mmBm TillLlL! B SF, MI-WEKK Y. payktth:viixk. n. c.. may ?. [NO. 1220.1 J K Havvc- I H ‘tJ \\ m 1,^ 1\ ' I .w*'jr«i II. A H Hatup’ ti T .> _ : V,;. W S#ld« lial -J Pr« 'RL lA vts hon«. J F -ler.^V M. ' ( m ry. Fram SHr- V,' V,’ Boyce, .1 ,ba McQueet It k L»hire, H L, Meii« f l^urid M V. K If (iarnett. E'v’r.v'"^ phnr-un, • h* ' Oenti'Uy: B«-uty; frror of Fortune; Travel.^; Trav. nnd Adrentu^ K. j. IIALBL* ol Per»‘ tianl, id Editioo, h,h ! " with NO' iRlMKLt MON|»\YS WD THURSlt.WS EinVlKI> J. HALE & SO^S. uni'i'iis ani* ,'. ihr St‘nu-VW(»kiy Ou^krvkk S4 hi) if paM in ■. t>‘•lu’v, ■?-4 ^4* il'paid dnriiifr the vfMr i-f >nl scvip- "iir. vtr flu' y»'!»v h?\« expir*>^t K. 1 :!u' \V.', ■■{'.>• i)KsKRvEH $■; CH> per annum, if j'aiil iti iJv iiiCt*: S-5 •”>0 it paiti Juviiiff the yonr of snhsorip- 1 r ?'4 H> !iftor the yonr hns oxpir(»1. fei'”' \ 1'VEKTlSK^^F.NTS iii«erip(J for jter s MHrt' '■ 1*' lines for tht« tir-'t. hH' '>0 i'enf>» foi- eacli sue ■ Jinu: pnt>liL:iiU-! A lvi;rti.i>in*nts not oxoet'-lin^ a ■I’t ;r;sre cf'nf'; for the tirst an'i HO rents ■ r e:i h sui v i^'liiuii puhlie iiiiin, Adveriisers nri* re- uestt'.l I-' Mu'ethe tMimU.T iif insortions 'li‘sireil, or •liev WT : bi> 'iitnuiMl till fnrbi'l. .iiul chirgt'J iii'coril- V Ivt'rtiscnicnn i* .ntinneti im-df, clinrgeti as new «il- MS. meu’ NOTK'K. ■■ fi.m ftii f :;cr this no DHiiie now “Uhsori^^er . f i pAviiient in ailvani'e, nor will •. p.-l] *r *>e sent tii sneh sn^^a.-riJ.ers for a longer time i ;iti i-‘ l ai'l lor Snch oforr oM^ as desire i*> fake the pa- ;.v I) this system will plejvse notify us when making '.•n.inani'es- Jan’v 1. IS'.S. Attorney at Law, FayetteVILi,E, N 0. ILL attend the County and Superic^r 'ourt8 of ;'amberland, Harnett, Moore an'i Robeson Oouu- Prompt attention given to the collection of all iiim- entrusted to his hR.nds, i.-: IT, I'^Oy. 68-11 LOOK AT THIS! TllK nVETTfiVlliliLHIITKii, Froiitiiig 300 feet and iu tbe biiNiiieNs portion of the Town, roiifaiiiN more »|iacioiiM and uell %eiililaletl Rooiiim lhan any Hotel ill tlie iN;tal% and uiy I'atroiis .say niy Condiments are vcr}' lor the times. T. H AliniLl. FroprlMor. May -20. 27y WEKTERIV UAll. ROAO. ^pUF. Trains of this Road leave Faj’eMeville daily, L ;.'^uniays exeepieJ) at 8 o’clock. A. M., anil re- turnina lea^e .Mclver’rt at 1 o’clock. I* M F .ipht Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAVand FRID.'W. Uy .-r.Jer of the Presilen(. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r aud Act’g Tran.s. Ag’l. Jan. y7tf •\otice to ^^liipperM. [N (’onse«fuence of the high price of every thing used liy this Company, the Direotora have advanced the rates of freight generally about one hundred per cent Rates will be furnished as soon as printe>l. JNO. M. ROSE. Trens’r and Transportation Ag’t W. R R. Co. March 18. 18ti;J I2tf Fiorenee and Fayetteville Kail Road. [^NDEH the provisioiiw of an ()rdinauce of tlie ('on vention ^f North '\roUua. 15.iokh wil'l be opo u>d .,n the lt»ih Jntie at the t'lllowing places and under th» di rection ot the tollnwiiijf jiersoiis, to rcceive siihsf-rij- tions to the •'' ipilul .Siock of thf* “Floreucv' .*!: Fayetip ville Rail (/o Shni'os Om* lliindred Uollars eaeli At thf Htlil hvad l/j/irr iji Fiiur’llevilU. —Ul\der llit* di rection of the (1**ner'il (’oiiiinissioners, .\. V. .'IcKeihati, I). A. Kay, .A \N Wm, MeL M^'Kav aud .Inn, M Rose .4/ the Red ^prinijx, — I mler tlie direciiou of llectur McNeill. Wm. J. t,t, wart, Jas. A. Smith, Dau'l Vn - Nfiill and ( McMillan, or auj’ one of tlieifi. toral Cuiityt. — Umlc' the direjiion of l>r. Neill McNair, Dr. A. D., .\rohibald thnith, Hdmund Lilly and Col. .\lexander Waisoii, or '\ny one of them .4/ QuretisdaU.—Under the direction of Murdock Mc Rae. D. McLeod, D Mer’allum, .)«s Moliae, Jr., and J. II. .McQueeti; or any one of them. At Alforusi'ilU. — Under the direction of John Purcpll, •luo. McNair, Sion Alford, Uugald McCulluni iind Jiio McCallum. or any one of them. The bubscription Rooks will remain open Iwr ihe space of r>0 days. When a sut&cient sum is sub.scribed the Company will b« organized lor the purpose of build ing the Road A. A. McKETHAN, b. A. RAY, A. W STEKL, WM. McL. McKAY, JNO. M. ROSE, General (^ominisaioaers. Fayetteville, June 7. I8(i2. ■‘?'2tf KX’OHANGE HOTE!.. ^Plir. siibsciiber annnutictw lo ih .1 Ihfl 0" n (iEO. W. WILLI.AMS & CO.. Uliole««alf‘ Deaierw in >*rocerie», AND IMPORTERS ASP DEALERS IN, hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, H\Y hl*4KKT, F.iYKirKVlLLK, X. V. Ju’.v 2, Ih'.l. 3f, If J J X. w. p. KENDALL. J. S. KENDALL COX, ^ CO., I ouimission i^lereliants A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 i l*i Xorth Water St., Wilminslon, *>i. C. U5^ ' )r lers Irom the Country promptly executed. Uj^ I’articular axtention given (o the sale of Cotton .