w I n 11" I \ in ’ »■ M V. 1 ' * '^'erd, H. H- ,., Wv a ■• =' i... }>, li ^ I t ]> . •J r t ;.llr. . ■ ^ Alt.,, ' t.r f'*'* A. n i>. HVI., iflTI \ m;;^ all. \ VcTi OU-n, > ( ' I ^ rrii: r ^n. J li Hawt^.; H - X i - = ?er!iun niddi( k I ^britt'.i) rth. M peran: ao. 1 Ml Soi : tin,-Hi. - HcvnL’Js N I ' ■ ‘ art ,t..r I ’ - H‘h i,u„ isw rfk I \ ' '’•■i \v '11 I- ■ i ll KF I.-. lUi . ( l’ t v» . ‘ ^ .n. ;:,U. K:it \ ! \Ui n i; ■ i- ■ • •’. '.am F. ['arf .'■ uir.rs :t ■ . ■■•: •ian,'/'’ '■■ - ■ - ■ '» "■ l»n ' itr!- W - :> ■; .^ K .1 i ( . li;* ktii. iw'k ■ [artr' an, • ‘ )pt*, W'l K .i r, I iJ UIi Mc?^ If ^ T, ‘ W V r :■. Will R ^ . i-u^h. ■ rri-.ri'li.-'u H HuD;7 'i i Hiiti'ii , r J M un 'X L. wis. J iar . ! licr > .’ ('iapp. > r hS. - .k. 'i'hcM \ 1 . ;rli, Ii*)b ^r.‘ l‘ ' McDowell. 1 A n. •' » sG .ATl'a- w -.’^vr>r- >lui v^^ieen. n s 1-. t€, yi ^ Hua.' .' ’ cl/^l ■ -" . fox, I'l-ier 'iV ura^ Vh^rht, Maloomi^ I H :irn= >cr A Prvor. Tbos ith, li li.'teler, J \V -t. r J*re=w"' ('I,,. vV Ku.-^ell n(K ir' \ y; J- ?ort:4 ll 1 -. M;\l. &C. Ol K-i ;Oli, .n, Knlargel Notes ^3 lii Not®* y l-WKRK S.Y ,1 . faykttkvillf:. n. r... mahcm 23. mvs. •K'N'1H» MON1i>Y8 VN’I> THUHSD.W:^ J. H\u: & so:\is. : I JTOK'^ A\i> TKf T>JKTORS • it Wcfkly Oitsi.Kvun '.Mi if j.niil in ' J ii'j'liil ituriiii; the _v>‘fir ■>f c>;l'a.’rip T >6 at'ter l) >> y‘»ar )ina «xj>ire I ,• U«*c^I_v (Jn>!tnvvn S8 uO Aninnii. it pai-l iii ll 't*; r ' ’it> it' p«iiJ .hirin2 iLi* _v>*tir of' ■stibsctip- i.r 1 "0 flftor tl.o ye«r In'- eKj'irt**!. r, Vr'tTlSTNfFNTS in^ortp 1 for *1 pp’-.-5 ".vro for the r,i. ar.l o^r.t-s for oni'h .-uo v.ivt'M'^jTiPni- ’io( “x'po-liiitr fi .Hr*' S linp-' cfnt.s fovtho fir-Jt nii'i ce:il« • .rt h su'.’cppilins pubnci'irini Ailverlisers ?»re re- .. -:o I to -iiatf the number of injpvtions Jp.KireJ, or fv will bo continued till fo-.-bid. »nd chnr^ed uccord- \ IvtTtis.-nionf's continued int^iir, ^li'irgcd as new ad- '•tisemem-*. SPKOTA- NOTirE. Ft iin au 1 laoi Llii»d;ifc, uc nanipof a Jicw .atib^iTibpr >1' i-ntevpd without p.-iyjiipnt in ndvanoe. nor will , ■ rcDi to «ncU Hubsfi t-'ierJ for a loug»*r tiin? ju • paid l.ir. ,'••■. ii I'oi’.r old wubs'jriber-a aa desire to take the pa- • liis ' . item will please notit'y us wlion iniikinp Jan’y I, LOOK AT TlliS! Tiii'; I’rtiiTTEViLy-: iisiTFi A.ttorney at Law, Favetteville:, > C 'VIL! atieud th« County and Superior 'oiitt;j ul I t'uniberland, Haruptt, Moore anit Rott^sun t'oun i- Piouipt attention gives to the colli'ctioa of all - entrusted to kifl hautl^ ;t. 17. ISjy. tiVAl W’ VVfLLI A^S ~ \Vholt*«ali‘ Di'aler^ in liii’occ'rieM, .\.VD IMPORTKR.-^ AND DKALER:^ IN HardKare aud fotlery. Swedes lrt)ii, «lc., HIT STREKT, FATKTTKTILLE, ?(. I’. Froiitiit" 300 feet and in Ihe business portion of the Town, t'oiRlaiiiN iiioi't' aeid %vell v(‘iBlilalrf fioossiw llinii an> iiotrl i;i |j>e ^lalv, Hntl tii^- Pntrati.s say my ('(rn.liimMit.s ;ire vi-rv tor the time-. T. H imUM., Proprietor. M:iy ‘JO, 18tVJ. 27y Florence and FayetlevHle Hail Itoad. 1|Ni)KH the provisions of an Oi diniti;t> of the (’on- , vt-ntiun «f North t^irolina, I'onks Will he opp ed on tiie Kith Juno at the I'oliowiiiji places an 1 u'ltirt’ the di rection of the foll'iwinp pprsotis, to recfivo suhscrip- tiotis 'o the (’apital Stock of tiie “P'lorpiip.' .v Fij'ette- villp Hail Road Co.” Shares One IIutuJc'pd l)o!l trd e:n.‘h. Af (hi’ Hcit Road OJficf in FaiiettfviU*. — U:i;ler *hedi- rectiun of theG'?neral Oomtuiasiouers, .\. A. MeKethaii, D. A. uay, A \V. iSteel, Wm. McL Mck iy ami Jno. M. Hose. -■1/ (hf Kfd Sprinifn.—Under the diiection of ffeclor ^I3.Veill, Win. .1. Stewart. .Jhs Smith. Din ! (’ Mr- Neill :4tid C»l. AIpx. .\io.Millan. or any otie of them. .4/ Floral CoUejt.—Under the direction of Dr NpUI NioNa-’r, l)r. \. D. .McLean, .Vrr-hibCid Snii>ii, Edmund Liliy !ind Col. Alexaud«»r Watson, or 'iny otip of them • h - -I''' ier the directi m of Mur'l.n'k %U'- Ka*‘. I> McLood. I) .\lcrHll;i;n, J is Moltae. Jr mid J H McQueen, or aiir one of thpin. At Al/orn'tL'iUe. — I'udertbe ilireoiionof J ihn Pur>vll, Ju« MoNair, Sion .\iford, McCallum nnd .It: McCal’uni, or any o?ip of them The Subscription Hook? will rerinin o;'**n for tlie spaop '■'t *)(• iliivs W hen a siitiicip>it sum i-* “ut'xoribpd the (.'.uupaiiy will organized 1i>r thft purpu'c of build ing the flund P .% V F.TT S' I I t mvrixi ixsriMHK (oupany. Capital in rrcuiiiiwi Xotes ninotir.ls to 'jt> Cash on hanil ind nthpr 'i-sct^, 5.077 35 Total, ?27’J,7i>o 11 The Company hive p,ii.) lo^s.'s promptly, and Lmv# never iii.ade an a»'e=-iineut on thc^r premium uo'e.s. Tr>ial Iicijps paid, 'VKt,TUS: (IKO. McNKIf,!,. I'resideiit. 0 A. RAV, V ice Vr.esident. C. A. M, \MI.L VN, S?c’y. IKkf.ctov.s: \t a ot llie Viator aiul I ;^50,000 Morth (aroliiia Bonds for Sale. ro!(icii“.sioneili. h‘d i on the ^>th Mnveh 1t:.e foiii ^r- : Ofl'iC'C (>f !ll“ ( llUtllUtll KulIrOIld (.0 , ing Ordinatict- ^7a« pc-;sed, viz,— , !5.ar.KicH. N . .March fjlh. ) • V' i\rkrifv *v- ,1, 1 -11 i i kN o‘ b'*fut‘p \i>rii I'Jt. 1 iho suh'jf^riber wi:l re- AN ORDIN \N..h to auienJ an U-'UDauco ciiii'l-d an | I I . Cfive riropiisa's t ir tiie ; iirc^'i !