VOL XII.1 FAYHTTHVIIJ.K, N. C.. WRW. *27, I^H3. CKINTKI* MONDAYS WD TIIUHSKWS KI)\VAH!> J. HALE SOXS. I'l iPORS \Nl> J*K:;PrxIKTOKS ,■ : '. ,!• ^?ciiii-\Vpf‘kly OiisKKVEK .■;! I 00 if j*tii'l in , ' nii.-i- »4 ■>() ii tluriti^ th«* vt*!\r of ^(ibsorip- : — j alter fho V «*nr hH« ♦>T]iirp.! r Ucp-ily On-ii-tn i ■' I'M) i„>|- iiiiiiiiii. if p'li-t in , iT 4i. r; ; j ni.l iliiriiij; I lie vi'.ir i)t milworip- t >1 ('■) ;ifi*M- 111,' y^ar h:m t'X[>i»vil. >*■ \ 1j\ l.P'riSKMF,NT8 in>»t'rtO'l for per « ,'isrt* j'' u-'- tor thi- iinil ')0 cpnm lor t'Aoh sue ■lt •.''!'>li(';iiii>Ti A>lv»r( i-joinont* not exr«oil;nK a ja;ir‘ lini‘x: ;o ;vni!» I'or t>i«‘ first anil J^O oentM “:i h pnhlii'ation. Ailrrrtipprs nro re- to «tate ilio Tuimher of iu-xTtions desireil. or . will be contiiiueil till forbid, an>l charjje'J acconl- \ ivertis,'ni, nt' n -pmPIl' - ‘■■'minued inmde. cliJirjjed as new ad ' NOTK'K. *, n.i tiarno of a uew snbdcrif>ri .\y!!i(Mit ill ndvanoe, n:>'- \rill subscribci:er a l()iiger time r . ■ • c '’^•nt ii.- Midi !- ('“lid tor. , ii .ifo ;r uld >ubviTibfr! as* do*irj to lake tlic pa- !. hi-:->ystoiu will pleasf tioiifV u> when inakiui; ■ Jan’y 1, l^oS Attorney at Law, Kayettevili.k, N 0. \ L fi; end the ('ounty and 8uperii-r (Vjurts of ) I uOibfilMiid, Harnett, Moore and Uobeson ('oun- l‘r n;pt attention given to the 'olleetion of all i-ntru-ted to hii hand^j 17. 1^;'>''. ■>S-ii r,VA). W. WILLIAMS & CO.. Wholesale Healfi'w in liirocerie**. ANl! |\U*OKTEHS AN1> DEALERS IN hiirilHare and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &e., HAY STRKKT, FAYKTTKVILLK, >. I’. •J. istjl. . .X. W. p. K.EN’DALL. J. S. KENDALL iOX, KEliDALL CO., loiuiiiissioii illerehaiits AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 A 1*2 North Water St.. Wiliuiu^ton. >. t'. ’■ ItTS from the ConDtry promptly exw'uted. P-irticn’.ar attention (riven to the pale of Poiton . 'er produce. . l"'.l. 10-tf J 0«. I T LE V, (.roftr anil VointniMsioii .fiit'chatti, TAYm'KVlLLK. N. C. .•. V ; I**'.:' 93-tf T. V. X B. ii. WORTH, (omn\UM'oii and l"orwardiu^ )lerohaiits WILMINGTON, N. C. ■Kr. V 'J . 1 8 41 f A' ( \\KU! FEW LADIEI^ can be accommodated with board at tc '••minary. T. C. ?ept 1 HOOFEK. 50- JllllVSON, WILLI VMS & CO.. N.ii.T n.\KE:R«>. LOOK AT TRIS! Tll!i F,iiKTTI?HLL!> liiJTIJL. , Fronting 3(H) feel and in (he business portion of (he Town, ‘oiilaieiM iiiort* ^pac ioiiM aitd uell, ^eiililaltMl Kooiiiw lliaii any Hotel ill llu‘ Hiul iny l‘ritrtiiis t>:iy iny (_’oiuliiii**nts ;iro v ry ircn.l for tht' times. T. WAIIIHi.L ProiMlfJor. May 20, ISiil!. -7y U t^MTKKrV KAIL KO \H. 11IIK Trains of this Hoad leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) .»t 8 o’'lock. .\. M., atxl re- tiiriiinir leave Mclver’sal 1 o'clocK. P M. Frfxglii Train M()ND.\Y, WEDNESlJ.VV and FIIIUA V. By order of the President. JXO. M. KOSK. Trt-as’r and Act’g Truns. Ag't. J iM. L‘-j. l^ti:; OTtf liolico to IN ci>uemince of I he hi^h price of e'ery t’ling use.j by this OoinpHny, the Itirei'tors have adv iucfd thi' raie> of freizht generally ationt one hundred prr eeui Kaie^j will be fiirni>ihed .ts soon aM printed JNO M, PvOSK, Treas'r and Transportation Ag't \V K. K. (Jo -Mar.-h IS, 1 St’>3 12lf I'roiii aii«l atl4‘i* dat.* (►.e Stea'i'-'r A P. IlL'HT will leave at H nVloek. A M . on Mond vv and Thuri-ilay .MKS WOK TH, April ti — 17tf I (' r. Steam P.o-n (.’o. To C'oltoii PlaiiltTM. IM \ \ K I.ten appoinip I Ky tht' Secretary .f iheTrea uury. Chief Agent tor the piircbA.'Je of (Joiton for the ('onfederatf Uoveriuiient wiihin the Stale of North ('aro- liuH. aii.i will pay for the .^niiie in 7 per cpnt. IJond"* or • ’ar^h Siiti AtPiii? visiting t!it' i!;fe'-*Mi! par'": I'.f the .•'ta'e. I'uyini in my name, wiil have writt-n (’oriilicateo of appoiiiiiiipnt Uy order of iLe Serretary of ii.o I'rt a-'ury . :*U Coilon puri-h'i-if 1 by mys.'if or ni_\ i^eiiir', oti an.J after the ISih 'lay of March lSt>.‘?, will be paid tor in 7 pi-r cent Bond-J iv t'a-h, and not 8 per cent Bonds a.^ si.ited in a former iidveriiseni. nt l.^p to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bou i- will he furnished as stated. Patriortc citizens are now oflered an opportunity to aid the Government by seliitig t* il their Cotton rather than to private cupiialinis I.KWIS S WILLIAMS Charlot,te, March 21. I8f.;j. [’, n ] 14tf Coal .TIiiie. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North ('arolin t, ap- pointel .Managers of the Kg}]>t Cn;il Mine properly, and have entt*r. d into oop'irtn**rship for the pui po.«e I'f mining and selliug Coal, and solicit order.