VOL. XII.] S Iff I_w K R f£- L T FAN KTTKVILLE, N. €., MAY 28. 1863. [NO. 1232.] MON.vWs \NI> TFU:RSI)AY8 KO'ViKD J, HU.K & SO\S. i !iOKS and }'HOrinF,T;)KS I ^ ini \V,'t>k1y ubskrvkr 5>} t»0 if paja ip j'Hi I ji'-i’ij' ilio ycMrof \ onr liMs oxjMreil pt>r 'Kiiuiiii, il'prtiil in >l 'Tnr!n>; iht* } ■' ir ot' su)»»>rij)- ic* y>Hr ii n " \!K\'TS uisortoil for !?1 por p 'nvt' tirt, rtiir] .>■) ,’oni'i for euch sue A’lvt'rti^i'nii'nM nf>f n • •> . -iii-i for thp fir--r -n' i W opnt: ("li'i:-.-ii i))ii A'Kori’.sers ar^ r** mimher of in-'‘rtion-! ov 1 t..’ t.'rhi I. Ml.I oharpoil lit'oor j- J'-ir'TOil in'w ail- ' (iTh’K. . no ii;ui>o ■:( a new su1>«i‘riher iynifni ill ri'lvantM'. nor wili 'ul>scri''er'» for ;i longer time Florence «nd Faye«evine H.-Ji! !loa1. L^NDKR the provisions of an Oniinuu-e of ihe r.>n- veniion of N'orlh •’’rvrolina. Hooks vtill l.e ope itl i,n ilie Ihth Jiin*» H( the foHowin^ placev miit umier the ili- rofiion of ihp following p.'rsoi).'', io rcc-he si;bscrii> of tlie ••Kloi.Tjc,. .V F^ivetie- K»ii! KoiuJ Co.” f^hnrosdne liumlrp.l DoIItirs ea. h. Kuil Road (Mr^ ifi u \cx t\iv li- r« (Ml )i, of thoOonoral rommissioiiers, A \ McKptluin '• A. iUy. A W. Steoi. Wn. \U L McK.iv rin.i 'I Jlo8e. VI ‘1^ ^'^prin^s. -Ua>l(>r ilio .Jirecti McNciU, Wm. .1 St'*w;»rt. .l,vs. A. Noil! Hn ’ t’ol. Alt rjhor? as i-t' !!oii;\ I ' ' ike the }i:i wii«n making ii'v 1, IS'iS. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, X. C. 1 iic ('-.unty and Superior Courts of U'l. HuruPtt. Moore and Robeson ('‘•nm- eniion jjiven to the collection of all 1 T ' his han ls 6h-tf (iKII. W. WILLIAMS ^ CO.. \\Oeal«‘rM in ii*o(*ea*ie^^ KN 1Mr«!RTERS AND UKALERS IN rtardware and futlery, Swedes Iron, 4to., IIAV STUKKT, FAYKTTEViLLE, X. (. , - ' -'i’ o6lf JO^. IT LEV, (,iun(r antt i'ommisMion .fli rchanty i AVKTTHVILLE n. c • " Oa-tf I.. i . X 15. in. WORTH, OBinji'.Hioli iiud l-'orwardiiig Merchauts, WIl.MLMiTuX, N. ('■ ■ _v 84tf LAbltS i A ■ in I I' II l»! jvcforuno)'] i wi li li.iiir 1 ai ( . HixH’EH. 5t>- J >MNS()N. VV1LLIA>IS a ( (L. %\l/r VIAKER^. '■>. p>tn« now in opi rati'in nine iniieb intrt.in I*>»riies wiphinfc to «npply .n be furmshe-i by ipplyinfr lo I at Frtyetievillf, > > K Pa|it.‘, .r to .1. M WILLIAMS, Oeaeral Super..iiendeui. IITIl'E. t-n; fi\iia nnme i jd u'l McLean i- my authorireJ •ii‘»ineH3 until I return. N (i J(»NKS -.'.if iti'r tliiM date I v»ill (J?-ut6 per pound for 'le- i in F^y*‘^eTi’lP. 'r t .uv ifi’.llt* I> MUKl'HV ion Ilf ileciai- Smith, Uiin’i (!, Me- McMillan, or any .inc of litom. .-1/ //ora/ -Under the .iireotion of I)r Neill McNiur, l»r. A. D McLeni*. Archihild ^+milh. Iviimni.l ^illj find (_ ol. AU-xander Wnison, or anv on«> of them -1' —ruder the direction of Murdock Mo- I). McLeci. 1) \Jc(’allum. .las McKae. .Ir . and .1. H. 'lcQue“n. or any one of thoiu Af A(toTfi3ril/f.--Un.ler thp direction of John I'nrcell .Ino. McNair. Sion Alford, Due;-1 1 Mc('allinn and Jno. .'lot. alliim. or ?.ny one of them. i lie Subscription Hooks will remain open for (he sjHOe of »,(. (lnyv When :i sufUci' Ul sum is subscribe! tnc ( onipany will he ort;.inized for the purpose of build ing the Road A. A. McKETJIAN, D. A. HAY. A. W. STKKL. WM McL. McKAV. KOSK, lietier-1 Conuuissioner>. F i\c :t>ville, June 7, IP'Vi. r!2tf Kailroad onice,) Fiyeitv.ville, N. C.. cSept. , II^OK the purp')«..' ■>! iiicrr- i-'.i •; iRe capital stm'V pf thi,- ( ouip.iny, ;o enable it to extend the Hoail from the Coal Fields to the North Carolina Road, tiie tolluwiiig tientlemen have l)een appoimed Commissioners to re ceive subscrib rs ia iheir several neighhorhoois. viz: At Onlf—L J HaujihtoD, Brooks Harris, L»r Georno (' Nevrby and G Wa.jhinpton Above the Onlf—Jno J GoM«tjn, .lames F Riv«s and Hugh W Dixon. A: Ore Hill—G W Goldstou, l)r L \V Oorrell no^l N . M .Mston. Above Ore Hill—Oan’l Hackney, I> Marsh and Jas Pace. At FoiV't's Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D (Jraves. At Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac li Foust and A S Homey. At .Asheooro’—Ji nathan Worth and B F Hoover. At New Market—Jesse W;klker and Joseph Newlin. At Thoniasville—A (} Foster and .Ino W Thom la. At High Point — Dr R C Lindsay and Sr iViorn Perry. At Salem — Francis Fries and 11 L Patters.m. At Greensbi^o'—I’ P MtBdenhal’, Pett»- Adams. Hon J A Gilmer an 1 Jesse H Lindsay. Instructions 'will be sent to the Conirai-.sioners at an ea-.y day by the President of th» C impiny. -^1! ’ * J M ROSK. See y w‘ U K r,> Tin: AOKTH C'AKOI.IAA >im al lifk i\snM\('K (o«PA\if, V^OW in the tenth year of sucoes=ful operation, with gmwiiig capital anil firmer hold upon pu’olic con- fidemi', Continiie'^ to insure (ho lives oi ail healthy per sons from 14 t.i years of ajie. t'T oiie year, tor seven ypars, ir i for life—all'life members “.