S R in I_W R R K li V. \ OL. XII.] PAVKTTEVILLK, N. C.. APKU. 23. (NO. 1222.] '.T!\rrp MdNHws ANn THUR^nxYS RDWtUn J. niLE & SOXS. Ki ir'Mis \N'i. iM'.or:^iETr)n>5 . S. fii! 'A.'. klv (Ui«iMU K.R S4 00 if p.-ii.l in > t ii pq; J (liiyjijg yenr rtf .«ijh(-3rip- " ■*■•) l^«» vp'ir )iBs I'xpirt'i) \ I ixr >( V KH .Ml ,,,.r ■Miniun. if paiii in ^ ■' * *' I'oi'! tliirirtiT (lif* v**;*r of' — ^ I t!n-r ‘lii* w^r h i>-‘ i‘\I'irciJ. ,''\ ■ 1 'I I- \ 1' in- t ru*'i I'll' •> 1 pt-r « ■I'li'** ''''■ * 111 I ■> ' (’fii'- f'^r e-icl iir • I 'I' ll II ' n .1 px -ye I , . J . S t> I !•,. |. i,,|. , ^ lii 't rui'l >t; i‘.‘,.i>i >Ir) r p til] ^ i v»*r(.irc I l i.o 111)* ni:T';V>or »t 'ii-***!': ion*. or 'i '■• ■■•iiiiinu' I i''.i I'rhM. -III.I char^e i nccovi- ,‘njv !,f,; >1 n. •f.f n MU.' NDTifi:. I-r I hi'‘Iste, noTi:;ineofn uew aubscrif^cr , ' wtiotu p.tviiH'Di :r> ^ Iviini^e, nor wiil !>»* f;'ni 10 such siib‘>Tibers for a longer tiru* i ' ii i f ir ■ t . r uhrihpri vs (ip^irt to sike th^ p/>- ^ w'”. ’loiify 1)0 vlieu niftkinjr F'.n’j- 1. If.Ti. ^UcS., ^Lrcrrey at Law, : VETTEVII-LF-. ^ . 0 ' phH (.’"uniy Hi i Superior Courts ■r in-i. ilHrii*»rf. M'lort h:;.; Kohe?»t'n Ci^un ; i(-i -iiHniiori jjuf;, to the ci.ileciiuii oi all • ■ • • -iff : bir »!>is r I’ 6>-tf Mi.l). U. \V11,1,1\MS & CO., lUioit'«:ili‘ Ui'»ier» in tafoivrics, AMI lMri>HTKRS ANU UKALKKS IN ..u’iVare HSid ( iiflery, Sweden Iron, &c., MW bT.^^:Kr, FlVKTTKVILl.H, >. I. f \ n r K^M>A1.L J. S. f^f.ND VLL 4 ov Kr\ii\e.L m., A N 1> W7H0LESALF; GHOCERS, No. 11 JL 12 North Water St^ A liiiiiniion. \. i . I - Tro.n ifc** «'ona'’-;- pron’pt'.y ■I' ■* t-ti'i.jD niTft. U 'tic* ■‘ale of ^’otioi. rrj xr * . ' ' • nnr .lOH. I TLK V, uru.r (tini I .fiei'ch.'tnt, ; \YKTlK\ ILL1-:, 0. '• tf r. I . A: H. ii. WOKTli^ i3mniis>ion Hud ^'orwardi’*? }i(‘^chani.^. Wil.MlNOTON. N (V Jl3 l‘'' l Bltf 4 AKI>! ! FK’' i.Al'lE' c:4U (e Hccoiiinio‘ltitp'1 with board ai A .-r - ,ry T. IIOOPFR. ^^'1 6*>- ~jjii\.>;()\.’\vii.i,MMS ji CO.. iiAKiacs. Kh.v«* t.-'is .,1 p*u 11 IV* I'l .ip.-rHii iii iiin«* niilt''! I-' t \V,l iiii'i:l.>r, I’lr'i.-' wii*iiiU(£ Hin.p >■ !;->■ vr • ti ..hM f lu turn:>jhei by ’pl'ly'>i^ lo .''I- -i A/^ni *4t F-v-'H >*vi tl.». lo K f »i llie w>rk«. jr '.o w .1 M WILLIAM.'^. iiice and Tobicc» on ioiisi^iinient' 111 K"f li-'ii ll O'* Hi;d H'ti li xe» Miinu- lu iiiOtUi'eJ T earlKU q'l tliiifM F ir hy GK't w WILLI VMS .t ( u. f .yei i-villp, Sep!. V4 lStj'2. i3if i' -A Af.-ui ana Thu Ar-i: *i LOOK AT THIS! THE Fni'yrTKiiij.H iiiiTEi, ; Fronting 300 fert and tn the business portion of il»»‘ Tonn, ' iisorr and ivc*!? veiiliiislril lliaii :iiiy ISo8« l ill l2io anil iiiv l*atri>ns s:i\ iiiy arc \'. ry JX»ol l.ir tli- tiiiM ' 1. W U)1)I!.U Pronrli tor. ssaii. T(K ;'l,411|. ■•( IIM- l(o I I U’iV." K I V HI 1 cMll** .1 lily, ''iin ■ • X '-ii:,- I) ii S !>' -I ,j. . \ M , mill r»*- IIII I" II > I v(* 'I !• I »fi ■ J M' 1 .. ri .i-i» 1* ’ Tr.un \lDNi) W, WKl>NKSD iV I'l.! FlUDAV 1V yr.lrr til itif I’l est 1* III. ■IN'*. ^ RO^E. Trias'r ami Aoi’g 1 tus J-lIl. '.‘•i. r,;,f Aofit't* to IN onn«pqufnet* of ihc fiieh piioe «i e»ny thin~ n.sfl byihi;? (Jomp tTtY. t(;r Direi’t. r^ ha»e i ■ nc-d tb* PH'PH of freight irnf>r>tlly nhout nn** bindretJ p*r cpot R.,»irij wil! be tu^;Ji^he'l soon S! prints'll JNO M RO-F:. Tr(“j-'r «nd Transportation Ae’i W U ft Co NUrch r-, ISHS I'roiii aii«l nttei* l!ti« •nit- ;he Siea.ni-r A P (IL’!’V will • C%T« lil 5 o .JlOi'W A M , -n '! 'Ul ,j «»>>_ jO-4 A WOiiT i F Co. , _ To I'otton l*inii1er«. I Ii . V L hipij aproinirit tiy ihv ifienreiaiy 'f in* Tres.- Jl "iiry. Chief (T**!!! f.ir ttiw f of Coimn f'r ih." I ‘onfflerHrt* t.inTt-rnrnent wii bm ihp Siatp if Non h Cir,) l:ni, .»n.i will p^^- t'.r ijjj. iu 7 per o*»n' lionds or 'n-h Sii; .A^pnt^ vtpiling in- M if.jr. a' v ^'i)lii.’ in iiiy ri.iaie. will tiuve writipr. oi-rt ft • '.»s HI r.ii>i'K!‘ til Bt IT r (it tf.t- ^.•.•rek^lrv i.if ihf all i o'ton pu 11 * hy rii_. ,.r- tii_> ti ua‘i ir ." I'-t* 18 h luv It .Mircn 8i’3 w. i ti«* p»i.i J.jr n, ~ i.,-r cf.nt |5iiii.i-i . r‘ a'li. tid It t S j.-r c.-i.r Ii .iiu • si .tir i . n , t tor m«>f H.j Vf-n isMt,. a. L'n . liiii I iiii.', h.>* t-Tef, tL« >' pMi r*-n' hniib »ili he tiirni>»h«*.i -i>ii«-d Pitri 'lii* pii I, Vr ^re- t, w • 1 an .'i.p' riiin fy lo ' ■ii iht j Terr.’n -a’ i‘y g In it ic«*ir L'.,>lioii rH;nii*r ihaii I. priv.itk? capi.i'iiain i.EiMS > WILLlWl.S OMi|i-.t(r, \l irch I’t. [c J 14 t K:?yi»t Coal fliiu*. »i IV .'t'f, Hi thi? N,*v^nib*^r T**ri;i of (tj*f Confe.lpraiii Court. L»i.ii rio: of Nonh C'i.oiini. au T'Ointed M/inaeers of me Li^ypi C -:i Mine jrnperiv, Hiiil hbTt* .-i.l' t-r'i i..io ^-ap iriut*r-.iip r'l r i io> p.ii ■>! jjMijinj; a" 1 H*'liiijj f’lifc .^rd “"hoi' or jpr.% l r ;re ■n anv j.