r j4 ^ ■^*' i i*» ! . •. •*■ ^ . *4 ,. •ati'ra w-ii * \ »* 4 *m Vi y»j« la »r b«t4»1 D«r «) i tojr ■i •» pr «iT ■ •r fit * 4»T ■tTli ,r UT ••» 9-M 0r 4aJ T* K «/ k; IU«» V«M W B siri«i i«f pr in«a»k mi>ntk SHil fir -.alb !>' aMlh pr b«Mi«4 ■«t iSWft «M K4^7 r«13p l7iOKA«T r tta pr «>y i|« V iMr Ilk Ik Ov «iMt tr I •!>•»•• U «. wltk Bit otjMri H* ■■•*•» wtlh iftnay i»B afftlad ad Ikriar- TO«;t YN ft>r ^ '• , (»Ut OX: I »i»r, as ritb ftUI- S K Wt 1. W F, Fi K I T vol.. Xlll.: I'AYKTTEVILLE, N'. C.. AUGUST 27, 1863. tNO. 1258.] {i.\rf:i> ^IoNn\vs \ni> TTiuitPiuvs KDWtUD J. Hil,K Hi SO\S. lU lTOHS! AND I’UOl'RIKTORS •» t T fhr Stfnii-Wi'pkly Ob-jkhvkr a.lv:inci‘. ■ r ihe Weekly On'^KRVER ?1 00 per anntjin a.lvance. 00, pai'l in paitl in huuilre.l |Si5r'AD\ KHTTSKMKVTS ^n^:erte.^ for J1 por s M.ire of 16 lines for the f.rst, nnil 50 cents* for eacli utic- ce^djng puMicHtion. A 'niPiifs not excci'iling a half •'qiiare (> lines) '‘O cont'> for the fir-^t :*jid 30 ceut.s for ea :h Pucceedin^c publication. Ailvcriiscrs are re quested to state the number of in^ertion'^ desired, or they will be Gontinned (ill forbid, and charjied accord- ingiy. Advertiseniems continued inside, charged as new ad- Tertisemeuts. ASHKViri.K, 1%. i\ WILL open the E*\QLE llOTKL for the re- ceptii'ii of OuesiH tht fir^t of June, auJ I hope iie iibli* to eniertain from aeventy-five to a 'i:iOU!» during the Summer. In connrctiou with this large Hotel, I have a uuniber of Il'i.'k , (’irriige^, Biiggied aad Saddle Horses that oan trfi ai a ininuts's notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor I'agle Hotel, Asheville, N. 0. ,18U3 31-ypd niy SPEOL\L NOTK’K. From an i ?\.tcr this dale, no name of a new ■subscribt-r wii-. be ei-:-red % itliout paymfnt i;» idv inoo, nor wiil I ^■Hper he - 'D; to -;uch ubscribers for a longer time than ii paid for. Such ofoi'.r old yub'^eribers as desire to take the pa per on this sysitem will please notify us when making remitt-iuces. Jan’y 1, 18;>8. n\li. .Itrl,, •TlfJkVJl*, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Al’^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of }} Cumberland. Harnett, Moore ami Robeson Coun- lie«. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hand**. Oct. i7. IS-jy. 6S-tf (m. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. Wholeoialt* Dealers in CiJrocerieM, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and 4'iitlfry, Swedfs Iron, &o., HAY STRKKT, F\YKTTKVir.LK, N. C. May 1: lUUiKE (M31INTY, N. 0. IlHKSE Spiin^,^ ire ^i'r.atod ia Westera Nortl* Caro lina. about Fifteen railei from Morgautou, in a mouiitainf(!t.-!, beiutitul and romantic country. The witer, SUI/i’HL^R a ;.*’ CHALYIiKATE, arc said to be eq:!a! to any iu the Ciiuntry. Deer, Bear and Theasjint ahoun I in the Mount xins. The C.'rupacy ha.s iiirceeded in obtaining thepervices of an experienced ^eiwlenian and lady to take charge of the H iuse, mid will be ready for the receptios of Visit ers by the JUI.V, this propsTtj’ with TiirC'^ Uun- Li-haJ would be sold to a person g? or' the property. PIKD.MONT SPRINGS CO 83-3mpd llO.\F!:i)ERlTE L!!iTS. TI(E Assesaors for ihe tiouiuy of ('u'nHi-rt^jjd will meet at theOfSceof .M I'aiapbell o:-. Tli L'il.SUAV, JULV 2, to receive the Confederate fax Lists for this County, on the following subjects of itxaiion, viz: Naval Stores, Salt^ Wiues aud Spiritoiis Liquors, Tubac- co—niauufactured or uiiiiiauui'HCtur*i, t’oiiou. Wool, Flour, Sugar, Mol tsse.s ui.i S_j;up, aiAd other agricultural products, the *;rowli) ur pioduction of any year preceding the 3'?ar IMG'!. ANo. all Moneys, i’.aok Notes oi otiior furriMicy on ban.I »r on di posite on the first d'.y of July, and the value ot" all credits on which the iuierent 'las not been paid, and not einpio^’cd iu a busine.«»d Ihe iuco'u* from which is tasi d tind»*r the provisionM I'f this Act. R. W. HARDIH, Confed. T.ax Col. for Cumberland county. June :!5. ‘K)-tf PRIlVT!\i FOR !^ALE Ou -Fourth (iivd acre " . f.r.-id , I competent to t,.ke idi May 24. imvi:ttevii.i.k FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL NINTH SChJLASTIC YEAR. 24th Uec’r. 31st March. 1st July 1ST THUM bc2ius 2Stu September; en-ls 2d 3d LLST OF C HARGES FOR PASSE\(iERS. Ju’v 2, l«t)l. Xtitf JOH. IT LEY, iirt'ocer and t’omtntH^ion »^n'chant, FAYETTEVILLE, N n. Jan’y 10. 1803. 93-tf rroin Fiiyetteville 10 Wilaiington, $.10 00 “ “ •• Elizj>>erh. 5 00 •• While Hall, R 50 *• “ Kelly'x t?ove. 7 00 " “ •• All points below. 10 00 8K('ONU CLASS, OR DKCK. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, 5.5 00 ‘‘ “ Eliiabeth, 2 50 Whitehall, 3 50 “ '* “ Kelly's Cove, 4 00 “ “ All poants below. 6 00 I’P. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $10 tK) “ “ *• Kelly’s Cove, 4 oO “ White Hall, 6 60 '• E'.iiibe'h. ft 60 “ Prospect Hall, 8 00 “ •• “ .All jtoints above. 10 00 SECOND CL.^SS, OR DKf K. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $5 00 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 8 00 “ White Hal!. 4 00 •• “ “ .\’,1 points above. 5 00 Second Cla^s or Deck Passengeri must stay on T. C. &: B. ti. WORTH, rommisMon and Forwardiog Merehaits WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf CA^~DI ~ A FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. 12. 1861. 5»j- JOHNSON, WILLLVMS & TO.. ' SALT n\KERS. Vl^E have thirty ;^0) pans now in operation nine miles TT east of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply themselves with salt, can be furnished by appl^'ing to A Johnson. Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, to E. Page, manager at the works, or to J. >!• WILLIAMS, Heaeral Sup-rintendent. fay*tteTill8, Nov. 20, 1862. 81tf hotiTe. As I expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, Archibald McLean is my authoriied Agent to transact my business until I return N. G. JONES Dee r 28. 1860. *3tf WA.\TED. 2 -“AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sail will receiv* Lhe highest Cask price by calling on Mr. M. Thotnason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subsori* b«r at his old stand on Market Square ALKX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 76tf AR1IY UAR.'%E^.!i. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Qoldstoa P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., > June 13, 1862. j 3-lif iSOO lb». Iwiini Arabic for $«ale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 16. 69tf P. TAYLOR -OFFERS FOR SALE C10FFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco aud Soap, Pow- I der, Cookiag Soda, white and col’d Spool Thread, Combs, Pins and Needles, Hats and Shoes. One box of sundry Goods just received from Charles ton. 2 fine cloth Cloaks for Ladies; Gentlemen’s fio« Gaiters; Green and Black Tea. P. TAyLOR. June 1. 1863. S3- 3mSii «AET! SALT!! 8ACK3 for sale by D»e 22 ROBERT MITCHELL. R8-t,f TOBACCO. 1 QA boxes VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, JL«/V/ for sale on eonsignment, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS * CO. May 23. 31 tf Mole Leather wanted. OAAA LBS. of hear/ well tanned SOLE LEATHER, /WV/V/V/suiUble for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHv Fayetteville. \pr I H. 20tf AliBiini*«traforN !¥otice. The subscriber having at December Term, 18i2, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims agaiust the Batate to present them within tfac time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reqaeated to make prompt payment. HEfrrOR McNEILL, Adm’r. Di^ 10. lWi‘i S6- t COW LOI^T. My COW is on East wde of Cape Fear, somewhere op- pesite to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way back. She is marked with crop in each ear, has a bell on, white in her face, white on back and belly, red oh neck and sides. Who ever will take her up and let lae know it, or bring ker up to in Campbellton, will bo liberally rewarded. The said oow w\s bought in the upper part of Bladen oeunty aod may probably find her way bacV to that county. ,INO. A WA rSON. Jase 1V IftHS i2tT«l tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK.' TANNERS’ and LUIiRICATiNQ OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., WilmsngioB, H. 6. lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Class »®“ An extra ohnrge will be m^de for Way Passen gers getting into Berths daring day time, and for occu pying a Berth with iheir boots or shoes on, at the liscreiion of the Captain J. A. WORTH, forC. F. St’m B’t Co. i R, M. ORRKLL, for St'rs Kate and Sun. i T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 1863. 26-tf j From and after tlii^ date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o'clock, M . on .Monday andThur.-lay JOS. A. WORTH, -\pril >)—17tf ] Ag't C. F. Steam Boat Co. UE5«iTER:V RAIL ROAD. The Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, , (Sundays excepte'lj at 8 o’clock, A. .M., and re turning le.ive Mclver's m 1 o’cloclt. P M. f'rnffht Trutt, MONDAY, WEDNFISDAVand FRIDAY. By erder of the President. JNO. M ROSE, Treas’r and Act’g Trans. Ag’t. ! Jan. 22, 186 «. 