’A* -Oil,, • - j n.. m£ :;':•’’i? v«i ""JOSI SEMI-WEEKLY. t.r V t'hfcrd J.;,v i H ; - ►ber; bo' 15 ' L ■ rt T niabe. ' V, iiiiam E 'T T ^ ' Jiait = ^ . *i S Y PejtoD 'Tl- Wil- , W ' : :'inaa I. - i Preston it i’ islcr. Wm R irrj-. Francis S p- L Put-. .,r.adUo_ I i h • P4iaDlj * K B ■ ;^-e. * vid W Lewis LMC!U''J Gir- i'ur .r Bf '• ^hi'3 M - ^'V.E^-b- ^ !>owelI- I • • ,n .1 R V rri n/ ’ 1 T Pa . : . W For- ;r- ,•: : r.iin. { .- f ,:c. >1 f* ., V- uraj* ,M alcom P t’ 'rarnett iTyr. i ;l,.k-ynibe. A i- H ''*’'”'' >r ^ .. ..f ire: A®- M Of Perwooal ‘2d h i.tion, Enl»fS* OB HALI * 909m VOL. XII.] Fayetteville, n. c.. march i6, ises. [NO. 1211.] IM’.lNTKl' MONHAYS AND THURSDAYS. I KOWIRI) J. HALE & SO?iS. ! HI i rons and puoprietors. •I tin Semi-Weekly Observer $4 00 if paid in ^ ^ . . ^-4 ;)(> if yii 1 during the year of subsorip- ; •1 . r >6 utter the year has expired. .■ .. \ly On^t uvKR $3 OO per annum, if paid in , ?3 .“iO if paid during the year of subdcrip- i ti. or j'4 Ou after the year has expired. ADVl'KTlShMKNTS inserted for $l per s uare j liiies tor ilie tirxi. and 6> cents for each sao j vul'licatiiiii. \iivpfti:cnieiitg not exceedinf? a ' - aiiir-.' linos' tiO centti for tli» tirst and 30 cents ; h uuceeeUiu^ piihlica'ion. .Vdvertisers are re- usl lf> state the nuraber of insertions desireil. or ' will be Continued till for>>id. and ohs’^ged accord- ' i (vorfi-^, iriit-' c.’niiuiieil in.'i it\ charfjed new ad i-i'.i'-nt =. i Sl’Kt'l •• NOTl'F,. I 1 sil t ‘iMor tliisdate, nonaineof a new subscriber i . (ered without payment in advantM*. nor will ; , )„> to SM. li siit)(;oribcrs f\>v i lonsri-r time l';:d t.'r . r vild ;:utisiri>evs M (ie-iire to take thi pa- •iy“tPin wil- II i s when making J in'v 1, IH.'tS ir.fi. .r/rj.. jnrcJT.f 1% A.ttorney at Law, ! AVKTTKVII.LE, N (’ ; . the t'nunty and Stiperii'r (’oiirts nf ; atniteri .n l, Unrnett. Moore .ind Hr-tieson (.'oun- iiipt iitenii in given 10 the collection of all t-niru^-ii i! to hus haniN : ' ; ■ .jb-tf tiKll. \V. WILLIAMS i CO.. \\ liolct^al^* ill AM* TMPCKTKR'^ AM> PF.AI.ERS IN hardware aud ( iitlery, Swedes Iron, Ac.) HVV NTRKKT, KAYKTTEVILLK, ('. -. "■ 3t'tf U I* KK.\l>ALTi. J. S. KENDALL 4 0\. ki:\l>AI.L Ai VO., AND WHOLESALE QROCERS, Vo. 11 *12 \orth Water St., _ Uilmiii:tun, .N. Rf 'V ler- from the Country jTTomptly cxacuted. IQT r ii ucul ir att.-nii.m given to the sale of I'otton ^ 4C -r pro luce i \pi. 10-tf JOS, LTJ. EY, (mrour itml CotntnlttHiou .fierchant^ FAVHTTEVILJ.E, N. C. ■ in'y 1 ■■ ''''i:;. 93-tf i r. t. Jt B. WORTH, lommissiou and l'orwardiug Merfhants, WILMINGTON, N C. J ii.:i'. . -M H4if I'AKU! ' rKW Ladies can be accommodated with board at »i • >t.‘ujin;trv. T. C. HOOPER. ■ «i)l. 66- JOlLVSOXrWILLIAMS & CO., ^%l/r I U -.• thirty iIIOl paHS now in operation nine miles ; '' of WilmiUftton Parties wishing to supply ; > ■» with sail, can be furnished by applying to ! - n, Jr., Agent at F.»yetteville, to E Page, ^ i' r It the works, or to 1 .T, M. WILLI.VMS, General Superintendent. ^ ‘ kvetreville. Not. 20, 1S6'2. 81tf t'€>TTO:V \ AR.H. i >0. 19 llay Street. i p. MALLETT. .' V 18»;2. 88- Kice and Tobacco on Consignment* 1 ji ■ .^SKS of fresh beat Rice and 100 Boxea Manu- j I I i-cturtd Tobacco, various qualities. For sale by I GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. j ’ ’viile, Sept. -4. 18*32. 63tf 1 AOTIC’E. I K ' '■ expect to be absent from home a few months in A i- West, .Vrchibald McLean is my authorized i/i-u; tran-iCt my business until I return. N. G. JONES. c r‘'•Sif .\lferthix ilate 1 will ' p'ly I'ive Cents per pound for rags de- liTered in Fayetteville, or at my mills ■ i: -i.h d. murphy. 2. lSt;2. 65- «A I.T. I ND lit for sale on c&nsignment by O G. W. WILLIAMS & HO. :. ,v. -u, ' 79 tf %% A ATEW. •> ■"(Ui ‘'‘ ■'^HELS wheat, i,r>tM) •' CORN. Ht'i-i'.ns h:iving the above artifles to sell will receive ilie r,ft..h j.rice by calling on Mr. M Thoiiiason. ft' the MerctM*' Fny,-tiovlle, or on (be subscri- b T ai his old Httiud on Market ^«quare. ALEX. .lOHNSON, Jr. 'V. 5. Kso2. 75if T^eiity-ll c Dollars iieward.~ j) 'N.\W \V frotn the Rut'scn'.e.r, his negro boy MO- II 'K.''. He is - I J US of age. about tV*e» 10 inches Bit's rohust, I'-ng fe*-t and very mnclt uirtic lout at the i' ’l i look- i!')wu when spoken fo. He w«,« seen at ^liil.