N t! Ld - II I r- f>, • Hi .... I B [six•. h .■ I *J- ’ ill* d 1, ‘ ■ f'iur, t«- T t* 1 !:V _'•] '' 'lUui fcZhT , ■‘'"■"'•j:-. B Min i.u. S F. M I-W F- F K-I> Y \(>L. \il.l FAYhyrTKVILLR, N. C.. JUNR 25, 1863. [NO. 1240.] tt. ■ It- (it on. *'!' . flHr, |P‘^ |vcv. esti: tr.-ir St‘U, „ Tin tipst .■VTF ' KlUVlRO ■ \Nl' Tin’RS!U.\Y>^ J. HALE X SO:«S. \N;. : U01’R!1:T0RS ' (>RKNVKn ?•> 00, pnitj ir Florriirr and l'aypt(rvill« Rail Road. I j. 1>KK fh* provl'iioii'i of an Ordinance of the (’on- .V Unoks will opened on lilt* Hith Jtitie (he f^Mowing ,-r rpciion of thp followiiK [ r«Ki«K I lit »r>»o” tioiis to the ('•^pital Stuck i>f ^ille Ruil Road Co.” ShsvMi ,. Ur rn' per annuiu. paid in -*/ Ro>ui (ijfirr ,n Faijt'tfviUf. ' J . , h ‘ , >1 ‘ ''uaijjte (y ''''‘‘-'rveioeiii ./■■‘"rrv. , each ' '^'’3.sold ‘ ■ •■'•- esti- , ..T-r’'KN'T.'* iH'^ertedtii' SI i>«.r 9 ;uftr« lar '• 1 ‘ ‘ '.ppj ''r ^.ne e\ceodin(? a nirf ' I'-'i'"' ('f't'* ^or the fir«t and SO cents pnhlii'ntion. Adrertisor' art* re- -, j:;.: he ni'.tnbor of insprtions desired, or be j iDfinuel till forhid. and ehnr^e*!jiccord- A. Kav Yyt>r tax H, t' fanr^. |p;.r ” fie c;;"' »o ^ ^aarier. ►r*d • r, uUo,, ly - ■"’ T abali > *•% w. III i e fi:. i ID • . =3 filS 5*.; ^ .'or es 'h qaeiieJ in?:;- flit /(>, charged a« new ad- oh'> Ptirceli, illu'Ti and Jno. ’ " NuTlt’F.. Fr^!n sn I K'r this date, no name ->f a new snbferiher be entered wi'Ji nii I'ftviuent in ndran'^. nor ^ill t»ie PP'’' *• ■sub'jcriber' for a longer titne ttl&t; I.' ’ ” • ^ S icli i dexire to take the pa- pe- -1 p’e;i>o notify u« when making Jan'y 1, 1S58. lIMf. *UcMj. Attorney at Law, F-vyetteville, N. C. ■^'I.L the f'oimty and Su|>«rior Court* of eriand. Harnett, Moore and Rob«8on Coan- _, ,MT«n to the ooU««tioQ of all ilen ply ? to •ge. reeiion ot the (tiMier'il Coimnisstotier.o . A n.iv. \ W Si.'p|, W,n Met,. •M Kopo --1' the li^.l Spri’\,i^.—I'n ler i(it> ' McNeill. W .,. ,1. St.'w iii. .'■1'^. Neill and (\il. Alex. .Mc.Mlll in. o- Ai F’-x-iil Co/>,/'. —Under tlie ■ McN’iur. Dr. V. D. MoLoati. Are . , Lilly and Col. .\l*:5an lt*r W’h* Ai Q:./‘rn.y ’t’,. — U-lprth 1>. .McLeod. i>. Mct-’alhini, H. McQneen, or uno of the: j At Al/ord :’!f, — rriiierthe Jno. Mc.Vair. Sio-, Alford ’ •McCall im, -r niiy one of i..- ui. The Snbsi'riptiou i'ooko will remain open for the t ppace of Go days When a suTicient snni is stihscrihed the Coirtp\ny will h,-' >d t irthe pury^o^'' of bwHd- I inn th*' R >n ’ \ \. McKETHAN. I> A RVY. A. W. STKEL. WM. McL. MrKAV. JX'V M ROSE. General Commissioners I Fayetteville. June 7, 82tf Western Railroad Offlce, \ J FayetteTille. N. P., Sf'pt 'J7. 180'J. / ' purpose of increasinsr the capital stock of this ^ 1; Company, to enable it to extend the Road frftm the j ( oal Fields to the North t’arolina Road, the following j gentlemen have been appointed Comitiissioners to re- I ceive sub8crib'*rs in their .several neighborhoods, viz: j At Qnlf—L J Hanghton, Brooks Harris, Ur George 0 j Newby and O Waj^hio^ton i Above the Qulf—Jno J Ooldston, James F Rives and t>fxt»n. j At Ore Hill—0 W Ooldston, l)r L W Qorrell and N [ M Alston. Abors Ore Hill—Dan’I Hackney. A B Marsh and Jas Pace. At Poust’s Mills—Dr H M Foust and l>r J D Graves. At Franklinsville aud vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A 8 Homey. At Asheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. At Nevr Marl let—Jesse Walker and Joseph Newlin. At Thomasville—A 0 Foster and Jno W Thomas. At Hijth Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At ^alem—Francis Fries and R L PattertJon. At Gr*ensbvo’—-C P Mendenha'.l, Peter .Adams, Hon J A Gilmer and Je«se H Lindsay InsltTictions will be «ent to the Commissioners at an earlv day by the President of the Company. G4tf’ ' ■ J M R(^SH. .«!ec y W. R R. Co THK \ORTH C.«ROM.\A .'mrniAL lifk issirance compast, "^OW in the tenth year of «ucoes-jful operation, with ll (H'owinft capital and firmer hold upon pti5>lic con- j fidenee. