mm 9 P!^SSi m tor I* If. ♦•tip ►»iU .i; t t. t o !i 1 ^. 1 . i ‘l.i sl; . ■ ii. >1.' i.u,, •'* ul H ;o- »iii it. 1 . i ii Ot U. b, i 1-4X- .1 Lu;it« oi > -I.U JJl -:j r. ■ 1 "Mui • ' I ail . 1. tUi-Ii. I lyi ■■■-ioh ■ "f'l tu- rtir icU’b : ,,u iv »i ih >. USAi. -- le Ir tlie aj.v aa- Iroa. 'I. „ Wo ii'.•. ^ ■aCttilU^ ht» . shu.i i»c lur- uuu;-..i cv;. nt Mb u. k-uarvrw lt.T : \»iviu^ . lUc ’UUU 'J 4^1 I tie (klcl - I,. Lic clta j, Jj tt.iiif j' tV ^ ^Ld . >4Utt- re«i U* ;,t, 4ib- lUe*' r ,v w-. ptb. kliij jlkte fh« iesi> ',- at Ul of La.. L-a 111 : la. > iV ui ,nc at »L)b-. lU.v J. J . KlI.- - ; 4 ,af* txiu« ■ *r« . -u- ■r* • jr. . -; jkc . t . Udi :.l .: ■pOt ti* i: «c - J' • th - ;• tilt kii-T . a-'-; > I.; . e» Hu J . r i'-L ia> ^ . .. at sMtc the la b... ..■ *'■■■ : )^L V»- »U c. PSf*-,, 1. Bnun^.r ui-i. 4' he I \ t ,.r Uifi' ‘V . -u.U n '. I ur Uj ^' V- ciV cd 1 lilt " I COii’ it ' -4 4 • i 1; I. i - [)i r- . UC':. i :• ytu. - .■: ■caii.- B U.11U ftd t .• -■ b{. tea a.j * li ’* 4 it:., tti', biXUi . i ,th liUh r-ju. kia*; 5Uii ur r. triu. ru. tcuu I tat ..:-l uG -kX -id ^ *'7 .iTcd hhi •. m ^'J LCj ■ (i'Jl. bu i ut Ua:. I'hor )v>uj Uxc or .» ' I' irol OBplU.', ;es uiu>i -■ »ur^ rii - »r ■- D jre«r« ‘ id tl olri at* IU‘i UJ. T1 £ - V ’if PAYKTTFVn LK, N. C., SEPTEMllER 3, 1863. [NO. 1260.] '■HiN I M :)N!' MDHiRO J l.i ' . >R;"> AND 1 TiUTH'^n vvs or-i 1% ii.LK n:ViAi.ii 8(;uool SCB ' i i>,3T!.: \Pi>,a. IV Or puirt ♦ O'! por .- nv.Tn, T-.'H'l Prir* f.>r t!'i- S. rt-- \Vo( t lvr-.,'f For t>ip f'mKKVR at'lvnnf’o \ nVFKTIjvl'.VRNT.'' insprio-^ for prr « -uiire of 1‘- linv> f'nr fhe t=- I. j.-,,) TiO • f>r ^no- -i“. 1 ’iiT »■ Mioit; ,ii \ Ivorti « ia('n ^ not ovt'O'l'r.g (i *'• ' 5:irp lines'i fr) ccnf for if’o fir-t im'1 ;?!• l oni.^ for ,. uci fc iinn I'uiil v^.'-.on. ^ IST'i'IM'- i 2J • w \p> I .11 ■ I 2lih i)('c’r. 31v M .rch Is* lils is'rs ;:rc r(* qui T.t (hey ' 1 to st;Ue '!•• TTnb-r 1 inn- il till '■I 1 ■>ns I c'l'ir: ,1.- i-c.l. or Mi'cord- AcH-er:' verii.senicnt-. conlinuv'ti I'l cl.'itjfv^J us- ntfw j.'l- Collfgi. f Di-purimenl, f.v. S.-ssion, ^ 1 ;J wt-i k.-*,) 1120 Act'lc.nic “ ‘ ;6 rrim,i!V 14 Mii(-ic (ill 1 Paiut- j: i :n II 25 l.kT'.U I. Hv* ini •I'X 10 Bon,r l, p, r S>-sii'fi. lliO lnin.*'»ai .! Kxp-iH ’-. 