Ig (D^ , S; r ; S Fi M I-W K R K Ij T. vol.. XIII.] FAYRTTKVIIJ.K, xN. C., JULY :UK 1863. of i«»U I th« tw« rter- iur U) tur i>f tba shall each aa- said ai a ig hiji )e for- for b« tax I fNJ>. •^SBSemsi" VKIN’TF.K MONDAYS AND THUKv^DWS I:M\V4R1» h HILK & S»^S. n 1 roRS AND TMIOPRTETORS Price for the Semi-Worklv Obskbver $’. 00, pai'l in adv-mof For Jli(> Weekly OnsKRVKi; ?4 Oo per anmini, pni'l jidv.iioe. \ DVKUTISKMKNTS insert«>.l for per s lunre of 1C for tlie »u l 50 ceiitd for eaeli sue ceediiicj public'iiion. Ailvp;-i iseim'iitx not exoeedinjt ft half »i)ii«ro linen) tiO I'pnts for lh«* fir>'f and 30 cents for ea'S fiii’ct'''ilinz piihlicaMoii. Ai.lverMn«r«i are re- miested to stale (he number of insertions desire), or tfeer will I'e continued till fo»-l)id. and charged accord- intjty. AdTerlisemcnIs continued obarped as new ad- Tertisement-. sfkc’V'.Ij notice. Prom RTi! i.for thipd%te, Tmi name of a new subscriber will b« entered without pny:iu'iit in ailvanH(, nor will the paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. Such ofoi'.r old ^subscribers as desire to take the pa per on tlii« systetu will please uolify us when making remit tance'*. Jau’y 1, 1868. If.?#. •WcJkV:! !•, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. WILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collcction of all •laims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 185'.t. 58-tf COM’I’OEIHTE T,l\ LISTS. The .VHFe.H-t.-* for the ('ouiity of Ouuit'erland will nipet It the.Ofticp of ^. M. ('ampb;*ll on TH U 11SD.\ Y, I JL-L> l!. ISiii, li' receive the ('onf'ed*'rate Tnx Listafcr I this '"iiuly. on the foll.'^win^ sul j ‘CiH of tax ition. viz: Niivil S!or,--i. Siilf, Wines .and Spiriious Liqurrs, '!'oh»c I CO—I.'inir'i'itured or uunianufacturod, Coi'oh, Wool, f’lour, Sii r.ir, Malasses and .'Jyrup, Kice, and other Hjrri'ultur i! product.'*, the growth «'r producii.'ii of any ye'\r prfoediiie tS** year lSti3 Also, all Moneys. 15mk Notes or ot!>er Currency on i hand or on dip^isit.- on ihe tirst iliy ut .luiv. and t.lu' vulue of :il! cr.'iliis on wliich the iiiter->“t has uut I'Pcu pAid, HU I iu>i eiui'loycd in a ^lU^;nes.^ the iucoiuc frmu which (axed un ler the provisioiis of this Act, II W HAIIDIE. t'lmfed. Tax Col. for (’umberland cotinty. .lune 25 lU-tf FAl KTTKVII.I.K FKMALE HIGH SCHOOL NIIVTH SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1ST TRRM bepine Scp!Pin‘i:*r; ei''*" 24>h Dec’r. 2d “ “ Ni .lan’y; “ 3lsi March. 3d " “ 1st .\pril; “ 1st July TUtn«N Collejjiale Uepartaient, per Ses?ion, (18 week^i.) Academic “ , “ Primary “ “ “ Music aad Paiating, e.acb Lsiiu, French an ! Drawing, eaoh Board, per Session. Incidental Expenses, 2 (Ttiitiou payable IN ADVANCE by ihe Term ) Pupils will l*e received »t any timo and charged from (be date of admission to the close of the Sftsion. but no deduction wil b« allowed for the withdrawal of a pupil before the clo?«e of the regular Set*ion. Rev. W\r FIOOPER T. C. HOOPER July 8, 1863. 41 9m Asui^ivii.i.i:, If. i\ M. ...J I WILL «.p“n the HAdLK llOTUlj foi ih-‘rf ri”Si * ’i‘Mion of (Jii.’Ht.s the tir'it of Jun**, r.n.l I hope GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Wliole>«al(' l>eai«rs iii fwroreries, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Sweden Iron, HAY STRKKT, FAYETTEVILLK, N. €. July 2, 1801. 3Gtf lirLEY, Ut'ocer and VommiHnion ,fierchant, FAYKTTEVTLLE, N. 0. Jan’y 10, lf^>^. 93-tf T. V. A, B. (li. U oitTH, Commission and i*'orwardiB^ Merrhants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf ^ FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at C. HOOPER. 56- V \ RU! i can the Seminary Sept. 12. 1861. JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO.. 8AI..T nAKERS. have thirty 30) pans now in operation nine miles M east of W^ilmington. Parties wishing to supply IhemselTefl with salt, cao be furnished by applying to A Jobnsoo. Jr.. Ageu' at Fayettevill.', to K Fage, manager at the works, or to J. M WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. FajetteTille, Nov. 20, 1862. 81tf AOTICE. AS I expi the W Agent to transact my business untii I return. S I expeot to be absent from home a few nonths in the West, Archibald McLean is my authorised Dec’r 28, 1860. N. G. JONES. ‘^^tf ?20 D5 14 :>() ' 10 120 c?=wir"®jlo I -able toeDt>’rtam from s»vi»nty live to hundred dnrintr !h > .S.iiiinier. In -onnrction with thi« li.rjje llott-i. I have a nunibo'' of Ha' it'. Carriai:.>3, and S t I 11;* !li,>;e' ihai mv c'Hi nl a iii'.niite'p .1 M. P.LAiK, Prnpriftor i'i>rl(» Hoft'i, .