-for the xaiiie in any desired ipiintiiy Orders for any amount can be supplied on wiiort notice. Tlie Coal from thi-* pro perty is undoubtedly the liest in the ('onfederate States AppLicalion.s may be made to Chas B Malletl. Fayette ville, N C , or .lame.ii Browne, Charleston. S t' cn MILKS B MALLETT JAMKS BPoWNK Fiiyetteville, Jan'y 20, ‘.tlJtf roK s ii.i:. “MOUNTAIN HOTEL” C, ^pniS large fstablishinent, situate in the town of Mor- 1 ganton. N C , is n iw olii-red for sale. Terms male known on application to M HAPPt>Ll)T, Morgnnt'in. N C. Jan. 19. 18ti3. '.»7-;Jmpd $100 REWARD. |)UNAWAV FROMTHESUBSCRIBKKON SUNDAY It Kie 2'ith ot January last. lay n>-eio boy nimed .\N IMONV. Hejs of a whiii"»i yellow complexinii, uhoiit 5 feel f' >i- ” inch.-ei high 18 or years old. and uup po-^ed to weigh about 140 pounds He has a heavy n Wilmiuiiton PartiHS wishing to supply with «alt can be furnished by applying to A in. Jr. Aitenr at Fayetteville, to K Page, at the worn-, or to .1 M WILLIAMS. Genera! Superintendent. *'iv«>iteville, Nov. 20. 18'*2 81 tf Rife and Tobacco on Consignment. J • \>KS of fresti beat Kice and loo Buses .Mnnu- I'f il’inred Tobnc-co, variou-^ (pi-alities. For sale by GKO W WILLIAMS & CO. h'iTi' ville, Sept. 21. 18ti2. ♦iHti .\OTIt’K. A' li tf. *'e absent from home a few months in \S(-t. Arcniba'd McLeai* is niy authorized Az-'i' ‘ t: mv l'Urti!ie'‘s '.jLiil I return. N 0. J(.»NES • _ . 1M'.0. A tliixi ,«latt* I will pay 8 ('entfc per pound for rags de li verf-i in h’avettev’.llH, or at my mill.s D MURPHY ;.s Florence and Faye((eville Kail Road. I'JNDEK the j^rovisions of an (Ordinance of the Coti I,' ven'.ioli ill Vorih C(irolin;i, Books will be ope led .It> the It'.th ,lune at ihe I.*!! >w;!ig places and under the di rectio\ oi the followititr piT“oiis, t(» receive sub.>!crip tio'is to the Capital St.-eU of the “Florence \ Frtyette ville Rail Uoad ('o Shm'esUi.e Hiuidri'd Dollar''eaeli At ihr Hml liii'iJ Ojhi'r’m Faytti'vilU liniler the >li let'lion of the llen>T.ii \ \ McKeihaii, D A. it I., A 'N .'ieei. Win McL Mi'Ka\’ and .Ino. M Ro>e .4/ thf AV/ Syrmgx—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Win. .1 Stewar;. Jns \. Simtli. Dan'l C Me Neill and Col. \lcx M.’Milliii, ,'r any 'iie of thetn. At Flor.il Ctillfi/i’. IJnder Ihe direeiioii of Dr Neill McNair. Dr. .\. D .Xrchib-.M Smith. Kdmnnd Lilly ind ('ol. .Mex inder Wii^on. or :inv one of them -•1/ Qufemdnte —Un.ler the liiteetioti of Murdock Mc Rae. 1). Mcl.eoil, D Nb'i'ulliiTn. Jas McRae, Jr . nid .) H MeQueen, or afty ,,ae of them. .4^ Al/ordnvilh. — I'nderthe direction of John Puroell. ■Ino. McNair, Sion \lford, Dugild McCallura and .Inn Mcf’allum. or any one of them. The Subscript ion Hook ■» will remain open for the space ot HO days. When a siitlicieiu sum is subscribed the (’ompany will be oritHiiizp I f.ir the purpo.'-e of build in(? the Ii>a 1 .\ \. McKETHAN D A RAY, .V W STEKL, WM Mol, MoKAT JNO .M HOSE. General ('immissioners F'lyetteville. .Inne ", :V2tf ' HY THK (iOVEKyOK OF \ORTH ( \KOLI>A. \ PKOt LAiliy%TIOI%. 11 KREit has become apparent to me ui. - i.. al! who are interested in Itte welfare of the Siai>-, :.nd . whfi have any leelin^t« ot huiiittiiiiy for suHeriiifr ann iig th(*tr fellow-men. Iroin ihe erl- ■ v»liicii r- acli o i. m , the j.oor in all .'■eetions !>i the lard, tliat Htarvriiioii will be the fate of in-ie.v of^oiir heretofore l ivoied peij ! *, i Iinle'-S the criirir i>/ spri in iht //rcr.^vfmf-v h'> I nan be arrested; and whereas, it i-- ni^ bound^u diit v '.o I I)ioieCt ihe eili'xeiir ol die Slale, ol wl.iel/ I nuve ii? j honor to be tin- ('!ii.-f .Majjisiraie, against ih* evils e.ii'.- I seiiuent upon liii--. criiiK-, to tie iiiiiiosi .d’toy ability Now. there.. II ZLIU l.O.N B V\N*’K. (iovtrn r j rf .Nor-th ('sroii'ia do, Iiy and willi ihe »dvie tiiul eon- seiii of Mp‘Couiu U .'I SiJile. is:-ue this 1’roei.nirtiion, I f.n i'id'img ,i!l peraons. fiir ihe space ol thirty days from j till- ii>jie htT,-Ilf. tr ni • sporting iitiy of the fi Powing ! an icle-i > ej on > ' t;e limits .,1 the S' • ie. to wit. «ny I Ba'-..u. Pork. I’.erf, (^oiu, M--.il. FI oir, Wiieat. I'ot’ : Sh'jes, Leather. llideH. Cotton Cloth, niud Yarn JOHN H. COOK; Auctioneer. lALIfAHI,B HAY STREET LOTS .\T Al t'TlON. 'ifliv next the 2.')ih insl., «r- shall seM ihe ON .S;ii !|f i VAI.L' ' lliSi L'.ABLK l.oT, oil ihe C'.itier ol' Hay «ireei and Itlxeh'iil're .'-*i|iiare. the site of the Pbiiiter’j Hotel On ihi- ioi is Mil ex.ellent tVP.ar. well draiiie l, and all ihe t'oiuulations and walls of exeeilent stone masonry The car i; i -u« Siat'h s with ainr-Ii- av'.'ommodati'ins for tiO H.ir-^ei. and La''^e Carriage House at»d a Dwelling II ''He fiT the Ostler, will be sold at same tiinr. We will take j^le.