" Long r ^ 5 He-.I M I-ophi nn f >f ' - n..n J G Si u ’I >i F« TIIILIL S F. IW I-W EP, K I. T. Vvl. '• ’• 'V JI i > , X . !v.^ rt lU, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. iMAY 21, 1863. [NO. 1230.] t. b nurr\ *nor uv S .\ar^, V-• • ;. Vs ^ i 111 \s y ! \ H 1‘ftvU t . ,1 .h-= V .”w 'vV H 1- '• - nZ ^ i>;j n r ‘‘J- . J K n.we* t' • vi ,• H Staasili W N* i^.:;ar«oQ 11 H Rid i.jk 'V.Tth. M S Robbii.. I I: - I* MoVeiL i!^ ftc; , Jaiuei Rtyuivili N N t'v-k. rp«Dtw V'-.fi J B ' «rhv. iL. = H Boluw* ■e -. ' ot ol ■'. ■j'x yf h ■t- “ ri \Vm Ikii. ! . ntM 1! Dijersv^ ■J* I r. \ . - T V r \\ — f J J ■I “T:. t * 1 } I*. V V o . .HP \h- ■f i- -ter, ' ‘ Kn * . r ’ c/«« ‘I f-!'\ J r:'?=-'n. f. .r -d Thos B K i » k r> R P I iJiar, iirfrH^e.'■’J H Ibtid W - 'V^.^I.ucioa V; i-fe ' .. icisP. J i ’..".J w i.iab ie 1*S-- eif--' i ?r». Jn V »,’ • .h- on h - Vf > n .'•tiM'Ui R K. T [' 'i-P KU' i ii fler. B *' hr’’ A u \V " vV v\ \ck. W ^ 8 J i pooie I. "1 h -n^ Men«e A ■ ■ ^ a->-* ST. !- Jr Bd ' G,;, - Foh' - ^>TTOi . 'r A R ^ eT ^ ,-WB MtttokK^ ilx ^ L ^ - tl; wre- i G- tlTT Tr . ■ Tr .Hal iii.-.., fe» L B • F 4fcn«- . , \drtn^ -A->: »l rtr« . t* :1 miUC^ ^ -.. wit* 6S’ ivri I‘ MON’KAVS AND THUUSDAW'^. VA)\\ \RI) J. HALE & SONS. HI lTmS AND I’ROPRIETORS. ■ Ilf S»>un-Weeklv Ouskkvkr S>4 00 if paiil in . I'. ' t AO it' ptiiJ Juriuir the year of oubscrip- ■ T Sri ;iftvr th»' ve:\r h;\s t'xpired. NVeeklv ('n^rRx i.n 5'’ ric per annum, if pniil in r-'; >o if paid dn;-iT\cr the rear of suhscrip- ■^1 0(^ after tlie year has expired. \l'\ t'UTlt^KM KNTS inserted for SI per •» nave -u'' t'T the first, an>l 50 cents for eaoli sac- \iverii«emeut9 not exceeding a tii> v-ents for the fir«»t an l centia '.iin:: piiblii'ati,in Advertisers are re- e !'.■ immhpr of iiisertious desired, or iitiimed till forhid, auvl char(?eJ accord- ti!>; continued charged as new ad* . ’'!;;«li«."Uion. . ,ii.-e "liuo; . .o ^ . I; -■el'.- ,rKOl VL NOTK'E. thi-^ date, no iiaiiie of a new subscriber ri;!ii'iif pajiiiftii in advanoe, nor will '‘Ui*h -nb-jcrtbers for a longer time ,d v -> ribers as de-^ire to take the pa- ii will ) least' uotii'y its wlien making Jm n'v 1. ',V II*.V. .UrI/, .nrti.li’. Attorney at Law, Favkitevu-le, N . C. end the C'.'.unty and Superior Courts of ,.: .rlrtud, Haruett. Moore and Robesou t'oiiu r.ip' arteiiti.'n given t' the oollection of all r I'^ed to his hand-* ^ , ,^V 58-tf iiKO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. \UtoU‘«ale llealer** in >Jrocerie«, AMI IMPORTERS ANl» DEAI.ERS IN hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c*, HU STKKKT, FAYKTTEVILLK, X. ^Gtf .1 O I 'W I. K V, (.»-(>« »* ami CommiH*ion FAYKTTEVILLK, X. (’ r. I. Xi n. wcmxii, loflitui>-ion and l*'orwarding )lerfhauts WILMINC.TON, N. 0. . 84tf 4'AKIK i : • * L\MKS can be accommodated with board at .1 • :u;n>trv T. r. Ht>t)}'KR I! ... 5>- JiiH.SSOX. \VILLI.\.MS A CO.. " KAI/r fl.\KEK«. liiO; pan> uoic in operation nine miles Panie?' wishing to supply furnished by applying to ,i Fayetteville, to E. Page, ive ihii-ry 1' of W;itui"i:..'U -Iv--- w •!, *,{. can ■ '. ‘r .\gent ,ii ; - . . ■ 7. ; k', 'jT to Nov. -JM, Ih* J. M WILLIAMS. General Sup^-riatendcnt. 81 tf \3le A he AZ6£: h :\»TICE. Elect 10 be aboent from home a few ikODths in Wi-'t. .\ri';;ic lid Mcl.ean i> my authoriicd ■ transact mj business until I return. N. r -IS. G. JONES. sJJtf 1 B(i2. .% tfc‘1’(liiM (late I will pay H v'erita per pound for rags de livered in Fivetteville, or at my mills U MURPHY 65- WA.\TEI>. .) ;"/W| BUSHELS WHEAT, ■v,;)UU 1,500 “ CORN f'err .ns having the above articles to sell will receive ■■ highest Caflh price by calling on .Mr. .M ThoioaMjn, , i "le .Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or on the subscri- ' i: hid old stand on .Nl'irket S.|uare ALEX. .JoHNStJN, Jr. i '' V .'i, 75tf Twenty-fi'e Dollar?* Re want. pANAW.W ff(,uj the nubi'criber, bis aegro boj MO- ' 11 "^ES. He 1- 21 years of age, liboiu 5 feet lU inches ■'If:, rribi.-i '..ng teet an ' very much turr'3 out at the ind a ik“ ■ 'Wn wheu sp'.k'-n to. He was seen at '';Pb»u'. ? in Kobeson county on the Ulst ult., ^‘■1 »>i8 in Fayettevtile about three wceka ago. The reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for coufineiuent in any jail so that I get him. W. D. JOHNSON. Ejnnetisviile, S. C., Aug. 14. 1861i. 5-’if VR.TIl UAA.\ESfi, I .\M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon 1 H»' le-- for Army uta. 1 tan my leather and can d -1 bnrgaina. Agents wili do well to seud their !' me as they shall have prompt attention, and ;n jaick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. By the Governor of North I'nroiina. A PRO€I^A?IATII».^! IIERE.AS, I have learned with great pain that there TT have been latterly numerous desertions from the rsnks of our gallant army, and that there are many persons in the country who incite and encourage these desertions and harbor and conceal these misguided men lit home, instead of encouraging them to return to duly: Now therefore I. 7.EBULON B. VANCE, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do issue this my procla- m.'itioii commauJing all fuch evil disposed persons to desist Irom such base, cowardly and treasonable con- duci, and warning them that they will subject them- selves to iudictiueut and puni.'