I laay loaii Slid- |ool m« baot fee lean If of t. i a i it VOL \j|| 1 I . -Jj J _"'"!.^^iL!iaU'J^?aHBaB5SBaf59Bfrr!i!'!2Ul!'*«L-li.JJ. PrWhVTKVIIJ K. \ U. august 20, [NO. 1256] ‘RlNTi n MONDAYS AND THrRS|>\Yti EDWARD J. HALE ^ SONS. KI TTORS \ND PROPRIETORS. f n*e'.or ihe Semi-Weekly OBSKRVKa $t» 00. pai l in *ivaii’e For the Weekly Obsbrfbr $4 W per anmiin. pni l in ■ HsV" •^UVERTlSFiMF.NTS? in'f'rted fo’’ 5>1 per « ’i>irc of IH line* for the fir> i. an'! -^0 p*>nts for eii;h ceediiift piihlicafion. \ It’-i r: ■>» ex-'-.•■I'iii’a h^lf si':ar« (8 lim's) Hi' c*‘nt- for !he rtr't »';1 ?0 ct'nis fiirea;h suof^p'*.lius: piiblicsiioii .AJv.Ttisor^ iira re fo state thr nmnh^r of insertion!* Je-ire'i. or tV.eT Will b* oontinuf l till o'^biil. ar.J charnel accor>l- Ingiy. Advertiseruents conlinued tnti'U. charged a;» new ai- T*rti»eu)en- . SPE0I.4?. NOTU'E. From »n ■ ter thin date.'no nstne of a new 8iib:«criber will be eutered without pfty:n"nt in a‘lvHi;(»e, nor will tHe p»4per he sent to such mibncnbers for a longer time Chan is paid tor. Such ofot’.r old '.ubseribers as de«ire lo i ike the pn- p«r on ibis system will please notify u"» when making reniitunopg. Jan’y 1, If»58. Attorney at Law, Fayettevim.k, X. i 117 ILL attend the County and Superior (.’ouvtH of \\ rumberliinil, HHrn*ti. Moore aail lCohe-*on C*un- ti«" Prompt 'laention give» to the collection of all •l&iui.a entru-tod to his hands. Oct 17 ■ 58-tf GKO W. WIUIAMS at Ci).. %Vliole?al(‘ Dealers iii i«roc‘erie!^, AND IMrORTERo AND DEALKllS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &€•, H\V bTREKT, FATETrKVILLK, N. C. July 2 Ibol. 30tf €^rocer anti Commi>*Hlon .fterchant^ FAYETTEVILLE, X, C. Jan’v 10, 1363. 93-tf (’OVFKilliRVTE Ti\ LISTS. : ir it.e »'ounty *t' I'umbeiilHud will J m 01' '. M Canipbi‘11 on THURSDAY. JITL\ 2, I800, t» recpivo the (lonfVder'ite T ix Ltstg for (hi> 0-iMU'v. JO tri'! f-»Ki)wiii^ su j'Cis of i>xition, vii: N tV ti i!ti.irv*“. Salt. Wine;* linJ Spiritou? L;msors, Tobuo c>—mirMif'ictur.'d or UQiu'iUnr>toiured, Caiio%. Wool, f .'iur, Sug.ir, M au i Syrup. Hiee. niid ofSrr Apr'cultur-il prcditcts. tbv ;ir p; odu-’ iiin or n’t-y Vi-ir pr.T" ! n^ • :,rt , ir all Mi'n^vs, Notes or otSov (>irrerii*y nu h-.(ni or ->!i ov :he ti-sl dvv- ->f Ju'v. -ii- ! the ; '1^ ,1 jii) .-r-'lit' ••ii ,vu*ch the i iifr- '*' h i'. he-.-n ;>■! • I'l I 'ir.i f» .It tiii'j ai ss ibe 'i.oo ii> fro-. >vtiich t:is d uuJ- r the pr 'visiorn **f tiij^ Ac? R W HARDIE, ■'onfo'). T!«k.4To1. f'lr Cumberland county J.i-e.'-') 40 If’ 1'. ip K.iGi.K Hi»Tr.!, I will op«n t cepti in of Ou ',-t> ;>it firji lun •. hop *h«) rt- i A TA Va^TTKVII.LK PE.MALE HiOll SCHOOL. UliJTH 'JCHJI.AiTIC YSAH. r TER'd b gill' i'^iti 8t-piembei; eu id •• 111 y; Ihi April; TrtTt«.\ '’olleRiatc Dep'*t trut-ni, p>‘V Session, (13 weeks,) 24tn Doc’r 31st March 1st July 10 14 25 10 120 Ac •deiniu rrtt.iary Miir>ic a'ld PaintiuR. enrb I^a'iu, Pr*«iich ao J [>rawiu^, f»>ich B.ian), p?r Session, luiMdpDt vl Espenses. (luiiii'n p^yjihie IN ADVANC'E by the T«rm ) PnpiiB wi'I t..* ri't'eived m niiy time ar ii cbarK>‘d t'roii the dni- of i»dmi?.si )!i to the olos“ ot tlii Settton, but 110 •i»*duct!i>n w;!' be alb.wi»i for the withdrawal of a pupi- before ttie close of 1I19 rtffulftr Seni'tn Kct. WM hooper. T. 0. HOOPER .Tit!y R, 18''3 ^ 44 0^ Kig:et«ortli Ff'iiinie Meiiaisinrj^ G KKE.N'SUOKO', N C '^pHh F'.1! k^es'i'* - of tfiis ln-i itution will •otnmeuce on 1. tie 4th if A 'cu-ii flrxi. TEKMS FOR THK SR:SION Of 20 WBBES; B urd. in udiu? oiasii n*, iij^h's. furl, /kc , f220: Ln|;'.»h T.ii'ion ^dO; on th»» Piano, FI irp or Qui- t;ir V >ci'. M'l-ic ? -J W; 0,1 P.» ntii.i 530; Dri^^lue $12 50; Ureci^n P-ini ug fl5; Ancient aod .Mederii Lnng:uiJi'>s. each 5 >, For furijer partieuUre *pp'y to RD'HARD aTBRLlNO. PriBcipal. Junc27, ’.8«3 41-l!ipd fr'iut*] --iyiyLto be t« eaUTti'u fi hun t -1 perMOH* 'turinj^ th* Sunrre'. I'! onoecfion •▼•th tlii>! large H it !. I a I’a' oi of . (■’'irri.i^os, Buzirie' Sisd .S:iJ Jt'i Hormihat ’ m3 jaests Citn grt at a ujinutoV noiit;**. J. M. Ui.Ail P.Mppi:v,.ir Hold, .I hi-vil!,.. I J. M>iv 1!^. 18-.8 Hi v„ Pi8:s>?8>\ r lii.'RKE (jurxrr. N. {’ ' 'plIK.'^E Hpriiij?;! HI H -i'u I'l'-i ill 'Vncern N'o ih ('1, • 1 Ii'H. 1; Firte^’u uiilp- fiori ^lon im. ni iutiiniiioiis, bHnutifiil nti 1 rotmniic c iiu ’le WntciSULPHl’R alii (’H AL V B I’V r rl. irt* ' 11 i i-n- r*q >al to an> in t!i« c aotry Dv!; r, Uo«ir«rul PtieasiA : al» luii 1 in the \r •■iit'iiu.*. Th»* Oiirjj'arr h i? !»-d in o*i"iinin:r fhi* ’e’.Tirv of an expe*'ienc-‘i‘ i'«-nt!i‘nvin idJ ' . ly t > t ik.; .'ri ir^ ' fh."