IPAiriBTOlB'TlilLlMB ®IB S K M I-W RRK l. r. bn nh »1 r* rii.. ..,, »i cUj ,IIU. Iveju^.j, VOL XII. FAYETTRVILLE, N. C.. MaY 14. pRlNTt'l) MONUWH VNft THURSDAYS KOWAUD J. HALE & SOXS. FI TTOR,« ANl) PROrBIETORS. Pfic*’ *■ ' ’■'* S^tni-Wppkly Obhcuvicr $4 (K) if paid in ».lv«nce: *4 50 if paid durinft the ye»r of ;ion. OT J5 afler the year hao expir*»d f,ir the 'Vee'ily Ohhi^bvkr SU 00 j>it nnnuiu. il i>ai«i in j.lT^nce; 50 if paid Jurinjr the ye»r of snhscrip- iiTT. or SI 00 after the year ha? expired. Hy \I)VEHTrSKMENTS inserted for fl per 8 iiar»» (jf Irt lines for the first, and ."SO cents for each ruc- iv^iin« pu>>Hoaiioii. AdTertiPentfTitii not exceedinf; a f,inure i 8 liner*) 00 cents for the first and 80 cents forpa’h !>ucceedinij pnbUeaiion. Adyertisers are re- I '0 'he number of insertions tt^sired, or | continued till torV»id, and charge*! acconl- injriv. Advertisciuentf^ continuel in*idf, charged as new ad- Ter’iNfuipn SiPECl-Vl NOTIOE From an I ‘»'.ier thin date, no name of a new Buhsoriber trwl be payment in advanoe, nor will p»per be f’ent to such subscribers for a longer time nun 18 pAid tor. giioh of our old subacribers as desire *o take the pa- P«r on this system will please notify us when making r*mitt*nce9. Jan’y 1, 1858. IIW. •UTrX. ^ncU^W Attorney at Law. Fatettsvillk, N C. II ILL attend the County and Superior «'ouri« of • If t umberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson (’oun- ue» Prompt attention giyen to the ^ollection of all j tUim« entrusted to his hand^ 0.M 17, 1859 68-if ! GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., • tlholesale Dealers in tiirorerieM, AND IMPORTERS AND DKALERi^ IN hardfvare and Cntlfry, Swedes Iron, &f •) HAT STSEKT, FAYKTTKVILLK, X. V. 1 luly'i. 18C1. and Thunnia' April (i—l.tf J J COX. W. P KENDALL J. 8. KKNDALL ! COX, KCi^DALL A CO., iommlftslon HlerehaiitA AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ho. 11 4 12 Xorth Water St., Wilmio^ton, %. C. Orders from the Country promptly executed. Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton ind other produce. April ilb61. 10-’. f JO». CTLEV, (>iro€er and I’ommiAsion ^yierrhaitt, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. j’^n'y 10. 18G3. yS-lf T. C. A: B. a, WORTH, ronmktiioii aad V'orwarding Mmhantf^ WILMINGTON, N 0 Ju:'y28, 1861 84tf A CAKU! FE'V LADIES can be icoommodated ^ ifle Semmary. T. C. rith board ftt HOOPER. Sept 12. 18fil. W- '^TuHNSO.V WILLIAMS'& CO..' n .t^KKits. i:.'). pnuH uow i.i oi>*-rauoa u.ue luileti *iVilniinj{tun P-iriics wii»hin(5 lo t*iipply lirsi.- ;.fi with »?:r. ci*Ti t'uraiflhed by applyin|i to A. JohD-ou, Jr , Ai?iit at FHyetle»ille, lo E Page, &>m;r?r at me «ortH, or to .1. M WILLIAMS. General Superintendent. Fa.Tefte.ille, Not. 20. 18»;2 81 tf !%»TICE. AS I expect lo be absent from nome a few raonths in the W«8l, ArchitM*id .Vlcl-'eau i* my* ''uthoriieu Afent u> cransaot my buninew* uutil 1 return. N’. O. JON’ES De^r 28, I860. Alter tIliM date 1 will pay 8 CeniH per pound for rags de livered in FavetteJille, or fit ray milh T» MURPHY « ttA- 0(1 Kovnfinh. Ool 2. 1B«2. WA!%TED. 0 xaA liuayELs wheat. SOUU 1,600 “ CORN. 1 ersoDs having the above articles to sell will receive highest Oash price by calling on Mr. M Tho.n.'ison, •lint Merchant Mills. FHyHtteville, or on‘he “u^-jcri- Wai hiA old aland on Market (Square ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. •W. 0 1862. "fttf Tweiity-li > e Doilai'M Reward. pANAWAY from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- U ciFS. He ia 21 years of age. about 6 feet 10 inches ' robust, long feet and very much turned out at the , »mi looks down when spoken to. He was saen at Jicl'MJurs Mills ia Robeson county on the 2lb', ult., “‘1 Vasin Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The ‘ re Ward will be paid tor his delivery to me or .for | ^ ‘'onfiiiemeni in uiy jail so that I get him. W U. JOHNSON. ^«’'tt»U8»ille, 0. C., Aug. 14, 18«2. 62tf LOOK AT THIS! TilK FtVKTTBVIMJ IIOTKL, Fronting 300 feet and in the basine!^ portion of the Town, roiitains more >«|>acioii!« and well lentilated RooniM than anv Hotel in the $^tate, anu tu^ l’atron» say iny CouJiuients are very good tor the times. May :;o. I8t;2. WAIHIILL. VrovrlHor. rail road. I HE Trams of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, L (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and re- turiiinK leave Mclver’s at 1 o’clncK. P M. Frriuht Train MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order of the President. