i fur 1; , le re . I said I'i M le, -Mi-.l of '!>X t „t M»r iu di«. ' I'UIlt r gra;'.ier -hali nt the 1st :,t -four, an ul-- B bi:iT-.i2:hterul fore th ;t ,imo- ^iuar! tho a-, . shall d»ji; le in cur*v ., icon to ?h, i the lirst •eattt'r, uti c,. ■e .j Ih -f 11.„ I li pji. )un S- 1: V 1 per «• .lauuarv u • er. ' r, ui;e ibt;r. p. is til' -_ri..v, llUtcu ITlJ IJiX- roui U:..Uv*J ich , V . it aua ; he ei^fimnte ot t . V, ' U:i;Dt • .'lis hi r in nrii- X, ail-- -ilJ tlu: I. V: , is jih:’" htj Bsii- i(.r. «hall rtnit . rtial; ill St' e ur’j V’ 1 tb>' in;o two -jUartcr- I' .U t.r i-l-.il Uj , . uiid i5,r ie a^enfs of U,, IX aa.'Si 'sor shaii due trom eacu Lt the du!^ H';- ^ Iroiu th:. li be HIlJ ad i iu scitl; Si; t;i, )t j»h;iil be tur- he auditor sct- mat as a jhurvre aaUT reort viu^ i tax .Id. -v th, ich he ■'Uiivi he C Jut-livjHite ua^ter chuii be rticlt'a piaci.'d iii ^aui' ;-v stU’W troni UUH.Oi;,:,. rered - tLr^ d;,. V th' *r 1 ala > state th« reC'JiviiiiT Ir'iic ueut ■; tuxtfa la Lily r^T 11 ,if iiis; xry uf V\ ar may ; the p 'i i^ujtr- L the ‘ .ix .!i tLiud to iuui !*> atore- et tax c-4;e«tor treas rVarrantau- recei[-t therelyr, t tux * t i >r as icooui. » ut ii'.u hat uiiy partu; be euaor,>(. he .'uiui to aud U-'C . L- rpofai . Uiu...;. dUi .i he * cret-:r_v irj tha t or u- War : would :.he ar- a, to t>e received len th“ > :i ti- to Cl - ‘ in -aid alue u£ -aid arti- nut rt-iuired in 0 duu the fir?; y yt.i’-, and iCtlca nes and protiti aad fiiC ■ he inehs aud proJti- hal !fj .ifl'ver- district, j aud ot . . be Hai. WUl. eoU. .Lem- : l‘r , i bLu. . Stiif- itt. or diatfi*: ue u;. , 8 th* r ev 'T_ ta--... for their I- aiid jcT.-jU .cfoin taxoi ty, or i.r*>pert)‘ joutroi. hoh : fa.i, »}'• 06 'uvihi tu>* oi thiti eariury be, aad all raiari and toa • thi' act, two j ■■ ir--. Alii eroo.- ■ 1 d,a >iC ■ >'1 u! ■ • ; her ; ; yoai Ural *’ ^ •d waJJ tlie f.-aAui le- h « oc :hc net eat. the at ti :d to : . if t., V - hey Lv >'r iaces w. . m may pi -.^t^ribc that jL-;.iC of the aud su.itabl lyf /* ICi:/ -'t Utpys- S. '-1 i. -L. lilt} J ;i .ul of depot &i . a^'C-Dt* y ' 'iioijl s’T ruM4«5 h ai- ' .iati Ho he *e rate- tax r!io chief ; *r of the - " liiiWt , .1=._ tax b paid ;,eoom- ■ ; At/re- tra j, guar- bX’S' ( jrorau- in _ •, or >»!•- tiier I ► ■uinjr ia I eV'.iy r-;‘. :ver er otf. ^r )t' »ay ic .i j! aii ail b* r> juire'i eat - 'lie IPl>]ETlll SEl*f I-WRKKL Y. VOl X1I1J fwkttkvilij:, n. c.. july 23, ises. 1248.] ^nrSTK!) M,ONI)\YS AND THURS1>AVSI KDWIRI) J. HALE & SONS. KLMTOH8 AND I'UOPRIETORS, Pricf f'T the Scmi-Wopkly OnsKHvrn 00, p^i l in aiU !\noe. For the \Veekly Oir^KRVKK 5^4 00 j>er annum, paiiJ in atUance. A UVEKTISi;M KNTS inserted for jil por s ,u?ire of 16 linos for tlit' lir«i, and r>0 cent^ for tvvch sue- ceeiiinj; puhlic'Uinn A.lvi'riiscntents not exccodint: a half siiuare linc>-'i ‘'0 ct*i»ts for rhe fir.-il and 30 cents fi)r ea’h suooeediniT ptihlicaliuu. Advertisers are re- quei^ted to >iinie ilie number of insertions det«ired, or they wiiri'e C'tn(iuni‘d tiil torliid, and eharreil accord ingly. Advcrtiseniv ’U>» continue! im’iiU, cliarped as new ad Tertisemeni- SPKCIAL NOTICR. From nn ! ter ihi«d:ite. no n-\ni' of a new sMo^crihor wiin>e «-ni.-rfd with--it payment in ndvnncc, nor will the paper l>e s»nl lo such ^iihscri'^ors for longer time than is paid for. Such ofor.r old «ul>scribpr« fi~ desire to lane tho pa per on thi? system will plci^e n.iiify us when in.-iking remittances. .l.-in'y 1. li^;'>S. Attorney at Law, Fayettevili.e, N. WIlL attend the County aud Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Rohe.sou Coun ties. Prompt attention giveu to the cidlectioii of all elaims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, ISo'K 68-'f “geo. W. IVILLIA.MS & CO., \Vhole^ale Dealer** in (iJroceries, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., HAY STKEKT, FAYETTKYILLK, X. C. July 2, 1801. :iOtf ~ JOS. UTI. EV, tirocer and CommiHHion .^erchnnl^ FAY KITE VILLK, N. C. Jan'y 10, 1H03. 93-tf T. 1\ A: B. U. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf 1AKB>! A FEW LADIES cau be accom'aodatcd with board at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER. 56- Sept. 12. 1861. “ JOHNSON, VV1LLIAH8 & CO., i^Ai/r nAKERS. VITE have thirty ;30i pans now in operation nine miles It east of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply themselves with tMilt, eau be furuiuhed by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, lo E. Page, manager at the work*, or to J. M. WILLIAMS, • General Superialendenl. Fayetteville, Kov. 20, 1862. 81if AOTIIE. ^ As I expect to be absent from home a few mouths ia the West, Archibald McLean is my authoriied Agent to transact my bufliness until I return. N. G. JONES. Dflc r 28, I860. After llii!4 «iate I will pay 8 Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayeltevillc, or it my tnillH D MURPHY 55- OD Hockfish. Oct. 2, 1862. WA'VTEtt. 