\OK. XIII. f AYKTTEVlLfj:, N. C., AUGUST 3, 186S. [NO. 1251.] ut icr ■r r ri. ' . 8tau the •ing d taX'!s '.u port \Va: 1 r.h^- nia) jost jiiar- iX in tvuid a k# . Co* - ■ ,,‘r ttrra. t .lU- i the: T, olicu : Hd U> of ■. i ay p dora.. ^CT\U ^ WU no t thc t)e rt -ip: IX c .1 -ct- When thu ay 111 J de; >t HM :he a ey I si lU - '4'- -i iita. U .1 -p -i- eithi he ■ i Qer Suit.- y t i: - *e ti 2 rec ; ;c:. sai qu,. n tii , an :,9 e. i p: lie :eiU.- id pi e u>j. d..- tf iilj hki or . i or the be 1 11. H in, a- j lall i> of'! i 1 ■' ; i , I , i 1 ’MUNTKD M()V^)\YS \N]> TllURSDWS J. HAI,E & s«\s. i:i iTOIiS AND l-ROVaiKTOItS. P ict'?' I th. Soitii Wf-Vly (^d^kkvkii S»5 *'0, j'fti t in For the Weekly i)n«t;RVKR ^ 1 per nnntim, iu IV'U Uar \1)VI:RTIS1'MKNTS inseno.l for 51 p;*r 'larf of ir> I'ut'-^ f'^r 'lt(* firs\ «T\ 1 5't o**!\is for 'tcli siio Of*»'line pnl'Ul'>”. \ Iver; is(‘in‘'nt' n ■>i exceoilini? r hft’f eq'T»''o '' •i'1 pe'if^' for thp fir-'t ftnl oO cent' for eH'fi i‘- ■••liii'r piihlii’‘i!ion. Vilvertisers are re- qnesfe I t' 'tute (ti-» uutnV'er .if itisurtions ilesived, or they will he iiiu.> I till f'orhi l, >in(l chargcl ncO'ir'A- ingly A‘Nprii^. Tcrtisen)**'1 • I .titinue l rifi/f, clinrj^** 1 »s n^w nj- SPK()}-\T. NOTICE. From !\n ft»r tbi': ilnft*, !io name of n new subscriber ' will be cutt-re.! wiihoiit ji'i vment in ailvancn;, nor will ' the paper I'e “nl''seril er3 for a longer time j than i** pai l fi>r. 1 S>.u‘h of oiT uM subscriber? as desire to take the pa-,' per oa tliir sysiem will plea«e notify us when iaakini» ! r^aiittan-.-.'!*. Jan’v 1, 18'>8. j II*.7/. .FJrfc. .WrAT.f 1*, Attorney at Law, FAYEXrEVIM-K, N. C. \iriLL attend the Coiirty and Superior Courts of T T ’u»iberliB'l, Hiirneit. Mo*»re and liobeson Coiin- Ups Prompt auontion ijiveu to the oillection of all •laims «uiru' Oct. 17. l.s'. J to hid hau Is. 58-tf ('0,\Fi!lll!IUTi'l m im. rHK V-^-'cS' -rs for fie roimty of rumberUnl will meet at 1 hf (Iffiopof M. (’■impNell oh THURSD.W, jriiT 18>)a. t'» reppive the ('’f>a''odt'rHto T»5. Lists for this (’■'■iiiiy, on liie foil'W’ng su'j?st3 of l^xvtion. rii: >’ ivil .^to-.'-i, Wir.o>3 rvnd iSpiritons Liq>’"rH, Tpb.\c- cv—nmnfin'iurp.i or uoreanufanttirfid. Cotton, Wool Flo’ir, Nfolas'ie^^ an 1 Syrup, Ilifip, and other apri.'ultui kt product^, the prowth -'r producfion of auy y*nr vroppilinjr thp yeur lXij3. .\lso. al! Mot'.py'^, Notes rr othnr (^irrency on h'lnd or oil d'j ■'.•■I'* ori (h.- tir-J* lay ol Julv, and the ttIu' of h’I fr‘d’t- on vt''i?h th^ iat»'rp‘t h-i.- not *^een paid, .nt'.J not f'Ct'lovi'd in :i >UHiooss ihe iv-iOiUe trooi wh'Ch i-' t»\-I under the provisions of this Act. K. W, IfAKDIE, v'onfv 1. Tax Col. for CuraberUnJ county June ‘Jt 40-tf rt vs:ttkvh.m: Fi:.M.\LE K[(^i[ SCHOOL. NINTH SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1ST TEK'I hpgam '’“^th S»pfeinhi»r; en^'R 2Uh Uec’r. 2d •• •• lit J%n’y; “ 81:t .March. •M " " lst Aj'fil; “ 1st July TClTIiN Colleci-itp l)epirtnipnf. per Session, (1:5 weeks,) Acadpiuic “ “ PriiT'irv “ “ “ Music and Painting, ench Latin. Frfnoh and Drawing, each lloird, per Sewsion, Inci ient-il Expenses, « ‘2 t, Tu'tion payable IN ADVANCE by the Term.) Pupils will bp recoiTed al any time and charged frc«i the dnte of admission to the close of the Sestion, but no deduction will be allowed .‘'or the withdrawal of a pupil beforo the close of the rtynlar Settion Rev. WM HOOPER. T. C HOOPER. .July 8, 4 I 9m ji_ 1 I " llilj ojirn thp li\(t[E III I Ct'rtion (if (5u:'his the first of o b, !ible to ei'.terlaia from ?:*> 10 u 2h 10 120 GEO. W. \ViLLL\MS k CO., Whoif'.alt* I>oaI«rK* in fiJroceries, AMi IMPOBTV.RS aXH HEALERS IN Hardware and ( uHerVt Swedes Iron, Julv MW STUKET, FAVKTTKVILLK, N'. C. I,"'.!. 3Gtf J I T I. E irrocer an-t i'o>nniii*tio>i .^Srt'chnnt, F.VVKTTKVILLK. N. 0. Jan y !■'. I*" ■. tf T.i'.A: B. WORTh7 Commission and t^'orwardiu^ 3Ierch.ints, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jwi'y ‘28, 1861 81tf CARO! A FEW L.VL'IES Pan be acconsmodit'J with bf^ard at the Senaniary. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. IJ. ISvl. r>fj- ~~JOUNS()N, \V1LIJ.\MS & I’O., ^ i A\7 ^ have thirty ,'-iu psns mw in ipprntion nine mile? j f| p^st of Wninin’Lon. Parties wishiuj' to ijuppl^Vi IheBQBelves with mlt, c»d be furnished by ipplyiiig u A. John- 'n, Jr , at F^iy“tt^vi’i'", to E Pi.'?, manager at the wortH, or to -J. ?*» . TTl ,*10. Oen«ral Superinteni.Unt. FayettcTille, Nov. 2'^, 186'2 81tr AOTICK I expect to be absent from home a few isonths in the West, .Archibald McLean i:> my authoriied Agent to transact m\ businp''s until I return. N. a. JONES Dec r l&*i I. ‘"tf (HUlLOrTK IXSTITl ru. T'HE npx! session will b?jriu on the 16'h of September. I The dt par.m?r.t of Music w il be under ihe direc tii u of Mr Biuin*;n, and that of I'rawiug. P.iin'inp a» i [-reiic'i u’'.d.