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- ' sons from 14 t» 60 years of age, for one year, for seven j years, and for life—all life members sharine in the profits. ! .All slaves from 10 tn t’,o years of a?e are insured for j one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses ar« punctually paid within 90 days after I satisfactory proof is presented. For farther information the pubJ*" Is referred to Agents of the t'ompany in all p^rts c he -'^tate, and to R H BATTLE. Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. ll.\LE. Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayetteville, N. C. a^hkvim.k, i\ WILL op»n tl- EAOLK IIO'IEL fot the re c*piion 0! G’ie«ts the first of June, and I hope " ■■■ « Titi'r*-\ia from seven'y-five to a ’ ■ JuiiiijT th'* ;^un)T)er. ■ ion Tith ! us ’:.rgo Hotel, I have a number • .it'i,:-!' X'lddle Horses that its o-in -It -I niiniite'o n-itiof .1 M. BLMR. • -‘or r.'tgl ilou'i, .» he^’il'e, N, C, Ma^. I.*?, 18-;;;. s IP ' i, .N. C. '^nrth C jiTi Nlorjranton, ♦itf ■ite' eq'ia vr. (?ou: ^ are ?iriivfed ''ortti (' ir>i- Fiftppii miles jm Nlorjrarton, in a '■^utiftil an.l romin'ic ominiry. TSe iilTK n.t',,3 Bb.\TK, are said to be to vny in the cotuiiry Uner, Bear and Pheasant ■'iiii'i i>i ihe 'lo’intains. The ( "•npr'."y h'ls succeeded in obt’ii\inir the services of an experienced gentlen' in H id lady tT take charge of ! the n , ... ers 8^^ One-Por.rth of this pro| #»ty with Three Hun- i ti.’>"es of L’lnd attached woul'i he sold )o a person competrnt to take ch'^rgo of tho prop»'riv. piedmont springs CO i - *' — pk' • - • n -.I- »»» i»m % f t I tjiX.ir jft* ui noiiS(>, w.’.l h> rea'-v l'''r the reception of Visit- by the 1p‘JCLV. May 2 t 3;^ Smpd LIST OF ('H.4KIiE;S FOR PtSSKNURKS. I>OW\. From Fayeltpville to Wilmington, $in (K) “ •* “ Elizabelii. 5 00 “ “ “ White Hal!, 0 50 “ “ “ Kelly's ('ove. 7 00 “ “ “ .\11 poinM >ielow. 10 00 SECOND CLA.'-S, OR 1>E('K From Fayetteville to Wilmington, $r. 00 J|U'lizabeth, “ “ ^^W hit eh all. 2 50 3 50 “ “ “ Kelly's Cov«, 4 00 “ “ “ All points below. 5 00 From Wilmington to Fayetteville, *10 00 “ •• “ Kelly’s Cove. 4 50 “ White Hall. 6 50 “ “ “ Elizabeth, 6 50 “ “ “ Prospect Hall, 8 00 “ " “ All p^iints above. 10 00 rtKCONI' CT.Af^.S, OR DECK From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $5 00 “ " “ Kelly’s Cove, 3 00 “ White Hall, 4 00 “ “ “ -\U points above, 5 00 A RARE CHAi^CE FOR MEN OF ENTERPRISE! As I wish to change my business 1 now offer for sale my FOUNDRY, with a full supply of MATERl \LS for carrying on the busiue^s to a large extent, in connection with a Urge M.VCHINE SHOP with all the ueoesaary tools Tlie is^teaiii Eug;ine now ui^od for the business is in good order, and mate rial a plenty for keeping it so for 10 years to come. 'jTiCo Extrn Steam M^ngineH^ one an entire new one; Taming Lutbes, I'lanelng Machines, Drill Presses. Extra Ucitlng, and other material too nuraorous to mention. Al-o a lot. of LUMBER and TIMBER, with a iiOOO KAW .UILL attached; Saiall and lar^e Tircular Saw.s, Whip Saws, Mor ticing Machine, Sash Machines, with all the necessary Cutters to the above Machines. For furthar information apply to M A BAKER, Fayetteville, N. C. June 4, 18«:^. 84-1 m*lm The Star Foundry aad Machine Shop Is now in full operation and will be so continued until fnriher notice. Caatings of all kinds done at the shortest notice. RAILROAD CASTINGS of all kinds, STM\M BOAT WORK. COPPER WORK and MA CHINE WORK of all kinds, will receive prompt atten tion at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville, by M, A. BAKER, t)ffioe on Hay St., Opposite the Old Wagon Yard. June 4, 1803. 34-lm*m JOHN H. cook, Anotloneer. Aff Jonsa.