2 . i !i.' '.'n p V. 1 ' ii\ A.', i iipiis '- il fcr ,\i i!;e ar,; ,,f •> ■}'■lu'i i"ti V, I hr ;:1; . „ ,^d to ■ ’»re rhe oi'>s»* l' . • * PillSTr.J; PilESSES ISB FIXTiaES! yos?. S.5.5.K ■ viviu" 0 a 1tp-i Cl' Tr’iKi e5'ri!i >‘i io r,,^ >,y I'etcr | ) Sinnl i^-, Tfiv l hv ; U; y -*s iHrrc- 1 ■T a. n:i-.n. ;! 1 ' il'jr | - !h; -itii I-'IX-| TUUKFI b.-lr^n^^iag: •(. -•;spup«r fs'aril-:',..rnt. inl^'ej town •••' i rrn a? V»s ' ‘'■lori’i ’tro'ini ia ” ‘ U will Ho h *H pr^"atel> if n ' -ni R>j.;ownio- I riitiij ^ lerins If ne t s^lii it #ill l.> of^VvrJ -ii ubMr; ( Tuph.Iw, the 8t'» d.i3' c' Scr,:!*”’.'; • ..■*!, OKO r ■TM TrasU fl. * -■» tP ’ioso F-o- •riM be entero-i th'\n 1 tMieh of remuiat s^’K-.^Vv N!' ■r t hi'. '!«'0. 1-1 r.;> wiii'--ii« pn'*’'irr by i ii* fr.i.' iin'.« -ki d ('hiirjrfcl tromi of *hc Srs/iifiri. but t*) wii h'lvAw ■•; of oijpii ir Sfssi(ii. Kev, \VM T 0 HuOTMITk -14 Om li»w ^4il»!'*ary y • M 'V‘■ f i-:u Vt'irHiDT, fr li i o'" b '• ^ (''.IT' «'V. errili Tn in«8. ' *■ l»te 4 ■ '.'■ iioa oa TUKSUAV 1 cl• p'.i'Krinp tie rlH ;>:• cn six inoni.hs’ Li'rarv :■ Apj-iy to .•f of ^ n(*w KiO'Corihpr 1 ;l Iv: QOI‘ will T •« f.T i '!or.c..^'- '■ j hill'. ■Vi d'lr, -■nh-icribt>rs ile^ire to t'lke the pn- j In ’ption with -t -will p’UMsn n:i' ify us -rt-hpu ir. iklug i H • ''’i'f Jmfy I. the rc irni 1 hope ovtMtty-fivp to a CIU CPt At\;orney at Iiaw, Faykttevii.i.k, N C. 11"^ILL iiti-ni the f’ot'.nty nnd Mipcrior Toiiris of \\ Cum'^orl-.'Ki, Harat'tf. u.l Kohoson t'oim- ties Pr :;'pt atU'Uti.'n giv«>n lo ;he c • It^'V ol nil cir^ir*' Cc .1, ^''1I.L 0';u-ii ilie IIiV’i'KTj cept' -V I'i 'III; t« r:i-» tir.-i ■ f l>» •(ii'ip !■. ..|i! rt'ii” ‘'roi.n •r' iii> d'lr.ii.T In** Suin.ner. 11'.' ; irgo Hotel. 1 ha\^e a uumV>er 1*1; 1 S:idi'.e Horsi's thht !» rniiiiiie'a notice. J. M. liLAUl, tor Kiglt* Hotel. AsheTille, N. C. 31-ypd ■ >10 i a; the stor» W. TTiiilti’‘?n or to ^ 0. SUF.rHI'RH', A'loiar^ for th,-» /i lm’x A4 tepj ''PHK r. K -,i I tbr un*'rir'nrir-.:--f resp^'’'r)'t !■ msd-rsig.ieii. V ii i os* i! Ill i',|i vrin'i fill \T V . «T.n' Non'* 'her iban j ■’ ■-■I I'ly I';r ’nr'rmition, | ppiy to t)ic r ISti I'l'pr. :'n'rU'-: -l • ' hi;^ ‘land'- 17, l^' v*. •>'-tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS t CO., %l'holt*^alc in 4iJrocTi*if AS\- IMrnr.TEUS AS D DR.VI.KR> 1 .V Hardware and ( ntkrv, Swed#‘' Iron, &c.. LIST OF HAfU;i:S FOR PASSB\«EIIS. !>OW^. Kf '^m K.iyetievill# to Wilmington, $10 00 “ •* •• Klizabeih, 6 00 “ •• White H:il1, 6 hO “ •• “ K>>l’y’8 t’ove, 7 Oit “ “ “ .All points below, 10 (»0 .s>;i'‘()Ni) ci..