2XAA bushels WHEAT, ,OUU 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by c tiling on Mr. M Thoiuas jn, at the Merchant Mill?. Fayeitevilie, or on 'he subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. . ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 76tf ARfIY~HARAE»«. I AM prepared to mauufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tau my leather and can give good bargain)^. Agents will do well la send their orderB to me as they ihall have prompt attention, and sent oflf in quick disj^'itch. JOHN GARTER. Ooldaton P. O., Ohatham Co., N. t June 15, 1862 •>., I 62. f 341 f July 7. SALT! SACKS for sale by 44-rf SAJ.T!! Dee. 22. ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf |10\T!Ji)i;iHTi5 Tl\ \m. rUF A^-icS'ior'S tor lhi> ("'oiinly of Cumberland will meet at in-’tHfico>f ■V. M (' inipbell on I'liURSD V^ , JULY 2, 186.'{. It receive t'le Confederal** Tax Lists for this Ciiuniy. on 'ho loll, vying sii^jfv^ts of taxation, vii: N.i'va) Stofps, Win.es and Spiritous Liquors. Tobao- Pianufni'iurfd or uamantifaclurcd, Colton, Wool, Fiour, Sc^ir, MoUssna rnd .'^yrup. Rice, and olber fi?riculliir;ii i>rodu('ts. the i;rowtii ur production of any ye.ir pr,M;i>iHncr !he ye,.ir .AIpo all Moneys, !5>nU N’otos or other (^irrency on hand or on on I'nc lir-it da\ of July, and (he »al’ie L*’ hI| cr.'dirs .m whir.h lh» intercpt has not been pai 1, and not (■•nid )ii‘d in a biis'n^ss (he inoonie from which is tax*>i nnilur (He prf>vi8ions of this .Act. R. W. HARDIE, l'on(“.l. Tax (!ol. for ('uiiiberlanil couniy. June 2r». 40 tf FAYKTTKVlLIiK AKSK\AL .iXI» ARMORY, I Jt LY 4. 180;i. j 1)ROP()S.\IS will \ i^ rec'iv-'d ualil thi- 1st day ef Au gust noxt, for t'uraishing to the ('onfederate States, at Fayotis'ville -Ar^. nal and Ar nory. Fifty thousard Wainnt Rifl.* S^ock Full ^'i'ciSca!iou.s as to size, shape .ind quality of woo l, wii-;ii lo b ciu and loUveri-il. hI^o (he nature of insppciiot', wiil ’>r *’urnishe I .^ti application to M -.j. F. L. CHILDS, Comd'g Officer. niAEKLi. ai:ade.iiv. McNKILL .A^’.'vDE'IV is in a very healthy lociMiy in Robeson ('oiiniy, i railei from .Antioch and 3 from Red Springs. Students will be under the very beet of intlaences both moral and social. All the exercises iu th(* School wiil be conducted wiih a view to profound Scholirship—no nuperlicialit/ couutenaDoed Siudents will bo th.Ti ughly prepared for entering the Freshman or Sophomore CIhs.s at liie University. The next ses.'ion of this School will commence the lOtii of AUGUST next. Board in c>od faiuilios. Twelve Dollars per month. Tuition per Session of Fire Months $12, $16 an i $18. Tuition cb-irgad from time of eniering. No de ductions made except in cases of Sickness protracted one month or more. R. MoC.ASKlLL, Principal. July 6. 43-lOtpd Ed^eworlli I'eiiiaie Seminary, GREENSBORO’, N C. HE Fill Sessio>* of this lasiitution will commence on tho 4th of .V”.gust next. TKKMS FOE THE SESSION OF 20 WKBKS; Board, including washing, lights, fuel, &c , $220; Ei'.glish Tuition $30: Music m the Piano, Harp or Gui tar $30; V 'cal Mij->ic >12 50; Oil P.iinting $30, Drawing $12 50: Grecian P .inting $15; Ancient and Modern Languages, each $12 5 >, For furt.ier partioulirs app'y to R1 'HARD STERLING, Principal. June 27, 1863. 41-H)tpd T Female [/'ANTED Teacher Wanted. ll/^.VNTED » lidj to leach the higher brunches of f f English wi'n .Mu->ic, ,vc , iu my tamily. .Addre ss A Ehi ibetht jwn, Bla.leu c ouniy, N. C.. staling price. July 6. 43 Impd 11 till the Blockade! \Y .M.A.ci:>irVUE ha >V . 1 C,i‘e 14i^:i yds ll>M. Cpvtim Arabic lor »$ale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 15. eytf P. TAYLOR -OFFERS FOR SAL E t\OFFEE, Sugar, Fiour. Rice, Tobacco and Soap, Pow- I der, Cookiag SoJa. w'uite and col'd Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Nee.l;es, Hats aad Shoes. One box of sundry Goods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth t'ioakH for Ladies; Gentlemen’s fine Qaitera; Green and Black Tea. P. TAYL-OR. June 1,1863. 33-3m3ti REWARD. I)ANAWAY on Monduy 25tu May, my Boy NELSON; xl( he 13 Copper ootnpleiton and woigiiu ahaut 1'Jl lha.; aged about 23 years I wiU pay 550 for his deli very to me or $25 for his confinement in Jail. N. A. STEDMAN. June 1. 33-tf lk)ok and Hoii^e Servant wanted. ^DDRESS “B,” by note at the Obnerver Office. as received: s Engli.^h I’rint.s; 13 pieces H >yle' Eii.:lish Prints; 5 p’.oces F^vncy L>»wiis; 13 pieces M'^urning Mu^'iins; 5 pit'Ci’s 4 } .Mourning Prin’s: 10 pieces 7-8 Bloachrd Shirting; 5 pieces 4 t English Shirting: 1 ('aseCoais'Riijck .SpooiC'ittoD, lOOd a. 200ydii; 1 case Clark's Wniie Spool Colton. lOUdo/ lOOyds 1 case English Shoe Tiireal, 240 lbs , m balls; 33 sets Knives an 1 Forks; 5000 large Needles 0 to 0*>0; 5 kegs Bi (Jarb Soda; 20 s^.