■WF U.} rh. u. h ‘ "ha. ^ r ... Iv ih* 'l'*ar • ‘ t:' " iin d I,.. •ft ■ 1-1. ! . ! ; ■ ‘ 'li.- T{ ; »f\ ^ - ■■'‘/ ’lUiSt- ,,t prn « puch solll iP*AiriBWlETlIlIalL (DIB SF, WI-WKKK L Y. \(>L. XII.i FAYirrrKviLLE, n. c,. juni: i:.. .ulNn;D Mt*'VU\H' VNI) THURHUWS KI»W iUD J. HII.E A SOXS. IMIIOK;? \Nii I*RoVR1F.T,»RH 1 *'.*iii Weekly (>H«KRVKR jsrt (M>. puiil in -..•tan 'r ',t " i>»'tly '*h-*krvkk .% j M |>t'r Niiiiini). j.ni.l iu \V\ t R I'lSh.MLN rs in~eri«>>t tor per s /uiie r.>r ih.‘ !ii-i., Atwl TjU cejiis for oin'h huc , j ; .Hotiiioii. \'lverii»**Mneiit>i ijjt exceeJinjr n t;'* lor ihr iir»i an'l tlit i-eiUN ....)iii:r iMibiu'titinii \liverii’^er-* n^e re !f itif niiiul>«r of' iu«ertion“i ttenirf''!. ui jii^'.ini.'l illl turt.i.l, *111.1 ihnr^r.l h.-.hi I •,i'i -• i’ti * -.1; f r, t 9t: t. 1 arr d tii‘ tr f in /•’, oharje.l HS fiew -i l tl. ,. , 1 ' } - > ^ two lU^ r \ -ud ! ^ ;;.,n :. : -nd t,:r -rth,. ■ T.shall ! -ni ,.aeh a:i. file said - ? ; d as a ' hi^ si i.n Nurit i; ifj .'tii» d'ite, 3iu tiHriie of H lie w f'liN'i'i ibei -li.iiii pAvni^nt ill ri.ivHiKt*. nor will t*ij "lU’h ^utworil»uTlur ^ lou^ei uute ■r oM BUb'. t ilitTfl H! 'Ir II >\sietu y*lll livilit'\ ' i>) lake ilie p!i ii'^ wtien iiiHkiii^ •Ism’v 1, FlorfMce aiid Fayetfeiille Kail Road. L,N1>KU the provi^ioQM oi iin Orflinanoft of ihe ("oii veuuoii «f N'orih t’aroliua, Uook- will be opaneil on hp iRih June at the followinj? pluee*. an ! under the di reciion of the followinjr persotu, to reCewe subsorip tumn to the (’Rpital Stock of the “Flereuce A FayPtte- >ilie Kail Ko!id(\v" SharertOtie Hundred Dollar-* eaoh. At tht Had Hoad Oihce tn /av''/?oi'(7/»'.--Under the ;li leoiioii of the General ('otiiiiiissiouers, A, A. MoKfthaii • > A Kay. \ \V Steel, Win. MrL MoKav an l Jno! M Kt)*44> .. •If f!‘'' •V'-'V’ L'n.Jerilie .!ir,--iion .>f Heotor •Mc.Neill, Will. J. Stewart, .las A Smith, Dan ! (’ Mv- Nt'ill and ('i.I Ali>x Mi.Mil!aii. oi auy >ite of them At Flcfut Under I he diret tiou ot L)i Seill MrNair. l>r A U MoLeau. Ari hi>.Hl.l Jliniih. Kdui.i.,1 I.illy and t'ol Alexan.ler Wat»ou. or any one of them At k^ure’tidaU Uuder ihe diieoiion of Murdock Me l» McLeu.l, l» Mci’alliiin, .lui M. Kae. 1r . and j' M McQueen, nr any otie ol ih-ni, .-I - AhurdtctlU L'liderthe directi..n of John J'nr. ell Jno M.'Nair. Siou Alford, bu^^ild Mv:(’alln,u huJ Ju.. *li 'iillmu, ol any otie of theiu The Sub>;.-ription l»ook- will reiuadi open for the Hptve ot tiO .I tys When a butiioient sum is Mnbrieribe'i thoi\.iupauy will t.e .TKautzed for Ihe i.iirpose ot biiilJ 10)/ t>i.- kj'ij A \ McKLTHXN I* A RAV. A VV STKKL. VVM McL McKA\. •INi> M HOSK. lleiiertil ('oiuuiiissioner-' >»-Jtf exchange hotel. suhsoriher annotincei* to the public ti'ii he will on the Ipi M’ly the ^ibove Mouse ot l.ntprlainiient, (formerly Ihe Hheni- wrll Hoime ) The houite nitnated a few lii'orn Ironi the Variiei, on (Jreen Bireet. neir the ceu- iie of the busineKs r)o. ricti of the ti.wn, and has been tio^ly fitiK'i up, and thoroU|{iiiy cleatiHed The rouniH uni oonveuient an l well »entilated The table will be fiiipphed with the beHt the market atlor lsi. the Bar with the bP!*i.ot L.iqiiorn. uud Ihe stable with attentive Ontlers. Ue“iiiiii’- ot iihitiMi^ (lie ptiblio pHironaj^e I can pro nj>? ^ill !hiill not Ifavo dis niiviB th it I h«Me v» \ •i-iiint^ed \pril J. UI'.l'BKN .lONKK (o I’. WILL open the LAiJLF. HkTKL f>.i the re ■••'V.li.>n .f il,,. lir^i uf lun.v an.I 1 hop^ he nble In euleilHil) trou. seV“Oly tive to h I JOHN H. COOK, Auctioueor. Oeutal Ha(erlals luHtranieutN aud Fiir- iiilare, at Auctiou. IWll.L seij at Aitotiou, on Wednesday the 'Jiih of June, in Fayetteville, N uiy eniiiv stock ot KENTAL MATKRIALS. INSTRUMENTS and Fl’ll- NITURE. o"^a!i>ting of ‘27tHt Teeth, Rubber and 1*1 ite, 4 01. Oold Foil, Vulcanite ami Apparatus, InFtruniciits, I Ht« Files, Kzcavalura, Fillera and Forocp^, Operating j Chair and Hpitto.in, (’hairn. TablM, ^l^pe^8, Red and Heddinp AUo h large lot of Rookn. Medical and Den tal woi'kM. Rl t/'ki»tono’s I'oDiiiiButarieii. .New AmericHTi 1 •'y''lopur Hh '^('vrt^inr I I’oetioal Workn. ('fjih f Tit!i!i- Bo ik.s, \e. My aivouniH ‘»re in tlu hand:* of Mr .lohn H. (*ojk. H SCO I T Mnv ‘S’, iMiin ::iis 'inn.Ire I j"-r.unis (Jiiviiij^ tli»> Suiunier In (.uiineciiou with this birj^e Hotel, 1 have a number "I H ii'k:, Cinitri*.). HujfjtieH and Saddle Horses ihil itiv /iiesi- ,.'111 j-j.! (41 rt miuu)t‘'H noiii^e .1 M BLAIH, Proprietor Kagle Hotel, Ajiheville, N. 1^-.