-'r ^lr W .J Myrover. Ho'h of th»’S" fientlemen are experienced and c.inir*tent Teacherk Sin^iii)! will r-ceive spe ial attention from Mr. Batim iii. For terms addre«s Mr. W. J. MYROVER. Fiyetterille, N. C . or Rev. R BUtlvVELL, Charlotte, N. C. Ju’y (), 18tj:?. 44-'>tpd ncAEILL A€\\1>KHV\ McNEILL .A(^ADE'1Y is in a very healthy locality in Robpsou County, 1 miles fro-n .\ntioch aa.l 3 from Red jipnnifs. Stu>lents will be under toe very bent of influences both moral «nd social. .All the exercises in the School will be conducted with a viaw ti» profeuud SchoK'-sbip —no •upertici^lit 7 c )untrnanced. Students will bj ihorrugbly prepared fir entering the Fresdm ui I or Sophomore Clas* at the C^nivergity. I The neit s»'jsiv>n of this School will commence the j lOti of AUGU.'T next. j Board in pood famthes. Twf-lvc Dollar'* ppr m'lnth. ! Tuition p*r Sesai-^n of Five M'uihs jl-’, $15 an 1 I ^18 Tuitioii chirjip.* from time of entering. No de- j duotions made e.xcepi ia cases of •icHnes.s protracted OL-e rior;h or more. R. McCASKILL, Principal, i Hi V 4Li-lM!p,l Asiir.vn.Bii:, a. v. ilOTl'Ti for the re- f June, and I hope Hpventy-fivc to hundred per;..am lurin^r ih ; Saiimer. In connectim with t*;i laiire IL til, 1 Invea number of Hu'-kj, Carriages, I’iii;;;ips m l .Si M'? Horses that my guests cm get at a inimite’s noti •) M. RL\1R, Proprietor Eigle Hotel, A'hpvii;^^ N. C. May l.>,_18‘i.i lj!-ypl pii:r>n«.\T srKi.\ijs, r.l'UKK "OrNTV, X. C. '■PHESE Hprines are si!ua!e>i i.i U erteru North Caro- 1 litia, abo’it I'lrtepti t’.iilps f’ 'tu Mordant.)tt, i.i a nK'UUtaiuous. ^'e’uiifiil and r>uii.niic c-un'ry. The w.i'1-rs, .''UM'HUR an) nn \LVTM' \TE, sr'* -aid to b*> equal t ) any tu the oountry. D -or, Heat in 1 l’he i'ant nb..uiid in Ihi- '!.)ui;iain-*. T>e f’'ni;'"t.v -u\-i’*'led in ''luainin!; the‘-ervices of an pxpr-rionc.-'l iZPTui.- .laii I 'd lily to lake cnar'/^ of the lI.''U'*e. n’ld will be r^ ir’y f.'v the receplion of Yi>it •■r? bv thp Is .11’LV )no-Fourth of thi.-t proiieity with Thr«“ Hun dred acres of Land attap'iod w(»ul t be sold lo a person coTnppt ut to take ch irg« of the i i oiiortv PIEDMONT Si‘RING3 CO May ’24. . 3.'5-3mpd LIST OF CHAKGES FOIl PASSE.MiEllS. l>OW From Fayetteville lo Wilmington, «10 00 “ “ “ Elii'.betn, 5 OO “ While Mall, ti 50 “ “ “ KpHv's (^cvc. 7 00 “ ‘‘ “ -All piiiats below 10 1)1,1 SECOND ri,.\SS, ()!; D»TK. From F.ayettoville to Wilminrton. $5 Ot) “ “ Elizabeth, 2 .50 “ '■ “ Wbitcball. 3 ,50 “ “ “ Kel'y t'ove, 4 o 1 “ ‘‘ '• .Vll points below 6 Ot) ( I*. From Wilmington to I’lyciievillo, $10 00 “ . “ '• Cov'e, 1 50 •• Whit- Hall, 5 oil •• Ei.zabetu, t) ,5/ “ •' " Pro.'pcci Hall, 8 00 “ All points above. 10 00 SKOONI* • LA.n.';, OR DKi.’K. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $5 00 •* “ “ Kelly’e Cove, 00 “ •• “ White Hail, 4 DO " “ “ .A'l points above. 5 (M.) 89^ .Spcond Cla«s or l>pck Passengers must stay on lower ileck or pay full prii^i*, or same as First Class. .Vn extra charge will be made f..r ^\ ay Pa-sen- g?ra getting into Berths d iring day ti me, and for occii- pying a li^rth with their boots or ahoen on, at the tiiscretion of ihe Captain J. A. Wi'RTH, for(' F. SCin B t Co. R. M. OURE’.L, for Si’rs Kate and Sun. T. S LUTTERLOH. May 4, 1H*; 2tl-tf From and aiiter thi«» date tho Steamer p. HL’RT will leave at 8 o’clock, .A M , on .Monday and Thursday JO.'^ \ WOiiTtl, April ti—17if] .Ag’t C. F. .Slea ii Boat Co. KxeiHtiTti neParttaetit Xurth l>arolina, | ] AnjurANT GENKRAL'a OFFica, (.Militia,) I Ralki«m, July 15, liitjS. j G c.vKaAi, Ohuer, 1 i No. 15. j I IN ('0\li’LlAjrCE WITH AN ACT OF THE HS-j !• oent Leiiiflature, Comm indinx Offia>*rs of the .Mili- j t!>i -ire orderei lo euroil as a Gu-vrd for IIo.Mt Duriisc* ' •ii! white iii«le persons not already enrolled in the ser vice of th* Conf^ederate .States, between the !*t:es of J8 j an 1 5U years, iucluding toreigjers not naturalized who ^ iifive be' n rcsidcu's of the Siitii for ttiirly days bofore sai 1 ptTdiinent. II. The-p shall be tx'»*npt froru laa op«rations of ; thi'- I'rder tho Givernor, ib« JiiJjres of the Supreuae ! an>l Superior Courts of Law and Kcjuiiy, Member* of { til- (j 'ner.d .\sJemMy, ihj Otnc^rs of iho ®everal De- j p'.i t :ut-Us of ib'j 0 jveruii*eat. Members of Congress, '-'vil nn 1 Milit-.ry Officers of vho Confederate Qov*rn- j me>.t iu the S'at i, the Minixtp’-s of the Gospel of the ! se^^'rai RiHni'-us D-aorainatiotis of the State, cLirged [ •r L^e uutipn of su«b miuijtry, the high Sheriff and l uit’rks oi me ?i^veral Courts of Racord, and the Public iifi :i# e-s iu tba -ev^Tal Mouaiies. III. .