-ks Liverpool Fiue S ill; 10 S-iCks Turk Island Salt- 5 bcK?s Exirac' of Logwood; 10 barrel-s English Copp.'ras; 23 kegs I'ut Nails: 1 H'j{sbe.il (jiuod S'tgar. Jaly G, 1H03. ' 4'i*3w A WA.^TEO, of North Carolina, my has succeeded in obtaining the nervicos / need gentleman and lady to l.ike charge of | * n' ‘ . id will ba ready for thn recep'ion of Visi'.- ' SALE. STE\M S.\W and GRIST .MILL, located iu up per end ot’ Marion Disi , S. C , seven miles west of Lti'le R )ck En.'ine tw. u?y horse power, doubie cilin- dric b. iiers tw-'nt '. -four feet long, thirty inches di iineter. The Saw. Belts. K "bbers—all tne ge.iiing in complete order TUe very bi'Sl quality of grist rooks. Toe STvices ol a competent Engineer and Machinist, capable of l iiriui-ig anl keeping lUe whole iu thorough repi'r, m^y aiso be secured. Confederate Notes or Bonds 8 ifi'factory lender. For particulars, apply to J. A. Falks at the mill, M. Hughes on the steamer Pel- tfway. piyiag between Wilmington aaJ Fort Caswell, or ihe subsc^'iber at Gilopolts, Robeson couniy, N C. J. C. SUTHERL.AND. June 2^*. 4‘J-7tpd C'ottoii Yarn tor %%'ooi. ^OTICE IS hereby given that afi- r this date (except .,^1 iu cis'js wri^re we U-ive bargained for Wool .iccord- iu;; (0 Ihe ter.ns of our advertisement of the 30ib of M-ay, wnich terms ^re now revoked,) we will give 1 bun- dl-’ of Coti'.n Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at the instdace of the Quartermi^ier at Raleigh, in order to make ine tt-rms of exchanftfl uniform throughout the Siai'. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & GO. Fayetieville, June 29, 1803. 41 tt Spun Cotton Exctianged for Lard. WE will Span Coiton in part payment for L.\RD delivered at lur Fji-jtory oa Periou St. A. McLAUCHLlN & CO. I.. Ol —A v.Tv fine articie, for sale at our Factoiy. A. McLAUCHLlN at CO. B\»l .1.1 i> TOlf.IiT -^O.iP.-For sale at our Fa:;tory A. MoL\U JiILIN & CO. Fiyr‘''evi;!e, June 29. 1863 4i-lmpd ASHEVIIJ.3-:, .1. l\ I WH L open the E.VGLE HOTEL for the re * ception -.f Guest.s fiie first oi hin-, and 1 hojte • bo able fo ontivrtain fri*ni revcnly-five lo a | hundred ]>er.sons during the Sum'uer. | Iu conneciion with tiiis l;irg.* ll.iti-i. 1 inv’ea niunber of Ha-^ks, Carriages, Bug;:.os and Saddle ILtrsos ihitt ! my guesfp c.nu get at a loinute'.s uoiio'v | J. M. BLAIR. Proprietor Engle Hotel, A-'ht'vil’e. N C. i iMiiy 1.1, 1863. "1-ypd PIED.TIOAT j HIIKK \'l (U.)HNTV, .N. (’. i These Springs are siruate.l in Wes!,-rn North Caro lina, about Fifieeu miles from Morganton, in n mountainous, beautiful ;md rotnanti:> iviunlry. The wa'ers, SULPHUR and CHALYBEATE, arc said to be equal (o any in (he country. l>eer, Boar an l'P!iensanl abound in the .Mountains. ' The Company of an experience the House, and will be ready for thn recep' ers by Hie l.«: JULY ; l^ne-Fourth of this proppity with Three Hun-| dred acres i>f Land attached would be sold lo a person . coTopetent to take clr»rge of the property. PIEDMO.M’ Sl’UlXOS CO. . -May 24. , 3;;-3mi d LIST Of (H IIUiEij rOK P.\SSE\(;KltS, now From F.iyelteville to Wilminptou, ?S1'> ('() “ “ Elizabeth, 5 OO “ White Hall, ; 50 “ “ “ Kelly's Cove. 7 (W) “ “ “ .Vll points bc!’-w, 10 («» SK.r-ONU CLASS, OR ItKCK. From Fayetteville lo Wilmington, $5 00 “ “ “ Elizabeth. J F)0 “ “ “ Whitehall, 3 5h “ , “ “ Kelly'.s Cove, 4 0 “ “ “ All points below, 5 00 II*. From Wilmington lo FayeKeville, $lu Oi» " “ “ Kelly’s (love, 4 50 “ “ “ White Hall, .S 50 “ “ “ Elizabeth, ti !if) “ “ “ Prospect Hall, 8 Ol) “ “ “ .All points above, 10 00 SECOND n.AS.S, OR DECK.. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $.S Oil “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 3 00 “ “ “ While Hull,* 4 Oi» “ “ “ All points above, .') OO ' Second Clajs or Deck Pa.^sengers must stay oti lower deck or pay full price, or ^•.ame as First Cl-iss JiS^ .\n extra charge will be ma le f^r Wav Pa-sen- gers getting into Berths during day time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boots or shoes on, at the discretion of the C-«ptain J. A WORTH, for C F St’m B’t Co. R M. ORREr.L, for Si’rs Kafe and Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 1R*>3, L’tJ-tf Erom an«l after t!ii'» date the Ste,imer P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M . on Monday and Thursday J()S. A. WORTH, ■\pril 6—17tf ] ,\g t C. F. S^eam B Co. %VESTERi\ RAIL ROAD. The Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepte'i) at 8 o’clock, X. M., aud r'e- tnrning leave Mclver's at 1 o’clocK. P M Frfi(/ht Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY. By order of the President. JNO. M ROSE, Treaa'r and Act’g Tran*. Jan. 2j, 186,3. f«7tf To Cotton l*lanter«. 1H \VE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Cnief Agent for the purchase of Coiton f >r the Confederate liov'^rnmeni within the State of North ('aro- lina, and will pay for the same in 7 ptr cent. Bonds or (^a.-h. riub-Agen(s visiting the different parts of 'he .