R*il -h,^r '' -K i ■V .1, «»H. Dan-10 M ^‘■''" ■■ Ik '“v M >■■, ., ‘ • ''«nui,>i ^ Murd,,cw 'iD-J J "I- ■TRP , ■-■: i 5 ^ 1 J;.. “1 r :: ' i Ne rh^- »Vrrv I*h; - I***: r ai Hn 'Hii . r' v W P. R , . KnLi.\A !K 0>IPA.\T, i' ’MiKii, witli d y on* lani li\' lti:t. :AL: ! ■ -!C ■ -n- f. seTen ■ r profits •■.'iir*>d foi I ■ ue ‘ V' ftiier ■ ‘rr. i (o ■•’ ^n-i ,, la!!. RAPHS, aiiiera. ITi’.T- ; - >--• ;,-hl / IBTliiyHE ®]B SF. If I-W-F. FIK LT m US \Ol.. XJJ. KWKTTKVILLE, x\. C., JUNE 11, 18«3. [NO. 123G.] .VK*Ni*. V- ani> thchsdws FOWAKD J. HAI.E & SONS. 1 ; iroK>5 ,\N|. l•K>PHlKTOU^^. . . r ■ Weekly ('!i-krv»;R $tl ou, in :■ II' •■ Wii'-c'.v itiioHVKH III* yu'r annum. [kiM in Wf inVKUTlsr.Nir.NTS for per s •r ili>* t'n-'i. nn.i .'»0 ot^nM for eai'h suc- . »ti«>i\. \ lveri i>«enieTi''t not eiceedinjjH > liiif^) r.n .•oni' tor ihf first anJ '.W cent-^ .'V. r.«ii pulil!i‘-iuv>n. \ilvertiter!« are re ■ » • the number of iii‘«*rtionrt Jesire*!, or ^ ..111 till forhiil, an>i rhHr(t»«l Ht'corJ- \ Y’ un>l^!'i)igDed, .'oinTniR(«ionrri> of AppvRi^pmont } T for the 8(atp of North CAroliua, «lo hert>t>y Jeclurf ihe tollowiof; pvi.,r. to lie ihot«e which vfill he juRl cotti penMAlion to (be ownert* of property ituprosseil I’oi ib* of the (loveruuipnt for tl«e next sixty days, sulijeci lo ftUerAtioii nhouUl ciiruKisiftnceH meiiowhile occur to iimke it advisable. He diyidir the Stale iDio four Distriot!*. hr under pjesen) cirouinslances, wetiud material diflereuceoexiMi: l*ly I’Rlt'T No. 1, is to consist of aU the counties Ka^i of Warreu, Franklin, Johnston, Sampson, Bladen and EXOllANOK HOTEL. I niir “nbaon/ tiril riH will lloll-t^ .'t Kl M well HoU' doors from the Mar'r- ■ 'ji •■'. 'V’liuiiiiK’es to the, pnUru' ■ '111 ihf l->t M.iy ihp il.ove trii'. iieni, (l\ii iii*-rly itir Sheui- 1 lie is situati'il :i few !i (irpeti street, near the ceii- lu:innod in.ii fr, charged new ad' SPKlUAL NDTUT.. m .. ! I 'ter this date, no Urtine of « new subscriber , iiiU-'o l withi'iit payment in nilvaiioe, nor will J r ly. r '■ Mibs.‘rib;r' for a longer tiuie . , J ' ' 'f v.,^ . '.r old ?iib-erilieri j»s tlesire t» take tb« pa- . , " - ‘ «ieiu will please nniil'y us when ninklng ■ icc - Jan’y 1, lfOS. .Hr I.. •ffrA'.f Attorney at Law, F.wettkville, N. ti'.'LL attend the County and Superior Courts of \\ ( iin'berland, Harnett, Moore and Kobesou tJoun- I’rompt attention gireu to the collect ion of all •\i ,« en'ruste^l to his hanJti. ,,c -7. 68-if ;eo. vv. williams A co.V Wholesale OealerH in €ire€erie>%, AS!. IMPORTFR8 AND DEALKRS IN ifar^ware and Cstlery, Swedes Iroa, H\Y STRKKT, FAYETTITILLE, X. (. Columbus, inchuive, and in said District the prices shall be as follows; ('orn. a^ir* 00 per bbl of 6 bushels, oil lbs to the bushel. Meal. n 1.') “ bushwl of 4R lbslo the bushel. P>ac>>ii. 85 “ lb. Wheat. t; OO “ bushel of •(> lbs for choice while. Flour, .{Q 00 bbl of I'.tG lbs, first quality superfine Oats, baled. o 60 •• 100 lbs. •• unbaled. 0 00 •• 100 lbs “ cleaned. •2 50 bushel of 32 lbs. Pe»H, 8 50 “ bushel, measured. Hay 'inJ Fodder, S (Kt “ 100 lbs unbaled .. • A fii) “ ItKi lb“, baled. RiCf, cleaned. ’ti “ lb. Salt, M (Ht •• tiushel of 50 lbs dry Sii{::Hr, fit. “ lb, fair ipiality Lard, “ lb. jjood Leather, upper. •2 60 •• lb sole. 2 00 •• lb. “ harness. 2 60 “ lb. Wheal straw. 1 00 •• UH) lbs •• baleil. I :50 100 lbs Molasses, 1 00 “ gallon. Whiskey and Brandy, 00 “ gallon. Iron, round and plaie. .•?r,o 00 “ ton ire of the bii-':ne»'! ot i.hc town, and has beiMi newly titled up, and 'horitutjhly cl.-an!»ed The roomu are convenient and well Toniilaled. The table will be supplied with the beet n . ..nket atibrd-, the Bar with the best of Liquors, and the ntable with aueiitive Ostlers. Desirou:; o' .sliarinj^ the public patronage 1 can pro mise that thoKie who ifite me ;t c>ill shnll not li^ave dis satisfied ' RKUBP'..'