if'AiriBTO'iE'TinyLii ©IB S K M I - W K F, IS I. y VOL. XII. FAYETTEVILLE, C.. JUNE 4. [NO. 1234 i.'TEl' MONDAY ^ VNI) TlH'KSDAYo KKWIRO J. HALB & S01«S. K! IToRs VND PROPRIKTOKS c >“mi-\Vrpklv '>n'tvRvpR '*iti oti. r>‘il I in •a-.f H . KR t (>• (.,-v uanuiii. paid in \i>\ F,H 11 i \tl.NTS iiisertpil lo» Ij-I s UHre ,.l ihr tiV ’I. «I|.t jO foj •‘.•it'h HH(» ^ s iioi h ,s I'' >iae?' *H' ivm - tor r>»*i livr i HtJ't •■^0 cont.-* ; ■ iin» piihl'.o:) . .. \ivort'.s()> ^re re - - ti»e uum'f'*', lU'ieriii n'^ or , 4 u' niif-'i ti!\ torViiJ. and nooor;!- •Ui" I'Oti'inutKl tnfi'U. ’iJf. *'.i)TTOr. ■ ■ it;is ^>te, no n:imo r>T'a new ■iuh«oviHt:r •I. .■ 1 ; - ithoui in iiilvanoi noi-will ^ ' .» to JiiT ^0!'!>»€rs fnr n ioi>~pr lime VI' K th.* iinilersignet), (^^lutnissioners of .\}>pra«8em«%n» ' Tf for ifap Si^itp of North ('arolins, Johprehv fipclar** the pric.-^ »o hp those which will bo jusf c-i'u pcBsatifvn to (he owners iil' property iQipretpei for ih' ,)T ib»> (}oT>roiii«n( (or the nexf silly ti iy», «uoJect t ' altpratiou should rirPumsiancps Pi,'ii'.whi:»» orrur to make U • .Ivisahle. f the into tour (^isirict.'^.” iiuJer pf»'Sr:?i 11rcnni'!ta:k»’ert, w» finii mnteriAl Jiff«*ronnf'SPXi.-4i: ' DISTHIPT No. I, is lo oODSidi oi ail fti • c.-iintii , Kafsi .)f N\R»T,n. Fianklii', tuhaHtOD, Samp^ou. Ul uleu fvui , * '■li.iiihiis, inrlu.'tii'f, liiid in «aid l)i4;riot tho prioe “h iH I O 1>J foi;,TWS: ’ ■ 'gv* exqhangh: hotel. fPHC •^nV(‘«i’rib*»r anriount'pii to the public 1 lhai he w’ill open ■ n *h*' lt .viay lli« fibovp £ Hou'^e of E.ilei'lTii ?!;:,I, f fo''iij; )’ly tVe Shetn- wpll Ii'just j Till! house in fiit'nitp'i a f?w doorR from the on Oft’en sijpei, near the f"eu- ti-e of iK-*>a.--ner.a po.'i’on of (he town, hd-3 hap h»-en newly up, HH'I .,ujrt,!y Tno rooms r;oiiv': !:-Tii un i Tp>jf‘i»ite J ! i- wtll hf> Hiipi lie.i w5(‘i !«t • ;t - slV'F *. |j;r with ♦ lio hoPt ,.f ;,|i 1 ii i’i*,-! fflth RMifiil;- ' O'tiptP. •> !h.- • ■ ■ "s . V. 1 JOH?J H. COOK, Auctioneer. Western Railroad. Ueural Materials, llistriimeuis and i»^ur- >0-day Freight will be recelve.j an,l , , I ' L ;vpt titation. the present we.-^tern lertniiim o. miure. ai liicfiou» ii-i~ ■'M'i The St>iiioii liorptofore known fts ‘Mclver n’ I‘Vll.1, y.jii ji( Vticn -n. on We»l'’.“siiav !*ie 'Jtih of w Ffi3'f'tir»vnil*. '• t>*v fc'iH,.. .^(ocV. of DKSTA/, M V'fF.lU\f.vS, iN">!rK('MFN' i\‘-! prti- j iNITbKK, f•r.n^^i-ltj•:p; n* T'*eth, .Un! h-'r ;in i ppite, ■ M 1 By orilor of the Bo^rfl .INO M ROSE. Tre-.H r Htiii Tn»n.“portatioa Ag’l. W K K. fer. iid subset it er? a.- -■eiu wi'l pie!ijf t If.'ii*- Io lakv- ili« pa vxify U-* wli“a ranking .lau v I. 18r*8. A.ttorney at Law, Kavettkville, N. r. iPiiL Aiiond the ("'ounty and Superior t’ourt- of l) (.'uuiberiiiu'l. Harnett, Moore and R.»beson Comi- ;;ji P'- nipt atienfiop given to the rolleption of all r.4;ms euirii'ted to his hand' •cr oS-tf GFO. W. VVILLL\M8 k CO., tlholc«nle Dealers in 4irocerieM, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN e and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, U\ STREKT, FAYKTTKVILLK, X. (. ')l. 36if JOS. UTLEY, ' a*td Commtvtion .Herchant^ FAYETTEVILLE, N C. «6:V 93-tf C. R. «i. WORTH, Sion and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. ('. 8, 1861 tf' A R n* 84tf (h board at (H>PER. 56 ro.r nine niileo to supplj ipplying to > E. Page, AMS, ntendent. 81tf months in ‘ aulhohied iONEB. f & will r%fs de- r.jy nills RPHY fin- Mf.,!. 15 lb>J to the bushel *• busii.'') of 48 ll's rc ilie 85 bushel, •• lb. W l.eat. 6 00 “ bushel of »;0 Iba fov Kl.iii, 30 00 choice white •• bbl of 196 Ib'j, first O'lfs baled. 5 50 qtialiry -.uprirfico “ 100 Ihs “ tinbalcd, 5 (XI IW IVs “ 1‘leaned, 2 50 “ bushel of 32 lb. Peas, 3 oti “ bushel, measui e i. Hay urJ Foddei. 3 l'»0 “ 100 lbs unhalcd ■■ 3 50 “ 100 ’bs, baled Rip?. I'Vsned. »■. “ lb. Sab. S 00 bushel of 50 ibg dry. Sugar. «(. “ Ih, fair quality “ lb. gfod. Lard, 85 l.pa'hci' tipper. 2 50 “ lb sole. ‘J t,*(t “ IS harnrss. 2 50 “ lo \%heal straw. 1 y-O “ lOo “ •• baled. 1 30 “ K.)0 Ib^ Molasses, 4 do “ gallon ''hiskey and Brandy, ,3 Ot‘ “ gall^.n. lrr>n, r 'lind an ^ plate. 