wm ■5WC“^ J^AirHTOilTIIILlL m ■J S K IT I-W K K K I. T S9P!5SaKR^ VOL Xlll.] FAYKTTKVUJ.K, X. .. AUGUST 13, 1863. [N(3. 1*254.] pp. »e, uii )S UM is a' ' -rs PRINTKD MONDAYS AND THURi3UATS lilDWARD J. BALE & SOlfS. El ITORS AND PROPRIETORS?. • f.tr ihf Semi-Weekly 0b9bkvi>.r it6 00. pai l in aJvanoe. Kur the We«kly Obss»viir $4 00 per Hnnuni. paid in •Jrauctt. «tf“ADVERTISEMKNTS inserted for *1 per s ;uare of 18 linei for the first, and 5# cents for each buo- oe^vling publication. Adrertiseinents not exceeding a bait scjuar# (8 lines) 60 cents for the first and 30 oenti for aa3h eucoeeding publiostion. Advertisers ai*o re quested to itate the uumb^r of intferti^as desired, or they will be oontinutd till forbid, and charged acoord- lagiy. Advcrtisenients oontmued mriJt, char^e>d as naw ad- tertisement'*. COi\Ffil)ER.lTE T.1X LISTS. fpHE Asgessor^ for the C«unty of Cumberland will i 1 meet bttbeUffioaof A. M. Campbell oa THURSDAY, j , JULY 2, 1863. rfoeive the Gonfederato Tax Li^infor j ihia County, on the following suhjiroid of taxation, viz; Naval Stores. Salt, Wines and Spiritous Liquors, Tobac co—manufaoturod or unmanufactured. Cotton. Wool, Flour, Sugar. Molasses and Syrup, Rice, and other agricultural products, the growth or production of any year preceding the year 1863. Also, all Moneys, H«nk Notes or other Ciirrency ou hand o" on 'deposite on the tirsl day of July, and the value of all oredity on which the interest han not been paid, and not employed in u busicegj the income from which is taxed uuder the provisions of this Act. U. W. IIARDIE, Ooufed. Tax Col. for Cumberland couuty. June 25. 40- tf WILL open the KAGLE IHiTEL for htf r cepiioa of Guests the firt>r of June, and I hope ' to i: J i hundred peraou.? during ilie Summer. be able to Ciittrtam from ^cventy-tive lu coQuection with this large Hotel, I have a uuuilx*: of Carriages, Buggies and Si;daie Horn's ihai tny giK^stA can get at a minute's nolice. J. M. BLAIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Asheville, N C. May 18,1863 31ypd 4'oiiMcrBpl Office, C!ami* fJoL.MES, .July 25, IS^ii 1HK rjiljwiuir notice ij hereby published for th« In- forniati %u of i»I! c.inoerucd. (;ol PETEK MALLKTT, ’omd’t of Con.Heripts for N V Adjt. Kv crJ«r -)f J W .VJ.\LI,KrT, }i SPECIAL NOTICE. From an 1 «.ter ihi« dat4, no name of a mew subscriber will b* entered without payment in advance, nor will i the paper be sent to such subsoriboia for a longer time than is paid for. f uch of our old subscinbers as desire to take the pa- ' p«r on this system will please notify us when maki«g remittances. Jan’r I, 185S. | Attorney at Law, Fayettbville, N. C. atte»d the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robesen Coun ties Prompt attention given !o the collection of all •laijDs antrusted ^ hie hand ^ $20 Its 14 26 10 120 \Y Oct. 17, 1859. 58-tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., %Vhole!«ale Dealers in Groceries, AND IMPORTtRS AND »EAL1RS IN hardware and Cutlery, Swedes IroH, &c.) Ju.y HAY STREET, FlYKTTKVILLE, N. 1861. 86tf JOS. IT LEY, Grocer and Comtnls9lon ^yterchant, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. Jauy 10. 186?. W8-tf T.7:. jTb. W. WORTH, CoBiRiission aid Forwardiag MerehaotSy WILMINGTON, N. C Jan-y 28, 1861 84tf CARD! FEW LAD1E3 be accommodated with board at c Seminary. T (’ HOOPER. 6§- AS,' Sept. 12. iSei JOHNSON. WILLIAMS & CO.. «.4L.T .HAKEK!I>. \l ■ L ‘’.ave thirty ^30) pans now in An^ration nine miles »T 'ni 'trstuiiui'ion Ptrtie» wishincr to supply fkemselve- with -talt. can Vo furai.-hed by applying to A John* ii. Jr. .^g*ut at Fayetteville, to F.. Page, m.inaeer at itie works, or to J. M WILLIAMS, tJenerat Snjierintendent. Fayetteville, Nov, ‘.io, 18t“2, 81 tf i\OTlCE. AB 1 expect to be absent frem home a few months in the West, Archibald McLean is my auihoriied Agent to transact my business until 1 return. N Q. JONES. De/r 28. 18G0. S.3tf IVA.lfTED. O '“AA BUSHELS WHEAT, /6,0UU 1.500 “ CORN. Persona having ihe above artiolea to sell will receive the Liglifsi Ca.'b price by c.tlling on Mr. M Thoinason. at the Merchani Mills, Fay*tteville. or on the subscri ber ai his old ctiand ou Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. lSo«. 75if ARTIY HAR.’«E)!iN. IA.M prepare J to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harneis i’.-r .Army U'^^e. i tan my leather and can give good bargains. .