^hiuent in tht* civil courts* of the Confederacy as well as to the everlasting con tempt and detestation of all good and honorable men. Certainly no crime could l>e greater, no cowardice more abject, no ireas-'on more base, than for a citizen of the State, enjoying its privileges and protection without sharing its dangers, to persuade those who have had the courage to go forth in defence of their country, vilely to desert the colors which they have .“worn to up hold. when a miserable death or a vile, skulking and ignominious esistence must be the inevitr.blo conse quences: no plea can excuse it. The father or the • brother who does it should be shot instead of hi? delud- e-1 victim, for he deliberately destroys the soul and ttiatihood of his own flesh and blootl. .And the same is done by him wh» harbors and conceals the deserter. For who can respect either the one or the iffheiWhsii honc.'t man will ever wish or permit his own brave sons or p»triotic daughters, who bore their parts wilh credit in this great struggle for independence, to as® >riatp, even to the third and ti urth generations, with the vile wretch who skulked in the woods, or the siill viler coward who .aided him, while his bU-e liug country o.iUine in vaiu lor his help? Both are eueiniee, .-neiking, mean enen)ies to (heir country, bef( re whom our open foes will be infinitely preferre.J Both nrp fops to tht*ir iwn kindred and nobl** countrymen who are electrifying the world by their gallant dec 1«. and pouring 'iit their , blood up4)n the field of b'lttle to protect th'.*s** very meu who are sapping the viti»ls of our strength .\nd woe unto you, deserters, and your aiders and abettors, when peace being made hihI independence secured, I hese brave ' comrades wham ye have desert-"! in the hour of iheir i trial t>hall return honored and triumphant to their houiesi Ye that hide your gmltj- faoos by a»jr, »n-l I'rowl Itko I ouilaws about by night, robbing the wift- and mother of ■ your noble defenders of their little mesn«, while they are far away facing the enemy, do yon think ye can escape a just an J damniog vengeance when the day of reck- ; uuing comes'.' .\nd ye ihat shelter, conceal, and feed ! these miseiable depredators and stimulate them to their infrrnal deeds, think you that ye will be spared? Nay! j rest assured, observing and never failing eyes have I marked yon, every one. And when the overjoyed wife I welcomes once more her brave and honorable husband > to his home, and tells him how in the long years of his [ ab.-»ence, in*the lonely hours of the night, you who had been his comrades rudely entered her house, robbed her and her children of their bread and heaped in«iilt and imlignities upon her defenceless head, the wrath i of that heroic husband will make y*ii regret in the bit- : lOTness of your cowardly terror that you were ever born, j Instead ot a few scattered militia, the land wiil be full of veteran soldiers, before whose honest faces you will not have courage to raise your eyes from the earth. If : permitted to live in the State at all you will be iti'r- i mout. You will be hustled from the polls, kicked in i the streets, an honest jury will not believe you on oath ! and honesf men everywhere will sl.un you as a pesii- ’ lence, for he who lacks courage and patriotism can ' have no other good quality or redeeming virtue. Though ■ many of you rejected the p’irdon heretofore otiered you. | i and I am not authoriied to promise it. yet I am assured | that no man will be shot who shall voluntarily return | to doty. This is the only chance to redeem yourselves ) : from the disgrace and ignominy which you are incurring i j Again our troops have met i.Te enemy, and a greut j and glorious victory has been won liut several thous and of *»ur soldiers fell in lichieving it for us. Every i j man is needed to replace the gallant dead, and pr- jcrve i ; an unbroken front to our still powerful enemy. I oles;* j I desertion is prevented our strength must depart from ■ 1 our armies, and desertion cm never be itDppo l while j ; either through a fa.se and mistaken sympathy or d »wn ; i right disloyalty, they receive any countenance or pr> I tection at home. I therefore appeal to all good citizen j and true patriots in the )>tate to assist my ofiicers in ar i resting deserters, and to frown down iU those wtio aiJ and assist them. Place the brand up^n them and make i them feel the scorn and contempt of an outraged people. | Unless the go*d and the patriotic all over the land arise j ; as one man to arrest this dangerous evil, it will grow j until our armj’ is well nigh ruined. The danger of starvation having haj'pily pa'^ed away—the approach- ' ing