350 00 “ ton DISTRICT No 2. ie to consist of all the counties'^'..^1 of the .iforesaid Counties lo RockioKham. Guilford, Randolph. Montgomery and Richmond. ;a- ’(/.'uf, and in said District the prices shall be as follows; Corn. $20 C>0 per bbl of 5 bubhels, 5t> Meal. 4 15 lbs to tbe bushel “ bushel of 48 Ibato the Bacon, 90 bushel. “ lb. Wheat. 6 0) bushel of bO lbs for Flour. 80 00 choicc white. “ bftl of l'.*6 lbs, first Oats, baled. 5 50 quality superfine. “ 100 lbs “ unbaled. 5 00 “ lt:0 lbs “ cleaned. 2 50 “ bushel of 32 lbs. Peas, 3 50' '* bush. 1, measured. Hay and Fodder, 4 00 “100 lbs. 4 60 “ 100 lbs. baled. Rice, cleaneiL 20 “ lb. Salt, 10 VNl “ bush of 50 lbs, good Sugar. 60 and dry. “ lb, fair quality Lard. 90 “ lb, good Leather, upper. 2 50 “ lb. sole, 2 00 “lb. harness. 2 50 “ lb. Wheal straw. 1 00 “ 100 lbs. Wheat straw, baled, 1 30 “ I(K) lbs. Molasses. 4 00 “ gallon. Whi-*key and Brandy, 3 00 “ gallon. Iron, round and pl^, 350 00 “ ton. Ll!-.; t!: Apni . -i- n v,)i u (■ o- 4 0/. «'! 1 I'.iil, VtiictiaiiB is iviii oi's, Fi r: .'lir -*ni! !^r.iuo..n, . i' \i-,r M . !.ti wnk.. I'.p-i'’ ' aad App>ii.i!us, In nuaivnn, 1 ;rl =rs :jnl ■ TaV’ - ..f iV.o' >ii>rr. -r;* •r! ••tl.-il ’V (• iilCl- .1 ..rc«v-, ( m \f.’ U:-. • c, i i’lP'l 1 '^■nl Dei) \T>>pri ac TMe lliL opi>n the lj.V‘.»LFi llti'l I'L '■ir li^; r>- i J5®*^ i c*pii'iu df jU‘ hr ti '3i if •r.ue. und t h'lpe : able tt, enteriii'. i from -fventy-ti».‘ to i i i hiindrcti pfV.on8 >lu)'ii T iii» j'tuii;i>er I'l eortnrotion with this l.irge ilotei, 1 iiave it iiuifcbor . of H ick">, *'trriajjos, an i ?i.dd!o Horses that j aiy (jiie-t (Tun ^ei at a uiin.tte'n notion J M. ISLAIK. I'roprieior Kagle Hotel, At-hcville. N. (V May lK‘-,3 ;Utf PIIIO.nOAT ~ ! • lU KKK ('Or.NI’V, N. c. Spric^-) M-o sii'. ve i ip. We-tern North Caro- I lina. abo'j* F;fu>!ii 'lorgu'jtoi:, in a ruonntai.joiis, nn ' . •" * n'ii; iMiinlry. The | W'lter.'?, .'ULI rlUU anJ TI! \i . ‘•’■■XTKi. '.tii naid o be ^.ja! ; -iiij iii ihc oouG.j v’ l>.*cr, liear and Phenennt , ab-.tund in iLc Mountsiins, The O impuny has sncx'o icJ in ;)bi«iaiu(£ I'ne servicr? ; of an experienced .ti- i !a.iy to t.\k* rfrirge of . tbn Tl.iniia. and will be rt:-*'. '.y lor ih(» rei'eption of Virtit- I erf> i»y the lei I B?5h. ('ne-Fourth of this propafty with Three Hun- ' dred acre» of L>vnd atianhe-i would be ti.ild to a person j competent to lake charge o' the r-ropfrty PIKDMONT SPRINGS CO ■ May 24 33 3njpd i LIST or CHARGES FOR PASSENGERS. i sti ’o.'k. 'IT 1WIL.L «xpo“e tc piiolii' 'i'.- fo tilM lilt) d»y of .1 :ini uoxf. i‘ c‘up‘.t-J ou Green Siroet. l' >> 1’ J. teresi tn >h; PRINTING PilE^i^L iOi* jini O'- T •0 i.cetiii^ 8o 5 00 26 X> ill r«oeiT«j hftiiiasoii. s (>ub«ori- >N, Jr. 75ti ard. boy MO- ' 10 inc'ata >at at me J seen at 21«t uU., ^0. The le or for S30N. 5->f f Wnpon and cm nd their ion. and ITER 14tf lie by LEE fiftif DISTRICT No. 3. is to con«t8t of all the c^'inties West, ,»n i including said counties to .\llegbany, Watauga. Mo- bowell and Rtitherford. exclutive, and in ^aid counties the prices shall be as follow?: Corn, fl8 00 per bbl of .*> bushels, 5t> lbs to the bustiel. boshel of 48 lbs to the buabel. lb. bushel of 60 lbs, for choice white, per bbl of 196 lbs first quality superfine. 100 lbs. 100 Ibe. bushel of 32 lb«>. bushel, measured. lOO lbs unbaled. lOO lbs baled. lb. bushel of 56 lbs, dry and good, lb, fair quality, lb, for good, lb. lb. lb. 100 lbs l-.O Ihs gallon ' gallon .^50 00 •• ton. . Meal. Bacon. Whe»», Flour, Oats, baled, “ unbaled, cleaned. Peas, Hay and Fodder. Rice, cleaned. Salt, I Sugar, Lard. Leather, upper, " sole, harness*. Wheat straw, “ haled, , Molasstr!*. Whiskey and Brandy Iron, rout'd and plate, 60 00 00 50 r.^ 25 25 12 00 tiO 86 2 50 2 UO 2 50 1 fK) i 30 4 00 3 00 DOW\. . From Fayetteyille to Wilmir>pton, ?10 00 I “ “ “ Elizabeth, 5 00 ■ “ White Hall, 6 50 “ •• “ Ktfliy’^ I'ove, 7 (M) ' “ “ “ All point? below, 10 *X> .SECOND CLAS.s, OR DECK j From Fayetteville to Wilminefon, fo (X) ' “ “ Elizabeth. 