\pea'a will do well to send their orden^ to me as they sball have prompt attention, and seat oft in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Goldston P. O., ChMham Co., N. C., > June 13, 1862. / FAYETTEVILLE FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL WINTH SCHOLASTIC YEAH. 1ST TER.M begin** 28th September; en ls 24th Dec’r. ■ " • lt Jiu'y; “ 3lst Marclj •'^d “ 1st April; “ lat July TL'ITIHM. Collegiate Department, per Sebsion, ^la weeks,^ •Academic “ “ •• Primary •• •• i 'lusio aod Painting, «a«h Lariu. t’r.'nc!; -::i Drawinp. each Board, p^r Session, Incideiii.'tl SzpenaeB. \Tuition payable IN ADVANCE by the Term.) i Pupils will be received at any time anif charged from j the d&te of admisaion to the close of the Hutton, but no deduction will be allowed fer the withdrawal of a pupil j before the close of the rt^uiar Sutton. j Rev. WM HOOPER. ' T. C HOOPER. July 8, ISttJJ. 44 9m Edgrwortli Female Seminary, GREENSBORO’, N C. The Fall Sessio* of this Institution will commence uu ! the 4th of August next. TKRMS roa THK SBSSIiMI OP 20 WEBKS; BoArd, including washing, lights, fuel, &c , $220; i English Tuition $30; Music on the Piaiio, Harp or Gui- j ta. $oO; \ ocal Music ^12 5p; Oil Painting $30; Drawing | $12 50; Grecian Painting $16; Aucieut and Modern : Languages, each $12 50. ' For further particulars apply to ‘ RICHARD STERLING, Principal. 1 June 27, 1863. 41-19tpd I Nolice to Coniniou School Teachers. WA.\TED, A Situation as Teacher, by a young Lady who has en- | joyed educational advantages, who will Teach all the English Branches, Frencti, Oriental Painting and j Wax Work. Address PUELLA, Carthage. N. C. July 31, 18t;;l 61 4tpd \h iiHiial the Biori^ade \KILL compel us to do wbat we should have done ba- TT ure this, wait up:>n yeurself and cut loose from the ememy. Tfce proprietors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of DOBBINS for Factories iff the Southern S'ate« will be “iMc to fill orders at short notice. Work ilphverei iu F-i.ypfteville, N C. .Address D. L. kivktt >ia»icfcester, (\imber-land, N, C. ..'uue y, 3G-t?mpJ The Cedar Falls Bo j- bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at shert notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, St(X)l.9 and yUILl.S. &c . suitable for Woolen and CocLon Mill». J. M. ODELL. Agent. C«dar Falla, N C., Jnly 9. 186S. 86-6mpd WAITED, South Carolina, irginia aud Georgia. Also, North Car.ilina sir per cent. Fundible Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue, W. R. RICHARDSON & CO-, Brokers, Raleigh, N, C. March 9. 9if PIED.nO.^T 8PRIIVIi;«$, RUiiKE COUNTY, N. i\ ' THESB Springs are situated in Wester:j North (?st‘0- lina. about Fifteen miles from Morgantou, in a IUjuntniuous, beautiful and rouinii'ii; c uti^ry. The waters, sulphur »nd CH ALVBK ATE, are j»id to •> : equal to any in ihn country. Deer, Bear and nieas.i.ut abound in the M>iintains. iTho Company h i.s sucoueded in obtaining the '■•erviifp of an experienced geutleinan an J la iy to taiie charjjc of | : the House, and wid be ready for tbn reception of Vi?it- ; ers by the Ip: JULY. One-Fourth of this property with Tiiree Hun- dred a.r*s of Land atiaohed would l>« sold Jo a psr^on » cotnpntent to take charge of the property, i PIEDMONT SPRINGS CU 1 May 24. 83-3mpd OF I'HIKVKS FOR PiSSEMCEKS. DOM From Fayetteville to Wilmington, i>l'> 00 “ “ Rliiabelh, “ White Hal!, i) !>0 *• •* •• Kelly's Cove, 7 00 “ “ ■' All points hel.iw, 10 00 SliOO.ND CLASH, OK OEOH From Fayetteville to Wilntington. $6 00 “ '■ “ Eliiabeth, 2 .“iO “ Whitehall, :i 50 *• “ •• K.ally’s Cove, 4 0'' •• All peint“ below. o #0 UP. From Wilmington to Fayetteville. tlO uO •• “ Kelly’s Cove, 4 60 - White Hall. 5 60 “ “ Elizabeih, 0 60 Pro«pect Hall, 8 OO “ •* “ All points above, 1*) 'X) liEUOND CLASiS, OR DECK Froni Wilfuingtou to Fayetteville. $•'> tK) “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 00 “ “ “ White Hall. 4 0^ “ “ “ .All points above, •'> tH) Second Clas^ or Deck P i»seager,= must stay on lowrr dectf or priy full price, or same as First Cla-'^ ner An extra charge will be made for Way Pa?s* n- !ieri5 g.Hting into Berihs during day time, and lor occu pying a Berth with their hoots or shoes on, at the discretion of the Captain J. A. WORTH, for C. F St m B’t Co. R. M ORREIiL, for St’rs Kate and Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 180^ 26-tf From aud after thN date the Steamer P. HURT will leave at « o'clock, .A. M., ou ^londay and Thursday. JOS. \ WORTH, April 0—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. ^ %VE)«TER.\ RAIL ROAD. lfOTI€E. BUREAU OF CONSCRIPTION, Riohmonu, Va., July 21, 186*. ^pO answer Bunjerous) itqairic;.(, au4 to correct errors 1. Dot uiicoinnKi;. iLft foliowi;ig notice is pablishel to all ci>i»c»rned: I. Undijr the rcceat call of th“ Preniddni. extending the couBcripi i^gd. ull substitutions bt^ve ceased to be if the 8u^J^i;ut!