and apparently bounteous harvest giving evidence of ample supplies for the comisg year—our great army in Virginia again jubilant over a mighty victory—I am well assured that our danger now lies in the disorganiza tion produced by desertion \ ou can arrest it my countrymen, if you will but make a vigorous effort, if you will but bring to bear the weight of a great, a pa triotic and united community in aid of your authorities. In witness whereof, Zebl'lon 3. V anck, { L. s. I Governor, Captain General and Commander in- ^ ' Chief, hath signed these presents and caused the great seal of the State to be afTiied. Done at the citv of Raleigh, this 11th day of May. A. D. m,:i. y- VANCE. BY THK (iOVKKXOK OF NORTH CAROLINA. A l*ROt |,A.nATI€K\. V^HERE.\S, The time lirnitsd ia niy proclamation, Yt dated ihe l^?th of .\pril, forbidding the exporta tion of certain articles from the State, is about to t i- pire. Now, therefore, I, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do, by and with the advice and con sent pf the Council ot State, issue this Proolaniatiou. continuing said prohibition thirty day.s from the 13th in^t , subject to t he c-xct ptions und rstrict ions con'^inPvl in said Proclamation of the 13th of .April, with the fol lowing alterations: The prohibition is not to embrace (he article of S;ilt. and Liird is to be added to the list of the articles pro hibited. Justices of thi- Peace are olso enjoined to assist in carryini? on! ihi..^ Procl.vmn'im ^ ^ ^ In witness wlu-reof, Zkhi i.o.n B. V.xnci , sE.\t. I* Governor. Captain General an I l ommtiiider-in Chief, huih signed tliese presents and caused fl'.H Great Seal of the State to be aflixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, th-s Hth day of May, .\ D., 18ti3, and in the 87th ye ir of our Independence. By the Governor: B. VANCE R IT. BATTt.R, .Tf., Private Secretary. May ‘27-2w EXdHANtJE HOTEL. THH subscriber announces to the public that he will open on the 1st May the abovi- House of Kiitertain'nent, (formerly theShem well House I The house is sit-iated a fev- doors froni the MsTket, on Green street, near the cen (re of the busines.. porti.iti of the town, and has been newly titted up. and thorou?Mv elr insed Ttie rooms are convenient I'.nd well venlilaied. The table will b.> supplied with :he best the mirkei atTords. the Bar with the best of Li()'i‘>r«. and the s: ible wiih attentive > >siler-' Dosirou•'ot shari:ig the publir patromge 1 cm pn - nitse that (h.ise who give me a call “Jhall not leave di-' satisfied RFUBEN .fONES. April ‘J7. ‘JM-tf LIST OF lH.IK(iES FOR PASSEXtiKRS. ItOW.'V. From FayetteviP.e to Wilmington, 00 “ “ “ EHzabetl, r> 00 “ White Hall, G '.0 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 7 OO “ “ All points below. 10 00 MiCONlt CLAS.>, OK iJKCK. From Fayetteville to WilmiDjZion, :(■') 00 *• “ Elizabeth, 2 /iO “ “ Whitehall, 3 50 “ “ Kelly’s C0V8, 4 On “ “ •• .\11 point.s below. r> (lO IP. From WilniinKion lo Faye:t‘*ville, fio » •• •' “ Kelly’s Cove, 4 .')0 “ •* *• White Hall. .'>0 “ *• “ Elizabeth. *; .V( “ “ “ Prospect Hall, IMI “ “ “ All points above. in tio SECONI* CL.\SS, OR PKCK From Wilmington to Fayetteville. $.} 00 " “ Kelly’s Cove, 3 (Hi “ “ “ White Hall. 4 (Ml “ “ “ .\11 point.^ .above. (t!l By the Governor: R H. May 12. Battle, Jr. Private Secretary. 28 2w Second Class or Deck Passengers rau.«t stay on lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Class. .An extra charge will be i*iide for Way P v^-sen- gers getting into Berths during day time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boots or shoes on. at the discretion of the Captain J. A. WORTH,/or C F St’m B’t Co. R. M ORREI.L, for Sfrs Kate and Sun. T. S. LUTTEBLOH. May 4, 2t>-tf IVE^TERA RAIf. ROAD. The Trains of this Road leave F&yetteville daily, (Suu'iays excepte>l) at 8 o’clock, M., and re- . turning leave Mcl»er't» at 1 o’clocu, P -M. Frfi^Al Train. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY .and FRIDAY. By order of the Pre-'ident. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and -Act’g Trans. .Ag't. Jan. 2:.’, If'OS. ^*7tf !\olice to Shippers. IN consequence of the hiph price of every thing used by this Company, the Directors have advanced the rates of freight generally about one hundred per cent Rates will be furnished as soon as printed JNO. M. HOSE, Treas’r and Transportation Ag't W. R K. Co. • March 18, 18f)3 12tf From aii«l atter thi)^ date the Steamer P. HURT will leave at o'clock, A M.. on .Monday and Thursday. JOS A WORTH, April t)—17tf] .\g't C. F. Steam Boat Co. To ('olton l*laiifer«t. 1H.WE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief .Agent for the purch.iso of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-.Agenis visiting the different part.s of the State, buying in my name, will h ive written certificates of appointment. By order of the S-.