'H.X r, all ixt h h t.. h -■t -;or ^bror: ot ac. y '^U«r '»■ ‘r,. Icr ^ -r. 11 . , ‘ ■’ •tor U' »f -lit a.s^ fOi It • r i- 'i '" -It t- be , ■' " aer. if r »aj and tax '. ' r B«i. I’l If J er taT .r vUjeijt ^ r. i,,p„ , " -ach iith::.--'i nu.r, _ ^*“‘‘idu;detLe artni -Df * ied I ,,. 7'^‘WO -V ■'• 4-irUjr- J'' f-iu }^r Ih ' ’ ^0 tor - .ftb, T sLai: ij"' 'r.’O- «,1, J“ duly »U. If. ‘/"‘^ the saij filed as . »0 setti.;, ■ ff e SEMI-WEEKLY ...lULJ'LPi FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ JUNE 29, 1«>3. [NO. 1241.] ;: X so^s. JLV-'Ra ■; „ >*> -'• ir» ; T sTinum, p»id Ui ■ rto.l ?'■■' »l per s uare I*- for e'lch s'.jo- ■;V^ n'H ox^'co Unit a ;he S;>l ftH'l SO ceTiis AJverti-»«'rii tre r»» ,n-'r'ioi)'» >K -ireJ, or an i .'h-\r^e>t »foor.!- L-li!irg«- '. uew ^ 1- iry. ui >f a nevr ••.ibnoriher i'l •♦ilvanoe, nor will ‘'er^ ;'or i 1onsr»r lime lesire to take the j>a- :fy U'^ when making Jan'j- 1. 1^58. Florenfe and Faye«e?iilo Rail Road. I'^Nl'KR ihp proviouMis of an Or.lirinpe of the Pon- l -ention ef N'orih t'nrolina, Dooks will he opo ied on the It.rh .liine .it ih* lollow n^!; places rtn«i un.ler the di- roi uou of I.IP f.Mlowini? persons, to r^>oeKe suhserip- lion^ tu ihe ('Apit,.,l Stock ,>{ tho ••Floreuof. .t lUil Uoa.l Co.” ShHr,-s i)ue irundred nolbrs'e.wh. -I s fAt- A' ^oa,i OJRca tn Faj/ttttviUf Un lcr the di reotion of ihetl«npvr\1 ('omtnisx’oner'^, A A. McKcthan, t> -\ Kny. A W Sip»l \Vm Mrl, \lcKav aod Jno’ M Royo. 'V‘'‘y» —L'ud..T thf direotiou of Heciar AUNpi.i, Hi.i. J Siow-^ri Ihs a. Si'iMh. D^tn’l C. Mo- NfiJi nnii 1 oJ W^x. ' M'llnn or :inv ae of them At r,»rj: r-U'ce _Unl,'r the HnM-tion of Hr. NeiU McNrtir. l>r A U. McLcin. ArchihnM Edninnd .lily *iid t, ol. Mexfin lor VN'ti-^ .n, or any outfi ot iheni -4f — t’nder thp d r. : ti )U of Murdock Mo- Ri*'. L> b. 'Ict'aUuin. .las MoRae, Jr., aud J. H .Vlcviiieen, nr auy or«* of thpoi. Ay■•■■ixL'il'e —VnUv ih^ fire.Hidn of John Purccl!. Jno M.-N'air. 'Aion Alford, l>n?>»ld McCalluiu aud Jno’ ^IcCalhnu. or iiiy one of them. The SuJi- i-rip-ion Hooks will r»?m;kia open f .r the !*p'ii-e of liO ,1 When .■» suliicieiii sau is .>rrihed the Con\p.in\ will V>«> nr^nnii.- J f.^r ihe purpo?-' cf build- in-^ ibo Kohj A. A. McKKTHAN. 1'. A. KAY, A. V.-. STLi:!., i WM. McL. MoKA\. •»NX M. liOSF, I Gi'nernl Oomni5s.^i^n?r3. Fayetieville. .Jupp 7. S'Jif A*4IIKVIS,J,K, IV. i\ r WILL '.p. II the t.VCiLK Ilr)i'KL tot the re- 1 V'pti'»n of O'.iCHtfl '.icrttfl the fiiMi of .Time, jiuJ 1 bope ' • to b« .ible to Pfltortiin frora ^ov^.ntT■Sve l>> a' huaarcd persiona during; ih^ Sutn'ner 1« conneei.on with this larg... Ilo!.!, I have a number { ot Ha.’k-, (’arria»r«>a, Uugijriea and Sa J JIc Hor»e: that my guests can ^el at a minute’^ noti. ! •J M. BLAIK, j rropriefor E igU- notol. \?hevil!e, N. C. | ^aylS, lSo8 Sl-ypd ^ Pii^:biio\T 1 * BUKKK (M)UNTV, N C. ! 'plIK.-*!': Springs iiv> sit.iatrd in W«.tern North I'nr i I lti;i>. aV'OUt Fitti.-i«a i:ulf" from Morgui'tou, In a I nioiint);i iou'', he'iutitiil anil ron>iii»tti* connirj’ The wntpr.... PHALYREATE. are said to be »'; lal to .r»v ii> the c.jiiitir^ l>eer, Uenr aaJ I'heft'jant : ah UP. i in the Mount;iiris. ' I 1 h(» (, •mpany h'ls ^in-M'e'le 1 in nbtainiu? the flcrvloes ! cf an »xperien.'f>d if, nt]pni „ ,ir,.j 1.4,1^ t.. (akr obarj?© of I t-io U'lU^e, and will be ri-.. iy iv,r tho rt»o -ption of Visit ers by tho .II'LV' One Foiirih of th’- proieriy with Three Ilna dret anres of Lmi I att'\''Up I would be •iold IP a person comp^t-" ' to take eh irg - .-i'‘ihe 1 rop^rty. PIEI*Mt)NT 81‘HINaS CO Srapd A R^RE: CHAiirCE FOR ]\m OF Ei\TERPIUSE! As 1 wish to obange my business I now olfor for sale I my BY TUK UOVEKNUK OF XOETH CAKOUNA. A PR0CLA,nAT10r¥. WIISRU.AS, The President of the Confederate Staies, by virtue of the authority veateJ in him by the Constitution, has made a requisition vipon North Caro lina fur seven thousand men to aevve within the limitit of tha State, for six montha from and alter the first day of \u{;u4t next; and whereas, it is desirable that if pos sible the troops should be raised by voluntary enlist- ment. with the right tn select their own officer'*: Now, therefofe, I, ZEUULON B. V.lNCE, 0''Vtfnor , of North ('arolina, do iesua thisi my Proclauiatiou, eaU- now UH«d for the busiues!