• "»II ^ ••-filter. 'i«4iv ur .u . iii iv>llK lull nr boU' Xt_v- a v'u , bet* to t hy ; «r ’ !»i.- b lU' V li : lur, tore : . :nu ‘i Ui uy ■ r ,i ntc.. lull, ■ iiua . ‘Jroiii 1 'Uul; 1. at' i'bo ul ui *r IS K, . ifiC ■ iia . tKT. ^h-'' rtui. »a j. -L ^ ■ rtiK.-.i i ..ui disk, i; e ai T . .. ^ ^ li w. » -.; to V. - V . WHte ot '“tiiif V - X :i iue tl !r |Tl I iu I be un isrer fax ti ic ( :tstei ta-1 a;, . “ -■* caw,’. V aaljr a;. ti^e sa i ' “ '■ •j n* a R. >ot P', : «‘jr -i ••iTin- th.- L .1-. oe •■■Jtfd lu saiiie fcv -iau. nua .ju? J ■ ft C -1 . - - ' r- !il«a SMro rk,~ ;^r m I u.‘ :axM ui rcp.^ i ..' vu- Tf ar ! pu«l ^Ha»- sai ■ \iaa Hi; -!>: alor*- tax O' .;cfi«r s warrant aa- »ipt i&ijraior. i • c«^ Twin reU t as ioun:» It au ? le en : • :ir»e li. - te . 'I' .-B»^ e«i *0 t« tke v.,e«i i‘n («ie pa.i'U^at at tie -i-tm ) tti, >h«J C-iDJilBl Be f *.mbi : HA ; R S.l«4l p "'snc.^- Jte ai tiic a h, i k •- s«t», auDv. leh (.'or it=ir^ ttial f»r L.f JS«I- .ir rf;- fte V#c :tr- 'T*d r-ta- H.li arti- d in ^ rvf j btt I .j ;i tH, : r,’ i- -.trict, ho chief ■; '■ e U!- bo : the ^ lollfci t ofi . retj It 01, ear, a: Uud thi; : BpCi;.L- ari^^ ; ; : bo i, ; he ij;.-1 tne, uii.i th. ietor i- nt.'^ 'ir , m liic il b. te, :: . tdil.-, . n Q tee, ' utur H;t, 1; I 1 •• cer Itig ■;: a.j nh.^ dcr ir reoii, u.rjd 7 {■ . - ...:i h .ruiii ctil tux>-- pr.,}.. itaiw, ^ j,6 «hal! .■/;.• ad oi ' .i= r bo, ^,’1J llo.-? lifi i this aci, •trs [,.• r - b. ■■ ■ r iii !t„ i'jr ' . jiiii 1 rttO;• - I !';u. i ircci • i Btlijli lui' luc ■O' I TOIEWlLlL 8E1HI-WEEK: L. T. vol.. XJ!1. FAYETTKVILLE, X. c., AUGUST 1863. fi_ [NO. 1251.] i iUNTKD M()\l)\YS .VNl) THl'RSU.AYS J. HALE & SOXS. Kl lTORf AN1> niOrRlKTORS Price tor the Se!iii-'Ve*klv Orskhvkr S^> 1*0. p'li'l in a'lvance. For the 'Vecklv >n«Kt?VKH 3-1 00 per aumnu, palJ in ailv>»nop itg~ M)VERT1SKMCNTS in-^erte l f. r #1 ["^r s iiare of 10 lines tor tin" fir^i. ttn'l jO for ("icti sue cee-linjt puMii.;iiiot'.. iv»riisein*nt-i not exoooiline a h'llf sipiHre (5^ liiic> ' I'O I'l’uts foi' the first ivn'l 30 CPiit*^ for eu-h liKC pn'olication. ,\ Ivcrtisors nre re ■ qne-::r I t'l thi’ nimV'fr 'f insertions ilosiroil. or Lliev w ’i l>i- coinin'ic'l fill forhi 1, 'ui-l rh-irjre'i icoorJ- ingty. AilTerti^.'ni.'tits cnutiuMe.l I'lsu/r, cliargc’l hs new aJ verti-enieni . SPKCl T ,ti'r this ! w il' oilt I rt ^ -n^ ■ ' -iii-li •; N'OTH’i:. f.o nnnu' of n new sub«criber .•Tiu n; in atlv uiy». nor will for a lonir'r liino From •in • will fii'i.Ti th'- : --T t.e than iu pr ' l C ir, S.icU (iM-ul>scril>er«> ns'\eire in,take the pa- p«r on tir > syjieui will please notify u- wlien niakinar re;i;i!'Jan’jr 1, It'.'iS If.?#. Attorney at Law, Fayettkville, X. 0. ^71 LL attend the County aud Superior Courts of f T Curaherliiti'l, Harnett. .\Ioore and Rolieson Coun- ti«s. ProH!pt attention given to the collection of nil cUims eafrusred to his hand-?. Oc». 17, 58-tf (iKO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., ill liIrorerit*«, AND iMrouTi;n- v.vi> de.\t,ers in Hardware and ( utlery, Swedes Iroii^ &0*, IIW STKKKT, FlYETTKVILIiK, X. C. f(l\Fli!IERlTE T,l\ LISTS. 'pHK A.sHefi!4()ra for the (’ounty of Cunibtrland will 1 meet at I he OHioe of A. M. Oanipbell on TllUHSDAV, JUI..V J, Ihil i, to rfceive the Ooufuderate Tax Lists for this C.)iiuiy, on the tblliiwiug subjects of taxation, viz; r-JaviiI Stores. ^.aU. Wines aad Spiritous Li'^uors, Tobac- c.i - ;uannf'aotnred or unmanufai'tured, Oot*on. Wool, Flonr, Siiijir, Molafl^es and Syrup, Rioe, and other agricultural produotn. the jrrowth or production of any year jiieii'-dinp: the year Also, all Mi>ney-', Rink Nofefl or other Currency on hand ’r t>ii d’poxii*’ on the first day of .lu’y, ai:d' the ▼alue of a!1 credits on which th» inter»«t ha® l een pai 1. and not employed in ft hiisincflR the inootne from wh’ch i-! I x.*ii iiiidor the provition9 of this Act. R. W. IIAKUIK, (’onfed. TIX (%)1. for J'Jumberland connty. •Iline -'■> 40-tf FA Vt^TTI^^VII^I.I^ m\M\] [iifiii sonooL. NINTH SCHOLASTIC YEAR. .v'T T1'K\! t. ris. -.(H.h S.*pt ' t'h Dec’r. 1st Julv J-20 16 11 26 10 r.’o J'ah 3t)tf JON. IT LEV, (wroret' atut I'o'nntiHsion .^Merchant, FAVHTTEVIM.K, N. C. Jan'y I'*, l- i i 93-tf T. C\ A: ». U. WORTH, Comniissioii and Fonrardin^ Nerchauts, WILMIXGTON, N. C. Jan’y 29, ]«t,l 84tf •.'"!h 1 lit in y o 1 •* ir't Aj rii Tin Colleifiate UepariiuenI, per Seniion. (IS weeks,^ ,*c‘ideniic *• ■“ “ Primary " “ '• .Music apil Paiatinf;, e»ch Laiiu. French and l»rawinK, each Roh' J, per Sessi on. Incidenta' Expenses. \Tnitiftn payable IN ADV^ANCE hy the Term.) Pupils will be received at any time and charged from the date of admissioa 10 itie clo.se of the Sfftion, but no deduction will be allowetl for the withdrawal of a pupil before the close of the regul'tr Stssion Rev. WM HOOPER. T. C. HOOPER. July 8, 1863. 