wm Hail MlP of* r ’ft .... j- • rs _ - ‘*‘■1 .!h ‘ ■ ■ '■'■'fnnn'^ "a ->t m,;..7 M Ka/*.-;"'-*' M, ■ ■ •‘n.J : ■! h:. ^Uiyys (DIB S K TW 1-W F- Fi K I. T \Vl XII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. JUNE 8, 1863. [NO. 1235.] _ A > ; 'f •U ■ * t r : nTKU MONDAYS AND THUR^DAY.« fjlttlRD J. nilE & SOXS. nlTcRS AND PROPRTETORP ,, - : Setni-Wfekly Ob^^krvkr S>fi 00. paiil in iB.’f Obmrrvrr $4 00 per Riinum. paid in .^i rKS’l'l-'*t’MKNTS mi^ened for f I per .•) intire !or thi' firsi. and 50 cent>» for each puo- ,, i,,„ stion. Xilvprti-iements not exceeding a j*r‘’‘in**’*' cenH Inr ihe first and SO cents . *- ' ling pHbltPation. Advertieers are re- , j' i H ih«’ number of insertions desired, or .1' ii.inutvl till forbid. »nd charjred aooord- h wnJersigned. Conitnissionerp of Appraiqement ' IT for the State of North Carolina, do hereby declare foUo\»iing prices to be those which will be jnst com pensation to the owners of property inipreeeed for the use the OoTernment for the next sixty days, subject to alteration should circumstances meauwhile occur to make it advisable. VVe divide (be State into four Distriols. ae iindei- present circtitnstaaces, we find material differences exist: DISTRK’T No. 1, is to consist of all the couniips East of ^^R^rfll. Franklin, Johnston, Banipson, ISladen and roluiubus, ittrlusii'f. and in said District the priccs slial'i be ts tv.Hows; Corn, Meal, Raoi'n. W lie At, iMl' ni" continued charged a« new ad- Flour ff-'. sn i t: ^ j . . no U *11 , P-tr mrr . tnp.- SPK,:xAl. NOTICE. ’.«-r thi# .;ate, no name of a new subncriber w'fbou- payment in ndvanw, nor will i« sul'^cribers for a longer time ti.5 ' i.-.ca ' H.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa this - will please notify us when making i Oats, baled. ■ unbaled, *• cleaned. Pe.js, H iv and Fodder. (f- Kice, cleaned. Salt. Sugar, Jin’y 1, 185S. * fOMPAX), 1 Ut' 0i H i ne trin^ o •, • h. ‘tar LE ■ iPJ IIVTl. Attorney at Law, FayetteviLLK, N. C i n'lLL ai'.end the Tounty and Superior (.’ourts of | ii • is.b*r!and, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Conn- ' pT-impt attention gives to the oolleotion of all , . en ni.'ted to his hand« ■ ' 17 > 58-tf bEO. W. WILLIAMS i CO., Dealers in (lii’ocerie**/ A.VD IMPORTERS AND DEALKK8 IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, Ac., HAY STBEKT, FAVKTTEVILLK, S. C. Leather, tipptr, ‘‘ role. harijess. Wheat straw, *• “ baled, Molasaes*, Whiskey and Brandy, $15 00 per bbi of 5 bush. Is. 50 lbs to the biistie). ^ 16 “ bushvl of 48 lbs to the busiiel. 8o “ ib. G 00 “ bushel of *>0 Ib.i for choice white 30 00 •* bbl of 19fi lb«, first quality superfine. 6 50 “ 100 lbs 5 OO •• 100 lbs 2 50 “ bushel of 32 lbs. S 60 “ bushel, measure 1. S 00 *• 100 Iba unbaled 8 50 “ ItM'l lbs. baled. « “ lb. 8 00 *• bushel of 50 lbs dry. 60 “ lb, fair quality. 85 “ lb, good 2 60 “ lb ■ 2 00 “ lb. 2 ftU “ Ib. I 00 “ 100 lbs 1 30 » 100 lbs 4 00 “ gallon 3 00 “ gallon ton IroB, round and plate, 360 tX) DISTRICT No 2, is to consist of all the counties West of the aforesaid Counties to Rockingham, Guilford, R"\ndolph. MontgoinerT and Richmond. rrrluMvr. and in said Uislrict the prices shall be as follows; Corn. $20 oO p«r bbl of 5 bui>hel.>«. ^ lbs t» the bushel. EXCHANGE HOTEL. I th.jt hn will open Hou?e of Entertainment well House ) The doors from the Market, on Gre«n tre of liu buMae?s portion 01 the town, aad has beeu uewk filie I up. and thoroughly clt-an«ed Tne rooms •\re convi*nifni an>l well »enti1aie ?. The table will bo snptiiii'.] with Ihe best the market affords, the IV^r with the best 01' L'qiiors. i;nd tho elabl,j with attentive Ostlers. Deairou'i of ,«h:.ring the public p.itrona^e 1 c;in pro mise thni tiiiwfi W'»o gire lue a c.ill sh'ill n ji, If^ave dis- REUBEN .lONES. April 27. 23-tf V. I '^’11'^' oppfi the EAQLE HOTEL for the re- 1 caption of Gn"8t« t he ti*'st of June, and I hopi* i I'e able tr. entertain fron .seventy-five to a htmire 1 ppr.sons dtirii;/' the Siiin'’:er. ; In conneotiou with thid large Hotel, I have a number ' of Ilaek-, Carriacp.