* is in good onier, and tmit*- i |ng on !he patriotic ciliiet>a of the State to volunttei' t 1 .. . ... for Stale defence, and louder their scrvicea ill companies, battalions and regiments, on or before the 17th of July. POUI^DK Y, with a full supply of MATERIALS for carrying on the business to a lari^e extent, la oonneotion witti a large MACHINE yHOF with all the neoessary tools The is^teain Eng^ine LIST OF f jlA!U;ES FOR PI8$E\(;ER$. ff AM \\ \ Law, . N ( , 1 Su-^ 'v r arta of ■c and Uobv^on Couu- 3 the collection of all 1 Wi-lf j iXfji h CO., ~ in (](rocerie«, | DiALKR« IN ' swedes Iron, &c*y ‘ ETTKVILLI, y. I'. .’i6tf 1 esUTii Kailruad Ofllce,) ?, N. C., Sept 27. 18t>2. jEW ion .ftrt’chant, E. N r tf >VORTH, rding Merchants N 0. 84 tf >! •dated with board at T. C. HCMJPER. 6t>- lAMS & CO., ; f in oper'itinn nine miles wishing to f»upply irniahed by applying to | •yettevuie, to K Page, j i J. M WILLIAMS, i •^neral Superintendent, i Hltf j E. I m ho3>o a few montos Ln | Lean is my auihvrisad 1 u&til I return. N. 0. JONES. I S8tf ! Iii» (late I will ler pound for rags d»- etieviUe, or i:t my mills D .MURPHY t>6- EU. T, irtirles to Sell will receive ni5 on Mr. M Thoinason. jviUe, or on .be subscri- t Square. ALLX lOHN.SON. Jr. 7-Otf .RAESS. tur* ail kiuiB >-f Wagon tan my leather and can will do well to send their we prompt attention, and JOHN CABTKR. 0., N. C., 1 1, 1862 J WesUTii Faye iteville -K t i-,- p-;rr.' «i o! inf’rt-'i-JTne thi* riifil stock of this 'or. pnn v. t ' *>n -.hit* it t extt-nd the Road from the *’oal Fi.'ids to ihe Nonh (' ui'lioft Road, iha following genile:ii?n hive been tipp.Jin:od ('i>mu;i.iaioneni to re- eetTe .'»;ib^crib ;r!» lu tiie'r suverul neighborhootin, vii: At Gnlf—L J llAu'ht..n, l>r ok- llstrriy. Dr Uwoige C Newby and G W ashing'r.n «\bove the Gnlf—Jno .J O ■' l«t in, .Tamt-d F Rivea and At Ore Hill—O W Goldston, Dr L W Gorrell and N M Alston. .\bov« Ore Hill—Dan'l Hackney, A B Marsh and Jaa Paco. At Fou.-C'^ Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. Franklinoville anl vicinity—l-^aao H Foust and A 3 Homey. .At .Anheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. At New Market—Jesse Walker and Joseph Newlin. ■\t Thotna-ivill^—A G Foster and Jno VV Thomas. At Hieh Point—Dr R (' Lind'^ay atid Seaborn Perry. At iSaicm—Franci-^ Frie-* and R L Patterson. •\t Gr«enfb>vo’—*' P Meadenhall, Peter .\dams, Hon J \ Gilm«*r an i Jesse 11 Ltndi»ay. Instruction-* wiil be yient to the Commir'-jioners at an early day by the President of the Company. t4if ■ J M KO.-^F,. Sec’y W R R ('o THE \’ORTH IMKOL.I.'V.^ .«lXr.iL LIFB l.\srRi\fE fO>IP.4!«J, OW’ in the tenth year of MJCCf-'ful opera'ion, with growing capital an 1 firmer hold upon public con fidence, eontinnp« to insure the live? .^f all healthy per sons from 14 GD years of ape. for one year, for seven years, ai>d for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slav>s from 10 to t/0 years of age are insured for one year or for five yeir“ for two third® their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfa'*tory proof is presented For further information ih» pahl*- is referred to Agent* of th« Company in all parts c ihe State, and to R H BATTLE, rfeerc'iary, Raleigh. F; j. H.\LK. .Agent at Jan’y 1S59. Fayetteville, N. C. From Fayetteville to W :liniuK»o!i, $lo 00 ! “ *' “ Litiii.K-ih, 5 Ot) ' “ '• " 'V iiif» Hall, 6 50; “ “ “ K.elly’s Cove, 7 00 ' “ ‘‘ “ All pninis ''o\tw. 10 00 aKCOXD CLASS, OR DhCK. , From Fiyet'pviile to Wilmington. $5 .*0 ’ “ *' “* Eliiabeth, 2 fiu 1 Whitehall, 8 50 i “ “ •* Kelly's Cove, 4 00 1 j “ “ “ .All points below. 6 00 * prom wumtngton to Fayetteville, *10 00 “ *• Kelly's Cove. 4 60 ‘•White Hall. 5 50 “ “ •' Kliiabpth, 6 50 “ “ “ Prospent Flail, 8 00 “ “ “ .All points above. 