TOWlIli.lL r S K IW I . W P, K K L V. \o\.. Xll ] PAYKTTKVIiJj:, X. i .. AIMUI. MK {NO. i‘m.1 ' A 1 !i. M.l, rt k\ •h: Uob- ; ;.n. .T H .Ml’ ho., '. M l.'’ . M ■ >n) \ J-'V- E>n, ‘ iJr-iton, i, of liiiou N'„refc bj NoU« y CKlM'KU .MONDAYS AN1> rilURai>AVM Kl^WAKI) J. HALE & SONS. K.HTORS AND I'ROPRIETvlRS ... I lie Seiiii-Wooklj ()n^4ERv^■.R $4 (H> if paiJ in 54 50 if jtai.l during Ihr yeHr of 9nli«>'ri|>- •-'1 after th^vi'iir h'ls ox})ict‘J . Wt'ekly ()n‘>f:T^ KR S'> IM) p**r niirmui. if piiiil in niv iii.'e, >•'> •")0 if paid during fill'year of nul>'»rrip- 11, >1 >HX) dfler the year has expired. Uj^ \L»VERTISKMENTS inserted for $1 per s luive i- liue» fi'r the first, and •'>0 cents for each snc- ., vng pulilication. Advertisements exceeiUng a 't -mure lines) GO cents for the first and ‘iO cents '•» h sncooeding piiblicaiion Advertisers are re- . ’te.l to state the number of inseriibn« ilesired, or !>v will he i''}ntiniie.l till forbid, and charged accord- i^ir Vdvertiscnipnts Ciintiniied insidf, charged »s new ad' ■ ^onien' NOTICE. f. ir Hii ■■•ter this date, nonanieof a new subscriber K ' entered without paynient in ndvaui>e, nor will be sent to stu'h sub«cribers for a longer time : -ii.l r.r '• if 1‘1’r old subscribers as de'iire to take the pa- n hi-i ■•yHteni will please notify u** when making uioP«. Jan'y 1. IH'.H IfVTf. .Tfrl/. •fffJK’.t 1% Attorney at Law. Favettevili.k, N. C. ;i'I‘ attend the ’ounty and Superior V'ourts f i \ • imberlani, Harneii, Moore and Hobesou Coun- Piviupt attentiiiu given to the collection of all j intrusted to his hands. ", l^.'vt, r.8-tf m). W. WILLIAMS CO., VVUolt'^ale llealern in tjiroc'criew, .\NIt IMPORTERS AND DEAbEBS IN hardware and fiitlerj, Swedes Iron, 4tf., HIV STREKT, F\YKTTKVILl.R, X. is i. 80tf , , , X \V I* !vENPAI,L J. S. KKNOALl. i A i'O., lotiimiKHioii iM€>‘rchaiit) A-N l> WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 11 JL 12 Xortli Water St., Wilmington. >. ('. Kjr 'irlers from the Coutiiry prompily executed. 1^- I’miu’uiar attenticiu given t.; the sale jf Cotton h^T produce 1. 10-tf J I T L, K V, (•roftr rititf t'ointniftf$ion »flerchant, rAYKTTKVILLE. N C 93-tf l‘. . A: If. fw. W^IKtw, lOBOihHiou and l«'orwarding )lerfliantN, WILMINGTON, N. C. >'.1 • 84tf r A RD! i^-'V L.\DltS can be aocommolated with board at ■^e seminary • ■ T. (V HOOPER. S»pi 1:> l‘*01. 5(i- JOll.NSON, WILLIAMS & CO.. .n.^KICKSi. LOOK AT THIS! TIIR PU’ETTEVILliK HIITKL, FronHng 300 feet and in (he business portion of the Town, 4*oiifaiiiM iiiore >i|>arioii» and uell >t*iililale4l RooniH Ilian any Hotel in the Ntate, uml luy Patrons say my Oondiinents are very "ood lor the tiiue.s, T. WADIULL, Proprietor. May 20. 18f>2. 27y %«E.vri]KI% RAIL ROAD. ^IlHK Trains of this Roail leave Fayetteville daily, 1 (Sim.lftys excepteil) at o’clock, A M., and re- turninir leave .Mclver’s at 1 o’clock. 1* M Fntf/ht Tram MONDAY, WEDNKSLiAY and FRIDAY Hy order of (he President. JNO M ROSK. Treas'r and Act’g Trann. Ag’t. •Jan. •J'i, lHtj:l. 97lf Moticu* to ^liippea*M. IN con9e.|ueuoe of the high price of every ibing u.sed hy this (Company, ihe I*ireotur« have advanced the rates of freight generally about one *iundred per cent Rates will be furnislied as soon as priuted. JNO. M R03E, Treas'r and Transportation Ag’t W R R (’o March IS, l»t;;{ i-jif From and a tier llii«, date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at S o’clork, \. M , «n Mond;iy and Thursday J()S A HORTH, April a—17if ] r, F. Steam Boat Co. To f'otlon Planter**. IHA VK been appointed by the Secretary of th? Trea- j fltiry, (’hiof .\gent for the pii:ch.%s« of Colton for the ' I Confederate (Jovernment within the Slate of North Caro- >*liua, and will pay for the, name in 7 per cent. Ronds or , Sub-.Agents visiting the dift'erent parts of the State, i buying in my name, will have written certificateH ot j ' appointaient. j By order of the Secretary of the Treasttry, all Coiton ' purchased by oiyaelf or my agent8, on and after the * j IHth day of .March 186.*, will be paid for in 7 per cent I Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bod ):j as stated tn a former advertispmeut. Up to that lime, however, the« : 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished ad stated. Patriotic citiicns are now offered an opportunity to ■ , aid the tiovernroent by selling tn it their Colton rather than to private c.apiialists. LKWIS S WILLIAMS Charlotte, March -I, [c. o.J !4tf K‘^s:ypt C'oal .TIine. ' The undersigned wera, at the November Term of the t’onfederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- poini^d .Managera of the Egypt (,'oal Aline property, and have entered into copartnership (or the purpose of ’ : mining and celling Coal, and solicit orders for the same I in any desired ijuantity. Orders for any amount can ; be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perly is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States j Applications may be made to Cbas B Malleil, Fayette- 1 ville, N C , or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. i : CHARLES B. MALLETT. 