I f. • . ‘ ■ Y u 1. ."C ' : >:ii 1 ' IJ oi -ill u'r;i. ■r liH» It th ■■ 1st .)t -tout ■ ai;. > >1.. t..va Il c t ■ ttni-; ■jUrir- itu- ih.i. ; v«i cm d ' .1 0011 r rh. ti. • I, il li lauu 1 ^ . -- t ;r, . JCS\ iliU ' av uUi • - I -i-t wli ului le L - *u- -,f Ci i>.i u:ont ; :r. .. i r= lu* " .vl H al..i vT L.:i' i th ItlK It tv.u 1 ]--r i.i-rr-r. t. Cl 1 It,-.: 't afli 1 c ;i_ ' t : 3L a . M..I . tb. - J .I; . V ’ lu ■ ■■ ■■ ■ 1 > Sa U t. ; :>u. -■>- tc a,. ^ :■ :■ . - int liter t,i.\ . - lllg r i- :!l h.. •ulJ i' r . r X'. . itvl ■ d i; J • - L'oUi • i - ;red th- als K’ ' e the cc'-;. CiU *' t ■y ; ttif : , ■ o h. t ta . . -.-r. * -. t u ;cei, r. cux aw - rr 1C e: a t - 11 >J It. it . i: th r ■ ’ ,*■ t ■ -•} :iiil . hat ' ■ ^ ilrl - K !‘Jri lllH: a h« sK e ret i; > y i U ! « ■T ■- , tJ ' a r Uf itif t ill.- y.-a Lti ; 1 .taU. ir r * ■ !U‘ U i'rth A r'--. , . ur m- T'i . 1 IT rj -v.ri oth •J. . I i,. t tl.’ evf ■ 4 tt.. *'or itr'.- :0.sp £ ■IHl'. ^ -.i .'Ur il f 1 >: ■oy ud ’ r sh. >;a}' ati ■ c t n iv ' ’j r a, u- ;ar | .? a . ■ f on; th t SEMIWEBKLT. VOI„ XIII ! FAYl/rXfiLI.E, N. C.. JULY IG. 1863. [NO. 1246.] I’RINTEl) MON'UAYS AND THl'ltSDAYS. KDWARD J. ini.K & SONS. KlITOBS AND rROl’FllETOHS. Price for the Reini-Weokly (tusKRVKR S6 00, paid in advance. For the Weekly Obsbrvkr ?4 *^0 j>er annum, pniJ in advance. flir‘.\l)VERTI.Sr.’\l KNTsj msiertcd for $1 per » mare of 16 lilies for the fir'll, and .'>(> cents for each sue ceeding publication. A.l».‘-iisenu,uts not exceeding a half Square (H lin, s) f;o cents for the first and cents for ea;h 6ucei*i-.liug pnhliciifioii. AdTijrliaers are re- tjuested to it^ite llie tumber of insertions desired, or they will he oimtinuod till forbid, and charged aoconi- »Dgly. Advertisements cou'iiiueil hui'It', clmrgetl a%new :id- ▼erti.-ieinfn:-. SI ECUL. NOTK'K. From ati ter this date, ii.>n;(meof a new sub.^ci‘i'>er will be entered without payment in aitvanoe, nor will the paper be sent to s^ich subscribers for a longer time ■ than ip p-xid for. Such of ov.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa- ' p«r on this system will please noiifj' na when making ramittances. Jan'y 1. 18u8. H\n. ^Uel,. Attorney at Law, I Fayetteville, N. C TIJILL attend the Count}' and Superior Courts of ?T Cumberland. Harne't, .Moore and Robeson Coun- | ti«8. Prompt attention given to the collection of all eiaims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 58-tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., %Vhole*>ale llealer» in »Jro€erie«, AND IMPORTERS ,\ND DEALERS IN Hardware and €u(lery, Swedes Iroo, &c., HT STRKKT, FiTKTTKVlLLK, N. (. July 2, I8‘J1. 80tf JOS. IT LEY, Grocer and Vo'>nttiission .Jifrchantj FAi'KTTEVILLK, N. C. Jany lo, I'^tio. 93 tf, T. i\ A: B. a. WORTH, Commis$iou aud Fornardiug Merckaots^ WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 2S, Ism g4tf CARD! FEW LADIES can be acco:uiuod;ited wuh boarJ at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPKR. Sept. 12. 1881. 5«- ~ JOUNSO.V, WILLl.\MS & i'O., ' «.%LT .HAKKK!(. h&Te thirty :30) pfvn^ now in operation nine miles Tf east of Wilmington P»r»i>.4 wishing 'o r-ippty themselves with aalt. can be furnished by ap'plying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent it Fayetteville, to E Page, N. €. WILL oppn the EAGLE HOTEL for the re- _ cepiion of Quests the first of June, and I hope .i*=‘J^2ft>io be able i,. entertain from sevcuty-five to a hundred persons during the Summer. In connection with this large Tlotel, I have a number of Il.'if't'i, Ciiriage8, Buggies and Saddle Horses that my guests can gel at a minute’s notice. J. .M. BLAIR. Proprietor T igb‘ Hotel, Asheville, N. C. May 1;5,18*^^. 31-ypd T I ^'^qlunleevH ■ Kxkciitivb Ukpartmbnt Nohtu Carolina, ■ AnjwTANT Gknkral’.^ Ofkic’b, Rai.eioh. June‘20 j I TA.MES C. SMITH of Cumberland ic authoriied , raise a company to serve for Six Monihj under . retjnipition of the Pr^^^ident. Kach company will o I sist of seventy-five men The privates will elect ih I company offioers. who will he comrnissirtria t,>\t arid fr i the tiuie the niust.'r roll i» lileil in th:s ''tHc>^. i DANL. FtHVF'E, '>djiii’i Oen’l 1 am anxious to raise a company uud. r the above i tb.nity in sciou a.- pos-tble Any pe*‘‘ini wisiiin* volwnteer, may addres.^ roe at Fayetfevino JAS. C SMITH June 24. U>-7trd The Fall Se-jion in this Institution vill ci^onn.-pv'' Wednesdiy the t!2d of July Th( PIEBJHOAT SPR1.\I,;!«, OOUNTV, N. C. ^IIESE .'