-retary of the Treasury, all Cotton purchased by mys If or my agents, on and after the obstetrical cases fif>7 cent on former ch;ir^^» ;^4tf ^luick dispatcli. ' - on P. O,. Cbatbam Co., N. ( June 13, 18* ‘•^>0 ||*H. fiiiini Arabic for «ale by J. R LEE. ;;ttf TAKE.\ I P, I , led to Jail, a uegro ly who says his ' - - j'>HN, and belongs to J. F. Rodman of ■ in :;Q>y. John is ab'.ut ♦ret 4 or 5 iuche? • ■' •> or ''t'i years old; to. .-n.l of one of his ■ ■■ 'ff The owner will come forw ir \, ^.^y charges, i'f ’y and take him away, or he will Vie ,lealt '' ' iW diiecfs. P E .ALDEKM AN, Jailer of (’iinibei laud coun'y i 22if Kxecullve Department North Carolina, j Adjitant Gesebal’s OFricK, (Militia,; Raleigh, May 8, 1863. j Qk.vesal Orueb. ) No. 4. f The attention of the Militia Ofiicers is directed to the advertisement of Capt. Henry A. Dowd, '.i. M , in regard to exchanging Cotton }'am for Wool. The woo is needed for the purpose of furnishing our soldiers with clothing, and Militia Ofiicers are requested to assist the State, by urging pairioticcitizens to make the exchange, and discountenancing all sales or exchanges with specu lators Militia OfBcers are ordered to seize all wool purchased for transportation beyond the limits of the tiiate, con trary to the proclama'icn of the Governor, Every agent of the Slate, for the purchase or exchange of wool, will receive an appointment un l*r th* gr*af seal of the State, and Militia Officers,»re ordered to ar rest all persons claiming to be agents of the State for , mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same — = in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can VAMIABLE EOR >«»AI.E. BV viritie Ilf a decree of thet'ouri .itv I will ell )U the t'romir-es, on the 28(h day oi ,\i y, (in-^i.,i the VALUABLE FARM and-DESlRABLE RESIDENOE of the late Dr C Chalmers, situate on the waters of Deep river, in Moore county, adjoining the town of t’arbonton, cont iining 420 a«r»*.s. .Also one other trict, adjoining the above, containing 4 acres, both of whi h traciH have each on thetn a fine Dwelling and all oth«T necessary out-houses. kitchen, barns. &c.. and other con veniences, good orclr.u’ds. &c ,A"so. one other trac', containing 10 acres, i>ear the aliove, with a good cotn- inon house. \lso, one other tract, containing 2i>t) acres, within two miles of the town of (’arbontou. with erdi- uarily good improvements; ;tll of which places are in healthy localii'es. with the .advanlajfe of go>d society around thpin. Th» three first tnentioneil ar", iicejril- ing to tho opinion of Professor Emmons, within the bas-in of lilt- Ooaltielils. and are in close proximity to the CherawJt Coal fields Railroad, new being construct ed, which makes these Lands one of the best, invest- nit-nts in the country Also on the sime day. or the day after. I will sell, by virtuf of the same decree, a tract of L.AND situated ou Ihe Fayetteville Ai Western Plank Road, 'J miles below ihe town of Carthajre. known as the Schermerhorn Lamf. containing about 800 acres, on which there is a good Piue forest, good l>welling and all necessary out-houses, all in good repair .Also, at the same lime and pl;ice, I will sell a ^rood Sieaiti Saw Mill on Iht* premises 'i'ernis, t» and 12 months, noie and security S C. BRUCE, C. M. E Carilmge. Moore County. N. ; M:iy 4, liSt'.'!. 2ois ^al(‘ of liaiKl for Ta\‘». 1WILL sell t'or ca“h. fit the (Jourt flouse door in the . Tow:i 0^ F.iyi'ttcvilie. ou the 1st il.ay of June, (it being Monday of .lune Court.) One LOT on Hay Street, joins .) j'lu ('iilbieath ami Isaac liodd. tiud known as the Dobbin Ho.ise The 'ibdve Lot will be sold t’or ihe Tsxes for 18U. .'VfQuuni of Taxes and Costs due, 4-;'>7 HECTtiK McNElLL, Shfl. B> R \V. HABDIE. D S. .May f., Ibil;:. 2t;-ts SOO at-rc*« of l.iA.\l> for «.*ilc*. IOFHEil try Pjl.V.N'I’.VTION in Columbus county, con taining eight hundred ;icres or over There are about ihree hundred acres *f cleared I md ou it, and about one hundrc'l acres of the best swamp laml in the State; ea sily tlrained 1 will take live dollars per acre for it, an.* take it in negroes, mules or money. .\uy one hav ing negroes on the Sound would do wt 1! to give me a call. It is in one mile of the Railro'id and three miles of Fair Blufl. I will give possession when I sell GILES P. FLOYD. Leesville P. O , Robeson county, April 27. 24 9tp 3700 Boxes of the Southern Hepatic Pills Have been ordered In one day. This combination of medicines was first prepared by the proprietor in 1825, when he was pronounced by three eminent physicians in a Southern city, as in an advanced stage of Consumption. These Pillx cured him. ife is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of active professional duties. Their good effects upon otliers crea'ed such a demand for them that he was com pelled to desist fron supplying tLiem gratuitously They are not recommended by the proprietor as good for all disease*, but only for such as arise from DIS- OKDF'IRS OF THE LIVhR Many persons have testi fied to I heir good effects in Chillt and Fevert, iJilious Fever, Pneumonia, D’/tprpsia, .vc , .Vc. Read the following: S. D. W.