- i oiaer produce. Airi: 18»il. 10-tf JOH. IT LEY, Urocer anti t'ommi^Hion »yterehant, FAYHTTEriLLE, N. C. in y ■ 93-tf T. C . Ac ti. ii. WORTH, (ommission and Forwarding )Ierfliant8, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jac ;. 'J', IStil 84tf . j €\RI>! A FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at the .'^etnmary. T. C. HOOFER. Si-p.. I'J. iH.q. 5b- ’ JUH.VSON, WILLI.\MS & CO.. .n.\KER«. have thirty pan'^ now in operation nine miles e»sT of Wilmington Parties wishing to supply j ili-niiielreB with *ilt. can be furnishel by applying to ■\ Johnson, Jr., .A.geut ;*» FayeUeville. LD E I'jftfte, raanager at the work^, or to ■ J. M WILLI\MS, Oeneral Superintendent. Fayetteville, Nov. ‘Ji>, loti-. 8ltf .\OTI4 E. As I expect to be absent from home a few month.s in the West, Archibald McLean is my auihoriaid Agsat (o transact my Kusines? iiatil I return. N. 0. JdSr.S. Dec'r 28, 18W>. ' '5'f Alter tiii!^ date I will pay X Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills D .MURPHY. (jr»- Eroiii and after tlii»« date the Steamer A P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock. A M . on Mond«y and Thursday ,JOS. A WORTH, April i—17tf ] Ag’t C. F Steam Hoat Co. To t'ottoii Planter;*. IHAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- suiy. Chief Agent for the purchasB of Colton for Ihe Confederate (Jovernment within the State of North Caro lina. anl will pay for the same ill 7 p^i“ o«»nf Hon*ln or Sub-Agents visiting the ditlerent parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates- ot appointment. I$y I'rJer of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coitou purchased by myself or my agetits, on aud after the 18ih day of Slarcti 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent Roods or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement Up to thai time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now oftered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Colton rather than to private capitalists LEWIS S. WILLIAMS.' Charlotte, March 21. 1863.’ [c. d.] 14tf E^S^ypt C'oal .nine. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed .Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applic.ations may be made to Chas B Mallett,-Fayette ville, N C , or James Browne, Charleston. S. C. CHARLES R MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf $100 REWARD. r)UNAW AY FROM THE SUBSCRIBER ON SUNDAY i the 2f)th ot January lat, my negro boy named .AN- ! THONY. He is ot a whitish yellow complexion, about ; o feet 6 or 7 inches high. 13 or 20 years old, and sup posed to weigh about 110 pounds. Ue has a heavy i head of hair, and talks short when questioned, and has a down look. No doubt he is trying to pass for a free boy. I will give the above reward for him delivered to me at Prosp.ct Hill, Caswell County, or confiied in any jail so I get him. F L. WARREN. C'aswellCo., March 26, 18t>3. 15-3mpd A UKIV. The Vow Styles Small, tOLOKEI» PHOTOtiiUAPHS, AT 4x«(li4u*y. ART. Wood««ard% Molar C\'iiiiera. PHOTOOR-VPITS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight O.allery, Hay street, opposite MarMe Yard, Fay etteville. N. (3.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and aU other styles of Pictures pertain’ ig to the .\rt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G* t for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Oord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for Life siie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks _ for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by j perfected a cure. the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20. 1859 77- i^larble Factory, f$V In?.*?. TWO Dfltms ABflVK C. T. HAlCll & SONS’ &TORI FavetlevilU*, ’'i. Jan’v 20. ’.««0 «4- ~ FAYETTEVILLE MlTl'AL INSURANCE COMPANY. I Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets, $267,688 -Zti 5.077 36 Total, J272.765 61 The C)mpany have paid all tosses promptly, anl have nPTer made an assessTient on their premium notes. Total lopnes paid, ^29.*‘82 Ofkiokbs: GEO. .McNEILL, President D. A. R.