«e ol IHlHlj r I \ Cj TflOnSA^'l* ItitLb'.riS north (’AVvOIdNA SI PKR CKN T ('(tr PON' li )>'nl the .b'ttoniination.s (■i!i!-aiinm*.!y on scar, the I'uhiie 'i're-tsurv. ui it (he p;inoii il .at th- et> i of tw rify O'llinani^e t > rt^vivp and aurjiid no Ordiua’).'“ >> v. nj:i'n 'hp Mmket Ijp it ord'int-d hv ihp Mtvor V . 1 •’onirtii ;uou"i“ "f liie c T. f ,, ■ , 1 ■. I u 1 : 1 \ .• 1 of "S >IM> rind Int rpv.1 piv.'i'i’e Town of t-H yett •. iil», ,t\ i it hp;^ov •,? itainfil )»\ i’>» , . , , i , .. . , 1 . V iiie fir-'t 'laTK of Jantiarv •ini .(>■ v m au'honty of the s:inie. ! h t tie un;i.r pan ot tie Iowa I Her.rv l.illv. f{. L.' Myr,'.vet, S. T. Hawley, Nathan .’■Itrdiiian, C P.. Ma’b.-.t, James Kyle, A A. ^I'cKetli ,»i. J. D. ^'illiaiii.s, S. >V. rillinj;li-j-1. hn Collins anil (' ‘ be Comp Sla\ 28, 18t;i. >V. X. Tlllinphast, S. ,1. HifiH-l iie, Wni. ^K:I,:i^H■in, T, S. Lutferloh, ;i. Cwok, n. I.e. Siieplierii, F. I’.rowii, ) ,,,., , ,, 11 II '■ •* ilin zton 1'.. H.ali, j C. MoCi uru-neii. Traveliti- .V;ii-iit.' ny invite ai.piicatiom. 21- A The \r;»- SHle. Sin.ili, (OLORIOU PBK'I'IIUKAPHS. A r 4 \ b \ ,\ W w w ■IN' * «eM**r tl ' Fayetteville. .lutia 7, M KF.TfUN. RAV. . SIKKL, MoL MeK.V\, .M Rn.^F. ■oi-iii'iMioTier-’ :!2tf Ihnl. ; ^ I oX. W. P KEVD.A.LI, J. .S. KENUAIX iOX, KE.WAI.L, A: CO., i'omints^ioii i^Berehanfs A N I> WHOLESALS GROCERS, Mo. 11 4 la North Water SI., \\ilrain?lon, .>. C. {^Orders from thp Country promptly executed Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton iLi ■ *' -r produce ■ ’..''ol. 10-tf JO.-H. tTI. KV, Groctr tttul C'otHtnlnftlon FAYETTEVILLE. N (V jac J lu. i ys-tf l . t'.A' K. tl. WORTH, lomaiisHinn and Forwarding )ler€hants, WILMINUTOX, N r ■Ian } J'^, 1>'*)1 84:f CAR III t FEW LAL'IES can be accointaodated with board at A :ne .''emitiary. Western icallrotul OHlee, \ KavetteviHe. N. , Sept ‘J7, IS-;:! tloR the purpose ol increasing ihe cjipita) str,;'k of • his Company, to enable it to ext. nil the Hf'sd frnm the Coal Finlds to ihe North t'ur'dina li ad. th ' ii Muw.ujf gentlemen havp been appoinip'l Comini'S-iioner-* to re ceive subscribers ia their sever::! nt is’bborlioo.lj, viz: .^t Oulf—L J HsuehtOD, Brooka Harris. l*r Oeotgp C IVewby and G Washing"on Above the (lulf—>lno J Ool iston, .laaie-; F Hives and Huph W l>ixon. .\i Ore Hill—f« W Uoldstcn, Dr L W G'^r; d! and N' ,M Albion. .\bove Ore Hill—Uan’l Hackney, A H Mar-h and Ja.i- Pace. , At FoU'i’s Mills—br H M Fi''us' a:id Dr J I* (irave- ■Vt Fratiklin^viile nnd vioinity—l-aac II Foust and A S Hornpy .\t Asheboro'—Jonathan Worth and B F llr-iver At New Market—les-ie W k'^r and .1 .-ep:. Newl'n .\t Thoma>iville—A G Foster and Ju' W I’iioi!. ■- At High Point — br R C Lind«ay and Seiborn Perrv At Salem—Franci.s Fries and P L Pattrr^i n, ■At Greensboro’—C P Me«ilenhall, Peter \dan:9, Hon J ,V Giiiner and Jesse H Lindsay. Instructions will t>e -eni to tlie (‘oniini.'-iioapti at an ear.y J ly by the President of Mip I'ontpany. filtf J M P>(»SK Sec y W. R R. ’■' ARf. VI ool%vai*l*» ^«far 4,';(8ii(*ra. JH \f’H.'^ 0*1'1 *’0 }i>i.l !j: Vnnor-* b-d's Skylii'ht (Jallerv. Hay ^treft, opposite Marble Vard, Kav etfeville. N i.V; [)laiu, retuuoh'.'1, colored, in water colors, oil and pastib-, Iroiu -mall tu Uf“ size. .Vnibro- types, Melau'*oiy{>e";, arid all oitit r 'tylts of Pictures pe»-tain' to the \rv .'.'su, (ii'.t Friine.s, Gilt Mould ing, U' - • for very larire pictures—as large as 2tj by infhes. .\)rd .snj r.i;ii.ds fur han;ri!ig picturos; l:is(rn- ments. Stock and Cl.eu:ii -il- ;'oi .- tie low tor cash. Life «ize color, d I'imiOj-iMphs lu 4 ie irotii ?uj.ill pictures. H'lviiii: jj-ini iipntl} 1. . . ■ ,t iif.i* I lu.p.r ti. merit y.iur patr-.:ia"-. 1 *>■»•■' 1 .j.io t ‘iiir.i niy sincere tlmnks fir ilie liberni p i;r be :o'a‘. •! "U tiie heretofore bv tbe good p.'opo' .)f I'ayetl'-'vi.le aud vii luitv. . ‘ .M. V'ANuHSbFLL, Phot .giap’uist aad Proprietor, beo'r jn. 77- iMar2>le Fac.los*v. tl A T 5 f t y s:inie. Hpusj> is iivd i-Q d :in.l e-i 'b';.hei,i tii> tii akei piaue fvr S>id Tc:wn. Hu'j»ci to the lolbi'.vin>; Rules hiuI Rejjuia- tions, or stK'h oihe’’ ar may be from lime o tiniP ad'ipi- cd '‘y the Boar'l .>f C'>n);n;? toneri f^r that purpose. 2 i'liere si; ill be a i ler!: 1 r the \l;;tket a[>|ioint^>i, Wiih such fi ,i:.l .ry as shall bn a ve isonab'e comt'en-i i lion f ir his sei v;ees. .an i the .Mayur. wiienever lie tnHy deem it nrc.'s-ary. sh il! uppohit at hii di.-’crerion any tiUniVicr of l*oHfieiiipn wiio-e iuty i' nh tl* be to attend e'f.y morning, from th;- lit-' d-.y o* April titi'tl th- first iiay of October until t iirai ntid :i naif o’clo.;'{, and fr.'tu the fi.-'t d.ty d: ((ciobei uut'l tlie fii'st day o! \pril until 1* o'c'. -.-.K. :it. a C'.;!l't ihlt*; itiiil who.'.- tuitaer Uiuy thst ; 1 ;i !u;.•^ .n l ie;^ula:i .ii.i u,' arc r iiia^ Iifc:t.»l' ,([■.( be e-ii:ibli^hHd lor the rc- iila i^.ii of the in trket b.