! . •\pril 27. ASHKVII.I.K, i\ 1 opeti ihe K.VOLF. llOTKr.. lor the rr> lipBij 1 »vt>lii>n 'f (}iiest“ tli's tirsJt of lune, uml 1 hopi' '*£S£”»to be able lo eDterta;:i from seventy tive to h hiindreil per‘»orw diii'iii^ the Summer. Ill counection with tbi Krpe llotil, 1 have a nuiiit«'r III Ma''k-‘, ''arriHjrcx, ]*.uggi*>s and Saddle Morses llrii tiiy i;u--Hls r;in jrei ,11 ;i uiitiiile's uotic.e .1 M. BLAIH, I’l’tiprietor I! igle Hotel. Asheville. N (’. Mny I t, iMt.:', :U-yp l PI l: ll,nT K P Kl Kl ItKK ('()( NTV, N ^pilliSK Sprinji.s are situated in Western North Caro- 1 lina, about Fifteen miU'S tTom Morj^pton, in a tiiuuutainous, beautiful and romantic c;)untry. The waters, SL'Ll'MUR and ('H.^LYUKATK. are said to be equal to any in the comitry l>eer. Bear an>? Pheasant abound in the .Mountain^. The Company h is suceeede l iti .»btaiiiin)r the services of an experienced ^entlenniti and lady to lake charge of the House, ami will be ready fur Ihe reception of Visit- | I ers bj’ the Isi.H'LV )ue-Fourth of thin propaHy with Three Hun- j dred acres of L iud atia'l»ed would t>e sold lo a person ‘ competent to take ch‘»r(ce of the property I I'lKDMONT SPRINGS C(» May -2 I. 3:5-.impd LIST UK 4'HiKtiES FOK PASSI'}\lil:itS. UOtV.M. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, >0 “ “ •• F]lizabeth, 5 “ •• White Hall, ♦> ‘>0 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 7 00 “ “ “ All points below, 10 (>0 SKCUNIJ fLAS.S, UR DKCK From Fayetteville to Wilminftton, 00 •• “ “ Elizabeth, 2 50 •• Whitehall, 3 60 • “ •• Kelly'i* CovB. 4 On “ “ “ ,\ll points below, 5 00 I l». From Wilmington to Fayetteville, ilO W • • '• •• Kelly's Cove, -1 50 “ •• “ White Hall. ■’> ■ “ “ F.lizabeth, *'• &*• “ •* Prospect Hall, H 0J “ .All points above, 10 00 .''Kl'tiND CI-A.SS, OH I»E''K. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, S-*> • 1 •• •* Kelly’s Cove, 00 •• White Hall, 4 Mt • • “ “ All points above, 5 00 Second (Mass or Deck Passengers must stay on lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Claes. . , ■ ,,, , , %f„ , An extra charge will be maile for Way Paisen- and including said counties to Alleghany, Watauga, Mc^ | Ugnbs during day lime, and for occu- Doweil and Riitherfonl, nelunvr, and in said counties e . ft . ur..- — „i JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. Peiilal Materials, liistrumeiits aud Fur niture, at Auetiou. 1WILL sell fit Auction, on Wednesday tlie ‘Jliti of ■lune, in Fayetteville, N. C. my entire stock of DENTAL MATERlALb. INSTRU.MENTS and FUR- Nll’URK, consisting of 2700 Teeth, Rubber and Plate, 4 oz. tlold Foil, Vulcanite and Apparatus, lat'lrument.s. Fillers and Forceps, Ooerating A \ RARr. I'liR )m (IF mVi S I wish to change my business 1 no otlVr for sale my FOUrVDK V, with a full supply of MATERIAL?^ for canyiiig on the business to a large extent, in connecliou with a large R9 Files, Excavators, Fillers and Forceps, Ooeraiing j guop with all the necessary tools (’hair and Spittoon, (Miairs, Tables, ('arpets. Bed and lieJiling. Also a large lot of Books, Medical and Den tal works, Blackstone's Commentaries, New American Cyolopaidia, Standard Poetical Works, Centre Tahle r«ooks, Ac. My rtBcomiis jvre in the hands of Mr. John H, ('o>k. R. SCOTT. May -•{, 1WG>!. • 31 ts DISTRICT No. 2, is tocousist of all the counties W'est of the aforesaid Counties to Rockingham, Guilford, * Randolph, Montgomery and Richmond, fzrlusivf, and in : s-^id District the prices shall be as follows; t’oru. Meal, Bacon, Wbeat, Floor, OaU, baled, “ unbaled, “ cleaned. Peas, Hay and Fodder, Rice, cleaned. Salt, ; Sogar, La^, I Lmither, upper, “ sole, ! •• harness, ! Wheat straw, : Wheal straw, baled, I Molmwes. ! Whiskey and Brandy, ' Iron, round and plate. t20 |>er bbl of ft bufchets, 60 lbs to the bushel, bushel (if 48 lbs to the bushel, lb. bushel of tiO lbs for choice white, bbl of 1% lbs, first quality superfine. 100 lbs ICO lbs. ' bushel of 32 lbs. bushel, measured. 