\Y, Vice President C. A. McMlLLAN, S«c y DlBHrTOKS; Henry Lilly, W'. N. Tillinghasl. fl. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale. S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLauriii. Nathan A. Stednian, T. S. Lutterloh. on Rocktish. ‘>ct 2. IH62. \VA-\TEO. 0 ■“A/\*BUSUELS wheat, 4,0UU 1.500 •• CORN'. itisons brtviug the above articles to sell will receive •he highest Cash {irice by calling on .'Jr. .VI Thoiuason. W'he .Merchaui Mills. F*yettov.lie, or on tue s ibscri- C'er at hie old stand on Market Square. ALEX. jrTllNSON, Jr. Nov. 6. 1862. "5tf Tnenty-U'e UollarM Reward. pANAWAY from the subscriber, bis Hegro boy MO- j U SEd. He is 21 years of age, about 5 foet 10 inches ! robust, Jong feet and very much turned out at the and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at McPh^ul’a Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., j was in FaycttsTiUe about three weeks ago. The aWe reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for confiutment in any jail so that I get him. W.- ]). JOHNSON. BenncitBvtUtj, a. c., Aug. 14, 1862. 62tf army HAR.^EXiN. 1A.M prepared to manufacture all kinds of W’agon ' Harness for Army use. I I an my leather and can Jive gx)d barg;iins. Agents will do well to send their orueri* to me as they shall bave prompt attention, and in'juick dispatch. J)HN (WRrF R Goldrttou P. O . (;batham Co., N. C., t June 13, 1862. j *iOt) ih*,. Arabic lor xale by J. R. J.EK. Oct. 1.-). 69tf ^groceries! €^roceries!S ALAHUE and well selected Stock of FAMIL\ liilOCERlES always on'band, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mesa Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al « grades, Tobacco, Cigars, Attd all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- 5«ry Establishment COX, KENDALL & CO Wilmington. April 'I. IWI. 10-ff lliiiety HollarN Reward. '^pHIRTY Di5LL.\RS reward will be paid for the ap- ! 1 prehension and delivery at the Camp of Instruction at Raleigh, or to this Regiment, of each of the following ■ named “deserters” from company E, bth Reg’t N C T : .l.\MES .1. CAMERON, Gum Swamp, Harnett^couoty. THt)MAS HANALL, near Johnsonville, “ WILLIAM J. P.\NI)Y, Rockfiah, Cumberland Co. J. R. MURCHISON, Capt. Co. E, 8th N. C. Troops. ('nnip on .1 mes’ Island. S ♦' . Mareh 31 17-l‘2lpd ' . LONT, 4 SM.\LL buckskin purse, betweeil Liberty Point and ix the half way bridge, containing 1 gold watch key, with a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, some receipts, and ten or twelve dollars iu cash. The tinder may have the purse and the money if they will leave the other things at this office. ( Feb’y 14, 180S. !^tf Adiiiini^tratioii il'ofice. i f'piIE subscriber having qualified as Administratrix on ; ! J. the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d. hereby gives notice . ' to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre- ( ; sent them to W'm. .McL. McKay within the time pre- j I scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of j t their recovery. CATilARINE SUNDY, Adm’x. j I .Aug 4. 1862. 49- t | i AdiiiiniMtrator^M I¥otice. i . - . • „ ‘ u • . T> tsfio -f i years, and tor life—all life members sharing in the profit-*. rpHL subscriber having at December Terrn, 186-, of . J' are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the publi" is referred to Agents of the Company in *11 parts c he State, and to R H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. )ittb if that ho will open on llu; l-i May tin- utn.i/e Hoii-ie of Enterlain.iiiat. (t'ounpi ly iht* .■^ln-Ta- well House I The iioue-,' is siiuatfil '• w door.s from the Market, on tjive-»ii >-ireet. near the cen tre of ihe bu'in--^ pun lot. of iti- !'"vwii. and h is bi' II newly tifleil up. •.lui Itmroiigltlv cleiirisi-.i Tt-n- i. inr.-i are .•finveni*nt anti well veniil-vied The table will ' t suj>p)ied with iIm» I-ps? I'le tii.^rkei ador.l;, the l>ir wii'i I tie tj^t of Liijii'rs, and 'he stable wit I; at letit ive )-si iei Dt'r-irou-. of slru jug the public patronoge 1 can pro- nitse tir>t tiiosf who give '.iie -i vi!1 shall not Itave ''iv -iti=fie.l KFUP.EV TONES I -\pril 27. 23-lf JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. MO'-’D.\Y ih? IMth '.lay of May next, 1 shall, agtee- ;b! - 10 I lie provwinas of a Deed in Trust tome, 1 execiit« d by Oil'.is & .Johnson, sell al Auction, all the property both H^’al ati'l Personal, at Stoney Point, the fesidiMie- of D'.incan 15 Giliis. set forth in said Trust, lo wit: 43A ac: «s of L.