ft Li. I.BU. ■ ■*£' t»!it Hr. P’- lu,.,: Uts If' tall ■•* *» a *'* ■' 'fill.;/ 'pt ' all be jiir- ■•‘Udiujr -«t charge ‘ivinj: ■lute rti^Jes 'UOW • • m -WF. RM I. T., i AVfrfTKVILij , V. :.. JUNK |8. lM(i;{. [NO. 1238.] ; ih'H . \V' \Nl‘ I'lU KSl.AVS *. WWM & SO\S. n; I K'>}-i(|!;t,)!: . 4 (Mt ).. 1 ■IIIMII’ !, ] non‘uie and Fayefipville Uai! Uoad. I M'i.l. il*,' j.i-ovivin.iK ,,t Ui lir .„.s > . iU Toll- « , I ■' Jii H>ii ..t .No!'.!. (’.u oliiui, I’ ■. i)! 1 ,,.,i I IMI. .Iny.. :.t ,hv UV s :,U.1 n.„l.; j'l i,; -iL.nol Uif lall„w(iu' i i,,,„ | j , ■f." (> il.r- I'uvii.il Suk-k > t II.,. V I'.vP'V " ' S.......,,,. liuM-hv.i l>.ll:u „t M. 1 ■ fry r\' •1,11 VI.'>1 foi 1 ]m ' iVM!' 1\ll ( - ‘I' >' Ilol f\i - K)i ;iie fii 'i nii.i . II \'iv I bi.i. a ;kI •US ,i^- h I’-, ■ i \u . t r.-.ii,.i, '• \ . '• M IV»‘ M K Il .''.Ir . i •McN: :! 'I'n-.: M ' ■'! .. .1 ■'1 ir«' r** M. N v;r ..V 1.1 y 1 ^ f * I . ri- I ^ I’- e, b » M /: .>! III. . IN. lit h/„;- r 1 ••“Ilf .! * St,.,-I, Wtii M, M • f In’ !■ I hi- •(! A McR. ll: V.,, • K t V 'iii'l .11' . I ih.- A '111. I li, ■ nv . I, M- 1-. . . I- ll.'.^i.,c I'.iiir \i.', ..! Il!r!;i. ’ i* -ill .u ..I 1'. N.v" i* M- Afi-» i' r.iimaii.l • t f j*v* itl l liili i-t'i, (ii Mc- ,)r , -lU'i .1. M> > I li.ia, Jrt' r^. I :ii III w Mil .l‘-iii- : ■ i:iki‘ ilm ] !-■ ’ty U' V, lu’ii 111 J til V I. i ^ Slit -;•! ,,,( j, I till I I ^ ^ I. o; rt-rii'i)!! 01. •-•Ill ~uiii is ill 1 lll'Cl'l . ii:.l .In. I* ol i.iiiM A A. h A \ W W M McKt TH \N. i-* \V. STKKL. •'01. MctvAV. HU iy v‘! i‘V il U'. .111 n(' 7. IN* M. KOSK, (n’luT 1 • ;io,f * f* 1 WILI. I . -M ,! ■ ‘ ih Uni: 1 1- . 4 U \ .'t II . ! • ‘ ! ' I : I.iv !!f =’ * ■ \1 e p..', : l-M,:; 2* 3 e: 1 • 1'.' i> 1 t, i' Sp u, i ; i' o;ti 1 II’.. 1. It., ■■■J--'. b(. ■ Wt;. ' l’!.p^n' ‘ ■ 1!’ ■ •Tl 1 :• M., Tt... ( ■ .i,;y ; of ■ - > th II 'i: :-• -ril',. e'- ^ ’ .11 1 .1:. • ..1 '■e~ . 'i! I'l M,. 1. MST OF ( H Kr^t.n F -ly et 1 .'vi!'.. i;: •1 ’nil" .jrl.; il,ir !i»r re- •111.! 1 iiy fi .-Ion t* > Li iUl>'.*l ilol'iS I'h't* i;;. K. -vili,. N.r ■'.I-... 1 A'8' * 1*12 a i\e;s. ■ K lu »'(Ti \ i V. N' (V '■i' ■■ ' J i>: A'.-.ii.-rn V inlj t’no'- UliiiJ t'lUl!! Mor;^:il tl'I!, ill '! Hii I r iiii.'iii*' (■ iiUM v. I !ialv!’.;;a I'l-:. -r- i» i„. I* •' ■ .r .u'*i I*'ii ■ -ai JOHN H. COOK, Auotioaeer. j uv the i0v'EK>'0u of nokth ’AKoi,ina. ^laterials, Siislraments and Fnr-i ' B»irorL% ?» iiUurt*, at Aiicfiou. ! \V ^r i }f Fiht ' II u: itu' Irt il.f> s-.-li Ht Aiiuli'jii, uli ‘.V.-ilu.-j.J ly It-e (i! | I ion j!'(im .iic.t, iiilli .liiii.', iu Kav>‘ti,*vill.-. N c I"y Hij.-k ' n. tit v.C i >i.-S m-,- 1-I;vi'AL .M aThlilAl.S. liS.STHL VIEM'.S Hu-i Kl’K ri'L JtK, e.>U'^U(i:.g •J7ih> IVeih. Kulit.er and I'l iit.-. ■1 or. \)ul.l F.iil, Viil'.-'inite aii'l \p|'‘tr vlm. Iu-ti uiuj-utH, 1 '■M.v-i, Kv,-jvnii(i :, Fillers 'iii.i Forco|ifi, Opivitiiisr 'Viaii liiut .‘•'{.Utooii, Cliairs, ('nvjietH, I'fJ jnnl !'v : ii I'll o i',.inkj, .Vcilical Au i D.'u I w >1 K*^, 15tI'll**’K (.'•»iii'.i'**it^'vri*v^, N,“W A'liorio-MU I’ ol .[.a; li I. SiHiiiiar'i I'o-iic.i! W'jrk;?, I'^nlrp TaLU l?TOk-;, &c. >'•’ •vr>:•ol!-.tl^• •ir.' l-i hatj'i'i of Mr. .I.ihii U. (^o >k. It soon. >1 IV •j;l, isfi ', aiia . jU«*s- •I. ti'rt '.vili ! Slliv -..I,* in -I.. •..I .;■ ; he !!• ! !i“ J,.; vices I .1:.- fl o! ;>Jilioil ; I' Visit ll’.W. .tlrJH.IV, Attorney at Law, I' AVK I TKN n.l.l-', N r U ; II.' ' i. l’ ; . y 111(1 S , . '■•r' ■.-1. Mr.iro un. I ll'' atifnti^.u '.'.veu to tlif 'r *>1 ‘ ■ h;-- iiiinils rir-r I '.'rr t l\ol.v---.>Il >1111- 'olloctiou Ilf all It' ■ Wllli' 10 IV- Iji.o. \V. WILLIAMS .t 10., in Inroicrit*^, AN mi 'i;,KK> AMI [iK.M.Klis l.N hardware aud (udfry, Swj'dP'i Iron, A.C., H\V STKKKT, UVETrKVUiLK, (. •l O^. 1 Tl. KV, «* »»• attti Commission ^1. iu 'titu!, r AVK.TTKVILLK, X •' ?TK, .>!(*rciia5;{s, 1 W . il' 1 it I’ no V i>0 S A, l'(L. rs. !. 1!1 ^ ^ . t 1 by ;i{ I'lyi: / lo I lie, tu 11 I' WILLIA MS. lljl '.i' ■ ■;: t ».