44-9m CHiRLOTTE FE.WILE l.\STITI TE. 1''HE next session will begin on the 15th of September. The d'ipartmect of Mu^^ic will be under the direc tion of -Mr. Rautuan, aad that of Urawinfr. Painting and French under .Mr W J Myrover. Both of these gentlemen are experienced an 1 competeni Teachers Singing wili receive special attention from Mr. Bauman. For ternia address Mr. VV". J. MVKOVER. Fayetteville, N. C , or Rev. R. BURWELL, Charlotte, N C. July G, 18G3. If. V. 1W1LL open the E.VOl.l'. iiOTi;[, for the re ception of (luents the first of June, aii'i I hope |,to be able to entertain from seventy-tive to a hundred per.jons during the Snmnier. In connection with this large Holt l, I have a number of Hack -, Carnages, Buggies and Middle llorses tl'ul my gue.Hts can get at a minute's notice. .1. M. llLAiU. Proprietor Eigle Hotel, Asheville, N (' May 13, 18t)3 ;{l-ypd PIKI>*nO.\T SVHl^US. iiUlvKK COIJNTV, N. (;. 1MIESE Springs are sitna»el in \>’estern North ('iro liaa, about Fifteen mib-s from Morgarton, in a mountainous, be'iutiful and romantic cutimry. Tne waters, .^TLPHUR an I CHALVBEATK, are said to be equal to any in the connfry Peer. (ear and I’.-ieasant ab(uinl in tho. Mountaiqs. The Company hag suoceede l in nlitaining the .services I of an exp.>rie!i''ed i^eutleinan au'l lady to takt ciiarro of the House, and will he ready fir the veocption of Visj-. ers hy (he Is! Jl’LV Oue-Fourth of his proj.ei'y with Threa lliia :lst March. J Ired acres of L\i;d atta^'l'ed vfould be soi l )o a person ’ ■ competent to ’ ’ May 24. LIST OF (HAR«ES FOU 1‘iSSEMiERS. 'akc charge of the property. PIEDMONT SPRINUS CO. 33-.'Jmpd 44-?^tpd KlI.I. AC'ADEllV. ^J^cN'ElLL AC-VDEMY is in a very healthy locality in i>OW%. From Fayetteville to Wilming'.on, tlO 00 “ “ “ Eliziilieth. .5 IM) “ Whit.! H ill. t; T)!) “ “ Ivelly's 'ov'.». 7 Ott “ “ “ .\11 ptials below, 10 00 f-ECON'U ('l.AsS, oil DECk From Fayetteville to iliaington. t)0 ‘‘ “ “ Elizabeth, 2 .')0 “ “ “ Whitehall, 3 50 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cov», 4 Ol) “ “ “ All points below. 5 00 I'l». From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $10 00 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 4 .%0 " “ “ White Hall, 5 50 “ “ “ Elizabeth, 6 50 “ “ Prospect Hall, 8 00 “ “ “ .All points above. 10 00 SECOND CLASS, OR DECK. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $5 OO “ “ “ Kelly’s (’ove. 3 0.) “ White Hall, 4 M) *• “ “ .\'il poiuta above. 5 00 ’0.\M’RIPT OFFICE, ) Camp IIolmks, N. C-, -Inly 22, lS(io. j OCVKRAL OUDEKS, ) No H / IN A(JC JRDANCE with the proclamation 0^ the i're- sident, issued the loth inst , Colonels ot .Militia wili, 01. the 20ih day of Atigust, enroll all persona in the boand.s or' their Regiments, beiween the ages of 18 and '!?*. who hive not already recciveil certificates of fi- eniption or detail I'.urolling Oflicers of North Carnlina are dirccfed to make their appointni-»nts immediately to visit the Hegi- iir ptti within their Disiricts*, couimencing on the iit)tb d-iy of August Notice is hereby given to :ill interested, that persons li 'I'de to ci.idcripiioii have the right 10 volunteer in any coaifiany in rrtjrular service of the Confederate Irftatea bcj'jre mroHmenl. Vt’ter eurollmeut they must come to ci'^ap, where they will be assigned to commands of tlii.ir choice fir as pi actic iblo. All persons, therefore, d‘siriug to volnateer, must do so before the 20tli of Aiigast (th« day of enrollment.) Transportatiou will •te urci.jhed at this ollico. 'ft'T eijrolhueiii oubstitutefl cannot be accepted un der any rircum.R.'ances except at this office. The prin- ‘ipal i: rnjuirod iq appear in person with the aubsti- tnte. Substitutes under 18 or over 60 will not be accepted. Certificate of good moral character is re- '^uired belore the substitute will be taken. i'hifl call is made by the PreaiJenl from absolute necessity lo meet the increased force of the eneoiy; to strengthen and support our gallant and veteran array; !o protect find drfenl our homes and firesides, and drive the invadei from our soil. ()ur veteran iroop» require the assistance of every man who can shoulder a niu.sivei or dr*w a sword. The Commaadanl. ihere- foij. Carnt'S'ly mpes that thiS call will be responded to promptly, cheprf.illy, and with an unwavering deter- minatien to «w I’ the list of our glorious and gallant deaii, if necesrary, for onr freedom and independence. The Commandant takes pleasure again in acknow ledging tiie efficient aid rendered him by the State OflB- cers, and exhorts them to renewed zeal ia supplying the necessities of the army. By order of Col. PETER MALLETT, Com’dt of Conscripts for N. 0. J. \V. Mallkti, Adjutant. 