^priiiK..; xiiuated in Western North Caro- !i:m. u'ioul lift(*yu luil.'S from Morgantuu, in a J niDuntfiinoiK. b^^autifiil anl rormutic ccnntry The waters. SULPHUIT and CHALVT^EATE, are «»aid to be eqi.Al tn any in the c .iintry l>eer. Pear and Pheasant ^ weanes.l iy the-J:^d of July The price of 5oaf aboun.i in il>4 Moutit.'iins. hae been raised to per roon'ii. The charge-* I'je Cumpaiiy has jiiooua-Ied in obtaining the services i &o., rerna’n nnohanged of an eipcriencd c.Mitleinin and i.idv to t^ke cliaree of V-, '*“• at the Hon.e, and wilt be ready for the 'reception of V^isitl i ^ "ANIEL JOHNSOV. ers by the 1?' JULY. j {)ne-F,nirlh of this propany with Three Hun- ] irpil a.'rea of Land atta>^bed would be sold to a person ! competent to take charge of thv prooerty. PIEDMONT SPRINGS CO 'lay-*- 33-3rapd COWEDERiTE TlX LlSTi The Assessors for the Oounty of Cumberland will meet at the ()ffice of A. M. Camphell o» T HURSDAY, JULY *2, 18(i3, to receiye the Confederate Tax Lists for this County, on the following subjecta of taxation, TiK Naval Stores. Salt, Wines and Spiritous Liquors, Tobac co—luanut'actured or ifnmanufactured. Cotton. Wool, Flour, Sugar, Molasses and Hyrup, Rice, atid other agricultural produots, the growth or production of auy year preceding the year 186.S. Al^o. all Moneys, B^nk Notes or other (3urrency on hand or on deposite on the tirst day’of July, aud the value of all credits on which th>i interest has not been paid, and not employed in a business the iooome from whichtaxed un^ler the provisions of tbii Act. R. AV. HARDIK, (Jonfed. Tax Col. for Cumberland county. June ‘25. 40-tf BY THB GOVERNOR OF NORTH C.lROLlN.i. ! Oen. fjee’s Army—Wc make the followirs; A |•R0CLA1IATI0.1^. ! extractH from a letter written by an intelligent WHEREAS, for the protectio of our people, as far ^ young oificer serviuf' with* our army in Pennsyl- a^ po-!sihle, against the evils of speculation, there vania, to his father, in this State. What he continues to be necessity to prohibit the exportation of grates of the spirit, pay.'^ique and equipment of our troops, corresponds with all the account® we certain articles of our products beyond the limits of our State: Now, therefore. I, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of North C irolina. do issue this ProeUmation, continu ing the proolaniafion of June 8th in force for thirty d.iys from and after the 13th instant, iu regard lo Cotton and Woolen Cl th. Cotton ami Woolen Yarns, Leather and receive;—Richmond Whvj. Williamsport, June 25.—Incoming on to day I pas.sed hc.tvy columns ot the aimy, and such a splendid array my eye never rested on. Splen- June 19, 18*»:^ Priiicipal. o9-4w LIST OK ('IIAKU[;S FOK PlSSE.MiGKS^ I>OWV. Kr.im FHjetleville to Wilmington, JIO OO “ “ “ Elizabeth, 6 00 “ “ “ White Hall, G 50 “ “ “ Kelly's t^ove, . 7 00 “ “ “ All points below, 10 00 SECOND CLASS, OR DECK. From Fayetteville to Wilmintzton, %h 00 “ “ “ Eliiabeth, 2 50 “ “ “ Whitebait, 3 60 “ “ “ Kelly’g Cov«, 4 00 “ “ “ .\11 points below, 5 bO rp. From Wilmington to F'ayetteville, $10 00 “ “ •• Kelly’s Cove. 4 50 “ “ White Hall, 5 W “ *• Klizibeth, • (] 50 i “ “ “ Pri>spect Hall, 8 00 I \11 points above, 10 00 I .'^ECO.VI' CLA.SS, OK DECK. I Fr m Wi'm-np-ton to F^ivp'teville. $.'S O*") “ K'lly's fove, :t 00 “ “ 'Viiite Hall, 4 (h> “ All points above, 5 00 Second Clasf or Deck Passenger* must stay on low.T dock or pay full prir;-, or same as Firi^t Class An extra ch-'rpe will be made for Way Pa>3en- gers getting into Berths durine day time, and for ocr'u- pying a B--rth with their boots or shoes on. at the discretion of the r’lpt.v'n J. A. W( iRTil. for C T St ni B't Co. R. M. ORKE^.L. fn- .‘^t'rs Kate anJ Sun, T. S. LUTTFRLOII. May 4, 18tiS. To Cottoii l*l:iliters. I HAVE be?n appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- Bury, Chiet .^gent for the piirchasa of Cmti'i for the Confedor:ite Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will p®.y for the same in 7 per cent Bonds or t’ash. Sub-.\gents visiting the ditf»!rent p:\rtH of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coitan purchased by myself or my agents, on an 1 after the I8th day of March 18H3, will he p.aid for iu 7 per cent. Bonds «r Ca.'ih. an,d not 8 per ceut. Bonds as slated tn a former adTertisement. Up to taat tiiiie, however, the 8 per oeni. bonda will be furnisbc I as stat -d Patriotic citizens are now odered an opportunity to aid the Goverament by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalisw. LEWIS S. VVILLIAMS. Charlotte, M irch 2t. 1863. [c. d j 14if )iRI.\D FOR SALK.~^ ^pilE undersigned have lason th« Ageucy f ir tue saie 1 of -Messrs \\ B_ Farrar A Co s Grind Su-nes. and have now on h*nl siies running fri-rn 18X2| inches to 6 feet by 11 inches: and can nave cut at sii rt notice AN¥ SIZES w.