* H 'Uie, afid H'i'l bo ri:ily far tht rf« op'i'>n 'f Vii-i ers by ihe Ir JULY. On •• F 'urlh of Ibtp proti“fty *i'h Thrive Mu* j dred aiTPa of Laud a;ta'’hei wonl 1 b« «ol 1 lo a porst. C0lup*tcnt to tall'' oh'»rj.’• o*'t e ;>rnpertv PIEDMONT HPRIVG'^ CO May 24 83-3nif d LIST OF ry FOR PAS^.ixSitS Down. From FayetteTill* to Wilmiuf^'uti, “ “ •• Ehiibeih. •• Wh..e M »!!, “ “ •' K 'ly's '* •' AH p in’-* 'r>c1.iiv, SECOND CLASS. OK UtCIl hrotu Fayetteville to'•Vii>uiuion, “ •• " Elix^heih, “ “ •• Whitehall, “ “ •* Kdlly’s f.’oT#, “ •• “ .All p'^tst-* below. Frotn WilD'iujjton to Fayeti>'»ille. *• K 'Ijv • (/Or*, “ Whii'e H-tll. “ “ “ El’i»heth. “ “ " Prospect Hall, “ “ “ All pji’jt* ahoff, SECOND CLASa, OR PKCK Frojc Wiliainjrion to F’iyeitcville. •' •• “ Kelly’s Cot*. ••WhueH*!!. *• “ •• A 1 points above, Sacond 'la*is or Deck Passengers m-jst stny m . TO TUK OF Ti*>: UNFKDEX VT« BTATKt* VU'.'p more rliau twu juttn ol u wart’are jiCiir*tj ly « III the riuuiber, iuaguituiii;, and tear ful v'unia*'e ot' its battles; a wart:*re id which your e«»ura>je*atiJ I'ortitude liava illustrated your «ou»- , try and atfrwctod n>»t only gintitade at home, but ticiuiiniti.jii abi'oud, your eiiftuirs coutiiiue a itra^- ^)e ill witicli uur linal triumph must ba iuevit^ihl*. , l.-uduly eii»l«ii wuh ttieir ryoent succeasoB, kh«y : imairii.e tliat tc-uipuraiy rPVtfrirtj Bdii t^ucll J*ur .-(■irii i)r >h:ike yo'2T dpteruiiuutioti, asd they »r« i UDW ^uthi'fi^iu: h^avy ruassfs lor a general iiiTa 80« AClCKiS OF l.A.^I> foil S-iLK ilUil' L '..SI' 10 ail ordi-r f '' *_rf, n-ak;-:^ iI-p Ut^^l E-i- : ■ ' ujf io' a' k i. >v:!l U. *•* •tis pi !■ 'ie.his I w.:l vtf'C**-o r-ubl’c s*'*' -1 K-I • Ip iu t«.;■ >>-t the Moad;»y -:i li.'xt ■_ o-b-r Cijuti'y i/Oi t of (Jumherlaud, at 12 ?*oio5k. ’•! . If',- iai'.^rest of ".y •« ’d iti'estaiti (beic/*^c h'i’f of th- ^ h ^ 'n a oi-r ain Tr.%ot of LA51) oo»i'» c- itji ■'U() r t'tHtfd it*. Cu'Tibet 1'cJ cf'ui'tr, on \s b-«y’a Crc»fe : Sjo VVilmiojj; on Roa', j initif U'«^i-i Miirpuy .)!: 5 H miici froTi F yeiteTtila. Tb'^ O'her lia.f iri'iTest iu ssi l tr» :i iiT land's owne^ by \icD na’d wh> ha.s conSt»iJiea to s>il^ of iiis ir- YANKEt VANbVUHM IK MIS31 STPPI Tlia tullowifie which w> extract from tho army firrespoadeat o!^ the Atlav.ta Appeal, is sufficient to invite any one to a dttcrmkUu’HMi to spill his lh'?t drop of blood, rather tliau allow the hated ruffe to heeoms the po*ies.sors ot th^; city of his home: Jucktion hu' H d«plora'r;lo ppp-ur.iQce. The blook or sqiiari.^ in which tiie Ap{>eal office used to he situated, an 1 the one i^outh ol it on the other side oi Capii j1 a;nl l'ui;ti..j^ Sfato and ]’:.'?»,•&- •.)!ii|irisinp, fcit'cc the la’.t coi.fldgra- - til 1 t. i ll^'M v% U / IW I ^->lll£l .StrCcT.S, SI II. Ill this vaiii ho;>e that by a d«iperut« eMoil , i^resi the ^.ams time so.tbat iha puroha.^.«r w 11 vro t bu-siiinss houses ii. trie City, are in u.:.-. 3S u;:ty at len-^'th b« reached. i er e au todefe.-.MbU i/ie to tne whole tract Up .n c'n* i include the Episcopal .urch, :v neat ;u.(i «cu;f Jiiubh- *jdifice,) i.ud the , . , 1 imru 01 ine inr. -onsi.-i? rouiiu m..i.r—, ^..uldinjr.s tr.'’n ^h*-ro lo \>KCe-t Hvll, OU Suto nothing l'ss than the cztt:rniiuatLaD or yeurse res, | b %• J and w^rV^J for r or ^ | strct'j :Le p- si t/ book i^wcop -nr wiveH aud cLiUlrca. They acek to defiiroy | rermi;-1 mouths crcd.r wu*. • Up:/round to ^Oab*>ler Row, auvi dowu to Mr*. :ss UJHV at leiiiiCJi d« reacnea. j cu-e iiu ioaeief,-ioitto tne wnoie irAct Vwu know too well, my couatryuien, what tkey trao trr. si*uated 18\w ‘.flLL and liRIJr MILL, f -th .a,I Ly succ.s. Their malignant rage aima at >i c.nlu.ou a. i v..tb , good rin of c.istom ^ - . . ® ^ _ 1 iRird of the tr »e. ''onsi.sle roiiaa Hxh'*r—toe t“' ■- j t't.i.tit wliat rti y cUMUoI piuu-.icr. They propose as tht | tltt* to ret'^inej until V»y2i4»t. it rra'.'*^rred. oiish spui’.'i t‘vict.>ry rhat ynur homes shall be partition \ rec Mvcd. i»rd dis'^ouai allowal »u a;u),i-t.h.i vvu.ch.-3 whose atrocious wrualtie. I,o”T li»«ly >£0R() B 'V . agsd .abou: 1# , e - • r f ir «»i,le a tie ea>ae havt) sfaitiji '1 iiit’amy ou their government. Thsy 1 • • 1 • J 1- I. u « dc^isjn t') K.inte 3c*r#ilo luaurrcction and iignt tn« IVrRscs desirous of ti-wins th» : .r i ’i '.'.1 call on the Si’Ci ot‘ ineendiaribm whenever they can reack ! uudertigned. or upon .Mr John M O'inaid who lirea in Vour homes, and they dubuuoh the inferior rac*, j the iifitnedi*»e neighboruood 6i t‘>>.'