mm mm mrnrnmiimmmm mmmm KWWillLlLlK ®IB SK HI I.W BEK L Y. \’-'L xn.i FAYKTTEVHXE, N. C.. march 9. 1863. [NO. 1*209.] '^*cnn. ^ l»nvi. A • rd, W:a Ijwg i^v ''-irj Iltsderson. ai. .i - T J Seoimeri rt • iif'-wD, Jsmei li : .'■'■■n. ( I rifiOi'*??! arnj. Tf t' B iwkiH', H K liii'on [ant i A'C. ’ J Man an. ] ';^vid \\' Lewis. P)P(;, L:iClUi J (jW AVn-fct -J \ ;!!>'re, , Lue;>:i J Oopre, Jut.r vh ii .-:. J v\’ ri'.fsy. }i (■ ( ■ Lumbers. 0 R^li ‘i.iir.rtt John rei A Prvor. 'fhoi - 1> {'h.lcf'ffloe. ith. A li Wrtlt^r Preston, {’h:i^ KQ53®'*' IIJ A iTen'urt; s SON^ »f p*r«*on** E.Hu.-m Enlarf*'! ,oi. uh Note* bJ I.,...«, Not«» ^ .KINTKU \!(>S1>\V AV!> TIirRSl>AYS KDWUl!) J, HAfi: & S«\S. Kill':111-' \Nj> 1 n.ii'irif.roiis • ■ •;,( s. ini-\N ».*kiy (U;-ikrvkr "0 if pai.i in ‘ j'-' l 'hinn'j- thi' yo’i! "f ‘rip- • 'i ■ \ .'ur l;h- J. L_v >it'tH\'KR t>u 11,.f Hiiniii:). it'in .1' ,1. 0 'I* ir ■Inrinf' ihr voav nt’ «nh«cri|i- » ■ ! '■ n;i«T ll;i- Vflr h^l' vXliil*‘>l Vl>\ r.KTIS1.M KN rs lii'-fi'K'-l t’i)r (i(t (.>^11)"^ j>ft i: I.'!' I'' liiu's r.ii tji.‘ in'll, iiii.l 3l> cents t'or j-iioli ;.\uo line piiblicHiion Venrly i\iivprtisen»euiH l»y pe- . ■ 'iitrHft"., nt Ailv»>riiser nr«? iH‘l to ''tiiif ill*- !mnih*r ot’ in-t'rtion> l.‘siii'd. or ' W ill l>.' »i>niiT.u.‘,i li** I'ufliil. mill ohirgt''! aci'onl- ivfitiH,''iii ni» i- 'litmu*' i t-if if, n-*w ml • '«*inpn' - ‘ ■: la . . fill 'I n lu-i-. iul.-«crib»“>- iiiti-nMl w:'!ioui in >idvinu'«, iiof will . t - J t|t T - -t -'..r II '.onp.!r liiite ■■ ■ I ' -i . t'.'-.r I'.-l - ' - ri -.Ts i-i 'lo^iro to tike llii* p:i-' n'>ti'y wl'.en nxikiuf' • • - .r "".'} 1. .itfl,, JficK.lW Attorney at I^aw, Favkttkvu,! K. N (\ \'11,L attfnil the County anil Superior Courts of t'umV.erlan'l- Harnett, Moore ami Robeson ('oun- }’rorapt attfiitioii given to the rollf’tinn of .ill •- (.>niruste«i to hi* hiiiJ-i • 17. IS.V.i .')8-tf w. williams & (ml. II liolewalt* l>eali‘r in rotfrit***, A.ND IMl’oRTEKS AM) DKALKR.> IN hardware and Cutlery, Sweden Iron, A^c., \li\ HTUEKT. FAYETTKVILLK, >. (. ju!v Ibtil. ■,>X. W. p. KKNDALL. ;5otf J. s. KKNUALL 4 0\, A: O., ioiiiiiiii^^ion .Mei'chaiit^ A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, So. It i I‘i >'orth Water St., Wilmiiiflon. S. ^H^.tr-ier-i from the Oountrj- promptly exat-iifeil fg^ Particular atteniion given to the sale of (,’oHon /.ri'-r pro'iuoe. iMil 10-tf J 0?»*. I T I. F. V, (irocff ami t otnntls>tian KAVKTTKVIM.K. N. C. T. C’. A B. U. WflKTH, (oBiuii^>«ion and Forvrardiuj? >?errhants WILMINGTON, N T jiu i -'-i 84tf 1 A K i>! i rt IK.' t'tn >'i» aci'oiriuio-iiit’ii with honrJ at A :\,r T f Hoor-KK '-V J(»HNSOX. WILLIAMS & (H).. ^Ai/r h iki:k*!». . ■■ •. . . .1 >'i-ti nine milt*;* t \V.;iuicLt.'n r i! i- ' wi-itiine ti' supply wi /• ■ •>; n l.y .‘ipplyinjj t.i .Ir \ i^t !\i KI ■-■■ vitl*-. to K w .1. M WILLIAMS. ^/.•n>-r:-,i Sup> rintiTi’.lent. hlif I’OTTO \ VAIIA. \o. lU Hay stn‘«*f. t . P. MALLKTT, li. V fj, Rife and Tobacco on (unsi^nnient> Iji \.'K:5 i,t freM.'i ^jeit Rice -inJ 10' 15 ixes Manu- iv' • i ':ur!'J Ti.r^C'''T, variou-> u - For sale by (iK» W. WILLIAMS dt CO. ' iveiifvilie. iSejit. -'4 lP'i2 G-3if AOTICK. i ' i ■ iprtci 10 be absjeni iroin noine a tew luouthB in A >• Wi-'^t, Archibiil'i Mi 1-ean is my authoriit«l •^^r-rr t(i trttPsHCt my '•U'^iness until I return. N (j. JoNKS. ’ '‘c’t 'Jv, lKt’,11. ■‘31 f I will pay F’ve C‘-ni» per puiiniJ for rag- ile- I in Fi.yetteviile, or at tay mill« . K.,-k;i~h. i> MURPHV '■ ' ^ S.'ilt '■.'ir ' i!;- '. i.n-ifrtiUK r.’ ' y (i U WiI.LI \MS .t ■«> tf ' TKA4 IIKK WAATg:i>. IT beitikT ilt’ttTuiineii by the Trusie'rti ot ih»' Carf^lina FeniHle College to reopen ihe lustituiinn at the em- lie.>t pi)s.'iblc aay. a iiiaiTie.i gfiitleniun i-f some ex- peri**Ttct> i.i de-ire 1 in inke chavp.,* nf it_ n M(>,ho(li't pr-- t«rreil One or two Liilie-* are as instructors; •hey ::iiisf he cornp»ten' to tPacti music .-vn lht-> I’iano in Miiiiiti .ri to ihe hii'her brani'hes o*' lJ':5li'h lireratice For ti'i CMS. .••.liilrrs •, giving reieiences, WILLIA.M J. ^Mirn, I’res llil Trtiste.!>. .\nsonvi!)e. N. (J., Keb'y »* 9KIOO Ki:\VARD. I) from Mr N. C-irncnfor, in thv (''harloiie IV Rail Koail, near l5rown \l.irsh, in Novriii'ter last, luy uo«;ro Girl HHlil., The •‘aiii girl is a No. 1 negro, about ;> teet ti or H inches hii^h, very well put up. anil with a sui.i->th M ick -kii) She is suppo-ic i lo have tak-'n up with a free U"nro ni’in ill tl'.e Brown Marih neighborhooil I will g;iv'' the abovp rewaiil for her il.