-i. nnd Snddle Horses that ray gnest« can (»et at a minute’s notice. ,1. M. ULA1R. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Asheville. N. C. ; Mnv 1.;, 31tf 1 rn:T i*ri BTRKK COCNTV, N. C. These springs are situated in Western North Caro lina, about Fifteen mites from Morganton, in a mountainous, beautiful and i^m'intic country. The waters, SL’LPHUR an 1 Clf ALYBCATE, are said to be ; equal to any in the country Deer, Bear and Pheasant abound in the Mountains. The (' impany has suocceded in obtaining the'-crvic»'s j of an experienced gentlemau and lady to take caarge of ; the Uouae, and will be ready for the reception of Visit- ! ers by the 1st JULY. One-Fourth of this propeity with Three Hun- i dred acrvs f't Land atta'hed would be sold lo a {'--vson j ’omp«'teni fo tnke chtirge of the prop*‘Hy. PIEDMONT SPRINGS CO 33 3mrd JOHN H. COOK, Aactioneer. Western Railroad. Tunneling the Alps.—TuRIN, ItALY, March NITURE, consisting of 2700 Teeth, Rubber and Plate, 4 oz. Gold Foil, Vulcanite and Apparatus, Instruments, as Files, Excavators, Fillers and Forceps, Operating Ct»air and Spittoon, Chairs. Tables, Carpets, Bed and Bdiidiug. Also a large lot of Books, Medical and Den tal works, Blackstone's (lommenraries. New American Cyclof se li.i, Standard Poetical Works, Centre Table Books, &c. My accounts are in the hands of Mr. .lohn H. Cook. R. aCOTT. May 23, 18G3. 81U Priiiliii^ Pre!$»(eii tor l§ale. f WHjL expose to publio sale for caeh oh Thursday day of June next, at tiie office recently oc- May 27, 1863. 32 2w , lions ot Mr. Fell, the English engineer, who ha» ; '-'i i of Messrs W B Farrar & Co’s Grind Stones, and ; will be able, by his improved machinery, to oomj bare now on hand sizes running from 18X2^ hiches to ' plete the remainiDg distance of eleven miles, in 6 feet by 11 inches; and can have cut at short notice | ten years. The engines are worked by compress ed air, and there is no offensive smell or danger i ot .u«oc..io„, tn two ro«. .i iro„ pipe, .hrough which the atr is torced are seen tor some distance ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond with the undersigned, who will fill - - . grit as represented GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO PayetteTjlle, May 27, 1863. 32-tf .. lS.il. 36tf JOS. ITLEY, i,ro€tr and Vomminsion Jftn'chant^ FAYKTTKVILLE. N C. l‘\ 18>i’. 93-tf m T. C\ A: B. «. WORTH, Unmission and Forwarding Merrhants, WILMIXGTON, N C Jtn'f 2^, 1801 84tf CARD! FEW Ladies can be accommodated with board at A Semsnarj- ??pt. 12. l«61. T C. HOOPER. 5t>- Meal, 4 15 ‘ bushel of 48 Ihs to the buphel ; Bacon. i*(i ‘ lb. Wheat, 6 0> • bushel of tiO lbs for j choic*> white. Flour, 3(1 (X» • ‘ bbl of 196 lbs, first | quality supertine. Oats, baled. 5 60 ‘ ‘ 104* Iba “ tinbaled. 6 00 ‘ K.'O lbs. “ cleaned. 2 50' • bushel of 32 lbs. Peas, 3 .“SO ‘ bushel, measured. Hay and Fodder, 4 00 • 100 lbs. 4 • 100 ib-», baled. Rice, cleaned. 2*' • lb. Salt, 10 i X) • bush of 'lO lbs, good and dry. Sugar, Co lb, fair quality Lanl, 9l» “ lb, (jood Leather, upper, sole. 2 50 “ lb. 2 00 •• lb harnes!*, 2 50 “ lb. Wheat straw, 1 00 “ m) lbs. Wheal straw, baled. 1 30 •• 100 lbs. Molasses. 4 00 “ giillon. Whiskey and Brandy, 3 00 “ gallon. May 21 LIST OF CHAKiiES FOR by the road on the Savoyside of the Alps. An other project for crossing the Alps over the Sim- ^ ^ plon has just been submitted to the Kmperor of .V. XT 1 r the Oov*e-nor of i M• Lehaitric exhibited a model last oup-.ea oa GrecHi S{i*cet. Col. P. J. Sinclair's entire in- TTAVING accepted an agency from the Gove.nor of ; , . , l^innn flallorv nf thp Tnileriea of hia tersai in the PRINTING PRESSES. TYPES and FIX- ‘ U State, under the direction of Col H. A. Dowd, in the Diana Gdllery ot ttie luilenes ol TURES A£c , employed in publishing -The North Caro- * A. Q. M., at Raleigh, to assist in procuring a siipply of great project showing all the grades and cut^nd liuiui. ■ Alfo hia interest in the Library, Furniture, ' WOOL to provide clothing for our North Carolina Sol- tunnels and galleries of the route. The whoi© Gas Pipj and Fixtures of the Office, and hi’s interest in i '*>ers the coming Fall and Winter, we are authorized ' the Uuuise, to satisfy suudry exfciitions in OiV faaads tor | exchange Cottou Yarn at the rate of 1 bundle of 5 coUeciion. HECTOR McNEILL, Shff. ^ unwashed, but free of sand and By ,J. A. .JOHNSON, Dep’t Shff. 