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Act’g Trans. Ag’f. Jan. 22. 18ti;{ ^7,^ Notice to ^liipperM. TN consequence of the high price of every thing used X hy this Comp%ny, the Directors have ftdv.'inoed the rate„ of freight generally about one hundred per cent. Rates will be furnished as soon as printed. i JNO. M. ROSE, ' Treas’r and Transportaiion .Ag’t W. R R. Co. i -March 18. 186(5. ' 12tf i'roni and alter thi$« date the Steamer A P. HURT will !"ave at s n’olo'*k, A M., on Monrlay JOS. A WORTH. ■Ag’t (V F. Steam Boat (!o. 'fo 4'otton Planter*!. I H A VK t.een appointed by the Secretary of the Trea I siiry, ('hier Agent tor ihe purchase of Cotton for the Confederate Uovernment wiihiu the State of North Caro-* lina, and will pay for the same In 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-.Agenta visitinK the r—^ ijuying in my name, will have wr’tteu certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of Starch 1863. will be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated in a former advertisement. Bp lo that time, however,"the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. : Patriotic cititens are now offered an opportunity lo ' aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte. March 24. 18b3. [c. i>.] 14tf ^S^ypt Coal ifline. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- \ pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of ■ mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty i3 undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chaa B. Mallett. Fayette- ] ville. N C , or James Browne, Charleston. S. C. ■ CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAME8 BROWNE. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, 18t>3. 96lf $100 REWARD. Runaway from the subscriber on sunday the 26th of January last, my negto boy named .AN- i THONY. He is of a whitish yellow complexion, about : 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, 18 or 20 years old, and !>up- ^ posed to weigh about 140 pounds. He has a heavy head of hair, and talks short when questioned, und has a down look. No doabt he is trying to pass for a free boy. I will give the above reward for him detivered to me at Prosp Cl Hill. Caswell County, or confined in any Xail so I get him. F. L. WARREN. Caswell Co., March 25, 18b3. lo-3inpd .\inety Hollars Reward. HIHTY D 'LCaRS r«rw:»r>l will be paid f'r the ap- preuension and delivery at ttie Camp ut lustruotion at Raleigh, or to this Regiment, of each of the following utmed “deserters" from ci'mpany K, 8th Reg’t N C T : J.AMES J. CAMERON. Gum Swirap, II «rnett county. THOM.\S Han ALL, near Johnsonville. “ t WILLIAM J. SANDY, Roekfish. Cumberland Co. | J R. MURCHISON, 1 Capt. Co. E, 8th N. C. Troops t'amp on .t men’ Island. S. C . Mar«'h J?1. 17 It?ipd i.O!«T, A S.M.VLL buckskin purse, between Liberty Point and XX the half way bridge, containing 1 gold watch key. With a likeness in it, 1 gold sleeve button, nome receipts, and ten or twelve dollars in cash. The finder nay have the purse and the money if they will leave the other things at this office. Peb’y 14. 180.'^. AdmlniMtratlon rVotice. The subscriber havine qualified as Administratrix on the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims Against said Estate 10 pre sent them to Wm. McL. .McKay within the lime pre scribed by law. or this notice will be pleadad iu bar of their recovery. CATHARINE SUNDY. Adm’x. Aug. 4, 1862. 49- » AdniiniNtrator’M i\otice. The subscriber having at December Term, 18G2, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Al- minisfrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d. notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to I present them within the lime limited by law, otherwise this nr'ice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors ' are requested to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r D.*o. 10. 1862. 85- t Florence and Fayetteville Kail Road. ' A MPT Ht ^Tri rTNDER th? provisions of sn Ordinance of the Coii. i O 7V1.1 1.^ 11 W | |j|^. UNDER thf* p^rovisions of sn Ordinance of (he Cf.n vention »f North ('sroliuH. Books will l^e opeisoil on the Ifith June it th«; lollowincr ilices and under the di- | [am rection of the ftillowing pei-sone, to recelwe subscrip- !#»a lions to the ( apital Mtock of the “Florence .v Fayette- ' Hi ^ .W..WV Fftyeitt ville Rail lload Co. Shares (fue Ilnndred Dollars eneli. At (he Rail Hoad Ojhre in Fnyt'flevilU.