■‘ in Uiibestjti oonrny on the 2Ist tilt.. •'ilw ,-iQ ftteville about Ihree weeks ago. The . .. .ft will be paid tor his delivery to me or for I,-III in apv j>iii so that 1 get him. W D JOHN.'ON. V'l!. S. 14.is.;-i. 62tf A K ?l V H A R:% E««. ' fr**!m l to matuifacture all kinds of Wagon ■ Ilf— f(/r .Army use. I tan my leather and cau lid b rg:tins. Agents wili do well to send their ’■) lue as they shiill have prompt attention, and 'll in'lui.-.k dispatcti. J(.)HN CARTF-R. I'll Ml 1*. u ''^itJiam Co.. N. C., 1 .1 n- l:l IKt;-.! / 34tf I3> . lor sale by J. R. LEE. (V.Uf ■ wiaio. t Ai-'enii, Kmif or Five GOOI* ■ KS\!i'i'i!-> 1! v.-h':!n wnges an.i steady ’ i. he j/iv*'n .A, ply to or a'ldr.-'is J.' A. d.‘LAU\EL, Lt. Col. C. S. A., Comd’g. 93tf LOOK AT THIS! THE FiVETTIvVlliLU HOTEL, Fronting 300 feet and In the business portion of the Town, coiitaiiiH more wpacioiisi and well %’eitttilnted Rooiiin than any Hotel in the i^tate, and my Patrons say ray Condiments are very good for the times. T. WADUILL, Proprietor. May 20, 18ti2. 27y Florence and Fayetteville Rail Road* UNDER the provisions of an Ordinance of the Con vention of North Carolina, Kooks will be opened ou the Ifjfh June at the following places and under the di rection of the following persons, to receive subscrip tions to the Capital Stock of the "Floreuce .St Fayette- Tille Rail Road Co.” Shares One Hundred Dollars each. -•4/ the Kail Road OjHre in Fayetteville.—Under the di rection of the General ('ommis.sionors, A. A. .McKethan, D A. Ray, A W. Steel, Wm. McL MeKay and Jm>. M. Hose. -4/ the Rtd Sprinifs.—Under tlie direction of Hector McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart, Jas. A. Smith, Dan’l C Mc Neill and Col. Alex McMill'in, or any one of thetu. -4/ tloriiL Collejf. — Under the direction of Dr. Neill | MeNRiv, l*r. .-V. D McLe'U), .Arehitiald Sujith. Edmund ] Lilly ;iiid Cul. ,\lex inder ^^al^on, or any one ol them I .41 Quemndalr. — Under tin; direction of Murilock Me- j Rae. D Mi'Leod, [> .Mct'allum, Jas McRae, Jr., and J H Mi-wu een, or any on** of thetn I -If .ll/v/dnrillt. Under the direction of John Purceli, Jiio. MeNair, Sion .\lfurd, DiigHM MoCallum and Jno. | MeCalluai. or any one of them i The Siibscription Books will remain open for the | space of H!) days. iS’hen a siitiicient sum is subscribed ^ the Comj.any will beorganijeil f^ the y>urpose of build- '■ ing the Roa i i A A M.-KETHAN, D A RAY. A. w steel. W\1 McL. McKAY, JNO .M UotiE, General Commissioners. Fayetteville, June 7, 1H»>2. 32tf Western Kallruad Ofllce, ( Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 1S(52. | Ij^OR the purpose of increasing the capit.41 slock of thip Company, to enable it to extend the Road from the Coal Fields to the Notth Carolina Road, the following gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners to re- ceiv.j suhscrib^TS in their several neighborhoods, viz; At Gulf—L J Haughton, Brooks Harris, Dr George C Newby and O Washington .\bove the Gulf—.Ino J Goldston, Jame.s F Rives and Hugh W Dixon. At (,)re Hill—G W' Goldsion, Dr L W Gorrell and N .M Alston. •Above Ore Hill — Dan’l Hackne^’, .A B Marsh aud Ja» Pace. .\t Fou.-t’s Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. At Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A S Horney. At A'dheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. ,\t New Market—Jesse Walker and Joseph Newlin. •At Thomasville—A G Foster and Jno W Thomas. At High Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At Salem—Francis Frie.s and R L Patterson. At Greensboro'—C P Mesdenhall, Pet«r Adams, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesse II Lindsay. Instructions will be sent to the Commissioners at an early day by the President of the Company. 64tf J. M ROSE. Sec’y W R. R. Co. RecriiitM wanted lor the 'iini- berland Plough Boytii. H.VVING b«eH oetailed for a short lime on recruiting service, I will give notice to all who wish to join this Compiny, that they now h-tve ihe opportunity of doing so. I will be happy to meet aud receive your names at th* different places and times specified: .At Black Uiver, Lock’s Creek and Cedar Creek, on S.