IC> K.J, 1, ;a>: iU . S.- xt B. iW J ’» Un . ' ,;'J 'I ml'"'”"' , K., -M ■ A. V\ Hi:- e: r •) n.. n.to A^atrer*., Mu. \l.i: i H Ep - G \- ■: u . M Robb:,, 'i - = - r _ lu M ■ 1 >!,N, r N N V ^ ^■ Irva- ^ii re I. pu lol.. H H. .. !;ii iki 'tun ?A . ! IVil Roh ITlf >R })■ J ! k'iil ■ C'lix i;. ! iun K , A 1 hr (:n- TK. 111. ( 'el- le in f >nr 11 *rti- K ihiti'i ►f, Iv h*ra as, r 11. Dsb^ h T D i V/’ hi' 1 Ha.urt. ^ N 11, f J i ^ r. E t i J . . ... J V-' V:. = \V I'! irn ILj-- 'Oii . .ru Pre ■ y ^ ' -tor.W -7, Fran. Jab i. r, / Gr?r ;h- ^ K u . R U Hi ,.^IJ W L . \.n^: J ■- -fl ‘ n JDi . .., W Cl Tiber ,> V ,jk. luith, I n McDo' (. \Fr5n!7"*"- ^ : r, A : , \ , ; jce,^ ; ; \lcQ>*> -“1. V-'' ■ ■ * • li P ^ ^■ i. ; , I\lene*'*) ;.] M 'uitin Ir- s •' -.er WO \Vt‘ * * seoe 1: h (.irnett,‘ i ](.- - ^ fr,I- " . . V. ^ K h- '•“I' '■•■ biDSo: '* ^ouks. X Or ^ MarjV J«ntility; y; ror of t'ortun*; ■ave; ■ave, ravelh nr. i AdTcntur*- E ) II \LE * ilfH ol Per»« »rd, 2d i. lit ion, E t -ion, with No' lylw oa BlUfl, & i. BALI * ^ TOWuiLiys S F. IH I. W K Fi K I. T \Ol VI!. FAYKTTKA I! J.K, X. C.. MAY 11. [NO. IW.] .’STF'' \ltiNb.VV.M ASl) THUHt»UAVS fi)\v\hi) j. half: & so\s. 11 .it>ns and rRoprlIr:Tv)l!>. i 1 'tui-Weekly On-iKRVKR $1 00 if fxii'l in •*>>> If pni.l liuriii; uii« j-eflr .«f -vJ:s:>rip- V '.I si’ltT t);p v«»!ir lia-* oxpiri.i -• ‘y • >n S' • i't»r sinnnm. ifp:U'l in f; /)'• it j^sii! Inrinp th.' y.»«r •)! 'ii'i'crip- *4 ;ifter tli(» yi'nr h.is pTpirpil. - Vl'Vri'TlSKMFNTS for ?l p»T •ihvi' . lii'i. HU 1 r>0 I'l'uta for oai-h Siiii- ... A'Ivt>rtisern»*uts not exi'Oi'dinj; a '■ ' I'enis for the firi nii'l Hit L'ejils . ; ’ !.•( • ! ir’ii. ,\ jvei'lisri J ro• , 1 -r i'.' ■' • liuii.ftor of in-ortii.^- U'sircd, ov n ’ V,,. . ;iii I'orViiil. mi.l Hocor.l LOOK AT THIS! TliK FiVKTTFiVILLK HDTili/, Fronting 3(N) feet afid in (he business portion of the Town, I'oiitainw iiioi*‘ NpacioiiK and wfll Rooiiim than anv IBoU‘1 ill tin* Slate, and luy Patrons say my Condiuieuts arc very goo.l : M;»y 20, ISti-J. tor tho times. T. WAinULL, 1‘roprlrtor. •J7y !lf'l HI. clmrg*»'l ni'w ,v.l- l>Ki ' . V:iTirK ;}i'. In^ ni>»>aino .f n now'iul)«vri!'or wi, 'ii .iJviiiK'r', nor wi'l 1' tH. h i;V.-'ri>>erj for ft lonp*r lime filp-k' i» .It' ii .’nitilv • I.- IHke the }■!!- U-- vh.>n ni ikiug Jnii'y I. \\V^sr¥,H^ RAII. ROll). K I'raiiis of this iloail leave Fayetteville d«ily, 1 (Sunlnys excepte l) at H o’jlock. A. M., anti ro- turninir le.nve Mclvei'si lU 1 o’clocK, P M. Frryht Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAVand FKIDAV l$y or ier of the I’r^siilent. .INO. M. K09E, Tr?as r ami Aci’g Tran.-J. Ajr’l- .1-iii. ‘J‘2, lM>;’. i»-(f .\otire to SliippevM. IN o.'tiseiiuence of the high price of ever\' thing nnp'l hy ihis t'ompiny, the Dirertors have aiivAnc*il the ra'es of freight jten*rally about one hiinlrf)l per ceiii /lates will ho fiirni^hoil >toini as printeci. •INO M. ROvSK, Tren^'r .ui I Tran-!pofiaiion ,\g't W. R K (Jo .M-\ri'li If*, l.'tii ir.W. ^yscIL. 1\ Attorney at Law, Favkttf,vii..i.k, > -. Tit ihe t'oiinty an'l Stiporior I’.uirK i.t an.i U )t>e(»oH t'oiin- ihe ootlection of nil iirnl Thur.'dav April From ani • t.iit* (he Stenner It'-iVf .^1 8 o'clock, .V JOS n .\p't IV F 12tf alter thi*> p. HURT will M . on Monilav \ WORTH. Steam Boat t'o. . -I’ln.l, Haro' it. Moor i' ’inpi attention given to I'niru^tO'i to hi> han-1-; Ir'o'i. To ('ottoii Planter*!, Ill W 1-. be.*ii appoinleil hy ihc Secretary of thf Trea sury, (Jhief Agent for the purcha^o of (,’oiton for the r’lintiMlersie (iovn nmeni wiihiti the State of North (’aro- atid wili pay for the sanie in 7 per cent. HonJ.>* or Florence and Fayetteville Rail SUad. ITNDr.Pv the provision.^ (,f an Ordinance of the vi'riiiiin lit Ai.vth 'VuoajiH, Ii tokn will he ope .ed on the Kith .June at t!!0 tollowing places ami miiier the lii rection ot tlie fcllowin.^ persoii?, to rec.'^ivr* sub'-'crij*- tions to the t'apital t^tock of th^ “Fl-.rcnce I'uvott-*- ville Kail Koal Oo. ’ Sh u()nr» lliui.lre.J l>ollars e«o!i At the Rail Roittl Oficf in Fu /flUvi/lr.—Under the ili- rectinn of the (i- ^ier.il (Commissioners. A. A. McKethaii, l>. A. Ray, W. Steel, Wi;;. McL McKivaiid .In -\l. i\ose. At t:t(> ItfJ Springs.—Under the direction of Hi'Ctoi- McNeill. Wm. .1 Stewart, .Iuh A. Smith, Din’l C M'* Neill and t’ol. .Vlex. .McMillnn, or any one of them. *•1? Floral ColUiif.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair. I'r. A. D. McLean, Archibald Sniith, Kdiuiitid Lilly anit Col. Alexander Watson, or any one of them *4^ Qh’ •hx'Ij!'