Hil t' elv. ’lo! ■ tn V I't u, iFA'iTIBTOl U \ If t., M > kr Ifh 't H M ,1 XI. il ail pa ' cli. fsf ; I ■: I I >' t. • ei, : >ll: - a I lu-ln f-WKRK 1,1 •111, Hat \01 Ml r.VYKTTKVU.LF.. N. C.. JUNE T2. 1863. [NO. \1,|SI>\VS VNl> THI'KSIMVS HALK A. SO:^S. iTxOl'iUi'T.'K.': vur> J* Floreiict* and FayeUtville lUil Road. I ‘ N1>KK tlio jirov, V v. niiiiti (if Non I th Wf.-flv uo, ^huI in AsRiKvaLr.. i 1'.-)TKL for ihere l^a'i ‘ '*•' tirs! „f hiii3. and 1 hoj. • l i* ■ ,.u. K -; OIK v-tive to re- e . f j ' At 4 ltd unnmii, in '■'''it* ■•“=aie y} " tlj u[ ; I r.. • '-«ch ■ = -.'ij -• : fi ■ - 'i I'-- ib-‘» *" iDv.' Advf: If 1 fir :?! j'or s U'lVt* ;:;il .>'* oenis for ftuMi s ir \ .-riixo’ncut^ px''»>«-iitii? h i-or.t- I'.ir ihf firi miil ’.n i>eais i-i'iti. A>lvorti'» r' nre r.»- iimt tff •( lUM-rtid’.is ilesiro't. or ti>'. tortii^l. Hu l ohargf.l nci-or.l- ns of nil Or.liiijiiice of ilie Con ti rnrtilinn, Honkj wM! be od> H?d«.u Jt'lli .luno at the f.illiiwink: j,l sc'>“ -uni un.ler the di- u-i li.in oi the followins: I‘t'rs„)is, u, reooi\.> siihscrhi- .ioii.s ID ih.' .-.ijiiiul riiock of liie •'Floronc- .V Ktijoiie- ' .It' i;.;! K.viK’# - Shiuc's One HiuuJr*'J ■1 the /iui! Otjice in h\i,irttet',: nation of ilio (Join'nil Ooiiiinis'iioiii'rs, i> .A. K;iy, W Steel, Uni. McL •W K'MO. M I- ii ’ lilo ilirectiou of lio' ti.i AK-NciU. \\m, Mow.'iil. ,Ihs. A. Smith, Dan’! ' Mo Neill ^ln^^ (..>1.^ .\li»5 Mi'Milhni, or (my «'ne of thetn. |,, ■ U Horol Cob- ;t Uruler the ilireiiioii of l>r. Neill ,,,,,,,,,, Mi Nuir. 1).-. A. 1) MoLean, Arrhih.iM Smith, Kilinimd i'prines ire-imiio I in Western North Ciiro- fiijpf,, * I*’ *• fi^'out Fifteen niiies from Moifrai’ton, in a uiouni'.ivoii.s, lieHutiful and roiuHniie c'>uniry. The WiiteiN SULIMIUK an I ('IIALVBK.U'F.. are s-^id to be aih. 'r'. —Liidor the di \ A McKethan. •MeK:iv !»nd Jno. liiiulred {lersouM du:. ,g d,,. S.uunur In ('otuu-ouon vviih t:;; . llni,-!. 1 ii/ive a unniber of I'l K-k-, ’arn i-;. ., 15,...d Saddle Hm-.-es that in (;.• -ri ;i iianalL'.-' ii'iiicc-. .1 M. liLAlR, I’l-opiiei.n- Cigl.' Hotol, Asheville, N. C. ‘V i;\ isii;: ;',i.ypd B*i i: w.Tio.iiT nruKK (’O! N’l'v, N. r.' -MlU.-d li>, cliargevl hv Ut‘W ad- KrL- . NOl'h'F 4 ‘ 1 F= u ii;> .late, no name of h new subscriber ar ■ -I..! i'.«i\ ii!ent iu .advaius'. nor will a. ■ ■ (Le •'f“- urh 'u'lsi-ril'crs for a bmger time jr th. ■' tlia i'* H .if ii’.r ■: >ub ivibt-rs as desire to fake the pa- ► t: ta . , • » . *.r 1 fr'. ■ ■ 'Hr.' ■ H ror '0 ;i H i; vi;l' v'ea-if nutify us wheu making J;ui y I. IX.',8. ■' “.-ll 1 t.' . lii:/ • hai , >»■ !: i]-^ ; tii V ft'UUi t rui;,-- I. . phi, , ■ th, riiiii- art; . hv tr ivr; ; I by ; 11 a r- Ui • th .1 ■■ ‘ ,is a Attorney at Law, '’ayuttkvillk, N (' the County and Superior Oonrts 1 U M lor* tfc- of »ud • Diiu- the collection of all MS CO., ill ^iJroct*rit*>*, UKAl-ERS IN iwede«i Irou, KTTKVILLK, t. . K V , io»» rchntit, K, X C. *;i-if iVOKTH, rdiug Merfhauts, N. tV 84tf JI omodaied with board at I.illy luid Col Ah‘iL;iu,ier Watson, or any otic of i .1' —Under the direction of Murdock Mc- Kie, 1> McLeod, L). McCallura, .Ian McKae, Jr , and J. 11 McVueet*. or any one of them. • If Aljoi — L'u'Jerthe direction of John I’urcell, .Ino McN .ir, Sion Alford, Dugild Mc('alliun and Juo. .McCalliim, o- any one of them. The Siib'.-i ij.'tion Hooks will remain 0(>en for t!ie space ii > diiys When *i >Au1h(‘ieni sum iv sub«cril'evl the oiiip.'iny will bo orirHiiized for the purpo>e of build- inir thi' A A. McKETHAN, 1* A. KAY. A. W STEKL, WM. McL. McKAY, JNO. M KOSK. I (.leneral (’(inimi.'^Hionerc. j r«y>(leville. Jinitf 7, Ij'tili. :^2lf Western Kallroad OlBce,) ! Fayetteville, N. 0., Sept. 27, i , sR I he 1 -irpose of increa^inn the capital stock of this j ('onipauy, to en.ible it to extend the Hoad from the t'oal t ieltl to the North I'arolina Road, the following i gentlemen h-tve been appointed CoiumiHsiouerM lo re ceive sii*iscrib‘TS ill thi'i- several neiphborhoods, viz: i -\i liiilf—I. ,I Haiightou, Drooks Harris, l>r (Jeorge C I -N'ew‘y and (} W'i.shinpton A> .vt» lU.- Oiilf Jno .1 UoM-*tv'tj. .I?i!:ie^ F Klv«s :iui.l ' Huuh W Dii 111 At i»re Hill—G W Gold>ton, l>r L W Gorrell and N i M .,\’-(on. . .