49-2w ,iAvrAi;v ‘EnKHAr.v Second Class or Deck Passenger.s must stay on lowor deck or pay full price, >ir same as First Cla.ss. Robe.son County, 4 miles from Antioch and > from extra charge will be made for Way Pa^sen- | I Red Springs. Students will ho under the very best of I gers getting; into Berths during day time, and for occa- I influences both moral and social. All the exercises in ' pying a Berth with their boots or shoes on, at the i I the School will be conducted with a view t» profound | discretion of the Captain A V \ It l>! FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. 12. 1861. '>‘>- johSson. williams & CO., XAI/r ,TI.%KER«. VVr^ have thirty i3o> pans now iu operation nine miles , It east of Wflaiington. Parti«s wishing 10 supply 1 themselves with s»ilt. can be furnishe 1 by applying to A. Johnson, Jr. .\gent at Fayetteville, 10 K Page, manager at the works, or to J. M. W1LLL\MS, General Superintendent. Fayetteville, Nov. 20, 1862. Sltf ~ i\OTIi'E. As I expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, ArchibaM McLean is my authorized Agent to transact my business until I rettirn. N. G. JONES. Deo’r 28, 1860. '^tf ~ \VA.\TED. BUSHELS WHE.\T, ,OUU 1.50U •• Corn. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive tfae highest Ca.«h price by calling on Mr. .M Thojjason, at the .Merchant .Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on .Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 75tf ARMY UAR.\EN.^. T AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon j Scholarship—no superticiatiiy ountenanced Students j will be thorougfily prepared for entering the Freshman j or Sophomore Class at the I'niveraity. The next s»-«si»u of this School will commence the 10th of AUGUST next Board in good families. Twelve Dollars per month. Tuition p‘r Session of Five Months ?12, $1-') and ■>18, Tuition charged from time of entering. N-5 de ductions made e.xcept in cas**s of sickness protracted one month or more. R. McCASKIL«L. Principal. July ti 43-lurpd Eil;;ei«'ortli Female isiemiiiarjr, GREENSBORO , N. C. 1'^HE Fall Session of this Institution will commence on . the 4th of .V'lgust next. TKKM.S rott TUB SaSfllOH OF 20 WrEKS; Board, in.:luding washing, lights, fu.-l. .'^c , $220; English Tuition $30; Music on the Piano, Harp or Gui tar f-iO; Vocal Music S12 oU; Oil Painting Dr*,ving $12 60; Grecian Painting $15; Ancient and Modern Languages, Hach f 12 .') J. For furtaer particulars apply to RI^H\RD STERLLNG, Principal June 27, 1863. 41-lVttpd Cotton I'arii loi* Wool. Nt)TICE is hereby given that after this date (except iu cases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of our advertisement of the 30ih of May. which terms are now revoke 1,) we will give 1 hun- dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at the instance of the Quartermaster at Raleigh, in order to make the terms of exchani^e uniform throughout the State GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville. June 29, 1863. 41tf E^ypt Coal lliiie. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed .Managers of the Eg.pt Coal Mine property, Harness fur Army use. I tan my leather and can | have entered into copartnnrship for the purpose of give good bargain.'- .\gents wili d'l well to send their ' - - . orders to me as they shall tiave prompt attention, and i Bent otf in quick di'patoh. J>1IN C.\RTER. j Ool'idton P. 0 , Chatham Co.. N. 1 June 13, f J. A. WORTH, for C F St’m B’t Co. R. M. CiRRELL, for St’rs Kate and Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 1863. 26-tf From aiKl alter lbis» date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday ' and Thursday. JOS. .\. VVtjRTlI, I -\pril 6—17tf ] Ag't C. F Steam B,>at Co. i " WENTER.^ RAII. ROAII. 1'^HE Trains of this Road leave Faj'ettoville dailv, . (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and re- 1 turning leave .Mclver s at 1 o’clocic, P M. ' Fra^.ht Tr^in MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. I By order of the President. I JNO M. ROSE. I Treas'r and .Act’g Tran«. .