BRPI 'I ^*ni M «’«! ,'!r-‘''^‘ i.»d K’Kttv U. iiry \V,U^., VN H >d^eh Robert Hvnutu K Kouior r a A,u,, *' •Jit'iii. \\ ’■• A \i l»Hvis *. V Uli; n \V H Avern >W!i, E >’ Grier rriu: er iMi, J }\ Haw . abl* s. f^ Stansill N I'fift/rt in Riddi.-k IS lbri*t m orth, M > K'il*bi:;v InErrtiin l»' , I* McNeill laui, Jan. 3 Royn(.ld. N FiftBiinu , J H I'arpenter >y, J hi ■* U Holuie* r. in-'W -rfh II A'*JfJ, WlL Ijn s. 1. narJ Hendcrsc, K >' «S*irl . A H Maruplor TK> MiNt.h :.>- TK. Iliu'ii 1. Vancuv. •' bert W J . ViHoti. > "a iM Bukor, A K iiW. '* ’ 7,- ’ 1' r 'V "VN illian: i^purrow. T J Seaia Left O tirown, Jk B C.:irk. H S V Pcyt fta *x "^0 Davis. iTil ,^d. ' \V Barnw Huvne», G Wi^; - \V S Uldh Xr.r W I?:. li.rd Pre.! *>N • 11 S' K-i ^ ►ni:-' J I'o'ior, D- ]. >1 >’urry, Kra«ci I I'ton, Ja-' L iX J liilftun.^jraTiiii ^rland. Tb Jfl B Uv H . - k'DsR B Hill n Hu h\k^e,C J fCenu- ha', id Tlfi}'T l.'iciu^i J * ^ K V. ri>:-b^ cted arb -I V .‘lerc; li* Bner, l.'icien J i/n M-rIjWC!: ]«b. bl f hau*b«r^ I Ily . ra^parn^’I iTOw, VV ^V larr . ^ ,rg \' N il Smith, f Kenn . T D McDof rtild n Arrintrt^n. • \ li " t>aitber, AT irf, '>'Bojce, ^ .John McQuceo, •H.-.-kelbWOSwj ,shire, H ? Foote'^ L Thomas Menees, David M me H Tl 'iarnett,J .. r A I*' P ^ , Q Bot* Smith, A H I OK Harj- lennlity; U«-..aty; ror f ravtil^ nn\ E 1 HALB & ,le» ol P»r»«' «d, 2d Edition, Eni* h E'JUion, with Not* iylM’ on Bill*, • f IFAT WlLiyB ®IB S R M 1. w R R K Y . ' ’“.J LL vor xii.i . KAYKITKVILLK, i\. C.. MAY 1, [NO. 1*225.] V i>KlM't;i' -MOND.AVS and THURSDAYS KUWIIU) J. HALK X SOi^S. KI ITOK'i AND rROPRIETORt? ,. Ik* 00 if jvniil in iviti'-f. i'4 -^U il iluviijjT the yt*ar i»f “ijhsi'j if*- .ii i.r i- > after i)ie year has expire.I a.t- Observer 00 j.i'r nninini, if pnul iii it piiii! .iuriiiff the year of salHi'rip 1 11. ol >4 On :it'i»*r the year hu' fxpiretl- jKgr \ DVKK riSi:M KN TS m^erie.l foi Jl per » o ; 1' lines for th»* tirt, itini 60 oeiiis for euch am-- • liiisr pul>lic.itiii!i \tlvt>rti-eiuMits not excfeilirijf a ns't ' inure lines) t’.U conts for the first hikI JO cents ,jr e>i‘h sU''oee'lin!f piiViU(«aiion Ailveriisers are r«-- to -mt»» tht‘ nnmher of ins«-rtions li»siri'ii, or ■t > »it\ lit- iMniiiniet till forSiil, anj ohHijeii aeoonl -sfiy. Ailvertiji^iiioiitN (’.tuiiniifvl oh*irg«'l hs new H'1 *,-riisemeu' >rfc;OiaL. .SijTICE. ^'•uiu an i i ter this date, no nanic* uf a new suf)s0riher i 'c entered without payment in aiivanoe, nor will ;’.e sui-b '‘ubsi'riher-; for a longer time p.ti'l tor S 1. h ufoi'.r yM siibscribets as desire to take the pa- .11 thi-i system will please iict’ty ii« when making jiii'.tfin-'ert Jan'y 1, l!S.'>8 Attorney at Law, FaVETTEN ILLE, N. M ILL aiieiid the (’ounfy and tiuperior Courts of I? Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Kobeson Coun- ..e- Pr.^nipi attention given to the collection of all i LOOK AT THIS! TIIK FUETTfiVlliLH] HOTEL, FroiUing 3IU0 feet aod in the busiuesN portion of' the Town, 4'oiiiaiiiM more wpacioiiM aiiil uell veiililaletl Rooiiim than any in lilt* Mate, and my I’atroris .say uiy Condiiucnts are v»»ry I'ood tor the times. T. H'AUUlLli, Proprietor. May JO. IHti'J. 27y .i'.Uli lift i-ntru-Jted to his hands 17, 58-tf GEO. VV. WILLIAMS' & CO.. \Vliole«aie Dealers in «ro€erieN, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN hardware aud Cutlery, Swedes Irou, HAI STUKET, FiYKTTEVILLK, >. C. Ja.yi;, 1861. 3»>tf COX. \v. I*. KENDALL. J. S. K.KNDALI, i'OX, A: 4 0., AN D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 A li -Norlli Water St., Wiliiiinsion. N. C. iBp- ■h ii r'i trom the Conntvy jjrompily executed. |I5P“ iiUr nt lent ion gtvi n to the !»ale of Cotton «.,i .[hiT produc-' J, li't.l. 10-(f JOxi. l '1'L.KV, Urour and i'otnmi^**ion •fterchant, FAYETTEVILLE, N (\ 93-tf T. i\ A: B. ii. WORTH, and f'orwarding Merchants WILMINGTON, N. 0. AS* FEW LADIES etDjri.-iry 84tf I'AKO! be aocomtnc ijited with board at T. C. S«{t I'J. HOOPER. 56- JUll.NSON, WILLIAMS & CO.. n.\Ki-:K»>. lUE have tlurty (I'.O) pans now in operation nine miles M east of W’ilrain^ion Parties wishing to supply iheiU'^lvpi with salt, can be furni-'hed by applying to h JohD.sun, Jr , .\gent at Fayetteville, to b Page, ' iDifcer ut the wnr»s. or »o J M WlLLlAMri. (Jeneral SuperinteuJeut. Fiyetieville, Not. ISOi i%oTici:. As I expect to be absent from home a few raonths in Uie West, .\rchibald .McLean is luy authorized ifeni to transacf my business uotii I r«*turn. N G. JONKS. beoT :i8. IHtjO. UI;]MTft:K-V KAIL. KOAO. 