1 JAMES BROWNE, j Fayetteville, Jan'y 20, 1863. ^•6tf i Sioo liEWAlU>. ! Runaway from the subscriber on sundav i the 2f)th of January last, my negro boy nam d .VN- > THONV. He is of a whitish yellow complexion, about : 5 feet t> or 7 inches high. 18 or 20 years old, and sup- ' po^ed to weigh about 14U pounds. He ban a heavy iiead of hair, and talks short i^en questioned, and has . a down look. No doubt he is trying to pass for a free boy. , 1 will give the above reward for him delivered to me at Prospect Hill, Caswell County, or confined in any jail so I get him F L WARREN Caswell Co., March 25, 18«>3. 15-3mpd Florence and Fayetteville Kail Uoad. UNDER the provisions »r an Ordinance of the Con- ventton «f North Carolina, Hooks will be opened on the Itith .lime at the tolinwing places and under the di rection of the following persons,_to receive subscrip tions to the Capital Siook of the “Florence & Fayette ville Rail Road ?o. Shares One Hundred Dollars eiieh. Ai thf Rail Houii (hfi'i Fai/i'tterlllf.—Under the ii- reciion of the (letipral Conimissioners, .-\ .McKeihan, D A. Ray, A W. Steel. Wm. McL McKay and Jno. M. Hose. .4f tht Rfd Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Wtn. J. Stewart, Jas. A. Smith, Dan’l C. Mc Neill and Col. .\lex. McMillan, or any one of them. At Floral Collrgr.—Under the direction of Dr Neill McNair, Dr. A. 1). McLean. Archibald Smith. Edmuinl Lilly and Col. Alexander Watson, or any one of them At QufrttAtialf—Under the direction of Murdock Mc Rae, D. -McLeod, D .McCullutu, Jas McRae, Jr., and .1. H McQueen, or any one of them At .4//i)rrfj(C(7/^. --Under the direction of John Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford, Diigald McCalbuii and Jno .Mci^alltini. or any one of them. The Siib.scriptiou Books will remain open for the space of (>0 days When a siiHicient sum is .subscribed the Company will be organized for the purpose of biiibl ing the Road A A. McKETHAN, D. A HAY. A. W. STKEL, WM McL. McKAY, JNO M ROSE, (letieral Cotnmissioners. Fayetteville, .Imie 7, I8t;;i. :i2tf 200(1-T,.:; A 4>ji:n! The >’ew Slyle, Stiiall, CUI.UKKU PHOTOUKAPHS. AT €jSatll*rv« ART. PHOTOQR.VPHS can be had at Vanorsdell's Skylight ■ Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile: from small to life size. Ambro-^ types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the Art. .\lso. Gilt Frames, (jilt .Mould ing, G' ' for very large picture.s—as large as 2(5 by ob incbes. Jord and Tassels for hanging picture.s: Insiru- ! m«nts. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life siye colored Photograjihs ni.i.Je frcn sm.ill pictures. Having j>ernianently locnleil here 1 hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thankM for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore bj the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANOHSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor Dec’r20. 1859 77 iHarble Factory, KPISr01*Ali CrtNVKNTlOV. /(> the Clfrgii (tnd I.niti/ »/ ihf /‘rott'!^nipill Church in thf of North ('itroHna: 1*H Fj Con vent ion in this Diocene having appoini"! its next .\nnual M. otlng to take place, ea the s‘c, nii : Wednesday in May, in St. John's (’lmro!i, in iln* to'vn I of Wilmington, a:id the ub- nee of a {ireater i >’■' ''f the families of ilim pl.n-e (“roin 'heir )ionie-i, inakii.g :t ! inexpedient for the Council lo holi its se-sion there-. I i have, by virtue of the authority ooniraitled to me by \ Canon 1. of this diocese, changed the plac.* and tinie .if I meeting, and .lo hereby appoint that the next Diocet-iiQ I (’ouncil be h«M on Tliursdny, the fourteenth day of May, in St. J.ilm’s Church in the Town of Fayetievill-i THOMAS ATKlNSttN, Bishop of Niirth Carolina. ■ Wole Ijeallier wanted. if heavy well tanned SOLK LK.\TI1 K I!, for IteUing .\pplv to : ' D MURPHY. ' Fayetteville, .Aptil 14 2(lti ^tar l'«»iindry. 1)LOU0HS and Plough Points an«l Heels of all nutu-j ber-i can be ha.) at r>:iker\ Store in Fayette-J ville, opposite the old U'mron Yard. Custings of siipe- ^ ) rior qualily Call an.i see for yoiirselvosi. Ca.“tings i)f . j iill kinds made at the -iiiortest tjolioe and for reasoiial.Ie 'charges M. A. RAKKR Star Foundry. .