tr tlir tni. rc(*«- bl •! L]j(f *r ij ffut in :ujU (.ii^ lii^ rent aiiiiir ^h:tJ4 the Ihi ui iir, :»u a«- • tiuit ; . '.jUHV 0 :u >.,r. ■ill dolivi.‘r !I VUI t d I. a't'> li'= m , bf la .■ It. r. :i!' p. II- U'tt’ 1 ; ^^Ucll ' liu*- W b(.- [luars luxt or ;-!niu“r r-ul . Mv;.. r, 11. I :,. lujk u I lit.’ Ulullv^ i !• \w-». A ai til- V:iJu‘. CbLiuiHtc Ut IMJj; I boi l. wi pro- UIHl ,/ll lux Vi .>j voifl lulll lio U iliv' ii- :Li‘ leiit nto si >,'5 ritsr- ;U‘M { ''.I tor i 'll tj rui\..ii.i :.;r ajL^i.'t.' 'i 'lie asAcsbt'T shuit e Ir -;i cftoh cLo ilu y au- truiii ti.f suid kt li. d u k 111* >li;ili ; o lar- ■diuiilov »•- Jt a.', a I u:il tor I xlTlug ux Ji;i) 1 tli-j » lie 1- i oun i r. jtii-’aurafce St or > ail De L•ll.•^ f' aotrd ia i:ue b) >hoW- )iu nuS'Oida- cd tkldl;»- Ut'll pU. Isj iU^ tkn etivin*: Ii'oai t 1 taiei in ) rep'ji t nf Uiti M Wjti Uiaj ne post i^uar^ !ic (ax la Kiud »tiim - s .’ifoi e- tax e-ilcetwr SS WliT ;iut aa .•eipt t uerelor. ilX 0 . ectur aj ouu* .laid It aiiT partial s end' i>ed 9u ! saiC' '.♦! the id ti • :■ i-t tux !-• - :ot- I. r»cn tfce c pa. U-'Bt o4 .the depot M .:o tut asentB they Consist ? De cuitnble in such jay j. Cberiiie. lat some of the id suiuoK. f©r (ft// 6 depoe- »ei eitker di- uses, Ke siaall rtiauut r as he iQ«h i.i shai4 : Co:; lvdcia*i! ctarj .1 V^'ar f that li wou.d or u - rhe ar- lo oe receivsd [1 til. .■^ecreta- COtl- •t in S-tid ue of -id arti- lot r. uired in dutj^ r t lie tirat yeui aud be Ucatji' 5.S aiii. pr.idtj!. liid ti -■ -late- e f.p lai. e.s3 :. . proien- lia»i ij' iclivtr- .»i' tl. uistrict, ; .saiU' . u. 1 the fitn I ':hief :olici;' - d'the ;mei;' ■ biilfc, from • tax shai }■:- paid ftt.ate . accoLU- > or b 11s afore- ■itrict C"i lector trusts ■■ juar- r r ad- in iai r lac- aei J -wig in evetj 1 eiver r offi any e do: .! [I ^1. r i= r..d fftt . in 11- y U' ; ■ r 1 tb' I., a^.d 1 ev«i > : n ta.v •♦-■n for aS.jij k’, or .v:rty honf i -.i'-; ays tg'jr-- ' -ii DU VL-- - d '-- is a-'iir_. .nd all and jit fji act, W') ’j’ i - . ',er ixiid i ' Uica : 5ii:i .. iC- re.*:- r :i ;,he , an thr ai;i. : 11 ■ 1 ar T'sL t. i OU. i ji iW-i ifA'ir (DIB I. FAYETTEVILLK, N. C., JULY 2, I8fi3. [NO. 1242.] rBIN'TF.D MONnvYS A\l) THFRSnW.i, D)\VAm> .r. nVLK & SONS. i.l 1 fi)HS \Ni> VliOl RItTonS I'rir.' Soiiii Wonklv i>: KHVKH j-'* tHt, jini l in H Iv ili « F-ir ilio ■'-Iv OnRT?v ? 1 |t'-v aniniin, I in 8^VAl»Vr.KTISI- M KNTS ni'Jcrt.' i for ?1 {>«t s ,n;ire Ml' liot'-i f-ir ilie lir-ii. ri'i.l "i(> cmKs t >r s.ic- Cf.' litiir publio;i!ion. .\-lvorti,-v :neiit ' not exc^t’diiic h li-ia H,ju:no i'' !>(. ,-i‘Tit- fi*r ilic first Jind oetit« for p;i h Ih- i ns pu: i‘’:i! •;h ‘ imrni'Pr I'i: lU' l t'H \.l 'rtiM.'tiiont-i coiitiiisii' I Ad»’i'rtisor.' ;iro re- i-t-riions dt^-iired, or ■Uid cllHrjH' I , charirt’d n-' rii-w ad- A'Hi:VILI.K, r¥. i\ , , 1 wil.l. o]>pn the EAGLK HOTEL for (he ro- 1 ct'i'' '"'''•■’id 1 hope uMi* to entertain from seventy-five to a hini lr*! [■cr.-'ons during the Suinnier. In ponui'otioii with this large Hotel, I have a number of llafk-i. ('iirri:iee«, Buggiea and Saddle Horses (hat my o-in ci'i at a ininiiie’s uoiice. .1 M. IILAIII, I’l-^ j'rieior Iviglv’ ffotol, Asheville, N. 0. May 1-'. !>'■•■■{ Jil-ypd rir.avTio.\T sfr iil'KKK ('A)ISTY, N. (J. rrr.Ksi: sj 1 liiia, iih are situated in Wefitern North Caro- i ihoui I'ifti'en iniU‘3 frotu Morganton, in a ' uhtuiiiai'i 'u! uiiru'. an l roni-miic c iuni . The i wiii iM. SI’! I'Mni :.i. 1 Cl! AT.VDEATK. nri* said to be | to iiiv 11: 'i'f C'nuitrv. Ueer, Hear and T’heaginit ' , ^ . •. , to a lir.'ifi. Ill case it nny be n ce.--jr.ry. wi! :ihiiiin I m I (u- M iMunni*). i . . i- i T,, , I I • .. • • I. - ! by tne A'ijutaiit General. I no ( ■•'if .'ii.v h iH Hu^^cee iea in obtainmi the .scrvi-’oa •' *’ BY THK (iOVKIi\OR «F XORTII CAUOUNA. \ TROri.A.^I A S IO.\. WIlVuRE VS, The I’rt'sideni of the (’otifederate Sta'es. by virtue of the auih'^rity v‘mI.-,1 in him by the Consstituiioii, h^i niaJ« a requisition upon North Caro linft for Mnveii thousand inea to 8t»rve within the limits j of (he Sia'e, for hix months from and after the ti-'sl Jay I of Vftpust next: and whuroas. It ia dcsir:ible thai ifpoi*- i sible (lie troops bliould be raised by voluntary en\ist- ment. with the right to select their own ollicer-i: ' Now, ihorefore. I, ZKIIULON 15. V^Ni'E, 0.>vi,rnor ! of N >rth (Jarolina, do issue tlds iny I’roclfitualion, call- ' ing on ilie piiricnio oiii/eiiH of the Si;ite to viduntrtr , for Stale vlefenne, and :cnder tbeir servic**.'' in oomj'anies, battalions and reginients, on r before the 17th ,it .July, Ttie control and manapeiiie.'it of the troop.s raised under thi.) I*r «cl n:ii.:ion wdl lie rctaiJip l by ihe au thoritifs .)f . ije Siato Orders f r !he enr.dlnient nf the indilia. preparatory be issued of PXp, non. : ->!u :\n UT this daie. no name of a new subscriber will >ie eniere.l without payment in advanoo, nor will thf i' ll er I'c sent to such .