t i ■ n X U' M - I 1 uu; ii i> zu-t 'ii'i'; ut 1 '1 '! r, :i Uvl tb:il :' •. .1 .l.sl k ‘ ■ U ■r. eu J . c U 1 r 1 • 1 'III • ..' i e i;fnt . I V Vl:i. ' or tr.cr ot : cf. . th. 1' >,- i:d ■ ti ; til 11 vy 1m .: i ti. V ij UI.' estimate ot saiii ' '.:.LUt her ill J rc- lud .1 tut.-h b.v ^.,ld hail I l lj.ll- il (li . iLv I'lil tWu 1 . 1 l.;r •U-U 11 • ■j ..u laij t--: k ilia tur- ij.*.' c tr .he roui u ! be tin-'i aOt t-i i .i sluiii t'- UU'luol .'Ci- nt .1.' J, ^-Liaruc ter r.f ax]u\.; tif, 1 he >- L' •'.iti t tier l-i.- icies) l J iu uuio ;>y si. >w- urn uuuN ,Ma- red t» the U;?- tliei: : .v,c.pia. abio fhe ;coiViijg truij* ;iit ui tuxca IQ j) rep -r! >t the ^ of ar Uiitj the ! t{uiir- ;Lc :ax in kMi'i ,0 hiui L tux tvr tsi ‘.varr^ul AM- iceipt. -.u.-reiur, Ux ■ ■■. t'-r iij CoUUio “i-ilil It uiiy p..rtinl ic eii-i jrs5 vi Oil e bituit tu the lid li.j receipt Id :..i c .-iicct- ut. V\;., -. thv lie I -.j - ■ t of at til «.;■-t ui I JU ;. . iiWi it' tL,_v >nsiat ity I - ..tii:-.- icc3 uaa iu euoh uiny -criLie that' juie uf tke aijil - i. -■ . lor * etiii • d . j.'j#- ascU • ;:. r di- py« ' -;.all UiaL::iT a-i he f auc;. ' ■.. le ‘ o; . cretar\ o iii.tT u t or m'j ; 1, to oe rec -.,ull .rate \ i ar . aid ;; ar- :eived iCii 0 CUli : Jue '.-i liOt I ', i due i y yeur ^..'TutU- pr -aid - i arti- ij i.i-yi 111 , the lirbt , and be CtlCatt Qes aad pr-jJiW) an'i 'a-- state- be ;cifio nebs ai. i ^roteu- ahaii be de.ivor- ot tiie di»trict, tic MiiiiO, and tbe wit!: the chief colieci .*r ol the or bulB> .lie tax shaii be pai(i Si.ite, aocom- tn or n: atore- iidtriC'. c jiioCtror tr u fcX/' iu : •tUei ev ihr. ' ' &CIlt UiC J ea t:- d e. ‘ ic t I le eitr hen i jd, u’l L-iix: uu - ' ■ i ill. . Died oulj :e, ■ji' or ad- , ..r ue- diOg 10 j rciioivt-r r •!' auj ml r I aired tiiC i**»'^' ! r ly p*iroOU . lii^rcia aii taie* pr.p.rty ■y» cuiiirui. [■ h';-i i-ai-, It’y* -Mail roVi- i 'reaiury be, anl ali ruljs and ktion of tuiti act, r tW') years alt'jr r, and the taX«** 1 be 1®* 1 ''li' :ed- : j ju for il»® f&Mm I»W F. M \Oi.. Mil KAyirrrKvnj.r:, n. c:.. AUca;sT :n, ineii. ri’INTKn MoNOAYS A.\D TIIUK^UW E»\V4UD j. hale & so\s. Ti 1T(^R;J and f’P.jiMllFTvO!!,';. Seiui-^ ^eKiv ('b*»erver $•> 00, pai'i Priiv for the advance. For the V\ e»kly Obskrvkr f4 (.X> per .lanuni, paiJ in B^ADVERTISEMENI.«? mserte.l for J1 per uare of Iti lilies for the fir-t, an ! 60 centn for each sue- CovjJin^^ pu*'Hc:i;i >n .A'lvprt!'^piu-‘ut.. no PXi'^^'Un^ n half s(^iiHre fH linc*^) ^»0 cen!*^ fov thf» 1 ^^0 ft'r e;\'h succpp.liner » ■ I’t -\ Iv.jrtisers r.. quested to s'Hti (h^ nxim'-pr o! itm'nioin «lp'ireJ, or it*ev wil! be t.iuiiou -I till forM l, au t chai c l .'♦ulit.I- lu jTU . • coiitiB'if* I f-’ji-it-, I'}. u-«e'‘ .» U? ', !»J *[»JI,10 hiin Irt- t p In a^iir:villi:, if. v. 'VIL!, f.p •!i i!ir K \G!,F IlOTKL foi iU« rs- c.ji !i of Oii-a'- the lir-t of ,)un *, t.I'] 1 hoV" t-e Millie Of!!, nun fr'>:ii spventy-Sve to n ersoi;' dnri:i(f ifi** Suiii'iier. CiHioi»C!K i: wilb I'.ji Ho'el, 1 ''.ive a nunibci ■ i H-i k-, 'i; ri ipes. Uugc’es nad S i lJle Horses >«at niv cm gt*i »t a niiuute's u >liee. J. M. BLAUl. Pri-prietor E igle Hotel, Ashevilie. N C. May i;:, K-ii.j 31y,>d PI i: D U« \ T « P R iS iiS, ' r.nuKK COUNIT, x. c. (■'MKSF sr- ‘'itii.iV’l i;i We‘-tern North ('oro li . :i I'; i -.- I !"•’ 5 fr jTI Morp&Tilon, III It Al.' (’0\!^i;ill^i!{lTr] TU lilSTiS. presses axu rimKEs LI’j J. ■' 'I !.> >e i of Trus', Pi“ou’.e 1 10 nie by i'eter ^ J '■’iitr. li:, M :v 3M(h. lffSO for thf purp j:e8 liii*re . hiii.D-'.!, 1 for «*!p th' PKtS;ES and FIX- b'l i.jr Tjj (0 Ufa'->pa)'r ostibli^^u.eut, iu the t.i'^n 01 Fay -tifvilitt, kaown hs th* ‘•N'ori^vOiii'oUniin ” I' will. I..- pri?,itely if iMp. nu t on a^cotaiuo- >in.r t.^rin,- I II.-I ^ol I V- ford, it *,!! be rti'.;n-u I»f I ubjo S.U9 Oli ‘ . • il ’ 8 h div . S-.’p*^..iber ut xi. 0».i W W(aHTVl\> 1tuhu«« *■ . (»!l: - i'.'.i- N I .liil *2 40 t* 'PIIE r^ foi h-.‘ ''ouriiy i.f 'inr- li •!!(! will I Hirttft at ih>*jniep»'t Vi r.iu.p* • II cn» . Jm.V 2, 1 ■'iiJ. t I rffC'v;' !l>(; 0. r.tfi!-r .•,. I'. j, Li»,sfui it-i-j r'liniJy, ci» thf- foM )wiT^' -,ir i' • .tT > viz: Nav^l ■Stur-'s, 'Vwip^ .i>*] Sfi->ous L'j.j )i , Ti!; ■■ ? bV }?KANS()X, FAUll.\U (’O. 7’A" Iiuluitij/ of fht Women in the South.—A letter I'rom liincoln county, 'I'tnueB.see, says: “On c>—m.inufacturnl or um'i Klonr, Siipir, Mi!. i,’; ► cricultur.il rirol'tclj", . i£'- y. ar pr. c.-.l •)/ t;,4- vv "' '■i. C--IU 11 > Woo' oiLet •'■ rt'jy i; Adr,->rtis« Te^ti^-ul^ i: ?PKCI.»L NOTK'K. r. ’.w au TfV t!ii« no ii.iine of a new «'ib?crit'cr wil! lie enici*d without paytncii' iti h Iviiuw, n >r will the paper be j-otu to -nch sub:scriV>evs for :\ longer time thttu ;s p I loi t'-K-li o:"' I'.r old ^utiJcri^iers a« desir* to take the p>a- per oti thi-* pieia will please ijor'fy u- when making reniittaiio^ Jau’y 1, Is')**. U\7#. .ffrik'.f !