10 00 SKCOND TLAj^S, or UKCSi From Wilmington to Fayetteville. §5 00 “ “ “ Kelly's Cove, 8 00 “ •* “ White Hall. 4 00 “ “ “ .All points r.bove. 5 00 Second Cla?i or Deck Pa'»»e!igeriii ranst stay on lo#or deck or pay full pr;c“, or same as First Class N ter .An extra charge will he made for Way Pai^sen- gers getting into Berths dHring day time, and for occu pying a Berth with their hoots or ohoes on. at the discretion of the Captain J A WORTH, for C F .^t'm B’t Co. ORREI.L, for .'^t’rs Kate and Run. LUTTERLOH. •2G-tf •M »y 4, R .M T. a. A The .\ew St>l»% Sm*l!, COLORED PHOfO^RAPHS, AT VnMoroiloH*** »ailory. Froiai aud atter thi!» date tne Steamer .A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o'clock, .A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. ' %VEJ^TER.\ RAIE ROAD.^ The Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Snn4ays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. .M., aud re- (arning leave .Mclver’s at 1 o'clocR, P M. rrMfi MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order of the Proflident. JNO. M ROSE, Treaa'r and .Act’g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1868. WTtf rial a plenty for keeping it so tor 10 years to oome Two B^xtru %te€€tn Enginev, ono aA entire uew one; Turoijig Iiatli«8,?laDelug Machliiod,Brill Pmm, Bitra Belting. and other material too numeroiu to mention. Al.-o a lot of LUMBER and TIMBER. wit*i a 4.jOOO SAW .?lILL. attached; Small and large (circular Sawa, Whip Sawa, Mor- i ticing Machine, Sash Machines, with all the nectn3ary Cutters to the above .Maohinct Fur further information apply to I M A. Baker, Fajettcville, N. 0. June 4, 1863. S4-lm*lra The Star Foundry and Machine Shop Is now in full operation and will be so coatiaued until further notice. Castings of all kinds done at the siiortest tiolico. R.llLROAD C.^STINQS of all kinds, STEAM BOAT WORK, COPPER WORK and MA CHINE WORK of all kinds, will receive prompt atten- :iou e.> tiie Star Foundry in Payettoville, by M. A. BAKER. OfBoe on Hay St., Opposite the Old Wagon Yard. June 4. 1*68. 84-lin*» ^ ~J0^ Hrcook, Auctioneer. a^TfuJWSn aV’th# Market Houae in Fayetteville on TUESDAY, the last day of this month— 14 shares of the Capital Stock ot‘ the Bonk of j Cape Fear, 12 shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Fayetteville, on a credit of six months for Bonds with approved se curity. W. 3. WRIGHT, Adm’r. June 1. 86 t» Cotton Yarn lor Wool. H.AVING accepted an agency from the Governor of the State, under the direction of Col H. A. Dowd, A. Q. M., at Raleigh, to assist in procuring a supply of WOOL to provide clothing for our North Gar«lina 80I- dierj the coming Fall and Winter, we are aulhorited to exchange Cotton Yarn at the rate of 1 bundle of 5 lbs. for 3 lbs. of Wool unwashed, but free of sand and burs. Any person having W&ol to spare oan greatly aid onr State authorities in their laudable efforts to sus tain the oau^e of our counti^, and at the same time eon- tribnte (in many cases) to the comfort of their own friends and kindred in the army, not by making a do- nation, but receive a full equivalent for their wool. It is hoped and expected therefore that a prompt response will be made to this notice, as it is important that the Wool should go into the hands of the manufacturer at an early day, to be made ready for wear by the early Fall GEO. W. WILLIAMS St. CO. Fayetteville, May 80, 1868. 38tf The control and management of the troops raised tinder this Proclamation will be retained by the au thoriiies of the State, i Orders for the enrollment of the militia, prepar.itory to a draft, in case it may be necectsary, will bu issued I by the Adjutant General. 1 III witness whereof, Zkbulu.n B Vanok, j ISKAL I Captain General and Comman-ier-in-Chief, I Great Seal of the State to be affixed, j Done at Raleigh, this 17th day of June, A. D.. 18t>3, I and in the year of American Independenoe the 87th. j By the Governor; Z. B VANCE. I R. H. Battlb, Je., Private Beorotary. June lU,1863 2w YANKEE RULE IN WINCHESTER The following are extracts Irom a letter from a lady relugee to her brother in Knoxville: Woodstock, Va , June 4. Dear Brother:*~^o doubt you will be glad to hear once more from poor, dear old W inchester I do not believe any one place in the Confede racy has suffered as much a.s that faithful old spot. You would scarcely know it were you to go there iiovr. General Milroy and his Yankee tribe still liave possession and, as you know, have had tor six months. There i."