'I’raiiis of this Koad leave Fayetteville dail}'. 1 (Sundays exoepteil) al H o’-.‘lock. .A M., and re- lurniug leave .Mol ver s at 1 o’clocK, P .M. /’/viyA; Train MONDAY, WEDNKSDAY and FRIDAY. Hy Older of the President JNO M. ROSE, 'I’reas'r ajid .AcCg Trans. .Ag’l. Jan •J'J, l.stlH. «7tf n'otiee to Shippers. IN couseijuenoe of the high price of every thing used by this Company, the Directors have advanced the . rate*, of freight generally about one hundred per cent Rates will be furnished as soou as printed. JNO. M Rose, Treas’r and Transporiatiou Ag't W R R Co i March 18, ]2tf From anil alter tlii» 'tale the Steamer A P HURT will leave at Si o'clock, .A M., on .Monday and Thursday J^)S .A WORTH, April G — litf ] .Ag'i C. F. St'eam Boat Co. To C'otton Planters. 1H V \ E been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- i sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of (Cotton for the ! Confederate Government within the Slate of North Caro- ■ lina, aud will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or t Sub-Agents visitiug the different parts of the Stale, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. I5y oriier of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or my agents, ou and after the . 18th day of March 18C8. will be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds or ('ash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the ; 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated Patriotic citizens are now ofl'ered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists LKWIS S WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March "24, 1863. [u. D.j 14tf K^ypt C'oal ;?line. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the j Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered iuto copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling (.’oal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. C>niers for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal t'ro’ln this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate Stakes Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C , or James Browne^ Charleston, S. C CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville. Jan y 20, 1863. %tf $100 REWARD. UNAVVAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBER ON SUNDAY the -6th of January l»»8t. my negro boy named .AN THONY. He is of a whitish yellow complexion, about 5 feet ♦) or 7 inches high, 18 or 20 years old, and sup posed to weigh about 140 pounds. He has a heavy head of hair, aud talks short when questioned, and hM a down look. No doubt he is trying to pass for afree boy. I will give the above reward for him delivered to me at Prospect Hill, Caswell County, or confined in any jail so 1 get him. F. L. WARREN. C'wwell Co., March 25, 1863. 16-3mpd REWARD. HIRTY DOLL.ARS Reward will be paid for the ap- prehiinsion and delivery at t>ie Camp of Instruction, Raleigh, N. C., of each of the following named Deserters from my I’oiapany, C, 3d N C. Reg’t; If*. J* EiMye, John tl. JPt'idfieotu, -I. II’. Broirn^ i*eter J, t'arrollt find Jamea €\ and SIXTY DtiLL.ARS for t9avUi PotceU. f have reason to believe that Powell is lurking In the woods near Fayetteville, and has been for the past sev en or eight months. He has not been in the Windei Hospital since July 12th, 1862, when ho was discharged and ordered to report to his Company H W. HORNE, Capt. Com’dg Co. C, 3d N. C. Reg’t. Near Port Royal, March 13, 1863. 14-6w j Floreuee and FayetteFille Rail Road. TTNDER the provisions of :in Ordinance of tin* 'on- ■ U veiition ot North ’arolina. Books will be opened ou ' the loth June at the toliowing places and under the ili- ! rection ot the following persons, to receive subscrip ‘ tions to the Capital Slock of the ‘•Floreiico 5i Fayetie- ville Rflil RoaiH'o. Shares One Hundred Dollars eauii I At thf Hinl Ru,iJ (Jjfice in Pni^rl/fi'Hle.—Uuder the di rection of the General ('onituissioners, A A XlcKetban. D A Ray. A. W. Steel, Win. McL ,McKay and .luo. •M Rose. At tUf htii Springs.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Win. J. Stewin. Jas, A. Smith. Dan’l C. Mc Neill and ( 1)1. .Alex. McMillau, or auy one of them. At Floral Lollegt. — Under the direction of Dr Neili .McNair, Dr. A. 1). .McLean, .Archibald .'+iniih, bMinuiiii Lilly aud ( ol. .Alexander Wai.son, or any one of ihem At i^ufensddlr.