■i|>ril 20, IHtiS 21-lni ItAliK «'APi: it:ar, 1 ■ U'll,MI\(!T(tN, .\|iril 1.'), lS(i;>. \ DtVttlKNU No. luT VSl'vMl-;\N\UAL'iid of -j per cent, has beea decl.ire-l l>y this Bsnk. i>avahle to Stockholders ou 1st May. .1 0 BURR. Cashier April l.j, ISf,;’, 21-2w Riiii lli«‘ IlloeUad**! I \% . n A V I A T V R i : l!e‘eiveil and otlers for sale: •Jt)17 yards printed .Muslin deL-iin; 1782 yards white and black Prints; I I5St vanls Knglish Long , M*!. tt!nT-n rtnx rnre.-id. Nos 40, •)(>, >0; i 25l lbs drab Flax Thread, Nos ;>•. 1»i. r>0; 102 lbs while hrown Thread, Nos .'10, 40, •^0; lot* dozen white Spool Cotioti; liM> iioz*‘ii Linei! Cambrtc Handkercliief-: 11 dozen Fugenic Skirts; 4 M Needles. Nos 1. 2, :>, 4, 5; 80 M Needles, assorted, frotii •'> ’j 10: 7 pai ks Pins. Eiigiish full )> ii> r; 12 boxes black IMn'.; l»'iH gross metal Pant Buttons; dozen French Tooth Bru.he-. tj dozen drab Nutria Hals; loo pairs Urognn Shoes; 1200 lbs Green Copperas; 20 boxes Extract of Logwood. April t>, 18tj3. 17-i5w EXCllANGi: IIOTKL ^PIIK siib-jcriber announces to the public I tU'it h» will open on the 1-1 May the above Hoii-.‘ of Fn ter tain nerit, (t'oi tn -rly t he .'^!ietn- well ii.'use ) Ti.e house i-' situated a few door* fn tn the '>tarkel. on (Ireen sirwft. n“ir the cen tre of thp bit- ine.'*.' pirfion of the tcwn. aii.i ha*' been newly titled up. ind thorousrhly cl. aii'^c'il The rooms ar.’ convenient and well ventilate.1 rhe table wili bo sitpplied with ti.e b,->st the ni.arkef atlords. the B'lr^i^i’h ti.e best of Liquors, au.l the stable with aiientive tstlers. Pesirou** of sh:irinj; the pu'di.' patr.i:i i;xe I can pro- n.ise th it those wlto gi^^e me a cill shall not l?ave >tis- satisfied RKUHEN .It)Nl..S. April 27. JOHJV H. COOK, Auctioneer. MO^D \Y he 18 h flay of npxt, 1 'hall, ;ere'- able t > the provwions of a I'ee.i in Trii-it tn 'it', execut("l by (Jillis vV Johnson, sell at .VuriiOJi. all the property b-.)th Real an i Personal, at Stoney Point, the resi Ipiici of Duncan U (Jilli-^. set fmth in sai.i I'liist, to wit; ■1-‘U acres of L.\N1) on S'lUth ■'iile Cani.len I’.'a i. be tween I’.ig and Little Ibiiiktish. beitig ih.' ->!t'i)e convt y- e.i by -\ \ McKethan to Usiiican i>. (liiiis; one I t il- I’ENTINE STILL an! riXTlRFS. near (Jillt‘M iM; I Six Mules, two Horses, tw.) R.)ad Wagoti'-'aii.l H inu .s, one Tinibev W Stock i>f Hoes. Turpentine 'li'.ul?, one Carriaee an 1 H irness. two Sets of (’oop* rs Toi-'s, Hoiisehoiti and Kitchen Furniture, Faiinintjr Uten-ils, l:;o Slicks of Ton Timb.^r on Big Pioektiih. near I’jbii k s Bridge; one Double Gun, on.- Rifle, .me Negro \\ oToaft atiil a variety of othe. articles Sale positive and for cash MFN'ANKKU JOHNSON, 1 rusiee. 2:^ts I'HOM THK NORTH t'ARoLlNA .^Ol.DlLl!’ Ft»H THK )H.sKR\ KK AMI- NEAR I’up.r (,’olstou .s JSrigadc, 0\ rui.vmi; !i,sTii{fJ\si]iK\T roR hma:. IF Uiiiiersigned otlers sale the ‘ NtiltTll I LlNl.AN'’ Printing Establishmeut. t'. -. riy pubUsh- ed ia Fayetteville. It comprises Ty ve, ' an ' StauJ«, Iinposiii.; S;.;tie.~. Chases, naiiey«i. Sta ■ 'Hg Presses :ind Pressing Boards, togetiier with two r 1 tJan.l I’le.-rie.s. (R Hoe's.) (nklug Sl.iclilne. Kollf; .[ . A:tr , logpthet with everything oi-.iinaiily ti.oij.l in a secon.l- class Printing KsiabHshment. The greater pu t of t he News typ.‘ i.* new, haviiig never bt-eii tjsed m"re iii;in twice—it con*.sis of I’revier and Bourgevis also a ' 'o'w. Tl)i« emnv isj- :• j» for ihe tunes I'a;. fttcv'lle, N (’..orin . 1-.ivetteviile, \\ J SIN«'L.\1R. RIJA THK Rl.tM'KAOK. PIECES Black and W’hiie CALlt’O; lot) prs Men’s Eng. sewe.l BROU.ANS; For sale by W' MelNT\ l>F March 10 • 1 1 11 I.T! .'«»A t/r !! or SACKS for sale by ROBFRT MITCHELL. Dec 22 88 tf AOTICK, IN couseyueucp of I» iieueosary stoppage o! tfie Kock- fish Factory for severi»l weeks to come, for the pur pose of repair..-, the company will have no Sheetings f >r ' sale 111! further notice. C T H.VIGH, Pres't. March 22 j quantity of nice Hea.l fype, I tftbH-hinent will be disp )1?p i j \ppl.V to the unilersigne.i ' my af>sence to Dr. K .V Bl i. ' .April 27 4'oiirt ot Oyer :%iid Tersuiner. 1r is ordered t>y has lloiior, .I.idg, F i.Ni'li. ihat (,'ourl of (>yer and Tei be h'-’ j lor the t'ounty of *’u'«ber'and, at ihe ' uit Mouse in triv T -wii ot Fay etteville, iin the sec>nd Mon.lay in May 18*'->, to try ail ppronns charged with (’apital Fvlonles, Crimes, and .Mis dempanors of which the Superirir Court of l,aw, at irs regular (errns. h i*- jttrtsdiction. and that j-tibli.