(be Gstate Of Mary Murphy, I shall sell at Auotion at the Market House in Fayetteville on TUESDAY, the last day of this month— 14 shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Cape Fear, 12 shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Fayetteville, on a credit of six months for Bonds with approved se curity. W. B. WRIGHT, Adm’r. June 1. [wDw] 85-ts 8 m ited ill . de- I mills i y. , A «EMI ^ The Now Stjlc, Small, COLORED PH0T0(;RAPB$, AT Gull«*ry. ART. WooiluardN Solar Camera. ceive ason, ■yaifri- Jr. •f 7agon d caa I their n, and ER. f PHOTOGR.Al'HS caa be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay- j etterillc, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life siie. .Ambro- , types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures ' pertain’ >g to the Art. .Als", Gilt Fran»r=, Gilt .Mould ing, O' ft for very large pictures—a.s large as 2C by 3*i inch“9. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instrn- racnts. Stook and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life site oolored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 ^fould al“o return my sincere thanks for the liberal patr .nage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vi n. .M. VA Photographist ■ ’ Dee’r 20. 18/>9 iMarble Factoi:. NDAY ed AN- I ,, about I d mip- heavy )»qU has reo boy. to me at any jail REN. apl ns over tny Pro- Fayette- to 12 M, man. )tpd ' ivis’s for J me for ats while EEOE. 26tf he Rook- th« par- itiaga for Pr«s’t. TWO ■la 'i i t * D»!5RS .\8flVR r. T. n.i.lf.ll u. SONS’ STftRR l*‘avett«*ville. 1’. V -20. 18',6 fayettevii'le MITIAI. fOMPA^f. $■>67,688 2b 5.077 35 Second Class or Deck Passengers must stay on I lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Cl-vss. .An ex»'‘a charge will be m-ide for W^y Pa»sen- j gers getting into Berths dnring day time, and for occu- ) pying a Berth with their bools or shoes on. at the discreti' n of the Captain J. A WORTH, for C F St m B’t Co. R. M. ORRELL, for Si'r^ Ka.e and Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 18«:^. *J6-tf l'roiii and after tlii»» date the Steamer .A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o'clock, A. M.. on .Monday and Thursday. JOS A WORTH, April »'>—17tf ] .Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co, %%emter:%^ rail rciad. The Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, M., and re- tu'^ninii leave Mclver's at 1 o’clocK, P. M. Frris/M Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order of the President. JNO. M. ROSE, Tretw’r and Act'g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, m'.3, 97tf 3700 Bo&es of the Southern Hepatic Pills U*vr brrn orOOrMI IH One Qaj". ^FHIS combination of medicines was first prepared by X the proprietor in 18‘25, when he was pronounced by three eminent physicians in a Southern city, as in an advanced stage of Consumption. Thrte Pills cured him He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of active professional duties. Their good effects upon others crea’ed such a demand for them that he wa“ com pelled to desisi from supplj iiig them Kratuitously. They are not recommeude.l by the proprietor as good for all diseases, but only for such as arise from DIS ORDERS OF THE LIVER. Many persons have testi fied to iheir good effects in ChilU and Fevert, hiliout Fever, Pneumonia, J>ysf>tpsta, ^e. Read the following; S. D. Wall^ck. President of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Ronl. Au«r :^0. 1>*V2. says: “It has 1 been said that “DrspitpsiA,” is our national disease. However ibis luay be, it caused »>» long and severe suf- ferint,;. Providentially a friend furnished mn with a few boxes of the ^'JlfyV PHI*," and th* use of them ha* perfected a cure. In my family they have been used frequently with eminent furei‘.’s. .Among my acquaint- ances» many rates originating from diseased liver, have ’ . ■ T^d by them. 1 regird them an and i.»e pleasure in forwarding iry t:ib’,ite.” ,iS W«i .i, . f Q.,lds!i>ro’ N. C., Aug, 14, T>’s; ‘-1 h »e used the Southern Hepatic Pills in •s»ion in Alabama, ana aimayt uit/i «*> i u>»ve a valuable servant girl ■ ■ had l een a long time under treatment f«r consump- • houi receiv aay I'eoefi -ost in her ex- . {r>’ ■ ■»—•/,> Pills. They Oi, >in 1 sne is now well, . similar ca.se occurred .V, . .oama. ■" and lung 1 r confidence tn them.” ' other certificate.