieui wr I I; given. Apply to or ad'Iress .1 A. deLAGNEL, Lt. Col. C. S. A., Comd’g. 'U y l«t>3. 93tf nHOTOGR.APirS can be had af Vanorsdoll’.'i Skylight 1 Gallery. Hay street, opposite Marble Y'ard, Fay etteville. N. C._: plain, retouched, colored, *iu water colors, oil and’pastile; from small to life size, .\mbro- tyjies, Melaneoiyjtcs, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig lo the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G’ ii for very large pictures—as large as 25 f)y :li; inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging {u'ctuves: Instru- meniH. Stock .and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life rj'.ze colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your j.aironage. I would nlso return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, TV , nn torn ^’^‘^^ographist and Proprietor. Deo r 20. 1859 - j~ illarble Factciry, ~ I.AITDEIl, TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. IIAIGII St SON^’ STORE Fs jm’t ao, 181 Fayetteville, 1%. €. BOO. 84- FOR MALI:. “MOUNTAIW HOTEL,” IIORUA.VTOV, N. C. spills large establishuient, situate in the town of Mor- 1 ganton, N. -C.,’is now offered for sale. Terms made known on application to ). .M. H.VPPOLDT, Morgantou, N. C. Jan, l‘.», iHti'.i. It7-Hmpd l'ahha;;^e Meed! 'ahha;;e Meed!! - UNCOMBE C.-VP>B.\GE seed, fresh and genuine, at J. -W. LETT’S. Jan’y I-'). 1803. 0-l-‘2m .A liar;;e Durham €'ou 7'ITII a Young Calf, for sale. DAVID MURPHY. Jan’y 5, U2-tf Palma fliri»>1i Rean!^. The subseriber will pay the i ighest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fayctle7i'le,Ocf. 8. 07-tf AI.^IAxAA'M. V fresh supply o' Farmer’s & Planter’s, 2d Edition. •Also, a few of Turner’s. For sale by E. J. II.VLE & SONS. P. S. The publishers have raised the prices to 15 cents each, at which price wc will sell them. AdminiMtr.'ition xAotice. The subscriber having qualified as Administratrix on the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McRay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. CATHARINE SUNDY, Adm’x. Aug. 4. 1802. 49. t Adniini!>$trator’!« lAotice. The subecriber having ai December Term, 1802, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, deo’d, notifies all persons having cldims against the Estate to present them within the tim'> limited by law,-otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requ ested to m-ike prompt payment. HECTOR MoNEILL, Adm’r Dec. 10. 1802. 8-5- t Ri:€R|]ITM WAi^TFD For tapt. MrliaiirhlluN Company of Cumberland County. 111.WE been detailed a short tiin« on Recruiting ser vice; any wishing-to volunteer in said company cau liave an opportunity of doing so. 1 will be happy to meet and receive your naiaes at the different places and limes specified: ••\t .Silver Run muster ground and Fayetteville, on Saturday Ihe 21 at. At the same places on the 28th, C E Leete will receive your names at Fayetteville at any time you call on him at" his store. 1 will receive your names at Silver Run. .-\ny wishinc lo join other companies, I will receive your names also. If you wish to join a good company, join Capt. McLauchliu’s, for it is one of the best com panies now in service If you want to do anything for your cotintry, now is the time; come f’orwai^ and do what you can She needs your scrvice, aud if every man will oomo forward and do his part we may expect a speedy and honorable peaco. R J. HARRISON, Recruifing Officer, o8fh Reg’t, Co. K. Feb’y 11, I«U3. ^ 3-4tpd Headiiuarters E.xamlnlni; Board,) A.ni) E.nrolhnu Offick, 7th Conorkssiokal Dist., >- Wadksboro’, Feb. '.)|h, 1803. j rnilE COMMANDING OFFICERS OF REGIMENTS 1 of N C. .Milita. in the Seventh Congressional Dis trict, are hereby notilied to assemble all white male per sons between the ages of 18 aud 40 years, within their Regiments, at the Court House of their respective coun ties, for Medical Examination and final Enrollment at Ihc lirnos hereinafter specified. Anson County, 80th Regiment, February 23d and 24th. Anson County 81st Regiment, Feb’y 26th and 2Gth. Stanly County, 83d Reginient, February 28th, and March 1st, 2d. Montgomery Cou':ty, 02d Regiment. March 4th, 6th, Cth, and 7th. Moore C 'utity. 