.r&ct. either *f whotn hitherto d.»ciie and content-.d, by promising indul- ( plensure io •howirr i Sio.o /> 0 r, 7 II 10 a fflO 011 4 .51 6 0 "it OJ 10 It H >0 T. C. A II. tm. %% ORTH, Commission aod >^orwardiug MerchaaLs : 24ti) rti:« WILMINGTON, N C Jan y 2«, 1881 84tf _ ^ A itiiT A ! Tlc.^KILL Ai ADKTIY. ON acci'uiit of nnf rereeu causes, the next ••essiAn at tue »b>''^e rianiei .Aca 1'my will commeocf on t1i« insti ad of (he lOth in?t. as puLlisued befnre R. MowASKlLL, Priuctpal. J, 1S*?3. 62-6-pd I lower deck or p*y full price, or name as First Oia-«s .-iU^ FEW L.ADIL:? oaa ba acconiiuodaied with board a' the iemmary w T. C. HOOPER. ob- Sept. 12 Ibtii. ~~rOUSS()\, WILLIAMS i CO.. ' ».»LT n\KEWS. h i''e i . riy ; 80 pans n«w io operaii.iii nine miles ’ea‘»t of WiiKiogi'n P.imes wisn-ag to suppiy laemseWe- wiib s*'t. can h»« furni-^hed by applying to A.. JohiiS'a .ir , *t Fay“i.ptiiV to E Pat'* •lattazer it ?i.. a.-.roi, .ir i.. J M WILLIAM.-:, Qeneral Superintendent Fayet leville, Not. 20, 1862 81 if .iiimcE. As I cxpect to be abseiii fr*m home a few mouths ir*,. the Wes^i. Archibald McLean i** my authorized Ixeat to traataot my businebs until I return. N. 0. JONES. De' r 28. 1*M). " WAATEO. 2»Ai1 CUSHEL. WHEAT, ,OUU l.o'-Ki- CORN Perons haviiiji the abore articles to sell will rooeive the hi^tie*' pfice by calling on Mr. M Thouiaaon. at the Mercbatit Miiis. Fayetteville, or oa ibe rubscri- b«r at hi'* ell t;fr.ad on Market Square ALEX. J'»HNs0N. Jr. NiiT. 6. T.'fif AK?IV HARAKJliJ^. I AM pr»»p>tr'i to tusnuiacture ail kinds of Vi'agon Harness f ir .Army use. 1 tun my leather and c;iu give good b>.rgr.iUH Ajients wiL ao well to send tiieir orders to me they shall have prompt n-tiention, and Nsni eS in .lU' k dispatch. JOLIN f'AKT*-'?*. Qoll ' iL i . O , Cii.iiaara Co., N, C., ^ .lune IH. 18^72 ) 200 Caiiiii Arabic tor Male 3»v J R LEi-; * r H'tif l\ TAVI.im Ol'FKK.s FOK .I I. K - ' / "lOFFLE s 'i! ir FiOlir. R;. ■, l' '^> -• ' 1 . i .“l I\>W- \J ier. .V. .R . r IU i C'U i .''-,'0ol IJOTlllih, p.us .!ii N.'i'i ■ H (loc I. I .! -I' II try G l-'>n. 2 till'' Cr.jiii i’Il i. Am fiMiial the Blockade TILL compel us ;o do wi’.ti w? stiou'd have done be this, wait up'ju yourself 1 cut loose tue enemy. Ta« |»ripriiiiM hiring ittari«d (Ue manufac turing of all k.nds of DOBtilN'^ for Fvtones m tb« Siuih Til States, wil'. ’^9 A ’i-i tv) fill orders at Hiiort lOiiie >V ,r'/ ieli»ere •. i;; Fiyftteville, N •’ Aidrcss D. L. KIVETT. ,'T. Oumb* ila-id, N C. •lune 9. 18*3. HH hmpd The Cedar FafS«. Bo )> B (' . »r uuiw j.;iL'p.%rcU 10 %' • ii kia.l8 0: MOBBING, -uii-tiile fcr W.joieu aad J. %I. ODELL, A^eni. July W. 1863. 8tt-(impd ami Ttiur«day .April tt — 17tf J .^f*lH>iS -tni rotiDH tf .ilk. (Vdar Fa.ih. sh iTt notice. mUILLti, ^c , S C %VA*lfTED, Bank NOTC."^ t .Nortr* Caraiiti», .'South C>^roliDa, V'lrgiaia au 1 (ieo. gia. Aisj, S.)rth V arolita «ii per cant. Fundable Notes A.^30, North Caroiii!» six per cent Bunds, new issue W. U HIOHARDSON A CO.. Brokers, Raleigh, N. C- March 9. 9tf Colton Varn tor %Vool. { C'.u' i tij j S^ i“.-.. -1 jii-; i‘‘ r'" I rr 'ill ' 'h » for Ladies; Gv-aikrueu s Ttirea J. Qaiters: Oreeu and BU k Tea. I Jnne I. sAi/r:: 25 TAYLOR. :i3 ' N'OTU'E is aereby gi7cn that at'ier ints date (except | in ctses wh-re &4V.' bargaiaei for tVool accord | iu« 10 the ttnas uf our •»Iv^rtisemeat of the 3U.a of '•l.iy, waich teruis are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun- i die of Cottjn Y.iru 'jT 4 lb'*, of Wool univashed, or } 3 tbs washed aci 1 picked. Tbis cbaage is mtde at the u't.'.a.'c -f the Ua*rtcrmij’er at Ri!:i^b, in order to I .I lk.’ tli'j Ler.ns of ex'ti laco u:nforrD 1 iirouj'nout the S ate. ‘ GEO W. WILLU.M5 & (.0. I Fayetu'Tilie, J aae 2^. 18ti3. 4.tf I Coal .nine. i pHE uu'lersigned wtre. at tn« Nu»e-aher Term of ih« 1 Couftt Jer ite Disirict of Nona Caroiiaa, ap- | (.•omieii Minajfers ot lue E^ypt (Joai .Ui.ie j.roperiy. ' iiive eniric'l iulo cop*nuerj'»:p tor tlie ^iUrp.-iie of , Qiit^iUj' aud 3-,-iiiDg I oal, rtuii HoiiCi! orJi.To lor itie samt 1 la aCi" dco.ri.-i ipi-utw^. Orders tor aay aaioaat c-tu 1 rif ruppiieJ iiu .lui'ii av.yi.ice lt»e > ;o.»l irjiu tiii-s pro- j {•ony !•» uu 1 lUOiedi) lae t)«rt it .he vJonfe.ierate Sia'c.- 1 ■\L'li.l';*ttiuii“ .***y -le dj »Ic to • lias 11 Aliileli, Fayette • i.itf. .''I (y , Jf J.ji.sier ij;. i.rlcnljl\. d C. i_ilAKLL.^ ii .M.vLi.Err J \MKS liitOVVNE. t iijpiieviilo, J tn’y 20, Ino-i 9(>lf j Foa jiiArLE.'^ ! i I'liE uad. r.