\-hevil!e, .N C. .May l;;. :{l-ypl 1*1 BCiI.flOAT UMIKI-: (’OIINTV, N. 111F.SK tr** sitiin'ed ia W.>strrn North I’.vro- iiH, nhou', Kifteon oiilt-s from Moriranton, in a luour.taiuous, beautiful an I romantic rountrv. The wuers, i^UMMIUK aiid (.Ml .VLY !5K ATE. are -laid (o bo eq'ial to any in the country. I)>»er, Hear .and l*h*asam abound in the "^lountain^. Tiie ('.>uip»ny has ku.'ci''* le i in obtaining the Fervice? of an e^pf-i-ipiK-tvl uc;it1i niaa T.nd 1 vdy to take charjje of I Ihe Hvuse, au l wiil bo readv for the reception of Vi«it- .Ts by th* Ip’ .nJLY. On!’-Fourth of this prope»ly with Three Hun- lired acrt*' of l^and atta^f^i woulii be sold )o a person' COinp>‘lon! .'o take chnrge of the properly I’IKDMONT SPRl-iOS CO May 21 Kxccutive He.partNieut North Carolina, .\i)JUTANT IIpnf.ral's Ofkioe, (Militia.) Ualkiuh,-luly 15, lStj3. OrtEKAL Oru>;h. ) No. 15. j I IN COMPLlAflCE WlTil AM ACT OK THE RB I, ct-ut L^*gi,MUfure, CoHim .o iiu? Officers of the Mi!i lii are ordered.'o enroll as a Uuard for Homb Dkfi£NCK all vyhil^ persons not aire .dy etiroUed lu th.^ ser- vica of Itu; i’onfednrate S'ate.s, b*iwoeu the ages of IS .in ! .'ill yi':i.ra, iuclu'lin" f.>r''ig’iefs not natu»'rtlJZ‘^d who Uav-' been residents of tji-; Hr ite for lliivty days before T II 1.1 ST OF CliAllUKN FOR 33-:-tmp i passe\;ei{s. \VA.\TE«. 2r AA BUSHELS WHE.\T, ,OUl/ l.oOt) - CORN. Peraons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cask price by oalling on Mr. M Thoioason, at the Merchant .Mills. Fayetteville, or on the subscri- b«r at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 75tf ARHAR\ I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. .Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and Bent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., ) o. - June 13. lb«2 f 300 lbs. (liiiiii Arabic tor xale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 15. 69tf P. TAYIiOR 0 FFERS FOR SAL E C10FFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobaoco and Soap, Pow- ) der, Cooking Soda, white and col’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Needles, Hats and Shoe«. On» box of sundry Goods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth Cloaks for Ladies; Gentlemen’s fine Qaiten; Green and Black Tea. P. TAYLOR. June 1,1863. 33 3m3ti ^50 REWARD. RANAWAY on Monday 25th May, my Boy NELSON;, he is copper complexion and weighs about 150 lbs.; aged about 23 years. 1 will pay J50 for his delivery to me or $25 for his confiaeaieni in Jail. N. A aTEDMAN. June 1. 33-tf J^ALT! JSJAI.T!! SACKS for sale by Dm. 22. ROBERT .MITCHELL. R8-tf TO BA €1^41. CBIKLOTTK FEMALE INSTITl'TE. The next session will begin on the 15tb of September. The departmcct of Music will be under the direc tion of Mr. A Bauman, and that of Drawing. Pain!ing and Frencii under .Mr W .7 Myrover. Both of these gentlemen are experienced and competent Teachers Singing will receive special attention from Mr. Bauman. For terms address Mr W. J. MYROVER, Fayettevil'ie, N. C , Qr Rev. R RURWELL, Charlotte, N C. July 6, 1868. 44-'11pd ^ i^c\EILE AC^DEnV. McNEILL .ACADEMY is in a very healthy locality in Robeson Couuty, 1 miles from Antioch an l 3 from Red Springs. Siudcnis will b« under the very liest of influences both moral and social. .All the exercises in the School will b? conducted with a view t« profound Scholarship—no superficiality countenanced. Students will be thoroujrhly prepared for entering the Freshman or Sophomore Cl vss at the University. The next evRsiiin of this School will commence the lOih of .AUGUST next. Biard in good famili s. Twelve Dil'ars p«*r luonth. Tuition per Session of Five Von.hs jl2. $15 and $18 Tuition charged from time of entering. No de ductions made except in casps of sickness protracted one month or mere. R. MoC.\9KlLL, Priticipal. Ju'y 6. 13-lOtpd Edf;:eworth Female l^eiiiiiiary, GREENSBORO’, N C. ! The Fall Session of this Institution will comineuce on j Ihe 4tu of .August next. i TK«M« FOR THC SHSSI05 or 20 WKRRi; | B.-vrJ, ine'adin,: washirg, lights, fuel. , fI English Tuition .f-iO; Music on ttie Piano. Harp or liui- i tar $30; Vocal Music ^12 50; Oil P.-tiniing i30; Dr.twing j $12 50; Grecian P.iin:ing jl5; Ancient and .Mulern . Languages, each if 12 59. | For furtiier particulars apply to i RDMI.ARD STERLING, Principal. June 27, 1So3. 41 r.itpd Female Teatlier \Vaiitel. \\7'^NTED a l idy to te ich the higher branches of yy English wi'ii .Mu?ic, Ac , in my f.imily. Address A., Elixabethtown, UUden county, N. (’ , stating price. Juty 6. 