\fter t’urollmfenl tho men enroll#il shill be di- vluei into Companies of u'.t lys.s than seventy five tnea, U' r uiore th.in on? hundred, and shall proeeed to el««t ii.'ir :.'om;i^ny O.fiocrs, j'Lo certifiaataa of such eleo- tion will bo turwardud to this Offioo with the p!^.pers of purollme’it, iu order th'it Camniisvioos may be issued. IV. otliaer-] the Miliii* will be enrolled for IIomk DiffENCK, an I tbeir Oji'imiMsioDs, wben called into ser vice, will be suspeude i only during the perial of suah service V. This order is not iniandel to interfer* with the cnrollmeot for immediaie servioe, those batweeu tne iijres of 40 and 45 years ander Order No lij. DAN’L G. FOWLK, Ai^'utant Gentral. Jly 15, 47-2w €’0\«l’KH*T ors'u i:, ) Camp IIolmks, N. .f j!3’ 22, GENi:«.\L OHDERS, \ No 14 I TN .\C»'tRD.\N(’E v::h tl o prnclunntion of the I’rc 1 fident, is'ued the l-ith in A«TI€K. ^PHE As.«Pnsorfl of (’onfederaia Taxes for M*orc County I Wi*t meet ihe lax payers at tbe followiDjj timei and places, together with the To: Collector, .\lox. K«Hy, and all are .*iquested to attend, to wit: Carth".^e, 'uly 2'Jih, Itt'jJ Jor'l.in iv Sioau’s, July 8i)tii. D. .M ^lcln^o.^h's, July iJlst. P. E M uNeill’s, .\ugu«t 1st. Int^aM Grah-iui’s. August. ••Jd. .Mr-i H.arreti s, .\ugust 4th. .Ar- i’d Kslly’s, .\ugsist 5th. M Sheffiell’s, Augu«t tUn. Ttios. W Hitter’s, .\u(;u3t 7th. ThO'-. ]) Williiuis'a. .\ugust 8th. The following •u'r.j ;cts are to be lifted, rii: Naval Stores, S»U, Wines, Liq'iors, Tobacco Cotton, Wool, F'our, Suf^ar, Mol Syrap, Rice and all agricultu ral produce the production of any year preceding 18b3, all moneys, batik not*s or other currency on band or on depoHit on tbe first djy of July, and the valua of all aiedita on which interesi ba.« not been paid and not employed iu a buxitiesa the incom*) from which is taxed under tho provisions of this Act. section 6th. Ac. ! Carthage, July i8*i:?. A. A HARRINGTON, 1 , I.. COFFIN, 48-8tpi J hr. (^jii'eni Afiove the (iniues—A correspou dentol iheNew iork Herald, writing frTiii Gettjs biiro-, {iius alltities to the traces of the 8trut;s;le at the cfiueter^: .'lottmtients anti hea«l:^toiio3 lie here and there overturned. («raves, onci careiully ten«letl by some lovitig hand, hijvc been trampled by horses' feet until t*;e Vfsti^es ol verdure have disappeared. Tiie neat and well trained shrubbery has vunished, or is but a broken and withered uii.n uf tangled brush \»i_iod. On one j^rave lies a dead artillery hor.e, iu>t docoiiiposing under the duly sun. On Hiiuther lie the torn ^iruicnts oi .'^wne wounded -soldier, ataiiied and saturated with his blood. Aero.'»; a stuiill lieudstone, bearing the vrordt, “'I'o , ni^‘»oor\’ of our btiloved ehild, Mary," lie the s fara" prac'tci'-iP. All p. rtjons, :herpforp, i i„„„„ . i- i ^ \ ^ ii i . ^l-tnifpr, muotdo so l efore th- •.:uth of » ^agmcnrs of a-uusket r^hattered by a cannon bhot. •1'iy vt cntvllrtta! ) T -.ns; ?rt .t; ni’.! ' ct.iitrc ot the npace, oncl(,bed by an iron lenct^. and eoiitainiu! a hu!t’ dozea graves, a lew ruii\s are still 'Standii.g \v!icr they were erected by our soldier', and .served tu support the shelter tents ot a bivouackiiip: i» • r family shaft has been broken to fra,;(;i. uti ly a ssheil, and only ihe base retn iiits. Witri a j ortiun of the inseripliou therein. Stoii': ai'ter stone i'oU the effect ol the j"e>t (/’r}i/('r ’hat was poured upon the crest of the liill. Cannon thundetvd ai.d fo(»t ai.d borsesoldiers tramped o/er the .'ilttpioo; places oi the dead. Other load ? 'lO uddid to tho^e who are resti -^g there and iuan;, a v.ounded boldier still livtt. to remeuibtr the ct nlcit above those silent graves k\ ildi^ewortli Female .SeiiiiiiarT, GREENSBORO’, N. C. ^PHE Fall S»S‘ion of this lu'tit'ttion will commence on I t;i.' 4[|i of .\in;ust ne'xt. TBflMS TOR THIS Sy»StOK or 20 WKt.Ii.«: iioird. inciudin? washing, lights, f.jel. , f 'JJO; f M), on the Pi*D0. Hart} i.r vii- tarSMo; v.io.ii .\iustc ?>l- >»»; U'.l fainting Ivjn; Drawing $12 .'>0; Gr^o'an Painting $15; .Vncient and .Modern Laneua{;es each ?12 5J. For furttier particulars apply to RD'HARD STERLING, Principal. .luiip U7, lSrt:5 4i-l‘.*tpl \Vi:^TKK\ RAU. ROAl>. The Trams of this Road leave Faj-etteville daily, (Sundays excepted) a’, h o'jloclt, .V. M.. ami re turning leave .Mclver’s at 1 o’ol.->oa, P .M. Freight Tratn MOND VV, WEDNCSDAV and FRIDAY. By order of tho Pie-i if nt iicas r and .a;t g I ■m*. Aj; Jan. 22, 18f>8. ’.tTtf bc.^huls wheat, ,OUU CORN. Persons havins? the ahove articles to sell will receive the highest Cask price by calling on Mr. M. Tho.nason. at the Merchan’u^I L-', Faypttrvilip, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHN.SON, Jr. Not. 5, l'fj2. 