\ss, oa tkck. from Kaycttoville to Wiltniu^;on, ■■ Kli7Ah‘ih, Aug 14. 'iH.’e. CD. V Kiiiiari. Physi>.>m ic.l Superintendent. [>'•> t;w Jul\ lUV SlliKKf, FVYKTTHVll.LK, >. t. i 1 . o' !' f jo.%. tra.Ki, fiit’ocet' and Comtni*t'*ion .^rrrhant, FAYKTTKVILLR. .V Jan'y 10, ’ 0" rf T. . Jk B. ii. WORTH, fommisslou and Forwardip? Merrhanfs, WIL>! NiiTfiy, %, c. J.'in'v i -''1 .''J!:' 10 tio 4 BO 6 60 6 50 8 00 10 00 $5 00 5 00 4 00 6 00 A FL‘V L.Ai'lLo the > lu ti ! . i\\ II»: , iia b> iiccomuio'iaied with bo:ird i*t T. I'. H. • PER, O'i- JOfiNSO.N. WILLIAMS k (0.. %\i/v 'ii aki:k'!». \ 1K hftv;- ;',lriy • ’ pan-; now in 0} ev.*n'.n tiin.e iniU ^ IT e'V't of 'Vilruing: jO rsiriif« wi»h!iin :o «iipp y Lht’m«(‘ives Wiii •4.1:1. bt- ;■;llnl^'le.l l>y apply iuR ! J^'hn> 11, .! r , .Asrent .-’.t Fayeitevi ik', to P::?:’''. Tnanag-'-r vt li''- "r .1. M >ru,M\MR. “ Whiiehall, 3 “ Kally'rt t’oTfl, 1 ‘ *• *• .All points below. 5 IP. Frr rii \V ■'ininsr'on 10 Favc: tevilie. j-1 0 •' Rei!v’“ Cove, 4 “ While H .ll, 6 “ Kliznbeth, ‘‘ *• “ Prospect Ilall, ‘‘ “ “ All point? aboTf, SECOND CLASS, OR DECK. From Wilmington to F;*ye(teville. “ - •• Keiiv's (’ov». \Vhii« Hall. “• •' .\'il poiui.® ,'iboTe, • roi’.'i 'T De-.’k Pa«'>cn^ers must stay oa lower or t -.j fuli pr.ce, or s*tte a«i Kir^t (,’Ia38. \n exTa char;:.' wi'' he rn =dp for W;iV ra«sen- eer« cetiinjr into Berths dnrinz diy time, and for eocu- pying Berth with tlieir bo'^ts rr nboes on, at the discreii.n of '.he C-ip*ain J. A Wi'HTH. f,.r V F St'mR’tCo. (iRHK'iL. for S:'r^ Ki'e and Sun. LUrTK.-il OM. 2tj-tf l'\‘cni aiifi attpr llii«« date r e f.'f iin^r P HURT will '.. 'IV - • . k. ,\. M . on Monday .'OS \ WOKTH, »n J T IT.f ] Ajz' k 1 ' MH t', Tr'xii ' [ . IVKS tbi= P' y. Siea.a Boat O'l. KO Vl». FayeitetiUe, Sov. 20, l-'fi2. f'lTf AOTIC'E. AP 1 expei: *., Vie hb«Mnt fp'iir h''ir!P * few months in th • VSest, ArchiV':iid M.. rr-in is my a.utheri7eu Agent to tran“aci my busiaes't uuf-l 1 return •NCH Dec’r 2^ ’ \V A \TEI>. 2,500 Pertinu-i .vi 'c tbf ai' iv.* 'O;' wi!' r''C‘*ivt the highest « H-h price : y ciii'.iDz on Mr. '{ Thoinason. ftt the MerohJini r-.yctieviue. or on the subbori- b«r ai Lis old siitiJ oa .Siuriiei tsqunre ALKX. JoHNiON, Jr. Not. 5. 1 ‘^''>2. * 75'f Kill. ;\.i d'xilr. 1 I- ■ ' 3 .V ''1., t'li 1. turninjr leaT® Mclvcr'-i at 1 o'cloc.v. P. 