. — I'ndor th«' diiccii.in of Murdock Mc- H’le. 1). McLeod, D. Mc(Ja!lnra, .Jaij Mcl'ac. Ir , ami .). 11. McQueen, or anv one of them. .4 Al/oriitiville.—Under the direction of John Purcell, Jiio. McNair, Sion .\lford. DiigaM McC.illiin. and .Jno. .McCallum, or any one of them. The Snb..*cription Uook« will remain open for the space of 1)0 days. When a •sufficient «um is Huhscrihed the Comp.any will be orijani^d I'or the purpose of build ing the Road A. A. McKKTHAN, D. RAY, .V. W. STKKL. WM McL, .McKAY. JNO. M ROSE. Ctener.il (’ommis^ioner's FMyetleville, Jmia 7, H'l'J. -illtf The Nt‘W Stvlf, Small, OLOIU:U PHOTOtiilAPHN, AT EXCHANGE HOTEl,. pi’dic ^piIE 5n^ociiber announces' i that he will open on the l«t May tti.. iiti.ivt* Iloti^e of Enteriaii: neiit. tforui?rly the!:i. rn- well House.) The hou.^e is siiumed i .tw lioors from the ,'i;irUet. on ti.'oeti street, iiear l5ie ri’ii- I tre of the bu^iii- ■ ■ poriion oi ih;^ town, nnd has 1.; t :i I newly fitted up. •nd t :.iroti)ihly cl^a'ised Tr>e rooina , are couvcoient aivl wcil \eniil Thi' table will I"! supplietl with liie heel the market afl'or.J-', the U^r w, i the Ijcst of Liip.iors, and the stable with atientiye Oatlers. Desirotin of shirinft the public patrouifje I cm t»rn- iTii'-.e thrit tlri-** who pire me a call shall not leave di^- t i^atiiified !?F,UHEN JUNES. April ‘J7. I JOHU H. COOK, Auctioneer. ON \10‘ D.VV the 1.® li dfjy .)f M .y next, 1 shall, iigioe- ■iblf t.) ihe provi-'iotis of a Leed in Tru-t to lue, ! o'ceciiti l liy Uillis & Johnson, .sell a? Auction, all iho })rof.ert7 b.'th lle:»l an 1 Per.-ional, a( Stouey Poiiif. the resid'-ncti • Duncan R flillis, set forth in f>aid Tru^t, to wit: 4i>.i ai:it.s of L.VNl* a South side I’amden Kviud, tic- twe'II Riii and Little R-;-k.!ish. being the same convey- f y\i.ii %KLi>Ri: 1L i>T\Ti: ,\T .vm'ioN n^lli'l folioAviu.; v\luible prop.>rly will :>e ■'nil .in I SATURDAY, '.^t!i lay .f‘MAV. at I'leven o closk. t the Market House in Kayetteviile: Dwelling Mouse on SouthweBi corner of .\rch and Kowan Streets DwelHnfc House on North side of Street, joins .Abel Payne. Dwelling House on Street, joins Mrs. .Mooney. Dwelling House on Robe?on Street, now occupied by Mr Gill. U Villi VHITIES OF THE ENEMY Tilt.* Jack (Mi^sis'ippi) Appeal ha.sa s(«temetii ot till- tfcatiurtta ol our prisontrs captured on the tidroat ot I'l-mborton troni the Tallahatchie river W»* ii\ak.- some extracts t'roni it, showing th»‘ tleviliih iifrocitio^ uml tortures to which our men were suhjtctc.l. Let no Southern man fail to read it; They were congregated together in ■itnall room.s (^sei«ed and appropriated for the pur- Dwellitig House ou Mumford Street, Joins >ir. Foundry Dwelling House on Mtmifurd Street, joins the above. D ./ellinj^ House on NIuinford Street, joins the “Nixon” House. New Dwelliwif Housb on llow.an Street, joinft .1 i’. Gilmore New Dweliint; House on Rowan Street, joiii« the above Dwelling House in Campbellton, joins Mr. Perry. Dwelling House in Campbellton, on Rrid^e Street, new and large, formerly the propert/of L. A. Nixon, jr. Store House aud Lot in Campbellton, formerly ocou- ed by A. McKeth.Mi to Duacun H. Oilli'-: one TLK- : pjp^j j^y T. J. .Tohnson as a Store PENTlNt STILL an I .1 IXl UtlLS. near Giilis s Mili; j .Store House on Pcson Street, joins Six Mules, tw.) Hui;j( s. two Road Waeoiis and Harness • >ue Timber W'tjr.in. .'^tock of Hogs, Turpentine Tools, one Carriat:*' an 1 Hari.c-ss, two Sets of Coopers’ Tools, Household and Kitcheti Furniiure, Fatnitng Utensil.®. 130 Slicks of Ton Titnb. r oti Big Rocktish. near Black’s P.ridgi': one Double (Jim. one Ritle. one Negro Woman and a variety ot otiie.- ‘.rticle- Sale posit'.ve ind for cash. AI,E.\\NDEK .lOHNSON, Trustee. .\pril J.'), ^ -ots 1’ i.E(». W. W!Ll-l.\MS & CO., >\hole*t:ile Oealerx in iJrocerie«, AM* IMPOHTFRS .\M> PKALERK 1 .N (irtnlware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &o., H\Y STUKKT, F.VVKTTKVILLK, X. I. _ In'-l X W I- KKNl>.\!.I. J S. KKSD.Vl.l, ro\, Ki:\nALL a c o„ AND VC'HOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 A: 1*2 Xorth Water St., WilniinJton. .N. I. Hjj- ir ii i :rom tne Country promptly txeiui'‘l. 1^ i’-trt-ioulRr attention given to the sal» of ('otton . ! „"r rr ince !'■ I J OS. I T LK V, (•roifr and CotnmisKlon ,Utrchanl, 1 AVKTTKVILLK. N. i*:'-tf T. V. X U. ii. WORTH. Umyri-iMon and Forw*».rdlHg Merchants, WILMINGTON, N (' r i '-»'f C A Rl>! An. ■ L.\DItIS can be accomujodarcd with boar! at . “ - ■minarv. T ('. HOOPKK. Sf{! 1 .1. written certificates of JUiLSSD.V, WILLIA.MS k s.tl.T U.