—Under the direction of .Murdock Mc- uae. D.. McLeol. D. .Mci^alluiu. Jas McRae. Jr , and J. H McQueen, or any one of them. .4 -Under the direction of John Purcell. Jno. McNair, Sion .Alforil. Dugald McCallum anl .Ino. Mcl'alluin. or any one of them. The Subscription Books will rrinaiu open for the space ot 61) day ). When a sufbcient sum is subscribed the (.ompaiiy will bo organize 1 for the purpose of Viuild ing the Road A. A, McKETHAN. D. A. RAY, A. W STEEL, WM McL McKAY, JNO M KOSK, ■ (Jeneral ('oiiiuiissioners. j Fayetteville, June 7. 1S62. 32tf EPISCOPAL t'0.\VKNT10\. 7*0 tite CUrfjy and Laitf/ of the I'roiextiint Vhlii'cli in the Uivcne oj ^ai th (!‘ii‘oli;ia: ^|1HE Convention in this Diocese having appi,.nii't its- I next .Annual Meeting to take pl'ii'i*. ou ihe i.-c .ad ■♦Vednesday in .May, in Si. John’s Church, in tlie io\*n cf Wilmington, and the ahs»nce of a greater pari of the families of that Irom iheir honuv-i, mukiu^ t inexpedient for the Council to hold its sesion theie. I have, by virtue of the authority comiiiitied to me l y Canon 1, of this diooesi*. changed the place and time uieetiug, and do hereby appoint that the next Diooesaa ('ouncil be tiel.l on Thursday, the fourteenth day .f May, in St. John’s t'hnrch, in tJu' Town of Fayetievilli! THOMAS ATKINSON. Bishop of North Carolina. ifii* l-:X(JHANGK HOTEL. T". Hc Mole lA'^atlier itanled. It Apply to Fayetteville. April 14 LBS. of heavy well lanneil SOLK LE.ATIIKU, suitable for Bi'ltitig MUKl’HV ■JOti ilUlar Foundry. I)LOU(jHS and Plough Points and Heels of all nuni bers can be haJ at M A Baker’s Store in Fayette-1 ville, oj>posite ihe old Wagon Yard Castings of supe- i rior quality ('all atiil see for yourselvi s. Castings of all kinds made at the shoitest uotice an 1 f'lr reasonalde charges M .\ P. .\KF. R Star Foundry, April 20. IHii:’. 21-Im E sub'Cribei aniiotitices lo tiie jm- hat he will open on the 1-t May the above IlcU'c of Kntertaiuiient. (formerly tlie Sheiu- well ll-.iiise ) . The hmne i-^ si:uatcii a lew door.s from the Market, on Green street, near the ceu- tre of ihe bu■.^i^les^ fi..riioti of me t- wn. and has been newly titled up. and thoroughl3’ cleansed The rootns are convenient an.l weH ventilated Ttie table will be supplied with the l)cst tin- luarkei atlords. the Bir with the best of Liquors, and the stable with atieiiiive O.sllers. !»esirous of sharing the public patronage I can pro mise thii those who give me ii call shall not Isave 'liS- saiistied Ui'’l'Br.N .ItiNHS. Aftril 27. 2:’-ti JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. i vN’ .MO'nDAY ihe IH'h day of M ly next, I shall, agrce- \/ a>>!c lo (he j)rovisions of h Deed in Tru-t io me, executed by Gillts »V Johnson, sell at .Auction, all the properly both Ileal aud Personal, at Sioney I’oini. I he resilience ot' D’.iiican B (Jillis. set forth in sai>l Trust, to wit; I H acres of l/.\Nl) on South side ('amden Koad, be tween I$tg and {.liiile Rockfish, being the same convpy- ed by A A .NlcKethau to Duncan B. (Jilli'^: one 'I'UR- PENTINE .STILL and I IXTCRES. near (iillis’s Mill; A Kort Fish' V I. S \ loa THE OB.SERVER SOUniKoNS RALLVINO r \V '.I Si>ut;, respectfully dedicated to ll»« tiy a member ot the Sheep Society V1 ft — yi, 1 rrgOT's tlathrriny Our wotnei) ^re :>ir, our men brave and true, And our it i;- plightea t>i die or to do; Our birthright of freedom from heroes we draw — .\iid we’ll ke' p if .i- lacred as Heaven's first law Then to -irjus, !■> arms, to arnis for freed tn Though the\ drive Us trom ho^n^ and incite our holots, .■siil! josiici* shnl! friiinijth and crush out the despots Then rallv. ruUy. rally, rally, rally, rally While a true heart shall t'eat by oioi>ntaiu or siver, iiiir own S oith snail tl.oirish, despite them, foiever Suntiv Frsuce, wuh vine clad hills. Knglami auvi hor rowers. All Iiie wot i l s j'rr'at iiations —no friends are of ours— W o are fi 'eiidloss, friendless, friendless, but freeman -ft ieiidles-. irieudless. friendless I hr^'itgh .Mis..i>sij'pi’s swift water the horsemen shall ride. O'er the higti j.oak^i of Otter the frigale shall glide, Tile deserts ol Texas sjiall bloom like the rose Kre our wron)TS he forgot or we yield to our fi>es. Then to arros. t.i anus, to arms for freedom TUe New (OLORi:!) St le, SniKlI, iK4l>HS, A AT VuM4»rw«l4*ll'^ ART. %Voolwarr« ^olar Camera. PHOT(.K}R.APHS can be had at Vanorsdell’i Skylight Gallery. Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile: from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' »g to thie .Art. .Also, Gilt Fiatnes, Gilt .Mous ing, G1 1 for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Oord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instrn- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Uec’r 20. 