\>>ove Ore Hilt—Uan'l Hackney, A 15 Marsh and Jas j Taoe. -\t FoU't's ^l^lls—l»r H M Foust and Dr J U Graves. ; , At Franklinr-ville and vicinity — Isaac H Foust and .\ S Homey. At Asheboro’—.Jonathan Worth and B F’ Hoover. I .-\t New .M irket—.Fesse Walker an,I Josejih Newlin. ■\t Thora.'isville—G Foster and Jno W Thotnis. .^t Hitrh Po;nt—l»r R I' Lindxiy and S^eaborn Terry. .\t Salem — Francis Frie>; and R L Patterson, i .\t Gr«ensl>fwo’—P Mendenhall, Peter .\dam.s, Hon . J A Gilmer an 1 Jesse H Lindsay. ! Instruciions will be >»ent to t'.ie Coratui.^siouers at itu eariv ,iay bv the P !' . 'he Compiny. f.4tf ' I M KOSK. .«leo y W R R ('o THK .\OKTM «'.\KOM.\.4 .>11 Tl iL Llf'K INSnii.XCiJ COHPA.W, JOW in the tenth year of succes'iful •,perntiou. with I JOHIV H. COOK, Auctioneer. I S)eiital Materials, liistrumeu(^i aud Fur- i mtUrt^, at Auctioili l M of theQeueril -Assembly a very imp'jriaai ^ , |i-, „vi j I WILL sell at Auction, on VVednesdny the 24ib of | tiou of finance, in the propi-r settlement of which the j The fatuous and notorious Lcl. . Ijou^or Ltreilt , i J)i«e. in Favetteville, N C. entire stock c-f orodit of (he S‘atc Ji, deeply ooucfjtied. and for which wHq .SfTved with Morgan la.'^t Summer, and SIIUT : 1)L:NTAL MATERIALS. 1NSTRUMENT8 and Fl'R- eieitleiiieiit legislative action is required: i NITL'UE, c >UBi.5ting of 2701* Teeth, Rubber and IMate, , 1 01. Gold Foil, Vulcanite and Apparatus, ln‘'trument«, iis Files, Eicavatovs, Pillera and Forceps, Operatinir ; Chair and Spittoon, Chairs, Tables, Cat^ietB, Red and r.e 1 lii>fr .\lso a larjje lot of RookH, Medical and Den- ; tal wirks, Rlack;.tone’s Coni'ri.'-ifari‘R, New Ameriaia i Cyclopie iia, Stan lard Poetical Woiks, Centre Table , liooks, &c. 1 Mv HCfouiits are iu the hands of Mr. .Ti)hn H. Cook. R SCOTT. , May 23, 18Cy>. Sits BY THK GOVERXOH OF XOUTH ( AROLlN.\. ' Arrf-st o/'(*„r Sfof—TUe Teu- \ pko:laiiatio3I. ; n*“sspe Army oorrespondent of the Savannah Re- YY^IIERHAS, There has arisen since the adjiurnment . publican writePt- M of the Qeueril Assembly a very imoortaat qiies- , The famous and whq .served with that time has been As.sistant Inspector General Now. therefore, I. ZEBULON B V.VNCE, Governor Qen. Bragg, Was arrested a tew days sincc by of Nort^ Carolina, do, by and with th. advice of the The Sheriff and his officer. vtuncil uf mt^ue this Proclaniatiou. couvening tbe ,, , i i i n i* « i x* u u^a General A'idemhly iu Kxtra Sep^iou, and oalliu|5 upon culled upon the bold rinlisninan beiore e the oj»^mhfr8 to assooible promptly iu this city on Tues- arisen iu tho uiorniDg^ and alter the lornier had day the 3tiih day of this month June. performed his toilet duties he buckled on hiabelt Iu wi'nesa whereof, Zkdulun B. Vanck, trusty pistol? ” « • . eijual to iny in ih(» oiKniir_\ l>eer, Bear aud Pheasant iboiiti I iu the Mcuiuains. I iie (' MTipany li is suoe.-ede.l in oblaiaiug tfie services of an experieuiied /euib'!>.,.u and lady to tJike charpe of th-^ Iloiivie, aud will be ready for the reception of \'ir5il- ers by t!ie Is .ll’L^ t)ue-F Mirth of this priip. tiy »itii Three Huu- drrd i.TeB of La'id atwif'bel would be sold to a person eOTii{'*-t«.-nt to take chiirge of the properly PIEDMONT SPRINGS CO M».v2 1. 3H-3mpd can Indepttndence. liy the Governor: R, H. Battlk. Jr., Private Sec’y. June K-S, 18U3 Z B VANCE. 8ti-2w JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. % S Administrator de bonia non upion the Estate of xY Mary Murphy, I shall sell at Auction at the Market Hmse iu Fayetteville on TUEiSD.W, the last day of this month— 1 I shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of ; Capo Fear, I 12 shares of the Capital Stock of the; Bank of | AS, The time limited in my proclamation, Fayetteville I jai^ the 8th of May, forbidding the exportation The officers of the law re- 8. }!3overnor Captain General and Commander- nj^nstrated, and the Englishman damned, and a ^ in hath 8iguei tnese prp«»euls aud caus- ; i /. i w i i • i • 4.\.^ ed the G"«at Seal of the State to *>o attixed. I struggle of halt an hour ensued, in which the Done at the city of Raleigh, itiis 12th day of June, * stout Britisher made a powerful resistance, but D., 18G3, and iu the eighty-seventh year of Aiaeri- ],y nvorj»owering force wa.