■ M I I MB SK M I-W E B K I. Y. \v , ' : ''unj Kcr .-r Am, H A *ra id.‘ « Tj-: ^ th. M > ' >i‘'X iii • '■*•■'"’ ' ^‘'vnuljs •i ' :iienWr ■■ li n Td, Wtu Lavi( Lr ■ ird II ‘nderson t • ,vi T'i V ; ! hUij.''.iii KS ■ *Ni ]'K> Hi ■> . - . t '■ .. ' :1. ; •n, : ' E Mai --iisai K J ' Uiinw V . '\V l!o E s r i.»; J la., •av [I- DAti h'V I w d. es &r, *1 •* M . » Vfi, », ris tv ^ »an. U « > JwJ. i'u. I* j! ,-.ir >iUD- . V. J i»r T. ('hsn'’’ J rupr^. ■ . \V He!!. . 4. The Ml, Rob- Vfp» , - -% J -■ M r ,tt John J: jicoin lintelL’ri , .r iiy My. Koi ■'•■•'■ lati'l ' '■”' I :1 itioi on V r by Not«« ^ \Oi. XII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. MARCH 12. 1863. [NO. 121U.] i li'.ntfi) monoavs \sn thuR'^d vys F:i)WilU) J. HALE & SONS. r.iiron^i ,ani» PKordiETous. F t'' ■■■■ J*e^'-\V ,'kly CVBs¥RVi.n S4 00 piiiil in ■; 4 nO n -r'.'il duriitp ilie vear of 8nb>jrrip- .-•II, ov " ;^rer tr «> vyur h.sv «?x},'ir»Ml. .1- v\,ly It M-K kk :>0 per anmiui, if pail in ■iJviiiii'r- ,^3 flit i'’ t>i« vPar siiVni»rii,'- ioni or -it M( .ar'tt r tin- r>*v.r h;? expired. !:HTIS!MKNTS for J1 pt»r -mre ' ,*■ It; ni » for Mh' mill oO ci^nts for each sao iit n:>t ex'^t-eil'li?: a ’-'f iir** liii" ■ ci*t;i>‘ for tlie fir.^t uii'i 3U (.-eiits *'iV cR h «nc'’''**d>n-r pntilie-i i'n, A lvon\H*>r8 are ro ■ uestO'l !o nil' numb.'r of irisoriioiis Jpsirt'il. or _■ t‘v w!!! b.-> c.'tiTinui' l til' iorM 1, aii'i •-■htirjcei iii‘C‘>r'l- ■lip.T .Vdvort’s ooumduiiI i ■• /f, cliHrge'l a» new «il- y^Tt\f>em^U[ i^PF.C’ 'lOTTCE. From rtii I T.ter non^ineof a new siiVscriber brt ont»»reii without p.-ivint'nt in ailvaiioe. nor will t’lr’ paper b’ f>nt to «iu'h subsi-riN.-rs for a lonpor time ;ii i-* ] f ir, 'f orr o'.-i s:-V-or:V>en :.s ile^irt* fo take the pa- I .r. tlrs vsU‘ui wil'. ) :y us when making; i^cv*. .Nn’v 1. 1 s'lS n\fj. »Uri , JttcM i%\ Attorney a: ijaw, K \.YK.TTK\ IM.K. X. r. ^^’11-?. att-!'J The t'ouniy and Siipt-rior Courts of 't (_ liitrii— ;. ,^^ool^; and Kobesou Cu;in- ■ 1 r.Miipi I' • i ^ I.) ttie ci'illeciion 01 all ■ I , turi 'I i i.. hi- iuu.ii '■t. IT. l>5'v 5>-tt iL(t. W. ..ILLl.WiS i CO., l>f;ilers» iia »rrorfrie«, : MPi>RYKIl> nrALKR' IN 'iardwart* aud ( Suedf'i Iron, lUV sT;;KKT. :-'A\KrTKVILLK. V. c. JU:V -2 i.-oi o'ltl j J C'»X W P, KK.VI'AI.L j. .S, K.ENUAM, I ox, Kf^:.\uAi.L. & ro, i oiiiiiiii§!!»loii i^leretiaiit^ A -N U WHOLESAL^^ GROCERS, No. 11 A- 12 .North Water St., \l ilmiii?tnn. \. I’. from tne (Jouniry promptly pxecutpd, taer v ■iriicular att»ntiou given to the sale of i'otton T.‘- jther prnJuc*- .\pril '1, 1''61. 10-tf JOS. I'TiTk^V, Grorir and I'ominlsftion ^yterchant^ fayettevillp:, x. c. ■4D'f I'i. I'bS, ‘j3-tf T. C. iSt K. U. WORTH^i (oQiQiis!ion and i^orwardiufi: Merfhaots, WILMINGTON, N. C. J 'Mj 84tf €ARI>! \FtW LADIE.' can be a«coniiiioiJatel with board at the Seminary. T. ('. HOOPER, ' - I. 1:'. 56- Jllll.'vSO.V WILLIAMS & CO.. ■|\’E ' i,ye thirty i i50 pans now in operation nine miles n ; 1-: of Wiluiic/ton P.irtit's wishinj; lo supply 'Ive^ with «alt. can be furni-he i by applyinjf lo A .i.ihn^.in. Jr,. A2**nt «\t F iyettevillH, to E Page, ■ inij:er at the worif*. or to .1. M WILLIAMS, General Superiuteniienl. i'ayettevillp, Nov. li", 1>''')2 81tf ’OTTOx\ VAR.li. No. l» ilay Street. V. P. -M.\LLETT. j\r. y 1**'^’. 88- Kice and Tobacco ou €ousignnient» ■ of fr^-ri bcni K.c“ an«l U>0 14 >xe^ Manu- .,i!‘tui-fd Tobacc variriu i!i i!itie'. For sale by r.K ) W ’.VILLIAM9 & CO. T ,,-t;evi#*e. fNPpi. J lb'>2 t>3tf A> T ,.p.t to hr abi' i»i tr-iiii ij.»rae a few months in t. , 'i'(. >, til'd 'li'I.i^aii i» tny auih->rizfd A,- at t inii- .ct t;iv liiit-in^-fi* until I return, ,S G. JONES. ■'-cr'J-. -itf AKcrthiH date 1 will p-iV Kivr t pel' },*ound tor rajis de- iivfr‘'d in F.iyfitevilie, or .it my mills 1 Ti^h D MUKPFiV '->ci, 2. 1st.‘2. ♦'.fi 10 i/r. L’ND Salt for sale on cun-'isjritni'nt by lO G. W. WILLIA ‘V. 20, M.S & »'0. 7y tf \VA.\TEI>. BU-^flELS WHE\T. (MltS 1 eri-oii-. ;.HVMn» tV„. at), v :iriip>s to sell will receive the hijjhe-'t price hy .,u .Mr. M Tliojia.'i-n. at the .Merchnnt Mill.*. K ■v. u..v.iw*. or ou t>ia subscri ber at Ills old stand on, :»larket ALI.X, JOIIXSON, .Jr. Not, o. iSG'i, 7r>if Twt'lily-li e Oollai*« I) \NAWaY ft.'Ill the -11'.-ctibt-r. his nt*nio boy MO- ^ He in 21 y^ars n.re. >U) 'H' T't' !