^ .'^l-ypd M;iy I. PI Fayetie»ille. .lune 7, ISt.i 'pHllSK I lina. w . ,r_ le t , lid In,- trr HVW. .fffrl.. Attorney at Law, K» \ KTTKVILI.K, N. 0. ILL a'.tend the County and Superior ;'uniberl.’.nd, Haruett, Moore and Rohesou (''oun- ,e« Prompt attention given to the collect ion of all .iitns entrusted to his handn. ' •' ;7, 18/19. ;>«-if liEO. W. WILLIAMS & CU.. Wholesale Uealern in (IrorerirK, A.VD IMP0RTBB8 AND DEALERS IS birdware an4 Citlery, Swedes Iron, HAY STKKET, FATKTTKVILLK, t'. • , i 3Gtf JOS. UT I^E Y, Grocer and t'omtniH>*ion ^^ei*rhnnt^ f AYKTTKVTLLE, N C. y.i If 10, T. 4\ A- K. 4i. %% ORTH, ling MerrbauK N 0. 84tf West*^! Kaiiruad OflliT, \ Fayetteville, N. Sept. 27. 1»02. > »R the purpose of increasing the capital stock of this L ompany, to en.ahle it to extend the Hoad from the I'ourtfl «.f •t'oal Field.s to the N’ortli ('aroliua Road, the following gentlemen have been apj.ointed I'otnmissiouers to re ceive HiihHcribers in their several neighborhoods, vij; .\t Uulf—L J Haiij^hton. Hrookt? Harris. Dr George (' Newby anil G WatihiQgton •\bove the Gulf—]ot> J QoMmIou, .Jarne^ K Rire^ and Hugh W Dixon A' Ore TTI11- n W Gold»l.oii, L>i 1. W' Gorrell and N M Alston. Above Ore Hili—Dan’l H.ackney, B .Niarsh and Jas* Pace. ■\t Kou-it's Mills—l>r H M Foust and Dr J U Graves. At Franklinsville au I vicinity—Isaac II Fount and A 8 Horney. \i .Asheboro’—Jonathan Worth and IJ F Hoover. At New Market—lesse Walker and Joseph Newlin At Thomat:vilIe — .\ G Foster and Jno W Thomas. •\t High Point—l>r R ’ Liudsay and Seaborn I'erry. ,\t .Malem—Francis Frlen and II L Vatterson. ■■Vt Greensbfwo’—C P Mendenhall, Peter .\dains, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesne H Lindsay Instructions will be sent to the ('omaiis.sionerH at an eariv d>ty by the President of the Company. •'.ilf J M ROSE, Sec y W R R. ( o u>dated T. C. rith board at HOOPER .Oti ro., \MS & ER». in operation nine miles ies wishing to aupplj nish«l by applying t» i etteville, to E. Piige, j M WILLIAMS, leral Supertntemlent. : 81tf ! a. home ft few mouths iti : >&n in ay aaiiioritei ; atil I rvtorn. , N. O JONES ' ^3tf is diite I will • pound for rage de- eville, or aL iny mills 1) MUft^nv t;r, ^11. THK .\OKTH >fliTr.4L LIFE i^SFK.4:«( E (0>»P.4.M, Now in the tenth year of succe'^sful o^»‘raliou, with growing capital anci firmer hold upon public con- hdence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to r.o years of age, for one yeitr, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits, j All slaves from lu to tiU years of age are insure*! for I one year or for five years for two thirds their value. .Ml losses are punctually paid within ^0 »lays after satisfactory proof is presented. | For further information the pubJi'* is referred to j Agents of the t'ompany in all parts c .he State, and to ! K H BATTLE, Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. HALE, -\gent at Jan’y 186^. Fayetteville, N ' EDTIII\T MPKI!V4;!N, HI RKK (’Ol N’TY, N (\ Spi ing:i-.re sit iati»d in Wi st«m No. i h t'at ■. al*otit Fiftei’u milt>« from Morganton, in 'i touuntainoiis, beautiful and roinaiitic country. The waters, .''L'LPIIL^K and THALVHEATE, are said to be emial to any i'l the country l*eer, Cear and Pheasant abound in the Mountains The t'oinpaiiy ,h »s sii.