‘ at last placed fiurs du By the Governor of North Carolina. A PROC LA.n4TIO.\. of certain articlee from the State, for thirty days from on a credit of six months for Bondu with approved se- I ibe 13th of the past month, will soon expire: I.INT OK CHAKit;S J'Oll PlSSi:.\iKltS, ; curity. W. B. WRIGHT, Adm’r. ■ ... : Froia F'lyeit*'ville to Wilalinj(ion, t.,.7. ibeth, *• White Hal!, “ “ Kelly’s t'ovi-, “ “ •• .Ml paints below, sKt.'oNU t’l.A.'.-S, MU I Kth. From Fajetteville to W Uiuiugiuij, “ “ “ I'liiib^'ib, “ “ “ Whiiethall, •• •• Kelly'.s Covti. *• *• “ \A fi-.tiiitii htlow. I l». From Wilmington to Fayetteville, “ Kelly's t'ove. “ White Hall, “ Elizibeth, '• Prospect Hall, .\11 points above, .•'KCONU i LA.SS, OR Of: K ' From Wilmiuj'tou to Fayetteville, •* “ Kelly’s ’ove, -Wniiellall, “ “ *• .\'.l poiut.-: ab.ive, econ i t'l.i“s or Passenger ^10 00 i 5 t»0 0 50 7 00 10 00 ^5 00 I 2 f)0; 8 r.u 4 «»0 O oii i $10 00 I 4 60 ' 5 f.O ti ftO ' 8 (H) ' 10 00 $3 00 3 (K) 4 (>0 o K) must ‘lay on lower deck or p ly full pnc«.-, or same as First Cl'iis J'iT' .\n extra c’narg» will be ma le for Way Passen gers getting into Berihs Jiiriuji day time, and for occu pying a Berth with" tiieir b vits or shoes on, at the discretion of th'“ ('.ipt iiu J. A WORTH, for ■ F St iuB’tCo. H. M OHRK!.L. ' ,r Si rs Kate and Sun. T. S. H I’TKKLOM isot. 20-1 f Coitou Yarn for Wool. H.WING accepted an agency from the Governor of the State, under the direction of Col U. A. Dowd, A. Q M., at Raleigh, to assist in procuring a supply of WOOL to provide clothing for our North Carolina Sol diers the coming Fall and Winter, we are authoriied to exchange Cotton Yarn at the rat« of 1 bundle of 5 lbs. for H lbs. of Wool uawashed, but free of sand and burs. Any pereon hikving Wool to spare can greatly aid oar State authorities in their laudable efforts to bus- (Mta our oouuir^, tho fISUlO ttCDO COD'* tribute (in matiy cases) to the comfort of their own friends and kindred in the army, not by making a do nation, but receive a full equivalent for their wool. It is hoped and expected therefore that a prompt reeponse will be maie to this notice, aa it is important that the W'ool should go into the hands of the manufacturer at j an early day, lo be made ready for wear by the early Fall. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 30, 1SG3. 8Stf I 4>iR|..\D FOR f^ALE. The undersigned have taken the Agenoy for the sale of Messrs W B. Farrar & ('o's Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running from 18X2J inches to ti ft*et by 11 inches: and can have cut at short notice ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will pleit-e correspond with the uodersigned, who will ' fill 01 Jers promptly anJ guarantee the quaKty of the grit as represented GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 18ti3. 32-tf Now, therefore, I, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do, by and with the advioe of the Coun cil of State, issue this Proclamation, continuing said prohibition thirty days from the 12tS inst., subjeot to the exceptions and restrictions contained in said Pro clamation of the 8th of May, and entrusting the encu- tion of this Proclamation to Justices of tho Peace and Militia officers. . In witness whereof, Zbbulon R. Vanv.Ii, Gov- SKAL>ernor, Captain General and Comm in Jer-in- *■ Chief, bath signed these presents and caused ihe Great Beal of the Rtate to be affi-ted. Done at the City of Raleigh, this 8th day of June, A. D , 1803, and in the year of our independence the 87th. By the Governor; Z. B. VANCE. R. H Battls, Je , Private Seo’y. June 9, 1868 36-2w A RARE FOK MEi\ OF B^TeitntlSG! S 1 wish to change my busine.'s I now olter for sale unifxit and disarmed. The charges were that he retained in his possession the slave of Con federate citizen and refused to deliver him or her up; that uieeting a soldier coining to the army le.iding a horse, he accused him of being a de- stTtcr, dismounted him, took his horses and equip ments aud money, stating ucserters were not worthy to have either horse or money, aud sent the owner thereof off where he would not be heard of again. The result of the affair was that Col Grcnfel, whether guilty or not, justly delivered up the