- duly j obstrved; 10 kicp the inir>iet oiean; tO sui)trititend tiie wti^hts-lU'-l !iie:«sures; ili.il', e isi up the accoant of i»ny ariiide that he or they ! j:iy b,- required to do, either by Iho buyer orsoiier. ^in casi. (iT df-jiutp;) .'.'■ihI! see that such iirticlps as are exposed f. r cile .n the inarkitt are of good jnd wiiol.'"* • lie quality; s.hall sei? that no uu- I'airiit.-'S is practised: tiiat all who have busiiie*-) h the tnarket-place, riit.fi- >i« ntiytrj or sell- rr, have an fi|t«il ehaf'cc in th*> niarket. .\il snrh -i-ti.’lps as Hr.'u'^'tilly bi’ iught lo market, for the ordtnarv i'id daily cotfiuti'pfion of ihe inhabi- tant-'. to-wi': Fre-ih p'rk, bp“f. inn'i.)n. veal, vpnison, poultry of all 'lio'!.-*, fish, e'lee-*.*, butter and hog’s lar i, PXf*ept in tubs Ol k- C' ot *>ii ll'd and npw «r.l«, bacon, in .piaiilities of 1*.(J lbs mU'I ripw.ir i-', e^^g'^. vegetables of all kind^, t’rnit. mea’-of all kitid**. corn, peas, oats, rice except in casks, nii.l all k'lids of /rain tb it is brought lo ni>irk--t in sitiall vpliiol*--' or e^rts on horses, shall i ■mly be •-■xposed .«r i.tl'oie.i for ssU- u the market pla-e, or within the iii'tkci .■■quare. iiu’il after sr-ven and a 1 hal? .->'cl 'ck A Nl. i t April i t K- O^’tober, and I until af: r S o’clock ' M from ]-' ('ot lo Ihi .\pril; I and .•?iiv pe'’Si’U wh'* sh'iii buy jiny of tnc af 'iemention- I’d ir'ii'lfts. contr .rv to the tin.' ir'cnt and meaning c.f this iaa-. wit.’iiu the liaiits i‘l' Fayet'eviHi', Lower Fay- I ettpvi'de iX''vp:el, ; siiall to'^f^n* ?inJ pay the sum office | ■ b.lbif-; !,>!• eaidt h.i 1 vi-ry otj'm e, 'be recovered by j waiTint to be trl d an i .'’jo lirf i by the M >ynr, oii‘'- I halt lo the u-ie ot the inioim.-r lad the other to the use . of tiie 'I'own | ■». No pers.)u sh lil purchase in ni.uke', within the) liiark**! -^tjuare, or ou ttie .atre> I, any u. tlie aforetuen- i tione 1 'irlicles, tor th purt>os > .if «eHin;^ agaiu at an I advanei.-d price, tuitil ifter tt e iiuurs of market a;.-re mentioned, on prn iit_v of tt ii dollars, to be recovered as 1 provi.ie’J in the ;}ii seeti.'ii ot ibi® •ntinauce. one-halt'to the informer and the other ii;ill' lo the use of the Towti. j ■Vr..) any person who shall -el! :iny "? th« sriicles i enjn,*'rate 1 in this i.irdinaii'’*', contrary to this and ttio i preceling sec'ion of thi-fb-Jin ^nce. hU.t being w tned of the prohibition, shall b“ subjper to like peiialti‘s | with the bu\e-. .\n.i any per.-son known to be :i dealer in -uc.h ariicles, wheiher keeping » ^tor-' or shop :n ' Town O' noi, who shall buy any of the ab ve en.inier a- p.i ar'iclrs Tu- ;hi-i i r uny ot':i;r ma- kei. bef .ie ihe ex pirati.m of the nmrkei h aiis ifor.-tai.l. h.ll be dceutrd guilty of vicla’ing the true intt ii! ... ’ ni'-a‘i;r." ol t'd'^ Ur.linance. \n 1 any person . tieour..ging a viol 'iof or evasio:, of this t>ritiiiauci ihiill be subject to a penalty j of Teu L» >llars 7'iii S>nth> ri: Railroads.—P. W . A. write# to tlie Savunuah Hejiiiblican;— Uur southerji ruilways aro bogintiini; to teel the wear and tet r ol the war to au c.xtcni that must ^iv(‘ rt>o soriDu-; apjirohonsions for the lufiire i'ln’ U'uoiiiotives .and rolluiu: stoi'k, a.'' well jis t!)e rails on inrui\ ot tlic road.', are inst wearing out. and l ii! little i tVoit is l>cuip raade in aity (juarter lo replace them i^o lar has this (Jeteriuratiun jiroeectJed. that it lias heeii found r of the 'hitb tm Rai’road Company, are j uecc-ssary to adopt a new schi'(iiilo on (he hnes taleirrb and G ist.ui Rai'roid Comptiny m, ; b^.twct n JV>'. i.mu:,d and Moiit;ou,erv. the objoet ex hangP t’or bonds of the Utter (V.tap^r.y, d..poMtci j reduce the rat^'Vd’speed an J al' w With til.: Puiiltc Irensurer, i riucipai ai.d intfrpst pay- , . , . ., . V I. I I ,t.„ I more time iur tJte trams to make coiin)aii ii« abb) at Ihe sause time, but with l.beity to the t,onipany ! ^ . .. . , ypars from the frsi of .1 t;:u‘ny. A l>., ISi'.J. Th:'s6 bonds, under aa "r.iinauce of the. ’oiiVt‘iiti.,'n, ivinen i- inpr the Charte issr.e.l to the Ralei to liischarg? sn;:h bonds beb-.te m iturity Payiaents made by tbe R tie^jrb ami G i=>!' n R dln-.al Company, ate to be ■X'dusiveiy a’o.'li d t ^ n..b'mi,:iou ot ihu St .!e bon:' i>.su. d tcJ tiie (!cuipany. . , ,1 ,1 1 • 1 T’ropo'^’.s wdl lik‘-'Wi:- be i--c.dved f.ir rlFTid-N .d k’ ■ saadle v. :-!ed with I he aut hoi i;y of . ,, .,ai> .■ v , r„ , , , , •, I II 1 . rUOL'SA-N D 1^. >LL.i(.T'lo. '00) ot North (,,irubn:i ; aiiil who.'.- luitaer aui\' :l biiaU be to h-i. , . , , • ' v i . ■ i stx 7>er cen b-.;; is. si ^i’.r to th- ab- .e, b.it ifr;i;'?d to ? oi Pi ill exchanii" tor lik« bouisot t; := ity I’aymcnts ma'le by the t'ity :>re to be appl'icl n the redeniptiiiH of the Stnte bonds i-j.sued to that corpo ration. .'tfeniii-n is invited to the fo'dowiiig s.iiaiou of an act j pas.-ei by tbe Gi-nrr,il .\s ..'iab!\- at it'a i-.;p .session, by which thp bonds ivdvrrtis.'il bavp the fiiri'ii of the State of Nort Carolina, aroi of c; Tp')vation« of the I highest tinaticial stamliutr; I Skc .5 Jit if fu'-th>r . Th:it riii sums of m.'