75tf Feieiaie Teaelier Wanted. \l^.anted a lily to teach the higher branches ^ TT Etig tsh with Mu'ic, Xc , in my family. ,\ddr A., El'i'ihfethi.-.wu, Bl tieu c'unty, N. JuV. ti. of Jdress s:atine price. 4S-lmpd I'otton Ifarii tor Wool. To C'ott»ii Planters. JH.W'E been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief .Agent for tbe pur.!hi-:a of Cotton for thp Confederate Government within ;he State of North Caro lina, and will p.iy for the same in 7 per ccnt. B ^nJs or Cash. Sub-.\gents visiting the ditierent pans of the Stale, buying in my name, wiil have written opriitii-.tes oi appointment. By order of the Secretary of the T.-ea-^ry, al! ('oitoa purchased by myself or my u^-nts, on au I a:;.*r the 18th day of March 1863, will be p-n i t.»r in 7 p-'r cent. ARTaV HARAE^^. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of W’agon Harness for Army U’^e. I tan my leather and can glTe good bargain'. .Agent'* wiil do well to send their orders to me as they r:nall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick disj atch. J>»HN C.ARTKR. Goldston P. O., Chath im Co., N. t Junp ^UTI‘’E is h»r«by eiven iivu after this 4ate (exceT)t i Bonds ®r Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds ai st Ue 1 tu .4.1 in cases wnere we bave bargained for Wool accord- a former advertisement.. Up n that ti ing lo the terms of our advertisement of the 30th of May, wtiich terms sre now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Colt'n Var.'i for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. wash" ! and picked. This change is made at th? in.-tan';^ .jf theQ i . t,»'ni i,-tcr at Ilalei;rh. in order to mak(! tho terms of ex-hanga uniform throughout the State. r,E'). W. W1LLU.M8 & CO. Faypitr^ville, Jane 2'J, 18C3. 4ltf time, h'jwever, the 8 per oeui. bonis will be furnished as ,tated. Patriotic oitixeus are now o?fert-d an opportttnity to aid the Governmeni by selling to it their Coiton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, .March 2t. 18t>3. [c. d.] 14tf €iKIAD VrOAtlS I'oa-SAI.K. The undersigned have tak..‘u the jeicv for the sale of .Messrs W B. Farrar .t Co 's Grind Stones, and 34tf 300 Ib!^. tMiiiii Arabic* tor wale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 1.5 69if P. TAi rOR ~ OFFERS FOR SALE (COFFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, T'^baooo and Soap, Pow- J der, Cookiug Soda, white an I co’’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins anti Needles, Hats an l Sh">ps. On* box of sun-iry Goods just recpivp i from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth "aks for Ladips; Gentlemen’s fine Gaiters; Grc«n and Black T«a. P. T.VVLOR. Jane 1, 18fi3. .^3 3m3t.i ~ S.IO Rt:WARO. p ANAW.^Y on Monday 25th May. r.iv Boy NELSON; It be is copper complexion and weiv^hs about 150 lbs.; ag»d about 23 years. 1 will pay $50 for his delivery to me or $26 for hia confinement in Jail N. A STEDMAN. Juixe 1. 33-tf Coal .Tliiie. yilE underBign -d were at the Nove.nber Tertn of the | h1,v7no‘;“o'n“hand sizes running from 18X2^ inches to 1 Confederate Lvirt District of North Carolina, ..p- . ^y 11 inches: and can hav. cut at suort notice pomte 1 Managers of -he Egypt Coal N ine property | giz^S wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones and have eutetred into copartnership for the purpose of ; correspond with the undersigned, who will mining and selling CoM, aija tjoiicit orders for the same j gu orders promptly ani guarantee the quaHtv of the in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can I g^it a.s represented W SALT! »ALT! njlf SACKS for sale by /Co ROBERT Dee. 22. .MITCHELL. «8-tf 190 TOBACCO. BOXES V’^IRGINl.A TOBACCO, various grades, for sale on consignment, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS i CO. May2:d. 31 if Nole Leather wauled. OAAA LBS. of heavy well tat)ned SJLE LE.VTIIER, ^ VVfU suitable for Belting. Apply to SPOOLS and Cotton Millv Cpdar Fa'ls, 1). MURPHY 20tf Ptyatteville April 14. Adiiiiii!^trator’«i i\'otice. The eubscriber having ,^t, December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator t^on the E.tate of Neill G. McNcill, dec’d, notifies all persons havmi; ciwms against the Estate to present them within thp titup limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded I'l bar of recovery. Debtors are re.'