m m DIB SE M l.W ERK 1/ Y. XII.] Fayetteville, n. c.. march so, ms. [NO. 1215.] E 3taj. hiirt Mar> ii M >NI>\VS \\U THURSDAYS. V J. n\LE & SONS. . ‘-.s \Ni. I'RoPillF.TOTlS. ■ 'V. kiv (>b>krvkr $4 00 if pai'l in ' ' ■ ) durinp the year of sul ssrip- ■ I''O V eiir has e\tiireil. ■ Mt-(• :> V vR 00 por ftiin\itn. if pai«i in ■ if pa-1 iliiring tho year of subpcrip- I ■ ' i'- -r ihc y«*Hr h.is expired. . TIRl-MKNTS in''t*riei.l for $1 per 9 nare and 50 cents for each sac- I Adverti»empnt» not exceedin(i a 1 ^ liiiO' f.O .‘eiits for the first and 3ft cents . ■♦'.ii'ii; piihlicatinu Advertisers are re - ! •- lilt- ni'tnboi of itisortions desired, or , >!•' (-.■nMiiMPil till forbid, and charieed accord- | ■ i.r - iM-nned I’niiir. cliarped as new *d- i ■ \i. No ru'K. t“r iNfe, no n.iuieof a new subscriber : ■Viil - .T .i^vinont in advance, nor will ■'V t, -'sch «ub«oriliors for a longer time -ubi.Tiber-j iid de'^ire to lake tha pa- :oui will please notify us wh*n luakiag ' Jan’y 1, 18o8. Attorney at Law, i A'i KT rKVlLLh, . C. iLe ‘'oiiniy and Superior Courts of ;i. Hariit-tt, -\[oore and Robeuou Couu- ; Iat;i.uti>'u given in the oolieciiou of all . i hia hand^ 68-ff W. VVILIiAMS & lH).r itoltoalo Dealers in irocei*ie«, vMi l *tp.,itTKRS ANK DEALERS IN r>iu tr(‘ and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, H\» STKELT, FATETTKYILLK, N. i\ 3«itf \V P KENDALL J ri. KENDALL \, K£\DAI.L & CO., liiiiiissioii .Herehaiittt A X U i 01. K SALE OROCERS, .. 11 A 12 \orth WaitT St., • WilmiiigloD. >. I’. the Touniry prompUj eiacuteJ ■•teniiti!i giveu to ih« sale of ('oiton 10-tf 2 OS. L TLEV, /' t:ml t otntntssion Jfln*€h*tnt, VKrTEVILLE, N, C. 98-tf V. A: B. ii. WORTH. lull H!id Korwarding MerchaulS) ■- li MINGTON, N 0 84lf r i KD! ' >• ill be accommodated with board at T. HOOPER. 56- ’ •»:\, WILLIAMS & CO..” s%i.T nAKi:R«>. -■I t in-now in operntioa nine miles 'V pHitjprt wishing to supply . -! i. I-in be I'uraished by applying lo r. ut al FayelteviUe, to E Page, ^ >rk-i. >r to .1. M WILLIAMS. General Superintendent. .’sov. j'f. bllf jlK) « >TTO.\ YAR.\. No. ly Hay street. C. P. MALLETT. 88- nil Tobicco on (onslgnmeiit, • ■ II hp>ii Kice and HiO Boxes Manu- — I various qii'ilities. For sale by W. WILLIAMS & CO. . . r. _» (i3tf \OTirK. •I t3 be absent irom home a few Months in •Archibald McLean is my authorifed ;; ifit my business until I return. N. O JONES . ■■ '^8tf ^ AJtei* this ilate I will i ;ve Cents per pound for raga de- :i ven-il in Fayetteville, or at mv mills D MURPHY « A I.T. 1‘ ' sale on csnsigniuent liy G. W. W1LL1AM.“^ CO. 7V tf %% %ATEI>. Bl’miEI.S WHEVT, l,dUO •- C(JKN. ■! having the above articles to sell will receivts ' *-h price by calling oil Mr. M Tho.uason, ■ lant Milh. F>iycttev;lle, or on the subscri- . i l =it.111.1 on Market Square. Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. 76tf LOOK AT THIS! m FIVETTKVILLR HOTEL, Fronting 300 feet and in the business portion of the Town, rontaiiiK more MpacioiiM and well ventilated Rooni!>t than anv Hotel in tlie i^tate, and my Patrons say ray Conditpents are very goo-1 F/iVKTTFVII r iWCTCAL INSCRiXCE C0MP.1\T. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets, $2G7,G88 2b 5,077 35 .May 20, 1862. for the times. T. WADDILL, Proprlptor. 27y Florence and FayetteFille Rail Road. tTNDER the provi.-iions of an Ordinance of the Con- ) vention of North ''arolina. Books will be ope led on the 10th Jnne at the following places and under the di rection of the following persons, to receive subscrip tions to the Capital Stook of the ‘‘Florence & Fayette ville Rail Roail Co.” Shares One Hundred Dollars each. ihr RuU Koiid Ojficc tu Fiiyettevillt.—Under the di rection of the General Commissioners, A. .A. McKethao, l>. k. Ray. .A. W. Steel, Wm. McL McKay and Jno. .M. Rose. At thf Hed Spring*.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart. .las. .A. Smith, Dan'l C. Me Neill and Col. Alex McMillan, or any one of them. -•If Fl'yra'. ColUgt.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair, I)r, A. I). MoLean. .Archibald Smith, Edmund Lilly and Col. .Alexander Watson, or anyone of them At QuetntdaU.