-.ney I pii ! by th* R^'leirb and G:i'ion Railroad Couipanj' ! ^nli the ’itv of Raleigh to the Treasurer of Ibi* State, in satisfaction of the principal aud interest of the bonds of said corporations deposited wilJi the frpasurer, as cotiteinplated in ihe sai l Ov iinince ol the Convention, sh.all be appHeil fir-t to tiic piyiii..>i: of the Liii-re.'-t of tbe bonds of the .Slate ^iven sal i eorpora'lOtis in ex- ebanep for their .iwn. ar.l th.' rp';!.i-;e siip-' b'- paid to the >'ominis'ionnrj tf I lip'■tnkiiig fiiji'l. ■■ b-. u-ed by them at Iheir discretion f.-r lb" redi-niptiin .f sai l bonds ofIhe dtatp ('■ipies of the law-*, under wl'.ico 1- 1 ' n.l“ are is- pup j, miy he had, on applioi:ion • iii)drr'''ignpd. Proposals should bee.i.busei “Prip -!s I’or i’.jrids, " anii addrps-Jpd t.> the und»rsi.rn,.,l. . vri'l be opeij.-d ill tlip presence of t!>- i'ubiic atid of tt;o Pre-t dent of the R^,uk of North I nroliii!*.. KKMP P r. \il’i.K. Pres; 1. n' M ir.^h l>^f'.:;. ■ iois IN P. J. :iet I \OTfi ursiiance of an ac: eni^’ ■ to pstfibli“h itie I’lr.k • tnblish a sex a rate li.tnkloV. i idf pasKPil at the 1apt i • 'h • Bank of Graham ■wa‘» do • March ISiio bj’ the ele'.-tion ' it 1 ■ Vu a''t to anienil an i. •Kinski ..u, a:i.l lo es- Ithe I’.aok of Graham.’’ .'i.'»i:e'-‘i' .\ -. ai’o-'. tiip 117' 1 .-n ihe 7th 'l-lV Gl’ V. M cA b-n Presi:(ent. and*' P. Mebane Cashier. N'.tice is h v-‘ y given thtvt the PdlN of the Bank L -xington pa- -iVoe at 4jraham will 'I'C paid at the B-ii 1 r'r.iham. ■. i* mi:rani;, r’t^b.if-r p. ;n'-: of Graham. r F. L:'Wi;. ('•ishur Bank of Lexingirn. Martd) l:,. Il-l'ip.l liiipoi'tanl to Tav 8^avea>. THF un'i.’r'igtiei! having beerv r ^ta^c^ Ter;a ISo:’, of the t’o’.irt ot Plea- aud (.^ larter S-“'bm« fv>r Cum berland Co . appoiuied .S«ses«'M-‘> for the Fayett-viile and tjross Creek CaptaiQs’ Iti-.irict- —berel\v uotify all T\V(» DduKS AiliiVl- C. I. HAir.M v|)>s' STfK^ I !%'. 1'. T HOOPER. 66- T. C. s.'f' 12. ;'' il. J||II\S0.\, WILLI.WS & CO,. >.\i/r ii.4Ki;usi. p ins ti-. w ill i;per»t i-u nine miles \r , ive ttiiri V - . t Wi ll, J ^ ^ ■ nt it .1 I he wor»-*. or to •F r ;vs w',- -ing to supply .1- ! by ipplytiig 'o iveticvil:.'. to E Pngf, 1 COTTO.\ >». ly Haj i-/-. ,t. M WILLIAMS, General ^uperir.tendent. ■ >* 11 f VAR.^. Mreet. . P. MALLE IT. 6b- Is ' llailr-id. ' ry. on >i iiigh I wii: he w-ll *^'V the modlh nio-s w.--t of :t rimi c.'uniy. ‘ uiir:i'-t'irs R R *■ 'tn I R-ileigh .t ill Uice and Tobacco ou Consigument, ' K^KS of tresh b-*t Ric** and lOM Bjxea Manu- fi.-i :7pd T'ibttcco, variou- quahiie-;. For sale by ■ GF.O W WILLIAM.^ & CO. i ■»; eitevtlie, Sept. ’-4. 180’'. tiSif :^OTICK. t ' . exjiect to be absent trora home a few iHontht) in A the Weat, .\rebibrttd McLean is my authorise-! V;i-nt t.. tr-ansact m? Vui.iiness uiktil I return. N. O.* JONES, bec'i "iri. 1 HtXb "-Sif Allfr lliis date I will pay Five ' enis per pound for rags de livered in F.iyettevilip, or at ray mills I* MURPHY OU KuCiitirh. Uci 2. «A LT. v’"' NI) Salt for sale on consignjuent by O .G W. W'lLLlAM.S .t CO Nov. ‘,!0 ' WAATKM. ^ bushels WHEAT, j l.oOO “ CtjRN. I l‘er«ons bnvuig the above articles to sell will receive j the highesi Cash price V>y cajling on Mr. .M Thoaiason. I at the Merchant MiUs. K.ty*-'ieville. or on the subscri- j ber at bis old stand ou Market Square : ALKX JOHNSON, Jr Nov. A, IHtl2 7btf Tweiily-ll' e Dollars Rv\«ai>«i. HANAWAY from the subscriber, his negro boy Mf)- ! It SES. He is 21 years of age, nbout n feet 10 inehe- ’ high, robust, long feet and very mucb lurne-t out at the * toes, aud looks Uown when spoken lo. He was seen at M'-I’tiAul’s Mills in Robeson cjunly on the 21st ult., an.l was in Fayetteville about three we»ks ago. The abovp reward will be paid tor hi« delivery to me or for Coufinement iu any jail so that 1 get him. W D, JOHNSON. B“tine' vHle. S. 0.. Aug. 11. 1H(>2. 62tf A R H Y H A RA 1\M pr.'pjtred lo manutaciure all kinds of Wagon llarn^-s for Army use. I tan niy leather and can give good b:trg:«ii3. Agents will do'well to send their Order- to II,n !,.s tiiey sti:ill h;ive prompt. altei^'On, and t-“io of} in qiii'tk iispntcii. .JOHN OAivrKIl. »ohiHton P > , t’h-at^iatn Co., N. 0., ) .“lltf ■lull. 13, 18t;2 ( '•iOO IbM. 4iiiiii Arabic tor ^ale by J. R i.EL 'ipi 15 bUif Tr R r E A T IA II ACTi.S. IHWK h zood Huppiy ot iui-pi-utine ll.VCKS, on ’•li'i. wh’ .1 I am tPi iv lo -ell t.i i:,osi. who may * -"h to purchase. Also, re-idy lonrepai e A x»'s at short notice, in the beat manner. L. WOOD FayetteTiUe, N. 0., Dec. 30. 90-3mpa \Vi:.«iTi:KA K A11> 510 \ El. ^HE Trains of this Road 'iPave Fayettpvjlli^ i-.Uy, (Sun iays excepte^i) nl o’;i-)ck, M., a>. i re turning leave .Mclver's at 1 o'clocK. P .M. Fr»gh: Tram MONDAY. WEDNE.SDAVaiid Flitl'.VV By order of the President. JNO M ROSE, Treas'r and Aci'g Tri.us .Kg't. Jan. ’22, lSb;l. '*7tf 5J00 \e?arroes Waiitetl* >HK Cn iprsign-'t le'trc t" iitrel'tire Hui. irrd .'i-i: to Work on the gr-.diug of the C,i i.;, r.'i* .-'u' run- ihr^iisrh i '!ea''by r u t i llie, n 1 all f.ari Is e'Tplo} ? ! - n t.'