'd. /■">/. Trui’i MONDAY. WKDNKSDAVand FRiDAY. iJ'- o:-l-'r of ill a PrvMdeoi. JNC M ROSK. Trea^ r and AnV Tran-'. Ae't. Jan. *J2, I'*.:?. &7tf FatPtttMlPe Arsenal Hni Armorj, 1 F\Y -.Tl -.VJLLK, N. C . .Ivl.T' -ii. l^o;i (’ w %\Ti:o. (»NK nrsKKF.n i>- llars -I'.'i p.iu srv U.W'lN'ti re- fiY ■ i .utiioriiy fro.u the Secret»rj- of •>a" to int’riM^c lae strength o.' ihc preient (.’orp*! H.I this A.rijeu.l, the audor'>i;;nefI wiil enli«t one hun dred \100) n)n rofijcript.^ f jr th^l piirposs Th'jse sub- j '-ct to O'lii.ii-rijitio'i ne^d n ( J-pply Tranyfer® aui ixcainees of men uow iu service can not be ui ide. vlATTilLW I'. TAY'LOR, ^apt. C. S. A. ,l’'ae H. 3otf 0.\NK NOTE.^^of North t’aroiina, .‘^outh Ciroiiniv, O Vir«;ini/i and Georgia. Al=o, \''rrh i'lroliri.i six per Fnndabl'- Notcp. .Vl^o. North (’-ir .lina oii per cent Bond^. uew iisue W. R. RICHAKDSON « CO.. Rrcberp. Kr^leigh. N. C. March ?> 9tf C'otloai Y.'irii tor Wool. hereby pivea that after *.his d-iie (exccpt in c^seii where we h*vo b trg:ii'i'd f- . W..'ol ac.eord in? to Iho terms of O'tr ’.dvorti-i^ruent o' ^(':h of M?iy, wiiiuh .ei us -ire »iow revoiitd,) wo wlll^ivtil buu- d’e of Cott'>n Varu ;'or 4 lb! .if Wool unwashed, or ii II13. Wit- -iad ■iick''i. This ch .n^rn i“ m'^de at tii® infitAnce of tin- vju tri s.-in 4 i. ur ai ii.l.i,::!. ui order to make the terp' ;x_hAn’.j ua.fora throaj;hout the St.i;o. tJCo w iVILLLVMS Sl CO. Fayettevillx, .’auoli!*, 1863. 4Uf :^OTiCE. The UNUERSIGNKL). bnth hu'-inz enterrd the mili tary service of the Oonfeder.ate States of Aaaerioa, hereby give notice to their old customers and frieuHs, that they have appointed .lebn D. Starr and Jotiu t>. Willi.atn>, of thi>3 place, tbeir attorneyB to eolltct •ither separately nr conjointly all moaejs due them either by account or note, and otherwi.^e to aitend to their ba- sineas generally duiing tneir abtieuce. They respect fully ask all peraon^ iodebtrd to taem to call as proapt- I7 as possible ou the.r ai^eut- ai».l laAHa payment, ^TAilR >1 WILLIAMS. Sopl 13, IBRi Sf^tf TKHTA >ll!:irT>«i % \l> IlYU\»^. ' C10NKKDtR.\TK States Hihie isociety Testauicaw J A t.’olleciion of Sabbu’h School Hrmns. F-r-n’iby E J. HALE S SO.SS Jiin-* 1. Tlli^: .-%OKTil >ilTlAL L!FS l?JSrrtA\('E fOMPANf, 1^0>V in the tenth ycir of .juccoKsful operation, with .4.