* be less Cian 45 yeirs old 4cd is not otht-rwine fXcmpt by i»w II. M>‘;al>f'r3hip. uul^s^ as an officer duly aecepted by tbo War Dcp^rtuieut. of local crgauii&tions for home *fr/erj.;f> or service, omfers n:i claim to exemp- tiuu fronj U-i!i(rfJ.«r;ite s-jrviee; neither does aervioi is the rrii!iti.i,. uu'e^s in case of officers actually in oom- uassioti w'lo duly qualified. III Hi reufier any one furnishing a substitute will 'jr'.iriLn* in iiis own person whenever the serviaes of the sub'ititiit* i.ro lost to the Government from any oHiiye other t/inn the casualdes of war. IV . Apj.licHHi'Qs for exffia]itioa, on any ground what ever, tiiUf.l I ','sl, be audrt5S4*d to the loc&l carolHn^ offi- oer, who, if h*hae not power to act, or is in doubt, will refer them to high* r auihority, vrith report of the facts, .Vil such addressed direct to higher authority will necessarily aud iuvariublv bf> referred back for local B.ANK NOTES of North Carolina, Vi 34tf J. \oiiuuays ^xcept4»d) S o’olock, A. M., and re- ' 'urning leave Mclver’s at 1 o’cl*es. P .M ! Fretj/ht Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAVand FRIDAY. By order of the Presideiit. JNO. -M. K(jSE, Treas'r i.ud Act’g Tran*;. Ag't. i Jan. ,22. latiH. ^Vtf t F&}ette>lllr Arsenal and Armory,) I FATiTTKk'tLLit, N. C , Juuc 29, 186.3 J WAATED. H.AViNG received autTkonty from the Secretary of War i.0 increase the strength of toe pri-sent Corps ; at this .Arsenal, the undersigned will enlist one hun- ; dred (100) non e»nteriptt for that purpose ThoFC pub- j ject to conscription n^ed not apply I Transfers and exchanges of men now in service can- I not be made. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. Jane 8. 3otf Cotton Yarn lor Wool. YOTICE is her.‘hy givta that after this date (except OFFICK OF THK UT« ASS’T Ql VUTKKM \STKK, ) in cases where w? have bargained for VVool accord Fa}('tievillc Arsfiml Uiiil Aniiory, ing to tiie terms of our idvfrttsement of.the 30tn of j FAYKTTtcvit^LK. .N ( . .Imv i7. IM'*;. J -May, which terms are now revoked.) we wilt give 1 bun- j WOOD WAATED. die of Cotton Tiarn for i lbs. of Wool unwashed, or i yi BALED PROPOSALS will be received for the de'iv- 3 Ibg. washed and picked. This change is made at the • ^ ery of four hualred cords of jrood sound black instance of the Jaarterma«ier at R ilsigb, in order to make the terms of exchange uniform throughout the Stat«. ■ GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 00 I t^xamin'iiion uud report; aud the applicants will thus have uselessly lost time and prolonged suspunsa. .\ppeals against adverse decisious by local officers will bo forwarded by them for hearing, wheu any plau sible ground of appeal is set forth V. Commanlanta of Couscripis will give this notice extcusive circulation iu the local press of th«ir respective States. G W. LAY. Lt Col., A A. G , .\cting Chief of Bureau. Regi.yler, Progress, Standard, Western Democrat, Fayetteville Observer. Wilmiagton Journal, Salisbury Wiitchm-in aud Asheville News, copy until 20th August next with this paragraph. July 27. 1868 , 60-t20A Headquarter;^ Eurolling Office^ Ifh ('ong. Dii^t., 1%. C., WILMINGTON, N. C. IN ucc.r-dauce with orders from the Commandant of Con=icrip!8 fjr North i.'aroiiua, Commanding Officer* . f Regiments comprising the 4th Congressional District Hie n ^ue^ied ti assemble their Regiments »t the follew- lug tiokt's aud places, tor earollmtn* and exAmiaation: Sew Hanover, 221 R*g’t, August 20th and 21st, at Wil mington. 23d Keg’t, August 22d, at Wilmington, iiriinawiclk, 5Gtb Reg’t, August 24th, 25th and 2tith, at , McKethan'a. Coiumbus, r>7th Reg’t, .Aug. 31st, Sept. 1st and 2d, at Whiteville. llitie»»on. 5hth K*g't. Sept. 3d and 4th, at Lumberton. •'.V:h UeK't. .^rspt. jib and 7th, at Lumberton. Ricbi'i'.iuJ, t;i>th Kc^ t. Sept. V* and JO, at Laurinburgh. tJl.st R^k,’'. Sept, II vV 12. ftt Rockingham. Hl-^Jen, '.5th l>g .Sep. IG, 17 18, at Eliiabethtown. Cumberian 1. 'j3 1 R^g’t, Sep. 21 ind 22, at Fayetteville '»4th Rr-g I, Sept. 23 & 24, at F.jyetteville. Harneit, 621 Reg' . -Sepi 28 auii 2W, at Lillingion. Commanding Otiicers of Militia will please tee to if . th it the i'ullow;B» J iiuu jjiaoes aoove specifltd, to-wit; .Vi.L persona arriving at the age of 18 years since my , enroUmeut. provided they have not already Tolun- teerc >. .