-c-;‘ede i iti obtaining the services of an experienced eenileman and lady to take charge of the House, and wi’l be ready for Ihe reception of Visit ers by the Ip: .11' I,V One Fr>urth of this propetty with Three Hun dre>l acres of L'liiil atiaeho-1 wouM be sold lo a person competent to t»ke charge of the property PIKKUtlST WPUINOU oy M .y-il.. 3;{ 3mpd LIST OF rU.4K(it;S ('OK P.lSSEMll!;RSi From Fayeiteville to VNilmington, •• •• FHizabeth, •• White Hall, ■ “ “ Kelly’s (Jove, “ .All points below, SF.CO.NU CLA88, OR UKOU hr.iin Faycitoville to Wilmington, . •• •• “ Eliiabeth, •• “ Whitehall, Kelly * Cov«». ' “ *• “ .All points helew, I tf. \ From W iltnington to F tyetteville, *. '• Kelly's Cove, - White Hall, *• “ EJizabeth, • • •• Prospect Hat!, • •• '• All points above, >>Kl'ONIi ri.AHH, OK I>K'K Fron. Wilniiiigion to Fayetteville, “ ■■ “ Kelly’s Cove, “ White Hall, “ .All points above, Second Class or Deck Passengers must stay on lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Class. *«6r A n extra charge will be m>i.de for Way Passen gers getting into Berths during day lime, and for occu pying a Berth with their bool« or shoes on. at the discretion of the Captain J. A WURTH, for C. F St’m B't Co. ORRELL, for St’rs Kate and Sun. LUTTERLOII. 'olluii Varii fai* Wool. HAVI.NG aciiepted an agency from ihe Gover-nor of the 8t»ie. under the direction of I'ol H .A. Dowd. V. M . Ill Raleigh, lo assitii in prjouring a supply of WOOL to provide cloUiing for our North Carolina S.d- dlers the uoming FaJI and Winter, we are authoriie.l to exchange ('uttoA Yarn at the rate of 1 bundle of lbs. for 8 lbs. of Wool unwashed, but free of sand anii buiB. .Any person having Wool to spare can greatly aiii our State authorities iu their laudable ertoriii to sus tain the oause of our country, and at the sttiue time con tribute (in nviuy cases) to the comfort of their own friends and kiulrel iu the army, not by making a do nation, but receive a full eijuivalenl for their wool. It 13 hoped and expecte^i therefore that a prompt response will be made lo this notice, as it is important that the Wool siiould go into the hands of Ihe manufacturer at an early day, to be made retldy for wear by fho early Fall. GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May J0, 1863. 33tf *■10 (K» 5 (Mj r. 5(» : 0> lU 00 *:f) 00 ■2 fiO 3 50 4 0(1 5 Oil flO 00 4 .'■>0 6 f»0 60 h »KJ 10 OO $5 (K) 8 OO 4 00 6 CH» The »w Sljle, Small, rOLOREI) PH0T0iU.4PHS, 1 R. M. T. May 4, 26-tf AT From and date Ihe !?leamer .V leave at H o’clock, .A and Thursday J(>S .\pril ti —17if ) .Ag t C F. after liiin P HURT will M , on .Monday A WORTH, Steam Boat Co. C.iRli'VD STO’^ES FOR The uiidersigned have taken the Agency for the sale of Messrs W B. Farrar A Co’s Grind Atones, and have now on hand sixes running from 18X2^ inches lo ' ti f*et by 11 inches; and can have out at short notice ' j\t^w wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond with the undersigned, who will { till onlcrs promptly and guarantee the quality of the grit as represented GEO W. WILLIAMS CO. . Fayeltevilie, May 27, 1803. 32-tf j Egypt C'oal .Yliiie. | 1'^HE undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- j pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal .Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same { iu any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can j be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro- j pertj is tindouhtedly the best in the Confederate States. .Applications may be made lo Chas B Mallett, Fayette- ville, N C , or James Browne, Charleston. 8. C : CHARLES B. MALLETT, JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, 1863. UM | To i'otton Planters. ' 1HAVE been appointed by (he Secr«tary of the Trea- | sury, (?hief .Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the | Confederate Government within the State of Non h Caro- | lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or ; C&fih. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the Stale, | buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1868, will be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated, j Patriotic citixens are now offered an opportunity to ^ aid the Oovernment by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21, 18ti3. [c. i> ] I4tf A RARE 4 HAiKC'E m m\ OF liNTKRl'RISli! \S 1 wish to change my business 1 now otter for s Ue niy FOX i\DK Y, with a full supply of MATERIALS for carrying on the business to a large exteiil, in connection wilh a large MAt'HlNE SHOP witii all Ihe necessary tools Tiie SI earn En^iiit* now ufed for the business is in gool order, and omie- ri-il a plenty for k'>epiiig it so for 10 years lo come 'fVro iU'Irti Steam one an entire new one; Turnin'; LaihPN, Planein^ MachliifH,Drill Prf*»Ht*s, Kxtra Belting, and .