negro, horses and money to the civil au thorities. Other accusations of like heinons character had been made against this officcr, whieli give rise to the belief that he is a much abused and slandered man, or but little better than a bandit and robber in military toggery. If the charges against him are proven true, then there is no doubt that the course oi Gen. Bragg will be to dismiss him from his staff; but if on the con trary, malicious slanders are defaming this ally, he is Hercules enough and brave enough fo pun ish them. Ilis bravery and gallantry were con spicuous throughout the Kentucky campaign, and it is hoped that this lute tarnish on his fame will be removed, or if it be not, that he will. my Mav N T. C. HdtkPER 5u- .lAMS k ( 0.. KE)R!f«. w inbperation nine r.iiles irtiea wishinK to supniy ’urnished by »pplying to , ayetteville, to E I’age, j J. M WILLIAMS, ieneral Superintendent. 8ltf LE. ~ i >m borne a few ntonth.- iu :;L»an is my authori •• 1 i until 1 return N. o. Jones ■^^tf tIliM date I will per pound tor rag.^ de- /etteville, or my mills b Ml'RPHY tj5 TED. AT, I. ariieles to re^i will receive ling on Mr M Tho.uasnn, teville, or on 'he siiliscri- et Square ALKx Johnson, Jr 7ott illari^ R^warl. criber, iiis negro boy .MO- age, about 6 feet 10 inches 'ery much turned out at the ipoken to He was seen at n county ou the 2lsl nit., out three weeks ago. The jr his delivery to me or for io that I get him. W. D. JOHNSON. 14, 1862. 62tf aotnre all kinds of Wagon I tan my leather and cm t6 wiK do well to send their have prompt attention, aud J{)HN CARTER iCo., N. C., I 13, 1862. fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 '■ years of ape. for one year, for st'ven years, and for li.‘> a'! life members slririn/ in the profitx All slave-; fr.>ii. to 60 years of az>; are in?.ured for one year or f'r j-eir-^ ‘’••r : w.> thirds their value. ,\'l losses are punctuaily pii 1 within '•'* days atler sati-sfacfory jiroof if presen:e 1. For further informati>'u tin- publ-• i- .-ferred to ■\gen:s of 'ho Cwiapany in all p ri' -he State, and lo H. H B.\TTLE, Secret.arv, Raleigh. E J HALE."Agent at Jan’y 185'.'. Fayetteville, N. C. From ami date the .'■^K'auier h ave at anl Thursday .\pril ii^l7tf all(>r fhi^ P HURT will 0 clock, .\ M., on Monday JOS A V. oi;TH, Ag't (' F Steam Boat Co. '1 A The styl«. Small. 40LUKKU PHOTO*illAPllS, AT %% EV| Ei€\ RAII. ROAH. MU’. Trains of this Koft 1 leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays exCfp’cd: at ^ o''lock, .\ .'1.. aud re- turi;in;i leave Mciver'- at 1 o'ckoK, P M Fr.iyht Tnitn MoNDAV, W HI'NESDAY an J FRID.VY. By order of the President JNO. M ROSE, Freas'r and Act’g Trans, .^g’t. J.iu. 22, yTtf Eg;ypt Coal .Tliiie. ^nUE undet'signed were, at the November Term of the j I i.'onfederaie Court, District of North Carolina, ap- j pointed Manaprers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, 1 and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of ciinin^ and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be sup[iiied on phort notice. The Coal from this pro perty iri undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. .\{ p'lication8 may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 95tf To Cotton Planters. HAVE been aDi»oi"-J Secretary of the Trea- FOLI^DKV, with a full supply of MATERIALS for carrying on the business to a large extout, in connection with a large MACHINE SHOP with all the i.eoessary tools. The l§te«ani Eng^ine now used for the busiuess is in good order, and mate- , rial a plenty for keeping it so for 10 years to come. I Tu?o Extra Steam JEngines, ' one an entire new one; i Turning Lathes, Planeln? Machines, Drill Presses, j Evtra Uelting, and other material too numerous to mention. Aleo a lot of LUMBER and TI.MBER, with a liiOOD SAW .niLL attached^ Small and large Circular Saws, Whip Saws, Mor ticing Machine, Sash Machines, with all the necessary Cutters to the above Machines. For further information a; j !y to M. A. BAKER, Fayeltevil’.e, N C. June 4, 1863. 34-lni*lni ART. \%’oo«l%vard'«i ^olar t'aniera. PHt>TOGR.^PHS can be had at Vanorrdell’s Skj lisrhf Gallery, Hay street, opposite .Marble ^ ard. Fay etteville, N. C,: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and piistile; from small to life size, .