-siiiiti thtrejf be iiia.if in the Fayetteville 0;i>ervvr ati'i N C- Presbyterian Iko times W ituesfe.s an«l |)eteiidanis oii the Si:ite Dock t wil' govern themselves accordingly. \VitnC'''. J W Riker. Clerk of sai l Court, at otiice in F;tyt tteviile, this 21'h .April, .\. D . l.StU’. JOHN V, . BAKLK. ClerK April 2-"). l8b-5 2^'.-2t To Manufacturers and Others. IIJ'E i.ave on hand a lot of BI (?lIRt)M.VTE of i'OT- W A>^H, that we would sell by tiie b.irrel, deliverei S. C , .Silem. 22 1 m H V B f TWO UoOHS ABOVK C. T. HAIGH k SONS’ STOKis Fayetteville. ' .tan’v 20 18i0 84- FAVETTKVII.I.K MliTl'-tL IJiSfRlXCK. fOMPA\¥. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to J2f>7.(>88 2t> 5,077 ;{5 ^REWARD. ! Cash on hand and other assets, ''pHlRlY DOLLARS Reward will be paid for the ap- or to Af^l. perMOiiM iiavin;;; | claims against the late Hector .McMit Ian, will present them to the subscriber * in due time or this notice will be pleadeil in bar of their | recovery Persons indet>led to lhenaid H Mc.^lill.iu j vre requested to make immediate payment. ,M .MORRISON. Ex’r April 8 18 Palma Cliri^di K‘anM. '^HE subscriber will pay tlie highest tash prices for iuy quantity of Palma Christi Beans. •It the J. ,M WILLIAMS, General .'^ujwrintendenl. 81 If Fij. leville, Nov 2o, 1802. Kife and Tobacco on ('onsignnient. | In A.^KS of fresh beat Rice and KXt Boxes Manu : [ ' 'ifured Tobacco, various qualities. F'or sale by : GKf) W . WILLIAMS « Ci >. ! ville, isept. 24, 18G2. liHtt j AOTIi'E. i ., .-'I'l to be abseni from home a few mouths in - u.-F, .Archibald MgLeau is my authorized ■ .nsact my business until I return. j N. G. JONES. I ■ -r .;r., IhOM. Alter tlilM iate I will pay 8 Onffi per pound for rags de- _ livered in Favetteville, or at my mills ’sRcufiai. ' D MURPHY. l«iij. t>5 ?^A I.T. I C’'” Nb Salt for *ale on consignment by G. W wn.i.iA John Mi. 9f\ Hrowctk., J. VarroHi &nd Jatnes V. C’«r/o’;and Sli'TY DOLLARS fcr ttavid Potrelt. I have reason to believe that Powell is lurking in the wotxls near Fayetteville, and has been for the past sev en or eight months. He ha.s not been in the Winder Hospital sinceJuly 12th, 18ti2, when he was discharged and or lered to report lo his Company. H W. HORNE, Capt. Com’dg Co. C, .Id N. C. Reg’t. Near Port Royal, March 1.3, 18r>.3. I i-(»w T WILLIAMS & CO. 0 tf WAATEO. BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,600 “ CORN. Ainety Dollars Reward. HIRTY DOLL.AHS reward will be paid for tfte ap- _ prehension and delivery at tbe Camp of Instruction at Raleigh, or to this Regiment, of each of the following named “deserters” from company E, 8th Reg’t N C T.: JAMES J. CAMERON, Gum Swamp, Harnett county. THOMAS H.ANALL, near Johnsonville, “ WILLI .AM J. SANDY, Rockfisb, (’umberland Co. J. R. MURCHISON, Capt. Co E, 8th N, C. Troops. Cump on .1 mp«’ Island, S C , March XI 17 IV.rpd $.10 REWARD. I AN .A WAY from the subscriber in Patrick County, | t Va., on the night of the 29th of this month, my boy | JI.M. Haid boj^ is about 20 years old, bbout five feet 8 ] to lO inches high, yellow complexion, with rather a ! good face, has rather a coarse voice, had on when he ! left a brown frook ooat, and black cap. I purohased | him in Richmond a short time ago. He was raised in j Fayetteville, N. C., and will probably attempt to make j his way back there. I will pay th« above reward for I Wilm’gf 1-ons having the above articles lo sell will receive | \ , r Cash price by calling on Mr. M Tho.nasoti. ■ h.s-apprehension and delivery, or confinement where I ‘ Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the nubscri- ■ ^*1*, ■ i, , o, ■ u , \r ■' My Post office itf Penn 8 Store, Patrick county Va. J. P. CRITZ. :!ii- old Stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. N'.t. 76if Twenty-five DoilarM Reward. U-^yiK’A\ from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- ■ lie is 21 years of agr, .iYiotU a feet 10 inches “'C“. robti-t, long feet and very much iMrHeH out at the *“'1 looks down when spoken lo. He v*.va sp^n at ■ '-“knul Mills in Robeson county on the 21st u\t in Fayetteville about three weeksi ago. The l wil' be paid for his delivery to nie or for ntiiieiiHriii in any jail so that 1 get him. W. I) JOHNSON, '^"-.vrtle. S. C.. Aug. 14, 18ft2. 52(f A KYIV HARIVE^M. 1 • I'nr-1 to manufacture all kinds of Wagon |r.n ^ my leather and can .* ^ ' I ^ ;rgaius Agents will do well to send their ’’ n..