ITO'llTlIiyiiii (|) SF, IWI-WKKK I. T for Yin \ii I AYKTTEVILLE, N. C.. JUNK 1. ims. [NO. 1233.] ‘ : NTKH Moxnws aN1> THURSUAYt?. K1)WA!?D J. HILE A SOIVS, r.i rroKs and propriktors. ■ til S!( lui-Woekly 0«>*rTivKR S4 00 if paid in 'I-.', -i -jO it j.itiJ liiirirtjj tlie y"\r -~'f svit s^rip- ; ‘ HltiT I hf ^ oar h:»^ expireil !• '\.-^ly OpsrRVKR 00 per Jinniini. if paid in inc''- * . "'it puid .liirinjt thp yenr of siibsi'rip- ■ r '1 !!:I utit'v the yvnr has expired. r 1»VK' TISKMKNTS inxoried for SI per >» imre t r (lie first, and ;’>0 cents for earli suc- ic. tion. Adverti*«. ment!» uoi exi eedinit a .:e > linesi (j(.t cents tor the first and 3i) cents ■ ii»'i ^.'dinir piibliciition .\dveriiset-j nre re- number of insertions desireil, or 'uiinuod till torbid, find charged accord- .in': ii.inued tnrtiie. charged a! new ad' S’'Kt Lf' i ^ TICK, ter ... l;\te. ni njiiue of n new subscriber '!■(■ I ^iih.'U! payment in advance, nor will ,-i Sf v.-ni t -;ufh subscribers for a longer time . ■ ^ ■V V ,iid sub cribers as desire to take the pa- - 'V-teui will please notify us when making .hin'v 1, i .TfrA’.f 1% Attorney at Xiaw, F.wettkviulk, X. C. j ,’T’'nd the County and Su}>erior ('ouri3 of ‘eri invl. Harnett, M. are and Robeson Coun- : ' 'pt attention giren to the collection of all -^•ru'ied 10 his hands. 5{i-tf um. W. WILLIAMS CO., U lioUwalt* Oealei*«« in roccrie**, \N;. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN I :-d>vare and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., HAY STKKET, FAYETTEVILLE, I’. ’-•■1. ;5f,tf I i TLKV. -tft' ami €'omntit*tion rchant, ■ AVHTTEVILi.K, X C. ; : M-tf T. 4 . X K. U. WORTH, iommi-'ioii and S'orwardlng Merchants, V.'TI.MINGTOX, X. C. ‘ '81;f i'AKII! ■ ■ ' ’■''2 " V-.' "'''••■n)'iioi'ii*»d with board at , T. >' H! >PER ■'»>- JAMS k (’()., ki:k9. « in ,'iper . >n ii'Ue tnlK s ,‘:cs t.. supf'ly Ji-nishe i by ^ppiying t ^yerte»i''f, to F Pag", I. M WlLLi \.^l.''^ eneral .Sup>r!Dtenient. f >^llf 'E. ii.une a few laouth.M in Li \n i** my authorized ; :ipti; I return. N G. .ioNES ;^tt liii* (iat€ 1 will •• r pjuui for rag‘i de- ::evi'Ie. or .t my tuills 1> MUi'.PMV ■ Kl>. I, .rticlea to sell will receive fi7 •'! Mr Th'i.iiisijn. i v iiP, or on the Miljscri- ' '4 mire VLLX. .JOHNS'.'N, Jr. Totf lai'M Kewarit. 'er. Ilia negro boy MO- ge, about O feet lU inches i ry much turned out at the ‘h't'Ti to. He wa.! seen at county OH the 21st ult., 1' three weeks atro. The his delivery to ine or for itiat 1 gel him. W. D. JOHNSON, t. 1862. 52tf ■ture all kinds of Wagon 1 :an my leather and catt 1-; w-’U to -end their VC- .-i mnt aiten.ion, aud CARTER. 0.. X. C., . 18U2. 34tf Florence and Fayetteville Rail Road. IJNDl'R the provi.sions of an Ordinance of the Con- .' vention of \orth Carolina, Books will be ope led on the Kith June at the following places and under the di rection of the following persons, to recewe subscrip tions to the ('apital Stock of the “Florence A; Faj’ette- ville Hail Koatl Co.” Sh.aresOne Hundred Dollars each. At If.i /iiiil Road Ojjicf in FaijttLtvdle.—Under the di rection of the General Commissioners, A. A. .McKethan, i> A. Ray, A. W. Steel. Wm. McL. McKav and ,lno. .'i. Rose. .-1 thf Red Sprinijs.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart. .las. A. Smith, Dan’l Mc Neill and iJol. .Vlex. McMillan, or any one of them. -t/ Fiora/ ColUgf.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair, Di-. A. D. McLean. Archibald &inith, Edmund Lilly and (. ol. Alexander Watsou, or auy ene of them. .4/ i^urrnsddff.—Under the direction of Murdock Mc- Kae. D. McLeod, D. McCailum, Jas McKae, Jr., aud J. H. McQueen, or any one of them. -4/ -4/rbri/ari//._Under the direction of John Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford, Dugald McCailum and Jno. McCailum. or any one of them. The Subscription liooks will reraaiu open for the ' space of t)U days. When a sufficient sum is subscribed ■ the t. ompany will be organized for the purpose of build- ' ing the Road : A. A. McKETHAN, j D. A. RAY. I A. W. STEEL. W'M. McL. McKAY. i JNO. M. ROSE, Oeueral Commissioners. I Fayetteville. Jtine 7, 18*V2. :V2tf Wostorn Knilroad OfHce, ^ FAyettevillc, N. C., Sept. ‘j7, ibb::. )’ |^t>R the purpose ot