*tur- day the 7th Feb'y: also at the same places on the 14th. Capt. R. McDaniel will receive the names at Lock’s Creek, Lieut. D. M. Johnson at CeUar ('reek, myself at Black River JAMES A. GAINEY, Lieut. Co. F, 24th Reg * N C. T. Feb'y 4, 1863. 1200tf YOL.LAT£ER$i| WiXTED FOR TIIK 1’U.)1BERLAXD PLOLliH BOYS. H.AVING not returned to my Company yet, I will again give notice to all who may wish to join this Company, that they now have the privilege of doing so. The usual bounty of One Hundred Dollars will be paid. This Company is now at Kenanaville, N. C.; any one going in the service will do w»ll in joining this Com pany, as it is an old Company, and is well drilled. I shall be in Fayetteville on the 4th and 5th of March next. JAMES A. GAINEY, Lieut. Co. F, 24th Reg. N. C. T. Feb. 24. 6-tf .NOTICE. Oooil Mioruea l%*anteilt H.WING received orders to purchase Horses for the 2d Reg’t N. C. Cavalry, I will be at the following places, viz: Fayetteville, March 9th and 10th; Jones- I boro’, 11th; Carthage, 12th and 18th; Gulf, 14th; Pitis- boro’, 16tti and 17th: Brooks’s Cross R«ads, 18th; Ashe- boro’, 20th and 21st; Troy, 23d; Albemarle, 25th; Wadesboro’, 27th; Rockingham, 28th. Persons having good horses for sal® will confer a favor by meeting me at the above named places. J. L. BRYAN, Capt. Co. I, 2d N. C. Cavalry. March 2, 1863. 7-t24thpd $S0 REWARD. Horse untl ^Itoney Stolen. ^TOLEN from the subscriber, on Thursday night the 2Gth Feb’y, a BRIGHT CLAY BANK HORSE, with a white blaze in the face, low in flesh and limps a little in the right hind leg, has a sore back. H« was taken by a free negro by the name of Jacob Goings alias Mor gan. There was a free girl along with him by the name of Sarah Jane Goings. I will give a reward of Twenty Dollars for the arrest and coutiuemeut of said Jacob Goings in Lumberton Jail, or ten in any other Jail in the State, and ten dol lars for the return of the horse to me- DUGALD .McDUGALD. Dondarroch, Robeson Co., Feb’y 28, lbC3. 7-Otpd SlOO REWARD. 1y \N\\V \Y from Mr N. Carptnter, on the Charlotte ii Rail I'.nad, near Brown .Marsh, in November last, my negro Qi’-l BKLL. The said girl is a No. 1 negro, about .) feet or K iuehes high, very well put up, and with a smooth black skin. She is Hupposed to have takon np with a free negro man in the Brown .Marsh ueigiiborhooil 1 will uive the above reward for her delivery to me in Fayetteville, or $.50 for her confinement in any jail so that I can get her. JAMES P. ROBERTSON. Jan 23. 97-tf ilESTERJ^ RAIE ROAD. ^pHE Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, ! J. (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and re- i turnin? leave Mclver’s at. ] o’clock. P M. j Frn/kt Train MONDAY, WEDNESD.Wand FRIDAY. I By order of 'he President. JNO. M. ROSE, j Treas'r and Act’g Trans. Ag’t. ! Jan. 22, 1 *^t33. 97tf FAYETTEVILLE MITUAL INSCRIXCE COMPANY* Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand %nd other assetg, $267,688 6,077 35 Total, 1272,765 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,682 C9 OmoKES: GLO. McNElLL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. MoMILLAN, Sec’y. Dihkotors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. .Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedtnan, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett. James Kyle, A. A. .M'cKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. hn Collins and C. C. .McCrummen, Traveling Agents JB^*“The Company invite applications. •May 28. 18t;!. 21- A. W. Steel, J. G. C»ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown,^ , A. E. Hall, [Wnmgtou. A inmi The .\«*w St}le, Small, rOLORKU FHOTOf^RlPHS, AT Bv iih)0. LAUDI^^Ii, TWO D00R8 C. T. UiIGH k SONS’ STORK Eayetteville, V. Jan’v ’JO -60 84- valuable :niLL« lor 8ale. I OFFER for sale my PLANTATION, 2 miles west ol Carthage, Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which is a Grist and Saw Mill, Cotton Gia and Screw. 1 will receive in payment State Bonds, Confederate motiey or likely Negroes. JOHN MORISON. VALrABtTE LAlfDSS for Sale. I OFFER for Sale my PLANTATION on McClendon’s Creek, 6 miles west of Carthage, lying oa the basin of the t'oal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as productive as any lands in the county of Moore. The improvements good and the situation healthy. Terms liberal. JOHN MORISON. I ART. j Wuod%vard% ^olar i'ainera. f^H0TOGR.