•) incheu hiph, rol.unt, lonif i.ei rvud v»-ry much luree.lout at ihe loe . dmI lo"ks il. wn when -i- ken lo. Me wa« seen at M 'll:l H' R''bc-'ill COUnlV OU ihl* 21«i ult,, !in , wn- II Kh Mi. vii e n^ioiM tiirt-e weeks ago. The .t .cv. .nl will bf i iid '111 i.is Ilively to me or for ■ - C' .fi ; iiienf la any jail ho thut I jret him. LOOK AT THIS! TliH FIVKTTEVILLB HOTEL. Fronting 300 feet and in the busines*) portion of the Town, C‘oiilain«« more K|>nrioii«i an«l well veiifilatetl Rooiim lliaii aii% ilolel lit llie Statv, and my Patrons say niy ('uailimeiits are very good lor tlie times. T. WADUILL, Proprietor. Miy 2''*, 18*’>2. 27y Florence and Fayetteville Rail Ko id. IJNI)f^K the provision-* of sn 0''dimnce of[ the Oon- > vi'ntion of North CarolinH, Hook'* will he ope * d on the l(>th June Hf the f.illowinjr pl>»ce« nn i undef ihe di rection ot the following p**r«o!'5>, to reoidve su*>scrip tioiis; t I the Lapunl Stock of the **Fli>rence F i'. ette- vill** R.iil Rnft'! (''o.’’ Sharres One Hundred Doll'irs eaith At the R'lii Itoad Office in Fdyttttville.—Under the di rection of thv G*-nerai rommi^sioners, ,\ .\. McKethan, D. A. Riiy, ,V. W. Siee'. Wm. M.-L .\IcKh%’ and Jno. .M Rose. At the /.Vd Sprinpx.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill. Win. .1. Stewart. Jas. A Smith. I>»n’l C. Mc Neill :nil ("'ol. .\li>x, McMill'in. or any one of them. At Florid Colhgt —Under thf dirooiion ..f Dr NeiU McNair, l>r, .A. I) McLean, .\rcliihild Stii' ii, Edmund Lilly >»n.l Ool. .\lex in ler Wms.m, .,r nnv ■ • ■, nf i!u'm -4l Quefnsiijlf —L'n ier t)ie dirMction of ^Tll'-dock Mc Rae. D McLeod, I; .\lcCalltim, J.is MclUi^. Jr , mid J. H McQueen, or usiv on** of the'ii At Al/oriisfillf,—L^n.ierthe direction of J. f'n Purcell, Jno, >lcNiir, Sion ,\!fori. OuifilJ MoCallurn and Jno, McCal!. im. or any one of them The Subscription Uooks will remain open f.ir the «paoe ..f i«> d i_yi. When a sufficient s'un ■fibsi ribed the Company will be organized f.ir the purpose of huild- ; inj? the Road J A \. McKETHAN, D. A RAY. A W STEEL, WM. McL. McKAV, JNO. M ROSE. tiener il f’ommis.^ioners. Fareneville. .Tnnf 7, l^'^i'J. €2if Western RatlroHd 0(Tlcc,'» Fiye'tevill,-. N. C., S--pi. .7. ibi>2. j For th.* purpo-,* .It iiicrea-iiie ihe c'it r-il .stock ■ thi- i’niiipiny. i.ientl'li ir i.t e\i ii.i the R .nd troni the Coal Field-. I > I he North O’lroliiia R i id. i',.- loll' winz een'lein-u h.-vve been nppi.iiUHd ('.>mmi'sione’"s t.i r*- Cfive -iiih.-crih rs in ifi»-ir r>»-v.-r:il n**i^hh.)rht/od->, viz: Gu'f—I. J H'luuhr .n. I3r.)'>k3 ll.»rri'i. Dr George (? •>\‘wby an I G NV ;«hiii)it..ii .-\(>'ive liie Gull—Jno J Galdsii^n, James F Rive? and Hugh W l>:x .n. At Ore Hill—G W Goldston, Hr L W’ G^irrell and N M Alston ■\bov^ Ore Hill—Ddn'l Hackney, B .Marsh and Ja« Pace. .\i Fon t's Mi'ls—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. -\t Frinklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust »nd A .S Homey. .At .■Vsheboro’—Jonathan W’orth and R F Hoover. .\t New Market—Jepse Walker and Joseph Newlin. .At Thomasville—A G Foster and Jno W Thomai*. At High Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. -Vt Snlem—Francis Fries and R L Patterson. ■At Greensborb’—C P Mesdenhall, Peter .Adams, Hon J .\ Gilmer and .Jesse H Lindsny Instructioos will be'sent to the Cocjmissiocers at un early day by the Prtsident of Ihe Company. 64tf J. .M ROSE, Sec y W, R. R. Co. RecriiitM wanted for the Cum ber lanl Plough Boysi. H.AVIN(i beeH iJetailed for a short time ofi recruiting service, 1 will give notice to all who wish lo join thisi Comptny, that they now have the opportunity of doing so. I will be happy :o meet and receive your names at the diflFerent p'aces and times specified: .\t Black Hiver, Lack's Creek and Cedar Creek, on Sitnr day the 7;h Feb'y: also at the sivone places on the 14th Capt. R McDaniel will receive the names at Lock's Creen. Lieut. D. ,M, Johnson at Ced^tr Creek, myself at Hlack River, JAMES A GAINEY, Lieut. Co. F, ‘24th Reg't N C. T. Feb’y 4, 1863. l'200Lf VOLIWTEERS ‘ \n.\TED FU!i TIIK I’l HBiiRLl.M) PLOLIJH BAYS. H aving not retumel to tny Company yet, I will again give noiice to \11 who may wish to join this ('ompany, that they now have the privilege of-doingso The usual bounty of One Hundred Dollars will be paid. This Company i.s now at K.-nansville, N. C ; any one going in the service will do wall in joining this Com- panv, as it is an old Company, and is well drilled 1 sImiII be in Favetieville on the 4th and .'*ih of M irch next ' JAMES .A. GAlNEY, Lieut, Co. F, 24ih Reg. N. t'. T, Feb, 24. If .