\g't. j Jan. 22, 1863. ;*7tf j To Cot toil l*laiater«i. I Have been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchas# of Colton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro- I lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or I Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates cf ' appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coitoa I purchased by myself or my agents, on and after tlie I 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds er Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn j a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the j 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated, j Patriotic citizens are now offered aa opportunity to I aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton raiher I than to private capitalists. : LEWIS S. WILLIAMS, j Charlotte, March 24, 1863. [c. u.] 14ti CA PE FE A R L A.\D§ FOR SAEE. 1 OFFER ijr sale my Lands 'ying on the east side of tun river, ten miles below Eliiabethtown. The river t’-act contains four hun'ired and eighty-fiv' acres, of which two hundred and fifty are cleared; the e is on the pluct a new Dwelling containing eleven rooms; with all necea«ary out buildings. Adjoining, are eleven hun dred acres back l.inds, six of which is swamp having a dense grow'h of cypress timber on it. Also a small place containing three hundred and fifty acres, of which sixty acres are .swamp very easy to dram. Persons wishing to make investments in good farm ing lands woul 1 do well to call on me soon, or address me at Elizabethtown. W. A. ATKINSON. July 18. 48-9tpd RECEI%'ER’.«!$ i\OTICE. IN obedience to an order of the Confederate Court, all persons against whom decrees have been taken for money due to alien enemies at or before Spring Term, 1H62, of said Court, are hereby notified that the inter est on_said several sums of money up to May 20th, 1863, is now due and oi iered to be paid. 1 will attend at Ashe- buro’ on Tuesday, Aug 4th, next; at Pittsboro’ on Mon day, .\ug. 10th, next; and at Carthage on Tuesday, Aug. 18th, next, for the purpose of receiving said interest. If not paid to me accordingly executions will be issued for the same and ttie costs in all cases in addition to the interest, will be collected out of the Defendants. JOHN MANNING, Jr., Receiver. July 20, 1863. 49-6t VAEI ABEE REAE ESTATE FOR SALE. ] HOUSE aud L)T on Mumford Street, with 5 rooms an-d a good well of water in the yard. I BRlt'iK STORE, two stories, on Person street. 1 House on .\rch street, 40 x 20, Lot about 160 feet by 60. P. S. .\11 those indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle forthwith, aa I cannot afford to hold noies and accounts aud pay taxes on tbam. All those that can pay and will not do it by the 9th September, it being Court week, their notes and aceounts will b« aold at .\uction by J. II. Coo's, Auct’r. R. D. DAVIS. July 16, 1863. 46tf C«>iiM*ri|»l IMIice, ('amp Hoi.me.'^, July 2.'», E following not ice is hereby j.iiblishf-d P-r ihi iti I formal ion of all concerrw d P.y order of Coi PKTFU .MALLETT. Comd’t of (^oiiseripis to:- N > . J. W .MALLfTT, Adjt. i^ol^lCE. bureau t»F CONSCiUP. iON. ) UlCH.'IONH, \ A , -1, 1 ii;;. ( To anpwer nunieriiiia ;i)q’jiri ;;nd to oi-ir-ot errors ( not uncommon, lae follotviiig :>otice i.s » ublMied t-j 1 all concerned; ■ 1. Un.l*r the recent u.ali of tlie President, czt*;n'.ii!ig j the conscript an.-, aii nubsLi' .moms L-»vc oea^e i ti b“ ! vuiid if the .snbhiiiute bo tiiua lo yei>-, o a and I is not oihe»'wis3 ex>*i;ipi by law ; II Meaiberohip, unl.k-ia a-i au oflicei aaly i.ocrj't.^ii by the War D.-partment, of local or^aui/.ai i'-us lor tionip defence or special service, codrcij lO claim ti. i :emp MAl»’’i! tion from Conlederate Sorvice; ntit.-.,r dojb ."srvioe in the militia, unless in ca.^e .)!' 'T.i'eiS acta.ii y iu C'jiii- mission who have au y quali.'ied III IIerr^‘'ter anj oue tLirii: a o i^sll'Uie iiill . become liable in his own person whent^er the services ■ of the subsii^uie are lost to the ’over.uuent fro d any cause othei' than the casualtiea o: war. IV. Application.^ for exemption, on any ground what- j ever, must first be addressed to tue local enrolling olK- I oer, who, if he has not power to,iCi, or is in d'? ib', will j refer them to higher authority, with report >>l the j All such addressed direct to hlj^h 'V author will necessarily and invariably l-e ref.H.td back i. * local exaaiination and lepori aud the applicxn.s wiii thus have uselessly lost ti^ie and prol'Cngci ^■■_3pena?. Appeals against adver»e j»c:j»oa9 l>y looal otiicerj will be forwarded by them iv>r hearing, when any pl'au- sible ground of appeal is set fon>i. V. Comman'lauts of Cc pth wi.: give .h"3 notice extensive circulation in >u. . a' pre.