ir WV ¥rA VOL xiir. FAVKi'f i^ViLA-i , ^ AUGUST 17, I8t>3. ■Tsri PRINTED MONDAYS AM) THTRPDAWS EOWARD J. HALE & SONS. El ITORS AXi) PROPIIIETORS. Kfico for the Semi-AVeekly OB8SR^'Ka $6 00, paid in aJTance. b’or the Weekly Obsbhvkr $4 00 per annum, pai'l in i»ilT\uce. \l'VEPiTI3EMENTS lUierte l f.r SI per s uare lihe-* for the first, »n'i 50 c«iU3 lor each suo- oe^^.iiag publication. A Iv»i-Ti«e!aent9 uot exceeding R half squn’'- (8 Une8) oU Ck jts for first and 30 cent^ fff •■aih siioceedinff publication. Advertisers are re quested to btate the number of insertioas desired, or ?hcy will be ««ntinu®d till forbid, and charged accord ingly. Ad7erti.aeru«nt« continued charged nst neir ad- Tertwftnem PPLC'J\L NOTICE. From an I n .ter Thin date, n.nmc of a new subscriber rill be enter*? 1 without pa ;d. tit in advan^, nor will the j'aper ho $o such tUDboiibvi> lor a longer time 111 »n is p»iil for. i».iin ol oi’j" old subscribers^as desire to inke tlie pa per on tliia gyster'- will please notify u.s whon HiakiiiR roOiittanccB. Jan’y 1, ISitS. Pfl.\Fr;ni':iMTB Ti\ lists. rHE Assessors for I’le Ccuiity of Cunib*rl>ind will iiieft at th*>OlHfi»of M. •'■itnpbf'll on THUKSDAV. .lULV '1, 18UJ, 10 r^oeivr the C..ijtodrrato Tax L'S'» f'or this County, oi> til'' foUiwiD'T su* j»oia of taxation, viz; N'.”.val S;oiv3, J^Hlt. VVi.-iep aud Spir’t.-as Liquors, T-ihac- ci'—inaDui'aciur“d or uuiniuui'^uiured, Cotiou. Wool, Flour, and Hyrup, Rice, aud oiut>r agi iculcur-il pro.Jucis. tho crowtn or pioduoiion of any yvar preceding; iii« j ?\r IS);:! Also, a'l .MoDt'3'.', li»nk N iics or other Currvuc'y on hand ir ou dopo^^ite ot tiio tirsi lay of Jnlv. and the value of all credit;- or. which the iuterwt has riot been paid, ana nyi eaipioy«-i in a huiiaesM the inoome froui which is tux*‘d uudtr iLe provisions of tbi« Act. R. W. HAKUIE, i uuted. lax Col. for (Cumberland county. June 40-tf FAVirrTKVll.l^E TKMALi: lliGll SCHOOL. WIJMTH tSOa JLAsTIG Y£AR. 1 ST TEK.M b g;n« v'-.iu S.'ptoiiio.r; an -s 240i Doc’r. -L -d •• ■=• '•• c'y; *• !'l-it March. 1ft -Ap'ii; •* ist July WILL open tiis K ViiLK H(>TEi« for the ri' cepii'ia ot C'tt^s . tl.p fir-^t of lu(i ‘ i>id I hojn to be able to eiitert-iMi fro;R sever.ty-tioe to n hundred Der^^on"? duriof^ the i';iraoi"r. la connec'ip!! with this lar^e rtotel, I havan uuah^r of il.iok-i. t^arris'jpri, llujrir'P' ni:d Satid ' tit tnut rav gucils can get at ^ miuuie's noiive. J. M i‘rrirrii>for F igl • Hotel, (', May I'.i, 18t>3 31-yp i S» 1 E 1sTm> ^ 1* il 3 BrRKE COr^XTV, X. 0. TlilioE springs are eituated in >\r’e^iern Norm I'aro- li;>n, fiboat Fifteen mil?s from Mor^aii ii,,in •» mouutaloons, he-i itiful an J romintic c 'liiitr .. Tbo wut. r-,, sriLPHOR aiii OHALVRI:a i L, v to be li • ‘i ''.LliTi l.'on!i4€rii>f Olfice, | AMP Ilul.MES, July 25, iStjy. ) mi-f j.ri .Miy, publi-^iied for thi* in i' C'-.z.a-'rcd Co! PETER M\LLET1\ v3omd’t 01' t.’oa'^orip'H foT N tl , Ajjt. P' 805} ACKES OF FOIL ■ ■•■Vi., ih*? Roal r.ll 'a for 10 Hile it ■ I. I :-J- M>tn l:;y 'f :t fV Ouml«-r!aud, ut 12 lU U.'^'li I to at orJ.;t E-.i jt.- .t’ 'j y iiiu st-j't- tlie J; H t'i.' li.-h'fr I i ' the '} ii uei 1? ^ rv\' S pi.srii 0 otock, Vj !.r,‘ I'li.-i'csi of h ilf of the wh .>;- ; ill a cer; The A/n/x^ro; ,jj Uexicc.— i'he (jrrand Dtike Keniinaiid Ma.i*.iiiUian Joseph, who has been chosen by the Mex'.eau Oouticil of Notaoi« 83 Emperor of (hat country, is Vice Admiral ai’d (?omtnu, of 3Iarine of Austria. He wad born July Cih 1H32, and was married ou the L’Tih of y sari iu .':j!at« ^bciug ous . «Tuiy, to the Grand Duchess Marie Oharlott* ; i\'Hci of LAND ei-utain- ' Anielie Au^'unte Victoria Cleinantuie Leopoldine, »» 41V ff UC UVt II VII A.UA0 lady uith this terribly long name is the di-ught«r of j^cpolu. King of the Belgians, and it Napoleon ;',d .Seision, , 13 weeks,) Attorney at Law, Fayettkville, N. C. TI^ILL attend the Couuty and Superior Courts of IT Cumherlami, Harnett. Moore and Robe.sen Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all olaims entru-^ted to his hand^ Uci. 17, IHo". 68-tf am VV. WILLIAMS & CO., %Vliol(‘*(ale Dealers in Ci*rocerie«(,‘ AND IMI'ORTKRS AND DEALKRS IN hardware and (litlery, Sifedes Iron, &c., HAY STUEKT, FAYErTEVlME, X. C. July 2, 18*)I. 3Ctf J OS. I T I. E V, Grocer and Comtnlstitut ..^erchntit^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 1*', 186.