•, Attorney at Law, FAYKTTEVlLLf.. X. C. ilA. ftiteud the County and Superior Court.s of '■erland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- i tie?*, r ' -Iu a':onfion siven to the collection of all ■ r, ii 't t Lia faand:?. Oct. 17, . Cl J T' M'Tr- »;q ■« t I Hi'.. II (,.■ ■' 'Uti ) in tf \I , 1 ne I'jajpiuy h.j- tf '.ii exj Tien'. It ^ the H la.-e .i , i w , er-i >' I r.e Ir- . J L l.V (';* I-.-.irt'. di ed H' i f !. J c ijl -o iL.il.,- M’v 2 5 u- z (■'• on "•ihi*' ■ ■ a'! ! pf t -iP I no %.■ hiJ*1 is t(»s d I i e firsi . of Ji d wL ■ • t i:, f >.p , |, r • t U' iJ - '!;c i bee’) • i'“.u'lt'ul au i roiuinao c'uuiry. i'h,* (' 'L'!' .ri J c;i A LYP.K.V FE. ire iid t;> b. j Joue 'i j It. ' ^ itry. I>.j>'r, Bed’’and PtieasaD’ j _ - . I T t’ ■i T X t’ A K r Cir V. f ibe-1- *i K. ;0 :( Uhrary at .%ucliou. »' V ' 1 ’■ t I.U’.R \HY bs;’.j'lgiiijT I;, the I'He War- • i. Vi'It.’ *. v.'\- b. ^ d J .Ai'ciioi on TUJiSDAY' P'»tnb.’'’C' -I iiy !'ojr! ' iFi etteville, beiuj^ lh» . ‘.’eedeJ III o^>ataiU) ihe iiirvi(j?s j n.! - nuQ ati.i l ily to t'kke charsr^ of | • :■ r.’: I) t.ii- iLa lec '|>:ioo of Vi^^ii- t‘ 1;' jM o,'4ny witli Tnrce Huu- tia-bei n ju'l be sold l i ft person 1 -r, * the propprty Pir.bMONT SPRING.S CO S'^-^iiQpd 1 t'w »:r s'liviiii.s^ FE.\1.AI;E HIGH SCHOOL. IVIWTK SCHjLASTIC YF.^^. i'KllM li.-g'.'s*' .‘'■r'pti'rribf'r; eu ?■' -I' ■ I 2d «1 U' .i I- iNc’r 31 - I 'J vr?;*' 1-it JlilV il»\ of th. uisy i) J b;’ \s i .=>'« the bt.•‘r^ of .Mr KiUi- irit'i cr to J. G. HHEPHEKU, Atiorney for tbe Adm'x 64 tspd LIST OF niAH(;ES FO!l PASSE\«E!IS. W o8-tf (iEO. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO.. %%liole«4Jile Dealers in C-rocericMs, AM> 1MP'HTERS AND DEALKIIS IN hardware and Ciitlery, Swedes Iron, &o., !H\ MKKKT. F.iYETriiVlLLE, t. Ju-t2, 1?;’. uuf JOJ^. I TLi:V, (jh'octr anti C'a*Htni'*"tio>t F.WETTEVILI.K, N tV - Jan'y ly, 1 -^ol* tf T. B.«. \10RTli, Comxi^sioD and Fornardiu^ Merchants, WILVLXOTON, X. C, Jan'y 2b, ISbl 84'f CA51D! ~ A FEW LADIES can be accommoJa'.o i with bnarl a: tho Sesiicary. T C HOOP!-'P.. gepr iK.r* Fi '.m Favettevihe to ilinington. >1(1 00 •• K''7.»he'h. 5 00 .. •' White H-il!, 6 •50 “ •• Kelly s Cove. 4 00 “ All 5’ anta below, 10 00 bKCU.NU CLASS, OR 1>KCK. Fr..>m Fayetteville tj Wilmingtoa, Sr> 00 “ " K’>. ibeih. •> 60 •• “ W'.iteiiall, s 50 “ " •- Krliy’s t’ove. 4 0 ; .. •• .-Vll pftin. bolow, 6 00 II*. Fr"Bi Wilmingfon to Ffijettpville. $10 iHJ .. *■ Kf'!lv’fl Cove, 4 60 . - vvhiti- Hall, 5 50 .. •• KlIzah.^!t^. 6 60 •- " Pr= -peel H.>’1, S 00 .Ali {oiiiti above. 10 to ^ KCi M> CLASS, t)R i»KCK Frj:i: VN .uU to Fiv -ttevtlle, S-i 00 .. “ ,K ' v’= C.^v^■. S 00 .. •• While H tl!. 4 ll'l .. •- .A ! p.j'.r:s ab.iv.^. .H> .-^eo ja I I'l iss i.r L>p."k Pi«setifTPrs mini stay oa l. w- r 1‘ck or psy full priue. or same as First ( la-^s oxira ;;-ir rp wlii br" ru I'le for W.»tr P;*:- ►•Q - April; ■iriTi^.N ColleuiiiHe l)ep .tiiuent, per SetsioLi, (13 -week., ! i20 , Aciid. loic *■ '* “ l^J •■•ri mar V • * • • 11 >1 i^iic U’.d P>» IIcfir'.U 2j La!;:*. F eiich ao * Driw.ng. eijb 10 Board, p-r Se-^si jn, 120 Inoi b'Ht-il Expo lae-*. 2 ^rnilii)!! p>y«’^b* !'■ Al'V\S'’l. bv tt>e Term ) Pupils will -jn repeiT.'d it Hfy t-'LP i ^-har^'f I ‘Vimj the (Jattt of aJmi'^'ii.'in lo th*- e. -■e of thp Session, bi: no d-“ducti->n will be allow,>i for t*:- wi lidruw-il ,.f % pupi b.'tosa the clo>«>» of t.'ie rfjular i^''tion Kev. W.M 11:)!>PER. T. C HOOPER July 8. 18*W-J 4 I I^d^euorfli Fcenaie .Vieiuiiiary, li!irENSl’>OiU)‘, N 0 'I’HL F ill of Ir li l i;.-itu!ion wiU e ai'ii.}ut uo 1 the 4!-i of ijTU-' u xt Tf RUS rop TUB OK 20 WEEK?; in'laiin^ widh^ug, 1 ;L'8, fu-i. Sc, ?-'22U, Ensli.sh T;iiti n i JO, .Nlii.-tic on the PliSsO, fl »vp or G'li- :.t - J.-fii, ViC il Musi;- -^12 '>?■, Uii Piiiniuj^ 'jboU. Dra^iu^ ^'2 60; 0'ic;a P>tin’'at; .Aucie»:t and Moi’-ru L s. . .V. 2 5). Fftr fiirtTpr p»-n 'vppiy fo R1'^IT\HI> .sTEHLlNCt, Prinoipal June 27. 1 41-l'.‘'pd FayetteviUe Arseaal and Armory, ) Aujrust 10, I'JOS. ( Pt.b'^r ORbEK.-. N' o 4 'J ) \LL ORi ••'T!! o* t»i > C. S. \ricy arriving in the t,05vn of Fayrttt-viH'*, whether uad-T orders (*r on furlough, »i’.i iitini di ilt-ly report iht-ir pr>!S?nce lo the Cotuniind- ng ('.fS-pr cf this po.Ji, H3il r-j)^ii3'rr I heir names in a jork kepi for fbe purpo-e in t'ds '"'ffioe ii tti] F L. CIIILDS. M*j. Coni’dg Sngiir! Sus^itrl! Sugarll! I ’JAAA HL’O.Vll. Al-ti ('otfee, Flour, Tobicoo, J OUvv Pin#, Necdlesi, tiodt. Snuff, &c. &q All of I irhio*i cun ba haJ on accjm-nediting term? for cash or I BTchinge for country pro iuoa. at ISAAC HOLLINQSWORTH’8, Next djor West of the Cape F -ar Bink. Au^. 