- !i>, they tthall have prompt atientioc, and 1 lick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. | ’ -litoit P. () . Chatham Co., N. C., \ ^ June Vi, 1862 f “ ! ‘^0 Arabic for sale by J.. R. LEE. 69tf I ^^oceries / iwroceriesH ^ .fUJK and well selected Stock of FAMILY I LRIES always on hand, consisting of ' ^lesH Pork, Mulletfl, Macker I and 2, Molasset*, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Cigarti, : '^'her articlaa usually kept in a Wholesale Qro- I '‘"'-at'lishrtient March .'50, I8(i:i. 18-8tpd I.OWT, A.SM.ALL buckskin purse, between Liberty Point and the half way bridge, containing 1 gold watch key, with a likeness in it. 1 gold .sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve ilollars in cash. The finder may have the purse and the money if they will leave the other tilings at this office. y 14, I8t;;;. .‘itf AiiHaiiiii^tration Aotice. The subscriber having qualified as .Administratrix on ' ot postage, on Ihe Estate of Jas Sundy, .ts,c’d, hereby gives noti'’e ' tount to wholesale buyers, to all persons having claims against Haij K.siate to pre- Jan’y 2(>. sent them to Wm. McL. .McKay within ti,e time pre- 8oriV)ed by law, or this notice will be plpadca \n »,ar of their recovery. (’ATIIARINE SUND\,Adm’x. Aug. 4, 18fi2. _ _ ^V* I Adinini»«trator’!>$ ilfotice. The subscriber having at December Term, 18»)2, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the £sl.''te to [ present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this nMice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors I are rec^aested to make prompt payment. ; hector McNEILL, Adm’r. 1 Defl. 10, 18(i2. , 8ft- t Total, $272.7f>5 61 The t'ompany have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium note^. Total losses paid. '•*' >FKJ(’BKS: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. -A. R.VY, Vice President C. A McMILLAN, Sec’y Dirkctobs: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghasi, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Jlinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan .A. Stedman, T. S. Lutierloh, C. B. Malleil. A. W. Steel, James Kyle. J. G. (’eok, A. A. M'cKelhan. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Williams, R. F. Brown, S. W. Tillinghasi. A. E. Hall, hn Collins and C. C. .McCrummen, Traveling .Agents p»gf The Company invite applications. May28. 18C1. 21- THR NOKTH t'AROI.,li\'A MUTUIL LIFE l.\SCR4NCE t'OMPAST, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and forlife—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from JO to (50 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 00 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the publ>" is referred to Agents of Ihe Company in all parts c he State, and to R. H. B.ATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.VLE, Agent at I Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. ~’APT. WlliKE^’S REPORT i i)S TIIE UEKP RIVKR .>11NERAL RKfilll\. ! rpilE undersigned have caused fo be published from [ I the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report 1 of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, .and his .Associtvlcs on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the .Navy to ex- I amine the Deep River Region of North arolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the ] great wealth of that section of the State, tuid the M.ap.s I I he most perfect .and valuable, of any yei published. ! The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .>0 i cents, neatly bound in cloth. Cojiie.s sent by mail, free i of nosfaee, on the receipt of 50 cents. .A liberal di- Orders solicited. E. J. HALF ,Si SONS. WORTH. 07 If F lyettpvilb". Ool H. OIL AN!) 1.AMP BLACK. '^PANNERS’ and LUBRUHTING OIL. T LA.MP BL.ACK in barrels JOS. R. March For sale by BLOSSOM CO.. Wilu'.iugtou. N. 0 If .^a|>ona River >irind!«toneM. After an experience of eight mouths lu Grindstone mauufaciuriiig, 1 am prepired to give .-atisfactioii as to grit, and quick dispatch to all oinieiK, from '2 inches up lo six teet in dia'neter. All orders will be dir*-cte.l to Fayetteville, in care oi the ."-^apoua Iron Co. We will give itie highest wagey to three good Stone CutU>»s. WM. B. F.VRRAR 4t.CO. .April 15, 18t):j. 20o'pd TO C'l.ERK^i OE t'OIJRTJS. IN Sending us Coiitt .A.iveitisemeius the Clerks will enclosn i-o, if the advertise.ment.s are of ‘.he usual length. .A l.irgtr au'^'uut if ttie .r.iers are longer E. J. HALF & SONS -•\pril :50, l8tj;i. Western Kullroad Ofllee, \ Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 18l>2. | IlOU the ptirpo.te ol increa-iing the capital stock of this ' Company, to enable it to extend the Road trom the Coal Fields to the North Carolina Roal, the following gentlemen have been appointed (;oiiiiiii.'siouers to re ceive subscribers in their several neighborhoods, viz: At Gulf-—L J Haughton, Brooks Harris, Dr George (3 Newby and G Washington .Above the Gulf—Juo J Goldston, Jaine.s F Rives and Hugh W Dixon., .At Ore Hill—G W Goldston, Dr L W Gorrell and N M Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dan’l H.ackney, .A B Marsh and Jas Pace. At Fou l’s Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. .