^ l*3-tf T. C. A: II. U. WORTH, CoRimission and i^orwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y iS, iStil 84tf CARD! A FEW LADIES can be &cco3imodated with board at U»e Seminary. T 0 HOOPER •-?pt 1.^ 1S61. 6t>- JUHNSOV*Williams & CO., S.4LT .nAKERM. ’ W li. tive thirty ^30) pans now iu operation nine miles n cist of Wilmington Parties wishing to supply th^*n)3elve with salt, cao be furuishetl by applyiujj to \ Johnson. Jr. Az^ut at Piyetteville, to E Page, manaj/.^r at ■.^.e wor««. ir to J. .M WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Fiiyef I evilly, Nov. ‘in, l?ri‘i. 81tf .\OTlCE. As I expect to be absent from h>)uie a few raonths in the West, Archibald McLean is my autJioriied Aceiit to traiisact my busines's until I return. N O. JONES. ?>0 lu U 2-3 10 120 ■V r>id»‘ni;i; i’f rrtry »• Mtiriic lui.i pHiiitin;-, euch Latin. Frt'uch au't Drawing, e.'jo! li'ia'd, per Session. Iaci.iintil Espenp«s, 2 ‘ . ri:'ti''n pnyable IN .XDVANi’E by the Term.) . j Pupils will he received at any time a'd chaiged from the date of tvlm’ssivm to the cl'^sa of the Settion, bui no | •leduction will be allowed f*r the withdrawal of u pupi' | fiefore the close of the regular Sfn^ion. * i Rev. WM HOOPER. j T. 0 HOOPER ! July S, 1863. * 44 9m dvi'd acrt-.s .if L>n l afi. hei wo'i'.t :■■■ lo r, j> .-s .- L I r . .«r; V • TIED.MO.XT SPRINGS CO Mvy 'J ;. 88-'11 I'd LfST OF CHAU«KS FOIl PASSK\GERS\ Edf^ewortli Female Seminary, GRHENSBOHO', N C. rllE F-iU Se3»t«'M )i mi? Kstiiatior. will c’untiieuce ou Lh- 4ttl of CU'' u^-xt. TKR.MS rOR THK PKSSlOV OF 20 WKI'K^; Biir.i, in.Mudin; hirhs. fufl. .Sic, #220; Entrl':h Tu:ti.''-'i ; >0; M'l.-’ir ‘>.1 t*ic Pmiio, H »rp orWtui- 'nr $'>I\ V .-C »1 Mu-; ■ ! J 'jO; Od P »in'ing "SoO; Dr i Jfinit S!2 .'^O; Grr-ciaii Ptiu'ing ?.15; .\acient and Modftrn L-.tigu each 512 6 ). For furlaer parti'ui»rs app'y to RI HARD STERLIXtj, Principal. Juae 27, lSi.8. 41-lHipJ Xoiice to Cosnoioii School Teachers. n.^ATED, 4 Situation a.“ Teaciier. b a young L\ ly who had vn- j\. j lyed (due iiiouil advunt - wq.t wil', Te icii al! itieFngUsh Branches. Frenc". Orieut il Pa.iiting aud pde: L.\, Ca-.'ihaee. N. (3. fil 4tpd Wax Wjrk. AdJresf July 81, As imaial the Bloikade \\riLL compel us 10 do wfi it wj sooulc? have done be- Tf fore this, wait upin yo«r»elf and cut loose from tbe enL-my The pr.ipnvjtors h i»ine ^jtaried ibe m.inafac- turinf ot ail iiind^ of BOBBINS for Fartories iu the Sauther;’ S'aies will be a‘>l« to till orders al shori notice Work delivered iu Fiyetieville, N r; * ^dresfl L. KIVETT, '^ i.'uiabeilaud. N. 0 The €>flar Faffs SIo bin Co are now prepared to iuroish, at short notice, all kinds oi lioBiUNS, QUILLS, to , suitable for Woolea and J. M. ODHLL, Agent. N C., July y. lSt>3. 3»> brapd Prciu F:iyeitevil'e lo Wil.uWipit.iu, .•MO n) “ “ *• E!-zibe;b, o 00 “ Whiiv* H ill. .'0 “ “ •• K‘lly’c t-ovi'. 7 Ol.) .Al> p iinis '■ 'l'.>*'. iij O') aiECO.M* CL.^S.S, OK UKCK. Froiu Fayetteville to Wilniin^jion, -i', Oi) ‘‘ Elinbilh, 2 -■>> “ •• •* Wbiiehall. ;j 51.1 “ “ Kelly’s \'ve. 4 0 1 “ *• *• .Ml paints balow. 3 U) IP. P’rom W^ilminjrton to Farett‘ville, ?10 00 “ •• K -ily’s Cove, 4 “ While Hill, f> .'v't •• •• “ E!:zabeth, »$ Vl “ *• “ Pr .'sppct 11. 8 tXi “ •* “ \!1 : oinls above," 10 ‘0 BKOOND CL.\SS, 1}¥‘'‘K. From Wilmingfitn to F lyetiev.ll.*. S--. 00 “ 4. ,, c “ •' •• IVhite H ill, •1 t'.l *• •• •• Ad pT>iiiis sb'^VM, •S Seeond l’Ia»« or 1) ■( k P •f~»nir"r- moot st.iy on I 'W*." Jpck -'r pay full prtc». or J inrie a^ F irxt C’ \-s jpipjp* .An extra charge wi'.! n\. I« f ir VV,v (fefi'.jr in'o li-Tt'ij J .rinjj dsv ti n •, an i tor U-.10H- pying a Berth with ttitir boo!? o'" shoes on. at th‘ discretion of the C-irtain J. A WORTH, for C F .'^I’n B't Co. R. M O K It E' L, l.>r Si’rs K e and Sun T. S. LUrTEllI.OH. .M.iy 4. l^io3. RUREAD OF CONv^CRlPTION. 1 ’RiLHMo.s-r>, V.v , July 21. ISfni. j 1 ’r? '\, tie-i- . k- i!:u»aj;tO!J H.j.i', j uring David ^pO f-nvv-nr nuniernu-i ;iiq;iir'i -. an 1 to oorrertt error.-* , .tlrr-sj, ahot^i II iniies from tayei't/il!e , i , -i j i. ’I'.'t u.'»>^C'Tri:»jin. tho fol’iowia^ /loiioo is r ubliKh** I to t other hc.i* tiif'-iest. ta said trao'of land is "wne J by ^ ^ p i l"', ..^roa-' nf Mptioo al! .J rue.l: ‘ - John McDjnald, who has coQBeated to a sale of itis in- J III agrees to it is to be the biupres.