-livery to me in JJayeiievilie, nr ^.'?0 fiw ht-r contineinent in any jail so that I cut get her 'jANri'S 1* KonrKTSON .Jan i,7.,f Ke riiits %«aiifo3 lor the 4'iiin- berlaml l*ioii&li Roy«». n \ \ rS'« tldnilo' f,,r a -hi'il time on tiicruitiriy lewice. 1 will £;ive iif'fice to nP. who wish to joi’i t'.>!iip .tiy, that {h(»y now havt» (he opportuiiitv of iloinn so 1 will I'.- hi.ppy in inee au'l receive your iiamtt, at the iliti'erent j.h.ces imtl times specifi.’il; At » I'iCK Kivii i*K s I'rf*'*k 'U*'! (''**.l-i' *’rcei^. '»n Siiur i-iy 'ht- i h F>-b il--. 'It rho “ une pia.'es on thi' 1 lih t’a]>’ II. Me|i,ni-*i will ri.c.’irc th« names ut Look’s I rei*-.. i.i-iji. 1> \| Ji ini'.Ill n Vilar Creek. inv'cTt .1* Black Ri VO) JA\Ii:S \ ().\INKK Lieui. Co F. iMth Reg’t N {' T Feb V 4. iNfi.*? I 'tiO:*' - - - - . - I I'oppera**! t'o|»|»era*«!! *)nn srt’KRioR jUALirv c(>lM’Kll.\^^ OUvf Alx.. 10 Ti-rces FKKSil |{i:\T Hl 'K. For sale by PKMHKKTON .-t SLOAV. .lan'v H. ‘•I’tf VALI AIIM^: nirLN lor !*iaie. I t'FFER for sale my rL.\NT VTlM.S. iniU'-; v osi ol i Carthage. Moore ODiitiiy, conti:iniug acres, on whi'*h is a tlrist and Saw Mill, ('oitou (liu xH'l Screw. I will reci-ive in payment Slate Bonds, OontVderaie money or likely Negroes. JOHN MOKlSON. VAM ARLK: I.A.\U* lor Xiale. IOFFE'.; for Salr my PLANTAT1>N on McClen 1 ms Creek, t> miles west of Carthage, lying on the basin of the t'oal Fields, containing ’JIi'i) acres, which i' as prodiictivi- as any 1 luds in the couniy of Moore. The iinpri:vemmi-i goj«i and the situation healthy Terms liberal. .lotlN MORISON AI^TITK. 1H \\ K ab.'ii; -.I'.fOd acres uiore. in liifereiil iracts. in the county of MoDre, — Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land. — which I will sell on ternis ' JOHN MORISON ifliiieral LaiidM lor .^ale. 1H\VK an inter^*--t of one-'hi'’d iti a traci of .'>'W A^’RES on the wkters of l>ppp River, on wl.doh have been discovered •» ~ mine an I pure saltp.-tre, and an : oil of goiid (juality for greasing iealher, well worthy ; geologic»l investigation JoM.N MOlllSON. f'anhace. N )v. 1.1 lHti2 77-if 1 LOOK AT THIS! IIIK FlVKTTi:iiLLE lillTi'L. Fronting 300 feet and in the bu^ine^s ! portion of tbe Toun. cofitaiii>( more «>pac-ioii aiid well ventilated Kooiiik than any Hotel ill the .^tafe, and Tuy I’atrons .say luy Oondiniont.s arc very tor the titues T. WAIMIILL, Proprl#*Ior. May :in, 27y favi:tti:vi!.i.i: MITIAL l\SIRA\rE fOMIMM. I sli.T: sAi/ri! I S \C(\.S tor '“lie by ! UoBFRT MlTtMIEl.L j b.-; i( ! IK WAATKIK \ Small au•■••ui.t of ;i>LU or SILVKH warned. ‘Apply ' at this i.Mhr-f Feh’v IT.. ' ! ;iOO i\>4fi*oe^i Wanted. /PHE Cn-in.-iigiie l in nir*. I’hre.- Htmdr. d hands S* 1 to work on i.>>e ^rsuing >f I he (>,etham Railroad The line runs through a nealthy ciuntrv, on a high rulge. niiii till ^.ln iimpjoyod on (be roid will tie weli ti’d and ('lire I f •. \\ ** w’ill hire either by the nioiith Of the year .\ppiv ;,i us at C.i'^y, S miles west of Raleijjh, ot at H'i». wood, or Lockvillp, ('hathaai c^iintT. 1. N 'I.!, »J , ('ofttradors • Ilrftri nc-K F Battle. I’rrs’t Chatliam R R. Com- i pinv. Raleigh. au'> W, ; n nvkins, I>ies’t Raleigh ic ('iaslou R li t'onijniiiy, Ra ei;;h * ' Feb’y 1(1, IWC,;; ' ^ j 2-1'Jf. ' FOR J*iAI.K. 1 ‘WOUn/TAIN HOTFL,” >HIIiG\>Tll.l C. , 1.'^ large eH(qblis|iui. iii, 'litua'e i>i tin- lovvn of t gant. ii. N C , is n iw utl.-red for sale Terms m ■ !o I k!.own i.u .»j'i.Iiciii.iii to .J, M ilAl'POLDT. ; Morfr.inton, N C. j .1 ui V*. M" :;Tipil I 'al>»»a;re >«ieedl l'al>h:a;j^e Seed!I 1) ( .'iC'• .M 151', t V!>!t \(«K SEt^K, tresii and );enuuie, at ■ ^ J. vv. LETTS : t-.n'v i’-. A Larce Idiirhani 'om ITlf a V tiii^ .-.•I. I'AVID MI RFHY y.'-tf Cayiital in Premium Notes amounts to {'ash on hand ind other a.'-etx. 3>'Jtj7,'iH8 UO .'>.077 35 ^ V %VA\Ti:f>. *) iU’sili'il-^ 11 E V1. ' - .11' ; I-.;:.2 In- artji- ■ It -'t-ll will receive '( p .i';.-ti prire by 'jailing '>n .^ir. M Tho.nason. \ itie .Ml;-, chant MkU K • vf'ieN'i '*. ^r on 'he pubicri- ' ber ai his .hi '~i ,,1. ; ^,,uar' ALl'x. JOHNSON. .Ir. N'lV. 5. I8C1J. 7.^‘f Tweiity-li e Dollai-« Reward. 1).\NAWAV ironi the -ut.-oi ib.r, his n.-i;r.) tnjy M(). I SKS. He i- -1 years of age. abi tit t,-. t in uichen . robust, jon'l !'eet an i very riiH'.'li i..niel '>ul a; the • iti'l l0"ks d'.wn when >pok' H He v is -'en at a' I'ri.jul’s Mill“ in Robeson county lai the ‘Jlst ult , •.n i w ,, m Fiiveiievllle about thr»-e week" ajro. The »■,. .