100 lbs. ‘ loO lbs, laled. ‘ lb. ‘ bush of 00 lbs, good aud dry. ‘ lb, fair quality ‘ lb, good. ‘ lb. ‘ Iti. • lb. • 100 lbs • lOt) lbs. ■ gallon. :? Ot» “ gallon :550 Ot> “ ton. 4 ir, •Hi 6 00 30 t)0 5 60 5 ()0 2 50 3 5t> 4 00 4 50 20 10 00 «0 90 50 (XI i'A) • H.I :>it (H) t'oltoii Vai‘11 loi’ Wool. H.AV1N(J accepted an agency from the Governor of the State, under the tlirecliou of Col H. A. Dowd, A. M . at Raleigh, to assist in procuring a supply of Wi)OL to provide clothing for our North Carolina Sol diers the coming Fall and Winter, we are authorized to exciiatige C.ittou Yarn at the rate of 1 bundle of 6 Uis for lbs of Wool unwashed, liut free of sand and burs Any person having Wool to spare can greatly aid onr Slate authorities in Iheir laudalde efforts to sus tain the cause of our country, and at the same time con tribute (in many cases) lo the comfort of their own friends and kindred in the army, not by making a do nation, hut receive a full equivalent for their wool. It is hoped and expected therefore that a prompt response will be made to this notice, as it is important that the Wool should go into the hands of the mauufacturer at an early day, to Ije made ready for wear by the early Fall. GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 30, 1803. 33tf iiRllVD for rpHE undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale 1 of Messrs W B. Farrar A Co’s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running from 18X2^ inches to a feet by 11 inches; and can hare cut at short notice AN\' £iZlcs wanteil. Per»on» in wa«t of Grind Stones will please correspond with the undersigned, who will fill orders promptly and guarantee the quality of the grit as represented GEO. W. WILLIAMR & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 18G8. 32-tf E^ypt C/Oal iVliue. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- ; pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, j and have entered info copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same j in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can i be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro- I perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. 1 Applications may be made to Chas B. Mallett, Fayette ville, N (’., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. i JAMES BROWNE. I FayetteTille, Jan’y 20, 18G3. y6tf i The NIeain Engine now used for the business is in good order, and mate rial a plenty for keeping it so for 10 years to come Two Extra Steam Engines^ one an entire new one; Turnin" liathCH, Planeing Mat hlues,Drill Pr(‘ssc», K\tra Beltliig, and other material too numerous lo mention Also a lot of LUMBEH and TIMBER, with a liiOOD atuched; Small and large Circular Saws, Whip Sawn, Mor ticing' Machine, Sash Machines, with all the necessary Cutters to ttie above Machines. For further information apply to M. A BAKER, Fayetteville, N C. June4, 18(i3. 34-lm»lm I The Star Fouodrj and Maehiue Stiop S now in full operation aud will be eo continued uiiiil further notice Castings of all kinds done at the shortest notice. RAILROAD CASTINGS of all kinds, STEAM BOAT WORK. COPPER WORK aud MA CHINE WORK of all kinJs. will receive prompt atten tion at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville, by M. A. BAKER, Office on Hay St., Opposite the Old Wagon Yard. June 4, 1803. 34 lm*m ~ ST. MARY’S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. Rionr Rrv. THOS. ATKINSON. D D , Visitor. Rev ALDERT SMEDES. D D , Rector. THE next Term will begin JULY luth, aud end DE CEMBER 5th. For Board and English Tuitiou, the charge will b«» $226, payable in advance For a circular containing full particulars, apply tO' the Rector. Parents desiring to enter th(»ir children the next term, should address the Rector immediately. Raleigh, N. C., June 2. [k. s.] 34-3t ~ JOHN COOK, Aactioueer. As Administrator de bouis non upon the Est»te nf Mary Murphy, 1 shall sell at Auction at the Market House in Fayetteville on TUESD.\^, the last day of this month— 14 shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank ol Cape Fear, 12 shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of i Fayetteville, Xo Cotton Planters. , ^ credit of six months for Bonds with approved se- I H.AVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- | curiiy. W. B. WRIGHT, Adm’r. 1 sury. Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the ! June 1. [wbw] 35 ts Confederate Government within the State of North Caro- DISTRICT No. 3, is to consist of all the counties West, T . . .. .1 .n-_i Ike prices shall be as follows; Corn, Meal. Bacon. Wheat, *“ ' Flour, >d ( e- U a. I i- )- i es le I >1H 00 per bbl of 5 bushels, Gtj lbs to the bustiel. ;i 75 ‘ bushel of 48 lbs to the bushel. 85 ‘ lb. 5 I K) ‘ bushel of t)0 lbs, for choice white 2.') *o ‘ per bbl of 1’.'': ’.bs first fjuality aupertin**. 4 50 ‘ ](K» lbs. 4 00 “ 100 lbs. 2 0*J “ bushel of :-{2 lbs. 'lO “ bushel, measured 2 7ft “ 100 lbs unbaled. ^ 2r, “ 100 lbs baled. 25 “ lb 12 00 *• bushel of 60 lbs, dry and good. r.o “ lb, fair quality. R5 “ lb, for good. 2 r.o “ Ui. 2 'K) lb. 2 ."io •• lb. 1 uo •• 100 lbs. 1 s» •• 1 -0 lbs 4 00 “ gallon. 00 “ gallon S.SO 00 “ ton. kaia, baled, unbaled, * cleaned. Peas, Hay and Fodder, I Rice, cleaned, j Salt, ! Sugar, ! Lard, ; Leather tipper, j “ sole, I haroou. Wheat straw, • ‘ baled, Mdaeees, Whiekey and Brandy, Iron, ronad and plate, DISTRICT No. 4, is to consist of all couniifea West of and including said counties, and in said District the prices shall be as follows: *17 50 per bbl of 5 bushels, 5(i lbs to Ihe bushel. * -- • of) “ bushel of 48 Ibfl to the pying a Berth with their bools or shoes on, at the di.Hcretion of the Captain J. A. WORTH, for C. F St’m B’t Co. R. M f)RRE!.L, for St’rs Kate and Sun. T. .S. LITTERLOH. May 4, 18G3 26-tf From and after thi^ date the Steamer .-V P HURT will leave at 8 o'clock, A. M . on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April »>—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. %VE«TEIt.lf RAII. ROAII. 11HE Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and re turning leave Mclver’s at 1 o'clocK. PM. Tnun MONDAY, W EDNRSDAVand FRIDAY. By order of the [’resident. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and .\ct’g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. *22. 1H03 ‘‘"‘f t Meal, ' Bacon, I Wheat, I Flour, I Oais, baled, ; “ unbaled, 1 “ cleaned, Peas, Hay and F'odder, Riee. cleaned. Salt, Sugar, Lard, Leather, upper, “ sole, “ harness, Wheat straw, “ “ baled. Molasses, Whiskey ani Brandy, 5 K>. ‘ 25 00 ‘ 4 50 ' 4 00 ‘ 2 00 a 50 2 00 2 W 40 15 00 75 75 2 60 2 00 2 r>o 1 00 1 30 4 00 3 (XJ bushel. lb bushel of 60 lbs, for choice white, bbl of lbs for first quality superfine. 100 lbs. ‘ 100 lbs. ‘ bushel of 32 lbs. ‘ bushel, measured. ‘ 100 lbs, unbaled • 100 lbs, baled. ‘ lb. ‘ bushel of 50 lbs, dry and good. • lb, fair quality. ‘ lb, good. • lb • lb. ‘ lb “ 100 lbs “ 100 lbs. “ gallon. “ gallon. “ ton. Iron, round and plate, 350 00 The undersigned having earnestly endeavored to au- iust the differences that have hitherto existed between the Aifents of the Government and the holders of sup pliee necessary to carry on a war for their own defence, do now, moat earnestly and seriously call upon all who would support the government of their own choice, in thia it*’ life struggle; upou all who would preserve them- selvee and their families from the licentious despotism of a malignant foe; on all who would s&ve their own liteB, their own liberties, and their own property from the liands of an unprincipled, devilish and bitter «n«^my, (who have already declared the entire confiscation of all their estates, and even their very extermination,) to come forward at once, with all they -an spare, to he support of their brave sons and brothers fteST, and with all their aid and sympathy for the gov ernmeut of their own making, and which is now so be set with many and K«»at _ljftcu t ies dangers neAse this war of extortion against their own country, eo disgraceful to its citiiens. and so threatening 0,. .acCM i« . oo.«« in BUROWVN, R. V. BLACKSTOCK, Commissioners of Appraisement for N. C. May 29. 