\mbro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the Art. .Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Moulil- ing. G’ I for very large picture^—as large as 26 by ;>6 inches. Jord and Tassels for hanging pictures; (nstru- ments. Stock and I'hemical.-? for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 ho{>e to merit your patronage. I would aNo return ray sincere thanks for the liberal patronag? be-'towed on me heretofore by the nood iieople of Fayetteville and vicinity. • ‘ C. M. VANORSL'ELL, Photographist and Prot'rietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 77- illarble Factory, 34tf Irabie for »ale by J. R. LEE. 69tf iWAKl). , y•’ ’ '‘Oii’.’.VJ I Uv LAUDK-Ji. TWII DUilRS ABOVE C. T/H.UGH i. SOfiS’ STORK Favetfeville, 20,^ S60 S'- SUBjWRIBERoN SUNDAY i«t, my a«gro boy named .\.N- ixh y«llow oomplexion, about 18 or 20 years old, and sup- 0 pounds. He hat^ a heavy ort when questioned, aud is trying to pass for a free boy. ’ rard for him delivered to me at »un»y, or confined in any jail F. L. WARREN. , 1868. 16-3mpd IL caroT taken op«r»tinf Eooras over Dodd’s store, 1 offer my Fro- rvoies to the citizens of Payette- 10 hoars from 9 A. M. to 12 M, J. H. FREEMAN. 34-9tpd >T1CE. Mouatfl are at R. D. DaTla’s for Mitborised to roceipt by me for tim« to pay jour debts while JAMES B REECE. 26tf FA YETTEVII.ee MUTUAL IXSlRAVrE tOMPA.M. $267,f.H8 5.077 Capital in Premium Notes ainouutB t.o Cash on haud and other assets. »Tice. lenssnry M«ppagr of the Rock >r»l weeks to ooase, for the pur tpaay will have moSbtetiags for C r HAIQH, rtC’t r! nAi/rn lOWr IBXCBiLL. Total, $272,7i;'> 01 Th(r (;)mpanv have paid all losses promptly, (lud have uever made an assessment on their premium uo?es. Total loHHes paid, i>2y,Bi^2 til) Offiorrs: QEO. McNElLL, PrsKldent. I). RA V, V^ice President C. A. Mc.MILLAN, Sec’y. Dirkctors; Henry Lilly, W- N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Uawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedraan, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, Jamet> Kyle, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. 0. Ceok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, \ A. E. Hall, } hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling A.genta l@~The Company invite applications. May 28, 1861. 21- WAIVTED, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fnndabite Notes. Al«rt Nerth Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. B. RICHARDSON S CO., Brokers, Ralcngh, N. C. KUnkS. 9tf « 3700 S^oiithern Hrpatic PillN Hate btMMi ordered In one daj. combination •' in.- licims was tarst prepared by L the pr jprietor in 1125, when lie was pronounced by three eminent physicians in a Southern oity, as in an ; advanced stage of Corsuiaptiou. T'‘'ir I’ilU curfd hi}n He i" now over seventy years wf age aud in di.«eharge of active profesoion il >luties. Tbeiv good etl.?cts upon other., cr- .i ei suoh a 'em^n 1 foi them that he w.n com pelled to desist froia sunpl>i:i»r ihetn gratuitously. They arc not reojinmeiiie 1 iiy the proprietor as g'lod ^ for nli diseasei. but only for such as arise from L>IS- ORDKl’.S OF THE LIVhll Many persons have testi- ti-d to their good effects in €'t!l‘ lu l F’. -tj, Udv>u» Fevfr, Pneumnni'i. r, ,vc . .^c. Read the foll«'wiag: S. U. Wallm k. Esq., IVesideni of the Wilmington ■and Weldon Hail Road. Aug. o' , l''’i2. says: “It has ^ been sai'l ihrit •‘ItV'i ti’st v,” is our n^ihonal disease. However this may be, it causvl ;>i' long aud severe suf fering. Providenti illy a friend tarnished me witn a few boxes of the "■ ll'-patir IMU." and the ujeo/thein h,t» fi^r/r-teJ'icun. In oiy fa'niiy they have beeu use.l frr{jiientlu wilh rrniniiit fn. .\moni; my acijuaiut- , ancos. rhiii/ ra.iff originating from diseased liver, have i beenrelievel a:idc!ie>l by them 1 regard them an tnvnluabU medicine, and take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribute." ('oL .loHN Wriout, of G.ildst>oro’ N. C , .\ug. 14, 1802, .'■ays: ‘ i have usc-i iiu- Sunth- n Hepatic PUlr ;n | my fauily here and also on uiy plauiriion in Vlabaiua, and nlw'tya with 1 have a valuable -erv an i?irl who had Veen along tin:" und?r treatuifut for con-unip- I lion, without reueivii.g »iiy b’uefit .