>i!ier uiaterial too niimerouii to ntenlion Also -I lot of LUMBER and TIMBER, will, a 04100 SA%V .1111.1^ Utla‘h.>d; Htiiull and large (’irctilir .Saw8, Wliip Saws, .Mor- liciii^ Machine, Sash Machiuen, with all the iiPC.*s9ary Cutters lo the above Machines. I For further information apply to M. A BAKER, Fayetteville, N C June 4, IHo:^ ;54-lm"*lni The Star Foundry aud IMachlue Shop Is now in full operation aud will bo so conlinued uniil further notice Castings of all kiuds iloue at shortest notioe. RAILROAD CASTINGS of »U kinds, STEAM BOAT WORK, COPPER WORK and MA CHINE WORK ot all kinds, will receive prompt allen- tion at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville, by M A. BAKER, Office on H ly St., Opposite the Old Wagon Yard. June 4, 18f,3. 34-lm«m ST. MARY’S SCHOOL, K A LEIGH, N. C. Rmnx Rev. THOS..ATKINSON, I> D , Visitor. R*v ALDERT S.MEDE3. D 1* , Rector. The next Term will begin JULY loth, and end L>E CEMBER 6th. For Board and English Tuition, the charge will b>» S22.5, payable in advance For a circular containing full particulars, apply lo the Rector. Parents desiring to enter ll.cir children the next term, should address the Recior itninediaiely. Raleigh, N. C., June 2. [n s.] ^4-3t JOHN H, COOK, Auctioneer. S Administrator de bonis non upon the Estate cif Nrary Murphy, 1 shall bell at .Auction at the Market^ House in Fayetteville >n TUESD.AV the la^.t day ot." this month — 14 shores of the (’apital Stock of the Bank ol Cape Kear, ' 12 shares of the (Japital Stock of the Hank i>f Fayetteville, on a credit of six months for Bonds with approved se* cariiy W. B. WRIGHT, Adm r June 1. [wBw] 35 ts A JA.TIES Kl'I.E Has on hand the following GOODS, which he wants to sell this month: Men’s and Boy’s Coats and Vesiii; Ladies’ Silk Lace Points; Lace Edgings and Quilling: Colton Fringe; Trimmings for Ladies’ Dresses; 300 Pieces Wall Paper; Inserting, Swiss and Jaconet; Tuck and Side Combs, *c. June «, 1863. 35-2t f icles to soli will leceivfc { on Mr -M Tho»nHi»*»ti, ille, or on 'tie •*tibs»'ri ^uare .EX JOHNSON. Jr. 7 oil ar» Reward. )er, hit Mgro boy MO- i !, about 6 feet 10 inoheM : much tursed oat H the I .en to. H^ WM «e«a I lonaty oa the 2l§i nit., ] three we«k» ag«>. The is delivery tn m» or for lat I get biOL • I W D. JOHNSON 1 &J*f I iCiKEMM. I ire all kinds of Wagon * tan my letuher and can ' /ill do well to aeud iheir ! ve prooipt ai.tvuiion, and JOHN CARTER i >., N. C I ' 1Hrt-2 ( ART. VI'o04l%»arr( Solar 4'aiii‘ra. 1)H0'J oGHAPH.'^ cm be had .-»i Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gall‘iy, Itay sivcc:, oppoHiie MarVde \ard. Fay eifeville, V plain, retouched, colored, iu water colors, oil and pasiile; from small lolifesiie. .\tnbro- types, Melaneotypes, ind all ofher «tyles of Pictures pertaiu' ig to the \r* Al-o, Gilt Frames, (Jilt Mould ing. 0^ * for very large pictures—as large as 21j by inches, 'ord aud Tassels for hanging pictures: InMtrn- ments, .'^tock and ChetuicaJs ffr sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit yonr patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Piiotographist and Proprietor. Uec’r -0. 185W Marble Factory. I i4tt abi€ for Htile b> J. R LEE ♦i'ltf TWI) ARD. DOHKS .IhUVK I'. T. IIAHiH 4i SUNK’ STIiKK 'O. (K',0 «j- SORIBKRON SL'NDAV ly ae^ro boy named A N «lUv eoaplexion, about • 20 years old, and sup indti. He has a heavy ben qtiMiiiooed, i^ud iias iag to pua for u free boy. > or kim daliTervd u> me at j Qt coailBed hi any jail ! F L WAHKEN I Id-iiinpd I'ARO. I operating Hootufl over { s BUr«, I offer mj Pro- | 0 the cititeoB of Fayette- rs firom 9 A. U. to 12 M, J n FREEMAN. 34-fHpd ^E. are at U. D. Daris’s for Md to receipt bj me for •A> fwj jo«r debts while JAMES BREEfTE. 