—Under the direction of Murdock Mc Rae, D McLeod, D. .McCal^m, Jas McRae, Jr., and J. II. McQueen, or any one of them. At AlfordivilU.—Under tha direction of John Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford, Dugald McCallutn and Jno McCallutn, or any one of them. The Subscription Books will remain open for the space of 60 days. When a sufficient sum is subscribed the Company will be organiied for the purpose of build ing the Road A A. U A. A W WM JNO Total. $272,705 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, f29,682 69 OFriOERs: GEO. McNEI1.,L, President. D. A. R.A\, Vice President. C. A. McMillan, Sec’y. l>IRKCTORSr Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan Steilman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J. G. Ceok, A. A. M'cKethaii, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Williams, R. F, Brown, S. W. Tillinghast. A E Hall. 111! Collins aud C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. »®f-Th e Company inviie applications. May 28, 1861. 21- I Wilm’gton. The Mew Style, Kmall, COLORED PHOTOt^RAPHS, AT WuHor^dellS tiallejry. Favetleville, June .MoKETHAN, RAY. STEEL. McL. McKAY, .M ROSE, General CoroiniBsioners 1862. 82tf uenty-ll e Dollars Reward. -W.W from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- ■' He 21 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches -hiir't, lon.r teel and very much turned out at tbe . luokx down when spoken to. Ho was seen at »: - Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., .ii r a-, fttevitte about three weeks ago. The ■ ' 'd will be paiil for his delivery lo me or for ..m in any jail 80 that X get him. W. U. JOHNSON. ■ Ule. S. C.. Aug. 14, 1862. 52if AKIIY HAR1%ES«. nd to rainufacture all kinds of Wagon ; r ,\rmy use. I tan my leather and can iU>.. Agents wili do well to scud their ' .-V -h:ill have prompt attention, and , i sprit oh. JOHN CARfER. ■» . " hatham Co., N. C., > June 13, 1862. f Western Kallroad Ofllce, \ ; Fayetteville, N C., Sept. 27, 1862. j Ij^OR the purpose ot increasing the capital stock of this Company, to enable it to extend the Road from the Coal Fields to the North Carolina Road, the following gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners to re ceive subscribors iu their several neighborhoods, vli; .At Gulf—L J Haughton, Brookt Harris, L»r George C Newby and G Washington .Above the Gulf—Jno J Goldst«n, Jame* F Rives and Hugh W Dixon .At Ore Hill—Q W Goldatou. Dr L W Gorrell and N .M Alston ■Above Ore Hill—Dan’l Hackney, A B .Manh and Jas Pace. At Fou»t's Mills—Dr U M Foust and Dr J D Graves At Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A S Horney. -At Asheboro'—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. At New Market—Jesse Walker and Joseph Newlin At Thomasville—A 0 Foster aud Jno W Thom&s. At High PoiQt—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At Salem—Francis Fries and R L Patterson. At Gr»ensboro’—C P Mendenhall, Peter Adams, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesse II Lindsay. Instructions will be sent to the Commissioners at an early day by the President of the Company. 64tf J. M. ROSE. Sec y W. R. R. Co. ~ WEJ4TER.\ RAIL ROAD. THR Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’.:lock, .A. M., and re turning leave Mclver's at 1 o’cloctc. P M. FrriffAt Train MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRl DAY. By order of the President. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Act’g Trans. .Ag't. • Jan. 22, 1S6:V 97tf 5^00 iXegrroes Waiiteil. The L'nder?igneii-i«“»ire to iiireTtiree Hun-lred tiands to work on the grading of the Chatham Railroad. The line runs through a healthy c.iuntry, on a high ridge, and all bands employed on the road will be well fed and cared for. W'e will hire either by the month or tbe year. Apply to us at ('ary, 8 miles west of Raleigh, or at Haywood, or Lockville, Chatham county, C I- N CLEiiG & CO , ContratJiors. Reference»: K. P. Battle, Pres't Chat ham R R. Com pany. Raleigh, and W. J. Hawkins, Pres’t Raleigh & Gaston R R. Company, Raleigh. Feb y 10, 1863. [a. s.] 2-19t A’OTIC'E. IN Pursuance of an