1863. Boxes orihe Southern Hepatic Pills Hav(* bofn ordered In one day. ^pfii.) ' .Diuatiou of incdiciues was first prepared by I. me proprietor in when he was pronounced by , three eminent physi iu a Southern city, as in an . advanced stage of Consumption Th'tf PilLt cured hint He ia now over seve'’'i '.n.t iji discharge of ; active professional duties. i tu-ir good effects upon, others crea'ed such a deman x for them that he was com- . Belled to desist ff;.; Hurplyiu^ them gratuitously They are not re.-immon ‘ ' proprietor as good ■ for all diseases, but onl.. for such as arise from DIS : ORDMRS OF THE LlVljll. .Many persons have lesii- j fied to their good effec m Chills and Fd'rn, iSdioun ^ Fever, Pneumonia, .J-f , j'.'. Read the following: 1 8 D Wall.\ck. Esq., I’resident of Ihe Wilmington i and'Weldon Rail Road. Aug 1«02, *ays: “It. has been said th a “Dyshkfsia,” is our loii:' »al dise.ase. However this may be. it caused loug an ’ severe su.- fering. Providentiilly a friend furnished with a few boxes of the "Ifepalic PilU.” and the u.e oj th- ‘ - perfacted a cure. In my family they hfivr b.>en frequtntly eminent niircess. Among i:;y i»cq ■ .i;i'• ances, many cases originating from diseased liver, U-.ive been relieved and cured by them I rejt ird the::, an invaluahU medicine, and ta.5e pleasure in forw.irdm,/ this voluntary tribute.” , Col John Wbioht, of (Joldsbnro N. Aug. 14, 1802. says: ‘1 have used the Suuther/i. Hepatic I’Uls in mvTamily here and al.so on my plant .tiou in Alabama, aud alwn,s with success 1 have a valuable servant girl who had been a longtime under treatment forconsump- , tion without. receivinK any benefit Almosttn her ex tremity. 1 wii^ induced to try the Ilepafic Pdls 1 h«y were (tiven accordmy to direxUmis, and s!ie is now well. entireiu vstored h;i them. A similar case occurred , among my servants in Al.xbam i. i: or hver and lung, diseases I have perfei > conMence in them " | Full direcliom and other certijicates will be found on ^ the wrapper of ei^ch box ,, , i i [ Price $l a box; 5>10 a doz-n; $."• a gros-. Retaded at the Druyaists For *11 twelve boxen will be sent i free to any part of the Confederacy where thi r- are no , druggists Not less than a dozen boxe.s will be sent hy i the proprietors. Cash must accompany ord.-rs. hecks i on local banks taken. Address GEO W. DEED'S, Wilson, N. C. •riT'For sale in Fayetteville by S. J. IUNSD.\LE. April 25. _ Wv tlie iiii«ler^i$;n4Ml practicing Physicians of the counties of Hichii.ond and Kobeaon. fn m necessity hlive agreed upon the following Fee Bill: cents per mile in 'he lay and double in t le nig ^ scriptions one dol>'^«’ Medicine Extra 5'Urgvcal an obstetrical cases fif X cent- on lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or j (^ash. j Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, , buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. | By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton : purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the ! 18ih day of March 1803, will be paid for in 7 per cent, j Bonds dr Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bondd as stated tn . a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the ^ 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. i Patriotic citizens are now oll'ered an opportunity to aid the Government by s«Uing to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, 1863. [c. u.] 14tf Run the RIockade! \V. iHacIntyre is offering to-day, 1 case Calico, 1400 yards; 18 dozen colored Handkerchiefs; 200 Joz white aud black Tape^ 80 packs English Pins; 120 boxes Black Pins; 12 doz Coat’s Spool Cotton; 100 doi Clark’s Spool Cotton, assorted colors; 3 lbs Black Italian Sewing Silk; 36 groce .\gate Shirt Buttons; 432 groce black and white Bone Pant Buttons; li.K) doz Ivory fine tooth Combs; I chest Congua Tea; 50 bags Liverpool Table Salt; boxes Extract of Logwood; 6 barrels Sal Soda. June 1. I son. S3-3w JAHEi^ KVI^E Has on hand the following GOODS, which he wants to sell this month: Men’s and Boy’s Coats and Vests; Ladies’ Silk Lace Points; ' Lace Edgings and (Quilling; .1 Cotton F.'inge; Trimmings for Ladies’ Dresses; 300 Pieces Wall Paper; Inserting, Swiss and Jaconet; Tuck and Side Combs, *c. June 1803. .".j-2t FATKTTKVILLK ARSENAL ANB AR510K1, Junk 4, .