—Under the di rection of the tJ-^ner»il Cf>nimis»iouers, McKclL.'ni, p. A. Ray, A W'. Steel. Wm MoL MrKay and Jno. M. Rose. At the Rtd Spriuyf.—Ucder the ilireotiou of Hector McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart, .fas. A. Smith, Dan’l C. .Mc Neill and (>ol. Alex. McMillan, or any one »f them. -■4* floral College.—Under the direction of Dr Neill McNair, Dr. A. D. JVIcLean, Ar-^bibflld SHiiith, Edmund Lilly an*i l/ol. Alexan)er Wai.'^on. or nny one of them At Quernrdale—Under the direction of .Murdock Mc Rae. I). McLeod, D. McCallum. Jas McRae. Jr . and J. - Il .McQuecu, or any one of them. At AlfordsvilU,—ITiiderthe direction of John Purcel), Jiio.^ McNair. Sion Alford. Dugild McC.tllnm and Jno. .M^-alhim, or any one of them. The Subscription Books will remain open for the Hpa^ of 60 days. When a surficient sum is sub8Cribel the Company will b® orffanized for the purpo?*e of huild- ing the Road A. A. McKETHAN. D. A. R.\Y, A. W. STEEL, WM. McL. McKAY, JNO. M. ROSE. Oeneral (JommiHsioners. Fayetteville. June 7. lH»ii> R2tf ^PHE suhficriher annoiinof>« lo the jin*! ic that he will open >n (lix \jay i).( at;ove lloii“e of En*erlasn.nent, (iorinerly the >hf‘rii- w(*ll House ' Trie fii>ui»»» i>; .liinair i ;i n v? r«K ^OVEK\»K OF VOKTH rAUOLHA. A PROCLA.TIATIOAf. 'I'fjp time Hmilti'i iw tiv frorlaifiHiion. i doors from the Uurket. on .(Jreeii street, near the ceii- dutfd the l:lih of' .April. fcr! iddiiir tbf' exj'f'rUv ot'eei'taiii articles from Ihe Slate, i« iibont to ex,- pire. i . J . . Novr. iheietore. 1. ZKBULON H. VA.N(J»: ijovormr ire of t he buMiue.s porM.ui of ne own. and has been , N^^h Carolina, da. hv and with the ..dvice in,I newiy htied up, a,;d thorou?lily clennop,j xh^ roo,.,- j .^e Co-n,cii rt Sta-e, i«sue ti.is I’roelim'Kn.i:. nin ih>* 1-i‘h ions font-iiri: I i in .-aid Proslamatinn of ihe 13ih rf .April, with (hf> fo ■ towitig alteration?; The prohibition is nni 10 ein^rBo;* liie article ot Sil'. and Lard is to be added to the list of the ariieles pr ■- hibited. Justices of the Pevje are also enjoined to h'-^Isi in carrying out this Prot*liimn.iioii —. In wiine«8 wiierenf. /kbihin H. j; - .«K.\L I novernor. Captain (Jeneral and ’ommaudt*r in ^ ' * t’hief. hath signeil these presents and caused the Great Seal of the State U) ba afBsei Done at the City of Italeigh. thi.s 8ih day of M ly, .\ D.. 1863. and in the 87th year cf our lnde|>endence. By the Governor: /.. l». V.VNt'K R. H. Ba-otI'T:. Jr.. Private .Secretary. May 9. 27 2w . .. I ... . 17trx'«3.l -^e^'JLTZ « I* I .■> 1 ure convenient and well vent.la.ed I I.e table will l-o j continuing said prohibitiou ibirty day- tr supplied with the be« the market affords, the lUr wit:. ^ ,0 the exceptions r.nd restrict ic tiie I'est of L'qnors. and I he .stabl^ with atte!‘t!ve O'.tler.'^ De.^irous 01 sha’ing the public pationaee 1 can pro mtse thut tijoi;' tt ho give ni." a c.tll sh-ill not l^ave di*i satislied REUI’.FV JONES. April 27. 23-tf I The -New Style, Sinnll, tOLURGD PHOTO;ilAP{IS, AT JOHIV H. COOK, Auctioneer. ON M(*" [.).\V the 18'h day of May next. 1 shall, agree- :ible to Ihe provisions of a Deed in Trust to me. esecun-d liy Oillis & Jo*;n«on. sell at Auction, al' the I proj-eriy boih He.al and Personal, at .Stoney Point, the ’ r“sidence ,if D'incan B Giliis. set forth in said Trust, to wit; • -1;^ acres ut LAND on tiouth side t'ainden Koad. he I ween Big and Little Souktish, being the same oonvej'- , ed by .\ A. M-cKethan to Duncan B. Gillis; one TUR- ' PKNTINE STILL am ’ IXTUKES. near Qillis’s .Mill; I .,-*ix .Mules, two Horses, iwo Road Wagons apd Harness, one Timber VVagon. .'^tock of Hogs. Turpentine Tools, one Caxriage ami Harnfss. two Sets of Cooptrs’ Tools, ! Household and Kitchen Furniture. Farming Utensils, j IJiO Slicks of Ton Timber on Big R^ckfish. near Black's j Bridge; one Double Gun. one Rifle, one Negro Woman i and a variety of othe:- articles j Sale positive and for cash. ALEX.VNDER JOHNSON. Trustee. | ■■\pril 2.-), l«i;:i 2.1ts j S700 Boiefi) of the Southern Hepatie Pillfi { Have been ordered in one day .^la1• vslti’ ton.*' r li I )ue> zi‘ ' I it triuiji:. 1 cut liis 1 f’ :5ut witli eyf- ♦ wloso li'.-, , only .'OH, lair youiiLf i : r ■ -fi I ((ruiS ; , ( t > ri-f are ' ; fl(!\Vi‘i'.s ari I ami tlie tru Is it hi /• • ? THE OBSF.RVER. »'.AN AND HOME.” if^hty step aiid br >w t»f pride. g'V'6 .iiii stirring euutest, U» tiie . I'inner ol‘our native land, bears • the battle’s roar, or pours ti'.e Qi Id where brave men die ■ uiid iovt ly w ju.iiPj njhidi r. ' \ y >nrj^' irt ii:'hiii; wile with .d 1c;ii» too .sad "> .'I rak, rii'tl er i i»e iia.s el:u-j)eii hi- ainu>r oa »*Q ; j •.