- good nave lali-n iha Aieuoy for tue saiC f.'enco ol th>i vilest passions as the price ot tmaoh- try (^)u C’uiis ot their tnabiltty to prevail by lf'i;it>niai*f '*urt'i»r«’, not daring to make pcace Icet th« y shiiuld b« hurled from their neata of power, tl.c men who now rule iu NVashitij'ton retusc even to 00.1 f'fp on the bu‘j*jct; ol’ puttiii;' an end to out- rag .s w!;ii-li di'jrrHCc> our ago, or to listen to a suf- - , ^u-.tion t‘v»r conducting the war according to th« 2 .M Us;t;re8 ol civilization S 6t; Fi llow citizens, no altprnative i3 left you Wut ^ victi-ry, or subjugation, slavery and the utter ruin ^ ! of younselvea, your fatniliea and your country. rh«- victory is within your reach. You need but otr'.'tch Kirth your hands to grasp it. For this all that is iiec*'.s^ary is ihat thi.se who are callcd to iiie fi 'Id by every luotivt; that can move the hu- ■iiaii hfurl, should promptly repair to the post of iuty, should ttaiid by their comradet- now in front of the foe, and thus so itreiigthen the ari»ie« ot the I’onfwdcracy aa to ensure bucccss. The men 4 t i now absi nt from their posts would it present iu ® ^ ! tho field suffice to create numerical equality b«- I tween our torce and that of the invader#—and I when with any approach to such equality have we ' fuiltsd to be victorious? I believe that but few of thosd ab-^ent aro actuated by unwillinguess to scivc their country; but that many have found it uitfipult to rsai.Ht the temptation of a visit to th«ir I hv.m s and the loved ones from whom th*/ have I been fO long separated; that oti»«r» Uav« left f«r Umt'orarv aLtention to their affairs with the in- ^'••OIJI and alter thi% , tent'ion of returning, and then have skrunk fron A P HURT wti the coni'-’quenccs ot their violation of iuty; that otherf again have lett their posts Irom mercrMtless- ness and desire ot change, each quieting the up- br.iiilinus ot bis conscience, by per»uadin§ iiioj- e f that hi iti iividaal services could hav« no in- dueucti OU thy gctiwral result ■jracef'ul thiu the d sire to avoid dtngtr, or to i*.ape troin the sacr.ticeti required by patriotism,) are, i«vf>rthcle«.s grievou*- faulti, and plaeii the "ajse ot our beloved country, and of everything w« hold d°ar, in imtnincnt peril 1 repeat that the men who now owe duty to their eountry, wko have been callel out and have not yes reported f.»r duty, or who htve absented themselves 1‘roaj their po'ts, are eufficient in number to eecur* us victory in the straggle now iiupendiug. 1 call on you, then, my cauntrymen, hasten to your camps, in 3bedicnee to the diotateit ot hoiMi- and of duty, and >u:nmou tho.se who have absented themselves without leave, who have r«- iiiuin* d absent beyond the period allowed by their furiou^rhs, to repair without delay to thtfir res pective coiutnands, and i do hereby declare that 1 grant a general pardon and amnesty to all offi cers and men within the Oonfederaey, now absent without Uave who shall, with the least possible »«*r An ex tra charge will he made for Way Pa^sei- gers geitiug into BertLs dut'inii day tirar, and for oppj- pyiug R Berth with their bo-'ts or shoeii on, a’ tj«* d'screiian of the C^ip'ain J A. WORTH, for C F Si’m B't Cc. H .M. ORREI L. fi^r Sl'rs Kate auil Sue. T. S LUTTEKLOH. May 4. l-;ri» 2>>-if leave at t? '-^k, A M . i. u Mon.lav A '.vo;iTii. Ap t C F ^ ,{ Co. BAIL KOAn H^HE Tra'ius of this Ro’id i»t?e Fayettevjlitf lnii, 1. (,'!'ialay:i ez''ep.e.l) tti 8 o' -I..ok. \ M , r« turningj !e:ive \li;Iver’« at 1 l^'c'■.■•|’. P . yrtiiKt Trjin MO N D VY, W t DN ESD \ Y and By ur i»; i*. ib« Pr*rid^ai j>(» 'I H>’?5E, 1 rea« r aii‘1 - g Iraas. \% t. Jan. IS68. McMa.ster’K. including the Po»t burgeon’s office, Medical Director’s office, and tffice ot (Jommand- er of the 1V t. On the opposite ^ide of the street the tiery destruction beg'n with McMurry’s hvery stable, consuming the wholo mass ot buildings to. Straus’ store, and thence to Angello’s saloon, Grit- fin Banking boase, and tbencc to Leany’s store, thence down Pascagoula street, e.iting out the entiro block. The next block running along State, and South, in succession, cf the one just named, being al ready a pile of ruins, having been burned by the Vankees during tlieir first visit, the hoii.-'o burn- o«>cta;n« :oor hundred and eiziiiv-fiw*, acreii, ceased their destruction in that p»art cf the hieh two hunir. d uid fifty are clo»r>-d; ttip.e is on th.- Houses were freely entered and sacked. pl,e. a ne«Dw-.Uins containing^ The suburbs of Jackson, recently so beautiful, oeoessary out bml>ltnts Anit^ioj, are e.ovea nua- > J j mt,. dret acres back Ian Is. six of which is *w»rap hftTing -a are all scorched, withered and destroyed^ The dense grewth ..f cypress timber on it. Also a sms.'' j city itself, once so proud ot its neat, cheerful, and plaoa ooBtaining three bi»nd«»d and fifiy '.ores, ot which ! gouig placcs, elegant Appearance, is a wreck -ixiT acres are swa up very oisy to drain J ^ ruin—a blasting evidene*^ of the savage brutality Persotis wishtiijj ii> (nakj iaT.’st.Tients i'l f^rm . . , . .