\OTI€E. Good MMiprsett l%*anr€if! Having rec»*ive! oid>-rs to puiciiH-e lloixes f'>r the 2d K“k'i N. C ('ivilry. 1 will bp at ih.: foll'-wing pl;'C-s, viz; F lyetieviii'', .Msrcb 9ih mil J :,o>- b'jro’, llih; ('arthaiie. 12ih and iSih; Gulf. i4tli; Pitrs- boro’. 10th and 17ih: Brooks's Cross K»*:ids, iHiti; .Ashe- boi-o’. 20th and 21st; Troy, 28 1; A.bem.rle, 2.3 h; Wadfsboro’, 27th; Rockingn tm. 2Hih Persons having g.'od horses f.r S'vle will con^^er a favor by meeiing me at the above n'imed places. J, L RR,Y.\N, Capt. Co. I, 2d N C. (Jav^lry, March 2, 7 t24thpd REWARD. ! Horse nud tlloney Stolen. STCLEN from the ruf'Scnb'-r. on Ttiiirs'iay night the 2oih F. b'y, a iUllGlI I' » LAY BANK. HU’.ISE, with a whii»* bUze in the face, low in fl .-.-h an.I ;ui p-a little in ihe right hind leg. h.t« a sore back IK ^-»s Ink* n by a free negro by the namp of .1 icob Going ^'.ihs .Nlor- gin, Ttiere was a free girl along with liii-' liy the ^ name of .Sarah Jane G insrs. \ I will give a r^w ird of Twen'y Du'.lars for liie arrest j and confinemetit of said .J.iciib Going-? lu l iimberton ] Jail, or ten in any o'her Jail in the Stafe. an ten d I- i lars for the return of the horse to me DUGALD McDUGAL’J Dond irroch, Robfsc'n Co , Ffh’y 28, IT03 (-otpd i SIOO REWARD. \.N AW.A^ from Mr N. C^irpon'er. on f'le Char'oite Hail Rfiad, near Brown Marsh, in Novemt'er ia^f. my negro Girl BELL. The s .i.l gi.-i .g ,, v„. ] FAYETTEVILLE MCTIT.4L 1!«$UR|\€E COMPACT. • Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $267,688 2b | Cash on hand ind other annetB. 6,077 35 i I'otHl, $272,7«6 61 The ’ompany hava paid ftll losses promptly, and havv' nev,^r insile an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid. *'2M.682 69 Offiorrs; GLo, .McNElLL, President. D, A. R.AY", Vice President* C. A MoMILLAN, Sec y. Dcbkctohs: Henry Lilly. W. N. TillinzLast, H, 1«. Myrover, S. i. Hinsdale, S, T. Hawley, W m. McLaurin, Nathan A, Ste.lman, T. S. Lutterloh, C, B. .Mallett. Jame.s Kyle. A. A. Mely*th:ia. J. D. illinnis, S. W. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. C»ok, Hon J. G. Shephe^. li. F. Rrown, » , A. K. H«ll. } hn Collins and C. C. .MeCrummen. Traveling Agents t’ompany invite applications. May-JS. 18bI. 21- A CiiETI! The New Style, Small, COLOKKU PHOTOtiKAPHS, AT VuiiorsdrllS Gall^^ry* ART. W'oodirardN i^olar Camera. PHOTOGR.APH.S can be hail at Vanorsdell'a Skylight Gallerj. Hay siirf.,-i. opposite Murble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.. plain, retouched, co’.i'red. in water colors, oil and pastile; from .small to iife size. Ambro- types, Melanectypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaiai g t». the .An. .Also, Gilt Frames. Gilt .Mould, iug, G' •' : for very Ini ge picture«—is large as 26 by :i6 inches. J .rd atid Tassels for hanging pictures: Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life iize colored P;iotograr>h- made from sm.all j-ictur">8. Hi^ving jicriuHueutly .ociited here 1 hope to merit your patrouagc, I would also return my sincere thanks for the Uberril pn'iunage be-towed ou me heretofore by the good p^'oplt! of Fayetteville and viciuity. r. M, vanor.sdell, * Photographist and Proprietor. D^ ;'r 20. lSo!t 77- lUarlile Factory, i !> I> V LviJDKii. T*ll BliliRS ABOVE C. T. H,4ICII i SOSS' STl'W: Fayetteville, €\ Jnn'v 20. 1 b60 84- high. well put up, tud S. f All 14 W D JOHNSON. 6 itf 8IAR.\E^H. I M r , ! i'. trr-iriUMC ir il, it nls uf Wagon 1 : ,n . ,..v 1- I t iti riiv lt* *ih.“'- an 1 c:in v- ' „:1 .. ...r:iin.j ' f\ ,‘-.ts h:1 I ) w.-ll to send th*ir ■I i’'! Ill iii» ir I: “V if. tli ‘iiive pr »mpt atteniion, and '.1 Hi ijiiir.*.ii ji L. ch J(.HlN (J,VR^^R ’' ■ '. 1’ I ' 'ti'u :i nil '! I . N. t;., I '! It f .l.in*. i:’. lKt,2 f *•200 lbt. tiiuiM Arabic lor Male by J. R. LEE. 'K't 1.^ C)tf »bouf •'> feet 6 or 8 inchef with a -.m'>otli hbick sKin, She is suprosed to hav* taken up with a fmp nptrrn m ,n ' liert-b/ give noiice to their Oiil custoraei.-i and friendB. ir. the Brown Marsh neig iborhood I will srive the ;ih,)vp j that tney ti.'^ve appointed John D. Starr and John D. r. waid f''r her delivery to me in F.iyeiteville. or i Wilh>»iiis, „t his plnce, their atiorney- fo coilecf fdther _ I ti ...... .K... I I— I separately or conjointly all moneys due them tdther bj I >icco Hii or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- 1 -ine-is .)iiriur ttieir nb?ence. Thiy "espect- for h»-r confinement in any jail so that I cm g-'t her. JAMES P ROBERT.^ON Jan 2:^. «7 tf 1’ WEST ESI A ISiE Till,IIS (if thi*. 