■' 1-unjr. " M , •I'it !. , ,, f) ''■;;y m :'o„i ■ " '"> W^,,, ». H..h..,f kf 1 hr F K ' ' K«*rner • I r t J- S A»,, '''• " 'Merin, \\- j ^ H Davis k \ (JUUt, 'f”- H Avera II i*‘Wii. K 0 (',r ftrr'u ; > liS •> U Hawes 'Her ^ N I'alters )D iiidJi.k 6s Ubri’_tun Oiv.i, iI Kobbins Ini^rv.ni. Hue. >I...Neill liaui, James Reynold* I N FlomiDg. n -j i’arpenr# by I II Holtnes n^* 1» Altord. V U) Laws ).s mard Htii,ier>j:, !i, '. H Hoii pton LTK . uNGKKSS PE lliam I- Vanoey, ■' :' >ert s\ J ihii^ion, Chte. s M Baker, A E .Mix Hill, Iti-bert T >ombe. ♦t. iiuaiD K .''I I -.IT w. ! J OculUli?? bcrr c i;»wn. Jauic* B ir.i ! f ■ rs i; iffd !W-'. ■ kor. \ . K I'^.oD , I'- is. w;;. ' 'V Barnwell, M .vr;. -V r- ! ;1 Jhan; , / ,r. ft,.,,.., 5f*K kill!! . v-r. \\ ni H L >1 ui y. Frar.i.-i‘ ■' ’! ' , \'m L I'uj.- 3j .1 ■ J, linindiMD arl- ! i ■' - 1- Uitnly Ka , K H IliltOD k Hu-' ■ J 'OTl:. . . -V J frii l. icixi •) K ■ ted itio .i' re. i barlei ner. 1. ;-v- J itiH, ,j un . ,J .JWi « ambers. U , W Bell; ■uok, Thofl sh, ih ow, \\ H Smith. Ro^ I n -icD^ Uj 1) \ -rin^ton, •' ‘}j ^ itV.t r . A T !**■ 9 V\ . J n i; ... . WFor- lie, w I . U ■f»* -* * Bin M Th. •avid VU- I irrin ^..rWtJray. >taloow f Ko . Vl'ryor, lb"* V: - i Ilolcow'x*. „ \ R Boteler. ,n'e. \ ul‘'?r * H aon ' OF ry’H; tility- eauty of KorMine: J. h y aoMt J. ^ » K IW 1 - W B K K L Y VOL XII.] FAYiriTEVILLE, N. C.. MARCH 5, 1863 » PRINTFl' \NM» THUKr^DAYS i:i)\V\Rl) J. IIALK K SONS. i.'Iir^'KS .vNI* f’KijFRICTOU^^ .pt'.r ill. •’f'kU' OimFRVEH >'0 pa'di in ,|v ’i . ' ' !t I’”: I ilurinT ih(' v,'ar >t’ *:'rip- , . ■ ^ I Wt 1' I f !■ oni' h«- e xi'i ri*i .! ■ '.'i 'rKVKP. >'J I'm' ppr un -nm. if'in h iH' T’ ‘■-' if' pni il!i»"inc vour ot ' uhMciip- jt. .r i.Mi iifier ttn* yt-Mr ii I'i eKjiiivd jj: V 1>V f'. K f is t.M KN’l’?' innerM'iJ tor tiu ct*ut' pt*r ■I', •! ’lO litios tor ini' hr>i, kiiiI o> cen;- for e«ch •. - line puhlic;ii’nM e»rly advevtiHemptit'i hy -»pp- ■nirftct''. ai ri-MSi^ri' rriie- AilTi-viiHers are TIvtc nF.R \VA.\TEII. IT b«>iu({ df-lPiiuinwl \ J t •« Tni-»tp>8 of the Parolicn Ft>iitHlp ("'•'IVjfo lo rtoi'pu the !u“iituti,,n at th« e-»r- 'ifl-l piKsi^tln H iiiRiiipl ypTill®m in -jonit* ejc }urit*nc« 1:* to take ohat^>- nf t, -i ,\Irtho'ii®t prn fpvi'pJ Oa*' or two are w'lntt-ti hb imsiruciorv; V iDiiHi h» (■nntpett'itt to f»‘»c'h imi' ip on tht* Piano ii Mil iitii n III I’le i igho* tiVHii.•!.. •• of 1,: p’lHh litevHliiro FV>r toriu^^. '1‘lilrpv-i. (jivi!>i; O ''Mil'll l’iO>4 H(1 Trii9tot*8 -Vti^DHviHf. N \> ?, t^ipd ^iioo KEWAItU. 1_) ^ N A A \ fj f>in Mr N. fitrr-mi'tr. on ihf •'ii‘'i-loli** It K-iil B m i. in*Hr Br'iwn in Norpni^x*' 'n't iny »i'-^ro (iirj HKI.L The -Ti 1 .'inl in s N ■ 1 Iir-ro nh,u’ ;> ttM'I ,>r un-h»‘s H:.r , v. vy wcii j.'.’; uv. «u i wirh I siir>.ih 11 ick '•kiri. [>,1 f ; ■ ho line the nijmher •niit iT ' or of insorfionp •losire'l. or . aii + ohitrjroil apcord- Stu‘ fe >niv( t>t; itl thf l>r-o9rn ^t■^^sh le'irhb ri'W:.rii for t --i >1 li-. -iy I't 'I •,.r ii r e'”.i*int‘iue,il in any j > J • .T in ■ 'V' n frcc^ tiPTTo m in Till -Ivi' ihf V ■ ..y.'l ;«»vi)te. or ■11 I o in p h ■. Jl> r.KR:?^oN ' ■* *.f -:r n: I . - lid tor oi.r oij ivi»> • ' ut'-eriNfr 11-. nt*r will ionir*r timn ti •r'^^.er^ Hs deri’re to Tiike the pa- Ml ick Biver. I, nk'H ('re«'k iij «ystem will plrAse notify 11*! w;t»n n'lHkiujj Jnn'v I. IsTiH JfMcKlW Attoirnty at ijaw, FaV KTTK V lI.i.E, N C. . ;iiieud ;lie ('ounty ;iii i Superior f'onrts o:' t’uaiberlund, Moori' and Rohoson Cotin- I'roiiipt attention ciTen to the collertii n of all > entrusted to his hands. « 17, 185V. 5t-tf r;EO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. IVholetiale Dealers 4iiro€*erieK, A.NP IMPORTERS AND 1>F..\LERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swede!4 Iron, &r., n.iY STKKtT, FiYKTTEVlLliE, >. C. l'^v liii 7 h K■’>>• • K. Mrl'tii'*' Oreei'. Li'Mit I5l». k Rivn- Feh’r 4. lS*:t; '»I-o >»i the -^i-ne pinceq .n ih • !4th w:ll rer^'.te ttie names hi i^'V'k'a Jr-hnson >»' ’‘>1 ir Cre»k. my»e!f at JA\!F.J^ A «\J.NEY Lieut, Co F, 24th Fieg't N 0 T, l-JOOtf Ju'v 2. ift;i. ?!6tf J 'X. W. p. KENDALL. J. .S. KEXl»ALL 4’OX. KEirj>AI.I^ A: €?0., iCoiiion illei*ehaiits AN D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ko. 11 A 12 Xorth Uater St., Wilnii 1121(111, r. lers fruni ti.e •'•'UUiry proiiiptiy cxocutel. Pnrticiil:ir aitentii’D ci^en to tue Pale of Cotton , pro'iuce ^,rni;, iHii. 10-tf J 0«. I T I.K Y, iiroctr and Jflerthant^ i'AYKTTEVILLE, N C. j&n'y 10, I'oja. 9w-tf T. i\ A: K. «. \V€»RTH, |lomfflission and l^ornarding Merfhant8y WILMINGTON, xN. (’ Jm T18'il . 