-i . 1 j ng Kn.l'* wuuld do w»Il to call on me soon tli;i„TOK McNElLL, Adui'r ot S«ill Q .vlcNeiU. Jaiy 21, IPo-t 48 1? c.%PK i'k:a K iTaa fTTr I§AI^1^. [OFFER t.ir sali* wy Lxu.la yi.ig on the eal aid* ot th.* rirer. tea m'les beU w Eliaah.-ihi.iwj. Th« riT.'t W. A. JOOd fUFLT i.r addrett- ATKINSON 48 9ipd B'V in« at Eliz vbethtowo. July 18. PIUSTI.VG PKESSES iXl) FIXTrRES FOK !«j%LE Tirtue «f a D.'p’ of Triis'. executed tome *• y l'iter _ Sinclair, May 80th, 1860, forth* purp..res thrre u mentioned, I offer for sale the PRFSSE' ac.d FIX TURE3 belonging to newspaper establi^. .ut, in tne town of Fayetteville, known as the “Nortu -Ji-oliui^n ” It will be sold prirately If de..irable. and on accomuio- JatinjE terms If not sold before, it will be offered • "ublic siie on Tuesday, the 8ib day of September next. GEO vv WIOHTMAN -frlr Tru.4tei. 4^ ln«niie Asylum ^pSiE B-iird nf D.ree'ors -■?' :\i- ijiti»atic.u wish t-'* fill I the f.ffi.’e of Mai a. u.-sw Ta.cant N:>na jthei’ thar un iiiiui-’iberei f#fHdK" : w-j I uPp!’'’ Fv.r information, resoer'iu^ the dut e^-. s • . if t - (.ffice, '>pply '3 ‘be i:Bd.«r«i;ued Eu ' FISHER. Poysi.’inu Hud Superiaiondsat. Aup. 14. 5!^ a i Fayf'ttevilie Arsenal and Armory, > I Fatbttsvili«, N. t) . June 2W, 18b* / WAATEW. I FT.AVING reoeiTed aut'ioriry frotn the Secretary of iX War to increase fie streueth of the present Corps ■»l this .Areenal, the an lera,,{n.*d wi.l enlist one Luu I dred ; 10); non d'ucrtpu for that p.irpi^se. Taosc suh- j'Ct to uoiisoriptt >n >^ed not «pply Trau-fers and exoUan^es of now in setTice can not hr made. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S A. June 8. 85tf Law Lihr.try at Auciioii. 1>Hli Vi\lu»b'e LlRit vlvY ^«ii*RgHi* :j ".i« taie War fta Win«iow. wiU I';: a' on TUESDAY ^ «.,ourt in ra--,j -w Sit. iJay et the i«ouih T>it - iiv nf .il : .'-i -;’i -•rfcdit Ttse Library m%y b* f'uad at the siwf* - V' A-Ui: mgs. Apply to K. W. Wi!:kta.^s or ;o J. Ki. shep:-i£«l>. Au*. I J. Atiuruey for ttie A tia x .^4 iHi.d OFFICE OF THK U'T’tt iSS'T Ql ARTKRYlASTEIi, 1 Fu>etU‘ville Ar»eii.il and Armor), J- Fayhttsvilli. S ’ , July 17. Id63 WODD IVAATED. ME\LED PK«>1‘ ‘S.vLS will h- rtrceiTr-d fir -he ■l*'Uv t-ry of foir tjiinlre i c *'!-* 'iT ?o'.i Mound rilaok-j iCa wood. at taa r.-.t.* of .-iity (00 .•ir.t,';, per ir.i.nf . Tne wood to be tleli»cri*.l at th» Arsciia’ wh“''- ii wi he priiperiy oorj.-.l It lU'ist •oa'^orin strictly to .itanda d ui:- k-u.'- ‘np"i« f >r 0 >r I wo ' i. ’=is: S » t x J Prop'.‘"•'I t'l be iU^rsed •■Pr pci'ii" 'or w .0 t fjr Ac; j .As-’ (4 1 irterm »iter ’ MNTTMKW P. TaYIOR. I’sjit'ki'i ‘ i-i\ -'s. A C. 17 If >n 1 A i V A-i^ 1^ j4'-i«riaa- f- d.lay, retain to ihtnr propor postsot duty, but n-> i'xcu>e will be received tor a-.y delay i>cyond ‘iU siiAl.T! SA^KS t\>r 'oje t>y !>«.« 2-2 ROBKRT MlTi'KKLL. ku. -f 190 TOBACCO. BOXE.'^ VIROINI \ lOli.Ai CO, v-iriiuj graier*, f r eil- oil coDsiitanie;,t, bv nh’o «’ niLLI.AMS 4 CO. Mer 2^i 31t f ^ole LeatSier uanted. LLS ct Heavy well tanneit SoLL LE.VTIIER, suitable for Briiiiig. Apply *0 D MURPHY. f‘»y»t-e» V • V r > I t. 2llif AdminiNtrator’« Aotice. The suh“LTib**r oaviug ai December Term, 18ti2, of ih» vlounty Coutt of Cumberland, qualified as Al aioistrator upon ibe Estate of Neill G. MoNeill, Jec’d, ao’iflee all persons having clftims against the Estate to pr^ent them within the time hruited by law, otherwise Ihie Bo'ioe will lie rl'aded iu bar of recovery. Debtors are re^aaeted to loLt. it W 1{ Farrtr A Co’s (inn 1 Stones. auJ .. I*- uii iia.id HizeH I'unuiug fr in 18X2jJ lacties !• tj ttfi ■y II inmes; and cm iiave cut »i shwrt notice .\N V .SiZES vfi.itfil. Per>‘.»us in want o! Oriud Sio.ic.s will plp.w-e corrv‘sp..ud wit j itie uudcr-igned, wtio will till orucrs p.'juiptiy :tai ^uar,.nte4 too qu.ility of tee I ^rit a" represt*>u.“d 1 GtO W WILLIAMS i, CO. ' Fayettevilii, .May 27, If^tio. •I'.i-ii' .li.1.11^^ rfViC SALE. j lUIE HIGH oKt>\LS IRON CO ar« p.vp^ired to fill j 1. c»Bti orders for Nails, at ih«'ir factory, in Ga^.’ou j ijuuuty, N. C. Naili wiU b.s -elivpred at Iron Mtanon, i OU tho Wiiuiiugioa, t;ui''liiitc jt Rutnerford K.ailruad. | .iddriSJ HIGH SflO^L.-! UU)N CO, j Irou, Li';r; ’la oo.i*iiy. N 0. \ June 19. 40-2irvpd I BKi'Ki^'orsCK. IN' I’U \ S t »t iMi »'d-v oi in ■ ’ ''•I"',! Iit-reby no!!!' a iV*. II*. '•••>1 il’i. i ’ ’ .Sew il iHoVi'r. Bru . »tt.