\LL.\CB, Esq., President of the Wilmington .and Weldon Kail Road, .Aug. 30, lHfj2. «ays: “It has been said that ‘•Dyspkpsia,” is our national disease. However ihis may be, it caused vxr long and severe suf fering. I’rovidentially a friend furnished me with a few tioxes of the "I{>^>atic /■'/&.’’and the me of them ha* perftrted a cure. In my family they have been used frequenll;/ with eminent tueer*t. Amoag my acquaint- aao«9, mant/ catet originating from diseased liver, have been relieved auif •cured by them. 1 regard thePi an inraluable medtrinr. and take pleasure in forwarding tais voluntary tribnte.’’ Col John WKiaiir, of Goldsboro’ N. C., .Aug. 14, 18tJ2. ray«: "I have usi-d the Southern Hepatic Pills in my family here and also on my plantation in .Alabama, and alway* tcilh success. 1 have a valuable servant girl who had been a long tirnp under treatment for consump tion. without receiving any benefit .Almost in her ex tremity. I was induced to try the IlepaV.f Pills. They were given according to directions, and she is now well. -ntirely restored by them. A similar case occurred among my servants in .\labama. For liver and lung disea.k'e^ / fi tre perfect ronrid'-n-'e in them.” Full directions and nth-'r certiticate:- will be found on the wrapper of each box. Price. $1 a box; $D>’a dozen; $'.♦*> a gross. IltlaiUd at the l)ruygi»1s For Sll twelve boxes will be sent free to any part of the Confederac}’ where tliere are no dnifigists Not le«s ihan a dozen boxes will besen'Tiy the proprietors Cash must accompany orders, t'hecks on local banks taken. .Address GEO. W DEEMS, Wilson. N C. g^nFor sale in Fayeitevill** by J. HINSD.ALE. April 2.'.. 22-8mpd the i3ii(ier!!ti^iie(i practicing Physicians of the counties of Kichmond and Robeson, from necessity ^^^ed upon ‘»>e following Fee Bill: Seventy five cents per mile in 'be double in the night 'scriptions one dol'**’’’ .Medicine Extra. T ka:\k oe ^i.are:%imii%,\ Faykttfa ille. May 1>, LSf»o. ) ^11 E .\nnua! .Met-iing of the Stockholders of Ihis Bank will be held al iheir Banking House on Thursday morning, the 4th of June next, at II o'clock. 2‘i:{tj W. SANDFtMlD. Cash’r. Priiiliii;; PrewMesii for Male. 1WILL expose to public sale for cash on Thursday the llih day of June next, at the office recently oc cupied ou Green Stn-ei. Col P J Sinclair's eutire in- t-r.st in the PRINTING PllES^iES. TYPES and FIX TURES, &c . employed in publishitig “The North t'aro- liuian ” .Also his interest in the Library, Furniture, Gas Pipe anil Fixtures of the OfSce, and his interest in I tic house, to satisfy sundry executions in my hands for coll»*cii u HEi'TOli McNEILL. Shff. By J. A JOHNSON, Dep'* Shff. May 11. 1HC,3. ' 28 8tpd 80 FOR SAI.E. CA.'iKS U.VSL.VCKED LIME 48 KEGS NAILS 5 BBLS TANNERS’ OIL. DllY S.ALT, in bags and barrels. 2(>0 BBLS SPTS. TURPENTINE. T. S. LUTTERLOH May 17. 2*.* 3t \% .%.^TEI» TO HIRE. 1 M MEN, (while or colored) to Cui Wood, five miles -Ll/ East of Wiliuinglou; very high wages paid, if ap plication is tii;vde soon. .May 17 VIrSlMA tobacco ( onsignraent. 7" E H.AVE in Stor" BOXES TOB.ACl'O. of va- LUTTERLOH 2'.t »i W rious (fr-vdes, r'lnning from 10 to the pound to 14 ounces, which we will sell iit the lowe.st market rates. GEO. W. WILLI \MS & CO. .May IS. 29-4w AflTICE. J will sell at .Auction, in Pittsbo'-r.’ (’halham Co., on lti»> 13tli day of ./iino next, ilireo Share# (83J of Stock in the Fayeii.-ville & (.‘oalfield R R , be longing to the Estate of Dr S. .McClenahan, dec’d. J W TAYLOR, } W May 11. 1863. J. S .McCLENAHAN, / .Adia'rs. 2;»-4tpd May 19. Dental .\otice. Dr. J.AS. D.Wl.'j is in town and can be consulted bv those requiring his servi- ’'ces. Office over Dr B W. Robinson’s office. 29-3tpd SUBJiTITUTE WA\TED. A SUBSTITUTE is wuiiied for Heavy .Artillery ser vice on the Coast oi N. C. .A liberal price will be paid on application to JOHN H. COOK. May IS. 2't-2t .Siib^titiile Wanted, For which a good price will be paid, .'pply at the Store of D .McLaurin, Fayetteville, Jas Blount, Lumberton, or .\. II McNeill. Carthage. May 18, 18ti.3. ■i^tf B.AJS’K N( Virgini \VA.\TED, NOTES of North Carolina, South Carolina, rginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. .\lfio, North ('arolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March ^t-f R $100 REWARD. AN-AW.\.Y from lue on the uipht of the I'Jtli instan’, my Negro Man HUNTEii. He is a dark mulatto, ‘23 years old. 5 feet ‘J or 10 iiicU**^ hitch, weighs about 140 lbs , is activr and muscular but not at nil fleshy: has long bmhy hair, is slightly dish-faced, and has a scar on (I believe) the left cheek below the cheek bone. He is probably attempting to go to the yarkees. I will give the above rew.ird for hi.i delivPi'y to mp, or 5-^0 for his confinem''nl in .in}’ jail of 'he State so that I cau get him W. .\ DICK. Lumberton, N. .\pril 24, IStKl. 