43-1 rop 1 Cotton Yarn for Wool: NOTICE is hereby giveu that after this date (except in cases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of our advertisement of the 30th of May, which terras are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yaru for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at the instance of the Quarterm-isler e.t Ralftieh, in order to make the terms of exchange uniform throughout the State. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Jun*> 20, 1863. 41tf E^ypt Coal .Tftiiie. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate t'ourt. District of North Carolina, ap pointed .Managers of the Egypt Coal .Mine property, and have etitered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C , or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayellcville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf Am ii«inal the Blockade WILFj compel us to do what we should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the enetry. The proprietors having started the manufac turing of aU kinds of BOBBINS for Fac'-ories in the Souttiern S.atos, will be abiii to fill orders at short notice. W'ui k deliverei iu Fayetteville, N C. AJdress D. L. RFVETT, Manchester, C'lmbedand, N. C. _ June *.K The Cedar Faf(« Bo >- bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, QUILLS, &c , suitable for Woolen and J. M. ODELL, Agent. N C . July 18>3 .3f>-6mpl I>OU Fr-m Fayeti. ville to Wilmii.glon, ^10 00 “ “ Elizibe:h, ry tK> “ White Hall, ti 50 '• “ “ K‘’iy’'j t'ovc, 7 Oil *■ “ “ -\li poiu'. ' l.»‘i«w. li) 00 SKCUM> CI..ASS, IR r>K”K. Frnin Fayetteville to Wilmington. j;.') Oil “ •• “ Elizabeth, U 50 “ “ Wniietiall, :5 r>o “ “ “ Kelly's Cove, 4 00 “ “ “ All points below, 6 00 II*. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $10 00 “ “ '• Kelly's Cove, 4 i>0 “ “ “ White Hall, r> w “ .... Klifabeth, n .50 '• “ “ Prospect Hall, 8 OO “ “ “ All points above. 10 00 ISKCOND CLA.SS, OR DKCK. From Wilrninjjton lo Fayetteville, $-5 Of) “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 8 00 “ “ “ White Hall. 4 00 “ “ “ -All points above. 5 (X> Second Class or Dock Passenger.s must st.ay on nroliineul rii-»ve “hall be i-x-.iiip! from Ihe op«iratioos of l'ji“ rrilor Guvc rimr of the Supreme or (,’dnrt-'cf La w ;»nd Equity. .Members or. the tilenerjl .A-'-'enibly. tli» Ofliet*»*H of the sevar^l D^* I p-\»rmi»nts of th«* (jJovernmeut, Menibers of Congress, | and .Milif.', , Odicery of the Confederate Oovf.n- i mx.it iu the Siattt, the Ministers of the Gospel of the si vt'al R'li^i ius D^notniaai.ions of (he State., cUiirgcd ;»ii!i 'hf diiii**-* of such mi’ii:rv the high Sheritf and Clerks ot tae several Courts of Record, and the Public R.e/i!iterd iu the several «ouu(ies. lit. Afi.^r «.'ur.)Uiueui I be men enrolled shall be di- 'Hd*id into Campatties of not loss than seventy-five men, n r tuore l!i in on? bundr-d, and shall proceed to elcct ihr^r r,>ni|..iiiy Officers The certificates of such alec- tiou will b,* torwarded to this Offioe with the p- pers of t-iii •Ihuent, in order that Cummisaions may be iswued. IV. ijirioer^ of the Militia will be enrolled for Homk I^hhEXOic, and their Commisbions, when called into ser vice, will be suspvuded only during the period of such rer /ic" V. Itiis order is uot intended to interfere with the eiirjilrn-!ii for imtnediate f«*rvice, those between the 8g.*s ot 10 and 15 yeafs under Order No IS. DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant (Jtneral. July 15, 1863 47-2 w lowtT deck or pay full price, or same as First Class extra charge w',ll be m i le for Wav Passen gers geiiinc into Berths during day tira', and for occu pying a B?rth with their boot.s or shoes on, at the dibcrction ot the t~;aptain J. A. WORTH, for C. F St’m U t Co. ()RItEfiL, fur St'rs Ka'e and Sun. LUTTEULOH. 2G-tf May 4, U M T. S. 1S6S. NOTICE. ^piIE Assers'jre of Confederate Taxes for Moore County 1. will meet tUe tax payors at tbe following times and pia:es, together with the Tax Collector, Alex. ITslly, atJu all are requested to attend, to-wit: Carlhaite, 'uly 2'Jth, 1863. .>ordan R Sloan’s, July 30th. D. M McIntosh’s, July 31st. P. K McNeill’s, August 1st. Dugald Gr.'thaai’s, August 3d. Mrs. Barr-'ii’d, August 4th. Arch'd Kelly's, August 5th. M Sheffield's, .Vugust 6th. Thos. W Riitef's, August 7th. Thos D. Wiili ims’s, August 8th. The following subjects are to be lilted, viz: Naval Stores. Salt, Wnes, Liquors, Tobacco Codon, Wool, F!:ur, Sugar, M.)!