^i'* r fed and rare 1 for. We w. l h:r ■ dr the V'-ir .Apply *o us ut 'i v, '' R-»I-igh, or at li.iyw od, or L'‘i-i-;-. ide. i' N. C 1 N CLE G C() , heffrrnrf.t; K. P. B.attle rr-*. t C'l n ' paiiy. R-vIeigh. and W. J Hawkins. P li.ihton R B. C.iiiipHny, Fvaieikth. j Feb'y 10, IbtiS. ' [r. s.] 2 l'*t i A OTIC E. 1 Oootl iiorncs l%*unfed! ! WIN'O received orders to purcha-e Horses for the | 2 1 Reg l N. C Cavalry, I wil! b.' at ihe following | places, viz: F.iyetu vilie, .March ‘.*th and loth; Jones- | boro’, 11th; ('arthage, 12;h and 1-jth; ti ilt. l-lth, Pitts | boro’, Ibtti and 17ih: Brooks's Cross Ri.id.s, ISih; Ashp- boro’, 20th and 21 st; Troy, 23.1; Albeuiiile, 2jib; Wadpsboro’, 27th; Rockingham, 2Hlh Persons having good horses for sule will confer a favor by meeting me at the above named places. J. L BRYAN, Capt ’i>. I, 2d N C t’av ilry. March 2, ISC,:; 7t2Khpd ;«:{0 REWARD. ilarse nml *lMonetf Sfotesi. MTOLEN from the subscriber, on Thursday’ night the O ‘^f>'b Feb’y, a BRIGHT CLAY BANK HOR.SE, with a white blaze in the face, low in flesh and limps a little fn the right hind leg, has a sore back lli“ was Mken by a free negro by the name of Jacob Going'; alias Mor gan. There was a free girl along with hint by ihc ‘ name of Sarah Jane Goings. I I will give a rewaril of Twenty boilars tor ibe arrpgt j and ccnfinemetit of said Jacob Goings in Lumberton ■ Jail, or ten in any other .lail in the Staip. au'l t»'n b“b j lars for the reiurn of the horse to me { DUGALD M-lil'GALD I Ibmdarroch, Robesou Co., Feb’y 28, l&b3. -btpii X IMIADER'^ niCUiiADE. i'^OTICE is giv. u thai a l>.*; ,it fot ihe benefit exAu- sii'f 'i/ P-n iet s 15rig .de, c.'n>i itiif of the U'.th, I'iih, 22 1, ;itlh,. and 3S;h K>-gi:n>-ul' of Xorth I'arolina V d iKtpers, has beeti e-tab.ishe-i iu the cdy (»*' Rioh- m-iii l, uu-i>-r eh irge o' ig-'aut L» Moitig'tnery. B'Xes, piekages, .'cc , pr iperly nmriie 1 and sent to his cure, cm he store I, or turwurdf-d imiiieUia'ely to th, ir de'tinat! }ii p,»rsof!s f-endiug urti.-’i-. tfii-iugii tins bepo!, should n'ltify Sprg't .MontKor.ii ; v. ihat they tii ly be promi'iiy taken ch-i ge of ip.ui their :iri :v^ at R;r.i-u u I The I).-,".L is siuii’.id ou Wnilsire t, under the old St. ’h:ir!.s !i N i; SC.ALKS, M:ij fT aud Trs. .'I. M itch 2 [h. s. j ] b :5.f \Vaiife«l Eiiiiiie(liat(‘ly, GOOlJ JUSli’F.K SHI'^Ctl.KS, tor which • he hig •'• 0 ish priee will b.* plid. -.\LS >— A yoke of large, well broke t'XEN .Vpply to I). ANbKRsON & CO , E igle Fouodry, F:iyettpvill», N C. March 7, ISt’i:-!. '-Hf Vn articl-s soi l by weight shall be weighed in ! perso: « cwtdng land= aud.segr.:e3 in ihe said districts, Ll’ti-ir:pr.s or «inaller meats by tbe ; to ^ '^’ofor^ the B lar.i bptweeu Thur? lay lO.OOil li H B TO nil poR the balance of the year. ix Pioys and Girls, aud one Woman, a good house s.rvant. Apple io I) McL.Vl RIN. March IHti:^. :^ITiCE. ~ \IiI- piprson> having claims against the late George W. (lee. will Yircseut them lo the subseriber ia due time, or thi« notice 'jvill be pleaded iu b»r of their n- covpry. I’prsf)u-i in '-.ble l lo the s.-*id G W. Gee are requested to make iiui.ipdiate payment •5. K. .McDUFFlK, Ex'r. March ?, IH-'S. '.i 4tpd TAKE A III* aii«l c-oiumitird to the Jail of Cumberlan.l llounty. a Negro Boy wn . „,vs his name is DURHAM, and the pro4 • rty of !!. i.iy 8 Clark of Pill county. He is about •') feet or^S laches high an:l weiphs about 1.')0 lbs. The own-'r is r-.-ijuv-t- ed to come forw-ird, prove proprrty. p«iy cbsr^e.s aud lake him away, or he will be dealt wiih as fiie biw di rects. P. P .\LDKliM \N. .l>*iler. March 2, 1803. 8-if WAATED. \NK N>TF,S of North Carolina, S.juih Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. ■Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. .Als >, .Sorth Caroli'i.v six per cent B ti is. new issue. W R RICHARDSON ii. CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March M !?.*0 REWARD.” 1>,\NAW.AY fr.un the subscriber on the 2-'>th day of t Novem er last, my boy WILLIS, aged about thirty veai- \Villi» is abou; •') feei 1" iu-jiics high, of dark complexion, has :id •wnc:»st look, a little stooping, and liiiips slightly in his walk cruised by a s. vcre burn on il think I his l«ft thigh and b-g. Wheu btst heard from, s »id boy w^is in the ii.’ig):boi oorLio )d of Latinuburg, N. C., and 1 have no aoubt is trying to make his way to Ihe free States either by w.i.y ol Wilmington, N C to th» yankce fleet or tiiroitgh the country in s-jme other ireclion I have good reason lo beliive that he has been passing on a per:n:‘ writtin by lu.mself with a false s;igiiltura, and may attempt lo p.iss hirnsell as a free negro I will pay the above reward for his appre- Ix^nsion and d*>liverv to ni«, or b-ilf I’ae ;i>7iount f- r his lodgment in any jail within Ihe limits ot the Southern Confederacy so that I caa get him. W H. MEDLIN. Clio, M:irlb^ro’ Disc, S. C . J.m. 14. 9-4tpd i\OTICE. HE UNDEP.SIGNED. both having entered the mili- sc.vles. (cxoept bppf in q carcase,) on penalty of |..