* a f # I! !»ii. Ill - IIIJ' :ii:l h.jl! Z.fl I et ai u. N. G. JtiNES ^:’tr I'r (recri'*’ ' >V«‘stfrii IJallrond onin*, ( F^iyetievillf.’N r , hoj.i. 2i, f I^i»U ill.' iimpo.-^.' ot inciM'iiijr il;o c'kj il kl siopk ot’tin? 1 I 1 ?^]'Hiiy, to oii'il'lo il lo exi>‘iid ihi* i’o;i 1 from lio •’O'll hieMs lo l!ic \ .rh I'ar.ilin'i K.-, i, f.iH I !l t;i. 11 c: tvi‘ ! ■ .‘II llpIKiili!-.i ('olliiiii '^i.ilit'l > i’l'ive Mili'fi il;. ia ic. ir -ii-viT:vl lU’i "i: ■ i-i. At (iillf h.) llilii;;hloii, iiioiii.; ilur: .\'e\-:hy ;ui i (i 'V;i^hii;gi .'I AltriT*' lh*» Ila'f .In. t W=>i n , HuirU 'V l»ix Al I >;o Hi;; W (iol.l-!ou, Ur L \\ U M a:-: .!, A)v..v,. dr.. Hii; -l>ur; H;irkii>-y. \ I! M-u-m; mi l ,1 .■ l‘:lCc-. -\t K,.Hi't' Mill' l>r H M Fousi nrni l»r .1 I) Urivi*s A; l'r:ii'kUii.*viru. ,iu.i .vieiuiiy— 1 S H.M-iifv, Al A'ht'li r.r -,l.,inaili:iii Wm'h h At NVw M irkef—.lo'--’ W-ilk-t ■> •At Ttioina-ville—.V (j Fosier •m.i Hirru IVii'j! lir R •’ Lir'.., S --Fifki;c s Fi;.-' tj;i.. 1 Ar irceii-'i' —t' 1’ ' -I A Gi’-ii.'t i\ii I .lf--if II Lii; 1-1 ■, lti'!ruciii«n~ vviii 1>, dt-n • • tn,- f' ,‘Hr-V i l', !ln- r." I . i i:i t N il I'OU-.! ;il il .\ Vv Ti„ •iti nt I i.M J " •; •• ;,■ .iih Thn.' iliiii I -il(‘.'-11-. I •n ;iiui : m)l'i Ut K t'.‘r'',in ■' . .>'■ I |i,> (.cvl V i' si'HistJs (’() il;? :!ii.i .i i>t>n %. lo ili:iiU[.»i.I'l, S'!!! (H( ' •• i / . 'i'lh, 5 »0 •• Whiti. (inl!, t; .^,0 “ “ l\v-i;y'> rovi*. 7 IM» *■ “ “ .V!l poiiiii lieJow, lo 01} SK(’(iNl> n.AS.s, (lit l)K*'fv Fruni F'i\,-iit.virie to U ihuiiKrt. u, il', tH> • Kli’Z'ibi til. 50 “ “ W liii ei.ull, :{ 50 “ Kt-1 V '(I Vivi*. 4 U.' •• Ail I'llllltn -t.cluw, r> OO C l». WiliniiitrtOL to F i; ,>iii;vilU . $10 (M) •• k..;ly’- I' A 50 '■ \'i ' t‘ H nil. ,') 50 “ il ./ b^iii, t; GO ’• •• I’l • [I ill. H (Ml I , •.^...v.•, lu ('0 (.u dKi'K. ^Vi'ir!i 11^; 1 |.) F *vr- t I I,.. ' Ki' ('uvt*, JOHw H. COOK, Auctioneer. I S ...liniiiisir:iior d^- Ij.iniH nou upou the fclstale of i\ V. iry MiH |.liy, 1 iliuU >.l'i1 .i Anoiioii ui the .Maik'^t li 'u--ii, F.kyi-'K-vill;: . ii TUKSDA\. ihi> Usi day of iiutiiih— 1 I shiiros of thf Cupita! Stock uf the Hunk ut I'fur, ly :i v«“' y iiii{. (ii..|..r sptllpijiciil u:' V.!. .li‘.-;«.y Cull'• x'lie.l. mi'! t'lf t.P'.t i! IV-- ii.n j ^ |-,..jiiire ■; N'.i'.v, Ii*ffiirc, 1. Zl!Un,(»N h V'.\.S't'F. ‘J '.'. rimr ol ('n.iii'.n. I!.', III! wi.li lilt- .-I- Ilf ih;‘ *^niiii.-il tjf .''lii.t,*. '..-'Slit* itisH IVocl^tuia; ii.ii ( ■JUvciiHij'ihe OeTj.-i’ii A'^*«'Illblill I XI: . ‘iii.i '•.rtlliiij^ iipoii t*i«. ia*i;ib(Td I" j r'.inipfly tu ilii:« - iiy o'. I'uub • iay tin* :M'h iJa*’ (■! this iaoti'li .lime. I'l Wi UCirS W tllTCof, ZkBI'LOS 15 VuSCK. G..VP1T101-, ('aill.iiii G.-i!Bral 'lu.l ('oninianJer- u I in ('liicf. li.ilh - lirti.* ! l!ir..-i* pr.-sicu's -iud oaus t‘I 'ill.' U.'c.ii Scu! .if th( .'^tnio lobe ailix 'I. l>.i!x> ii! thf (.ii.y ot !i ilpigh, ilii.H l‘2iU li vy 'j1 .liine, A 1> . !St;‘i ainf in th;- oight Vn‘*ve:n,)i y*-H" of ,\_iueri Onii lu.lejx;iiile!;Oi-. Ity the Govfrn^jr; * Z. 15 V.\Nl’E. K. H. H.M'ilk. .I"., I’rivRip St-c’y Juue K-!. :-k) tiw Ky till* (ioviTtiof or Vorth 'aruliti:i. \ PRoriiA:«ATio.v. 1- .sIkuts ol the (’apital Stock ol the Bank oi'• linie limiicd iu !uy I'roi^liiiniitlon. l''ayottevillc, I '' i • he Mih .>> .M ly, forbid i;!i^ the exportation ’ ot cert-iin articles from the Stale, for liiirty d.xys from Fr.. .1 I.I.--- -r i>i. «y lull (.r;. . r i »*'i v’* ,>inMi ijri: I V .W ...T i’r..wi ■Wit:-. leiice, foiuiiii. ■II' from 1 t tu ■•II- if Vfir- of iij.. •, life ii.iMiib A" ' .V oiui Vi'-ir ...ir 1 .\., lo'.-'-.-' t* Ai'-h .laii'v 1* ll-.h. ; ■ •r iivi- ■ I .: I iiir i TL.:. K J pyiuz 1 :.••!: ri dif>.-i e: 1011 u\ y .\ i^'i till '.Vui;i il in.'.!. \l.l-,! »i • M 00 kll. 4 0> -il'jve, ;■) L i':i-'i iig"r' lansl si iy ou or 'ai'if as Firtii Clvss. II,- . f.,r Uay l*«,sen ;i^ U'ty iiiuf, uud fur oocu- ir «hoox on, a! the F .'