84tf C'o|i|M'ra«(! C'opperaw!! Q(\/\ SUPKRIuR yUALITV COPPERAS. t)l/U AUo lu Ti.rces FRK.'JH HEAT RIOK. For sule by PE.MBKrvTON & SLOAN. J«n y P. 1863. 92if ~r ALIA RLE for Sale. iOttKK for ,«ale my I i.ANT \ iMoX, li miles west oi Ciirthaire. M ore C'>uoiy, ; . nt '.iniuc J.')0 Mcres. on which in a (tripf and Shw ‘'tit* in Gin Rnd '-’crew I will receive in r>ayinenT .'tat« I’onus. Confederate nioney or likely \eeroe-4 J)ITN .MORISUN. VALI ARM: LA\I>s lor Sale. T OFFKR for ale my rL\NTATIO\ on McClend.'u’rt 1 i’r-»ek. •) »nMeo WHst n*" rirrhitr' lyin? on the ba«in of the ’rvnl Fields contftinine ’JKii' cores whicl; is as productive a- iny lind. in tiie eoiin'r of Mo.ire. The iinpri vnufut^ go.jii aiiJ thi- uiiuiiiiou healihv. Terras 1‘bfn.l j mN MORISON AOTITE. IH \ \ K ab'ut 5* MX* ncres more, in th. Itferent tra''fi«. in the county ot Moore —Fanninft Mineral, and Tur pentine land.—which I will sell on I'firral terras. JiiMN MORISON. C A R II! FEW L.^L'IES ciiQ be aorommodated with board ;he ■'emiuHrv. T. HOOPKR ept 1:’. H'.l 5ti- JDHVSO.V. \VILLI.\nS i CO.. ntltERii. w^- Ave tiirty i .i'i. j, ,n^ now in op* i ni ion nine niilee 01 Wihiiip^iuii Pnrtii.s wi“t>inp to supply ' wilh vHit c til i.*' f;i '":- ied by applyinn to Jr.. Ae-tii >*> Ftil-viii*. lu K Pnge, • ' the w I' !■• .1. M WILLIAMS. General Superintendent. ■ ill*'. Nov. ^ Sltf Caph on hand 4nd other as8«t«, i'OTT«\ YAR.\. \o. 19 Hay Street. IHO. MALLtl’T. Rice and Tobacco on tousi^uuient III ' A. KS ot ?r.-h b-at Rice and H*" lijxes .Manu- l ' ' :nr«d T'jh-iec , viriou- (qualities For sale by eviiie, Sept (iKO W ■.'4 1 WILLI \MS i CO. f AOTITE. 1 xt eci I') be ati-^ent iroui home a few iHonths in ;be Host. .\r'hir.al'l Mci.ean ifi> my auih«jri».ed Us'-Q' o tran«ac niv >Uhine“s until I return. I ' N. 0, .50NKS. Henry Lilly. H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawlev, N-ithan ,\. Stednian, C. P.- Malleit. Jamep Kylp. A. \. McKethan. .1. 1». 7*i’iani-. S. W. Tillinjihiit. W. N. Tillinatiist. S. .r Hinsdale. Wm. .MoLaurin. T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel. .1. G. Cftok. lion. T. jShnnherl. R. f'. lirnwn. I A. E. Ha. Aitirliki^ date I will K • • ' -nt- T'pnnni! fo’ r.js dr- in F»v. ‘: . 111'. or ;it my m’ll? I) MUKPlfV sAi/r. G W u! LUMs O. \t BUSHELS : - "n ■■le Vi.j,-: the .\te'.'oh'.ti, • er ;ti iii- »l.l ■ .VlUR I I r;.- M'.IIh Hn I Sot. r' tf A \ I k:II. Wil KA 1'. i'Oli N :.b.>vt !irticle.= ■ i aell will receive by chI iii)^ on ,'lr. ^I Th'^.nHwon Ftvt'ev Je. or on the sub-'cri- .M-.i \el .'14’iare -\LKX. JOHNSON, Jr. 75tf \ «;scts! The SJvle, rOLOIlEl) PHOTOCUiPHS, .KT ART. Woo4lll'ar(i^•« Solar I'asiiera. J*A'.^KS for sile by .SALT! SALT!; I).' ROBV'RT MITCHFLL 88 tf Sfi»El'SK Sui'fl’. amo'ti't uT i'iy> at ibi? OlDfc \VA,\TEI>. V) Cir SIl.V'KR wanlnd. Feb' Apiily , It;. tl03 \^$gro>s Wanted. • IE IJn.Ir- ipni‘1 . t to I; 'ii‘ cru :- Tn. I - .bje, ■ III H il N (' .u I ■111: . I . in 1' ^ H Ks, ' ireT!ire*s ILm tri--l ii tii.ls ■ hi- 'la‘ r,) 1 :J • U."y ’ uirij, on i I ijr'i i 'J the r..:: ■ w!; *»e w- ! *>ir • .■:(Ii. r 'jy rnotita t V N • i!.*s c; !h I'll (• uiily, llltiT -tOI - I 1'! I"! r»in f it noAEi Fori\«. ASM.VLL amount was found in our Store h inw days ajfo The owner can (cet it on appHoaiio'i E J. hale it SONS Feb. ly. IKb.S NO Ph K To Ttnniiters initl L/'ifj'n ers ht r> iufor>- r/.ytK/t'J ({/ (Af Sfoft' iSV/// Hi>rA:s. \rOl. ire hereby orde.-eil t‘' report «t ihe Sl«ie Si,a W irks. wlth'at unn..‘C‘rs •• ry delay, ».■ ii.'itM'. w M be friven to t! e onrol!ins{ fTii''r-t "f the li'ffereni tri;*- to enrt.ll Mi.is'* wh-i -io not mo report ,I M WOR r'll. «iU Feb Ji>, 1 St, I. o I'w KVi;Ip, ('ti' . • • 'O . •Hki'frnsls |r r tin* i iiiji- b:*es .iC-'* ' i litiie on le.rui iii^ ,,) ,.,l wl' wi^^h lo I hi'- 1 cup >i_\. I li lt I'l'* “ *1 ive he • |'p:»r'un;lv of doi'ir I be h' p.y ■> meet an . rroeiv*? ynur ’■anifs at the ditl rent p‘ ices and timM: sp--cifi “1: \1 Cc.i.'ir t'rijek, on S-titir- r'l know n ■JVTAI V r J u. 19. S h i a. s. j II-lyt i]'»rg\\T!in. c, \ ' i»if o'.vii 'f Mor ■ t. .ii -.j r ■’ Tert'is tnu't: •> '*. J .1 Ma1PO'.,-T. Moi->^fti'tor>. S •' 07-^^rcpd i L- Camp 14th !V. C. Troops, ) Kki: 17tb, ISC):",. j nCK If,; 'Vi.MM-Jed injuibn.' jX'Co. H. bear i!i mini Oil'll- - live re ri.I i'- .