act entitle ! “An act to amend an act to establish the Rank of Lexington, and to es tablish a separate Bank to be called the Bank of Graham,” passed at the last session of the General Assembly, the Bank of Graham was duly organiz**d on the 7th day of March IHG.S by the election of R. Y. Mc.Aden President, and - P. Mebane Cashier. Notice is hereby given that the Bills of the Bank of Lexington payable al Graham will be raid at tha Bank of Graham. ^ C. P MEBANE, i Cashier Bank of Graham C. F. LOWE, Cashier Bank of Lexington. March 18. ll-9lpd l^OTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of tbe Confederate States of America, i hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and olhetTWse to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect- 1 fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. STARR & WILLIAMS. ' Sept. 19, 1861. 68-tf E^^ypt C'oal inline. I^HE undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- ' pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, I and have entered info copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same ) in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BROWNK. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf ART. %%oodward’ll 9olar Camera. PHOTOGR.APHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay eiievtlle, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life site. Ambro- type«, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Picture* pertain' ig to the Art. .Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt .MoiilJ- ing. O' t for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Jotd and Tassels for hanging piotures; Instru- m«ms. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patrouage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Deo’r 20. 1859 77- iflarble Factory, By LAUDER, Twu DuoKs Above i:. t. qaiuh k sons* storb Fayetfcville, i%. V>. •lan’v 20, 1 B*>0 84- THE .A'ORTH CAROLl.\A MUTUAL LIFE IXStRAXCE CO>IPAl«f, V[OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with ll growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues lo insure ihe lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age. for one year, for seven years, and for life— all life members sharing in t he proti ts. .All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are in^-ured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. .All losses ar* punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the publ'- is referred to .Agents of the Company in all parts c che State, and to R. II. B.ATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.ALE, Agent at Jan’y 185^. Fayetteville, N. C. CAPT. UlLKEJS’S REPORT ()\ THE UEEP RIVER MINERAL REIJKIN. ^’’HE undersigned have caused to be published from J. the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilke.s, U. S. Navy, aril his .Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of ihe State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 centH, neatly bound in cloth, (’opies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jftn’y 26. K. J. HALE & SONS. Wanted Immediately, 1 /k A AM GOOD JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which lU.UUU the highest cash price will b.* paid —VLSO— A y»ke of largo, well broke OXEN Apply to D ANDERSON & CO , Eagle Foundry, Fayeitevilla, N. C. March 7, 1863. 9tf B WAiliTED, •ANK NOTES of North Carolina, Sonth Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bond*, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. $50,000 North Carolina Bond§ for Sale* omce of the Chatham Kallroad Co , \ R.