\KKRS. W‘" ro.. thir'v i3‘‘' pan; r.'w in opervtnine miles .1 Wiiinin.’ton i',. les w.sning to supply ;_riu—witn av.i. cna lurnish-.-t by apipljing to J ; 'D, Jr , .Vieiit ui Fayetteviil*.-, to E I’age, i..ana^ : at. he w-irk-, or to J. M WILLIAMS, (j.neral Superinten .i-nt. Pbjfiteville. Not. '10, 166'J .\OTICE. a I -xpect to be absent from home a few iHOnths in the West, ArchibVid .McLean i-* my authorireJ iv. (.ransact my business until I r»*turn. A N i*ec r'iH, l-'»;o. G JoNj;s -;’,tf Alter this dale I will jay Cei.:s [fr p.,und for rags de livered in t ..yetteville, •*r at my mills 11 D Vil’KPHV iina. (’ash. Sail A^;enlH visiting tiio .litlo buying in tn.j name, will hav^ apj)i)iiitment. By . rdcr of the Secretary of the Treasury. alM'oiton purchased bj’ myself or my agents, on and alter the 18th 'lay of March 18G;5, will he paid for iu 7 per cent Roods -ir Ca-h, au.i not S per cent ItaniL* as st>tlcd tii a fortjier a Ivertisement. Ur to that time, however, the 8 per cent, houds will he furnished as staged. Patriotic citizens are now otJered an opportunity to ki.i the Oovernmeiit by selling to it their t’otton rather than tf private capitalists LEWIS S. WILLIA.MS Ch.irlotte, .March 21. IS'. ’.. [c. t) j 14if IC^ypt C'oal .711 ne. 'PHE unJersignttl were, at the November Term of the 1 Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Man^7ers of the Kgyp: Coul .Mine property, and have entried into coparinciship for the purpose of mining and selling :'oai. itnd s.i’ici' orders for the same iu any desireJ ijuantity. Orders for at;y amount can be stippiied on snort notice. I'he ’■ al from this pro perty is un.loubte ily the hesi in the ('oufederate States Applications niay he mi>lc to Chas IJ Mallett, Fayette viile. N (’ , or .lames Browne, Charleston. S. (’. ’HARLES B. .MALLFTT. .lAMES BROWNF Fayetteville, .lan’y l2u. ‘.iritf SlOO ItEWARD. I ) unaway fr »m the SUt’.SCiuI'.ER »>N SCND vv IV the 2>ith of Janu iry last, mv negro boy uametl .\N THONV. He is ot a whitish j'ellow complexi.m. n’lout 5 feet t> or 7 inches high. IH or ‘J'j j-ears olJ, aLd sup posed to weigh about lli* pounds. He has a heavy head of hair, and talks short when questK>aed, iri i ha-i a down look. No doubt he is trying to pass for a froe bo.y. I w.il give the above reward for him delivered to me a: Prosp 'Ct Hill, Caswell (Jounty, or confined in any jail . 1 pet him F L. WARREN, (•aswell Co., March -f), IS*'-! 1.) .-Smp.t \inety Doilarw Reward. '^pUlUTV D(.)LLARS reward will be pai I for the ap- £ pri'hcnsion and delivery at the Cafop of Instruction •it Ralei::b, Or to this Regiment, of each of the following named ‘ lesertecs” from company E, f*th Pweg't N (T T : .!AMK-' .1. CA'IERON, Guru Swimp, H'10011 county THOM-\S H.\N \Lf4. near Johnsonville, WlLLlANI J. S.\Nl)Y, Rocktish. Cumberland Co. J. R. .MURCHISON. Capt. Co. E, 8th N. C. Troop>« an .1 l.land, S . March '-tl I * I.ONT, VSM ALL btickskin ptirse. between Liberty Point an t the half way bridge, containing 1 gold watch key, ! wiin a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, some receipts. : and ten or twelve dollars in cash, I’he fiU'ler Hiay have the pmrse and the money if they will leave the other things at this nfTice. Feb'y 1 I. • ART. \Voo4l«var«l% Molar 4'ainera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be liad at Vanorsdell's Skyiigiit Gallery, Flay street, opposite MarVilo Yard. Fay citeville, .N. C,; j>li>in, retouched, colored, in wat r colors, oil aud pasiile; from smnll to life si*e. .Vmbro types, .Melaneotypes, .n i all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the .Vr:. .M-io, Gilt Frames, Gilt .Mould ing, G' ■ for very large pictures—as Urge us 'Jti l.y inches. Jord and Tassels for Imaging T'icfires; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low^ for cash, Ti:fe siie colored Photograpiis m.ide from stmiii picture;-. Having permanently located here 1 hope to itu;;i: your p.-itvonage, I would also roiura my r>iuc.eie thr^nk'.. for Ihe liberal patronage bestowed on r.ie Iieretofore '.y the good people of Faveiteville rtiid vicinity. C. .M. V \N0RSDELL, Pholograjihist. and Proprietor. Dec’r 20. IS/)'.* 77- .Marble ^ 5) . Facloi'v. .’►iT.tiHH ■'i.077 TWO DOORS I'. T. HUnH i SUNS' STiiR! •Tftn’v CO t PtiO ^4- FAYiri TKVn.I.K MliXrAB. I?iSl !tl>CE fO.TIPAM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to : Cash on hand \nd other assets. Total, ■ .■^27'2.7ti.