*sse*», Syrup, Rico and all agricultu ral produce Ihe production of any year preceding 1863, all ;noueys, bank notes or other c irrency on hand or on deposit lU the first d.iy of July, and tbe value of all CP'.' lits on which interest has Q3t been paid and not employed iu a business the income from which is taxed un ler the provibions of this Act. section 5th, &c. A. A HARRINGTON, 1 . B. COFFIN, I Assessors. Carthage, July‘JO, 1863. 48-3tpd From and atter thin date the Stv imer .A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock. .A, M , on Monday and Thursday. JOS A. WORTH^ April C—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. WEJ^TEK.^' RAll. ROA». 'pilE Trains of this H.>ad le.are F.ayett»vj!!? daily; I (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’obHsk. .V. M., arid r'e- turniug leave .Mclver's at 1 o'clocK. P M. Frhfihi Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY. Ity Ord.-r .if ih> 1’r.*ai t.-nl j.N’o. a: ‘Mse, ■ Treas'r an 1 A.t'g Trans. .Ag'i. Jan. 2-', Iht‘»3. I47tf To C'oUoii l*laiiler«. iti AVr. been appointel by the .Seoret.ary of the Trea sury, Chief .Agent for the pmchts>> of I'oiton for thi* {’onfederate Governmeut within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. l’.,>nds or Cash. 8ub-,Ageuis visiting the ili^T'ereni pirts of ifie .?tate. , buying in my name, will have written certificates ot ^ appointment. By order of the Secret iry of the Treasury, ah Coiton purcha.se 1 by myself or my agents, on and afier lUe 18th day of .March 18t)3, will be pail for iu 7 per cent. Bonds er Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stared tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, howfvor, the 8 per cent bonds will be furnisiied as sti:ei. Patriotic citiiens are now otferel an opportunity to aid the Givernment by selling to it their Cotton ra:her than to piivate capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21, 18tj8. [c. d ] 14tf t^RlliB STO\EM F^R SALE. ''rilE undersignea have lak u the Ajency for tiie sale A of Messrs. W 15. t.ifrar (i Co ’s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running frDin 18X2J inches to 6 feet by 11 inobes; aud cati have cut at siiort notice AN\ SIZES Wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond witn the undersigned, who will fill orders p.-omptly and guaraatea the quality of the grit as represented GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, .May 27, 1803. 32 tf I¥t>TltrE. All tho.se indebtod to the Estate of the lafe .Angus Shaw are requested to call and settle the same by the 1st of August next,, or they will find their Notes and accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. JAMES JENKINS, Adm’r. June 22, 18d3. 39-tAl i\AIL5ii FOR J^AEE. The HIGH SHO.ALS Iron CO. are prepared to fill cash orlers for N iils, at their factory, in Ga.stoTi county, N. C. "Ntils will be >ielivered at Iron Station, on the Wilaiingtoa, Charlotte & Rutherford Kailroad. Adar5H8 man S(U>AL.S iron CO.. Iron. Liuoola ooublv. N C. June 19, iMtiX. 40-2mpd SPOOLS and Cotton MilK Celar Fa'ls. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Favkttetillb, N. C , June 2U, 1863 WAi\TED.' i APE FE^R EA\DS FOR j^ALE. ItiFFEK'for sale my Lands lying on the east side of tbe river, ten m les below Eliiabethtown. The river , fra?,t contains tour hundred and eighty-five acres, of ■ whic!i twu hundred aud fifty are cleared; there is on the place a new Dwelling containing eleven rooms; with all iie« c'Sary out-buildiugs. .Adjoiniag, are eleven hun- . d»'ed accp.s back lanJs, six of which is swamp having a ■ d*nse growth of cypress timber on it. Also a small ‘ plice coutaining three hundred and fifty acres, of which • sixiy aoret are «wanip vtry easy to drain f I’erskiiis wis'iin^jr to laike investments in good farm- itV lands W >UM MO wen i«* Call OU we ituuu, Vt ^-l-lrvsa meal Elizibethto?vu. W. .A. ATKINSON, ■luly IS. ^ 48-9tpd .\OTICE VS^' oue de.iiriug to hire an able bodied nian fifty years ot age as a '^ut>stitute, anJ is willing to pay a liberal pri:e, can get one by aiJressing Box t>7, Carthage, N. C., with the* amount that they are willing to pay. July 22, l.sr,;-t 48 3tpd W'aiited to l*iirciia«e, |)ANK Norcs 13 Gold aii'l Silver. North C*rolim Treasury Notes (Fundabl*.) N 'rth Carolina Treasury Notes I and 2. T )wn of Fayetteville Bonis, t'ouaty of ( uai'oeriand Bonds. Confederate Bjuds (16,000,000 loan.) Wesitirn R.ilroal Stock. Coufederaie Notes of old dale. T. S. LUTTERLOH. July 20, ISO."? 