\ND on SoutJi side t'amden Road, be- ' tween Big aud Little Bockfish, being the same convey ed bv .\ A. McKethan :o Duncan I>. Gillis; one TUR- I PEN'TINE STILL an! TIXTURES, near Gillis’s Mill; j Six .Mules, two Horses, two Road Wagons and Harness. I one Timber Wagon, Stock of Hogs, Turpentine Tools, I one Carriage and Haruess. two Sets of Coopers’ Tools, I Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Utensils, I 130 Svioks of Ton Timber on Big Rockfisli. near Black’s Bridge; one Double Gun, one Rifie. one Negro Woman ' and a variety ot o'.he.* articles Sale positive and for cash, i ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Trustee. ' April 2-^. 1803. 23ts 3700 Boxe^ of the Southern Bepatic Pills Have been ordered In one day. , fpHIS coiiibiMation of medicines was first prepared by i I the proprietor in 1826, when he was pronounced by ' three »-iuineut ptiysicians in a Southern city, as in an advanced stage of Consu'aption. These PilU cured him He in now ovtT tmveoiy^ ^d.>nr/t ot and in discharge of ‘ active professional duties. Their good efl'ects upon ' others created such a demand for them that he was com- '■ pelled to desist from supplying them gratuitously They are not reconimended by the proprietor as good for all di(>ea'e*>, but only for such as arise from DIS- t)RDJ;R9 OF THE LIVER Many persons have tesii fied to their good effects in Chills and Fevers, Bilious Fever, Pneumonia. Dyspepsia, ij-c., .}'o. Read the following: S. D. Wallack. Esq., President of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road, Aug. 30, 1802, says: ‘lit has been said that ‘‘DrsPKi'SiA,” is our national disease. However this may be, it caused me long and severe suf fering. Providentially a friend furnished me with a few boxes of the "llepatic PilU," and the iw« of them has Iu my family they have been used fre'iumthj with eminent success. Among my acquaint ances, many cases originating from di.seased liver, have I been relieved and cured by them. I regard theri an I invaluable medicine, and take pleasure In forwarding I this voluntary tribute.” CoL JouN W'aioHT, of Goldsboro’ N. C., Aug. 14, ’ 1862. says: ‘T have used the Southern Hepatic Pills in my family here and also on my plantation in Alabama, ' and aiiDays with success. I have a valuable servant girl who bad been a long time under treatment for consump- i tion, without receiving any benefit Almost in her ex- I tremity, 1 was induced to try ihe Hepatic Ptlls. They ! were givfen according to directions, and she is now well. I entirely restored by them A simUar case occurred j among mv servants in Alabama. Fos liver and lung I diseases I have perfect confidence in them." Full directions and other certificatts will be found on the wrapper of each box. Price 3ll a box; SIO a dozen- $96 a gross. Retaih'l lit the For S11 twelve boxes will be sent j fre* lo any I'HTt of the (Jonf^eracv where there are no I Iruggists. N >t less than a dozen boxes will be sent by he proprietors. Cash must accompany orders. Checks uD I lO^i backs t.aken. A'ldress GEO- W. DEE'IS, Wilson. N C. jjH^For sale in Fayetteville by S. .T. HINSD.\LE. April 25. 22- To Manufacturer!^ and OtherNt WE Uave on hand a lot of iil CH ROM ATE of POT ASH, that we would sell by the barrel, delivered on the N. C. Railroad, or i:i Columbia, S. C. F H FRIES. Salem. N. C. April 18; IHtii. 22-Im LETTER PAPER. 1 VI> RESH supply of Letter Paper, Bath size, of better quality aud higher price than any we have lately had. .lust received. E. J. HALE I'ii SON^J. April 2'i Mole l.eatlier wanted. LP>S. of lieavy well laLneit S(')LK LV'ATHER. suit.ible i'or ji.'Itiug -Vpply VALUABLE REAL ESTATE .\T .\l CTION MU', t'dliiwinir valiivMe property will t)e ^oM on RD.V^ .lay t>i M.X'W ai I'.leveti ti’cloi'k, t thi- Mirkei Houan iu Dwelling Mou>ie on !^oiithwesi eonier of .Avuh atnl Bow in Streets !>welliiiu Hoiisi- .'II North side of .S'rcet, jojris \bo’. Payne Dwelling Hotis!*.!!! —Sttrei. jntt>~ Mrv Mooue', Dwftlliiig flnitue 'ii iiobeson .''ir-»'(, nnw i'“Ciip!(‘il I'y Ml Gill ' Dwelliu'T itt rear of fib'i%, with an vlley 'eading t > it. Dwelling Hoil'^e on .Mtimfdti! .Street, juiui Mr Hall’s Foundry Dwelling Houston Mumford Street, join^ the abowe. Dwelling House on Mumford Sr> eet, joins the “Ntxon” House. New Dwelling House on Rowan Street, joins .1. T. Gilmore New Dwelling House on Rowan Street, joins the above. Dwelling House in Carapbellton, joins Mr. Perry. Dwelling House in Campbellton, on Bridge Street, new and large, formerly the property (j/ L .