•tr>.''*d tiie la.'t fond kih.i upon ui« w, wlicvo is thy svherc? ■ I-I l.u.-^y hiiuiii- ti! p'. a.'^drf, .n u; •oieiicc. (/lid tiiL“ iilC' HI i \ I'i'.' Ill'iin^^’ifiatioii. i:i tln'M lt iii u I ios 'it. Uouie^ Home wIiosV bowers .iui:>’sr ‘ II brave luen's-:ra\ei=. whise ftatv.ifd by the blood ot the gallaut SIO 00 5 00 LIST OF CHARGES FOR riSSE.HItiGRS. DOWS. From Fayetteville t.o Wilmington. “ “ “ Elizabeth. “ .. « White Hall. “ - “• “ Kelly’s Cove. “ “ “ -All points below. SKOOND CLAiSS, OR DECK From Fayetteville to Wilminft'o". .1 »• •• Elimh«th, “ Whitehall, “ “ Kelly's Cove. “ .All points below, i’p. ^pHlH eomhination of tnedicines was first prepared by j _ I Ihe proprietor in 182f>, when he was pronounced by | From Wilmiugtun to Fayetteville. ] ART. W«odwardN i^olar Camera. three eiHiueiit ftliysicians in a Southern City, as in an advanced stage of Consu'nption. These Pills cured him. ' He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of I active professional ifutics. Their good etf«cta upon ; •uoh •• tixxunutf mr I hem that he was com pelled (0 desist from supplying them gratuitously !*■’ Yanorsdell 8 Skylight j They are not recommended by the proprietor as good Hay street, opposite Marble ^ ard, tay- ! for ^11 diseases, but only for such as arise from DIS- etteville, N. (^.: plain, retouched, colored, in wator ordKRS OF THE LIVKR Many persons have tesii- oolors, oil and pastile; from small to life sixe. Ambro- ' fip.l to their good effects in CAi7/* and F'i'ers, Bi/iotis types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures ■ Pneumonia. Dyspepsia, .«■•.. ,fc. pertain’ i^ to the Art. ,\lso. Gilf Frames, Gilt .Mould- | Read the following- ing. G' - /J for ve^ large pictures—as large as 26 by d. W.^llack, Esq., President of the Wilmington ord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru- ! and Weldon Hail Road. Aug. 30, 1K62, says: “It has }0 0() ^5 0*) .n 00 4 00 f) 00 inches. menta. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for Ibe liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. VANORSDELL. Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20. 1859 77- itlarble Factory,' Kelly's ^nv*.. White Hall. “ “ Elizabeth, “ . “ “ Prospect Hall, “ “ “ All pyints abovv, SECOND CLASS, OR DECK. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, “ White Hnll. “ “ “ All poili: :i •> . .. 8^^ Second Class or Deck 1 ..d'-fnge rs must stay on lower deck or p.ay full price, >r .s ime ah First (Mass An extra charge wi'l be mule tjbr Wav Pa=-sen- gers getting into Berths ibir'ng day ti *ie. and for oocu pyinK a Berth with their l>oois or Phoe^- 50. at the discretion of the Captain .J. A. WORTH, for C F St.'tn l!’t Go. R. M. ORRE^.Tj, for Pt’rs K »ie and •‘^un. T. S. LUTLV,?.t>)H. May 4. 18651 26-«t (ifvO 3.AfT|>KJi. been said that “Dtsprp.sia.” is our national disease. However this may be, it caused me long and severe suf fering. Providentially a friend furnished me with a few boxes of the ^'Ilepati'" Pills.” and the use ^them has pirfecied a cure. In my family they have been used frequently with eminent suretts. .Among my acquaint ances, many eases originating from diseased liver, have j been relieved and cured hy them. I regard thepi an J imaluahU medicine, and take pleasure in forwarding I this voluntary tribute." j Col John W'bioht, of GoMsboro’ N. C., Aug. 14, I 1862, says: ‘ I have used the Southern Hepatic Pills in my family here and also on my plantation in Alabama, and always with sucres*. I have a valuable servant girl who had been a long lime undsr treatment for consump- , lion, without receiving any benefit, ,\lmost in her ex tremity. I was induced to try the Hepatic Pills. They were given according to directions, and she is now well, I entirely restored by them. \ similar case occurred among my servants in Alibam'i. For liver and lung We^ the lindei*iii;ned i diseaij.'s I hare perfect confidence in them.'' m . . ’ ^ . /ull directions and otner rerltncntes will he found ou o* ^ i i*^u « « r- , *. I. u iucninoc : un;! llAhoson. froTT! iiec; s*^Uv ^ Pr’i^e.^ ?;7a" box- #lO^a dcz-n; $!