‘^tate, buying in my nime, will hi^e writ.m - rlifica'fs of appointment. By order of the Secretary of Ihe Treasury, all 'jitou purcluksed by myself or my .ig-'its, on and >ft>.*r ttJe I8th Jay of Slarca lbtj.5, wiil be pai.i tor in 7 prr eent. Bonds »>r Cash, :in I noi 8 pjr .-ui Bon ! isstiioitn a former ailvertisemenl. Up to ihu tim'-, aowevi-;', ttie 8 per cent, bond.s wiii be furut-aed a,j slav'd. Patriotic citizens are now utiered an opporiunuy to aid the Givernmant by selling to it tneir C'>fion ratiior than 10 private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21, 1863. [o. o.] 14tf ORIAD STOAES EOR SAI.^' fPHE undersigned have lak'n the .Ageucy ;or tiie saie J. of Messrs \V B. Farrar I's. Co s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running fr.'iji 18X2'^ inciies to 6 feet by 11 inches; and cau have cut at short aotice ANY SIZES wanted. Persons -.n want ot Griau Stones will please correspond with th-.undersigned, who will &11 orders p.-ompny and guariniea me quality of the grit as represented GEO. W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1863. 32-if BY THK (lOVKRNOU OF XORTH CAROLINA. A PROCEAiTlATlOM. \If HI';t{KAS, for the protection of our pC'sple, as far T T as posu'h!®, .against the evils cf speculation, there ij'>nlinu*‘H 10 be neoessily to prohibit the exportation of (*’riain arucies ot our products beyond the limits of our Now. tl erefore, 1, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor 0 North >'arolina, do issue this Proclamation, conlinu- iiu- it»e prociaination of June 8ih in force for thirty days from and alter the liith instant, in regard to Cotton and ftoolen Cioth, Cotton and Woolen Yarns, Leather aud Shoes, su'ject lo Much exceptions, iStc., as have Seen ex pressed iu ray proclamations heretofore on the subject ut exportHiicu. I J It* witness whereof, Zebulou B. Vance, Oov- -tAL V eruor. Captain 0»uer il and CCnunander-in- —,—' tUiiuf, hath signed these presents and caused llip Gre.at Seal tf me Slate fo be aflixed. D •lie at tho city of Raleigh, this lOlh day of July, A. D, IS'i J, and in Hie year of American Independence Governor: R. 11. Battlb, Jb. >ii)y I 1. Z. B. VANCE. Private Secretary. 45- Da,) i()3 j South Carolina, 190 T0RAC^€0. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, for Bale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIA.MS k CO. May 23. 3Uf _ Sole Eeatlier wanted. Q A A A LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, >yUUv suitable for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHY. 20tf Fayetteville, April 14. Administrator’s .\otiee. The subscriber hiiving at December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified m Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill 0- McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against th^ Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNEILL. Adw’r. Dee. 10, 1862 * Blank Warrants for sale here* Bank notes *»caU Also. North CaroHua six per cent. Fuudabie Notes. Also, Nor h Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. 9tf rilOTJCE. The undersigned, both having entered the nuH- tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to thoir old customers an4 friends, thai they have appointed John D. Starr and J^n D. Williams, of this place, tjjeir attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents aad make payment. STARS & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 18G1. _58-tf Palma Clirinti Reans. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. WORTH. Favetteville, Oct. 8. 67-tf ” “ €On^ LOST. ~ My COW is on East side of C^pe Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boya and oan’i find her way back. She is marked I with crop in each ear, has a bell on, white in her face, ! white on back an i belly, red on neck and sides. Who- ! ever will take her up and let me know it, or bring her 1 up to mT in Campbellton, will be liberally rewarded. 1 The said oow was bought in the upper part of Bladen I oeunty and may probably Had her way back to that ooMty. JNO. A. WATSOH. \ 4«m 12, im, iO'Stfd t( AOTiCE. All those indebted to the Esiaie of Ihe late .Angui Shaw are reqnesled to ca’! p.n I s'.fde the same by the 1st of Aus-asf next or thoy wdl fin I their Notes and accounts in flie hands of an oflio-'x' for collection. JAMES JENKINS. .\dm r. June 22, 1863. 39-tAl E$;ypt Coal Tline. THE undersigned were, al the November Term of ilie (Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicil orders for the same in any d«sired quantity. Orders for any amoimi. can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is iindoubteilly »>«>,>*• Aj.pUcatJonr) may he made to t^has B Mall.M.t, Fayette ville, N. or James Browne, Charleston. S. C. I CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES lUUJWSti. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, I86;s. 96tf Ah usual the Mtioci«ade WI^L compel us to do wnat we should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose frnm the enemy. Tlie proprietors having sf'^ned the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southern States, will be abloi to fill orders at short notice. Work delim’eliu Fayettcvilb, N C. Address D. L. KIVETT. Manchester, Cumbeiland, N. C. June 9. 18*»3. 3t> (Inipd Wanted Immefiiateiy, 1 n JUNIPER shingles" for which iU, vUV the highest cash price will be paid. —ALSO— Kxeciiiive Uepartnieut North CaroliDa, Adji.ia.nt Gunkral 3 OFt’iOB, (Militia, Haleig'i, July 10, 1863 GK.tr.HAL OKDKa, 1 No. 13. / I theco.mmandingofficersofthe militia X, are.urvlered lo enroll all able bodied white men be tween the ages of forty aud forty five years, who are subject to the Conscript Act. Those who ore axempt from military duty by the exemption Acts of Congress, are not lo be enrolled under ihis order. il. In addition lo the exemptions under said act, heretofore published, are the following exempted under act of the Congress and approved April 30th, 1863: — Justices of the Peace, Couniy Trustees, County Solici tors, Corouers, Registers, Tax Collectors, one Deputy Stieriff iu each County where there is no Tax Collector, i^onsiablfs now in oihoe, one Deputy Clerk for each Court when the Court may request it, one Couniy Com- micsioncr for eaoh County for distributing money aud pruvisiou) among soldiers’ families, Agents appointed UB Ut act of Legislature for any public duty. Militia (»Hioers, Mayor and Police of Raleigh, Wilmington, Fayoiteville, Salisbury aud Charlotte, Counsellors of Siaie, Board uf Internal improvements, Literary Board, an i Lmplo^vees of t'le State Government in the differ ent departiijents. Ill The Commanding Officers of the Militia will re port wita (he men ordered lo be enrolled, at Raleigh, oil or before the 1st of .\ugudv. IV’. Each man ordered above will bring with him to Caiup one gooa pair of shoes, two shirts, two pair socks, an i on? blanket By ord-T of Goveruor Vance: DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant General. July 13, 1863 46-2w To Farmers aud Quartermasters. AcolsTAM’ t^UARTERM.ASTER GEN'S OFFICE,) Ricumono, Va , 13tn June, 1863. / TAX IX KIND. i'.lE I’ollowiug is itie system adopted for the oollection of the t IX lu kind: Ad officer of itie (,iuwtermaster General’s Depart ment is ;issig:ud to the special charge of the subject. A ooutroUiug Qaartermaster, with the rank of Major, « asaigne i lo each State, and a Post (Quartermaster with lue raus of Capiain, to eaoh Congressional Dis- trici, where ii is practicable lo collect the tenth. Each Congressional District will be subdivided by the Post iQuariermaster in charge of it into seetions, for ihc couvtnieut deuvery by the tax-payerof bis quota of pri >iuue, aud agents wiil be appoiuied by that otiicer to take otmrge uf (tiu depots to be est»blkdhed^n«aoh aaotioa. 13ctore ihese dup^Ui c.in be established, or the asaess- meuis required under the law be made, the crops of small gruiu,. hay and t-fie clip of wool for the present year will have beeu secured. to relieve farmers from ine risk and inconvenience uf stonui( t.ie Goverumeut portion, as well as to obtain immediate tupp'ies for the use of the army, the Depart ment authorizes aud requests farmers residing near lb where (Quarieruiasters are now siationed to deliver the G j«ernmeai a tenth, or any part of it to that (Quar- lua-iter. L -.ider the law, farmars are required to deliver their U'nia at depots not m>ie ta.u eight miles fratu the place of prodaciiou. li they will deliver under this re- j lest. lae Govoinmenl w 11 pay tor the transportation lu ex ;eiS of eight lu'les. The (Juariermaater receiving produce under tiiis rule will give receipts to the produ cer 45 evidence that so much of hts tax is paid. And as the Post ti iartermadter of the Congressional District is re.-ponsiblc lor the tenth, after the asse^^aor has es- lablisued and made it known to him, the (Quartermaster to wuom the produce is delivered will also receipt for it to the Pobi (QaarLerui;*dier of the District, who will en- uorstia copy of me receipt upon the assessor’s estimate before irausfcrnug it to the agents at the receiving de pot. LARKIN SMITH, A. (Quartermaster General in charge. June IB, 1863 41-im EAYETTEViEEE railALE HIGH SCHOOL. NINTH cJCHOLASTIC Y£AR. I ST r i 21 3d Etecutlve Department North Carolina,) Adjutant Gknbual’s (.)kfic«, (.VIihtia,) V Ralbioh, July *15, 18(^^. ) Gunkral Order. \ No. 15. / IN COMPLIANCE WITH AN ACT OF THE RE I.' cent Legislature, Commanding Offici-rs of the Mili tia are or l«red to enroll as a Guard for Home DbfE.vcE all white male persons not already enrolled in the ser vice of the Confederate Siatts, between the ages of 18 and 50 years, including foreigners not naturalized who have beeu residents of the State fur thirty