*nieJ. i’ersons in want of tiri;.d Stones will plertro correspond with the uiiuersigned. who will till orders promptly an 1 gu.*r.*nie« the 4uau,_> of the grit as represented GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, lHt>8. 32-tf DOA’T Ri;.\ TUK 'l^ilE UuJursign«d (St6 f^r A and Tbur From and d'ite the Stea^ner A. leave at 8 o'clock, A JOS 26-tf alter lhi* p. HURT will M., on Monday A WORTH, April p %VK«TKK\ RAII. R»AII. ^ ^pilh Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville dailv, 1 (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, M., mud r’e- turning lea,ye. manager at the works, or to Tayetteville, Nov. 2‘'>, 18*32 AOTIC'E. J. .M WILLIAMS. General Superinteudent. 81if Hv order of the President. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and -Vci'g Tr.ins. .\g’t. Jan. 22, 18«j.-{. ‘.*7tf A the West, Archi’oald .McLean i?- my auth riied Agent to transact my business uniil I return. N. 0. Ji'NES. Dec’r '28, IStiO. '''3tf A(tertlii« late 1 will pay 8 Cents per pound for rag.-* de livered in Fayetteville, or .at ray mills D MURPHY. 65- on Rockfish. Oct. 2, 1862. . S700 Boxes of the Southern Hepatic Pills Have bt‘cn orth'rcd in one day. S I expect to be absent fruui home a few months iu ; THIS combinati^.u of medicines wa- first prepared by ■ill the proi ri-tor in 1''25, when he w\s pr mounce 1 by ! three ewin ni pny-i ri^Tis in a Sou'^i.-rn '‘ity, a-“ in an , advanced stage of (Consumption. Tirie ruu r^tr^d htm. \ He is now over seventy years > f age and in discharge of active prof'“i'ional duties. Their gr>nd ‘tlects upoa others crea 'ed such a deniand f ir them th.i! lie wacom- pel'.ed to J' -ist fr iHi supplying th‘;n gratuitously They Hre ti i* recoHiin 'n led by the proprietor as Kood j for all di-« ';txes. t>ut only for such ;is ari.-e from DIS- j ORDJ'^KS Ob' THE LIVbR. Many persons have lesti- I fied to their go>t 1 effects in Chills and Fev^i, bilious j Ffv^r, Pni'H’ioni'i. Lhjsprpsia, ^c., ^c. [ Rea i I he following: I S. 1». W\LL\CK, President of me Wilmington I anil '.V.^idju Rail Ro 11, .Aug. Hi', 1H.;-J^ si-iys; .“It has befn aid thut ••1>y-pi;i-'ia,” is our nation'll disease. H( W“ver th;s may be. I; caused mf long and severe suf fering. Pr ivi lent! illy a friend furni.- hod me with a few boxes of the '^Ilep'iHc Pilh." and the u.ie.of them has ^■eTf'ctfd n curf. Ill my family they have been used frequmtly erftinfnt success. .Am .ng my aoquaiut- ances. mani/ cases originating from diseased liver, have been n'lievc 1 im 1 cur‘'d by them. I regarl theT*! an invalu'ible riedir-ine, and take pleasure in forwarding this vo'-untary tribute.” Col. John Wbiqut. of Goldsboro’ N. C., .\ug. 14, 18fi2, says: ‘-I have used the Southern IL-po^Hc /’ills in my family here and also on my plant it ion in Alabama, and always with success. I have a valuable serv;mt girl who had been a long time under treatment for consump tion, without receiving any benefit .Almost in her ex tremity. I was induced to try the Hepatic PdU. They were given according to directions, and slie is now well, entirely restored by them. similar case occurred among my servants in .Al^ibanwi. For liver ".and lung diseases / have perfect confid^nre in them." Full direction* an 1 other certijicutejt will b^ found on the wraf’per of each box. U A \TKI>. O BUSHELS WHEAT, /W,OUl/ 1,5X) “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will rcceive the highest Cash price by calling on .Mr. .M ThoLnason. at the Merchant .Mills. Fayetiovilie, or on the subscri ber at bis old stand on .Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 6, l&ti2. . 75tf AR^IV HAR.\i:M^. I AM prepared to manulacture all kinds of W.igon Harness for Army use. 1 tau my leather and can give good bargains. .Agents wili U'; well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and ■eat off in quick dispatch. JuHN CARTER. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., t June 13, 18t)2. / 34tf ;200 IbM. Cliiiiii Oct. 15. Arabic tor Male bv J. R. LEE.' 6ytf F. TAYLOR OFFERS FOR SALE C10FFEE, Sugar, Fiour, Rice, Tobacco and Soap, Pow- ) der, Cooking Soda, whiie and col’d Spool Thread, Combe, Pina and Needles, Hats and Saoes. On* box of sundry Goods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth Cloaks for Ladies; Oeulletnen's fine Gaiters; Green and Black Tea. P. TAYLOR. June 1, 1863. s.i i ‘ AOTICK. ^1 D. Davis’s for , He is auiiionzed to receipt by me for ] the game. Now is the tuns to pay your debts while i ao»ey ia plenty. JA.dtlS BREE'lE. | May 7, 18C3. '-‘Itf :\oTic:i^. IN consequence of a nectasary st-jppage of the Rock- j fish Factory for several weeks to come, tor the pur- po»« of repairs, tne c impaiiy will tinv'; no Slieetiug.