1\. (SiiP'tays ex-’ejite'l) i I illv. - ,i r.' RAIL ROAD. ■ I li' i ve I"’ ;, . (• ■ I) ' 8 o -liiflt, \ M . iiirnin!' livtvc ,\iclv»'r'.s ,'i' I •) 'il -k I’ \l Freight Train MONDAY, WEUNESD kY and FRID.AY’ By order of the President. JXO M ROSE, Treas'r and Act’g Trans Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1863. 97tf lr fi-, I' tiil'.y ask ill iii'iS'Mis in.iebTcJ ‘c. I'lcni toc^ill as prompt- ilitp on "hi-ir -tiT, ike p'vvtnenf. \ wTlLIAMS. 9H-lf OIL .\N1) LAMP BLACK. MaxLar HALM 4 909" A\TED. \T th(! Kayeitevill»* .Arsena'. Four or Five GOOD !‘L\C K.'^ M 1 r Hto «)i -iu iron i w.iee-i and 8t**a.iy ■''pi'jyiii. ii; w.il be giveu. .\^piy lo or (t.i.in-'S J, A, deL.VG.N'EL, lit. Col. C. S. A., Comd’g. 'J, i«W3. TtRPEr¥TI\E HACK^. IH.\V^E " zood supply of Tiiri'putin.* ll.\i’KS, on hall j. wh' .1 I i:ii rcadv to ,-el; I • ih. s.. w'.o tuny wii>h to purchiise. .Also, ready In prepare Axes :itshort notice, in the beat manner. L. WOOD. F»7«tt«TlUt, N. 0., I)«o. 80. 90>8apd VALUABLE fllLLK for Wale. I 1 OFFER for sale my P1..ANTATI0N, 2 tnile& west of j Carthage. .Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which is a Gri.sf and Saw .Mill. Cotton Giu nud Screw , 1 will receive In payment State Bonds, Confslerate I money or likely Negroes. JOHN ,MORISON. j VALUABLE LAIVDS for i^ie. 1 1 OFFER for Sale my PL.ANT.\TION on McClendon’s Creek, 0 miles west of ('Hrthage. lying on the basin of the iloal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as productive as any lands in the county of .Moore. The improvements good anl the siluation healthy. Terms liberal, JOHN MORTSON. Twi”lCE. IIIAV*? ab mt otX)0 seres more, in different tracts, in the couni’y of Moore.—Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine lanii,— which I will Hell on liberal termf, JOHN MORISON. HOTEL FOR SALE. ' a speech for the times. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by The Richmond Examiner gives the following P Shemwell for certain purposes therein named, 1 report of a speech by the performer of the prin- shall 8,'ll for Cash, on Wednesday the 1st of APRIL ! cipal character in the play at the Richmond Iol’ the performance a few WLLL iiOU«L, on Qreen St., in the town of Fayette- t'i ^ ville. N. C., with Kitchen attached. Sale to take place i Rxaoiiner says: on tlie premises. The House is a brick building, three ^ the plaj or players wo will have nothing to stories high, contaioing 19 large rooms; fronts 44 by , say, but the speech of Mawworm i Mr. Mortor>4 65 feet. The^ifchen contains 7 rooms; framed build ing; fronts on Bow street 30 by ?5 feet, each room haa a fire place The House lot fronts 44 and runs back about 100 feet., Persons wishing to examine the property are referred to -Mr. S. Brandt who resides on Ihe premises. I invest in real estate have an opportunify of securing a substanti.al and valuable piece of property. ALLEN McCORQUODALE, Trustee. C E LKETE, Aucfr. Feb. 25. y-t8 CAPT. WILKE^^W REPORT UN THE UKEP RIVER 1HNER,\L REGION. The undersigned have caused to be published from the Coi'gressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .\saociates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that i^eciion of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any y«t published. The Maph are wouh the price of the work, which is .>0 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies scut by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 5H cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jany 2(i. E. J. HALE & SONS. i\orth Carolina Readers. loHOOL BOOKS are becoming very scarce, but we 5 have on hand a good supply of ihe NORTH CARO- LIN.A READERS, -Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hnb- >ard of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by Rev. C. H. Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools ■)f North Carolina. Our customers having weU nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers on hand when the war commenced, ^e hope will now turn their attention to these books by nome authors, raiher than allow their children to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 25 cents, 88 cents, and 75 cents. E. J. HALE & SONS Peb’y 1. 1802. ^6- THE .