>r.'"ri!ing fiv anJ every oftence. • ’> No pers.jn sh:ill r-iise upi-u the prict* of any ar’i- cle af e;- . i- broii^iit into iiiiri\>'t. bui sli^iH ,^11 ti>>‘ whole t;ii-y have ■ any miiclc ia markit, at a price no higher ti.an t*i,-y begm to s. 11 at, oa a peually equal to oui-h artiole so » -id 7. \ny persou ollering for s.,le iu op,in market any article ot » b«l or uuw io'ies,,iiie qiitliiy, "r wiio sh ill -••11 any >tr:ic;,. by -i ; ilse wei;,-bt • r measure, -h.i'l for feit such arii.-le. 8 The tiiiteh’ rs belongini? to tbe T.iwn ni ly in their option least- St .ills '"or itieir exebisive u.->'; but in ca“*- ;ill ihi s'.-il s ~tiouiii b.‘ t.-ikeu i:;-. any t them s-' l.->ised (uiioccuj • J •'}' the pv I 111 1‘iisiii^'.) : ball be fr'-e for the use 'jf a V ■>ihe.- p- rr-- >n: Pr viil- •! :ilw iy«. That such hillings for each 4 ^“'b Alarch ;8C?, Mid TbursJ,iy ihe 21 of .\pril A. U. ;^inl fpiiJcr to the s li 1 Board a list of their lands, aud ih. nuTn>^.-r, n n •?', s*x an i -i-ri-s of iiieir si ives. in oriler that liiP Bo >r I may a- s ->.o v:ibip thereof. Thp hoiiri of I'it'ing '.i ti e i!. ir ( will be from li>. to 1 o'clock eac ' dny :»t the .'!• t.. ji ,u e on H;iv S-re.'t, In Ihe Town of Fayetf vill,-'. .x- iV'ie I by J tV T. W.Tddill. All peis.:ins fii'l;nc to rei l.'r their li.-t- be tween the said 12ih M ircb an l ’..I J April isi'i.'^ vrill be liable to pay a .i,)iible T ix JtbShPH A REV, J. P. D'.VIb .\NbEllSON, J 1. TH>M.\S S LUTTKRLOH. HENRY L. MYROVER. s/.MUkr, T H\wi,i:v. JOHN W P. \KI:R. Jr. Fiyettevi’ie March 12. KbiU temnorary •:c.'H!>-;n- siiall giv«- thtni up to the pers ui lea'Ujg, v.dion reuture 1, an 1 in such ordi r v.a they f'itn ‘ i 3 n ■ ! Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, I The Cleiii of t:)C Market shall c'liect from those j 3I.VHCH 11, 1^0.’!. j pe;-.ot,- wao s^rii: '-u m:-.r m tbe market, -j.id inve n I ' T)ROP(b«!AT.S for I'urnishing lo.tlOO bushels of CHAR- leas, I ■ si lil.^-toi e .cb beef, •!() Cl- , f f ' .c!i hog, CO.A'- (dirt and brands exclu leJ.) at this Arsenal muuuu or uCier si;i ill circise, 10 ets Au,l no person 1 \nnory. will b» receive 1 until the 2*>th inst. shall be .-u' j.’'jt to :i;iy charge f.ir ahv other artieie sold ]»ire.?t to the un.icisigned. ia market—whieh siiall be free and equal for the uso , ' . j deL.AGNEL, 0/ all persons whatever, belonging to either town or j jO-ft] Lieut Col. C. S. A. Comd’g. Cttuniry | -. — 10. I'liat one of the «i ilN shtill bp kept entirely for 1 .-%.(l|||illi^tl*ator^!^ !*»alt*. the use of siic!i of liie iouuiry people a« bring meat to | ¥17 n j^ Monday 2'hh .\pril next, at Ihe Mar- tT ket House, at 12 o’clock, M One vacant LOT on thecornerof Moore and I'halham I’hc change, while il ieH.-en« the .speed and 111- cre.i.scs ilio.'t»me. will n-iid r the connections more ccrlai:i, and iieroby really e.xpedite i.'ith tiavid arid the maiis. You will r iiiebjher that tin i'lt> ntion of itiil- wa, ooiupat:i..' a; 1 the L'overiiUiftit was called ;u thi.s .'-abject, neitiy a year ti'/o, in ont? ;d‘ my Ift- ters I'roni th- A\ e.'t. The evil has lu'cn ailowod to Continue, however, and now the roads are barely able to do th,' tran.sportatioa ol' the i^'Overnn'/tit. What will be tht r euiiiiJlion a year lienee^' iron bars and irou locomotives, like imm::ti In :its :in‘i muscles, will wear out in the course ot timt>. It .something; be not done soon the enrxj'.v, whoe mean-i oi' transportation arc abundant both by land and wat»-r, wiil have crreiitly the .•idvant i^o of' us in th rapid iiiovement oi froop' Tiie r> ,xds in «eor^ia have not been so heavi ly taxed as those in other .Statics, and are th'rre- Ibre in eomparati'ely i^ood I'ondition. In thi.s, as in her 1'reedoiti I’rom invasion, the State has b*!en sinsularly Untuniite. 'I'hi; Charleston and Savannah road. ;, id tho (’harleston and N: rtL- .eastern road, wi'r ■ jn>t completed when the war broke out, and w th certain hueral lines in o?!ier States, arc in eood conllition, hut with tht'se cx- ceptions, tln' con.'irion ol the Hailroatls in the Confederate State- is of a character to (Xci'e the .^erious concein, and call for prompt action, both of the government atid the people. 1 f some other p;:in shouhl not be adopted, it niav become iii ce';-ary lor the companies ownintr the lines chiL'fly u ed by the u:overnuient to buy the iron, locomotives and oars on the branch roads, in onler to repair their tracks and kc*-)’ np their roiling stock. Ti e government itself may iiit.cr- veoe, and re^faire the parties to come into Hucb an arrangement. (\(bbn;/e ,'SjjroH .—Vcrv lew people take half the pains they oii;:r!it to with cabbai^ep. When they are eut, no in t;er how—tJie .stumps are left to Lrinii spruu's, i 1 matter wheu, nor how many. Now, the iacl is, ti 1 wh> u .spnrn.s iicein to come, they should all I t! 'uhbcd ult but tlie 1 csf, or at the le;'.st two, but i; there l>e only one iid^ to grow on each .stunip. it i 'il grow tiisTer au'l beii- r, and be oecasion.'illy a.s . ijil a> the fit * herul that wh'? cut, instead of which, ti multitude ol'siuall ones are allowed to grow, not any of which brin_‘ j'oo‘i b. ar‘% and all are, for the most part, but ;i poor-jy.olooy for greens. When a cabLaiic i.s cut ihe leaves >hoaid be »:u; oil tl'.estem. A' ;i.