2 50 j “ Whitehall, , 3 50 ; “ “ “ Kelly’s Cov», 4 O') . " “ “ .All points below, 5 00 ' IP. From Wilmington to FayetteriHe. $10 00 “ *• “ Kelly’s Cove, 4 50 “ White Hall, 5 i>0 “ “ “ Elizabeth, 'j 50 “ “ “ Prospect Hall, 8 “ '• “ All voints above, 10 00 SECOND CLAS.S, OR DECK. From Wilmington to Fayetteville. "i' “ “ “ Kelly's Cove, '''* “ “ W'hite Hall. 4 'Wt “ •• “ ,\'l points above, 5 Second Class or Deck Passengers mu?t f'tay on lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Clas^ ,\n extra charge will be made for Way Pa-seu- gers getting into Berths di-ring day time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boot or ohoes on. at the discretion of the Captain J. A. WORTH, forC F St m D’t Co. R. M ORKE!.L, for St’rs Kate and Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH May 4, 1863 26-if From and alter hi** dale the Steamer A. P. rni'L .r..’ leave at 8 o’clock, \. M . > i .y and Thursday. .JOS A VOI-'T April 6—ITtf] Ag’t C. F. S' ■ F- >* 'o. TUBES, Ac . einpli.yed in puMis' iTi^ “Tti^ Norm Onro- Imititi ' .-iiso Lirt interest in t! Library Furni;ure. Ghs P,pe ind Fixtures of ihj Oftio.*; and liis interest .a the 'noui*', to Hatipfy sundry exofiutions in ai}' hands tar coll,action HEOIOR McNElLL, Shtr. I By .1 A .JOHNSON. Den’* Shff. •May 14. 18(>3. 28-8tpd E^ypt ,Tia5i«*. The undersigned were, iii the Novembei- Term of the onie-Je!at“ (Jouri. I; jtrici ; N'jr.u ('n-oi’ri.'*. ap- poiuU'd vlanagers oT the E.rypt Covl .Mine property, and fia»e entered into copni > u.’r^hip for t! e purpose of mining and seM’nc Coal, atid sfi'ici* order.j for the same • in any dnirtd quantity. Orders for .anv amnuni can . be '111 piied on short iiotice. Th-' '.'('al from this pro- ; periy is undoubtedly the V>egt in the Confederate States. Application.® ma/ made to Chfl.“ B Mallett, Fayette ville. N C , or Janiei Browne, Ch-trlesion. S. C CH.'^RLES B. MALLETT. ./A.MKS HROWNE. r’nyeiterille. Jan’y 2l, l^ti;^. ‘^Btf To Cotton Pianter««. III.WE bten appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- ; S!iry, Chief Agent for 'he piirohaRc of Cotton for the Confeder itc rto»ernmen( wiihin the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Ronds or Ca«h. Sub .Ageuts Visiting the ditfereni parts of tiio State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appoint tnent. [ By oriler of the Secretnry of the Treasury, allCoiton I purch>ibed by myself or my agents, on and after the 1 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. I Bonds or (Jash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the I 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated, j Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 2t, 1863. [c. n.] 14lf .4 St'-irt/ (iltttu.l Ijfiicrnl Bratjtj —A cjrres poudunt of the -Mobile Advt rtiser, writing iroiu SheUiyville, says: An officer ia tlra^jij'.s army had obtained a short lcav^ of absence to permit him to home and attend to personal intertst.s demanding his presence. Belore his time ot .absence had ex pircd bo re[iiested a I'urthur leave ot abt.e'.»ce for thirty d&ys, and prouii.sod to return a better sol 'iier tiiaii he had over betjii before. His request wa.^ approvou by the various ofticer.-; in coiiiujatxl over him. wiio icn",v hitn ti» be a tri(“d and lailb lul loan, and iit'tilly l»y Ura^g. Before tiir thirty days tine granted had expired, he upaiii forwarded a c-.'inniunication (ksii’iug a >tili fur ther leave, lii.s officers were astoni.shed at his injpuuenee and audacity, and each one in turn through whoso l«:inds it passed marked it '•ulnntp- lic-tbre the eommunication reached II, A l>owd, I army head jtiarters, General Bragg was the re- A. Q. M., at Raleigh, to assist in procuring a «npply of ; cipient ol a letter from this officer, who stated WOOL to provide clothing tor our North Carolina Sol- f^^tiier leave, dier? tl3 coming Fall and Winter, we are authorized i , , . ^ ^ i-i „„ t-. exchange Cotton Yarn at the rate of 1 bnndle of 5 : as his reason that while our arm> was lbs. for lbs. of Wool unwashed, but free of sand and ' further advanced he had become engaged to a burp. Any person having Wool to spare can greatly | young lady i'rom whoQi he hid received a letter, ►id onr State authorities in t Heir laudable efforts to sus-I ^.3 enclosed. This delicate missive con- «T0>K!»