\PHS can be had ai Vanoradell’a Skylight Gallery, Hay iirrcei, opposite Mailtle Yard, Fay- I ettevine. N. plain, retoucheij, colored, in water , oolor.s, oil and pastile, froiH small to life size. Ambro- i types. Melaiieotypea. and all other styles of Pictures j pertain' ig to the Art. .Also. Gilt Frames, (lilt .Mould- ! ing. G’ -■. for very large pictures—ks large as 26 by :(j I inches. Jord aud Tassels for hanging pictures; lustrn- ments. Stock and (!hemicals for sale low for cash. Life I size colored Photographs made from small pictures. I Having permanently U cated here I hope to merit ^ your p.itronage. I would also return my sincere thanks ‘ t’or the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by ! the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. ; C. .M. VANORSDELL, I Photographist and Proprietor, j Dec’r 20. 185?* 77- .Marble Factory, CAP'I. W ILKES'S REPORT 0.^ THE DEEP RIVER MINERAL RECIOJi. ^PHE undersigned have caused to be published from X the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientitio statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .‘>0 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 26. E. J. HALE & SONS. i\orlh Carolina Readers. '1CII00L BOOKS are becoming very scarce, but we ^ have on hand a good supply of the NORTH OARO- LIN.A READERS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hub- oard of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by Rev. C. H. Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools of North Carolina. Our customers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers on hand when the war commenced, we hope will now turn their attention to these books by bome authors, rather than allow their children to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 25 cents, 38 cents, and 75 cen»s. E. J. HALE & SONS. Feb’y 1, 1862. 96- THE :\OKTH I'AROlil.'VA .VCTUIL LIFE INSCRANCE COMPANY, NOW 'n the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing intheprofits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 dayg after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the publi'' is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c ' ^he State, and te R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. £. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. Groceries: Groceries:! A LARGE aud well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishmen* COX, KENDALL & CO Wilmington, April 2. 1861. 10-tf The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have .'appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, flieir attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by accouat or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all pers'^ns indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agent? ao-i make payment. t'TARH & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1861. 68-tf ‘J, 1863. I TURPE^TI^E H A€Ki$. IH.AV'E a good supply of Turpentiaa HACKS, on hand, wh’, -.n I am ready to sell to those who may I wish to purchase. Also, ready to prepare Axes at short i notice, in che best manner. L. WOOD. Fayetteville, N. C., Deo. 30. SO^mpd 1 OIL iND LAMP BLACK. : qiAVNERS’ and LUBrJCATING OIL. ' 1. L.AMP BL.^i'K m b^’.rr•:ls. F- ' sale oy I .70S. R. iJLOSSOM & CO., I Wilmington, N. C. March 7. 6 tf RUI EF) WRITI.^W PAPER. LGood supply of Commercial '"ote aud small sijed Lettvt Papers, ruled, just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dw. 13. W- IVOTICC. I HAVE about 6000 acres more, in diflFerent tracts, in the county of Moore,—Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land,—which I will sell on liberal terms. JOHN MORISON. iTllneral Lauds lor Sale. I HAVE an interest of one-third in a tract of 500 ACRES on the waters of Deep River, on which have been discovered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good quality for greasing leather, well'wor'thy geological investigation. JOHN MORISON. Carthage, Nov. 13 1862. 77-tf Ef^ypt Coal Ifline. The undersigned were, at Ihe November Term of the Com’aderate (’onrt. District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, )*nd solicit orders for tjie same in^any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied ou (»hort notice. The (’oal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in ihe (Confederate States. .