^ wiil be found on box. c* box; $10 a doxen; $96 \ gross. Retailed . .c Druy^.c. For $11 twalvo boxes will l»e sent free to any part of the Conlederacy wher. ''lere are no druKgi^'*’- Not less than a doxen boxes wul bflsent by the proprietors. vj«sh must aoc'.'i ip »ny i*»ier9. Checks on local barks taken. .VJurcss GEO. W. DEB\IS, Wilson. N. C. It-jf-For sala in Fayetteville by S. J. Hl.NSD.ALE April 2.T. 22-3mpd Capital in Premium Not? > amounts to Oaah on hand and other aesets. !H£LL. 88-tf Total, . $272,766 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium uo(cs. Total losses paid, J29.P82 6'i OFrioKRS: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. MoMlLLAN, Sec’y. Dirkctors: Henry Lilly, W. N. TilUnghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. MtKethan, J. D. Williams, 8. W. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, ■) > * A. E. Hall, } hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents I^^The Company invite applications. May 28. 1861. 21- •as grades, i k CO. 8ltf I. LEATHER, UEFBT^ m WAIVTED, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Bonds, new issue. W, R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. Maroh 9. 9tf I Warranto fix ctale hftre* RE WARM. t)ANAW'AY on Monday ‘Joth .May, my Boy NELSON; he is copper coinplex'on anil weighs about 150 lbs.; aged about years. 1 will pay $50 for hisdelivery to me or $2o for his confinement in Jail. N. A STEDMAN. June I. 8S-tf Wanted Immediately, 1 A JUNIPER SHIN’OLES, for which LU.UUv/ the higiiedi cash price will be paid. —ALSO— A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., F.agle Four: Iry. Fajetteville, N. C. March 7. 1H6S. ’ Atf P. TAYLOR ~ OFFERS FOR SALE (COFFEE. Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco and Soap, Pow- J der. Cooking Soda, white and col’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Needies, Hats .wi Shoes. One box of sundry Qaods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth ('loaks for Ladies; Gentlemen’s Sue Gaiters; Green and Black Tea. P. TAYLOR, June 1, 1863. .'IS Sm.3ti Administrator’^ Notice. The subscriber having at December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, deo’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this BCtioe wiU be pleaded iu bar of recovery. Debtors are rMwiMted to owke prompt payment. HSCTOa M«NSU|L» I'otton Yarn tor Wool. H.VVING accepted an agency from the Governor of th* State, under the direction of Col H. A. Dowd, A. Q. M., at Raleigh, to assist in procuring a supply of WOOL to provide clothing for our North Carolina Sol diers the coming Fall and Winter, we are authoriied to exchange Cotton Yarn at the rate of I bundle of 5 lbs. for 3 lbs. of Wool unwashed, but free of sand and burs. .Any person having Wool to spare can greatly aid our State authorities in their laudable efforts to sus tain the cause of our country, and at the same time con tribute (in many cases) to the comfort of their own friends and kindred in the army, not by making a do nation, but receive a full equivalent for their wool. It is hoped and expected therefore that a prompt response will be made to this notice, as it is important that the Wool should go into the hands of the manufacturer at an early day, to be made ready for wear by the early Fall. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 30, 1863. 