15. 1803. &5 4ipd MVin i.r. L‘tT;.8 bv K-v A W. Ms.i.g.;m, now iu I the suial! larms throughout this section all ia life, pret- , .;,»cond edi>iju -a book p(,cu'.i«.rly a iiptei , activity atid industry. Muiiy a woman who nevor 0 t.*!'* tiiaiH —:«uiied ahk-* tne BsM’.er? In can.p aud hefoj-Q hold a plow, is now seen in the corn field ili. ^e fti h.irii. Price $1 50 | —many a younj: srirl who would have blushed at ■ the thoutjht botbre of handling a plow line, now j natui'iilly and utieonsciousl v cric.s, ‘‘goa up, Dob- j bin.’' to the .'■ilvory tones o* which the brute readily responds, as> it it were a pleasure to oom- i ply with Ro gfintle a couituand. Many a Hutli, ' as uf old ii to-daj, Yjindirg and gleaning iu the whcat-field, but jLs! uo l>oua is there to conaole or to comrjrt Th** picture of thi rural ajldit^r'a j home is al this tiiuo iiut a picture of pntuitire I lil'e. Tiircaj?h.'ii'- tha country, at every farm I house Hnd c dt-:':’.. the ri’trulnr sound of th» loom, j a-4 the shuttle tl .ii to ami Jru, with thn whir! of ' the spinning uhefjl is heard, telling of home iu- duatry. Oottu!; l'fibric->, of ueat, pretty figures, production of home manufacture, are now X*iTaiuabre ^ almost wholly worn in Tennessee, inatead of c»li- roes MO^VES and LINI>A —A tale o' a eoldier’s l'-tiU- lul love—uj fx r%C( fiom Myrtle L*-iiVc«—a j re:ty poem, now rvsiv Pricd p-^r nun ir> d. S-10 00. IH>PEK AS!) OTHER P.)E.\H, by Theo. H Hill. SeoouJl ediilun • I - sparklt.s on every page ikith bripUt t;«aiK ol t li I xpreseiou " — ChuftH Int*U(y4HC'ir ■‘This ia tru», g auiue poetry.''—Bunner. P.i-, - 5’ W THE EdKVEMAKV SPiil.UlN'J BOOK ;v» »ed frott. U\*bs r.r aid adtp’ 1 tu Siutns’’^ reaiy Pr’oe $1 Uij, TtIK !>IXIE PItlMKK Second eJiti.m \ popt'lt.r Th- i> i!e »ill b^ on six mouths’ ' book r ,r thp chi iieu. Price p^r hundred, ?lt^ *o 1>!.X'K R!;\l>ER will so-p b- ready P ic« 6'J ccii's THE GEOOP. M'HP’AL RB XbKR, v-i-b M *p:»-iu fr«-fl« liow Send ia jou- order>. Price f 1 60. FlR.-^r BOOK l'i ('OMPOSITloi', i d«-ign*d i I r« e.l’Engii'! tt! jinmar, and contaim a number of j pleasant writing exercises for the student A taluable j eer^ eet infc inui during Jay time, an 1 for o*-e i- pytti^' H B.rt’i »»r... tl.eir b ■••id or t^lio.'ii on, at thr lis»relion of tlie ('»p'ain J nOKTH. f.rC F Si'iu li I Co. R M ,'HKK!.l.. I .r St’ia Ka’B anJ .Sun. T. LUirEIii.OH M»y 4, 18'j^. 28-tf Frr*8ii ami aHer Ihl** -. i-.^r A P. HURT »1'! *y~'L « V M , on ^^.•'l^^e . >S A worth. \j ' • ;7tf1 A^'t C F .St.-ani il-At (.'ii \yii.i/o M fere 11 A** liar ItSorkaif^ ■ atnppl u • d wiiit ike ‘oouM hav-» d l*: it- thi-*, wait lipju y •u.--elf a:id cut loo-'U frj:u L.ie cntT.'iy The pr >pri '>r> '■ >\i si'.rted the m.>nuluc- turint,' of ail kinJ;* of H'.S- f^.r F*ctorie» i-^ th.- iJ.:i>rt‘States \» 11 be !»': t) Jill or.ler:" at eh3-i D'^iice •Vi-rli i->liv -rei in F i>* trev.lle, N ’ Aiir 3-1 D, ^ KIVE' I’, Ma-j.-hi--•'r. C'i:.li' :1a:; 1. N. .^uo“ V». I*- O' b ii it iai^ane A«yiiiin ^j'HE H -ard It.rectors of ttiii InxtiiHtim wiph to fill 1 ihe otii'''* of .Mi'rou, n w T.cial None olher than uueaoimbereJ f?'i>\l.^j aesd apply F«r inforruatioa, reHi>eclin(j the daties. io , of t le oflico. apoly to the UDi rr-ijMed El*. 0. FI^HKR, Pftytiician and Mup^rin'en l^i'’. Au?. 11. fi'i-bW IIORSK WTOI.t:.\. ^P\KES fronj ihe 'ble of tfp -ab»'riber, on TUES- I L'AYnij?uthe18.!'i .s:,, L\RGEBL\CK HORSli, ;l,e ff.'p.jr'y J’ 'nr' mot'-trr, Nlr^ M -Neill. The Lone hj- iirvrk^ of b->: • >-le I twijr-, 7ery recently. At the same t'.ae, a l»l»LE, UHID^F, and MARTINGALES. Tjo h.ira of 'i« .•'■*1.1 « ins broken—the iron spike re maining Ths.- liriil? has a double bead stall and ‘■..lit, r. .\ j’t-ible rew\rJ vri.i be g Ten for their recorery or an} .af'nmiuiui thin will ^nv>: mv lo rfjt tnem KiNvrrn murchison, Up;e L '.le U 7'r. Harne't Oi^unly. A 2u 5'» 2w JOHNSON, W ILiJ \ iS & CO.. «%t/r b'.ve Mrf.’ • ra'.i-Mvi.- i:i ■,>, ti '!•• niu-• ef*'. '• n P.*' iea wi->- njr -j i .• Lhemielvpc witn *an r>e furniHbe l by app'ivi.nj to A- John‘..n. Jr. A.'-nt at F.'iypipville, (o E Page, manager ai ih>- 's^a.y, wr t^ - • ■:7tf] w rfrTa \ » Aii. W: M . ai’^t re- POULS 'X’he l'*'«lar bia j art VUi;..!..'', njw pr* ail k' , SlUi i‘ ; "-d to Faye'. e'»ille, Not. 20, 1862. J. M WILLUMS, Genera! Suppriulendpn' 81tf .^OTIIK. As I expect to be abaent I'rotu Lome a few OiOnthsj in the Wortt, Archibald .McLoan my uuthiriied A^nt to transact my busiiiCbb until 1 return. Dec’r 2b. 1"' N 0. J0NEJ> T .y^ A , , • i .ai . j'C.iH K P M . r-4y •' Tra^r, MoSD.VY, WE;'NESL>A\ a.tid F'i;U.