-V iiiy Surgeon- h ivt, » r;p;).t ! fiir;oit)rh.'. ird . J R DEW ERR V, ('.i| t. (%■ H, Mih N 0 Tr.-'op^ exict i’.y Tlie Rocktiiih Co. wivli to hire tt iiood RIaoksniith Apply to C T HAIGH. Pres’t. Marcl. 2, ISt':^ 7-tf Flat Dutch C'abbage Seed, For sale hy W. N TILLINGHAST. Feb'y :js 7-2l S«0 REWARD. I Horse it ml Stofen. ■ O ' *-'LKN from the subscriber, on Thursday night the r> 2>ith F.by. a BRIGHT ( LAY BANK H(>RSE. with | . while } laie in t’.i- fuce. low in tle^li and litnp^ a litiie -ri ihe riffht hind leg. ha- ii s re b«cif He w-i.s t.aken by a fr.'e n''pro by the ntme of .lacob Goings alias ^lo^- jjfMi, Tt'pre W'“J a free f?irl along with him by the :i:iine of .Surah Jane 0 'inirs. I a 'eward >f Twenty Dollars for the airest nil 1 coDti' einei't of ssiM J«cob Goines in Lumberton Jt>il, or ten in any other Jail in the Slate, and ten d d- Inrs for the reiuri> of tlie horse to me DUGALU .McDl GALD. 4';»bl>nfire Seeil! '.'«bl>au‘e Sertl!! .'•C'>.MHE t\kH*'.\OK SKEl>. fre.sh and Kon'iine, «t W •lan’v I’’ I' LF rrs ^l-'*ni .4 Lar^i‘ Durlutiii 'ow irH a Yo in»i }r»lf, foi- sv.;,» DAVID .MCRPHY Jtn’y -i •dJ if w A Palma I'hri^ti RoaviM. ^IMIE :*ut"'ariber will p»y the iiigheot cash pricei* for 1 *ny quantity of Ph^iiiu Chrisii BHans. J A WORTH. Payntteville,! Ml. 8. )>7-tf ALnAAAC'S.~ h RKSH mpply of Faritier's A Planter’^. 2d Edition. ■Mso. a f'^w of Turue'"’?' F.rs-ilehy E J HALE * 80NS. P S. Th? p'lbM^h.'rs have raided the prices to 16 C^u’H each, at which priou we wil! sell then^. .4iiiiiiiiMtr.'itioii .\otice. 'HHE suibHcriber haviii-r qiali6ed as Adminis ratris on J. I lie Estate of ) as Sim.Iy. dec’d. hereby pives notice to .ill persotjs hHvinir claims against said Estate to pre sent thenn to Wm AleL NIcKay within the time pre- sorib i by law. or thi* notice will he ple-tded io bar of iheirrec ivery. *'\THARINE SUNDY, Adtn’x. Auk' 4 I'^t;-.' 49- I of .'Vlineral l^aiifN tor Sale. 1H.WK an iuterest of one-lhird in a tract of ;V.>0 ACRES oil ttie waters of Deep River, on which have been discovered a Si'.t mine anl pure naltpetre, and an oil of good quality for greasing leuther. well worthj- geolnjrical investigation. JO'fN MoRlSON. Carthage. Nov. 1.^ 18f!2 77-tf LOOK AT THIS! TilB IMVKTTKVILbK IIOTKL, Fronting .^00 feet and in the businevs portion of the Town, contains more KpncioiiK and %veil %eiitil.*ited Rooiii« tliiii any Hotel ill the state, and tay Patron^- .say my 'uriiMruonfs are very ^ooi for tht^ tiin---. T. H ADDILL, Proprietor. May ‘Ji>, 27V ^EA Y ETTi: VIL I. E MITIAL IXSlRiVfK COMPA^Y. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to >’Jb7,b8S i:b 5,077 :5o Total. S-27-,7»i;i t>l The Conipapy have paid all iosses proinptly. and have never made an aRseriP.nent on tLeir premium notes. Total logsfs pal ’, ?29.f^^2 69 )FFirEPS: OEO McNFILL. l‘resident. D. A R.AY. Vice Pn'-^ident. C. A. McMILL VN. sec’y DiHKrTiiRS: • .tdmifiistrator'M Aotice. TilE subs.-ribvr h;iviu({ a! Dt-cember Term, 16C2, the t’ou.ity I’ourt of Cumherlau L qualified as ,\d- minis'rator upm the Estate of Neill G. ,M. Xe.ll, dee’d, no>ifies all pprs''>ns bkviu|> *lf>imn againtit the Esmt» to present them within the tim« limitef hy law, otherwise ibii* notice will be ple-ided iu bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HECTOR MoNEILL. Vdui'r Dee 10. isr,'_> Rti. , WESTER.\ RAIL ROAD. The Truins of thifi Rond leave Fiyeiieville daily, (Siiniays exeeptel) st 8 o’^locl^, M., at.d re- turninz leave .Mclver’s at 1 o’clocK. P M Tr.itu MONDAY. WEDNESD \Yand I'KIDAY. By order of the President. JNi> .M ROSE. Trt-a>, r and .-Vci'g Traus. .\g’i. Jar. 07if -t'Oi'EEE. ^l^HE fahu u* prices ' • wMch thin|z;s have risen, es 1 p.(•;■»! . ;.r. iu''.* 1 pM^.-»ic. cTi.jpei tne—though (*!'h r luL- I'i'Te—tr. adv-nc^ one hun iheJ percent on uiv fi roi-T r--';'-- o'^ '■('•a k. ig Dr \ c. b; li a. Feb y 11. l.'^'i? -.I(..l rr«I*E.\ iT8.\E IIACK^. ~ 1!I\VE • su; ; y o: Tiirp. uiiu.. ll.A i ha'xi, wS- I .,ir, r. .1, to 'ell t thrsf w(i wish to piirc'iase. A'® >, re.tdy to prepare .Vxe^^ a notice, iu the tie.,t 'M inner L. WOOD Fayetteville. N. D'C ;?0. yU-H .ipd Ef?yi»t C'oal TIiiie. The ii’iders'gn 1 *rre. a- I'l- .N’ ‘'’I'vibvr Ter; i of iKc C 'r.ted.- itf Courf Di.->iriet nt .Vorth Caro ina, ap- pointpit .Vlsnn^ers of the Ejrvpt C^hI Mire j-operty. and have eu:,'rei into copartnerHiikjj fir the pu pose of mining »ud -’isi z Ooal. and solici' orders lur ' same in any (iesired i^ i.mtily. Order.