‘r.ir»-i r for ;«ii7 o.tii t>e Hiifp:i“.l on -rmri i* ml'i*. 'I'ho jr ni i i'j pr., pi'r'j I- ii:i I .iibifd!^ int* m the ' mii'h I -i.h* a' ■■> -Vppii ;niious iiiHV ha mi le i j 'i.i.i i{ XUllt-ri, F»>«it«r viile, N . ir J>iUitij Urjuvu^, Ciriitr-;i .u .S «' « n \ULK.S 1$ MALLKrr J \ MK.S l!i!»\VNK f j'i PI levillf, .1 .in’y :;) ]siit. ‘i.'.if I 111 NAi.i:. •MCU'JTAI.tf HJr£L» HitiWliiN. \. C. ^pill"'i>i ifeer''Hblui>iii>Mi', . 4'eiii'Mei.wiiiif\|,ir 1 ^tlili'U N , ii II * olt.-re i f.ir : .|h '{'••i nir Ui.idr* tiL.wii m i|.p;i.; iti.iii to J. >1 llAPl’OLDr Moip iii'' ii N ■'. ID, IP''H. '.7 IIIp,i FIoreiif«! and Fayelterille Uail Road. ITNl*KK lhf> provi^ionn m Orilinauce of the nn- y vnniion of North t'.iroliria. IS.idks will be ope led Itie Ititii June j»i liie f illowiiijj pl.iccd and under ih«» di reclion «t tlie tolb'win? p*r.oo!>, lo receive sn*iicrip- tio.i- ro il.e (\pcI Stock ..f ihn -Florence t Fiyeiie- Ulle II III > II. re.4 )nt* iiuiidred ll.>il irs encli .-1/ the Rnl Koifi O'ficf in F,v-ttfcille —Und-vitie it- rccti'Mi .it iiieO n M-'il r.imni '•iiiuicr,., A \li:K» ihnn, i> A n.y. A W. Sie»(, Wrn M.L M .• .y nnd J no. \1 !{ime .1? t^'r ftfd Si'Tintff —IJn ler l*»e d'rfctiini i>f Ilectur M.-SHill, U'.i. .1 St.-w.ri X Siiitin. Din'll' Mc- N.mII Til l III .\l.‘i Mc\|ill-in_ or 'tiiv i>ne of lliein At Flur.t! C.ilUj* ,l,r.‘ei>.iii ot l»r N'eii! MoN iir, Itr \ I) MrLom. Aii'liibill ''im b. Hdmuiii Li 11V *i ii'i 111 \ lex iTi i .T VVu* .,'*11, -ir 'in v’ i»ii#» of i h**in At —Ui,‘it the .1 le.-tioii Murdock Mo- K-ie. l» \|i.;Lt‘i>l. D 'lol'illuiii. .la'i .\|i:Une, Jr. and J M 'l.'lj le-ii. or Wi'- one of ih.Mii A.—Vn terih^ .Jireciion .if .lohn I’uroell, ,liii McS .ir, jm,,ii Mtord. Ilii-r.ld Moi'jillum aud Jn.i M.'Calluni, or any one of them I h« Suh-cripii,in PiO'ik^ will r^'tn'iin npen for tht spMre lit 111* d tyn. When a 'fiitlirierit sum .''■*^«cribe k ' he CoiTifinny will be organiied f.>r ibe purpose of build in;i ihe Uoud A. A. MoKETlIAN, D. A P.at. A. W. srcEL. WM McL. McKVT, JNO M ROSK, Ueneral Cntnmi*ti.)nprs Frtyme»ille Junw 7, JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. >s:CiiHo \vo?i%> 4;iiii.i> at \Ut TION. S\TUR1)\Y next ihn ‘i-Sih in*’ . 1 nhall Hell fit Anci.iri, one N'.-(rrf> Worn in -2 yesrs of ajre aad c/iiM 2 year* ol.l. h« excellent field hand, fiiriclly houenl. JOHV H COliK, Auct’r. April lb. 21 2l O'. .Superb lloi‘>e at Auction. i rrie -Hen StjU-, 'inirtll, ' C0i.oui0i) fhot(»(;riphs. I ART. oo(]irar«r»» ^o|(ir I'aiiiera. 1)H(>T(.>GUArHS oiin s.1 V'.tiif'rs ykylijrhi *iall*r_'. liay snivel ur-fio^ite M»» bl> V«r>l, F.»y ,'tlevillc. V C-. plaiu re: uctied oolr.i e t, in W'iU.r col.'.'s, till an i pasiile- from jmall to life *i7«« Ainhrcf , MeljiDftn «n-i all o’her «iyle9 uf Pipiures pertma- i to 'he Vrt .\..o, C.ilt Fraio.'«, (jilt Mould ing, Ij ' • I'.ir very lar,re ptct'.:es—«“ Inrie a« 2b ny ot .nc'ies. Jord h'i i T for t'nn.ifiu!? plclure^^. instrri- jt*nis Hiock -.nd >.!riej:;.caN for low forrH,m,. Lite 3>te coloro-1 PiDtogre.uhs ma'ie froru .^rTni. pioiures. Ma.'ing periiiaiienily iooute.i tiere 1 b..ipe to merit your patroii..v;e I il-jj ’.-i ui ii-oiy i uror? tu inWt. f.-r the p'liioii.ige Vi«-tow^d .-.n me t:»sretofore V^y giio l piop;* ut Fi^eiiH ’lie ^.1. I Ticiiiiiy. 0. .M. V V.Nuti.-'ULLL, Ptitjiogmpiiisi 4H.1 Proprietor iMc'r 1 ?oii 77 Factory, BY T!1E OOVKRNOR OF XOKTll CAUOMNA. A PitOt I^A?I ATIOA\ WMr?RR\S, il hRx tiecome up(>art»n! oir hu•. r.ll ' who are interested in ihe welftry >f thv Sistf.f.nd . who h ive ai.v teelinjr>i of hpi)-4t>ity t'>r suffering aiu' t.p , ■ tiit'ir b'How ti'iin y .ni t. r-ri v»liic!i r-’Hch u.- ;...in ■ ibr po'Tr in nil ' nsj of i'lt 11 d fi>i» f'Mrvtiii.n II *>• th> file of .•i:r.y o*' inir i.rel ’fore fivorM.l I uiil-the rrimr of fpfcn’a,in;/ in the n'''»s^nref ■-1' I r'g 'Hfi b>’ nrie..!.-!!; ml w:ie'-Ki>, ’ i.’ 'i>y b .'ii. It ii iiui> to : pr.iteot th:- ciiir.e 1^ the ,Si.ile, >.f whi-'h I h *ve «i e lioiior (o iie I tie ■ hi.-t ,\! ^iii ra'e. Mi'^ii.r. t Iw evil-* c H-n'lHii. up. II lim criiii.*. lo I lie iilino!** .>f "'V Hbiliiy. N >w. IliiTeTor*.. I ZKHULON' |{ V'A'>‘’K. •io»ern''r •t North d \ h' nnd wi'li tin- kU- ce hu'I CoH- j ►..-ill of I lie Cmiiu'il of iMiie ihi.M ProflHfTui i.ii, ; t •rOi t iitijt 1 1 (i.i-mifi tor the >pii*'e of ;bui\ dH>:itroi!i j ' ihe .l»tf heiV .f, Ir- n> ixpori'.ijg t.iiy >>f the fi.llnwiiig I ; «r iolt-t t-cyond the Hiu'ii* of the biH e, I.) wii. S | Hm-on, P'ik. K-ef. 'orn, M^-h1. Fl iiir, Wbea'. Poi>»tfiHP. * t^noeH, L“iilier. llidtfH, t’uilou t'Kiih. *ud ViirD, aud V-.lolc-ii t lolh. I From I his ;ri'hibit)on the loll.twir.p p>-r»ou# are to ba I All I'ui^riiiHfiieri aud Coinini-'-»irj AjieniH i >t the Co:itVd.-r4'o G Trrniuent hii I of !iny Snie ..fihe j Conf.-deracy. exhiniiiiijt t>r.