\LKioti, N C., March 5lh, 1893 / ON or before April 1st, 1863, the subscriber will re ceive proposals for the purchase of THIRTY FIV^E THOUSAND DOLLARS (8V000) NORTH CAROLINA SIX PERCENT. COUPON BONDS of the denominations of $">00 and $1000, interest payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July in each year, rit the Public Treasury, and the principal at the end of twenty years from the first of January, A D., 1863. These bonds, under an ordinance of the Convention, amend ing the Charter of the Chatham Railroad Company, are issued to the Raleigh and Oiston Railroad Company !n exchange for bonds of the latter Company, deposited with the Public Treasurer, principal and interest pay able at the same time, but with liberty fo the Company to discharge such bond-^ before maturity Payments ■lade by Ihe Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, are to be exclusively applied to ihe redemption of the Stale bonds issued to the Company. Proposals will likewise be receiTCd for FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000) of North Carolina six per cent, bonds, similar to the above, but issued lo the City of Raleigh in exchange for like bonds of the City. Payments made by the t^iiy are to be applied to the redemption of the Slate bonJs issued to fcat corpo ration. Attention is invited lo the following section of an act passed by the General .Assembly at its late session, by which the bonds advertised have the double teeurity of the State of North Carolina, and of corporations of the highest financial standing; Sec 5. Be it furthtr enact*d. That all sums of money paid by the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company and the City of Raleigh to the Treasurer of the Slate, in satisfaction of tbs principal and interest of the bonJ^ of said corporations deposited with the Treasurer, as contcjnplaled in the said Ordinance of the Convention, shall be applied first to the payment of the interest of the bonds of the Slate given said corporations in ex change for their own, aud ihe residue shall be paid lo the Commissioners of the sinking fund, to be used by them at their discretion for tbe redemption of said bonds of the Stale Copies of the laws, un-ler which said bouda are is sued, may he had on application to the undersigned Proposals should be endorsed “Proposals for Bonds,” and addressed to the undersigned, and will be opened in the presence of the Public Treasurer and of iLe Presijent of the Bank of North Carolina. KEMP P BATTLE, president March 9, 1803. lOts Valuable Property for i^ale. The subscribers will expose to public sale, on the premises, on Wednesday the 8th day of April 1863 that valuable property in the town of Louisburg, NorlL Carolina, known as the LOUISBURG FEMALE COL LEGE The building is of brick, (four stories,) and covered with tin. It contains rooms enough to accom modate about one hundred boarders, exclusive of the principal's rooms, the parlors, chapel, dining room. Sic There is also on tbe premises a brick kitchen with four large rooms, besides other outbuildings. It is sur rounded by a large grove of several acres, all enclosed Immediately after the sale of the above Real Estate, the Furniture of tbe College, consisting of bedding, waahstands, tables, chairs, table ware, sofas, centre and pier tables, carpeting, pianos, &c., wi’l also be exposed to public sale This properly is situated in a healthy region, and in the midst of excellent society A better opportunity for a good investment in valuable property has not often been presented. Possession will be given early in June Terms made known at the sale, but tbe payments will be arranged to suit the purchaser. J. B. LITTLEJOHN. 1 g p^tners R. F. YARBROUGH,/ ”I artners. Louisburg, N. C. March 3, 186.3. [a. s.] 8-I4.A Alniinitrator’§ ^ale. I WILL sell at the Market House in Fayetteville, on >k)nday March 30th, 1863, on a credit of six months. Two likely NEGRO GIRLS, aged 12 and 14 years. Also 1 double barrel shot gtin, 1 Revolver. 2 Silver Watches. 1 Gold Watch. 1 Set Surveyors’ Instruments. 2 shares of Clarendon l$ridite Stock, belonging lo the Estate of .M. W Jes-up. decM. JAMKS M JE«5?UP, Adm’r. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auct’r. March 7. 9tspd FOR SALt. ~ “MOUWTAm HOTEL,” .M(IRGA\TI)\, N. C. This large establishment, situate in the town of Mor- eanton. N C., is now olfered for sale. Terms made known on application to J. -M H.APPOLDT, Morganton, N. C. Jan. 19, 1863. 97-3mpd AfiniiniHtrator’M Sale. VlflLL be sold ©n Monday 20ih .April next, at the Mar- iV ket House, at 12 o’clock, M. One vacant LOT on the corner of Moore and (’hatham streets. One vacant LOT on Mclver street. Terms at sale. J. W. WEISIGER, Adm'r. .A. M. CAMPBELL, .Auofr. March 11. 