1859 77- iMarble Faeti^ry, R' IIA.^K 4'APF I'FAK, ] Wll.MlNOTuN, .Vpvil l.j, !>»)•■{. ) Dividknu No. 107 SKMI-ANVU.AL Dividend of 5 per cent, has been declared by ihi.s Bank, payable to Stockholders on 1st May. .1 G BURR, C.ashier April l.O, IK(i8 21-2w Run I he ltlocka«le! W. .^1 A C I T A' H K R»c»‘ived and olfers for sale; 2017 yards printed Muslin deLain; 1782 yarils white aud black Prints; 1584 yarils Long Cloth; a[>0 lbs k.lack Flax Thre.i.1. No- StO. 40, 60, GO; 2S0 lbs drab Fl.ix Thread, Nos 30. 40, 50; 102 lbs white brown Thread, Nos oO. 40, 60; 400 dozen white Spool Cotton; loo ilozcn Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs: 6 dozen Eugenie Skirts; 4 M Needles, Noo 1, 2, ;J, 4, 5; .80 M Needles, assorted, from lo 10; 7 packs Pius. English full p ipi-r; 12 boxes black Pius; 168 gross metal Pant Buttons; :5 dozen French Tooth Brushes; ti dozen drab Nutria Hats; 100 pairs Brogan Shoes; 1200 lbs Green Copperas: 20 boxes Extract of Logwooil. April 6. 1863. 17-Ow Rl A THi: ULOi'K'ADi:. PIECES Black and White CALICO; lOO prs Men's Eng, sewed BROG.ANS; For sale by W MclNTYRE Mar^li 16. ’ 1 ■ 11 Six .Mules, two Horses, two Road Waeons and Harness, j Though they drivo t'.s from home and incite our helots. Still justice shall iriuuiph and crush out the despots Then rally, rall^, rally, rally, rally, rally While a true ne>irt shall beat by mountain or river. Our own Suiuh .ihill rtoiirish. despite them, torever iV"" S.ACKS for sale by Dec. 22 halt:: ROBERT .MIT('IU;LL. 88-tf Bv T.AUHKK, STARK TWO DOIIHS ,\BOVK T. IIAICH & SONS FayettevHie, If. t\ Jan’v '.'0. 1 RfiO 84- ETXK V11.1. K MUTC.4L l5iSrRiNfE fOMPAXf. Capital in Premium Note? amounts to ?267.688 -(> A'OTICK. IN consequence of a necessary stvppage of the Rock- fish Factory for several weeks to come, for the pur pose of repairs, the company will have no Sheetings for sale till further notice. C T. H.AlGH, Pres t March 22 ALL perMonn liaiing ol«iiu9 iigaiast the laie Hector McMil- _ lau, will preseut them to the subscriber in due time or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tiieir recovery. Persons indebted to the said H McMillan ire requested to make immediate payment. M. MOKKISON. Kr’r. April 8 18 HI Palma tiiri!$ti Bean». T Cash on hand and other assets. 5.077 35 ''pn E subseriber will pay the highest cash prices *or Total, f272,76.5 fil The Company have paid all looses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid. #20.t>82 6'.t ( )mOKRs: GKO. McNElLL. President. D A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dirbctors: any quantity of Palma (’hristi Beans. J A WORTH. Fayetteville. Oci (i-tt OB RwjkfiRh Alter tIliH date I will pay H Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at my D MURPHY 65- 2,500 r.s %VAATKO. .'SHELS WHEAT, )W\/ “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive ‘‘it highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M Thomason, the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the stjbscri- at hifi old stand on Market Square. ALEX JOHNSON, Jr. Nov 1862. 76rf Twenty-tlve 0»llarM Rewar«l. p.\NAWAY from the subscriber, his negro boy MO IL sES. He is 21 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches robust, long feet and very much turned out at the and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at McVhaul’fl Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., i ^ttlvasin FayetteTille about three weeks ago. The. reward will l>e p»»id for his delivery to me or for ! coufiuemeot iu any jail bo that I get him. | W. D. JOHNSON. Benoettgvrlle, B.C., Aug. 14, 1862. 0‘Jit' > AR:?IY HARl^ESS. prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon ' Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can i goo'l b>irgaiiLS. Agents will do well to send their orderR to me as they shall have prompt attention, and •®nt off itj quick dispatch. JOHN (J.AIITER. . GoMston P. ()., Chatham Co., N. C., ) June 13, 1862. I «00 Him. i«um Arabic lor jsaie by J. R. LKE. Oct. 1,0. 69tf Groceries / C^roceriesSS ( L.\R0E and well selected Stock of FAMILY^ a (iHoCERIES always on hand, consisting of BaX)n-Side8, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker Nob. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobac(!0, Cigars, ■^n4 all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- Establishment COX, KENDALL & CO Wilmington. April 2. 