■V. Nixon, jr. Store House and Lot in Campbellton, formerly occu pied by T. J. Johnson as a Store. Store House on Person Street, joins M. N. Leary. 5 Acres of Land on both sides of Rail Road aud run ning down to low water mark* on Cape Fear River. ()ne vacant Lot on the Rail Road, in Campbellton. One vacant Lot, joins above. On» vacant Lot, joins above. One vacant Lot, joins W. C. Trey’s Store, 20 ft. front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feel front. Also, the lot on which is a Ten Pin Alley. T. S. LUTTERLOH. April 30. 24 3t 800 acre» of LAAD for siale. OFFER my PL.^NTATZON in Columl/ui-i ooiivty, coti- taining eight hundred acres or over There are about, three hundred acres of cleared land on it, aud about one hundred acres of the best swamp laml in the Slate; ea sily drained I will take five dollars per acre for it, anf* take it in negroes, mules or money. .\uy one hav ing negroes on the Sound woii’.d do well to give me a call. It is in one mile of the n.\»'road and three miles of Fair Bluff. I will give posee.-«sioii when I sell GILES P. FLOYD. Leesville P O , Robeson county, April 27. 24 9tp i^LlJA BlIe LA~\ D^TfOR By virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity, I will sell on the premises, on the 28ih day of May, (inst.,) the VALUABLE FARM and DESIRABLE RESIDENCE of the late Dr C. Chu'.Tiers, situate on the waters of Deep river, in Moore county, adjoining the town of Carbonton, containing 420 acres Also one other tract, adjoining the above, containing 4 acres, both of which tracts have each on t.hem a fine Dwelling and all other necessary out-houses, kitchen, barns, &c., and other con veniences, good orcharcls, &c Also, one other tract, containing 10 acres, near the above, with a good com mon house. Also, one other tract, containing 250 acres, within two miles of the town of Carbonton, with erdi- narily good improvements; all of whioh places are in healthy loculit'es, with the advantage of good society around them. The three first mentioned are. accord ing to the opinion of Professor Emmons, within the basin ot the Coalfields, and are in close proximity to the Cheraw & Coal fields Railroad. n«w being construct ed, which makes these L^inds one of the best invest ments in the country. Also on the same d'iy, or the d i.y after. 1 will sell, by virtue of the same decree, a tnct of LAND situated on the Fayetteville & Western Plank Road, 9 miles below the town of I'arthage, known a« the Schermerhorn Land, containing about 8t)0 acre*, on which there is a good Pine forest, good Dwelling and all ner^essary out-ho’.ises, all in good rep'iir Also, at the same time and place, I will sell a good Steam Saw .Mill on the premises Terms, 6 and 12 months, note and security. S C. BRUl'E, C. M. E Carthage, Moore County. N- C. May 4, 1863. 25is ~ DE.^AL CARD. Having taken operating Rooms over Mr. 1. Dodd’« stare, 1 offer my Protessional services to the cili- lens of Fayetteville and vicinity. Office hours from 9 A. M to 12 M. then from 2 to 6 p. M. J. H. FREEMAN. April 30. ‘-’5 9tpd W h.-r ?*tril‘. • ' I not .Itllli lh- (lrc| ititiiviut. V*»K THK «»H.>tRVk;H nv;om\.n AN!' Ho Mi: litV tut'. ! I'W ■lir1 I'l' V.! .-le! . lul rc .;i •• t’: ■ i!.~ tit ‘V. S,,r 111 1. II >■> - v. ait ol i.ot WlU'V. Iti i*;, tip.j;. wi!^ Wiiti; bn 1 Will tit) ariti I' •>: U'll'V " I .'.liX tlf. >11 i- k' '1 ir .'it..!llt)S druth. W' ■ 0 ln-a”t'. (>! !>; i . ' 1 stu 'iik til'll:!'’.; .u r ici; . r'or riiii; oavui) f>. -I'icT to oj.pUM* tiivuuiiti; place 1-; ii.'iiic—;i nauie, a -^aor iu'iirt ulivo ’.i-> ’jure oiiiotions. Woman :tiid liomcl \\ bat blis-slul ussocMti iii>ns cluster nround those wordi*! What is hotm- but a .shrir; lor vv-anuii, tiud what i.-' winii.-in tut a deity to L’tace that shrine' Woe. woo lo b who is false to her eharge; she rliai the ties that hind her to that hallowed placoimist weep bitter tear.s ot regret—lnu^t endure the pangs of chilled affection and meet the di.'^appro bation ot those from whoni she should expect love alone. In all places, at ail times, unlei ali eireumatanoos, Home should claim womati’y tir.'