increasing the capital slock of this r Company, to enable it to extend the Road from the Coal Fields to the North Carolina Road, the following gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners tn re- , ceive subscrib'-rs in their several neighborhoods, viz: At Gulf—L J Haughton, Brooks Harris, Dr George (' Newby and G Washington Above the Gulf—Jno J OolJstoii, James F Rives and Hugh W Dixon. At Ore Hill—0 W Goldstoa, Dr I. W Oorrell and N M Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dan'l Hackney, A 1$ Marsh and Jas Pace. At Fou't's Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. -\t Fcanklinsville aud vicinity—Isaac H Foust and S Horney. -\t .\»iheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. At New Market—Jesse Walker and Joseph Newlin. At Thomasville—.\ G Foster and Jno W Thomas. At High Point—Dr K C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. Vt Siilem—Francis Fries and R L .\t (ireensb-'wo’—t’ P Meudenhall, Peier Ad.ims, Hon J A Gilmer an l Jesse H Lindsay. Instructions will be sent to the Coma.i-?ion«*rs .n an eariy d ly by the President of the Compauv. ♦>»tf ’ • J M ROSE. Sec’y W' U R »'o THK \ORTII €\tKOLI.\A IHTriL LIFK IVSrUlMK )V\’ in :he tenth v.“ar if -a''c*'«-r'i' .'r.Tnt w'lh exchange hotel. n^Hh subscriber announces to the public 1 tii.'u he will open on the 1st >!ay the above iiisffilR “f Enterlaiu-iient, (formerly the Shera- well H ■mse.) The hou?e is situated a few doors trom the Market, on Green :jlrepl, near the cen tre of thi» b!i~ine*-'.s portion of the town. anl has heen newly tilted i»p, and thoroughly cleansed The rooms are convenient and well ventilat^'d. The table will be supplied with the best the market afi'ords, the Bar with the best ot Li(|'iors, and the st.iltle with attentive Ostlers. Desirous ot slmring the public patronage 1 can pro mise that who give me a call shall not leave dis satisfied. REUBEN JONES. 27. t*8-,f LIST OF CHAR()iES FOR PASSEXGERS. i>o%v'«. From Fayetteville fo Wilmington, ^10 00 “ “ “ Elizabeth, 5 tiU “ White Hall, ti 5C “ .. .1 Kelly’s (’ove, 7 00 “ “ “ All points below. 10 00 SKCONU OL.\SS, Dll DECK. From Fayetteville to W'ilmington, $5 00 “ “ Elizabeth, 2 50 “ “ “ Whitehall, 3 50 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cova, 4 00 “ “ “ .Alkd’ >ints below. 6 00 From Wilmingiou to Fayetteville, $10 00 “ “ “ Kolly's'Covc, 4 60 “ * •* •' White Hall, 5 .50 Eli/, ibfth, ti 50 “ •* “ Pr.ispc't Hall, 8 (»0 “ .All p.jiots above. 10 00 .SKCO.M) CI..\ss, dU DKt’K. From Wilmington to Fayeftetille, .'f5 00 '• •* Kelly’s (!ove, 3 00 “ “ “ White Hall. 4 00 “ '* •• .All points above, 5 00 Second t'lass or Deck P.issctigers must stay on ! JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. . Dental itfaterials, Instruments and Fur niture, at Auction. I WILL sell at Auction, on Wednesday the 24th of •June, in Fayetteville, N C. my entire stock of , DENTAL MATERIALS. INSTRU.MENTS and FUR- NITI'Rf], consisting of 2700 Teeth, Rubber and Plate, j 4 oz. Gold Foil, Vulcanite and Apparatus, Instruments, i ■ as Files, Excavators, Fillers aud Forceps, Operating | ■ Chair and Spittoon, t'hairs. Tables, Carpets, Bed and ' I Be iding. Also a large lot of Books, iledical and Den- I tal works, Blackstone’s Commentaries, Ney American Cyclopuedia, Standard Poetical W'orks, Centre Table Books. &c. My accouutn are in the hands of Mr. John H. Co)k. K SCOTT. May 23, lSfi8 3l(s Priiiliii;; PresvseM loi* Sale. I \SILL expose to public sale for cash on Tbuisday X the llih day of June next, at the office recently oc cupied on Green Street, Col P. J. Sinclair’s entire in terest in the PRINTING PRESSES, TYPES and FIX TURES, Ac , employed in publishing “The North Caro linian.” .Also his interest in the Library, Furniture, Gas Pipe and Fixtures of the Office, and his interest in 1%. C. ' / . r WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for the re- i ception of Guests the first of June, and I hope c^MUMato be able to entertain from seventy-five to a hundred persons during the Summer. In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number of Hanks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horses that my ^u?sts can get at a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Asheville. N. C. May