33tf 41}RI1^D KTOllENrFOR HALE. The undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale of Messrs. W B. Farrar & Co’s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running from 18X2^ inohes to 6 feet by 11 inches; and can have cut at short notice ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want pf Gtiad Stones will —r—J "im tne u-iii«rsigned, who will fill orders promptly and guarantee the quality of the grit as represented GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1803. 32-tf E^ypt Coal .Tliuc. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- pointel Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perly is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, t863. 96tf To Cotton Planters. 1H AVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief .Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the Slate of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-.Agenls visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written eeriificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18ih day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patrioiic citiseaa are now offered an opportunity to aid the Governaieni by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Cliarloiie, March 24, 1863. [o. d.] 14tf \h ti!«iial tiie RIockade WILL compel us to do what we should have done be fore this, wail npon yourself and cut loose from the enemy. T^s j.roprit'tors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the .S'luihern States, will be abl« to fill orders at short notice. Work delivered in Fayetteville. N C. Address D. L. KIVETT, Manchester, Cumbetland, N. C. June y, 18^3. 36 tjmpd BT TUB GOVERNOR OF NORTU CAROUNA. ; A procla;?iatio.^. W'^HERE.AS, The President of theConfeilerate Staies, by virtue of the authority vested in him by the ' Constitution, has nmde a requisition upon North Caro- ; lina for seven thonsand men to serve within the limits ; of the Sta'e, for six months from nnvi after the day 1 of August next; and whereas, it is desirable that if pos- ' sible the troops should be raised by voluntary enlist ment. with the right to select iheir own officers; Now, therefore. I, ZEBULON B. V.ANCE. OowMrnor of North Carolina, do i'^su** this my Proclamation, call ing on the patriotic citiiens of the Stale to volunteer for Slate defence, and tender their sorvioes in companies, battalions and regiments, on cr before the l7tU of July. The control and management of the troops raised under this Proclamation will be retained by the %u thorities of the State. Orders for the enrollment of the militia, preparatory to a draft, in case it may be necessary, will be issued by the Adjutant General. , V .. In witness whereof. Zbbllon B. Vance, SEAt V Captain General and Commander in-Chief, '■ ' hath signed these presents and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed. Done at Raleigh, this 17th day of June, A. D., 1863, and in the year of American Independence the 87lh. By the Governor: Z. B. VANCE. R. H. Battlk, Jr., Private Secretary. June 19, 1863 30 2w KIKCl'TIVK Dl PARTMKM >. C.,) AhJUTAMT Gk?(ER.''/S l>FriCK, (.MiLITIA,) V RALbTOH, June 17, 1868. ) Ghmbrai. Ordkb, \ No. 11. ) . I THE Commanding Office*"® of Uie Miiitia will tm- mediately asaemble their respective Regiments and enrol) all able-bodied free white men and apprentices, residents of this State, who shall b.e of the age of eigh teen and under ferty years—not liable to or who have heretofore been exempted from the conscript act, and all between the ages of forty and forty-five years. II. They will specify in said enrollment, wiiat per sons claim exemption from militia service under the laws, and will note opposite the name of every such per son the ground upon which such exemption is claimed. III. As soon as completed, the Muster Rolls are re quired to be forwarded to this office- By order of Gov. Vancb: D.AN’L 0. FOWLE, Adj’t Gen. Raleigh, June 19, 1863. 