26tf CE. ry etappage of the Rook- sk« lo oorae, fur the pur- vill have no Sheetings for G T. HAIGH, Prea’t. F/t VETTEVII.I.E MIITDilL I^SllRAXCE (OMFAW. Capital in Premium Notes amoiiniH lo f2;7,f.8H 20 (?a»li on hiiyd and other assels, ^ Total, f272,7t>5 61 The Company have pAiJ aH losses protnpily, aud have never made an assessnieut on Iheir premium uotes. Total 1uiu«H paid, $2y,*>H’_ (>y • f>Fnc’KBfl; GEO. McNKll.T., President. U. A. RAV, V^ice Pr«Hidonl. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dirbctobs: Henry Lilly. W. N. Tilliughasi, H L. Myrov^r, 8. J- Flinsdale, S. T. Hawi# ?, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Sletlman, T. S. Lutterloh, WESTERN RAIL R4>AD. IHE Trains of this "Road leave Fayeltoville daily, (Sundays excepted) at H o' -lock, .A M , and re turning lenvo .Mclver's -it 1 o’tlocK, P M FrfujKt Tr.u» MONDAY, WEDNESDAY andFRlDW. By order of the President JNO. ,M ROHE, Treas r and Act’g Trans. Ag't. Jan. 22, I.‘‘'tf S700 BoiLeN or the Southem Hepatic Filh Htf>e b»*en ordered In one da). This combination of medicines wa« first prepared by the proprietor in 1825, when he was pronounced by three eminent ptiysicisns in a Southern city, as in an advanced stage of (’onsuniplion TUrte PilU ntrrd hirt. He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of active professional liuties. Their good eflects upon others crea'ed such a dem.and for them that he was com pelled to desist from supplying them gratuitously ' They are not rec.inimended by the proprietor as good i for all diseases, but only for «uch as arise from DIS i ORDERS OF THE LIVER Many persons have tesli- . fied Io their good eftects iu Chill.o ami f-’i-i'fri, lStlu>us Fri'fr, Fnrumomn. Dyxpfpsid, .Vc., Read Ihe following': | S. D. W/vr,t,.M;K. E>iq., Pr ’••ni ef the Wihninglon : and Weldon Hail Hn^.l, Aug. .S', I'^i.J, fiy-i: “It has ■ l»een said *hat “l)T-ii‘i;Psia,” is our nuin/u tl disease. I . However lbi~ ui'iy be, it caused mr long and severe wilf- i ferinj^. I’rovidentialiy a friend furcirhed ms with a i few boxes of Ihe ’and rht u.r oj t/ien, Un^ firrfrrird a cnre. hi iny family they have been used frtquently m\\h. ’‘mifnnl iucetxn,. .Among my ac^|uiint- j aiioes, iminii rn-f^ originating from diseasetl liver, have ; been relieve.l and ciiit»1 by them. 1 regir 1 theii an j iiii 'iluubir modtrint, and lake i.leasuie in forwarding ; ihis voluntary tribule. ’ | Col .Ions Wrujht, of Golisboro’ N. C , Aug. 14, j lhG2. says: “1 have used the Southern //'/>ute J’dix in my family here and also on my planl iiion in Alabama, | and uluxiyt With nurcrtii. I have a valuable servant girl j who had been alongtinif under irertlmem fui coimump tion, without receiving any beiii-fit Almost in her ex tremity. 1 was induf'e l to iry t>ie Jlrpiltic /’//.■*. They were given a/rordiny (> dtrrr!i'>m, and s.ie is ticw wall, fntiTfhi rfxtorrd by theni. A similar ran* o'ciirretl among niy servants in Alabain.a. For livct and lung iliscases / hive pir/rrt coniidi’nre in them Full direclionx and oth>-r tvwill bi found on the wr.ipper of each box. Price, $1 a box; ?10 a doz.'n; .$'.Jt> a gross IitlaUi>d at the hruyyhlK For ^^11 twelve boxes will be sen! free to any part of the (%)nfederacy where there are no druggists. Not less than a dozen boxes will be sent by the proprietors, (’ash must accompany orders. Checks on loc»l banks taken A-idreR» DEE MS. Wilso.i, N C.^ f^“For sale in Fayetteville by S. .1. HIN'SDALE. April 25. J2-8inpd Run the Blockade! W. a c 1II t y r e is offering to-day, 1 . ase Calico, 1400 yards; 18 doten colored Handkerchiefs; 200 Jo: white and black Tapes; SO packs English Pins; 120 boxes Black Pins; 12 doz Coat’s Spool Cotton; DHl dot Clark’s Spool (’oiton. a»soriel colors: 8 lbs Black Italian Sewing Silk; 3^1 groce .Agate Shirt Buttons; 432 grooo black and while Bene Pint Buitona, 100 doz Ivory fine-tooth Combs; 1 chest Congua Tea; 50 bags Liverpool Table bait; 5 boxes Extract of Logwood; barrels Sal Soda. June 1,186:j. .1.1-8 w FAVKTTKtlLLK AK8KXAL ANII AR.