« for !*AI.E. ! ^I^HR ^^n'^n•^i{|•npd have taken th-' Asency for the sale j I i;i' ■'len>: W R Farrar k Co OrinJ Siot.P!^. and j li.tvc now V hir.d si7.*;s riiiitiin{» fr^ro inches to j ij by 11 iucl,e.s: nnd c have cr.l at short notice j .\N’\" STZIIS vf wolf'd. Persor.s iu v.'ant o'’Grind Stone's ! wi'l T'.loi'.se corre=pon.* with the un■■fer.^igne i, >bo will I fill .It >rs p^''mpt^,■ ■'.nd gnar'ini»'»; Ihc qualily of the ! qrit a- reprcsi^-nt.'-d ! GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. j F.'.y^'tevilie, May 27, 1863 ‘ 32-tf L'oHon Yarn for Wool. rmoiiir ir, ' IT-^VING arc.>p:ed an figency from the Gr.vernor c\f proceti. TYPES a’.i* Fl.K- ^1- S»aie. under the direction of Col tain the aause of our country, and at the samp time con tribute (in many cases) to the comfort of iheir own fri?nds and kindred in the army, not by making a do nation, but receive a full equivalent f"' their wool. It is hoped and expected therefore that a prompt response will be made to this notice, as it is important that the Wool should go into the hands of the manufacturer at ai> early day, to be made ready for wear by the early Fall. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO Fayetteville, May 30, 18C3. 33tf Run the Blockade! W. MacIntyre is offering to-day. 1 case Calico, 140.) yards; 18 dozen colored Handkerchiefs; 200 doz white and black Tapes; 80 picks English Pins; 120 boxes Black Pint^; 12 doz Coat’s Spool Cotton; 100 doz Clark’s Spool Cotton, swsorled colors; 3 lbs Black Italian Sewing Si!k; 3(j groce Agate Shirt Buttons; 432 proce black and white Bone Pant Buttons l(K) doz Ivory fine-tooth Combs: 1 chest Congua Tea; 50 bags Liverpool Table Salt; 5 boxes Extract of Logwood- 5 barrels Sal Soda. .June 1, 1863. TOBACCO. Boxes VIRGINI.\ TOB.\CCf, various grades, for sale on consignment, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 31 tf C e>. M a;l ( re- UNDAY ned AN- n, about ud sup- a heavy and has DISTRICT No. 4. iv to consist of all counties West of and including said cou’nti«*s. and in -Jaid Ij.strict the prices shall be as follows' 517 50 per bbl of 5 busb'>'s. 5*j lbs to the bu!-hc ’ 3 65 “ bHshel of 4>~ lbs to th'j bu->hel. 75 “ lb 5 0J “ bushel of 60 l^s, for choice white 25 K) •• bbl of U'!i lbs for first mi>*lity superfine. 4 .SO' “ l'>0 los. 4 00 “ 100 lbs. 2 00 “ bushel of 32 lbs 3 50 •• bushel, measured. 2 00 •* 100 lbs, unhalcd. 2 50 “ 100 lbs, baled. cleaned. 40 “ lb. 15 00 “ bnshel of 50 lbs, dry and good, lb, fair quality lb, good lb lb, ib 100 lbs 100 lbs, ' gallon, ‘ gallon. ‘ ton. U E$«TER.\ R.4IL KO The Trains of this Roftd leave Fayet (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'-jlofk. A. turning leave Mclver’s at 1 o’c’..'>ck, P M, Frnjh( Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, By order of tho Presids-nt, .JNO, M, ROSE, Treas'r and Act’g Trans. ,\g’t. Jan. ‘22, l«t>3. rVokiCi' to ^liipperx. IN con«!'qu‘>nc" of the Ligh prioc of every thing n->,ed bv this Company, fhn Directors lave advanced the rates of freight ?eneri.lly about one l>uadred per cent Rates will be fuiaished as «oou as printed .l\0 M, ROSE. TreJis’r and Tranoporta'iou Az'i " 1^ R Co March 18, IH'.C 370) Cox.*> c-r*}!*- SoiiiUtrn Pills j K.1VC bftMi or;l(’iT(l in o;!^' j 'THIS - jm^'iu-'.on -.f u’.-d>-‘i;"st pieparc' ' m M.iy WAI¥TED. 1 A ♦ or t'l horse power Engine, with fixtures complete. May 21, , E J, HALE & SONS • C lRRIAiiE AJ%D HARI¥E!«i!«» FOR SALE. A Large -acond-hand CARRI.\GE, wiih seats for six pers'ios. Also, a set of IK)UB*.K HARNESS. »ery little used E. J. HALE. May 25 WAi^TED, I VINK NOTES of North (Carolina, South Carolina, i> Virginia and Georgia, Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Viso, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDS(»N ii CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C March 9if We tiif‘ iiiiderKij^nc'd J prf>ctictng Physicians ot ttse count ;es of Itichtrond and Rolieson. from tieC'.'