!'lll Ii I Oo. ■>1 r- K-iii" ari.f Suu •Ji’-if i-'roiii ;Mti - T r. IlFKT will ■ ; ' " k, \ \i , i n 'loiid^iv I O' A ''Oi.TH. on a (t.' Fii of six uionthB for Bonds with approved ee-' cfiiiiy. W. 15. WKIGHT, Adm’r. •'uu,* 1. [wuw] 35 U) I'oltoii Varii lor Wool. H A\ING accepted an agency from the Govemoi' of I lie Stale, under the directiou of Col H. A. Dowd, A y M., at Kaleigh, to a..J9i-t in procuring a supply of U’OOL (o provide oloibinK for our North Caruliua Sol diers the uoming Fall and Winter, we are authorized to eichunpe (loiton Yarn at the rate of 1 bundle of 5 Ibrt. fjr :i Ibd. of Wool unwashed, bat free of Baud and bura. .\ny per~ou h'lving Wool to spare can greatly ai'l orr State authorities iu their laudable efforts to «us- la.u wie o*>u4e of our cnnntry, aud al the ffame time con- trii»ute.(in many case'j, to the comfort of their owu frieti i.M -io.l kindred in the army, not by making a do nation, but receive a full equivalent for their wool. It ib h H'l'd and expected the*ofore th'it a prompt response will b.; made to this notice tw it is important that the Woo! tboiild go into the hands of the uiauufacturer at aa ea-ly day, to be tua'le ready for wear by the early Fa l GEO W WILLIAMS « TO. Fiiyettoville, May 30, 18*j3. 88lf i;ki.\i> for «A|]e. ^FiiK undersigned have takon the .\gency for the sal© ' 1 f Messr? W U Farrar & Co ’« Grind Stones, and have now on hand siiea running from I8>ft:j inches to 0 tV, t hy 11 inches; and can have cut at short notice ANY SIZES wanted. Persons ia want of Oriud Stonea will t lciise corre:*poud with the undersigned, who will fili .'Iders p^'oinptiv and guarantee the qualify of the gr 'In reiiro'^euteJ GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. r iyetieville. May 27, 18G:>. 3'J-tf the l;!th of the p.iSt month, will soon expire: Now. therefore. I, ZEliUL()N 15. V.\NCE, Governor of North Carolina, do. by and with the advice of the Coun cil of tiLate, issue Lki." Procl.imaiiou, cuntinuio)^ saiJ prohibition thirty days from the 12tS inat., subject to the ezceptious and reHirictioiiB c^ntained sn said Pro- clamatiou ot the 8ili of M«y. and entrusting the exeou- YANKFE REPOKT?^ FRoM VICKSBURG • ji jtif li!iJ ir,)ut‘ to cligKirif', anil a If'tUjr in the H*!al.i, tlntiil yf'Av ;;|vt, >^uvs that Ills* lorta have Ix'f'ii oor)..-(ru t,Ml to eniupUftely comiuauil the I'.-h,*! fbrtiticatioii..-, uua that'were it not lor the till.' [ its V'lek.sbiiig iiiij^ht hmw be eurrind at any iiionu'iii hy as.^iniU. The o|jinioii of Grant, how ever, fu tiiffer from thaf ul the eorre.spoudenl, ht; still diiij/'t to the ‘‘.shovel und the hoe ” \ce;i.liij^^ t;. tli«- corresj^'iudent, ii>'neral J.aub-. muii i> on tile ( vtreme leFt, (iraat in the centre, .Nif l’ht ison on hi.s iifht,*and Sheruiaii on the ex- trenu; ri-rl.t. All have their batteries ol siege -io ni r( J :!s entirely ro eoruiuand Peiubertun’s Work Tue openini^ ot the boinbardiueut i.s thua ili'.^eribei]; Uri'.e. \.'vfe reiieived lute lueu t:V£itiug to be I read', at » o’clock this morning to bombard the ■ city .Vcc n-iiini>:ly ut that hour every iun aloni; j tii.‘ liiie was in position, and opened upon theuu- l‘ui!U!iate citv- I’or lull hour a tremendous ' cuMionnde Was kept up, the object at which it wa.s iiirccted beiur flie l-uurt House and vicinit}'. It is iinpORsible to convey anything like an adequate idea ol the demonstration. It is iinport.sible that one hundred and tifty guns, all raining at the same moment a terrific storm of fire upon the be- loaf^uered garrison, and all concentrating their ett'oris in one locality, have failed to produce im portant results. The next intelligence from V'ick.s- lion of tiiis Proclamation lo Justices of the Peac and ! hurg will be awaited with considerable anxiety. Militia officers. , . In witness whereof, Zhbulon Ii. Vasok, Gov •| SKAL \ ernor, .Captain General iimi Oomm‘i:i i«r-iu- —' Chief, hath signed these pr.