•larinp in 'hf profits. All Hlaves from 10 to tjO years iTt'azo are iri'uri'd for one yei# r for five years for two third- th.'ir value All losses ar« punctually paid wuhm '•) d lys atier satisfacvory proof is {ireseuted. For further iuformaiit>n ihe pnM' - is rel'i-rred lu Agents of the t’oinpanv in all p >r'; .he .''tate, an i R H r.\TTLt:. .■'••crei iry. RM'-iih I. .i. H.\LiI. \K'*nt ■ EXCIIAXG!^ HOTEL. L. ^PHK subsc'ihe” annouiicea to the public (hat he vill {.pen on liie 1st .\l:iy the abovi^ House of l-.ii*(-.-i'iui ncnt. (formerly the Ph»m- well Houst' ) The house is siiuated a w doors (roiij the ^farkel, on Green street, netr the cpti- tie of the business por'ioti of the town, and has 'iren iK'wly fitted up, anu t.Soroughly cleansed The ronin » ■re convenient and w.-ll ventilaud. Th- table will bi- s.;pjdied with the best the market affords, the Bar with t* e best ot Liipiors, and (lie st ibie with atten(ivo O.^llers. l)esiroii'' ot stiarinjj the public p itronagc I can pro- n’ise ih.'it those who g.re me a call shall not l.'ave di« RLUBEN JONKS. April 27. •j:;-tf MST or ( IllK(iES KOR P.lSSEMiKKS. I>C>\V%. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, #10 (.0 “ “ “ Kliz'iherh, ') (10 “ “ White Hall, 6 r.o “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 7 oO ‘‘ “ “ All points below. 10 «) SEt'ONI) (’l,.A^s, oil DF.CK. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, 00 “ “ Eli*ab.-th, 2 50 “ “ Whitehall, 3 50 “ “ Kelly’.s (>ov9. 4 O') “ *■ “ All luiiiit!) below, 5 00 ' I 1». From Wihoington (o Fayetteville, SI 0 00 “ *• Kelly's Cove, 4 50 , “ “ “ White Hall, 5 .SO “ *• “ Elizibetli, 6 50 “ Prosp.vt Hall, 8 00 “ “ .All poia>« above. 10 Ot* .'^p:roNi> CL.As.s, or deck. From Wilmington to Fayetteville. S5 00 “ “ K.*lly’.s (’ove, 3 00 ‘ “ •* “ White Hall. 4 00 “ “ “ .Vll points above. 5 00 Second Class or Deck Passengers must stay on JOHIV H. COOK, Auctioaeer. Dental illaieriahy Inslruments and Fiir- ni(ure, at Auction. IW’ILL Si.li a; Auciioii. on Wedupsilay the li4l h of •lune. in Fuvetteville, V C. n'y cntiro s-fock of UKNTAL M '.TERIALS, INSTRUMtXT.S and FL'R- NITL'RL. consi.'tting 1:70* Teeth, Rubber and P;ue, i oi. ()old Foil, Vuicauire and Apparatus, Instrumenfs, as Flies. J'lxeavaiors. Fillers and Forceps, Operatiag Chair and Spitlo 'n, Ciiairs, Tables, Carpets, Ued ui.d P>i‘ ding A'so a hsr^e lot of li'joks, Mdlical and Den tal works, BI:icl'--'tonp'- ('ommentari*'s. New American l.'yclopit'lia. Standard Poetical Works, Centre Table Books, .Sic. .M^ accounts are in the hands of Mr. John H. Cojk. R SCOTT. .May I SO;) ;;its PreMixe-^ for ^alc‘. 1VVILL expose lo puhlic nalo for cash on Thutfidajr ttie lith day of June next, at the olfice. recently oc cupied on Green tjtr‘ei. Coi P. J. SincUir’a entire in- f?r’Rf m the PfUXTlNQ PRR«o£S. T\ PES and FIX- 'i URF.S. he , employed in publishine “The North Caro linian ” Also his interest in the Library, Furniture, Gas I’ipe and Fixtures of the Ortice, and his interest in the hou.se, to satisfy sundry execuiions in my hands for collectiou HECTOR McNEILL, Sbff. By J. A JOHNSON, Pep’t Sbff. May 14, -JS 8tpd liunilrei.i per.sons diii-ing the Summer In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number of Haf'k'^, (’arriages. Buggies and Saddle Horses that my gnests can gel at a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, .Vsheville. N. C. May 18ti3 81tf SfECiAi, Ordkrs, > No. —. i Camp of 1n»itruotion N. I'.. Camp Holhrs, May 20. 1868. 800 I OFF KR lower .lock or pay full price or same as First Class. .Kxi extra charge will be made for Way Passen gers getting into Berths during day time, and for occn- p3Mn|i; tt llk»rLii «ricb th^tir k>*x>t9 or on, 2%t. Itm discretion of the Captain J. A WORTH. forC F St m B’t Co. K. ORKEFiL. for .SiVs Kate and Sun. T. S LUrTERLOH. May 4, ‘J6-tf T Ihii y F‘ive!N Thp »w Small, COI.OKEI) PHOTOtiRAPHS. AT 4«:i I l*‘r y I __ ART. Wooduai’ir^t Molar I'aiiiera. I3HC 1 Gf (>T •' iR.