-sit.y Iwe a^ed upon the foliowing Fee Bill: Sev nt; .'’'ve cents per mile in 't.e day and dot;ble iu ihe nifr'.i. Pie- ecriptions one doll'»>' Medicine Extra St.treical and obstetri.-sl cases fifty I'«*r c-nt, on fornjfr ch u-jres. A, D M -LE\N. R A A 1> »,.3-3w ll\K. Black writing ink in pint bottles Two dozen in a box. securely packed in saw dust. Orders ac companied with money promptly filled. Address C., W. LAWRENCE. Fayetteville. N. C. June I, 1863. 33-tf ~ WAilTTED, ^ A TEACHER Ti^ho has had several years’ experience wants a situ.ation either as Principal or Assistant in some School. Can teach the Languages and higher branches of Mathematics. For farther information address A .McLEAN, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Fayetteville. May 21. 33-3t rESTAnEx\TS A*^B HViU\S. U)N 1?’KDEK.\TE S'Hte" Bible Society Testarneats, Collection of Sabh.\th School Hymns For sale by E J. H.VLE k, SONS. June 1. HandK wanted. I'^lGHT or ten good hands wanted to work at the Salt 'j Works on Lockwood’s Folly So»ind. below W'ilming- ton Gool wages will be paid, ■'pply to A M CAMPBELL May 27, 1863. 32-3t \iea., B''-.:on. Wheat. Floor. tiats, baled, “ iinbaled, cleaned. Peas, Hay and Fodier, riict-, Salt, 'jm 'iu 1 thf pr:jj>rj*.t„i lo 1 - >=.Ci. l»i;ee PL.'iit-ti'- U. '• .'-.ut ■ ■. !•. n advanceil -•■■I,;, jt Consuti.ptioii. i I’ti"'‘ - I ■' * fl** is noJi^ nv. r s»'*'eri'y yf?ars of ;ice >ind j:: di“c'iaru’ >t active i rofes^ion il ItHic-i Tli^jir gf> lu tlT c .s up^-n , Others crea od 'uch a rtc.uand f c them ihat !i» AWscotr.- | ftflied to d -idt from snppiyia'^ the n gru'iiHousiy | Ttiey are not rec->tnin'>nd?i» V>y.tlf proprietor -.s jrood 1 for nil disea.ics. bii mlv f-?r ‘■u. h ab arise from DIS , ORDKKS OF THE LlVt'.R Mai.^ p.-rvons have testi- | toih.ir good elli-cts ai Chilli and Fevers, liilious Fr fr, Pneninoma. Dy»}>tpsii, -j-;: , i^c. j Rpad the followinf:; i S D W.vLLscR. Ejq,. Prer-l lent o^ the Wilmington ^ and Weldon Kail P.oM 1. u- 3 '. 1«';2. says: “It has | been said that • DTsrsP.^i.\.” is our nrlional disease. ^ However :hv nicy be. i' caused ,r.f long acd severe9uf- i fp ing. Provid. "ti''11y a Crit-nd fiirai-*'itd me with a , few boxe-^ of the '•Uep'it'» mU " ip 1 M. it f f’f ilurr h.is j P^rffct'-d .1 rurf. In ny f-timiy th.-v hav '.et n used j wit! .An' iig mv ioivi'r.it- j i H,f>ceJ. ri .rt’f ra!'! o»'tginaiing 'Vom ili:*e.ised liver, have ; been rclteved ni.d currd by them. 1 regard ihev. an ; invaluable meJicine, and tal-e plea.^ure in for'«arding tfti.1 voluntary tribute,” Col John Wfioht, of Go’Jsbcro’ N. C., A’’?; I"*- i 186’2, says; ‘ I ua-- ? useil the Southern Hepatic Pills in ' my fn.ni’ly here and also on mv plantation in Alabama, and alwayx with nuccenK. 1 have a valuable bervant girl who nad cften a long time under treatment for consump tion without receiving any benefit Almost in her ex trcmitv. I w.is induced to tr; the Ilfpaiic Fillg- They were given accordi^’g lo direeO'^ns. and sue is now wetl. entirely Tettored hy them. A similar case occurred among my servants in Alabama. For liver and lung diseases / haveperfecf coniidmce in th^"i ’ Full direction.^ and oUwr cerlijicates will be found on the wrapper of each box. Price. SI a box; *10 a do?:-..; il>b a gross at the Druggi»i.% For 1 twelve boxes wi free to any of the Confederacy where tbere are no druggists ^ot leas than a dozen boxes will be sent by the propiietors. Cash must accitmpany orders. Checks on local banks taken. Address GEO. W, DEEViS, Wilson, N- C. |^“For sale in Fayetteville by ,S. J, HINSDALE. April 25. ' 22-3mpd ‘■'J Sugar, Lard. Leather, upper, sole, harness, \\ iieai straw, “ " baled, 'iolasses, Whi.skey and Brandy, I Iron, round and plate, 3o0 00 2 '■'0 2 OO 2 .'