'burs. Any person having Wool to spare can greatly .May 11, 1803. 28-8tpd i State authorities in their laudable efforts to sus- - - _ ** tain the cause of our country, and at the same time con- Coal .nine. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of tuining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be stit'pli*'d on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. ‘'^Blications miyr be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayett«- 7:'l>. N •T' . or .Tames Browne, Charleston. S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayfet.eville. Jan’y 20, 1803. 9€tf line of this railroad over the uoun tains from Doux' d’Ossela, in Italy, to Brigues, in the Valais, was introduced to the Tuileries reduced to the scale of two thousand feet. The survey of this great work was commeticed on the 1st ot August last, tribute (in many oases) to the comfort of their own i nn the 7th friends and kindred in the army not by making a do- f agents, divided into two brigades, nation, bat receive a full equivalent for their wool. It amith is hoped and expected therefore tliat a prompt response | one turning to the north and the other to the south will be made to this notice, as ii i» important that the ^ of the Alps, tiuder the leaderBUlp ot tWO engineers^ Wool should go into the hands of the manufacturer at an early day, to be made ready for wear Fall. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, M*y 30, 1863. 33tf PiSSE\(iEKS. Iron, round and plate, 350 00 “ ton. jOUNSOX, WILLIAMS & CO.. Ntl.T WAKRRS. "■tiion niae mile* jbine supply 1 by applyiug to \U, to E. Pape. WILLIAMS. Superintendent. 81tf e a few raonths in : .8 my aiithoriied reiurt.. N. G JONE? =3tf date 1 will UBI far rag.-4 de le, or at my mills D MURPHT ftA DISTRICT No. 3. is to consist of all the counties W*sL, and including said counties to .\lleghany, Watauga. Me Dowell and Rutherford, exclusive, an I in > lid counties the prices shall be as follow!*: r,t\ i u> a»(t will receive •Mr M Tho-natton. or on the «ubscri- ire. . .JOHNSON. .Jr. 7otf 8 Reward. his negro boy MO- »ont 6 10 inches ich tnmed out at the to. lie wws seen a» ity oa the 21st nit., •ee weeks ago. The lelivery to me or for I get him. kV. D. JOHNSON. 62. 52tf Meal. Bacon. Wheat, Flour, Oats, baled, • •• uubaled, “ cleaned. Peas, Hay and Fodder, Rice, cleaned. Salt, Sntfur, Laril, Leather upper, sole, “ harness. W’heat straw, •• “ baled. Molasses. Whiskey and Brandy, ■flh 00 per bbl of 5 bushels, lbs to the bustiel. bushel of 4^^ lbs to the j bushel. lb. ; bushel of 60 lbs, for i choice white. p«*r bbl ot lOtilbr-first qiiHiiiy superfine. 10J IbJ. ll>0 lbs. bu-thel of 32 lbs bushel. measur**d. 100 lbs unbaled. 100 lbs baled, lb bushel of 56 lbs, dry j and good, lb, fair quality, lb. for good, lb. ' lb. ‘ lb. ‘ ItXt lbs. ‘ loO lbs • gallon ‘ gallon ‘ ton. 3 75 ‘ 86 ‘ 5 IX^ • 25 00 • 4 50 - 4 tKi ' 2 (h;* 3 60 2 7-j 3 -2^ ■ 26 12 0 J 60 85 2 50 2 (.*0 2 50 1 00 1 80 4 00 3 00 From Fayi’1t«*Tille to Wilmington, SI'* W | *• •• E!i7abeth, 5 03 1 “ W hite Hull, 0 50 i “ •* • Kelly''- t'ove, 7 00 ) “ '* •* ,\11 points below, 10 00 | ■SECOND Cl.ASs, OR DKCK. ' From Fayetteville to Wi^rr.Lncricn, 00 j “ Elizib-ih. 2 50 I •• •• Vi.iiehull, 3 50 i •• “ •* K.pI y’s Cove, * 4 0=1 “ •• •• \U p-’ints below, 5 00 ' I’H. From Wilminj^lon to I'ayet'-'ville. $10 00 • “ “ “ K"lly s Cove. 4 50 ' “ White Hall, 5 50 ; Eliiabeth. *'• 50 ' “ “ “ Prospect Hall. f' “ “ “ All points above, 1^ K) , iSECON'D CLASS, OR DKCK From Wilmington to Fayetteville, 00 “ •• •* Kelly’s (Jove. ''O “ White H^ll. 1 i •• “ “ .Ml points above. -'j **** 1 Second Class or Deck Passongers mu ' 'tii_v oii I lower deck or pay full price, or ?;ame as Fir.'