- di:' buds ot"” tiie stump bejiiit to ^row, nth •>/ ill tliat are , iji.it waiiteii, i-?aving one ul ^ho strongi'-t, ..nd b.-.-t to grow into .s head . hicii it wi’l do in ,in ui. v dibly thort time, e«]Uallin r, und most tr*']nentiy i-xc 1- li’ig the first ;ie;ul i'.-^elf, in ftavor iiii l tq'prarant.'C. This is auapt'jd ior more thiai market purdens, be cause there .s Pome trotihb in niti'oing or ttikin-^ oft’ the usele^' shoot ; but ir. is well wor'b w biio in the ca.sL- ol cjily' cabbage in a {private l-iniily, ior it f,jrms an ex -dlent ~ >cond croj>. H'l Phad T OIL AND LAMP BLACK. qrANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. I. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For -'ale by JOS. R. BLOSSO.M .S: CO., W’ihuiuglou, N. C. March 7. ^ •£_ Paliiia Cliri»ti {fieaii»i. ^pHE snbseriber will pay the tiiw’hoft onsa prices for I *ny Quautity of Palmii Chrisii Be.4us. J. A. WORTH. Fayetteville,Oct. 8. 07-tf hereby give noliee 10 their old ('ustoiners and friends, that they have appointed .lohn i) Starr and John D Williams, of this place, their attornoys to co’lect either separately ?r conjointly all mon.;y« due them either by I account or note, and otherwise to aiiond to iheir bu- I siuess generally during iheir absence. They respect- 1 fully ask all per.sons imiebied to them to call as promp*- i ly as possibie on iheir .agent - - -i 'ii vke pnyment. \ .‘■’.' .vnR WILLIAMS. I Sept. 19, 18G1 tf i\oi*lliCarolina Headers. ■ ^LHOOL BOOKS are becoming ver; scarce, but we j J have on hau.l :i good supply of the NORTH CARO- ! LINA R1'..\1>i:rs, Nos. 1 ;itid 2 by Rev. [•rofessor Hub- j -)ard of the University of Nortii C.arolina, and No. 3 by Rev. C. il. W'iley. Siipeiinteiidcot of Cominoii Schools , >f North Cai'oUii.i. I Our custotTiors having wel’ nieh exhausteU our slock of Northern Reader^ on iiaud wii. n t he w rr i?omi.i*i.ced, i we hope will now turn their arieuiion to these books by I home authors, rather luau allow their chiidri-u to do without roitdiug books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 2-t cents, 38 cents, and cetus. F,. J. HALE & SONS Feb'y 1, IHfii:. '.tti- markei, ami ih:vt th. oUrk pii;cn:i?e scales and weights for the ‘'atuft. Fr-)iu ihe .Mi uip° A M t;.\ \l riSFLL. Town Clerk. I’resbyteri'in npy .‘it. '„l-litw3t E^ypt i'oal .VIine. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confeilerate Court. Di.otrict of North Carolina, ap pointed .Managers of Uio Egypt Coal .Mine property, and have entered into copar:neiship for the purpose of raining and selling Cml, and solicit or.lers for Ihe same ill any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. Tho Coal from this pro perly i^J un loubtedly li e >^e';t in the Confederate States. .Afiplicalions may he m-i ie to has B Mallett, Fayelle- ville N , or .laiaes Browne, Charb-stou. .S. ( inRLES B MALLETT. JAMKS prowne Fayetlovillc, J-iu'y 20. It'ti^;. f*'uf ~ TO COTTOA n.AATERN. I liHve b.-eu :.pp. iiite i. by the Secretary of tiie Treas ury, Chief a^enl for the putchase ol (’-Mf.m tor the Con- f.'doratpGoverntui nl within tho Stale of N. rth t',iro;iiia, and will pay for the s»ime in 8 per cent Bon is, or cash. Sub-agents visiting the ditli ren' parts of the S'ale. buy- iug iu my uaiue, will ii;i»o wiatteu certificates of ap- pointmeat. Patriotic ciiiz-‘'ns are now otTered r>n opportunity to Hid Ihe Government by selling to it their CQtloii rather than to private o:ipiialists. LEWIS S. WlLLlA.MS (.Iharlolie, Feb. 17. [c. i>.l 4-lm .%li»ieiis(ratio» Aotice. ntHE ..ubseriber having qualified as Adminl^tralrix on I the E^-tiitc of bis Snn ly, dee d, lieret>y gives notice to all por-on^ haviu2 claim-' agiinst said Estate to jtre- ’VOfc'I’'' SP sent theTu to Wm. McL. McKay within the tim** I're- .«si I ^oribe l bv ■•iw, or thi- noiiee will be i.-le:idpd iu bar of ; T H \Yi: ab-ut .3Ot»0 acres more, iu Mtfeteni Irae’s, in their rrcov.u-v.’ C.ATliARINE SUN U V, Adtux. !i the county of Moore,—Parrnii-.g Miiieral, aud Tur- , 4 I'iV,'’ ‘I’.' ' ’ peniine land.—which T will -iel’ on 1 beral terr's. _ "■ I JOH.N- MORISON. AeliatsMiHlralorN AoUce. 1 . . - . I • 1-I Tnrm iJit'.2 of I .^Inieral S^aiiiS^ tor J^ale. 'j lib «u wcn.ie. i->, ing I ,,.,]jr,ol -is .\i- j I” H.AA'F. an interr-t of o-:c-th;vd in a tract of ')00 I th- > ountv (our 0. urnNeill, d.-'o’d, | I ACMES on t'i' - f i>ee; 'Ui'-r. on whicr. have li^.s ■j’riijist the Esm? ' lo | been di'coverc.i s i: ' p'ir, -»aUp''.rp. an l an liniivl V liw, otherwisf^ | oil of good «iu->’ev t >r rre'sing leather, woll worthy streets. fine vricant LOT on Meiver street. Term« at sale .1. W’. \S FISIGI.R. .Adm r. A. Al. CAMPBELL. Aun'r. March 11. 10-l« RI A THE REOCKADE. PlECE.'S Black and White (Wl.l-'O- (3(1 100 prs Men’s Eng. seWed BttOGAN.S; For sale by’ W. MelNT^ RK. March It’. ^ If AOTIC’E. ON TUESb.VV. the i,-i«i *l ly of this mootti. 1 will hire out for the resi-hie of the ,\ ear. the Slaves that wrre owned by the late Mrs. IVialira J Hogshead. Persons having them now in'possession are notified hereby to bring them forward bv *b:it day. J G.'SHEPHERD, Adm’r. M:irch 14, 18t;3. 