>0 1 1 30 4 00 3 00 The unaersigned having earneitly endeavored to ad- 1 jnst tiip differences that have Uiiherto ^xisied between j the .Agents of the Government and the tioiders of sup i plies necessary to carry on a war for their oivn defence, earnestly and seri'iusly call upon all who »/»mo xwould support the government of their own choice, in thiB its life struggle; upon all wtio would preserve them selves and their families from tVe Hccutious despotism of ft malignant foe; on all who would save their own lives, their own liberties, and their own property from the hands of an unprincipled, devilish and bitver enemy, (who have already declarer! the entire confisoation of all their estates, and even their very extermination.) to come forward at onoe, with all they can spare, to the support of their brave sons and brothers now in the field, and with all their aid and sympathy for the gov ernment of their own making, and which is now so be set with manj and great difficulties and dangers, and to cease this war of extortion against their own country, 80 disgraoeful to it» citizens, and so threatening to thetr own 8HCWS8 in » contest in R. V. BLACKSTOCK, CommissionerB of Appraisement for N. C to me at any j*tl REN. opd oa over ny Pro- ?»jrette- .0 12 M, MAN. tpd na B for me for iB while EOE. M;iy H IKf.,-; Vtol«* 20tK>:;u".:i f iij’etieviile. D. Dlt'.KJ-ON. BEriiUNE P ATTEIISON, M’DorOALD. SHA'-V DAN L SMITH 1 ! tr.,1 i^ratSier ^^asjted. b.'tvy Well ;:,nn l ie fur to D. Ml I t-llV •ipril 1 1 ’iOt' TJ5S-: l5§.?>4'Si: PinjES Bi«ct; U,.i Wis’if t’.’vLl 100 pr.“ ?.len’s Eujr. si'W" ! HItO ; For s ile by Marcii 16, W \N-: .M.-lNTVKE 11 If ^»ALT! «ALT!! S.\’KS forsileby Dec. 22. itOBl'-RT MITCHELL. sStf Retailed will be sent ff.ETTEa iMPEK. V FRESH supply of Letter P.^per, B ith size, of better Quality and hicltcr ;i*ice than Tii)y ve have latel^^ h..d. Juiiecflved ‘ E. J. !.,\LF, &SON.. \prit 25 'iO,CL.ERK« OF C4ftRTS. IN Sending iia Court Adviriii-.'nieDts the Clerks will encloso £5, it the advertissuicats avo of the usual length A Krirer amount if the fr lern nve loneer, K, J, HALE vt .‘^ONS April 30, 1863. Wanted Immediately, 1 A GOOD JUNIPER SHI^3GLES. for which iU.UUU thL- hig‘ie-J> ca,-h price will b;? paid —.\L.SO_ \ voke of 1;»:/e, well broke OXEN Apply >o D. ANDER:-’ON & CO . Eagle Fr-prxlrv. Fave^ teville. N, ( ■ ARREST THE COWARDS! A “ES ALBERT MOORE. BENJ’N M WELCH &nd JOSEPH BREWER, privates in Co A. ->!h N. C. Troops, cowardly deserted their comrades on the even ing of the 15th Maj and have doubtless gone to ihesr hontes at Fall Creek P O , li'Ck Sf ring Dist., Clia'ham county, N. C Tl.e usual reward of Till .TY DOL- ’ L.\RS each will bt p\id for their apprehension and de livery '.t Raleigh to Col Mallett of the Conscript Dep’t. .Also, BENJ’N W. IVEY of Rebeson county, .ARTCK BRITT of Robeson county, and W.M. I! HATON of ■ Harnett c unt j, for whose apprehension a hko reward , wilt be paid. It i>! to be rccrctted that we are obliged to a lverti.se ! these men iike runaw.iy negroes i BENI, ROBINSON. ' i-apt, .'ith N r Troops. M ay 2 ', 33 41 KEWA2CS». 1> ,\N \\V \Y oii Niond.-vy 2oth May, my Boy NF.bSt^V; i he is cjpper couiplexion ,arid •'lis 'mout 150 li's.; : i^e-i .iboti: 23 venrc!, 1 will ray S'.O for his delivery to me or ?25 lor his cotifincineni in J'lil, : A STEDMAN. : jun? 1. j IHE IIIXIE PKI>IE«, Ft)l! the Lit le F Iks, A fiirthpr supply at whol-sale orr^t.ilby E. J. HALE & SONS, i May 27. I •' — The Aienual Tleetin^ ol the Stockholders in the F:iyetieville Ghs Ligbt Cornpany will be held on Thursday M tained a sad and touching tarewell to the young officer wbo had ^aiiied li?r aft'cetions. She ex plained that since the eiieniy had gained iier ; homestead they had destroyed her property, ! taken everything frozii her, and well nigh made ; her pennile.3. When she had engaged herseli I to her lover she was the possessor of property, and 1 wa.s in diiferent circumstances. With this state j of things exi.sting, hard as she felt would be the i trial to her, she had determined to release the I object ot her affections irom an engagement ! made in her prosperity. This noble missive wa> ; couched in such loving and gentle, though pru- I dent and touching language, that it might well I have drawn tears from the iron warrior to wJiom 1 it was presented The officer added that the mis fortunes of hi.s affianced had only the more en deared her to him, and this