->t l> :.. M ,i-. !i i- : .11.1 itic’i n a i. -iita ii-t . mu D - j i--» : i ; ti ivc b 'pn e J'01 f 1 I ir np ■ ■ v. r 4! i .. UT ■ t . »ie^r i.j j d.*b’el'’P-8 to Ml.;'! En-.-tn 'h v‘ i ‘«i’.' I’O i' i i.'ie iiiu-;s :ind ;> ic •» .a- n'i .ael ('>r i, r. p'lrpo'*' of r" coiviiig tap intere;)' :aai m >v be i'm upon 1 le Ha. 1 (-b i ! Tuo-'p wtio dii^regard tnis uoiice. and wt.j t.iil to *.'t ! t'.p prpTi 'U'* 10 the Is: ot S'ptiMiib.'r, w M ■ e io d-tiiuli. I and all r^x-oaii in Ttiil tssi-^ .^ifi • liat *i/. ■ >c ihe iki r- I MSI afort.s-i 1 and t.i it«e c’•»? af fi - D 'eudiu'.. It IS reeoium'11 ip.l to w^i . ir^ -lO dip >'i>'i. th i' ih* present is tti.* h.m ^pp ji tu u'y t.- p^j th- prtu^i 1 I'al al-!'. of -aid ia l^ti.0 f:i.-H. i .Al Wilm.'i;^'**"' >'OJi 12(J lo 18'ti Ar.^mt, lucKijive, , 0 A M . to »1 1* M ! -\i 'V tii ■ e.i’ille, T'lurs.lvy -0. h .\.iniU-it. j Al L.i/ub.*rion. .Vl»« luy 24 h •V.iiU'*!- At R.iokm^biu. W»ii.i- a.iy 2'»h Vufcust. DuBRUrZ i;Ut’L.AR, Receiver, July 28. ' days ift^'r the first pub!i 'afu»n ol tiii^* proclama lio'ii in ihe Stat ' ui ^thich^ti.o ;«b'cntci' may br at the da.e ot th-.- piiolicati in Thifiamncaty and pi;d'j;i .shall extend to all who have been accused, .)i >^lio iiavo Lin n c invicfed and are undergoing .-ciit^'iiC!* f'lr ab-.''ricn with 'Ut snavp or d-rsenicn, (i.iiy *h.'.s.' wl.o l^ivc bfcen twioc con- 1 tii^n. j «. A. v;c F L. CH1LD3, Mij. Com’dg. Filial I), i >.UV'.tn'uhr tr i, racj i;uro iny ootintr}-'VO’bcu—the s'.sr.'vs and daughters >d’the *.'yn- to us_- tiiuir all I'oweilui influence id c.ili, t ) add .lao crowning bti'TiScc tj n tlnjir jjairijti.stu has so Iroely and Fayett»iFjUa Araanal and Armoryj > August 10, IbGS. ) POST OHDERd, » No 4W > LL OtS ^ers v»i iii* C. 3 Army arriving In the t -wn ut Fiyeti'VilU*, wb tnwr undpr order* of ,.ia f.iiljugQ will irainpdi it“l» t if-ir pr«-jp.ac.i IJ ihe C'.>ui!iJ:»nd i:.a ' (fi.j-r itf this poi't. mi • r*!St r tb. ir n%^e& in w h ,ok kept for the purpo e in this 1 'fli -♦_6 J _ _ “ RIBBOAS! RIBBDAH! JUSV received a t.xia'l .01 ,k^—tri a coin » ?»n 1 -ixes J.i.SfiPH Ol’i'AKBCRO. ue^r the Kill Road n*noL *iui IT .V. 8 rd Suil^ur! Su:^tn'I! SugtsrH! 3AA|V Liis cSUG.iA vlsj{!od.^-, ri Ut, T.bicoo. l/Uv P ‘8. N..di.'«, SoK, Sami' ic. &c Al; f>> .f.i'C-; cm b-1 itn um d iting lerin f-r cis.i 01 S'".}"! i*'>£e t'ov co'insrv pv>.luirt. 'it :SAAO HOi^LlNG^WOP.i'Li S, Nit. 1-.'r W. .•■ vj ('ipj Fur liiu. Au;4 I'v 4ip'i LAW 1M> t ;LLIilTiO> OFilOfc:. .n. 'r. ii c« H S-: .H, ^Uoi'nry ul ’ car uni ,.i 1 11*' ihi.' tijv ijii tinjir JJ o >!i'taiilly aiT'rded on tlit'ir country’s altiir, and to take care thac none who owe service in the tiold rhail be siiekered at home from the disgrace of havii»ir desert, d their duly to their fatnilios,to tl.-’ir LMiifitry, .iiid to ihrir ijod. 1) \ti i I. C'L\il i. Ci'ilHlS Igtiu--; igi •U r-o-i 4 1 I H M N U. ^'^1 .pTi. i.'n giT ti t • :: jc Cjulvjiier-ne S t; A*'..‘niion UC8» Vug Oil iTIill tor »»;ige. ASliPERlOU ilyd.auiic i'ru^e. C tsi'u iidge M-:i •i Huiiiii^ Mii.luae^. C ipvi i\vo viaj il- ktev, j tiling anJ I’ui’.^vo XatiS? ■ I'ni-.- »r.* in i>pr-fu , , „ i;i n and "tr-r a'’Tar->;f' 10 tNV - I'.v tiini.j 10 c-ug t,;e Hi i;iv.-.ii irt-ier my hand, and the N;al ot nfao'urv of .ul »o buy 'a-i rviujVPto 1 :.e mi'.ri'ji ttjH c..uuiiy. of our hated an>i despised toe. Attila, styled “cursa of God,” could not h ive visited a captured lown with more ruthless vengi-nnce. Let, theja burni our ti.ne will come yell “Tde mills ot th# god.s grind slowly-' Another correspondent says: Dr. Bailey arrived here yesterday from J»ck- son. The half baa not been told toucliing the vandalism ot tho en;'ny wiiile in ocoupaii.n of that ill-tated ci-y. hvory house in the plscR that vraa unoccupied, and nearly all of those whose owners remained to protect them vas saciced snd gutted. Officers as high as C.-..’nol? wire seen to enter and steal ai t;, ’"b oi value a lU vertu, and carry them away. Some ol these otdccrs were heard to saj;—“Well, 1 have never stolen anything bclote, but I will takt* this Mahogany and rosewood bedsteads, with mattresses, mus- quito bars, and all the appendage.s of a compleU and elegant couch, with bedsteads set up and th* whole standing as if iu a bed cbauibtfr, together with rosewood marble-slabbed dressing oases, bu reaus, chairs, sofas, fine tables, pianos, ottomsns, mirrors, and all the costly furui'urt* of the oiM- aens, were stsattar^a oh alunij the entrenobment* tVcuii th.) n bend ot the P.-arl -irer to tU* extreme northern line ot tho work*. On these beds the Yankee.'