-t consideration—husband, children, servant.i, or. the case may be, parents, brother.s, sisters and all immediate dependents, should be the chief objects of her care. These naturally claim this of her— nay, even demand it, and no woman may set her home obligations; aside without pt rvertiug the or der ol nature and Iru.strating the desisrns ol Pro vidence. Kvery woman, especially it she be a wil‘. h:i' the comfort and happiness of one or iiiurr ;■ '.i- viduals almost entirely in her power; as .'he wiii'. they are happy or mii^crtbJe; if she i.^ priiJc'jr, chaste and initi.-?trious, .solicitous ol t3:e cnititi'rt and well-being ot her home, then doth 'he per form the dutie?: which heaven rcjuire.s ol lur— then love, obedit nee, respect and honor tire h«T deserved rcwarur. l^eace and h ippiness are li r harid-maidens. J'he ills ot lii'c sorely be.'Ct her. her wisdom and loresight wards oil many dangers, her firmness ana discretion bears her household safely through those must inevitably eouie. “Her children arise ai;d call Iter blessed, her husbanI also, and he praiseth her”—and “liis heart doth safely tru■■ in her."’ Her husband is louiid among the wise ?ud honored, her sons are men of renown and her daughters are wise and virtuous But on the other side if they are su' ii ;; Paul describes: -‘Oareless, given to wandovinL' about Iroui hous to house, and not only i^i!er^ but tattlers also -.ndUbusy bodies, speaking things they 0U:»ht not,” —then, indeed, home presents a sad spectaclej m -'lect, disorder aud misery are the sure eotisequbnces of such a course; the hus band grows moiv..->e and stern, and leaves uti car ing for his abodo, oftentimes iorsaking il anu ; . - to soeircty. t'hildrcn g.o.v t . - bceoine ueglij;^!il and c. the laotlier, mo uii.'itrc'ja ci a iOral wreck or a lunatic. .-..other class t»f wouicii wi^ich those of high position, abun D ■\. W. Steel, J, G. Cijok, Hon. J. G. ShephenI, R. F. Brown, ) , . . LI II 11 '►Wilnigton. E. Hall. ) ^ B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. M'cKeihan. J. D. Williams. S. W. Tillinghast. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen. Traveling Agents gSrThe Company invite applications May28. 18«1. ‘ 21- ~ THU m««TH CAROI.I^’.-V MCTl'iL LIFt) ISSCRiSCE NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age. for one year, for seven Fayetteville. .April 14 .^lar MTKPHV. 20tf nANK NOTES Vi TAKEi\ UP, \ND committed to Jail, a uegro boy who says his ^ name is JOHN, and belongs to J. F. Rodman of "«idsoa county. John in about 5 feet 4 or about 3'i or 35 years old; the end o' one ®“gers is off The owner will come forward, pay charges, Pfive property ^d lake him away, or he will be dealt M the law direota. P F. ALDERMAN, Jailer of Gamberlaad oouaty. %U 22, astf X the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to present them within the lime limited by law, otherwise this nrticB will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are retiuesled to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r. Dec. 10. 1802. «5- t WAilfTEli, of North Carolina, Sonth Carolina, irginia and Georgia., North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Ralegh, N. C. March 9. Run the Blockade! W. n A C I IV T Y R E Received and offers for sale: 2017 yardM printed Muslin deLain; 1782 yards white and black Prints; 1584 yards English Long tUoth; 350 lbs black Flax Thread, Nos 30, 35. 40, 60. GO; 250 lbs drab Flax Thread, Nos 30, 40, jO; 102 lbs white brown Thread, Nos 30, 40.’.'>0-, 400 dozen white Spool Cotton; 100 dozen Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs: 6 dozen Eugenie Skirts; 4 M Needles, Nog 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 80 M Needles, assorted, from 5 to 10; 7 packs Pyis, English full paper; 12 boxes black Pins; 168 gross metal Pant Buttons; 8 dozen French Tooth Brushes; 6 dozen drab Nutria Hats; 100 pairs Brogaii Shoes; 1200 lbs Green Copperas; 20 boxes Extract of Logwood. April 6, 1863. Foundry. l)LOLMi HS atid I’l.iiigh Points and Heel-* of all mini- 1 ber' cuu be had at .M A Bak.'r s Store in Fayette ville, oi.|'i^ite the oM Wagon YanJ. Castings of supe rior qu i.lity Call anil see tor yourselves;. Castings of ;vll kind;! m i le al the shortest notice and for rea«otiable charges M- I5.AKER. Star Foutiilry. April 20, 18t>3. 21-im RI A THE BLOt KADE. PlEt'ES Black aud While C VLIt'O; hll 100 prs Men's Eng. sewed BRt^GANS; For s'+le by W^. MclNT\ RE March 1‘> Rockaway and Cart tor ?iale. IHAVE a second-hand ROOK\WAY and GK.AR.’ Also. C\RT an'l GEAR; for sale. .IAS. G. CtXtK. Fayetteville. .M.iy I, l.'^il?. 2;>-2w Tiu* Annual McotilJO ol tln‘ Stock holders of The Cape Fear Navieatioii (Jampany wjll l>i‘ held in th» Town Hall in F lyeHeville. on Friday, M v. 2f>th. 12 o’i'loek M I* A. H.