\pplicHiioiis may be ma ie to t'has B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C , or James Browne, ('harleston, S. C ('CHARLES B. MALLETT. J^MES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 186:i. 9f5lf TO 4'OTTOI% Pl.A.^TERW. ^ 1 liuve been appointed, by the Hecret«ry of the Treas ury, t:hief agent for the purchase of C'ltton for Ihe (’on- fed^rate Uovernnient within the State of North Carolina, aud will pay for the same it 8 per cent Bonds, or cash. Sub-agents visiting the different parts of the State, buy ing in tny name, will have written certificates of ap- poinlmeci. Patriotic citizen° are now o!!ired an opp»rtunity to aid the tiovsrnmeut by selling to it their cotton rather than i.0 private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Feb. 17. [c. d.] 4-1 m Administration IVotice. The subscriber having qualified as Administratrix on the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. C.ATHARINE SUNDY, Adm’x. Aug. 4, 1862. 49- t Administtrator's IVotice. The subscriber having ^ December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HECTOR .McNElLL, Adm’r. Deo. 10, 1862. 85- t FO^SAEE. ~ ~ “MOUWTAIW HOTEL» W0RI;A.\T0.\, S. C. fl^HIS large establishment, situate in the town of Mor- X ganton, N. C., is now offered for sale. Terms made known on application to J. M. HAPPOLDT, Morganton, N. C. Jan. 19, 1863. 97-3mpd »)OAP! SOAP! I .AM now making and keep constantly on hand, at my Factory on Person street, F.AMILY B.AR SO-AP, at wholesale and retail. —ALSO— Plain, Variegated, Perfumed, and Brown Windsor Toilet and Shaving Soaps. A supply kept for retail at J. W. Lett’s and Isaac Hollingsworth’s. Orders promptly filled. jt^Lard and Tallow wanted. Highest cash prices given. C. P. JONES. Fayetteville, Jan’y 17, 1863. 95-2mpd LOST, AS.M.ALL buckskin purse, between Liberty Point and the half way bridge, containing 1 gold watch key, with a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve dollars in cash. The fiuder may have the purse and the money if they will leave the other things at this office, Feb’y 14, 1863. 3tf 300 I^egrroes Wanted* The Undersigned desire to hire Three Hundred hsnJe to work on the grading of the Chatham Railroad. The line runs through a healthy country, 0(i a high ridge, and all hands employed on the road will be well fed and cared for. We will hire either by the month or the year. Apply to us at C*ry, 8 miles west of Raleigh, or at Haywood, or Lockville, Chatham county, N. C I. N. CLEGG &»C0 , Contractors. Re/ertncet: K. P. Battle, Pres’t Chatham R. R. Com pany ^ Raleigh, and W. J. Hawkins, Pres’t Raleigh & Gaston R R. Company, Raleigh. Feb’y 10, 1S63. [r. s.] 2-I»t Cabbage Seed! Cabbage Seed!! UNCOMBE CABBAGE SEED, fresh and genuine, at J. W. LETT’S. Jan’y 15, 1863. 94-2m A Lar^e Durham Cow ITH a Young Calf, for sale. DAVID MURPHY. Jan’y 5. 92-tf B W Palma ChriMi Beansi. IHE subseriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fayetteville,Oct. 8. 67-tf The Rockli^th Co. wi)>ih to hire a rood Blacksmith. Apply to C. T. HAIGH, Pres’t. March 2, 18t>3 7-tf Copperaw! Copperas!! OAA I SUPERIOR QUALITY COPPERAS. OUU Also 10 Tierces FRESH BEAT RICE. For sale by PEMBERTON & SLOAN. Jan’y 8, 1863. 92tf SALT! ^ SACKS for sale by Deo. 22 SAI.T!! ROBFRX MITCHELL. 88 tf HOTEL FOR SALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by P. Shemw>ll for certain purposes therein named, I shall s“ll for Cash, on Wednesday the 1st of APRIL next, at 12 o’clock, the Hotel known as tl^ 8HEM- WELL HOUSE, on Green St., in the town of Fayette ville. N. C., with Kitchen attached. Sale to take place on the premises. The House is a brick building, three stories high, containing 19 large rooms; fronts 44 by 65 feet. ThefKitchen contains 7 rooms; framed build ing; fronts on Bow street 30 by ."5 feet, each room has a fire place. The House lot fronts 44 and runs back about 100 feet. Persons wishing to examine the property are referred to Mr. S. Brandt who resides on the .premises. The property is in good repair. Persons wishing t« invest in real estate have an opportunity of securing a substantial and valuable piece of property. ALLEN MoCORQUODALE, Trustee. C. E. LEETE, Auct’r. Feb. 25. 