^aesied to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r. De iO, S5_ t \r OW li«>»T. ! [Y COW i(j on La-i: -li Ip ol C ipe I' car, “>mewherc op- i posite to Campb. ;.! .u. i.emg invnn into toe river by bo;-s »nd crt-»’t !iu i ' r ^ .y i/ack. She is mat'Ked • with crap in etich e\r, ii bell on, white in hpr face, j white on back an-1 l).;lly, r“d on neck and sidp^. Who- | ever wjil take her up and let m„ ,;now it, or bring her i up to UiB ia Campbo.itc’i. will be liberally rewi.rded. The said, oow wa.; bough', in tlie u[)per part of Uladeo , ceunty and mAj probat/Iy find her way bMk to that I JNO. A, WA’l'SON. IMS. tf be supplied on short notice. The Coal trom this pro perty is undoubtpdly the best in the Confederate States. .Applications may be made to^Chas B. Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C , or James Browse, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 18G3. 9Ctf Am ii«iiial the Blockale ILL compel us to do what we should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself aud cut loose from the enemy. The propriotors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in tho Southcru States will be .ibl-! t fill Orders At short notice. Work deliverod in Fay^itteville, N C. Adlrr„=«s D. L. KIVETT, Manchp‘51 ;r, Camb»!iland, N. C. June 9, 18f.3. 3R-Cnnpd The Cedar Falls Bo b bin Co are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, QUILLS, fee , suitable tor Woolen an4 J. M. ODELL, Agent. N C . .Tuly 0. 18(>3. .^6-fimpd Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, \'ir^iaia and Gaorgia. A’“:>, North Tarolina six per cent. Fun-iable Notps. Al North Carolina sis per oent Buads, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON k CO., Brokers, Ralrigh, N. C. March ft. *■ 9tf rVOTICE. The undersigned, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of .America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect, either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by acoGunt or note, and otherwiHC to attend lo iheir bu siness generally during their absence. They rnspect- fully all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agente and make payment. ^ STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, ISRI • »8-tf r.dtiia Chri«ti KeassN. ^pHE Pub3r"ibtT Will pay t.*ie highest cash prices for X Any quantity of Paloia Christi C'sans. GEO W Fayetteville, May 27, 1862. WILLIAMS &; CO. 32-tf i\OTICE. All those indebted to the ef the late ^\ngus | Bhaw are requested to call and sptde the s.'tme by j the 1st ot August next, or t.h,jy will find th«ir Notes ’ and accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. I JAMES JENKINS, Adm’r. i June 22, 1868. ,39-tAI CM 1* ^ I' i: % R I. A A il!«i FO R AiL 1 OFFER for s.ile my Landd lying on the east side of ib« river, ten m I?' balow Elizabethtown. The river tract C'Tntatu** four huudrod and eighty five acres, of wbieb two hundred and fifty are cleareii; there is on the pi’ c? a Dwelling containing eleven rooms: with all ue .'''ary ou' ‘’Utldin^s. .Adj.^iuiug, ara eleven hun- dr-.l acres back ian U. six of which is swamp having a dr:n3 growiti of cypre-3 timber on it. .Mso a small placa oontainiug itiree hundred and fifty acres, of which eixty a?res a^e •vamp very easy to drain rir3.)n>» wi.-tiiing to ma-»e iiivestmpnt. *“f '-..I.. - >1-1 .. -aj.cart me at Eliz'.heiatowa, W. A. ATKINSON, .luly IH. 48-9tpd AOTICE i NY one desiriu^ lo nire an abU bodied man fifty years .^1 of agi' a.s a sutoiituie, and is willing to pay a liberal price, can get, one 6y adJiossing Box 67, Cartaige, N. C., wiiii t* ' a.'iii'uni ih*t they are willing to pay. July 22, i863 48 Stpd Wanted to Pur€haiiC, I>VNKN0TE6. 13 t* I and Silvt'r. Nona > *roliaa Treasury Notes (FundabU.) Nonh Carolina Tra^istiry Notes 1 and 2. Tjwu of Faya' evilia Dondn. Coun;y of Cumberland Boads. I Conffderate Bonds loan.) '\Y^e»ti;rn Railroad Siock. I Confederate Notos of old date. T. S. LCriERLOU. , July 20, 186S. 47-8w ~v7ALlI.Airi.K RKAL KSTATK roil 8ALH. 1 HOUSE and L',)T pu .M'.untorvi Street, with 5 rooms an ! a good well of water in the yard 1 BRICK STORE, two stories, on Person street. 1 Ht)U.SE on Arch street, 40 x 20, Lot about 160 feet by oO. P. S All those indebted to me are requested to aome forward and settle forttiwitn, a^ I eannot aiford to bold noies aud aooounts and pay taxes on them. All those that can pay and will not. do it by the9ih September, it being Court week, their notes aud acoounts will bo sold a*, .-\tiction by J. H. Cook. Auct’r. R. D. DAVIS, •luly 16, 1863. 46tf AAII.^ FOR SAI.E. fpHE HIGH SHO.ALS IRON CO. arc prepared lo fill X cash orJars for Nail.