-* for ; Bftle till further notice. C T. H.VIUH, I'res t March 22. «ALT! J^AI.T!! 2^ BACKS for sale by n roc K' A lit:. | saie oud .jl' Tiibot &, i ]>roth "rs blL.\M cS.VVV MILLS cimnleie. IH II irse powtir. will saw from 2 ' •» 5 ttiou-ini I'eci Lurahcr pi*r da^; si'uiie i 2A milvs friin ,\l-lv;*r'3 Dt'pol, Western ! R. R on 3'H> acres be-it umbered Unt in North Caroli na. Ta-isj iQ want Will address me at E:ypt, thi* pre sent terminus W. R R, For particulars refer to J. W. Gunter, Kimboltou, cuathiiai, N C., or N. A. Stedman Fayetteville, N. r JOHN A. MCDONALD. Oakland, N. tJ., June IH. 39-1 m .\OTit t:. ~ All those indebred lo the Estate of the la»e .\ngu« Shaw are requested to Cil! aud settle the same by the. Ist of August next, or they will find their Notes and accounts in the handg of an officer for collection. '■'ne -jrj. IStiS ^ “ Ri:u ARII, \lf ILL be paid for tne recjveiy of a (?0L1' S HE- yy Pt.ATEK, stolen from me at the " n V ii d Juue 17th, lho3. The I’lsiol id No. l'i,33;j. The atiove reward will be piid on recovering the s»ine .Ap ply lo ii .diicuell. O. M. LUX i'EKLOil. Juue 20. 3'.-'.'i[..d FAYKTTBVILLE AR8KNAL AND ARMORY, July 4. 1863. j ^HOPOS.ALS will be receivei until the 1st day »f Au- • gust next, for furnishing to the Confederate Stat*s. yaveiteviile Arsenal and Armory, Fifty thousand *^iut Ritle Stocks. ^11 specificationa as to size, shape and quality of wAeu to be cut and delivered, also the nature of ■■^Pfui*!!, will be furnished on application to haoj] Maj. F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. IcNElLL ACADEMY is in a very healthy locaiilyln (I ifobesoa County, 4 miles from Antioch and 3 from «d Springs. Students will b» under the very best of itluecces both moral and social. All th* exercises in le School will be conducted - witb a view t» profeund iCholarship—no superficiality countenanced. Students ill be thoroughly prepared for entering the Freshman r Sophomore Class at the Uciversity. The next session of this Sohool will commence the Ota of AUGUST next. Board in good families, Twelve Dollars per month. Tuition per Session of Fi)»e Months $12, $15 aad 18. Tuition charged from t,ime of entering. No de letions made except in casus of sickness protracted ae Tnonth or raotas. R. McC.\8KILL, Principal. July 6. 43-lOtpd Etij^^en'ortli Female Seminary, GREENSBORO’, N C. HHE Fall Sessi n of this Institution will commence on i th* 4th of At.gut next. TBHMS rOR THE SBSStON OK ‘20 WKRES: (oard, including washing, lights, fuel, &• , S‘2*iO; Etrl’sh Tuition J30; Music on the Piano, Harp or Gui- t i?80; Vocal Music $12 50; Oil Painting $30: Drawing fl! 5t* Grecian Painting jl5; Ancient and Modern Liu,;u igeg. e.ach $12 50. .•"or ''urfher particulars apply to RICHARD STERLING, Principal Juna27. iStl.-?. 41-19tpd female Teacher Wanted. I\I^ANTED a lady to teach the higher branches of I V? English with Music, &c , in my family. Address L e. u , didiv ouuinned, thoroudrhlv clad and shod, the- Shoes, subjeot to such exceptions. &c.. as have Veen ex- - 1 , ^ pressed in my proclamations heretofore on the subject troop.s trod with a Itghfer step, and are acknow- of exportation. ^ led^ed hy all to be in higher j^pirits than e\er be- . , In witness whereof, ZeVjulon B Vance, G'” i t^ro upon any campaign * * * Every eye 8«AL I ernor. Captain General and t.ommander-in- j with coniidence aud hope in the mighty ■* i Done at the city of Raleigh, this 10th day of July, A. : 'which cannot be conquered by Hooker, or anj D , 1K6S, and in the year of American Independence array of Yankees that can be raised in the I . S. the 87th ^ ^ j The ereater part ol the day I have ridden in rear Py the Governor: L B. V.ANoh. | •^urc I have not seen fif- R.^H.]Battle, Jk., Private Secretary. j "'ling to*the rear. There is no Stniy- _ ■ _ I tjlinfj, anti you may rely uj/on it that the deeds of Confederate Tax Lists. j this campaign will transcend in glory tho«e ol all The Assessors of Confederate Taxes for Cumberland I others previous. Gen. Lee and his Lieutenants County will meet the tax payers at the following | are said to be in ahiL'h flow of spirits^ The order places, and the days following, to-wit Silver Run, Black River and Flea Hill, at Murpby’B Mill, on Monday July 20th. Look’s Creek and Cedar t'reek, at Thomas B'ort’s, on Tuesday, Juty 21st. Roclifish and Gray’s Creek, at Sheriff McNeill's, on Wednesday, July i*2d. Quwhifflo, on Ihursday, July 28d, at John A. Mc- Keitban’s. Seventy-first on Friday, July at Wm. Shaw’s. Carver’s Creek, on Saturday, July 2t>tii, «.» o. D. Nixon’s. Th« following subjects are to be listed viz: Naval Stores, Salt, IVines ar.d Spiritous Liquors, To- hacoo—manufftctured or unraanufiCfured, Cotton, Wr.ol, Flour, Sugar, Molasses and Syrup, Rice, and other ag ricultural products, the growth or production of any year preceding the year 18t>3. Also, all Moneys, Bank Notes or other Currency on hand or on deposite on the first day of July, and the value of all credits on which the interest has not been paid, and not employe 1 iu a business the incora'' from which ia taxed under the provision.