\n. persons between the ages of 18 and 46, whether previously enrolled by|me or furlougfted or dis charged by the Examining Surreons. All 8CBS1ITCTKS who have been disjharged from the service. All not heretofore subject to conscription, reaton •ft aje, are fallowed to volunteer on or before the 20th August. From all such volunteert will be required a de scriptive list furuisiied them by the Commanding Officer of tbe I'ompiny. and endorsed by the Commanding Offi- .^er of tiie Regiment, into which he is received. Comuis.nding Otiicer!^ of Militia will please tee to it that their liae olticers provide themselves with descrip tive r'i1!n of ;beir s-evcra’ beats. .Aii personK who fail to report (as above ordered) at the place and tia^e appointed, will be considered as de serters W.M .M. SWANN, Capt. and Enrolling Officer, 4th Cong. Dist., N. C. Dr. J. T. Chaitell, Ass t Surgeon, P. A. C. S , and 1 (’hftirm'iu Board Ex’n. V,. W. D^vn. ,\I. D. . M 1). August ;5, hC3. 52t:i0A 800 ACRES OF LANI> FOR .SALE I^UH.'DXNT (o an order i' Court, making the Real I jf my iotestate. NatU G McNeill, assets for Uie pa;. nif-;ii. of debts, 1 will expose to public sale -xf. th» ’i/iritei Ho»*e In Fayetteville, ou the Moud-iy nl next Sept.'^i^ci’ Coun«y Court of CumberianJ, at 12 o'clock, M . the interest of my said iutestate (beiug one bilf of thi vfhol;) in a certain Tr.ict of LAND coutain- ing SUO ac"»;i, situated in Cumberland county, on. As- boy s Creek, n ar the Wilmington Roa.*, joining David Murphy and oiitcn, about H miles from Fayetieville. ; The other half Irterest in said tract of land ie owned by i John McD;}uald, wh* Las consented to a sale of hia ia- j tcrest at. the same time, so that the purchaser will pro- ! cure an indefeasible liile to th^ -.vholj trao*. Upon tbis ' frant are sUuated a SAW MILL and GRIST MILL, both I in (rood condition, and with a good run of custom f)ne i third of the tract consisla of round timber—iheieraain I der has bctfn boxed and woriipd for two or thre« years I Terrnt:—6 months credit with cpproved security, * title to be retained until paymeet. If preferrt ’, ca j received, and discount allowed, j At the same time and place, 1 will offer for gale a j , .,.q ; ! likely NEGRO BOY, aged about 14 yenrs—thescaie ° terms. Pftrseas desirous cf viewing tbe land will call ob the uodersigned, or upon Mr. Joht: McDonald who lives in the immediate Aeighborhood of the tract, eiiher of whom will take plessurs in showing it. HECTOR MoNEILL, -Adm r of Neill Q. McNeill. July 21, 1863. 48 ts CAPE FEA R LAIVD.««T'0R SA LI^ I OFFER for sal* my Lauds lying on the eaet side of the river, ten miles below EUiabethtown. The river tract contains four huadred and eighty-flve acres, of which two hundred and fifty are cleared; there is on the pl.-xee a new DwelUof containing eleven rooms; with all necessary oat-buildiags. Adjoiniag, are eleven hun dred aorts back lands, six of which is ewaop having a FAITH FOR OUR COUNTRY. One of the dutien of the hour, inoumbeut ou every Christian patriot, is to have faith foT hi* 'uuntry. The face of the sky, latelj »o fair and cloudless, so cheering to every beholder and so full of encouragement tor the future, has been overca.st, and dark clouds lower above us. R« vovtsps have couie; trusted strongholds have iallen, our armies victorious .on many a bloody field, have been oompellcd to fall back, and our ene mies superior in numbers are prewing us at all j.»oints. Trnly the season is full of peril and anxiety. What then? Shall we way to desponden cy? Shall we iri"e up 1 ope and determination bee«»use our expeetarions of victory and u speedy termination of the war have uot been realized? Shall vre pre.ss t’orw?ird vrith lf.ss energy ou the - oaif which iiavc bean ccapfllcd to take be- ‘ cau?? it is ht-djjed about ’.vith difficulti*‘S and dan- cap not r.ow see our way through them? (^od i'orbid. Such a cour.sc would be un manly in the extrema, even if the condition of our aifair!^ were much worse than it really ia. To patertain the thought of giving up the struggle in which we are engaged, betore the accomplish ment of the object which we have in view, would be to prove false to ourselves—to our brethren who lie slaughtered on many a gory field, to our country, to the interests of civilization and humani ty and to those who are to come alter us. It would also indicate a mind under the influence of fear, wantiag alike in courage and fortitude and all tbe nobler qualities of the soul, and in a knowl edge of the teachings of the past. It would also indicate a want of faith in which would m«rit o*f .TS the pu.kl.ma„t that ooutd brfall .a , ■ixtjr Msres are swamp very easy to drain The present crisis is not unlike those which Persons wishing to make investments in good farm i overj^ individual, who hfts achieved any unuBual ing lands would do well to call on me soon, or adircfs success in life, has had to tnr.