-isuie in showin? the property ai any I mie p'-ior !o the ->ile. STKDM.AN it HORNl. April 18. I St,;? 21 2t w>^i %\ ciiii.o AT AUCTION. I'-e-, ! /AN SXTCRDAV next the 25'h ins) , 1 shall sell at iiu I j ^ Auctioti, one Negro Woman 22 years of age and Woolen Cloth. ’ child 2 yt ;»rs olil, an exc.dlent field haiul, strictly honest. From tilts prohibition the I’ollowiiig persona are to be | * JOHN H COi'K, And r. exempted; .\11 (.Quartermasters and Couimis-'ary Agents I .Vpril 18 21-2t of tiie (’onfV'Jeratb Ci v rnment, an'l of uny Slate of ihe ' » #* Confederacy, exhibiting proper evidence of their oflicial ^li|>CI*i> HOI*'^€* at AllCIIOII. ohar-icter Alto, all Agents of a'ly (^)U^ty, District, , Saturday the 2r>th inst., I sh.ill sell it Aiiciioii, (t T >wn or (’orpor itioe. oi other Stut-.s. who shall exhibit ^ | aplenilid B\Y R().\N ST.ALLD^N, well built, 8'tliattictory proof of th. ir .Vgeiicy ior the purchase of j band.* high, of Mt*div and Sir Archy f^locV A ^mi- hle t’avalry Siock. Tliu Nt’W Sl)le. Small, (OLOIIED PHOT(MiUA?HS, \ T ART. Woo«lvranr« Molar t'ainera. l)H».>TOGRAPIIS can be had at V’anor«ilell’s .Skylight 1 Gallerj. ifay ■itreet. opposite Marble Yar'i. Fay etteville. N' : plain, retouched, colored, in wati i colovH, oil and pastile; from small f o life >»iie. Ambr >- tyj'es. .Mel.ineotypes, and all other stylos of Pictures pertain* g to tiie \rt .\lso, (*ilt Frarnos, Gill .Mould ing, U 4 tor very large pictures—as large as 2G by lit) inches, .’ori] aii'l Tassels for hanging pictures: Instrn- nicats. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanenth’ located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Faye'tteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Phot"graphist anil Proprietor. Deo’r 20, IboVt 77- ilarble Factory, O V ‘ r TWU OHORS ,\R«V!i C, T. H\IGH ii Favolt«*viile, 3>Kiv SONS' STORK 84- fav»:tti:vii^|-.k MITI AL LNSIRANCE COMPAM. Capit.ll in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on h.and in'l other assets. ;^2t»7.b88 2t> .‘i.077 35 ve thirty 80' pans now in opera'iuu nine miles h«ad of hair, and tnlks short when i^ues'ioui-1, und has 0!» Rocktish. Oot 2. lht;2 »^ A I.T. ^'jLNI* 8:;'- for s(tb. on consignment b|i 0 W. WlLblANKS A CO. 7'.» tf U A.\TEI>. 0 ^lUi BUSHELS WHKAl. •v/MjlJ 1,500 •• CORN ■ ms having the above articles to sell willieceive c St Cash price by calling on Mr. M ThOiiiasoti ■‘■ 'tie Mcrchani .Mills, F.iyetteville, or on 'he subscri- it hi» old Bfand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. a down lo: k. No 'loubt he is trying to pass for a free hoy. I will give the above reward for him delivered lo me at Pro-p ct Hill, Caswell County, or cnfined in uny jail s„ fgethkm. ■ F. L WARREN. Ciiswell Co.. March 2-j, 18*)‘^. '•> ■^mpl $*^IO Kt:\VARO. '■PHIRTY 1)01.LA R-: Hewani will he p+i'l for the ap- 1 prehen-ion and delivery at t.Ne (,'amp of Instruction, Raleigh, N C , of each ot tiie following n imrd Deserter.s from my Company. -Td N C. Rec't; If*. ./• Httfff, John ii i*rhltffon, ,1. If. iirotrn, i*f1tr ,/. t'rtt'foti, fiod .ianten f'. €Vr»’//#’; an I SI> ty DOLLVRS for Ihtvid i*OICflt. I have reason to believe th.at P.iwell is litrkine in ih* woods near Fay“lteviUe, and has been for the past ser en or eight months. He h'ls not be'-ii in the \V-n Hospital sinceJuly 12th, 181.2. when he was'lischargej and ..r lere'l to report to his Company H W. HORNE, Capt. ('om’dg C,o .'M N. Reg t. Near Port Royal, March 1.'?. 180:^. J J-tiw A’iiiely DoliarH Keuard. r^HlRTY DOLLARS reward will be pai l for the np- prehension an'i..lelivery at the Camp of Instruction at Ral>*igh, or to this Regiment, of each of the following named “deserfers” from company Fi, 8tli Reg’i N t' T : JAMES J. CAMERON, Gum >wamp, Hirneit county. THOMAS HAN ALL, near Johnsonville. “ WILLIAM J HANDY, Rocktish. Cumberla>id Co. J R. MUR^HISi'N, Capt. Co E. 8th N C. Trooj'S 1 ntes' I-lan l. S ’ . Mnrch IT l^ipl Total. f272,7'i.S 51 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never mnile mi i»-*«-aomoiit on their premium notes. Total losses paiil, t;c. Offickbs: GEO. McNEILL. President. D. A. RAY , Vice President. C. A. MoMILLAN, Sec’y. Dibkctohs; W’. N. Tillinghast. such rtrticle-i f«>r such County. District, Town or Corpo ration, for public Uips. or for distribution at C'>st and transport.-ition. ami not for resale or projii. Also, all persons whether resiilents or non residents of the Siftie- who tiiav |lur^•^ase any of said .articles for iheir private use. of wiiich. before ihe articles are reni"Vet, the’r oiith. tielore •! .lueiiee 'f the PoH-(>, niay b.