>npr evidrrce of iheir (.ffi.-iftl ?'j iraot*r V v ». ;iU Aj/ents of iitiy ('iiiniy, Dninci, T iwn or Corp )ntii..., ot .iher Sfi tt.9 wh . ehall exhibit nplendi i BaY ROAN ST\LL10N, well bujk. I s.iisf-.o(ory prodl of la I'r Agency jor the j.tuoba-e of, jnnJ* hifrh, of Medly aud Sir Arohy Slock Adioi ^iich -iriioles for such *',‘unfy. Di.-^tiirf, 7'.wn or Corpo- j r..,oie Cavalry JSloot ration, for puliiic u^e'^. or for di.^inbuiiou 'it c.isi and ■ iran«porti:ion «iiid not for resale or proUt Al«^. all persons whelhtr rpdideuf* or non reatdeni? of thi* Siate wtio luay puro'-ane any of an, i ariicl‘ii for iheir private . u»r. of wtiich h..f.>i-e liie Arii'*!es ir« reniovpd. the r oath. bp?ore ^ Ju-’foe tli? f’ence, mny b- tak^n evi.lenop Tro eicepimn in to px'en.i to Salt toa.t" ^>v tnn-r**vIpb's ni the xen cou?' and in their own workti, ^nd to earijoes c>r.cer-u(^ .i, p^.rt ot this Stai** from abro:i.i Any ot ?a'd Hri'P;e« iij*it niiy bs au.pped in transitu fi.iui cat b>riii-rB nre lo b? Conn^i.'ttted to lh«i u-e of the H ^te Tiih Cih uela of Mill ia ll.rou^houi the Blatf' •\ra pi-j'iitinl lo aeP thut ihi! Pioo1»niaiion ia “oforo'd I ef>rru-'(ly appeal co >t!l g' ciiii-*u# to •u-'iain an.I ' >ti.l tn“ i’l OHrryiPi^ .>ui me .bi.*oi itii.* Proolamatiou ii* 1 letiitfni'd, as fHt ai* po^^iblw, t . ' 1.(1 wtiue-s whereof. ZtBrL.'.s 15 Va.^oe. f^.rl'taiu n.*.iefiil Hn.f Coinf/i*iiijHr- ^ *■ —^ • tn t'’.let (i.;u «iiin-.* I fli. -i* pre«euts ani vit«- - ed ih*> Great .''«al . ii. .S fo.b .'.♦fiic.i i i.» ii.> wi ..■ir 'ity ..f Rilei;.!. t'.*-* \-i -i ii>*y /ip--., j .V 1> . an t in tin- ye’in.fuu: lu iecen I'lice *hp B7t!i. 1 By the '» >vtrnoi Z 11 VaNCL R !i IUtilk j a . (‘rivji « Mec'v. THINGS THAT aPE WAS 'ED The rule rf Kiufi ('otton which lia.s prevailed for the las: twei tv five or thirty jeais. has not oiily derji'ttu- i>ut fxiravagaiil in the t xlr> me As X i X K;'ui. *‘l am tiie Slalt*, ’ t'oilntt “I am all.” Nut -ii.lv was «*vrry other lir;iiifh ot • VALI!.\BI.K HAV STIiKKT l-OTS AT AUCTION'. ON i^HMirdiv Tie.xi the 25th iiisi.. wp Khali !*ell the V vLl-.VULK L* >T. on ihp o-.mer (-f Hay street and KKehonjiP Square, — ine friiH of the PI intei s Hotel On I industry noolj^^jfdi j(,r tliti cultivntinii i^l ihi; fot- lin-' loi a Hii cxcedeiit C.-llar. well lirnined. ami all the ] jon lield, but vvcrytliiii^ wuh }HTiiiittt‘d ta j.r«> to :«un luiL.iM nn I wills of Pxceileni stone oiaHiniy The ; which mij;l f have been xuvcd li.di . il, llio 'H>u(;j,,un yriM H wiih ample accomniod^lions for tJO t i . i.. ^ i . 1, ■ II 4 n „ ne^rlect ol all nuu-triul ente^llr^il^-^ ven'i.' 0 i iiau n if'.r^e*.. «n l La>-?e f arrmee 11ou>j«> aud a Uwolling f’ . • i i i i i i H omP tor ihp O-iIer, wil! h« t^ol.l at ..arne tinie waste unav.udable, material.^ Ik u.^ :ii..i»vcd 'Ve will take pleaflure in showing; the » rppeny at any i to perish hocailse (here wao no jirovisiuu U,r ii.ak- linip prior to the H'-ile. STh.DM.'^N « HOUSE : in" them up into u-i«.t’al Ibriiis. April 1*^, l’'i)-i *21 2t j 'I'ln* niost. whul >a!c wu>to ol'whii h .'ui |-i 'p'e , have been {.'i ;ry, is that of the liiiibir. ulncii, l \ ON Saiur.lay ih® 2.")'h insi., I shsll at' .Auction. “P April lb, IHrjJi JOHN n r'OOR. Auci r 21 2t ^far Foiiiiflry. PLOl GllS and Plough Points arid HeeU of nil iiuin- bers can be ha>l at M A. B-ikor'* Sloto ia FAy*iie viilo. opposite lhi old Wagoo Yard. CasHngF- of BUf^- ricr {U-.lily C«ll nnd see for yonr«pl».-8 - of j a1! Kinds ni&ie the «hortest notice .in i for r.'-on>»! le [ char|{P» .\1 A RAKF.k, * St.ir Fcundrj, April 20. I8«5a 2l-lm fS aYk C A P f/F A ^ WlL.MlNGTON, April 15, lHt:)3. ) Divide.'io No. 107 4 SK.MI-.\N.NU AL Divi'lend or 6 r ■ r ,'enl. hfi be»n IX declared by ihi.» pavabln ocktiolders on l>t M ly. J O />LKR ’.a'»hi»‘r. Ap'i. 15, |H‘.3 • 21-2w J in. i > V 1 . i w«i lUMiks \BOVi . isnoi^u. iHMin i sims' sTui:': iSlUU 1{|-:WARI). )L'N vvv n;i,v| I'llr. .'L'i’.Si'Ki ivK.t ON* Sl;\I)\\ ol J.nuity |.t't, i;i, li.'jj... liiV II tilled .\ N I nONY ll»* iS 111 a w'i.ii-'' \»l ..w c .III;.' sion. .«ti..ii te.*: Ii . r 7 ii.i-h^-s high 1 or 2 > yea'e ol ( nnd (iip iio-ed |.' w.-ij{ti I'-.iUI I I't poiiTi I- II-■ hn.. a t.n-iv^ neH'l ot II iir, and tnlks «h"ri wtieii ijii ■■.•lori.-d and h i' I 'i.-wii I'l -K. N'J 't'.iit I h.* IM iryiriit to f >r a fi e>* ho». 1 *' I i >/ i e I h-* ;«h IV • r. w ir.l Kir him .le i v ^r. ■! I o on* h’ r ..-p ot II !, k'.4M*eU Couu y, t.r c i.tiu il in 'tiiv j» ‘ e ■ 1 »j.-t ;.iu» F L \RULN. • ' iKwei! C.i.. M irch 2.'), 1B»>-'? !6 r. T. Fav«*tevillp, ' -,'r «'» , FA VFT Ti: VII.I.i; >HTIAI. INSnnX'K (OMPIM. I^apilal ill Preiniiim Nolen ainount>itr. (^l»ll on hand tnd oiher /i.-i'ftrt. #2'i7.