-Jubs.'ribers for a longer time I :an is ]>ai 1 tor. .''.i.'li )f ■ . r old subscribers as desire to take the pa per -.n (lli^ system will please notify us when making renii'taiice?. .lan'y 1, IS.'tM. g- i . I " ■ * —* .UrtA.lW Attorney at Law, FAYt:TTKVlLLE, N. C. ITTILL attend the County .and Superior Courts of W t.’umWrland, Harnett, Moore nml Robeson Coun ties. l’r.'iTipt attention given to the collection of all elaims entrusted to his hande. Oct. 17. 1R59. 58-tf GKO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Whole*.ale l>eali*r« in Wrocerif^, AND IMPOKTERS A.VT) DEAbEUS IN Hardi?are and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c«, HAT STRtKT, FA\KTTEVILLE, N. C. July 2, Ibtil. 3()tf JOS. UTL EV, Grocer and Commii^sion ^^rrchunt^ FAVKTTKVrLLK, X. 0. Jan’y 10. 18ti8. 98-tf T. C. A: B. ii. WOKTH, Commission and (^ornardiug Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. - Jan'y 2S, IStil 84ff A FEW LAI)1E6 can 'e accommodated with board at the Sem.niiry. T. C. IKJOPEE. Sept. 12. 1801. 5rt- ' JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & C-O.,^ KAi^T :ii ai4i:k«. Tl^'E have thirty (3i’i) pans now in oporatioo nine miles *» east of Wil-iiington Parties wishinjr to supply themselves with .-•ill. can be furnished by afplj^ng to A. Johnson, Jr., .\gent at Fayetteville, to E. I’age, manager ai the works, or to J. M WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Fayetteville. Nov. 20, 18'i2 81 tt .\«TIC’E. As I expect to be ab?ent froui home a few niontbs in the West, Archibald McLean is my autht»ri-%ed Agent to transact my business until I return. N. 0. Junes. Deo’r 28, 1860. Altc*rtlii« date I will pay 8 Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills D. MURPHY. '■PHE 1 iSi; on Rockfish. Oct. 2, 1802. \VA.\TEI>. 2X/|A BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUu 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive -the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M Th.Oinason. ,*i the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, ©r on the subscri- •^ber at his old stand oa Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Nov. o, 18'2. 7-5tf ARJIV JAM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and tan •^ive good bargains. Agents wiL do well to send their •rders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and ^nt off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Goldston P. (»,, (''hatham Co., N. C., ) „. , June 13, 18«i2. f tiOO (kiiiii Arabic tor !sale hv J. R. LEE * Oct. 1.5. (y'Mf A'olicf.—-sil.liO Reward. P^NAWAY from the subscribers, about two weeks XC ago, a negro boy by the name of J(JE. Said hoy •as a wide range, exioodiug froni Q-vrSecue in H irnett •o Lower Littln Rivor in Cumberland. Said boy be longs t. the estate of Catharine McNeill, dec’d. H tlf t€ the above rew-xrd will be paid for his confiuement, so tbat we get him; 1 lae utuer half for evideuce to con vict any white per-, m of harboring said bo^. lie is a ■tout yellow b'ly J. & N. A CAMKRuN. June 17, 1863. »E\TAL CARD. llAVlN'i taken operating Rooms over 11 Mr I. DoJdV fitere. I otler my Pro fessional servcics to the citizens of Fayeite- ^lle and viciuity. Otfice hours from '•> A. M to 12 M, ^en from 2 to *j P. M. J. H. June 2. jeritli :iiii!i a:id bi ly to takechtrgoof ".~.S vi'l bo I,iidy f.if thr re.'i-ri'ion of Vi-it .. ■ , ICO Is .)ULV, 5^^ (>nt*-Fo'.irth of this pr.ipoj:'- with Thr.-' iir'1 acres of LM;d altai'hed would he sold lo a person com; 'teiit lo take cli^rge of the proptrtv PIEDMONT si’HlNGS CO ^ May 21. o” Smpd LIST OF ( HAIKiKS FOR SMSSEXliEUS^ now^. From Fa^'etteville to Wilnuiipioii, #1) (h) “ “ “ E1ii\b?;h, 0 00 “ “ “ White IHll, ti oO “ “ “ K.'lly s (’ov(», 7 oO “ •• “ All p.lints liolow, 10 on SEtMM) CLAi-S, (Ml DECK. From Fayetteville to Wiliiiintrion, $5 00 •* *• “ Elizi'.'.'th, “ “ “ Whitehall, 3 j “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove. 4 (M) “ “ “ .Vll points below, 5 00 I P. From Wil:niniit>iii io F i_vott>'ville, $ .0 00 '• •* “ Kellj'''^ Co-ve, 4 50 “ White H ill. .'i 50 " “ “ Elizabeth, fi '>0 “ Pr-spect Hall, S oO “ •* “ All points above, 10 IK) !>Er(>Nl> CI-A.>^S, OH l)t:CK. From Wi'mington to Fayeitevil>, $.'> iX) “ “ “ Kel'.y's Cove, 8 dO “ “ “ While H ill, 4 (X) “ “ ' “ points above, 5 tii* Seeond Class or l)o?k Passengers must f^tay on lower deck 0" pay full price, .r .same as First Class cor An extra charge will be made for Way Pa'^sen- gers petting into P.erths during day time, and for occu pying a Rerth with their b its or shoes on, at the discretion of the (’xptair. J. A. \\015TH. forC F PCm H’l Co. R. .M OH KELL, f-ir St'rs Kale and Sun. T. S. LUFTEHLOH. May4, 18t>S. 2f.