39-2w Country Re»>idence ior iSale. A MOST desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE is offered for sale, situated within two miles of the town of Fayetteville. The Dwelling House contains ten 1 .rge airy rooms. Piazzas the entire length in front and rear. All Suitable outbuildings, in complete and thorough re pair; twenty-five acres of land, an excellent garden and crop under cultivation, an excellent assortment of fruits and grapes, and an abundant supply of pure s]»riDg water, and situated In one of the best neighborhoods in the Slate. Possession given immediately. Confederate Notes or Bonda received in pay. . For further information apply to A. A. McKETHAN, or JOHN H. COOK. June 20. 1863. 89-8t Western Railroad. THE FREKJHT TR.AIN on this Road will run daily after this date. Freight must be delivered at Fay etteville Depot before sunset to insure its being sent for ward on the succeeding day. Ao freight received iu the morning to yo hy the tame day't train. By order. JNO. M. ROSE. Treae’r and Transportation Ag’t, W. R. R. June 20, 1863. 39-3w TA3t IIOTICE] I WILL attend at the Market House on WEDNESDAY the FIRST DAY of JULY next to receive the Taxes due from Merohaale and others as per R«ivenue Law Scheaule 13. lie.UlV>tW WKeriff June 19, 1863. 'iy-tt ~ FLORAL COLLEGE. HE Fall Session in this Institution will commence on ednesday the -2d of July. The price of Board has been raised to $25 per month. The charges Tuition, Coniingencies, &c., remain unchanged For further particulars address the undersigned at Qilopohs, N. C. DANIEL JOHNSON, Principal. June 19, 18fi3 «y-4w T"w FOR ISAI.E. 2 CLOSE CARRl.AGES 4 Rookaways. 6 Buggies, one of which has never been out of the shop. Several sets Harness, si 'tgle and double. 2 goo!^ Saddles. 1 excellent Cart and Harness. The above articles are in good order. W. C. TROY Fayetteville, June 22. 186-^. 39-2t FOR SALE,* At ARGYLE, in Robeson county, ou the W , C. & R R. Road, 34 bales of packed and 740 lbs. of loose COTTON, of extra quality. Address Mrs. Dr N. McNAlR, Adm x. Gilopolis P. 0., Robeson county, N. C June 20, 1863. • 39 4tpd DOiVT RUil THE BLOCKADE. 1'MIK Undersigned offers tor s.iie one ot r*10ot & Brothers SlE.A.M S.AVVMILiLS oomplttte, ISlIjrse power, will saw from 2 to 5 ihouiand teet Lumher per day; situated 2^ mil»s from Malver’s Depot, Western R. R on 300 acres best iL.nherei I'lni iu North C*rjli- na. Those in w:int will adire^s me at E^ypt. tns pre sent terminus W. R. R. For particulars reter to J. W. Gunter, Kimbolton, Cuathain, N. 0., or N. A. diedraan, Fayetteville, N. C. JOHN A. MCDONALD. Oakland, N. C-, June 18. o'.* Im The Celar FalJ-^ Ro'^ bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kinds ef BOBBINS, SPOOLS and QUlLfjS, &c , suitable for Woolen and Cotton Mills. J. M. ODELL. Agent. Cedir Falls, N. C., June 9, 1863. 36-6mpd Fayetteville Arsoaal and Armory, Fatbttkvillk, N. C , June 8, 18S3. WAI¥TED. Having received authority from the Secretary of War to increase the streiigfh of the present Corps at this Arsenftl, the undersigned will enlist fifty (50) non contcripti for that purpose Those subject to con scription need not apply. Transfers and exchangee of ni«n now in Service can not be made MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt, C. 8. A. •Tune 8. 35lf iHOTICE. ALL those indebted to the Esiat« of the late Angus Shaw are requested to caii aui settle the same by me 1st of .August next, or inoy will tin! ihi*»r Notes and accounts in the aands of an olfioer tor c ’llectioa. JA.MES JENKINS. Adm r. Jane 22, 1863. 39-iAl ms REW AR», WILL bo paid tor f^e recivery of a COI.T'S RE Pft.VTER, stolen fr)m me at the Wagon Yard June I7tn, 1863. The Pistol i« No IJ,33S. The a^ove reward will be paid on reoovenng the s\me Ap ply to R Mitchell. O, M. LUrfERLOil. June 20 39 9tpJ N. C RED SPR11^08. My HOTEL at Red Springs, Robeson County, will he opeu for the reception of Visitors after the 25th insi. HECTOR McNElLL. Red Springs, Jane 17. 