47-3w ~VAEFABEE REAL ESTATE ~ FOK 8ALK. i HOUSE and LOT on Mumford Street, with 6 rooms and a good well of water in the yard. I BRICK STORE, two stories, on Person street. I 1 HOUSE on Arch street, 40 x 20, Lot about 150 fee; j by f>0 ! P S All those indebted to me are reqit^sted to come i forwaril and settle forthwith, as 1 cannot atiord to hola ^ notes and accounts aud pay taxes on them. All those I that can pay and will not do it by the 9th Septembor, it I being Court week, their notes and accounts will be sold I at .Auction by J. H. Cook. Aucfi". 1 R. D. DAVIS. July 16, 1803. 46tf I^OTIC^E ^ the Ilcirx of Daniel McKenzie, duc'il. At August t}ourt of Robesou county, being the 1th Monday, I will be ready for settlement wiiii h.s Heiiv, which time and place 1 waut them to be iiierc. MURDOCK McKENZlE. Adm’r. Gilopolis, Robeson c iuaty, July 17, 1863. 47-6t Voiui^'k .Smut illacliiiie. FEW ON HAND AND FOR S.ALE i'iiose need- o** aooct, inaLdrio.1 Tor m*akiu^ im rii no tA ha hik«i ALEX DICKSON, nni-)bDro’, Orange county. N. C. 47-16tpd CO.\St IflPT OFFK'Ss ( lloLMK.S. N. C , ■) ili'ij-li, ) GESEHAi, tUtDEll.^, \ H I \(T() 15 D.\N*.'E v ith I’.c pr''.c!..rnati'^ii of ll ’ i'i' idetil. is u»d tlip l.‘>'h i'i! I , is im A:iV|i i-v>d. nil the 2(t'h il;iv oi Viic'i'*. •nr'11 r.ll ptTsoiis iithf* bou'ni.s of ilitir Repim(ri»ts, bctivi’ni ibe of 1 ' -mi. 15, who have -Kit already rnceiv;-'.! /.•■.-rtiti^ate-i o;' ^luptioa or di^i lil Ei.rollin,^ Officers of North C-rid’O”. are lireo to H!ake their rvfif .')in!tiienfs imniedi i-ely *o 'br- J;-'!) - njemswifhiii (h“ir D''-'!ri'^is, ri-iisiPC-iieinT’on I*)■'2*fh ilay of August. Notio« ItvroWy ({iveii i» all iutu Uiat V'* '' 1‘- ablc to eonfic.riotion b«vc tb‘ right to volunteer iti u iy company in regxilar strviop of ine Coiifsicr'ite .''iT*s bf/o-^e enrvlhnrrt. Aftpr enrollneTst th»*y mu^i come to carop, where i';ey will be assigned to C'>>iinian'ls of their cboi.>tt as far aa priic!ic\ble. A!l pprsous tht^V'-fore, desiring to vo’ualeer, mj-it ilo so b'^orc !;• .* of August (the day of enrolhnent.l T;-in'povtj': i' l. vs .11 be furnished at th’s o(5u«. Aft>r enrollment sul,siituiep canno^ h" un der any circutobtances exctrt. at t>.is olliee. The prin cipal is required to appear i;' t.i r.-i.”. with the hu'os;i- • ute. Substitutes under 18 or over 50 wUl uot be aocepteil. Ccriiicite of good moral oiiaiac‘er i'i re quired before the substitute wi’l be taken. This call is made by the Prpf=ident froci al s ',!-,)*-'* uecessily to meet the increased force of tiao ijnemv; co strei>gthon and aupport our p'vHant and vetet^s”. • ;my; to protect and defend ou»* hoines I’.nd firi'.>i.i/-s, a:.d drive tbe invader from our soji. Out veter-an ‘toops requirR the assistance of every man who can shoulder a musket or draw a sword. The Commandant., thevo- foro, earnesrty hopes that this call w ll ’>e rc:-ponded fo promptly, cheerfully, and with an u’aw '.vering i«ter- minatien to swell the list of out g!.-,' i..us and gallaut de.ad, if neoosrary, for our freedom aad independence. The Commandant (akf.a ple«i«'ire agaia in .ackuow- ledging the efficient aid ren ier-''J him by tbe State Offi cers, and exhorts tbf m to rer. ,wo»i zeal in supplying' the necessities of the armr. By order of (3ol PETER MALLETT, Com’dt oi Coa.'cripts for N. . J. W. Mallett, Adjuiaut. 40 2w 800 ACKES OF LAi\D~ FOR S.VLK. PURSUANT to an order of Court, raakinc fhe Real Estate of my intestate, Neill G.*»McNeill. for the payment of debts. I wiil expose to puhLe a tie at the Market House in Faye'l?vi!lr. on the M3iid:ty oi next September County Cou't of CumV- rlaud, at 12 o’clock, M , the interest of niy said intestate (being one half of the whole) in a Cfr’a*!ti Tract of J..A''D contain ing 800 acres, situated in Cumberland on As boy’s Creek, near tbr Wilmington Roa ^ jiining Davii Mi»rphy and others, about 11 miles from Payettevilie. The other half interest in said tract of i -aJ’s owned by John McD '.nald, who has consenrcd to a e vie of his in terest at the same time, so that tbe purchaser w'll pro cure an indefeasible title to the ^ hoi'', I'MCt Upon this tract are situated a SAW’ MILL an I GRIST .\1ILL, b .t'u in good condition, and with a good run of custom One third of Ihe tract consists of round timber—the lemain der has been boxed and woirkod for two or three year?. Terms:—6 months crtdit with rpproved security, the title to be retained until payment If prefi-rfed, cash received, and discount allowed At the same time and pi >ce, 1 will cffcr for sale a likely NEGRO COY. aged abon? 14 yetrs —on ihe sr:h' terms. Persons desirous cf vifwing tl ** land will call f.n the undersigned, or upon Mr John McDonald who iivcs iu the immediate neighborhood of the iract. cither of whon, will ti%ke j>l«»*uTC in showing It. HECTOR M'VEITL, .Adm’r of Nei?' »,/ .M :Nt i'l. Jaiy ai, lafi.'i • IS RECEIVER’.