*;8H Zh 6.077 ;5-> \ it> \OTI4'K. '■t[ P( I- 1.P ari'fii, IVi.iii iiotne a few t^ionthg in - V.e-l. ArctsibniJ McLcitii i« iny aulhoriteO i. iauh>tci tuy busiuf'vs uiitil 1 reiuro. N. G. JONFS r.;. 1v;f| »:^|f Ou K -iifi - - A tt r tiiiM date I p't\ t.>-n ' p.T i tur ra- -le- liv»>r.*a iii K'V'-ttevir.o, or .it iny li.'lls Il MUKPHY Ki:WAItl>. ' J^it I tT\ IX.).. I. \ I't > U ' M il >1 # ill tie p tid ‘or I he ap L preheo-ion .iti'l d.-^»ery at I p Cnrrip of 1 iMtr ictiou. K >l.Ml£h. N c , ot eMCh ■>' I tie to 1 iwin^ li im I [) •-. rl.-r'- rr in ti.y int.V ('. 3 1 N '. If* ,/• t-'itfff, John it i*riflgn)i\, %t. II' ntuttrii, i'ffr*' Vart oll, *'i I J tntrs C.trier; i.u i >i'‘'^ \ U'li-L .it' lor iiufiii I tiHVe reason i,i ti.^-.ewe li.-i' P -well i-* lutkin*; in tbp w .od'. iienr Flyetfpvl’.lM, an i ha' b en for thepi-'t •e*’ •>n or piiiht ni-iiiih-. H« has «ioi bppr in ihe W u.Ipi IIo»pi al since July 12'h. lHf;2 when he wa^ discha'iied and ordered to report rj hia Coinp-my il VV HORNK. C-*pt ('om'.li I'o (’. 31 N •' I'v-it't. N«‘at Port Royal. ,\l irch 13. IS ,?, 11 liw Tof-il. $272.7*;.> HI The CiimpMiiv hive paid -^11 lo>*sf» proiiip'ly. and have npTpr niadp an aKSP'sroiioni on their preioiuro no'e“. Total los-.eH paid. $2^*.*>>^2 >ii Ov'fictTn; GKO. McNEILL. Prcpident. 1). K.W". V!cp I’re-'id^Dt. C. A. McMILLAN, 8ec y IM HKrTlK»i; EPiSl'OPAL tO.\VK>Tl'i.V. ; Ta the Clt>gi^ nnd Lii y of the Frc>stant Epuccpai \ Church iH the DtOCeie oj XoriK (.iroUn-i: I TdE .'onveuiivin in ini» L»ioCfbaving ai.poiiiip.t ii.. i next Annual 'leviiUK tu like place, uii ttie i i ; ’•Vp)nf%dav if. M IV ;n -S'. Joiio’s CtiutcU m ih» town f W l.-.if, j'.iii, m.i me ..‘■'^ •n;^ h ureiler parr o' lie f.ini'iieK f iti.t' Df;.- iro n 'he'.~ h.jii p'. making r eat f>r tt.u Council to Ooi I itx se-si.in there, 1 ’ hare, by virtue of ih* amb'rity (’OUiiiiiited i.. ui.; bv ^ ('anon 1 ihis .li.-oej . ohing»?l the pi^nl lime or an-:*tin(i. nnd 'Ic h^rrl y upp itn; 'tia: ttn» ni>x: lii.>c.*-n riii''oilbe boll on Ti.u''->1 v, the four “-nth dty o' \l*y, iu .St. J .yhn’# Chu' ;h in i h» T .wo of F iv-eiifville. TMO'IVS ATKIS'ON, P.l->1 ip N .III, t' ir l-ll. Him tlic Ititu ka«t(‘! W. U A C I T V U E R c.-ived -.i-.t ■ ff r, .r.-.iK; 'i’t'? yar S I'li'i'e l ilu- ui i? I. li..; 17’'2 j:i.rlft whi'H iin.i briok Priuta; l.'iSl 1 ard-, E’lilMti l.itit: I'l.it': 8-V' 'b-i I.I.1C* Fl.x riiie..!. N"-* HO, 3j. ^0, 00 2.'»0 !;■» "lr:iti Kl ijt Tnr.-a l, N .-. ■it). f>>. nO; 102 U H white r.r.iwn Tlir.'xd, Ni'S 30, -11.', 50: IIH) d z.'ii whire .Sp)o| C. iiod; ItiO 'lor..-II liina I Canibr c HanJkerchiefo; r> ririi-li Eugenie Skirt-; 4 \l Ne,-dle-. N>«> 1. 2. t. ■>: 8ii Needles, a-*riorted, troin o to IIK 7 pick'' Pin-.. Eiiiflii'ii full paper; 12 0oTP“ bUck Pin*; 1)8 eros-. in"t*l Prtiii HuHone; 5 d ■* n Frencii Too'ii ItrusbeA; 0 .1.1 n dra*> Niiiri'i il *tr; K)l> par-. !!r >i:an Shoes; 12') ) jh« G'eeii i'upperH-; ■Ji) boX'‘. Exrrac' of Logwood. April 6, IHiiB. TO CI^FKK^ OF COl'KT.^. Seij.jiiiir lie V'ourt A'Ker i^,.m-tiM tti-- . lera^ will euci f.ic s-5, if ibe ndvprti-'pT> .,.'1 are of thp u^uai len,;lh \ Urgt'T aasoant if . >afr-. a:e lonser ; ti. Hall & sons Af til 3d. IbCa i lLi>u.afjd.>i I I acn* evi-ry j*“ir, iias bn ii i^ir.liid a.TU Ruffered to dec.iy on the oroun i. i'l.i r.t has be''ii an exeu-ie tor tiiis in tlie iact tliat ti e im- nie .si area ot ln>li land, the clojiinj; .)t which was made nt i'osary by thn rapid inimigrai im. in fo the fertile .States ot the Soutltwi-ht, couid cleared in no other way; besides wliieli, if niaj bo admitted that the timber was nut la.'f, beiiiir re turned to the boil as it decayed. Tiiih exiu-c would be more v»lid, had notttie Ktjl.- ot .; u:iiv.i- tion betn extreiK«Jy waHtelal itsell—itn[ oviiish- inj4 the land und requiring new clearinos to be constantly made; but tUit is no excuse lor t:ur people perniiilin>_ theiu^'elvcs to be dejiendt nt up on iiuportatiou f.>r the vast amout'it ut ^oap con sumed by them. i f is time that this 'l.oulu o. u30. By teilint;, {.inn;; uud burnino’ the riinbor, ahl.ea enough coul'i b*: -aved not only to supply all ihu* wants of'the oouiitry, but to cunsiilutc u v;»lu. bio ; articlo ol e.v\,-yrt On large platitationii &tid at - j eouuiry viila^'t's au J cross rondH, potash n...i.uiac \ I toriert could fee entaiilinhpd all over the (.'onledov;:cy I It i.a uiineco.saaiy to remark that the inanulac- ture ot soap ihoulo keep pace with that (.t'-piti.i.h [ The Inrge mnouiit i.t' anitnui food Cuii- m u by , our piipulatii’ I te'i' the sltiry of u •j;ie,i!. wui e vt !^r«‘ase which w»)ui(i fhu.s be econoii.ised. The tuilo’*' ot tltf. beeve- coii.suiiied in the i country wou’1 t'uriii;ih ail itia catidks (hut the i country riajuircH. In the abscnco of ■=:> iiine t munufactories, bofswax, an abut.dancc of whit h is J annually was:red, cniild be used to uive fli. 111 a j proper hardnc>s, uiiu practice would soon ictidcr { housftwivoH expert >i» the inai.ufacture o: on ex- ! ccllenl article troni these luaterial* [ It is hardij/ nitce.s^aty at pre>ent tof.