**eats auJ caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, this 8ih day c,f Jane, A. D , 18t>.'5, and in the year of our iudepenJeuce the 87th. By the GoTernor; Z. U. VANCE. R. H Battls. Jr , Private Sec’y. June IBtjii oli-'iw l^i^fypt C'oal .tliiK*. igned were, at the November fe'lerate Court. District of North Carolina, ap- ''PllE undersizned were, at the November Term of the 1 ('I'lif S. ...... ■'! . i l re poiiite 1 Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, aii't li.i^e euK-red into copartnership for the purpose of niitii'isr an.i selline Coal, and solicit orders for the same . ,, , , ... , ,, in ai... le^.rcd q.Vmtity, Orders for any amount can A RAKE i UA.\4^E; FOR .^1IL\ OF Ei\TKlU‘!l!SE! As I wish to change my business I now ofler for sale my FOUx\DllY, with a full supply of MATERIALS for carrying on the business tj a large extent, iu onaectioa with a l-irge M.\CHINE SHOP with all the :.eo:s9ary tools. The Jtlii;;^ine now used for the business is in good or.ler, and tnate- rial a plenty for keeping it so for 10 years to come. Ttvo Ettrn Sieam M^ttgines, one an entire new t>ne; Turning Lathes, Planoin? Machines, Drill Pr;‘fis\s, Extra Bolting, and other material too numerous to mentiMi. Also a lot of LU.MBER and TIMBER, with a SA%V Tl I M,. attached; ".'I' ■ ^ilU•. S 0 ■|:si) \V lUd Fl’vll'AV .INO M. l’.'»Sll, Tru. >17; Th- \':t n«»rx‘ r made to I nas t Slallett, Fayelte- or .lai'.ies Browne, Charleston. S. C- CHARLES B MALLETT. JAMES BR»>WNE. F iy‘iU'ville, .lan'y ‘JO, IHti-^. j To rot toil Planter?*. H \VF. been appoir.tc-.l by the S«cretary of tht Trea- | •'111 ,, t’liief Agent f«r I'le purchast of Coitoti tor the \ Lif d.T •- 1..17.-I .\nn-:;t ■.•*iiiii*,i the S'ale of N.,rib ('aro . Itid Will J ly for the same in 7 per cent Bonds or . itatr I >iikI 1"ji e, v-r It 1» will I .g- '1.^ if.y Mills i>l*il I to .Mr :>1 or oil ire VI 111 r .1; .. •tie -^il . .lililN.'*. ).N’, .If. 7r.if % K**%vai*!. hi.' tiegi - boy .vlo- .iUt L loei lo iii'jiu-B ch I urued oil! al 1 he o. He ' • >; i at ty on I h',. - si lilt , ee Week- Toe eiivety ot I.ii I ge; iii’u V. D .1011NS(;N. ti'J. o-f ail kinds "i NN :.','i>ti iny leather ttd . hii U.' wtll lo >eii'l I ’ii*'.; roiHpt atleuii'i!:, aii-.t JOHN .jARTER. C., 1 ti‘i. / »i«‘ ior sal** S>y J. U. LLlt- (i'.ltf i __ - - -1 ' AH-x. i Wooiinard's ^olar 4'aiiiera. 1»1|. >T( •(« K Al’llS ' an be ha i a: Vaii.-i “-'lellS* Skylig:il Gallery, Ihiv s;i..“t. M u'bU* Var'i. Fay e'M viile. C.:‘ plain, rei.-'icbe l c.ilore.l, iu vater colors, nil aii l p:istiie; from iK.;ii lo life size.^ .U;i>.ro- tvi es. .\l*>laneoiy pes, ;ind .il! o'’rer h'yles ot I’ic.uves portaini •? t;: the \rt. Al~.>, CfiH Fi'hiiips, G'\t ,M..Hid ing. t't' f'li' vory large pic ir. Urcje as -J*! by iti'i’u.s. '"l i and T;i;-ei- !• r *i uij^iiig l.;''tures; luslra- uiei'i.-. .Stock :uid Ciiemical- for s:tlc- low for cash. Lite .iii‘ co’.ore.l Photographs in i.le from “mall pi.’fures. H'lvin" periiianen''y lo' -t 1 bore I h>ipf t.'. iniTit your parronage. 1 wo'iil'J ■. !' renirn my sincere thank‘» for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretoto'.e 1 y the trood tieople of r lye'ttvine an t vifiniiy. C M. VANoRSL»ELL, Phi'l .graphi.-i and Provrietor. Uec’r‘.iO. 185^* "■ i^larlile Fsit^lory^ :ilOO Bov** , ol Jilt* Soutlifrri: Hfpaif Pills Uavo bt J ii 4.rdt ..'tl in one daj. c iU..11 f M-'iii-s wi- llrst I'repar "I -'y ne i .-.ipi i-t-.r in ' w hen he w is prouounce.i by three ernini'til fliy-li - i.' iii » .Sauihorn c:y. a-; ;ii \ii advanced stage of (' ''i-^unipti'jn. I'lUx cured hun H- Is n.iw r siiveniy v*-1;.' ••* age .n.l in 'li^ehar^*- of ti.'iiv'. i.r.iV«'7.sioiri’. dii i* • Tiieii i’.>oJ t iK’Cts uj it others .T'- I e.l :iucu a d.-.n:i;i i l-jr Uieni lli.il ..e W;i« ooin I:r I i. '{•■'i'-t fr -I - i;';'!. irit-’- I • .iraMiitonsly Ti.t 'fc net re ••'’iii;;'':: if •• by '-*> v'l'uprietor :is z 1 I ,advertisement. Op lo tha;. lime, however, the for ^”1' ot/ty “iicU .. uris.- fro:'j i>lS- bonds will bo luraished as slated. OIIDIIKS >!■■ THE LlVi.ll Many persons have I'^-'ii- fi-d t, ih ir g . .i >-tl. • - in (Vii.V.s- .