\V. v*r ler ut : Se President. JNO. M RO.'^E, Treaa’r and Act’g Tran'. Ap’t. j Jfu. 22. l‘'C;. ! F.tjeltevllie Arsenal and .Vriuory, \ i i AVKtricviLi.ii, N. C . June 2V*. IS-.3 ) I v.- i autD'.v i'v f. OTI the .'^''Or.-ta’-v of t^i' t:ie iiffU’th tho p;'-»;ut (’orpg iLe J'. l-f ;n*-d will euiHi one hun- : ii'. p ir!i."^e Tno;;; .lub- Bo >> r' - 'h. ai :•' !•■ HMIS-J. for Woolen anii \-T-r. HA' I) \ of N .rfh N Matw H AVIXJ r War to : at this Arne lied 1001 ri N UA\tEl>. rA/k BUSHELS WHEAT, ZjOUU Persent- havin;; the above artiolca to ?v-ll will receive the h.^nt-ji Ca'^h pr. -e by cailin;? on Mr, \l Tnoinason. at the Merchant Mills. F;*yeitBViIle, or ou tne subscri ber at his oi l I .iU M'lrket .‘'nu -rc ALEX. JOHNSON, Ir. Nov. o, 1862. ARTIV HARA>>?^. I AM prepared to manufacture ali kinds of Wajfon HarneHii for Army uhc. I tan my leather and can give good b'irgains. Agents will do w.?ll to send their orders tj luc i' they \ball have prompt attention, and tccl off in quick dispatch. JOIi.S t.AKTER. Goldhton P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., ) June 13, 18i2 ) 200 Ihs. €)iiiiu Arabic lor sale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 15. P. TAI LOR O FFERS FOR SAL E CIOFFEE, Suftar, Flour, Rice, Tobaceo and Soap, Po»- ) der, Cooli.!ie S >da, w*iite ’ini c"l’d Spool Tiarcad, Comba.'Pins -vnd Needles, Hats and .'jtiops. One box of sundry Goods ju-t received from Charl-’s ton. 2 fine cloth Cloaks for Lidie.«; Gentlenien’s fine Gaiters: Green and Blao^ Tea. P. TAYLOR. June 1,1863. 33-3m3ti yci la ': 'H fiK t rul 'lypitj TrKU -!eri and px^li 'n-rp-^ of ni n now in nervice c'in- not be :. ;JIOO O'l? ittin irn I duli vr? b'-unty. .MATTHEW r. TAYHJR, :apt. C. B. A. June 8. , OFFKliOFTHK U T*H VSS'T VliTEKH ISTKU, ) rayolU'vilU* Arsoiiiil and Armory, ^ FvYKrTr.Vlt.LB, N l' . I'TIv li. I'SOd. J \vo(» a» AT i: II. wiHKLE!* Pi; >P'*.'^\LS w;l’ • r.^ceirel ror the d.-liv- O ery of f.uir hua Ire 1 cord- -if jjo^d sound bl.ick jack wood,’(40-M -41 I hi' r'-.te . f >:sty (-iO cord i’he W 'od to be i -iiver -1 i,- t i.- Iv e-)- i:d. li .111~' c TKnTA^IK'iiTS A.AO U¥.flA«. / KtSFK. ! K\Tr' -4im H b|j .-J,K>;o!y TeitamoJts. I, ,.l . n f '•'Abb., h ?1 Hvmns - ,r iale bv K J U ALK A SOS’.- ^ UTl# ) ^^^mmrmyurn ■ %: « Mm iL LIFE I^SUilAME (>W in the teutk ye»vr of »aooe.-»sful operatiyu, with ^'rowing capital *n i firtucr hold upon pa’oliij oon- ’ J"Dce, continue* to iuui3 the lives cf all healthy per- - MIX from 11 i» 00 year- of asce, for one year, for seven y ears, an 1 fer lifs- all:; e members sharing in the profltu. .\11 «ldTes fro.u lu to dO years of a^e are insured for one year or for five y»-ai'i f >r two thirds their valu#. .Ail loHses ara punotually paid within W days &f>or ^ati'^faet >ry pro if is jire'^.^n'od. V. J w ,/vi For further iiU'oruiation the publ>- i* referred lo irgaiti ■ the ■'i)'h of Agent* of tho Company in all pari^ c ihe State, a«i to Kdvertise uent of the iiOth of R H, BATTLE, Secretary, Raloigh. E. J. H.ALE, -Agent at FayettevUla, N. C. >A^’K. NOTES of N rfh C-i-./r.n*. ^>utn Caroh'it rifinii aii i Georgi-i. ■, > .’^'.11 l’»rolin-\ iix jxsr cent. Fnn lible Sat?-*. Also' N rr. Carolina six j er cent U -nd-. new inaue W H Rli'H\Kr>.-^ON * ('O , B^oker^^, Raleigh, N. v»if X «:o. 41 if I N PL 1 her- 25 «Ai/ri SACKS for Bale by JSAI/r !I ROBERT MITCHELL. 8B-tf TOK/lt'CMI. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO vari .us graded, for '•al“ on consiju'ii^’jt, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMJ5 & CO. 31tf 190 May 23. Wole Leather %»aiiled. lbs. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.ATHER, /dUUU !^uitable for Belting. Apply Fayett.evdlfl. ' ppr month. Ar->-n\,l. wherrt it will , pro^e.-iy e'")-'! :a. i: it; i~' uouforro i'rif'i/y tj the standa'-d ui-jar»*dr*-tL»e*i* t »r c:j-'d w-rj 1. viz: x 4 x 1 - Proposals to be m ira i ••Prop'-''Al? !or wood for -Act’g j .Asb’i Q larter-oiisi M- ” „ ‘ M\TT!IE>V P. tA\LOR, i C 4t iin t'ii p-^ Art’y, P -A C. .S. 17.tf a . l .Act’e iarterma^r*r. RKt'Ei%'lt:R’**i AOTICi:. I PUR'LL'.\.S E au order of the Ui-tnct Couii, 1 by notifv a 1 person-*, residiup in the oountie.'^ of ■ I New Hauover, B.-u-i.^*icK. B .den, Oolu tiV>u^, Robps.'.n j I 'iiiil Riehmjnl. wiu.m Decrees of S.-.f lesirati jii | j have beet; eutere'l tor thu .siveral :*’ii.)Unit of their io- j debtedue-8 !0 Mien Eucm>^. thi' I will be present a> j taa limes a'‘d p' ic’s rn-n^ime i for the purposR of re- ' eeiviaj^ 1 ^e interest ' ^at may be due upon 1 he sai l debts, j 'ihos.i who l^re^.iri this n ticc, and w.io fail to set- ! tie preri.,us to the 1st of Scp'erjber, will ^e in default, ! and an Lx“cution will issue immediately, for the inter- I esi aioresi! i. and si' ihe c^.