«OKY,\ Jt;>B 4, 18t*8 / WAilFTEll, A GK)U practical BR.ASS MOULDER. Steady em ployineni and good wages will be given. Apply to- .Major F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. 36-3t Fajettevllle Arsenal and Arniory, \ Fatkttkvillk, N. , June 8, 1HG3. J WAilTTED. Having received authority from the Secretary of War to increase the strength of the present Corps at this .Arsenal, the undersigned will enlist fifty (50) non corucripti for that purpose. Those subject to con scription /letd not appli/. .M.ATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S A. June 8 35-2w Moral (^(tudition dj S* w \ork — IhcNewDr- U'atia Picayuiio eOTittiius an article under the hoad ot “'I'he ilotue Heathen, ” oi which the lollowing is an extract: A rocontly received Nortiiern jaurual «!Outums an atldross delivered betore the ^iew \ urk \ ouu^ Mf'ti’.^ ('hri.sfian Association. If st-'ites fhat tliere is in the directory a resi- deiif poimhifion t)l iu!:irly nine hundred thousand souls (^uTid bodies.) There were rcoeived last year info the eh;iritable and correctioual institu tions of the city, ;')7,i*o4^pi*T.sons 11,299 persons wert* eoiniiiilted f.» prison lor ninety special ot- feiices; thert* art' lilHUl liijiior dealers in the city -!()M,(l(l(t (,’ernian Intidtds—."fiO.OtMi souls volun- furilv desfiliUo of the true means ot grace—13,00tj fatiii'li.-.s without a Hible—(>0,00u children who afl.‘nded a .s.-houl—l 5,000 childreu classed as hoinelesM oin!s, who prey upon the conimuuity eiiht'r as beggars, thisves or vagabonds, aud whi> ;.re growinj^ uj>, unohockod au»l unrestrained, into •he next generation ol’ burglars, pick-pockots and prostitutes—obscene books and prints published imported and sold in our streets at our whar\ps, and in some of our bookstores—periodical pre^ not guiUless a.s respect.s immoral teachings ao intluenct^ Of arrests last year three lourth.s were directly on account oi intoxications, and tuisdeineanors arising thorefrom—nine thea tres, six of which permit the presence of prosti tutes—amusement graduated so as to gratity eve ry class, however degraded, and every taste, how ever depraved—model artiste exhibitions, free concerts, saloons, dance houses, dog fights and other such .spectacles, attracting crowds every night—twenty-live thousand abandoned women ol all grades—and twenty-five hundred brothels —Broadway tianked for more than a mile, on either side, by streets whose very names are syn onyms ot debauchery; while it is notorious that the great thoroughfare has scarcely a block above Canal street which is not disgraced by an assig nat on house or a disreputable hotel!—more than half the population dwelling in crowded tenement houses, erected and arranged to hive from 4 to 1*2;*) families of 6 persons each—an underground population, according to Dr. Francis, of J5,000 persons—and with this enumeration, ot which we have given a sketch merely; omitting much oi the worst, the address deters the consideration of gambling, lottery policie.s, desecration ot the Sab bath, the rock less disregard of sanitary rules, the increasing riotous character ol city politics, and the vagrancy, ignorance and pauperism so preva lent in our community. Surely, subject matter, sufficient for another address, ii not for a volume. We have read of an artist monk who paintod a picture oi Purgatory so frightful In its details that he went mad over his own work—and ot jet another who drew the devil in such a horrible form that it killed him outright. Our young Christian has simply photographed a Christian city in the year of grace, 18tt3, and the picture is one which may well stagger our faith in the civil ization of this oountrj. A Letter Ttltjraph.