97tf | Fajrette^llle Amual aad Armory,! | Fayittivillk, N. C , June 29, 186-i. j j WA.^TED. I H.WING received authority from the Secretary of ! War to increase the strength of the present Corps at t’ais .\menal, ‘.he audersigned will enlist one hun dred (100) non-contrnpf.t for that purpose. Those sub- , ject to conscription need not apply \ Transfers and exchanges of men now iu service can not be made. « ■jHjo One hnndred dollars bounty. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8. 35tf OFFIIK «F THK AlTt .iSS'T Ql AKTERM.^STER, | Fayetttvllle Arsenal and Armory, \ Fayettbvillb. N. C . July 17. 1863. J WOOD WAATED. ^E.\LED PROPOS.^LS will be receiwd for the deliv- 0 ery of four hundred cords of good sound black-jaok wood, (400,) at the rate of sixty (60 cor3) per month. [ The wood to be delivered at the Arsenal. wher»- it will I be properly corded. It must conform strictly to the ftaadard tueasuremeat for cord wood, viz: 8' x 4’ x 4’. Propotials to be marked “Proposal? for wood for Act’g Aijs’t Quartermaster.” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A. C. S. 47-tf aad Act’g Ass’t Quartermaster. RECEI% ER^I§ -IJOTICE. IN PURSU.\NCE of an order of the District Court, I hereby notify all'persons, residing in the counties of New Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen. Columbus, Robeson and Riciimond, against whom Decrees of Sequestration have been entered tor the several amounts of their in debtedness to Alien Enemies, that I will be present at the times and places mentioned, for the purpose of re- eeiving the interest that may be due upon the said debts. Those who disregard this notice, and who fail to set tle previous to the 1st of September, will be in default, and an Lxecuiion will issue immediately, for the inter est aforesaid. anJ »t the cost of the Dsfendant. It is reaocamended to those who are so disposed, that the present is the best opportunity to pay the princi pal alsr>, of said icdebtedness. .At Wilmingcon, frora 12th to 18th .August, inclusive, 9 A M , to P. M. At Whiteville, Thursday 20th August. At E'lizabothtuwn, Saturday. 22d .\ugust. At Liimberton, Monday 24th Aiiguat. At Rockimgham, Wednesday 2>th August. DuBRUTZ CUTLAR, Receiver, &c. July 23. 50-:f To Cotloi* 1H appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for ine piirchas® of Cotton for the j Confederate Government within the State ef North Caro- 1 linv and wi’il pay f»r the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or I Cash. ,Sub-.\gent8 visiting the different parts of fhe State, buying la my name, will have written certifits^tes of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, allCoiten purcha.sed by myself or lay agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1863, wifl be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds «r Cash, and not 8 |ver cent. Bonds as stated ta a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furaished as staled. Patrietic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Goveraaent by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, I8G3. [c. d.] 14tf 1st Jan’y; 1st April; TUITION. Collegiate Depirtment, per Session, (13 weeks,) $20 Acudi'iuic “ “ . “ 16 Primary •• “ “ 14 Music aud Pai^vtinjj, each 25 Laiiu, French ani Drawing, each 10 Board, per Set^sion, 120 Incidental Expenses, 2 (Tuition payable IN ,\DV.\NCE by the Term.) j Pupils wiU be reoeived at »i»y time «tr d charged from j the daiu of aimission to the clcpc>e of the Session, but no deduction will bo allowed for the withdrawal of a pupil | before the close of fhe re'jnlar Session. Rev. WM UrtOPER. i T. C. HOOPER. i July 8, 18G3. 41-9m j Edg^eworlli Female Seminary., ! GREENSBORO’, N C. * j '^FHE Fall Session of this lustitutioa will commence on ; 1. the 4th of Atigust next. j TtBMS FOR TU* KKSsIO.V OK 20 WKKKS; i Board, including washing, lights, fuel, ic., $220; English Tuition $30; Music ou tne Piano, Harp or Gui tar $3U; Vocil Mu«ic il2 60; ()il Paiii'ing $.10; Drawing $12 50: Grecian Painting $15; Ancient and Modern Languages, each $12 50. For further particulars apply to RK^HARD STEilLING, Principal. June 27, 1863 4l-10tpd \s iiNiial tiie Blockade WILL compel us to do what we shquld have done be fore this, wail upon yourself and cut lorse from the eaemy. Tka proprietors having started tho manufac- turiag of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southeru States, will be able to fill orders at short mtice. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C. Address D. L. KIVETT, ■Mattchesler, Cumberland, N. C. June 9, lSfi3. 36 6mpd The Cedav EaUs Roi>- bin Co are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, SPOOLS and QUILLS, kc , suitable for Woolen and Cotton Mills. J. M ODELL. Agent. C#dar Falls. N C . July «. iH'iS. 36-6nipd WA.\TEI>, K NOTES of North Carolina, So’itti Carolina, irginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. FundabU Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Bnnds, new issue. W. R. RIOHAKDSUN k CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. 9tf Cotton Yarn for Wool. Notice is hereby given that after this date (except in cases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of our advertisement of the 30ih of M-iy, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or S lbs. washed aad picked. This change is made at the instanoe of the Quartermaster at Raleigh, iu order to make the terms of exchange uniform throughout the State. GEO. W. WILLIA.MS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29. 1863. 41 tf Esrypt Coal inline. 1''HE undersigned were, at the November Term of the L Confederate Court. District of North C«roiina, ap pointed .Managers of the Egjpt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining aad selling Coal, and solicit orders fer the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette- TiUe, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf i^RIAD STO.^ES FOR SALE^~ The undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale of Messrs W B Farrar & Co.’s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running from 18X2| inches tu 0 feet by 11 inches; and can have eut at short notice ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond with thp undersigned, who will fill orders promptly and guarante* the quality of the grit as represented. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1863. 32-tf Yoiins’>« ttniut .tlachine. AFF.W on HAND AND FOR SALE Those need ing had best order soon, as material for tualting is nearly worked up, and no more to be had , Address, ALEX, DIOKSON, Hillsboro’, Orange county, N. C. July 20 47-16tpd By virttie of n D^'e I of Trust, executed to me Peter J. ^:i^c::^ir, May 80th, I860, f'^rthe purposes there in nientionpd, I offer for sale fhe PRKS6E:? and FIX- TWRES b*-Ioiiging to uew.>4pa|er tt‘tablishiiieut, iu ihe awn of Fayetteville, known ai^the “North Carolinian ” It will bs Hold privately if desimble, and on aecotoiuo- ti.-ttiDg terms If not tfoid Vefere, it will be offero J at public sale on 1 uesil'iy^ the ^th liay of Se^vtetubor next. GKO W TrioHTM AN, Trustee N .j„\v ‘i.-, 4,) Lau Library at Auction. I^HE \ a!ual»!e LIBR'\R\ belonging to the late War- 1 ren Vin?1ow, will he -old :i» Auetion ou TUESDAY ot Seplenib'r C'lunty Couri in PaTettewille, being the 8th day of the month. The ea.le will be on six months’ credit. The Library nriv be found at the store of Mr. Willk- ings. Apply to E W. Willkiugs or to J. G. SHEPHERD, ■Attorfiey for the Adm’x. 64-tspd Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory«) August 10, 18t)3. ) POST ORDERS, ) No 49. ) All Ofti'era of the C. S. .\rmy arriving in the town of F*7«tioyille_ whether und“r orders or on furlough, will iianiediately report their presence to the Comraand- ing tjfficer of tnis post, aud register thei r naai«9 in a book kept for ilie p«irpo'e in this t)ffice 54-6t] F. L. CHILDS, M»j, Com’dg. Suf/^nrl Sit z l A LBS. SUG.\R. AUo Coffee, Flour, Tobicco, Pins, Needles, Soda, Snuff, &o. &c All of which can be had on aceommodating terms for cash or exchange for country produce, at ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH’S, Next door West of the Cape Fear Bank. Aug. 16, 1803. 55 4tpd ln«iane An^luni '^PHE Board ef Directors of this Institatien wish to fill 1 t'tie oflic« of Matron, now vacant. None other than unencumbered females need apply For information, respecting the i^'Uies. , of the office, Apply to the undereigned ED. C. FISHER, Physician ai:d Superintendent. Aug. 14, 56-6W iior.se stole!^. ^p\KEN from the stable of the subscriber, on TUES- I DAY night the 18ih inst., a L \RGE BL \CK HORSE, the property of my mother, Mrs. McNeill. The horse has marks of being bled twice, very recently. At the fcame time, a SADDLE. BRIDLE and MARTINGALES. The horn of the Sad.ile was broken—the iron spike re maining The Bridle has a double head stall bad halter. ' A suitable reward will be given for their recovery or ^ any infomation that will enable me to eet them ! KINNETH MURCHISON, Upper Little River, Harnett county. All*. 