^' i'm-s. -\n extra charge will be made for Wav Pa^.'^a- ! zers get'ina: into Reubs dMrinq day time, an^ ter c'cu- ■ pyinp 1 H-'rth with their bootf or oboes on. dt tii-' ■ ili-i'- r; n of the C iptain J. .V WORTH, fort; F St’m Bt Co. ' R. M. ORRE’ L. for .^t’rs Kate and Sun. T, S. LUTTERL^.Ul. .May 4. 18G3 26-tf To C'otton Planter?*. I HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury. Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina. and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-.\geius visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointmeut. IJy order of the Secretary of tlie Treasury, allCoiton purchascid by myself or my agents, on and after the 18ih day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished a» stated. Ptttriotic citi*ens are now offered an opportunity to j aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather | than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. , Charlotte, March 24, 1863. [c. D.] 14tf j ' ~ TOBACCO. . 'I BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, varioiie grades, WO Iron, round and plate,' 350 00 DISTRICT No. 4, is to consist of all counties West : of and including said.counties, and in said District ibe ! prices sliall be as follows: $17 50 per bbl of 6 busheis, 6*; lbs to the biii-h ;! 3 66 “ bn=hel of 48 lbs to the bushel. 7o “ lb bush«‘l of 60 lbs, for Com, Meal. Bacon. Wheat. all kinds of Wagon my leAthar and can do well to send their rompt attention, and JOHN CARTER. 62. C., . 2. f Utf lie tor Male by J. R. LEE 69tf im miBRRON SUNDAY n«gro boy named AN- low complexion, abont 29 yimrs old^ and sup ida. He ha« a heavy Flour, Oats, baled, *' unbaled, cloaned. Peas, Hay and Fodder, Rice, cleaned. Sab, Sugar, Lard, Leather, upper, “ sole, •• harneis. Wheat straw, “ “ baled. Molasses, Whiskey and Brandy, 00 25 W 4 60 ' 4 OO ' 2 0) 3 60 2 00 ■2 50 40 15 00- 75 75 2 50 2 00 2 60 1 00 1 30 4 00 3 00 Iron, round and plate, 350 00 choice white bbl of l‘Ji lbs for first ■juality superfine, ItK) lbs. lOO lbs. bushel of 32 lbs. busliel, measured. ‘ 100 lbs, nnbaled. ■ 100 lbs, baled. ' lb, ‘ bushel of 50 lbs, dry and good. • lb, fair quality. ‘ lb. good ‘ lb ‘ lb. ‘ lb. ‘ 100 lbs ‘ 100 lbs. ‘ gallon. ‘ gallon. “ ton. r him delivered t o me at yr oonfi]|el >u any .iail P. L. WARllEN J5-3mpd pp«rating Rooms over ■tare, I offer my Pro- I tk« eitixena of Fayette- 8 CroiB 9 A. M. to 12 M, J. H. FRBEMAN. 94-9tpd bI ar« at R- D- Davis’a for ;e^ t« p»c»ipt by me for n»r Tonr dein« while JAMB3 BRFE'^e 2Rif The nnaersigned having earnestly endeavored fo ad just the differences that have hitherto existed between ,ljp Aeents of the Oovernment and the holders of sup »n qn*rt»onel, and has i necessary to carry on a war for their own det-enc*. »lftopw«forafreeboy. , most earnestly and seriously call upon all who would sni'port the government of their own choice, in this its life struggle; npon all who would preserve them selves and their families from the licentious despotism of a malign&nt fo«; on all who would save their own lives, their own liberties, and their own property from the hands of an unprincipled, devilish an»l hitter enemy, (who have already declared the entire confiHcation of all their estates, and even their very extermination.) lo come forward at once, with all they can spare, to the support of their brave sons and brothers now m the field, and with all their aid and sympathy tor the gov ernmeut of their own making, and which is now so be- set with many and great difficuUies and dangers, ana to cease thi« war of extortion tigainst their own country, i go disgrwjeftil to it4i citimns. and so thn»ateuing to their ' own pncoeis in a contest in R. V. BLA» KSRV'K, Coramissioners of Appraisement for N. 1 May29. 1?63. I'roiii niiil alter tlii» dstf the Stfrt.iier A P HURT will Itave at > o’clo’k. M . on Mon lay anl thur-day JuS A "'KTH, Vpril *i 17lf ] *' f Stetiin Boat »'o. K.4!L ROAI». TMF. Trains of this Road l*ave Payettevil'e daily, (Sun lays ex.'epted) '•> o :l>ck, \- M., and re- turnine leave Mclv(>r’sat 1 o’cb'CK. P M. Frttfiht Tram MOND.W, WKDNESD.