10-ts VALrARLE .TIIi7l« tor Sale. I OFFER for sale my PLANTATION, 2 miles west ol Carthage. .Moore coiinty, containing 260 acres, on which is a Grist and Saw Mill, Cotton Gin and Screw. I will receive in payment Stale Bonds, Confederate money or likely Negroes. JOHN M0RI30N. VALli^RLE LAx\D.S lor Sale. 1 OFFER for Sale my PLANTATION an McClendon’s Creek, 6 miles west of (’arfhago, lyinjt on tbe basin of the Coal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as productive as any lands in the county of Moore. The improvements good and the situation healthy. Terms liberal. JOHN MORISON. 84'.f lyb' fliiim Arabic* for sale by J. R. LEE 69tf T HACKS. ■ ; 'of Trirpeiii ine HACKS, on , I,I ill *.t;l! Lo liiiise WHO may . lendy 1-1 prep ire Axes at short N. C., Dec. 30. Important to Tax Payers. The undersigned having been at March Term 1863 of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Cum berland Co., appointed Assessors for the Fayetteville and Cross Creek Captains’ Uisiricts—hereby notify all persons owning lands and negroes in the said districts, to be and appear before the Board between Thursday 12th March 1863 and Thursday the 2d of April .A. D 1863, aud render to the said Board a list of th^ir lands, and the number, names, sex aud ages of their slaves, in order that the Board may assess the value thereof. The hours of silling of the Board will be from 10 to 1 o’clock each day at the Store House on Hay Street, in the Town of Fayettaville. recently occupied by J. & T. Waddill. All persons falling to render iheir lists be tween the said 12ih March and 2d .April 1863 will be liable to pay a double Tax. JOSEPH A REV, J. P. DAVID ANDEKSON. J. P, THOMAS S. LUTTERLOH. HENRY L. MYROVER. SAMUEL T. HAWLEY. L. WOOD. I JOHN W. BAKER, Jr. ^-8mpd I FayBtteTilU MaTob 12. 10-9t Adminiitratiou iVotiee. I^lIE subscriber having qualified as Administratrix on the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by taw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. CATHARINE SUND\, Adm’x. Aug. 4, 1862. 49- l AdminiMtrator^M ilotice. ^PHE subscriber having at December Term, 1862, of 1 the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill Q. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to present them within the lime limited by law, otherwise this nrticB will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HRCTOR McNEILL, .Adm’r. Dec. 10, 1862. 8>’>- ' i\orili Carolina Readers. ^(jHOOL books are becoming very scarce, but we O have on hand a good supply of the NORTH C.-ARO- LINA READERS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Piofessor Hub- oard of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by Rev. C. H. Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools ")f North Carolina. Our customers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers on hand when the w.ir commenced, wo hope will now turn tiieir atten'ioii to these books by nome authors, rather thau allovs iheir children to do without reading books For sale only at the old retail prices of 25 cents, .38 cents, and 75 cents. E. J. HALE & SONS. Feb’y 1, 1862. 96- Blanks for sale at thrs Office. IVOTM^E. IH.AV^E about 5tX)0 acres more, in diflfererit tracts, in the county of Moore,—Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land,—which I will sell on liberal terms. JOHN MORISON. iTIineral Landiii tor Sale. I HAVE an interest of one-third in a tract of 500 ACRES on the waters of Deep River, on which have been discovered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good quality for greasing leather, well worthy geological investigation. JOHN MORISON. Carthage, Nov. 13 1862. 77-tf ' MOTIl^. ON TUESD.AY, the last day of this month. I will hire out for the residue of the vear, the Slaves that were owned by the late Mrs. Paulina J. Hogshead. Persons having them now in possesaion are notified hereby to bring them forward by ‘hat day. J G. SHEPHERD. Adm’r. Mirch 14, 1863. ll-4ipl RUI% T^HE IIM^kTdE. PIECES Black and White CALICO; 100 pr» .Men’s Enp- sewed For sale by March 16. W. McINTYRE. 