J ■ .1 . flu 1.; ^-nr. .. ' 1' ^ ' ‘ . ' ' •« .' I • ,' /’il‘ ■’ ' : ■ Miat f. f> ’- ! ^ X t'. ^ V .) .;- ' ■ B B mi-WFiFiM i.T o! th. , inti-i-. ■ 'll,:.; V’ 11 t: \0\.. XII. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 2f). 180?,. [NO. 123L] "> - u-i, v " >: ... "“■ V':tnt. V. ,r *, t'fl ^ )t N..V, , , ,. ., o J,, ur. li 1 :i., I . ' ' '■, :hoiii T\ , \ •' ' ' iH' a ■; n . I ' ■ -'•■ ■11 ■ i.vT-W- vv ♦a:,i •vomb ■ f 1,^, i. ' Ivr It! .• •!.. =',\ ' 'I. ■ 'V:,r .-!u,l; ; : ., •)•’- i,.; . ..' ‘ ■• ■ .... r> tl -1: ,. ’!' K‘ II... ■ V. ? ■ -^ ' '' ■ . I I); , k(• ' ' , t i ,. .. , ■ iNTKl» MONIHYS! \Nl> THUllSDAVi^. KfMVAKD J. HALK & SOXS. I I ITOHS AND PROPRIETORS. ';!■ Seiiii-Wppkly Obsk.rvkr $-1 00 if pnM in ■t'; ^ I 50 if p:»ivl during tlip year of snbHcrip- >ir .'^•> nfier the 3'C!ir has expired. WiH'Vly Oi;KBVKn S8 00 per annum, if paid in " ' ;>0 if p ii,l during the year of suV»>5crip- '1 :ifier the year has expired. \i'\ I'H l’lSKMKNTS in5ortel for Jl per .» iinre ■•■V the first, and .'>() cents for each suc- 'iMiioii. \dvi'rti«cnients niit exceedine a '' liiu-;'. tin cents for the first and ".0 cents iiU2 putiiication. .V Ivoriisers are re- ihi' tiiiinber of iu.'iortioiis desired, or i'in.led tin forbiti. and charged accoril- B} the Governor of Xorlli I'aruliiia. A PKO€L.%nATIO.\! \V" 'eftrne i with great pain that thero Tl hive been latterly numerous desertions from ths ranks of our gall.mt army, and that.there are many persons in the country who incite and encourage these desertions and harbor and conceal these misguided men •It home, instdid of ci*couragin>j ihsui to return to duiy; Now therefore I, ZEBULON 1$. VANOE. Governor of the Stife of North Carolina, do issue this mv procla mation commandiiig all such evil disposed persons to desist from such base, cowardly and treasonable ccn duct, and warning them that they will subject them selves to indiciLieut and punishment in the civil courts of the Crtnfe.leiacy as well sis lo the ever!a‘.ling CmU- tcmpf and detestatioti of nil good and honoriib\‘ men. ( ertaiiily no crime could be greater, no cowardice more abj-.'ct, no treason more base, ttiau for a citiz-'u of I carrying out ll is Proclamatiun BY THE UOVKKXOK OF \OKTH C.\UOLr\.V. A l»R«ri,A;fiATI«’V. YirHKRE^S, The time limited in my proclamation, TT dated the IHih of April, forbidding the exporta tion of certain articles from the St^te, i.'^ about to ex pire Now, therefore. I, ZKBUl.ON B. VANCE, Governor of North ( arolini, do, by and with the advice and eon sent of tVie (.^ouncil cf State, issue this Proclamation, con'inuing Hai l I'rohibition thirty days from the inst , sul'ject to the exceptions and restrictions (soittainr'd in Slid Proclamation of the 13th cf April, with the f>>! lowing alter.itionv: Tlie prohibition is not to embrace the article of Salt, and Lard is to bp added to the list of the articles pro hibited. Justices of the Peace are also enjoined to a=sist in I': nr: 1 I |» '•> V ' er. ■ ihi ’■ ^is r. no\ r , ;! fer ' i’iitor ... I'li qu;.rT,-;ii, ,f ! r^ r ivi',: tr. : iv-'.'u, r m . vrhii:. ].,t > tax t" th-,- r**;.:, ,]. - r>v -t.t i. l>? tK- ;i! , T ... bt ll : ■ :,t - .iL-. I , , 111' : .: :: >.-r: r*' lot.;,.- ■ ■ •’ »tff :. - . • Uiii'' - 1 ■ >■ - • » nr I'l ' d^:r. ■ ;!;• ■i'--;^ ■ .r.- r t!.. t r.'iK ■ 1 F' . - *4 ’• - ‘ !. khi ....r, ; ^ iol' M’;.- .1- ■ r ■- -. , h-/- T: .• • inu -I, .. ■ !■•• - :. i r- ■: ve.'H!® -■ siL • tori-' 1 ,i;, i .. fhc 'jjfciTi- ■: (ax ■ »1 I i ■ hriL-n"h i/ >1. W A the Sfite, enjoying its privileges and protectioji with.)ut sh inng its dangers, to persuade those who have had the courage to go f'rth in defence of their country, vilely to desert the colors which they have sworn to up hold. when a miserable death or a vile, skulking and iguonunious existence must be the inevitable conse- .luoncps: no plea can excuse it. The tather or the br.'iijpf who does it should be shot instead of his delud ed victim, tor he deliberately destroys the soul f»nd maTihood of his own tle^h and blood. And the same is done by him who harbors and conceals the deserter. For who cau respect either the one or the otherT What tionest man will ever wish or permit his own brave sons or patriotic daughters, who bore their parts with credit in this great struggle for independence, to ass .ciate. even to the tliird and fourth generations, with the vile wretch who skulked in thf woods, or the still viler coward who aided him, while his blt e^ling country w.i»; callinir in vain ti.r his h(-li'.' 