l.'i, 18«3 31 tf Camp of Instruction N. t'., \ Camp Holmes, May 20, 1803. J SfKciAL Orders, | No —. i IN accordance with General Orders No. 25, .Adjutant aud Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, Va., the name of the following slave is published in order tha-t his owner may come forward and claim the property, viz: “SAM,” aged about thirty years, black complexion, 5 feet 8 inches high, property of Miss Emily Ilarway, of Hertford county. The said Sam was arrested on board of the steamer Emily, running from Norfolk, , to Newbern, N C BUSH collection. May 14, 1X03. HECTOR McNEILL, Shff. By J. A. JOHNSON, Dep’t SbflF. 28 8tpd A XEW TRICK WITH CARDS. Some six or eight weeks ago, handbiUs and cir culars were sent all over the State, notifying coun try dealers and merchants that the subscriber thereto was prepared to furnish some 50,000 pairs of cotton cards, calicoes, and other things on teruu that would enable them to supply families at low rates. A lively correspondence was soon opened with parties from every section of the State, and a large number of dealers, speculators, and some few who were desirous of benefiting their neigh borhoods, visited the city to purchase cards and other things. They were referred to George W. Curtis, a shrewd fellow, who was book-ket^er in a well known commercial Louse in the W«tt for many years, and known to a great many persons in the city. The dealers were taken to a building on the river bank, and led to a cellar where boxes marked in the usual manner, with the numbers of pairs and the number ot the size of the cottrjn cards were snugly stewed. Curtis, it appears, made no At the same time and place was arrested “BUSH secret that these cards were smuggled, and liable CUFFEY’ aged about 26 years, dark complexioa, 5 feet | confiscation, but that was the reason why he ^ By^order*^of°'* *^CorPETER MALLETT, ‘ nhnanlv. sflme heavv lower deck or pay fall price, or same as First Class -An extra charge will he made for Way Parsen- gers getting into B^rth.*? during day time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boots or shoes on. at the discretion of the Captain J. A WORTH, for C F St’m B’t R. M. ORRELL. for St’rs Ka*e anl Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. May I. IHtiS 2ti-tf ''piIE I (Si wkste:r\ kail roai>. Tr.ains of this Road leave Fayetteville dniiy, (Sun.lays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., an.l i - turniac le-ive Mclver s at 1 o’clocK, P M frain MOND\V, W EDNESD.VVand FRIDAY. By order of the P.-esident. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r anl Act’g Trans. .Ag't. '^2. '.7if X gri.wing cipuiii anl f-rimr h.iiJ uii'i. i. fideuce, continues to insure the lives of ail hea::':y ver sons from 1 I t(» hO years of aee. f:>!• one year. f"i 'py>- : vf art,, and for life- all life memhers sharing in the pl•|^its. All slaves from 10 to •>'! years of age are iti'ured fur one year or fir five years f.>r ; w.> thl-vls their thu.- All losses ar*i panctually i .i; 1 witliia days af.’er s .tisfaciory pr.iof is pre«en'ed For further information the ptibli'- is referred to Agents of the t'oinpany in all parts c he Siate. and to R H B.ATTLE, Secretary, Raleigii. E. J. H ALE, .‘\gent at Faveiteville. N. C. ■ ii^equence of il,e hitTti j'n.'e every thing used ’oPiriny. t^e !» have aavnuced the ,.f tVi-ight ir>-ii -r.ii'y >'i. ut (,ne hiindrel p**r cent Kates will : tUlIl’'tied 'IS >00T1 IS J.rinte.i .INo M Tre-v'r aU'l l'r»iisj. iri ition .\g't W R R Co. Mar.-h 1'', l^'-.o 12tf l-'rotii aiMl llii«» dit - the .stoimer P HURT will le-ive at H o’''lo':k. .A M . on Monday anil 1 tuiT'day .lOS WOKTH, April 6 — ITtf") Az't tv F St*»am B >at t'o. Jaa'v 1 To I'otloii ‘i*laiit*r*i. Iff !'Prn ai'poiiited bj the Secretary of the Trea- •iiry, t’liicf .Vgent for t;ie purch.i.-e of Coitcn for the Cf.nfedorate Govermnent within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 jer cent. P>ouds or Cash. Sub-.\^i>nts visiting the different parts of the State, baying in ny nanu*. (vil! have written certificatos ot | ftpp..intment. , By order .1 the S jrei iry of the Treasury, all Coiton j purchased by my?>'lf 'r ny asents, on and after the i 18th day of March '.