* for n-jy ami ml cm . be siinp'i.ed .n n.itii'i-. The C.jul from lliis pro perly 1= un ' '.iht- lly liie best in the ','onfed, ratf .States. .ApplicftiIons m y be im ie to ''n»3 B Mallett. Fnyetie- ville. N C , i.r Ji»i-ieti Urowne. Cliarlehton. S. V V H \RLES B M ALLI fT. ,i \MK.S BROWN'.:. F iyetlevir.-*, f w'v !>*•,> 'v :f 4 l; A Oi s, ou may shvrL TO C OTTO A PLAATERS. I biive been upi*.>iiite,; by the Secretary of the Treah- uiy. '’ti.cl jjrent tor tlie purchase of (’«it,m fjr the Con- Government wiiiiin the State of North Carolina, and will pay for Ihe .same in 8 per cent Bonds, or Ciish. Sub-njr*nts v;Hitirit: the rtifl'.-reut psrts of the State, buy ing in niy uauie, will have written oeriificates of ap pointment Pa'ri itlc citizens are now offered au opportunity lo aid ihe Govern’iient by seliiii.: t.) it their cotton rather tha. to privMtc Cikpii.iHsts LEWIS S WILLIA.MS Ci'ftrljtte, Feb ';7. [o u. 1 4-1 m THE AORTH CARoi7l^A~ MUTUAL LIFE IXSUKANCE CO.nPANl, "^OW in the teuth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 ti# GO years of age. for one year, for geven yeaftf, ar d for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to CO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. •All losses ar* punctually paid within 90 days after satisf ictory proof is presented. For further information the pub)’'* is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c ihe State, and to R H 'battle. Secretary. R:^eigh. E. J. H.ALE. Agent at Jau’y 1869. Fayetteville, N. C. ^foceries^ Groceries:: L.ARGE and well selected Slock of FAMILY ROtJERlES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, MeSvS Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molassef*, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment COX. KENDALL & CO Wilminsrton. April 2. 18ti1 10-tf ]^otic¥. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either Bepan.tely or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise lo attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect- j fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. ST.VaR & WILLIAMS. Sept 19. 18G1. r,8-tf Western Kallroad Offlce, \ Fayetteville, N. Bt-pt. -7, 18'i2. ) }'^OR ihe purpo*'e of increasing the capii'il stock of ihiiJ Company, !o en^ible it to rxienil the Road from the (’■I'll I'ieiiis I.' the North Carolina Road, the fw'ilow.ng gen'll men h-»ve been appointed Commissioners to re- cfivc -ub-eriti rs in their several neighborhoods, viz: .At 'liilf—L J H4ue!iton. Brooks Harris, Dr George C N‘»wh ■ an.i j Wushiugton • Ab ;e I’je Gulf—Jno J Gol lsi.in, James F Rives and H igii W Dis ju. .At Ore dill—G W GolJston, Dr L W Gorrell and N M Als on. .\bove Ore Hill —Dan'i Hackn"y. A B Mar.sh and Jas Pace. At Fou-''’s Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. .\t Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A •S Hov»y- At .vsheboro'—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. At New M irket—.lesse Witlker and Josepti Newlin. At '!'homa>-ville—\ G Foster and Jno W Tbonins -At lligti Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry, -\t . alota—Francis Fries and R L Patterson. At trreeasboro'—-0 P Mekdeuhall, Peter .\dams. Hon J .V G Imor und Jesse H Lindsay. Inst-uotious wiM be sent to the Commissioners at an e» ’ly ay by the President of ih» Company. 64 f J. M. ROSE. Scc'y W R. R, Co. Doiid irroch. Ilobi'soii Co , Feb’y 28, 180.“? 7 t)ipd j Factory Ciiood« lor Racoii. ' 1CAN buy a limited supply of (/ottoD Yarns, Sheeting and Osnabiirgs, to be paid for in Bacon. Those wishing to procure these goods of mo must deliver Ba con at my Store. W. H. AVER A. Silverdale, Johnston Co.. Feb'y 2tj. 7*3mpd-oew VOLIJATEERS WUTED FOR TUB CUHBBRLOD PLOUGH BOYS. Having not retumea to my Company yet, I will again give notice to .all who may wish to join this Company, that they now have the privilege of doiagso. The usual bounty of One Hundred Dollars will be paid. This Compan]; is now at Kenansville, N. C : any one going in the service will do wall in joining this Com pany, as it is au old t ompany, and is well drilled I shall be in Fayetteville on the 4th and oth of March nest JAMES A GAINEY, Lieui. Co. F, 24th Reg. N. C. T. Feb. 24- 6-tf iVOTICE. Good Homes IVantedi HAV'ING received orders to purchiwe Horses for the 2d Reg’t N. C. Cavalry, 1 will be at the following places, vii; Fayeiicville, March 9ih and 10th; Jones boro’, 11th; Carthage, 12th aud loih; Gulf, I4th; Pitta- boro’, Ifitii and 17th; Brooks’s Cross Reads, 18th; Ashe- boro’, 20th and 2lst; Tr. y 2!id; Albemarle, 25th; Wadesboro’. 