«, at (heir fictorr, in Oa«ton county, N. C. Nails will b^ ielivered a*, iron St.aMon, on the Wilmingtou, Charlotte & Rutborford Railroad. Address HIGH SHt)ALS IRON (30.. Iron, Lincoln county, N. C. ,lune 19, 40-2mpd .AOriCK To ths Jleirs nf Daniel MrJea'd. At August Court of Robeson county, being tha 4th Monday, 1 will be rc-.a iy for settiement with his Heir-, which time and i^laoe I want them !o be there. MURDOI^K MoKENZiE, Adm’r. Gilopolis, Ro')93on county, July 17, 18K;v 47-f>( ^^)lol^^•l■^ of Milit’H w I on Ihe 20'n Iiy of .Auc’i t. enroll all persnin ;n tlr^ boands ot' (hoir Rppiments, bptwppn *he tigps of IS nn 1 45, who have not already teoeive l eertifi vite^. of ex- empiion or dpt»il Etirollirt^ O^Hcers of North C.ir^ l.na are jire*'i.! to make Iheir apnointm*»nts immeM iti-ly to visit the Regt- ments within *hp;p !):f)|ript.'S, cia.tmpncing on the 2.it!i day of .August Notice is lier-by given to .‘ill intprp8fed. t!ial porsot.s li- abl'*, lo ron'-criutiou ha'-e the ri(rht to volu>t‘';.-r iu any company iu regular s; rricp of the CuDfeder .te S'ate-* bcjore turoilmfnt. Aft-.-r pnrollrr.pai they nui't jome to car.ip, where they will as.ignel to cotnMiiiJ'* of Iheir ohoice a- far a de.siring to v *ugu‘^t (the be furo’-'jei at this office. Aftrr *Droiltneni subat;tules c&nmt be accepted un der any circurastaaces except at thi® ''fifioe. The prin- fipal 13 rcqu’rod to nppe .r in with the subati- tuta. Substitutes under 18 or over 50 will n^t be accepteu Certiiicate of gocd moral oiiaracicr i' re quired before the substitute will he taken. This call is mide by tbe President from abs''lute necessfty to meet tbe increi^ed force of tbe eaerjy; to "trengihen and support our g‘;Ilant and veteran inny: to protect and defend our horaeg tind fire!-i les. a;;d drive the invader from our soil Our veteran ‘roops require the assistance of every man who can shpiil 1 ;r a musket or draw a sword. Tfce Commandant, there for j, earnestly hopes that this call will be re«pcndct1 promptly, cheerfully, and with an unwavering dster- minatiftn to swell the li«t of our glorious and gallant daad, if neces'^ary, for onr froedv.m and indc-pcuilpnce. The Commandant lakes pleasure a?.tii> in acknow- ladgiiig the efTicient aid readpr^d him by the State Offi cers, and exhorts them to reoewc.t ichI ia supplying the necessities of the arm’’. By order of (';ol. PETER MALLETT, Com’'!* of Coa: cripts for N. J. W. Mallktt, Adjutant. , 4'.) 2w 800 ACiiKS «r Foil SAI.K IjURdU.ANT to an order of Court, maktnt: the Real Estate of my i...o:it.ate, .Neill G. McNeil!, i . for the payiHCHt, tf debtu, 1 will expose to . sala .at tha Market House iu Faycftpvill?, on f.he ’iot.ijy of next Septemb..r Coon’y Cou't of Cum^-r:i il, at 12 o’clock, iM , the interest of my said in’est it • (being one hah' of the whole) in a certain Tract of L \ .s'D contain- ing SOO acres, situated iu CuraUorland Cvunty, cn As- boy’s Creek, near thn Wilmington Roa ’, j iiniug David Murphy and otbew, about 11 mile.=> from Fayettevill-j. The otker half iiitercst iu t-.iid tract t f I .c» i is owned by John McDjnald, who has coiisenfeil to a sale of his in terest at the same time, so that the purchaser wdl ) ro- cure an iEdefea«>iblo title to the whole tract U,rn tltis tract are situated a SAW MILL r.c 1 GRIST MILL, both in good coiidition, and with a good run of custom One third of the tract con9i.->ts of round timber—the leni.^iu- der has been boxed and worked for two or thre,yef-r3. Terms:—(> months credit with rppro»el security, the title to be retained u-.ifil payment F preferred, cash received, and discount alljwod. At the same time and pliec', 1 wiil (fi'er for sale a likely NEGRO Bt>Y, aged .ibout 14 years—on thesp.-ne terms Persons desiiuus cf viewing the Ian 1 will t- .i on th» unleraigned, or upon ?*lr J^hn McDou.sld wtij lives in the immediate neighb', rhood of iht tract, either c>f w^om will take pleasure in showing it. i;i;CT()R AfeNLrLL, July 21. lHt)8. ' ’ ' ’f^^'ts’” RFC FI V F R**^ A OT 14 i :.~ IN obedienoe to an order » the Conf>‘der.te ■. art, all persons a^ainsi. whom tlecrees have been taken for money due to alien er»e!uie' at or b-?fore Spring Term, 18b2, of said Co'irt, are hereby notifi'-d th t fhe inter est on said spven,i sums of nion-y up to .>Iay 20th, i.s now due and oi iered to bp paid. 1 will Hitpnd at .A?he- horo’ on Tuer^day, Aug >-lth, nex'; ai Pit'-^b 'ro' on Mon day, Aug. 10.h. next; and a; Carihagp->n Tne^ ay, .Aug 18th, next, for the pM>-po9.‘ of rrcpiving said ’■•I'-'rest.. If n >t paid to roe accorHr>gly executians wiU b^ is.-ued for the same and the ; )sts iu all c in ad i;ti-:,n to ihe interest, will be cjUected out of the Defend ints -TOHN MANNING. Jr. Rpce v.>r. ^ July 20. I8t)3. 4'.' til To the Voterw ol Jloore Corrily. \LEX.ANDER KELLY, the former reprssent.iiive of this C-onnty in the Lpgislature, having resigned, the uadorsigned respectfully recommend the n ime of Capt. JAME.S D McIVER as a #uit»bie person to represent the Qounty in that capacity. CITIZENS. July 25. 4'.' 2t * PRIXfrVG PRESSES AXl) FiXTlUES FOR !