^')3. will b“ paiil for in 7 per .-'eni Bonds or '.a'-h, and not ^ per Ci^’nt. I’ )nd“ as stated tn a formi'r advertisc;:;:'nt. I'r to that time, Inwev. r, the 8 per Cent bonis vrill he furnished as seated Patri 'io ciii?.eiis :\re nc\r offered an opportutiity to aid the G 'vernment by sdling t ■ it their Cotton raiher fJHOTOGR.APHS can be had at V.ano’^sdell's Skj'iight * thaq to privfte capi'alist SOO ac*i*e« of LA AII lor $»ale. IOttLR my P:j.ANT.VT10N in Columbus county, con taining eight hundred acres or over There are about three hundred acres of cletired l.tnd on it, and about one hundred acres of the best swamp land in the State; ea sily drained I will take five d liars per acre for it, ani’' taka it in nenrnes, mules or money. .Any one hav ing negroes on the Sound would do well to give roe a call. It is in one mile of the Railroad and three miles of Fatf Blulf. 1 will give possessiou when I sell GILES P FLOYD. LeesviHe P. )., Robeson county, .April 27. 24 9tp iVOTICE. ll^’^E will sell at .Auciioo, in Pifisboro’, Chatham Co., I » on thi3 13th day of June next. Eighty-three Shares 1^3; of Stock in the Fayetteville & Coalfield R R , be- I'juging to the Estate of Dr S. McClenahan, dec’d. J. W. TAYLOR, 1 V. w J. S. McCLENAHAN, 1''^'*"' 11, 1.8t)3. 29 4tpd wa.\ti:d, t>.ANK N)TES of North CirQlina, South Carolina, ) Virginia a;id Georgia. Also, .'^orth Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. •Also, North ('arolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March iif \\v the iiiidei*Kia:iii‘(l praciieing Physioians of the counties of nijiii'ioiid .irivl Kol>eson. from Lec"«»ity have >i«re*;d upon the fi Mowing Fee Bill; Seventy five Cents per mile in ’^'>d dviuhle in the night. Pre scriptions one cioli'**' Medicine Kxtra Surgical and obstetrical oases fifty per cent, or* former ch trees. A. D McLEAN. K D Dl''K'ON. A. BETHUNE A Patterson. A. McDOUGALU. D. SHAW DAN’L SMITH. May 8. 27-lltpd Mole Leather «%'autel. OtWiii LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.ATHER, suitable for Belting. .■Vpply to CoKimandant of Conscripts for N C J. N. Prior, Adjutant. May22, 18G3. 31-1 m wa.^'ted. A 4 or 6 horse power Engine, with fixtures complete. May 21. HALE & SONS A.l^l> HAKIVE.«i$N FOR SALE. A Large second-hand CARRI.AGE, with seats {..r six persons. Also, a set of DOUB*»E II.ARNE;S, very little UFed. E. J. 11 \LE. May 25. WA.VTED TO I'lRCHASK, Bank BILLS; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Fundable Treasury Notes; North Carolina Bonds, old or new; Western Railroad Stock; Bank of Fayetteville Stock; Bank of Clarendon Stock T. S LUTTERLOH. May23, 18fi3. 31-:^t A I'ow wanted. IVT'^^^ED to purchase, a good MILt'H COW VV Address B in uoie left at thi.s office. May 25, 18G3. 31-3t I A Th«* Sew Style, Small, rOLORED PHOTOIiRAPHS, AT €iiHll4‘ry. ART. %%'oodM'arrM Kolar C'aiiiera. Lard Oil. .AM manuficturiug and have on hand, for sale at iny Factory, a beautiful article of L.ARD tH[,. C P. JONES. I FayetteviU’, May 2-'> 81-Htpd !§l>iin €!ottoii for Lard. I WILL exchange some spun cotton for Lard, deliver ed at, my Oil aod So.ij* Factory, on Person street. C. P. JONES. Fayetteville. May 25, J86-S. 31-3tpd One I>ollar per bushel for AMlie^i. I I WILL pay the above price for good blackjack, cak X or hickory ASitES, delivered at my Factorj on Per son street. C. P JONES. Fayetteville, May ‘Jo, 18li3. :'.l-3tpd ■ TOBACCO. BOXES VlRtilNIA TOBACC»>. various grades, for sale on consignment, by D MURPHY. 20tf I Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard. Fsy etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched. coSred, in water colors, oil and pu. tile; from small to life size .Ambro- types, Melaneotyj'cs. and all other styles of Pictures pertain' .g to the Art. Also, Gill Frames, Gilt .'■lotild- ing. O' ■ for very large pictures—.ao large as 2t> by it) inches, '’ord and Tassel« for hanging pictures: Instru ments. Sto'ck and t'heniicals for sale low r^r cash. Life size colored Photographs ma le from pi.jall picturcf. Having permanonfly located here I hope t" merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed ou me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. V.VNORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r ’20. 