15iith are enemies, sneakine. nit-.an enemies to iheir country, before whom our open foi s ' will tie ititicitely preferred P.oth are foes to their own kin.ired and uotrle countrymen who are electrifying the world by their gallant deeds, and pouring .ut their blood upon the field of battle to protect those very men , who are sapping the vitals of our strength. And woe ^ unto you, deserters, and your aiders and abettors, when ' peace being made and independence secured, these brave cjmnides whom ye have dl'serted in the hour of their trial shall return honored aud triutnphant to t heir homes! Ye that hide your guilty faces by day, and prowl like outlaws about by night, roV'bing the wife and mother of your noble defenders of their little means, while they are . tar away fac.ng thv enemy, dc you think ye can escape a just an i damning vengeance when liie d ly of reck oning comes'.' And ye that shelter, conceal, and fee'l thesf miserable depre'bitors aud stimuiate them to their iufern »1 deeds, think you tLat ye will be • ■iredV Nay! rest HS'iired. observing and never failing eyes h;tve marked ycu. every onf. And when the overjoyed wife welcomes once more her brave and honorable husband t > his h,)m», and tells him how in the Ijng years of his absence, in the lonely hours ot the night, you who had been hi- conir-ides rudely ensered her hoiis-*. robbed her an 1 her children of their broad and heaped insult I and tndignitieF upon her defenceless head, the wr.ith of that heroic husband will make you regret iu the bit- I terness of your cowardly terror that you were •. ver born. In-tead of a few scattered mihtia. the land will be full of veteran soldiers, before whose honest faces you will not have courage to raise your eyes from the earth If ■ permitted to live in the State at all you will t>e ir/u- i rutug. You will be hustled from the polls, kicked in , the sireets, an honest jury will not believe you on oath ; and honest men everywhere will shun you as .a pe«ti- '■ lence, for he who lacks courage and patrioti-m can i have no oiher good quality or redeeming vii tup. Though j mativ of you rejected the p >rdon heretofore offered you, j .'ind 1 am not authorized to promise it, yet I am assured j that no man will be shot who shall voluntarily return ! to duty. This is the only chance to redeem yourselves i from the disgrace and ignominy which you are incurring Again our troops have met the enemy, and a great i and glorious victory has been w. n But several th"’i-‘- j and nf our soldiers fell lo achieving it for us Kv.-ry ■ man is needed to replace the gallant dead, and prr-^erve ! an unbroken front to our still pAwerful enemy. I .less ! desertion is preventt»l our strength must depart from ! our armies, and desertion c%n never t>e »toppr.l while j either through a false and mistaken sympathy or down I right disloyalty, they receive any countenance or pro I tectton at home. I therefore ap[>eal to all good citizen-* j and true patriot* in the State to assist my ofTtcers iu ar reslit.g de^'crters, an 1 to frown down all those who aid i and assist them. Platie the braml upon them and make j them feel the «corn and contempt of an outraged people. ; Unless the good and the patriotic all over the land arise i as one man to arrest this dangerous evil, it will grow .1 until our army is well nigh mined The danger of Alter thi!« elate I will j starvation having happily pa'^aed away—the approach- p»y 8 Cents per pound tor r igs de-i it,g and ?ipparently bounteous harvest giving evidence of llTer«d in Fayetteville, or at my mills | Htnple supplies for the comiag year—our great army in Virginia again jubilant over a mighty victory—I am well assured that our danger now lies in the disorganiza- tion produced by desertion You i'an arrest it my countrymen, if y**u will but make a vigorous effort, if you will but bring to bear the weight cf a great, a pa triotic and united community in ai'l of your authorities. ^ In witness whereof. Zebi’lon B. Vance, i L. 8 \ Ooveraor, Captain General and Coinmander in- t > Chief, hath signed these presents and caused the great neal of the State to be affixed. Done at the city of Raleigh, this 11th day of .May, A. D. 18t;3 15- VANCE. By the Governor: R H. Battle, Jr., Private Secretary May 12. , - . . lit - ■'Diinued charged ii*w ad‘ Sl i;i I' . Ntvrit K. ItM* thwdate, no name .>f a new su\>scribor . >v;''i..ut payment iu advanc**. nor will . I" 'Uc'h s'O's •fiheV' tor a longer time . • -r I I -ult>. libers as desire to take the pn- .'lo:;. will jileap notify us when nmking •'airy 1, lJ'.‘>.'' - ■ II*.W. .liri.. Attorney at Law, r.\.YF.TTF.VIT,LF, N . L 11 1 the .\>unty and Superior Courts of ■t . ' er'atid. Harnett. Moore and Robeson ('min- : ;■■ -ittenti.m given to the collection of all , • - .’ 1 to his hands og-tf liKO. W. WILIJAUS & CO.. \\ iiol(‘'»:il‘ llonler'^ in \NP IMPviKTKHS AN1> PKAbEK.'' IN ' liardviare and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, A^c., HU STUKKT, FUKTTKY!L! K. (. . !'