61st Regiment, March 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13tli. Chatham t’ounly, 49th Regiment, March lt)th, 17th, and 18th. Chatham County, 5)ih Regiment, March IVth, 20th, and 2Ist. Randolph County, (i3d Regiment, .Maroh 23d, 24th, and 25th. Randolph County, t54th Regiment, .March 26fh, 27th, and 2Mh. Davidson County, 06th Regiment, March 30th, 31st, ■April let. Davidsjn County, 06th Regiment, April 2d, 3d, 4th. P G. SNOWDEN, Surgeon C S. Army, Chairman Examining Doar.i. In obedience to General Order No. 82, Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, dated November 3d. 1803, all white males in the Seventh Congressional District between the ages of 18 and 40 years, whether residents of any other portion of this or any of the other States in which the conscriptioD law has not been suspended, are hereby required to report themselves at the above mentioned places for exaHioation and enrollment on the days fixed in the afore.said notice of Examining Board. The notice includes every white male person within the ages specified; those who have been heretofore ex amined and discharged either by Slate or Confederate States Surgeons; those who have at any time been dis charged from the army: those who have furnished sub stitutes, aud any and all persons who may claim ex emption on auy ground whatever. No person’s discharge, exemption, or detail from any service will excuse them from attendance at the place appointed .\11 laws and regulations applicable to deserters shall be applied to such conscripts as fail to repair to the place of rendezvous for enrollment or who shall desert after enrollment. .All agencies employed for the apprehension and con- tinement of deserters and their transportation to the commands of their r«spective commandei^, shall be ap plicable to persons liable to duty as oonscripM who shall fail to repair to the place of rendezvous after the pub lication of this call. ,Vt>ention of Recruiting Officers is called to General Order No, Dj. current series, .Adjutant and Inspector General's >IBce, Richmond, Va. JxVO. M. LITTLE, 1st Lt, P. A C. S and Enrolling Officer, 7th Congressional District. Feb’y 12 3-4t A'otiee to Absentee«x and Otliersi. IN obedience to special order No. 7 from Division Headquarters—Gen. D. H. Hill's,—the undersigned have been detailed to collect conscripts, volunteers and absentees from the 3d and other Regiments. They urge upon all such lo come forward and report to them without delay; and they warn absentees that a failure to do so will subject them to the charge and puishmenl for desertion. Proper measures have been adopted to arrest all such as do not voluntarily surren der themselves. JNO COW.AN, Lieut. 3d Infantry N. C. Troops. ELISHA PORTER, “ “ W. J. V THURSTON, “ A. J. CASTEEN, .All persons wishing to see me can do so by calling at Mrs. Johastjp’s, at Liberty Point, below the Market House. 1 will be at Jonesboro’, Thursday, Friday and Satur day, I'Jth, 20th and 21st inst., hoping to meet all absen tees and others from Moorecounty. W.M J Y. THURSTON, 2d Lieut Co. C, 3d N C. T., Recruiting Officer. Feb’y 10, 18t)3. 3-4tpd i:OFFEK. The' fabulous prices to which things have risen, es pecially produce and physic, compel me—though with reluctance—to advance one hundred per cent, on my former rates of charging. Dr. A. C. BULLA. Feb’y 11, lBt)3. 3-6tpd THRPEHTIAI:: HA€K«. I H AVE ft good supply of Turpentine H.ACKS, on hand, whi u I am ready to sell to those who may wi- 'n to purchase. Also, ready to prepare Axes at short notice, in the best monner. L. WOOD. Fayetteville, N. C., De«. 30. 90-3mpd TRUMT MALE. WILL bo sold at the Market House on Monday March 2,1803, at 12 o’clock, M., the DWELLING HOUSE of the late Wm. H Massey; the House is situated on the Southern Plank Uoad 1 mile from the Market House. For the Trustees. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auct’r. Feb’y 23. 6-ta To the Magif^trates of Cumberland C’ty. A MEETING of the Magistrates of the County of ix Cumberland is required on TUESDAY' the 3d M.ARCH, 18(i3, at 11 A. M., foi tbe transaction of pub lic business. D.WID McNEILL, Chairman. Feb 23, 1803. 