^ slept, aud carried on raeir hellish debaucheries with tho negro wen- I clie% Ot the town; played cards and gambled, ate and drank on ’ he tables, aud amused themselves am jngthi-* stolen plunder during their drunken ca- roujrtis, in their own refined and ebgant way, and at their departur^i broke (heiu into i» thouaiod piec'jh. One tjencral, said to be a General L >g*Q, carri^id off two fitie p.uior chairs from Mr. Holm’s rt'sider.ce, telling >lr. iloltu that he would re turn them, but he failed to pert'urrn his prouiisa. The fine Sta*^e library, at tlie CapitoF building, they hauled off in wagon-^ to )k what books they di;rtired and destroyed the rest. This library was one of the m ^st .suieci and ct'sfly iu the Confed eracy. Its destrtiction is not only a loss to Mis- ;is^ippi, but to minkind, and cannot 'ac replaced. In Mr. Hobson’s rcsid‘'’’;e they cut hi. family portraits, mutilated everything they could not Viarrv oil, cut lar^t^ square p’ece.s Irom the centre ol h'.- carpers, and »r *tj vulgar and obscene sen- t.'uc.'s tipotj the w.ills. Jiiit these things seem tO h^ve been their poeuliar mission in oveiy hou-e; t'lr, in addition to the piiia>e, d'.-‘ructioti and tiiutilation of priv.ire profierty, th^i slune oi their «r jfchedly 1.1 V uiid lib. lin lU- Imgu.ig^ e.iu b« trac d i>;i c.vrv .i. .ii, i!>o vvi‘■I'-'-'-s-'s at onae of j til'if vn;.i:iI i-,i. b i Oi''isin critii ; ‘hu ;;.a.-iting ' ;M i del *r iny.i. i>u' .^tili fartttenfid ^I’liple evidence •i'Ut I itall iatiku*’. i I' iL ^ *'i a’i S'} V S HjK iP to J2t)7.088 1.0 ] .SI..VL ^ tlio t’oslu-icrate Sta V —^ tnis I't day uj Augn States, at liichiuond, ;ust. in the year ot our Li.rd one thwu-satid t'inlii hutidred and sisty- jKi'FKIlSON I>AVIS. By the l^fesident; Aonn;^^«i Knitit iTlacliine. A FEW ON HAND AND FOK SALE Those need- itig 'ad best order soon, aa uiaierial for making ia uciTly worted up, i ao more 'ote tad Addr«»sa, ALEX DIHKSON, Hillsboro’, Orange county. N. C. )uly 20 47-l6tpl To Cotioa l*la»ler«. IH VVE beeu appoiute 1 .ly the S»-cre:riry of the Tre>. sury. Chief Agont for the piircb.i*> of t’otton fur ih- ' Cont'ed'-raie Gori-raio-.-a; Tiibin the State of Norta Caro ! Itua, and will pay for the »aaiv in 7 per cent. Bonda or : (7asb. Sub-.Agents visiting the different»parts of the Stair. ! buyins; in my nara*, will h.^ve wnuen oortific»tes ct ; appoint Vent. i ii/ order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton 1 purchased by myself or my ageats, ou aud after t&e I 18ih Jay of March !8t$3. will be paid for ia 7 per cent I Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per o^t. Bonds as 8tai.e.{ tu i a former adTertisement. Up tu that ti'ae, however, ihf I 8 cent, oooda will be furnished as plated, j Patriotic oititpns are now otTerod ait opportuaity to aid the (iovernme-ai by silnag to ii tiiwr Cotton ratiier TLt. V .u.;.;-.;. '..iVC r «.2(2,76f> *} 1 ;vi\ lossee pr.^uiptly, "iUl i.-nf oil thsir pre.fiium .ict^s. '^2'i.bS- 'J® r- u. a prompt payment. , HECTOR MpNEIT.L. Adm’r. 1. 1 Ki • Dee 10, 18H2 ft/;. 1 rilHE UNDERSIGNED, bota having entered the miii- — ! £ tary service of the Coufoderate States of America, COW I.OHT. 1 hereby give notioe to their cld customers and friends, MT COW is on East side ot Cape Fear, somewhere op- j that they have appointed John D. Starr aud John D. | than to private eapitaliste , wt’ f lAKin i^'Site to Campbel’iton, being driven Into the riyer Williams, of this plaoo, taeir att^jrneys to collect either : r Wy boys and can’t find her way back. She is marked i separfMely or coiyointly all moneyw due them either by I Charlotte, March 24, 1803 [o. u.j 14tf wlib crop in each ear, has a beil on, white in her face, | »*o«ount or note, aud otherwise to attend to ttieir hu- 1 ' ~~ i #* 77 "sT ^Ti wklte on back ani beliy, red OB neok and sides. Who- ; einess generally during their absence. They respeot- j Alter tlllCi date I Will ever will take her up and let me know it, or brintr her ' fully a'k ail persons indebted to them to call as prompt- . p»y lo Cents per pound for rags, or »p_jo me ia ('.♦ up'oeUion, will be liberally rewarded. j ly possible on their agente and Qake payment. j the highest markpt price, delivered in The said oow was bought in the upper part of Blad«:n eeuntj »nd may probably find her way back to th« eouRty. JNO. A WATtiON Jnn« 12. lRh>, 40 if OIL AND LAMP BLACK. SPANNERS' ana LUBRICATING OIL. X LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by joa a. BLOSSOM & co., Wilmingtoas N. 0- t. ly as pii «ppt 19, 1861 STAAR k WILLIAMS. ?^ALT—SALT. ; FayotteTiUe, or at my mills on Rookfi’h I n MFKPBY. I July 28. 