> *.i The t'>mpany have paid all lof'?es promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium note^'. Total loBiies paid. $29,f>82 '5) Offktrs; GEi». McNElLL, President. I). .A. HAY, Vio? President. C. A. MoMlLLAN. Sec y. DtJ» r.t'TORs. W 3700 BoiLes ot'the Southern Hepatic Pills Have been ordered In one day. Mils comhin-iti.in ( f teedicines was first prepared by thf piopi i tor in 1S25, when he was pronounced by three .'laiiient pliysicims in a Southern city, as in an , advunced stags of Cousuin]'i\oii, Thest Pills cured him 1 He ir uow over seventy years of age and in discharge’ of ! active professional duties. Their goo'l eflects upon | .>thcrs L-ren ed such a deuiaiid for them ih.if he wa« com- 1 rroqi supplying them gratuitously Ttiey !ire not reoommeiidod by the proprietor as good ; for all dis. ase'. but only for such as arise from Ulr’.- ORDIIHS OF TIIK LlVtR Mauy persons have test!- ' tied to ih»ir good effects iu Chil>* end FfVfm, HiUon* Fecer, I'lifum'iixt t, Jjr.. i '. 1 R.o'a t the tollowicg; S. D. W.\li.'i:k. i’residein ■! the Wilmingtori kad VVel'l.jii Rail Rou i. ,\ug, ■{*', says; “It h t- heeii said Dv.-I'kj-siis oi;r /nil- iwil disesi.s-- However ilii.- r. y be, it '-aused «i>- long and severe sut- I’r ivi ti ati‘.lly a friend lU.-aidied me wit'i a few l.oxes (jf t’lt '■ Ihy itir I’il!'." \n>\ the u w of tiifm h,t^ p'rifted ti cure. Iu my family they have been usei irtijumtiy with e/nin^’ne KU'Cfsn. .\mong my acquaint- .tiioes, m iny C(j.ir-; ori;?iuatirg from diseased liver, h;»ve been relievv I and cu.-ed by them I rec»rd 'het . an I'lvuhnhh I'n’diriii/', and take pli'a-^i re in fi.rwanting tliis voluiitary trihutp (^>t, .lallN Bti.liT, of tioMs!'>ro’ N. -Vug. 14, j IsijJj say?; ' 1 liavo used the Soutk'rn Ilt'^nthc 1‘iltf in | mv f’.mily here and also on my plantation in Al-ibam:i. i .iiid alu-lijy with .•‘urr,s>-. I hav.^ a valuable serviinr girl ; who had t’ecn a long time i;nd°r ire itrnt o’ fc”-consump lion, without receiving >iny benefi' \lmost iti her ex- irrmity, I was indue-1 to t:y the I/fp'tiic Fill* They were gifou accordi'ij (■> Utrf'-’in.t. and sae is now well. fntirC'h r fl'jTtd .'>v tin”!^ .V ■'i'lr.lar ca^je occurred among mv servants in Al 'bama. For liver and lung ,li»pr. / h ix'f pfrurt -iiund'-tire i» i/t-m. Full dirt'i-(to'l' -.iuA otJfT Vill he * lUnd ou the wf:»; t er ^f e icii box. Price. ■T'l a Iu x; SlD a i.i/pn. a g'‘oss Ne'.ittl' t ■a th- Ifruyjt' - For .•>!' tweiv.; b.ixes will t,e sent free to iin;, iruii^ the pr.tprielor^ Cash must accompany orders, ( hecks ou Iwc'il »"»nk» t alien Address t'iCt*. W, DEE"S, ^Vilson. N C. g^«.-For s-ilc in Fay*’!tevillc hy S. .1 IllNSD.VLV \pril 'J'. M. N. Leary. 5 .Acres of f.and on both sides of Rail Roail and run ning down to low water mark ou Cape Fear River. t)ne vacant Lot on the Rail Road, in ('ampbellton. One vacant Lot, joins above. One vacant Lot, joins above. One vacant Lot, joins W. C. Troy’s Store. 2U fi front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet front. One wean* Lot, joins above, '20 feet front. One vacant Lot, joins above, 20 feet tront. Also, the lot on which is a Ten Pin .Aliev T. S. Li:i I'ERLOH, April 30. -4 "t Dwelling in rear of above with an alley lending to it. p(»se,^ COnfiilC'l to their narrow limits cU'seiy, with- Hall’s sufficient room even to lie down, compelled to druK out the weary days nionotonc^usly and starvinsrly—refused permission to speak even with their own-otiic-ers captured with them; urged upoti and influenced by every available tigency to take the oath of allegiance to the I'nited ^tutes of A- merica; beseeched by Abolition preachers with filty harangues on the evils of slavery, and the wrongs done the poor man by the rich; attempt ing thus to e.xtingui.sh the 6res ot patriotism Hunger, cruelty and fanaticism were concentrated together to secure a cowardly advantage They weremllowed nothing to eat, except such as was demanded f\->r them by their captors trom theciti zens of ()xtord. to whom it was^tauatingly saio (alter robbiug their premises ot all that could be tound beforeban'l,) that they ought to teed tlieir brethren. u m • ^ Atter being kept on the Alis.sisiippi. I river tweiity-tive days, crowded to sufloctition, I half-tod, unti extorted upon, even to the article of j medicine, with diseiiso ami death around and • among them, they were at last landed at the old ! State peaitentiury at Alton, Illinois. So gloomily ( did the protpoct affect them that more than a 1 hundred plun-td trom the boat into ttie Mi.-sis- j i>ippi, and amid volleys of musket balls sent alter them, anl the oonteudiiig elemenLs around them, , made their de-perate way to shore, preferring to j risk deatli to tlie prospect of the iil'o bofr..ic tlium I ;fr treatment at Altoo was inhuuian and barbarous 800 acre« ot I.A.