^ AOTi t:. IN obedience to lu orJ(^r of tiie Coni'*'di-r t-* ’ 'U!!. sll pers.ns against wl; ■‘in iei-.cf "^ k i; *' r money due to alien enemies at or befor» .'^prii jr T.ti'i. lS(i2. of said (Viirt, are heroNy noiiti.-d th -:i r i* in.vr- est on said sever.al sums of mouey up tf .May is now due aud oi iered tob.* j I wi.l uuau t .it .Ash'- bcro’ on Tueslay, .Aug 4ih, next: il Pillsboro’ on M :n- day, Aug. lO'h. next; and ai Carthaire on Tues ay, .\ut ISth, next, for the piirponi* of receiving 3a^i iuif'iv,-!. If not paid to me accordirgly esecuiions wl'i b.' i-i-u ’ - for the Pfim** aad the co.>ils in all c *sp.' in .a liil.’i lo interest, will be ci'llectpj out of the Defendn/is JOHN MANNING, Jr , i. s.‘ v r. Ju»y-20, 1SG3. 40 Gt nn.l Fiariiht.—TllC lollowinu; I'P'ii' ill the IjoikIoii l)aily Thr . 1/. f//?(/>;,( »in!i;uTiii-ati •>ir: nmiiy .'ici'iuiiits ot the armaments oI till -e t'.v.i rcruai kabif iiioii-.il-war in the servico. oi’ tfu! I ’ )n'^! r;iti' .Siam's ii Vim rica have tippear’.'d III (iiil/iic prints, inil not otio that 1 have ^oen t-.irrci t, piMM ij.s V'!ur readers may nut be ilisin- '’liiT 'j ti) kii-.-.v the x:»et armaiuciit ot both Bhip.s. 'I lie Ai 'f'aui;: carrics a lieavier arm iment 1'oj» '.'i iglic (>;' :iict.ii than any .ship in the l>ritish niivy. U/j iier upper deck ; ho carries • tv^o rifled pivot I'rtiis, weighin g lon^ acli; they are of seven inch CiilibiT, utnl ti’.ruw shots weighin" L50 lbs. On her luwor il'ck gh*' carri^;,i six gTins, of six inch oaiib.r, tiivi.wiiiy: ib. shots. The whole ol rhcsc trcrttK'Ti-louT •.rvjin. s are riHed, and con- htraerod >)y y opt. tilaiicly. \Vhon a Federal war tcai)icr :,:.ac!-ed tho Ai.ibama, the yankee ship was dustr f d j.y iiie .sliCll nicetiii^ with f ufHcient rcsistanc • > i urst wuuin iior. 'I'^c ;unncry ot- liccr ot ' n' Aiabama aputars i h:r.-o lai keti ktiO'.Tlccl'! • hi'; linsini'-’^', ur the nclion wouli Jiot have lusted ton Tiiiiiute'' Uad the charge oi pov^er 0- ti dimin; t.c'i, thi.^ ri.-sult miiet have been prodiic* .. "ii> it was. th' • ' h iT'ng th'.ir lull chargcj the :hcil:' passed u- ; ■ ’y tbroujxh the Federal bteaiucv without . - While, how ever, this was an oversiuut i.v iuo gunuer}' officer of »iie Alabama, notiiin;^ couid be' more brilliant than the practice ol' the gnnner)», •who tippoar 11 ->ver to have misFc,;' t"''‘ir I’nark. The F'orida i- not ncarxy so large as the Ala bama Tiie Florida carries but two guns; both on a pivt»t Ti’ey ate of se'^'cn tons weight, of sis inch oiiiTe, and thru.r .'liots weighing lbs These g':as are al.so constru jtcd b}- (’apt. Blakely Hero, thof, are i«vu war s earner?, faster a;id, a.s a Hiberuiaii wi".’la ~ay, u mO vickcdly armed, thar. any slMp oi lu. '^^ in coin,uiission—built ana equip ped tro, under gi: at di-^^dvantages. It ii a curi ous c;rcuiu.st-inee, that Oapr. liiakely, who.sc guns are thought so much of in 'America and iu all parts 01 Kuropc, i.> ignored by our Government and actualy is not pi^rmitted to enter into compe tition witii Arnistron : and Whitworth. One naturally a-ks, Why ii ^^his? Ay, why indeed! That is a ■iuc>£ion much easier asked tlian answer ed. it is tliis state oi'all’uirs that drive.s many a scientitio luuu to despair, or induces him to |uit our shoiiV. and take service with foreign nation® It is hopi'd riiaf our next J>t;cretary for war will .«ee witii lii.-^ o^vn e^’es, and not tru.^t matters oi .such inpjit:.:ice to other.s. I am, sir, yours, J'jXI'ERIENTI.V. A’ A FEW ( To the Voter** ot .TIoore foiBtily. LEX.ANDER KELLY, the fo'mor representative ot' this (’onnty in the Legislature, having re'‘igni d, the undersigned resreetfully recommend the nav.ie oi'C ipt. JAMES D .McIVKR an a suitable pers^n t ' represent the County in ihat capacity. CITIZENS.' July 2:». 4'.' 2t PRINTIXU PRESSES AND FOR !^ALE FIXTURES —The following physiolo gical facts \Vi re (ratislateil Irom a French scientific journal: Tiie average hi;ight of man and woman at birth, is genoraiiy si.'itocu iiiclics, la each of the twelve years alter l>irth, one twoll'ih is a Jded to the stature each year. i>e‘wcou ihe ago oI twelve and twenty the gro\7th u: lito b dy is slower; aud it is still furtlicr ditniiiiil^cd after this up to twenty-tiv(^ the period oi a lu.iximutu growtii. In c’d ag‘. thu hoigho o( tiie body dimini.'iies ou tiu' about tiirii^iucLejs. Tlie height of a '.V —Iill \ loss tha.i that ol a man in dil- fereut e mui . It'.