‘-a'ic to •■eaio TO TH5:: Pl'BLIi'. I>Rm;uHi>n‘s s N C , li'rii 'j. i^'.D i >leist> t J. Ililsj A .Sou-; Mr J .v. L.yton of j S^iiijison CDiiu.y vnluur«>fcr. i to L'eui vio-ely, me “ih [ the waste ot liider; we rather thiiik ilial i of vbrmrv, to a H.vnillpry I o’^pany, and w*m | now carefullv savtd .jVPfy''"here "llad more c ro I to rp[' r> to hi.«i C, mpjtay th* 15m but owing lo as t.0- | been taken ol tht lu tormeriy, the home ma’iiif c Cideui .au.eJ l.y an os u.rt whoel w,. UD.IouMpdly i f^.ular bu.Mtiess, : nd •jnnn.v to ivport nf luc St iue person w#*nr ^ ^ •jnnn.v to ivrort nf luc na^e ycwe person w#*nr i . i i i ■o Ibe my and t .Id that Mr. Luv.ou t.a i ip.vcted • sudden pre&hUr.- upon 11 would not hav,- c-.r tin I WAS '3'n.st ••a! la IU »ok Rivt-r. I he j rii>d pricca to sucl\ uu exorbitiUit h^uie. r.vi ly •iiocouraj^enient, hnwever, hi*» lu'cn thrown in ft e deny lion, uri'l wiii pty tifiy .l li.ir- to any p.-r.*i;n iftat c»o mnke jjo-id pi oof Wni ^iMrie'i ihi.*lie. i way of this, as of : 1 other manulaftures. 'I ho ? difficulty of T.foc'ii '14 not only hidf', bn? b >a, ■has dfeierrcii maty ;i man frmn uu'Urokii ^ u >'tuKE .1,.,. I t^irtoH^.- .n ;2..i ii... . FK \NCI3 M I 1» c.^>«teoiion witi. t.;i; t-conuiiiz.n;: of ti-t.b-T. ■ Ut iLLY iudan«g!-oboy UiiNKY', tiie p. p.nyol J preservation of boi k -tiouli be ‘'f.ic a > .i.n HiKer llarib y 1? a r.)ii!*cr;pr. iiboot ^0 j.^ears |«upon pl:intf*rs Lei tliiS once beC'iUlf tll.‘g Ir t-vl )li. .i;Kiui. o feet C in.-hes higo. a .l..wn lo.ih. ^ rule, and tanrrrios w^ould be tnuhij.licd ti.^ u,l; 20 2 ;dj BT,' SU.-^AN LATTON. $150 BE WAttD. light hair and light wjii.ker. and ha. been .hot in the- | intPri-r. ivi ‘iMi fla •] (t) V*e froir Moutg)inery c mnty. ihe ' n ^ . i ’ * I H *‘ihx.u- 33 c >p{ter coiur, t*bLMK lliaeSa!J'l tu tallovr are not the only pr . :iit ' .»t .5 feet H inches biifh. aud liid mi :: heavy heard; h.' i( ! rilauohtered animals which .-hould l>f hii'bjitii.id w II ko ).9ti in the b wor pan of \loore and the upper j The horns and the borics are toa \;i't;;i K t . :-u pnr: of Hirneii; lin.i vfit-1 i i!ieri> own, d by the Caojp- J iit’j;Iected. 'i'itere iiiav be no rn;i!,uf.i -f of " - Toe .od He .o’ *>■ oh,.rged w:ih a | combs, buttcutU ry, &o., at pie.>-iif in tl.o (’o.'ifederate fc .ites toconsutn* these, t»ut it i> ri>>t 17 6w P.er.ry Lilly, II. L. Myri.ver, T Hawley. Nathan A. St«dm%n. C R. Maileti. Janii’“ Kyle. \. McKcthan. J D f.illiniji, S. W, TillinijKast. W. N. Tillintrhast, J. M infidale. Wni. NlcLaiirin, T. S. Luiterloh, A W. Steel. J. il C»ok. tlr>n J. O Shepherd, R F Brown. i RF\ TCIF Itl.Ol'KAOF. j'» i V PIK' K?' L5l'i*!k hij4 V\ iiwt’ ^ Ll UU * P'*'* CKOO XNS: F.rHiUnj W McfXTVHK ?*liirch )t». 1 tf «a7.t7 «a LT !!' SACKS 'or anle by vO I bells of 11 iru.'lt 1 capital ■ ffence, ^nd 1 have r.-ason to believe iie will be I carried n.-yoii i the limits of tlu- State. 1 wi I pay ?ll)t,l for the i.- i»ery ot ihe Vj.iy Henry an.l t $->0 for the btid HartleV delivered to me or al the Jail , IU 'arth.igc 1 wish all persanri 10 he ou the look.jut fi»r theui, air ; iliiy are notoriouH chMractcrs. K II. WORTHY. 8heritr. April 13 21-3i .^apoiia Hiver («riiid!s(oiie«i. k Fl tU an v‘ip*uieQce of eig'^it months lu Giiulstoue' rV III viiuf>'*'ur'nfr 1 im prep I red to give ‘■ati.^factioD .in 10 ^nt. aii.l qoick ai«patob to all ordeici. froiu '2 uches up to six teet id diameter Al! orders will be ilirecied lo Fiyeiieville. in care of the l^aporia Iron Co We will give tiif* l.ittbtKt wngPb to tbrre good 3tone Cutters W.M R. FARRAR & CO. Apr;’ 15. 18f>3 2(* t>tpd lieo 22 ROR! RT MlTi'llPLL. 88 It E. Hall. / hn Collias and C. C. McCrutnmen. Travpliflg Ag»nui lierf“The Company lavite applwations. Mav 28. ISii' -1- ■ IN foii-'p.pipnco of a ne.'e.-^s-iry Jiuppajjc o*' the Rork- 1 fish F lOt >ry for sev r-il weeks t-> come, fo^" the pur pose of repa.r.*, tne company wil! hav,- noShePiinif* f r »*1p lill fu»^hpr noticn C T HAfi*!! Pre^'t H^ole Ijcattivi* waut«ML 'ined SOL •Apply to FayptttfViiie. April 11. W\A LR8. of iii-avy wi-il iiinned SOLE LK.ATHER, -w v/UU suitable ii.r H.*liin(r Ml’HPHY. 21 Ilf ^A i/r. '"U.SD .^/tii for sal*; 00 '■ ii-'i|iorriPi.t by ' G " . " li-Ll iM.s & I'O ■V.r 20 If \\ A.\TFI>. 9 "illA Rt'-'I'EUs WiihVi, I..^>d C'tRS. *• u hHVii.j; ihp 4b.>ve Hrlictes to sell wiP fei'oi'Jft . e»i t’B«ii pri^e by c:il ii.^ on Mr M Th'V.ias.in '*■ ■t'' Meicbtiit .M'il.'. F.y it 'V l;e. or Mie ■•ub'.'ji 1' ;iM (,I 1 diaiiJ oil .M.titet .''qi: ire ALLX. Ji.*nN.-'ON. Jr. 1802. Dollars Krward. '^PlilR'lY l)‘Li..