*», a gross. Ketaited ! have agreed upon ' I.:* Seventy five at the I>ru}Qitff For $11 twelve H->xes will be sent : P**'" naile In t e i •»> K^ale ol Land Tor Taxe^*. I WILL sell for cash, at the Co«rt House door in ih» Town of Fayetteville, on the 1st da^- of June., (i: being Monday of June Court.) One LOT on Hay Sirret joins John Culbreath anu Isaivc llodd. and known as the Dobbin Hoase. The above Lot will be sold for the laxes for IBGl- Amount of Taxes and Costs due. Sf>7 80 HECTOR McNEILL. ShU. I5j R W. IIARDIE. D S. May 6, I860. 2G-ls TWO DOORS ABOTB T. HUBIl k SONS’ STOKr Favetterille, W. .Iad'v iO. 1’!*K0 .«i*- FAVETTKVf l.f.E MrTHAL IXSITRANCE fOMPAM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to j267,088 T Cash on hand ind other assets, 5.07 Total. f272.7ri5 61 The Company have paid all lo-'scs promptly, an.l have never made au assessment on their premium notes. ; Total losseB paid. $29. ^2 19 i OrricrRs; GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN. Sec’y. Dibectors: free to any p irt of the Confef?eracy where there ire no dniggNts. Not le- s than a dozon boxes will be sent by the pn jirietois. Casti diuhi acoomp>»ny orders. Che«b« ou loo-ii ti'niks taken A'-dress GKO. W. DEE dS, W’ilson. N C- gl^”For sa’e in Fayetteville by 8. .T. Hl.'^SD.ALK. April 2.*>. * *22-.Sm[-.d To Manufictiirers and Others. ’i K rave on hand a lot of B1 (.'IlKOU.VTE of POT- Vf H. that wi! would sell by itie b.ar'cl, delivered oa ihe N. I'. lUilroa 1, or iu (’olun.* i t, S. C. F vY H FRIKS, S*lem. N. C. Aptil 18, IStn. 22 Im LiiTTER PAP^^ FRESH supply of Letter Paper, Datn eizc. of better quality onil higher price than any we have l-4tely tiad. .lust recrlved. E. J. HALE .& SONS. April 25 Mole Leather wanted. I doll).!.* 'ni^> n'r'vt. I'le- scriiitions one dol'i'r V •dif i.o Kxt’a Snr.^'r!s'.m'I ob8t‘«lrical oases fif'y peJ c -;>;. .m fo-.-ner chiri^es A. D M.-LEAN R D DD'R'ON. A. RETHUVK .\ PATVr.HSON? A McDOUUALD. I) .sriA-v D\*i’L SVITII. May 156o. 27-!l id ,'Pid tiu; voice of whole-soulcd woiuen o'evall our -unny clinif gives back from the depths of rath lorni heart—not here, not here. Mothers, wiv'SKind sisters ol t’.ie Confederecy, we plead not lor you a place in the political arena* nor yet annd the serried rauka of war, or the busy mart of cou;uit rce. But we call upon you to ior- cret not in this hour ot your country’s need the ~ ^ 1 soidier’a cluim upon your tinae, your talents and 1 yo’i*’ resoui-ces. With vacant chairs at the board Sa 00 I lic~rth; whut is home but walls and 2 50 ! pictnre.s and gildings!' l>oea this present a sphere 50 I hi;jh ind pure :i;id noble for the women of the f Oi) Oonfoderac}? Can the melting strains of poetry ‘‘ aiid ronianc'' drown the wild clash of arms, and f 10 oO pleadinjjT voices of dear ones from a hundred ' 4 50 i bloody fields—c-ju the bright colors of embroidery ^ 50 i blind the eyes ai;(i letter the hands that should ti 50 pj-ess forward v> the work for country and for !*!"! i I’rietid.'y For Ood and our soldiers then, let women take the placc lor wlticii by the tenderness and unseif- ishne-5s ot her cuaracier, she is so eminently (jualified. i.et ’. r postpone to a more fitting pe- liod luT aad her music, her walks and drives, the coui tiess busy nothings that occupy her day,_and go forth a ministering augel upon her bright earocr. Nor may her beautiful devo tion be con^iied to our soldiers alone. “'J'he poor ye have alway: with you. ’ In the humble abodes of poverty iiud mi.-ilbrtuue then let the women of our land ' UiUple tield for beuevolencej— there let them '.L'juiort the bereaved—bind up the stricken heart—.>ustain the waverii.g faith, un seal for the fainitig spirit tfie fbuutaius of living water, and point tbe despairing mourner to the never failing j-oiacc of a iledecmer’s love. Such is the JOU1V6 OUfcU to our wotaeu—engj'g- ed in such pui-uu the ear, filled wI!}' bless- ings of the poi »- ui:d of ‘‘him that was ready to perish, is doul f.‘ lie whispers of unsought fame, and the idle voice f popular adulation. Yet will she live in the j tues ol liistory, iu the mi mory of a grateful Country, the youth of agt-s yet to 'v,me Will poiii' n> her virtues with leverentiul pride, “tu-r Mvtr»;ii ari.-^i^ atjd c.i;l bcr bl,^sLlJ, her ;iud /it* (iraist fb her.’’ \V otut n >’t ./ir i I life itra^'vl you nHnct t-tand ulool Ir-'iii (litj vvoi'iv that i^ bciore you; '.vrappei in tiie con^. kN .Jivi luiuries of yotir houics. de» tu not your r . I. Uic c ended. L.iy not tin tiatter- WA\Ti:0, GOODr-OOKar i BAKEK cc k for (h A. l>etachment Wav 9. mg UllCtl";. ',ircuuis'ri‘':vi ■ —but ei.’.ii ! •‘{be iDCiifaJ ,i. : - j il' r { nti > it- the ).