-tf Eroiii and aiter flii» date the Steamer P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M , on .NIonday and Thursday. JOS. A WORTH, April t)—17t^] .Afr't C. F. Steam Boat Co. \vi:vrER:\ kaii. roau. Triiins of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, Sundays excepted) at o'-?Iocli, A M.. and re turning leavi- Molver s n.t 1 o'el'^cK, P M. Fr-iyht Tjum M-)NDAV, W KUNESDA Van 1 PRIDAY. By order of the Presiienr. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and Act’g Trans. Ag't. Jan. 22, l.%8. '.i7tf S700 Boxes of (he Southern Hepatic Pills Have been ordered in one day. ''PHIS combination cf medicines was first prepared by 1. the proprietor in 1^2.5, when he was pronounced by three eminent paysicians in a Southern city, as in an advanced stage of Consumption. Thesf Pilh currd htm. He is now over seventy years of age and in discharge of active professional duties. Their good elf»c(s upon others creaied sucti .i demand for them that he w%s com pelled to desist from supplying them griituitou“ly. They are Hf)t recommen led by the proprietor as gool for all di8ea=e«. but 'pnly for such as arise from DIS ORDERS OF THE LIVER Many persons have testi fied to their good effects in Chills and Fer^rs, Bilious Fever, Pntu/noni i, Dyspfj^sia, J-c., ^e. Read the following: fc\ D. Wall^ck. E.sq., President of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road, Aug. ;ii', 1^»!2, says: “It has been said that "Dtspkpsi^,” is our na/ioniil disease. However this may be, it caused f't« long and severe suf fering. Providentially a friend furnished me with a few boxes of the ^'Hepatic PilU,'' and ''• ute of them h>is perffcted (I cure. In my family they -ave been used frequently with eminent success. .Among my acquaint ances, man>/ casej originating from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. 1 regird ihen. an tnvaluahle viedirine, and take pleasure in forwarding this volun(ary tribilte.” Col Johx Wrioht, of Goldsboro’ N. C., Aug. 14, 1802, says: ‘ I have ased the Southern Uepatic l‘UU in my family here and also on my pimtation in Alabama, and always with sueress. I have a valua()le servant girl who ha^l been a long time under treatment for consump tion, without^ receiving any benefit- Almost in her ex tremity. I was induced to try>«he Hepatic i'dU. They were given according to direction*, .and she is now well, entirely restored by then. A similar case occurred litnong my Rervants in Alabama. For liver and lung disea'iPs I have perfect confide/ire. in them.” Full directions aal other cei Hficntes will be found on the wrapper of each box. Price. $1 a box: 510 t dozen; JQii a gross. Retailed at th> Dru'fyi’is For -511 twelve boxes will be sent free to any part of the Cuntederacy where there are no druggists. N't les.i than a doz -n boxes will be sent by the pro;'rietor9. Cash must accompany orders. Cheeks on local hanks taken A idress GE() W. DEEMS, Wilson, N. G. For ante in lay.ilinvme ojr o. ... ii i hdl.m.u. 22-SmDd 1 lu witness wher.“of, j£KBt'Lo.'i B Vancb, sK\L ■'t'aj tain (itMieral an I ('oihmi,.h ler iu Chief, - :i;t'Q ^^l^Ile 1 th^se prt'sents and caused the Gr ai ••'.-al of thi- S'at.* lo l>e illix -d. It'Hio it R ileijjli, ihis 17ih .(iy of Juti '. V. 1.) , IHOo, :.iid in the year of American Inilepenib'nce the 87th. r*y tr.e Governor: Z. B V.ANt'E. R. H. lUTri.K. Jr , Priviile Secr.'tary. June 1'.*, 18*>:> 2w KIEdTlVE UKPtliTUKNT \. \ .\ D.I t'TA S r G k N EK A L s OkFICK. ( \l 1 MTl A. ) IvALKKiu. June 17, 18)3. ) GkSKRVL t )U1>BK, ) No 11 t A A RARE CHA.lfCE (ill v,ii\ OF l5i\TEilPlllSB! 1 wish lo change niy business 1 now otrer for sale ■ny wit bii^ To Farmers and Uiiartermaslers. * | n, /-/v^/V.s Gold is AS>>IST.VNT QU A RT L KM AST'H li OKN S OFFICK, 1 ' now wortli pcvcrt ciolUirs proTuiuTTi in Hicliinond, RiruMONi., V./t . l:{ih Jun-, ls.;:j. / i says tlie (^, (!a., S.m, and has been sold I THE »' 1 . m'-imtel omiaan.liiie OlFicers cf ihc Mililia will im- f/v a de-ubl;' th,-ir ics}-ectiv.» R.jpiinents and ■ enroll all able-bodied free white nu-n and Hppresitices, i re.'idents of ihis S: iie, who sh.all be of the of eigh- ( •’ ^0 I under forty years—n,j( linble lo or who have heretofore be«»n t xempte I trom ti>e con.-icnpt act, and all between the ages of forty and for'.y-fivo years. II. They will specify ia said enrollment, wh it per sons claim exomption from u'.i'itin service un Icr the laws, and will note opposite the name of every such per- s'.n th.' ground upon which su exeniption is claimed.’ Ill As soon as completed, the Muster Roils are re quired 10 be forwarded to this uilici. By oid-.T of GoT. V.\>(’k: DAN L G. FOWLE. A Ij t Gen. Raleigh. June I'J, :’.'.*-::w We^lerii Railroad. 