23-9tpd A The New Style, Small, rOLOKEU PHOTOtiRiPUS, AT Ojillory. ART. Woo«lward’s Nolar C'aiiiera. Pre- Surgical and , 18lh diij of Slarch 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent I Bonds or Ca«h, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn.. a former advertiaemen: Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic (Mtizens are now offered an ojiportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton r.ather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte. March 21, 18fj3. [c o ] 14tf Eg^ypt 4'oal JTliue. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate (.'ourt. District of North Carolina, ap pointed .Man»p»*rs of Ihe Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of D McLEAN. D. DICKSON. BETHUNE. PATTERSON. McDOUGALl) SHAW DAN'L SMITH. 27-1 Itpd May 8, 186« To >lauutac(iirers and Others. IITE bsve on hand a lot of BI CH ROM ATE of POT- VV .ASH, th.at we would sell by the barrel, delivered on the N. C. Railroad, or in Columbia, S. C F, A Tl ■ April iH. ]b*i.3. Sole Leatliei PHtJTOQH.M’HS can he had at Vanor.sdell’s Skylight Gallery. Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. (^: j)l:\in, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and paslile; from small to life size. .Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all otLer siyles of Pictures pertain' ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt .Mould ing, O' ; for very large pictures—as Large as 20 by inches. -7ord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instra- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life sixe colored I’hotographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage hestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville .■xnd"Vicinity. C. -M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20. 1859 ' 77- iflarble Factory, FRIES. S«lem. N. C. 22 Im tnis purpose who cannot produce such appoinimeni. ami have them bound over to the next Term of the Su- : perior Court, to answer such charges as may be prefer red against them. By order of Governor Vanck: DAN’L 0 FOWLE, Adj t Gen. To the People of .\orlli ('arolina. (irAKTKRMASTKK'S IIKPAUTMKNT, Kalkiku. .M.ay 7, > 10 the limited supply of wool which the State OwiS'J 10 the limited supply ot has r.ow at its command, and in view of the con? in- 1!'\ ■I feet • f- ^ i ■ Pr, A :S100 KEWAiiD. from THE SUBSCRIBER ON SUNDA V '' ‘ .! tmiary last, my uegro boy named .AN- H» f n whitish yellow complexion, about ■ in-hes high 18 or 20 years old, and sup- '•icfi about 140 pounds. He has » heavy f. >'1 tfi’ks short when queetiont*d, and has So loubt he is trying to pass for a free boy. “ above reward for him delivered to me »t • ' a?well County, or confined in any jail I 'J'" F L. WARREN. ' • M ir:h 2.J, 1863. 15 Jimpd gencies of ot»ii»inin(r any greit amonat from Texiis. (heretofore the princ'n.»i tnarket for her supplies,) I lake this opportunity of i*ui»f>uncing to the patriotic men and women of the St^^te, that i making arrange ments to exchange Cotton Yarns for 1 oo^, earnestly request that those who have wool will not a\Hp„^g qj- to any pereon, except he be an agent of the State. acting under my directions. There will be established Depositories for the CoUon Yarn, at points accessible to each County, inakiug u convenient for those who wish to make the exchange, to i so with little trouble The object in procuring the wool, is to clothe *V. C. Troops; and it is the duty of every patriot to lend a helping • L!_ tko .4'ato Tffiii Rirain everv be supplied on short notice. The Coal from Ihis pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate Stal»>? .Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayetir- ville, N. C., or .lames Browne, Charleston. S. C. CHARLES B MALLETT. •jA.MES BTtOWNE. Fayetteville, .l iti'v 20, I'jti-i. !»*’lf RAAAWAV, Ij^ROM the subscriber on Wednesday the 23ii ult., niy r negt*o boy MoSES. I bought him in Richmon 1, Va , on the 17th, and the boy says he was raised m .Sampson Ciuuiy, .N. l’.. where he ha't recently liet-n warkmg in a siHum saw mill. He is a chunky, tleshy , I black boy. about fft*t 2 or 3 itich^ s high, an! ag^d 17 I or 18 years. WSen last heard from he was lurkin-^ , j about Raleigh. He can be ea.^iiy identified by a finger on his right hand, which was recently fractured, and ^ which has not yet heated 1 will pay a reward of Fifty . Do\’,.iri for his apprehension nnd confinement, so that I I car> gei hira nirain. .Addre-s me at Bovdton. .Meck lenburg coiin.y, va. J. D. VvHITICE. -May 8, 18^;H 27-6:pd j lbs of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, cvMJv) suitable for Belting. wanted. ned SOL \pply Jto Fayeileville. April 14. ■ Rl \ THE RLOCKADE. MURPHY, 20tf Di: iPD -\TAI. CARD. j I.WING tak»n ;operating Rooms 11 Mr 1. D 'Id’s store, 1 offer my Pro- lesr-i.iual s«>rvc--s to the ciniens of Payette- vic nity. Office hour' from 9 A M to 12 M, 2 to 0 P M J. H. FREEMAN 2.")