-6 ofiJieir respective States. G W. Li,.!, Lt. Col., A A. G.. acting Chief of LLn-au. Register, Progress, Standara, Western i^emocr it, Fayetteville Observer, Wiluilngton Journal, Salifb.iry Watchman and Asheville News, cofuntil 20th Augiist next with this paragraph. July 27, 1863 50-t20A EETHE ACAOEMV. The Fall session will be opened on the 1st Mfi’niay of August 18G3, under the charge of R. H. 1 .u>'N. Rates of tuition, per session, ;?15 to 5-30. Board can be had in the neighborhooa at oi;> to $-0 per month. The location is 7 miles North of liockiugiioni, Kica- mond county, N 0. July 25, 1863. . 4'.*-3ipd H -TJ a 53 1 ') f» 7 S i) 10 1! 12 1 \ ■ ir» Ifi IT 1' 1!) 20 21 24 2^ 2: 27 2's '19 ! *) *> 0 « ( i ’ . , - '' 12 13 14 1 - 1 i ‘ 1> •2(1 •J1 «>, J ■2C> •27 1 t'. 4 11 12 Li 1 I K) ,i I!) •20 'Ji , 2> •>7 -.1 >;riad «toae?s for ?sale. 1 : '■piIE under.signed have tak-n the .\xency for the sale - j JL of .Messrs W B Farrar & Co ’.s Grind Stones, and 34tf SOO IbM. Oiim Oct. 16. .\rabic lor wale !>%’ J. R. LEE.* 69tf mining an 1 selling Coal, and solicit orders for the aame in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on «hort notice. The Goal from this pro perty is un icuhtedly the best in the Confelerate States, j have now on hand sizes running frum 18X2^ inches to .'Applications maybe made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette- | 6 feet by 11 inches; and can tiave cut at pnort notice ANY SIZES wanted. P. TAI EOR OFFERS FOR SALE tiOFFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobaoc« and Soap, Pow- J der, Cooking Soda, whii5 and coi’l Spool Thread, Combs, Pina and Needles. Hats and S.*joes. 0e3 box of sundry (tgo is ju«t received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth (Uoaku for Ladies: Gentlemen's fine Gaiters; Gre«n and BlaoK Tea. P. TAYLOR. June 1, 1863. 33 3m3ti §50 REWARO. RANAWAY on Monday 2.'ith May, my Boy NELSON; he is copper complexion aii'l weiithh about 150 lbs.; aged about 23 years. 1 will p.ay $.jO for hisdelivery to me or $25 for his confinement in Jail. N. A. 8TED.MAN. June 1. 33-tf j»A i/r: SACKS for sale by Dm. 22. ROBFRT MITCHELL. «8-tf T4MtACCO. 1 Qn VIRGINI.A TOBACCO, various grades, X^U for sale on consijtntiient, by GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. May 23. 31tf Sole l.«eatiier uauteii. OAjWi LBS. (if heavy well tanned SOLE LE.\THER, ^vUv suitable for Belting '^PP^y D. MURPHY. Fayrttt,e?;re .\pril 14 20tf Ad]iiiiii^li*atua*’»« Aiotice. The subscriber having Dixernber Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cuiuberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. .Mcifeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having . laiui^ against the Estate to present them wittiin the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. DebtoPs we requested to make prompt payment. hector MoNEILL, Adm’r. Df'« 10. 1SH2 Rft. t C4>W EOST. My COW is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way back. She is marked with crop in each ear, has a bell on, white in her faoe, whil« on back an-1 belly, red on neck and aides. Who ever wili take oer up and let me know it, or bring her op to me in Campbellton, will be liberally rewarded. The said cow was bjughi in the upper part of Bladen eeanty auti may prottably find hor way back to that •o«»ty. JHO. A. WAT80K, IHI. H ville, N. C , or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, .lan’y 20, 1863. 96:f .A*x iisiiial the Blockade \17’1LL compel us to do what we should have done be- T T fora this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the en.my. Tha propriotors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBHINS for Factories in the Southern States, will be able to fill orders at short notice. Work d(?lvereJ in Fayettevill'?, N C. Address D. L. KIVETT, Manchester, Cmnbotlaad, N. C. Jiine 9. 1 8B3. .36 6tripd The Cellar FaP(» Bo‘)- bin Co are now prepared to furnish, at abort notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, SI*)OLS and QUILLS, &c , suita>,le for Woolen and Cotton Mi’ilv J. XI. ODELL, Agent. Co'tur Fa'!«. N O , Jifly 9. 18H3 ,Sf> firopd %VAi\TEII, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Car.ilina, | V'irniiiia and Georgia. Also, i^orth (Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. -Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON A CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9 ' 9tf I^OTICE. rpHE UNDER.SIGNED, both having entered the mili- 1^ tary s*?tvice of the Confederate States of .America, hereby give notice to their old customcrfi and friends, that they have appointed John D. Sf;ur and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to atiend to their bu siness generally during their abaence. They reapect- fully ask all persona indebted to them to call as firompt- ly an possible on their agents aad make payment, STABa & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1861. 