# r»-w ifd will be paid lor his delivery to me or for C"iifiu-iuen! in nuy jail «o that 1 get him W I). .MUIN.'^ON. i.. •iinetisville. S. .\iig. 1 t. ISft'J. 52tf ARTIV HARAFJ*»«. I '.’-I pn pared t.) manutacture all kiad« of Wagon 1 i ■’•rjh-- i'>r Army use. I tan my leather and can i jr jO'1 b:»r^ iins Agents will do well to send their ‘•^r- to me as they shall have proitipt atteniion, and /rt in ijuiiik dispa'ch. .JOHN CARTER -l iston P () , t lattiam Co.. N. C.. 1 .l.ifie 13. 1K(12. r •-iOO ll>M. twiiiii Arabic lor «ale by .7. K LEE i.', rt‘»ti' “^A-%TF.>. \ ' ' i'av'ttnTille .\rypn il, F .iir or Five GOOD ■* At’K.S.M I r H 111 whom g. I'l w iges ao'l steady ; ; fUftii, will *'e ^:y‘-n. . ir i i'lr--s j A. deL xGNEL,- Lt. Col. G. S. A., Comd’g. '■ **^7 . 93tf Total, •^'J7ii,7tj’> bl The Company have pai 1 ali losses promptly, and have never roa'le an as^essTneDt on their premium iM'es. Total losses paid, *'t'2 t>y . t iF' trKRs: OEO. McNElLL, President D. A. R.W, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Seo'y. UlRKUTORS: Henry Lilly, W. N'. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover. S. J. liins lale, S. T. Hawley, W'm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh. C. B. .Mallett, A. W. Hteel. Jamep Kyle, J. G. C«ok, A. MoKethan. Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, J. L». f>'illiaiii3, R. F’. IJrown, I . S. W. Tillinghast. A, E. Hill. , " hn (’ollins and C. C. McCrumtnon, Traveling .\gentn. ' Jgp^The Oompanv invite application-. May 28. 18(11. ' 21- ' A The New Style, Small, COLOKK!) PHOTO;iMPHS, AT ART. Woodvrnrd'M Molar I’ainera. J'^IIOTOGRAPH.S can be bad at Vanoridell’s Skylight I {)allery. Hay street, opposite Marlilo Yard, Fay- C'tteville. N. C.; plain, rotimclip'l, colorc'l, in w iter colors, oil an'? p istile; from sru.ill to life .-i/e. .Ambro- types, .Melaneotypcs, and all otiier styles ot‘ Pictures pertain' g to the Art, Also, Ciilt Frames. Gilt Mould ing, G' ‘ for very large pictures—as large as ilti by 3j inobc.4. Jord an'i l''’.ssels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. .Stock and ('heinicals f'r sale low for cash. Life size colnred Photoeraphs tua.le fri/m small pictures. HuviTi^ perijiancntly located liere i hojie to merit your pa;rojL'ire. I wouM also rfturu my sincere th inks tor the I’.bi ral patronape bestowed on me heretofore by the froO'l |>eojiie ot Kayetteville ;iud vicinity. C. M V VNGRSDELL, Photographist and Proprit-or. Dftc’r 20. 185! i^larble Factory, ''•%f iT - rr 5^ LAUDER, ilVfl DOURS ABdVB C. T. IIAIGH k SONS’ STORE Fayetteville, N, C. J*u’T 'JtO, 1860. 84- Paiina rhri«ti Rean». '■pil K '•ubscriber will pay the uighrsi cash prices tor 1 »ny ^uautitv of Pahua Christi Be ins. i I A WORTH. j Fayett.»viMe.Oct, x (-,7 jc | AI. »IAAA« ?4. \FRESlt supply ot Farmer’s .t PKiiter’-. -’d Kdilioii. .\lso. a f^^r )f Turner’s For sale by E. J H\LE .t SONS. j P. S. The pjtilishers hav*> raised the prices to l.j ! cpii'9 each, at which pnoe we will sell them. | Adniiiii«»tratioii A'otiee. 1'^HE .subscriber havinir ijiialified as .Vdinini-tratrix on ; the Estate of Jas Sun ly. dec’'l. hereby gives notice | to al! per-i'ins having c'-lim' «i;ainst (*ai'i Estate to pre- j sent ih->ni to Wm Sli’L. McK iy within the time jtre- j scribe! by law, '>r ttg^- no'ice will be pleaded in bar ot ; ther re-'iv-ry. I'ATHAUl.SE S C ,N 1)V. Adm’x. j .\u)i t. 4Vt- t i .Aditiiiii%(rator*si .\otice. I pu^sr-riher having al l>ecember Term, 18G2. cf I the County Court nf Cuniberlan 1. qualiSi''! as .Vd ministrator upon the Esta'e of Veill G. .McNeill, decM, no'ifies all persons having claims against, the Estate io present them within ih** time Itmi'ed by law, otherwise this not;ce will be plea led in bar of rpi'overy. Debtors are request-d 10 make proinpt pivmeru. HFi'Tok' McNKILL. Aim’r I>ec 10, S,')- f %V i:.%T i: R > R A11. ROA w. ^PHE Trains nt' thij Ko-i'l leave F.iyetteville daily, 1 (Sun ( lys evi'epted) at S o’dock, \ M . and re- turiiint: leave Mclvei '. at 1 o'clock. P /•rriyA/ Trinn MoMt W, W KDN E.SD \ V and FRIDAY. By order ol tiie Pre.sident. JNO M ROSE, Treas r and .^ct’g Trans .\g't. Jan. ‘Jl!, 1''!.;: * '.7if 4'OrFKK. ^PHE fabuii iis prices to which ihinjrs have risen, es 1 p»-ci'illy (>rodupe and [ihysic. compel me —though wi'h r.-iiJi" iiioe -to advance hundred per cent on mv former raies of charging l>r .V C. 15LLLA Feb’y 11. IS'i.'t 3-t',(j>.l Tl RPK\Tli\F 11.44'K^. I H.WE • JO . 1 supply of Tiirp'ntine H.-\CES. on J. htnd, wh> .1 1 an n-i lr to sell to thi.-^e wh.i rr.iy wish 10 piirciinsf ,\!