-. Ol 316X100 I U;, l.M ihi r-eent cfvU of thd PriPident, extending jat the »am« lime. bo that the nurcha3«T w’li pro-Maximilian in the brother of the LUij)6ror ♦ '.e o.'r.'.■'rltJi. r,.fr>». all £cbstitution3 hive coa^txl to be , cure an iniefdasible iltl« to the Trhole traot Upon this j Francis Joseph of Austria. vt I'! i' fhf* snh'-fifut • be leHi than 45 ya .r? old and ! tract af€ situated a S.AAV MILL and GRIST MILL, both _ • . i, v,r» bv in good coudition. and with a {T? run of eustom One Drio. Hen. '-V C. Strong—Geu. Strong, 1. .'leiiib.-^stiip. unless as au otfic«r duly Moepted !i who was fatally %-6unded i the attack on Fort iiame individual who Ijutant Genera! for the over the helpleiy Orleans during the down-trodden city? • W ) rerj.^u wheuever the aervites j 'arm.-; - - • >. ■ j n r. The now defunct General was a married man, a Persons desirous of viewins the land will call on the ^ 1 * j undersigned, or upon Mr. John McDontiid who lives in . native ot \ ermont, and a regular biue-belliea the icatiieuipJe neighborhood of th« tract, either of who'n j yaukec in every particular. will take pleaaure in showing it. HECTOR McXEILL, i /Jeath nf Mr. 6V/V^v/»/^/(The late Northern Adm r of Neill G XioNeill. 1 brings inforiniifioii of the death of poor old July •.;1. I8tj3. 48 ts _ . (^jirtenden. When Maebeth was informed €L4PE FE,%KI^AA05^f6rJ|»ALE. |of the death of Lidy .Macbeth he said, “She 1 OFFER for sale my Lands lying on the east side of I should have died hereafter ” We snould reverse the river, ton m'les below Eiiiahethtown. The nver { the remark in applying ifr to the deceased Ken> traot containi four hu»drod and eigh*y fi»e acres, of j He should have died heretofore. In which two hundred and fifty am cleared: tber* is on the , • 1 1 1 j foJr nuna nine, a new Dwelling containing eleven rooms: with all years he had lived a pretty fair name neoessary out-builjiiBgs Adjoiniuj?. are .levo:, hun- | and ruined a respectable standing among the 8M- drtd acm back lands, six of which is swarop having a ' find class of statesmen this siae the Atlantic. He dense grawth of cypress timber on it Also a small | yg violated all his professions and proved so plRce ooBtaining tbrfs hundred and fifty acres, of which j^jthless to his declarations and pledges, made at sixty acr^s a-o jswanop very easy t.o drain. • ^ discussion of the GritUJnden Persons wishing to aak* inrestments in good farn; • J p , ,o,»a »/• 1 *u . „„nrn ineJands would do woll to call on me soon, or aldrt .. Compromise in I8i)0 bl, that he forteifed every me at Elix^Jaethtowu. W. A. ATKIfiSON. j claim to the respect, and consideration 01 the pe> Jul. 18. 48 aipd t I’t-Of Ww (\ i-. r w^ • a' J-.* li^t trt the G )v.-;rii'»»enl from any th tn tlie e'\susl i'?s of war. , f.>r vr' ioptioB, on n.>iy ground whaf.- ’i"-’ b-; a.i.!i-"»8'il to toe local ciirolltn(^ offi- h'l.^ n.'>t rowi-r to aor. or is ia doubt, rriH )anr. ,j7ij.->r •'..ii'iiority, with report cf the facta, j \’I »uc'i :i.!•.?'•»»•' -1 d>('Cf t* higher autliority will! ..vrilv ai'd iiiv iriably b- referre 1 bick for locil } i-saoiifi'li.nti and r-:port; aud the applicauts will thus, ■lavo ii'*?! ".sly lo'H li-.iip pad pr iltmged 8unpenso. 1 ..pp/’^ls wrc.Mn-it adverse decisions by local officers •wil :,rt fc.r*..'.vdiid ti} t'«e:’.i f-jr hiaricg, when any plau- nitlo grout>d of app. ii is set forth V. I''niaiand .tits of Cptisoripts will givo this notice x■L•n^^ive circu'alion lu ?ne ioj'il pr^sa of tbeir respective 'States. tJ VV L.^Y. Lt Coi , A AG, A-line Chief of Bureau. R ^istfcr, Progres-. S au.lard, Wcst-?ia Damscrat, F iye’te?’!!.* U.jsorv.,r, Wiiuiineiou J- S>*ii3bury W itchnj iii >i[;d .\-‘.iiivl!l3 Nfw.-i. copy un^.il 20ti» .August win ini? t Rr-'.,?raph. Ju'v 27, ifai 3 60 i20.\ Jun»» y, 18» SPOOLS and Cotton Vl!ll^ (V.lur Fa!’iii. Dt 0 r 2b. 18G0. =3tf uaateii. r» “AA RU'SHKLS WHEvr, 2,0Ul) I.0.A- C.iHS. .n^ h Tiiii? the ab ve articles to »eU willn'eeivc the h.ittn--i i-h pr;rte f-y C'iRiag m .Mr. .M Tlioia.ison. a: th F iy.>'t.*vill>*, or on the eubtcri b«r at hi? old - aai oa MsrSei S quare. ALEX. JOHN.'^ON. Jr. N -V J. '-“uJ 5tf Al«?SY HARAE««. I AM pr.