* one only p'syer iu Winchester, and that ia “Oh God, how long, how longl” breathed from hearts filled with suffering and misery. ^ * ♦ ♦ ♦ » Oh brother you cannot imagtoe my joy when I reached our pickets near Strasburg. 1 never was so rejoiced to see anything in my life as 1-was those dear old gray clothes. I felt as if I wanted thank the Almighty to stand up in the wagon, hath signed these presents and caused the \ freedom, and then hurrah for Jeff. Davis ll r\f tKa fit « . a x \ 3 1 came to headquarters, where our town uoys I all came to see me and hear from home. But I had nothing bul suffering to tell them of, for (iod only knows what the people of W inchester have had to bear and suffer frctu those fiends in human shape. The town ia full of hospitals. They have i Taylor’s Hotel, York Ilouse, Lnion House, and when I left, were timing the people out of their EIECITIVK DEPAKTMBNT N. t'., Adjutant Gb;«b&al’s Officb, (.Militia,) Ralhioh, June 17, 1868. GaaaaAL OausR, 1 No. 11. / THS Commanding Officers of the *''*! mtdiatelv assemble r^rectivo Regiments and homoo w make hospitals of them. The soldiers * have been camped about in town all winter, aud I. R^yimenT^'and j such a dirty place you never saw. The church •aroll all abU-bxiied free white men and apprentices, 1 opposite was taken for a stable, and we tiaa tne re«ila°tB of this State, who shall be of the age of eigh- [ horses quartered all around us. The typhoid teen and uader forty years—not liable to or who have heretofore Heen exempted from the conscript act, and all betweei. the ages of forty and forty-five yeirs. II. They will specify in said enrollment, per- •ona elaim .exemption from militia service un ler the b^ws, and will note opposite tite name of every Mucb per son the ground upon which such exemption is claimed. III. As soon as completed, the Muster Rolls are re quired to be forwarded to this o£5ce. By order of Gov. Vamob: DAN’L 0. FOWLE. AdJ’t Gen. Raleigh, June 19, 1863. S9-2w ART. Wooduard’i« Solar Camera. PHOTOOR.VPHS can be had at Vanortwiell’s Skylight Gallery. Hay stre***. opposite M^rMe Yard. Fay i etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, c-ilored, in water i oolore, oil and piistile; from small to life t>:ie. .Ambro- types, Melaneoiypes, and all other styles of Pictures j pert.ain’ ig to the .Art. .Also, v.lit Fratnes, Gilt Mo'ild- ' ing. O' i for very large picture'" -ap large a® 26 by 36 ! itches. Cord and Tas^ols for hr.nging pict ireo; Tnstru- i Dients. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life eiie eolorei Photographs made from small pictures. ^ Having permanfnOy located hei" I hope to merit ^ your patronagr I would ' for the liberal patronage best ' the eood ppcpV of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor- Dee’r 20. Ife'ie 77- i^iarbie Factory, 34tf rabic tor Male by J. R LEE. 69tf VARL). liSORlBER ON SUNDAY my negro boy named AN- yellow compUxion, about or 20 years old, and snp >oands. He has a heavy when questioned, and hati ryingto pass for a free boy. 1 for him delivered to me at J, or confined in any jail F. L. VVARRKN. 68. 15-3mpd CARD. *n operating Rooms over d’s atere, 1 otter my Pro- S to the eititeus of Fayette- 3urs from 9 A M to 12 ,M, ' J. H. freeman H4 itljsl (CJ^ lie ate at B. D. Davis’s for triced to receipt by me for 5 te pay yoar debts while JAMES BKEEf.E 26tf ICE.^ sary steppage of the Bock- ffeeks to oome, for the pur- y will hava no Sheetings for C T. HAIGH, Pres’t. 8ALTH ItOBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf iTccdi 1 TOBACCO, varioas grades, meat, by ). W. WILLIAMS It CO. 81tf Capital in Prpmium Note" smoiints to Cash on hand ^nd othpr assots. S700 Boxefi of the Soothern Hepatic Pills 1 the j roprietor in 1825, when he was pronoynced by | three eiuiueut pnysicisns in a Soattiern city, as in an , advanced stage of Consoinption. That Pillt cured him ( He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of ' active professional duties Thpir g>od effects upon others created tucu a dciuand for them that he was com- j pelled to desi.st from .