^863 WAilfTEl^, A GOOD practical BRASS MOULDER. St»-ady em ployment and good wages will be giveai Apply to Major F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. 3&-3t Fayetteville Arsenal and Arir»'ory, l Faykttkvillk, N. C , Juoie 8, 18'63. j WAIVTED. Having received authority f-om the Secretary of War to increase the strength of the preseni’Oorps at this Arsenal, the undersigned will ealist fifty (50) non eomcripti for that purpose. Those mibjact to con scription nttd not apply. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, C»npt. C. S. A. June 8 35-2TV II¥K. HLACK writing INK in pint bottles, in a box, securely packed in saw dust oompanied with money promptly filled. Two dozen Orders ac- Address June I, 1863. G. W. LAWRENCE, Fayetteville, N. C. 33tf ARREi^T THE HOWARDS! fAWES ALBERT .MOORE, BENJ’N M WELCH and JOSEPH BREWER, privates in Co. 5th N. C. Troops, cowardly deserted their comrades on the even ing of the 15th May and have doubtless gone to their hom-s at F.ill Creek P O . Rock Spring Dist., Chatham c-oiTV'.ty, N. C ’I'lie usual reward of THI‘tT\ DOL LARS eacn will be piid for their apprehension and de- liv;>ry at Raleigh to Col. Mallett of the Conscript Dep t. UENJ’N W IVEY of R.^beson county, ARICK lUlll'T of R>be.son county, and WM. H HATON of Harnett county, for whose apprehension a like reward will be paid. It is to be rettretted that we are obliged to advertise ihfse men like runaway negroes BENJ. ROBINSON, Capt. 6th N C. Troops. WAI¥TE», A STEADY middle aged womaa, white or colored, (without incumbrance.) One who has had expe- rienet in nursing an infant and can come ttell recomiHeiid- td, may obtain a situation by applying Capt. TAY^LOR, at the Arsenal. June 8. 35 Iw P. TAVLOR O FFERS FOR SAL E tiOFFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco aud Soap. Pow- ) der, CookiBg Soda, white aud ool’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Needles. Hats and Show. One box of sundry Goods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth Cloaks for Ladies; Gantlemen’s fine Gaiters; Green and Black Tea. ^ TAYLOR. June 1. 180.'?, 33-8in3ti W HOLESALE or retail, from 4d to 12d. Also, 25 boxes TOB.\*^Cf) R. Jane 4 MITCHELL 34-4t .May 2 *. 33-4t $.10 REWARD. Wante«l to Piirclia«e, i»M.AN or Leave at this OfBoe 34 4tpd A GOOD NATURED NEGRO W^tJM.'N or a OHIJ-D about ten years old, or both. a note addressed to C June 2 1>ANAWAY on Monday 25ih May, my Boy NELSON; ^ he'is crtpper complexion and weighs about 160 lbs., Hged about •..'3 years * 1 will pay f50 for hisdelivery to me or $25 for his confinement in Jail. N A STEDMAN. June 1. d.i-tf Wanted lininediateiy, 1 JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which HI U Jv* 'be higrte»t cash price will be paid --.\LSO — ike of l iree, well broke ()XEN Apply to D ANDERSON & (’O . Eaglf Foundry, Payelteville. N. C. 1 (iA 15‘^XE.S VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades I ./U for sale ou consiijnment, by geo. W. WILLIAMS »CO. May 23 31tf 15RIDAL GIFTS TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES 'I’lie brid*\l j^il'ts to th«> Prititvss oi‘ Wale.s have bocti jilueed un exhibition. The liondoit lime.s fj;ivos the followiii> dc.'^cription of the articles:-— The gifts are divided into tive cla^wes—that is, jew«lry and goldsiuitli’s work, silver plate, por celain, textile lahricks, and niisoel Ian ecus; but except in the matter of jewelry, no actual division is attempted, and the jilate and china, shawls, laees and works of art, are, as we have said, grouped toj^ether with beautitul etlect a.^ to form aud color. 'I'he jewelry makes a magnificent dis play. There are whole suits of gems, with brace lets, rings, broaches, lockets, and even tiaras, lor almost every day in lht> week. The most mag nificent ol these are, ot course, those j^iven by the Princi! himsell, by her majesty, and by the King of Denmark. The latter is a truly royal gift—a gorgeous necklace ol' live rows of brilliants and pt'arls, terminating iu the centre iu an enan^l tacsimilc ot the famous Byzantine ornanieut—tb** luuch revered cross ol Daginar, beautitully exe cuted. Li lujuestiouably, however, the most beau titul and the most ta.ste.ful specimen of jewelry is the i;arurr presented by the (.