‘'"ah. There me at Elizabethtown. July 18. W. A. ATKlNSdN. 48-9tpd VALUABLE REAL £$>iTATE FOR SALE. 1 HOUSE and LOT on Mumford Street, with C> rooma and a good well of water in the yard. 1 BRICK STORE, two stories, on Person ssreet. 1 HOUSE on Arch street, 40 x 20, Lot about li'^0 feet by tfO. P. 8. All those indebted to me are requcai'd to come forward and settle forthwith, as I caunot afford to hola notes and accounts and pay taxes on them. All those that can pay and will net do it by the9'b September, it being Ceurt week, their notes and aceouuts vvlll be sold at Auotiem by J. H. Cook, Auct'r. « R. D. UAV13. July 16, 186Jt. 461 f RECEIVER’IS A'0TI4;E. IN obedience to an order of the Confederate Court, all persona against wh; »u le^rp.?s have been lAknu for money due to alien enemies at or before ir)g Term, 18S2, of said Court, are hereby uotififd th.ii '.he inter- Mt en said several suras of moanr up to .'lay 20th, 18t'>3, is now due and ordered to be piia. 1 will attend at Ashe- boro’ on Tuesday, Aug. 4th, uex': at Pittsboro’on Moo- a./, uoxi, auu ■» on xueBJay, Aug. 18th, next, for the purpose of receiving said interest. If not paid to me accortUagly executions will be issued for the same and t^c eosut iu allcas^** iu addition tothe interest, will be collected out of the UefeuJants JOiry MANNING, Jr , Receiver. July 20, 1863. * 4‘*-6t ^OO lbi». Ciuiu Arabic lor xale by J. B. LEE. Oct. 16. 69tf P. TAYLOR 0 FFERS FOR SAL E tiOFFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco and Soap, Pow- I der. Cooking Soda, white and col'd Spool Tnread, Combs, Pins and Needles, Hats and BOoes. One box ol sundry Goods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine clotlj Cloaks for Ladies; Oentlemen’s fine Qaiters; tireen and Black Tea. P. TAi’LOR. June 1, 1863. 38-3m3ti $50 REWARD. ” RAN.\WAY on Monday 25th May, my Bey NELSON; he is copper complexion and weighs about 160 lbs.; aged about 23 years. I will pay $50 for his delivery to me or (26 for his confinement in Jail. N. A. STEDM.\N. June 1. 83-tf JiiALT! SACKS for sale by U(>e 22 SALT!! ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf 190 TOBACCO. B(>XE3 VIRGINI.^ TOBACCO, various grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS It CO. -3 31 tf ^ole Leather wauled. 9nrt(\ ‘Sknned SOLE LEATHER, suitable for Belting. Apply to _ , . U. MURPHY, rayettev.ile \nr I 11. 20tf AdminiNtrator^M A'olice. subscriber having at December Term, 18C2, of 1 the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad- minutrator upon the Estate of N«iU Q. McNeill, dec’d, noufies all persons having claims against the Estate to present them wilhtn the time limiteU by law otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are re^ nested to make prompt payment. HEOIOEMo(.F.IL[„AdB'r. COW LO$$T. M\ COW is 00 East side of Cape Fear, somewhere «d- posite to Campbelit-on, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way back. She is marked With crop in each ear, has a bell on, white in her face white on back an I belly, red on neck and sides. Who- » r will iake her up -.ijj )ei know it, or brinfr her up to mo in Campbell!on, wiil be liberally rewarded. The said cow wis bought in (hH upper pari of Bladen ^nty at>d may probably fiad her way back to that ^ WATSON, u, laia. 4e-uip4 tr Fayetteville, June 29, 1363. 41tf E^ypl Coal iTline. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed .\ianagers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose ot mining aud selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in ^ny desired quantity. Orders for any amount can j be supplied on ^hort notice. The Goal from this pro- i perty is undoubtedly tbe best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chaa B Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C., or Jamss Browne, Charleston. S C. CHARLES B. .MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf GRIAO iSTOAE^i FOR SAL The undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale of Messrs W B Farrar « Co’s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sites running from 18X2J inches to 6 feet by 11 inches: and can have cut at stiort notice ANY tilZES wanted. Person.** in want of Grind Ston will plpttse correspond with the undersigned, who •/-iH 111 orders promptly and guari*nte« the quality of the grit as represented. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & JO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1H63. 3”j.tf ood, (400.) at the rate of sixty (CO cori.