18.50 ’ 77- llarble Faictory, I.EWIS [o. ^ UlLLIA.V'S. o] 14tf •aliit for wale by J. R. LEE. 69tf _ I. IP, nearro boy who pays his to J. F Ro iman of' : ut .J feet 4 or 5 inches j Id; the %nd oi one of hia ' ome forward, pay charges, [ aw»y, or he will be dealt j P. F ALDERMAN, I r of Camberl.ind county 22tf liv CEO I,AUDFi5l. TWO DOf)RS ABflVR C. T. HAfGlI Si SUNS’ STOSiK Favetteville, rV. Jan’v 9.0, 18G0 84- fa YETTE VILLE MUTIIAL liXSl'RA^CE COMPANY. $267.tl8« 'Sfy 5.077 35 YARD. BSCRIBERON SUNDAY Hiy negro boy named .AN- yellow complexion, about or 20 years old, and sup- lunds. He has a heavy when questioned, and has rying fo pass for afree boy. 1 for him d^ivered to me at y, or confined in any jail F. L. WARREN. ,.5. 16-3mpd CARD. n operating Rooms over d s stare, I oti'er my Pro* ■i 0 the citizens of Fa} ette- ■ iiir' from A. M to '2 aI, M. H. FREEMAN 25 9tpd Vtu. are at R. D D.ivi^s's (or ri/.' d to receipt by me for ■ to pay your debi« wnile JA.VIES BREE'iE. 26tf Cijpital in Premium Notes ainountB to Cash on hand and other assets, Total, $272 7G5 61 The Company have paid all^ pi'omptly, an have never made an asaesfiment on their preniium notes. Total losses paid, *20.1,82 69 Offickkh; GEf>. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, 8ec’y. Dieectors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H L. Myrover, S- J- Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, McL.aurin, Nathan .A. Stedman, T. S. LuUerloh, C. B. .Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. M'cKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, hn Collins and C. C. MoCrummen, Travelioig Agents, gtjf The Company invite applications. .May 28. 1861. _ Administrator’s niotecc. I8^i2, of MiiNeill. i^eo’d. 21- I riAHE subscriber having at Decemi)cr 1 erm, 1. the t’oiinty Court of Cumberland, qtitilified ' minis'rator upon the Estate of Neill G. Mi:Neill uo'itiefl all persons having claimP agaiast the Estate lo preseal them witiiiu the time limited by ia-'*'. o'herwiL-e this nr‘.ice will be pleaded in bar of recover- ' are reaaested to make prompt paymeut. ' HECTOR ^cNEI\L, Adm’r. Deo. 10, 1862. ‘ Charl'itte, M ircH 21 1*^1)' E^y|)t i oal .Inline. The uu lersigned *fr?, at the November Term of the C ‘n:'e ler \f.- Court, District of North Carolina, ap- por.t;d f ihe Egypt Coal -Mine property, aud have entt-'.ed into cop.irtuiTship for the of niininc >nd selling '>al, and solicit orders lor the same in anv de.sired .jUHntiiy. Orders for auy amount can be supplied on siiort notice. 1 lip Coal trom this pro perty is iin l.uibtedly ilie best in the Confederate States. .Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N (/ , or Janies Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. .MALLETT. .)A.Mi;S BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 186;J. %tf 3700 Boxes of the Southern Hepatic Pills Have been orderod in one day. This combination of medicines was first '..rtpired b> i the proprietor in 1825, when he was pronouneed by j three eminent physicians in a Southern c-’y. ii = in nn ; advanc-'d stage of Consumption. These /*'/.'■• ciiu J !n->i j He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of | active professional duties. Their goo.l effpr-tg urou others crea’ed such a demand for them that he wa.s com pelled to desist from supplying them gratuitously They are not recommended by the proprietor as good for all disease."!. bu» only for such as arise from DIS ORDERS OF THE LIV'ER Many persons have testi fied to their good effects in Chills and Fevers, Bilious Fever, Pneumonia, Dyspepsia, >j-c., .j*f. Read the following: S. I). Wai.i.\of.. Esq., Prc.sident of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road, Aug. 3(', 1X62, says; “It has been said that “Dystkpsia.” is our national disease. However this may be, it caused me long and severe suf fering. Providentially a friend furnished me with a fe'fc hoses of the ‘'//-/--/Me Pdls.'' and the u^e of them has p,rfertfd n cure. In my family they have been used frequently eminent surress. Among my acquaint- ■auces. vinni/ cases originating from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard them an inraluahle medicine, anti take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribute.” , „ ^ ' ,, Col Joiis Wuioiit, of Gobisboro N. C., Aug. 14, 1862. says: ' I have used the Southern Hepatic Fills in my family here and al.