\PHS can be had GaUt-rj. Hay street, oppo-ite A.\TEII. ■ WHEAl, CORN. e above articles 'o -"1! will n-ceive e by calling m 'Ir. .\i I'h" ':a.' .n. «, F»Vr*i:.-viLe, "r in lue sub--,ri- u .Mark'“t .'tjuat - ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. 7-Otf e l>ollai> Reward. ■ L* suhscriocr, his negro boy MO- , ■ i"*- of age. ahraii ;> feet 1') inches :! ind Tery much turned out at the ' : wh^ii .ipo'ken tij. He was s^en at . .''“son coutity ''U t.'.e I'lst ull., . thr*;i: Wi--k-i '•?'!. The : '• : t;d ;or hir 'lelivery to me o'" f"r i;y jait so that5 get iiiin. \\\ U. J->ilN.-:»N. i ., Aug. 14, 18G-J. SY HAR.\i:.M^. I m&nutacture ul: kinds of W ir''n i.y use. I tan ri3' leather .in t o:i.n Agents will do well to nen i their •y sball have pronspt iittei’.tiuii, and -patch. .)>'11N CAKTKP hatham Co.. N. , I .. j|f June 13, i»ti2. j .'nior'lt*li s •■'kyliirht M:>rble Var I. Fay erioville. N. C.: pl.ain, retouched. Cuiore !. in w.iier colors, oil and pa«tile: fr.)in ^mall 'j iii'e size. A::.bro- types, .\lelaneoiypM, and all other ‘tyle-^ of Pi-;tirs pertain' g to the .\rt. .\l.-io. Gilt p'l.iiiies, (iilr Monld- iiig. G • I'or very laigL- pictures—as i.irge J' iit> by inche-;. ''ird and Tas-els for hanging p;c;ures; Insiru- nients. Stock and ’hemical.- for .‘■air i.'>» for Life size colored Phot Jgr.i{ hs ma lo tV..ni -la .il p'.-ture-. Having perinaneiitly iji'ated n«re I iiope t.» ;:icrit V .ur p'trou>*.ge. { would also return my sincere thanks ?i.r the libcr.al pairoua^-c bestowod on me heretofore by the good people UT>TER\ RAIL ROAD. ^IIE Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sun I vys excepted) at H o'clock, .M., and re turning le.ave Mclver's at 1 o'clock, P M. Frnghi Tr iin MONDAY, WEDNKSDAYand FRIDAY. By order of the Presi lent. JNO. M ROvSE, Treaa'r and .Vct’g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. •-'•J. 1>'0.'^. '.♦7tf >olirt* lo .^hipperN. IN consequence of the hieh price of every thing used by ihis Company, the Direct^irs have advanced the rales of freigh: generally about one hu.Tdrrd por cent Rate.‘. will be luruished an scon as printed. JNO M Rt^SK, Tr^as’r and Trao-poria(ion Ag't W' K R Co March IH, IbtUJ l‘2tf Eroiifi and alter llii*^ d^ite (tie St“amer .A P HURT wi.i leave at o'elock, \ M . on Nlonday anl I'tiur-ilay J(»S .\ WORTH, ; Aprft ' — 17if ] .\c t ♦' F. .''teiii.i Boat Co. 'I w C otton 8*iaiiti‘r*>. IH W'K been Bp' oii-ti' 1 by the Secrelary of the Trea sury. (’iiief .Age r Tt ti'e pur^’hAsa of Coiton for the ( -'nte.ier li" Cf vi-rnnn i.t » iihin the Siafe of North Caro- lica. and wiii pay for the .-aiue in 7 per c**nt. Bonds or ■ 'a-h I Hut> A-.-nis visituij.' the dilfereTit parts ,if tVic St;4ie, i buyin; lu i:iy name, wili have v»iit!en certitieates .f appoitiiHient. iiy order of the Sfcretary of the Treasury, all (Joiton purun I'l-d bv tav.; or my aircuts, i.n and atler ttie | lS:h ‘lay of .Marcli IStj!. v.'id p^tid tor in 7 per eent P.ond“ T Ca«h. and n^t fier l ont. Bond' as'tflaicJ in i a former advertisfin.-m I'p to that time, however, ttie ' 8 per ceiii. ti.yn l>: will be fiirnislii- 1 as staled I’ liri 'ic ciii/.fi.-' .are n. w ottered an opporiunity to : ail ihi G vernnv. iit by selling I', ii their Cotton rainer than lo private capitalists. i LEWIS S WILLI.^MS. ChM'-lotte. March 'Jl. IH'.^^ [c i) j 14it a€re>* of LAi^JI lor sale. “'J Pi..^NT.VTION iu i;olumbus county, con- ainn."; eigl.t hundre 1 acrcs or over There are about thr^’e hntidre>l .'icres of cleared lanJ on if, and :ibout one hundrei acres of the best sw.imp 'and in the State; ea- pil\ dri'n d 1 will take five d liars per acre for it, an.' tak.- it in nee.-oep. mules or mon»y .\nv one hav ing nejrroes cn ihc Sound wouM do wtll to'give me a ca l. It is in one mile of the Railroad and three miles of Fair CluflF. I will give possession when I sell GILES P. FLOYD. Leesville F. O., Robeson county, -\pril 27. 24 ^tp x^OTlCE.*^ ~ . WE will aell at Auction, in Pittsboro’ Cbatham Co., on the 13th day of June next. Eighty three Sharei (HS) of Stock in the Fayett.