-p'ircvi to raanutact'ire all kinds of Wp.pon Haitn-'- t-ji Army u:^e. I tan my leather and can give go I .us. .Agents wili do well to send their orders to ce as they snail iiave prompt attention, aud Belli f)tt in n'liok dir'p^tch. JOHN (J.^RTRK. G'^i^lot P. t'., ruathaHQ Co.. N. C., i June 13, 18«2. f wa:^te», IjANK NOTL^ of Nortn Caroi;a-k, South Carolitm. I) Virginia iiiii Georg-a. •\l9o, Nonii"' arolini six par cent. Notes. Also, North Carolina eix per coot B .nis, new issue. W. K KI 'IIAKDSO.S i CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. Wtf C'oltoM ¥arsi lor %Vool. Y‘^TI ''E 1.-^ ae i rj c wd From aitil aiiei* fhi« date the S: atn.>r A I’ llCRr v\m ' l«-ave at a o’clo.k. A. M . on Mo:i I ly and I’hur-* lay. ./0« .V WOHT'l, -Vpr:l 0 -17tf ] Ag't C r. Sto.m Eo'.t C«i. %VEMTEftA RAIE ROAD. The Trains of this Hoad leave Fayettevirte daily, (Sunlays excepted) a! 8 o'ilock, M., and r«.- turnin^ leave .Mclver’s at 1 o'c'orK. P M By .•"ilrtr of the Pri*?' l.*nl ' 'I'ti % t- JNO. M ROSE, • Treaa’r and .Ac t'g Trr’.n'^. .Vg’i. Jan. 2-, IS'O-'i. 97tf FayelH'ville Arsensl anrt \rmory, \ KAVtTri£ViLi,K, S v; . Juue 'iy. > WA.\TE«. G re.-eived .tat‘i.>j-iiy from the Secretaiy of to increase t;ie^'h uf ’.ha prfj»*nt '..\irps ^t this ,\-^eQ il. itie UDd>*r«>'v;;>”d w'.; v;aii;i ot** t’.'i'i- dred piOOl "■ "» coni>rr'pU for tbal p.irpitse Tii^se sub ject to oous.:r:p;i.. J nt-l nut lipplv • T'‘nmf‘.‘r-' •til fxoh iui;'rj of ai.n ni ^. ia ^>.rTioe tnu- n-.t b'.‘ ni;.Je. MATTHEW P. TAVLOR, ( aot. t’. S A. I JuaoS o-'f Having \Var to J54tf 200 lb**. >itim Arabic lor sale by J. R. LEE. ^>CI. l.T P. TAVLOR f> F F E B S F o H sal E C'iF'’F.E Fiour, Rice, T j:iC0 and Soap. Pow- ... r I •a.U)^ So-Ja. white and coi‘i Spool Ihread, I utB"i’iii« ..n 1 N’.'t'.lies, Hats aud Saoes. One box of si. iiry 0.>'.d-> ju..?t recidv-'1 '"-om Cbar!v3 '.•iti, 2 c'aih * 'l' aks for L-tdieg; Gentlemen's fine Giv'-i.-rs: Green and flia.-k T^a. P. TAVLOR. June 1.1 38 airi.Ui §.*0 R2^:\VARO. F) A^«.\WAY on \lou'l’»y 2'Uti .M i^, my Boy NELSON; L be IS cf>rp?r compl-^xiOQ au.l weighs about loO lbs.; aged about I will pay f-SO for hisdelivery to rj>c or f2-^ f'*r ti-. confinement in Jail N. A. STEDMAN. June 1. ■ 33-tf 25 HXM/rt ^ SACKS f»r sale by I>#fi 22. ROBERT MITCHELL. 8S-tf T0BAC:€0. 1 Qn VIRGINIA TOB.\CCO, various grades, J. JU for sale on consiirnmeut, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS i 00. May t!3 31 tf Mole Leather wanted. QAAA LBS, .if heavy well tanned SOLE LE.\THER, ^ vUU suitable for Belling. T \.OT 111. Apply to D. MURPHY. 20tf Fayetteville Admini«(trator’M rVotice. rIE Bubacriber having at December Term,^1862, of the Couuty Court of Cumberland, qualifiad as Ad- mlnietraior upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, dec’d, Botifieg all persons having claims against the Estate to prvMnt them within the lime limited by law, otherwise thi« nr«ice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors %rt re4aested to make prompt payin'jnt. HECTOR MoNKriil,. fflnj’r, 10. IPR‘2 H=.. t EO«T. My COW is on East siite of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to (^auipoellton, being drivea into t.bp river by boys and o .a’t find her way back. She is marked With crop in' esvcb e\r, has a bell 00, white in her face, witiie on back an4 belly, red ou n»ctt and sides. Who ever will take her up and let me know it, or bring her up to me in \JampbelUon. wiil be liberally rewarded. T^e said oow was bi'ugUi in the upper part of Bla^ec eaaoiy aiid may protiaoly fiad ber way back to that wuniy. JNO. A,. WAT80». ltS». Ib'iaivA tf b it a.'ier taw i..e (Pxcept h.iv, r)irgi,ia**i for >Vou! accord ; i:i !.■> term? of it- aiv. riisemeai of the 30th of' M»y, jrbich te-ra!* art* liow r^'voke.i,) we wili g vc I buu 1 dl-j f «;otion Va"u f r 4 ibs of Wool unw.u;f.t*d, or ^ 3 lbs. ws'-i-.'d ml pick’d. Tiji ohange i.s mia-j r.t.tfie iHitasi'ie of t:ie »■'-rm vi'-er at Ril.iai, u ord. 1 tj •'Jake the lerias or »;i ;h un;foriu iii nugnou* ihe .>tate. • OE ) W. WILLI .VMS k CO. Fi'^etfevlllc, June 2't, 4ltf 1 I E^y])t ConI .Ttisie. I'HE undersigned wrr**, at the Xoveuiber Term cf Ihe ! C*>ut> lerat^: fjourt. District of Nort.i Carolina, ap- i f.oinied .Maua^ers of the E./yp: Coal '’ine property, 1 and u^.ve .Tiierei icto o.:)parineTsnip for the pu'^pose of . miaing nd st-ih-g Corf,!, and ^olioit ordtrs for the same ' ill anv desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be buppiied on Bhort notice. The Goal trom this pro perty 18 undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be ma.le to Chas B .Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston. S C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JA.MES BKOVVI^’E. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1868. 9Utf (;riai> sto.^e.s for HE und.-rMig't • 1 have tnk>‘u the A.:eQcy fir the sale of W I> r-.rr'ir & Co Grinl Siones. and tiavv- uow cn baod =iie^ running from 18X2J inciie* 10 rj f.*.-t by M umher; lud can have cut at snort nonce ANV .'^IZES w^-otel. Parsons in wani of Grind S^l>Ile.^ will i>lt;a-e corre'p md wiih the uiider^igued, wh-» wili IU otd«ri praiQpviy all guar.iu.eM the quaUty of Ihe grit as represet-i-^d. GEO W. WILLIAMS A CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 18B3. 32-tf AAIL« FOR HALE. The HIGH SHOALS IRON CO. are prepared to fill caiih orders for N.iil«, at their factofy, in Oastou county, N. C. Nails will be rfelivered at Iron Station, ou the Wilmingtou, Charlotte Rutherford Railroad. I AddreBi HIGH SHOALS IROM CO , Iron, Lincoln county, N. 0. I Juno 10. 18«X 40-2mpI I YouiigN Smut iHachiiie. A FEW ON HAND AND FOR SALE Those need ing haj tH‘i>t order soon, as material for making ia ! nearly workad up, aifd no more to be had Address, ALEX. DIOKJSON, Hillsboro’, Orange county. N. C. •luly ?T) 47-Jl6tpd ^ NOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, ot tfiis place, their ixt.orueys to coJlect.eithpr separately or conjointly all mo.'ieys due them either by acceuut or note, ani otherwise to attend to their bu siness genentlly (hirintr their absence. They r»*Bpeot- fully atik all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly KH possible on their agoiits a-!>d iiake payment. STAttli & W1LLIA.MS. Sept. 10. 1801 OIL AND L.\at‘ BLACK. irpANNblRa’ and LUBRICATING OIL. A LAMP BLACK in barrels, i’or pale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmiatiovk 0. OFKUEOF niK l‘T'H \>S’T Ql VUrKtiMtSTKR, ) F:iyoUe\llk‘ Arreiial a;id Afaiory, :> Fj^y tt“’V(|.lk. .N' . I ; i7. l^fi- J WOOD lVA^Ti:i>. vjr. ALTD Pllol*. KS.\:^S will bi> r.-ceir-1 tor the deliv O Piy of f)Ur hun Ir.-l Cfi'd^t of *>1 tv’V j ici: wo >d. (1"0.) at tn? r.i» • .-f ojr tTioiii 1. Tt(^ woo 1 ''J be iriiver. ,} >*i ( .'.’■■.'■'tri' vf i*'--’ i‘ w!l be pr-,p«r!y Co ’ lid I' rri'i-'! o3a'’or.a to tut ^tmdard tne i'Ur^uiea' f 'r "ir l w.;r. 1, viz: • x 4 x 5 Prop if> be ruarkel “Pr po- for wool for A.*' p Aes ' Qaarteruia-’te: ” .MMTHEW p. TWI.OR. C-vi* .i-i A.V/. P A C. S. .17-if .\-.d Ac! ir A- I’l A W.l^TS^O. GOOD Cook and Biteer ti coo^ f.r the Or.lnance I Detachment. G i ' p iy will be eiv. n .A»piy to Caul. M. P. TAYLOR, at the A -'ral. j July 17. ■ • I, f i REI EIVER\« AOTI* E. IN PUH-'U ANt.'fc of an order ol iho i)i n ict Go'irt, 1 ; her.-by ii''tify ad p.'r#onti, vt'sivUn ; iu ib'‘ i^f ■ New liinover, Brun-swirik, BSalen, (Joln"n’’iis. R.ibe-f>n , +nd Ilichuijul. HixainB'- whom Decrees of Sequesivation ; nave bjeu cuiorr.d lor th^ -pverai lai >'in'.^ >.f ihpir in- | d?!)i.‘doesB to Alien Eno«a'?s, th i‘ I will by p:e-enl at j ihe lirit’p and p! ic'S ui*'?d for the p.irpo'*'! of ri.*- 1 ceiviogthe iutnres'. that m ly be due upon the sai l dfbts ; Tdos*' who "li^fpgard t^is n iti'^. aid who fail to f-et- i tV prfvi >u^ 10 the it" ot H-pieaiber, w ii be in d.-f..uU, | and an r.x-c w;l! ’>>‘Jiie liai dy, f-r ihe latfr- w.“i a'ore-‘ai 1. an 1 >n it:e c.TJt at' lti« 1* 'tcaiitni. It is reojuim 10 le 1 to ihos.' wiio ure so di'ipoje.t, that th.» |ire#vnt is. the be.-it opportunity to piy tbe priaoi- pal al-in, of sa:d iii'lehtp.lTi“'«?. At Wilfuingion, from 12th to I8th Auguat, inclusive, «J A .M , to « P M. At Whiteviile, Thursday 20th August. At Eliitabetijtowu, Siturdiy. 22d August. At L.iinbe.'tou, Moa.lay 21'h Au/ust. Al Rociiingham, W-* lae-‘day 2-i'h August. DrBii-UlZ CUI'LAR, Recnvar, i:-, July 28. 50-tf To Ccttoii Planters. 