58-tf Palma Chri»ti BeaiiK. fJMIE subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Oct 8. 67-if WAI%TED. ' A GOOD Cook and Baker, to cook for the Ordnance Detachment. Good pay will be given. Apply to Capt. M. P. TAYLOR, at the Araenal. July 17. 47-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK.^ TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LiVMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. B, BLOSSOM & CO., ^ WilwmgtOBi (X Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond with the undersigned, who will fill orders promptly and guarantee the quality of the grit as represented GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1863. 32-tf AAlE^-i FOR SALE. The high SH0.\LS iron CO. are prepared to fill cash or lera for Nails, at their factory, in Gaston county, N. C. Nails will be delivered at Iron Station, on the Wilmington, Charlotte Rutherford Railroad. Address HIGH SHOALS IRON (’O., Iron, Lincoln ooiinty, N C. June 19, 186? 10-2mpd Fayetteville Arsenal and irinory, 1 F.\YETTKVii.Li?, N. C , June 29, 1863 J W A.^TED. Having received authority from the Secretary of War to increase the strength of the present Corps »t this Arseoal, the undersigned will enlist one hun dred (DMJ) non-conscripts for that purpose Those sub ject to conscription need not uppb/ Transfers and exchanges of men now in service can not be made. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, C.apt. C. S. A. June 8. 35tf OFFICK «F THK .UTU VSS'T Ul ARTKRM iSTKK, ) Fayetteville irserfiil and .trinory, f Fayhitkvili.b, N. C.. .Inly 17, 1863. ) WOOB WAATEB. MEALED PROPOS.MiS will he received for the deliv- lO *“ry of four hun ired tiords of good sound black j ick wood, (400,) at the rate of Hixty (60 cor Is) per month. The wood to be delivered at the .'\rs9nal, where it will be properly corded, it must conform strictly to the standard meaHurement for cord wood, viz: 8' x 4’ x 4’ Proposals to be marked Proposal.'* for wood for Act’g Ass’t Quartermaster.” M\TTHEW P, TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P A C. S. 47-tf and Act’g Ass'f Quartormasler Wanted to Purchase, Bank notes. Gold and Silver. North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable.) North Carolina Treasury Notes 1 and 2. Town of Fayett6ville Bonds. County of Cumberland Bonds. Confederate Bonds (15,(X)0,000 loan.) Western Railroad Slock. Confederate Nates of old date, T. S. LUTTERLOH. July 20, 1863. 47-3w AOTIC’E To the IJfirs of Daniel McKenzie, dpcd. At \ugust Court of Robe«on conniy, being the 4th Monday, I will be ready for settlement with his Heirs, which time and place I want them to be there. MURDOCK McKENZlE. Adm r. (.lil.){roiis, Robeson county, July 17, 1863 47-6t Voiiii;;:% Miiiiit .TIac'hine. A FEW t)N H.\ND AND FOR S.\LE Those need ing had best order soon, as material for making is nearly worked up, and no more to be had Address, ALEX. DICKSON, Hillsboro’, Orange county, N. C. Uily 20 47-161 pd AOTICE. tWILL attend with the Assessors &■„ tne following times and places, for the purpose of iiegistering the names and receiving the Taxes dae from all persons em braced in the 5th Section of the Tax Act of tje Con federate States, and also to procure returns of all ether property the Taxes of which sball hereafter become due, as provided for in said Act, viz: At Alfordsville, on Monday, August 3d, 1863.- At Thompson's on Tuesday, August 4th, 1863. At W’liitehouse on Wednesday, Aug. -'ith. At Sterling’s Mills on Thursday, Aug. 6th. At Sealey’s on Friday, Aug. 7th. At Back Swamp on Saturday, Aug. bih. At Li.mberton on Tuesday, Aug 11th. At Wishart’s on Wednesday, Aug. 12th. Punctual attention is required as there arc heavy penalties on those who neglect to list their properly. ALEX. Mc.VlILLAN; Districi Collector. July 15, 1863. 40*-2t SOO ACKES OF FOR SALE. PUR.'U.\NT to au order of Court, making the Real Estate of my i^itestate, Neill G. McNeill, assets for th^ payment of dub's. 1 will expose to public sale at the Market House in Fayetteville, on the Monday of ! next September Couu y Cou^t of Cumberland, at 12 ^ o'clock, M , the interest of niy 3aid intestate (being one half of the whole) in a ccnain Tr.act of LAND contain ing 8M) acres, aitua’ed in Cumberland county, on As- ! boy’s Oeok, uf .ir the 'Vihnington RoaJ, jiining David .Murphy and others, about 11 miles from Fayetteville. The other half i:it-rest in said tract of laud is ownol by . John \'-!l) .naid, w:io has cocs'-nted to a sale of his iu- tere.st ai the lame time, so that the purchaser wll pro- ' cure an inde'e i^ible title to the whole tract Upin this i trrtot are oiiiia(-!il-* 8.VW MILL amiGRt.'