38-6lpd II $9*1 Reward. gro woman .S>.e has a war on her neck and breast, occasioned by a burn. She has a mulatto child. ISAAC DODD. June 22. 1863. 89tf IIISTAKE iTlADE. ON leaving the cars at Warsaw last Thursday night, I picked up the wrong VALIGE and left my own in the oars I did not notice the mistak^antil the c&rs had been gone two hours. I would be glad to get mine »nl the owner can procure his which I hav« with me. Mj addrest is Rookinghaa, RiohnM»d R IVotice.—Reward. AN AW AY from the subscribers, about two weeks aeo. a negro boy by the name of JOK. Said --.--j: ii .neli has a wide flnge, extending from Barbecue in H vi’d. Half to Lower Little River in Cumberlaad. Sai-.’ longs to Ihe estate of Catharine McNeill. ■ of the above reward will bo paid for 8° that wc get him; and the other half «nce o c n Viet any white person of harbor-* ’ stout yellow boy. ^ ^ ^ CAMERON. June 17, 1863. Black w^aITING ink in pint battles. » oox, securely packed in saw dust. «„B,pftuiei with money promptly filled. Address G. W. LAWRENCE, Pajetterille, N. C. juMi, 1868. aa-tt Two doien Orders Blvi^ for sale tyt Office. | From the Nashville Press of the 11th inst. THE EXECUTION AT FRANKLIN Frankli.v, Te.v.v., June 9, 1803—Last«Teu- ing two strangers rode into camp and called at Col. Baird’s headquarters. They had on citizens’ overcoats, Federal regulation pants and caps. They wore side arms and showed high inteliigonce. (;>ne claimed to be a Colonel, U. S. A., and called himself Col. Austin; the other called himseU M^j Dunlap, both representing themselves Inspector Generals IJ. S. A. They represented that they were now out on an expedition in this department, inspecting the outposts and defences, and that day before yesterday they had been overhauled by the enemy and Uwt their coats and purses. They exhibited oflicial papers from General Koaecrans, and also I'roin the W’ar Department at Washington, couiirming the rank and business. Theae were all right to Col. Itaird, and at first satisfied him of their honesty. They naked the Col. to loan them S5U, as they had no coats and no money to buy them. Col. Baird loaned them the money and took Col. Austin’s note for it. Just at dark they started, saying they were going to Nashville, anti took that way. Just as soon as their horses' heads were turned the thought of their being spieR struck Col. Baird, he says, like »thunderbolt, and ho ordered Col. Watkins CthKy. cavalry, to arrest them Immediately. But they were going at light ning speed. Col. Watkins bad no time to call a guard and only with his orderly he £ct out on the chase. They were overtaken about one-third of mile from nere. Col. Watkins told them that Col. Baird wanted to make some further inquiries ot them, and asked them to return. This they politely consented to do, and Col. Watkins led them to his tent, where he placed a strong guard over them. It was not until one of them attempt ed to pass the guard at the door that they even uspected they were prisoners. Col. Watkins immediately brought them to Col. Baird under strong guard. Coi. Baird told them that he should keep them prisoners until he was fully satisfied that they were what they purported to be. He immediately telegraphed to Gen. Kosecrans, and received the answer that he knew nothing of any uch men, that there were no such men in his em ploy, or had his pass. After this diopatch came to hand, about mid night, a search of their persona was ordered. When the Major’s sword was drawn fVom the scabbard there were found etched upon it these words: “Lt. W. G. Peter, C. S. A.” At this dis covery Col. Baird remarked, ‘Gentlemen, you have played this d—d well.” “Yes,” said Lieut. Peter, and it came near bein/ a perfect success.” They then confessed the whole matter, and upon fur ther search various papers showing their guilt were found upon their persons. Col. Baird immediately telegraphed to Gen. Rosecrans, and received an order “to try them by a drum head court martial, and if found guilty hany them imme.dLately.