^ueen in the natne of the late IMnee Consort, aud made trom a tle- sign drawn by his royal highness himselt. the same kind, in another part ot the collection will be lound three drawings ot noble groups ot silver-gilt plate, now making but not yet ready for exhibition. These drawings represent gitta made by the (.^ueen in the name of the Prince Consort, and executed from the prince’s own de signs. The ccntre group will be a noble and most lolty tazza, the base surrounded with a large group ot tigures representing Edward I. present ing the first infant Prince of VV ales to the W elsh chieftains. The two vases which are to accom pany this royal gift are of Etruscan form, so graceful in shape and ornamentation that even our greatest modelers might feel proud of their conception. But to return to the jewelry. In one case it shows a set ot Indian ornaments, con sisting ot corsage, pair of bracelets, and armlet, entirely composed of pearls, emeralds, atid dia monds, the gilt of the Queen. These are indeed, ‘‘barbaric gold and gems,” for all the jewels hay* ing been cut anti set in India, are, ot course, in the pure oriental style—that is to say the dia monds are flat and lusterless, and the fine emeralds are drilled through and spoilt by holes; in fact, though the value of this present must be very *'reat, it is much more curious than beautiful, and the jewels as much resemble common glass as it is in the power of such rich and rare gems to do. Near it are a superb pearl and diamond necklace and ear-rings, the gift of the prince to his bride, and one of the most costly of them all. The most costly, however, is the grand diadem ot fine Hants, also given by the prince to the princess the day before the marriage. It ifl impossible to avoid mentally calculating the great costliness of this royal gilt, especially when one can guess at it from the data supplied by the magnificent city necklace which stands immediately beneath the diadem. The centre stone of the city necklace is valued at jt:5,000, and one can count in the dia dem above it no less than eleven bsilhantB almost, if not quite, equal to it ia size and purity of water. This almost queenly crown is so con structed as that it can be taken to pieces and worn, if wanted, in separate ornaments—a convenience of which it is not likely the princess will ever avail herself; as it is almost embarrassing to cori- jecture how she i.s to manage, even by the subdi visions of her time, to wear ail the separate orna ments that are here displayed. Ma#S of the presents «»iven by the royal family are the work of Gar rard &Co., except one exquisitely beautiful gold necklace, given by the prince, the Etruscan t(3rm of which shows it to be the work of Mr. Phillips. The young princes an 1 princesses ol our royal family make a joint present of a noble bro()ch of brilliants and sapphires; the Prince and P«nc^s Louis of Hesse a bracelet of turquoises anti bril liants; the Duchess of Cambridge a magnificent diamond and emerald brooch; the Princess Mary a diamond bracelet; and the Duke of Cambridge aiflo a diamond and enamel bracelet. The i^and- grave William of Hesse aud sisters give a most beautiful purur*' of gold, of a fine old Danish de sign; and the Chamberlain Juel another suit of the same richness; while the inhabitants of the two Islands, l^aaland aud Falster, also send a gold suite, ol ancient Scandinavian design—such a.s the wives of the Vikings of old might have worn in state—consisting of a massive diadem, armlet, hrooch, hair-pin, button, ear-rings, fioger-nngs— all of ma.ssive gold, ot quaint old Runic design. One of the most interesting presents in this part of the collection is that made by the bridfes- raaids—a bracelet in eight compartments, each one containing a miniatura of the fair young girls who followed the Princcns to the altar, with their I initials set in diamonds on the cover of the por- trait. The ladies of Liverpool give a cross c#m- posed of eleven large and superb brilliants, sus pended from a row of pearls; the ladies of Man- chest'cr, a very fine opal and brilliant bracelet; the ladies of Leeds, a fine diamond bracelet in a white and gold casket In a ca.