^r MILL, bnth I in pood condition, and w;th a good run of custom One 1 third of the trac. consists of rouud Limber—the lemaiu- ' dor has been boxtd and worked for two or thre# years. T.rms:—6 rnonths crs'dit with rpproved security, the : title to be retaine'l until payment. If preferred, cash I received, ■■□d discount allowed. I At the 8 iitie time and jiUce, I will offer for sal« a I likely NEGRO BOV, aged about 14 years—on the same j terras Persons dejjri r.s cf view'ng the land wiil call on the under■i,.:nei, nr u;>on Mr John McDonald who lives in the i niii.^diaie neighborhood of the tract, either of whom will i»ke pleasure -n showing it. , HECTOR McNElLL, , Adm'r of N’ill G.'McNeill. . July 21, 18f3. 48 ts PR!XTI\; PRESSES AIND FLXTlilES FOR ^AEE. By virtue of a Due I of Tru***, executed to me’oy Peter J. v'^incl iir. May 30th, 1860, for the r urposrs there- j in mentioned. I offer for sale the PRESSED and FIX TURES belonging to newspaper establishment, in the town of Fayetteville, known ivs the “North Carolinian ” I It will be aold priv.-uely if desirable, and on accammo- datiuii terms. If not sold before, ii will be offered at imblic sale on TueS'daj, the 8th day of September next. GEO. W. WIGHT.MAN, Trustee. Fayetteville, N. C., July 2-5. 49-ts $.»0 REW ARB. . Tyson CAGLE, a prlva.e in Co. K, 63d Reg’t N t'. T., was detailed home for tae purpose of put chasing a horse and instead of purchasing took my .M.\RE on the night of the 7th of July. She is a bright bay, wiiu black legs, a small star on her forehead, both shoul ders hurt by the harness, ti yearb old last spring. 1 will pay the above reward of Fifty dollars for informa- tion that will cause me to get said Mare. It is thought that he htkj made his way tack to hid Company with said mare. 1 hope the otiici»ls will not allow such pro perty used in the Confederate service. .My uJd.ess i« Auman's Hill, Montgomery Co., N. C. JOHN UUSSEY. July '20. 4^i*5tpd TTottoa \ ar.^.s ~ In exchat}ye for Wool at Ohl Pricm. The subscriber having been appointed by the prop.'r authorities Agent to exchange l.otton Yurns for Wool, for Chatham and as far as neoesjary for the a'ijoiniiig counties, is now prep.artd to'make the exchang*, giving 1 bnnch Yarn for 4 lbs Wool in dirt, or 3 lbs wh.s’io'i clear of bars. The State authorities wish to obtain all the Wool they cau at au early .iaj. for the purpose of clothing our soldi^r^ this coming winter. 1 hope, i he’ e- fore, that all persons having Wool to sp.are. either ;o exchange or sell, will bring it iu imnie'iiately, as 1 wish to purchase W’ool for money :;s well as exchaagt A. G. H LADEN. Beaumont, July 1, 1863. i:!*6tpl State ol A'ortli i'arolina, UOHlXi.V I III .\TV. SlijH rior I'uurt ol I.im , I’lill i'erin, A. U.' l!**'-’ Kliira .MrRae v. .Malrmn .M .Mi«chiiient. IT Bpi>earinc to the s:ilisl‘arli>ni ol ihr KrHWn, the liefenil.vni in liiii re- this btale; ll is therei iro. i>;i iii it .i publication be ui»iie in the i’«v T"vil ^^-si ely, notityma the -i il Oi i' oili Attai hnioat, ami tiial ;iiil> s' at- Ci>an an*l ilctend ibe >;tid suit, it'f anil l.eartl ex parte io him. Witness, John H. I airier, t'lerk oi imr :i 1 •.' i-.irl. :,t ■ Luiiitx’rloii, the i-ourlti .Munil.i> in ;i'.e.i'l> r, \. D. l':i-,*. 43»lili>iii •' 1^- l'A'{ I i;U. i !!»tate ot i^orih C:&roiiiia. Rii!;u'(i.\ COf.Ni > 111 r.ijir:)' Jot*: Uritt V-.. «.;it>eri Hii.iii >ie. t)rder ol s'-!. I.! MAY JUNE., JULV... AlKJli.ST. SEPTEMBER.. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER.... DECEMliER.. 4 b I* y 10 ii 12 i •> ii lo 17 18 10 20 21 ->•> 21 2.3 2G O- 28 29 ;>‘i 1 o 3 ■1 5 (i S 0 10 11 12 13 11 ir> 10 17 18 19 20 21 ‘2*2 23 21 25 20 >>" ^ « 2S 20 30 1 2 3 1 .'i r, 1 8 9 10 11 12 i:i 14 l.'i 10 17 l' 10 2» 21 22 23 2i '2.1 20 27 2S 29 30 31 1 2 H 4 5 () 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 1() 17 18 iw 20 21 .>.> 2J) 24 2 b 2(i 27 28 29 iiO ai 1 2 3 4 fy G 1 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 ‘J7 28 29 30 1 o 1> 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 20 27 28 29 30 31 . 1 O 3 4 5 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 t I.T IG 17 IH 19 20 21 22 2:? 24 2.^) 20 27 29 30 1 2 3 0 *” 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.') 10 17 18 1!) ‘20 21 22 23 24 25 2i 27 28 29 30 31 A (liETI! The \ew Style, Small, (OLOREl) PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Gnilery. lii^wn i **url lh:\t >Vilr ■i itM I'l vUt oru r»''J bV llU' (■« n vt t**ri*» ikeu |tra .tti M N . .n»» .s ka . iirl. 1‘. ‘ •1 k vh' o; ibi> 'it'. ilRT. %Vood««ard% 5$olar Camera. PllOl GGR.'