9-ts Administrator'!!* Sale. I WILL sell at tha Market House in Fayetteville, oa Monday March 30th, 1863, oua credit of six monthx. Two likely NEGRO GIRLS, aged 12 and 14 years. Also 1 double barrel shot gnu. 1 Revolver. 2 Silver Watches. 1 Gold Watch. 1 Set Surveyors’ Instruments. 2 shares of Clarendon Bridge Stock, belonging to the Estate of M. W. Jes->up, dec’d. JAMES M. JESSUP, Adm’r. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auct’r. March 7. Valuable Property lor Sale. The subscribers will expose to public sale, on tbe premises, on Wedue.sday the 8th day of April 1863 that valuable property iu the town of Lotiisburg. NortL Carolina, kuown as the LOUISBURQ Pt^lALE COL LEGE. The building is of brick, (four stories,) and covered with tin. It contains rooms euough to accom modate about one hundred boarders, exclusive of the principal’s rooms, the parlors, chapel, dining room, &c. There is also on the premises s brick kitchen with four large rooms, besides other outbuildings. It is sur rounded by a large grove of several acres, all enclosed. Immediately after the sale of the above Real Estate, the Furniture of the College, consisting of bedding, washstands, tables, chairs, tabio ware, sofas, centre and pier tables, carpeting, pianott, ic., wi'.l also be exposed to public sale This property is situated in a healthy region, and in the midst of excellent society A better opportunity for a good investment in valuable property has not often been presented. Possession will be given early in June. Terms made known at the sale, but the payments will be arranged to suit the purchaser. J. B. LITTLEJOHN, 1 « t> . R. F. YARBROUGH, IPartner». Louisburg, N. C. March 3, 1863. 8-t4A PEMDER’S BRIGADE. NOTICE is given that a Depot for the benefit exclu- tively of Pender’s Brigade, consisting of the 13th, 16th, 22d, 34th, and 38th Regiments of North Carolina Volunteers, has been established in the city of Rich mond, under charge of Sergeant A. D. Montgomery. Boxes, packages, i:^c., properly marked and sent to his care, can be stored, or forwarded immediately to their destination. Persons sending articles through this Depot, should notify Serg’t Mootgoroery, so that they may be proBnptly taken charge of upon their arrival at Richmond. The Depot is situated on Wall street, under the old St. Charles Hotel. N. E, SCALES, Major and Trs. M. March 2. 8-3w Wanted Immediately, 1 JUNIPER SHINGLES, for whieti xU.UUU the highest cash price will be paid. —ALSO— A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C- March 7, 1863. 9tf B AVAWTED, ANK NOTES of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. 9tf HOTICE. Those indebted to the Estate of the late James W, Murphy will find their notes and .accounts at the office of W. B. WRIGHT. March 7. 9-3t r TO HIRE, or the balance of the year, six Boys and Girls, and one Woman, a good house servant. Apply to D. McLAURIN. March 9, 1863. 9-4t ilfOTICE. All persons having claims against the late George W, Gee, will present them to the subscriber in due time, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persens indebted to the said 0 W. Gee are requested to make immediate payment. J. R. McDUFFIE, E*’r. March 9, 1863. 9-4tpd IVOTICE. Lost, two notes on Q. B. Guthrie;, payable to W, H. Guthrie: one note for T^VEIjVE HUW« 1»RED DOLLARS, the other for FIFTY DOL- L.ARS, both given the same dale, November 14, 1862. I hereby forewarn all persons from trading for either of the said notes. I also forbid said G. B. Guthrie to pay to any one except myself for either one of the above notes, aa I have not received value for the eaid notes. W. H. GUTHRIE, Co. I, 32d N. C. Troops, Kinston, N. C. Feb. 28,* 1863. 8-4t TAKE1¥ IIP and committed to the Jail of Cumberland County, a Negro Boy who says his name is DURHAM, and tbe property of Henry S. Clark of Pitt county. He is about 5 feet 6 er 8 inches high and weighs about 150 lbs. The owner is request ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law di rects. P- F- alderman. Jailer. March 2, 1863. 