- taken «- evidence Tho exception is lo exteu'l to Sail made by noii-resiil. nls on lae “-ea and in their own work*, ati'l to carKOfS eiiieiing n port of this .State from abroail .\iiy '.f said arlieles ih ii may t>‘? sioppe-l in tni/isitH from 0111- b'lnlers are to be i;oDti-caled in ihe ii-e i>t the .•«ia'e The t'ol ni-N ot Miliiia Ihroiinhoiii the Slat.- are enj 'iii -d ii> se*- ih'it iliin i'rocbiiiiaiitoi is enforce.1 1 i-^rnt‘ *ily app ■ tl t" al! good (;itii‘tis to «u"iain and ai'l in» in c-trr^iiii.'' oui trie nbjeo' 'his i’roolftnia’i'.n designed, as fit as pe--it>!«, tot-tf^ct In Will.I.wherfOt. Zsiiri..».v I! Va.m K, ■ HEAL Go^erni t. Captain (}»»oer-il and Commandfr- * —* ill-chief, fiath siijued ' pre^i-.'iiis and eaiH- eil the Great Senl "f 'be S'ate to be atBxed Done at our ^’ity if Raleizh. i'ii>= Pith l>»y of Apr’l, D . an t Hi tin veai Ir, tvpen t-*uc'- the 87rn. By the Governor; / I* VANCE. R H Battlk Jr, Priva; e Sec ,11 Kl’IStOPAL rOXVKMIt^N. To tht CUrgy ami Ijaity vj thf I'rotestant Fpitropti! Church in the Diorfse of Xorth Varolina: The Convention in this Diocese having appointed its next .Annual Meeting to take place, on She oecou'l Wednesday in May in St. Johi;’s Church, in the town , of Wilmington, and the absence of a greater part ot the families of that p! tee from iheir hon.es, m.aking it inexpedient for the Council to hold its session there, 1 have, by virtue of the authority committed to me by Canon 1. of this cliocese, changed the place and time t>! : meeting, and do hereby appoint that Ihe next Diooebao Counoil be held on Thursdvy. the fourteenth 1 ly of May, in St. John’s Church, in the Town of Fayetteville, i THOMAS ATK1N80N, Bishop of North Carolina. Kiiii fli4‘ RIoc'kado! \V. n A V 1 A T IRE Received anl oft’ers for sale: 2017 yards printed kluslin deLain; 1782 yards while and black Prints; I 1 ij8-l vards Eiiul'sh Long (’b'th; C50 lbs black Flax Thread, Nos 80, 35. 40, fiO, 00; 250 lha drah Flax Thread, Nos 30. 40, 50; 102 Ihs whi'e hrown Thread, Nos oO. 40, 50; 400 dozen white Spool Cotton; 100 doien Linei. Cambric H«n«ikerchiefs; ( ti dozen Eugenie Skirt-i; I 4 M Needles, Nos 1, 2, 3. 4, 5; 80 M Neetlles, assorted, from 5 to 10; 7 packs Pins. Eiif^lish full paper; , 12 boxes black Pins; 1*’)8 gross met»l Paul liutionb; I 3 dozen French Tooih Brushes; t) ilozt-n drah Nutria Hals; 10{) pairs Broitan Shoes; 1200 lbs Green t'opperas; 20 boxfs Extract of Logwood. April tj, IHti.'^. JOHN H I'OOK \pii! 18. 18*1M Auctf 21-21 .Star I'oiiiiilry. 1)L01:GI1S ail.i Ploujrh Points ami Heela of >itl »*»"- hers can he had at M A llakeCa Store in Fayette ville, opposite the old Wugou Var.t Castings of supe rior i|ii>iliiy ’a" >oiirsi l\es ' asiings of all kinds in-i le ai the shortest notice -in I for 1 .•■isonaMe charges M. A B\KER. Star Foundry, April 20, 1.8t’>8 21-lm 17 *)w RI A THi: RLO( KAUK t'i\ Black and White (J A LD'O- Qy 100 prs M«n s i;.ng. sewea um lu a NjJ; For sale by March 1*> t’APi: I S,AM, I \Vii,MI.NtrrtjN, \prll I;'), 1 sr.;', ( Di V11't; V i> .No. 1 o7 A.'^1..V1I-.\N.NCA(-. Itivideud 01 Of t-eiil. Iia-- it‘t fl declari-l by ihis P.nnk, p:ivabl>- .-^'ockhoiders oa l^t \J ,y . .1 ; i.i KR, '’asliier April lo, i8t.;-; ' 21-2w TO C'LERKN oV C OrRT?^. 1.N Senilirp us t'oiirt Vdver'is.'ments the t.'lerks will enclose ;^5. jf the mlverli-' :ire of the usual length. A lartr**'' sinount if i' r.ers are looger. ( J HALE SONS .April So, I8ti.i. TO THK i^l RLir. Dracohon’s c>t. be, N. C-, April ‘J. I8'i3. Messrs. E J. Hale & Sons: Mr. J A. Layton of Siiiipson county volunteer -d to Lieut Mosely, the “th of .‘-ebruary, to a Hea Ariillery l.'o npany, and was to rep rt to his (’ompany the I5th, but owing to an ac cident cause I hy an ox cart wheel he W js iin>louhtedly unable to report at the time tixed. Home person went lo the Company and told ibat .Mr. Luyion had de«eried an I was Iyii»ir out in Black River. 1 tleny -he accu«-i.- tion, and will pay tifiy dolUrtf lo any person that caa make goo'l proof who started Ihis lie. 20 Apd] SUSAN LAYTON. $150 HE WARD. Broke Jail Kt (>irtnage CD 12th inst., FRANCIS M. HARTLEY and a negro boy HENRY, the properly of Joiin Biker. Hartley la a conscript, about 30 years old, is a'.'oui 5 feet G inches high, has a .lown look, light hair, and light wiiiskers, and has been shot in the hack, and saiil to be iron* Montgomery ooiinty. The said iieury i-: nhoiii :>■> years of a^e, copper color, about 5 feet 8 inches h'.ph. and hud on a htavy beard; he is well known in the lower pin ot .Moore and the upper part of Harnett; and was t rnierly owntd by tlie t'aiiip- bells ot Harnett The said He;iiy w.i- charged wiih a capital offence, ami I have rea-; >u to believe ce will ba carried beyon i the limits of tlu- Stute. I wiil pay SI00 for the delivery -j: the boy Henry and $50 for the said H.irtley delivered rt> me or at the Jail la ('arthage. 