18«53. A.i-f uP Oiatc. t'oii»*cript Omcc, Ca.mp Holmes, August 5, IStiS. ■'ti'.sK^'.^i. Obi>kr!«. No. 17. I'. I .for I viic wiin I li- a iO»« rr.^clamati'-n .if amn»wty an I psidon bv t*i*-Pr.*.tid'>ni an' •rni'S'iuviiatiou is X « . 1p;I I 1 all pers-.iiis abspni wiihout !«»av“ from t‘.e ir>ii»', t^\ r.’p.irt t tiepif plvKS at the Camp of li»t*ruoti«n • ■nt-'r Ji I'tly, to b4 fJrwanl-d to tbpir reeim^-nts All ^O'^d pitizf-ns arp ins’Tuctp.i to use every meani* in their nowpr tp prevail Ujio*i ppr^pns of the olas* named to re- i-.i.n to their dut>. They will ba well treated ard past off'ncis f'jrgotteu. T.’’a*ii?portaii''n twill be furnished TO their command-* But it rr.ust be distinpil> uadcrstood that afler the ex- piriviiuD of the tiine set bv the Presidisnt. the aio*i vig orous iiiifasures itie j.o^’or of the Govprumv't.t will be Mis*itutei fep the arrtigf. aad paoistsuieiit of all absent ffom tipir eoaim'fids wit'tiout leave. N'^neriwed exp*^et to evade longer the eev';ce whio’n Mi^y justly '’we Ic ^ t‘.sir pountry. Let them report at once to their MiUii* , r.aicerr to be een« to caauc. or eotaa in par»>n wiih>at j delay. il A Camp of InstrBoii^ia tl bu wpwned at • IMmp ^ Vanee,” c^ar >J. iganivi. th? lOth ^f August All pp'-sjtia Bobieot ta onBSoriptioB t-h« ^th aud Il*th Dis- ; tricta Will reMU *0 Cap:. JaUi*^ M :R^^ Cocimaninng | /"'BjoTdTof COL PETER MALLBTT, t'onimandaut ot Con'^eript for N. j J. W M-^itKTT Adjutant. I >«iir 6. Pallua Clares I a iMIK , „ , any quanmy of raima ‘.►iru'ii uuaiifi. u^3u pri«c» J A F.tyelif s^'*lp. Oot WOHTH. *4 , ' f THE iVt^RTH CAROLINA arTDAL LIFK lx^St’iU\fE tOIPANY, Now in the tenth year of successful operation, with growiug capital aud firmar hold upou pu’.iUo con- ndence, ©."lutinues to insiue the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 t(# 50 years of age. for one year, for seven years, and ter life—all life members sharing in the profits. * All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year er for ive years for twe thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 30 day after ; satisfactory proof is praseuted. For further information the public u referred to .A^anta of the Company in all partfi c ^he State, and lo R. H. iJATTLR, Secretary, il.ileiigti- E. J. H ALE, Ageut at Jajs’y Fayetteville, N. C. Marble Factory. T itJ l.isssb rai.l, l)^r I >?RS: Gh!i. Mc.VElLL, President. A. iiAY, Vip.e PresideDt. r. .\. .Vic^i.LL.^N liee’y. DiKKCT.TrtS; P. J. Hins'dale, Wna. .McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh. A. W Steel, J. G. Ci*ok, Uon. J. 0. "ihepherd, U. F. Brown, I „ \. Sf. Hail f hn Gollins and C. C. McCruuuaen, Traveling A;;ent« he (Ximpany inrite applications. Mar -iR. ISftl 21- Henry I.iily. 11. Li. .Myrover, S. T. Hawl«y, Nathan A Sieiman, C. B MalL lt. James Kyle. V. -A. MoSpthan, J. D. illiaiuK, 8. W Tillin^hast A The New Style, COLORED PUOTOi;aAPHS, AT VaMorii!Mlt’c ^all«ry. 52 20d 1)ERS.>Na wi hiug to purchaje a good ar'icle, vill j I'tIR ; .f ud it to thoir advantage to c-.ll at t‘,e firm of ^ A HOUSE and LOT at K 1 -xviUe, six rnilos aVive EASTKRS & CO, at Liule River, S. C., where they ' IX ELi^bethtowa, B!ad.-n o-juaty, ic u h&althy >oo^- kf«p oa hand a large supply which they will sell at low lion and good neighborhood. Ther are five roonjs in figures. I'here la also fine faoUities for i^ptting the Salt the dwelling, uejessary outhouses, &c , all tolerably up to the Railroad by fiats. iiAiiTF>R3 A CO , JLUU« &ivar, 8. C. M-tW aew, and five aores df M>ad. QBO «X*9it4 •'t>! J uat SON.*? Southern Song*«t%'rj 1 HRilsQED rtxp:-e»“‘J ' • A r*e«.ivpd S J HLK .•« (.11, »2'i WAi^TED. A4 « 6 hofM p»^« B»C^ ^ $1. ». J. SiMi« iW*- 'iV*. .■9 L.AIiSlF/Ki. TWO UOOM &BOVK C. T. H&IfiH k SONS’ ITO&fi Eay«tt«TiUe^ I \ ii- ‘ ART. %l^oodward’ii SoSar Camera. ' pIjOTt XilRAPHS «ftn be bad at 'Vanorsdell’s BkjrUfkt. 1 Oaii*r^, Hay itr'-ait. of j^ogite vlarble Yana, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored. In water i colors, oil acd pastile; from small to life sire. Ambro- I types, M“ianpotypes, .and all other styles of Pictures pertain’ to the Art. Also. Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- j ing, O' f > for ^cry large pmures—r.‘ -arge ai 2tf by 36 • i&ohes. Jord and Tassels for .haog.aj; ^-ittares; i menta. Stock ar. l Chemical-, '’.'r sale Vw for cash. Life size colored Photoarmphs made f-nrr. si,ad pictures. permanently located heve I 'lop* your patronage. I would also retu-a luy sincere tUauiS I for the liberal patronage bestowed nu im5 heretofore by th. good people of ^•‘>'«‘^;[j|**,^'‘“ J;‘voaSDELL. Pkot«cr«pJ^ ProprieUir.