5-2t Blanks for sale at tkis Office. F|?ypt Coal ifline. The undersigned were, at Ihe November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, aud have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any lesired qu-iutity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perly i« undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. ■Applications may be made to Chas ,B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C , or James Browne. Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf SOAP! SOAP! I.\M now making and keep constantly on hand, at my Factory on Person street, F.\MILY BAR SOAP, at wholesale and retail. —ALSO— Plain, Variegated, Perfumed, and Brown Windsor Toilet and Shaving Soaps. A supply kept for retail at J. W. Lett’s and Isaac Hollingsworth’s Orders promptly filled. BfegrLard aud Tallow wanted. Highest cash prices given. 0. P. JONES. Fayetteville, Jan’y 17, 1863. 95-2mpd __ A SMALL buckskin parse, between Liberty Point and the half way bridge, containing I gold watch key, with a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve dollars in cash. The finder may have the purse and the money if they will leare the other things at this offioa, Feb’y 14, 1898. 8tf ?!»]« E¥ FOUi^D. SMALL AMOUNT was found in our Store a few iA days ago. The owner can get it on application. E. J. HALE & SONS. Feb. 10, 1803 A WEST (iREEN NURSERIES & GARDENS, OREENSBOROUGH, N. C. I EXPECT to offer at public sale, on WEDNESDAY^ 1 Ihe 4(h day of MARt’H next, the MTOl K OF FRUIT TREES then on hand. These trees are of the best quality, but are too large to be kept over until another season, and must be sold at some price. I have been selling at old prices, being desirous of working off the stock. I shall have at least (50,000) fifty thousand trees to sell, and all persons wishing trees would do well to attend this sale, as 1 intend hereafter to sell all kiuds at from 50 to 100 per cent, higher than heretofore. This conclu sion has not been arrived at from the high price every thing is now selling at, but from the fact that no one can carrj' on the Nursery business at our old prices without losing money. I will have the trees raised, counted in bunches of 100, and ready for delivery on the day of sale. CYRUS P. MENDENHALL. Greensboro’, N. C., Feb. 20, 18C3. 5-ts NOTICE To Ttamsters and Laborers herefo/ore enyaged at (he State Salt Wor/cs. VTOU are hereby ordered to report at the State Salt 1 Works, without unnecessary delay, or notice will be given to the enrolling officers of the different Dis tricts to enroll those who do not so report J. M. WORTH, Salt Com’r. Feb. 20, 1863. 5-2w $1 REWARD. f)AN.AW'AY' from the subscriber on the 18th inst., a i) girl by the name of C(.)RNELI.AS THOMAS. Said girl is about 4 feet high, aged about 13 years. Said girl was bound to me by the Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions for the county of Bladen at its February Term, A D., 1863. 1 hereby forewarn any and all persons from harboring her. R. P. MELVIN. Feb’y 18, 1863. 5-3tpd «50 REWARD. I WILL pay the above reward for the delivery to me cr continement in any Jail where I can get him, of my man Moses, who ranaway from me Monday morn ing the ICth inst.'' He is known as one of the Gibbs negroes from W^ilmington, and will most likely try to make his way to that place. He is about 25 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, rather thick set, very black, very thick lips, looks down and hesitates a little in his speech; had on when he left, a soldiers’ jacket with plain brass buttons He may try to escape to the yan- kees through any part of our lines that he can most easily reach, or he may lurk about Fayetteville or Cha pel Hill, in both of which places he has relatives. J. .M. WALKER, Capt & A. C. S. Camp Holmes, near Raleigh. N. C. Feb’y 17. 4tf Camp 14th N. C. Troops.) Feb. 17th, 1863. j SICK and W’ounded members of Co. H, bear ;n mind that none saw regular Army Surgeons have a right to extend furloughs. By order. J. R DEBERRY, [5-2w] Capt. Co. H, 14th N. C Troops. A IKI»iH POTATOES. LARGE lot No 1 PLANTING POTATOES, for sale by Feb’y 23, 1863. T. J. JOHNSON. 5-2tpd MALT! SALT!! S.ACKS for sale by /w’O Dec. 22. ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf SPECIE WAl^TED. A Small amount of GOLD or SILVER wanted. Apply at this Office. Feb’y 16. HOT ICE." ^piIE Copartnership lately existing under the style of X S. J. HINSDALE & CO., expired by limitation on 1.4t Jan’y, 1863. Mr. Hinsdale will attend to closing up Ihe business, during the absence of Lieut. Horne. Persons indebted to the firm will please call and set tle by Cash or Bond, without delay. SAML. J. HINSDALE. HENRY R HORNE. The business will be continued by S. J. HINSDALE. Feb’y 21. 5-5H Headquarters 51st Reg. N* C. M« The Commanding Officer in each District in the 5Ist Reg’t N. C. M. is hereby notified to assemble all white male persons between the ages of eighteen and forty years within his-district,'at the Court House in Carthage, for medical examination and final enrollment, on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of MARCH next. A M. B. RICHARDSON, Col. Com’dg 51st Reg’t N. C. M: Feb’y 17, 1863. 4-3tpd TO COTTOil PLAJITERS. ■ I have been appointed, by the Secretary of the Treas ury, Chief agent for the purchase of Cstton for the Con federate Government within the State of North Carolina, and will pay for the same in 8 per cent Bonds, or cash. Sub-agents visiting the difiFerent parts of the State, buy ing in my name, will have written certificates of ap pointment. Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their cotton rather thau to private capitalists. « LEWIS 8. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Feb. 17. L^- d.] 4-lia lauri]vriirci;h Vla>isic€tl anil Scientmc School. The ensuing session of this School will commence od Wednesday Feb’y 25. N. B. A Primary Department under Ihe instructiftn of Mrs. A. P. Gage, will be permanently attached to the School Male students desiring to enter upon either the Classi cal or Scientific course, can obtain board in the family of the Principal. For particulars address A. P. GAGE. Feb’y 18, 1863 4-4tpd HAULIIVG. WE will pay $1 25 per 100 lbs. for Hauling old maehinery from Mr. Coffin’s Store on the Wtstero Plank Road, to Spout Spring Depot or to Jonesboro’ Depot on the Western Railroad. The distance i« about 25 miles. ' nn. Address D. ANDERSON & CO. Eagle Foundry Feb’y 18th 1863. 4-2w FOR SALE. My HOUSE and LOT on Harrington Hill, confining 20 acres Possession given the 1st of April. For n^rtimlars apply to me at the Bank of North Carolina, particulars app*y HUSKE. F»yett«Tflle, Feb’y 18, 1863- Yankee SoUUerz stopped from Refldiny- t\n order ha.s been issued prohibiting the circuRtioii of all newspapers in the yankee Army ot the Po tomac until further orders. In commenting upon the order the N. Y. World says: This is a very strange movement, and one it will be very difficult for the administration to justify before the country. The soldiers are al.so Anier ican citizens and have a right to know what is j^oing on in the world. Ol course it is obvious why this order has been issued The all but universal dissatisfaction of the country with the negro policy the radicals are forcinjr upon the government is very clearly iudieated by the news paper press, and the feeling is quite as eoiuiuon in the army as elsewhere. The administnition hopes by this means to prevent a knowl«^d>jo ol the growing di.scontent from reaching the sol diers, for fear it would affect their morale. Hut in this, as in other measures, civil and militaiy, the administration shows its want of common sense and foresight. It is not the new.spapers that ar.; to blame for the state of feeling tliroughout the country and in the army; Mr. Lincoln’s advi.sers are responsibFe for that. It was changing the war for the Union into one for abolition that has done all the mischief, and while this policy obtains mat ters will grow steadily worse. Tlie ab.scnc(' of newspapers will increase and embitter tbt* feelings of the soldiers, who will learn all the govermuent wishes they would not learu from their priv:it- correspondence and report. A Prediction of Daniel U'6j>'^# r.-^lSomt* of' tbe Northern papers reproduce the following: The Hon. Daniel Webster, of Ma.