8-tf WA.A'TED. A SITUATION as MUSIC TEACHER, or a School of Small Children, by iho Widow of a Soldier, who has h:i'J Hf .’cr^l yeurs’experience as M:i.sic Teacher. For reference , ter?n.s. &c addres^^ Mrs E. P McN., Care _)r. Neill .McNcir, Gilopolis P. O. March 8 3t W^anted to Purchase^ A GOOD COW with a young calf. Any person hav ing such a one can find a purchaser by calling on E. GLOVLR M.irch 2. 1863. 8-2w FOR ISALE, 1 inn VCaESofV.ALUABLE PINE LAN Din Moore JLJ.UU Cciuity, oaar the Centre Plank Road, anl near Blue’s Bridge. Apply to J. A. McKAY, OUopolis. Marob 3. S^tpd REWARD. R.AN AW AY from the subscriber on the 25fh day of Novem er last, my boy WILLIS, aged about thirty years. Wiliis is about 5 feet 10 inche.s high, of dark Complexion, has adowne.-ist look, a little stooping, and limps slightly in his walk caused by a i^ere bum on (I thinki his left thigh and leg. When last beard from, said boy wa*i in the neighbor'oorhood of L%utrinburg, N. C , and 1 have no doubt is trying make hia way to tbe free States either by way of Wilmington, N. C. to the yankee fleet or through the country in some oth«r direction 1 have good reason to believe that he has be* n pasr:ng on a permit writtea by * fa! ' aigri.i'ure, and may attempt to himse as a free npgro. I will pay the above reward for is appre hension and delivery to me, or half lodiimeD* in any jail within ibe Hmits of the Southern Confederacy so that 1 can get him. ^ MEDI IN Clio, Marlboro’ Pist-. S. C., Jan. 14^ A 3illfor A^,t,ulUng the Constitution.—I ti- der this kead tbe New York World has a long article denouncing the bill to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, which had passed the yankee Con gress. We copy the first paragraph as follows: “We publish iu another column the bill which passed the Senate on Tuesday tor annulling aud declaring void the Constitution of the I’nited States. It is the most high-handed, bare-faced and infamous LiFront that has yet been oflfered to the great charter of our liberties, even by the false and perjured partly that now control the gov ernment. Every Senator who voted lor this de testable bill is sworn to support the Constitution of which it is cn open and confessed repudiation. The bill, if it passes the House- (which it will) and receives the sijrnature of the l^'rcsident (which it will,) is nothing less than an act for the estab lishment of a despotism in these once free and happy United States, and taking from the people the protection of the Constitution. It authorizes and justifies arbitrary'arrests at the will of the Executive, in detianoe of explicit provisions ol the Constitution forbidding such arrests. It puts every man’s liberty and property out of the pro tection of the lunc'-iracntal law; it annihilates the power of the Staf governments to protcct )ieir citizens again.-l ilVgal violence; it tells the l*n'>i dent and his in iiions that tiiey may wifii ini])uni ty perpetrate ail these acts of despotism by which the most odious tyrants in the worst ages have earned the execration ol mankind. This may l>e deemed strong language, but it is no more tl^n adequate to characterize the infamous act of cotn- bined perjury and despotism which wo print this niorning, aud which challenges the attention and must provoke the indignation ol every man who is not ba.se enough to confess himself a cowering slave. The j»fX*e'^diogs in connection with the passage of this bill prove that every Senator who voted for it committed con.scious perjury; that he knowingly and willfully violated the solemn oath he had taken t«'» support the Constitution of the United States ’’ TAe Yauket Dictator.—The following sketch of Old Abe, as he appeared at a grand entertain ment in the White House, is by Kussell of the London Times:— “Soon afterward- there entered, with a sham bling, irregular, almost unsteady gait, a tall, lank, lean man, considerably over six feet in height, with stooping shoulders, long pendulous arms, ter minating in hands of extraordinary dimension.s, which, however, were far exceeded in proportion by his feet. He was dressed in ill-fitting wrink led suit of black, which put one in mind of an- undertaker’s uniform at a funeral; round his neck a rope of black .silk was knotted in a large bulb, with flying ends projecting beyond the colltyr of his coat; his turned-down shirt-collar disclosed a" sinewy, muscular yellow neck, aud above that, nestling in a great mass of black