^t of the Defend int. It is resommen le.i lo tho^-e who -are so disposed, that the preBcut in ilie b*’i*t opp^riutiny !) P'*y the princi pal al«r>, of ^a d iud iS’o iri :-,d. At Wii-.uiogi’.u. -.I.im 12ih t, \f A .'VI . to tf P Nl. At VVhileville, Tiiurhdiy -O'h August. .At Eliza’''etntown. S i'lf i ly 221 V'lg'i-tt.. At Lumbenon, Moa l;ky 21 b Aut'U-t'. At RookmzhHin, Wp.in‘-.'iav 2'>;h .Auzust. DuliRUTZ CUl'LVR, Receiver, .%,e. July:;:;. To Cotlosi Planter**. HAVE b'!en appointed by tiie Sporetary of the Trea- 4'ottoii Varii lor %Vool. JuTlCE i? ;.-rel.y given that af:er ttiis dita (excejt iu ci-i.i where we h \v iu^ to the 1*1 uH of 0 May, which terms ar^ now revoke J,; we will j{.ve 1 bun dle of Colon Yarn for 4 lbs ot VSool unwajthed, or 3 lbs. w.ished and plckpl. I'his ch iai'e is made at the instance of the ijiirtcnntster at Rnri,{‘i, ui orie. to mike '.he termn of exjhiiit* u'...form throu>fuout ihe g.ijte. geo. W. WILL1A.M3 Fayetteville, June 20. 18o3. I'oal .nine. •^IMiE undersigned were, at the November leriu of the I Conf'der.kte Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed M majjcrs of ii:e KiJip: Coal .Nline proper-./.^ and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selliag Co il. and solicit ofders for the same ia any de^.i'cd .lU.antity. 0,-.ieis for any amount can be supplied on H.'iort ui icp. The C-oal irom th; pro perty in uuijubtediy the best in the Confederate States. I Applications may be tii i ie to Cfias B .d?llett, Fajette- I vilie, N. C., >-T Ja'ueo Browne, CharU’Hi..u, .S C. ; ’ CHVRLES B. MALLETT. JAMES UltuWNE. Fayetteville, Jau’y 20, 18'.:’.. ^*’>tf I .*sroAS::.s Fost halk. ’liE in lersipnt d have taic.n the \.i -ney for the wc of Mpssd W B l':irrar Co V Grind .-itoiic-. i-xi book. Price 75 ct» HISTORICAL SCrtlPTDRS QUESTIONS, .“uited to Sabbath Schools and to soL'fiers in camp. The best bo'-V of t!i" kind jet pub'dshtd PilfHs 60 eu. Miscellaneous Books ou hand for sale. Cl VTECHISM for SABBATH SCHOOLS. Price per / do* , f2 60 THL sundae SCHOOL BELL A collec-ion cf Hymns for Sabbath School?—has been lorj *’«vor- ably known Price per doi . $3 fiO GRE\T EXPECTATIONS. Price 00 THE STEP SISTER. Price $1 60. DARRELL MARKHAM. Price $2 00. TANNHAUSER, or THE BATTLE OF THE BARD3, a bnl.ndid poem. Price $2 .50. RVIDS AND ROMANCE OF MORGAN AND HIjj MEN. Truf* ani exciting Price $3 60. HARDEE’S TACTICS WHEELERS CAVALRY TACTICS, Periodicals, Papers, aad theMjd#ra Lil^.a- ruro of the South geneially Also School Books of the old and new public.ilions, here and elsewhere kept for s.ile T le usual deductions made to th^ tiade. Send in y.'ur orders aud you uhall have attention BRANSON, FARK^R ir CO., No l‘i. Fayetteville St., Rale’^h. M, 0. Aug. 18 57»tf Our Cauw aud our ("oiirr^e! TO THE ?EUPLE OF XOKTH CAi’.OLIXA OKfiCE Chisf Ccmmis8a>«t, C, s. t j Greenubaro’. Ju'- , iS6'i. / j C/» nftiT t.ibly to the Circular of the l/ou.a5is-iary Ge x of Subfistence, proved by ihe Bcortftsry >•'. the Comjiigsariat Uepftrtmini la. tb> fo*- the purchase xnd pnp^r di^'ribnaou uf ruosis: ' ‘t' res is low in ojeratiea. .Mij 'V. W. Morrison, »o!Jpbor..’, has be^n appoiui- csd Caief purcSagine 'oami^?iry lor fhc first Distric% *0 c insist of all liie counti.'e of Warn'n, Frenklir, Johi.:t'>n. Samps a. Dip!;n ■'.nd Onslow, isaljsiv?. Cap; W. D. H?»to l.j, Rii.dgh. w.ll tae charge of tt4« b-MJj id District coLapo»ed ?f the c-’unti?* of Ur.io- ville. VVake,''‘ha:’. .UI, Orang.-, Perjoo, Cabweli, Ala j m tnc«, K iudoir Q, Gu Iford, Kockin^ham. tiiotes an-1 j Fjryth. | Ckpt E M Lowe, irlo'.ie. third Diiitriot, eomoos.d I Stan'y and Union, and ail coun'ies west tbe oouiitie^ o/ojmro Bladen, Ivobeio*-., Cutnl.t^ii-And, Ilame'*, ^ inond, An^onauJ .Moutgomery. Thus, ofiio ais of ability and exp?ripncp oeen app-jintcd Chief C'.'mmissaries of tiie spvc’..l Di’-'vic.-, with full autb-jrity 10 comi^jat;; sub agents lor e-ici: cuunty. when in iheir judgment tbe inters^: ol'tho ser vice will be benefiied. Tais nystem i* Je- m«d a.ie jaate meet such emergencies ai xav arise, asd 1 hereby Enormous YitUL—We did cuv best last Spring, says the Ooluiiibus (Ga.) Times, to induce planters to cultivate* lai-j^cly the I uineae sugar cane. Those who acted upon our advico will have no cause to regret it. A friend who planted ten acres of it informs u.s that it is turning out 150 gallons to the acre. Tni.s at only S8 per gallon (about one half the present price of syrup) would 21V0 the ea jriuouB return of 8150 for an acre. Better than cotton at 551 per pound, and incon* cf'ivablj more useful to the country, in the present crisis. A I'uu on Gen. Lee.