“uipljing them gratuitously. They are not recommended by the proprietor as good for all diseases, but only for such ua anse from DIS ORDER:: OF THU LlVhR. Many persons hav? testi fied to their p od effect in and Frvtrt, BUioxu Fevtr, Pneumonij, D’jtiept'i, Read the following; 8. D. Wallack. E-q., Pre.sident of the Wilmington and Wi«i R'li! Ro'id, Aug 3C, 1862, says; “It has been said that “DTarKPSiA,” is our national disease. However this may he, it caus.-‘d »n« long and severe suf fering. Provi leatially a friend furnished me with a few boxes of the ^'Ilfpalic PtlU” and thf uJt ofthrm hcu pfrfect«d a fure. Ia my family they have been us»d also return my sinceiet' auka with .Among my acquciut- ttcst.'WPd on me heretofore by ; ggtf., originating frf'-a diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regtrd theri an inraluabU mcdieine, and take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribute.” CoL JoUM Wrioht, of Goldsboro’ N. C., Aug. 14, 1862, Bays: ‘ I have used the Southe’^ Hepatic Pillt in my family here and also on my plantation in .Alabama, and alicayt with tuecest. I have a valuable servant girl who bad been a long time under treatment for consump tion, without receiving any I enetil Almost in her tx- i tremity, I was induced to try tUe Iltpatic PUlt. Tliey were given acc>/Tdmy to directions^ and she is now wetl^ entirely rtstorf.d by them. A similar case occurred among my servants in .AlabiBia. For liver aud lung difcCases I have perferl corxfidfnce in them.' JuU directionx >^ul o'lier cfrUticaten vWl b» found on the wraf per of e;M;h bjx. P.icc. a box; flO a don-n; fOt’. a gross. RetaiUi at tht DrujjisUt For fil twelve boxes will be sent free to ciiy part of the ('onte.K‘r‘!'''._> where there are no di'iifigists. N'ii iLan H d izeu !)oxefi will ho sent by the proprietors Cash inuHi aooonipiny orders. Checks on local l anks laUon. Address 0E(.' W. ])EE\?R, WilP.m, N. C. jS^For ft.ile iu FayciieviUe by £?. J. illSSD.VLE. April 2.',. 22-8mpd tjANA’-VAY ou lot. t;iy 2ith .May, roy Boy NELSON. j\ he is copi-tr co iij.l>'jin and vv«i,;rhs about 150 lbs.; aged atjoui 23 years I will pay f')0 for his delivery to me or $'lo for his coritittenieiit in J .ii. N A rilEDMAN JiiUP i. 33-tl By fiF.O. LAIIDI^K. TWO noORS .!\BOVE C. T. HAlGn &, SONb’ RTOF/ fr'ayetleville, I^. Janv 20 18fiO FAVETTEVIB.C.E MDTUAL INSl'RAX€E COltlPANT. ?207,C88 'ZU 5.077 35 Total, *372 7.;:, 01 T>' C.i^rsny hnvf. paid fi’l promptly, and have ti?vci ^ade an a-^eP ■'nient on meir jiretni'itn notes. Tot'll y>ald, $29,682 Orrict.ps: GEO. M'^NKlU,, President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice PreRident. C A. Mc.MII-LA.N, .Sec’y. DiRSiCTOBS: Henry Lilly, ^ N. Tillin;:ha.«it, H. L. Myrovtir, S. J. Hin'id-ile, 8. T. Hawley, Wn:. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, (,}Ri:%D ISTO.^ES FOR SALE. The undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale of Messrs. W, B. Farrar & Co.’s Grind Stonea, and have now on hand sifes running from 18X2j inches to 6 feet by 11 inches; and caa have cut at short notice .ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Gtynd Stones will please correspond with the undersi^nea.^^wly) ^|ll (rrit as represented. GEO W. WILLIAMS * CO. Fayetteville, .May 27, 1868. 82-tf Ef^ypt Coal IVline. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Conn, District of North Carolina, ap pointed .Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on snort notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C , or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf To Cotton Planters. IH AVE li- ea appointed by the Seoretary of the Trea sury. Chief Agent for the piirchM« of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, j»nd'will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Casbi. Sub-.Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying iu my name, will have written eertifioates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton porohated by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1868, will bo paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds c.T Cash, and not 8 per cent Bond^ as stAted in a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citiiens are tiow otfered an opportunity to aid the Governtnent by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21, 1863. [0. D.] 14tf As usual tiie RIockade WILL compel us to do wnat we should have done be fore this, wait npon yourt-elf and cut loose from the enemy. The proprietors having started ttjc manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southern States, will be able to fill orders at short notice. Work deliveroi in Fayetteville, N C. Address D. L. KIVETT, Manchester, Cumbfeiland, N._C. June y, 1868. 36-t>»npd The Cedar FaEiv= Bo'3* bin Co. are now prepared to furnij>h, at short notice, all ktnd'i cf ROBBINS, Sn)OlS «nd CJUILLS, See, snitable f>r Woolen and fever has at last become so bad that it ba-s grown to an epidemic, and there is scarcely a family in town but have two or more, and in some cases the whole family is down, and just dependent apon their neighbors for help. All the servants have gone, and the people have been worked and worriedj to death. A great many deaths have taken place—as many as eight funerals a week among the town people, which, in a little place like that, you know is something. * * The yankees will not allow the people to buy anything without taking the oath, and we would rather starve than do that. We could get noth ing either one way or the other, and just had to live on bread, and sometimes bad butter. They would not even allow us to buy a bone of meat to make soup for the sick. We think our troops are going to W'inchester They passed through Woodstock yesterday. Oh, 1 do hope they will; and I know if they once make the attempt they will succeed, for the yan- !iees are such cowards. Every time they went up the Valley they came back doable quick. Once when they came up they surrounded with 600 of their men about 50 of ours, and did not kill one —all escaped. Old Milroy was ripping mad, swore terribly, callf’d the officer who had com mand and said, ‘Why is it that six hundred yan kees having one hunJrtd Rcbeh surrounded, let them all esca}>tf” The officer said, “All I can say is, the ReUlt foujht with daring braverand the yaukeee like coicardi.” They put the officer unde»^ ar.'est for forti/ dai/s. Milroy never goes out. He bad his wife and four or five children —ugly little red headed things—with him. They . had Mrs. Logan’s fine house. You heard, I ' suppose, they sent Mrs. L and family over the i lines. They took possession of the house and 1 every thing in it. Instead of ouming up the Val- j Jay to light the n, they stopped in Winchester and fought »*»« leomen and children. The women Country Residence tor Sale. A MOST desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE is offered for sale, situated within two miles of the town of Fayetteville. The Dwelling Houae cjutaina ten lirge airy rooms. Piatzas the entire length in front and rear. All suitable outbuildings, in complete and thorougti re pair; twsfaty-five acres of land, au excellent garden and erop nnder cultivation, au excellent assortment of fruits and g'-apes, and an abundant supply of pure spring water, and situated iu one of the best neighborhoods in the State. PossestioB given immediately. Confederate Motes or Bondii received in pay. For further information apply to A. A. MoKETHAN, or JOHN H. C^OK. June 20, 1868. 39-3t Western Railroad. The FREIGHT TR.AIN ou this Road will run daily after this date. Freight must be delivered at Fay- eiH^iiU Depot before sunset to insure its being sent for ward on the1^lcceeding day. A'o freight received in the tn^rmnff U> go by the tame day's train. By order, JNO. M. ROSE, Trtas’r and Transportation Ag’t, W. R. B. Jane 20, 1868. 