• ’ otUf i Ti. i:v, t.rotfr nml I'ontmissiott t'eltant, r AVi: rTKVlLl.K, X C, . ; : it.i-tf T. i . A: fit. WORTIE, loiitmissioli and Korwardiug Merrhaats, WILMINGTON, N. C. J,. !."t.l 8-ltf C A It II! t "r\V LAlt'ES can be accommodated with boar! at A ..'•■ra'n.'iry. fss wheroof, ZKiU’t.ti.N B. V.\nck, ^ sK,.\L I Governor, (’aptain General an 1 ('onimander in- —.—' (’hief. hath signed those presents aud caused ii.f Great Seal of the State to be affixed Done at the City of Raleigh, this Sth day of M.iy, .\ I).. 18t!8. and in the 87th year of our ludcpetidence. By the Governor; Z. P. VANCE H. 11. Batti,k. Jr., Private Secretary. .May !*. 27 -w EXCllANGi: IlOTEl.. ^PME subscriber announces to the public I th it he will open on the 1st May the above Motis-p of Entert.airimeni. (formerly theShem- well House ) The house is situatod a few doors from the Market, on Green street, iiwar the cen tre of the bti'iiness portion of tiip town, anil has been newly fitted up. and tbornizlily cleansed The rooms are convenient aul wfll ventilate !. • The table will be supplied with rll»* best the market afl'ords, the Bar wi!h the best of Liipi nvj, aud I lie stable will: attentive Ostlers'. Desirous of sharing the public patronage 1 can pro mise that those who give m-' a call shall not l*ave dis satisfied. April 27. LIST OF rH4K;ES FOR Krom Kayeitevilli RKCBKN JONES. 2::-tf F.lSSE\«KitS, to Wilmington, 6111 tii “ Eliz'ibeth. 0 Oil “ White Hal’, ti r,(i “• Kelly's t'ove. txi “ -All points below. lu t«t • N't> 0|{ HKt'K ■ to Wilminpton, fo 00 F.liyabfth, '2 •Vi “ Whitehall, .’>0 " Kelly's Cov«, I I) : “ ,\11 point- l.ebiw. r, 00 1 l». to F'lv. ttPvilU', ^10 tto *• Kelly’s Cove, 4 5* •• White Hall, 5 ;M •• Llizibeth, ti 5" “ Pruspect H ill. « no .A 11 points abiivi-. ll> (Itt i»M> tin liKi K . to Faye'teville, (Ml Keily's t’ove, IHI •• \Nhite H ill. 4 III) “ .All points above. t)tl lass or Iteok Pa«seiiger^ m'lxt stay on r full price, or «ame as First Cla.-s T. C. Hoi (PER uo- JOllXSOX. WILLIAMS A: ^Ai/r nAKt:R^i. nave thirtv iH'ti pan- now in op*'raiion nine miles .1-: of ^Vilm:agton l ariies wishing to supply ■-j:.]v»s with aB.it. can be urnishel by applying to r.r.s n, ,lr , .\geni at Fayetteville, to K Page, :a£-r it I'le works, i.r to J M WILLIAMS, Gener.al .Superintendent, ■ V.r' i'ilc, Nov. i:'l, lHt)2 Hllf AOTIt'E. 1 expft’i to be absent from home a few iwouths in the West, Archibald McLean is my authorize.1 asact my btisiness until 1 return. N 0. JONES 18bt>. "O'f l> MURPHY 6ft- WA.lfTEW. 1USHEL.S WLE.\T, ;.500 “ CORN aaving the above articles to sell will receive 'ash price«^y calling on Mr. W Thoaiason, i&nt Mills, Fayettevilie, or on the sabscri- d Btand oa Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. 76tf ity-five DollarM Reward. V from the subscriber, his uegro boy MO- le is 21 yrars of age, about 5 feet 10 inches ', long feet and very much turned out at the ikp down when spoken to. He was seen at Mills in Robeson county ou the 21st ult., Fiiyeiteville abourf three we«ks ago. The d will be paid for hia delivery to me or for lent in any jail po that I get him. W. I). JOHNSON, ill-. .S. G.. Aug. U, 1««2. 52tf ARnY HAR\ EHW. pared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon for Army use. I tan my leather and can irgains. Agents will io well to send their e as they shsH have prompt attention, and iuick dispatch. JOHN CARTER P ) . Chatham Co.. N. C., ) June 13, I8t>2. ( tiiuiii Arabic tor $ale by J. R. LEE. 6'Jtf TAKEM UP, I! !ed to Jail, a a^gro boy who says his .-'OIIN, aud belongs to J. F. Roiman of 'y John is about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches ' ! or 3o years old; the end of one of bis The owner will come forward, pay charges, ;'t and lake him away, or he will be dealt law directs. P F. ALDERMAN, Jailer of Cumberlan J county. •22tf j 34 If Kxeouthe Department North I'aroliiiii, AD.IUTANT GkNERAL'.S OPFICK, (MtLtTfA,) Raleigh, -May 8, 18H3. Genebal OaoKR, \ No. 4. j The attention of the Militia Officers is directed to the advertisement of Capt. Henry A. Dowd, M , in regard to exchanging Cotton Yarn for Wool The woo is needed for the purpose of furnishing our soldiers with clothing, and Militia Officers are requested to assist the State, by urging patriotic citizens to make the exchange, and discountenancing all sales or exchanges with specu lators Militia Officers are ordered to seize all wool purchased for transportation beyond the limits of the State, con trary to the proclamation of the Governor. Every agent of the State, for the purchase or exchange of wool, will receive an appointment under the great seal of the State, and Militia Officers are ordered to ar rest all persons claiming to be agents of the State for this purpose who cannot produce such appointment, and have them bound over to the next Term ot the Su perior Court, to answer such charges as may be prefer red against them. By order of Governor Vanck: DAN’L G FOWLE, .