1 wish all persons to be on the lookout f.T them, as thty are noterious characters. K. H. WOiilHY, Sherifl'. April lo ■_'l--^t ^iapoiia RiTi‘1* «riEftdNtoiie!^. AF. ER an experience of oiglit mont!i“ in Grindstone m niijfHOiurM.p. 1 am prepared to give IN TYRE !1 tf j^Ai.Ti «\i/r TIlADlNti WITH THE ENEMY Wliilo wt' hnvc Ji rivetl, in many »asts, sub staiitiiil ;iiil (rum the aiJvonturons spirits who liavr nui flit' blockaiic and l»vou"lit iiitii tin- lountry artii-le.s or|triiii.i iiffosity, yt't \vi‘ vt iy setion.‘ly donlif il‘Wf; have not ct>ni‘errol a ^rcat‘r tavor 011 the outsiile world hy ponnittiii^ tlu- >xji«>rfaliuii of fotfon anti turpoiitine. It is trui oiir army niiirht ha.vc suffrrcd for some thiiiirs, but it wntiltl have only mati-' our own peoph- morf .lili;:Ptit in bupplyin-; the pressing' wants 0! our .U femlrrs E%'ory vc.ssel that leaclies our .shores iiiipovi rir-ho i the country to tho extent oi lier inward eartro. I sold at price« toi I'xtr ivapint. to nu'iition, and hfi ; iiutward t*ari;'o (>1 our staples laiii in at eorre.'^pon- i dinijly low figures. It is said hy those who are j engaj'od in this liusiness, that a hloekade runner ! can I'lfford to give tliree ship loads ot goiuls to the I Yankees, if ho can get one ship load.'-afely to out ! ports, and he can .'.Iso give them thre? ship I'.ud'- j of cotton to get 'JIk ship load out. Arc not these tretucndous incei.t.ves to run the risk ot i-niidl ing our eucmie:. ;ind inipoverishing ourselves'' tJotton is our weaUh, our gold and nilver. and when it is permitted to be sent aWay ;it such u low price, and paid for in articles of oTctrnyag.iiiet at such high prices, we must cxpeet nothing el.^.. but poverty. , i 1 1 1 ' l)n the Atlanti'- ctiast running the blotk tde i- u fair niercantili' .'lansactinn. In the ^V« sr. how ever, wt* are inlonued on the very best authority th.'it a trade h:is 1; rn ;ind is tiow Iteing carried on I with New Orlean . which though not i*ountetianc- I ed hv all the penple, has yet been snrn tioncd by our (Joverntnent 'i'lie plan we speak iit is thi-^ A party «a\s to tin- lovernnifiit, “I will iinn*' ;i carijo ol gocils inti, thf ('tinlederiilf States Jr'iin New Orleans, it V',>u will let nu' carry a earii ol cotfrtn out ' ditferont parties, w*' have ’>i et. informed, li:ivo ^uch contracts with rl't- liovtri; ment, ami imu iiiuriy more may I'ttve thrni ii 1-- impossiVilc to s-.\ One of llif ti\c parties ii:is. imported enotiii'h j" >tls to allow tiie e.xport:ilti n of two thou.sanil hales oi cotton, which i> t .iw gointr forward to New Orleans in hmtnifi'. it is said, tor FranC'' or Kiigland The New OrleHn.rs I'^ra, ot the IHlii ult c.wilt ingly announffis the urrival from Missi'-.^ippi. in that city, by tra:isport:ition across ilielakc, oi tive hundred bales of tH)tton. “The owners,” it is stilted, “escaped the vigilance of the traitors, and brought their goi)ds to a ready market.’ How must the people feel when they know that (lovertimetit has sanctioned an act that eause.s our encniies to iuuko such remarks.'' 'I iiis trad'; may have helpeil us to army supplifs, giving warfn blankets, clothing, and shoes to our F-.oldiers, but does tliis compen.'v'tfe tor our loss of dignity and self respect? We think not, and thinking so, we hope the policy of ^lovernment will be changcd, and wherever liim-oln’s block;iJe is incfFcctive, let us tuakc it elfi uLive—especially against our enemies. Let us .seal up every port and permit nothing to go out to them. Wc;in live within ourselves by suVmiitting to some deprivation , and "we should do so. If we ctinnot stifK;r lor our libi rties, we do notdt'serve them. The piivatiori's thus incurred wiil reach a class who have, like Job’s war horse, ‘•snuffed the battle afar off. huf we doubt not they will meet the emorgcsicy in gnod spirit, and holil tip the arms ot (lovcrnment by yielding a williiig obedience to all that seetiis tor the best.— i nRtjinbhi an. as to Krit and (iiiick All >1 Ulll orders will be Henry Lilly, H. I. Myrover, i^. T. Hawley. Nathan A. Stedman, (’ B. Malletl. ,lame>' Kyle. \. A. McKeihan. .1. D. T'iriiaiiis, S W. Tillinghast hn ('ollins and C. g^T'The Company invite applications Mav 28. 18ti!, S. J. riinsdale, Wm. .McLaiirin, T. S. Lutterloh. A. W. Sit*el. J. 0. ('**ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd. R F. Brown, ) A. E. Hall, j McCruinmen, Traveling Agents .