-Vi-r.s, /j.i’iou.r y. ri'r, 1‘n ’ r’f ii t. r '' • '' Read the ' >11.v.Ti:m- C.-li. S lb Agents visiting the different parts of the btate. buying iu my name, will have written certificates of H|>pointiiient. ^ . I’.v . r.! >r of the S."cre:ary of the Treasury, all Loiion purciiss.'d by mvs;*lf or my agents. '*n and atier the ls;b .‘-ly ot March IHf.;;, will be paid lor in 7 per cent Bond* •'r Ca-^h, an t nut 8 per c-.nt Bouds as mated tu For further information apply lo M. A. B.\KER, Fayetteville, N. C. June 4, 18li:. 3t-lm*lni The Star Foundry and >1 ichiae Shop Is now in foil operation at\d wilt be .-o c .uiiuueJ until tunher iiiiice. of nil kiti.is at the shortc^^t noiieo i^.\lLKv)\l> C.\STl'^tK> oi nil kind-*, STEAM BOW WOHK (’OPlT.ll WORK, nnd M.\- ( lINt: WORK o: all kinds, will reeeiye^pr.)nipt .ktten- liou at the Siai- Fjonir.- ia F .yette.'ila'T by M. A. B\KEK, (Jtfioe ou Hay St., Opposite the Old Wagm Yard. Juni* 4, ISiid. .!4-im*ia mfm !4tf ■ m . ‘i Jk ^ J .J .* lRD. ( v» ijuiiKs ‘iiimi r. I In'" !* ‘ii'i iViOiif' ‘ S. l». W\i,[. i» r. H I . Pr si icii! o'" the V.'iimingion i and Weidoii i^ail Roi'i! .X .u’’. , H''-. »'i.vs: “I'l has I been - li i Ih .1 •■l)vs!-t.iT \.” 1- our „,t- nd However ilii..^ tu:iy be, it ca>ir:. 'i ./i- lo::g aU'l -t^Vert sut- i%lly 1 t ut't; i ^‘iv‘I Jii-* wti-i fi f. w boxes of 1*10 /V/.-. ’ •iii'l ih- xuajf th'fi has ptrU -'A ICW-. W tnv I'.'-i!:' ncen us,..l w!'!t ’nii-i-ii' fiy ac>)iii:ut- HUC'--, w.'HiV "ii(cina-:,i- iV.n.i li'-e'ise 1 liver, uave )u-n ; ••ii.*v.-'l -iji 1 '•iii.-i by -h'j’u. 1 ref ir I ihe :. an inralft-hU vir.iirine. ind t'l'.c pic.a.^'v.- in H.rwarding thi.» voliiTita.-y tribii'e Col. .Idiin WKtoitT, of (i..!.]•>>.iro’ .V. C , .\u;t. 14. IHtl'J, savs: ‘ 1 h;tve n.-■ i 'he Hpntir n’h in my f’li’iilv here a-;d •iN 1 iimy!>i.iit 'ion in \lib.ima. and iiltr ifjs ti lth xuct'^s^ 1 h^ve i .■ rvr.!;' girl , who h idVep.^ k long time .m.kr :r.''ii'loni i r 'v.- -ump- ! lion, withoui r;-cetvuiK .iiiy ^'enetii .Mmost hi hcrc.’c- I ironiiiy. 1 w..» in'l L’d to try tl.e //.;•,;'/> I’lUx The/ • v» .'re gi^en irr^>ri: fo ihrrrtvmx ‘n i ■-he i now w.’M. 1 ,./i.'»rr>/ r,.st«r,{ hy l!i> n, A .»1'ihI ti C.ise I :iino;'-: my serv ini~ i'l Mibimi. F..r liT'^>- dise .‘. s / hire p,rf-ct r’u/!i!-»rr in them " Fn!l aii'l '■ .'f I 'h. \vv ij pfr ^f e I ■'> h> X. ?1 ;i ''..x; t'l> I ^ ' 'T th^ - n twlv b'KP-; I free to any p-.U of ihe C .ile ievioy v^aere iti.re '.^e no- I *inigg'.^^s N it i'“S thai. ! !lie t'V '[iri^'*^ ;n'i-i on I'lCil himV’s taker Patriotic citiii'iis are now ortered an opportunity lo Ki'J lije Government by selling .o it their coitou rather than »-o priv.ite capitalists. LEWIS S WILLIAMB. .March 2J, [c. « ] Mtt ('linr! .'Ue, l». TAVI.OR OFFERS FOU ,S.\LE (fOFFEF.. ,'ug.vr. Flour, Rice. Tob'w^cn and Soap, Pow- / der. I'ookiBg .S'l'la. while aud col’d Spoid Thread, ('o.c*>s, Pius aud Needles, Haia and Shoes. ^ •>TiO !u)x of sundry Goods ju^^t received from Lharle?- ton :: fine cl'th ’io,akfi for L idiefl; Gentlemen’s tine (iaitor'i; Green and Black Tea. P. TAYLOR. 83.3mHti .«iiA\V nUA. I'ix ri RKS tor Sale. ^pHE L'n iersii^ned oHVrs tor pJ.e .\lltli- Fixtures of 1 the S;iw Mill bitely owne'i by David Vnderson. c m- Hi.tmgof Three SAWS CARRl\GES, TRACK IKONS. PL’LLEYS, \c., being a FULi. .SET of such hx I tires. Thev cau be attache 1 to water or steam power. HENRY E COLiMN Fayetteville, .Iniiel.'i. Ah usual the llloc‘lfa«le W UH) VtOXE- ior ..I il roiiA€t;t>. VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, on coiisieanient, by GKO. V,-. WILLIAMS £: Ct). :nif TILL compel us lo d.. v.u:*' .«» sUuul-’ h'lve d n-3 be fore this, wail upon your'jel'.'and cm loose irotn the eti.m- The proprietors having alane I the raanrttac- t irin'g f .i’.l kinds of BOBBINS for Fu-tories wi ihrt S'>uUur.i States, will b.> able I > fill orders ri short notice Work delivore 1 in Fayetteville. S [' Aidress I- KIVLrT. Manchester, ('umbnlard. N C. .June H, 1 Hf>3 8'iif occurred .in ‘ lung; v.ill >»•' fouii'i ou Sole lieatlier wauled, LUS. if iie ivv Wi ll ta: iv-d SOLE LE.AIHER. s'liti-hl'' tor i!'i.'lng. Apply ^o D nteii seni- F.ivetfeville, .