\dj’t Gen. I. WtT (fcV -^n e\tra I'harge will be mado for Wav Pa-spii- gi'rs getting into l.erths during day time, and f >r occu pying a Berth with their boots or shoes on. at thf discreiii'U of the Captain J. A WORTH, for (' F Sfm B’t Co K. M ORREliL. for .“^t’Tp Kate and Sun. T. S LUrTKRLOH. May }. IH'iH 2t;-tf KAII. ROAl>. ^pUK Train'! of 'his Koal leave Fiyettevillp daily. 1 (Suu'iayft m o'clock, A. ^I., and re turning leave Mclvt-r'^ a: 1 o’cliicK. P M. Fr>>iQkt Train MONDAY, WP.liNE.^D\Y and FRIDAY. jjy nrd(>r of the President JNO. M. P.(»SE, Treas'r anil -Ai't'g Trans. Ag't. J in. 22, l>t;X. l*7tf .^'otire to Klii|>|»ei*M. IN con-']uence of the high price of every thing iise.l by thi' (Company, the l>irectors have iidvanccd the rates of fr»ight generally about one hundred per cent Rates will be furnished as soon as printed. JNO. M. KOSK. Treus’r and Transportation .\g’t V.', R R. Co. March 18, isr.3 ' T-^f I'roiii and atler tlii^ dafe the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. ,M.. on Monday and Thursday JOS. A W()RTH, April 0—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. To 4'otton Planter**. 1HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the pnrchAse of ('otton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the s.ame in 7 per cent. Bonds or (!ash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. VAM ABLE I.A AI>S EOR J^AKE. virtue of a decree of theCouii i'.tv.'l will >^ell y on the premises, on the 2*^fh day oi a1 y, (inst ,) the VALUABLE FARM and DESIRABLK IIESIDENCE of thelate’Dr C. Chalm.rs, situate on the waters of Deep river, iti Moor? county, adjoining the town of Carbonton, coniaiiii:ig-12l> acres. Also om.'other ir.ict, a ij ining the 'itiovo, c Mit '.iiiiii;: 1 a-'res, V" th of \7h;c'i tracts have each on I'iit-iii u fiiio Dwi'tlii g md -ill oilii-r Lccos:: try out-hcu.-^os, ki;chi'n, ?iarii‘>, •f'lc . aiicl other cou- vanieticis, good oioli.ir ls, ,>:c Also, one other tr.tci, containing 10 acres, n«‘.ir the above, with m good com- nion liouse. .Ms.i. one o' her 11 act, containing 2')0 jvcres, wi(hin twi) miles of the 'own of C.arboat. ti, with erdi- U'lrily good iioprovemont.s; .ill of which pi ices ate in healti.y localities, with Lhe advautage of good society aroun 1 them. The threi* first meuiioned are, accord ing to the opinion of Professor Kmmoiis, within the lris;n "! It.-; (’oalfields. and are in close proximity to the (Uieraw & Coal firM-i l’>iilro:id, iiaw being construct- e which ioake:j tho.sc Lau Is one of the best invest- m Ills in the country .\ls^ on :Lo same Jay, or the day after, 1 will sell, by virtae of tin- same decree, a tract of L.AND situated on liic Fayetteville & Wi-.t!iern Plank Roal, *.* miles beoiw tho 11;wn of (’artiiage, known as the Schermerhovu Land, containing about 800 acre-i. on wliicli there is a gooJ Pine forest, good Dwelling and all ncL-essary out-hoiises. all in goo.l lopair .Vlso, h! the sam. time an i place, I will sell a good Sieatn Saw Mill on the prcmisos Terms, i> and 12 inontho. n.)te and security, S C. BllUt'E, (' M. E t'arthage, .Moore Couniy, N. C. May 4, 2.its .^;ilt‘ of liaiad for Ta\e«. ILL sell for cash, at the Court H )U,se door in the Town of Fay. ttevMlp, ou the 1st day of .hine, (it being .Monday ot June Court.) One L(JT on H ly Street, joins .fohu ('ulbreath .aiiu Isaac Bodd, an 1 known as the Dobbin Ho.i«e The aVjove Lot will f>e soM for the Taxes for 18til. Amouni of Taxes and ('opts due, :r')7 80 HECTOR McN El LL, Shfl. B.y 1! W. HAKLtlE, D .■Way f>, IHtW. 2()-ts SOO atrc*?* ot tor saU*. 1()Fi EH uiy Pii.\NT.YTKjN in (.’olumbiis county, con taining eight hundred acres or over There are about three hundred acres of cleitnd iind on it, and about one huniired acres of the ticst swamp land in the State; ea sily JiMin-.'d I wj'.l take five J 11-irs per acre for it, an«' take it in negroes, mules or money. .Any one hav ing negroes on the Sound would i.» will to give me a cail. It is lu one mile of the Kailroid and three miles of Fair Blutf. 1 will give possession when I sell GILES P. FLOYD. Leesville P. O , R 'besnn county, .\pril 27. 24 *.)tp 3700 Bove.s of the Southern Hepatic Pills Have been ordered in one day. 'PHIS combination of medicines '.vas first prepjired by L the proprietor iu 1^2■>, when he was pronounced by ttiree eminent ptiysicians in a Southern city, as in an . ailvanced stage cf Ci^n.