«iALF. By virtue of R Deed of Trust, executed to me by i’etcr J. Sinclair, May 30th, ISijO, forihe purposes thera- In mentioned, I offer for sale the PRESSES and FIX TURES belonging to newspaper establishment, in the tcwr of Fayttteviile, known as the “North Carolinian ” It will be sold privately if desirable, and on accommo dating terms If not sold \>efore, it will be ofiFered at public sale on Tuesday, the 8th day of September next. GEO W. W’lGHTMAN, Trustee. Fnyetfeville, N C., July 25 49 fs After i\inkee Home Fkfh.—ISome of the Penr- sylvania Dutch re^^orted to tricks, some of them ludicrous enough, to .-^ave their favorite fillies and fat Conestogas from the clutch and halter of Jenkins and Inidoden’s guerillas. A wounded cavalryman, who rcachcJ Richmond yesterday, related how a very desirable animal was found boxed up, with an only aperttire large enough to atlinit food aud tirink. Others were found tied in the midst of dense thickets and cornficlds, and were loosened bccause Jenkins had need of them liut Y ankee and Dutch ingenuity combined proved too much for the guerillas in numerous instances where the horses were found forming with the people a family group in the kitchen or parlor. A.s the orders sliietly prohibitei the molestation of private families, they could not be d'sturbed. ■Altogether, between four and five thousand horses were stampeded out of the I nion over into Sece.ssia. Human Ball:.—As to :he exact amount of fat which may eiist withoi^ proving injurious to health there appeals t> be the greatest variation. It is certain that m:i.ny individuals have possessed an enormous devt.lopniont of this tissue, who, nevertheless, etij jyed perfect health and the com plete use oi their faculties. Maecary btatcs that he eueounterod at Faviu a man wlio exhibited him self as a dancer, and ( STremely agile and gia«'e- tul in h'.s movements, akbough th ' most cnormoui^- ly lat man he ever s.’w. Dr. Williams- ruenfions a girl who iiouj her childhood was lat, and at the age of twenty weigiuvi -l.»U ib.s . but who possess ed an extraordinary degree of muscular strcngtli, so m^ch t bf^t .at u\ twenty could cirry 2.')i) lbs. weiicht ia each hand with ease; and another irirl whn at the age of five begin suddenly to accumulate fat with great ra pidity, so that by the time she was twelve years old she weighed l'^2 Ib^., and yet pre.served good lioalth and strength. The celebrated Daniel Lam bert, r»robably the fattest man whose history ha^ been recorded, lived lo a good old age, and, though much encuuibored by hi^ bulk, preserved his facul ties well; at tho culminating point he weighed 7‘ii* lbs. I’laterus rocurvli the case of a man who attained an enormous bulk without any diminutiou of his rem:irk;ab!e t^p iity, which was such that he walked and danced with u>ual ease aud grace. Nor is it only the musjul ir .system which may retain its full powers in presence of an extreme accumulation of fat. It is a common prejudice that tat persons orcslow of intellect; and the provincial epithet of‘fathead’ sufficiently expressed the popu lar idea of tho mental powers of the corpulent. Ktit there aie plenty of instances which conflict with this view; atui 1 need only mention David Ilumc and Napoleon to convince every one that it is not universally true.— f^jrnhUl Ma;/(izine. f ■ "J"' ' * 1 „ J. A. Fftywttevi'.Ie. P. WORTH. «7-tf W/AATFIK A GOOD Cook and Baker, to cook for the Oirdnanoe Detaehmeat. Good pay will be giTea. Apply to ^ 1. €7^ FayettcvUle Arsenal and Armory, i Faykttkvillk, N. C , June 20, ISiio f WAA'TFO. Having received aiitno'ity from the Secretary of War to incretve the strength of the present Corps at this Arsenal, the undersigned will enlist one hun dred (100) non-consvripU for that purpose Those sub- jpo* lo oonscription nr.ed not ftyply Transfers and exchanged of lu'n now in service caa- not be made. .MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8. 85tf OFFICE OF THE A(T(i ASS’T QlAUTEliM ASTEK, ) Fayelteville Arsenal uiul Armory, [■ Fayettbvillk, N O , July 17. 18H3 J WOfD WAATFD. MRALKD PRt^PO.S.ALS will be received for tho deliv- )0 ery of four hundred cords of good *ound black jack wood, (400,) at the rate of sixty (t>0 cords) per month. The wood to be dplivered at the Ars^'oal, where it will be properly corded. It must conform strictly to thi; standard meapurement for cord wood, viz: 8’ x 4’ x i' Prop-jsala to be marked “Proposalp for wood for Act’g Ass’t Quartermaster.” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Cap'ain .A'"i’y. p ,-i S. ‘7 . and Vct’g Ass't i^ iir'. imastor. tAVETTKVlLLfc; ARSK>Ali AX» AUMOKV, 1 •JULY 15, ( AVAATFM, 3 GOOD Harness Makprs, 1 fii'Pt rale VVood Turuor, ' 1 first rate Slater, C No. 1 House Carpenters. Steady em]^lo}iu«ul. Md good wag^s will be givea. Apply to M%j. f. L CHILDS, 4iG^} Caokd‘f V^oiin^’M l^iniit .llacliine. A FEW ON hand and FOlt SALE Those need ing ‘iad best oi-der H.ion, .as mai.ariat for nmkiug ia nearly worked up, and no more to be had Address. ALEX. DICKSON, Hilhbaro', Orange cotinfy. N. C. u’v 20 47-16tpd A imni The New Stvle. Small, C0L0i»:0 PROTOtiKAPHS, AT 4«:i.llery. FOR U3RF. A NEGRO boy who untiprslan'ln bricklaying plastering in all their hranoh, s Applv to and Rev ROBT Pit*Bboro’, Jul ■ *21. B. SUTTON. 49-4lpd FAYFTTKVit.I.E MUTUAL INSUsUVCE COMPANY. Capital in Premium Note's amounts to C.anh on hand and other assets. S'J07,f.8S :;b 6,077 WAATFD, ONE P.AIR MILL STONES, good quality, for grind ing corn, about 31 inches in diameter, Moore county Grit preferred. Any person having sued Rock for sale, applv to the subscviber at Whiteviile, N. C. THOMAS S. MEMORY. Ju’.y 4, 18(i3. 45 Gtpd W AATFIK I rpwt) young sol lipi-J b-loiigitig to the “Highlaad Boys,” ) 1 wish to p»-OP'ire f r theinyelves partner? for life. If i th«'re are any whn feel inclined to change their state can do so by making immediate application at these Hea'qn.artors. W« ore tiy i.o means fastidious, except 80 far that any wi>n may at any time have smiled upon “Gen. Hill’s Exempts.” t r who have in any w.ay given ' aid and comfort to .»>ich. need not apply, for their pro- ' posals will be promptly r«'jecfed. c-;re not tor looks, j wealth, a^complishmente—th »ugh neither uf these will I be regarded an objection.—it is Wivcs that we want and not dolls, nor pur."es, nor mu'^io box'is.- Applications solicited al once by addressing TI.M % BILL, Co. G, 24th N C; T., Ransom’s Brigade. Petersburg, Va. Ju;j 22. ’ 3tpd Totul, ^5-^7‘2,76o r.i Tbe Company have paid al! promptly, and have neve? tnnde nn aasos'sraent on their prPTr.uiai ;ipte-.. Total losses paivl, • S2't,t>.' f • Orrir sa&: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice Presideut. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dibsot.ies: ATxXV. Woodward’s ^olar Casiiera. W, N. Tilliazhasi S. J. ilinbdale, Wm. MoL.auna, T. S. Liii'erloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. C«. k Hp«, j G. Shfv R. V. 'ir:,' A. E hv’l. I , Travpli'sg Ag.-iit ions. J. Wilui'gton OIL AND LAMP BLACK. 'Pa:1NERS’ and LUBRIG.ATING OIL. t LAMP BL.AOK in barrels. For sale by JOS. March 7. R. BLOSSOM & CO., WilroinetOB, N. C 6 tf EACilltJE WAIVTED. ^4^6 boTM poww EagiB*, vikh fij^toroa oompIat» Honry Lilly, H. L. Mj-rover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C. B. Mallett, Jam««> Kyle, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. hn Collins aud C. C. McCruji’m Jiif“Tbe Comrany invite .apn:io May 28. I8»)1 * " TJaE^ORTH C~VROfiv»AA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE iOtlPAiM. NOW’ in the tenth year of 3ticces,-;'il operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upoa public cou fidence, continues to insure the li'^es of all healthy per sons from 14 t» 61) years of .age. for one year, f>r seve.i year», aodf 'rlife—all life members sharing iutiieprofil . Al’ sl.aved from 10 to tiO years of age are in.sure 1 fo • one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All Icsses arw purictuaily paid witUin !*') days afte* Batis'actory proof is presented. For further inft^rmation the pubii'' u referred t) Azeatfl of the Comp.any in all parts c he St-atc, and to K. H. BATTLE, Secrefary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at J&n’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C PHOTOGRAPHS ran be h-’.d at Vanorsdell’s Skylight '.Kllerj. Hay .■'ireet. ojjpo.-ute MarVde Yard, Fay- ettevilift. N. C,; piv'.in. -^tou-hel. colorc 1. in water ccli'i'. o:l ur.d rHe; •rota .s'tnll t^.tHi'e s'^o. .AmbrO' type.., Meliii.H'typt^-s, -ind al! c;lr styU-e of Picture# pertain’ to the Ar' A\>- , .Hi Fr.imes, Gilt Mould- iog >?' . .- t«’r verv f’■ large au 26 by 36 inches. C^ord >ir'i I" f.ji yictures; Instia- men*s. St.ock aud Cheuucii'le i'«- • ^It low for cash. Life '(ise colored Phot^.^.i-phs n le 'I' tru small pictures. Having pernr^ i b. ^ . ..^.i >ra 1 hope to merit 5 our pat-v„;,v;. I v.^i .; t.lso retuvu my sincer»'th»MiKS tor the tibevai . atrouage bB;-Ji’we'i oi; lieretoforc l>y the e,ood per.pU- of F.ayttteviil.' a.».i viciuiiy. C. y.. V.\N >R>j)ELL, '’•i i aud Proprietor i)p»^'r 2' . ' ' • 77- j!i\ ^al^O. TiAUDElt. DtK.RS ABOVE C. T. H.\I6B & SONS’ 8T0BK FavetteTille, W. C. 84- 20. r^‘..o 9>>ociiltern Songster, Price 5'J HALE Sl SONS APiRANGEii* expresslj’for C.:'.ii|>. Price 50 i’ *- Just roceivsd .1 lUiFtl. Blank Wamnti Tan'* 20 i TE?^TA^FAXS CCONFEDERATE Siai,es Bible Society Testamenta. I A Coll«3tion of 8cho!)l »f 1 Ptff nit bj ®- * auno. i\.