—A wag in Armistead's brigade is responsiblo f>r tho following, which suddenly occurred lo hiiu uf* > reading the queries and the wonderings ol a X^oi unrn sheet in regard to General Lee’s success ia tvricc coming out of Maryland, ‘ carryiug evciylhing with him/’ alter being “routed,’’ Quc8. Why bhould Lee’s success in retrograde movements not be wondered at? Ans l^ecttuse if yi>u '?r« him he becomes an eel—-(eeL.) •ad of n . ' - to earnestly appervl to the people of ir.i.-: “^iMe 10 bring for ward to these purchasing agenvs vf ;be Government all Jan’y 18o(*. FA YKTTEVILLE SiniAL IXSCHAXCE COMPANf. C:xpit;il in Premium Notet* amounts to C ish on hand and other assets. $267,688 2b 6,077 36 Total. $272 766 61 Th* C>mpany have pai l all lo'^ses promptly, ana hjkvc nev jr made an asscBsmenl on their premium notes. Tefal lossef paid, $2^),bb2 69 Officers: OEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. U.\Y, Vice President. C. .A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dirkctors: T and have now on hand sii'-s runniag fr.ai lbX2| luclie' lu G feet by 11 inches; and can h'lVe .'ut at sii•in notice any sizes vrinted. Persons in w»nu of Grind Stones w4l plia.ss C')!resp3!id wita th? uadersifc-ned. wa.) will fill ciders promptly a-i i ^^ .iranteu the q.iihty of the grii as represanted. , , ^ . GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, l^tid 82-tf WT. N. Tillinghast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaiirin, T. S. L’atterloh, \. W. Steel, J. G. C»ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, U. F. Brown, \ A. E. Hall. hu flollins and 0. C. McCrummen. Traveling Agents I^^The tJompany invite applications. >i..7 2S. 18‘l 21- Viesry Lilly, II. L. MyroTer, g, 1. Hawley, Naiban .A. St»^ I’-uan, C. B. MallvM!, J .me- riylfc, A. -A. Mdvethan. J, D. tVilHamc, S W filliufr-i'ist. artioles of subsistence of every kind which they can pos sibly spare This is a piirioiic duty which every good ciiix-'B owes his eouritry, and it is hoped itat there wjll be no necesjity for iraprc.ang such articles as the .Army will be «b iged to have far its support. The orders in force indicate but one method by which CommissarieB frcm oth-:r Stciet', whether at depot* or with armies in tho field, can obtain supplies trom tni« State, and a strict adherence to them is imlispnnaable fD devtdop the ro sources of the States alike All D.atrict Commissaries i; this State aud their eub-commissaries and agents are there'ore. here^'y directed to prohibit interference with in their appropriate limits, »nd if shipments of pur o’ua^es so made be atieuii.ied. they will take steps to nrevent them. und. if necessary, impress the stores. ‘ Resident Quarter .Masters are repeotiuUy reqaeatea oref’i-*e transportation to such shipments, aadtj ra port the cases to the commissary in whose District the ,r»n,.c.lo«s«cur. jamES 8L0AH. Maj and Chief Commissary, for ttie Sta'c «f North t"'ir >lina. . B M *4w Aug 8. A iyulj.titiife Rf^/nsnl.—The hartford (Conn.) Times tci!i the follo'wing ajjus.i'ig incident; The draft givea rise t-j ri:in? novel iticidents, ot whish we give an ftxaiaple: A Taan, who shall be nameless, was drafted. Ilis wife was serely distre.s8ed at the bare idea of parting, and w&s vainly endeavo.'ing to invont some excuse for getting him exempted, when b knock was heard at her door. On opening tho donr, sha found a rather rough-looking chap, w;io accosted hor thus: “.Madam, 1 hear your hu'^band h isbeen drafted.*' Yfc'i. sir, ” she replied, “ho h&j; but goodusss knows how 1 a:a to him ” “Well ma’am, I’ve oomu to ofier my sorvioes as a substitute for iiim ” •*1 wish to take his place,'’ answered the m.*n. voii.ukulije^Dlae'i ot vjy hu-baud, you woiuuu in Ji-ti V'.iii mean, dirty wretch, cried the prospective wi.^oTv, a'tej’upanyiiig her remark with a di.scharge of dirty water at the head of the astonished substitute, who fled hastily down the stairs just in time to escape the pail, which followed the water. The last heard of him he was flying into a recruiting office on Asylum street, where he thought ®f enlisting as a privata rather than venture again to offor hi^ services as a “substitute,” which he now believes to be a more trying and delicate relation than that of Artemus W ard’s “episodes AS Voiiai;;^ FEW ON HAND ;(j; • ad bvbt ordc AaJress, {^iiiiit iTIacliiiie, AND FOR SALE Those need- 1- a; lua'eiial f.»r .naking \t lor** to t*** ' ALEX Or lalv 20 DP'KSON, nj(a ootint/. N. 47 -16: p i i\'0'rS€K. I rpHE UNDER.-'IG.NEI), both hiving entered the nilli- I A ' se.rviop of the Confad-jrat^ St at r a of Amenoii, hereby give notice lo their old cuf-touicrs and friendg, j that they have appointed John D. Starr and John I). • Williamb, of t’nis placo, their attorneys to co'lect cither '>u‘.