20 56-2W TESTA nE >iTJ«i Ax\D I / lONKKi>EKATE States Bible Society Testaments. Vj A t'olleciion of Sabbath School Hymns. For sa'e by E J. HALE & SONS. Junel THE .^ORTH CAROLLITA MITIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, N OW ia the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon pubUe con- . fideaee, eentinues to insure the lives of all healthy per- : fr*ja 14 t« 60 years of age. for one year, fer seven years, and fer life—all life members sharing ia the ]>rofits. -All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year er for ilvo years for twe thirds their value. All losses are punstually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the publ.i*' is referred to Agents ot the Company in all parts c ' he State, and te R. H. B.\TTLE, Seeretary, Raleigh. E. J. Hale, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. G. FAYETTEVILLE MITCAL INSURANCE COMPANY. FIXTURES PHRLICATKK\>» HV BllANSOX, KAKllAU C(J. MYT,?].!•; Leaves, by Rev A, W. .Miiiiguni, now in pr.;, !^?‘cond cditi'jn—a book pecu'.i-irly udapte.l o t;i» times—suited alike to fhe soldiers in canip thoKe at home. Price SI 50. MORVEN AND LIND.\ —A tale of a soldier’s faith ful lo-/e —in exiract from Myrtle Leaves—a pretty poem, now ready Price per hundred, $10 t>0. HESPERANl* OTHER POEMS, by Theo. !! Hill Second edition -li yp:trkles on every page wiii* bright gems ofthouirtit and expression.”—Church IntelUginctr. “Thi^ is true, genuine paelry.”—Saii.^bury Batintr. Price 00 THE EMEMENTARY SPELLING BOOK, revised from Webster and adapted to Southern Schoole, now ready Price $1 00. THE DIXIE PRI.MER Second edition A popular book for the children. Price per hundred, 00 THE DIXIE READER will Soon be readj. Pr'oe 50 cents THE GEOGRAPHICAL READER, with Maps—.n press now Send iu your orders. Price 51 5U. j FIRST BOOK IN COMPOSITION, is designed to I precede English Granamar, and contains a number of pleasaIy^ writing exercises for the student -A riluabie text book. Price 7") c's HISTORICAL SCRFPTURE QUESTIONS, suited to Sabbath Schools and to sohiiers in camp. The beet book of the kind yet pubiiabod. Price 50 cts. Miscellaueous Books on hand for »ale. ri.\TECHI3.M FOR SABBATH SCHtJOLS. Price per Vj doz., $2 50 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BELL. A collection of Hymns for Sabbath Schools—has been long nnd favor ably known Prifee per doz , $3 00 OaE.\T EXPEt^TATIONS Prica $3 00. THE STEP-SISTER. Price !fl 50. DARRELL M.\KK«aM. Price $2 00. TANNHAUSER, or THE BATTLE OF THE BARDS, a splendid poem. Price $2 50. R\IDS AND ROMANCE OF MORG.\N AND Ul^, MEN. True and exsiting. Price $3 50. HARDEE’S TACTICS WHEELER’S CAVALI'.V TACTICS, Periodicals, Papers, and the Moleru Lite.-.- ture of the South generally, AUo School Books of the old and new publications, here and elsewhere kept for sale The usual deductions made to the trade. Send in your orders and you shall h'ive atteuiiou, BRANSON, FARRAR & ( )., No. 12, Fayetteville St., Raleigt.. .V. C. Aug, 18, o7*tf Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets, $267,688 2b 6,077 85 Total, $272,765 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,682 69 Officers: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. 1. RAT, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dibkctoks: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillingkast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, Our Caui^e and our Course! TO TIIE PEOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Orricc Chief Commissakt, C. S. ) Greensboro’, July 27, 1863. > Conformably to the Circular of the Commissary Gen. of Subsistence, approved by the Secretary of War, the Commissariat Department in this State for the purchase and proper distribution of subsistence Mores is now in operatien. Maj. W. W. Morrison, Goldsboro’, has been appoint ed CLief purchasing Corumiss.'iry for the fij^t District, to consist of all the counties e-ist of Warren. Frtaklih, Johnston, Sampson, Dapiiu und Oi'sb'>w, ijclusive. Cant. W. D Reynolds, Hi1>*i7h will lake charge of the second Dietrict composed oi the couatios of Gran ville, Wake. Chatham, Oranze. Person, C.