^ jrrowinp: •_apLui’ u»d firriH»r hoH ■pat>lie C^H-^ :ideacf - ■■■c i' ' ues to in»;ire li.e lives of nil hp;i!'hy per sons from 11 i« CO years of ape, for ouv year, for scv^u yearn, and farlife—all life members sharing in the profits. All i-’avos from 10 to 60 years of ag« are insured for one year or for Sve years for two thirds their Viilue. All :i,' -s Rr« punctu'tlly paid within 90 day^ after ■a sfaciory proof pre:-*i-:ed. For further inforojatloc the publ>" is referred to Agents of the t’otBpany in all parts c .he State, and 10 R,. H. 3.\TTLK, deevctary, Raleigh K. J, H.ALE, Agsnt at'y 1S59. Fayetleville. N. G r WKTTKVil.I.E Ml’TCAL I.'SSIIR1.\(S (O'UPWT. Capital in Premium Notes :tmountB to $‘2G7,C''8 2b Cash on hand and other assets, 5,077 S5 jT've eo.'t ■;.iri;iiiis. Ajr-'ii’'' w; orders to tne i- ih'?y ■ ' '.nvrt . sent ott ill ',u. k ii-^aii^h. .1 Gol'lrtop P . Cuainam Co., N. June I j, i d'l wei; ■,1N ’ I t.AKTKK. 0 li f AK^IV llAKlir^^. AM prep-ieJ to manufacture ali kuii? ..«f 'Vagon ^ar;le^- : .r .\nr.y u-'e. ! i(»ri niy lea'iier and i;an | OFFICK OK THh ti T'> ^SS'T IJl VliFKliM ASTKK, 1 0 ■ n-i tii • r ! Fu)cltevilir Vr>»*nal atwl Armory, e-T' •r' ••:*] ' ‘‘.wr, I !■ vii.i.ic N * . .1 i^y 17. l^'; .. j woou vyA \Ti:i>. yJF\LLD I’.i'.'P'••■•A will •• receiT/' l for ;be delif- O ery •' f. ir I'm;; -1 ^ ' la i fo’iu J bl i."k-j ic^ wood, i4ts i.j at >h" of 'ixiy .o.>rii«i per month. The wool !0 be iai.ver'd >it the .Ar-fn--tl, wh re ii will Vie t r 'T'-r’y co>‘ l'"'L litui’.i C'.aform stricfli/ to the •'t'-in J’t.'d ^ .‘or I wood, viz: 8’ x 4’ x 4’. Prop HH^ t'n be nurki 1 “”rop'j!?'tl« for wood for Act’j^ A-:s’t y lartcroiaster.” MATTHEW P TAYLOR, r .:-i:v.n ,r, An y. P. A r. ?!. 47 ;f •. ifi A :t’i; .As^'i .^'1 %rtj’'rni-.'er. ih*%. t«iim .%r.‘ibic‘ loi* ^alt* bv .1. l.KK Oct. 15. •jlf’*' Total, S‘272,7ua 61 Tilt (Ijjmpanj have p.iid all losses pron;ptly, aud have never made an asspssment on their pretniu^n note*’. loAnttB paid. #29.t>S2 •> ’flCr.FS: GEO. McNPJLL, President. D. A. K\V, Vice President. C. A. McMiLLAN, Sec’y. Dias..TOIt.'; Psury Lilly, H. L. Myrovpr, SA^KH ^or ijaif by Ruftf ■MITCHKLL. 1 on ''I 1.«/V/ for »•on M^ij 2P.. TO!SAC 4 «. IR^.f.NIA TOHA-*nr. bv GhV,>. W ^o!«* Li«‘ath(‘r i^aufrd. well ..•■cntd 8k^LE LriATIll.R, for ; - j i" D MURPHY F-iyei.t.evnle A .r ^ 1 t. "Juif j iUc SSIoviiuUc ■' ■■”• I n vTUjt we shoii'.c have d‘>at "e- j TT ^ .1' 'ip.-ri yourf>el''and cut Ifioso fro» the WILLI V.Mri ii CO. I ?n-my. Tn.