^C Ordnance banibii-tt Good pa\ wi‘l he given. Arply to Capt. PAY LOR, at the ,A*-«e>isl :A .IIEETIMw. members of the Board of Superintendents of ommon Schools for rnmb.»rUnd County, aro re Henry Lilly. H. L. Myrover, 8- T. Hawley. Nathan A. Stedman, C. B. Mallett. James Kyle, ■A. A. >FcKethan. .1. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghasi. B WAiVTEH, of North Carolina, South Carolina, \VLliY UJkRHeSH. 1AM prepared lo manafi^ture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army ase. I tan my leather and can P’e ftcKxl bargains. Agents will do well to send their !o m* as they shall have prompt attention, and **Di of in quick dispatch. .lOHN '\RTPR. OoWston P. o.. l.'hatham Co., N. C., \ ■>„, .Tune l-^. lHti2. I ii»„. Arabic lor «ale by J. R. LEE. '«( 1:,. 69tf ^rocerieftl Groceries** bAROE and well selected Stock of FAMILY OROCHKIES always on hand, consisting of Baeon-.Sides, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker A OS 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades. Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- *•0 Establishment COX. KENDALL & OO wilmlagton. 18«1. 10 ff . takeiw up, T committed to Jmi, % negro boy whu says hi.s ^ Dttne is JOHN, and bebiogs to J. F. ttodman of V‘lMa couoty John is abo,u 5 feet 4 or 5 inches about .•^0 or 35 years-old; the end of one of his off Tbe owner will come forward, pay charges, •i!!* and take him away, or he will be dealt M the Uw directs. P F. A Van. ALDERMAN, JaUtr of Ouo^i’vtlaod cojiaty. .1 ANK NOTES V^irginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundabl# Notes. Also. North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. . W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh. N. C. March W. Run the RIockade! W. AC I M T 1 R K Received and offers for sale: -!»17 yards printed Muslin deLain; 178'.: 7n.rdg white and black Prints; 1684 yards Bnglish Long Cloth; 360 lbs black Fla*. Thread, Nos 30, 36, 40, 60, CO; 250 lbs drab Flax Thread. Nos 30, 40, §0; 102 lbs white brown Thread. Nog 30. 40, 50; 400 dozep white Spool Cotton; 100 doxen Linen Cambric HandkerchieTs. 6 dozen Eugenie Skirts; 4 M Needles, Nob 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 80 M Needles, assorted, frota 5 to 10; 7 packs Pins, English full paper; 12 boxes black I^ns; 1G8 gross metal Pant Buttons; 3 dozen French Tooth Brushes; 6 dozen drab Nutri^ Hate; 100 pairs Brogan Shoes; 1200 Ibff Green Copperas; 20 boxes Extract of Logwood. April 6, 1863. 17 6w OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. B. BLOSSOM & CO.,. Wihnidgtoat ^(9* 6 « W. N. Tillinghasi, 8. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel. J. G. Ceok, Hon. .1. 0. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. 1 . A. E. Hall. hn Collins and t. C. jMcCrummen, Traveling .Agents g^y*The Company invite applioation.s. May 1:8. 1861. 21- VALrABLi: FOR ^ALE. By virtue of a decree of the Com. l will sell on the premises, on the 28th day 01 . v, (inst.,) the VALUABLE FARM and DESIRABLE RESIDENCE of the late Dr C- Chalmers, situate on the waters of ' Deep river, in Moore county, adjoining the town of ‘ Carbonfon. containing 120 acres. Ako one othei tract, j adjoining the above, oonfaining 1 acres, both of which tracts have each on them a fine Dwelling and all other necessary out-houses, kitchen, barns, &c., and other con veniencos, good orchards, &c Also, one other tract, , oontaining 10 acre?, near the above, witli a good com mon honse. Also, one other tract. corit.%ininp 250 acres, within two miles of the town of Carbonton. with erdi- I narily good improvements; all of which places are in healthy localities, with the advantage of good society 1 around them. The throe first mentioned are, accord- ' ing lo the opinion of Professor Emmons, within the . basin of the Coalfields, and are in close proximity to j the Cheraw & Coal fields Railroad, new being construct- j ed, which makes thepe Lands one of the best inv*st- ' ments in the country. I .Also on the same day, or the day after, 1 will sell, by virtue of the same decree, n iracf of LAND Bituated on ' the Fayetteville A Western Plank Road. H niiles below j the town of Carthage, known as tbe Schermerhorn Land, ■ containing about 800 acres, on which there is a good Pino forest, good Dwelling and all necessary out houses, all in good repair Also, at the same lime and place, 1 will I sell s good Steam Saw Mill on the premises ! Terras, 6 and 12 months, note and security, i S C. BRUCE. C. M. E. i Carthage, Moore County. N. C. , May 4, 1863. ‘ 25ts Qi'wiA LB.S. of neavy well tanned SOLE LE.XTHER, | UvK* suitable for Belting Fayetteville. .April 14 ■\pply lo D. MURPHY. 