-iuuipiiou These I’ills curt d him. He i» now over sevt^nty years of age and lu discliarge of active professional duties. Tiieir good tfl'ecLs upon .ithi*rs crea'ed suL-h a demand for them that he was com- pelled to desist from stipplying them gratuifotisly Ttiey are not rec.)mmended by the proprietor as good Tor all disea-^ei, hut only for such ;».s arise trwn i>LS ; orders of THE LlVh/R Many p> rs'ins have testi fied to their good etlecK in ChiUx and Fi-cem, litlinu." I Fiver. .V'"., Rea l the following: I S. D. W.\LUAC>;, Esij., Presi lent of the Wilmington . and Weldon Rail Road. .Aug l^f>2, i»ays; ‘*It has boen STi'l thit ••Dvsi-kpsia," is our notional disease. . However this lua^' be, it caused m.- loug and severe suf fering. I’Miri.lpnii'illy a friend furnished me with a f 'W bc.xc-* of the "Jlejjalir Pillj." and the ur j'them ham jier/ectrd a rur^ In family they have beeu used ' ireijuetUl// etmnenl ’•urc Aiiiiing my ucijuaint- auces, vinny caneit origii;ating from disea.sed liver, have h.^en relieved and cured by th^m I regird theri an iitialuahlf mediriii,'. nnd take p'ea-'nre in firwarding , this voluntary tribute.” Coi, Joii-N Wbioht, of (JobNboro’ N. C., .-Vug. 14, ' l>'t)2, says: ‘‘I have used the Southern fl>>patic I'ill.f in my family here and also on my plant.-ition in .Ala*)ama, and always ivith Kurres*. 1 have a valuable .servant girl who bad been a long lime under treatment for consump tion, without receiving any benefit .Almost in her ex- ' tremity. I was induce.I to try the Hepatic J'lllt. They ■ were given accordin;/ to dirertions. and she is now well, enttri'h/ restored hi/ them. A similar ease occurred among my servant? in .Aliibima. For liver and lung dise.asep 1 have perfect cvviidi'nce in them Full directions and other certificates will bf found on the wrapper of each box. Price. i>l a box; a doz^n; ?ft‘> » gross. Retailed at the DrugjistJ For $11 twelve b >xes will be sent free to any part of the (,’onfederacy where there »'.re no druggists. Not less than a dozen b^xes will be sent by I the proprietors. Cash must accompany orders. Checks i on local banks taken. Address GEO. W DEEMS. Wilson. N C. jj^^For sale in Fayetteville by S. J. HINSD.ALE. April 2o. 22-3mpd We tlie iinder!!ii|;ned practicing Physicians of the counties of Richmond and Robeson, from necessity have agreed upon the following Fee Bill: Seventy_five ccnts per mile in 'he and double in the night KAAK OE CLAREilDOli,) Fayetteville, May 18, 18G:3. j The .Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at their Banking House on Thursday morning, the if-h of June next, at 11 o’clock. 2!i 8tj J. W. SANDFORD, Cash’r. Priisfiii^ lor Sale. 1W1LL expose to public sale for cish on Thutslay the llih day of June next, at tii-* office recently oc- cuj.iel on Green Street, (3ol P .1 Sinclair’s entire in- tens' in the PRINTING PPiESSES. TYl’ES and FIX TURES, &c . emi>loyed in putdishins “The North ('aro- liaian ” .Also his interest in the Library, Furniture, G.is Pipe and Fixtures of the Office, and his interest in the hou.se, to satisfy sundry execuiions iu my hands for collection. HEt'TOR McNEILL, Shff. By J .V JOHNSON, Dep’t Shfl. May li, l>^*i;l. 28 8tpd FOR SAI^E. CASKS UN'SLACKED LIME. 4« KEGS NAILS 5 BBL.S. TANNERS’ OIL. DRY S.ALT, in bags and barrels. 2(Xt BBLS SPTS. TURPENTINE. T S. LUTTERL(.»H. Mav 17. 2‘.t 8t 10 U A ATEU TO HIRE. MEN, (white or colored; to Cut Wood, five miles East of Wilmington; very high wages paid, if ap plication is -tna le soon. T S L.UTTBKL.OH. May 17 2-..-St VIRGINIA TOB.ICCO on ('oiisi^umeiit. WE n.AVE in Store iOQ BOXE.'^ TOB.ACCO. of va rious grades, running from 1" to the pound to 14 ounces, which we will sell at the lowest market rates. GEO. W WILLI''IS & CO May IH. 20 4w AOTI4 E. AirE will sell at .Auction, in Fittsf’.oro' (’hatham Co.. TT on the 13th day of .line next, Eitri.ty-three Shares (83) of Stock in the Faye'tpville iS: Co.ilfield R R , be longing to the Estate of Dr S. Mc'.'lenahan. dec’d. J W. TAYLOR, May 11, 18tJ3. w J. S McCLEN.UIAN, J Adtil'rs. 2'.'-4ipJ May lit. Ilc'ittal J.AS. D.AVIS i> in town and can be consulted bv th'ise re.|uiiing his servi ces. Office o\cr Dr. B W. Robinson’s oftice. 2'.t-3tpd D'c SI BSTIT I T E \V A T El>. A SUBSTITUTE is wanttd for Hi.'.vy Artillery ser vice ou the Coast u; C. A liiieral price will be paid on application to Jt>HN H. COOK. May 18. 2'.i 2t FORREST'S LATE VICTORY. CuATTANOOGA, May 11.—1 wcut down to Home a few days ago. Thero I saw and talked with Forrest and his men. They were highly jubilant and communicative. At two o’clock, on the day ot my arrival, the^sctout oa a “ramp age,” after “a lew more ol the same sort,” who were reported to be advancing on Talladega. Taking it tor all in all, this feat of I'orrest has been the most brilliant cavalry exploit of modern rtr ancient times. Why, airs, he captured sixteen hundred Yankees with tour hundred; that, too, when every advantage of equipment and position was on their side. It was accomplished by a bold blutl game, aud cool, delib erate courage. o one could have done it so well as Forrest—collected, resolute and stern. lie went with the flag of truce himself. “1 have come,’' said he to the Yankee commander, “todemand your unconditional surrender. 