\^ and I K1D.\^ . Bv ordnv of the Pre'idfUt. JNO. M. Rosn. Treas r and Act’g Trann. .\g’t. Jan. 22, lStj3. \oticr to J*ilii|>|»er^. IN consequence of the hiph price of every thing >ised by this Company, the Director.^ have adv,inch'd the rates of freight gentrally about one hundred per cent, j Rates will be furniMhed as soon as printed. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r ami Transportation .\g’t W'. R R Co. March 18, 18tl3 12tf 3100 Boxes of ihe Southfrn Hepatic Pills: Uave bft*n ordered in one day. This combination of D'edicines wax urbt prepared by the proprietor lu 1H25, when h-? w is nr-iaonnceJ by ttiree etnmeiit jt'iysicians in a Southern ci'y. a« in 'in ^ advanced >tag^^ of Consnmv': m. T!if*e I’t! ■' ear. I iivu ■ He IS now ov‘*r s*'vei»ty ; ; it s of age and ia discharg;-of . active prof>'Spion:»l dutie.-*. Thetr good effects upon , others crea ed such a demand f »r them that he was com- I felied !0 desist from supplying the.n gratiiitonsly They are not recnmiiien led hy the proprietor as good for all disea-e*i. but on'v for ‘•uch as arise from DIS (>Rl)i;aS O? THE LlVKll Many persons have testi- ti,*d toth^ir g)odetlVc!K \n ChilU au't Fevers, BHious Fever, rneumjriia, Dt^spfpsiu, i'c , (••. Ri-ad the toU.iWing; . S. D, Wai-lacr. Esq., President ot the Wilmington and Weldon Kail Road, Aug. 3(‘, 1«62, says: “It, has been said that -Dtspepsia,” is our natiotial disease. However this may be, it caused me Icmg and severe suf fering. Providentially a friend furnished me with a fi-w boxes of the ^'IlepuUe nils.'' and the u^evf them has perfected u cure. In my family they have been used frequently with eminent saecets. .\inong my ncquaint- ances, manii casein originating from diseased liver, have invaluable medicine, and take pleasure this voluntary tribute.” , „ „ ^ , , Col John Wbight, of Goldsboro N. C., Au({. 1862, s.ays: ‘‘I have used the Southern Hepatic PiU-t ■» my family here and also on my plantation in A' ibama and always with succes.^ 1 have a valuable servant girl who had been a long time .nndar treatment f-.r con^ump- itliont receiving any benefit .\lmost in Ik-i ex- I was induce I to try the Jltpalic Pill--- Tiiey for sale on consignment, by GEO. W, WILLIAMS & CO. M^y 23 81 tf WAIVTED. 1 1 or 6 horse power Engine, wiib fixtures complete. IV May 21, E. J. HALE & SONS. CARRIAIiiE \NU HARll^e$$«~ FOJl SALE. Large second-hand CARRIAGE, with seats for six persons. .\l80. a set of DOUBLE HARNESS, very little used. E. J. HALfi. May 25. A f\ pi Rud the RIockade! W. JHacIntyre is offering to-day, 1 case Calico, 1400 yards; 18 dozen colored Handkerchiefs; 200 doz white and black Tapes; 80 packs English Pins; 120 boxes Black Pins; 12 doz Coat's Spool Cotton; 100 doz Clark’s Spool Cotton, assorted colors; 3 lbs Black Italian Sewing Silk; 86 groce Agate Shirt Buttons; 432 groce black and white Bone Pant Buttons; 100 doz Ivory fine-tooth Combs; '1 chest Congua Tea; 50 bags Liverpool Table Salt; 5 boxu Extract of Logwood; 5 barrels Sal Soda. Jnne 1,1863. S3-3w 7 “ IHK. Black writing ink in pint bottles. Two dozen in a box. secnrcly packed in saw difst. Orders ac companied with money promptly filled. Addresj G. W. LAWRENCE, Fayetteviile. N C. June 1, 180?., 38-tf ^ ^ITAWT^D, A TEACHER who has had several years’ experience wants a situation either as Principal or Assistant in some School. Can tei^ch the Languages and higher branches of Mathematics, * For farther information address A. McLEAN, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Fayetteville. May 21. 33-3t "riESTAlflEIVTS AIVD HYHUS. CONFEDERATE States Bible Society Testaments. A Collection of Sabbath School Hymns For sale by E, J. HALE & SO^S. June 1. ^,\NK N(.»TES of North Carolina, WAxlfTED, South Carolina, irginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. -Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON &.C0 , Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. 