27th; Rockingba'n. 28th. Persons having good fiorses for sale will confer a favor by meeting me at the above named places. J. L BRY.AN, ('aj.t. Co. I, 2d S. C. Cavalry. Mirch2, 1863, 7-t24lh Celebrated ^^fiand Looms*’ for Sale* I NOW offer for sale SIX HAND LOO.MS, together with the right for four counties, viz; Robeson, Rich mond, Cumberland and Columbus counties. These Loom» will weave from 80 to 40 yards of jeans per day. Owing to the t'aet that 1 am in service, 1 am unable to give that attention to them that they require, hence 1 propose to sell the Looms and right on very accommo dating terms Persons wishing to purchase either the Looms or Right will call on Col. N. A. McLean, my Agent in Lumberton, who will take pleasure in attending to them. W. H. HARTMAN. Lumberton. Feb’y 2’>, 1863. ”*2tpd • Wi’.ir g.’on. SO%l»! hn Coir.ns and C. (L MoCniinmen. Tr,%v.,>Ung A„'erta i ftaf'The Company invite apj l'cati ms. May 28, 18^1. -1- ,1. -alv i rei:- ■irfet. F.VMILV M,. O BA •n'l 'It iny SOAP, al S'-. ir?^'pd T lili-t ..y 1 .'i- iviti^ Slip' iy . • lioiiir. ■ O' i.i'f O ,t*rH j.i.v.i; lyf«‘"|, ,1-i .'.n ..1' >1, and Bro'vn Windsor for retnil nt .1 W. Lett’> and Isaac Fly t! fir-' ■.vaive ; Highest “tsh price? C. P •h^ r.s. I _tii| ii Twenty-li e Doll:»r*s Krwaril. [, ANVWAY from the suhscnber. !iis ncjr,. t„jy ll .'^ES. He is 21 years of a^e. ab- ut f*'t-i Iti ine.hcs |l>ip!i, robiisi, l.mg feel aiiJ verj innff.’i tiirne l'':u! at i\ie lloe-. .lud looks down when spok'-n to He was seen at I’1( ”ii!.iirs Mills in Robesou county on the 21st ult ., hti'i wa.s in Fajetteville about three weeks ago. The ive rrw:ird will paid for his delivery to me or for - C( i.tiuerueni iu any jail so that I gel him. W D. JOHNSON. Bei.neitsville, S. Aug. 14. 1862. 52lf ARHY HARNESS. [ \M prepared lo manufacture all kinds of Wagon I i(,r Army use. 1 tan my leather and can [r.Te £ : , i ^mr^ iins .\gents will do well to send tlreir 'i'T'' 0 ttie IS they .shall have prompt o" in 'pr.f k dispaicti JOHN •ii'i.iion p t)., Ciiatham Co., X. C., PFlOTOOR.APHS can be had al Vnnor^dell’s Skylirrht Gallery, Hay -.treei, opnosiin Nlarbk* Yard. F.iy etieville. N. C.; pl«in, retouched, colored, in waf"r colors, oil and paslile; Jrorri small t - life siie. Ambro- typps, 'lelaneoiypes, and ail oibor styles of Picturo® pertain g to the Ail. Also. Giii Frames. Gilt Mould ing. ■ ■ for very large pictures—js large as 26 by .‘16 inches. Jord and Tafcsels f r hunting pictures; Instru ments, .Stock and (Chemicals for sale low for ca.^h. Life “i-'-.e col'ire l Photographs luade frti».i small pictures. Having permhiieritly locate'! here 1 hope to merit your pr»,.rouage. I would also return my .mncere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on tnc heretofoie by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. -M. VANORSOELL, Pboiographist and Proprietor, Dec’r 20. 1859 - illarble Factory. l.tftST, I 4 S'.I A LL biicksk n pur-o^ oei ween I,il»eriy Poiat and I the tiall'wiy bn.ijre, conrainitiii 1 gel.' wa'cii key. j with a likt-n-ss in it. 1 g ilt! sleeve Jailton. svnie receipts, • a't l ten or twelve dollars iu c:iah The fiuder way have : the jiiiT'- and t^.! money if they wil'i leave the other I : uinz- u this oRicfc, i Feb v 4. iH'i:; ;vr \orlhCarolina Headers* ' HO()L Books are b.?c»ming vt-ry sc:«ce. but we litv.'f on bami a good ?upply of the NOllTH C,\RO- L'VA Kr..\L*LRS. Nos 1 anu by Kev. Profpssot IL b- ll ot'tric Ciiiv.Tsity of North (.’a; ilitia. aud N\ U by R- V. ('. U. Wiley. Superintendo'it of Common .Schools '( Sorth t’lroliti i. ' )iir f.ii'ionie'’s having weri uigh exhausted our slock of .virilicrii lioad:.-rs on han'l wlien the w ?r couim. i:cu 1. we hoj s will now turn their atteniion lo these books by no’iie i.uihors, railier than alb'w ilieir oiiildren to do wi'hout reading books. For sale only rit the old retail pri-'-'s of 25 cents, 38 oenis. and 7.'» conts. E. J. HALE A SO'JS. Feb'y 1, 18*i’J. 96- RIILED \% RIT1A« PAPER. Good supply of Commercial Note and small si*ed A VALl ARLE LAADS and .^ILLS FOR SALE The subsfriber offers for snle his LANDS lying on Fisii creek in Harnett coun y, N C., aud extending to tne C»pe Fear River, iii all, about fifteen hundred acres. Ou the premises isa veiy comfort.ible Dwelling House, and all nece>sary out houses; al-o. a first rate GRIST .^ilLL. and a number one Cltii’UL.