days before said enrollment. II. There shall be exempt from the operations of this order the Governor, lae Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts of Law and Equity, .Members of the General Assembly, the Officers of the several De partments of the Government, Memb'ers of Congress, Civil and Military Officers of the Confederate Govern ment in the State, the Ministers of the Gospel of tne several Religious Dunominations of the State, charged with the duties of such ministry, the high Sheriff and Clerks of the several Coutts of Record, and the Public Registers in the several counties. ^ III. After enrollment the men enrolled shall be di vided into Companies of m>t less than seventy five men, n^r more than one hundred, and shall proceed to elect their Company Officers. The certificates of such elec tion will be forwarded to this Office with the p.pers of enrollment, in order that Commissions may be issued. IV. Officers of the Militia will be enrolled for Home Dbfkncb, and their Commissions, when called into ser vice, will be suspended only during the period of such service. V. This order is not intended to interfere with the •nrollment for immediate service, those between the agos of 40 and 45 years under Order No 13. DAN’L G FOWLE, Adjutant Qmeral. July 15, 1863 47.2W FAYKTTEVULE AuSkxaL A^ AR.HOKY, 1 JULY 15, ia03. f WAi^TED, 2 GOOD Harness Makers, ST TERM bfgias 2f>ta September; eu is 24th Dec’r. iii .lan’y; “ 3l3t March “ 1st April; “ 1st July TUITION. Collpgiatc Deparunent, per Session, (13 weaks,) ■Academic “ “ “ Primary “ “ “ .M i^ic and Painting, each Latiu, French aud Di-awing, each Board, per Session, Injilental Expenses, (I'uiiion payable IN .ADV.ANCE by the Term.) i’upils will be received at any lime and charged iroiu the d.iitt of admi.ssion to the close of the Sesiioti, but no deiuwion will be aliowed for the withdrawal of a pupil oefore ihe close of the ret/ahir Seaian Rev. WM HOOPER. T. C. jiUj iu-JO. first rate Wood Turner, I first rale Slater, 6 No. 1 House Carpenters. Steady employment and good wages will be given. Apply to Maj. F. L CHILDS, 46-6t] Comd’g Otiicer. FAYKTTKVILLK ARSENAL AND AU5i5hY. 1 JULY 15, 1463. '/ WOOD WAMTED. PROPOS.ALS will be received until the 1st day of AUGUST nexi for the delivery at the .Arsenal and Armory of 1,(XK) cords Pine and 3(X) cords (Jtk Wood. The pine wood to be delivered monthly at the rate of 60 cords per month, the oak wood to be all delivered by the first day of December next. Apply to 46tlA] F. L CHILDJ, Maj. Comd’g. OFFICK OF THE ACT’ti ASS'T Ql ARTERMAblEB, ) Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, V F.AiKTTiiViLi.iJ, N. C., .July 17, 1B63. j WOOD %VAATED. MEALED PROPOS.ALS will be received for the deiiv- 10 ery ot four hundred cords of good sound black jaok wood, (4(X),) at the rate of thirty (30 cordsj per month. Tae wood to be delivered at Ihe Arsenal, where it wiil be properly corded. It must conform strictly 10 th ? standard measurement for cord wood, viz: 8’ x 4' x 4 . Proposals to be marked ‘-Proposal? lor wood for Aci’g Ass’t (Quartermaster.” M.ATTHEVV P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A. C. S. 47-tf and Act’g Ass'i (Quaiienuasier. • _ WAATED. LGOOD Cook and Baker, to cooit for the Ordnance Detaohmeat. Good pay will b« given. Ayuly to Capt. M. P. TAYLOR, at tne Ar.tenal. July 17. 47-if Trinity ,—The annual Comiueiicem«nt I wa.s on the Hth of June. The exrr;’l •!« s were ua j follows: ,_,^luesday night—•Declamation. Wednes lay Morning, a sermon by llev. L. S Burkhead ol the N. (’onference, and in the evening declajuation ty the ytudents. Thursday’s Commeucem.'^nt exercises: 1. Prayer. 11. Oration in Latin, C. C. Lanier, WilliamstOD, - x\. C. o. Woman’s Influence, J. \V. Webster, llock- ingham (’j. 4. roi’th is the time for'improvement, G. W Fentress, Ualeigh. 5. De LaFiiyette, J. W. Treloar, (Jharlotte. 0. ihc Conii^deracy, J. M. Means, Concord. 7. Speculators, W. J. Fuel, Rockingham Co. 8. Gan. Jackson, our Country’s pride, J. A Arthur, Washington. 9. Hope, G. W. Woodward, Fayetteville. 10. The Sacrificed Heroes of the South, L. W Perdue, Jefferson Co., Ga. IL The Theatre of Life, E. H. Tapsoott, liuck- ingham Co., Va. 12. The Aspirations of the young Graduate, C. C. Lanier, Williams ton. Mr. Lanier being the only Senior, received the degree of A. B. He was complimented by the Facuity, for norer having violated the College laws, and never having been absent from recitation. The degree of A. 31. was conferred on E. Faw, Marietta, Ga.; Kev. B. B. Culbreth, N. C. Con ference; liev. N. Mcll. Hay, Kobeson Co.; R. S. Small, Davidson Co.; J. R. Winston, Memphis, Tenn.; T. A. Branson, Randolph Co.; W. J. Car man, Green Co.; Rev. C. C. Dodson, Chaplain C. S. A. The attendance was very good. The Com mencement was in every way a success; every body seemed to be pleased. The speaking was said to bo very go§d, some of the young gentlemen won general admiration, both for subject and manner. Raltitjh Christian Advocate. The Militari/ Daspotism Defied.