manifestation of her disinterested love and spirit had only in.spired a stonger affection for so noble a woman. He de sired a still further holiday that he might go to her and marry her, proving that his love was as pure as her own, and by making her his wife en dow his property upon her in case he was made the victim of a bullet. Gen. Bragg sent direc- j tions to his bureau officer to send him the com- I munication as soon as it should arrive, and regard ■ le.ss of the endorsement of “disapproved” made by i officers unaware of the circumstances, he marked j it “granted for thirty days,” and endorsed upon the letter, “The lady is worthy of the best and bravest soldier, and from what I learn I believe you are worthy of the latiy. B. B.” ( amp Joke.—A correspondent of the Savan nah Republican tells the following:— A good story Ls told on Maj. Kylander. When his battalion joined Gen. Anderson’s brigade, he loved to show off their perfection in the drill, and had them out very often. Jjarge crowds irom the other regiments collected to witness the pftriormance, aiid out of a spirit of mischief would tease the Major by hollowing, “hurrah for Major Lai>landerl That’.s a good manjei:vre for Major Lowlaudev’. Wheel ’etii again, Maj Greenlander!” The Major feeling himself aggrieved, made com plaint to (ren. Anderson. “General,” said the Major, “1 wiah you would make your men quit calling me Laplander, Low- • lander and Greenlander. It i.s very disagree able.” “Look here, Major,” said the General, and turn ing his grey eyes upon the Major iike he wa.s going to look clear through him, “Are you any better than I am?” “No, no! of course not, tJcneral.” “They c-tll ire “ UU! Tije,’' and I don’t get mad about it. I can’t .stop their fun, and don’t mean to try!” The Major went aw^y looking like he wished he had not made complaint. Ma-cl> 7. ramj) of Instruction N. C\MP H \ e Rock- .be pur- iagB for 'rea’t. 33 2w M»y 29, 1863. WAfVTED, A SITUATION to Buperiiitend SALT WORKS. I am experienced at erecting, and patching either wroasbt or oaat pan«, boilinc »•»* keeping the works in rrder!&c. Addf^ DAVID McDUFFlE, Fayetteville, N. L. iUj 28, im. $;S0 REWARD. STOLEN from near Bennettaville, on Friday night the 22d inst. a dark chestnut-sorrel HORSE, with a white streak down his face, both hind feet and lees white nearly to the knees. Said horse rather under the medium height, very heavy built, with a remarkably long and thick mane, and a very pretty horse; in fine order, five years old. The horse has been traced «bov« Rockingham. The above reward will be paid to any one who wiU secure the horse so that^ BMXMtteTiU*. 8. C.. May 24. 32-4tpd June 11th, 18‘.3, at 12 o’clock in the Town Hall in Fayetteville, McLEAN, Pres’t, May ‘27, 1863. ;'2tm -Idjutant and Insp’r Gouprai’s Office,! Richmond, .May 1st, 1863. j GENEE.\L ORDERS, \ No, 52. J The following Act of Congress, approved by the Pre sident. is published for the information and direc tion of nil concerned, in connexion with the act relating to impressments beretofore announced in General Or ders No, 37, from tbe Adjutant and Inspector General’s OHio.*, Atn'il 6, 1863, and as supplementary to said act: An fict to amend an act entiiled “An act to regulate itupressnients by officers of the army.” The Confederate States of .\merica do enact. That in I all^ases of appraisement provided for in said act, the I fficer impressing the property shall, it he believe the i sppraispm-at to oe fair and just, endorse upon it his I approval; if sot. he shall endorse upon it his reasons tor I refiif-ing, .‘i:id deliver the same, with a receipt for the properly impressed, to the owner, his agent or attor- ! my. and, as soon ns pr^cticabk, forward a copy of the j reeeif' appr lisemen?, and hi,^ enJoraemet;t thereon, 1 lo t!>e bonr 1 of appraisers appointed by the President I and Governor of the State, who shall revise the same and make a final valuation, so as to give just comp’“' saiion for the property taken, which valuation ah»‘^ be paid by the proper department, for the use of Sl’KOI.M. Oiu>Ki-‘. \ No, j IN ac.;;or lan^-e with Genet .