^swell. Ala mance, Randolph, Gj'’ford, Itooiin’rjaia, Stokes and Forsjtii. Capt. K M. Lowe, Charlotte, third District, composeii of the counties of Surry, Yaikia, D.ivie, Davidson, Stanly and Union, and alt countie* west Capt. C S MoKinney, fourth D.otrict, cjmnosed of the eounties of New Hanorer, Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett, Muore, Rico- mond, Anson and .Montgomery. Thus, officials of ability and experience have been appointed Chief Commissaries of the several Districts ith full authority 10 nominatv sub ageutn for each oouBty, when in their judgiusnt the interest of the ser vice will be benefited. Ttiis system i« deemed adequate to muet such emergenciee as may arise, aud I hereby earnestly appeal to the peeple of this State to bring for ward to these purchasing agents of the Government all articles of subsistence of every kind which they can pos sibly spare. This is a patriotic duty which every good citisen owes his coutiiry, and it is hoped that there will be BO necessity for impressing such articles as the Ajmy will be abliged t» have for its support. The orders in force indicate but one method by which Commissaries from other States, whether at depots or with armies in the field, can obtain supplies from thiN State, and a striot adherence to them is indispensable to develop the re sources of the States alike All District Commissaries in this State and their sub-commissaries aud agents are, therefore, hereby directed to prohibit interference with in their appropriate limits, and if shipments of pur chases so made be attempted, they wHl fake steps to prevent them, and. if necessary, impress the stores. Resident Quarter Masters are repectfully requested to refuse transportation to such shipments, and to re port the oases to the commissary in whose District the transactions occur. JAMES SLOAN, Maj. and Chief Commissary, for the State of North Carolina. Aug. 8. 53-*4w FOR THE OBSERVER. flag K.MSiNti M' THE FAYE I'TEVl LLE ARSE NAL and ARMORY. The new Cuiii'ederutt; Flasj, adopted by (Con gress, wan rai.sod jit the .\rsenal at 12 o’clock 3i, on the 11 th iiist. At the abt)vt* hour, all the employees wore as- semlded aroujid the lla}j; staff, with many citizens of Fayetteville, including a goodly portion ol' her fair daughters. The following beautiful l*raycr was otVered by, the llev. Angelo A. lienton, oi the l^rotestant K- piscopal Church: “O Lord our iod, who rule-st amid the hosts of Heaven and over all the nations of the Earth, Thou hast power to cast down or to raise up whomsoever Tiiou wilt, and to sav« by many or by few; and v,c now come to Thee to help and defend us in this our time of danger and necessi ty. We acknowledge and lament, O God, the many grievoui fsins by which wc have justly pro voked Tiiy wrath and indignation; and wertTnou extreme to mark iniquities, O JjORD, we could not 4 abide it. liut it is Tny property ever to have mercy and forgive; and we besecch Teiee now to extend to u.s Thine accustomed mercy, and fo deliver us from the; evils and dangers to which we are exposed. l>o Thou, O Loiii>, remove irom our bisrJers all invading armies, confound the de vices of fiuch as would do u.s hurt, and send us speedily a just aud honorable ttnd lasting Peace. And above every other blessing, give us as a Peo ple grace to know and love and serve Thee,through Jesus Christ our ]..ori>. Amen. O most powerful and glorious ]juhi> God, the Lord of lIoisTS, that rulest and commaudest all things, who hast set Thv standard oi‘ Truth be fore all-people; Tiioi: sittest in the Throne judg ing right, and therefore we make our address to Tuy divine .Majesty, who hast given a Irtanner to them that fear Thy aaie, that it may be dis played because of the Truth. St’- IIV strength O IjORD, and come and help v 1' ■ Tuou givest not alway the battle tj th ug, but canst save by many or by few. W auibly besee -h Thee that Thot wouid-st be a dofcnce against the face jl‘the enemy—- •" oice in Tutt .-.iiivation, and in tho ^ jod will wc set up our Banners Lord, lulUi our petlLiuu , ’vh .ru humbly pres**' * appea that Tmou art our Sa"^’ ■ • t:. livercr—throu ,li Jesu.