>ys due them either by A «Ktl! The Sew Style, Small, •COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT VCtSiBlcry. ART. Woolwar«l’« ^^oJar Camer.-x. V:.r I 1 A*liiiiBil«trator’« A'otiee. 'TIHE 8ub-*criber having at December Term, 18bZ, or A the Coanty Court of Cumberland, quali&ed as Aiy Confeder— „ » lina. and will p 7 tier cent. Bonds i-r Sub AtentB viniling t!.^ diilerent parts of the State, V- . buyin? i^i my name, will navu written certiflcitas ot minislrator upon the Emate of NpHi McNeill, deo d, | ^ppoiiiimeut. . -n oii notifies all perBons Laving claims against the Estate to | of the Seoreuvry of the Treasury, all Coi ou DTesent them within lh« time limited by law, otherwise j j,i,rei,a83d by oiyseif or my agents, on and atier me ‘ =- •--- — Debtors ; of March lSt)3, will be paid lor in • per cout. ur Cash, aud noi 8 per cout. Bonds as stated tn Up to tkiat time, however, the tatttd. I Bury Chief .Agent f ir the puroh i;:? of Cotton for the : separately or oonjointly all m.>u‘.> □ federate 0ov'.rnmeat withi-i the State fif North Caro- I or note, and othorwiso to attend to their bu- . sinesa generally during their ab;ionce. They respect- i fully ask all persons indebted to ihem 10 call .as prompt- i Iv as t^'caibie on their agents atid make payment. ^ williams. this notice will Tie ]ileaded in bar of recovery, are reojested to make prompt payment. HECTOR Me.NKlLL, Admr D««. 10. 1SH2 idA- t i Bonds »r Cash, ' a foroi^r advertlBemeui COW LOHT. My cow is on E'lflt side of Cape Fear, somewhere op- posits to '’ampbelltoa, being driven into the river by boys and can I find her way back She is marked with crop in eaoh ear, has a bell en, while in her faoe, white on back and belly, red en aeok an-l sideg. Who* •v*r will fake her up and l«i me know It, or bring her ap to me ’.n Campbellton. will be liberally tewaideJ. The said ccw was bought the upj>er pait of lii»,den oenntT a'ld may prob'ibiy fend her,way b\ck to liiat oountV. A. WATSON. Jn«« ■>«. OIL AND L.\«P BLACKT ;a TAN.-.'I uc ai.l LUBIIICATING OIL. L.AMl' BL.A:K hi barrels. For sa'e by 8 per oonL bonds will be furnished as s Patriotic oi aid the Go von than to private capitalists STAaR it Bept 19. l«fll 5R-tf Patriotic oitiiens are now olferei au opportunity to aid the Government by selhug to it their Colton ra'..'ier Charlotte, LEWIS 8. WILLIAMS, ivlarci* 21, 1863. [_o. n.] — will BLO.^rtO-M a CO., WiiiaiiutiOBf N. 0. Alter this date 1 pay 10 Cents pur pound for rags, or __ thj high.-si market price, delivered in Favf ttoYille, or at my mills on Rockfish. ^ I). MURPHY. July 28. 1868. FOR .SALE. HOUSE aid LOT at K.:oxville, six miles above E'i7.ab>jthtowa, Biaden ojuuty, in .a healthy loca tion and Kiod neighborhojl. There aro five rooms in j the d'^ eiling, necessary outhouses, &c., all tolerably i new, .i'ld five acrea «f laud. QUO Oi|0Ci4&TUS- «AI/r-^ALT. wishing til pun!tia-*e a g.»od a*‘i.ic“le, will find it lo their aJviivtage to c^ii al tie firm cf EASTURS & CO , at Li'tle River, S C., where they keep on hand a large supply wnioh they will sell al low figure-. f Qort.' is also fins facilities for cctitng the SaU up to the Railroal by flati. EASTRRS t '0 . {)HOTOGRAPHS can be had at VanorsdelPs Skyhght Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay- ettevilla, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life sixe. Ambro- types, .Melaneotyves, and all other styles of Pictures pcrtftiu' ig ?o lh(j .Art. Alro, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, O' ^ s tor very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Jord aud Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and CuemicaLs for bale low for oask. Life site colorod Photographs made from small pictur#s. j Having peruianerilly located here I hope to merit ycur j atroaage. I would aiso returu my sincere thanks for the liberal pairouago btflowed on u.3 heretofore by the auod people of Fayetteville >ind v’.o’nity. C. M. V.ANOHSDELL, I rii,itr.jriiphi.»i and Proptiolor i *.>l "* 800 ACKK!S OF bAi>[l> FOR SALK PUR'iU.ANT ti aa o.'dor .)f Court, main-g tho Re»l Estate of my intpstat-. Neill G MaNeill, a«sp- tor the pa>raent o? d^bts. I *U1 expose to Piibl’O sale the M'^rket House in Fayettev.ll next September C .un'y Ccu t of Cunibprlaad. at 1. o’clock, M , the inurest of my said intestati (being one half of the whole) in a certain Traci of LAND contain ing f»OG acres, sitnaled in Cumberlind county, ori As^ hoy’s Creek, uear the Wilmington Roa;, j iinmg David Murphy and others, about 11 miles from Faye.tevu^e. The other half interest in said tract of laud is owutd by John McD 'nald, who has coisenfrd to a sale of his in terest at the same time, sn th".t mK:l, la Kood conditien, and with a good run of custom Oa* third of the trivci conslaU ol rouud umber—the der has been boxed and worKcd for two or three se-ra. Tfrm»:—^S month- cred'.l wii*! : pi'roved security, ih« title tJ be rct-Mued uotil paym-.