\R'' r. «-IIJ wilt tip , H . t .r I'lp ap- I p^ eiit null'll ao'l J divry at ihe I'anip oi I isirurtioii '.I Kal la0. or to Ihi-« R.'it mem. of each i■' • t->lli.winB n iiMp.i • d,serier-(” fr .m c oi.ptmy E f*tt- R» v. ^ T ; .lAMF-J .1 CAMEKON, Gum -w imp. II rn acouutj. IHO‘l\' n V.N \ l.L, np-.r Johi.'^onvtlle, •• ^^tLLIVM J .SANUY. KuCkfi-h Cumh-rl. ^>d ”0. J K. MUHt'iJH IN. C+pt Co E. 8ib N *' Tro'.f; 1'arr.p •'\i. I l.il.inil. ,S I . \l«r.'b XI il 'K e Uoiiai’K Aii'tiarti. T) \ N A W \ f • in the “liV--' .■ ‘'fr. his n.'^r.i f-oy MO- ■ e ■ *’l V'Hrs oi ■k*"'. ab"^it h f-ei l'» inchps 'I'’ .• vcr_, 'nnoh 'uioe.l o.i' ii tne L -in*11 »\i.en ,-p..kfii . U.. was seen al - in K "beson com ,■ ii ibe 2!«.i nil . 11 K.*, I'tifviile at.oill I fir. e we'-’-f ■ a>t' Th- I will bp iHid for hill Jrhvcry o nu- r foi ei.ieu' 11) any jnil » i thHi i ji"- ti'in W L>. JOil.NxiN e. lie S. >'... .A'le. 14. 18H2. -»J:f S.io KFWAKII. \NA\V.AY tr.'iii the ->iib.-crii'er in I’atri.*!: Cuinty. i t V t , on the iiinht of ihe 2'.*ih of ilii- nionth. mv b y ‘ .11 .t Sa'd boy is Hb..iii 20 J eal S obi. .. b .11* fi e te I 8 ( lo ItJ iiiche.-i biKh. yellow cjmpb xion, v.iih rattier ^ iroo.l face, ba.* rather a coarse voice, ha.l on wheii he !et> •! brown Irof'k coal, and bl^rk cnp 1 nurcn -f 1 i him in bi'*' niond a ~h.ir; nii.p ago. Up w^is rai^.p '. in j F yefievilU-, N .and will pnihably a'ter/ipf to lo 'e hi-* w.. there 1 w.ll pay ll.a a^ove rew^rl >r j THE .\OKTH C',4ltOI>l.\.l lIlTliit LIFE I.NSlillA’iCK (OiiPAM, N’O.V in the tenth year of suC'^P'-'fn! operation, with (growing capit^ii ani Sr:ner hold upon pu’jUo oon- fi '.eiice. eontinu.-s lo insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 lu »;o yea 3 of ace. for one year, for spvan years, att 1 forhfe- ail life tnenibers sharing in the p'ofits. .\ll *l-ivP3 fr.jin 10 to Ol) yeirs ot aj^e are •n->urod for one year or for five ye-irs for two thir.li their value All losses ar» punctuiilly paid wiih'n 90 dayt after ; 17 iv.pl i !,aiisfj*ciory proof is pre-ented. i — 1 For further informntion the pubJ' - lu referred to ‘ .Agenis of the Company in all parts c fbe -State, and to | R U. BATTLE. Secretary. Rnleigh E. J. H ALE. A(teoi at . Jan y 1S59. Fayeti-villa. N. C. ! Marrn 22. ALL |»erMOii«t ■-•lainio a(tain-i the I iie IL'Oiiir Me di- ian. will } ii'vrut ihffu lo the ».ib..criber ia due inne or thiii notie.- will bt- pUade.l in bar of their recovery Persons iu lebted to ihe laid H Mo.Millciii are r^queiied lo make itnineli*te t.ivrtieni M. MOitRlSON. Eh r April 8 18X1 Palma Reann. I North Carolina Factorj (roodi^ Wautedi 1 lI’.ANrEl! to purchase North Carolina FACT()RY ; IT Gi«*D.'^. Sheeuuxs. .S.oi lir.jf'., t Ki|jniu;{.». .S-ipe-j. Plaids and i oiiou Varus, (for retail ir.il.- of J. hfiHlc.ii j County.; Payruvut ni.ide in oottoii deluer.’d on ina N C. K K., it preferred l.i n\o-ey .Maiiuiac-iurerii fho. wish to pi .'C iro eoUon woul.l .U- well to oie at diut'b&eLd. Johnsi.iQ Co . N C W U .aVERA, t*mitbtiet-l, N C March 4. l8o3. N B I have c.-ntra.,’trd lo .Ipiiver a loi .>f Bac.m \ti — i Plieville I'or r.Mlon Yarns Those who »i-Jh cao ^e. > a IfJiiied suj ply for 2-^ per cent on o.iat, by dpliverinjr ^pHE 8uh#erib«r will pay the hi^h-st casn pnoks for | ■“ "*> I'’"'*- I'ohacoo in «torp I iny quantity of Palina Cbrisii Re^ns. ‘ “ ‘ ^ ‘ for -ale f'*r rash or produce 9*3iripd CAPT. KFPORT i)\ THE UKFP PlVl'R >ll\Eini KKI.IOX. *"pHE -.inder-iti.ied have caused to be publiihed froi:. 1 the Coii^rv'*«'iional plaies. .in eJifioii of the Rop.irt . , . u I iiifCiiut Wil'-ps P S. Navy, ind his .\s-ocifttPS on the his rtrt»**nen'.i .b and (leiivo'-y. or conU.ieineut w here 1 if .i_ Vo,., . . ' •' ■ Board app.>iiit.‘d by the Secieiar^ of th»* Nav\ to ox Htnine the Deep River llegion of North Carolina. This is the most imporiaiit aiid s.'^iontific stun’niOBt of the WORT II. Payptievinp O-t h tf WA.\TKi^ VNK NOTES of Xorta Cirol.ni, Souih Carclina, ireini* tnd •1,'Orgia Also, North Carolina ■»ix pe.* cent. Fundable Notes AUo. North Carolina six per cent B n 1^. new i.sHue W K RI 'il AKDSoN .t I 0 , lirokers. R i.leii’h. N C March y. ^ A lOFAG n\^, FIJLLY eouij.Fter.t. desires a situation «.» -t Ol^rft. or would tie willing to take oSnr,{e cf a good School in n healthy locality. Tne best of refprenoes given .Ad- dreBs aLPH.A. (^.irtDaj^e. N. C April 1. 1863 ITM-p.l DA> 11 f. OIL ANM) LAMP BLACK. \N! ARUY UAR.\F!l»»>i. i. p ir .. | tn roan-jt^actur" all kinds oi V. a^oti ir Army use 1 tan my leather ani c»n ■t h ir^ iiiis .W'Ills wil .lo w ll iij -^eti.l ;hen .or It itiej ...iiiill l.ave pr.mipi .iiiuiiiion. aiiJ ftan ;"t'i him V!y I'os! rffire i- P'lin’M :Jiorp, r'atrick e iumv V>) J p t'Rirz. \l>.,ich ;||, 18C.3. i8h.p l \SM \Ll. bai'>kin purse, bptwesn Liberty P’ inl ■tr.i ^ Ihrt half w>iy tiii>l;;:>. coiilaiiliri^ 1 -^roi 1 k.’y. W'lh 'V ilk.'ii.;'. II 11, 1 ifiM il... Vf toil: II -■onie r. C"' ’.