-) ^ men. O most gracious iiORD God, our Heavenly TiiER, we corttmen l to 1’ifv ctire and protecc.. thy servants who in behalf ot their lu'u'liea and their country have gone forth to meet the dangers of war. Direct and lead them in safety; Bless them in their efforts to protect and defend this land; Preserve them irom the violence of the sword and from sickness; from injurious accidents; from treachery and frora surprise, from carelessness of duty; from confusion and fear; from mutiny and disorder; from evil living and from forgetfulness of Tnfcp. Enable them to return iu safety and honor, tbat we, being defended from all who would do us hurt, may rejoice in Thy mercies, and Thy Church give Thee thanks, in Peace and Truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. At the conclusion of the Prayer, the lion. Jes- see G, Shepherd, of Cumberland county, deliver ed a most chaste and eloquent Address, which was fully appreciated by his audience, as was man ifested by the frequency of their applause. The garrison was paraded under arms, under the command of Capt. Matthew P. Taylor, and a national saluto of thirteen guns fired. I. , I ■. I ^ 1^0 TICK. C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, Janaes Kyle, J. Q. Cwok, A. A. M'cRethan, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. ^»illiams, R. F. Brown, > , S. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, / hn ('ollins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents jii^The Company invite applieationa. May 28. 18tU. 21- A CiC.V! The Xew Style, Small, COLORED PHOTO(]^RAPHS, AT Vanoi>td«IIS Oallery. I^A. F. Harrington, now In tbe Confederaie Army, is hereby announced as a candidate for the Legislature from Moore county. August 18. 56-lmpd AJRT. Woodward’^ Solar mem. AK.cr this date I will pay 1(^ Cents per pound for rags, or the highest markst price, delivered in Fay«*l;;viiioi, or fit iny raills ou Hockfiah. D. MURPHY. July -J8, 1863. SOt/ A FOR 2iALE. HOUStj an*i Lt)T at Knoxville, six miles above Elizr.oethtown, BlaJea county, in a healthy ioo»- tion 9 j.d 5iod nf^ighborheod. There are five looais in the dwelling, necossary authouses, Sid., all tolerably new, and fiv» acres of land. QEO CKOM^TIB. 80. IMS. U-9trt THE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the nqiH- tary service of tbe Confedar*-'* America, ‘i-'- olJ customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr aud Joan D. WilliamB, of this place, their attorneys to colkct either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and etberwise to attend t« their bu- fiineHR generally duriag t heir alMunce. Th«y respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on tkeir agei«ts end make payment. 3TABR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 1», IfiGl. 68-tf SAI/r—«AI.T. 1)KRS0N8 wishing to purchaoe a geod article, will 1. find it to (heir advantage to call at the firm of EASTERS & CO., at Little River, S. C., where they keep on hand a large supply which they will sell at low figures. There is also fine facilities for getting fhe Salt up to the Railroad by flats. EASTERS A CO , Little Rivor, S. C. Aug. 5. 6*-19tj>d LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICEr~ m, T. uu>iH •Sltorney al Wait anti JtTotary^ RICHMOND, VA. PARTICULAR aHetation given to the setfleiuent of claims agiiust tbe Coufuderat^ States. Legal busi ness will receive pr jmpt attenticu Aug 4. 62-ly PaSmu Cliristi Beans. The subseriber will pay the highest cash priees for *Bj quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. WOMH. Q«i. t. VMf Fnv^i v>^kAI>HS oitn b* had a.t Vanoradell’a Skyli«Kt Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Y&rd, Fay etteville. N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, ic water colors, oil and pasiile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, aud all other styles of Piotarei pertaiu' ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G' / i for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. «}ord and Tasssls for hanging pictures; Insfrn- ments. Stock aud Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size otlored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permaiieutly located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also retura my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on heretofore by the good people of Fayetiefille aud vicinity. C. M. VANOKSDKLL, 1'lia>>trr^(>WiAt and Proprietor D«e’r 'iO. I SftP 77 i^arbEe Factory, 800 ACKES OF LAMD FOR SALE. PURSUANT to an order of Court, making the Real Estate of my intestate, Neill G. McNeill, assets for the payment of debts, I will expose to public sale at the Market Hou.e in Fayetteville, on the Monday o‘ next September County Court of Camberlaud, at Til o’clock, M , fhe interest of my said in'estate \being oue half of the whc^a) in a cer;ain Tract of L\ND coriiain- in» SOO acres, situated in CumberUnd county, on As boy’s Creek, near the Wilmington Roa!, Joining David Murphy and others, about 11 .miles from Fayetteville The other half interest in said tract of land is owned by John McDonald, who has consentei to a sale of his in terest at the same time, so that