\ORTH CAROLIIVA >IIT114L LIFE IXSUllAXCE iOrtPANT, Now in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capita! and firmer hold upon public Cou- ti'tt-nce, coniiniieB to iusure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 In Ot» years of age. for one year, for seven years, and for Rfe—all life mernbera sharing in the profit.s. All slaves frnm 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. .All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisf.actory proof is presented. For further information the publ’'* is referred fo ,Agents of the C’oaipany in all parts c .he State, and te R, H. BA'I’Ti..E. Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. H.ALE, .Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. [Groceries: droceriesll A LARGE and well selected Stock of F.A.MILl’ GROCERIES alw.'iys on iiand, consisting of j B.icon-Sidcs, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker I Nos. 1 and 2, Mo!as.se.s, Suirars of al i grades, Tobacco, CiirSra, j And all other articles usually kept in a W'holesale Gro- : eery Establishment ; COX, KENDALL & CO Wjlrointton, .April 2. 1861. 10-tf .HiiK^rai LaiiiN for Sale. H.AVE au iuterent .>f uue-third in a tract of 500 ,\CRE^^ on ttie waters of Deep River, on which have be«n discovered a s:ilt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good quality for greasing leather, well worthy geological investigation, JOHN MORISON Carthage. Nov. 1.3 1862. 77-lf Egrypt Coal .TIine. The undernignod were, at the November Ternfof the Confe.lerate Court. District of North Carolina, ap pointed Manacers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and Hi-lling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Oider.s for any amount can be supplied on -tiort n.jtice. The Coal Ir.'m this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. -Applications may be ma.fe to f'has R Mallett, Fayette- | ville, N (! , or James Browne, ('harleston. S. C. CHARLES B MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE Fayeiteville. Jan’y 20. 186'?. 96tf TO COTTO.\ PL.4ATERS. I have been «pp dnied, by (he .Secretary of the Trea,«- ury. Chief agent fur the purchase of C-*tt in fur the C»n- fedcraie Govern-iient within the State of North Carolina, at) 1 will pay lor the same in 8 per cent Bonds, or cash. Snb-ftgenl.s visiting the different parts of the Stale, buy ing in my name, will have written certificates of ap pointment. Pitrt (tie citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Gove,‘ument b> selling to it their cotton rather ihaii to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Feb. 17. [c. i».] 4-lm Adiiiini«tratioii IVotlce. The su^iscriber havine qn.ilifipd as Administratrix on the Estate of Jas Sun.iy, dec’d. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm, McL. McKay within the time pr^- ' scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar f i their recovery. CATHARINE 8UNDY, .Adm’x. ! ,^ug, 4, 1862. 49- t j AdminiMtrator’i^ A'otice. The subscriber having at December Term. 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeiU. dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate fo present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this nolice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r. Dec. 10. 1862. 85- t FOR SALE. "MOUNTAIN HOTEL” MIIRGANTON, Ji. C. This large establishment, situate in the town of Mor- gauton, N, C., is now ofFereii for sale. Terms made knuwQ on application to J. .M, FLAPPl)LDr. Morganion. N, C. Jan. 19, 18t)3. 97-3mpd ”^SOAP! SOAP! I.\M now making and keep constantly on hand, at my Factory on Person street, F.AMILY’ BAR SOAP, at wholesale and retail. — ALSO — Plain, V'ariegafed, Perfumed, and Brown Windsor Toilet and Shaving Soaps. .A supply kept for retail at J. W. I^ett’s and Isaac FTollingsworth’s. Orders promptly filled. j*^*Lard and Tallow wanted. Highest cash prices given. C. P. JONES. Fayetteville, Jan’y 17, 1863, 9,5-2mpd l.tlST, ~ 8.MALL buckskin purse, between Liberty Poj^nt and the half way bridge, containing 1 gold wa'cn key, with a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve dollars in cash. The finder may have the purse and the money if they will leave the other things at this office. Feb’y 14. 1868. .^If Adminitttrator'f^ Sale. 1WILL sell al the Market House in Fayetteville, on Monday March .30th, 1863, on a credit of six tPonths, Two likely NEGRO GIRLS, aged 12 and 14 years. Also 1 double barrel shot gun 1 Revolver. • 2 Silver W’atches. 1 Gold Watch, 1 Sef Surveyors’ Instruments. 2 shares of Clarendon Bridge Stock, belonging to the Estbfe of ,M, W, Jessup, dec’d. JAMKS M. JESaUP, Adm’r. A. M. CAMPBELL, Aucl’r. March 7. 