-, 'i'iiii avv^r igo weight ol a male inJ'nit ai» • i. .;>oii j' -’U ii.-; '/f ;i iemalo, about six and a half pou i I. The wei_'ht ol’ari infant de- c-rca'c.- a i'cw day > aicer his birtli, till it is a week ulJ. .Vt the i-ndol tiic lirat y.*ur. tlie child is three liuif- as li'. ivy us when it's Dorn. At the age of 'in on yi ars, it, twice as heavy as wlie.i a year old. Tlio ;ivt.'r:it-o weiirht ol'bath saxes at twelve is nearly tne >.uu ; .a'.;;i tii,.t period, foinale.-^ will be fuui.d to wcigii less th in males. The average wi :^ht ol m n i ou.‘ hu.idred and tiiirty pounds, and of w«-:nin i>iie huiidre.l and twelve pounds. In the cisi! 'A' iuJividuils ol both sexes, under imir ieet tour itioiies, fV.nali.'.'- arc somewhat heavie than men, and . r. Men attain their max,i- mniu weight atabiur forty,, and women at or near filly. .Vt G'.i both sexes t;-'ially conimeuce lo.sing weight, .so that the avciage weight of old per sons, men an^l women, is nearly the same as at ninetcou worWol t .Address, •20 WA.\TEI>, QAAA LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, suitable for Belting. MURPHY. 20tf 1 Qn VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, X«/V/ for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. _May23. 31 tf l^ole Leather wantefl. aned SOL Apply to Fayetteville April 14. Administrator’^ IVotice. The subscriber having at December Term, 1862, of the County Court of (’umberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, noiities all persons having claims against the Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this Doiice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are re^aested to make prompt payment. HECTOR MoNEILL, Adm’r l>f>e. 10, R5> ( WAITED, COW LOI$T. My cow is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbelltou, being driven into the river by boys anl can’t find her way back. She marked with ciop in each ear, has a bell on. white in her face, white on back an-1 belly, red on neck and sides. Wt»o- ever will take her up and let me know it, or bring her up to me in Campbellion, wiii be liberally rewarded. The sa'.d cow was bough' iu the upper part of Bladen ceunty and nuy probably find her way back to that coMty. JNO. A. WATSON, u, mi. tf Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, \''irginia and Georgia. Also, North (Jarolina six per cent. Fundable Noles. Also. North Carolina six per cent Bunds, new is^ue. W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. 9if ilJOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr aud John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their abacnce. They respeot- fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. STAaa & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1861. 58-tf Palma €hri«ti BeanM. The suliseriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. WORTH. Kayefteville, Oct. 8. 67-tf H.WING received authority from the SecrPtary of' /V'E P.AIR.MILL .SFoXES. good qu-ility, for grind- War to increase the. strength of the present (Jorps i V / ing corn, about .“li) inches in diameter, Moor» county at this Arsenal, the undersigned will enlist one hun- j Grit preferred. Any person having such Rock for sale, dred (100) non-for that purpose Those sub ject to couscription need not y>ply Tt’ansfers .and exchanges of men now in service can not be made. MATTHEW 1'. TAYLOR, Cipt. C. S. A. June 8. 3;>tf OFFICK OF THE kVTii \.>S’T Ql AliTKUHASTKli, ) Fsyutieviile Arseiiiil and Armory, r FiYKTTKVlLLK, N C . .Iiily 17, IHti.S. J WOOD WAi¥TEI>. ^E.ALED PROPOSALS will be received for the deliv- O ery of four hundred cord? of good .tound black jack wood, (400,) at the rate of sixty (60 cords; per mouth. The wood to be delivered at the Arsenal, where it will be properly corded. It. must conform strictly to the Standard mea8urem“nt for oord wood, viz; S’ s 4’ x 4’. Proposals to be marked '‘Proposals for wood for Aot’g Ass’t tinartermaster.” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A 8. 47-tf and, Act’g Ass't Quartermaster WAHTEB. A GOOD Cook and Baker, to oook for the Ordnance DeUohoieat. Good pay will be given. Apply to 11. p. fti Ut« Arsenal. '1‘1'b su!'S';rib;‘r at Whitet-ille, N. ''• TilOMAS S. MEMORY. July 4, iSf’.o 45 titpd WAx^TEB. ~ ^I'lVO young sobii''r“ belon/ing to the “Hi^hlanJ Bviys,” 1 wish to p'*ocure for ibtMnseives partners for life. If ih re are any wii') f-'el incline.1 to change th-'ir state caa do so by m-iking ;'nine>li »te appUciiion at these Headquartets. We ar.