—TheBluffton (Ind.) Banner acknowledges the receipt of *the following from General Haacall, military Governor ot Indiana: IIead»quabt£bs District of Lndjana, ) Department of Ohio, > Indianapolis, June 8, 18G3. ) Editor B(u(J'ton Bunner, liluffton, Indiana: A copy oi your paper, of May 1st, has been handed to uic iu wiiich you boast of your intention to violatt* Order ^so. 9 from these hatidquarters as much as you please. You can now disavow that intention,.and advise others to do so, or discontinue the publication oi your paper altogether till further orders. A violation of this notice will receive prompt attentioji. Milo S. IIascall, Brig. Gen. Vols. Comd’g Dist. To this the Banner replies: We paid no atteution to this tyrannical edict, but continued to mind our own busfness as usual. As for discontinuing the publication of our paper “till father oiders’’—we couldn’t do it; and as for “disavowing” anything contained in our issue of May 1st, or “advising others to do so" we’d see General Hascall d—d first. Wanted to Piircliase, Bank notes. Gold and Silver. North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable.) North Carolina Treasury Notes 1 and 2. Town of Fayetieviile Bouds. Couniy of Cumberland Bonds. Confederate Bjuds (16,00U,000 loan.) « Westtrn Railroad Stock. Confederate Notes uf old date. T. S. LUTTERLOH. July 20, 1863. 17-3w VALUAREE REAl^ErrArE FOli SALE. HOUSE and LOT ou Mum;ord Street, with 5 rooms and a good wtll of w iier m the yard. 1 BRICK STORE, two stories, on Person street. 1 HOUSE on Area street, 40 x 20, Lot about 150 feet by 60 P. S All those indebted to m« are requested to come forward and settle forthwith, as 1 cannot afford to hola notes aud accounts and pay taxes on them. All thosts that can pay and will not do it by tue 9th September, it being Court week, their notes aud accounts will be sold at .Auction by J. H. Cook, Auct’r. R. D. DAVIS. July 16, 1863. 46tf 1 $20 16 14 20 10 120 2 HOOPER.,, 4} 9m A yeke of large, well broko OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON k CO , Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. March 7, 1863 ()tf C. CHARLOITK FEllALE L^STITIJrii:. fl’tHt; next ::)i;R8iou will begin on itie 15lh of September. JL The deparlmect of .\Iusic will be under the direc tion of .Mr. A. Bauman, and that of Drawing, Painting and French under >lr W J Myrover. Both of these gentlemen are experienced and Competent Teachers. Singijg will receive special attention froiB Mr. Bauman For terms address .Mr. \V. J. MYROVER, Fayetteville, N. C , or Rev. R BUR WELL, Charlotte, N. C. July 6, 1863. 44-9t T AAIES I'OR SAEE. jMIE HIGH bllO,\LS IRON CO. are prepared to fill c'\sh orders for N.wils, at iheir factory, in Gaston couuiy, N. C. Nails will b>j delivered at Iron Station, ou f!.e Wilmingtoa, C?iarl*ie& Rutherford Railroad. Address HIGH SHOALS IRON CO., Iron, Lincoln oouuly, N. C. Jnr.o 10.‘l8fia 40-2mpd VAEUAREE EAIVDS lor Sale By virtue of an order made by me County Court uf .Moore, the subecribar aa Administrator of C »pt W. P. Martin, dec’d, will sell at public Auction, at the Court House in Carthage, on Tuesday the 28th of July 1863, on a credit of six months, one half ot 2 v6u acres of LAND, situated in Moore couuiy, on the head waters of Little River and Drowning Cre'_k. Also, 836 acres of land in said County, on Little River and Joe’s Fork. Said lands are situated in a healthy section of country, abounding in good springs and never iailing streams ot water, covered with an unbroken forest of uitive pines, lying directly in the line ot the ooniemplaied Railroad from the Coalfields 10 Cheraw, about ten miles Soath- west of Carthage Purchasers giving bond and approved surety. ALEXANDER KELLY, .Adm’r. July 16. 46-2t JSassa/ras.—Au exchange paper is under the impression that in coloniai times sassafras was an article of commerce. This is true: it was so largely exported to England that it was becoming a rival of tea, and by the influence of the East India Company, an act was passed putting a stop to the trade. The blooms or tender buds were gathered aud dried for exportation, and these are said to make a better beverage than the bark. ilOTICE^ Tv the Heirs of Daniel McKmzie^ dec’d. T August Court of Robeson oouu,.', being the 4th Monuay, I will rea iy fov ». ,'mont with his Heirs, which time aul plac' 1 w. t , ■ to be there. MUIIDOJK .V ' IE, Adm’r. Gilopolis, Robeson county, .rat^ ^., io»3. 47-«t A A’c SPOOLS and Cotton Hills. Fayetteville Ai*8enal and Armory, \ FAYBTTKV1I4LH, N. C , June 29, 1863. j WAl^TED. Having received autiiority from the Secretary of War to increase the strength of the presf^nt Corps undersigned wiil enlist one hun- in Co. are now prepared to furnish, at i jred (100) non conacriptg for that purpose Those sub- Transfers and exchanges of men now in service can oe c i I made. '^6 MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Ca^jt. C. S. A. ^ J JdQg 8. 