'PUE FREl'«n.T rU.MN on this Ro:td will run duily 1 after this date. P’reight mu-.: be delivered at Fay- ettei ille Dep it bef re sunset to insure ii- being sent for ward cn the succeed.u,; day. \o freijht recfived in the laornuiy t - jo hy the siiue i iy'' By order, JN>. M ROSE. Treas’r au 1 Transp. rlation .\g'i, W. R. R. ■lune 20, 18G-? 30 ^?w FOUi^DU Y, ;» tiill nijiflv ot M ATERIMjS for carrying on the tioss to t I iriTB oxt«iir, in comnction with a large ill.N'E .-illOP with all the neces.sary tools T!u* SleaiBi Eii;;iHe !i-iw ijHcJ t.^r 'he bii'^ineHS is in gofxl order, an«l ni?ilP- ] ’ p iity f »r it yo fur 10 ye*ir3 to comc. i 7’#rf> i:rtru Stvam ^ ae '.a en(i.e new one; Tiirniii;; Lallics, Pluneins; M:u‘liiiies, Drill Presses, Extr:i Keltin:;, ■it. I other : ia:e-i'il loo nunierou- to meniion. : . a Ir ,f i.U.MilEil and TIMBER, wiih a ^.A%% ,Ti I lilj attaciicd; : y.ii ill and l-u_!;e (’ircul ir .Saws, Wliip Saws, Mor- ; ticiii^' .M.ichirii', Sa.-5h Muchinc.-i, with all the necessary I utters to tiie above .Machines. Kor fur’h 'r information apply to M A B.AKKR, Fayetteville, N C. June4, ,S4-lm*lmpd The Star Foniidry .ind Machine Shop Is now in fuli operation and will be so oontinued until (unlier notice. Casting’s of nil kinds done at the shortest notice. RAILROAD CASTINGS of all kinds, STEAM »0\T WORK, COPPER WORK an I MA CHINE WORK (»r all kinds, will receive prorap* atten tion at the Star Foaulry in F lyeiteville, by M A. BAKER, Otlice on Hay St., Opposite the Old Wagon Yard. June 4, 18ii3. 34-lm*mpd ~ THE i\ORTII C AROLINA 3IHTIAL LIFE IXSUIIAXCE ( 0.)IPANf, '^OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with ! 11 growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues lo insure the lives of all healthy per sons from H ivi •)(’) yeiirs of age. for one year, for seven years, ard for life—all life members sharing in the profits. .\11 slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses arv punctually paid within 90 ilays after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information (he publ''* is referred to .Agents of the Company in all parts c he State, and to R. H. B.ATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan'y IhoO. Fayetteville, N. C. TAX I> KIMI. '^PHE following is the system adopted for the collection 1 of the tax iu kind: An otlic‘r of (ho i.^a-kitermaster's Depart ment is assigned to the special charge of the subject. A controlling (iuartermaster, with ilie ran's of Major, as high as seven and a liuU' and ei-:ht dollars in Clharleston. Its tendency is stiU upward, and it would be difficult to conceive a limit to its appre ciation by the first of October, should the war and the blockade continue so loner. The cause of IS assigned to cach State, and a Post larteriuasler tliis utiparalleled pretnitiin on >-old and silver i.S with th. r,ink 01 Captain to each C mgressional Dis- „„dcrstoo.l. No man is so i-norant a.s to tr!ct, wht-ro U is praciic^ible lo coiiect the tenth- ^ . a> A ^ Eaoh Congressional District will be euhdivid.d by owin- to a want of conhdence in our the Post ti’iartermasier in ch.irge of it into sc.*tions, for national currency. I he c.iuse doe.s not lift in the the convenient, delivery by the taxpayer of h: ipiota of | depreciation of Confedorate liotcs; it is occasioned prTdiiOe, and axen';i will b ,. a;.poiu:ed by that oHioer lo 1 l,y the .scarci'.y of ijold and silver within the Con- takecaarpeofihe depots to bee.siaVlishedineach section. ■ • • B.-fore these d..‘p its can bo established, ortho assess meals ren'iired under the I iw be la iHe, the crops of small hay an i the clip of wool for jireseut year will have been secured. To reitcv'o fartnerd fr.>ni the risk an I incouv.-iu-ncp of itoriuj; the Governrnent portinn, as well as to obtain immediate supplies for the use of the army, the Depart ment aulhori/,!^s aud reipie^ts f.irmers i»siding near federate lines, and this .scarcity ha» been ocea- .«ioned by blockade runnin>^. (’onfedcrate notes will not eoods at the North; they will not even jKiy tavi-rn bills tliere; nor j’ct defray travelliii.i uApcUsrs after I ’avinir tfie ('onl'cderato port.s. 'I’o run the blockade rcijuijes g dil and sil- vi*r, or cotton, or the equivalent cither in ‘•Lrreen- posts where Quanerroaslers are now stationed lo deliver i backs or in fcterhn'.; cxchati^e. Flciice, lar;e the Government's tenth, or any part of it lo that .^uar- j premiums are offered i^r it, and every steamer THIE F Wed EI.ORAIi t lM.LEta:. Fall Sc»-'ioj in this In“tiiu!ion will c >uimecce on Inesil ly the 22 i of July The pri. e of Board hay been raised lo >.’■) per mouth. The chargei for Tuition, Contingencies, .Vo , remain unchang.'d For further pirtiouLirs address the undersigned a* Gdopohs, N. C. DANIEL JOHNSON, Principal. June 10, 1 S*-i3 Iw F«R f^AI.E, 4 T AKGYLE, in Robeson ooiinty, on the W., C. A R. j.1. R Rr> 11, 3t bales of packed and 710 lbs. of loose COTTON, of eitr I .