-ville & (’oalfield R R , be longing to the Estate of Dr S. Mc'.:ienahau, dec’d J. W. TAYLOR, ) . , , J 8 .McCLENAHAN. r • .May 11, 29-4ipd IN accordance with General Orders No. 25, Adjutant and Inspector QeneJ’al’s Office, Richmond. Va., (he name of the f.)llowing slave is published in order that his owner may come forward and claim the property, viz: "SA.M,” aged about thirty years, black complexion, r> feet 8 inches high, property of Mise Emily Harway, of Hertford county. The said Sam was arrested on board of the steamer Emily, running from Norfolk, Va , to Ncwbern, N C At the same time and place was arrested “BUSH ('UFFEY” aged about 26 years, dark complexion. 5 feet 7 inches, who cl’iims to be free By order of Col. PETER MALLETT, Commandant of Conscripts for N C. J. N. Prior, Adjutant. May22. 18«3 3Mm WAi^TED. A 4 or 6 horse power Engine, with fixtures complete. May 21. E. J. IIALE & SONS^^ CARRIAGE AMO aARPiESSi FOR SALE. AI.arge second hand CARRI.\GE, with -eats for six persons. Also, a set of DOUB^.E HARNESS, very little used. 1! J. HALE. May 2.'). B ANK WANTED TO PURCllASSC, BILLS; WAx^TED, B.\NK NOTES of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia aud Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes .^Iso, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO , Brokers, Raleigh, N. C, March 9. * 9if W'v llie iindersij^ned practicing Ph3siciaiis of the counties of Richmond atid tfobeson, from necrsjiity h^ve ugt^ed upon the following Fee Bill: Seventy-tive cents per mile in the flay and double in the night. Pre scriptions one dollar .Medicine Extra. Surgical and obpteiriral cases fifiy P^*" ct ut. on former cnarges. A. D McLEAN. H ir DICKSON. A BETHUNE A PATTERSON. A. McDOUGALD. D. SHAW DAN L SMITH. Mav >. 186:;. 27-lltpl Gold and Silver; North Carolina Fundable Treasury Notes; North Carolina Bonds, old or new; Western Railroad Stock; Bank of Fayetteville Stock; Bank of Clarendon Stock r. s. LUTTERLOH. May 2.S, 18«3. 31-3t A Cow wanted. lyANTED to purchase, a _'.>od .MIL^H COW. T T .\ddres*r B in note left at this office. May 26, 180.3. I Mole lieallier wauled. LBS. of heavy well ta’ined SOLE LE.ATHKK, iiiable for Belling. Apply to D MURPHY. Pnyetteville. April 1 t 2)if 1 _ 60 F . M Rl \ THE REOC KAUE. Plc.CE.'^ Black and White C.\LICO; li)0 pr.s .Men's Eni;. spwed BROGANS; r -ale by W. MilNTVRE. reh It; 11 tl rni-; un C.'niV E;;yi»t t'oal VI ilie. s jrtu-'t wi-re, lie .V ivrrahi-r T*?rrn of the t N->rth (Carolina, ap pt I' till Mine property, cop^ri in-r.-hip tor (lie purpose of m me heretofore I .f Fayetteville an.l vicinity. (' M VANOKSDELI-. Pnot (graphist and I’roprit lor. De.-i'r 20, lco9 Marble Faictory, liuiii Arabic* lor *-»ale l»j J. R LEE ti'.ttf TAKI^1^ I I*, I to Jailjjjfc negro hoy who says his IN, aud Ull^ga '> ' •'* .John u* sbout -J teet 1 or o inches >r •;> years old; the eu.l ol one of his ^ owner will come forw .rd, , ay ch^rgen. ml lake him away, *or h*- wiH b-' 'irect8 P LUEI'l M .\N, Jailer of Camb 'f-an 1 conn'y. 22tf no ' iM THE SUBSCRIRHRON SUNDAY ^ nuiry last, my negro hoy naraed AN- f a whitish yellow complexion, about 1 • s high. 18 or 20 years old, aud sup- . ’lOut 140 pounds. He has a heavy i 1 talks short when questioned, and has i >u>it he is trying to pass for a free boy. ■ ^.ove reward for him delivered to me at a well Couaty, or confined in any jail F. L. WARREN. March 2.'), 1863. 15 3mpd HEATAIi CARR- H WING vaken > poratiug Rjonis over .Mr 1 D .dd’s store, 1 otter iny 1 ro- ' '-lonal servcies to the cit liens of office Uours from 9 AM to 12 M, P. M. J H- FREEM.\N. * 2.'i Itlji'l S # V' ^ a : T'-V!i !u;(iRs ABOv:': f.Af T. ST(‘U^ Favetfevitio, .! an' 1 «(',0 f.vyettkvu.i.k MliTlAI. CO.«PA\V. Cnpitnl in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand *nl other asseU:. 1 i?272.7»i-"> 61 The Company have paid .all losses pron'ptly, .an b'ivf' nevor an aHsossm'nt on fhoir ‘ ' Totn11n;>sos paid, OrPICEHS; GEO. M.-.N’E!LL. Presi lent. D. .V. R.VY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN. S.c’ji. Dirkctohh; W. N. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, II. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C. B. .MalletI. James Kyle, A. A. McKethan. J. D. 