hair, bristling and compact like a rufiF of mourning pins, rose the strange quaint face and head, covered with its thatch of ’vild republican hair, of Lincoln. The impression produced by the size of his ex tremities, and by his flapping and‘wide-project ing ears, may be removed by the appearance of kindliness, sagacity, and the awkward bonhommie of his face; the mouth is absolutely prodigious; the lips straggling and extending almost from one line of black beard to the other, are only kept in order by two deep furrows from the nostril to the chin; the nose itself—a prominent organ—stands out from the face, with an inquiring, anxious air, as though it were sniffling some good thing in the wind; the eyes dark and deeply set, are penetrat ing, but full of an expression which almost amounts to tenderness; and above them projeat.s the shaggy brow, running into the sm^l hard frontal space, the development of which can scarcely be estimated accurately, owing to the irregular flocks of thick hair carelessly brushed across it.” Hunt Corn.—A circular of Gov. Milton, the present Chief-Magistrate of Florida, addrevssed to the planters of that State, affectionately warns them against planting this year a full cotton crop. He concludes with this solemn warning: “If full crops [of provisions] shall not be made, the Con federate States !aay possibly be subjugated, your slaves freed and all other property you may have (including cotton) taken from you, and yourselves aijd families dishonored and disgraced. A “ specie wa:\ted. Small amount of €K)LD or SILVER wanted. Apply at this Office. VALUABLE LAUDS and i^lLLS FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale his LANDS lying on Fisii creek in Harnett county, N. C., and extending to the Cape Fear Ri-ver, in all, about fifteen hundred acres. On the premises is a very comfortable Dwelling House, and all necessary out houttes; also, a first rate ORIST MILL, and a nuniber one CIRCULAR SAW MILL, capable of cutting fr-.-ia three to five thousand feet of Lumber per day. Both mills are run by an over-shot wheel. Tbe stream is never failing, affording safficient water to run the 'Mills. The Grist Mill now tolls from 10 to 12 bushels of corn per week. It is a good loca tion for a Flouriujt Mill; and tbe frame for one is now HP, and most of tbe material for the machinery on the spot and ready to be put together. There is, also, a Store House on the premises, and for a purchaser wish ing to sell goods it is a g.>od aland. The healthfulneus of the place is unsurpassed, and it is noted for excel'etii water, Ti>«re are about 300 acres of good farming land lying on each side of Fish creek, of which about 50 acres are under cultivation. Growth, dogwood, hickory, oak and short leaved pine. The balance of the land is heavily timbered with lunv teived pinva, cunvecieui to the mill. Said Uuds are 4 u.iles from Summerville, at Irhich place there is a flr-,t rate Classical School, and about 6 miles from Liiiiugt -n, the county site. It is not amiss to add, that gold Ins been discovered at ditl'erent points on the lands desciibed, and th.it tl;e indications are most favorable. Kefereuce may bo tn.ide to Jno. W. Howard, Topsail Sound, Jas. A. Bethea, A B. Horton, or the subscriber nt SuramfrviJle. S. W. DOUGLAS. Feb’y 18, 1863 S^^otpd 460 ACR4^’^ Li.^A’D FOR SALE. The . tfcrs liis PLANTATION for sale, eiturt'^'^ ou th. wcsi side of Cape Fear River, 13 below F vvet; Ou the abov.* premises there jg » conifortablc Dnelliiig, all nrceshary out buildings, A good Store and " at? tiouso, and is an excellent stand for a country merchant. There is a fine young apple aud peach Orchard and a g d pcuppernong Vineyard. There is H\iotif 200 »• s of Rivtr and Swan.p Land, of juUivritioa, ,»n i {-roduccs finely, acres of up-bind cleared, with duces Wrt'V Th**re is a public which is profitable ana a ids a great deal to the coi. etiicace ol the owae-'. 1 will take pleasu '* in showing these lands to any cue who desires to > archaae. Persons wishing any i'urther inforniatior, • ill address Cr'^iy’s Creek P 0 , Cumberland Co , N. C. TH08. W. DEVANB. Feb. 16. 6*4tpd W^ich about I*'*' !3 1 There is also C clay su'fsoil, 'Hid p* Fe. ry on the Rive' \

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