20tf The Co quested to meet at my tlfbce on luestav M>iy 19. IH .V. M. CAMPIVELL, CUm n May .\€>TICE. ;|^LL my Notes aad Accounts are at R. D Davi ?d bake ol 111. the l:ir otF tCin . J :i liou'clioid treu : reai lu ly .d n . I lie noiilt a!:d .. ■ ci>uiiiry a ; i-ice 1. Atid so hi may see 'n r g> whi'^h i.i ri lit u; aiiulrt that your datus ate Li e trarrow liuii!.-! of vour lionies, lor it ih wmk i.i-t i>o-;tioii ai:d ii»(an> :ind b >.li :■ f.u ai:l jr>.ve ty ^iiii itiidt i lies? lhai ."iie .'iie occupied iu S"o.i. fy; it t I lie j Jiti ia ttic goo.i wu k l(,r ft.c bo^ Mill iii.i Coiiiradcb on 1; and let her u bo ria'^p.' he*' all uiiiuume*i, g>ve gt.it. fully, .'.1 ! iifiu ctiei^ies lo Hie e.m.-e t*l ...tve who have g veii lo our I. 1 the natiotis ol tbe earth, lu. ke her “ligiit tihinc that all I,ork.s aud glorify our l-’u'f«.r “ V i:sTi0.vT0H.” >ilai* Foundry. I IJLOUGHS and Plough Points aud Heels of all uum- I 1 burs can be had at .M .A. Baker's Store iu Fayette i ville, opjnosile the old Wagon Yard. Callings of supe- ^ ri'>r quiiity (’all and see for yourselves. Castings of al! kinds made at the shortest notice and for reasonable charges M A- B\KHR. Star Foundry, April 2o. 181*;! 21-lm RI \ THE KLOCKAHE. ■ PIECES Black and While C ALICO: ^ I3U P'"* 'tsu’s Eng. sewed BROGANS; I For-saleby W. MclNTYHE. j March 16. 11 tf I NAI.T! WALT!! f*” S.ACKS for sale by 0 ROBERT MITCHELL. Dec. 22 88-1 f for — i A collection He is authorized to receipt by me fr- the same Now is ihe time to pay your debts wiiile I.TME.'^ IJRFE'U: 26tf money is pletity. May 7, 186H >iiTOI.E.\, From the subscriber on the night of 2d inst., aOfl.AY . .MARE, dark mane and tail, sliahtly tlea bitten, ing from black legs, medium size, ftnd about 12 or lo years old. I irliTi!;:: Any information in regard to her will be thanktiiliy .•’e- ; vvi i.st!- ceived and a liberal reward for the .M ire ( ,\ O. SMITH. ! arc iCLi.«.in) AIiv 186; 27 'itp l j bull*-t proul — eipiallv as v KAI¥AWAY, - ' Crain’s i’reek. Moore. N. f .'NOTICE. IN consequence of a necessary stt fish Factory for several weeks to come, for the pur- : . .... ' .1 .„,i pose of repairs. ti.e company will have no Sheetings for »nht h*nd^h,ch Lie till further notice. C T HAIGH. Pres’t which has not y*t healed 1 will pay a reward of F.t.j sale till further notice March 22. Palma Chriisti Bean^. HE subseriber will pay the highest cash prices for nmO.M the subscriber on Wednesday the 2.3d ult., my r negro boy MOSES. 1 bought him in Ric'unond. Va., on the 17th, and the boy says he was raised in Sampson county, N. C.. where he had recently been working in a steam saw mill. He is a chunky, fleshy black boy, about 5 feet 2 or 8 inches high, and aged 17 or 18 years. When last heard from he was lurking , , , i j i_ o about Raleigh. He can be easily identified by a finger j stiniple 01 DOlie aud Wi)oderi buttons, from the ■ ' ’ ' ' Macon Button Faeiory, which his sprung into ekist^nce and is prospering under .Mr. C. W Brunner. H»; had no machinery, models, tools or TJtt. Aif />/.'. —.\uother of the iiinumcr- abL a[ f lieatii ^ -i»n, or it.s modiS'-d form of StI, aripeaV.-'i /lu of enamtlled .sjct- lutll.iis. '1 hey Lave bo ■ ! tor a year or two iu K*ig- hiiid, but arc- ■ ; ? L .;iiiniiig to come iu gener-tl use i.i New Y r'^ ‘VVhen at even a short dis- tniice they lo' iil- Iii-hly poli^hed linen, dif}«r- . . ■ ; ;ilv in fh ir t-Ti atcr ius'ro ‘atiie m:i!'rial i.s w .iivr> a:- ; - ’me of tiiC Xew V.)tk ladic-o '.nenist ives in these novt ltie.i. A 111 iiuiit, which would pa.s> UiU^ter "U n tin; ball room or the battit-tiL-id if. tht} next j' bnblo dc’velopuient of thi.s ingenious invention, " 'ho siturch in this species of labncs warranted t be permanent in all weathers, and one wipe of • Bponge does all the washing. N. V. Jnurnul of ' nmmerce. (jiiinjia Jutton.-i ^\Ve have before us a liberal T any quantity of Palma Chrisii Beans Dollars for his apprehension and confinement, so that I can get him again, .\ddress me at BoyJton. Meck lenburg coun/y. Va. D. \^H1TICE. May 8, 1863 •J7-5i|>d J \ WORTH. 67-tf F'ayciteville., Oct S. Favetteville Mutual Inruranre Co* 800 acres ol l>A.