- p.--p: irted ta« m in-ifac- 31tf i 'urin^ ''f a.l kind, c- OOCrilN'-^ for F.iuiori.’s i« the iS 'iih'Tn w:” ‘"e a'o 9 t'> fiil ti! I"",' iit Khort S. T. Hawk»y, Nathan Stetluiaa, C. B. Mallett, James Kjle, A. A. M'cKethan, J. U. Williaaia, S. W. Tlllinjr'aujt. hn i-illina liud C. C. McC JEagf“The Company invite appli Aav TV'. N. Tiliinghaijt, J. Hi-isJule, V»m. McLaurin, T. f'. L'.ittf-rl.jh, A. W. Hteel. J; G. C«ok, Hon, J. (J. .‘Shepherd, R. F. I , A. S. Ha'i, > " ilt^J ivd.furii in. Triivelir'^ Air. ioju. 21- Ai:cT!^SALES. 15y W'ilkcM Tlorri«, Anc*tiont*cr. Aiiotioii Sale of Imported Goods* Sx S'eimships Qen’l P.eaiircgard, Arabian and Flora ON ‘A EUN'DSD.AY, i^ept. ^.iTh, IHOS, oomtnencvDg at 0 o’clock A. .’ti , 1 wi;l sill at my Sales Rooms, Na. 2, Granite Row, Wilmington, N. C , the entire oarcoes of iSeaniHliip>j tl'-neral Reauregard, Art»bian and Flora, toxot!ji‘i with 8undry couwiKnm.*nirt ex .Mary Ann and .MtrgHn'i iicd J?.-?i?. Making-Altogether the most ini- po;iar.l s'»le evur held in the (’onfederacy, vii: S bales prii.t, .J^Saxoui»-s, S h«il('i rvJ.i.'e ^'isonie.s. hair s Oxfi rd ('loths. 15 CR.J.'s M>»1d«'r Prir.tq, 11 ca'eh >5'»urnine lo, 3t,l ca?*'? F>'lt Wool id ! 0'i«iairu.*re Hats, t> d tr;> I‘rl.liU'.'», 4 ci'ps blao!: l.^istre, 1 ct'xc drab “ . 1 y >')>trk .\Ip *ca. '1 C'i^ps •• r>oi)ibftjiiue, 2 o iMj.u blA.'.k an 1 white Plaids, 2 ,• ser an'l scarlet “ 3 p..-.'-; Prnich '5'*rino, (various nolor.s,) 1 010 h’lck Frilled Hliawls, 1 rase “ Li^tna' “ 1 ca;.? • tii '^und Ginghams, •.i Wove Flannel, 2 C'l.-i-H priti'ed •• ca PS Mt-ilon C'oths, 1 cane F inoy Cnfsiniprefl, 1 ca s Flannel, ii.sworte-l rolor.o, I c'-se as.orted Braids. 1 c+.H; .Ariel iStripps, 1 ^ii‘ip Meriuo Stiiris, 1 C'tse lilack Broalcloth. 4 caxoH Flannel and Striped Shirts, 2 oas^B N‘'“dle», ll.'»*> .M, 12 caPes Coats’ Spool Cotton, 200 yds, black and white, 1 case .\gate Buttons. 300 gt gross. 1 CA'se B">np Buttons, 2:i7 gt gross, 5 biles gray Blankets. 1 ca.>(p S'ltchels and Portmonaies, 1 cast Tooth Brurthes and Purst^s. ’■’‘2 C'lsns Cotton Cards, Nos 8s, ‘.'s and 10s, 1 case Eiieliah Cardiu;? and Fillets. :v> bales Sea Island and Gunny Bagging. 