11-4tpd VALI AKLE TIILE!«i for Jiali*. If>FFER for sale my PLANT.VTION, 2 miles west ot ("arthace. Afoore county, containing 2.'0 acres, on whieh is a Grist and Saw .Mill, t'’otton Gin and Screw I will rfceive in pavment Stale BTndj, Confe,lerate motley or likely Negroes. JOH.N MORLSON. VAEEABEE EAxAD« «or ?4alc. I OFFER for Sale my PLANT.\TK)N ou McClendou'8 Creek, 5 iniU-s west'of Carth^ige. lying on the basin 0.'the Coftl Fields, containing ’2100 .acres, which is as pro'bictive as auy lands iu the eounty of Moore. The imrrovenieiits ^ooi ^lud the s!tuati :u healthy Terms liberai. ^ -n^lN MORISON. HOTEiS. I'OR SALE.-:. VIRTUK of a Dee'I of Tnisi executed to me by . Shemwel? for c. rr-iin pitrpis. s iherein n .me l. I s-li for t'ash, 00 V/i.’ueS'* ij th ’ 1-’ of_,\PRlL i-'xr. al 12 o' lock, ^’lO li : 1 ku ,-n .-’■• he 'HEM- W ELI. HOUSr., on G'-‘eu St., in th-.- t iwu 'f Fayette- yille. N. C., with Kifei'en a'tache l. .*s;ile 11 ;-ike plsco on the jiretnises. The House is a bt;.,;i; build n^', three stories high, containii. r l‘-» larg» rooms; frou's lt by 65 feel. The Kitchen cont ilns 7 rioms; framed b-ji!d- inp; fronts on Bow strei’i 3.J by teei, each room has a lire place. The Hjuso lot "fronts 44 and runs back about I Oil fee' Persons wi.'-'ing to '. laioinc (he properly are referred lo Mr. .S, Br-iri li who rpsj^ios on the preroises The proneriy i« in p >o i repair P;-,-ons wishing tj iuvi-st in re:\l e. tate h '.ve an :ipp'ir'u:;iiy of :^eeuring a subsi:iat;Hl au'I valiial'i'-- piece of jtroperly. ALI.EN McC0R.}UoLiALE, K. LE.ETL, .Vuct r Feb. 2-j. ■* ts V:ilti:ihlv l*roi?vi’t lor Salt*. rpHK subticri lei's will exno=ie to prthlio sale on >he I premises, , 11 Welnesday the ,^th d ly of .\pril l';#‘i that vftluabie j'voperty iti ibe lowu of Louisbui g NoriL CaroV.iia. kuow'^asth- [jOUI.-^l'URG FEM.VLE COL LEGE The bni’Jing i, ot lir-e);. (f,,ur «• >ries, ^and covered with t.u. It ei-nt-nns rr.om= (no;jg:j lo accom- luodalc about ne hun ire> b ir.ti'ts, vc. isive of the principals r-.tni-. the piri,'is, ch i|.el, iliuing rouiu, Hra. There is liso «■. ;Le prenu-. s a r.riek kiiChen with four 1-irge ro'jiis, ■ esides o-h;r i u-bn.l hugs. It is ur roun fed by a large gr e? o:'sevvrni acres, al' encbised. Immedi »tol\ afier th • sile of ttio above Re il Esia e, tbe FtiriDiure of the oonsisiing of beiiding, washstfit'ds, ta'iles. ch urs. table ware, sol is, centre and pier tible,s, carpeting, piauos. lic., wi 1 ".1-.0 00 exposed to pu' lie sale This property i® situ i,ted in .a hpalthy rpgion, and ia the midst of fxcellent society. better opportunity for a good iiivesfment n valuable property has not often been presented. l»„o,upssion will be g- en early in June. Terms made known at the «ale, bu the payments will be arranged lo suit the purchaopr J. B. Ll FTLEJOIIN, > ^ n. F. Y'HBftOUGH. i ‘’“•'“e"'' Loui.'fbueg, N. C. I^iarch 3, 18i;:j. [a, s | ^ i4A Adiiiiiii^traior'tii Sale. « 1WTLT. s*-ll ul the '' .rk -t Hoi. e iu • ille, ou Mon-lay March 30'^. 1*^0’, on .i cr -b- ■''■■i n-uiths. Two itkely NKGHO GIRLS, -i?. ! ^ * >’ -■Vho 1 dou' le bar- 1 sbot 1 ll«yoIver. 2 Silver V.-atchf-'. 1 Gobi AV:.ii;'n l-:t! It Ullon I he l-’sl ill s vll persons Irivmg no'iit's pros?;:' ‘h‘‘;ti wtthiti this noMo- wiil t p ll' are reaue'^'od l,i mTk.’ p'o ''P* pi^mofit. '■ HE b;ir of b»btors geologieikl inve-; gat ion. Cartiiag-.’. Nov. 1" l 'b2 JOHN MORISON. -If .yo- • C' tv ;ro:i 0; [Sf,-'. 10. 1Pf.2. SA5.TI SAET!! SACK'S lor H ile by MpNEILL. Adm'r H.S- t 0 1).-C. ROBT IIT MITCHFLL. tf Tlie Rockli^h C'o. a goed illaciisiuitii. .Vjjply to C. March 2, im ivi»ili to Jiire T. HAIGH, Pres’t. 7-tf S.iJST, ASM .AT.fi buckskin pur-e, l.ai wp.>’i T^iberty Point find fh."> h'»lf w-'V b'idfr''. .'Tntainijiu 1 goM wiitch key, with iiketi.'"'-- in '■(. i ^.)'d s p-'-T''button, some receipt?, ■in 1 ten or 'wpIv.; doll'ir? in ca-'h i^roceines i fwt'ocer i L.VRGE and well seleoted Stock of 3. GR0c’E.VL1ES alw;iys on hand, c '-r' Hacon-Sides, Mess Pork, jVIuilef^. Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sucif' ‘>1 ^1 srados, Tohaceo. •>-. And all other articie.s nsua.Ij kejn • ' 'o esa e rv^- cery Establi-hmeut kkXDALL & (.;0 Wiltninglon. Ap'^^ “• ThP fin:ier mar have - - - ^ WA ATED. rs»i ‘-J'lv . VO''’ /■ the Est i!•- Af irc^ 7 5«0 “MOU'^TATW H rpni''larg® e 'oi:.V g-ifiiori. N. ,1-’ i' known . n up; .ic-ni ;u :■ Jan. 1^, 18'-.. ,r, ibib... :ip. d-?e‘ :. AM!S \\ JF , belonging to «UP, Mti’r. . i'i.i'Lij. .Vuct'r. :,ll ,;l,» idiuiWTfr;, n, c. . o’M K . iu lh' towii (if 'lor- ■'i' s .!*■ - .n.'ide .1, 1 HAPPOI.Iii, .Morg:i:,ion. N C. '^i7-o"ipd the purse a;ul the money if they Will leave the other j • amount of GOLD or SILVER wanted. Apply 1 „ ^ ^ I F\'v“ltl863“- 3,f WJ16- I “-k 3. EO .'l ACRii^of V.'. i,t: MJLEPIM: I.A"D in Moore County, ne»- the »u:re P’ • k It' d, aud i near Blue’s Bridge. Aiiply to ' J. A. McK.AY, Gilopo'ia. b-0ip4 1100

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