-ct. if preferroa, oa.sa recoira.l, ku ! discount allowed At tho same time and place, I wiil offer for sh1« a likely NEGRO BOY, agod about 14 years—on the same terms. , ... ,, Persons desirous of viewing the la id will call or t: e undersigned, or up>n Mr John McDonald wh- liv-a i.i the immpdi.ate neigi.borh-ood of the trad, either at whom wiil take pleasure in , HECTOR McNElLL, .Adm’r of Neill G MrNeill. July 21, ne^s. ~ Loht7 las. issued t>y W. G. j^A. F. Harring^ton, now in tlie Confederate Army, is hereby announced as a canJidat* for the Legislature fr.m Moore county. August 18. 66-lmpd ” lauriaburw €ias.sical aud Scientifie School. i'^HE ensuiug session of tais lasiituiion wiil comajenca on Wednesday, Sept. ». Taiiioa,payable strictly m advance, $12, $15 and $20 per session of twenty weeks. Board in the Principal’s tamily $24 per mouth, exclu sive of fuel Applications should be addressed to A. P. GAGE, Principal and Proprietor. Laurinburg. Aug. l9 57*2tp^ ^ Taken trom a deserter ihtti calls u.mstu HOitroN. two blind bnd.es. He states lUai he stole the nad tw-j horses m Robeson and brought them tie'fr Fa'Ctievine and iiraed them loose. Tue bridles can De ual by cUhag al .Messrs Hale’s Bookstore and for aaveiu-.ement 1 also look Irom him two nSrstan d'rV/ses ihai bslonged to some woman, one .hiri ana two pan p*ataloon8, which ean be bad by ap- i^nirt anv. Allying to Aug. 21. CHA8. D. NIXON. 67 R O' I.«ook out lor tlie Ropuen. last SUurd^y liight my Smoke House, sir. miles from town was brokea open and B'.eou aud a stand ot L.rd aboui forty pounds ^ken. of Aug. 17. 66 4tpd nEBTlFlCATli No- . C. S Dc-pj«ilar>, .April 18,18‘>:'', for$Vtt. Aug. 6 Littlo llivi*r. S. C. 6H iWtpd !^l§irtple Fa^rtory, LAW AJiD COLLECTION OFFICE. Iff, T. ! ,/ttTornetf ttl -* titv tctd -Votar^y ; RICH MOND, V A. , f).ARTlCDLAR aHenti-n (tiven to the srfileiupnt of] fl'aims against the Conf»-Jer»t« States. Leg^»l busi- i ness will receive prompt aitEuiit'a. Aug 4. 62-ly _ I'alma Dliristi Mlean«. The suo- ^nnor will pay the higbeat cash prions for Any quantity of Palma CixrlsU Beaus. Uroadfoot, to be re- ];e:ued~in’two 8 per cent Bonds of ^ UK., each Penona i are cr.utioned against trading for it, i been .topped, ' 55-Mtpd Avor/isboro , .\uff ^ ' Ktate ol Aorth I'aroiina, RICHMOND CoU-VrV r.'iurt o' Pleas and Q mrfer 8.a.«'ons, Jnly Term. 186^. Sarah Gibson vs. Hiram Gih«n ^nd ether... PeiitioB for Dower. T appearing t. the sr.t^caotion of the Conn that Nel Gib=.vn, Hin. Gibbon .and Plensas. niVsim,- L.- E. GLOVKK. 66-8t 1 son inv)3»n, ii.n. - fVnda-i.s in this cas’. resido beyond the State; Ordc-red that pu^^’i.^unon be mv’o f«i siy w ek. 8itr,.cv^if cly in the FayetieviI.e Observer, Defeniants of tha 'lUnf? of Hi Is ther appear at the nex- Term r' »bis Court to be^he-. liv fiFAX LAUOKH. , TWO 5C»RS ABOVE C- T. S'lIGII & I IWNikWkii A. ff4T ftir ♦/ Vn’tily Richmond, at ibe rt Houso'n i»ocx- j inghan o-- the 81 Mocdic" of Ootobe. ...it, sua answer 1 p-,titi h*! sans will oe laaea tro oonfssso a— I Kpar'i fP»rt.'» as to th«m. I VTii *esi, Leaks of said Coart, at tte « Me*yV^ The Jiilar Foundry Is aga.ii la full operation. Having in my employment coaipeient workmen, I am prepared to execute work at the bhorteoi nuiice aad tor a reasonable oaarge. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, .Ang. 18, 1863. 6Ptf Wanted to Dire, M>)R the remainder of tiie year, a WO.M.AN ae nurse 1; auJ iious" strvaui. Aug. '^3. lfc\v'. 1 Understand ihai there i» a report In oert»in ConntiM of tho 7i.h Congressional Ihatriot that 1 am for » rs- oi'uavruoiion of the old Unio^ 1 pronounce the report false I exi>e«i to violt tho ^.ilfereat oonnties ef the Distiiei at the Suj erior Cuuris and explain my views in full. I aai for pea3e if it can b* owt^inod oubonorabls lertus. 1 ’wiU atidrcss tbs people of iloorc, Montgomerj, Stanly, .Anson, iJhatbain, R»adolpti and DavidBon on TUE.'-'D^Y of eai-h Superior Court. ^ 8. H. CHRISTIAN Aug 1. Ab.nrAl»«'«A.T01I^S .NOTICE. IniE UaJersigned having qualified as Ada- . ibirator -vith the will annexed, (i^t^tru, upon t«e -siatt cf ibe Uta .Mr..,. C..ra!ino .Vi. Wnslow, at J.me i'erm K‘^3 cf Cumberlacd Ccnu.y Csurt, heieby rotice t-’ ^’1 oeraoui lu-iebfed 1 ward ajd B^^ko pajSBa*»t. aud f- all ® claims a^uinst said estate to preseut them du y ^ ' I iSa- * tuL: "Otiee ^ ^ r.^overy. 1 FUIlTHliR NOTI 1 Undersigii-^i baa a negi-' - ” ^ 1 children to out ^or th#' ’ " ' U an or^=ii«-fc .h lar; shv .. c tea. I