\t !t J J mubphy. '.iOtf n b..xes will besrut b_r la’iv orders, f'f.ecks T Paliiia t'iiri?>ii Sleasss. '^11 H Kubseriber will ‘ f-rices lor iiiv .juantity of PaLr i C'lnti.-i jle in-'. The C.eclar Vikl S5o 5- biii t’o. are now prepared lo furui.4i, at. short notice, all kinds ci BOBLINS. SP(K'L> and ylHLL.S. , cuuable t»r Woolen and t'otioii vtiV.. J. M Ol.KLL, Ageii-. l ..o ir Falls, N. C' , June 1», 18'i3. \OTIC E. I WII.L f^oil at Auoli u on .Monday -‘.id inst.. I b;iiaticrt left tu> haad ji ihe .MEllCH.'XNDIZE of D. ,V W. McLaurii'.. McLAERiN, Suryiviug partner. I June 10,'.Mi- 36-3t i^OW I^OST. Y t:OW is ou East side of ('ape Fear, s;»mewher.‘ op- 'H. w;i Mi JKlBEti ON Si Nil \ \ ■Jll-gto boy Il.-illlr'l \ I ajw complexion, aomi; y ears 1, and up- ds. He h^is a h.-i.vj ki questioned, niiu li.iv g lo pass for a Iree ;>oy , him deli vert-.1 to me m r c intiued in in\ jm if'. L WARREN. l£»-3l.;pd ARD. )peci^tit]g Roorjs ovtr Btsre, I otier niy Pro- the citiieus of Fayette- frou 9 A. M. to 12 M, J. H. FREEMAN. 84-9tpd E. ire at R. D. Davis’s for jd to receipt by me for I pay your debts while JAMES 3REE0E. 26tf 5-'.% vi:ttS':vsb.is.5': SfiTlAL ro:d?A *V. Capital in i'reniinin Notes auKuints to Ca.Hi) on Iri'i'i .la'i other a^sp|.. 7,*i!- s 5’.(t77 Aidi > s.- g^”Fol :> ,\pril 'J' GEO iiO in Fav*’’ Vv Wi’iswt!. N C. '.. 11,. by S. ,: lIlNSOALi:. ■J2-:5iti ••’d Toiiii, 1 i 'i he C.>i!ipnny have pai'l all Iom: O: ['r.impi ly. have never intide an assesHiuenI *n their |ireinimn lio'es. Total losses paid, *W Oi.-pu.KRs; GEO. McNKIM., Presid -m. I) .A. H \Y. Vine Pre^i lent. C. A. McMlLLAN, S-. > l)iP rrTOtt.'i; y stoppage of the Rock- Wa to come, for the pur- ill have no Sheeiiags for 3 T. HAiaU, Pres’t AI.T!! U>BIBT M1TCB£LL. W. N. TilTiughasi. S. .!. 11 ius'lrtle, V.’iu. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. .Steel, J. 0. Cwok, Hon. 3. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, A. U. Hall, hu Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveliug Agents jpijgg-Thf! Company invite applications. M»y28, 18G1. Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, H. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Htcdman, C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, 8. W. Tillinghast. .if(» ol l(!slJMn Uoi> N. t I'l'!)' Hi>l.>fis, '1 ly ’Jil, IMWl. 1 SlKi l\! Ouf.Kr.\ No. » , JN'acc irdail ;e wit.i G' il‘'i:il ''i‘^->'' .yi.l ■ i ll!«p'-c; 'I- G.'U Hi.' rtiOl’.'!. V.. . !l' name of ll..- t .ilowing si v.- tr j.iil.l'si.e l I'l or.i(*r td'H. bis 'iwner III 1'. coi 'o for« ir i iind cln!i;i ili'- pro] ty. vi/.: -S \M." i.^fd ••,!) ;i:i •»' r.y yo:\rs, "i ick-•■.n'j'l' xion. •') feel ^ Iti 'b.-.- nigh, pr.it'. nr of Miss Ht.iilv H r. w ly. of Hertfor.l county. The said Sivm was arrested on bnard ot li.o : tei!ner Emily, running: from N'rfolk, Vi . :•> Newb- •, N ' At the same time and pliCe was anesiel ‘•IJU.-'M > 11FFF.\ " ug.'5 tib' U’- yar... daik C!impl“xion, •'('fi.ei. ! 7 woo claims to b>' tree. of Col PETER MALI.Crr. Coinmaiidau* of t'onscriols f. r N. .1. ?. I’l'ioR, ,\djtiia'il- M vv -'.i, ir; ’.VIUTING INK in pinf hoMl^s. Two 'b'l '.X, “::cutelv pack?.l itl v" 'iusi. i)rJ;‘rs i- ciDvv- ii‘.'i ■»v.i;i iiiouey pr.,)P.ipily liLie l. '\,i iies' 'J- LAWRViNCL, ^ Fajeitev'ilf.. N *'• .'.!iie 1, IS.;;'.: hv iii.y .1 i wit'' cr..; [) in •.vhiie n>i >■ u- e\“ r V 1 ♦ It: , iri ( 'I ^ ' ':.U* ■’ ..•4 .IP T ' .1 'I'.l? VI, ' c u:h e .r, i\ • . ir.-i '>el!y. t; r ; t:p in ! 1' I’! n;'’>e!lt''!i. w .,ivr 'T i. b m: \» ll oil, white i-.i her i.iCe, iiiiiioc-t in i U'• ho- » -I!.. k;i V? il ■ *■ fiiu’- tier ,;i !>.■ 'ihev.i’.ly rfvar'Jei. ill iu>;> r pi-I of lU-iden tint her ly back to that jso. .\. w.vrsoN. :'.7-nipJ tf r.R-tt /l^BSiEXiSstratorN .Notice. '’iMlK subs,-; ■ iier h-iving al Deeinf)er I cnii, i ..-I.