- i, rci'lv to prep ire .Ases at short notice, in the l>e'-t maiinei'. L. WOOD. Fayetteville, .N. Dec. 3o. ‘.0-.'-!iupd F»yi*t ('oal VIilie. The tin lersifrn i wei •. a; the November Term of the Confederate Co'irt, District of North Carolina, ap- pointe 1 Man isrers of the Ezvpt C'ial Mine property, :ind have enterel iii;o f-opariiiership for the purpose of mining; an^l selling Cna!. and solicit or lers f r the same in any desired )ii intity. Orders f ir any am,':unt can be stippiied on “tiort notice. Tne (.’oal trom this pro perty is un iiiubt'diy the best in the Confederate Stales. Applications may be m »de to "'’has B Mallett, Fayette ville. N C , or James Prowne, ('harleuton, S. ('. CH\RLES IV MALLETT. J.\ME.S BROW'NE. Fayetteville, Jan’y IHfi'V v*ltf !>iiOAI»I SOAP! [AM now making an 1 k>ep const.antly on hand, at my Factory on P-rs.^n street. F.VMILY 15.VR SO.\P, at whol.>sale and retail. — ALSO — Pl.\in, Variegited. Perlumed, and Brown Wind.sor Toile* and Shaving .S.iaps A supply kep: for retail at J W Lott’s and Isnac Uollingsworth’s. Orders promptly fille 1. -ard and Tallow wanted. Highbut cash prices given C. P. JONES. Fsy“ttevillc. Jan’y 17, IHIj.'’,. H/5-‘2mpd I.OST, A SM.-\LL buckskin puf'C, bet iveen Libert J-Point and j\_ Ihe half way bridge, containinz 1 gold wa'ch key, with a likeness in ii. 1 (rotd sleevp button, some receipts, af-d ten or twolve doll ii s in c.ish The tin'ier nia.v have ihe piirr-* .1 111 thp money if tht-v will leave the other thin*:.' if f'ni .iftic.-, F.’b’y M, l -'i:i 3.f Florence and Fayetterilie Rait Road. UNl>Ell the provisions of an Ordinance of ihe('on- vi-ntion of Nor.’h I’arolinr,. ilooks \kili be ope- ed on (he Kjth June nt the following places and under the di- rei'tion of the following persons, to rcci-ive snbscrip- lions to the I'apital ."^lock of the “Floreio^e Fayette- viile R lil Road Co.’’ Shares One HuH'lred Dollars e.aeli. .U the llnil h'oul (tj^re ■> Fii’/eHet'ille. — Utider the di rection of the General vloinmis^ion.s's, \ ^Iclvethan, D. \, liay, .A. W, Steel. W'm. McL McKay and Jno. .'1. Rose. At thf lied Sprinfjx.—I’lidev the direction of Hector McNeill, Win. J. Stewart. .las. A. .Smith, Dan'l C. .\Ic- Neill and Col. Alex. .McMillan, or any one of them. Al Floral Colhtfe. — Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair, Dr. A. D. McLean, ,\rchib'ild .Smith, Edmund Lilly and ('ol. AleX’iti'ler W'atson, nr anyone of them .4/ QufniHfltif —Un'l.»r the direction of M111 dock Mc Rae, D Mi'Leodj D. .\U'i'n)lum, Jas McRae, .Jr., and J. H .Mctjuecn. or any one of them At .ilforihrille.—Lii.lerthe dir*‘i;tion of .John Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford, iHigild McCallum and Jno. .McCalluni, or any one of them The .Siib~e,ripiion Books will remain open for the .space of HO d lys. Wlien a sutUoii-nt sum is suhscribed the Company will he ore ini7.ed for the purpose of build ing the ilo:id. A. A. M'*KJirHAN D. A. RAY. A. W. SPKEL. WM MiL. McKAY, JNtJ. M HOSE, General Commissioners. Fayetteville, June 1, 32if .?IOAEl W'OtXU. VSM.XLL A\?OUNT w*s found in our ?tore a few davs ago. The owner can get it on application. E J. H.\LE & «oN.S. Feb. It). 1SH3 \vri^ K To J'f'itmsttn mill /^'iljorerit heretotor>; t-.nyaije.d >it Out State Suft Wurks. \^01J are hereby orJe'^ed to report at Ihe State .'^alt Work« without iirmccesstry delay, or notioe will be given to the enrolling ofTic rs or the different Dis- tri-ts to unioll those who do not so report J .M. WORTH, Salt (^om’r. Feb 20. Ibti.'i. 6-2w Camp 14th N. C. Troops,) Flh 17 th, 1803. ) i^It’K and Wounded memburs of (^o. II, bear in mind O that none save rejfular Army Surgeons have a right to extend furlougha. By order J K DEBERRY. [•'»-2w ) Capt. Co H, 14ih N C Troops TO €'OTTOI% pYa.KTERS. 1 h;;ve been ajitioinied. l>y ih« .Secretary of the Treas- u y, Ciiiel agent tor the purchase of C»ttou f >r the Con federate Goveriifiitnt the .state of North (Carolina, and will pay tor tlie siiiiie in 8 per cent Bonds, or cash. Sub-agtuts visiiuigihe ditTercut parts of ihe Slate, buy- ing in my namo, will have v.Tilten certificates of ap- pointiiienl. Patri 'tic citizens are uow otiVred an opportunity to aid liie G ivernmenl by aelliag u it their cotton rather th.i..'J privvie c.-ii'ii'ilists. LEWIS S WILLIA.MS. ('harlotle, Feb. 17. [c. i>.] 