-^ liy no means fkstidioiis, except 30 far that any who iii.iy at any time have >imilcd upon “Gen. Hill's Ex.-mpis,” cr who have in any w.ay giv!>n aii and cotnforl to such, need not apply, for their pro posals v.V'1 bo jiroiiiplly rejecied. Wi» care not for looks, weilth. actjomjiiishmer.is—though neither of these will be rreardt'd an objection. — if is wives that we want, and uot doll.'^, or purses, nor luu-iic boxes Applications solicited at ouce by addressing TIM iSi BILL, Co. G, 24th N. C T., Ransom’s Brigade. Petersburg, Va. July 22. 49 3tpd By virtue of a Deed of Trus'. eieeuted lo me by I’c-v-r J. Siuclair, May .30t.'i, ISiiO, for th.- jairposes ttjere- in mentioned. I cffer for s.ale the PRFSSE ' atiJ Fl.\- TURES bploDging to newspaper esiablishr"ent, in the town of Fayetteville, known a.s the “North C'lroliuiar. It will be sold privately if desirable, an 1 on aocomaio- dating terms. If not sold before, it wiU be offer*»d it public sale oc Tuesday, tbe 8lh day of September next. GEO W. WIGHTMAN, Trust°o. 'Fayetteville, N C., July 2.> 49-ts FOR EllRE. ANEG1>0 boy who uovlerstan !-■ brickiayii.g aad plastering in all their brai.cbps Ayply to Rev ROB T B SUTTON Pittsboro’, July 21. 4f'-4tpd FAVETTEVI3.LE MITCAL INSliUiNCE COi\iPAM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to • 5'2t>7,f;‘^H I'tj O&sb on hand other asHet^. ft.O# t Total, .f■J7‘i,.>•^ The Company have paid r,11 lo.sscs procipily, ani have never made an asse' srncnt ou tbeir prr'miu-u note.- Total losses paid. 52’).' '• • IPFICBBs; GEO. McNEILL. Pre.sidoat. I). A. RAY, Vico President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. I)i >ti!CTt.rv: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tilliu^hast H. L. Myrover, S. ■). S. T. Hawley, U'ci. .'di,^ai!^iTi, Nathan A. Stedmy-n, T. -, Li; v1k.!x. C. B. Mallcti. .A. vv. James Kyle, J. r: C-lI-;, A. A. M'cKetiian, * H.ui t Shepherd, J. D. ^r'illiams, R h. iJrowu. ) ..... . S. W. Tilliaghast . A. E. liaH, j-" hn Collins and C. C. MoCrumiiniu, Travoliu^f . c*'at- 8>a?'The Company invite applications. May28, IStU. ‘ J'- THE .\ORTH TiAR^Tl.I Jfe A MITUAL LIFE imilA^VTK rOs^PAXl, OW in the tenth year .uoin‘ -fji ration, '’.iih f A ur.iii Thf Nfw Stvlo, Sinall, I’OLOUEl) PHOmUAPHS, ■\T t'aiiorodoir^ OHilcry. WoG*li ?=H«Iar 4^imera. I. Gallcrj, ;i etirv'l'e, N. ; ,■ colors, oil an i i iU‘'t pevt na- !0 'a inj^. 0' - f r iij-ties. • men's. Sn , afrc ri'iore'i " yo!r patron.ig . fo.' ibe li' the good MIS ''le l^d V. o; r> - .1 I or.l.; A' ui'jr-^-feii’s Skylight Mar'.’e \ ard, Fay- d, iM': i-e t. iu rater i: •u iitesi/.e. Ambro- i.M- sty'ts of Pictures i iuiues. Gilt .Mould- -a . ge .a> 26 by 3(> . :n-- p’oiiires; Instru- a-j low for ca.sn. Life .'roTi small pictures. 1 to rnerit - ■- i!.-ei'e ii.aoks u r.’.- h rciofoii, by ■ :1 PTo,''Tiet','r. lory. FAYUTTBVILLE AKSKXAL AND ARMORY,! ! OIL AND LAMP BLACK. ^ GOOD Harness Miikera, JULY If), 1863. WAliTEW, TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale oy N W «I>U! first rate Wood Turner, 1 first rate Slater, 6 No. 1 House Carpenters. Steady employuient &ad good wages will b« giron. Apply to Maj. JF. L CHILDS, March 7. J(.>S. R. ^LOSSO.M A CO., Wilmington, N. C 6 If : ErVt.iIlfE WAiVTEU. I i 4 or 6 how poww with ^tar^ oompL^ Mar a. growing capital an 1 tirmnr ln’M upou public cou- fideuce, continues to insure tlie ;j*es of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age. foi oue ye:tr, for seveu years, and for life—all life mem^e^s sharing in the profits. AU slaves from 10 to 60 y-'.irs of age are insured for one year or for five year.- for two thirds their value. All losses airf puudually paid within 90 days after saAisfactory proof is presented. ' For further information the publ*"' is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c the Sta.e. aud to R. H, BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E, J. HALE, Ageat at Jan’y 1859. Fayettevi* N. C. v-vu i- kv \bi;vr ! T. iiAinu Favfttsvilie, i:. .Th ■: .O 8 Soiitlierii Soii^Mter, Arranged expressly for Ctmr’. Price 50 ct». Just reowvcd t:. J HALE & SONS lu;»-2o TESTA n E.\Tsfc A H V Kib'.f oi ’t 7 Te- imOQts :hjoi Hymn For sale ^y E J. H.Vf-E & SO*--" June 1 CV'NFEDEii AIF: 8t u ■’i Kib-.f / .A CoU^iC'ion Ol' Ssb! -.Ui S :1 Blank Wamnts tor sale km* Blank WarraoUi for »aJe

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