11 tf i.OST, A SMALL buckskin purse, between Liberty Point and the half way bridge, oonlainincr 1 gold watch key, with a likeness in it. 1 pold sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve dollars in ca-h. The finder »ay have the purs* and f!te money if they will leave the other thing** at this otfice, Feb’y 14. 1*^63. -^tf PaJnia Cliriwti Rean«. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Clirlsti Beans. J". F7^U«Tfll0,OdC 8. $50,t)00 North Carolina State Bonds FOR SALE. Office of the Chatham R. R- Co., | Raleigh, N. C., March 14, 1863 j TO correct an error into which some have fallen from an inaccurate reading of my advertisement inviting proposals for the purchase of JoO.t'OO State bonds, I call attention to the fact that these bonds are not re- deemable before maturity. They are unconditional N. C. six per cent, coupon bonds, the interest of which the ! State promises to pay semi-annually, and ih? principal | on the first day of January 1883, and the obligation of j this promise is not affected by or dependent on any con- j lingenc# whatever. i A reference lo the advertisement will show that be- j sides the faith of North Carolina, part of these bonds I $35,000) have the additional security of the bonds of j the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, and another portion (viz: !?15,000) of the City of Raleigh. Con sidering the high financial standing ot these corpora tions, it is not going too far to say that no better op portunity for a safe investment has been or will be offered. KEMP P. BATTLE. Pres’t. March 16, 18G.3 12-tlA Dwelling HouNes and LotM AT ArCTION ON Saturday 28th inst., at the Market House, will be sold six DWELLINGS and several good Building LOTS, in different parts of the Town. For particulars, see handbills. JOHN McRAE. JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r. March 20. 13-2t DEPOSITORY C. S. A., ) Fayettkville, March 21, 18tJ3. | All treasury notes not bearing interest, dated prior to 1st December 1862, will be funded at this Office in Eight per cent. Bonds up to the 22d April next, after which dale they can only be fnuded in Seven per cent All Treasury Notes not bearing intere>j| which bear date subsequent to the 1st December. 1H6-J. are entitled to be fundel in Seven per cent Bond-i. W G. BRt).ADF M 1 r. Depositary. l:M22dA ~iW0TICE. IN consequence of a necessary stoppage of Ihe Rock- fish Factory for several weeks to come, for the pur pose of repairs, tht* company will have no Sheetings for sale till further notice. C I. II.AIOH, Pres’t. March 22. North Carolina Powder Manufacturing Co. The MILL.S ot this Company, located 12 miles West of Charlotte upon the Catawba River, are now ia full Operation with a goid supply of material. All or ders from any section of the Southern Confederacy for fine Rifle and sport in? Powder, as also orders from Railroad Contractors, .Miuers anJ others for Blasting Powder, will be promptly filled. Address Charlotte, N. C., S. W. DAVIS, Prest. March 23. 13-lm i%otice to Sliipperw. IN consequence of the high price of every thing used by this Company, the Directors have advanced the rates of freight generally about one hundred per cent. Rates will be furnished as soon as printed. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Transportation Ag’t W. R. R. Co. March 18, 1863. _ 12tf Annual .^eeting^. The .Annual Meeting of this Company will take place on Monday 30th March, at 11 o’clock, in the Town Hall. By order of the Directors. JNO. -M. ROSE, Sec’y W. R. R Co. March 18, 1863. tt-tm HEURY DAY, Apothecary, I IT ILL respectfully decline in future to prepare any TT prescription unless the money is sent to pay for it. March 19, 1863. 12-3tpd IjOST. IN the Camp of the 18th_N. C. Reg’t, about the 15th of February last, a POCKET BOOK, containing Fifty-Seven Dollars in money, and the following.papers, vii: One Due Bill on W. H. Gibson, given in February 1862, for twenty-five dollars; one note on Daniel Mc Kinnon, given iu January 1863, for thirty dollars; one note on Alexander C. Smith, given August 1862, for tweniy-four dollars; one note on Harris G Terry, given in January 1861, payable fo Mrs. Rebecca Smith for eighty dollars; on the latter there was several payments, though the dates of the payments are not recollected. All persons are hereby cautioned against trading for any of the above notes or due bills, and the makers of them against paying them to any other than myself. JAMES W. SMITH. Co F, IPth N. C. T. March 10. 