—The succe.ss of t(he un derground street rail road in London has proved the development of a new Company which pro poses to blow letters and parcels trom one. end of the metropolis to the other through tubes by at mospheric pressure. Vour package is put iu at one end, the air exhausted from the other end, and through it goes like lightning.. The Compa ny has been chartered under the name ol the “Pneumatic Despatch Company,” and has com menced business by laying down pipes between one of the district postvffices and the Northwest ern railway, through which mail bags are sent with great rapidity. A mile of space is travelctt by this method in six seconds, it would not be extraordinary now il invention and enterprise went a step I'urther, and shoved full grown passengers through the country upon the suMie principle. ^ A man thus could ea.sUy beat the telegraph, particu larly a« It is conducted at home now a days. Nassau Cor. Chan. Courier. lillK. BL.ACK writing ink in pint bottles. iu a box, securely p.tcked in saw duijt. coiTipanied with money promptly filled. Two dozen Orders ac- Addres#* .'une 1, 18c,.3. G. W LAWRENCE, Fayetteville, N C. 38 If ’ A. W. Steel, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, ALTH R08BET M1TCH£LL. tS-«f c. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. M'cKethan. J. D. Williams, 8. W. Tillinghast. hn Collins and C. C. f^^The Company invite applications May 28, 1861. McCrummen, Traveling Agents 21- WAIVTED, Bank notes of North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. , . , vr . Also, North f’arolin^Bix per cent. Fundable Notes. Also* North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Ealeigb, N. C. Maroh 9. South Carolina, 9tf B^nk WanaiUs for sale her©. We flie iiiiderMi^ned pvaclicing Physicians of the counties of Richmond and Robcs-tn, from necessity have agreed upon the following Fee Bill. Sevi oty fivt cents per mile in 'he day and double iu the nignf. i re- Bcriptions one dol'»*' Medicine Extra. Surgical and obstefrical cases fif'J pof oent. on former ohirges. D Mo LE A N. D. DICKt^ON. BETHUNE. PATTERSON. McDOUQALD. SHAW. DAN’L S.MITH. 27 lltpd May 8. 18G3. _ _ __ ““cARRTaWE AiHO HAR.lfESS FOR SALE. i Larire second-hand CARRIAGE, with seats for aix A Al», . .t UOBBS.E harness «r, liUl« naed. ^ ’*• ARREST TBE COWARDS! lAMES ALBERT MOORE, BENJ’N M W«LCI! and J(>SEPH BREWER, priva'es in t’o. A, 5th N. ('■ Troops, flowar.ily deserted their comrades on the even ing of the 1'^ih M.ay and have Joublless gone to their homes a Fall Creek P. O . Uock Spring Dist., ('hatham i county, N. C The usual reward of THI:‘.TV DOL- i LARS eicii Will b.' piid for their apprehension aui de- j livery at Raleigh to Col .Malleltof the (yonscript Dep I. j Alfo, BEN.I'N W. IVEV of Riibeson county, ARICK . BRITT of Robeson lounly, and WM. H IIATON of , Haraeit county, for whoso apiirehension a like reward j will be paid. i Il is to be regrette.l I'lal we are obliged to advtrlise | (hese mm like niuitwiy negroes ■ BENJ. ROBINSON, Capt. 5th N Traops. j M;;y 2 *. j $.'iO REW ARD. . I^ANAWAY on Monday 25th May, iny Boy NELSON; | tl he IS copper complexion and weighs about 150 lbs.; ■ aged about '.'-i years 1 will pay J50 for his delivery lo me or ^25 for his confinement iu Jail. N A STEDMAN. June 1. 33-tf %Vaiitod liiiiiiedialeJy, 1 a JUNIPER SHINGLES, for which 1 iho highest cash price will be paid —ALSO— A yoke of lame, well broke ()XEN .Apply lo D ANDERSON & «.'0 , Eagle F .ua Iry, Favelieville N (’ Marcl. 7. IHfwV Camp of Instruction X. t'.,) C^MP Holmks, May 20, 1803. f Si-KCi AL Oki>krs, \ No. —. j IN accordance with General Orders No 25, Adjutant and Inspector General’s Oflice, Richmond, Va., the name of the following slave is published in order that his owner may come fortvanl and claim the properly, vii: “SAM,” aged about thirty years, black complexion, 5 feet 8 inches high, property of Miss Emily Harway, of Hertford county. The Slid ^*8 arrested on board of the steamer Emily, running from Norfolk, Vn , to Newbern, N C .At the same time and place was arrested “RUSH CUFFEY’" aged about 20 years, dark complexion, 6 feet 7 inches, who claims to be free. By order of Col. PETER MALLE*FT, Commaadanl of Conseripta for N. C- J. N. Fm«}a, A^joiut, Mmf aa, leer WAITTED, A STEADY middle aged woman, white or colored, (without incumbrance.) One who has had ezpe- ritrhce in nursing an infant and o »n com« well rerommrnd- ed, may obtain a situation by applying to Capt. TAYLOR, at the Arsenal. June 8. 