\V. Pros't. April bo. Ib'.o 24tm coming an alie.t dishonor, servaa est; la?)tly the \v : honu, bceoiufcs ;; There is yet deserves attentio; dant means, auu These are oft ti aud vanity. i: the "ui>e of from home du .^ca -uperior meutal endowm.;nts. Tempted by. ambitioR, pride i.iimes the tempter corner in ;voleuce, Innug them awa^ ly .soltly whispered promises of distinction—tL-'^y beg n to love publicity—ni ** is grateful to them; buoyed up witti the pleaMtig thought ol becoming j;reat, and iLr>xieated witii the hollow ftnrtery of in.^incert; person.s, they draw nearer and nearer the maelstrom, tlieir love of home and homely ties weakening as the iove oi tame—they entertain high notion.^, they launch into extravagance, and poverty ioliows. Ere long the ouipty hubhle, human greatne.‘*s, bursts before their eye.s, and !eave.« them wreck..d upon the beaeli ot a sea ol bitt«r waters; the ar gosy in which tiiey embarked was too I'rail lo beui 11 tf SALT! SACKS for sale by SALT!! Deo. 22* ROBFRT MITCHELL. 88-tf Jan’y 1859. ^VaPT. WILKES’S E. J. HALE, Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. 17-6w AND LAMP BLACK. rpANNERS’ and LOBRICATINQ OIL. I LAMP BLAtJK in barrels. For sale by . JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmingtoa, N. C. Mwoh 7. REPORT AN THE UEEP RIVER MINERAL REGION. THE undersigned have-caused I o be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, aud his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This 1 is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that .section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. ! The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 i cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free j of postage, oil the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dia- i count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. I J^„.y 26. E. J. HALE A SONS. I^OTICE.^ The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friend.-?, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, aud otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their afesence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly {» possible on their ageata and make payment. STABR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1861. 58-tf Wanted Iniinediately, GOOD JUNIPER SHI VOLES, for which the highest cash price will be paid. —ALSO— K yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to )' D. ANDERSON & CO., Bagle Fouttdry, Payett«Till«, N. C. Mtfoh 7, 1863. 9tf IVOTI€E. IN consequence of a necessary stoppage of^the Rock- fish Factory for several weeks to come, for the pur pose of repairs, the company will have no Sheetings for sale till further notice. C T. IIAIGH, Pres t. Maf'cli 22. Palma Clirii^ti Bean»«. rpHE subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for I *ny quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A WORTH. Fayetteville. Oot. H. t'x-tf Fayetteville Mutual Inrurance €©• ri'^HE l ENTH .\NNUAL MF.ETING of this Company 1. will b.> hel l :u the Office of the (/otnpany on Thurs day 21st Ms\ next C. A McMILLAN, Sec’y. April 25, 1Rt)3. _ ” wAi^Yed, AFIKSi'-KATI-; cook and BAKER: to such an one good vay will be given. A woman Apply to. ^>*P' Fayetteville .\rsenal ami .\rmory, \ .■\vRti. 18ij:V / %VAKTEI>, 4 good PU.\CTIf!AL MAl'HlNISTtl. 3 “ jobbing Blacksmiths. • Steady employment and good wages will be given. Apply to Major F. L. CHILDS, 24-1 Ot] Comd’g Officer. Save your A«^lieH. I WILL give 85 cents*a bushel for good blackjack, oak or hickory Ashes, delivered at the Soap Factory on Person street at half-way Itridge. Lard. Tallow and Soapgrease wanted, high^pt oash^rices given. 1 have 60 lbs. of > penny nails for sale. C. P. J0NE8. April 30. - 24-4tpd LOST. At Kington, N. C., supposed to be about the 25th of March, or stolen from the cars at Goldsborough, a large TRAVELLING SACK, with my name, coinpany and regiment marked on a little card fastened to it. It contained a new military suit and olh?r clolhittg, with my C'^mmii^gionij. was left at KinRton with t-be bag- gage of Pet.tigrew’s brigade; and it may be that it was taken off with the baggage of some of the Artillery com- tlie ru^h Oi wind ;ind wave.—it i.-> de they are strainl.;-.- iip'.'ii the tuck.i id ment. H;id wauil-. rt-r.s Ir.iiti ji uti eiijoynicti: '—ti;i ;i;-ieit;it i l-o iln' ; its oifiee.'