1H(,1 10-tf W. H. ALLEN, Coitiiiiission iHerehaiit* WILMINGTON, N. C. pHOMPT personal attention given to consignments of Sto»»8, Cottoh. or other Country Produce Asnety Dollars Reward. '^pilIRTY DOLLARS reward will be paid for the ap- X. prehension and delivery at the Camp of Instruction ’ I at Raleigh, or to this Regiment, of each of the following named “deserters” from company E, 8th Reg’t N (V T.; JA-MES J. CAMERON, Gum Swamp, Harnett county. THOM.AS HAN.ALL, near Johnsonville, “ WILLI.AM J. SANDY, Rockfish, Cumberland Co. J. R. MURCHISON. Capt. Co E, 8th N. C. Troops t’wnip on .1 me«’ fsland, S C., March 1‘*tpd Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, 8. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C, B. Mallett. James Kyle, A. A. M^cKethan. J. l». Williams, S. W. TiUinghast. Wilm’gton. REWARD. I^AN.AW'AY from the subscriber in Patrick County, 11 Va , on the night of the '29th of this month, my boy JI.M Said boy is about 20 years old, i>bout five feet 8 to 10 inches high, yellow complexion, with rather a gootl face, has rather a coarse voice, had on when he left a browu frock coat, and black cap. I purchased him in Richmond a short lime ago. ' He was raised in Fayetteville, N. C., and will probably attempt to make his way back there. I will pay th« above reward for his apprehension and delivery, or confinement where 1 cau get him. My Post office is Penn's Store, Patrick county Va. J. P. CRITZ. March 30, 1863. 18 8tpd or shiBment. ^pril22. I.O«T, A SMALL buckskin purse, between Liberty Point and the half way bridge, containing 1 gold watch key, with a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve dollars in cash. The fiuder may have the purse and the money if they will leave the other things at this ofSce. Feb’y 14, 1863. • 3tf Administration il^otice. ^piIE subscriber havini; qualified as Administratrix on JL the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. CATHARINE SUNDY, Adm'x Aug. 4, 1862. 49- t Administrator’s ilfotice. The subscriber having at December Terrn, 1862, of the (bounty Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r. Dec. 10, 18tV2. 85- ^ WAilfTEU, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Urokera, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. W. N. TiUinghast, S. J. Hin'^dale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. butterloh, A. W. Steel. J. G. C»ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, A. E. Hall, hn Collins and C. C. .Mct'rummen, Traveling .Agents H^^The Company invite applications. May 28. 1861. ’-I- THE .IIOBTH tAROM.KA .MUTtffAL LIFE ISSCRINCE fOMP.iNI, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to (JO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to '>0 years of age are insured for one year or for five years tor two thirds I heir v:ilue. .All losses ar« punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory ptoof is presented. For further information the publ" is referred to .Agents of the Company in all parts c ihe State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, .Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. ~€APT. WILKE!»*’S REPORT ON THE DEEP RIVER MINERAL REGION. The undersigned have caused to be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. NaVy, a«d his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet piiblished. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan'y 26. K. J. HALE & SONS. NO'flCE. ’ " THE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, I hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed .lohn D. Starr and .John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either sep.arately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents .-ind make payment. 2TAJIR k WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1861. 58-'f OIL AND LAMP BLACK. 1 BANNERS' and LUBRICATING OIL. L.A.MP BL.ACK iu barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM a: C(»., Wilmington. N. C. March 7. 6 if .Sapona River Orindstones. i FTER an experience of eigbi monihs in Grindstone il. manufttCturing, I am prepired to givs satisfaction as to grit, and quick dispatch to all orders, from >2 inches up to six feet in diameter. All orders will be directed to Fayetteville, in care oi the Sapona Iron C >. We will give the highest wSges to three good Sione (,’uiters. W .M. B. h.ARK.VR & (,(K April 15, 1H63. 