* I'oiiii . ('.lint of CuaibeEi-Und. t[U;.iiiied iiiin; - r;iior i^;' ii the INlaie ol t\ lU G. .McNeill, .iec u lio' I'i I'l.fC )/ A ' ivGF. two St.■'i;. ir; vroo 1 rcp'iir. by Miie ’•*. i-'lR'. PROOK WAREHOUSE. E. F MOOKK. 37 .‘>1 l>iiring the as.^ault of the 2'Jd in«t. some thirty of our soldiers were taken prisoners aud carried to \'icksburg, where, after remaining in eonliue- ment for two or three daya, they were paroled aud “Qnt across the river to Young’a Point under a flag of truce. One ol these paroled prisoners re turned to his regiment last night by way of Haines’s liluti. He r|p>rts a dietresding condition )f affairs in V icksburg. When our army was approaching from Big ]i!ack river all the women 4nd children near the environs of Vicksburg were ordered to come within the lines, under the impression that a greater degree of safety could be had there than witiiout. Experience has proved this impres^sion incurrcct. The I’niou shells are no respecters ol persons, and when dropping iu the vicinity of peaceful dwellings oxploiie as viciously and as de- .'trucdvely as when in the midiJt of an armed hn.st. Large numbers of women and children have been killed, he says. The very first shot fired by the mortar iiwats kilitu a woman and her child, i^at. terlv ' lie citizens have con.structed fur themwelveij caves in the cellars oi their dwellings, to which, with their wives and little oues, they retire when the cannonade become.s furious. The failure of our endeavors to take the city by assault will be jsucceeded by an eJlort t.» reduce the place by iiiCans of :he spade—to what pur- vt/'filVor f>i rtus course ts ccbnomy ol lile, for even a .-ucc ssful attack upon the city woul.l be attended with an extravagant loss ol men. The strength of Vicksburg towards the land i.s e^jually as strong as on ihe river side. The coun try i' b.-okcn to a degree atlbrdiitg exctllent de fensive pobitions, and an attacking party must ueces-sarily be expo.>ed to a fire which could not ite witli.'tood by any troops. In addition to this the ravines intervenin;:: the ridges atid knolls, which the enemy hi'.- I'l.rtified, are covered witb a taiiulcd growtl'i of cane, wild grape, .See., mak ing it impo.'sible to move the troop.nin well dresH- (i lines. The attempt oi to day has exhibited the impossibility of takitur the city by storm; but a few weeks of the spade will show that \'icks- burg can b'- tikcn. Let the people of the North feel assured ol this. (leiiOtal 1‘emberton was anxious to indicate to (lenerai .Joi.nston his exact situation, and sent a trusty lei low, named l)ouglii.s—son ot a prominent citizen of Illinois, who several years since migra ted to Te.'cas, and there joined tlie rebel service —t’.iruiujh 111- line.', \vith instruction'^ to make his way Lv night past the I'nion pickets, and, seizinu: the lirst horse he met, to ride to l*en. .lohnston at Jackson. liU.'t V\ tidliesday uight, at dark, lie started, and, holding puss from Pern berton, wiis allowed to leave the enclosure in th^ rear of Vicksburg, Voung 1 •oiiglas had, unknown to his .lUjicriors, i'or a lon^ time meditated escape, aud he could not neglect this gulden opporturiity. ’ Inst* ad of tryin>.r to iivoid our pickets therefore^ he m..rph-Mi b >idly up to them an 1 surrendered liiiii-'. If J i'ri'‘nor. tioneral Lanninn conversed with him i.« !ioU:;li to discover tiuit there wa.-^ meat in tii;U and sent him lo t.eiMMul tirant To i.i’ii hf dcliv'>v,:d ti..* in-s-a-e he W iS instruct- I 'i i ! liver to dohnston; “I have meu in \ 1 ami r^iiioin^ lor Utl days—otie meal i day. JiC lo uiy -.'A .v'..o ^.1 army of 'aOjOl'H ■ men .Vllack Giant in lii.- rear If you cuaooti do liiis v/ithiii ten da}s yuu bad belier retreat. Ammunition is'i.lmr>t exhausted, particularly percussion caps.” This is the sur..^l.4:.ce ol the message, although not its «..\ i. t t‘, rm>. l>ui'.g.a,'^ \oluntcered als.» othei valuubie iiii'un;ialiuU which It'aVcS lio de.ubl. of the ultimate eaptiue ol ihe v-.