9tf March H We the iindersisned Hands wanted. EIGHT or ten good hands wanted to work at the Salt Works on Loekwoo«i’s Folly Sound, below Wilming ton. Good wages will be paid. '*pp'y *o A M CAMPBELL May 27. 1863. . 32-3t ~ARREST THE COWARDS! JAMES .\LbERT MOORE. BENJ’N M. WELCH and JOSF/PH BREWER, privates in Co. A, 5th N. C have during the four n onths Explored the moun tain, and traced the plan of the future railway which is to pass over rocks, cross torrents, fill up the valleys, gorges, and precipices, before which science does not hesitate. The stimulus of hav ing a great work to accomplish has alone sustained the picked men to whom the task was confided. They set up shelters and encampments in woods hitherto unexplored, carrying on their backs beds, clothing and provisions, as they had often to live two or three leagues from any dwelling. It was frequently necessary to lower by ropes down the precipices the meu who had to prepare the plana amid empty space, and the snow and avalanchcs more than once threatened to stop them summarily in their work. The result has been to put before the Emperor eighty kilometers of iron way in the Helvetic Alps, forty-four ol which will be covered over, twenty-three iu tunnels and twenty-one in galleries. All these passages are ventilated either by shafts for the tunnels, or lateral openings tor the galleries. These openings, cut at different points into arcades, have a startling appearance. They are veritable promenades a thousand metres above the sea, offering the same security as those of the Rue de Rivoli, which they resemble, but presenting a more picturesque and varied pano rama. The execution ot the plan, according ‘to the authors, would occupy less than five yeara. At the end of this month the complete project of crossing the Alps by the Simplon will be officially submitted to the Governments of France, Italy, and Switzerland. The estimated cost ot this great project, including the fixed and rolling material, the interest of the capital employed; etc., is seven ty-two million francs. Th>: Yankee Raklnud the. MiHtia. —A correspondent writes to the Savuimah Repub- lic.in:— • “In passing from Meridian where the(Jackson or) Southern Railroad connects with the Mobile & Ohio llallroad, we passed through the section of Country lately visited by the Yankee cavalry raid, which, starting fromCorinth, parsed through Eastern Mississippi down to the Suuthero Rail road, which they first struck in Lauderdale coun ty, about twelve miles from Meridiaif. They fol lowed the track of this railroad for twenty miles at least, the indelible signs of their daring being ■ I visible every few miles. Communication was but practicing Physicians of the counties of I Troops, cowardly deserted their comrades on the even-. iaterrunted and is now affain fullv re- Richmond and Robeson, from necessity , jn^ of the 15th May and have doubtless gone to theip slightly laterrupteU, ana is now again luuy re h^e agreed upoa following Fee Bill: Seventy-five | homes at Fall Creek P. O,, Rock Spring Dist., Chatham j stored, trom this line of road they bent their cents per milfe in the day and double in the night. Pre- j county, N. C- The usual reward of THI ttTY DOL- course in a southwestern direction, passing tl rough Scriptions one dollar .Medicine Extra, Surgical and j lARS each will be paid for their apprehension a^ de- lirookhaven, a station on the N. O., Jackson and obstetrical cases fifty per cent, on former char«es. 1 \iy„j at Raleigh to Col Mallett of the Conscript Dept. ^ Northern Railroad, where they took D McLEAN. : Also, BENJ’N_ W. IVEY of R«b‘'»on county ARICK ^ ^ May 8. 1863, A. R D. DICKSON. A. BETHUNE, A PATTERSON. A, McDOUGALD D. SHAW, D.\N’L SMITH. 27-lltpd Sole Leather wanted. OAAA lbs. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.