\l Fraiiklinsville and vicinitj—Isaac 11 Foust and A S Horne.y. .At Asheboro’—lonathan Worth and B E Hoover. •At New Market—lesse W'alker and .lospph Newlin. At Jhomasville—,A t} Foster and .Ino AV Thomas Al High Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. .At Saleni- Fraiicirt Fries and B L Paltersoti. At Green«bc.'o’—C I’ Mendenhall. Peter .Ad>iitis. Hon .1 A Oilmer uuil Jesse 11 L;udsay. Instructions will be «eti! to the Comniissioner'; at .an eariv i iv tiy th» Vre-jideiit of th.^ Company. ,14(f ■ J M HOSF.^ee’y W H « Co. on the N t\ Rai'r-iad, or in t’oliim’Ma F. * H. FRIE April IS. ~ I.ETTESt PAPER. 4 FKKSH Mupjily oi' Le'ter Pap r, Batu si?,?, ot b( Ik r Ix quality and higher pric*; tti i-i Jiuy wp have lateiy had. Just received. Iv .1. li.ALl^ \ .-^tiNS. .April 25 ~ s^lOO RE%VAKi>. \N AW.AY trom m-’ on lt>e nigtit. of tlie t'.hii in«t in, my Negro .Man HUNTKR. II.■ i.s a d irk mulat! ', 2!i vc irs old. f^et !• .)r it) inches tii^h. weijjh.- about 140 , is active and mo-*cular lati not at ■ li fle-ay; has loKii hxxhfj hair, is Miirhilv dink furfri. arvi i t-c-.r on ,I believe) the lelt che“k betow the clieek b .ne, lie is proli;i\>ly alttuiptiug to !*.> to 'he y-i--ki‘P-> 1 wiil give the ab.ive reward ior hi-* ile;iv.T\ t.. lo*. or ti-r liis coiilitieiiieut ill :my .i I'l of !h- .-'t'liv so tiiat 1 e,n get !im\ W Ul' K. Lutiibeiion. N C , .\pril 111. ISi.;’ 2o ‘tij.a I.O^T, Fl'WEEN Beiver t.’reek'.oi'j' .nia Murchi-oii'.s Faet(*f_\, ou tri.lay, 17th inst . -i LE \T11LR POCK ET BOOK, H.nt'\M5ing -'botxt F’fty Dollars libn-.l reward will be rn'1 for book '.n i on'ents jiMFs .n:ai,om: Cram's t,’i ^ei;. M -or.' v'o . N. C-.. .Vpi il 21 2' 2tpd taken l»y sotuo oiie by ik .leatners ou tiie river, leet ion;' aii'l twn ;eet wid.‘. i )fit,.ini t-heets. \e I'i'e ti.iK lia.t i>c?u r,i irk.-.l '.jhalk Any one having such a box wi I wardevi iiy leaving it with Isaac ing intonnaiinn so that I can aet i'. JOUN ir F.iyetteville, .\jir;l ill, R B' O'l, ir.itit !;o\ I’KKK'I A 22 :;ij I C. A. McMILLAN, Secy 2.’. till ]\OTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service o'" the Confederate Slates of .America, hereby Rive notice to their oM customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of thin place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to at!end to their bu siness generally during their .ihsence. Tiiey respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agenti make payment. ; ■ 'P.-H A‘williams. Sept 19, 1861 .^>8-1 r • FayeUevllle InrHraufe t’o.* CHE TENTH AN.N’l VL .Mvirri.VG of t;jis C..iiip**ny will be hebi at the Oflice of the Company on Tiiufs- day 21st Alay iiexi April 25, .3700 Boxes of the Southern Hepatic Fills Have been ordered in one daj. This comtiiirUiou of mediciiies was prepare.1 'oy the pro[>ri. tv>r ia 1825, when he was pronounced by throe etiiiues't p!iy~ici!»ns iu a Southern city, a- in an advanced f-tage of Coiisuoipt ion. 7'hrse I'ills (urei him He is nr,w over seventy years of 'ige and ia lii-c.'targ-' >i active professional duties. Their g^o.i etfects upon others crea ed such a demand tor them that he wa-; c.^iu- pel'cd to dv-i-» iV;>tri ."upi.iyuiig the i pratuitoosiy They are nut. recommr;nieU t'y tht i.roj.rie..or *;.iod for all' I’isi'a-e*-, but ;inlv for 'iich as ari'e troui D1S- ORDKhS OF THE LIVKR Many p.r.sotis iiavr testi fied to th.-ir good efl’pct-' in nud hrnrn, ftilion* Fever, Pneumotn t. •V'"-. V'’. Read the foUowtng: S D \V M.I. v'K. Hh 1-, Pn-;iili-rit of the Wiimington ■vnd '>V •Id'-.ii Ha'I • I '*'- ".av-: ‘ Ir. ha- 1,eeu : ai'l'hit “1»V-||T1'-!Io;;r di 0.a'^“ However thi- inay be. i' f:in>?ed tif -.tiJ-a!! ' «ever- sul' feriiig. IV'.vi !et,ti il^y a >’iirni';'K‘d tii»' v- ■ ■ •! f'aw ’.oXfls tftliP •• Iff'p/ilir J'i/lx .t ’/it '/I’ol'lhrin V.'• j>erje*‘lit"riii‘. lii -ny iV.m ty ti.. y hav‘ lieen -.cp* freqU'UH'fi viWh (iiiinrnt siii'crs'i. \ ii.y aiM,u i.'it- ances, mitmi ..rijri.'.,.-ie.g di«e -.« d ii ‘'i. iv^* XI U'l Stoa, April 2, mi. COX, KENDALL & CO. 10-tf WA]¥TED, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. AIbo, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six p«r cent Bonda, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. G. Maroh %, Wanted Immediately, 1 A JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which the highest c-vsh price will be paid. —ALSO— A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. March 7,1808. 