“1 - S.\CKS tor sale bv Dec.. 22 ROBI RT MIK’HFLI S8 tf Wilm’gton. i 21 T amp 186-J r.5tf Tweiity-liTe Doliarx Reuai’ii. b‘^-^AVVAY from the subscriber, hi? negro boy MO- 11 ."'ES. He is 21 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches robust, long feel and very much torne'l out at the 'ie‘. sti'l looks down when epoken to. He w»s seen at Mi>Ptiaul s Mills in Robeson county on the 21st uU., vi'i wa- iu Fayetteville about three weeks ago. Tl.e »bov( Tfwird will he paid for his delivery to me or for contiuenntiii in any iail ^o that 1 gpl him. ^ W. D JOHNSON. IlennetiHvii!^. S. C., .Aug. 14, 1802. AR?IY HARI%ES«. I Am prepare.I to manufacture all kinds ol Wagon f Harne - for .\rmy use f'»“ g'.ijd bargains. Sji.lO RKWARO. I) AN VW.AY iroin itie subscriber in Patrick County, t Va , on the night of the 2'.*ih of this mouth, my boy Jl\l Said boy is about 20 years obi, sboiit five Jeet 8 to 10 inches high, yellow complexion, with rather a pood face, ha4 rather a coarse voice, had on when he left a brown frock coat, and black cap. 1 purchase'! him in Richmonl -a short time ago. He was raisel in Fayetteville, N. . an'l will probably attempt to make his wav back there. 1 will pay the a>'Ove rewanl for his apprehension and delivery, or confinement where I Can get him. My Postoflice is i'enn's rttore, Patrick county \ a. THi: V^IRTH i)AROIil\A >llTrAL LIFK nSUilA^iCE iO lPAISf, XTOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence. continues to insure the lives of all healtliy per sons from ’4 to GO years of ace. for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slave.s from 10 to 00 years of ago are injured for one year or for five years for t vvo thirds their value. ■All losses arc pnncfually paid within days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the pubb'' is referreii to of the Company in all parts c .he State, and to R H. B.ATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J, HALE, Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. in iue time or recovery .Agent^ Jany 185‘b ciAPTI\^V 11. RKIMIRT ON THE DKKI* filVKR FUNERAL REIIltlN. J. March 30. 18t»3. P. CRITZ. 18 8tpd The undersigned have causci to be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report ofl’apt. Wilkes. U. S. Navy, an.I his Associates on the Bo,ard appointe.t by the Secretary of the Navy 10 ex amine tiie Deep River Region of North (.ar'ilina. This is the most impcri.ant an.I scientific statei.ient of the great wealth of that section of the State, and 'he Maps Ihe m.isi perfect and valuable, ot any yet published^ IN conse-pienc" of a neces.sary steppage of the Rock- rish Fictory fot several weeks to eome. fjr ilie pur pose of repairs, the company will hav,' no Sh-''et ings f'-r gale till fuTtlier notice. C 1 H.AUIH. Pre-^ 1 March 22. AI^L |M*i**itoiiN iia%iHK clainss ap.*inst the bite llec'or 'IcMil Ian. will prese'il thi'iii to thr sitb'i''ril'er his notice will be rb’aded in ''ar Ih.-ir Persons in.iebtckl to the sai«i H McMill-tn are requested to make immediate p-xyment. M.MOilBl-'^ON. Ex’r. April 8 18 Palma CJiri#«ili Beaiis. '■pHE subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for i any quantity of Palma (’hristi Be in^.^ WORTH Fayetteville.Oct. 8 ' %VA.^TKI>, B.ANK NOTES of North Carolina. So'ith Carolina, Virginia anii Onorgia. Also, North Curolina six per cent. Fun'lable Notes Also,’ North (’arolina six j>er cent B nds, new issue W. R RD'HARDSON & O , Brokers. Ral'Mph, N. C. March y. OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TANNERS' and LUBRIC.ATING OIL. L\MP BLACK in barrels For -^ale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM a: CO.. Wilmington. N. C T tan my leather and can Agents will do well to‘ send their jfler- to me as they shall have prompt attention, and -tui (jfl lu ijuicii dispatch. .JOHN CARTER. *»' .'i.'oon P. o , ('hatham Co., N. C., 1 June 13, l8t>2. j «00 Him. (^iiiii Arabic for «ale hy J. B LEE. ‘tct. 1,5. O'.Hf ^^toceries / Ctrocer iesl• \ L.ARGE ant well selected Stock of F.A.MILY *1 ''KtX’F.l! 1 ES alway . on hand, c^nsi‘!iing ot iJacijFi-Sides, Mess Work, Mullets, .NIacker ^us. 1 and li, Molas.ses, Sugars of al grades. Tobacco, Cigars, ■'^'l !*11 other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- '"■J Establish inent COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilaiagton, April 2, 1861. 