--I Orders N j 2.’». Adjutfvnt and Inspector General’s Oftice, Richmond. Va„ the name of the following slave is published in order thnt ^ his owner may come forward and claim the property, property was taken, on the certificate ot the appraisers, ‘ ’ ‘ — v-t .-i provided in the act of which this is ..Dicndiitory vie: “S.\M,” aged about thirty years, black complexion, 5 feet 8 inches high, properly of Mi.«s Emily Harw*y, of Hertford-cnunty. The said Sam was arrested on board of the steamer Emily, running from Norfolk, Va., to Newbern, N^ 0 At the same time and place was arrested “BUSH CUFFEY’’ aged about 26 years, dark complexion, 5 feet 7 inchf.s. who claims to be free. By order of Col. PETER M ALLETT, Commandant of Conscripts for N. C, J. N. Prior, Adjutant May 22, 1863. 81-lm ^ , Blanks for sale at this Office. Approved April 27, 1803 ^ ('(lOPFR Ry ordei, (Signed.) ■ oOl EK, Adj t and lusp I General. Tht lUarh Fl'iij.—“The exact count of pris oners thus far taknn during the battle of Sunday is not known, but mitst b(, all told, nearly if not quite ton thousand.* They were brought in sing ly, in stjUud.s and in regituents, aitd tmr nim uni/ tkc^ conul hnrp t'l./,- It itidtn/ ni'ij-c hut Jot t/w trodhh i>f hu*}u ri i,j >h ni o»/ th fi-h.l. THtr WC.'JI.II RATIII,:i -IIUOT iJI.\.\ ('Al'fLHK, /i If . ‘lie: ii ii/i. Weettpy tho. t>ov«',.says the ( haitannu^ra Kt-be', from a Ica lii.gjoarnui ol thu Ni'ith. It is not to be niistJik n. In a binjii^ iiittij.s«* it ”ive,s us a clear ins'glit to the .spirit miw ji.iiiiiating the foe we are daily meeting on the tented tit.l(l. Not contc^ut with the invasion of our soil, the destruction oi' our homes, and the oppression of all, irrespective of a;e, stx or condition, the das tards of the North—who have not the courage to raise th« black flag—cannot conceal the actual existence of the bloody code in their hearts, and confess the crime of adding to their many enor mities that of murder on the battle field. We have never julvccate-l the black flag, (loti forbid that we should. It is a demoralizing ban ner. It is also a tv^n c'igcd sword But we must resist force with force, anvt if lo shoot rather than capture be their game, let us sec who will make most out of it. A Candid lV’/7/(e,s.s.—A correspondent of the Milwaukie News writing from Arkansas gives some very strong testiniony as to the influence anci result of Yankee meddling and eftectt on the condition and prospects of the Negro. Writing from Helena, Ark., he says: “With no one to care for them, without food, clothes or medicine, t/iey .sicken and die here hy tho hundre*is—frt’od at last. Back of Gen. W ash- burn’s headfjuarters, but a short distance, is a peach orchard, g>'i*'’es in rows so close that one can hardl/ »t®P between them. Here, about two feet onJer ground, are over 1,U00 dead negroes, and day after day others who have starved to death are being added to the nameless list. And there arc a dozen negro grave yards in Helena, each fteing rapidly filled with negroes, who were oncc happy and contented, in health and cared lor, of use to themselvei and the world.” ye ^ i^ooi aid says that Gen, Hascall, commanding the dis- All parties taking'‘PPS“’=» .. . ’ a«»A nntiTiA/1 1riA.i. tpraisers, to these appe"*!*. .1 Fajier Ejctinguisher.—The New York Her- I says that Gen, Hascall, commanding the dis trict of Indiana, has ordered the Columbus City annraisers toTbe uo'le"! are hereby notified that | wici oi inatana, naa oraerea tne t^oiumous ' th^ appeal* must be made up in due form and accom- | (Indiana) News to be stopped for criticising one panied by saitable proofs and reasons, in accordance i of hiB orders. Hascall suppressed a journal fiome *1..- .annnf v» oA»A) on j ggQ because the editor called him a ‘donkey,’ I and another because the printer commenced his I name with an “R" instead of “H,” which was I only a typographicsJ error- with the law, or they cannot be acted on. ^ H. K. BURGWYN, R V. BLACKSTOCK, Commissioners of Appraisement for N. C. May 26, 1865 (»• »•) 82-4t

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