'tV'illianis. ,S. W. Tillinghast. S. J. Hinsilale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lui.erloh. A. W. Steel, J. G. ^’‘»ok, Hon J O. Shephcr l, R. F. Bro^n, | A. E. Hall, hn Collins and C. C. McOuminen, Trnveliug Agents- ji^The Company invite applications. M.ay 28, 1861. Wiiin'glon. 21- Adniiiii^tralor’s Aotice. The subscriber having at Deceniber I'erm. 18ti2, of the County Court of Cumberland 'I'*’**'"'”* A*, ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G- .McNcill. dec , ■ notifies all persons having oUims against the ® o i» 11 • 'a (nr nresent them within the time limited by law, otherwibe !e- and Accounts are at R. U Davis 8 (or p pleaded in b u- of recovery. Debtors i'»n He is autnorized to receipt by me for | .p-ted to make prompt piyment. Now Id the time to pay your debts whil* are req HECTOR AJoNEILL, Adm’r. leuty, JAMES BRELCE. ^ ^ I.T i'e Icr lie Court. Di.-M ponited Manager-' of ilie E and h iVf en‘ere.1 ii;i mining and ^ellinj? t’o.al, an 1 s'-licit ordi rs for the same i!i auv >i“-i!ed iiu.iiiti’y. Or.lers for any amount can I e >uppiie l on -non notice. The Coal from this pro- p* r'j I-' iin 1. ul tedly ihebe-t in the Confederate Stales .\pplicaiiona may nn le to Chas B Mallelt, Fayette ville. N C , or J..;nes Browne, Charleston, S. C. ('HARLES B. MALLETT. .lAMES unoWNE. Fayeiteville, .lan’y 20, 186i. 9(5tf 3700 Boxes of the Soutliern Uepatic Pills lliivf b(‘eii ordcreil in one d:iy. This coml>initim of nieuicines was fir»t prepared by the propri‘-(or in 182-’), when he wa.^ pronounced by three eminent piiyeiciuns in a Southern city, a^■ in an advanced stage of Cuiisumpti( n. TAe^e PiUs curd him . He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of active proffssional ilnties. Their good eilects upon ' of^iers crea ed su.^h a demand for them that he was com pelled to de-ist from suppljing them gratuiiously. They are not recommended by the proprietor a^ good I for all disease.*, but only for such as arise from DIS I ORDERS oF THE LIVER Many persons have testi- i fied to their good effects in CJiUIk and Fevers, Bilious I Fever, Pneumonia, Dt/sjiepsia, .j-c., ,j c. I Read the following: I S. D. Wali.ack. Esq., President of the Wilmington ! .and Weldon Rail Road, Aug. 31', 1862, says: “It has I been saia (hit “Dyspkpsia,' is our national disease, j H owever this may he, it caused me long and severe suf- I ferinff. Pri videiiti.illy a fri(>n 1 furniibed me with a few I'.oxes of the "Hepatic FiUa " and the use of thtm has perfected a cure. In tny famdy they have been used 'frequently eminent success. Among my acquaint ances. 7natnj cases originating from diseased liver, have .. he. n rcli-'ve 1 an'i cured by ihetn. 1 regard ther. an 1 invahtaUe medinrie, and t'iV* pleasure in forwar.ling j this volu itary tribute.” i O l. Wright, of Goldsboro’ N. C., .Aug. 1 1, 18fri. says: ‘ I have usf d the Southern Ifepitic Fills in my family here and al-o on my plant at iou in A1 ibama. and aJwnus with success. I huve a valuable servant girl who had recn a long time undor treafment f.*r co:isumf> tion, without receiving any benefit Almost in her ex | tremity. I was induced to try the Hepatic Pdls They I were given acc >rdin-] to directions, and she is now well, j mlirely restored hy them. A similar case occurred j among my servants in Alabama. For liver anl lung, diseases I have p>rfect confidence in them.” | Full direction\nu>{ other certificates will b^ f.-.iiod on the wraj p toh box. Price. ^?1 a b..x: >1'» a 1 .z-n; .>'*6 1 gross.^ lieiaU-d j nt til*’ Itruifiiists For ^11 twelve h ixes wid be svii. free to any part of the Confederacy where tfierc «re n'^' dnifrg'Sl'* N-^t leas than a dn/.eu b.ixes will be sent b)' the proprietors (Jash must accompany orders, ('hocks on local banks taken A'ldress GEO. W. DEE'TS, Wilm/ii, N C. gl^-For sale in Fayetteville by S. 1IINSD.\LE. April 2o. 22-3mpd ,\OTK’E. IN consequence of a nrt'ess.ary st- ppage of the Rock fish Factory for several weeks to come, for the pur pose of repairs, ttie company will have no Sheetings for sale till fu»"ther notice. C T. H.’MGH, Pres’t. March 22 Fayctlovlile Arsenal and Armory, i April 27, IH''.;; i ava:vted, i (JocH) PK.VCTICAL M.H'HINISTS, "T d jobhio? Biieksnijihs Siea iy etipioyment an l good wages will be given. .\pply to Major F. L. (MllLiKS. 2t-10t] Comd'g Otticer. 'Tlir .\nnu:il Met'tinir of the Stock- h.)l lers I'h.- C.ipt^ Fear Nti'iv^ »rjon (Jompmiy will 1>.3 ; «*1 1 in me Town llall in I'aj eJtevilV. on Fri'l’ty. M.ay lf't>;J, at 12 o’clock M. D. A. R.