4-lm THK I\ORTIB 1 AROLllTA MITI AL LIFE INSURANCE rOHPANf, vow in the tenth year of successful operation, with .4.1 growing capital and tinner hoM upon public con fidence. continues lo insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to tjO years of ape, for one year, for seven years, ar 'l for life—all life member* sharing in the profits. •\11 slaves from 10 to l»0 ye.'irs of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. •All losses ar« punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further inforniation the pub)’'' is referred to .Agents of the Company in all parts c ^he State, and to R H IJ.ATTLE, .Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. II.ALE, -Agent at Jan’y 1850. Fayetteville, N. C. iwrocerieH S Oroceriesll A LARGE and well selected Stock of F.AMILY GRtJCERIES always on hand, consisting of Hacon-SiJes, Mess I’ork, MulleUs, Macker Nos. 1 and 2,, Sus^ars of al "rades, Tobacco, Cigars, •inJ all other ariicle.s usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment COX, KENDALL & CO W'ilmingtou. .April 2. 10-tf IVOTICE. The UNDER.SIGNED. both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate Sl.ates of .America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separaiely or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all pt-rHObs indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their ageut.5 ftai make payment. , ST.cRK & WILLIA.MS. Sept. 19, 18G1. 68-tf >larch JOS. U. BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. C. fi tf The RockliHh €o. wish to hire a good Blacksniith. Apply to C. T. HAIGH, Pres’t. March2, 1HC.8 7-tf Flat Uutch (.'abbaf^e l§eed, For sale by W. N TILLINGHAST. Feb’y 7-2t iao Rei%^Rb. * Mtorne and *lfoney Stolen. STOLEN f^m the subscriber, on Thursday night the 2t',th Feb’y, a BRIGHT CLAY BANK HORSE, with a while Maze in the face, low in tlesh and limps a little in the right hind leg, has a sore back H« was taken, by a free negro by the name of Jacob Goings alias Mor gan. There was a free girl along with him by th« name of .‘^ir.ah Jane Goines. 1 ivill give A reward of Twenty Dollars for the arrest and confinement of said Jacob Goings in Lumberton Jail, or ten in any otiier Jail in the State, and ten dol lars for the return of the horse to me. DUGALD McDUOALD. Dondarroch, Robeson Co , Feb’y 28, 1863. 7-6tpd Factory IwoedK lor Racoii. Foryeries on the. Bank of England.—“(,>f all promises to pay the liank ot England note ha^ the widest currency. It is taken readily every where and often commands a premiiinj. 'I lie only limit to its circulation is the tear of forgery. For nearly 1.50 yoars the paper lor Hank of Eng land notes has been made after a peciiliar proces.s, which no one has succeeded in imitating. It has been made all that time by one tirm and on one spot. The paper furnished so sure a means ol detection, that the Continental money changorH made no scruple about cashing the notes. In the month of Augiist, this confidence was rudely skaken. A baqk-note, which had been the most Convenient currency, suddenly became a security difficult to negotiate. No one, even iii Kngland, would change a note without knowing well tiie peri^on for whom he did it. The cause ol' thi.s little convulsion was the issue ol announccmoiit by the Bank of England io the eilect that forged notes were io circulation, printed upon genuine paper, and offeriti;' a reward of fifteen hundrcu CAN buy a lii^ited supply of Cotton Yarns, Sheeting \ po«nds for the discovery of the persons concern 1 and Osnaburgs, to be paid for in Bacon. Those wishing to procure these goods of me must deliver Ba con at my Store. W. H. A VERA. Silverdalt-, Johnstou Co., Feb’y 26. 7*3mpd-osw voLiJiVTeeR^ VI wm FOR TUB CIIMBERLA.ND PLOUGH BOYS. Having not returned to my Company yet, I will again give notice to 4II who may wish to join this Company, that they now have the privilege of doing so. The nsual bounty of One Hundred Dollars will be paid. This Company is now at Kenansville, N. C ; any one going in the service will do well in joining this Com- I pany, as it is an old Company, and is well drilled I shall be in Fayetteville on the 4th and 5th of March. next. Feb. 24. JAMES A.* GAINEY, Lieut. Co. F, 24th Reg. N. C. T. 6-tf Western Kallroad Offlce, \ Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 1862. | I''OR the purpose of increasing the capital stock of thip Company, to enable it to extend the Road from the t’oal Fields to ihe North Carolina Road, the following gentlemen have been appointed Corainissioners to re ceive siibscrib“rs in their several neighborhood,®, viz: .Vt Gulf—L J IlaiightoiK Brooks Harris, Dr George C Wewby and G Washington .Above the Gulf—Jno J Goldston, Jame.s F Rives and Hugh W Dixon ■At Ore Hill—G W' tio’ds'on, Dr L W' Gorrell and N M Alsiou. .