1HAVE beeu appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief .Agent for tae purchase of Colton for thf 1 Confederate Government witliiu the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or C»sh. Sul>-Ageats v*isiting the different parts of the Stale, buying in my name, will have writt'jn oertiRcate.s of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purch'ised by myselt' or my agents, ou and after tne 18th day of March 1883, wiU ho p*iid for io,7 per cent Bunds nr Ca^h, and not 8 ptr cant. Bond a-t stated tn a former iwlvurtiscment. Up to :*Jit tnae, however, th** 8 per cent, nou Is will bo furnisited us siatad. Pairiotic cititeas are now oifered an oj j>' rfunily to aid the GuVrtram- ut by selling to it tueir Outtou rathor than to private caoiiatists. LEWIS S. WILLIA.MS. Gb', March 21, 18U3. j_o. d ] idtf li’jilma ivhriiHli suo»irioi)r will pay tue tiigtiest cadb jirices for JL way juaatiiy of Paliua Cbriati Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fayottevilie, Oct S. b7-lf XUE lIlXIE PklftER, the Uuutt a lortAor tt^pply waolM^U Head(;iarter$ EnroUiog Oihce* •If2k 4'oii^. I(i«it., C., WILMINGTON, N. C. iN a'or.lHuce wi'h orders from the Cotnm».ndant of I’on tiriprs for .Sortti I'aroiina. Commandinj; Office^- ■ i It g'rri'crs comprising the 4’h Congression>*i D?*»triot r ii i -sif'l t ‘tf';;moie their Rezimente-»t the follsw- i'li; liin s 'in'l places, lor eiroHincut and 'examination: ' e« 11 .iiovor, 'J21 R g’t. August 20th and 21sl, at Wil- • I'l'ii.rton. I R.'/t't, -Aujus! 221, at Wilmington, iin-iwi k, oGin R-j’t. .August -’Ith, 25th and 26lh, al 'IcKethan s. • olu ul us, 67ti» R»-g't, Au/ Slst, Sepf. 1st and 2J, at Whiievjli^., P ■‘■.‘.■'.ou. ^'8 h R p’t. Sept .'J 1 aaJ t'h, at Lumberton. • 6U h i’e;?’i. S?pt, 5th atj'l 7th, at Luiaberton. r.icfiiii 'nd, ti(ifi R 'kt’i, y =^nd 10. at Laurinburgh. blst Reg't, Sept. II & 12, at Kookingham. K-g't, tiep. 16, 17 6. 18, at Elizabethtown. t_ u(iib>'rl md, 63 I R g’t, Sep 21 and 2?, at F»yett.«vil'“ ulih ^eg’t, Sept. 23 & 24, at F-iyeitoviilo. lifiMieK. f>2 1 Ri'gSept 2.S aud 2y. at Lillington. «'lonm.inding UtSe^rs of M'litia Wiil p'oase tee to it ihit ttie t'o'lTwiBg persons are prtsent at :ne times and pUcos ab-Tve specifi.'d. to-wi'r persous wrriviug -ii the age of IS years since my ages beiier }He»!'*u.aly eor-illcd ij me or furlotr^iicd or dis- C'urpp ' t>y the Ex iiM'uin^ Sur. I om. All scBfiTiTurKS wa I have be«n 1 r:>m the service. Vi.L u >t h-Tf’jfore j=u'’j c: to con.scriptioo, iy retuon or t/vi*. are altow.-d to V'jlui!t»er on or before tbe 20th Fi-' £u 'tV. ».ra i'>«'un/eri will be required a da- ,!ri; r vo ii-i f irmsned h;>ra by the Commanding Officer •?! t:.> t-'niupiny, and endoM**d by tno Commanding Otfi- crr o! iio^ 'I'-nt, iui 1 wh:eh ne is received. ^ C-.'iuiii tudiiig > >Lh vri of .'li ilia will please to it ■hat 'I'tie oiujyrs pi -.vide themselves with descrip- nvi> r. ll.j of their several boa's. All persons who fail to report (a'? ubove ordered) at !.'o p.isa auU time appointed, will be considered as de sert ers WM M. SWANN, C.ipt. ani Enrolling Offiaer, 4th Con^. DiA., N. C. Dr. J T CiiAPi’KLL, *ss*t Surgeon, P. A. C S , and ‘ ii^itin n i; an! F.x ii \V. W Uavi-. M D. . M D ,^u,.u-:a, o2(20A Knro!l!ii2 0!!1-e and Kxaminlti^ Board | '( I . •.i;rtBSION\L DlSTKIljT. V X'.c-b •! o’, N C , July 28. 1863. J Oecer il OfU.irs No 1-1, Ccn- '■ iii> II Inv-'s. N. C , notioc Is h.-reby • !'.n -.;ii.>^ 0'n;;i»r-i aw i Exjrainiap Board ! '.1 c jinpnsit;;: liie 7ih Congressional ir Time? r.a 1 places: i 8'ii;i II -;:’; S. C .'I uia, \nsou couuty, at Wadcsbo- I re', .\iiijii-i. 2 > a. I f l;-.! .'I ’•V.liii.'., \u:iOQ county, al Wadesboro’, I .Auiru-Jt 2i^t an i 2.: i j b.'i i R-'if’t N C M'.litia, S.anly county, at AlbenjHrle. : Au--u;i 21 h -ui'l 2.-> h. j («2.i H e’t N C Militia, ^Montgomery county, at Troy, i Aii^ii'it 1I7'h and -"Mb. P ->g't N C Mili'ia, Moore county, at Carthage, 'P' ■ VALUAKLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. IHOITSE S'ld LOT o»i Mu oford Street, wit’; oouie and a good w>li of in the yard I BRICK STORK, two stories, on Person s- v-. 