20-6tpd TO €LERKK of I'OrRT*. IN Sending us Court .AdverUsemeuts the Clerks will enclose S'S, if the ailvertiseraenis are of the usual length. A larger amount if the orders are longer E. .) HALE Al sons April 30, I860. Western Railroad Office, \ Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 1862. i IlOR the purpose of increasing the cardial stock of ibis ' Company, to enable it to extend the Road from Uie i Coal Fields to itie North I'arolina Road, the following i gentlemen have been appointed Cointnissioners to re ceive subscribers in their several neighborhoods, viz; At Gulf—L J Haughtou, Brooks Harris, Dr George C Newb^ and G Washington Above the Gulf—Jno J Goldston, James F Rives and Hugh W Dixon. At (Jre Hill—G W Goldston, Dr L W Gorrell and N M .Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dau’l Hackney, A B Marsh aud Jas Pace. .At Fount’s .Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. .At Franklinsville aud vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A g Horney. At Asheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. At New Market—iesse Walker and Joseph Newlin. At Thomasville—A G Fos er and Jno W Thomas. At High Point—Dr R V, Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At Salem—Francis Fries and R L Paltersoa. At Oreensb4o’—C P Mendenhuli, Peter .Adams, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesse H Lin l.-ay. Instructions will be sent to the ('ommissiouevs at an eariv day by the President of the (^impany. (;4f f J M ROSE, .Sec’y one Timber W :»trnn, .‘>tock of Hogs, Ttirpeniine Tools, one t'arriage and H irness. two Sets of (^J0pfrrt' Tools, HousetioKI aud Kilchen Fiiniiture, Farming Utensils, 130 Sticks of Tiwi Timber on Big Rockfish, near lUack's Bridge; one Double tiiin. one Ritle, otii? Negro Woman and a variety »d other articles Sale pOi>itive and for cas!!. ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Trustee. April 25. 18t;^ _ PlVirriNli iiSTiltLi.^il]lli\T FOR SALE. fpH E Undersigned offers for sale ihe “NoitTH (’ AR>- J. LINIAN” Printing EstaVilishment. f ' ner'y publish ed in Fayetteville It comprises Type, Cu 4-s an 1 Stands, Imposing Stones. Chases, lialleys, Sian'ii!i Pressesand Pres.sing Boards, together with two • 1 Hand Presses, (K. Hoe’s.) Inking .Machine. Rollei .\loulds, &c , &c , tv>(jether with everything otdinarily found in a second- class Printinjt Establishment. The greater part of the^ News type is new, having never been used m.’re than twice—it cons.sts of Brevier and Bourgeois, also a quantity of nice Head type, i'.’ ;:ew. This entire ca- tablishment will be disposeil 'o; :,e ,p for the times ■Apply to the undersigned :ii Fayetteville, N ('.,orin my absence to Dr. K. A Black, Fayetteville. P. J.-SINCLAIR. April 27. 2- 3t t'ourt ol Oyer aEi4l Terminer. IT IS ordered by his Honor, Judge 1';'I1, that a Court of Oyer and Ter iiiner be held lor the County of Cirnberl.aud. at ihe > .-iiit House in the Towu ot Fay etteville, ou the second Monday in .May liti;J, 10 try all persons charged with Capital Felonies, Crimes, and .Mis demeanors of which Ihe Superior Court of Law. at i»e regular terms, h is jiirisiiictiou. and that piiblicitioa thereof be made in the Fayetteville Observer and N C. PresbyteriRii two times Witncs.^'es and Defendants on the Siaif- Docket will govern theni'^elves accordingly. W itness. ,1 W IViker, (Uerk of said Court, at offi"0 in F'lvetteville. this 24ih April, \. D , lh6:i JOHN W. BAKER, Clerk. .\pril 2o. Ibt’-'J 23 2t To Manufacturers aud Others. WE Uave on hand a lot of BI CHllOM.'vTE of POT- -ASII, that we would sell by the barrel, delivered on the N. C. Railroad, or in ('Columbia. S. (]. F. &• 11. FRIE.S Silem, N. C. April 1H. IMil 2'J Im ~ LETTER PAPffR. Afresh supply of Letter Paper, B:vt!i rize, of better quality and higher price than any we have lately had. Ju-it received. E. .J. il.\LE S'.)N_S. April “2o. ^100 REWARD. \N.AW.AY trom me oi. the night of the l‘*tb instant, luy Negro .M.iu IJL’Nl’Ell. He is a djri mulatto, 23 years old, feet 9 or 10 inches high, weighs about 140 lb.) . is Hctive aod muscular but not at nil fleshy; has long hufhii hair, is slighily digh-fiicrii, and ha.-; a sc ir on (I believe) the left cheek below the check tmne. He is probably attempting to go to the ya-kees i will give the above rewatd for his delivery to inc, or ;;^oO for his coiitiueuieui iu any j til of ilie Stale so that I c,m gel liim W V Dh'K. Lumberton. N (' . April "J-l, iM.:; '23 9ipU I.OJ^T, ETVv'EEN l‘>e.'iver (’reek Factory an.i Murchison's Factory, on Friday, 17th inst . .i LEATHER POCK ET BOOK, .;oHta>ning about Fifty Dollars. .