‘(. per month. Tht wood to be delivered at the Arsenal, where it will be properly corded. It ii»u.-fi conform sirictli/ to the staniard measuremeat t'ur cord wood, viz: 8' x 4’ x 4'. Proposals to be marked ■ I*ropo,salp for wood for -Act’g Ass’t Quart irmaster." m\tthew p. T WLOR. Captain Corps An y, P. A C. S. 47-tf and .\.ct’g Aas’t Qairtermastar ^VAMTED. A GOOD Cook and Baker, to cook for the Ordnance Detachmenr. Good pay will be given. -Apply to Capt. M P. TAVLOR ai the .Ar«enal. Jnly 17. 47 If :i PRINTIMi FIXTIRES RECEIVER’^!* AOTSCE. i PUKSU.\Ni;E of an order of the District Court, 1 her'by notify all persons, residine in the countie.J of A IVAIL^ FOR f!$ALE. The high shoals iron CO. are p-.^pared t. mi cash orders for Nails, at their factory, in Ga ston county, N. C. Nails will bn dtlivered »t li-on Sta tien on th» WilmingtoB, Charlotte & Ru'.herford Raili oad! Address HIGH SHOA LS IRON CO., Iron, L^uooln county, N. C. June 1», 1868 40-2mpl Yoiiiig^’M ^niut itlachine] ON HAND AND FOF; SALE. Those 3 teed- ing had best order sooq, as materia) for makK v'g is nearly worked up, and no more to be had Address, ALEX. DICKSON, Hillsboro’, Orange county. N. C _ July 20 47-16tpd i¥OTICE« ^ The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the ConfoderAte States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appoimted John D. Starr and John d! Williams, of this place, their attorneys t« collect either separately or conjointly all moneys du* them either by aceeunt or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment STARR & WILLIAMS. Bept. 19, 1861. . OIL ANlTLAMFm^AM.' lUNNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. A LA 'ilP BLACK, in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., Mwehl, a'jJ. Richmond, against whom Decrees of Sequestration hs.ve been entered for the several amounts of their in- '’i^btedneas to Alien Enemies, that I will be present U the times and places raenlioneJ. for the purpose of re ceiving the interest that m'ly be due upon the said debts. Those wholisregard this notice, and who fail to set tle previous to the 1st of September, will be in defuu and an bxecution will issue immediately, for the inter est aforesaid, and at the coat af the Dafendant. It is recommended to those who are so di.'iposed, that the present is the best opportunity to p.ay the princi pal also, of said indebtedne.'S. At Wilmington, from 12th to 18th August, inclusive, 9 A M., to ti P M. At Whiteville, Thursday iOth August. At Elizabethtown. Saturday. 22d August. At Lumberton, Monday 2kh August. At Rockingham, Wednesday 26th August. Du BRUT/* CUTLAR, Receiver, &c July 23. 50-tf I To Colton Plaiilers. j IHAV'E been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- | miry. Chief Agent for the purohas? of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or i Cash. I Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, I buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton pu.~chr.abd by myself or my agents, ou and after the 18tk' day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 psr cent Bonti’s or Cajh, and not 8 per cent. Bond^ as siAted tn a fornier advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per 0 ent. bonds will be furnished as stated. PatriN'tio citiiens are now offered an opportunity to aid the -(jio^’einmenL by selling to it their Cotton rather lhan to priv.\te capitalists. LEWIS 3. WILLIAMS. .Chariot te, March 24, 1863. [c. d.] 14tf l*alina Christi Reaus. T1 IK Bubsi3riber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. Enrollln:; Office and KiaminlTi^ Board. 7tU t:oSQRK!iSIONAL DISTRICT, -\sheboro’, N C., July 28. 1863 IN ACCORl).\N('E with General Orders No 14, Con script Office. Camp riolmes, N. C., notice is hereby given that ihc Kurolliijg Ofiicers aud Examining Board w.”. vi:(it the counties C'-’uprising tb*' 7th Congrsssional Di^t'ict at the foIlowlDg times and places: 80th Rfg’t -N. C. .Mi'itia, Annon county, at Wadesbo- ro’, August 20*h. 81st Reg’t S C Militia, Anson county, at Wadesboro’, August 21 St and 221. 