1 HOUSE on Arch street, 40 x 20, Lot at w .t i^O ft;', by 60 P. S All those indebted to m» are requ^-;' t c?.'7'.e jorward and stjiiln forthwith, as I canaot afT.irJ ‘.o }*(• J notes and accounts and pay raxes on All thtes ttiat can pay and will not do it b/ thaV* ir I'tfing Court week., Uieir notes aud acoouats wul be scid at Auction by J. H. Cook, Auct’r. R. D. DAV13. , July 16, 16*li. j RECElV'Eli^'^OTICE. j TN obedieucj to an ci'der of the Confederate Court, all 1 I pers^QM a(?ains' whom iieorcesi have been taken fcr i utooev due to alien eoem’.es ‘rt or before Sfring Tertn, iSft2,'of i»aid Court, are hereby notified that the inter j .!St on said several sums of money up to May 20th, 186{J, j is now due and oiderol to be paid. I will attend at .Ashs- 1 boro’ on Tuesday, Aug. 4th, next; at PittsOoro’ on Mon day. Aug. 10th, next; and ai Carthag* on TuoaJay, Aug. 18th, next, for the purj/ose of receiving said inter«*8t. If B»t paid to me accordingly execotions wilt be issiud for the same and tfce oosu in all oag''e in addiii>n to tn* pie ot the South, while he brouirht upon himself i the contempt of those of the Ni>rth —Dispatch. ^ P^rt —Ths Brandon R^pablican of i the 2#d July, publi.xhe-^ some particulars of the capitulation ot the torcss at this point, derived from .sevt'ral of the gar’^uon. It is stated there ■ were but 40iJ0 men within thS intrenehments at *^the tioie of the iu vestment, 725 of ^hom^were ' killed, uud quiie a i;u iiber in the h »«pital. iu?*’® \rore only li.TOO fit tor duty at the time of the sur- j render, and they had saccess'ully resisted every as.?uuU of Gen.' Bmks’ army of 2.5,5000 men, or J nearly tpn to one, tor 4^ days, on le.S'^ than juir- I tor rations. They would no^ have surrendered at tbe time they did, had Victsburg not fallen first, find large rci 11 forceu*«ntj been sent from Grant to Bauks. • FAYETTEVILLE laCTUAL II^SURA^CK COMPAXf. $267,688 ‘,0 6,077 36 Capital in Premium Notes amoants to Caah on hand and other aeseta. .ivt July 20, IBfiii. JPRINTI.Mi PRESSES A^D FOR SAL.E. By virtue of a Deed of Tru^f. ejeL-a'.ed to me by Peter J. Sinclair, May 10ih, I860, forth.* purposes there in m.-atnonfd, I ofl'cr for sale tha PR^SsES and FIX- TUl.I!S beluiig'ing newspaper es'ablisamcut, in the lowri of Fayetteville, known as the “Korth Carolinian.” U will be B*ld privately if desirable, and oa acociaino- daticg terms. If not 8 fld befart', it wliJ t>« offered at public sale on Tuesday, the 8th day of September next. isBO. W WIQST.HAN, Trustee- Favett«^Ee. C.. Jul» 25. 4W-ts Total, f272 786 «1 T.*ie Cosapany have paid all leases promptly, have Q9ver made an aasessment on iheir Total losses paid. 69 (^wWT/^'Dnu era. c. A. MoMILLAN, bee y. DiascTOHs: 3onry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, 8. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, 0. B. Mal’ieit, James A. A, .Mcfwelhan, J. D. Wiil-'’-rTi3, S. VV, T ill K. S ■^’Uiughatt, S. J. i! i:iSil.*'e, Vt’ir.- -’vi .riji, )k, ■■.w J ••• ->olt, Hyi.. ft. 0. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, ) ^ . A ’ . Hail. oaifl Ln Coihis aa- 0. C. McC.-uimen. ,v Gon\ .»ny invite n.(.ho ' v ■( »\() \ ^ jr-v.,.;: w.l! •. i D' 'rit 1 Aocuit Slst and S pi.vuhnr Jsi. and 2d. I I :i K g’t N ^ Mil.lia, Chatham county, at Pittsboro’, 4 b aail 6th 60t'> R‘“g’i N v' Mi’iiia, Chatham county, at. Pittsboro’, S^T* ”tli, H h and !l'h 01 i Retr’t .NC Mililia, Randolph oounty, at .A^heboro’, S-*j.l 11 h and 12i h ll-fr't N 0 ^lilitia, Rindolph county, at .\she- hor.i', S "I* 14 h >iri 1 I5'h. ti'ih ii 'g’t N C 'liiuia. Dividson county, at L?xing- tri( Si’ft 17tli an.l f’rt b Rec’t N C M litia, Davidson counly, at Lexing ton, S pi !'> ti ‘-il-t -i i 2-’J. 1 r. !;iq;-U of ,\l.liii’i It.-'gimentsin this District will, i*ee MNWt itic f-'M-JWinjr P'TrlOna uro tiay'e a.l>oire K'.\ porioni arriviatr at the ago of 18 since the la«t enrollment; all persons between the ages of 18 anrd 40 y, ar« wh.» ji-iy be specially ordered before the &aard or Enrolling nfliiJt'r; each aud every person betweqn the of 40 and 15 years, whether prftvjously exempted (»r noi, %ud all lub^tiiutps diioharged from the service. All pei"onR who fail to report (iucluded in the above order) at the places of rendeivous at the time appointed will be cncrid' red as deserters. J M. LITTLE, ■ 1st Lt and Enr .'iinc Officer 7th Conir Diat. PETER G. SNOWDEN, Surg and Chairmuu Examining Board. July 80. ' (_R. p ] 51-4t Headquarters Co, Q, 38d Reg’t III. C. T. ^pHE followiDg uamed ruetobers of my company are l_ ordered lo report at Camp immediately or they will be advHr(i;jc.i as deserters and a reward offered for their iipprehpn'eion: Jesse Bradshaw, F. F. Fairol >th, Nathan Hair, B A Howfll, A. S' Miirdo.ik, .M. Sike^, A. D. Siac'ctary, Jno. Stone, E. Shepard. V/. J, CALL \IS, Capt- Co ’• Aug. i). fi2-3tpd ' T $^:io MiE%VAai>r 1 >ii or ao 'ir tise n a .y of June 1/ wu. rooLE. a i-rivat.