12-.3tpd _ ^ SAI^T! SALT!! SACKS for sale by Dec. 22. ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TANNERS’ and LUBRIC.ATING OIL LAMP BLAt^K in barrels. For sale by JDS. R. BLOSSO.M & CO., Wilmington, N. C. March 7. 6-tf The Rocklish €'o. wi«li to hire a good Blacksmith .Apply to March 2, 1863 C. T. II.A10H, Pres’t. 7-lf Groceries t Groceries!! AL.ARGE and well selected Stock of "F.AMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Baoon-SiJee, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment COX, KENDALL S CO Wilmington, .April 2. 1861. 10-tf A SPECIE WAj^TED. Small amount of GOLD or SILVER wanted. Apply at this Office. Feb’y 16. IVECiROES WA.lfTED. TUE subscriber wishes to purchase 16 NEGROES, boy a and girls from 12 to 16; also 4 women with one or two children each, about 18 years of age or less. Persons having .such property to dispose of would find it to their interest to call on me or address me at Red Springs, Robeson county. I will pay fair cash prices. HECTOR McNEILL. March 5, 1863. 9*6ipd North Carolina Factory CroodM Wanted. WANTED to purchase North Carolina F.ACTORY GOODS, Sheetiugy, Shirfings, Osnaburgs, Stripes, Plaids and Cotton Yarns, (for retail trade of Johnston County.) Payment made in cotton delivered on the N. C- R. R., if preferred to money. Manufacturers who wish to procure cotton would do well to address me at Smithfield, Johnston Co., N. C. W. H. AVERA, Smithfield, N. C. March 4, 1863. N. B. 1 have coalracted to deliver a lot of Bacon in Fayetteville for Cotton Yarns. Those who wish can ir*' a limited supply for 25 per cent, on cost, by deliv^’’’"^ | Bacon at m3’ store. Iron, Sugar and Tobacco in sto.'e 1 for pale for cash or produce. 9*3mpd 1 RABBIT, COON, ANdToX FUK WANTED. For which the highest prices will be paid. Those 1 to address US. 1 Lnng Street, MVMre ^>01^7^. 0. j Mfcrth 18, l8-wpd 1 FOR THE OBSERVER. HEADgl ARTERri TtII ReO. N ('' TrOOPS, Camp Gregg, Va., Feb. 2f. J At a meeting of all the officers of theTegimcnt, held for the purpose of expressing in form the sentiments of regre» felt by them conceruinj: ihe resignation of Major R. B. McRae, On motion, Col. K. (I. Haywood was appointed Chairman, and Capt. John Hughes, ^^ei^retaiy On motion, Lieut. Col J. L. Hill, (’a}>' J. G Harris and Ijieut. T. G. Williamson, wore ap pointed a committee to draft resolutions, atnl re ported the following which wero unntiinnjuvly adopted: Wjiereas, Maj. R H. .McRae is coiupelied on account of disability, the consetjuence of wounds received in service, to abandon his po.sition as Major in this regiinpnt, we, the otficcrs of the saitl 7th regiment X. C. Trdops, detjm it a fitting occa.sion to adopt the following resolutions; Resolved, 1st. That we have heard with ex trerae regret of the fact that Maj. R. B McRao has been compelled, in consequence ot wounds received in battle, to resign his post as Major of this regiment, anti we have no hope that any of ficer wno may be placed in his positiou can over fill it with the same satisfaction to the regiiuont and benefit to tbe Hcrvice a? Maj. McUae. 2d. That in thus parting with our riajor, the hardships which we have jointl} endured, the dangers we have together shared, and the battles we have fought in company endear him to our eternal recollection. ‘Jd. That k is not only to his qualities as a sol dier—brave, efficient, faithful and true; but also to his merits as a man, bold, generous and just —that we desire to do justice, and in addition to express our sincere apjireciation of our lo«s 4til. That we tender to our Major in thus part ing with him our unspeakable regret; we assure him of our unanimous admiration, and ar^ satis fied that blessings will attend those who have so faithfully served our new republic as Maj R B McRae. - On