\Y. Pres't. • April 30, 24tni .SAI/n .SAI.TII S.ACRS forSileby HOBFRT Dec 22 .MITCHELL. «8-tf ASHEVIIiEE, I¥. r. RESOURCES OF THE SOUTH. I WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for (he re- The military resources of the South were^yw 1 cepti.ui of Guests the first of June, and I hope luore ample than now; and the present conaition to be'able to entertain from seventy five to a | of the Confederacy, with reference to material elements of success in the war, is one of varied and lively encouragement. It is estimated that we have arms enough to put in the bauds ol a million of men, and our available military strength is rated at but little less than a million aud a half. We have now in the Confederate service from 600,000 to 650,000 effective men; the irregular organizations and State militia would probably add 200,000 more These figures are authentic; a portion of them are derived from such public data as appear in the debates of Congress; while the estimate of the ad ditional forces that might be calle(i out in cir cumstances of paramount necessity is probably not out of proportion to the well-ascertainoii sta tistics ot population. Other aspects of the picture of our condition are not discouraging. The recent alarm with reference to the resources of subsistence in the Confederacy has, in a great measure, subsided and given place to better informed and more-confident views of the stocks of provisions on hand, and,our vast capabilities of production, which are now in exercise. Ihe grain crops in the South were never more promising than at the present season. The crop of wheat likely to be harvested thw year will be without a parallel in tho South From all parts of the Confederacy, from the Po tomac to the Kio Grande, and the remotest W est- ern boundary, we have cheering news of the growing grain crops. Contrary to the expecta tions of'some, that the cotton region would prove not to be adapted to the cultivation of wheat, it has produced this grain with a luxuriance quite equal to that we have seen in the best wheat dis tricts of Virginia. The corn also is Baid t) look healthy and thrifty in all parts of the Confede racy, with the prospect of an overwhelming crop. Extending our survey of the internal condition of the Confederacy, we have also cause for con gratulation in its improved finances; the excellent results of the tax bill; the withdrawal of the cur rency, the reduction of outlays and the enlarged revenue of the government. We learn that al ready, under the operation of the funding system; there ftave been at least eighty millions withdrawn from circulation and returned to the Treasury. The consequences of this reduction are already felt in the decline of prices, the discouragemtpt of speculation, and the moral as well as commer cial benefits of renewed confidence in the credit of the Government. These traits in the general condition ot the South, which we have hastily reviewed, are full of patriotic encouragement. We commenced this war without nianutactures, without accena to the markets of the world, and with scarcely more than 100,000 arms. Surely, since we have aocom- piished so much under the disady^iotages of the past, we may look with confidence to a luture io which we shall contest the fortunes of the war with armies more numerous than we have yet brought into the field; witli well disciplined in dustry at home; and with a revenue large enough to pay off our pre.sent war debt in five years, and therefore t j put the credit of our Government be yond all doubt.—Richmond Exaviiner. Things in Washington.—A correspondent of tile .Jackson Appeal writes on the authority of a citizen who has lately como through the lines: In Washington prices were exceedingly high. Beef was scarce in the markets and readily com manded 37J cents a pound—a very poor quality of beef at that. IJoard at the jNational was S30 a week. As a proof of the bad odor in which the Federal army was held at the hotuls, nptjices were stuck up in them, “No credit given to ofBcertJ the United States army or others.” Gen. Robert Anderson, of Sumter notoriety, was in Washing ton. A gentleman, .saluting him at Willard’s, asked if the report was true that he was going into the field, and received for reply, “Not while ibis War coiuinues.” Nobody ha» any confidence in Hooker at the North, and the news of any dis- astei to his army would be hailed in many quar ters with satisfaction. At the West, according to our blockade runner, the people were 'beginning to feel the war very onerously. Calico was 87i cents a yard in Springfield, while wheat would not brini; more than 25 cents a bushel. 