-e by themselves are three boquet holders, one from the Maharajah Dhuleep Sing, one from the Lady Mayoress, one from the ladies ot Gravesend As the Princet.s brought one with her, and Southampton is about to give her another, her higliiiess will need only one more to have one for every day in the week. Of the three now at South Kensington, that made by London and Uyder for Dhuleep ijing is incoin- pirably the finest. It is a most massive and cofctly ornament, of rock crystal and gold, jeweled ^er Mar.-li 7. titf D MaLEAN. D. DlCKseON. BETHUNE. PATTERSON. McDOUGALD. SHAW Camp of Instruction N. \ ^\MP Hulmks, May 20, 18»i". ( W^AI%TE» T« HIRE. . - , , r GOOD NEGROES to work at the FAYETTEVILLE i with diamonds, emeralds y , KEROSENE 0‘L W^ORKS Those preferred who j plight iml companies of the huint)u ^ I'-*'* 1° . .-!• 1 1 ..KarnntAriafin nlain can be fed and clothed by their masters ,\pply to lUENRY L May 20. COLTON. -■i4r * f OAAA lbs. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, j or most interc-sting ornaments glli)U suitable for Belting. Apply to • J Ainorit porcelain gifts the WAMTED, ^ Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also North Cwolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. k\mo North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. Alw, worui RICHARDSON & CO.. BroktMt N. C. DAN’L SMITH. 27-lltpd May 8, 1803, CABBIAGE Ami» HABMESS for SALE. little taeed. lAnj Sfecial Orkkhs, 1 No. —. j IN accordance with General Orders No. 25, Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, Va,, the name of the following slave is published in order that his owner may come forward and claim the property, viz: “SAM,” aged about thirty years, black complexion, 5 feet 8 inches high, property of Miss Emily Harway, of Hertford county. The said Sam was arrested on board of the steamer Emily, running from Norfolk, Va., to Newbern, ^ At the same tim6 and place was arrested “BUSH CUFFEY” aged about 26 years, dark complexion, 6 7 inches, who claims to be free. By order of CoL PETER MALLETT, t* Commandant of Oonaoripts for N. C. J. N. PuoK, AdiJaUiU. Kole l^eailier wanteil. aned S>L Apply to Fayetteville, .\j-ril 14. Palma Cliristi Rean»». murpHv. •itnf unteers gave a beautiful and characteristic plaid or shawl brooch, with a iaelic inscription, and Lord ilerries a mas.sive, chased, gold Indian bangle, set with rubies aud emeralds. These are the chiet ‘ -—ong the jewelry. Ainorn. iwruciaiu n.ere is a vase al- Mrge enough to bathe in. given by the King ^ ‘„bJ Queen of Prussia. Near this are an ewer ^aad plateau in the style of the sixteenth century, T ,|E.«h..rib,r.m p., .he high... o„h an taitatio. of the ei.,ui»Ue l.imoges en«aeto, any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. Fayetteville. Oct R. •»rORTH. 07-tf i the gift of Lord Spencer. The Dowager Duchees 1 of Sutherland gives a china service and a beauti- ' ful pair of beakers, which will bear a favorable contrast with the Sevres clock and turquoise por celain candelabra presented by the members ol the household of the prince. The textile fabrics , include all presents of this kind that have been TW U. ^^0“” made, from the Indian shawls and pieces ot satm TN Sendit^ advertisemaiii! are of the usualvelvet for dresses, given by the Queen aati iaS; A urger amount if the orders longer | exquisite fairy-lcwking wel^t * SONS- , Belgium, Norwich, and Ireland. April 30.1863. — I oTNorwich sends a small oatfit m thia Ell^liVE WAIvf®®- • A * May'*2l** J. HA*LE*&”^N8. 'I'fl OE COURT^i. 7ourt AdveKisements tke Clerks t»ill Wapsum tKii» i Bbwri«, opeja