^D lor »ale. I OFFER my PL.VNT.ATION inColum .us county, oou- I ' lining eight hundred acres or over There are about ] three hiindred acres of cleared land o/i it, and about one hundred acres of the be^t swamp land in the State; o.»- sily ilrained 1 will lake five d- llirs per acre for ir, aii>’ ta’iie it iu negroes, mules or money. Any oue hav- Hundred.s weje coirtiueti in the ing negroes on the Sound wo';ld do wi ll to give me a 1 buildin-', which was open, bleak aftd deso- ‘ I late, and tso comloitless and dreary were the.juar- offairBlufl 1 will give p' -■ -s' a wiieu I sell i “>• > - . . i Leesv:lle P O (ilLKS !• Kobesot. couutj’, ,\pri! ‘Ji FLOVD. VAI.l AKLE %rOR SM.K, By virtue "f (lecree of tin I'ourt )'.>juiiy, 1 wiil ^ell oti the premises, on the 28ih d:*y of M iv, (ius; .) ; the VALUABLE FARM and DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ! of the late Dr C, ChikUirrs. situate on the waier.s of j Deep river, iu Moore county, adjoining rhe town j Curbonton, containing 420 acref-. .\lso one other trae:, I a'lj initig the above, conf.iiniiiir I acie*'. both oi which I tracts have each I'n them a tine Dwt-l'ipg and all 'her I nec>-aa.\ry out-house^i, kitcht-n. barns. -Vc . .Tnd other eo:, j veuiences, jioail orchards, ic .V’so. one other tract, i containing 10 acres, near the above, with a good cot.i- mon hotise. .Vlso. oue other tract, containins 2.">0 acres, two niiies of the town of C.arbonton, with >?rdi- tiarily good i")prov»nient-*; all of which places are in healthy loeaiities, with Iho advantage of goo.l society aroun I them. The three first mentioned are. accord ing to ihe iipinioa of Professor Emmons, within the ba«iu i.f ;ht- •'eaifield'i. aud are in do-' proximity 'i> the Clieraw i doal fields Railroad, n»w being construct ed. which makes these Lands one ot the be-ii inves;- ment.s in the ( untry Also on the same day. ev the d:iy after. 1 will sell, by- virtue of the same decree, • tract of L \ND si.'u ite.l cu the Fi''etfcvi!!e We-iter:i PI iiiK Road, -i miles b.'low tcrs that tiie open doors ol ihe convic-tt' cclU vver> 24 9tp j takeil adva' ta^c ot as at least afloniiug Mtnio pro- trction trom tiio wintin- winds. Tl.; y p.-*ri.',ned tVoin hc-gi 4i*u lold. 'I'he stuatl fox, which was prcvaiciit wlitn tlicy were biou^bt tiiere nnd 1 thr jwu a:*; >ng it, swcpf iheta oil by i\v-tiiir ; For severe, day- tlu-.Ueattis uveiagt.u lifteeu evcij j twenty-fou; hours AcoumuJat*.u di-,tu5e ofov-.i y I shape fa^tene-i it.sell upon the t li justed ,^y: cm, j and death vra- a uiutter of courie At;.i tVci* then the wi"Oi.lMi cofiin was but ;• L.-ry, lor one served for eleven bodies, as oet n anu uiark^id a doion V. _uesseH. Karth w.i- tlieir vuily ‘ to (iny ( vr ..f-he Conte ierficy wher** tfi."re are no , ,own of C irthac:''?, kn-^wo »s the Schermerliorn La".d, ggist= No* l.*ss fl.an a d;'y‘.'n boxes will be sent ly ROOae.re-. .n whioh there ip ago.ei Pine :’.tf N Tilling’iast, S. J. Hinsdale. Win. McLaurin. T, .S, Lutterloh. A. W. Steel, .1, G. t.!«ok. Hon. J G, ,'lhepherd R F. Brown. ) .... E. Hail. ( ‘ceive iaxon. bscri WAA'TKO. 0 *aik BL^HELS WHEAT, 1.50- •• CORN, tprooud baving I'ne above artiobjs i-* sell will r 'kt Sigheet Cash pric- f>y .^1 ..ig oa Mr M Th'i.i ■‘f.hp Merchant .Mills. Fayetteville, or on 'he - ‘s«&t his old Rtan.l on Market Square. ALEX -MtHN.'^ON. Ji ■= .v. o. 1H62. Xweiity-live Dollars Reward. t>ANAWAY from the subscriber, hi- negro boy MO- I He is 21 years of ago, uboiu o feet I‘* inches ' nbnst, Jong feet and very much turned out it the .»nd looks down when spoken to He was seen at ycFbiul’s .Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult.. &M»a'»in FnyetteyiUe about three weeks ago The ward will b« paid for his delivery to me or for '!■ lement in any jail so that 1 get him. * ^ W D. JOHNSON, 3. C., Aug. 14, lHti2. i*2tf All.nV BARAK!^^«i. 1.\,\1 prop-^ired to manufactnr** all kinds .d’ Wagon Hiirnp-* for .Army use. I my leather and can give gxj.i >;iirgiins. Agents wili d> well to seu'l their "■flpr-* tv tor as they shall hav»> frompi nitcniion, and |*«‘t'' 'tf .0 iiili.lt .lispaich. ,n)!IN AKTV R 1 Adinini«»tration Aolice. 1HK niibscriher having iualified as Administratrix on the Estate of las Sundy, dec'd. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Win. McL McKay within the lime pre- scribe(I by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, (!.ATHARINE SUND't, Adm'x. Aug. 4, 18t!2. 40 t Adininistrat«>rS ,\otice. ^pHE .