{ualiy .Vddress Mrs Dr N. McN.AlK. .A ini'.v. Gilopolis P. »)., Robes in cotinl V, N. . June 20. 1808. ;i'.t 4tp l A UKIV. The New Style, Smalt, (OLOIIEI) PHOTOtiKAPHS, AT jS3illery. master. I Under, the law, farmers are required to deliver their (enth at depots not more than eig**! iniljs from the place of production. If they will deliver under this ro- iuest, the Government w 11 piyt'orthe 'ransportation in exce^ip of eight mdes. The t^uartermaster receiving produce under this rule will give receipts to the produ cer as evidence that so much of hts t ix i.^ jiaid And as the 1 U'*arterniasier of Ihe Congiessional District IS responsible for the tenti,. ^ the .assessor es tablished and made it known to hvm, ih* t^tiarterma-ter to whom the produce is delivered will also n ^ to the Post Quartermaster of (he Districi, who will en dorse :vcopy of the receipt upon the assessor’s estimite before transferring it to the agtinis at tho receiving .le- pot. LARKIN SMITH, A. Quartermaster General in ciiarge. June 18, 1803 4M m l'0\FlittKlllTli Tl\ LISTS. ’ The Assessors for the (’ounty of Cumberland will meet at theOfficeof.A. M. (^impbell on TIIURSD.VY, JULY 2. 1803, to receive the Confederate T ix Lists for this Coun(y. on the following subjects of taxation, viz; Naval Stores, Salt, Wines e.nd Spiritous Liquors, Tobac co—manufactured or tinm mufacture l. Cotton, Wool, Flour, Sugir, Molasses mi 'yrup, R'ce, and other agricultural products, the gr-'wth or pioduc(ion of any year preceding the year IHf.H Also, all .Moneys, IHnk Notes or other Currtncy on hand or on deposite on the first day of July, and (he value of all credits on which the interest has not been paid, and not employed in a business the income from which is taxed under the provisions of Ihis Act. , R. W. HARDIE, I Confed. Tax Col. for Cumberland oounty.. June 20. 4u-tf ART. %Vood%«'ar«l% Nolar Camera. uo\;t rii.\ the ^^HE Undersigned oH'i-rs for I KLOC'KAIIE. sale one oi Talbot »s: i Brothers STK.AM SAW MILLS complete, IH Hi.rse | pow«r, will saw trjui 2 ;o ihotisan I feet L‘imi)>-r p»r ; Jay; situa'ed 2^ miles from Nlclver’s Depot, Westorn , R. R on o'**! acres best timhjre 1 l\a 1 in North C • na. Those in w int wil' adiress me at E/ypt, the pre sent terminus W. R. R. For particuUrs refer to .1. W. j Gunter, Kimbolton, Chatham, N C., or N. .A .'^tedmi;n, 1 Fayetteville, N. C. I JOHN A. MCDONALD. Oakl ind, N. C., Jun** is. Uy lm A' irOTK’E. LL tho.^e in lebted to the Estate of the late Arigus Shaw are req ies’ed to call and s.jitie me samp by the 1st of Aujiust tiext, or they will fiad their N )tes and accounts in the hands of an oiTicer for ollectio i. JA.MES JENKIN.^. Adm r. June 22, IH'i?. P.i^-iAl PFiOTOGR.APHS cnnbehad at VanqrsdeH’s Skylight Giillery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay- etieville, N. C.; plain, retouchel, colored, in water o«l«va. -i'. nn.t fiaslil*: from sninll to life "i*e. .Ambro- types, .Mel;ineotypes, and ail other styles of l-'ictures pertain' ic to the .\rt. .Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, Gi i for very large pictures—as large as 2ti by 36 inches. Jor.i and T.assels for hanging pictures; Instru- ments. Stock ami Chemical** for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good p"nple of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proyietor. Dec’r 20, J8.'>9 77- Marlile Factory, S!2.1 reu arii, ILL be p-iid for l .e recovery of a COLT'S RL- Pti.ATEK, stolen fniu me at the 'Vagon Yard June 17th, iS'i3. Tae Pistol i^ No. li,o:J3. The above reward will be p iid on recovering the sauie. .Ap ply lo R. .Milcaell. o. .M. LL'TrERLOll. June 20. 3'.* '.Hpd KED SVIU^GS. Hotel at Red springs. Robeson Couuty, N. C., will tie opeu for the reception of V'isuors after the 2otn inst. HEOl’OU. McN'EfLL. Red Springs, June 17. ;{S-Otpd w M FREEvIAN 31 Oii.d AOTICE. ALL my Nole^ and Accouqis are at R. D. collection. Davis's lor He is autnorized to receipt l>y me for the aame. Now is ihe time to pay your debts while ■oaey is plenty. JAMES BREE’E. ^ May 7, 18tj:i. 2»itf i\OTICE. IN conBequence of a necessary stoppage of the Rock- fish Factory for sever-il weoks to o^me, for the pur- I>o»e cf repairs, the comp-my will have no Sheetings for ,*ale till further notice. C T. H AIGH, Pres’t. March 22 ~ f^AET! «AI.T!! ^ BACKS for sale by ROBERT MITCHELL. Deo. 22. 8&-tf REWARD. 1^AN.\W.\Y on \lon J ly 2oin .'l-iy, ii'V Boy NELStJN; be IS C )pper c )i.ipl ‘Xion .^nd weighs about 150 lbs.; »>>ed abnu‘ i.i years. 1 will pay for nisdelivery to me or 3^20 for his confinement in .fail. N A STEDM.AN. June 1. 33-tf Ej;y|>t Coal .Yliiie. 'PHE undersigned were, at the November Term of the 1. Confeder lie (.Joiirt, District of North Carolina, ap pointed .NLanagers of the Egypt Coal .Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the pi.rpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders I'or ilie same in any desired iju:intiiy. Orders for any ani"unt can be supplied on snort notice. The Coal Irom ihix pro perty is undoubtedly ttie best in the Confederale Stat-is. Applications may be made to Ohas B Malle'i, Fayette- vide, N. C., or J.irues Brow'ue, (Jnarleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, .Jan’y 2U, I.Mti-S, 0*>tf ^piifj nn«ierM;>CTi-u uave t vK-mi tU»* t »r tn«r J, W !■( i)%i *n Jr>n*l *«nti have now on hand .siz”s running fr 'tn IHX- j inches to 0 feet by 11 iiioncs; »nd c la navn rut af siiori not ice \NY SIZES wtuiei. Persons lu wmt of Grind .Siones will please correspjiid witn ih'i uiidersignt;.!, wno will till orders p omptiy and guarantee the ijuality of the grit as represented. GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1803. 32-tf |{v I. VITDI'R. TWO AB^UK T. IlilRII ^ SONS’ M’ORK Fayetteville, C. J in' V 2fi. 1 “>06 8 l- FAVETTEVILLE IWITHAL INSURAXCE fOMPAiVY. Ed^ewortli Female Seminary., GREENSBORO’, N. C. The Fall Session of this Institution will conimence on the 4th of A igust next. TBRMS rOE THE SBSStOS OF 20 WEKKS; Board, including washing, lights, fu..‘l, kc , $22(>; English Tuition $30; Music on the Piano, Harp or Gui tar $30; Vocal Mu'^ic $1 2 .')0; Oil Painting »30; Drawing ?12 •')U; Grec an Paiuting c-lo; .Aujieui au 1 .M iern Languages, each -id 2 .> ). For further particulars apply to H! 'HARl' STK^MV'-., Principal. June 27, 1803. IM^bpJ Hiaw and Ori?t .Hill tor ^ale, AT AUCTION. Iwill sell at public sale, on J'ucsday, .lu'y 14, my Saw and Grist Mills, located near the mouth of Cross Creek. These mills are in good running order. In tending to clr»nge my business, I offer them for sale. They eata Ke exiinined any time on the pr.mises. Terms—One-third cash, cno-third in six, and one- third in twelve months. ARt^H'D McLAUCHLIN. JOHN II. C(JOK, Auc'’r. Fayetteville, June 27, 1803. 41-5tpl llor.Ne.«« lor S.ile. The subscriber has ten or twelve HORSES, suitable for plantation use, which he would like to sell daring the week. D. G. MacR.IE. June 2V, 1803. 41 2t Cotton Yarn lor Wool. VT’OTICE is hereby given that after thiit dale (cxcept i.1 ill cases where we have barpaiu“d for Wool accord ing to (ho terms of our alvorr.semeut of tiie ;JOta of May, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed aod picked. This change is made at the instance of the tiuarfermiater at Raleigh, in order to make the terms of exchange uniform throughouL the State. GEO. W. WILLIAMS 4: CO. Fayetteville, June 2'J, 1803. 4lit Spun Cotton Exchanged for Lard. E will give Spun Cotton in p,art payment for LABD delivered at our Factory on Person St. A. McLAUCHLIN & CO. jroin^ out trom a “Confederate port” contributc.s to the comparative depreciation of our paper cur rency in proporti.ui to the amount of specie which she carries out. Not only doe.s this .«ystem of blockade running drain us of all our gold and silver currency, but it drains us of the great basis of our national cur rency also. Congress having done nothing to regulate this matf;r, large (juantities of cotton are daily finding a foreign market. The drain may Vo ooTiiparatively slow but it is ronstant. There has been very liit\c or no cotton raised in tho Con federacy since the war began. Indeed, such ia the state of public sentimf>nt that he who would now r;yse cotton in preference to provision crops, must Gr.^t make up his mind to receive the almost universal cxeerations of his fellow citizens. Whilst, therefore, our cotton is constantly find ing its way out, there is none coming in to supply the future domund. It is (juite e i>iy to see how this thing will end. Two years more, and we shall have neither gold nor cotton for a basis of credit. And then what? yV'.v Off'irf' C>inlritru>rx.—A correspondent of tLe Atlanta Confederacy alludes to a deci sion recently made, in which the General Post Office department explains the Kxemption Act in favor of mail contractors, on a point in refer- enc' to which but few are correctly informed. The act cxcepts from the privilege of exemption contractors “of lets ljun ten miles in length, and on which the mail is carried on horse. ’ The case was that of a citizen of Chattanooga, whose bid as a mail messenger from the Railroad depot to a distance less than ten miles, at an annual com pensation of four dollars and fifty cents, (former compensation six hundred and fifty dollars,) was accepted by the ])epartment. Phe mesjenger was notified by the enrolling ofhcer that he was not entitled to cxemjition under the act of April 14th and he would hold him as a conscript. An appeal was made to the Department and a certifi cate of exemption was immediately forwarded, on the ground that distance is immaterial when the quantity of mail mutter to be transported requires tbe use of a vehicle. Capital in Premium Notes amounts lo Gash on hanil .and other assets. !