\lmost in her > x- | tremity. I was induoei to try the He}.a>ic Ptlls- They ; were given uccnrdtri'i to dirertions. anl .she is now wt-ll, | enUreh/ restored hy' them- \ similar case occurred i among my servant^^ iu ,\labvmi. For liver aud lung . diseases I have perfect eonjidnice tn them ’ ' Full dxrectionx aud other certijicilrs will be found on the wr;ipper of each box. Price. SI a box; $10 a do7.jn; i'"! i gross. Retailed ; at the Drugyixtf For $11 twelve boxfj will he sent! free to any part of the Confe lerncy wherp there are no druggists Nat less than a dozen boxe.^ will ho sent by : the proprietors ('ash must accompany orders. Checks j on local banks taken. j AdiheSH GEO. W. DEEMS, Wilxon, N C. ! g^"For sale in Fayetteville by S. J. HlNSD.\Lr.. April 25. 22-3mpd ^ (.amp ol‘ liislruclion X. I'., i C.v.Mi' Holmes, May 20, ( St'KiMM. Okukhs, 1 No. —. ( IN accordance with Gpneral Orders No 25, .Arljutant and Inspectoi Geoeral's Otfioe, Richuioud. Va., :he name of the fjpowing si IV!’ is j,u!>li:ihed in onier that hi** owner may come forward ami claim th* propeiiy, viji: “SAM,’" aged about thir y years, b! ick e ui'i lexiuu, 5 fciit 8 inches high, property of Mips Kmily Hi^rwuy, of Hertford county. The said Sam was arrested on board of the steamer Emily, running from Nortolk, Va., to Newbern, N. C .At the same time and place was arrested “BUSH CUFFEV” aged about 20 years, dark complexion, 5 feet 7 inches, who claims to be free. By order of Col. PETER MALLETT. CommAudaut of Conscripts for N. C. J. N. Pbior, Adjutant. May 22, 18(i3. I o«.V. Chief*.\gent for the ptircha“« of Cotton f)r the Coniedcrate Government within the State of North Caro- j lina. iiud w.ll pay for the snaio in 7 per cent. Bonds or i ('ash. I Sub-.\geni3 visiting the different parts of the State, | buyin* in my name, will have written certificates of j appointment. | By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton ; purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the j 18(h day of March IS68, will be paid for in 7 per cent. > Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn ' a former advertisement. Up lo that time, however, the | 8 per cent bonds will be furnished as stated. j Patriotic citiiens are now offered an opportunity lo j aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton raiaer ' than to private capitalists. I LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. i Charlotte, March 24, IHH:^. [c. D.] 14tf P. TAVLOR O F F E R S F t) R SAL E / lOFH'EE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacroand Soap, Pow- der. Cooking Soda, white and col’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Needles, Ilata and Shoes. One box of sundry Goods ju»t received from Charles ton. 2 tiue cloth L-loakb for Ladies; Gentlemen’s tine Gaiteis; Green and Blaek Tea. P. TAVLOR. Jun» I. 1808, 8.S 8moU 190 M ay TOBACCO. BOXE.'^ VIRGINIA TOB \CCt), various grades, for sale ou cousiijnmeul, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS i CO. 2:5 ' 31 If !§oie Eeatlier wanted. LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.\THER, ■iUUU suitable for B*^lting. Apply to D MURPHV. Fayetteville. .Apiil 14 20tf l*alnia Cliristi Bean^. H E subseriber will pay the highest cash prices for Any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. The Star Fouiidry and >lachine Shop Is now in full operation and will be ?o cnntinued until fui^her noticc of all kiuds done at the shortest notice RAILROAD C.\STlNfi^ of aU kinds, STEAM BO^T WORK COPPER WORK and MA CHINE WORK or all kinds, will receive prompt atten tion at the Star Foundry in F lyeftevillc, by M. A. B\CER, Office on H ly St., Opposite the Old Wr.gon Yard. June 4, IHti-^. -31-lm^m SA W mLL EIXTirRES lor Sale. The L’nJersigned offers for sale all the Fixtures of the Saw Mill Utely owned by Divid Vndersou, eou- i.isting of Three SAWS, CARRl.\GES, TR.\’K IRONS, PULLEVS, ic., being a FULL SET of such Fixtures They can be attache 1 to water or steam power HENRY E COLTt^N. Fayetmville, June 15. 