35tf QUILLS, &c , suitable for Woolen and J. M. ODELL. Agent. Cedar Falls, N O., July 9, 1863. WAxATED, ONE PAIR MILL STONES, good quality, foi' grind ing corn, about 36 inches iti diameter, Moore county Grit preferred. Any person having such Rock for sale, apply to the subtnoriber at Whiteville, N. C. THQMAii 8. MEMORY. it im. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,! Fayetteville, N. C., June 29, 1863. j WAJITED, i^AAA fodder or hay. /fpplyio OUUii CM- TATLOB* MHi«4NWMyk N. €. Mutual Life Insurance Company, i HaTWicju. ly, / A meeting of the DIHEUIOKS OF THtv Company, held July llth, 1863, it was resolved that a,ay insurer in this Cooip"jiy who may become a mem ber of the force to be or^anizv'si as ‘‘A Guard for Home Defence,” under the act of the General Assembly entitled an act in relation to the militia »nd a guara for Home Defence, may, upon payment of one per cent on the sum insured, to the Secretary or any .\gent of thre Com pany, have his policy c>niinued in full force tor one year, as it he had not entered euch service. Resolved, farther. That the entry into such service, without the payment of one per cent extra preroiuni, shall not be deemed a forfeiture of the policy unless the insurer, so entering, shall be kfilcd or die from a v'outid received or disease contraoied while iu the service. July 14 [r. p.] 46 3t The co-pa•'int rship licretolore known as WM. OVERBY & CO is thta,dny dissolved b^ mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to ca'i and seui'* with William Overby, as he is the only authorized one to collect for said firm. WM OVERBY. John vaughan. 1 shall conMuue to c -.rry on the Boot and Shoe Busi ness in all iis branches, and respectfully solicil a sha~e of public patronage. Also, the Saddle and Harness Bu siness. W.M OVERBY. July 18, 1863. 47 2t RANA'v^ a ne« REWARD. STRAYED or STOLEN, from the Subscriber at Car thage, on last Friday, a DEEP SORREL .MARE, 6 or 7 years ol 1. medium size, iu good order, and newly shod before, sliitht marks of gear on her, and on her hind legs b^low the knee joints,small wind galls on the out stdeand had on a good saddle, with a bltck quilted seat, leather halter and bridle, the halter has been broke and meniled; the brfdle has a small black ring on each side in the reins, about two f**et from tiie bits Said mare was raised in Randolph couoly. I will K've the above reward for the delivery of said mare and contents to me, or fifteen dollars for information no that I cvn get her. JAMES M. COLE. Crane’s Creek P O. Moore county, N. C July 13. Younf;:^*« Smut .Tlacliine. A FEW ON HAND AND FOR SALE. Those need ing had best order soon, as material for making is nearly worked up, and no more to be ^ad. Addrese, ALEX. DrCKSON, HiUsb«co\ Orange uounty, H. C. l?49tp« $90 REWARD. .away f'-om the subscriber cn the 23d (»f June, negro map tiam .i VIRQIL, about 43 or 60 years old, lame v-iih -he imtusm and Ara’iks witii a stick. I aired him Irom Capt. Rjbert Vooten. I will give $10 for hip return to :ae and $10 for Ihe detection of any one harbiring him. J. R. HARRIS July 13 46 Stpd ■ FAYETTE VI fi^LE COMPAXf. 5267,688 2b 6,077 35 MITUAL IXSrRA\Cfi Capital in 1‘remiara Notes amount.s to Cu.sh ou au'l other assets. Toi>vV, •• $272,765 fil The Comjiany have paiQ all losses promptly, aud have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,682 69 Offickrs: GEJ. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. • C; A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. DiRKCToas: W. N. Tilliughaat, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin^ T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, • J. 0. C*tok, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, \ «... , . A. E. HaU, I^Jmgton. hn (’ollins and C. C. McCnimmen, Traveling Agents l^-The Company^iuTite applications. • Mar 28. IHl-l 21- Heury Lill^, H. L. MyrOver, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C. Ii. Mallett, James Kylfe, A. A. MxjKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. TilUngjiast. THE i\ORTH CAROEIAA MUTIAL LIFE INSIHAXCE tOMPANf, NOW in the tenth year of succfessful operation, with growing c.apital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons frojn 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing la the profits. All slaves from 10 to GO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. ■ All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presenied. For farther information the pu’pB'' is referred to Agents of th* Company in all parts c the State, and t^ R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, lUlei^h. s. j. HAUS, Aj^ It Q,

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