\ liberal reward will be paid for book an I contents J.v.MES MALONE ril 21 2t-2ipd R B Crain's ('reek. M >ore (’o . N. (’.. .Vpn OK tal ste I i.O.ST, taken by some one by mislaiie, trom on*’ of the iiners running on the river, a BOX at-oiit tour feet long and two feel wile, containiiig bed quili.^, sheets, «e. I’he box tiad bean marked J U.K. with chalk ,\ny one having such a box will be libei'allv re warded l>y leaving it with Isaac li.iiting-*A.>rt' ing information so that 1 can get 11 JOHN II FKEEMAN Fayetteville, .April '21, 18ti.'>. 22-3tpd giv- W R R Co 10.000 Wanted Immediately, GOOD JUNIPER SHINGLES, for the higliest cash price will be paid. —ALSO— rhich A yoke of largo, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., Maroh 7, 1863. Eagle Fouadry, Fayetteville,^^. C his F Rodman of tpot 4 or 5 inches eO't of one of his TAKEA I P, 1 ND committed to Jail, a negro Pi mine is JOHN, and belongs to J Davidson county. John is ab-> high, about 3«> or 3'. year- ol 1; fingers is off The owner will coiue rorw.ird, pay chai ges. Drove property and taki»hira awav, or he wil, be dealt ■li.eC. I- ,P, ALDt:i»....N. Jailer of Cumberland county. 0.)|f April 22 Fayetteville MiiMial Inruranre (o. '’PHE TENTH ANNl'XL .M i'dri'l.NO of tins I’Miopany I wil! be held at 'he OtJicc of the ('..nii'nny on Ttiurs- dav '21 St M ly nexi ■ . C. A McMILLAN. Sec y. April 2'>. 1.‘63. _ ’23 tm .17(H) Boxes of the Southern Hepatic Pills Ha>o been ordered in one day. ^pill.S combination of nedicines was first prepared by 1. the proprietor in 1825. when he was pronounced by three eminent physiciwus in a Southern ciiy. a-* in an advanced stage of (’onsumption. T/ifac I’llh cured him. He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge ot active professional duties. Their good tflects upon others created such a demand them that he wa-- cftni- pelled to desist from supplyine them jj^atiiitonsly They are not recommended by the proprietor as goo.I for all disease.'*-but only for such as arise from DIS ORDERS OF THE LIVER Many persons have testi fied to their good eflects in Chillx and Fners, liiliotu Fever, Pneumonia, Bead the following: 1 S D. WALt,^(’K. Esq.. President o the Wilmington ' and Weldon Hail Roa'i. Aug 31. lHil2. s.ays: “It has ■ beer* said th it “Uvsi’kpsia,” is our tuilionol disease. 1 However ibis m .V be. il caused tn>- !oii;z amt severe suf fering. I’rovidtiiti illy a frieml furiiiMied me wiiti a ; few boxes of the "lleputii- rill.'.- " and Iht of them h'tx \ perfect id t cure. In iny family they have been used r freqiientln with Among uiy acquiint- ances. muny casex original ing from diseased liver, have j been relieved and cured by them, I rettarl ihe • an j invaluiible medicine, an i i vke pleasure in lorw ir ing I this voluntary tribute.” ! CoL John WniftiT. of’ N. .Vutr. 14, ' 1862. says: ‘1 have use.l the /Iepttir I'dh ^ my family here and ilro on my pi intation iu Alabama. I and always with xucces». I have a valuable servant girl i who had Veen a long time und^r treat ineut forconsuinp ; tion, without receiving any tienefi» ,\!most in her ex. j tren'utv. I w is induced to iry the Ilepntic Vdh. Tit.'/ were iriven nrc''rd'‘ng to directions, an I she is no* ”e'l; rilMHLK’irV OF TRUTH 1 witnessed a sh'irt time a^^o, in oue ot o«i high court.s, :i tjcaufifiil illustration ol the «iiui- plicity and puwer ol tnitli: A littb; girl, nine years ol age, was offered as n ajjainst ti prisoner who was ou trial tor ielony coniiuittt*d in b«*r fatber’s liouso ‘•Now, Etiiiiy,” r>aid the counsel lor tiie pris oner, upon her bein^ ottered as a, “L de liire to untlerstiind it you know the nature of au oathi'” ' ••1 don’t kin)w wbat you iu(*an;” was the sim ple answer. ‘‘There, your lionor,”said the eounsel, address ing tlie court, ‘‘is anything larther necessary to demonstrate the validity of uiy objections'' Thi.s witnesis should be rejected. She does not com prehend the nature ot un oath.” ‘‘Lot us see,” said the .ludge, “come here, my daughter.” Assured 1 y the kind tone and manner of the Judge, the ctiild :-tepp(‘d tow;uds him and looked confidently up in bis face with a calm, clear eyo, and in a manner .-o and frank that it went straight to the heart, “Hid yon ever take an oatiil'” inquired tiiu .I'uilge. The little girl stepped back with a look of hor ror, and the red blood mantled in a blush all over her f:ice and neck, as slie answered, “No sir ” Slie tb'iught be iiiteiidtnl to ini(uire if she had ever blas{iherned “1 do not mean that,” said the Jutlge, wlntsaw her mistake. “*l aiean were you ever a witness before?” He banded her he Bible open. “Do you «now that book, my daughter';'” She lookeil at it and answered “Vos, sir, it i.