^O lor sale. IOFt'ER ray PLANTATION in Columbus county, oon taining eight hundred acrcs or over. There are about three hundred acres of cleared Und on it. and about one The'tenth annual meeting of this Company j hundred acres of the best swampland in the State: ea will be held at the Office of the Comn^^ny on Thnrs- | sily drained- I will take five d .\lars per acre for tt. diLv ^Ist Mav next ’ an(» take it in negroes, mules or mon(.-y. Any one hav Rockaway and Cart lor ^ale. I HAVE a second-hand ROCK A WAY and GEAR Also, CART and GEAR; for sale. JAS. G. COOK. f»y«HeTllle, Miy 4, 186.^. 25 2w The Annual Meeting ot the Stock holders of The Cape Fear Navigation Company will bo held in the Town Hall in F'ayetteville, on Friday, Mav 39th, 1863, at 12 o’clock M ^ A. ray, Pres’t. April 80, 1863. 24tm Wanted Immediately, 1 ri JU:>’1PKR SHlvaLEs! for which Xv, 1/1/1/ the highc.^t cash price will b,* paid. —ALSO— A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., , {Me Fcfuadi7‘, FagfWt^Ul*. H. O, UM ft l«Sa. 9tf day 21st .May next April 25, 1863. C. A McMILLAN. Sec’y. 23 tm WAITED, A FIRST RATE COOK aad BAKER; to such an one j good pay will be given. .\ wom!*n other impler ’uts except of his own invention, to commonce with, a>id not a man connected with the efdabiishniont han ever before beep inside of St button factory The company have now six machine'^ in opera ion, which turn out from 80,- OOtt to ftt.tli'O bunons per day The speciment on onr rribie aro strong and excellent in every respf ot, a .■ii,ri»t polish being all that is necessary to tuakr. (Iipia comnleto. It is through the agen- ! ing negroes on the Soll^d wou. 1 do wt 11 lo give me a small b.*i;innin;s that we are beoom- i call. It is in one mile of 'he Kailroid and three niib-.'i ! of Fair Bliifl. I will give po-ssession when I s^ll I GILES P. FlyOYD Leesville P. O , Robeson county, April 27. 24 Otp Apply to April 2:!. (’apt. M. P. TAYLOR, .\t the .Arsenal. 22 tf $100 REWABB>. Ran AWAY trom'me on tbe nigtit of tao HHh instant, ,‘my Ni'gro Msn HUNTER. He is .a dark tanlatfo, 23 years old, .') feet 9 or 10 inches hieh, weighs abaut Hi) lbs , is active and muscular but not ai all fleshy; has long i>i>shy hair, is slightly dish/ueed. aud has a scar on (1 believe) Ihe let> choek below the check bone. He is probably attempting 10 fju to ihe ya kees 1 will give the above reward for his delivery lo me, or $.^0 for TRAVELLING SACK, with my ti'iu*'- company his confinement in any jail of t^e State so that I can j regiment marked on a little card f’>*^'ene^ to it. eet h'tn A DICK. nontained a new military sui -23 '»!pi Fayetteville .\rf»enal and \rniory. 1 Apbil 27, 18‘iH. ) WA\TE», 4GfK)D PRACTI'VAL M At'HlNlST.S, 3 “ jobbin? BlacUsmiths Steady emplovm'>nt and good w».7es frill be g.ven. Apply t» Major F. L ('HILU8. 24-lOt] Toti'.d'g Oftic»r. ~ LOST. T Ktnetoa, N. C., supposed 10 bo about tbe-•*'1' V [arch, or stolen from the cars al Oold-^*'’'''’^^*’’ * ing a free and independent people as well as by our arms—iS'mrt n nn/c Rt pnhlii ini. Takhnf the (.'nhr few weeks ii/f.i ill the neighborhood of lortliy td' record. j^auey, of tiie i5ouili»-rii persua.-^ion of other '!nli*:-s, brou_'hr iti'o ri. Kosecraiis, in ord«;r that At Kt Ma bii-nberton, N. ('., April 24. 18»‘>8 »e1^ r A iTc AII i>. military uiy otnrai.ssions. It was cage of Pettigrew’s brijr^'df; Having lakon operating Rooms or^r Mr. I. Dodd’s , panjea or Daniel’s Brigade Ftftre, I offer my Prote^-sio^al services to the citi- j ’ zens of Fayetteville and vie nify. (Office hours from 9 1 delivered to me or placed »»»"'•;[ 1 t r Hifcinr F A M. to 12 M, then from 2 to 0 P. M. I L'eut. WlLLib R»fDbE. J; B. FiySEXAK, Aj^aO. r suit a:iJ o:h?r cio:*>i*ig. ^'th 1 ,,,,♦! ,9 l.f, ut Kin ton wi.b -h. hac alii it mav he »*»^t K WH8 ; t i» i t.aken off with the basur»«e soni. ui luc a>_'o an iiicid til r' Xashville - d'l.-'iiiiig Wiui.u fi" was, -with -I 'u:nt the pru-*’"'"'' * their .'^outhi-'ii ardor might be checked by the aduiiui.'-trati' ij of the oafh of loyalty. The bold, bright-eyed .luRO ill (|Uci5tion, objected to tako the oath, saviti'/ ’mh; her mother had taught her that it was u!i'aU\-iiie fo hwear, her sense of mo rality forbid her U* swear, and swear she could and would not. e /ffieer insisted that the Ldy fore hIu* lelt hi- pre.si i.ci? lid bri^I-r eyf"^. “it 1 nni.st ins {.f the oath mu.'-t rest 1 -'wear on youi rninpiil- ery \ :iuk - ii ii — 1’ ' !iy t.,->'d h.-r dark CUilsi tfweipt out (A lU' pre.'>onoc‘ nnmole.sted. £/awh. pTvenr. I ivill; b on your nboi.]di . sidn: V*'—'d d- And the defi •