® of this A?t. S. T. HAWLEY, \ Assessors A. M. CAMPBELL, j Assessors. July 13, 18G3. 45-2t Presbyterian c«py. FAYETTEV1L.L.1: FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. WIPTTH SCHOLASTIC YEAR. J^ST TERM begins ‘2Sth September; en ls 24th D^ec’r 2d 3d 3Ist March. 1st July A . Elii-i\‘ethtown, July tj. i^laden county, N. C. stating price. 43-1 mpd w ALL my Notes and AcoMuats are at R. collection. Dm. 22. Rt>BERT MITCHELL. 88-tf Price. $1 a box; 510 \ do7,jn; *'•(! a j^ro.ss. Ret iHed at the Druggists Fur $11 twelve boxes will be sent free to any part of the Confe ieracy where there arc no druggi*;ts Not less than a dozen boxes will be sent by the proprietors. (J:ish rau";! aoconipany orders, t'hecks on local banks taken. AddresH GEt> W. DEEMS, Wilson, N C. ttay^tor -ivle Iu r lyi'Ueville ^y ». ,i. ii I .nmj.-v i>e. 1 April 25. 22-3mpd REWARD. I).\NAW.AY on Monday 25th May, my Boy NELSON; j iV h" is copp*-r c iinplexion aud wei.^hs alfout 150 lbs.; ' aged ^lout •,!3 yo.irs. 1 will ray $')!> for hisdeliverj to ; me or $25 fur his confinement in .tail. i N A. STEDMAN. June 1. .33-tf Wanted liniiiediafeay, 1 JUNIPER SHINGLES* for which LU,UV/U *h^ hig'iest ca^>^l price will be paid. —ALSO— \ yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDliRSON -t CO , Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. March 7, 1863. 9tf A« iiiial the ISIockade ILL Compel u-' to do wuat we sfJcLi;a h.tve lone he- loretu's, wait upon your-elf aud cut loose trom the eueiuy. Toe prupnotor.s uaving s:>tne>ithe iniuiilac- tuniig of all kiuJs of UoBlilNs for Factories lu itie Sjutueru States, will be abl« tj till orders at short notice. Worn deliverei iu FiyetieviUe, N Address D. L. KIVEfr, Manchester, Cumbeilaud. N. Juue it, 18K3. 3ti-tiiiipd To Farmers aud Qiiarteruiasiers. ASSISTANT gUARTh’U.MA.'si'ER Gt.N S OFKK'E. R:ciJ>toM>, Va , 1.5Lh Juac, I8'j'l. ‘ j TAV IS KLM). ^pilE following is the syateai aaopied for the coUectiou X of the tax in kind: An officer of the Quartermaster General’s Di'part- ment is assigned to the special charge of ttie uubject. A coutrolling (Jaartermaster, with me raun of .Major, is a.ssigned to each Sta'e, and a Post yuarteiniasttr with the rauk ot Oapiain, to eaoa Cjugressioual Dis trict, where it is practicable to collect itie tenth. Each Cong..-essional District will be subdivided by the Post t^aarienn ister in charge of it into sections, for the convenient delivery oy the tiix-payer of his qiiot i of produce, ai'd agents will be app iime i by tii a otlioer to take charge oft ne depots to be established inei';;i section. B.^fore tuese dep»ts can be esiablistie i, oniie assess- inentH required uuder tne law 'le tuile, tae crops of small grain, hay aua tne clip of wool for the present year will have be>-u secured. T-* relieve farmery from th •. risk anl in jonveuience of storing the Government portion, as w 11 is to obtain immadiaie supplies for tne use of the army, the Depart ment authorizes and requests farmers resi ling near posts where Ciuariermasters are now stationed to deliver ihe Ooverbtaent's tenth, or any pan of it to that Quar- master. OuUer tfhe law, farmers are repiired to deliver their tenth at depots nit m »re than eignt rnii: s fr i'u the plac« of production. If they will deliver under tnis re quest.. the Gov«r'>—- '' * I or ciirht mde« Ihe (^uaneraiastcr leoeiviug { pl-oduce under tUis rule will give receipts lo tue pfodu- o«>- a.m ihini. ho muuh of biH 1.14X is pikid. And as the Post tiuartermaster of lue (/ongiessional District is responsible for the tcuth, after the as.'esdur has es tabliahed aud made it kuown to him. the (.