89 3w tajTmoWceI” I WILL attend at the Market House oa W’EDXESD.AY the FIRST DAY of JULY" next to recplvo the Taxes dae from Merchants and others as per Revenue Law, ipoo HfiOrOR MoNElLL, Sheriff. FLORAiTi^irirEiiiiy The Fall Session in this Institution will commence on Wednesday the 22d of July. The price of Board , - , . , . has been raised to $26 per month. The charges for firm and Ja| hful; never would give up one Toitioii, Contingencies, &c., remain unchanged. ] Step. W hen Miiroy 8 Wife first c&me, she had For further parUcuUrs address the undersigned at | oiw little trunk and when she left she had Jive Gtlopolis, N. C. June 19, 1863 DANIEL JOHNSON, PrinoipaL «9-4w FOR i^ALE. 2 CLOSE CARRIAGES 4 Rockaways. hioh has never been out of the 6 Baggies, one of shop. Several sets Harness, sicgiP and double. 2 good Saddlei^. 1 excellent Cart and Harness. The above articles are iu good order. W. C Fayetteville, June 22, 1863. TROY. 89-2t FOR i!$ALE, At ARGYLB, in Robeson county, ou the W , C. S R. R Road, S4 bales of packed and 740 lbs. of loose CuTTON, of extra quality. Address Mrs. Dr. N. McNAlR, Adm'x, GiTopoiiij P. O., Robeson county, N. C- June 20, 1863. 39 4tpi ion»T RUx^ THE HLOCKAOE. The Undersigned otTora lur sale on-j ot Talbot Ac Brothers STEAM SAW MILLS compieto, 16 Horse povr*r, wiil saw from 2 to 6 iitiusMid lest L txuber per day; situa'ed 2^ miles froui D^pot, Wesiera R. R on 80J acres best tiaiijfcroii ;anl m Nona Ciroii- na. Toose iit want will :»d mo at Eiypt, the pre sent t*rmiuus W'. R R. For piiiiculare rcibi i j J. W. Gunter, Kitubolion, tJha^l-.uiu, N C., or N. A S.tdjuau, FayctisviUe, N. C. JOHN A MCDONALD Oaklani, N. C., Juuo 18. 39 Im i%o^ricE. All thoee indabtc Shaw are requfsied. te> ciU aaa jttie tile saoie by LL thoee indebted to> the Estate of the late Angus (Vie by tlie lei of August udxt, o.' they wil* fiuJ their Notes and aoooiinta m the ata'k ti 'tu offijor ui' oviileciioo. JAiiES JENKIS-'!. AI.U1. June 22, ISiiS. 89-iAI 10.000 C. B. Mallett, Jamse Kyle, A. A. McRethan. J. J>. Williams, 8. W. Tillinghast. Wilm’gton. ler wanted. •11 tanned SOLE LEATHER, n*. Apply to P. marHY. 7m A. W. Steel, J 0. Ceok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, A. E. Hall, hn Collins and C. C. McCrumraen, Traveling Agents jlg^The Company invite applications. May 28, 1861. 21- WAITED, ANK NOTES of North Carolina, South CaroHna^ Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. G. March 9 B WarrantB for 8iJ» htrt. WauteS Emiiit'dsatr 1 }\ .lUNlPr.R SJJlMii/i-.-, f ir whici. the higriest cash prio*^ will be paid. —also— A vok.' of l:irfP, well broke OXHN. A; ply to - D. ANDERSON A CO , Eagle Foucdry, FayPitevilla, N. C. Xfaroh 7. 1868. ' 9tf P. TAl LOR O F F E R S FOR SAL R COFFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobioco and Soap, Pow der, Cookiiig Hoda, -wbit" and col’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Needles, nma and Sloes. One box of aundry G )od4 just n>oeivad from Charlps- i Ion. 2 fine cloth ^^loaiis for Ladie»; Gentlemen’s fine Gaiteri*; Green and Blaf'k Tea. T*. TAYLOR. June I, 1863. 33 3m3ti Administrator’s Ifotice. The subscriber having at December Term, 18G2, of the County Court of Cumberiand, qualified as Ad ministrator upon Ihe Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate te present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this nriice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are rMueeted to make prompt payment. HECTOIL i 10. IMS. «». ^ N. 0. J. M. ODELL, Agent. J jne 9, 1863. 36 6tnpd Fayetteville Arsenal nnd .Arraopy, .TRTTEVII.T.K, N. C , WAi^TEO. FATRTTEVII.T.K, N. C , Juae 8. 1868. WAi^TEO Having received authority from the Secretary of War to inffroa?e the strength of Ihe presant Corps at this .Arseni*!, the undersigned ■will enlist fifty (60) noft conscript!i for (hat purpose Tho?e subjeot to con scription netd not apply. Transfers ana exchatnges of men now iu service can not be made. MATTHEW P. TAYIX^R, Capt. C. S. A. June 8. 86tf *«.5 R occa8i«>ned by a bum RE%¥ARI», WILL be p»id tor tne r *over* of » COLT’S PaATEtv, Bt»{«i frooi me at t'le Wagon Juue 17i.*i, 1863. T^'ne Pist.