\THER, OUUU suitable for Belting, Apply to D, MURPHi. Fayetteville, April 14, " “®tf Rlli^ THE BLOCKADI^ PIECES Black and White CALICO; 100 prs Men’s Eng. sewed BROGANS For sale by March 16, Mallett of the Conscript Dep’t. , \nrfhem Hailroad, where they took some ‘BRITfof Robeson county, and WM. H, HATON of 1 prisoners, and from thence to Baton Rouge. You Harnett county, for whose apprehension a like reward | no doubt winder how they could thus traverse will be paid. It is to be regretted that we are obliged to advertise ,h... «.» Ilk. ROBI.'ISO.N. Capt. 5th N, C. Troops May 24. I me couimanu oi •»iaiur vjc ^ t^ie I AN AW AY on Monday 25th May, my Boy NEI^ON; j enemy his men fled pre^itately; he brought W. McINTYRE. 11-tf SALT! SACKS for sale by Deo. 22 SALT!! ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf the entire State from Northeast to Southwest. It is easily accounted for. In the first place, there is no cavalry in Missi.ssippi that I ct.n hear of, Van Dorn having carried off ail that he could find; 2d, 33-4t I they were pursued by Mississippi militia under I command of Major General Gholson. Fronx $30 REWARD. his own mouth I learn that^e first time he met Ran AWAY on Monday 25th May, my Boy NELSON; wm w S1»? d.emor.Uzed, (. .ord me or $25'for his confinement in Jail. LETTER PAPER. FRESH supply of Letter Paper, Bath size, of better lality and higt had. Ju?t received Quality and higher price than any we have lately T.lni received E, .I. HALE & SONS. April 26 TO CLERKS OF COURTS. been relieved and cured by them. 1 reg ird I Dei', an ^ Sending us Court Advertisements the Clerks will forwarding | encios* $5, i' the advertisements are of the usual len,^th \ larger amount if the orders are longer. E. J. HALE & SONS, tion, tremity. liver and lung will b® fd'in I on Iletailfd were given acordmg to directions, an 1 sSe is now w oU. entirehj restored by them A sir^iilt.r case o.carro.i amotig my servants in Al *bama, F >r diseases I have perfect confidence in fh^m ' Full diroctions liiid otiier ccrtij’cnton wi the wrapper of each box. Price. ?1 a box; $10 a dr.z 'n; $'.*6 a gros... at the DruqyiMs For SH twelve boxes wul be sent free to any pan of the Oonfed.r.uy whore Hero ara m. druggis.s. Not lees t*».an a du?,en boxes will be =ent by _ the proprietors, Ca«h must nooomi-any orders, Checks | on local banks t-iken ^ 1 Address GEt). W. DEf MS- Wilson N C. j in^g*For sale In Favjtteville by--^'- J HlJ5Sl).\Lr-, j April 25. 22-3rapd Aprii 30. 186-3. Wanted Immediately, 1 a A/iA JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which IV.Vm'U the highest cash price will be paid — \LSO— \ v-k.* -f \ar«e. well bvok^ OXEN. Apply to D, ANDERSON & CO,, Eagrle Foundry. Fav»*tt,pville. N. •itf Camp of Instruction N. C.. \ Camp 11oi.m!;s, May 20, 1863, i N A, STEDMAN. June I. the DI-VIE PRIMER, FOR the Little Folks. A further supply a* wholesale Of retail by H.VLL & SO^ S. May 27. •^The Annual iHeeting ot the Stockholders in the Fayetteville Gas Light Company will be held on Thursday, June 11th, 1863, at 12 o’clock M.. in the Town Hall in Fayetteville. A McLE.\N, Pres’t. May 27, 186?. =^^tm .idlutant and Insp’r General’s Office, 1 I RjcuMONO. M.iy 1st, 1868. / GENERAL ORDERS, > No 5^- ^ D The following Act of Congress, approved by the Pre sident, is published for the information and direc tion of all concerned, in connexion with the act relating to impressments heretofore announced in General Oir- ders No, 37. from the Adjutant and Inspector General s Office, April 6, 1B63, and as supplement^ to said act; I An act to amend an act entitled “An to^ regulate i impressments by officers of the army,” i The Confederate States of America do enact. That in j all cases of appraisement provided, for in said act, the ! officer impressing the property shall, it he believe the ! (ippraisemeut to be fair and just, endorse upon it bis ' approval; if not, he shall endorse upon it his reasons for Si KCIAL Orobkh, I N accordance with Oeiieral Orders No 26. 1 luspecior Geoerara Ofioc, Richmond name of tiie folloinnp slave is published in order that r. Adjutant Va„ the CK. ry stcppiige of the RooV- to for the pur will havi* noSh.ie'Ingi* for C T. HAiai, Pr«H’t M ikie Office "I WAi%TED, A SITU \TlON to sup“vintcni SALT WORKS. I am experienced at erecting, and patcnnig either wroug-t or ca-t pans, ® oM^r, ic». iVd‘JreBtJ 11^ REWARD. STOLEN from ntai B't.n'Misvill?. on Fi-ilay rtfi;ht | thf 221 'not. a ii.»rk chpstn-.it «orrel TlOIvSE. »'trt \ ; a wbiie STeak down his fac**, bo,I. b-uu f*',-!