\.R SAW MILL, cipible of cutting from three to five thousand feet of Lumber per day. Boih mills are run by an over-shot wheel The stiesin is never failing, aft'ording sufficient »a!ei- to run the Mills. The Grist Mill now tolls from 10 to 12 busheifl of corn per week. It is a good loca tion for a Flouring .Mill; and the frame for one is now up, an I most of the material for the machinery on the spot and ready lo be pui together. There is, also, a S ore Ho'tse ou the premises, and foi a purchaser wish ing 11 sell goods it is a gjod stand. Thtf he-althfulness of the place is unsurpastsed, and it is noted for exoel'ent water. Ttiere are about .300 acres of ?ood farming land lying 011 each side of Fish creek, of which about 50 acres are under culiivatii-n. Growth, dogwood, hickory, oak and sliort Ipived pine. Tha balance of the land is heavily timbered with long leaved pines, convenient to the mill. Said land? are 4 miles from Summervil’e, at which place there is a first rate Classical School, and about t> miles from Lillington, the county site. It is not amiss to add, that gold has been discovered at different point* 01^ tue laud'' Jescribed, and that the indications are most favora^'Ie. Reference may he made to Jno. W Howard, Topsail Sound. Jas. A. Bethea. A. B Horton, or tne subscriber at SummorTille S. \V DOUGLAS. F.'b’y IS, 5^5tpd 460 A4'RES L.IA II E€>R SAI.E. ^|VE undersiened ofters his PL.\NTATloN'for sale. X siiu’ited on the west side of tape Fear River, l;J n lies beow FaTCttPville. Ou the above jiremises thcrt i- a comforfsblt' Dvelliti^, all necessary oui-buildings, a gooil Si ore and ire-hotise. aT^d is an excellent stand for a countrv me-cl-int. 1 here is a fine young apple and peach >rch«rd and a g'od scupperuong Vineyard. Tnere is about 20k icros it River and Swamp Land, of which about 1U> is in cultivation, and produces finely. There is .also about 50 acres of up land cleared, with cl.'iy subsoil, and produces well. There is a public Ferry on the River, which is profitable and adds a. great deal to iho ccnverience of the owner. I will take pleasure in showing these lands to any one who desires to purchase. Persons wishing any further inform.ation, will address me at Gray’s Creek P O , Cumberland Co., N. C. THOS. W. DEVANE. Feb. 16. 5*4tpd and CARTFR. June 13. 1862 I 34tf ^00 Ibn. Ciiini Arabic for «ale by J. R LEE. (>9if VI'AATEO. 'ii*- Fa-;eitevill> ■•Vrsen il. Four or Five GOOl* J* K.S.\il 1'llto wlitiiii g iD'l w^ges and steady ['■Mj'uifui wi'l be given i*iy '> or address J A. deLAGNEL, . Ltu Colv 0. S. A., Comd’fr 9, lbJ8. ^8tf Letter Papers, ruled, just received, E .1, HALE & SONS Dec. 1S 8«> . i r^T i state ol Aorth Carolina, OIL AND Lx\MP BLACK MONTGOMERY county. mAXN^Mli^^vnVl UnmSTING Oil Court of Pleas and quarter Ses.sioDS, .lan’y Term, 1863. fp.\NNKIls and LIBRICATING OIL. a H Sanders \dm’r ff. Thomas J. Parnell, Amoe I LA:\1P BLACK in barrels. For sale by A. » . -.u.„ Florence aud Fayetteville Hail Road. . Jos. r. blossom & co. Petinon to make Reai Estate Assets. t'Ni>KR tho provMicii'^ of in OrJinnn^Tr of the (’on- ^ Wilmington, N. C. to thesatist’actioD of the Court that Henry Tf*nlioD -'f No''fb r*4r^linH. Boc.k« vill he ope ledon Marc*» t. I ^ ]>arntlK one of the Defendants in this caiine. re- Mtp 10th JuTH* f^i;. and under the di j W 1a K brvond th^ Hmifs of thi? State: It i« therefore on r**(*iit»n cf thi* f. *l iwini perKciH, lo receive pubporip- ICrjI f.tK€ nj^tion ordered by the Couri, tha( publicatiou t>e made iiooH to the '.'»*pilHl 5iocK ot th*» “Florence ^ pAyette- i TIIF UFKP RIVKR )]LNERAL RE(ilO\. j jn th*- Fjiyeitpvilie (Observer, notifyUig the said Defend- ville R lit Koad (’o." Shares One Hundred Dollars each, i „„derVi.med have caused to be published from ! ant of tne filing of this petition, and thai unlesB he ap- At Hid Kond ofire IP Under the di- [ (Congressional plates, an 'edition of the Report i p«*ara at me next term ot this (-oiirt and answers the reciion of the(b’n?ra! Commi»sio;iets, A. A. McRethan, j wilkes, U. S. Naw. and his Associates ou the ' D. A. Ray, A W Steel, Wm McL McKay and Jno. | p.oard jippoiuted by the Secretary of the Navy to ex- M, Rose.' . , ,, , amine the Deep Kiver tlegion of North Carolina. This Al thf Jlfd -timer the direction of Hector import.aul and scientific statement of the McNeill, Wm. I. Siew .n, .ias. A. ."mith, Dan’l t^. Me- | , section of the State, and the Maps ^eill in.! Col. Alex Mc.M;11ku. or any ,,ue of them. ■ nerfecl and valuable, of any yet published. -4t fVirrt/ C'H-:' —Ln ier the direction of Dr Neill j ‘ worth Hu- price of the work, which is 50 VicNair. 