-bel army. liitU' }i(iy iHiCe ‘ . . ttio liible tr iJiJl' ] father « • >k him t.» . who '•’t> ‘!ilni'iiJ.w th,‘ I', ftv ai. 1 dit't ^ise, and yet Til. .idle b»V w«s as- s fatiie;’, intjnirin^ aof 1 v.ftnijiti heard him. the J ft I- il ;ci la-. :: ;.'.or !it1 ufthr ieV.rat ..i.l.- V •"! Wilm’gtOD. Iiy ..11 ;>e*i>«)!iM liiving claimi ug-'iusi me EsU UifiT. withm the iimn limred ry lavs, oiiie? .v:se , . u>. be pie.ido'l lu ba* of rcCOVcvy. Debt >rs | f i.-ste'i tu ni.ike promi^t. p iy:ner»l. ■ rifii: l>B\8K TRiiia.R, vh E. J. HAl E & SONS >e\. . war t.iil vha- -ui'i 1)00 A I ,-t : r': •: .-rs-- il! , > i;..eri :if.i ‘'aiij.;. II u, aiid v.hispt-n l to it 111 'ai t ’flu- ^ , ■r.w....' hMu to ! er snl l: ‘H s tin- blesaed tiial makes me .0 hajpv i: teil.s me that father that ./esns t'l.r.st IB my elder Aiiro r. Rl-lni 1^ OI € K • rnHE UNDERSIGNED, both hiwir- entthe in-. 1 t-sry servi.-e ol the OoafedanUc Slat, i Am* 21- Ran A WAY on Mon.liy Joth M jy, my B^y N'.LSON: he IS r ipprr co'uplcxi .ii-. l -.v -i.ii ■ nbou' 1 >*-> ibs-: agi'-'l .aboiit .’.i \ \irs I v.ill i y "j-OO for liisdel’.very lo ! me or lor his co'iliiu ni‘; ,i >u N A STEDMAN. Jtme 1. :>3-it Wa»tet laumedcately,, \ 1 IwV'i JUSlPf R SHINGLES, f-r which JLU.UvjVf the highest cash r^r’ce will b-» paid. | — .\LS'i— . I nc», te"*'by^,»ive ii.>li'.;e to tJieir old ru«to;nerri ;Uid Ir.ends, th:'t it.-y lia"-‘ appr imed John H, .st.irr nd Jc'.u D. Willia'i's, lit ihis j la'ie, lUi-ir au-suo' s to v-^Uecf eitlicr gev>ar\'’'lV or conjointly all mo..ers r'leni .-,ifhc: !.y acoouul or i.ote,'aud otberwiso to tUKU't to theu-bu- ► !■ lvDEll.\TE Stales Bible .Socie'y Testatueat =. lili- L F'.r .1 line 1. A tiiriher supply ;i' whol-saie i (jO’l tav - j ^ A r pp y . brother, that heaven js i.:y portion and my l.ome, ' -h-,11 he my companions, (ifliod and tlie Lamb shalT ano '' that saiM .»l: o! S.»’ibi'h Sch!);il llvMi;s E .1. HALE SOU I HVn.LE TO fifilKS; GOOD NH'.HiisES ta work *• the . O jEkL 5U>S'''.Nt O'L ViORfc> ih -*^ pii.uri. acoouui or itoic, UU.1 ... . . II .1 IS siness peneraliy during ll'.ei.' They ifspeol- | b- tea an.i co.hed by ‘ r^-p^y oOLToN. I'ul’y ask all persona iiidsMcd tc ;acm t® call as prompt- j Api'-vlo ' ;.;4 ,| t'ul’.y ask all persona ti Iv a« p'lssible on t’tieir aw tit.- ivisd make puytn.cit ' STAElt ■ft'ILLIAMS. o8-t f .V a; *3 I ’ I‘le j.rai-f's 'if I mo and Ttie tjanii» snaii V I {uie»cij uud when 1 ieel that j „;i tliesc are mine, how oau I be unhappy." ’ , ,'7.//./ .' H—Lq eonverdation relating to ti..‘ ret ent ;oi;tiiet ou the Kflppahaonock. a gen- fleirs:::! rcTiiMrke l that Lee doubthss had gained 'a t ll hid accomplished Iiotliiug by it— ' thei'c were no iiiipor-autrP'ul >. A little girl, ^ho i was pre.ieut, fiaictly asked; ‘liut il Gen. Lee had I been defeated, Would not the YaiikeeH soon have ! been iu T. 'jhrnond?'—Smut- r WatchuU'n. W Al¥Tf: g#, Bank notes of North Caro!l...», C,.iolma, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six par ceat. Fundable Notes. Also. North Carolina six per c«nt Bondu, new issue. W. R. HlCHARD.'iON CO., , . n m r> Broke.s, Raleigh, C. Eagle Fouadry, Fayett*ville, N. C 9tf Mar»b 7. _ I Blank Wajrrauia A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply U. • U. ANDBRSON & CO., Sept. IS, 18G1.. T'ARRiAl.; I-:! Ai> 21 \.Hh FOK SAJiE. ,1 k Large second-P.ind CAKBl.-VGL, •yrftl. ee«U. for six i V _'l. 'it.*., ■xith f;stur P coo.i' eie. E J. HALE & ?ONS. 4 4 A '•‘•’-IV to” Oi/sh^RKS OR-' COiJiiJTS. r.i'o of the usual IN rso.is who are ii.i:' ft liy ehcerlul and good 1 naluied, are very u^e^‘ul lu a Wvnui of folly aud Marok 9. Slank Warm. .r Kt ■ (-vil; tbey maiiitaiu pet.ce and happiness, and , spr^ a thanklul temper among all ^ho live i>nrH« K H iRVKKS vetv I TN Bendiftv*^ «3 Advertisements the Olerka wiU i arOUnd them, persoti* .\ls^j, Hi=et of L'OUB'.b. HAKN^fa. tery IN e>«nau^ lueuie'''- r.re of the uauaU [ P iUtlc k.aO'i Mfiv 2 J. iKw OfiSc« f Blanks CqN^ §ai^ at 1^

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