* v d lees , ' white nearly to itie kiiee* SaiU mt her under Hie I I madinm lieSght, very heavy ; li’’ . W''h H rrm.i-L’bly I lo"g and thick mane, at. ’ -I ▼ei'.v pvt>'0 if-8ue : I order, five ye-.rs .-ll. Toe h .r>c has b-m trao*-. o.e ! R.ic'tinghau., The *bove r- w ,rd wit) be 'M'. ^ '> cuy one who will iwoure me norse W that^ “JVCnIpI. ♦ 8- •• V....... r • u _ fusing, and deliver the same, with a receipt for the propertv inipressed, to the owner, his agent or attor ney, and. as soon as practicable, forward a copy of the receipt ind appraisement, and his endorsement tbere>n, to the boari of appraisers appointed by the President and Oovornor of the State, who shall revise the same and make a final valuation, no as to give just colapen- sation for the property taken, which valuation shall be 1 paid by the proper department, for the us? of which ^proportv was taken, on the certificate of lie as provided In the Act rff which this is ttmeD^•'‘’^’' Approved April 27, 1863 PfM>PFR Af ti'e s-iine time and piaoe was arrestea •■uunii t All parties tal:iui» CUFFEY” aged about 26 .rears, dark complexion, 6 feet | appraifccrs, to the ^ *,11^ sod accom- ■ • P. , , ^ or they cannot be acted on. the or H, &. rUKGWYN, , hia owner may oomc torw^rl and claia tUe property ' vit: “S.A.M,’' aged about thirty years. bUck complexion, ' 5 fi-et 8 inches high, property of Miss Emily Harway, of Hir'ford county, i The e;id '^aio w ts -.’-reeted on board' of the t*teamer Eujily. '■unninjj from Norfolk, Va , to Newbei'a, N O time and piaoe was arrested ‘ BUSH by the way much abnsed in its use, aud by do means correctly selected in this place,) were they, that he at last was compelled to avoid capture by flight. The troops composing this party were entirely from Ohio and Indiana, and were prom ised SOOO bounty, with exemption from military duty for the balance oi‘ the war. This is the statement of prisoners, and, if they can be believ ed, is the usual bribe offered by the abolition leaders.” Onr Glorious Soldiers.—An intelligentgentle- man, who was an eyewitness of the late battle ncSr Fredericksburg, says that highly as the efllici*^n- cy of Gen. Lee’s army hal been extolled, nothing he had heard camc up to the impression produc ed on his mind by his own ob5ervation of their conduct. Their deeds of valor were not only magnificent beyond all conoeption, but the cheer fulness with which, after being for a great part of the day involved in the most terrific peril, they would, as soon at> successful, march for miles to ^ome new scene of danger, was absolutely mar vellous. Their conduQ.t when wounded was even more admirable. Our informant has seen groups of the wounded standing around a weli, each wait ing patiently his turn for water, bleeding, dtsty, weak in body, yet us humble, modest, and unpre tending as so many children \* onderful men! What age of coiinfb’ produ-ied such? Such lions in battle. «nd yet so unconscious of ^-lieir own I greatness! Such are the rank and file of the Southpfn army, men whom it is an honor to live { in the same age with.— Richmond Dixpatch. inches, who claims to be free Bv o-kr of G.->I PETER MALLETT, "" Co'3m»tnd''.!it oT Conscripts for N. C. J. N. Pana, Auju’aut. ivlav 22, l8-d. 81-lin ^Sfanke 8^^^' thid f^imnWslonera of M»7 29, 1868 R V ?LAgpXOCK, I of Appifaisimont I^OTICE. The UNt>ERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary serrioe of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friendij, that tbfcy h^ve appointed John D. Stsrr and Job»> D. Williatf", of this pl.a^'c, lh;.ir attorneys to collect t-'rer separately or conjointly al' raonejd due them either hy account or notti, an.t (•fhorwi^** ic attend to ilioir Hi- ein«*es gen«»rally during their *^,senoe. I'h. y rr-; *''i- ful!> aU persons i>' i-'btel to theio cail a,- , r >m^)t- ly as ptssible ou t.i^ir agott.i iM ra-' 'i« ?it ’'..nr ^ I.'VMS. Sept. 19, lyCl i>'(' tf Bhmk Wamuitfl fdTwi’e