1 have * iollowed you tor'five days and nights, fought you all the time, whipped you in every battle, and now I will give you a chance, for I am tired oi shedding so much useless blood. I’ve got you in tr.y power, and, it you don’t make the beat ot my ofler, I will not be responsible tor the wnsetiueii ces ” The Yankee officer wished to know who Uc was and what force he had. “It makes not a d d bit of ditl'erencc who I am,” answered Forrest; “I’ve plenty of men and time to kill or capture the whole of you, and 1 give you five minutes to make up your mind.” “Then,’ re plied the Yankee, “I shall not comply.” For rest turned his horse’s head, and quietly remark ed, as he rode away, “Your blood be on your own hands, then, for I’ve done all I could.” As he gained a point some hundred yards distant, he was called back. “1 believe I’ll surrender,” says the Yankee, “provided you’ll play fair with me “Very well,” says Forrest, “draw up your men in line and stack your arms.” lie then turned to an aid and gave several or ders to imaginary troops, and in less than hall an hour sixteen hundred men were captives to less than one fourth thcif own number. This is the rough brief ctory. it ought to make Forrest a major general. lie should be appointed to the vacancy created by the death of Van Dorn. Vigilant, active, industrious, daring and e.'cperienced, no man would give morji uni versal satisfaction.—( or. Rich. Knquiixr. Wauled, )R which a good ptice will be paid. -Apply at the Store of D. McLaurin, Fayetteville, Jas Blount, Lumberton, or .A. H. McNeill, Carihage. •May IH, l.sr,;; 2‘Hf noR r St Bank Virg $100 REWARD. V FROM THE SUBSCRIBER ON SUND.\\ of January last, my negro boy named AN- ile if of a whitivh yellow complexion, about 7 inches high. 18 or 20 years old, and sup- 'feigli aljout 140 pounds. He has a heavy ir and talks short when questioned, and has k. No doubt he is trying to paas for atree boy. -he above reward for him delivered to me at diil, Ca^^well County, or confined in any jail -a F. L. WARREN. 16-3mpd M irch 25, 18i3. I a ^ I i.iKi. n Ir i. D')d i's “■‘Ug stere. purchased by myself or my agents 18th day of March IStlS, will be paid tor iu 7 per cent | Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds us stated tn 1 a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the ! 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens a^'e now offered an oj>pf>rtunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21, 18G3. [c. u.] 14tf E^ypt C'oal .11 inc. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the j Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, »p- ! pointed Managers of the Kgypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of i mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best iu the Confederate States. Applicalions may be m^ide to (.'has B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C., or Jameis Browue, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BRt)WNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, t xt - f RAIVAWAY, Ralkiou, .May l, l»tj3. J : „ , , , i n OWING la the limited supply of wool which the State | T.1R0M the subscriber on We Inesday the _.5d ult., my has now at 1.8 command, and in view of the coutin- : C negro boy MOSES. I bought him in Richmond, gencies of obtaining H„y great amount from Texas. ! Va , on the 17th, and the boy say.s he was r^.sH in (heretofore the principal market for her supplies,) I | Sampson oounly, N. C., where he had recent y een take this opportunity of announcing to the patriotic i working in a steam sawmill. He is a chunky, fiestiy men and vromen of the State, that I am making arrange- Wack boy, about -5 fejt 2 or 3 inches high, ant aged I w___ t' r— .....1 - .1 ycJirs. When Inst lie^vril from iiG wns uivkiii^ about Raleigh. He cau bo easily identified by a finger his right hand, which was recently fractured, and actine inder my directions. ^ I not yet healed 1 will pay a rew.jrd of Fifty There will be established Depositories tor the Cotton 1 Dollars for hu appruhension ami conl;nemont, so ttiat at points accessible to each County, making it i I cau get him agaiu Allress me at Boydton^ Meck- Pre fw order of the Secretary of the Treasury. allCoiton , gcriptions one dol!'“‘ Medicine hxtr.a. Surgical aud - - on and after the obstetrical cases fiKy per cent, on former charges. D McLEAN. D. DICKSON. BETHUNE. PATTERSON. McDOUUALD. SHAW DAN’L SMITH. 