9tf j hcen relieved ■■!; ' •'•ored *.'/ 'liei.i. 1 r.-jir' :!if' TAKEA tP, . I ini'uluiif^lt' )nediriitr Iil l t |i!p,a«iire i>i f '’wr;iu'» N!) f:oiiinrntpd to .fail, \ ■ boy who sa\j thiP vobin'ary t-ibiiip ' is JttllN. ano b‘''^-s lo .1 F 11 jdman of ; .l.utv Wukjiit, .>f vildsi. •!■.• N. . .Kusf. 11, D.ividscnC.unty. John i aliout 5 f.>e' 1 or 5 inches | ,says: ••M.av- o.- a (t.e >’>«'//’/•» /‘,l/.->■.> high abotti or y-'ar- oi l; 'hp f.nt o- one of his i.uuilv het ■’ ol i'. > ' U oiy iUt.>i>u!! in Ai >t)au!a. fingprs i.^ oti’. The nwoer will come f >rwar 1. p-.y cuarc-’.s. I 1 h we .'i v>b,aV,l* servant girl prove prop.riy and him,aw.a.\, or iie wih t>e dealt | ,, loncr'ifa'; undr-r tre-iti:.. nf fr.rcotiFutop with as ihu law directs P ■ ALDER.MAN, j .„:,hour r ce-vuig any benefi’ Almost in her px .]aib-r of t'unibcrland c.^unly. j (remity. 1 'v'-s indiic" 1 lo try tiio Ihfn'ir Pillx. 'Vucf .April 22. 22tf ' were gj.'pn arrordtny to dirfrHnns, i ^1h- t,--: " , — — 1 ,/Uireh/ /■mtor-il hy them \ .-^itrii! ir i a. >1 IIAAK €^%PE FEAR, I ! a^nong my «ervnnl8 in .\lal»iiua F.>r l•^e.' ’20th AlMllL, 18HH. j j diseases I hat'e jurfert eontifierirf hi them rpME ANNUAL AlEETlNG of the Stockholders of this - Full dirccliom other rertnir>rf’-t^ ^i.uuo I Bank will t e .»ield ;U th^ir Banking Room on Tiiurs- • the wrayper of cich box day. 7th May, af. 10 o'clock 22-2vr] J. G. BURR Ca-h’r. WAITED, AFIRST-RATB COOK and BAKER; to such an one Kood pay will l>e given. A woman pret- rred Apply to Capt. M. P. TAYLOR, At the Arsenal. April 23. 22tf Price. $1 a 1 -.x; :^10 a ,l..z-a; ' ‘ - ". a! the JJrn^/ist* For SI) twelv.- b:;s-n> wi free to P.ny part of the Confederacy where - dragsi-ts Not 1P"S than a dozen boxes will htrsent by the proprietors must accompany orders. ^ hecKS '°Addre^''*^ 1>EEMS, Wilson, A’ C. sale in Fayetteville by J. HiSSDALE. "pril 26. 22- .\prii lo, j u'litlt‘iiu'11; I h»' dispo.sitioii ol our I’orces ha.s tiot ma^eriuilv ohttiijje.l ■ so far as I hay,; bia'u able to |n.rceive) .since the I' redcrickshurj^ f]o;ht Wt* Mtill j.ic'sciit a (till Jroiit to tin* otieiiiy on tht* north si.le ol the Jiappahaunoek, awaiting hi* s coiul udvauee with that 1‘eeliti^ ul eofiscious streiifith, atid that eoutideiico iti the skill Hti'l ability ol otir ■ieuerals, auiounfin^ aliiio'-t to a eortriiuty ol bf'iri^' aiilt- fo iiuri hiiti a^aiii ui con lit'iioii and 'Ji.'-may upon the Stafford fleif^ht> Tiie ti) k1-ar«-luptiily betaHuinu iirin and hard, ;iial il stitishiiif and dry winds pi\-vail tor a tew days loti^et, thu luud d the Rapj>ahHiiii«;ck v.^iU i-t-.isv to bt‘ ;iii f.xcu-t* ior ti^htin^ Joe tt> retuain idh*; and without beint; luorc cxplieit, in the fVfjit of his :irmy a^tin boiti^ deleattid at Fred- liek.sburg, h- ni:iy titid to his surprise, that the northern l.«ankb of il\e river will afford him but little protection ?onie divt^rsity ot‘ opinion «*x- ist.s a.s to th;.' pr"ient strength of (looker’s army, whetlu^r it lias Lei.-a flituinisheil oi increased. )t tluis it is iinpo.ssible to speak with eertainty; nn doubtedly he bas scut oil troops; wlmt u'Ces^ii.uis to bis rankh ho ha- iiMreiveti we know not if is at any rate ^.il'^■r to c.'cpeet him with an over- 'wlielnii’jLr 1' toe than fo look I'or him with diiniu i.sheJ nuiubci.s, i 'uii f understand tnc to .say that onr troops are ''eairf-r I'or the tray.’’ Men ^ho liave .seen liHid eonte.sttai Itattle tield.s,—who have fought throti^^h (’old Harbor, .Malvern Hill, the thrt e days at .^lan^, and through 8harp.sbnrg. are never “caiicr tor the tray." But vvhat f mean i.s, our troojis are lu.spired witli that linunesa ol, that iletcrmined re.solution, tluit lonli dence and oo.-,iin.'iti eonraire, only to be aequiivd by repeated victoric.s, lliat will cause fliem iievft t'» swerve, or l iltor atuid the dreadful work of de- .struetion thi^t reitr:.:^ upon the battle tield >ui artuy under the luader.-ihip uf l^ee, I.ongatreet and .Jack.suti, belieVt-, aiivi in truth are invincible While every man would .shrink with horror iVoui a peaeo, excvpt upon tiie must honorable terui.i lor our inl'uiii Ooul'eleracy, yet 1 tno.