'Or. A. :» M'lLeiii, Archib.il i Smi’h, E.imund ; ,!ooilv bnoT,,! in c.loth. Copies sent by maiL fret- Lilly and (.Col. ,\l'-7 iiid. i Watson, or anyone of t lem At Quf.^nstidif Un tfi- I lie direction of Mitrdoo Mc- petition, the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to him. Witness, J. S. Spencer, Clerk of said Court, at office in Trov, the 1st Monday in Januiry 1863. l»(itVd] J. S. SPENCER, C. C. C. I5y «i:0. LAIIDEU. TWO DODKS ABOVE C. T. HAIGK k SONS’ mEli i'ayett6Till»4 W*. C. I, I860. jM't 20, 84- Rae, D McLer.l, 1« \J..( McRae, Jr., and J. H. McQueen, or any on»^of ihem Ai Un.lorthe direction of J,'hn Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion \lford, Du^aH McC.allum and Jno. .McCailuni, or any one of them The Subscriptior. 4ooks will remain open for the spH’ e of 60 days. When a sufficient sum is subscribed the Company will bo organized for the purpose of huild- ing the Road. A. A. McKRTHAN, D. A. RAY, A. W. STEEL, WM McL. McKay, JNO. M. ROSE, Gvnerat C^nnnrissionera. F«y5«lernie, Jaae Tj fytt cents, neatlv bound in cloth. Copies; of postiige, on the receipt of 50 cents. ^ A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. E. J. HAlit/ A SOjSS. Jan’y 2>. WrarALLEA, Commission i^lerchant. WILMINGTON, N. C._ _ Prompt personal attention given to consignments of Naval Storks. Cotton, or other Country Produce for sale or shipment a^r.ril '.fi Single copies ot the Observer can b« procured by aoa-Bab^orib^UBi Kt A* UffokMan. Priee & oeiftfl. State ol Aorth Carolina, i RICHMOND COUNTY j Court of Ple'is and (ju^ rter Sessions. Jan’y Term, 1863. Jas A. Covington, Adm r of Jno. P. Covington, dec’d, vs. Eliza J, Covington, et al. j Petition for Settlement. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that th« Defendant, Eliza J (’ovsngton, ig a non re8id«“^. I this State: It is ordered by the Court that publication I be made in the Fayetteville Observer for six i c^ssively, notifying the said Defendant of the filing o 1 this petition, aud f^at unless she appear at t e nex 1 Term of this Court and answer the petition, the Mme I will be taken pro confesso and I Witness, Louis H. Webb Clerk of our «o«rt at 1 noi u the 3d Monday m Jaa’y 1863. i IU Rockinghaai. ^ ^ WEBB, C. C. C. l*btpdj >irenes on a battir Field—The Riohniond cor respondent ot the London Times has wntuj. second Iptttr to that paper on tbe Battle ot F rickaburg, io which we titid the graph:— .\.s the (ifttrnoon .li theli'tli ;iJ-■: was the sar-ie eoijUc'ttiDg ou the jniri ui ralH a.'i to .'isking p.rtui>8l.iti t' burj, 'r ..i and carry . !f their wounded as had ii. ' -v. ^ by them the field of Sh-ji , burg, as hi.3 been in'ti.'y tiiiii‘.s pr . • u : , cd, the gr ind -in which tin' ' * '.ras held b/ the (Jonl'ederalcs. 'I' ■ m flag of tru(-e and ask«-d pitriKi i , * dead would have «ierioU']y !!: ’ CUllan’s npoated telegnnii ri : !. ’ . great vict.*i}’. ft becaiii; li.. y ti ■. i . have recourse to artitico, ;itfd a f!,tg ■.?' . >ent in by one of the inferior i o-b - .! which was ubsetjuently di:?'jv'.)',v, .j • • . or perhaps was never rcci-;iiz ■( _. ■ . .• Clellan himscli. Such is believ i . . been the secret history ol' the Sharj^Tl ;ir.; J! -.il truce. Something of the same kind was ••tti inrt- ed on the aitcrnuon oi’ L»eceuibt-r i»> J r.t i. w. ■ every disposition in the Confederate C tii-rai,- to strain a point to alleviate the luisery ot the wounded Federal!- who had now lain thre. niirhl; on the field; but Gen. Lee’.s resolution ilu ■: n.t flag of truce should be accepttd unless -cii. by Geneial Burnside to hiuisell was linal and lnex‘ orable. A flag sent in, as was believed, by tht General Birney was therefore rejected. Every possible effort was made by the Confederates to relieve the sufferings of those wounded men whom their companions had not carried ofi' tbe fu Id but, 08 is usual on such occasions, the individual cases of misery were terrible and heart-n nding Such a scene as a battle field presents tluring the first night after a battle, it would baffle any m. rtal pen to deseribe. In addition to the atoiiizins.; cries for water, and to the groans ot torture.! ;iinl dying men, may be hear l voice.s, eonstaiitiy i.iow ing fainter and fainter, shouting out tiie u::iiie.