37tf A;« iiMiial the Blockade \\7iLL compcl UP to do what we should have done be- VV fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the entmy. The proprietors having started the mannfac- turiug of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southern States, will be able to fill orders at short notice Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C AdJross I> KIVEFT, ManchtfS'ter, Cumboiland, N. C. June 9, 18^3. Sdif The Cedar Fai.v Bo >- bin t’o. are now prepared to furni?h, at eUori notice, all kiuds cf ROBBINS. Si’OOLS and QUILLS. &c , suitable f>r Woolen and Cotton Mills J. M. ODELL. \pen'. Cedar Fills, N. 0 , Jua. 9, 1803. 36-ttmpd 'Notice. iWlLL sell at Auction on Monday 22d inat., the balance left on band of the MERCH.\NDl/*L of D. & W. McLaurin D. McLAUKIN, SiirriviHg partner. June 10, IMOa. yankee Barharism.—The following statement was seat to the Charlotte Democrat ior publication by a highly respectable gentleman in Easteru North Carolina, who knows the tacts ol’which he speaks, and who has been in the war since the first gun wa.s fired; “()n the recent expedition in pursuit of the Yan kees who surprised the 56th N. C. Reg t, we found two aged widows residing at Core Creek. One of" them was near seventy, the other near sixty After losing their husbands and all their children, the bereaved sisters (Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Kvans) had come together in their old age in the hope that the last moments of a long and afflicted life niiglil bo spent in peace. But the yankee van dals willed otherwise. Of their thirteen negroes, all were carried ofl except an old bed-ridden wo- nr-an. These yankee wretches stole every pound of bacon the old ladies had; all their flour and meal, and even their bedding, towels, bed clothes, kitchen utensiis,8oap, lard, &c. Their very Bibles and hymn books were carried off and the last con solation of religion taken from them. With pious forethought, one of the old ladies had prepared her windmg sheet. This the base scoundrels tore to pieces with savage exultation in her pre sence. “The furniture of the Core Creek Baptist Church, near by, was on deposit for sate keeping iu the house of the old ladies. All this was stolen or destroyed and the church itself burned to ashes. ‘‘I'hese facts, hundreds in Kansom’s and Cooke’s lirigades heard from the lip.^ of these venerable widows. Capt. Robertson, Navy Contractoi^ told the writer ot this that he had known them for 30 years, and that they were universally respected for their pious, consistent and exemplary lives. “As a retribution of heaven, the Yankee Colo nel who committed these atrocities was killud by our troops in the pursuit. He was the author ol most of the hou.'?e-burning aud plundering which have desolated the country for twenty miles around Newbern.” T J A WORTH. U7-tf B $•10 REWARD. I Puk Wvnoto for »ale here. RAN.\W,\Y on Monday 2oth -May, my Boy NELSON; he is copper complexion and weighs about 150 Ibd.; aged about 23 years. T V7ill pay S-'iO for his delivery to me or $25 for his confiuemem in Jail. N A STEDMAN. June 1. 33-lf Wanted liiiiiieliately,, 1 A GOOD JUNIPER SHINGLES* for which XU, UUU Oie higiiest cash pricc will be paid. —ALSO— A yoke of la’’ge, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., Eagla Foundry, Fayetteville, N. 0. March 7. IHtSa. Fayetteville. Oot 8. IXU. LACK WRITING INK in pint bottles. Two doz»u in a box, socirety packed iu saw dust. Orders ae on mi “I with money promptly filled. ‘Address 0. W LAWRENCE, Fayetteville. N. C. •lutie 1, 18o‘>. 3-'ilf Administrator’s !\olice. ^nilE subscriber having at December Term, 1802. of I the Count.y ('oiirt of Cumberland, qualified as Ad- ininis'ratiir upon the Est.ate of Neill G. MoNoill, dec d, ^ no'ifiefi all persons having claims against the Estate to • presen them within ifie time limited by law. otherwise 1 this iir'ice will be pleaded m bar of recovery. Debtors I are reua«^‘Sted to make prompt paynicni 1 HE.'TOK MoVEILL. \dm’r. 1 n»e l(\ 1'0-2 ' ’’^OTICK. T The UNDERSIGNED, both haviug entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williiims, of thi*- place, their attorneys fo collect either separately or conjointly all moneys ilue them either by account or note, aud otherwiee to attend to their bu siness generally during their abicnce. They respect- ful'y >-sk all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly a" jossible on their agents aud make payment. ^ STAEa & WILLIAMS Sept. 19, 1861. 