-.iibscriber having at DecemVier Term, IH*i2. ot I the County Court of Cumberland. iualified as .Ad ministrator ujion the Estate of Neili (!. .McMeill, dec’d. notifies .all persons having cla?ms .against the Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwi‘-e this ncUc2 will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors arc recuested to make prompt payment. HECTOR MoNEILL, Adm'r Dec 10, 18fi2. WAATKO, IJANK N(,)TKS of North (’arolina. South Carolina, ) Virginia and (Seorgia .Also, North (’aroliiia six per cent. Fundable Notes. .Also North (’arolinasix per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON X CO . Broker^, Raleigh, N. Henry Lilly, H, L, Myrover, .S. T, Hawley. Nathan .A. Stedtnan, (’. B. .Mallett. James Kvle. .A, . McRcth.an. .1. 1», William'*. S. W. Tillinghasi, hn Collins and (’ C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents pffThe (^^ompany invite applications May28, ISUl, To .Manufacturers and Others# iirE V;a*e '"i h m.l a lot of" IU ('HROM,\TE ot P>T- .ASli, that we would sell bv uie barrel, delivered on the N, , Railroad, ^'r in Co!u.i>'ia, S. I. ,-V H. FRIES. Silem, N. C. April 1>^, IHt,;, . • 2_ Im i.i:ttkr paper. Afresh supply of Letter Paper. Bath size, of better ijiiaitty aii'i liigher pr:ce than a;ty we have lately had. Ju't received F. .1 ll.ALK SoN>. April 2;') ^iole lA’atlier wanted. LBS of heavy well tanned SOLE LL.M'HER. suitable for Belting. Apply to Fayetteville. Aptil 1 I .Ml'KPHY 20tf Im'gton. Mtar Toiindry. ami Ptoiigli i'oints and li 'i 21- THE AOKTH CAROLIAA MI TITAL LIFK IXSUIIANCE TO^IPAXY, Now in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives ot all healthy per sons from 14 to f.0 ye.ars of age, for one year, for seven years, and forlife—all life members sharing iu the profits, .All slaves from 10 to t.O years of age are insured for one year or for live year.s for two thirds their value. All losses ar« punctually paid within 00 days alter satisfactory proof is presente 1. For further information Iho publi'- is referred to Agents of the Company'in all parts c ihe State, and to R, H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh, E, J. H.VLE, Agent at i .lan’y 1850. ' Fayetteville, N. C. C A PT. WI IiH E^^’JS REPORT ON THK UEKC RIVER >11\FRAL REGION. rpHE undersigned have caused fo be published from I^l.oL’GH.-' ami Pfotigh I'nints amt tl 'els of all tuim- bfrs can be had at ,M A Biker s .S^ore iu Fayette ville. ojiposite the old Wagon Yard. Ca'^iings ot supe rior .[U ility Cali and seo for yourselves, tbistings of all kinds tnade ;ii the shortest notice and for reasonable charges 'I BAhKR, Sta^^ Foundry. April 20, l>r>:! 21-!m R|:A the KL04 KAUE. PlEt^jS Black aud White CVLU’O; nil 100 prs Men's Eng sewel BROGANS; For sal-by MclNT\ RE. March liV 11-tf !«iA»/r! «AET!! i SACKS for S'ile by Dec, 22 AOTICE. IN consequence of a nccessary steppage of the Rock- fish Factory for several weeks to come, for the pur pose of repairs, the company will have t^o Sheetings for sale till further notice. T, H.\1GH, Pres t, M:irch 22 _ Palma €iiri«ti Rean^. rpilE subsoriber will pay the highest cash prices for 1 any quantity of Palma Cbristi Beans forest, good Dwelling and all fcce'Sary out house'-', all in good repair Also, at the same time anil place. ' will sell a good Steam Saw MilJ on the premises. Terms, f> and 12 months, note ind security, S C BRUCE. C, ,M. E Carthape, Moore County. N. .May 4, 18t;8. 2)|p DEATAL CAR». Having taken operating Rooms over Mr. I. D^dd'^ stere, I offer my Professional services to the citi zens of Fayetteville and vicinity. Office hours from. 9 A. M fo 12 M, then from 2 to t P M • J, H. FREEMAN. April .^O, 25-Otpd Roekaway and C'art lor Naie. I HAVE a second-hand RO(?K VW’.AY and tiE.AR. 1 .Also. C,\RT ntid GE.AR; for sale. JAS. G. COOK, Fayetteville. May 4, 18-‘i^. 2o-2w 'The Meeting of Tlie Sfork- holders of The Cape Fear Navigation Company will be hehl in the Town Hall in Fayetteville, on Friday. M^y 29Ui. lHil;{, at 12 o’clock M, D ,\, RAY. Pres t. April 18ti;: -4tm Fayfllevilie .Arsenal and Armory, i ,Vf«ll. 27. I8t;( WAATEIf, 4 GOOD PRACTICAL MACHINISTS. ;i “ jobbing Blacksmiths. Steady employment and good wages will be given. Major F, L CHILDS. Comd’g Officer, Apply to 24-lOt] !^a%e vour A«lie>*. ROBFRT MITCHELL. 88 tf [WILL give 8-5 cents a bushel for good blackjack, oak or hickory Ashes, delivered at the Soap Factorj’ on Person street at half-way bridge. Lard, Tallow and Soapgrease wanted, highest, cash prices given. I have t’)A lbs. of fi penny nails for sale. C. P. JONES. April 30. 