27-lltpd To the People ol ^Ifortli Carolina. QUARTERMASTER’S IIEPARTMEj^ | .May 8, 18tj;>. To Maiiufrtcfiirers and Others. ^TTE kave on hand a lot of BI CHROMATE of POT^ V\ ASH, that we would sell by the barrel, delivered on the N. C. Railroad, or in Columbia, S. C. F. Sr H. FRIES, Salem. N. ( . April 18, 186^. " Wole Eeatlier wanted. LBS. (>f beavy well tanned bOLK LL.AIHLK, ^UUU suitable for Belting. Apply^o Fayetteville, Apiil 14. -Otf Rim THE KEOCKAnE. /*/i PIECES Black aud White CALK’t): OU 1*’** P"* Men’s Eng. sewed BROG.A^NS;^ For sale bv WA.\TEI>, NOTES of North Carolina, South ('arolina, irginia and Georgia. Al«o, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North (^iroliua six per cent Bonds new issue. W. R RICHARD.SON & CO , Broker'!, Raleigh, N. March H ‘-Hf «100 REU AR». FIAN.AW.AV from me oii ttie night of the I'tth instan*, t my Negro Man HUN I'K.l*. lie ia'a dark mulatto. 2:i years obi, '» feet or 10 inchfn hich. weighs about 140 lbs , is active and muscular foit not at all fleshy; has 'ong husht/ hair, is slightly dtsh-faad. and has a scar on (I believe) the left cheek below tiie cheek hone. He is probably attempting to go to the ya'^kees I will give the above rew^ird for his delivery f.a nif. or S-30 for his confinement in any jail "f the .‘^tate so that I can get him W'. A DICK. Lumberton. N .April 24. 18*>^ ^*tpd A CiiE.TI! The New Stylo, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT OalN^ry. ART. Woodward’w ^olar ^*iiiiera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, llay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored,* in water colors, oil and p.astile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaini ,g to the Art. .Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G’. ^ for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 3ti inches. 3ord irnd Tassels for hanging pictures: Instil ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sinccre thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the eood people of Fayetteville and vicinity. ^ C. M. V.ANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor, l>ec’r 20, 1859 77- iHarble Factory, W. McINTVRE. March If). ! 1 t f F:»elte\ilU“ Arsenal and Armory, \ Ai'un. 27. I8HH. J W A ATE », PRACTIC AL MACHINISTS, ments to exchange Cotton Yarns for HooZ, aud earnestly request that those who have wool will not dispose or it to any person, except he be an agent of tho State, and t pr. bs I i e .t.i Ll K“oin.s over .Ml I. L> ).J I M niwiv-, I ollei my fro ^ i‘- - iinal '-‘.'.i vcioH to the oil izen.s of Fayette- iiiiy. Drtice hours tVoui ‘J A- M. to 12 M, • 'i P. M J. H. FKEE.M.AN. - 25 lUpd AOTIEE. .lU* .Vt^counis are at R. D Dav..’s 'or ii; iM auttiOTized lo receipt by me for • Now ia the time to pay your debts while plenty. JAMES SREECfi. I Ibta. 26if convenient for those who wish lo make the exchange, to do 80 with little trouble , v n The object In procuring the wool, is fo elothe -V. o. Troops; and it is the duty of every patriot to lend a helping h.»nd in this cause; tor ■while tne S.ate wi.l strain every nerve to provide for your husbands, your bruihera and your sous in the field, she yet relies upon the agency of those at home to assist her: and to do ims, you ruust keepyonr wool frovi the handa of speculators, and excdange tt with the State for Cotton Yarns. Very respectfully vours, II. A. bOWD, A. y. M. N. C. Armv. May 12, 18tia. »AET!I ROBERT MITCHFI.L. I SLaa. ^ ^ lenburg county, Va. May 8, 18H.S J D. WHIT ICE. 27-5tpd A T ivij^ton, N V. suppo.-^ed to be a^.ouf tin* 2-')th of f .March, or from the oars .at tJoMsii.-innigh, . largtT TlvSVLiiLlNG S.VCK, wiiti my name, c inipati^' an l regiment marVed on a Uttle card t'astene-1 to it. { ^ coiitaintd a new milii'iry suit t>'ia Oi'h>r cl.ifhinK. w.ith ( mv C'«mmirtbioiis. It wa. b.'ft at Kinston wi'h ih** oag ' fcage of Pfi‘>grew’s brigade; and it may be that it, tikei o.f with the baggage of somjof the .Artillery »;.jm- j pnnns or Daniel’s I>ngale. ' I will g've .5--> io>vr»rd f.-r it anU its c nten ^g, when ’ deliTcred to me or uUce.l wh^re I can get Lieut. WILLIS RANDLE, Co. I, 62d Beg’* N. C. T., P«Uieiriw^ Brigade. ApU 28,1868. ’ a4-7tpd . 4 Good ^ “ jobbing BUckFimiths Stea IV gaiploymenf and go .-d A ool^r to Maj irF. L. ( HILD.''. 2l-10t,] Comd’g Ofbcer. \VAATE«, i flOODCOOKand BAKER, to cook for tlu-Orduauce A D.tacome'it. Good pay wiH be giveti .Apply to • C^int T \ \ I/>R, at the .Arsenal. 07. Mav 9. «EO. TiAUDEU. I TWO llilBRS AlinVK 1:. T. HIICB k SONS' STOKK A’. O. j Ja -’-v 2ti I ” FAYETTEVIEEE I MITUAL INSIIRA.