-9iptl i\OTICE. \ lL my Notes and Accouuta are at R. D l>avis’s lor ^ collection. He is authorized to receipt by me for ■’'Aiiie Now is the time to pay your debts while 1= plenty. JAMJiS BREECE. hand in this cause; tor while the S'ate will strain every over • neiTte to provide for your husbands, your brothers and your sons in the field, she yet relies upon the agency of those at home to assist her: and to do this, y«u must T Kinston. N C.. supposed lo be about the 2-^th of ^ March, or stolen front the cars at flo.dsboroiigh. a large TR.WKLLI.NG S.ACK, with my name, company and reeiment narked on a little card fa«tpn'd to it It ith i inose at uoiuc lu ti-Di.-.* -- , , keep your wool from the hands of speculators, and exchange contained a new military suit and oth?r clothing U vith the State for Cotton Vams. ray ommisaions. It was left at Kinston with the bag- f aR.J it may be that it w.as /•M PIECES Black and White C.ALICO; t)U 1*10 prs \Ien's Entr. sewed BROG.ANS; For sale by W, .MclNTYHE. M.irch in 11 tf Fajette\ille Arsenal and Armor),» .\fRiL 27, ) WA.^TED, I (iO.ii) VllACTU'XL M\f'HINlSTS, -r •' j )b)iing Bl if'-vsmilhs Steady •employment and g .od waeoa will b** iriven. .\pply to .'l ijar F L. CHILD.S. 24-lOt] Comd’g Officer. WAVTED, 1 OOOI* (’’OOK an.i fS VKEK. ro cook fir tiiP Ordoanee A Dclachment. Good pay will be given. Apply fo C.apf. T ^YLOR. at (he .Ar.senal. May 9. 27- WAATI^, 4 FIRST-R.\TE C')OK »ind B.AKER; to such an one .tA good pay will bf given. .\ woman preferred •Apply to Capt n y i;KO. •’W«i J«. I-UTDEII. liJMIRS \BIIVK I). T. IIA Kill k SONS’ StflKK Eayelleviiie, I * EAVETTE% ai.EE MITUAL IXSrRA:^€E COMPAW. j Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $2fi7,6S8 j Cash on hand and other assets, 9.077 M. P. TAYLOR, M the .Arsenal. 221 f Very respectfully youra, H. A. DOWD, A. Q. M. N. C. Army. May 12, 1863. ' ‘®!L_ April 2;^. Tlie .\nniial Meeting of the Stock 25 22 SAET! BACKS for sale by SAETH EGBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf ray gage of Pettigrew’s brigade: taken off with the bapzage of some of the Artillery com panies or Daniel’s Brigade. 1 will give ?25 reward for it and its contents, when I holders of The Cape Fear Navigation Company will be delivered to me or placed where I can get if. j held in the Town Hall in Fayetteville, on Friday, May Lieui. WILLIS RANDLE, 1 29th, 1868, at 12 o’clock M. ' Co. I, 52d Reg’t N. 0- T., Pettigrew’s Brigade. 1 April 28, 1863. 24-7tpd I AprU 80, 18d3. D. A. RAY, Pres’t. 24tm Total, $272.70.'V 61 The (Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessmemt on their premium notes. Total losses paid, S29,«,;S2 OrricERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Seo’y. Directors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tilliagha.“t, H. L. Myrover, 8. J. >linsdale, . 8. T. Hawley, Wn>- SlcL.aHrin, Nathan A. 8t«dm»n, T. «. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. 0. C®ok, Hon. J. Q. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, > , A. E. Hall, / hn Collias and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. a^*The Company inyite applications May 28, 1861. C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethnn. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. 21- GEN. FORREST S LATE VICTORY. «eii. Forrest’s recentgruud detour from S|>rinp, Hill ill Miiltlle 'I'oiinossee, to (’onrtlaiid, Alabama, and thcuce through the Northern portionn oi Alabum.i and Georgia, in pursuit of the enemy, w:is tlio most brilliant perloriiianco of’the present revolution, ii‘ not in the history ot wars Irom time immemorial. If before this his deeds were xiot .sufficient to ensure his name an immortality, this laat bold exploit would ol‘ itself e.stablish hi.ai be yond peradventure, the greatest ot cavalry chiei- tains. To start from the central portion of Ten- ue.ssee to the North of .vlabama to tho JiSHistauce oi uiiothcr gallant officer, there to meet and hold in check a force with cavalry, artillery and inl'an- try, double that ot his own veteran command, to pursue them through (’ourtland, then to turn in pursuit of another party, ’JIOOU strong, already in the start ol him in an opposite direction, nearly ! a hundred mile.s, to follow them through a moun tainous region one hundied and eighty miles, and at last to overtake them and compel them to sur- • render to t.OO of hia men, is a feat so marvellou.s J as to seem incredible it the facts did not establi.sh I the reality of the occurrence. f (Jen. Forrest with his old Hrigade consisting ol his own original regiment, Starnes’^ Itiffle’s and Edmondson’s regiments with six jiieces 01 artillery, ’JaUU Htrong, left Spring Hill last Fri day week, lo go to the assistance of Col. hoddy, who was gallantly holding a large force «f the enemy in check, beyond and near Courtland, Ala The column with l-'orrest at the head, moved Southward, rapidly through Giles county to the 'J’ennes,see, and cro.ssed at Jirown’s Ferry. Ou Tuesday (ien. Forrest came up with Hoddy at Town creek, a small .stream, in an open flat coun try, .studded with under growth, a lew miles be yond t.;ounland, in the direction