31-8t Eard Oil. A.M manufacturing and have on hand, for sale at my Factory, a beautiful articl.* of L.ARD OIL. C P JONES. Fayetteville, .May 2ii. 31-.3tpd Cotton lor Eard. 1W1LL exchnnge some soun cotton for Lard, deliver ed'.! my Oil and Soap Factory, on Person street. C. P. JONES. Fave'teville, .May 26, 1863 > 31-3tpd One Dollar per biiKliel lor AMhet^. 1W1LL pay the above price for good blackjack, oak or hicltory .VSHES, delivered at my Factory on Per son street. F.iyti:cville, May 2-j, l>''i3. C. P JONES. 31-3tpd TOKAll‘4>. -|Q/\ BOXES VIRGINI-V T01!.\i’C». various gravies, J.yU f‘T on consignnp nt. bv GEO W WILLIAMS .v: C(>. Mi»y 2^ ;;itf EETTER l»Ai»E«. ) AFHP-SH supply of Letter Paj. r. Hath size, of better j quality and higher price .‘h.in i»*:y we have lately 1 had. .lust received. • E. J. H.\LE is: SON.'^. April 25 T« (^OIJRT^. I N Sending us Court .Vdv*. ri nients the Clerks will enclose $5, if the adveruseoneats are of the usual length \ larger amount if Ittc rrders are lorger. E. J. HALE .S: SONS Ap/il .'}(). 1863. WA.^TEO, A .■‘ITL'.VTION to superintfnd SALT WOKK.S. I am XX experienced at erectiug, and patching eiiher wrought or cast pans, boiling and keeping the works in ord-r. .VC .\ddress DAVID McDUFFlE, Fayetteville. N C. May 2.;, 1H63. ;>1 4tpd I.O!^T, Certificate No. M. issued 25th Jan’y 1833, for Two Shares of the Capital Slock of the Clan*ndon triilge Company. This is thereioreto notify those con cerned that I shall apply for a (iuplicnte Certificate. J. M JESSUP, Adm'r of .M. W Jessup. May 19. 30 .3t * iiok^ii sTOiiEx: ^ Reward! ON lapt nicht sonie r.isc ii fentered my stable. .5^ miles Norm west of ihllsbijrough, and stole my HtJRSb. The horse is a 1ark bay, has a white spot in the fore I head, with a scar ou the rump He is a large fine I horse, and at this time is very valuabU. When last heard from he was b?yond Pittsboro'. going in the di- ' rection of Fayetteville. i 1 will give fifty dollars reward for tht delivery of the j hor»e tnd evidence to convict (he thief, or twcu;y-five 1 dollars for any infortuation thak will lead lo the re covery of the horse. WILLIAM WILKINSON. Orange county. May 13, 1863. 30 4tpd $*1iO REWARD. I'rpin- the t*ubscriber. on last RANAW.VY I'rPin- the cubscriber. on last Saturday night, my negro Man, ARNOLD, aged -.0 or -5 years, dark copper color, common size, about 5 feet or 10 inches high, formerly the property of D. L. Per kins, of Bl«ck .Mingo, S. C., bought by me at Salisbury, ! N. C., on 1st Jpnuary last. I am inclined to think said : boy will endeavor to get to the Y aukees, having been i raised, I think, somewhere in EiiSlerh .North Carolina, I perhaps Washington, or the said Perkins, 1 think, was formerly from E.astern North Carolina. Sa»i boy worked, or was hired a part of last year, to Arnold & Goolsy, Wadeshoro’, N C. 1 will give the aVwve reward for his j ;onfinement so that I get hi^ again. ^ I Runaway, also with «aid boy, a negro Man, ELLIGK, j 25 or 30, black and stout built, ISO or liH) pounds weight, (he propenyaif John Spencer, or the widow I Spencer, of Anson county, N. C. Said negroes may be i in company. ^ , . j Address, Norwood’s, Stanly Co N; C. Spencer 8 ad dress, Lilosville, Anson, North Carolina ROWLAND HARRIS 3*tf Wanted Immediately., \ H GOOD JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which LU,Ul/U (he highest, cash price will be paid. —ALSO— \ yoke of large, well broke 0XJ2N. Aopiy to D. \NnER.SON & CO , Eagle Foundry, F.iyetteville, N. March 7. 1863. ' T e*alnia C'iiristi BeanM. HE subseriber will p.ay the higtiest cash prices for any quantity of Palma !hristi iieans. .1 A WORTH. Fayetfoville. Oof. 8. (>-tf OIL AND LA.MI' BLACK. 'IVVNNEllS' and LUBRIC.VTING OIL. i LA^I1* P>L VCfv in b ivrels. b’ >r sale by MOS Fri>’y 5. M ai'oh Uf .OSSOM CO-, Wilniinirton, N.C. ti if F' !>itate ot iVortli Carolina, CUMBERLAND (X>UNTY'. Court of Pleas and Quarter S.'ssions, M vroh Term, 1863. Jlectiir McNcill, .Adminis-traior of Neijl G. McNeill. r» Eii’kitl Kuig -ind wit.’ Sai ih F , Gaor^e H .McNeill, Neill I'lirk anl wife M«r?iret. Andrew Munroe and wife ‘'atharin''. John McDonatd and wife Jenne'tp, Christian MiiFidycn. Roderick McRoe and wife Mar garet, James McFadyen and wife FU>r 'I' li f * ^ Peution to sell Real Es(al.» iM 8. B V-* to the .