\bove Ore TIill—Din’l Hackney, A B Marsh and Jas Pace. .Al F 'u t’s Mills — Dr II ,M Foust and l»r J D Graves. ■\t Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and .A .s Horney. ■Al .Asheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. .Vt New .Market—Jesse Walker and Joseph Newlin. .At Thomasville—-A G ^’oster and Jdo W Thomas. At Htjih Point—Dr it C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At Salem—Francis Fries and R L Patterson. ■At Greensboro’—C P Sieudeuhall, Peter .Vdams, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesse H Lindsay. Instructions will be sent lo the Commissioners at an early day by the President of thu Company. 64lf J M. ROSE, Sec'y W R. R, Co. li'ortti Carolina Readers. 'CI100L BOOKS are bec«tning very scarce, but we 5 have on han'I a gooui supply of the NORTH C.ARO- LIN.V RE.VDER.S, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hub- ■oard of the C^niversity of North Carolina, and No. -3 by Rev. C. H Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools "if North Carolina. Our customers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers on hand when the war commenced, we hope will now turn their attention to these books by liome .aiith'-irs, rather than allow their children-to do without reading books. For sale only al the old retail prices of 25 cents, 38 cents, and 75 cents. E. J. HALE & SONS Feb’y 1, 18fi2. »(>- RULFR WRITIi\« PAPER. A Good supply of Commercial Note and small sized Letter Paners, ruled, just received. E J. HALE & SONS. Dec. 13 86 OIL AND LAMP BLACK.' rpANNERS’ and LUBllIC.VTING OIL. L LAMP CL \,'K in barrels. For sale by i APT. REPORT fl\ TilE l)KI*P RIVER .'HnERAL REGION. 1M1E ’.indersigned have caused to be published from the ('oni'ressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capi. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .\ssociate^ on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex- timine the D^ep River Region of North Carolina. This is tlie miist intportaut and scienlitic statenn-nt of the great wealth of that section of the State, »ind tiieMaps the tiMsi perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .^O oentn, neatly bound in cloth. Copies smiI by mail, free of post.'ige, on the receipt of 50 cents. ^ A iibetal dis count to wholesale biiyirs. t)rders solicited. K. J. HALE & SONS. vv. H. ALLEN, CoBiiiiilssioii Merchant* WlL.MINGTON^V^O. T)R0MPT personal attention given to consignment?of 1. Nkv.vl Stobbs, Cotton, or other Country ProduviQ Tor 3.ale or shipjr.eni copie»(ol the Obsierver can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Uookstor*. Prio« 6 oent«. i¥OTI€E. tiooil Horses W\tHte(i! Having received orders to purchase Horses for the 2d Keg’t N. C. Cavalry, 1 will be at the following j places, vii; Fayetieville, Mnrch 9th and 10th; Jonea- I boro’, llih; Carthage, 12th and lOlh; Gulf, 14th; Pitts- I boro’, 16tti and 17th; Brooks’s !'ross Reads, 18th; Ashe boro’, 20th and 21st; Troy, 23d; Albemarle, 25th; W'adesboro’, 27th: Rockingham, 28th. Persons having good horees for sale will confer a favor by meeting me at the above named places. J. L BRYAN, Capt. Co. I, 2d N. C. Cavalry. March 2, 1863 7-t24th Celebrated Looms’’ for Salc» I NOW' offer for sale SIX HAND LOO.MS, together with the right for four counties, viz: Robeson, Rich mond, Cumberland and Columbus counties. These Looou will weave from 30 to 40 yards of jeaus per day. Owing to the faet that I am in service, 1 am unable to give that atienticn to them that they require, hence I propose to sell the Looms and right on very accommo dating terms Persons wishinjj to purchase either the Looms or Right will call on Col. N. A. McLean, my Agent in Lumberton, who will take pleasure in attending to them. W. H. HART.MAN. Lumberton, Feb'y 2(>, 1863. 