motion. Resolved, That the foregoing preamble ana reisolutions be published in the State Journal, Raleigh Regi.ster, Wilmington Journal and Fay etteville Observer, that they be entered on the regimental order book, and that a copy of tbe same be forwarded to Maj. R B McRae On motion, adjourned. K. G. Hayw’Ood, Col 7th N C Reg., Chairman. Jno. Hughes, Sec’y. ^‘Situations Wantt.d—Females ”—Under this caption the New York Herald, of a recent date, contains four columns and a half of advertisements for situations, wanted hy all sorts of white females lor all sorts of service. Quite a number of the applicants announce themselves as “respectable young girls,” while other use such descriptive phrases, as “steady and competent,” “neat aud tidy,” 0*c. The majority desire to be employed as “chambermaids,” or “waitress,” but quite a num ber are willing to engage in almost any uieniul employment. A ‘‘eery respectable girl” adver tises for a “situation as cook, wa.sher and ironer, ’ and gives the assurance that she is “■soltr anJ cleanly.” A “young American widow, of goud address, desires a situation as housekeeper; no ob jection to leave the city.” In the whole numbei' of advertisements, thore are only two in which the term “lady” is self applied. They are as lol- lows: “A young lady, writing a rapid busine.«s lian'i, has a thorough knowledge of book-keepitifj; bum by single and doyble entry, also, of the i iL- bon and embroidery trade, wishes a situation - saleswomen, cashier, book-keeper, or would take charge of a reception room and set of books ot a photograph gallery. Best of references given. Address, etc.” “A lady, recently arrived from New Orlean.-^ is desirous of procuring a situation as singer in a Catholic church, in this city; has a mezzo-eo- prano voice, and is a perfect musician: the best of reference can be given in this city. Addrct? Singer, 79 East 14th . t.” .In In&tance of'Yankee Ifumanitj/mntJasftcc . —A large number ot the (’onfederate citizen pri soners who arrived at City Point by flag of ti uco steamer, a few evenings ago, reached this city on yesterday, and obtained transportation to their re spective homes. Among them was a citizen of Western \"irginia and his two sons, aged respec tively eleven and nine years. The little f- llows had been seized together with their father and car ried to a Northern prison, compelled to share with him his privations and confinement, aud when brought to City Point, instead of discharging them as children, the Yankee commissioner refused to give them up utile.s.s regularly exchanged for a United States citizen. This was done being tbe only practicable resort Comment is unncessary Jiichmond Eui^uirer. Veiitrifoquis7ii.—-LaHt night T called on Col. Scott, of the Louisiana cavalry. Yoii have often heard of him in Western campaigns. Wliile in Kentucky, his negro boy, who has followed him since the war began, disrobed a dead Yankee, and assumed the garb of a Federal sergeant. While on hia way to Richmond, a ventriloquist learned the story connected with the negro’s apparel. After nightfall, when the negro was nodding with a valise between his feet, a deep-toned voice pro ceeded from it: Voice—I say, Sam, wake up; them’s my clothes you’re got on. Sam—who’s dat? (The Colonel says that Sam’s eye-bull'* pr»tni ded a foot when the carpet sack be::an the ollo- quy.) Voice—I’m Ichabod Smith, of the l.'ith C^n- neticut, killed at Lexington, Kentucky, i ou robbed me of my clothes. Sam—Fore God, m.t^sa Yankee, I (fidu’t spec you’d want ’em no more. Voice—Off ’em, d—n you. In lees ^ minute Sam shucked him«elf. There be ntood in the dreless car, on a cold win ter night- His teeth chattering, his napped wool straightened, his eyes rolling about in the agony of hopeless terror. Never since ha.? .Sam touch ed th« Yankee clothir ,. lie wears the ta ti*. ■ i homespun which he o inned at the 1i>cgiuni!ig ot the wa”.—K;ioxville j,€tjister. Prentice laughs at the headioL' -n ■ i Robbery,” which fre* lently appeir.^ in tion with eome fraud on the govfrniu^ says he occadioaaily see^ cases of aaiuuudiu^ iiuutin- tyf Vtft robb'^ no Ibog«r s^toaads.