“a'isfaction of 'ii» 'our(. that the I NDLR^IGNKD, botn having en ere. j ^ Def/n iantn. J imes McFadyen and W.fe Flora, rr-sidc ’ ' b.yond the liiurs ot (ha State; I( is th- refore ordered llia( (he Slid J unos McFadyen and wile Flora he and a’.ipear at our nex» Court af Pleas and Qaarter Sessions, (o be lie! ! fir the County of Cumberland, at the Court Hou-e ill F iyetievill.*. on (he first Mouoay of June *• D.. I8^i3, and thi'u an l th* re plead, ausw.-r or de^"**’’ said Peii'ion. or i' will be heard .^x pirto as'''’ and .Iuilg‘nent pro confesso render h1 Wi(ne-s, Jesse T Warden, Cle-V of said Court, at tarv svrvici-o;' the fai-itrder.ata Staii-' . liereby jrive no-ioo i- their •.Id on'toincr'-- and friendii. | I hat I iiey appointe l ,tohn O Starr and «John D. Williams, of tiiis place, their attori oya to c.illect either | sepiraf'ly or conjoiiiriy ail moueyi* due (hern either by account or note, and i.therwisela atiend to (heir hn- J =ini-s.s Generally diirini their a'r«?e ace. They rr~pect- i ini!y ask I'i persotir’ i uiebted (t tlj *ni to call as prnmpt- iv as po.ssible ois iheir aeeui-> aake payment & - Sept- IW, IHf.l. WILLIAMS. •aS I ;■ ff M lie. ”• 1 « V* k A Tl Office, in Fayetteville, the 6rst Blank Warrants for sale at tbis Office 4‘ow Strayed. ‘ \!’Rr> bi-indle'l peg horn (.lO'*». with a C.-VLF aN»»C i 10 months ol i with a be’l on, and Tiaving a star on ) its face, strayed on the 3d in.s: fr ,im my lot. fornjtrly ^ Ju i>re Potter'fi residence. The cow hal no white n»aTk». I has lost the bush of her tail, is of couimon but talL 1 A reasooable reward will be paf d for her reooverj, or • for information which may enable me to get ker. Mr*. THOS. P. HALL- FtX*U«via«, 31. , 90- Mav R 1863 26 2t*tC Xiirneiitiix^ Eaiidw walitcd. iHF snbscribcr wishes to j.nrchase from 2000 to 5000 "o^’rrURPRNTINE LAND. Would prefer acres ? worked. Addre«s land that the Timber had not ,h« subscriber, stating terms, locntion. Sic CHARLES PARMELEE, Ooldabwough, N. M«7 1863. aWtp4 C. Pine Mountain.—A correspondent of the At lanta Confederacy has been made happy by a hat made of pine leaves by a fair daughter of North Carolina. He gives the following description of Pine Mountain, on which grew the trees that furnished the leaves for this hat; • The pine mountain is in Montgomery County, North Carolina, near the Pee Dee river, about three hundred feet high, covered exclusively with the long leaf pine, and is composed principally of quartzite, alternating with argillaceous elate, conglomerate, and occasional beds of porphyry, susceptible of a fine polish. Here^'ou also find a layer of Novaculite, or what is commonly called Turkish hone stone; and og the Southern extremi ty you find the Agalmatolite or figure stone, which is used so extensively in Chin* and other Asiatic nations in making idols, temples and other works of At. It is a ver} rare mineral and very beauti ful; is used now in Kurope and the North as a (josmetic, and before the war was ground and ship ped from this belt in considerable quantities for making fine toilet soaps. It is retentive of odors, and abiiorbs ^'l easc, and hence becomes an import ant ins'Tedleiit in their manufacture. It is here calletl'i-oap stone, but it has no magnosia in its composition, whi'r,a.s .soap stone has per cent, of that mineral, besides all its other constituent* torn for .%/•,//>writes to the Southern (’ultivator- Sor'ihnm w>‘‘ »»ake .syrup almost anywhere, blit thu.-^o should try the coaimo" five feet and the stalks two feet in the row. Pull out the tas.sels as fast as they make their appear ance s» that no grain bo formed an the ear—the saccharine matt. r is absorbed in making the grain —even the .sugar cane in the VV’^est Indies is said to be useless for making sugar if it runs to seed; cut down when the fodder is nearly ripe, (having first strippedoff the blades,) run the stalks through a mill made for the purpose, ;on3isting of two up- j right wooden rolle''9, have a tub or other vessel to receive the juice, put it into a large pot or boil er; boil it down to syrup, and see if there is not sirt rt happiness all throusrh the hoiHehold. ‘ N. H.—Plant about the first of .Tune, away from iielda which are planted to uiakd ooroj Ht to it tl»t the ground io rich.

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