24-4tpd by wrapping. *'■ 'i li -vf rmiii, too, were terrible. The hospituk w.re alive with the creeping m«ss, add inir new* horror to the tormented .sutit rer.i, from which there was no reliet. .\loii wero dragged out ou any pre text and confined for days i:i a dungeon, withou; too‘l;a'id. w.th aruix manacled und Inubs shuekh'i. could only wait in •suffering tne whun.'>ic-ii r.-lea.se ol the pn.'Oner. .ill articles of clothing uol actually on tiie peT'Oii ".ere seized and htdd as contraband. J his ter-ii was ol extraorainary cxi. t. .‘,'.;ue''S, wtiich varied with file whims of the se;ir It was assumed to decide on the necessary amount of clothing requisite. The claimed surplus wa^ retained. Meii were even lett threadbare of de cent apparel, '^ocket knivi^s. ot the pen-blade ord«r, wt-re t-oii.sidered dangerous »»d held—aud 60 were bibles, Hoth were cont.'-aband. Money was .seized and held, and on ly a part returned, if it was attempted to be Lid aud was atterward discovered by search, it was declared forfeited. The pretext was that it might be used to bribe sentinels. ^ Fn.soners were told threateningly of the linpn.lability of exchange—the likelihood of extreme puni-^'ument—urged to take the oath and prejudiced by interest—and hundreds were thus influencfd to do as was-saggested. In short, all that inliumanity, barbarity, cruelty, cowardice and treachery couhl devi.se, were brought to bear to ac complish b:ise purposes. The citizens of Oxford ; where the prisoners were brought) experienced all the hor K»rs of savai^e warfare. Old citizens and women were tired ;;i in their own doors by the vandal soldiery. I'hiidren were shot at iu crossing the yard. Houscfa were searched and de.soiated—rel ics of the piist and absent were utterly shattered, and the sanctity, ot the family altar and fireside were invaded without the warning of a moment Knclosures were torn down and burned, and fvr ■ibrty miles around houses stood naked to thq view, and cattle trampled where the rose bloomed. ^ ^ The prisoners were at last lorwarded northward. They were marched on foot thirty miles, to Holly-Springs, without food of any sort till the next day. The treatment there was aimi- I lar to that of Oxford—probably worse And so through all the changes. 1 A Faveitevl'ln. ''t WORTH. 1)7 If Otf * >'l-iton I’ (» Chatliaia Co . -N • *' . June 13. lHt.2 .;ltt *-500 tiiiiin Arabic* lor >*ale by J. R LEE, ^rocerien: €frocerie»Si and well selected Slock of FAMlLi ^htn:ERlES always on hand, consisting of Hact.n-S.des, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker , No-. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al j grades. Tobacco, Cigars, - j And all other articlsB usuailjr kept in a Wholesale Gro- | Wry EstHbliHlinienl 1 COX, KENDALL & CO Wilniington. A^ril 2, 18K1 10 tf take A UP, \N’D committed to Jail, a negro boy who says his n^me is JOHN, and btir.ngs to J- K Rodman of ^‘’iilsoQ county. John is abont 5 feef 4 or 5 inches ^'■8*1, about 30 or ;’.3 years old; the end o>' one of his is off The owner will come forward, pay ctiarges, ?'■>»« property and i-ike him away, or tie will be dealt M tt»« law directs. P F. ALDER.VIAN, Jailer of Cumberland county. April 22. 22tf March y Run the Blockade! W. .11 A C I A T Y R E Received and oilers for s;ile: ■•'017 yjirds printed Muslin deLain: 11H2 j.wils wliite and black Prints; 1,^)8 1 yards KngH'h Long Cloth; lbs black KIk* Thread, Nos ’^O, So, 40, 50, tW; 250 Ifis drab Flax ThrcH.^, Nos 30, 40, 50; 102 lbs white brown Threa«i, \og 30, 40, .“iO; 400 dozen white Spool Cotton; 100 dozen Linen Cambric Hundkcrchi^r-. t) doz*-n Eugenie Skirts; 4 M Needles, Nob 1, 3, 4, 5; 80 M Needles, assorted, from 5 to 10; 7 packs Pina, English tull paper; 12 boxes black Pina; 108 gross metal Pant Buttons; 3 doien French Tooth Brushes; fi dozen drab Nutria Hats; 100 pairs Brogan Shoes; 1200 lbs Green Copperas; 20 boxes Extract of Logwood. April 6, 18G3. 1 the Congressional plates, tin edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his ,As.sociatrs on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to-ex- , amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This ^ FaVelteVllle MH^UAI lururauce lOt is the most important and scicniific .statement | ri^jj j,^ TENTH ANNU.AL .Mi-’ETING of this Com) any great wealtii of that section ol the State. anl the Maps the most perfect and valuable, ol any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which if- iiH reilt^, neatly bound in cloth. Copies bont by mail, free • of postage, on the receipt of 60 ccnts. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. •• E. .F. HALE SONS. . i I^'OTSCK. I The UNDERSIGNED, both having eni. red the mill- j tary service of the Confederate States cd’ America, i hereby give nor.e.e to their old custoinerH and friends, i 'hat they h;^ve appointed John L>.,Starr and, John D. | •r I wil’b-i iiav 21 xl M: Viiri? 2-*', A v'1 :i; the Otlice of the Cotap-iny on Thurs-- V nexi C A McMl[,L \N. Sec’y. ll-r,:-;. -’•> 'l‘V WAATED, R \Ti; Cf)OK and BAKER; to such an one .A woman preterreil V. P TAYLOR, Vt the Arsenal. 22ff LOI^T. At Kinston, N. C., supposed to be about the 2oth of March, or stolen from the cars at Goldsborough, .a large TRAVELLING S.VCK, with my name, company and regicient marked on a little card fastened to it. It contained a new military suit and othsr clothing, with my ommissions. It was letf at Kinston with the bag- i»age of Pettigrew’s brigade; and it may be that it was taken off with the baggage of some of the Aitilierjj com- oanies or Daniel’s Brigade. I will cive S2;> rewanl for it and its contents, when delivei-Ld'to me or placed vrhe.-e I can get it. Lieut, WILLIS R.ANDLE. Co. 1. 52d lleg t N C T., Pettigrev’s Brigade April 2«. !P''S. 24 7tpd l.«l!ST, Blacking Jrorn, China Berries.—The Colum bus Sun recommends its readers to preserve the following r^’ceipt: If you want good blacking, take a half bushel of China berries, and having them well picked from the stems, put into a kettle, and add three gallons of water, boil down to one gallon, then strain the litjuor. through a seive, from the seed and skins, anu atid as much pine wood (thtf richer the iM'tter) soot as will make a good bhtck, and it is rciuly tor U'-e. A pint of good, or a t^uart of weak vinegur, t or stale beer,^ timt mixed with the soot will make it better, and if you uild the ivhole ot one cgLi: to halt a gallon of th>? iiqu'>r it will bo ber-t, and eqtlal to any Vaiike; blacking. This goo't j’ly will be (liven ‘:( piy to At Camp GiesjK. on the2'ith intt.. a POCKET BOoK , blacking costs littic besidi.-s troui'le; aud we have C'lnt.^iining Fifty-one Dollars in money, and the fol '^ipt. SlOO ESE^VAHif. ..n the nitrht of the instant VN.\W V\ trom 17 fiw lOIL AND LAMP BLACK. rpANNERS’ and LUBRICATINO OIL. I LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BL08.S0M & CO., Wilmington, N. C. Maroh 7. G-if fully ask alt per.sons in ? . them to call as nroni} ly as possible on their ageni ,^,^1 make payment. vJ-'ARli, iV \vlLLl.\MS. Sept. 19, 1801. 08-! f Wanted Eniniediately„ 1 1A AAA GOOD JUNIPER SHIMGLE.-^* f.vr which lU.UUU Ihe hig'ie-t cash price wilt be paVl —ALSO— A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., E^gle Foundry, FayetteTille, N. C. Martjh 7, 1863. »tf lowing Notes, vii; One on A. W’, Rnper. given .Vpril 2olh, 18t)o. for Niiie Dollars. One on I imes A Calder; ftiveii Afitil2ls , for Twenty Dollars tne on (^Ut.iah Norton. -Ir . for One Ilundre i «nd .“Sixty-two Dollars. I hereby caution the makers of the above notes against liaj'^ng then t.. any other rban myself, anl all por-'cna ■vgamst trading for any one ot’ them. The note crivea by E^iab Norton, .Tr., htks been siilistie-l ALK'’. A. HUi seen boot.s cleant^d with inferior to ncncm gloss, and it will not soi tvhite hunukcrcliict Let it 'stand h«"veral da’ i^etore vou bottle it .fi. TCKABEF ou (I l...'ieve) the !elt cbe-k below the cbeek t-one. He 1'. nrohablv aitemptii-S to '« 1 he yt^.kees, 1 will cive the at'..)ve rewntd for bis delivery to me. or .“soO for ni- confiiement lu any jail of Ihe Stale so that I can g>' Lumberton, N. April 24, 18*W 2oJt^^; l TO OJLERKS oFcOttJRT!^'. IS Sending us Court Advertisements the Clerks will enclose $5, if the advertisements are of the usual leneth A larger amount If the orders are longer. E. J. HALE & 80N8. April 80, 18d3. • Co. F. l^ih >■ T. ;'tpd >*IATY DOLEAR5* 'pilIRi y DOLLARS Reward !f inltructiL I . . J J V ./ ih'* ot liiftlrucuou 1 pr.tension and delivery atKale,gh, ortofhis R;^^™« b. 53d Regiment N. C. mg UOBEKX Dim Distriat. ALEX. RAY, ““Y." LuS. C.«d', C. D, 53d 3 t N. C. T, i c*®p oear Or^tilie, H. C., April 28. 24-^w letter from .Iack«in, Tenn., ta a says the writ'-r heard a dis- tjiiguij'heu >.‘iiei-r oi that department remark, that “ifchj had eighty thousand of yju.' Noui.eru IJebel l^CfiJ '-.'rats brigaded, and down licre,^ he would take Vicksburg iu ten days, i>f K>bC .eveiy man in the attempt, and he wouldn’t care a d—u which.” Hire.—The Charleston Mercuv^, li-otii, says, “Rice, which had been sellip'- i.t liO a 21 cents in our market a few weeks a^o. uow dull at 12 to 16 cents. Blank Wr»rr«nt^i Tor poU* at Oflice,