ot Tuscumbia Here the united commands attacked the enemy in force, believed to be near under Gen. JJodgc, with cavalry, artillery and infantry. The tight lasted several hours, and the artillery tiring ceased about three P. M. (Jceasional skir mishing with small arms wound up the engage ment of the day, and at dusk, F'orrest fell back to Courtland, and threw out pickets on all the roads leading into the town. In the meantime, a force of mounted infantry, li,OUU strong, under a Col. Streight, had gone round Courtland, as it designing to get in the rear of Forrest’s force. The next morning early, Forrest started in pursuit of this party—leaving a portion of Koddy’s command in Courtland Streight and his men, instead of attempting to get in the rear, were really on an expedjtion to central Georgia, jind were already nearly 100 miles away in that direction. Forrest overtook them at Dayton’s Gap in the Sand Mountains in Alabama, ou Thursday. Here an engagement oc curred in which the enemy were dnven forward, with a loss of 4U killed and wounded and a lew prisoners. The engagement was between the enemy and Koddy’s and Edmonson’s command.s. About kix miles iurther the enemy was again overtaken by Starnes’ and Bittle’s regimenta, and another (uick brush of about an hour and a hall's duration, occurred, in which the enemy was again driven torward, and the two pieces ot artillery taken irom lloddy at Town Creek were recaptur ed from the enemy. In this little skirmish l^' of the Vankecs were struck down by one dis charge ot our artillery—tour pieces oi which were playing upoii them. About tifteen miles south ot this point our men again came upon the enemy in ambush and an other tight eiiaued. Uur boys drove them from their ambush by a vigorou.s charge. Indeed, it wa.s one succession ot bold and desperate chargea upon the ambuscaded yankees tor 8(3u miles, until they were finally overtaken the la^st time and captured The next day the Vankees were overhauled •again at Bluntsville, from which place they were driven forward as beiore, with a loss this time of y killed and IJ wounded. Prisoners and negroes were captured at- intervals all along the route. Gen. F'orrest still pursued close upon their heels, determined to run them down and capture tL« whole party, the yankees aii fully determined t> escape—and burning bridges behind them as they fled. 'Ihe bridge near the town of Gadsden wx-i destroyed, but the enciny was driven from that town before he had time to destroy anything Niue miles beyond Gadsden our meu again came upon the enemy in ambush, and again a fight ensued, in which the Vankee Col. Hathaway, a CaptJin and several other officers were killed. The yuijkcca were finaJiy overtaken about two miles from Cedar liluffs, and about 20 miles from Home. Their advance guard of 2U0 had gone on towards Home, and were checked about 'J miles from that city by the armed citizens. Gen. Forrest dashed upon them—hie g&Uanl little band by this time, after the long and tire some pursuit, dwindled down to an insignificant pquad of 14(* men. The enemy fired one or two rounds from four little mountain howitzers they had with them, and a slight rifle skirmish was all the fighting that occurred here. Forrest eooHy demanded their surrender, and Col. Streight, the yankec commander, complied—the condition of the surrender being that the captured officers fihooid retain their side arms. The prisoner?!, 1700 in number, were then moved on fully a mile before they were required to stack arms, actually guarded by a force four times leas than their own. In reality, it was Forrest who was the prisoner, but the yankees never thought it, and never lor a moment doubted that he had a larger force in the rear. They were also, perhaps, deceived by the story of one oi our men whom they captured at Dayton’.s Gap, who told Col. Streight, when cross-examined, that “Forrest had with him 5000 pien.” “What brigades has Le.^*’ demanded Col. Streight. “..Wmsfrung’s, JJ^ddy s and hii» own. was the prompt reply uf f/ie prisoner. “Then we are lost, by .Jupiter ’ exclaimed the non-plussed yankce, turning' “cn. And tio '^‘-■'■e, for thejf surrendered their whole hour after this dialogue, jle object of this incursion oi the yankees so from their main force, aside from their intense anxiety to avoid the redoubtable Forrest, was to reach the Georgia State road, burn bridges, tear up the rails, and play the “old Harry" with every thing. As sotm a.'> they found they were pursued, their escape was considered doubtful, but the capture of even that many men would be more than compensated by the damages they would be enabled to do the Confederates. The force under the command of Col. Streight consisted of the 3d Ohio, 18th niinois, 51st suid 7Sd Indiana, together with 3 companies of renegade North Alabamians. The latter, we understand, will be sent toRicbi&ond, and the others will be paroled. I ChaMo-ttaoQO. Bebel^ Sih.

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