9tspd Valuable Propert^'^ for Sale. The subscribers will expose fo public sale, on the premises, on Wednesday the 8th day of April 1863 that valuable property in the town of Li nisburg. NortU (Carolina, known as Ihe LOUISBURG FEMALE COL LEGE The building is of brick, (four stories,) and covered with tin. It contains rooms enough to accom modate about one hundred boarders, exclusive of the principal’s rooms, the parlors, chap-l, dining room, &o. There is also on the premises a brick kitchen with four large rooms, besides other outbuildings It is »ur- rounded by a large grove of several acres, all enclosed. Itnmediaiely after the sale of the above Real Estate, the Furniture of the Colle;;e, consisting of bedding, wa.sh8tands, tab'es, chairs, fab'e w ire, sofas, centre and pier tables, carpeting. piano=. ,xc., wi'l also be exposed to pu^lic sale I'his property is situated in a healthy region, and io the midst of excellent society A better opportunity for a good investment in valuable property has not often been pre?enie-i. Possession will be given early in .lune. Terms made known at the sale, but the payments will be arranged to suit the purchaser J. B. LITTLEJOHN, 1 a „ . V Surv, Partners. R. F. YARBROUGH, Louisburg, N C. .March 3. 1863. 8-t4A B A 300 i\eg:roes Wanted* The Undersigned ifMre lo iiire Tiiree Hnn'tred hands to work on the i;rtii,g .>f the Chatham Railroad. Tne liui* runs thr iui;'i ■% iiealihy ciuiitry, on a high ridge, a.id all iiaU'ls e upl lyed on the road will be well fed and caro.i f.ir. We will hire either by the month or the year, -^pply 'o us al C.i'y. 8 miles west of Raleigh, or ai H ivw io'l. or L lekvill**, C’hatham county. N. C I. N I'LK G & t'O , I'oniractors, lif/erencfg: K. P, iiafilc, P-:-k'i Chutiiam R R, Com pany. Rale^gli, *n l 'V. J Hiwkiii.s, Pres'f Raleigh & Giston R R (’ompany, Raicij’h, Feb’y 10. 1863. [««•»] 2-19t Cabbajii^e Seeil! Cabbage Seel!! UNCOMBE CAB(?.lGE SEED, fresh and genuine, at J. W. LETT’S. Jan’y 15. 1863, 91-->m B A Larj?c Durham f^ow' ^■y'lTH a Young Calf, fur sale. Jan’y 5. DAVID MURPHY. 92 If I Palma Cliri^ti BeaiiJi. The pubseriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans, i J. A. WORTH. ! Favfttteville.Ocf. 8. 67-tf The Rockfi^h Co. wii«li to hire i a good Blacksmith. -Vpply ta we append, from the fact that it is an original ‘‘take off*' on the times, hitting right and left, and striking somebody hereabouts: The sp«ech occurs in the last act, as the actors are about dispersing *^rom the denouement of the The property is in^good repair. Persons wishing t® j play^ y^hen they are halted by Mawworm, who . 1 I. ' in a Quaker suit, with a sacradotal look, sleek hair, and a broad brim hat, mounts an im promptu pulpit, and harangues the audience after this laahion. (We happened to be near and took notes of the address:) “Stay, ye infatuated sinners. Ve know not what ye do. Don’t you dare to lay a finger on that sainted man (the doctor) nor rumple a curl of his blessed wig. Oh, you abominable wretch es, turn from the evil of your ways, and repent, ere it is too late, for ye are rushing down the broad road to destruction faster than ever the Yankees did at the battle of Mana.ssas. I groan for the wickedness of the times, when everybody is feasting, and drinking, and dancing, iiistt ad of HiourDing the evil of their ways. Oh, my beloved sisters, where do you expect you’ll all go to, since you think of nothing but gadding about the streets with coal skuttles on your heads, and rings, and flounces, and furbelows, and flummery. And oh, ye young men, who are all day circulating up and down the ^reet, trying to dodge the consciipt hopper at every corner, and who spend your time in the back parts of grocery stores, running the blockade, as you call it; but its a blockade that will soon run you ofl‘, I can tell you—guzzling North Carolina pine top whiskey, which makes you feel as if a torchlight procession was going down your throat. Oh, my beloved brethren, what’s to be done these awful times, when we hear of nothing but wars and rumors of wars; when old Abe Lincoln and the universal Yankee nation are trying to force us back into the Union, and the South replies in the sublime language of the poet—“she’ll see ’em damned first!” And ohl but old Abe is gnashing his teeth,—(gums I mean)—since he finds he can’t come it, for he got a Burnt-side trying to get under the Lee of an old Stonewall. Ahl it’s now the people of the North begins to see the error of their ways, for