10-tf ■iOJ«iT, I ASAIALL V>vi;K.;k.n purse, Vietween f.iberty Point and the half way britljji*. containinir 1 gold watch key, with a likeness in it. 1 jiolU sleeve button, some receipts, ; and ten or twelve tlollars in ca-h The tiii'ler ?nay have the purse ami the money if they will leuve Ihe other things at this otlice. Feb’y If. 1^03. Aiiiiiiii«ti*a**«“ Aolict*. riMlE subscriber havintr tiu.alifieii as Administratrix on 1 the Estate of las Sun.ly, decM. hereby pives notice to all persons having claims against sai'l Estate to pre- ' sent them to Wm. McL. McK:iy within the time pre- I scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded lu bar ot i their recovery. CATHARINE SUNDV, -Adm’x. Aug. 4, 18(>2. • The Maps are worth the price of the w.>rk, which is 50 cents, ne.atlv boun-1 in cloth. .'opies sent J.... .TO on the receipt of -50 cents. A liberal dis- dincied to Fayetteville, in cart- o the Sapona Ironi tt We will give the tdenest wagt’S to three pood Stone Cmiers WM B. F.\RRAR S CO. April l-\ 18f-l ^‘P'‘ Solv lieallier wanted. O/UWi heavy well itiMHvl HOLE LEATHER. MH* suitable f'>r Belling- Apply to I) M L RI n I . Fayetteville. .April 14. Norjh ( aroUua Fac(ory Woods \Van(ed. \17ANT1;D to purchase Nortti Carolina FVCToR\ If GOODS. Stieetings. Slurtiiigs. Osoabnrgs. Stripes. Plaids and ' otion Yarns, t for ret -fcil 'rad- of J d"--'ion Cotinty.) P iMiieiit neide in coitoii W-livtr.,‘1 on itie N. C It ' K , il prefi'rretl lo '.no-'ey Mtim! ic-i mei ^ who wish r> piV'Ciire t'oit-’n wriild tlo wt*ll to ad iress me a^ ^milhtipld, Joiinsi. ii i'o , N ( ■ , , W. H AVERA. Jf?iiiihheld, N. Maxell 4, 18t53. N B 1 have contracted to deiiver a lot of Bacon in Fayelteviile for t'o ton Y'arna. Those who wish can pt >t limite.l supply for 26 per cent on c.ost, by aehvenng Bacon at my s:ore. Iron, Sugar Hiid Tobacco in giore for t-ale for cash or produce. 9*Smpd A \OlJ\iilil\X, Fully competent, desires a situation as a Clerk, or would he willing to take charge of a good School in rt healthy loc-ality. 'I'he best of references given -Vd- drcss alpha. Carthage. N i'. April t.lB«3 1*4tpd Ji^50 RKW ^RO. tk AN A WAY" train the subscriber, on lasf Saturday i ntght, my negro Man, ARNOLD. :ig.d 20 or 2_> ytari ,l;irk c .pper c ilor, comm HI “i7?, about .j feet ,r 10 in.’f.es high, formerly the pioperiy ot I- P*’’- Kins. of B'ack Mineo. S. (' , bought by mt, at on 1-: JHU'-iiry I’'"''- ^ mclined to think said 'i eii'le ivor to ppt to tho Yankees, having been *' ,ink s. :n t ig •''■n N )i"'h Carolina, the Mi.id P.-rkir.s. I think, was C. March tf of postage, on the receipt count to wholesale buyers .lan'y 2>. Orders solicited- E. J. HALE & SONS. I notl iK. ^puri I] t.’omp'.ny. 40 Administrator’s l^otice.. The subscriber having at December 1*'*'". the !ounty ourt of Ciitnberlan'!. tpi iliiie'i as .Ad minis'rator upon the I'state of Neili G. .McNeill, ilec 1, no'ities all person- having claims against the Ksiate lo present them within the time limited by law, otoerwise this nr*.ice will be pleaded iu bar of recovery. Debtors , are re(*aPBted to make prompt payment, are re^a HiSCTOR MoNEILL, Adm’r. ,\OTl€K. rnHE UNDERSIGNED, j)Oth having entered the milt- I tary service of the Confederate States .f America, her.-by pive notice to their old customers and If’ends, tb'it they have appointed ,I-:>hn D. Starr and John I). I Williams, t»f this place, their attorneys to collect either j separately or conjoiiilly :vll moneys 'iue them either by j 'tocoiiiii or note, mid otherwi.se 10 atien'l to their bu- 1 sinuss generally during itieir absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebie \ to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agent.-i as I la ike payment. ; • h WILLIAMS, Sept l‘J, 1801. i)i^-tf ^Vaiiti'd SmfinedtalrSy, 1 JCNIPKU SHINGLK', for which LU.VvU tht i.ig.e^* ca->i pric-* will b- paid. - - VL."?') — .1 one' K ittves anl .A P> \1 si -il and Jjis Deo. 10,1802. i- t A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to ^ U ANDERSON & CO., Eagle Ftrandr/i Fayetteville, N. C. March 7, im. Weslrrii KaSlroad OOlcp, t F-iyetteville, N. C., pt- 27. 18‘i2. i Hirpo-e o! iticren'-itig ihe capital Hiocli ot tin*' to enable it lo cxtf-nd the Roaii from the i t'oii Fifid-> to ilie Noith (’arolina Road. Hi** following (rentlei^’en have been '.(.p .ini.-d Comnit.-sioo'o r-- oeive •-;ibscrii)'rs in tlieir c-v-’■•tl rieieh; ‘0'h» -1-'. “n;- At t;ulf-L J U-u.-hton. Brooks lUrris Dr tJeorge ’ Newby on 1 G Wip)nnpt'’n Above the Gulf—'n'’ •> ' Hudh W Dixon. , , ■ u i v A, Ore Mill-G W Oold-^rn l-r L U l.orr.-,' -nd \ M '’-'on. , Above Ore Hill —Din I Hacku- Pace. ,, ,, „ At F ill • s M-.Ms—Dr H M Foi At Fraiiklinsville an i vicintiy- \i ^Miieboro’--Jonath iii Worth snd B F Hoove'-. 't New Marke:—In.-j-ie Wnlk'-r-'n l .lo-.^T'i' N*"^!i'i M Thoiiia-^vill--A (y Foster u!