^PHS can be had at VanorsdelPs Skylight Gallery, llfiy street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from -;mall to life size. .Inibro- types, Melaneo'ype.s, and iU other styles of Pictures pertnin' ,g to the Art. Al^o, Gilt Frames Gilt .Mould- in;;, G' - for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Cord an^i Tassels tor hanging pictures: Instru ments. Stock anu Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life oir.e colorotl Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit year patronage. 1 woul 1 also return my sincere thanks tor the libeial patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VA.'JORSDRLL, Phoiograj'hist and Proprietor. Dv’r’r 20, 185!* 77- Faclory, I th’ 'th? I Me anti llivrr llr i.iitile. r ao ol lUr; Ti-.rs it Kruinti'.c. uecM. are non-r.’-.-.ili’nls oi itii; rii ii.- oi is nrJ.Tva liy the lit ihit ;nil)lir lU ni lie lo iil.- i. weeks in ihe I'ayeltevillo (iliserver. noiMy.ui tii- (lent heirs of (Iiibert r.riiinule, .1 ■.•M. t.' a u; ^ i! i.u- t; •rin I.' iron, \ sm'Le ^ siiil null vin ii.t -I ‘ ■ r • ■ '-m . * 1 Hriiinltle. lo aiijicarat Jic Co in II >Uir i i i.iim lertun, un m, f ,nr;h Monday ir. t'ept-iii.ier, .V 1) u».;ii .i .d iii.jre t.i d lend t .e said ».iit. iiiid t'uriher !•> do and rccciv.’ « h "iir t . mt ;Ii ,11 then and there consi ier ot t le.u in llii-( Ik half. Witness, Nei'l \. .'Icl.e.m, t;ierk .iiid .M ;^i*‘r .ii'K'iu:!;, lii- !t.. i eson (-’ounty, at Otfice in La.nucnoa. ihe 1-j , ot Ju:i-j, Jn' N. .\ M. LLW. • . t M i: % iii: ilh‘rzi IT a|i|)earii.|: to the iati>ra' lor, the deiendent in '*'•> FOR HIRE. A NEGRO boy who understands bricklaying and plastering m all their branohps. Apply to Rev. ROB’T B. SUTTON. Pittsboro’, July 21. 49-4tpd EA(.iliKE WA.^TEB. ^ 4 or 6 horse power hugioe, with fixtures complete. May 21. E J HALE & SONS. Bhmk Warrants for salo hqre. TEXiTAlIEiirTS Ai\B B(Y.U.\S. CONFEDERATE Slates Bible Society XestamentB. A Collection of S*bbath Sehool Hymns. For sale bj S. J. HAIJS & SONS. •Iqm.I. ^iktate ot .\oi th t'aroSina Kulli;..! -I \ 1 V t=U[»crior t' lurl o*'ivuv, l iil rt rui, iJ. .\an;n 11. >a;i lrr» v'. ri‘e \ 'I’lvl >r .A Uai'hiiient. '"..•■n .i; llie 1'.iiiri ih'i'i'-i >' N.Ta'.- ran^c. . .'.li -ii ,,f this S^tate: It is therefore, o i in ti.. . ir'lcr'm ii . u ' i.‘i:ip ilili ration lie made in me K.iyottfvnle (ir-r- i.'r |. r -.v we k 'iic cr- siv*ly, iioiil'yiii); Ihe said IVteiiil.iiit ol '.letiii: o'lt ol'this .At tachment, and that urless he a;it>i'.ar-'.r. .ic ne.\t l- rin ot this i 'oiirt and defend ihe said suit, the same wi^! lit- ' tkfn pro ronf-sso ai.d heard rx parte as lo him VVilnfss, John R. C;irt r, i '-i-rK i;' ,>iir i;irt, :it iitice in fyUmberion, the Fourth >ton.: i .''f;i:poi!i'T. \.'> l“*iJ. 4.i»r,(iKi| .1 K. t;' Hit. I- s I- ^litate oi Xorth Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY —Coftr of EyUxTY. John B. Gillis and wife Temp.r aice -nd it hers vs Henry Beard and. wife Dolly, Wm BearJ an-i V*'ife Martha. Petition for the Sale o' Land for Partition IT appearing to my satisfaction, that Henry Beard an 1 Wife Dolly, William Beard and wife Martha, Defend ant s in this case, reside beyond the limits of this State. Ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, notifying the saii Defendants to be and appear at the next Court of Equity to be hell for the County of Montgomery, at tho Court House ia Troy, on the last Monday in August, A D. 1863, then and there to pleid, answer or demur, otherwise this \ Petition will be heard ex parte, anil judgment pro con fess© rendered as to them. Witness, Edm’d J. Qaines, Clerk and Master ia Equity in and for said eouatj at Office. B. J. QAIli£S, C, M. E. i7*etwl A RR.\NGHi> xpres 'v for Cimp. Pric^ 50 ct.s. rpc-iv-'l ’ K. J HAI.K A SONa. hint; ‘’II FAYETTE VIEEE MITI AL I\SLRlVtE €OMPA\l. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Ca.ah on band and other assets. $267,688 6,077 35 Total, $272,765 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly,’ and have never made an assensment on their premium notes. • Total losses paid, $29,682 Officers: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. DiasoToas: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghaat, H. L. .Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S I. Hawley, 'Wm. McLaunn, Nathan A. Siedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, .J. 0. C«ok, A. A. M'cKethan, HJn. J. G. Shepherd, J. 1>. Williams, R. F. Brt u, t . S. W. Tillinghaat. A. E. Hall,' glon. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummea, Traveling Ag«ufs SujT’Tbe Company intite appHcaf;ons. May ii8. 1861. 21- THE BIJLIE PRIiVER, For the little Folks. A farttur supply at wholesaIs or reua by B. J. HA LB *