*! is N>j lJ,o31> a'>ove reward wiil bd paid on rsoovering ■tt ply to R Mitc)i«li. O. .d Juue ViO UK- Yard lUe Ap- LUTi'lillLO J. 3'J Vvpd Reward. AN AW.AY from the subscriber, M.ARY JANE, a »e- gro woman She has a sear on her neck and breast. She has a mnlatto child. ISAAC DODD. S9tf 0 June 22, 1863. S 1ST AK E* H A DE. N leaving the oars at Warsaw last Thursday night, I picked up the wrong VALICE aud left luy own in the oars 1 did not notice the mistaVn until the oars had been gone two hours. I would be glad to get mine «o4 the owner can procure bis which I hava with ne lly addraea ia Roekiafhaov &iskiB.t»d ooaaty- 4.» AflCWf. KUO .SPRli^eS. My 1101 el Hi. Ked tspriugs. U'jhesoa County, N. C., will be open for the reception of Visitors aflAr the 2oth inst. J1KUT0U MoNKlLL. Red Springs, Jt«i« 17- 38-6tpd I¥otice.—Reward. R ANA WAY from i^e autisonbtjrs, absut two weeks ago, a negro boy by the aam? of JOE- Said b ' iiss a wide range, »-xtevding fr«m Atrbeeue in to Lower Little River ia ^m)erla(ld. Said ”. ®’ longs to the caiat* ot CaUiarim! McNaiii, ' of the above reward will be paid * toVon- that we get him; aud tha other half f".. . „ . Viet any white persw ot harbori-‘ Btout yellow boy. nery large ones—carried off everything she could lay her hands on. They say they will not leave a negro in town when they leave. They had an old darkey under arrest because he would not work, and said he was “secesh.” They put him in the guard-house and kept him for three days on water. The fourth day the officer went and said, ‘‘Are you secesh yet?” The faithiul old fellow, clapping his hands, said, “Bless de Lord massa, I is secesh yet.” They then took him up to the General’s and put very large iron balls to his legs and set him to splitting wood. Brother Atex. went by and saW him. It happened that the officer who was guard ing him was the same who had searched our house and arrested brother. He was cursing the poor old negro dreadfully; said he ought to have a ball on his ucCk and one on both arms. The old fel- Ijw went ou splitting, saying all the time, “Blpss d ) Lord, mas:>a, anywhere you cau put it. Yoa can kill de body, but you can’t kill de soul and when dat gets to lluaven it will be secesh yet.” Biother called to the officer and said: “liello, i.Jraiit, is that what you call fieedom?” Mother aud Joliti were standing on the st^ps laughing aud laikiug. Jual at the moment some little chiidicn were laughing and making fun of the yankees. (leii. Clusara passed hy aud tliought mother aud John were laughing at him with the 1 children, aud tK)k them both up to headquarters, where they were kept for several hours. So you see wc Were uyt allowed even to laugh. I A lady weut to Gen. Milroy and asked for a pass to go ever tiie lines. He said, “I will give y.ju u ptp= to hell.” She t.*>ld him she did not kBJW las liues extended that far; she bad often heard it, but iiad it from his owe lip’ An Old iuaii wtat for a pass, and Cien. M. asked it he would take the oath. “Oh, yes,” said he “with iiie greatest pleasure. Just put it in a box aud 1 can easily carry it ovei*.’^ wean,” said the Geijcral, “will you promise to support the Coii&t.ration of the Vinited States?” The old fellow raised his hand> said “Oh, my (Jod, I can’t do that, for i have got a wi/e and «/x chUJreu to The General gave him a J. & S, -A- CAMERON. 38-6ipd June 17, 1888. CA It AfiR HARillESS FOK SALE. * targe 8900Bd-hand CARRIAGE, with seats fer six A p.rwns. Aleo, a aet of DOU&LE HARNESS, very lita^uBed. ® J- hale. M^y 26. paHi. They w allow the sutlers to tKill a thing except soldiers. The town is just full of women, who act as if they owned every- .iiiig in it. They just go to the finest hooses and order furnished rooms for them. OhI but it is dreadful. The people are not allowed to move one stop out ot town—cannot get ^moathful of fresh air. No wonder there is sJoh Buffering, sickness and death. One of our girls went into a Jitore to look at some shoes, and the sutler said: “Do you know, madam, I Have more leather in my store than you have in your so-called Southern Confederaoy? Your soldiers are ragged and barefooted.” She said, laying the shoes down, “That may b*, sir; but it is a mystery now, and hat always b«efe a mystery to me, how our poor, baratooied soWierH can make your well-ahod yaakeee ran Ro," and bkishinc^ uni aad «0 wrfi ti% fbft I can mace ynt

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