^iiiirti riuasier to wuoni the produce is d*^ltverea j»iil also r^ceipi for it to the Post Ci'iar'eriu:iSter of tue Di-?trict, who will en dorse ft. copy of tne receipt upon i.he a-is'-ssor s estim itt- before transferring it to the agents at tne receiving de pot. LAHklN HMll’ll, A. Quartermaster General in charge. Kuii the Blockade! II” MaoINTYRE has received: n , 1 Case 14'W yds English Prints; 13 pieces Hoy lea English Prints; 5 pieces Fancy Lawns; 13 pieces Mourning Muslins; 5 pieces 4-4 Mourning Prints; 10 pieces 7-8 Bleached Shirting; 1 caseCbirk’s White Spool Cotton, 100 doi 100 yds 1 cane F}ng1ish Shoe Thread, 240 lbs , in balls; 33 sets Knivtt* and Forks; 5000 large .Ve?dles 0 to 000; 5 kegs Bi (,'arb So Ja; 20 sack Liverpool Fine Salt; lt> Sicks Tifk Island Salt- 5 b'»x*H Extract of Logwood; lt> barrels English Copperas; 23 kegs 'ut Nails; I H'Vishead Good Sugar. July tj, 1J'K3. 4S*tw FOR 54AI.E. ^ 4 STEAM SAW »nd GRIST MILL, located in up- .,^1. per end of Marion Diet., S. C , seven miles west of Liule Rock. Engine twenty horse power, double cilin- dric boilers twenty-four feetlong, thirty inches diameter. Th* Saw, Belts, Rubbers—all the gearing in complete or* 'r. The very best quality of grist rocks The services of a competent Engineer and Machinist, ■ capable oi rnnnirig and keeping the whole in thorough repair, may u'so be “ecured. Confederate Notes or 1 Bonds satisfactory tender. For particulars, apply to i J. .A. Falks at the mill, M. Hwghes on the steamer Pet- teway, plying between Wilmington and Fort Caswell, I or the subscriber at Gilopolis, Rob.tson county, N. C. J. C. SUTHERLAND. June 29 42-7tpil i'otton Yarn lor Wool. N OTICE is hereliy given that after thii date (except in ci«es where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to ihe terms of our advertisement of the 30th of M »y, which tertns are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of ('otton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at the in'-! ince of the Quartermaster at Raleigh, iu order to tui.ke the terms of exchange uniform throughout the State. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 1863. 41tf Spuu Cotton EKchanged for Lard* WE will give Spuu Cotton in part payment for L.\RD c - - - $20 16 14 20 10 120 2 1st Jan’y; 1st April; TClTieH. I Collegiate Department, per Session, (13 weeks,) j Academic “ " / Primary “ “ “ I Music and Pointing, each I Latin. French and Drawing, each I Board, per Session, : Incidental Expenses, (Tuition payable IN ADV.ANCE by the Term.) ! Pupils will be received at aty time and charged froHi i the date of admission to the close of the Session, but no i deduction will be allowed for the withdrawal of a pupil i hAfn«» tk- -1 » ‘I- 'iftVvr'WM HOOPER. I T. C. HO‘>PRR July 8. 1863. 44 ‘>m CHARLOTTE FEMALE IXSTITl TEr 1M1E next session will begin on the 15th of September. The department of Music will be under the direc tion of Mr. A. Bauman, aad that of Drawing, Painting and French under .V!r W J Myrovor. Both of these gentlemen are experience J and competent Teachers Singing will receive special attention from Mr. Bauman For terms address Mr. W J. MYROVER, Fayetteville, N. C , or Rev. R BURWELL. Charlotte, N V. July 6, 1863. 44-Ot deliverei at our Factory cm Person St. A. McLAUCHLIN & CO I. il(l> OIL. Factoi y. -A verv fine article, for sale ijt our A. McLAUCHLIN & CO. ToifiAc;i;o. BOXES V1RG1NI.\ TOB.\CCO, various grades. 190 for sale on consigaiueot, by Juue 18, 1863 41-1 in KVSt .V:iD TOIL.KT For sale at Kftyettevillc, June 29. 18(13. 41-1 mpd WAHTEB, K NOTES of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia ani Georgia. -Als^>, North ('arolina six p;»r cent. Fundable Notes. .Mso. North t’arolina lix per cent Bonds, new i«sue. W. R. RICHARDSON i tX) , Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. .M.irch 0. 9vf GEO W May 23. WILLIAMS & CO. 31tf Hole Leather wanted. lined SOL Apply to Fajeiteville. .\pr, i4. rtAAA LBS. of h4.avy well tanned SOLtl LE.VTHER, /wUUU suitable for Belting. .MURPHY. . f Efi^ypt Coal ifllne. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Com t. District of North Carolina, ap- ! pointed Man igers of the Egypt, Coal Mine property, I and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, anI solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be sujfii'd on «hprt notice. The Coal tr^ni this pro- pcit) i-' I'.nd iij()t ‘dly th** i*est in the Car,*edera»r Statea. .‘.pp;i(Mtion- Pi.y be unde to -;hiis B. Mallets, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, harl«hton, S (J. CHARLES B. 'MALLETT JAMES iiHOWNE. Fayetteville. .1 in’y 20. 1863. 96if rVAII.S i'Ott MALE. rpHE HIGH SHOALS IRON CO. are pr-pired to lilt 1. cash orders for N »>ls, at their factory, in tja«tou county, N. C. Nails will be oeliverod at Iron Station, on the Wilmingtoa, Charlotte & Rtith.*rf'ord Railroad. Address HIGH SHOALS IRON CO., Iron, Lincoln county, N C. June 19. 