\€E OOMPAM. $267,688 2b 5,077 35 Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand ind other assets, WAATED, 4 FIKSr-^ATE COI/K an i B.AKiilR: 10 such au one A ^.1..u b. , * ' At the Ar;-eixal. Apri’2?. _ 'ri;c Moetln'j; >t Stock- hoMers of The Cape F.':»r Navieatiou Company will be held in the Town Hall in Fayetteville, on Friday, .May 2yth, I8t)3, at 12 o’clock M. Total, $272,765 61 Tbe Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Tot.al losses paid, $29,682 (>« Officsks: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec y. Dirkctors: .1 Heroine.—When Gen. Forrest arrived at Bliick Creek, three miles from (Judsden, Ala., iu hot pursuit ot the Vandals, he found his progress checked by a swollen stream and demolished bridge, while a detachment of the eueniy linger ed behind lo dispute hi.s passage to the opposite side. Ignorant of the ford, ii indeed there was any, (.Ten. Fojrest himseli rode back in quest ot neccssary inlormation. At the first house he made the inquiry was there any person who could pilot his coininund across the stream, to which a young ladv made reply—no male person being present—that she knew the ford, and it she had a ljorf>e .she kvould accompany and dircct him There being no time tor ceremony Gen. Forretii proposed that she should get up behind him, to ■which, with no maiden cjyness, but actuated only by the heroic iinpulbC to serve her country, she ai oncc consented. mother, however, hearing the suggestion, and gensitively alive to her daughter’s satety and honor, interposed the objection, “Sir, my child cannot thus accompany a stranger.” “Madam," respectfully urged the far-famed chieftain, “my name is Forrest, and I will be respon.sible for this young lady’s safety,” “Oh,” rejoined the good woman, “if you are Gen. Forrest atie can go with you.” Mounted behind the General, she piloted bim across the stream, exposed to the whistling bul lets ot the enemy; nor did she retire from her pjst ot danger until the last man had safely cross ed, and the column seen in continuance ot its rapid pursuit, accompanied by her earnest prayers for success. The name of this heroine is Miss Jane Sansom, who deserves to be long and gratefully remem bered.—Jacksonville (^Ala.') Republican. General Jackson in Mexico.—A Correspon dent ot the Richmond Whig relates the toUowing facts in the early career ol Stonewall Jackson:— “■After the battle of Cerro Gordo, his old com* rade, General (then Captain} J. liankhead M*.- gruder, was placed in command of a battery of six light pieces. Captain Magruder, 1st artiiiery, had led the storming party under Gen. Harney up the heights of Cerro Gordo, lie was the tirst artillery officer who entered the enemy’s works, sword in hand—had captured the guns aud turned them on the retreating foe. Gen. Scott rode into the works and, addressing Capt. M., said: “Cap tain, you have won these guns; they are yours; your ardent wish for a light battery can now be gratified. Take tho guns and mount them. They shall henceforth be May ruder’« batter^.” When the army advanced beyond Contreri? city of 3Iexico, Lieut. Jackson reported to CZ^!:: Magruder for duty in his battery, having obtained at last the desired transfer to the light artillery. Magruder placed him immediately in oommand ol a section ot the battery, and, conscious of his skill and courage, assigned him to a separate po sition in the assault on the city. With character istic valor and impetuosity, he boldly assailed the defences at the San Cosme gate of the oity, and contributed powerfully, by his »killful and well directed tire, to the subsequent capture of the Capital. His signal services were duly chroni cled in the official report of Capt Mair^uder and the formal and full report of Gen Scott, as the rccords ot the United States Government will show. “The motive of his drsire to join Ma- frriiflpr’s huttorv w Stated by him to a friend at fhe close of theV and is characteristic. He said- “I active service. 1 wished to be near when 1 John Magruder had got his battery, I bent my energies to be with him, for I knew if there waii any fighting to be done, M .gruder would Ije on hand.” S. J. *,in.'.'dale. AprU 80, 1863. A. BAY, Pree’t. 24tm Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C. B. Mallett, James X; l*. A. A. M«Kethan. J p. lVilUa™3, 3’ W 'rillinghast. Collias and C. C. McOrummen, Traveling Agenta. ^The Company invite applications. May 28, 1861. hn McLaurin, £. S. Lutterlob, A. V7. Steel, J. a. C»*ok, Hon. -J. 0. tibepheri, f ' \wilm’gton. A. £. Hali, / * 21- DLAD VANlvEES vs. GUANO. Voii asic if dead Vankeea, like garbage or guano, Won’t make the ground rich where toey moulder? Oh, pshaw, no! In place of producing corn, clover or wheat. In immortal deception, they spring up in che.it- So thus you may know by this short apologue, Though a rogue will ingrain, th,»re a no grain in the rogue; And if you hoped harvests from Yankee, you’re wis^r, Fw thoughin lie* he i« fertiliier. auBttBUiaib