in stead of having the rich soil of the South for booty, they have nothing but proclamation.s, con fiscation, conscription, taxation, emancipation and universal damnation. But beloved brethren, what shal? we say of those blood-sucking wretches that we have at our doors—I mean the extor tioners, who are making the people pay fifty prices for everything they buy. They are worse than all the Abolitionists, or Seward, or old Abe, or even Horace Greely himself, and he is worse than the devil. What punishment will be bad enough for these rascals, who are making their fortunes out of the wive.s and sisters of our brave holdiers, who are fighting the battles of liberty. Ah, my friendd, old Satan has a warm corner by his fireside ready for the scoundrels, and a nice red hot poker to touch them up under the fifth rib. Oh, my be loved brethren, and sisters, abandon your e\il courses and keep away from all places of amu.se- ment, the theatre in particular, for a worthy col league of mine said in the pulpit the other d:iy that the theatre is the gate of hell, and ilie way to everlasting perditiou. Don’t encourage any ol those vagabond play actors, especially that wicked sinner Morton, for he’s a whole cart load of in iquity. Ah, you may lau;h, but when tiie old devil gets you, you’ll laugh on the other side of your mouths. Ah, your triumph will be short, for I’ll be going up, up, up, when you’ll be going down, down, down.” (The pulpit falls and Morton with it, and the curtain drops.) Gov. Brou n at his Farm.—A gentleman who left this city last week, to see Gov Brown on some official business, wa.s directed at Canton, the residence of the Governor, to proceed to his farm, where he would find him. On his way thither, he overtook and passed a large number of small wagons, carts, &c., with numerous loot pas sengers, all proceeding to the same do.«tinafioii, and when he arrived there, to his surprise, he t-aw that quite a large number of men and women with vehicles of the same description were rounti the corn cribs and barn of the (iovernor, who was engaged in the distribution tothem ot corn,shucks, &c., in proportion to the size of their families and their wants. Upon inquiring, the gentleman learned that those who had gathered there were the poor wives, widows, and children of the sol diers from Cherokee county, among whom Gov. Brown was distributing his surplus corn. The sight was a most grateful one to our tra veler, who came back to Atlanta, impressed with the double conviction of Gov. Brown being not only a good Governor, but a good man. The grateful tears which he saw in the eyes of the good women of Cherokee, who were bein^ madd the recipients ot Gov. Brown’s patriotic liberality, made an impression upon him which, he says, will be lasting, and which has taught him not to be chary in hi.s charities in the future. Atlanta Intelb'gencer. PEIVOER’S BRKi^ADE. "^OTICE is given that a Depot for the benefit exciu- th'fly of Pender’s Brigade, consisting of the I3th, 16ih. 22d. 34th, and 38th Regiments of North Carolina Volunteers, has been established in the city of Rich mond, under charge of Sergeant A. D. Montgomery. Boxes, packages, &c., properly marked and sent to his care, can be stored, or forwarded immediately to their destination. Persons sending articles through this Depot, should notify Serg’t Montgomery, so that they may be promptly taken charge of upon their arrival at Richmond. The Depot is situated on Wall street, under the old St. Charles Hotel. N. E SCALES, M.ajor and Trs. M. March 2. 8 3w W^anted Immediately, 1 n nnA juniper shingles, for which xU.Uv/l/ the highest cash price will be paid. —ALSO— \ yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO , Eagle Founlry, Fayetteville, N. C. March 7. 1863. 9tf WAilfTED, .\NK NOTES of North Carolina. South Carolina, V^irginia and Georgia. .Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. 9if r “ ‘ m'otice] Those indebted to the Estate of the late James W, Murphy will find their notes and accounts at the office of W. B WRIGHT. March 7. 9-3f f^HlRE, For the balance of the year, six Boys and Girls, and one Woman, a good house servant. Apply to D. McLAURlN. March 9. 1863. 9-4t ~ iliOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the late George W. A. Gee, will present them lo the subscriber in due tune, Tir this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persons in.iebted to the said G W’. Gee are requested to-make-immediate payment. J. R. McDUFFIE, Ex’r. .March 9. 