-* the Bible.” “!>o you ever read it'” he asked. “Ye.s, .sir—uvery evening.” “Can you tell iw wbat the Bibie is?” “It is the word ol the great God,” she answered ‘‘Well, place your bantl upon this Bible and listen to wbat } say,” and he repeated slowly and solemilly tb.j oath usually administered to wit- ne.s.5Cfe. “Now,” said tlie .ludge, “you iiave been sworn us a witness—will }0U tell me what will befall you il you do not tell tbe truth.”’ “I shall leshut up in the St;tte jirison.” at* swered the ehiM. “Anything '‘Is;.!' asked the.ludge ‘•I shall ii.'ver go to heaven,” “How du you kno«''” asked the .ludge again The child took the Bible, and tifrning ra[>idl^ to the chapter cuniaining the eouimaudnient.s, pointed to the injuiK'tion, “'I’hou sbalt not bear lalse witnes.s against thy neighbor.” “I learn'»d that,” she .said, “hetore 1 could read.” •‘lias any one talked with you about your be inir a wirnes-' in court here again.-!t this man'” intjuired the .1 udge. “Yes,>ir,” stie n j lied; “niy motlicr beard they wanted me to ’oe a witness, and last night slie called me into iier room and asked me to tell her the ten coniinandiiicrifs, and then we kneeled down together, and sfie prayed that I might understand how wicked it was to bear false witness uiy neighbor, tmd that (jod would help me, a lit tle child, to teii the truth as it w:is before him And when 1 t?i;iiie bcre witii lather, she kissed me and told mo to remember tlie ninth commandiiient, :.'id that Cod would hear every word 1 said.” “l»o you believe ibi^'" asked the Judge, with a tear ^listeniii>, in b;> eyt“ and his lips ijuiverinj5 with ei!!Otion “Vos, .sir,” .'uid the child, with a voice and manner that showed her conviction of the truth was perfect. ‘•(Jod bless you, iny child,” suid the .Tudge, “vnt have a g(„»d nuitlier. This witness is com petent,’' be c.ninnued. “Were I on trial for my life, and innoeent of the charge against me, 1 would pray (jod b»r auch a witness as this. Let her be examined.” She told her story with the airaplicity ol a child as she was, but there was a directness about it which cnrrif'l cuivietion ot its truth to every heart. She «:is rigidly cro'?‘!-e.xamined. The sel plied Ii'M wi'h intinife and ingenious lU'i -he varied irom her tirst state- nii iit HI nothiiig ri.e fnilh •as spoken by that child wu.s sublime, i’alsohood and perjury had preceded her testimony I'hc pri.souer had en- f. V , 1 1,: K... c.juns quotioiiuig, trenched hiuise'fin lit-i improgn^dble. itiu RA.^K €APE fear,) 20th April, 18(io. j MIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of this c'l'-e L'ciirre will i:i,d lung fonn.I on endr'iy rtslored by them .\ siinilit among my servants iu Alahami. For liv' dieea»es / have perfect confidence in them Full directions ami other certifirn/'' Retailed 11 be sent tiere t*re no WA NTEU, , druggi.,. N.. l-f> vr>. n.. I jjjg propr..^- ** *«E0. w. DEEMS, Wilson. N. C. ••or sale in Fayetteville by 8. J. HlNtjDALE. THF ANNUAL MEKl lNti ol tlie StOCKtiOiaers oi lum run- uirecitun.^ au'i Ut/ic/ ic/i.-" ' lUt^k will be held at their Banking Room on Thura- I the wr.-ipper of each box. > -.K M-.W ,vt 10 o’clock Price. $l a box; SI I' a d.^ ’ J. 6. BURR. Cash’r. at the Druggists For •* — fram t.-i anv fmrt OI . free to any part of WAH'I'EWj .*C(ish must accompany orders. Checks FIRST-RATE COOK and BAKER; to fuch an one j ,aken. L good pay will be given Apply to April 23. A woman preferred. Capt. M. P. TAYLOR, At the Arsenal. 22tf ^prii •antil I"’ deemed himself , had falsified facts in his fuvar, an.l vi’ilain';' »«anulactured a sham defence, but l.or„n- h;;r te.stiniony falsehood was scattered like . > tl I -iJ i I’ayi-'l fur strength to be given her 3 mother 1 ^ . t the ii uth as It was before (jiod, broke d‘. vices'd matured villainy in pieces },ke a potter’.- ve.sst 1. The strength that the mother had prayed b-r was given her, thesublioie und terrible sHiipliei’y {terrible I mean to the prisoner and hi,' pcrjui'tid usi;ociates) with which she spoke, wa.s like a revelation from (jod him self. — winsome illvrj!'. «;€c::z Mi:*—persons wishing the direction ff their p ;pers changed will please be particular to say from what Post Office, as well as to what Post Office Uncurrent Bank Notes, or Individual or local Shin- plastera, will not be taken, but when received will be held subject to the order of the owner. Obaetver Offijc, Jlarcit-- a: (1 t '■ '■ - I