7*2tpd Rl^E I.AI\'l>i^ and MIeLs FOR SALE The subscriber offers for gale his LANDS lyin^f on Fis’n creek in Harnett county, N. C., and extending to Ihe Cape Fear River, in ali, about fifteen hundred acres. I On the premises is a very comfortable Dwelling House, i and all necessary out houses; also, a first rate GRIST i MILL, and a number one CIRCUL.AR S.AW MILL, capable of cutting fri^m three to five thousand feet of j J.umtier per day. Both mills are run by an over-shot 1 wh#vl The stream is never failing, affording sufficient i w.ater to run the Mills. The Grist Mill now tolls from 10 to 12 bushels of corn per week. It is a good loca- I tion for a Flouring Mill; and the frame for one is now up, and most of the material for the machinery ®n the spot and ready to be put together. There is, also, a Store House on the premises, and for a purchaser wish ing lo sell goods it is a gJod stand. The healihfulness of the place is unsurpassed, and it is noted for excel’ent water. There are about 300 acres of good farming land lying on each side of Fish creek, of which about 50 acres are under cultivatinn. Growth, dogwood, hickory, oak and short leaved pine. Th« balance cf tbe land is heavily timbered with long leaved pines, convenient lo the mill. Said lands are 4 miles from Summerville, at Irhicb place there is a first rate Classical School, and about 6 miles from Lillington, the county site. It is not amiss to add, that gold has been discovered at different points on the lauds described, and that the indications are most favorable. Reference may be made to Jno. W, Howard. Topsail Sound, Jas. A. Bethea, A. B. Horton, or the subscriber at Summerville. S. W. DOUGLAS. Feb’y 18, 1863. 6*6ipd ieO^ACREsTEA^D FIIR SALlE ^PHE undersigned offers his PL.ANT.ATION for sale, J sittiated on the west side of Cape Fear River, 13 uiiles below Fayetteville. On the above premises there is a comfortable Dwelling, all necessary out-buildings, a good Store and W’are house, and is an excellent stand for a country meroh int. There is a fine young apple and peach oVchard and a good scuppernong Vineyard. Tliere is about 200 acres of River aai^ Swamp Land, of which about 100 is in cultivation, and produces finely. There is also about 50 acres of up-land cleared, with clay subsoil, and produces well. There is a public Ferry on Ihe River, which is profitable and adds » great deal to the convenience of the owner. I will take pleasure in showing these lands to any one who desires to purchase. Persons wishing any further information, will address me at Gray’s Creek P. 0., CuBiberland Co., N. C. THOS. W. DEVANE. Feb. 16 5*41pd !«$late ol A'orth Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jan’y Term, 1863. A. H Sanders, Adtn’r, r# Thomas J. Parnell, Amos Parnell and others. Petition to make Real Estate Assets. IT appearing to thesatisfaction of the Court that Henry T Parnill, one of the Defendants in this cause, re- i ojf>,e« bevoml the limits of this State; It is therefore on I motion ordered by ttie Court, that publication fe made ' in the Fayetteville Observer, notifying the said Defend- ' ant of'^he filing of this petition, an I that unless he ap- ■ pears at the next term of this Court and answers the I petition, the same will he taken pro confesso and heard I ex parte as to him, VVitiiess, J. S. Spencer, Clerk of said Court, at office I in Troy, the 1st Monday in Ja’iuary 1863. I l»6tpd] J. S. SPENCER, C. C. C. I .Htate ol Aorth Carolina, i RICHMOND COUNTY, j Court of Pleas at^d Qu trier Sessions. Jan’y Term, 1863. Jas A. Covington, Adtn’r of Jno. P. Covington, dec’d, I i» Eliza J Covington, et al. ! Petition for Settlement. IT appearing to the satisfaciion of the Court, that th« Defendant, E.’za J. Coviagton, is a non resident *f i tJiis State: It is ordered by the Court that public**'®** { be made ia the Fayetteville Obserrer for I cessively, notifying the said Defendant of ® ; this pelition, and that unless she appear a e nex i Term of this Court and answer the petition, the same ! will be taken pro confesso and ; Wiiness, Louis 11. Webb Clerk of our said Court, at o 1- Ihe 3d Monday in Jan y 18bd. i L H WEBB, C. C C. ) J*bfp«ij ^ BUnks for sale at this Office. ed in abstracting the pa{>er Ironi ^lessrs. I’ortal mill In 1862 a discovery wa.s made that a very considerable quantity of the bank note paper hml been stolen from the mills. This alarming lact the proprietors communicated to the Hank, vhich awaited with some anxiety the presentatioti ol the forged notes, for the preparation of whii li the paper was, of course, stolen, and as soon as uiie . appeared it issued the notice to which we have referred. The persons coDcerned in this robbery, and iu the printing and circulation of tiie notes, were tried last week at the Old Bailey. 