„i Jnn At IDch t’oiiit--I'’ 1! (' l.i'i is.iy i"d \t Sainm Fr.incis Fries and R 1, Pitt'TSon. At Grieii'b . o’—C P MeH'lenha’.l, Pete*- Adams, Hon J .1 Gifmer and Jesse I] Lirnlsay. Instructions will he sent lo the Comirlssi ’lers .at an eariy da-y by tihe President of the Company 64tf J. M. ROSE, Sec’y W. R. R, 06. S (loy -ill ,-aise t. I lerh Was'iii'irton _ I'rrD.eiu irf.i K^.hi ern Nor t h >na. Said boy womed. )i VI IS l-.'ie.i ii n irt of bisL ye-:ir, ." Aruold Coole;. W,.(. s^o:o', N ’■. 1 will ":Te •ho.tbove rew’.rd f.,rhis ,,.nfi ec.ent ■ that 1 ere:, bin. ^.gar . ■il-.t with *ai'l I A, » negro-din. ELi-M b. 'r': nP‘. p >u' 1^’^ po'ni'l- i.t'r y -I 'liu .'Joencer. or the v>\>i *' .',11 e.i’.nnty. N. C ' :.ai 1 BC>:ro s ii.sy b» An Incihnt nt Murfrer&hdro'. — Many abler pens than mine )tave graphically ilelineafcd the horrors and glorie;^ aixi brilliant actiievemcnts on the field at Murfreesboro’. Where so m my hor rors and terrors of war had accuinul.itcd, it wi;^-- hardly supposahlo that any incide.it heartl- on tha^ ensanguine'! tiehl, the fol lowing incident being the caiisc; Whilst wandering over a portion of the ficM. halt a mile from where the carnage was most frightful, and whrro a belt of blue coate*} dra-l ;it tested our suceesslul Vankoe slau'_'hfer, we wen- startlo‘1 by a voiec apn:irenlly is-^uing Ir.tm flu- grotinil ()tir party sto]>ped, :itil again tin- v-iiei- Irorn thr ilc|,tJis Itclow, crifd out, “linllool fri.'n'l. givt! us a lift.” "When* are y«>u. ’ said ime of our p:ir*v “iii'l ih)Wt! hi If, ill ;t ilarncd nasty hole ” We li-eovercd the fellow in :i well ^onu |1 irt) feet deei't, wliieh loii'.^ ago hail been partly tilled with e:irth, ninl ia«v.‘rMl with hntsh In i te\\ minutes we had iln* bim^ hii*(| on tvrru tirma. i;?*'! seldom have w‘ sefti so tiirfy and almost uniimlvo- oiitahle a creatufv as his torn :ind dirty cioth.'*s en veloped, and liis face presented, lie took out of his havcrsick a dry cracker, and while miinching it, the conversation ran— “How came you in that lirty hob?” “Why, dog iione the place, I jist fount! it an«l went in, hecktise I didn’t want to fight agin you fellers ” “Were you afraidr’’ “W'all, yaas; darned if T don't tell the trutfi, anyhow.’ “You seem to hnvc four or five day’s r.ttions in that havcrsacky” ^•yaas. von see, I s- ed this hole the tl.^y afore, atid thought I monght want to git in it; so T fix- e-i and went in airly in the fight.” “WcllI omt' alt'tiL'. 'ir, yotx’re ?5ur prisoner.” We started lor Mn free«b'»ro’ witJi him, and in less than five minutfi, |;e took out his pocket book, anl, in genuine Yanki e huckster style, said: “•.Nli.'«terl how much gt>od (’oTifetl ill y>m give me fir this pofket la ;k' This was truly a sp.cinien ot the ruling passion ptronii in 'leath.— ',/-/. Allanta Intillhiri'in 2r> 0- 'i‘1. T,?ipht. ih.' \y‘ Detii.-'.-!. of .A 11“ ill f itiirany. Ad IT' sd. N r vr ■ •re-'» I,■!:•«%•!>'• , F.-h- Tr. S'l -ly C . M '■ .-'rener--.- r„'ti '.s.irtii c •■rob oa lit>wr*.'M> H.\P,R1S .1. ;i;oO liEWAK U. From the Mobile It^-gi-iler an'l Advertiser THi; IH.Vil, ' API I RED i/.on ihfltii' Ti'l-iir"fthic iiif/"t>'' Say h The telegr'iphi Which brines i H.il ir.i b •T.« Ji>;d tti'i' ' ,\Vr.tcb ()iir ).oy« ‘ froin I fir/'//■.* '1 I tie woudrotis news Wires iilfii.sc, jjt,: not her ru- .j,. V n •ee'- evii.' >i ■-ai beach J tl’^t will somt' day renchi- y St'.an’sh le. ch — ive caiicht the • Devi!!” >'i Or J D ^*-'ives. ac il I’oust .\ Th'ioi ilmrn Peri ' V'lLLpa' t!ie abovo reward tor th.e apprchen.-''‘’“ ^:SLI''-'; ”■ „nd eo: liii‘'i'i'-.r.i in jail of my l oy . vid-. t'.'' sittticicu' to convic, any p'-rsicr (,r c‘ -ic'' »linc s.>id boy; or $!•'' lo ua .,ill oif.i. ? lid boy i aup^irseil to ;-out:ties of Bl'.den and (7oiuribt'- -tout bailt, 5 fe«t 10 inche:-* nd .I.-1UI 25 vcirsr of ape [pdl Le-sv.il?, B cr.iiat. jiHrbonng ,,er 4, n who ma^ „ !nrkinp in the : { f) V Wesley is d.ark e.i^iper color, henry BULL(^LK, Jr. Match 13. 1803 11 »3m copies ol the Obse r»cr (j^^p'n^ared by Bon-0«bBOrib«rs, at the Bo^ kstor.. Price 6 oentf. •t longue shall tell aok' *- land b'-fell? ' I ■ireaiit'ul kneU eir wh. le tiatioe'’ ■ri'l. »hon'‘ ci^im I ill Y ankee fame, erein his name r>i'i''nl "'h; do your beat, 'rom Ihe Wcsll evel, » shock ie o’er a« before. •icouudrels roar: Oh if MS true w Tti.- b«s- wb:. !i (»r who wt'l tel ' I Th It orf'h:.i: - t: .A fnther lost! .A .'Should highe-*t i-i -c II left tlie honi" ' C"tnaiau'le'! a IJrave I?e-!'irpgar.!! To keep the m,>t;st In safety let u And when the presf .And Charleston ipi We hope to hear ih '^Ourfleet ht;:^ c'lught the Mobil* (April 9, 1H63.