18"i3. 9-4tpd IVOTICE. Lost, two notes on O. B. G ithrie;, payable to W H. Guthrie: one note for TrW"Et«VE HUX- l>Ri-:n DOLLARS, the other for FIFTY DOL- L,ARS, both given the same date, November 14, 186‘2. I hereby forewarn all persons from trading for either of the said notes. I also forbid «aid G B, Guthrie it> pav to any one except myself for either one ot the above notes, as I have not received value for the s*id Qofes. W H, GUTHRIE. Co. I. 32d N. C. Troops, Kinston. N. 0. Feb 28, 1863. 8-4t TAKEiV UP aiwl committed to the Jail of Cumberland CoiintT, a Negro Boy who says his name is DURHAM, and the property of Henry’S. Clark of Pitt county. He is about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches hi;»h and weighs about 150 lbs. The owner in request- ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and takf* him away, or he will be dealt with as the law di rects. P. F. ALDERMAN, .Jailer. March 2, 1863. 8-tf i\OTICK. THF' UNDER.SIGNED. both having entered the mili- tiiry service of Ihe Confe leraf* S:ales of America, March 2, 1S63 T HAIGH, Pres’l. 7 tf Coj>perasI Copp^ra!«!! LBS. SUPERIOR QUVi.lTY COPPERAS. Also 10 Tierces FRESH BE \T RD’E. For s^le by T*K.MBERT0N & SLO.VN. Jar.’v 8. 1863. 1WNNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BL\CK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. 0. Mafch 7. 6 If RULED WRi rr^iC; i*APE~r7~ AG lod sui ply of (!owim,-*rci tl Noie ind small kiied Letter Papers, ruled, just received. SALT! .SALT!! or SA^KS for s-.lc by . ROBt RT MITf^'HELL. 22 88 tf WAATED. A81TU VTION »3 MUSI'’ TE A‘‘HER. or a School of Small ('hildren. Viy the Widow of a Soldier, who has hf»d several years’ experience ns Music Teacher. For references, terms. Sc address Mrs E D. "McN., Care Dr Neill McNair, GilopoHs P. 0. March 5 8 3t Dm. 18. E. J. HALE & SONS. %8* FOR SALE, 1 1 HA ACRESo! VALUABLE PI nE LA'Din Moore LJLUU fUiiinty, near the Gtn re Plank Road, and near Blue’s Bridge. Apply lo J. A. McKAY, Gilopolis. MmtqIi 8. 8-6tpd W^anted to Pureha*ie, A GOOD ('OW with a young calf. Any person hav ing such a one can find a pu>chaser by callintr on E GLOVF.R, Mflrch 2. 1863. 8-2w S50 REWARD. R\NAWAY' iro'ii the subscriber on th» 25ih day of Novem er last, my boy WILLIS, aged about thirty ye-irs. Wiliis is about 5 feel 10 inches high, of dark complexion, hiis a d iwucast look, a little'Stooping, and limps slightly in his walk caiiscd by a severe burn on (1 think I his left thigh and l**g. When last beard from, said boy was in the iieiirhborhorhood of Lauritibure'. C . and I have no doubt is trying to make his way to the free Plates cither by way of Wilmington, N- the yankee fleet or through the country in other '’ireciion 1 have good reason to believe been passing on a permit written by hinwe * false signature, and may attempt to pass himself as ft free negro I will pay the above reward for his appre hension and deliverv to me. or half the amount for hu lodgment in any jail within the limits of the Southern Confederacy so I can get im. Clio, Marlboro’ Dist., S. C. W. R, Jan. U. MEDLIN. 9-4tpd Asm SPECIE WAITTED. Fxecuiive Department North t’arolina,) AWITANT GEXKRAL\ I'FPirK, (Vjlitia. i [ } R^LEIOH, Mar.-h 3d. 1863 Qmxkai. OmD»s, No. 1, ALL MILITIA Officers of thin State are hereby re quired to prevent any distiHaiicn of spiritous liquors from any grain whatever within the boutiis of theircom- mands. and if persons are found distilling in violation of the law th«y are to seize the utensils, arrest the par ties offending!', and carry them to a magistrate to be bound over. It is further made their duty fo search for any’ such gtilf* wherevz-r they have reasonable grounds for sus- pcciine sutih distillatioi;, or wher* information is given them of it. For the purpose of carrying into effect this order, any officer is hereby uulhorixed lo use all the Miliiia fore-' subject to his order By order of Governor Vasok: J. G. MARTIN, Adjutant G^n. March 4. 8 3t Executive Departiii‘iit,) Raleigh, N. C., March 2, 1863. j IT is hereby requested that persons who may be ap- pointend by the several County Courts, to receive the money appropriated by the Legislature for the pu ohaae of provisions for the families of sol.lie;--, wii. r®. port their names to the Executive Office, as soon as pr c- tieable. Those Countiets which have not appoint el agent*, will pUaae do eo at onoe. M«r>k6,18M.

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