|;267,f)88 2b 5,077 35 TOBACCO. m BOXES VIRGLVIA TOBACCO, various grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. May 23. 31 tf .Sole Keather wanted. LBS. uf b«tavy well taaued cOLE LEATHER, Biutabla for Bdltiug. Apply to D. MORPHY. r»j«tttTiUe, Apiil 14. 20tf 2000 WantefI lmm«Mli:itcly\ W/Wk/i GOOD .lUNIt'Elt SHlNtJLES, for which ,v/Uv/ he iiig -Cii Ciih price will be paid. —ALSO— \ yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON A CO., Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. March 7, 1863. 9tf " 1». TAYEOR O FFERS FyR SAL E C10FFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco and Soap, Pow- ) der, OookiBt; Soda, white and col’d Spool Threa.l, Comb?, Pins and Needles, Hats and Shoes. One box of sundry Gools just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth Cloaks for Ladies; Gentlemen’s fine Gaiters; Green and Blaek Tea. P. TAYLOR. June I. 18ft3. 33-3m-3ti AdniiniMtrator’! A'otice. The «ubB»Tiber having at December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad . ministr&tor upon the Estat«*of Neill (]}. McNeill, dec’d, , notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to i present them within th** time limited by law, otherwise j this DMice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are rec^aeet^d to make prompt payment. HECTOR MoNElLL, Adta’c. D««. 10, 1%3U N- ( Total, j;27-2,7G5 61 The Comj'any have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on (heir premium notes. Total losses yiaid, $29,682 69 Offickrs; GEO. McNEILL. Presi.lent. D R\Y, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dibkctojis: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, II. li. Myrovnr, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. MoLaurin, Nathan A. >5^tcdT;ian, T. .S. Ltitf»M-loh, O. B. .vianeti, • — ^ ■ w James Kyle, .\. A. M'cKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. r HAVE I 1 sury. Cl To Cotton Planters. b'-eu appointed hy the Secretary of Ihe Trea- y. Chief Ageut for 1‘ie purchas* of (J')tton for Ihe Confederate Government within the State of North ’aro- lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent,. Bonis or (Jash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, allCoiton purchased hy myselt or my »ieutH, on an.I alter tne I8ih day of .March 18ti3, will be pai i for in 7 p3r cent. Bonds or (’ash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as siatei in •a former advertisement. Up to tbal time, however, the 8 pe" cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citiiens are now ottered an opp.irtunily to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWLS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, 1863. [c. n ] I4tf A« usual the Rlockade WILL compel us to do woat we Hoould have done he- fore this, wait upon yourself anJ cut loose from the enemy. The proprietors having started the manufac turing of *11 kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southern States, will be able to fill orders at short notice. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C. Address d. L. KIVETT, Mebochealer, Camberland, N. C. 186a. J. G. C«ok, Hon. J. (4. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, 1 , ■ A. E. Hall, } hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents tafif“The f’ompany invite applications. May 28. 1801. 21- ” WA.^TEB, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, V'irjjinia and G'»i>rgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent B mds, new issue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9 9tf ~ 1\4IT1CE. 7 rpHE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili- ^ tary service of the Confe-lerate States of .America, hereby ?ivc notice to their oM customers and friends, (hat they have appointed John D. .Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys .due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend (o their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as popsible on the'r agents aid make payment. ' STAdR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1861. 68-tf oil..-A V ery fi'i' article, for "ale ai our Factory. A. McLAU*'HLIN .Si I'O. Blit .l\l» TOIIjirr --iO I l*.-F.>r Sft'e a* our Factory A \rcL'U'!HLIS .'t Fay pi teville, Jun“ ‘29, Ib'i-i. 41 Imp t Al>nI,^I«TRATOR'?^ AOTICE. To the Crtdilors (UitL oj L.J. /iriu/shutc, Oerrasrtl. HMIE Undersitined havin*; at November Term 18‘’>2 of L Court of Pleas and (^ iirter Se-si‘i;is of Samp> County diily qu.alified as .\dinitiistrator of tti« Estaio ot Ij. j. Hr>.l-»h«w, ilecM, hereby irive.'i nofio.? to hII p-r- r,Uin,m a.M .-.o to IT- r,o». lu'y Hn'heniicat*”! and within the t:ni - pr ned hy I iW or this n Itice vrill b:» plead in bar uf ttir-ir r.-c iV.