‘sachu.setts, in a speech delivered in Washington, just thirteen years ago, gave it as his opinion that “if the iiitf-r nal fanatics and abolitionists ever get the power into their hands, they will override the t’onstitu- tion, set the Supreme Court at defiance, change and make laws to suit themselves, lay violent hands on those who diflFer with them in iheir opiit ions or dare question their infallibility, and fina'ly bankrupt the country and deluge it with blood ” Harper’s W^eekly gives Lincoln a hard hit. He is represented as a theatrical manager be fore the footlights. His attitude is obsequious in the extreme. The following is his little announce ment: Manager Lincoln—“Ladies and Gentlemen: 1 regret to say that the Tragedy entitled “The Ar my of the Potomac,” has been withdrawn, on ac count of quarrels among the leading Perfurmors, and I have substituted three new Farces or I5ur lesques; one, entitled “The Repulse at \'icksburg, by the well known popular favorite E. M. Santon, Esq., and the others, “The lo.ss of the Harriet Lane,” and “The exploits of the Alabama”—a very sweet thing in Farces, 1 a.ssure you--by the V'eteran Composer, Gideon Welles.” Belle Boyd, denounced by the Yankeea a.s a courageous, but dangerous young lady, is sojourn ing in Knoxville. On the night of the 13th in stant, she was serenaded and “called out.” She appeared at a window and Kaid; “Gentlemen, like Gen. Johnston, I can fight, but cannot make speeches. You have my heart felt thanks for your compliment.” The Stajff^ of Life.—We cannot too often or too earnestly urge upon the people the importance of producing tbe greatest possible quantity of food. The first and foremost consideration for every farmer is to make as much meat and bread as he possibly can. Vegetables, too—those especially that will keep—such as potatoes and peas, should be more extensively cultivated than ever before. Chas. Courier. Dead —Dr. Thomas Feam, who was one of the Ala bama members of the Provisional Congress of the Con federacy, died at Huntsville, Ala. on the 16th ult. of consumption, contracted in tbe jail of that city, into which he was thrtwn by the Federal commander, Gen 0. N. Mitchell, when the Yankees had possession of the place. He was a native of Pittsylvania counnty, Va , and was 74 years of age. He served as a surgeot^ in the. war of 1812, and during that period dressed the would of Oen. Jackson. Florence and Fayetterille Rail Road. UNDER the provisions of .an Ordinance bf the Con vention ef North Carolina, Books will be opened on the 16th Jane at the following places and under the di rection of the following persons, to receive subscrip tions to the Capital Stock of the “Florence & Fayette ville Rail Road Co.” Shares One Hundred Dollars each. At the Rail Road Office in Fayetteville.—Under the di rection of the General Commissioners, A. A. ycKethan, D. A. Ray, A. W. Steel, Wm. McL. McKay and Jno. M. Rose. At the Red Springs.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart, Jas. A. Smith, Dan’l C. Mc Neill and Col. Alex. McMillan, or any one of them. At Floral College.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair, Dr. A. D. McLean, Archibald Smith, Edmund Lilly and Col. Alexander Watson, or any one of them. At Queensdale.—Under the direction of Murdock Mc Rae, D. 3'cLeod, D. McCallum, Jm McRae, Jr., and J. II. McQueen, or any one of them. At Alfordsville.—Under the direction of John Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford, Dugald McCallum and Jno. McCallum, or any one of them. ,- The Subscription Books will remain open for the space of 60 days. When a sufficient sum is subscribed the Company will be organized for the purpose xtf build ing the R*ad. A. A. McKETHAN, D. A. RAY, A. W. STEEL, WM. McL. McKAY, JNO. M. ROSE, Qtneral Commissioners Fayetteville, June 7, 1862. 32tf THE^NORTH CAROM^A MIITVAL UFE INSURANCE rUMPIIVr, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growiftg capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, oontinues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses ar« punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. . For further information the pubh'^ is referred to Aranfa nf the Company in all parts o ^he State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jafi’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. Groceries: CfroceriesS! A LARGE and - well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCEUIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides^ Mess Pork, Mullets, Maoker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment COX, KENDALL & CO Wiiaitkg^n, April 2, 1861. 10-tf Blank Warrants for sale at this Office.