the purchaser w 11 pr» cure an indefeasible title to the whole tract Up^-n tuis tract are situated a SAW MILL and GRIST MILL, both in good condition, and with a good run of custom One third of Ihe tract consists of round timber—the lemain der has been boxed and worked for two or thre» years. Term.': 6 raou’is credit wit*i rpprjred aecurily, the title 10 be retained until puyment. If preferred, cash received, and diss’cunt allowed. At the satutt tina« and pUc9, 1 will ofi'er for saltt a likely NEGRO BOY. a«e-l 14 ou tne same terms. Persons desirous cf viewing th* land will call on the undersigned, or upon Mr. John McDonald who livr-s iu the immediate neighborhood of the tract, either of whom will take ple^vure iu showing it. HECTOR McNEILL, Adin’r of Neill G *McNeill. July 21, 1868. 48 ts LOST, ("1ERTIF1C\TE No. 138, issued by W. G. Uroadfoof, J C. S. DeposUary, .April 18.18i>;5, for $200, to be re deemed in two 8 per ccut lionds of $100 each Pertong are cautioned against M-ading for it, payment having been stopped NEILL S 8TE'V,\RT .\verasboro’, Aug 15 , 55-*4tpd IState ot IVorlli Carolina, RICHMOND COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qutrter Srssion?, July Term, 18C3. Sarah Gibson vs. Hiram Gibson and others. Peiitiou for Dower. I’T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Nel son Gibson, Hiram Gibson and Pleasant Gibeon, Da- jLAURlilTBUR>i Classical aod Scientific School* J'^HE ensuing session of tnis Institution will coumenoe ou Wednesday, Sept. 9. Tuition,jpayaite strictly m advance, $12, $1^ aud $20 per sessiou of twenty we*ks. Board in the Principal’s family $24 per month, cielu- sive of fuel Applications should be addressed to A. P. GAGE, Principal aad Proprietor. L&uriaburg, Aug. 1‘J. 67*2tpd Taken irom a cletserter that calls himbelf liORTON, two blind bridles. He states >.nat he stole the Cinaies uud two horses iu Robeson and brought them near Fayetteville and turned them loose. Ttie bridles can be bad by calling at Messrs Hale’s Bookstore and paying for advertisement 1 also took from him two tiomespun dresses that belonged to some woman, one shirt and two pair piiitaloouc, which can be had by ap plying to CH^lS. D. NIXON. Aug. 21. 57-8 Look out tor the Hogues. ON last Sitiirdiy night my Smoke llDUse, six miles from towu wiis broka t open ani twelve pieces of B,»con aad a statil uf L-ird ab.>ut forty pounds taken, JOHN BUIE. Aug. 17. 4tpd Tlie Star Foundry Id again in full operaiion. li-iviug in my employment coiupetent wot kmen, I am prepared to execute work at the atiortes' notice an i tor a r * wonabie cii»rge. M. A BAKER. Fa>ettevUle, Aug. 18, 6fitf Wanted to Hire, tlOR tb? rtmaind-rvof tie y»r,.r, h 'tVO.M VN »ts nu.'sc ' and hous'j ser^iut. E. GLOVER Aug. 23. 18t>i?. b^ 'dL A CARO. IUnderst-in'l that there ia a report in certain Connties of ih*3 7ih Congressioual District that I ats for a re construct ion of the old Union I pronounce tao report false. I expect lu visit tbe different counliea of the District at the Superior Courts and explain my views in full. I am for peace if it can bo obtf^ined on honorable terms. I wiU addre«8 the peoplo of Moore, Montgomery, Staul/, Anson, Chatham. Riudclpli tad Davidson on TUESDAY of each Superic; Jourt. S. K CHRISTIAN. Aug, I. 51*‘x01stpd T with the will annexed, riu i%OT •€«. .1 iUiMBtrator •, upon th» estate of the late Mrs. Care’ ■ ,n jw, at Jo i« Term 1863 of Cu'^'- ’ i., hereby g ves uolice to all pei si t ■ v o8tat« to come f*’'' ward aud Pfc; and to all por*''’- h ' claims tgainsf s, '1 estate to pres**”" A D.H B IS TH ATOR^S HE Uadeisigned having qi xed. Care’ iriy LAUDER. TWO UOiiRS IBOVK C. T. HA16H & SONS’ ST0&8 F&yetteYille, IV. C. fendanta iu this case, reside beyond the limits of this State: Ordered that publication be mac’e for six week» Buoces«ively in fhe Fayetteville Observer, notifying said Defendants of the filing of this Petition, ani that unless they ti pear at the nest Tern of this Court to bs held i ticated vf this aoiioawiU b# p’ for tht f/oanty cf Richmond, at the Court Hcupe in Rock- j FIJRTHI*' isgham on the 31 Mondaj of October next, .and answei ^ th3 Petition, the same will be taken pro oonfesso and heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Louis H. Webb, Clerk of said Coart, O&ioe m ^ 34 Meadfty ia Joly 186S. IaC Undersigned has . children to hire out for ttitt ‘>aianoe oi b- i« aa exeelleat 000k. wuiier aad irr ner. _ ^ ^ BDW‘I>L. WiliSWW, 40. I *».*•

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