18«« 40 2mpd T.n O l ICK. A'otice to $$liip|>er*». CONSIGNEES and owners of freight up from Wiltaing- ton by Str. Kite McLaurin will have to receive their goods OH the wharf It is impossible for me to get drays to send the cargo up town I will much prefer sending off goods as heretofore from the boat if drays ire sent down, but canno* with the limited number now calling at the boat, unload in time without putting goods on the wharf at the risk of the owner. R M. ORRELL July 13 45 2t Bank oi Fayetteville Mock. SIXTY SHARES for sale Apply to S BOON. July 8. 45-3t School Wanted, By a gradiiat;e of the University, who has several years experience as a Teacher. Satisfactory itfer- encas given if required. Address, stating particulars, ‘ JURA,” box 121, Fayettevi’le, N. C July 10. 45 3tpd WA1?TED, NE PAIR MILL STONES, good quality, for grind ing corn, about 36 inches in dianr»ter. Moore county Grit preferred. .Any person having such Rock for salt, apply to the subsoritwr at Whiteville, N '■ THOMAS S. MEMORY. July 4. 1863. 45 6tpd Ton Timber nanted lor Govern ment piirpo^eK. ^pHE highest markr-t prices will be paid for one million I feet TIMBER, to be delivered a' VVilmin^lon, N C . within one month from date. Tho«e having any on hand. , , 1 .« -w. !»• ou imm^'tiniely L H. BOWDEN. .Agent. O S. A. N^^lmington, N C. July O. 44 «*pd Vi BarreU Florida ^yriip, for „leby C. T HAIGH .‘^ONS July 8, 1863. 44 .^t 4'ook and Hoii«e Ser'^ant want«*d. Address "B.’ bv note al the Obse-ver OfPo** July T -*4 from Lee tp the whole army, which I read to-day, forbids any depretlptions upon private property in the enemy's eouutry, but confining all power of seizure to certain authorized persons, as Quar termasters, Commissaries, (ienerals, &c. The order is rather unexpected, but it will tend more to preserve the efficiency of the army than any hundred proclamations he cctlld have isstied. ^ The demonstrations favorable to us in \N il- Vi&oiaport utti?rly astonished me I was here in the Maryland campaign oi last year. Then every house was shut, every door and •window closed, and the place seemed pos.sessed by solitude; but this evening the streets were literally lined w:th ladies and many men, who shouted and cheered and waved their handiterchiefs to every Confede rate that passed. You can fonn no idea of the immense droves of cattle and horses that are being sent to the rear from our advanced forces in Pennsylvania, The supplies ill this country are repreisented to h*. nearly inex’ ^lustihle. .1 liertiarkjLle rrofjlitci/—Private prophenes are of iittle accouul lui verified by their if.iall- ment. We bcai x o one lately, n.'vei'theless, thst we ofierto the rcflectic.r.s >i ’«ar readers. Tus author was a man in very humble life, a pioiu, good ija- tholic, who troubled not himself with politics, and hardly ever, if ever, looked at a newspaper. He died in December, 1800,—the month after Abraham Lincoln was saddled on some of the States as President. He was near his death, and friends, visiting him, were discussiag the political troubles, and speculating whether South Carolina would really secede. The good man had said nothing while they were talking. -After they ceased, he said: “You have bceu talking of what is toconie. There wiil be a war—a bloody war between the North and South, it will last throe years, and ♦Ki. !«innth will then betouie a separate Govern ment, but not without the help of a foreign na tion. When the North and South are separated, then there will be awful troubles at ti»e North. The troubles will last lor twenty years, and a hun dred years from now the country will feel the ef- fects of them. There will be a terrible persecu tion of the Catholics here after the country i« divided.” This good man died soou after. His pastor, residing not tar from this city, is a aian ot great learning and talents. He says that for a long time, he bad known tiie dccea.-:3d as a man ot very hoiy and lueditative litc. He was not a niafi of inellectuai cultivation, but a man of prayer. Whether it were the vagaries of a dying man, or the visions of coming troubles given to a true and humble servant of God, we know not. We can only say that a subtile intellect, with a latge read ing of history and a keen appreciation of all the elements that are at work, if forced to utter the gloomiest and most probable of its previsions, would have said about what this pious, humble and unlettered servant of tiod uttered on his death bed.—-iV. 1. Freeman’s Jour. 0 II Adinini*kti*aor’» IVotiet*. THF sut>scribjr i-aviug at December Term, 1H02, of the County tJourr. of Cumtjerl'in-i, qualified as .