-i and numbers of their regiments iu the hii[ie thst some of their comrades may be within hearin:., or that a party from their regiments may i.avo been sent out to fetch in its wounded t ifu “Fourteenth MasaachusettsI” 'One liutidred and Fourth Penn.iylvanial’ “Forty-Seveuth North Carolina!” Such are some ot the shouts wbieh ring through the night air, and are t.’ever likely to be forgotton by those on whose ear they tall. 7he Post Office Department.—From the sup plemental report of the Postmaster General, re cently transmitted to Congress, it appears that the revenues of the departmetit for the (.(Uarter which ended the 30th September In.st, being the first (quarter of the current fi»cal year, were as follows: From letter postage paid in money §184,208 13; from postage on newspapers and pamplets paid in money, 845,243 28; from surpbis ol emolu ment from box rents, ?'J4; from y> sold 8487,799 58. Making 8677,271 9ft, If this rate of recetpf..^ should c-.iniiini. 'i remaining three quarters, it wc. .I.' aggregate ofrceeipt.s for the v i ' ' 9G, which emoaiitis actual receipts ut theyear wliic'ti i lSf)2. The e.'iiuiaii-d ixt.-^s . o.er the receiji- fur the year »ni i.n;_' :>» :ii a 1>0'2, is S595,‘-'I7 9G, which, dodiicted iriin ti, unexpended a propriatmns heretofore made i Congress, wou’ ’ leave a balance to iiie ciouit ui the department, at the end of the current iisc-al year, of ?S80,S:i5. The estimati i excess of expenditures for the year ending 30ch June, 18!4, i.- S9Ul’,lS2 18, from which ded iCt the amount lai»t above mentioTi- ed, and the esr.msrted deficicney for the year i.-^ ?21,35G 69, wh ch the Postmaster General thiiiks may bo metwiihoutan appropriation from ti,- Treasury, ifCo.igress will increa.se the postage on newspapers, and repeal the law autiioriz paper pxchang^s tti be eartied fr.;e of p>>.-. gv! Ii iL'Ii Hi'’}tl Knoayh /'or ti FumHj/.—M.-iJur t - i . Camden county, tia,, kiileti a w i.,, ! waa worth kilUng. rii-- ho- ilvc yi'in ^ '>i'i and had b-en rai>td iu ihf w ^ .’s, .t ,.r ir? winter, wh u it bad the run d’ tb.- ii , . it weighed, g.o.ss, eh'Vfn l:nndr« d anti 1:. ;-n'r,,- pounds, lui i.sure ; in cireumiereiiee aiMU! i . i* smallest pa' of the body. .■>i. snd a iiall l ’id the leaf lard, after being dried, wi.i:rh. J .n b =; •Jred and foity seven jMtunds, Tlint w.k ;t v uable hog.— F- tersl>nnj /C.rpri .^a. ..4 Kioh nii. Wariiiu / t-j HV/ ,n, — A i ui i irj. dent of the .''elma Reporter relates a .stu' v v. li. 1 should serve as a .solemn warnitm to tbn w vt - ' soldiers. He ^ays a few weeks a_-o a - ’ : r - as tried and convicted ol the crini - ■ : ■ r u, and sentenced to be rfhot. Thi- day !‘ir * • .-xt'- cution arrived, and at the appointed hour thi.^ brave man, who had fought many battle.s and en dured every kind of hardship, fell a bloody corpse at thehandsof his comrades f pon in|uiry it was ascertained he was as true as .steel to our cause, and that it was ou account of his wife that he deserted. He received a letter from her full of complaints. Lookitig alone upon the dark side of the picture, f>he had magnified her troubles and sufferipgs, ^d earnestly entreated her htubaDd to return home. He became restless, discontented, unhappv. He ceased to take any interest in the discharge ol his military dutiefj and thought only of how he could get home. His solemn oath never to desert troubled him much and he well knew the t riiije ot desertion had become so frequent in the army it would be punished with death. In f!>tate of perplexity he drew his wife's letter from hi.s bosom and read it again, and fhutthi^ hi.s ey.;s to the consequences, he and lor this crime he suflFered a bloody aud i;noiniiiioU' (ie itlu His wife, now a knows no poacc ol iiiiii'l. but is constantly iiaunted with the thoiigbt tiiat her exa?ger»ted representations oi her trials ;ind sufferings caused her husband’s death. L'i bis oas« be a lestjon t« ail wives and i«iothers. W'hen you writJ to the eolSiers speak words ot encourage ment; cheer their liearte; fire their souls, and arouse their patriotism. Say nothing that will embitter their thoughts, or swerve them from the path of patriotic duty. The original manuscript of Gray’s Elegy, con sisting of two small halt sheets, written over closely and much mutilated, sold at Huotion in London recently for one hundred pounds steriiiig. Office* Blank Warrants for sale at this (Office.

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