^o on my plantation in Alabama, and always vilh succfss. I have a valuable serv.ant girl who had been a long time under treatment for consntnp- tion, without receiving any benefit. Almost in her cx tremiiy. 1 induced fo try the Hepatic Pills. Tiiey were given according to directions, an 1 she is now w.- 1. entirely restored by them. A similar case oc'.orred among my servants in Alabama. For liver au 1 l ing diseases I have perfect confidence in them ” Full directions and other certificates will be found o’.i the wrapper of each box. Price. SI a box; $10 'i d iz'n; .5'-'6 a gross, detailed at the Druggists For ,?11 twelve boxes wi'.l be sent free to any part of the (Vinfederacy where thire are no druggists. Not less a doze:i hoxe? will he s-?nt by the proprietors. (^»sh rjusi accompany orders. Checks on local banks takeir Address GEO. W. DRE dS. Wil.son, N C.^ a^”For sale in Fayetteville by S. J HINSOALE- April 25. 22-.-?mod .^OTSCE. IN consequence of a nece-:ssr\ siuppage of the Ropk- i fish Factory for .-everal we- ka i.. come, for the ;>ur- tlu’ I’Ofiipany will I'Hv ■ ri.'Sheeting.s for Fayetteville, .April 14 RI \ THE IILOt KAOE. /'ii\ PIECES Black and White CALlt’O; fill 10> ITS Men's Eoi{. .sewed BROGANS; For sale by W MclNTTRE March IG.’ H tf Fayettevnie Arsenal and Armory, \ Atril 27. 1863. ) WAATEW, 4GOi»D practical .MACHIN’ISTS, 3 “ jobbing Blacksmiths. employment and good wa?es will be given. Apply fo Major F. L. ('HILDt'. 24-lOt] ' Comd’g Officer. Tlie Annuiil Meeting of the Stock holders of The Capo Fear Navitration Company will be held in ilio Town Hall in Fayelleville, ou Friday, May 2'.Hh, l>*tj8, at 12 o’clock M. D. A. RAY. Pres’t. April ”0, 1863. 24tm Jij.ALT! «ALT!I 190 May 23 GEO W. WILLIAMS WAATED, ,v CO. 31 tf 4) *' S.Af'KS for sale by Z'd- Dec. 22 ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf LETTER PAPER. A FRESH supply of Letter Paper, Bath .size, of better quality and higher price than any we have lately had. .lust received. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. •April 25 TO CLERKN OF COlRT!§. IN Semiing us Court Advertisements the Clerks will enclose S5, if the advertisements are of the usual length. -A larger amount if the orders are longer. E. J. HALE & SONS .April 30, 1863. Wanted Immediately,, 1 A AAA JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which iU,Uv/U the highest cash price will be paid. —ALSO— A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. .Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. March 7. 18fi3. Palma €>liri»ti lle.ans. The subssriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A WORTH. Fayetteville. Oct 8. 67-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK." rpANNERS’ atid LUBRICATING OIL. 1 L.AMP BLAt’K in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., V/iloiingion, N. C. I M.ireh 7. 6-tf .^OTICK. TniE C;': 1‘KRSIGNED, both having entered the uiih- tar - .^t^vvice of the Contederaio States of America. I hereby'rive notice to their old customers and friends. ' Miat ttii v hrive appointed John D. St.arr and John 1). I Willi;.ir-;. of this pbi'.-e, their attoriioys to coileot either j iepai-ttteiy or coujoiiuly all moneys due them either by I accouut or note, and otherwise to at'end to their bu- i siness generally during their ab.spr.ce. They respect- fully ask all persons indebted to them to call a ’ ly as possible on their iigent prompt- 1 make pavment. IXR WILLIAMS. .SH tf ,.0se of repairs, sale till fu’'ther notice. .March 22 C T. HAIGM, Pre.s’t. PlanU Warrants for sale at this Office Sept 1801 4*ow'?i*trayeil. AI’ED 'irindb'd peg burn with a t^.ALF atiout ID months oH «iili a be ! i»i. and tiavitig a star on it;, f-tcp. s rar-'d on 'he 1 i:"st fi-oni niy loi. forinfrly Ju iL^e Poller's f.-'-i I 'lice. Tti • c. w h« i no white m i'ks. has losi file bush '.f lie'- t:’.il. is of coimion siz • but taO A reaso»iab1e rewaid will be paid for her r.'covery, or for information which may enable me to get her. Mrp. THOS. P. HALL. Fayettevill*, May 21. 