. ' ev shed aud and if their ieilov 11 ow Ul -‘ fliietioc 1-. > and 'he d ‘ base her, . to steer tlie ::d t,» a .lie ill i n • tcjit tbfV .li.'tl n.'tlni o: 10.000 April 28. P. TAYLOR, At the Arsenal. 22tf il.vUltlilxpl creatui'i'S. t is v-'ouKiu’s nispoii.'ibnrty! IK;; lu v.d. u') ['pai-e K.v. I: woin tu^ i.ili uud (• ''V. ;.ii; ue .d barbiri.Jii eii.--ue.-'. If. uot hei> lu lui ol State, nor direct ttie com of public policy, but it is her ^loiiou.' mission to train the g owiug siatet-iuen of the land. Let her inculcate moral principles into their youthiul minds, *ilso enl'orce and require obedience t» the laws of Christianity and ol the country—in their tender years let her teach them to reverence age and superiority, am', we cannot fail to have grtar men, a strong and good governlnent, a pro.^peroui- and refined people. Woman, think of your power. I stood upon the shore of a fair placid lake and cast a pebble into the waters; from the spot where sank the tiny stone small ripples began to spread —they went wideuing aud ’.videning still, until they touched the farthest bank; and thus, I cried, is woman’s influence.. One quiet, humble, chris tian woman may st;iid out au influence that will reach the distant shores of time; through ages, through eenturie.' it will roll, widening and witien- ing, to all eternity. What a fearful responsibility it? oursl Ohl mother^ wives, .sjster.'% 1 beseech you to cuuivate the love ol home—br not tempt- sd troiQ it, it is a dangerous tiling to tamper with these .sacr>’d tie.':; it may seem a trivial maft; i to the giddy, the th^ju^hth sv, the prc-occi./'icu, b' ' jit is of great coti.-.qucnce,—cv*r_v une will .- • I the importance of ii on duo tl* * ' we could all ri-hiiy cstin-.'"^’ ^^ree of hoiu. influence ('h'. :h'.t tl*« will amr the ability to wiselv our hou.scholds. 11 we containing Fifty-i»n^ llnllars in money, and the fol- j j[ili«-entlv ‘■oai'c* sumeient teach- lowing Notes, viz: One «n A. W. Rot>er. given April • ///Ole; ;n all ti.e vocations ol life that 25th, l8()3. for Niue Dollars. One on James A. Calder, i b ;/ook is in-iced “a light unto our leet and given April 2Nt. 18t>3. Twenty DMlars One on panies or Daniel’s Brigade. I will give 525 reward f when give j'-o rewara for it aud its contents, delivered to me or placed where I can get it. Lieut. WH.LIH HANDLE, Co. I, 52d Reg’t N C T., Pettagrew’s B^rigade April 28, 1863. 24-7tpd LOST, ^^T Camp Gregg, ou ilie 25th iuFt., VOCKET BOOK i^lOO REWAR1>. Elijah Norton, Dollars. Jr , for 0*« Hundred .\nd Sixty-two bles.^fd «,,..punto our way. ?,vine pr.cepts an t strive to make our “light so R\NAW\Y from me i.n the night ot the M»th instant, ‘tiiy Negro Man HUNTER He is a dark mulatto. 23’yea'rs old. 5 feet 9 or 10 inches iiigh, weighs about 140 lbs is active and muscular but uot at all fleshy; has long bushv hair, is slightly dish-faced, and h-is a scar on (I believe) the left oheck below the cheek bone. He is probably attempting to go to tbeya kees J w»ll give the above reward for his delivery to me, Pr »uO for his confinement u» any jail of the Stale so that I can t him ^ ^ DH/K.. ^‘'Lumberton, N C., April 24, 180« 23 9pd ~ TO CLERKS OF COURTS. IN Sending us Court AdvertLsements the Clerks will enclose $5, if the advertisements are of the usual lensth. A larger amount if the orders are longer. E. J. HALE & SONS. AprU aO, 1868. I hereby cauiion the maker* of the above itotes against, ghine that al! may >G0 our good works aud gloriiy paying them to aijy other thaa myself, and *11 P®'‘.'’'’“* ! our Father which in llcavcu ’ jigainst trading for any one of them. The no*' by Elijah Norton, Jr., has beetl satisfied -D-f krl'SJ® O.T, MayI.IR(J3. _ 25 SIVTV noi f A®S REWAk^D* ’pniRTY DOLLARS^ Reward 1 a preve iti 1 prehension and delivery at the Camp of 1 mg named ^ REKVKS and KOBE , ‘*avo tor years, unr Airiecuauska it —One day last week, dried fruit, we di« Ellisville, Bladen ® ounty. They »«> I little insects, whl ^roin Beaver Dam District. ALEX. 1 bushels in a aingl 1st Ueut. Comd’g Co. D, 53«i Reg’t N. C. T. 1 j aimolA. and wc venture to say a good one. Gamp n*ar QmntiUe» N. C.> April 28. 24-2w I^reaeri in-/ Dru ! Fruit.- while pureha-'ing x lot of covered small pie^'es of sassafras bark > r amongst it, and ul u examination, «or !!.;'ruicd tive against tee v, 'rrr:.-. Ir is said that dried ruit, ptit nway with a handful to bushel.”] w^id .ilesled by thcsr troului iUe so oitui destroy I'U' -red.-, oi .,eason. The remedy cticaT^ ^ ft.