8Sd Rpir’t N C Militia, Stanly county, af Albemarle, Aueiifit 21.h m i 2oih. r,2d Rp^’t N C Militia, Montgomery county, at Troy, Aucu^-t 27th and 28ili. r>I«t ileg't N C Militia, Moore county, at Carthage, August olst and S^2ptember 1st and 2d. 4iHb Reg’t N C Militia, Cbathamcounty, at Pittgboro’, Sept. 4th and 5th 50th Reg’t N C Militia, Chatham county, at Pittsboro’, Sepf. 7th, 8ih and 9th. O^ld Reg’t NC Miliii^, Randolph couuty, at Asheboro’, •?»pt. 11th and 12ib tiUh R^g't N ,‘lilitia, Randolph ceunty, at Ashe- born', Sept 14th and loth. ti’i'h Reg’t K C Miiitia, Davidson county, at Lexing ton. Sept 17th and 18th. i6.b Rog't N C Miliiiu, Dividson county, at Lcxing- too, 8>>pt ly^.h. 21«t and 22d Tbe IMlonal* ot' .Militia iic gimenis in this District will •ee that the f»'l'>wing pcriions are present at the time and places above specified: All persons arriving at the aga of 18 since the last I enrollment; all persons between the ages of 18 and 40 ypars who .nay be specially ordered before the Board j or Enrolling oflicor; eace and every person between the ages of 40 and 45 years, whether previously exempted or not, aud all iiubsiitutc^s discharged from the service. All peipons who fail to report (included in th« above order) ai the places of rendezvous at the time appointed will be considered as deserters. J. M. LITTLE, 1st Lt and Enrolline Officer 7th Cong Dist. PETER G. SNOWDEN, Surg and Chairman Examining Board. July 30. *’•] Headquarters Co. G, 38d Reg’t N. C. T. The followi.'ig' named members of my company are ordered to report at Camp immediately or they will be adv,»>-tised as dc^erter.s aud a reward offered for their apprehension: Jesre Bradshaw, F. F. F.aircloth, Nathan Hair, B. \. Howell, A S. :Murdock, M. Sikes A. D. Singletary, Jno. Slone, E. Sheprtrd. W. J. CALLAIS, Capt. (Jo. G, :l3d Reg’t N. C. T. .Aug. 5. • 62-3tpd PRESSES AND FOR ISALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed to me by Pet n- J. Sinclair, May 30th, 1860, for th« purposes there in mentioned, I offer for sale the PRESSES and FIX TURES belonging to newspaper establishment, in the town of Fayetteville, known as the “Nona Carolinian ” Ik will be sold privately if desirable, and on accommo dating terms. If not sold Vefore, it will be offered at publfc sale cn Taesday, the 8th day of September next. GIO. W WIGHTMAN, Trustee. Fayetteville. N. 0.. Jnly 25. 49-ts The citizens ol .Tloore _ County desire to vote for ALEXANDER BrwBKETT for the Legislature, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by tie resignation of Alex. Kelly. Aug. 6. 63-3tpd ITlcI«ElLL ACAOEHY'. ON account of unforeseen causes, the next session at the above named Academy will commence on the 24th insfc., instead of the 10th iast. as published before. R. McCASKlLL, Principal Aug. 4, 1863. 52-6tpd ^Real Eslat^l Auclion. ON the 22d.inst., I shall sell at Auction, the LOT on the west side of Green street, adjoining Dr. Robin son and Col. Pemberton, 25^ feet front by 161 feet, known ae the McR lokan or Jordan lot. No. 66, ofc Ihe Railroad in Lower Fayetteville. JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r. August 10, 1868 3t '^LT—SALT. PERSONS wishing to purchase a good arUcle, will find it to their advantage to call at the firm of EASTERS S CO., at Little River. S. C., where they keep on hand a large supply which they will sell at low figures. There is also fine facilities tor KeUiog th* up to the Railroad by flats. EASTSES & Little River, k... C. Aug. 5. 53 lyipd f fcyc tevill e, Oct. 8. J. A. WORTH. «7-tf 01XIE PRLnER, FflL th« latlkB FoHo- A fartli«r Bupplj whoIe«»l« 1. J. SALS 4 SOW- REWARD. Deserted ou or about the 5th day of June 1863, WM. POOLE, a private in Co. G, 33d Reg’t N C. Troops. Said Poole is about 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, dark hair, blue eyes and light oom- plfxion. I wiil give the above reward for hirj delivery to me at camp. J- CALLAIS, Capt. Co. G, 33d Reg’t N. C. T. Aug. 52-atpd WAIlTiaiK A 4 or 6 hor«e powar Sn|m. witA fixtares ooa^lat«. May XI. 1. JUKAUKftaom. WAI¥TED, A GOOD and experienced OVERSEER not subject to ooneoriptlon. Apply to T. BbTHStiA. Gilopolis, N. C.. Aug 7 53 3tpd FajcUCTllle Arsenal and Armory, i August tJ, 1863 j II^MPLOYMENT will h'' given to 2 or 3 good BRICK J M.VSONS if applioa .ion is made immediately- 62-3tl F L. CHILDS. Maj Comd’g. A IterTfew date 1 will pay 10 Centa per -j^ound for rags, or the highest market price, delivered in Fayetteville, or at my mills on Roctdisfa. D. MUEPIIV July 28. 1863. 60*/ FOR SA L^ A HOUSE and LOT at Knoxville, six miles above | Elixabethtown, Bladen county, in a healthy loca- | tion and good neighborhood. There are five rooms in | the dwelling, necessary outhouses, Ac., all tolerably new, and five acres of land. GEO CROMARTIE. July 30, 1863. 51-9tpd Wanted to Hire, I P HANDS to cut wood six miles East of Wilmington. _L0 Vory'high wages paid in cash or salt. —ALSO— 10 Carpenters to work in Fayetteville. T. 8, LUTTERLOH. Aug. 3, 1863. 61-2w Oil iTlill lor «ale. A SUPERIOR Hydraulic Press, Cast Iron Edge Mill, 2 Hulling Machines, Copper revalviag Heater, 1 Shafting and Pulleys. These workii are now in oper» tion aa 1 offer a ohanee to any one wishing to cpjjs*' i i tbe mwufacture of oil to buy and romove to tbe ii:.