80- ASITU.ATION to superintend S.ALT WORKS I am experienced at erecting, and patching either wrought or c.ast pans, boiling .^n 1 keeping the works in order, &c. Address DW’ID .McDUFFIE, F tyeticville, N C .May 23, 1863. 31 1tpd I.O^iT, CIERTIFICATE No. 14, issued 25th Jan'y 1853, fur I Two Shares of ihe C.-ipital Slock of the Clarendon hri tt'e Company. Ttiis is therefore to noti'fy those con cerned, that I shall apply for a duplicate Certificate. J. .M JESSUP, .Adm’r of M. W. Jessup. May ly. 30-8t HORSE STOLiEm S30 Reward! ON laFt nig^t some rasotl entered my stable, 5i miles North west )f Hillsborough, and stole my HORSL. Tt)« horse is a dark bay, has a white spot in the fore head, with a scar on the rump. He is a large fine horse, and at this time is very valuabl«. W'hen last heard from he was b.-yond Pittsboro’, going in tin* di rection 01 Fayetteville. 1 will give fifty dollars reward for the delivt.y ol the horse a...d evidence to convict the thiet, or twenty-five dollars for any infoftnation that will lead to the re covery of tlie horse. WILLIAM \>1LKINS0N. Orange county. May 13, 18'>.;j. 30-4tpd Eiecutive Department North Carolina, | Adjvtast Gk.nkkal’s OrricE, (.Militia,; V Raleiuu, May 14, 1863. } Gbnkkal OaoEE, "I No. 7. j Militia officers, who have been compelled by ti:e advance of the enemy, to leave their respective aistriots, are ordered to report for duty to the Com manding Officer} of the Regimental District in which they may be residing tef»porarily. By order of Governor Vanch: DAN’L G. FOWLE, A Ij’t Gen. May 10. 31*2w Executive Department North Carolina, I .Adjbtant Genkral’s Offick, (Militia,) > Halbiqii, May 15, 1863. j GiSNEKAL ORDBR. ■( No. 8. / I'^XE.MPTIONS from Militia duly on account of dia- !i ability, will not be recognized, except upon the Sur geon’s cerisfiottte endorsed by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, and approved at this office. By order of Governor Vanoe; D.AN’L G. FOWLE, Adj’t Gen. May 10 3l*2w Tiirgtentine l^ands wanted. '■pHE subscriber wi-Ues to p;>voh-i?“ fr-'in 2000 to 50"0 1 acres gojd TUUt’KNTK.’E LAND. Would prefer lull 1 that Ihe Timtier had not been worked. .\diireJS the subscriber, stating lertus, luCaiiou, xc CHARLES PARMELEE. Goldsborough, N C.§ May 15. 1863. 29 5tpd North Carolina Factory Goods Wauted. WJ.ANIED to purchase North t’arolina FAOT*'*^' yV GOOI>'^, Sheetings, Shirtings. Ostia'iiirgs. i^'ripes, P!ai is and ’ottou Yaraa, (for retail tra.i>‘ .^’hiisn.n (Vutity ) Payment, m I'ie in cotton JcI>' t: R R., if preferred 10 mo'.ey Manuta^rur-rs -ho wish to procuri* coitou would do aldieSs me a Smi.hfield, Joaneton Co N . . „ , . „ \Y vt'ER.A, bmithfieid, N -MaTch 4. lHt)3. N B I have contract**'! to de'iver a lot v.f Bacon i:i ^ ' - Y irns. Th >3" vi ho wi di i- ;.n was enabled to sell them so cheaply, s3tne heavy sales being effected at twelve hundred and fifty dollars for each one hundred pairs. An open box or two of the cards were shown as samples. Secre cy was enjoined, as it was desirable not to let the law officers get on the scent, and as the building was near the river, it was very easy for pur chasers to (juietly move their boxes on ;i boat and carry tbem off As the demand was so great, purchasers were advised to gay for their cards and secure their boxes, which were to be delivered ear ly in April. Others engaged to take large quanti ties, one contract being to the tune of ^30,000 About tVie tirst ot April, Curtis told u number ot his patrons that he expected every hour a large lot of dry goods and needed money, and the par ties might take the cards, or take part in cotton cards and part in dry-goods when the lattei^atue. Curtis, it appears, had a partuer, whose name we did not learu, aud two or three others were in some way connected with the concern. The whole party boarded at the Hayns’ Hotel, and it ap peirs that the money received for the cards, or a good part of it, was deposited with Haynes for safe keeping. A lew nights since the partner of Cur tis, accouipanied by another of the parties, pre sented an order to Mr. Haynes, from Curtis, for the money. The paper money was in a box and .some 81,(>00 in .specie, in a bag. Haynes took the money from the safe and