08-tf ^CARRIA«E Ail'l> HAR?Te»S FOR SALK. A Large second-hand CARRIAGE, with for six persona ^ little used. May 25. COIV LOST. Mr cow is ou Ea-t side of ’ape Fear, somewhere op posite to Cft^npbellton. being driven into the river by boys and oau’t tind her way back. She is marked with crop in each ear, has a b.ill on, while in her face, white on back an-1 belly, reJ ou neck and sidos Who ever will take her up and 1-t mt kn >w it, or briun her up to mi in Ca.npbelUon, will be liberally rewarded. Tai- said cow was bought iu the upper part of Bladen county rt.rd may probatdy fin i her way back to that JNO. A. WATSON. 87 3ipd tf county Ju'.e 12. FOR RE.\T. AT.ARGE two xtory FIRK PROOF WAREHOUSE, in good repair, by E. F June 13. MOORE. 8t THE BIXIE PRl.^IER, For the Little F Iks. A further supply a* wholesale or retail by E. J. HAIJe & SONS May 27. TEiSTAIflEilJTS Ai\D Confederate states Bible Society Testaments. A Collediou of Sabbath School Hymns. For i-ale by E. J. HALE & SONS. June 1. W AI\TED TO HIRP- r GOOD NEGROES to work at F “ ETTEVILLE 0 KEROSENE OIL WORKS. T>*>se preferred wbo can be fed and clothed by their^;;^®'.^’'’’^ Apply to -t-xio May 20 riENRY E COLTON. 34 tf Also, a set of DOUBLB HAB.NE88, verjr iS. J. HALB Er\€^»i^E WAMTED. 4 or hor^e power Engine, with fixtures complete. • 21- E J- HALE & SONS. TO CLERKIS oF COTRTsT" 1 Simjuldr Story.—“P. W. A,” writing Iroiu Richmond to the Savannah Republican, says; ‘It is .said that Greii. Lee is more than u.sually reserved in regard to hia future plans and opera tions. lie has been constrained to adopt |this course in consetjuence of certain disclosures re cently made by McClellan, It appears that Gen. J). Ii. Hill, during last year's Maryland campaign, dropped in his tent, probably when he retired rom Boonsboro’ (jrap, Lee’s getteral order to his corps commanders, in which he set forth ti\e whole object and plan of his advance across the Potoniac, and that thiy paper was found and car ried lo McClellan “la this way, it is alle^'ed, the Federal com mander was informed of the strength and dispo sition of our forces, and knew that D. H. Hill, with his single division, was left to hold the G»p at Boonsboro’, whilst Jackson had turned off to Harper’s Ferry, aud Ijuugstrect had taken position near the Pennsylvania line at Hagerstown. This disclosure explains the rapid movements cf Mc- CleLan, and the conhdent manner in which he followed us up and delivered battle at Sharpsburg Witliout this knowledge, it is not probable he would have sought Uen J^ee so soon and so eagerly^ and thus the latter would iiave had more time to con centrate his forces, rest his troop, and prepare for tho conflict We can never know what would have been the result if that order had not fallen into tho hands of the eiiuuiy; and yet it id not impossible, had it not reached the Federal General, that we should this day he in Maryland.” Diminuiion oj' fhe ianA'tc Armies.—K. New York p.ipcr, noticing the arrival and magnificent reception cf two regiments in that city, gives some inf''rn'^f>®n a.” to the depletion which has been goi“& ^ince early in May. The diminution jj.voral of the IJnited States armies, and especi- \iiy ill that of Gen. Hooker, from the return of nine months’ and two years’ men, has been, to use the admission of this paper, “very great.” Up wards ot 10,000 New York soldiers, and 10,598 Pennsylvanians, have passcdjthrough Washington on their way home. The aggregate of soldiers who have left the field and returned to private life during the last five weeks is not less than 25,000. Arrivals.—The steamer Banshee from Nassau arrived here yesterday. The Gladiator, a large screw steamer, which had crossed the bar Lome- time before also came up yesterday, j The steamer Rugenie from Bermuda arrived IN Sending ns Conrt Advprtisements the Clerk# will I thifl morning. All these vessels bring some enclose^^, if the advfitisemeatg ure of the maal | qq govonment aeeovnt. Th® leegti!. Blukk WajrrftQtji hIq at titis MBc« | tUiAkft Iw ssit ^ A LuKec aiiMQBL if t)t« crttea an I01 IMk. .Ata.

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