>1 ■* vnd tpii or Iwi-lv.-- .lollirs iu ca-h Tne ri . l.»r sriv h i.ve the purse ai d the ni.jn *y if they will Ip.ive iba oloer ihin/-' at I'.i^ 'tiicp. Fph'y 4 1 SfiXi t g ,e:»t v»'.*a;tli of that sectioii of liie Klalc, aad the Maps I the Hi.js' perfect and raluable. of any yet pub!’.'^he l j The .Maj;s are worth the price of the work, which is .50 I i-enls, neaiiy boun.l in cloth. Coj.ies .^oui by mail. fri‘e ol poslaaP, «.u the receipt of oU ceuis. ’iberal dis- fjui't to wioieMiiU' tiuyrrs tiiders s.jlicitf 1. J.„ y i: J. H.XLE .V .Si‘NS rpAN'NERS I La Ml aai LCBRICATING OIL UL VCR in b irreU. For ►ale by JOS R RLO.-^S'IM i CO . Wiliuiiii!ton N r r, tf J.Jii N i.ii[■ ttij C > . . ' .Ion. t’i. I.sil2 t CAiil't R ■H.|| f A1 leiiIIUt ra11»ia o( n e. 0.H '0 f*(ini Arabic lot* »al(‘ by J. R LEt ir>. liw.f ^^roeeries: iMroceriesil l-ARtiK and w.-ll Meleoie I .Sioot of FlMlLY -'••vij- f>u h.m I. Consisting of ios. .Mess I’-iik. 'Iiillci'i. .^I:l(•ker aii-l J, Suix.it!- of ai i.T,i iv;s. Tobaitcii, (,i:rur.'. t! r'l - ..-.u-iily k.'p. .11 It Gro . rpHE L NDKR'luN KL). t-.oi.i n.ivi u; enierp.l the rail, J_ (ar\ ...»rviee tit tne Conle-i *r*;*.* Siai.*.* *.t .Vtneiica. i;. rehy’givo rt'iiir.p lo llieir old ■'isiouier^- ati'l frietid-, • m.ii u.. V i, IV.* ;it.Li.iint,-d -l.iliu i* .s. irr an i J-ilin P 'pUK -:usscnbe,- h-.v^r/ r,.,:il,fi .ll ,1S .wr..-ri. .r, , .-i/form.^- lo .:o.leC -ither 1 nil* K-f .itft uf I.is Siifi iy, -I--! I n**rft»v fM f ’ to uU j ersoTH hawiiitf c) lifii'* hii*! i sent them to Wm. M L MciK.y witi.in 11. * i itne pi e- j getieraily durinK scrib'd by law, or this uoiiiie will f.p pie .dei. :ij b.ir ol - ... ibpir rcc-ivery. (\VTI1.\HINF .•>L' .''il)Y. \>I'ti’x., Aiijf. 4. 18(!2. 1 • ' W«‘f.ti*rn Uaili’Oiui Oflice, \ F.;y«;f(.vi':ie. N r , .s. pi. :_7, is.|J. > i i. ii|‘ -eo! inin-ea-i:'r hi* il s» ■ k of ihi- ' I'^rrij .'IS, to en ifib' it !■'• p.vt. Tid '.he Bo-i.i fr the f'osl FieM- to 'ne Niiiib t'aroli'ia !,.»ad. il.e. toH>'W:n^ I -ent 1. iii -n ii.»vp b-. eii H^'p ni'ied C iiiiuii-sii.fst r-' " re- 1 ceive -lib..'rib r^ ill 'b.“ir m‘V. .-jlI pel RFU ARB». QAN.VWaY fr-in the '-ub.-;criber. on lasi -S.iiur l:*y J negro .M lU, \RNOLlb aife.i 20 . r 2-» , vi-ars iii.rk -iopper o^lor. r*. .un'H s ze. about > feU 7 i >r 10 in "^lies bi^n. ioroit-rl^ ih.* pri.ppriy of D. L. I'er- !tin». Of B ick siingo. .•. C., bought by iii« at Salisbury, « C ..,11 1'' Jttii.i iry I'*'*- 1 Hui inclined 10 think said .ov wii; fc-id.;.vor to g.'f to the V ir.lt.ie-. having bppu riii-e). 1 think -.ouie'.'^i'fi-e in Eisiern N .rib C.arolitia, n.-ri ar>-> ••r tbf'p.>id Pei kin-. 1 think, was ■ i . ! (ornenvir^iuE'.-ternN r.b« n lina Sai.« b.y worked, I nblmtr tlunn to convevt into fnon^'V wtiat. w.tho.jf : -ir T 'frired . pin 1-a-t ,vo>t:. . A;i..:J A i'o'iiey. | his ssiiist.-ncf, would b.' lo«t. • K H i,-i\- o. N I • lit i:i«e ti.'.' ih ve rew .rd for his ' Fiiiallv. **vcrv tV.. of wr'i’jh' or c)9t niii.ao i ll. ' ...at 1 i.»*i l.iiii ^ . ir 'n and *;'-l Vo-.is." ^h' ^Id ^e prc'f’rvt'd. :nd .vh- u y. Sf Mm. t'.L 1(,K. 1 ^ ^ ^^ ll-; J aof'iiloul.itf'd. dI -y osctl t f too soon to sav^ them. We iiia^ any woeK r.o.ir and it is high time we should h ar—>l mch Works being u~lablished, and when ihi-y ari-, tlioir products will be cheaper the better tho supply f raw material tlic maiiutaclurijr.s find acecs'ible to commcnce on. We are ^o destitute of cliemical worL'! thjit it seems hardly worth while to su^^j'cst the s.iviiijj of blood—the principal material lor the manutiii-- ture uf Prussian bhi.—which from its pttrisliable character, besides, can hardly be utilized except in citifes, wltero it can be convejctl imm. diately to the matiul’actory. There may be some method of preserving it for tj ansportation, iiut no chemi>t, that we know oi, h:;.- ma.le any hu^gesrion.s o:i this riubjfct There are otiier bub t.iuce.-, how ever, which are eniploy*d in the fuanulai tiire ot J’russian blu?.'=; every kind of animul inatrr al i:. deed is used for this p'.rpoee — stu h u> >11 b'a her, wooJf^n, hair. A:e -j'-t S!i.'*h thing-; be thr. wn Hsi-le into some s*ug corner; the^ may be called for. /‘hosphoius too, we omitted to reu^aik, i9 mad(' from tion's, and such as are not buitable f^r milking ImttoiH and knife handles can ue used for this |'uipoi-»- The h*-jfs, P^Tsps i.f htdo i.ud tendonous p.;r‘s U’ «lau^hlf"rod-iniin.; rj are ot grL-at imporfoncc Knough of ihe^e are eonstantiy waited to for;,i«h all the glue necessary for any purpose short of reeonstrtiotin^ the I'nion The leathers tf all f(/vr!i should bo eaved. Hen’s feathers are nof no vsluabJe, it is true, ».s those of seejie, but tii-ij a e too good to thruw away, and those, if not empl'ijed lor filliti;: bcU and pillows, c 'irld b. qui.ted into comf..rts to supply at home the r lace of tho blankets sent to our brave boys in the lieid. Cotton anti Itnen tags, waste cotton, oi l bnj;- eing and rope, aaro been wasted to ttie umonnt of quite a milliou dollars a year in the 'onlc.li*ra't> .States. With the pr»’sent hioh price of paper, there can be no prete nce that they are not worth saving. FiVttr-.’ country trader should ofter a fair cquiva'ent tortl.*'in :.'>d aci’umulHtt* the sivli of his neighborhood, i > be disposed of jt the tiear- est paper null, not a- a spftCuLfion—that pas.^ion for specuhitiotf. aud couteinpt fi r whafever dues n"t yield a lare*- prof' , i*. whar kills all u^etul en- terpris**-> 'nor**—but tr> oblige hi-* ciisff.nu re by oti \ l.ARf *1 ('..ill i-artMn -\o.- Adiiiiiiiiiitrator’isi Aotice. • m.ii i|. ! Will..,., i sepi.raiely .ir c'i.>iij,.iiii ly all aioli.-vs .I'.ie lliuin rilb.-r hy " .111.1 or b Ur, Hii.i o!t . rwi.-i?: to attend i.i ibeir bu tl.eir abspi.Crt Thoy reqipci i!!y ask all (..ersous in.l.-bie.l t.-. them i.j call .is prompt- t'* p.-bsinie ..n ti'fir ni^eiit - ■■,.1-1 K, .ke p iviiieui. ■ i;( .■? H A \1-). Sep! Pb 18t»l ' l.lult — i. J i 11’.lirbi >nwhv ani G W'luhio/; ,\h..ve ih"* ti .lit’—.1 ..o lliiiijh W |iix..ii n. Rr>>.' e!/ht^ "O'lH.o.i-, ViZ; (I »ri IS (ir ifi*0.-iTe I I) ,1 I-.; ti. -(snie« K Kivps 'iro? Ill L W t}o-r01 and N R 1...W i; , i;.".* w,i il 7S oi bi-ipk fill i : Wr*it>b', !h' (! -j ■” y .• 'poori’r, cf Ail-' ». ' iu I’ .aijinny .-'id ir.-fcS. N' TW . 0‘h. !r» -s, ll !■ sviP. , Aii'.'’n. F-i • .S li ) J .Sti ^ppnci-i', .^r I iic \ r .S li ? -s Cf- N- C Ni.rlti C-;roM.'i« Hi I VV L \ N "riy b • Sj'ba'or's ad- ' UA! '.R1S .•’.*1 f j o.-H —0 W f>oIds»nii I M -Alston. 1 Wive Ore H ill 1 Pa.-p, j V, Foil t"' M N —I*’" H '1 Foil!" .Il l D' J U li' iv.'s. i ,\i Frinklin-viile I vi^'iawv—Is'i-n; Ii F.iu-t md A Dsn'l ilsctNijoy. A R VI i-h •».!.! J:,ji ^T^'lE «ubsrrib->i-having at liecp.nber IVr ii. 18i‘i‘j. .-.f^ I the '’''iir.ty '’ourt of ('unib. rUo l. .j : .t'fi.- l as '1 ■' ‘ . \i' 1! 't' I . i 1! '•'O K.I,. VtUflua^toa, A^iu 2, itfbi. ii,)r.is'ral'■>r nc'n Ihp R^mte of "'^.-il' t) ri .'iti s«ll per II- li'iviiijr ot .iin« ..^r.iom I,-*' ''*■ (i,^3enl 'Iwoi Wimin th.. 'iin.. lio.il • I ^'V I:|W. Oiheriv lill-. II ■ »I 1 lie pb'.1 'I 111 fiH' of re^' .'Verv. t' ' arc refja'Sted lo uiak.* primpi p.v.m.x.i ^ lor i 1 ;^|e• iO» t 1 Hunk *» II! c! i isiliiPi ia tvS v„ Lo.oo:) — M,'! * - A y.ike of i ir^je. we.l bi Vpp y to D \ s ) •. .t i;o , S Horn^-1’. Al Vn IP horo'—,lonHih*n Worth tilld U F n io\pr. N 'W N'-trkPl—*• s ■' W ,lk*.r .•id fill V.-wlin »■ T*-.o- > V M.'— V tl F.i'-vr ■»t| ; t.i ■> u ; .1. -. ,1 • fl , r • ir t> ■! t' ' ! ■ . V . ^ I : • .;..■■. r.rij. A - .!e F'- 1'' !“-j :•'.•■! i; ■ L V i' I.' - ■ t). \- ll >• 0 .' I’ M. y !.•: t. , i’ ,-i -r A.i I'l'j n'11 J V 1 [> ■ ,11 . .1. II l.ir t-.y In -1 rii.-l ..ii|.« Wit fi.- -.-Ill I'"' ' ' e I'oin ',i“s ners at aB KKW.iiiU. ['V1!,L V'l- t'.i-' -ibnv. *-e» 11.1 tor Iht* »j.prp'-.f ■in.I ■• I. fi".tf':.'.-!it in j 11 of P!V t-ov U J-’SLK''; ■o’’ -VIden.’:;- sui'Uc ant to o-nvic^ at'V p.ToO: of • ■"’■'“K .ir i! >r"" iliug s .id boy; or fl-' t'l an.v r ^ -till 'liin. id boy i* titl'-i s*.; to ■•y' ^ '..lu ll-'- O' Ri t len an l I'o imib i-* .**’* ' ''' «“ py r- u ■ . . 1.. . ; . I. i iri- r;.i 1‘pr coIor, 'p- .V LHJ ■•t lu inch*. , e irH ..f .)S"‘ gr^ APin. ELI.K'K. i rr • - i I ?a,i I ... , , 1. ft ^uinctenr quiiistu^ lir.-i ace Ulli. ’81) ll' 1 "* L.' IIU.» • 1 - i . • 1 1 ■ If is but lair. I' vff. . r, t> ^honi l be willinj.'’ to pav a i> ■ 'infrafiriL' price foi' ib.*iii, Whrn ‘■'.'‘r.'.n ip'tt *•* ; f.'t-.l i..i m t city biPt suinm r. w;>'‘y h-ts-kf,, pcr.^ clleete.i lots . f .. d.iz.-n .’.r ' P'-!iids of what had be.-o l\iu^ aliout [Tivi.t r;nt on harnin;: tli-it inly ^ or hilt a C' nt ■ pound would b; piid f.>r ,7. fh*-y took 11" f'lrtI.... 'tcp- in t he matter. I ] un. drcds ot poan s i;iio'’il have heen obtaini 1 if those who advtftis.'d f r it Roul i iiave puid the cxpcnso of picking it up and dt ajai;c to the whart. These are a few iu nis which it has oceiirrcd to us to brin;; to 'be fiotic t of OUT rf'ldt T-, to 'vh UIJ no doii*‘t •itli-'f.'- will -• St tht•Ill^c I s w'-'• jr ..(Irti.ilod to. -.voul.; ^iVr H illr.-i-' .'-■a.i: i lll’.MlV CL'I,Lilt K. Jr. •VI • • ; ]:{ 1 ! ^3.ri p iTiy ijv Hi.b UI ■'! 'h ■ t •.ii.p..ny. J. M. dwov w. c;«K Leruv. i.' P b copies ol ttii* lions of dollars to tbi they soil’d H-r'« of t-n(;ortaiiL ar..clos o tintry. be-id- - .■ri-lir *'|f. pi sirnp i'» ! ! '• :t' i■ — .1 i prs-iired Ij UJU to. ^ ' " ,7, r ~r ■ ^ ' 77 ;• * 6 ^ for isu«ki al Uiid U«ucu.