'I’he otter ot the reward induced a youth, who had been tiie principal agent in the robbery, to come forward and give information which led to the apprehen sion of the guilty parties, and ot another person^ whom the jury have pronounced not guilty. In the spring of 1861 William Burnett and a young woman named Ellen Mills, who pa.s.sed a? lii.s wife, were liberated upon a ticket of leave, some years of a sentence passed upon them for reeeiv ing stolen goods having been remitted. They seem to have at once betaken themselve.s to Whitchurch, ia Hampshire, whether with a pre concerted plan of attempting to steal bank note paper does not clearly appear. The couple lodg ed at the house of a sister in-ls^w ot Burnett, uni there met Henry Brown, a young mau of twenty- one, employed on the'mills. According to tlie statement of Brown, confirmed by that of Mills, the woman spoke to him about getting some paper from the mills, and ultimately succeed ed in inducing him to take some. At tirst he took but a small quantity, his plan being to abstract it from the size drying machine, wliieh was attended by a girl at each eud, but so placed that neither could .see Brown take the paper Iro'ai the place where he stood; his business there wa.s to see that the machine did its work properly. 1 le gave the paper so stolen to the women, and Bur nett afterwards asked him to get more; he did .^u. According to his own statement, a man nuuitJ Brewer, employed in the nulls as mould nt:ii:i r. discovered his dishonesty and ultimateij became a partner in the crime, stealing the paper iu great quantities, and employing Brown to carry it to Burnett and his wife in J.ondon. The paper ob tained, Burnett had, of course, to dispose ol it tu some persons connected with the parties engaged in forging and printing the note.s; and here the pri soner Buncher, a butcher in Strutton ground, Westminister, appears upon the scene. Buncher, ii was proved at the trial, was an agent between the forger of the notes, and the persons disposed to utter them. He bought, apparently, the notec from the forgers, and sold them at a regular price to persons ready to incur the risk of passing them Burnett found in him a ready customer for the paper, which Buncher, as soon as possessed ol, far warded to a man named Griffiths, al lierming- ham, who was captured by the police when ac tually at work printing notes. In the possession of Griffiths the police^ found several plates from which, b}’ Griffiths’ own avow al, aJl the forged notes in circulation during the last few years had been printed, and a quantity also of the genuine paper. Griffiths, as .-soon as he found he was caught, made a clean breast of it, gave up to the officers some plates and pap r which were hidden in a place which they would not have found. At the trial Griffiths and Bur nett pleaded guilty; but Buncher and Brewer, also put upon their trial, denied their guilt. Griffiths was sentenced to penal servitude for lile; Buncher to penal servitude for twenty live ^ears; Burnet to penal servitude for twenty ycarts, and Williams to penal servitude for tour years. Thi." trial will no doubt rostore, in the fullest degree, the public confidence in the Bank of England note. Ltjinlun InJcx, Jtin y \^Mh. K.rromniunicated.—Archbishop Hughes ha.s excommunicated llev, John Murray Forbes, who left the Episcopal for the Komish communion several years since. The reason assigned is that he has now left the Ilomish. ^ Revenue."—The .steward of one of th« Euro pean steamers at Boston, who wanted to take a box ashore unobserved, said to a customhouse of ficer whom he knew, “If I was to put a halt eagle piece upon each of your eyes could you see' The answer was “No; if I had another upon my mouth I could not speak." “ War Phrases'’—Josh Billings, a corres[)ond ent of one of the Yankee papers, takes a logikal vu of war trazes: “On tu Richmond.” this is tu .«a, if the ku.--ed rebels will allow it. “Parallel lines,” are them kind of linos tha; never kura together. “Militara necessita.”—ten offsers and a gallon of whiska to ^ery threo privates. “Onluce the dogs of war;” but muz^e the d;trn critters; if you don't somebody will g^ hurt. “War of exfermination”—this fraze belongs to tha department, “Advanse Gard”—'this .is a gard tha hav tu b*v in our anna tu keep our fellers from pitchin’ into the enema frontwards. “Rere Gard”—this us a pard tha hiiv tu keep our fellers, when tha are surrounded, from pitchin’ into the enema backwards. “All quiet on the Pottermack”—this .show- what perfeck subjeckshun our fellers arc under. “Militara strataga”—trying to reduce a swamp by ketchin the bilyous fever out of it “Pickets”—these are chaps that are ccnt out to borry turbaker of the enema, and tu see il the kossed rebels has got a pass.

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