* ill vl. G^ o3 I R‘'g't N C. 11-0'> Said Po )le ia ab'.'ur 4 • year? of a?e. 5 feet 8 >r 1" i;ichea htiQ, dark hnir, tlua eyes and light oora- pl.'xioi'. 1 will give the above reward his delivery 111 me at CHiup. CALLAlS, Capt. Co. G, 33d K.e/' N. C. T, A i.or. fi. 02 3tp.i The citizen!!* ol .Tloorc (loutity desire 10 vote for ALEX.A.'^'Dt.P, AH'iETT ftr the Legislature, to fi'l the v^ua jy oc •asioued by the resigaatioh of Alex Kelly Au^;- _ • I^IcVeBLL ACADEnV. ON aocount ot vaf reseea - 5»on at t’e above naraed ,\c aJ^.oiv wiil o .on tho -4th inst., inaioad of ohe 10'a ?r- D.i-,:.ed before. R. 'i* \ 1 nacipal. Aug. 4, 18GS. _ Real E^tas. Auction. ON the ’22d uist, I "hall sell *t Auction, the LOT oti fuc west side of Gieea streiit, aujoining Dr Hobin- s.,n and Ool Pemcartou, 25^ tett trout by lol fact, kuowa a« the MoR»f^kan or Jordan lol. No j5. on tile Railroad in Lower Fayetteville. JOHN H COOK, Auct’r. August 10, 1868 ' salt—S!iALT. PERSONS wishing to purchase a good .art’ole, will find itw to their advantage to call at the firm of EASTERS & CO.. at Little River. S. C., where they keep on band a Urge supply which they will sell at low io’ureB. There is also toe facilities for getting the Sail up to the RailroaA by fiats. E.A.'iTKRS .t CO ?.«. '.fir; TSiiLl « H Llf ls. growing capital an.I tirnier hold upon public con fidence, continues lo insure tbe lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to t>0 years of ape, for one year, for seven years, and forlife—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to (>0 years of age are insured far one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is •pi-esented. For further iuformation the publ»"- is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c the Stat«, and to ‘ R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. i. HALE, Ageul at Jan’y 1859. FayeiteviLe^ iJ. fllarble It'af tory, Aug. 6. Little Ri»er, 8. C. 63 lO.pd WA.HTED, A GOOD and qxperieuosd OVEBSKER nat aubjeot to oonsoription.i M. a Aoply to BUTHSA. 63 Sipd Fayetteville Arsenal and irmd^j,) Acorsr ti, .'8d3 J Employment win bo given to 2 or 8 good brick MASOilS if 9ppKoation ia made immediately. S2-3-1 P L. CHILDS. Corad’g. ^ Alter this date 1 will pay 10 Cents per pound for rags, or the highest market prioe, delivered in iayetteviUe. or »t ray mills on Rockfish. D. MURPhli. July -28, 18(|8. &Otf FOR SALE. AHOCSli md EHcabethtown, Bladen oounty, in a healthy looa- lioti and govd noighborhood. There are five rooms in the dwelling,, necessary outhouses, &o., a'l tolerably new. and fivfc aores of land. GEO CaOMARTIB. July 30. KB6X. Wanted to Slirc, -I f' HAt/DSI to out wood six miies East of Wumit«-..,>n LO Vcrv high wa«es p>tid in c^s’a or ball. —ALSO - lO.Canvnter? to work in Payettnvilla. ^ T S. LUTTERLOH. Arig. 8. 18G3. 61 "oil iTlill lor sale. A Bv «F,0. I.AIJDEH. TWO DflORS ABnVF, C. T. H.\reH k SONS' 8T0BB FayetteviilCj C. J»n’v 2ft. 18fi0 84- TESTAME.\TS A.lfD HV.ll.lTS. CONFEDER.ATE States Bibte Sooiety Te«tacneot«. A Colleoiion of Sabbath Ssho'bl ffrmns For sale by B J. H^LE & SONS. June 1. A «E.n! The lc*ir Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOti^RAPHS, AT VaHomdclPs Ciallery. ART. I Woodirard^M ^lar Camera. ' r~ 30Tt>G!lAPHS can be 1 i at VanorsdelPs Skyliifht '^aiK ry, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay- 'e, N. C.: plalc, ret'ojcbei, cc'loreu, in va^er . and pastLle; from gmalt to life sixo. Aiabro- ' types Mk'i..."'’i^pos, and a’T olb-?r styles of Pictnrei i -leViVn* ig to tiie .'’•t. ^^Iso, Gilt Frnracl, Oilt MojIu- ing, Q\ f t for very larp^ p.ctures —r.s targe v 2€ by 3*1 I incii-»*u Cord aud Tassels f'>r bar jnK r.iytures; lasirn- ui€ntif. Sio'ii aaii ChetEicaU Or -^al. lo-.v fir cash. Life f)*jin ".jaiill nieMitwS. 2 Hulling Machines. Copper revj vii.g Heater, Siiaitintt and Pulleys. Theaa works are uow in (>{»cra lion .nl offer a obauce to any one wishia? t(* en>ra^e in the macufaeture of oil to buy and remove EA^-ItirE WAWfTEO, fthe oouuirj. SUi fRIOR Hyd.aulio Press, C,st Iren F.dge Mil^ I T,trU your riatronage. 1 would also i *ay Binffe'C fhanka {or i ;0 libfral paircnaga he3*ow« J ;•.* tae heretofore oy f I.. r ,ioioity. tottieinierior!«»««‘*‘*'*P«‘»i^*‘>*'“J'' q ^ VANORSDBLL,

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