35 Iw P. taYlor OFFERS FOR SALE CIOFFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco and Soap. Pow- J der, Cooking Soda, white and col’il Spoof Thread, Combs, Pins and Needles, Hals and Shoes. One box of sundry Go.mIs just received from Ch%rle?- tou. 2 fine cloth I'loaks for Ladies; Gentlen*u’s fine Gaiiers; Green and Black Tea P TATLOR. .lime 1. ISf'.*!. 33 :{iii!ti IVAII.S! I^AII.S!! HOLliS.ALE or retail, from 4d fa 12d. Al-o, 2', boxes TORACtJO. W R. .Jime 1 mit;hell 34 11 Waiitrd lo Piireliawe, \GOOD NATURED NEGRO WOMAN or ibotn tm years old, or both, a noio aldrevsed to ’ June 2. 34 4tpd a CHILD L.*ave at this Office T4>*f.lf;4'0. Boxes Virginia tobacjo. various grades. 190 for ssl“ on oonsignmcttt, by A Aetc Sta7ujK—The Postoffice Department has succeeded in procuring the manufacture, iu kichmond, of a very handsome twenty cent stamp This stamp prtisenta a very excellent likeness of Gen. Washington, and is in all respects a credit to the engravers. The Department is now tilling orderb ior utamps ot thin deuomiuation, which will increase the coavcaieaee 'of paying postage on double letters and packages, and will be found uaeiui in the absence ol specie and small not4s, iis change.— Charleston Coarlrr. A IJruiy JIolc.—A. clerk in a foundry charged a customer with two large castings of a similar pattern execpt that one had a large hole through It. ]>oth were charged alike as solid, but di.icover- iiig the mistake, he caiculate l the amount to be deducted, aud gave the customer credit “by one hole, weighing pounds.” GEO W. WILLIAM.S It CO. ;!lif May 2.1 W.4i\TEO T4» HIRE. ^ G)OD NEGROES to work at tiie >' VYRTTEVILLE 0 KEROSENE OIL WORKS T!»ae preferred who can be fed atuS clothed by 'heir Apply to HENRY E. COLTON. May 20. 84 If Sole l.eallier wajnled. A LBS. of heavy well taojied BOLE LEATHRK, oUUU suitable for liehing. Apply fe D. ,MURPHY. Fayetteville, Aptil 14 20tf Palma Cliristi Beans. The subseriber will pay the highest cash any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. Fayetteville. Oof. 8. *** AUiiiiiiiKlralor^M A'otice. fpHE suhsorilier haviue i' Deoeinlier l>rm. 1862, of X tlie tjounly ' ..lir! f I .luiiUei .:i.id, jUalilied as Ad minis*r.iior uptui liic. E^iaie of N^-iii G. M'?ieill, dec’d, boiifieh hil pers. nr- Itving ciaitiis n£sin».i the Estate 10 piesett ihe'ii wisiiin itie liin" i!ini;ed by law, otherwise this In ticp wili ii.'r ple-iiled lu bai -.1 locovery. Debtor* are rt", jesl'-d lo make jironipt puymeut. HEi’lOR .McNElLL. Adm’i. I>«.- lo 4 o«« Stra%’«*d. A RED !,riiid.ed imu LoruCOvv. wiiti a flALF about 10 luotiti.s old Hiih a bell on, "lud having a Star on Its fac«. ' i.o-.i ;be -id iI.^: >'oin my lot, formerly J .idge I* ,i ■ i*rV t -'-i It*nee *! o.' cow tiad no white liiftt ka« h-19 losi ti.e iolsh ft tit-r tail, IS of commoti si/e but tall. \ rea*;.)!! .bie reward will be paid ft>r l“'r recovery, or for inlormation which may ena*’’® her. 1' HALL. 30- .Mra. THOK Payeiie-.i:le. May 21 ~ ruF I fi A I F Iks. A further supply at wnalesale I or re"*'* Ma- _ - k :iE’%TS AI%D H¥.ni\S. "^ONl ! t»..\ i !. ^ia *^ible Society Testameats. 0 . For JUBt r- 'hool Hymns. E . HALE & B0S8. i\OTI The UNDERSitjNED. oo.n ‘.av. g entered the mili tary service of the Contedera- of America, ve notice to their oid i.nin r> and friends, have '>ppointed .lohu -J rtiarr and John D. fn kjcKS of courts. i WillianjH, i>t ihin pla'-e, their aUorneys to oolle«rt either ' * Court Advertisements the Clerks will 1 separately or conjointly all moneys due thpin wther by aeeatmt or nolo, and otherst*> auead to tneir bu- A inrKvr .y -tl -- , «in®88 geueraliy iu- iig tbeir ab-euce. They respect- lengtb B J HALE &. SONS, .j ftillj ask all pers....» indebt^u to ihem to call as prompt- April 80. 1863. ^iy M poatiiLle on their Blank Wnrrant* for miie Offiee [ 19^.1*51. EIVGIilE , taryse A A .» ft With fixtures coBiplcte. X 4 or 6 horse power Engt ^ HALE & SONS. I herebj gi> May 21. j t^ey i TO CLl 1^ the advertiiements are of the usual | aeeatml or nolo. J. enc o amount if the orders are lonf^. K. J. HALE &. SONS. H