-.i earn estly trust th;.t the di»y is not far distant, when s kind and All-wise Providenc*- will open tVie e.yes ol oHi- encinie-' to fully realize the awful le.sponsi- bility, their damning ;.;uilt in pro.secuting this iu- ujuitous war upon the riglits and liberties ol their Jellow-mcn. 1 loo^. forward to the day, and trust it is not far down in the luiuie when peaee, plenty and prosperity will again smile upon our beloved !5outh; when the wui-worn, the veteran *st>ldier shall again rciuni to his home.stead, and joy an.d happiue.s.s tukindhi within the hearts of the thank lul t’aniily tiiKt will sit around his firesiile, li.sten ing to hi.s nairati.j of the .second revolution iod grant that these blessings may .soon be the reward oi the poor soldier's patienoe, lortitude, courage aud patriotism! IJut while peace must come aud briug witVi it joy and gladness to ^onle. yet that wil; i^e a day oi’ fearful retribution for o- tiier.s—men, uupatriutie, extv.'rtioner.s, whoremain at home gnaw fngupMn the very vitals olour guvern- ment; men wio have hoarded up flour, corn, bacon, all the ncce.'saries of life, and refuse to part with a gallon or a pound until the uttermost farthing ot their ungodly and extortionate prices is paid down, Such men e-ati only be cla.ssed aiuimg the tones ol this rcvoiuiion. rhere is another class to vvliom peace wiil not lie the harbinger of joy and 'I'lto.rv^^ art- de.sectei>—mij, who have lor.sakcii tiieir country in tlie hour of dangei and tribalanon wlien .stout arm.'' anti trne hearts weie iueiie«i; men ^viio havi- cciwardly deserted t'neir coujra le.- in anu>. i pon these, mountains of tibiotjuy Wilit)i». heapi-d \V hile ()thfrs will be .spo ken ol with iioiior and pride, at these thv linger of ."CorH at;d loiiieinpt will be pointed, and their in- laiii) wiil ui-sceiut evi n upon their childit-n and their children s eliiluicii; it will b«- a woril of re proach to tjieir posicrit),, it will be .said of them, anu lo theiu, that their lather or their graiidfattiei was a d.;:jcrler, aud published as .such \\ ln:ii tin.- itay •! peace shall arrive, malCibg gliiij.'vunt: tin? ingle-hide of many, at others tliere will be vaeai.iies ,\nd there will b'.* VHcancies in 111:1113 fieaiis lor loVert om s who will return uo more,—jootid. (iaring spirits, whose live.s iiaM- lieeii tiau of >he price p:iitl lor lil>erly If will l»e a sweet, tl;out;h aad, (a)n,«olatii>n tn tin- be reaved one.'-, tii.ii ibey ie.'l nobly and bravely con-' tending for Jk' ind. j/endt-neo ot their et^untry. Ot Midi ua.'^ tiie galiar.t .Major lienj It. Huskc, the cfin.stiaii ''entbiuan, Lt. Angus .Shaw, and host." of others m our midst 'I'hey tell sacrifices on the altar ot their country,— ‘ Tliev .(evotiit t>tii 111).lying, Ttu! very ►;at.-M t‘it.: naiiies are sighing; The SI, li' pdlaruu. and gray C; ii,us rvi' ilci ti.eir bacred olay. s, ;'ii.-i vrr i; u- luskv mountiiin; I'iicir •n.’Tr.cry lo.^ : o '-r the fountain; I In- til- u- I rili. tlie mightiest river, itoils mi ifiiing With lame fcrever,” I'lie .soliiier has trientln, and warm, syjnpsithetic ones, at hoint'. (Utr c.'untryWomen are rearing nioiiuiijents ti ;hei>- memories, by their kinduesa, their iudelatigible t'xertions, that the poet’s pen would fail apiiro{>ri!ttely to ret,*ord. Hut for them (lOd only ktiows Ikut tin- suflerings in camp, in the tield. up'tn tin* ittatrh, and among the tlcsti- tute families :i? ii.iiite, have been borne. 'riie Ciiiip.ain of our l{egiment, the llev (}vo. PatttMson, w!i" htiils f.otii Seiippernong Lake, of till* Kpiscop ;; dciioin’nation, i- one of the very f( '.V w'lio j..»s.- -'i'> fh- iM.irer of ata|uiring and ee- i Uu‘ii\in'4 trioi.iisiiip altiuist instantant'oiisly Firm- I 1\. I iii!;:iit :il;rio.-il s-aj obstinately, tlevoted to the I principles d bi-.i ('Imr.-h bohl in advi»eafing his doetriiirs :uil juitieipb-.s- he has rii-v'rtheles.s en deared himsoli- ft. tlie ..fhc is of tlie regiment lie. !s a devoi:r elnisii:.ii; -4-«'al. almost jo hi.- ii>posifi.,-: entirely Ire-.; iroin that |.' i lit ifatii-tii that so often }i nk from iclj^ion and it« \ liappie, -el-'eti'in. I think, could not have ■ V 1 ,1 I iiopi- I 'liiiers and plantt^rs in *Norfli (.’a- wiil hc'fl the warning and counsel of Gov, •V ;,tice lie )- truly man well adapted for the times. 11 is sf r'_'esti.,ni are always wise and em inently ptitrio'ie. and iiis administration certainly phows that he lias the welfare ot the State and whole ('onfed-iaey at heart Hating i? indispen sable to tighti;!^; :ind unless grain in iibundance iUtadoi i |^(, pjvnted, there nms' be suffering both in the “■ I army and at home, pro>iably to a greater extent at home than in the army. The health of the regiment very fair, but Spring with its debilitating effects is increasing tie sick list. We have had a few cases oi small pox anil u lew ot pneumonia. otie ol til.? ahoii' 1‘>HP iieit II. F , Witt, librrally re- rtli. ■ V giv- Vltl III 8friet Ctitl-. - p-dft s> dt i: - I l.inj,- H. VV U, r. EAJui *

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