^ The court was convened and before daylight the case was decided, and the prisoners informed that they must prepare for immediate death by hanging. The prisoners were visited by the chaplain who, upon their request, administered the sacrament to them. They also wrote some letters to their friends, and deposited their jewelry, silver cups, and other valuables lor transmission to their friends. A little after nine o’clock A. M., the whole garrison was martihalled around the place of exe cution in folemn sadness. The poplar coffins were lying a few feet away. Twenty minutes past nine the guards conducted the prisoners to the scaffold —they walked firm and steady, as if unmindful of the fearful precipice which they were approaching. The guards did them the honor to march with arms reversed. Arrived at the place of execution, they stepped upon the platform of the cart and took their re spective places. The Provost Marshal tied a linen handkerchief over the face of each and ad justed the ropes. They then asked the privilege of bidding a last farewell, which being granted, they tenderly embraced each other. This over, the cart moved from under them, and they hunp' in the air. The bodies were cut down at thirty minutes and encofiined in full dress. The Colo* nel was buried with a gold locket and chain on his neck. The locket contained the portrwt and a braid of hair of his intended wife—her portrait was also in his veat pocket—those were buried with him at his request. Both men were buried in the same grave. The elder and leader of these unfortunate men was Lawrcnco Williams, of Georgetown, I>. He was as fine looking a man as I have ever seen, about six leet high and perhaps thirty years old. He was a son of Capt. Williams, who was killed at the battle of Mont«rey. He was ooo ci the most intellectual and accomplished men that I have ever known. 1 have never known any one wno excelled him as a talker. He was a member of the regular army, with the rank of captain of cavalry, when the rebellion broke out, and at (hat time was aid-de-cump and private secretary to Gen. Winfield Scott. He was-a first .^ousia of Gen. lice. 8oon after the war began he wm frank enough to inform Gen. Scott that all his sympathies were with the South, as his friends and iiiterests were there, and that he could not fight against them. As he was privjr’ all of Gen. Scott’s pluns for the caDipaien, he ^waa sent to Ctoveruor's It^laad, wfierc he remained three months. After the first Bull Uun battle he was allowed to go South, wher« he joined the Confederate army. was awhile on Gen. Bracg’s st.nff a.s Chief ot Artillery, but at tho time of his death his Inspector General When he joined tb« Confederate army he altered hisname, and now it tbiw: “Lawrence W. Orton, Col. } ^ The oth-* of *'his delusive and recklea- daring Walter G. Peter, a Lieutenant in tho j.^y,varmy and Col. Orton’s Adjutant. He wa« .. tall, handsome young man, of about tweqt^fivo yeans, that gave many signs of educfition anH re finement. Such wore tho characters und the men who played the awful tragedy. History will hardly furnish its parallel in the character and standing of the parties, the bold ness and daring of the ontorprise, and tho swift ness with which discovery and punishment were visited upon them. They canio into our camp and went all through it, minutely inspecting ouv position, works and forces, with a portion ot their traitorous insignia upon them, and the boldness of their conduct made their flimsy subterfuge al most succ««8ful. To the last, however, they de nied being spies. They dkimed that they were ■eirfeavoring to g«t thrwi^ our linea in order to » am Hcartli i^vop^. •