^ry. Alsa, person-* in ief>;eil to s ii 1 Estate wilt la ikv; i.u- me'iiate pavmcnt. J, W. OEDIiENS. Atlin'r. April 8 [sH Fo.] 41*2tU Wv are ol>li;ired to in- crfase our charges for yirit\;s«ion il s»r- vices to -an addition il .50 per c*iit 'n I he Fee oill which ruled b ?f 're the current year, to om • mence on 1st July next Half yearly settlements desired. B. W. ROBINSON K. A BLV'JK H. A. McSWAlN JAS. A MacR.VE. T. D H MGH W C. Me DUFF IE. Fayetteville. June 24, 18‘>.^ 40 Stpd The Ce«lar F.ah >- bin Co. are now prepared to fu'‘"i'*h, at short Tiotice, all kinds c‘ Bi>BUINS, ^OOLS and QUILLS, aic , suitable for Woolen and Cotton Milts. J. M. ODELU Agent. Cedar Falls, N. C , June 9, 1803. .3*5 Cmpi Confi'h raLt Soie».—The community continues to receive and to pass the notes of the Confede rate (Joverninent issued prior to April, IStiS. Those notes to the people generally arc just as good as any. The credit and honor of the Gov ernment arc as much involved in the matter of their ultimate redemption as in any other of its issues, and the people continue to take them with the same confidence that they have received and paid them out ever sincc they first saw the light. This course of the people and the business com munity is wise, and saves themselves from un necessary shaves and discounts which would follow, their rcjectioa of those notes refused by the llich- mond banks. Those notes will be taken lor tax es, and we hope will be retired in that manner as rapidly as was ho[tcd by those who shaped the policy of the Government. Their continued cir culation is a good evidence of the faith of the peo ple in the crcdit of the Governmeut, and will pre vent the ill convenience which was reasonably appre hended from the course of the Government and the banks in putting them under the ban. iJisjMllr/i. T*oiunlee»*s hXt.iM TlVK Dr.PAKT.MEST NoRTIl CAROLINA, I .Ao.ii't.\nt (iKxi;B\L’s Ofkiob, RAi.iiioB, June20 j JAMES C. SMITH of Cumberland le authorized to raise a cotnpai.y' to serve for Six Mouths under the reipiisitiou of me President. Rich coiapauy will •uu- sist of seventy-five men T'^ie private'? will elect their I’ lnipsnj r.tli'.■.. rs, who will b - cotn.nissioned at and from the tiin° thv must r roll is filed in thi' oHioo DANIj. G. FOWLK, Adjud’t Gen’i. 1 am anx 'ius to raise a compluy un ler the ah.ive aa- tt'oii'y ai h'lO.T p is -ible Any pupsoas wistiing to nicer, may address me at FayetteviUc JAS. C. SMITH. June 2f. 40-7tpd -Vt file s'lirire.siion of neveral friend*, ttie uni^jr- Hi>rri ■ i I'T'p ■•es (.) ho mu- of ■ V.ihniieer (Joaipany. in to tvie rcc ’ni proclamation of the Gover ior of til!- tti-. lie will be g'.ad to C'iraninniijste personally or by ief‘,1 with any who m ly be willitia lo lender his --rvic.-s to ihe .“1 »t«, iinJ^r me fruar.*nties of the Act of th- General As-je^i'r-iy. on which the proclan»aion is founded Wha'ever i-^ dune, should be done promptly. 'WALTER L STEELE. Reckiui^iiam, June* 40 Ot*;itpa Rank ot Fayetteville, » 2 I rit J UNK ) ''PHE Direct jrs of this B ink have declared a semi-aii- 1. nual Dividend of o per cent., payable on and after the 2d day of JULY next. 40-8t] W. G. BROADFOOT, Cash’r. AAIE^ FOR .>AEE. The high SH»ALS iron CO. are prepared to fill c»sh oriers for Nails, at their factory, in Gasion CiMinty, N. C Naili will be ielivere l at Iron StaUon, on the Wilmingtoa, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad. Address HIGH SHOALS IRON CO.. Iron, Lincoln county, N. (). •lune Ul, 18i;2. 40-2mpd Palma Cliri»»ti ReaiiH. The Bubseiibar will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans Fay e teville. Oct R ~ EIVGIXE WAiliTED. 4 or 6 hors* powci EogiM, wilh fixtures oottpM* A. WORTH. (57-tf TIKrAKE .nAOE. ON leaving the cars at Warsaw 1 ist Thursday night, I picked up the wrong V VLl 'H left my owu in the c»rs I did not notice the mistake uatil the oars had heen gone two hours. I would be glad to ge* mine and the owner can pnotire his which I have with me. My address is RookinghaTi, Richmond county. J. B. ASKEW. June 22 3S>-4tpd TME UULIElFRI.TtEiL F)It the Little Folkt. A fiirlber supply »t. wholeaaU ovntwl bf £. J. SAU& & 80^ WA.-VTEO, VFREE COLORED BtjY, as COtjK in Starr’s Light Battery, stationed at Greenville, N. C. JuQf 2!) II. N.ANGE Ai CO. 40-iJtpd t:ow^ i.osT. My COW is on Eaflt sida of Cape Fear, aomewhere op posite to Campbelltou, being driven into the river by t>oys and can’t find her way back. She is uiarked with crop in e;vch ear, lias a bell on, white in her face, whii4 or back and belly, red on neck and Bides. Wno- ever will take her up and let me know it, or bring her up to ma in Oampbellton, will bo liberally rewarded. The said cow was bought in the upper part of Bladen county ana r.ay probably £ad her way J 1“ ./ JNO. A. WATSON, county. JOM 12> 18^

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