«iiur of the country. J4MKaF BMRH. success in life, has had to pa.'ss tliiv"“^- There have been periods in the history of most of u^, when all our plans have failed and inevitable ruin seemed to stare us in the face. The most careful scrutiny could not discover a ray of light atmd the surrounding gloom. But, pressing forward with faith in the ultimate bles-sing of God on our labors, wc have seen the clouds rolled away, and the road to success and pro.^perity clear and open before us. ' Our heavenly Father, with unerring wisdona and infinite love, generally laads his chil dren through these seasons of adversity and ap parent defeat to victory and sucocph. Jjet us ic'. and think in rcferenca to oar country a? we havs done in reference to our indiviuual iutec€'*ti. Nor Li the discipline of a?-ions materiallj- dif ferent. No ouo of them, w.uch occupies a promi nent place in the annals of the past or exerts a controlling influence in the shitting draoifi ol the present has escaped its seasons of cru.shing defeat and apparently irretrievable disaster. The Israel ites of old, God’s chosen people, were again and again reduced to the greatest straits. To all hu- upycmtnj-cca Ctiey nctc liuprle.itiljf lUlneQ. But deliverance c^e at the right time. Greece struggled up to greatness and empire through reverst-'s more numprous and serious than any that we have sustained. Rome, once the proud mis tress of the world, so^reat her power, so terrible her tame that a man could claim no higher honor for himself than to say, “I am a Roman citizen,” repeatedly saw her territory overrun and the ene my thundering at her very gates, dallant little Switzerland is a living demonstration of what a people determined to be free can accomplish against the greatest odds. Spain was at one time overrun by the haughty and terrible legions of Bonaparte. The most important portions of her territory were in the possession of his Marshals, and she was without a treasury or an army. Yet Spain is free to-day. These atid a thou.sand other instances stand out like bright stars in the twilight of the past to cheer and encourage us. Let no one say that their circumstances were different. The advan tage, if there be aoy, is on our side. They teach us that our cause is not always hopeless when it appears to be so; that fur brave men fighting in a just cause and determined never to submit to op pression, there is light even in the darkest hour. Let us not be behind the illustrious axamples of the past. Wc have a cause as just, rights as dear, and interests aa great as they. Let us prove our selves worthy of them. To the christiau patriot, there is no ground for despondency in the present condition ot affairs. They have come, not by chance, but from God. We have deserved far severer chastisement than we have received, and we arc warranted by past experience in believing tliat He will restore the light of victory when we. properly humble our selves before Him. ^ihe fate of this war is in llis hand?. He can terminate u in our lavor when ever He plearies, and that too without any miraculous or even extraon’inary interpositioi; will sell at low j \ single victory ou ou.: ^art, discord among our «euiagthe F ,remiss, lofcij;a aid, or auy one ot a multitude brought into operation and change ti^c -.vhoie aspect ofat^'..ir8 That he v.ill do this if we are true to him wc cannot l.»ubt. Let us then be clieerful and hopeful for the fu ture Let us tuui a deat ear to croakers and cowards, and facing the dangers which threaten us have a firm and abiding faith in God not only for ourselves but also for our country. Biblical Recorder. TESTA,TIE.\T.^ A-^D CONPEDBR.iTE States Bible Society Testaments. A Collection of Sabbath School Hymns. For sale by E J. HALE & SONS. June 1. A tiEJM! The 3i'ew Styl^ 81114II, COLORED PHOTOt^RiPHS, AT VaHOi>dfiir» Gallery. ART. Woodvrard’8 Solar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdsll’s Skylight Gailery,^ay street, oppesite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life dize. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Piciures pertain) Jf to the Art. Alse, Gilt Frames, Gilt M»uW inf, OUf > for very large pictures—as large as 23 by 86, inches. Cord and Tassels for bsnging pictmes; Instro- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for c*sa- 1*“® •lie colored Photegraphs made from small j.icturee. Having perrna.n»*ntly loca*ed • ho>i.» »“ m /our petrov - V ; -"rw.i • '-".t.har for the libi*at I • .vUa^v- L - ■- ■ tk. ,.od p.opl. „t