delivered it to thtni, but the latonf>s of the hour excited his suspicions and he told them they had better leave the money and call for it in the morning. They drew their pistols and prevented hiai from locking up the money again, took it up stairs to a room, but re turned in a lew minutes, handed him the box, said they were joking and went off. As they had not returned the specie, Haynes followed th> tti, overtook the one who had the gold, took hii hrm and walked with hiui down the street expo>tul i ting, until they caine in sight of two or thref .s* 1 diers on guard, when the fellow got scared, ui |i ped the bag of gold and lan off. Upon his reti' to the hotel, .Air. Haynes examined the box found the money had been abstracted ami - Id newspapers put in its place. The next mornii.w the buyers of cotton cards became uneasy and pr » ceeded to examine their purchases, when, to thf ir dismay, they fuund that each box had in it noth ing but a few sticks of wootl so arranged that tl t*\ soun-ied like the handles of the cards rattling, a a weighing about the same as a box of cards won d weigh. Curtis it Co., have vamosed the ranci and the buyers of the cotton cards may be pc >-.. looking very blue, each with a small^tick of wc ' under his arm. Our lawyers are all discussing the question as to whom the 81,U«I in gold belongs. Little Rock paper. iSfuiH irafl Jitvkson.—The Cental Presbyterian says:— “The immediate cause of his death was pneu monia, which his system, prostrated by the wounds and amputation, was unable to cast off. And it is a characteristic fact that the cold which issued in this pneumonia was contracted by»his unselfish anxiety for the health of some young members of his staff. The night before the battle was spent on the field, and, having no extra covering at all, after great urgency, he accepted the cape of one. of his aids, but in a short time arose and gentiy laid it over the young man, and spent the night just as he was. This exposure produced a cold which ended in pneumonia. “A few nights before this battle an equally characteristic incident occurred, that is worthy of record. He was discussing with one of his aids the probability and issue of a battle, when he be came unsually excited. After talking it over fully, he paused and with deep humility and reverence said, “My trust is in God;’' then, as if the sound of battle wa.s in his ear, he raised him self to his tallest stature, and with flashing eyes and a face all blazoned with the fire of the con flict, he exclaimed, “I wish they would come.” This humble trust in God, combined with the spirit of the war-horse whoso neck is “clothed with thunder,” and who “smelleth the battle aiar off, the thunder of the captains and the shouting,” made that rare and lofty type of martial prowess that has shrined Jackson among the groat heroes of the world. Trust in* God and eagerness for the fray were two of the g.’cat elements of that marvelous success that j,eenud to follow him like a star, so that he was tiover dLiCated, or failed in anything he undertook.” ilnv'j Losa.—liriir ien. I'trit/vvehr, comman]- inir the second division oi Hooker’s army, in his official report ot the action ot his (livi.«ioii on the evening ol thf -d >f .^lay, states that his 1st bri*r;ide nunih*"''i'ig ‘‘aliout fifteen hundred mus kets ” lost i« killed and wounded 494 men and 2 officer-*- a>l>RESS T ) i^Pi;iNO. FOUND IN A LAWYER'S OFFICE W.';er. as on eer'i-.iii S. ugo- and srr.ays N"w divers bi'ds t>«“rd to tr'ruj, .And ■'i;' ir- ti w rs ihi-ir in a I- iipiais?, 11 d I ‘ 'h- •• II .!'■■' on i.f SfT’Og, C Fajv-tteville t'>r t^oiirci ■ f.‘- 25 p‘r c-*iit. on c si. hv 1 I'o^f a l*ti:ited siifP'J i; at nr ^ Iron Saa (■ ,r sait f'^r caso Or produce Th- .101,8.4 I'tii* m •fii- As :r-‘ n -I As :'r—■ Tn> ^1‘T •; l . ’ d l » h u \ . 0. Iil- t,ii-'.>s ■ds .V fi'iii h ,nr' ■ ' 1 ! Ml)?'- ’ 1 flowe''; ;• fn'-/ 1v I " ' itr: ’ i^’i^in^^Ee fopies^ot the Observer v;an be procured t>y non-subscribers, ftl the Bookaiors- Priee 6 oent«. -•4W ft-' i-1 )f ('(I- i 1'- ( ourt, Wt.en tender plain'itts acfiont* bring! Sa«on of frolic and of sport! Hail! aa aforesaid, coming Spring. London Punch.

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