-\d- minisirator upon the E^ta'e oi' Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, liotifiea all per: ons 1^ ving ol.i.iui3 iig'>inat the Jistate to present them wunin tne tune limited tiy law, otherwise this aoiicii will 'oe pl -.dod lu b.ir of recov;^ry. Debtors are n^ttested to oiake prompt pa>m«QL. H£CXOa MoK£lLL, AAm’r , . _ Fayetteville Arsenal a»d Armory, i Faybttkvillk, N. C , June 2i>. 18*53 / WAATKO. AVING reofivrtd autnoriiy from th« ;iecr,*iarj' of War to increase the stri^ugtti of the nr (jorps it Mvia Arei;o .1. .he ji'dorai-.'v.-d wi.l. enlist /ii« liuu dred (100^ non conscripts lor inai purp.-.se. Tuose sub- i jpc. to coneci'iptiou mcd not apyly Transfers and exch.in^iis of mvu now in service ciiii- iiot b3 made MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt S. A. June 8. 35:*' ary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their oM customers and friends, that they Lave appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this piace, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account, or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- sinesa generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted so them to call a3 prompt ly as possible on their agents aud make payment. STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. P>. 18G1. 58-tf Palma CliriMti Beans. I^ilE subseriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A WORTH. ^ Fh vett e^’i i te, (>of.. 6(-tf A m:n: The New Style, Small, COLORED PH0T0«;U4PHS, AT Va €«;illery. THF AORTII CAROL.IIVA .Ml'TlML LIFK IXSl’RAJtCE l'0.aPiJif, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and tinner hold upou public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 tw 6t) yv.-ars of age, for one year, for seven years, aad for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 6(> years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses artf punctually paid within ^0 days after satisfactory pn>of is pre.sente'i- For further information ilie publi'' ib referred to Agents of the Compan\ im all parts c the State, and to K. H.’BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. K. J. HALE, .igcut at Jan’y 1859. Fajiett«viUe, N. C .^larteU* Factory, . w Bv TV'U Oii'UlS UlOVL' T. T. HAlfifi 4 SOILS' STO?.’' r.'tvetteviPle, IV. -70. U-60 ' FAYETTEVII^LE ifUTl AL iXSURANCE COMPA.M. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $267,688 2t> Cash on hand and other assets, 6,077 36 SPOOLS aad 1 CotvoQ MilK T!te Cedar FalF* Bo t»iu Co. a-e now prepared t-: furnish. At :ihor; n>:.c‘?, al kiuds of-Bt;BBTNS, QUILLc, &c , 81'itable for Woolen and ! J. M. OiOfiLI., A^eat. 6000 Fayetteville .ir»i=ial ai;d .Irmory, I I'ajettfcVill*!, N. t/., June 29, 1863. / WA^ITKO^ LUo. FOi>Dti^& or BAY. Apply to TAYUift, ART. Woodward’^ Solar i'ainera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had st Vanorbdc-It’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble \ ard, Fay etteville, N. C.t plain, retouched, colored, in watet cclov’", oil and pastile; from smull to life size. Ambro-* ; types, Mclaniiotypes, snd all oiher .styles of Pictures ; pertain’ ig to the .\rt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- i ing, Gl * for very large pictures—as larg*- .;o by 36 t:OW^ I.OWT. Y 00*V is on Ea.^1 Hi'te of (!ape F?ar, Romtwhere op- , c.. - - u • i . lU rKsite to Campb.llt.n, being driven into the river inches. Jord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Ins ^ t.tf H-.ys and can’t find her back. She is marked Stock and Chemica s or sale low for cash. Lue ...til crop HI -a. a ear, h.i a bell on, white in her face, i siie colorod Photographs mi^e from small pict^.res. vthit(>-x b tck ait 1 b -lU', red on nnck and sides. Who- j Having permuncntly located here I hupe to merit V,II tuiu- her u;- ;nd let luo kuow it, or bring her j your patronage. I would also rm my sincere tuaakfl up to m^ iu 0.ir-.?-.«.Uon, will be liberally rewa: ded. i fc- the hbsr»l patronage bestowed on me bcretotore by , The aaid c' w w ' bougtit in the upper part of 3’aden j the good people of Fayetteville indVi^Uy. \ c»uT:ty and may erobaiSj 6ad her way back to ikat | VAXWliiiDtsi.1*, JHO. A. WATSOF. I Altlw4jcew* £ ifcHiAir K Fbotognfkiil Md 9rofn«i«r. Total, $272,765 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total lo::se8 paid, $29,t^2 C9 Offiokbs; i)E0. >!oSEILL; President. ^ .\. P A"i. Vice Pi-*^ lidp*' t A. McMtLL.V'- ' ' DlFff'- Hwiry t.ill , a. L. M; o ■?. T. Hawi*- Nafhitn A. Vi.- C. L. Mallett, Janies Kyle. A. A. MtKcthan. Ho.’’.. J. G. Sat J. D WiHiams, it. i' . xSrown, { 3. W. TUliQgUaBt. A. E Kali, j hn Collins »nd C. C. McCruuiaien, Traveliof CoapftDj intil* awiBoatioiw. wioru, Wilm’gtoi m