120 coilj M jTiillr. llop. 39 cases Letter and Cap Paper, 5 cases Steel Pens, 7 cases Lead Pencils, 3 eases Envelopes, ‘2 cases Playing Cards, 4 cases Memorandum Books, &c, 2 cases Bank Note and Parchment Paper, U4 cases Seat’s, Ladiod’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, 4 oases French Waxed Calf Skins, 4 bales Super Sole Leather. Ill) barrels Mackerel, ■J-14 bics Prime Cotfee. 21 barrels Prinae Coffee, 212 do do Brown Sugar, oO do Cruxhed Sugar, 3 cheats Conf;,Tu Tea, 21 eask-^ pure Sperm ()il, 7 " Kerosene Oil. 2 cases Mustard. .Jt3i» kegs Bi. Carb. S ida, I'll) bb'.j. Soda Crystal?, h;? boxes Extract of Logwood, 13 hbl*'. Kpsr>ni Salts, 3 bbls. Gl.iuher S.*ltJ, 1 cas'. Refine I Borax, ft bbh. da do, ’ bbl. tiJue, 2 casks Sugar Lead, G cases C^iloroform, 4 casks Oucibles, 2 casej M tg/*iita Crystals, 2 cases Dover’s Powders, 2 cii'^es t’alomel and Jalap, 1 cat ? la ii i Khub irb, 1! ca^rs (’al'imel and Ipocai.'. 1 case .^uinine, I case Phosphorus, 1 case t’asior Oil, ;! cn.-es Tiuct (.(; iurn, 1 ease (yinui. Kxi Colocynth, 1 case Su'jihate Morphia, 1 case A IhP.-.ive Plaster, 3 ca'jfcs Soda .\sb. t> cases Briar Root Pipes. i:j0 sa'.ks Liverpool Salt. liX> kegs cut Nalls assorted. 47'.» Cases Itnported Brandy, Pinet, 1848. “ “ “ various tirands. •It) *• “ “ "Brisson ■' 4't “ *• Gin. 1.' “ “ Chatnpaipne, Anchor, aui C. D P.'%nnet &• Co. 50 case"* Itnportel Claret, St. Julien. 3*) I’unchenu- Rum, Extra. 3 pipe.« tJoenao Brandy. 1 ■juarter ca.-ks Cognac Brandy. 5 “ “ choice Whiskey, ANLW ::■> oasks .Ale '.lol. ■Aujj. 27, r>9-ts .notice:. j liit1eptnJenrf, or Wkat?—Judge Alexaadcr, cons«;ript office, t a.” corraspondcnt of the Savannah HuiMics, Au)j 27t'>, 19tj3 j Uopublican, writing from the army in V irginia 11 ilOSfc! persons enrolled or li»ble to enrollment ftbout soJiie reported indications of a peace luove- . w’. o lurnish liorses will, for the pr-svut, he ao' I nicnt iu the Sniithwest, thus truly depicts the Ct>n- cepfed Witli ttieir horses, and reeeive cavalry pay. to be ! dition of the South under either or forced sub temporariiy cn,ployed a- mounted men while the necessi yankees. tv continues, letnaining for ihe time on duty in tnis "I u 1 ’ 1 -ii State, f'.r purpo-s of guard and patrol It is desired ' tocre uot abundant proof that the piHory that they report with ^leir hors»-8 without delay at this and the gibbet, 'XJontiscation and banishiueut, are Carop or t^inip Vauoe, near Morgantnn, as may beinoht : the penalties held in reserve lor us, and that, too, convenient i whether we voluntarily abandon the contest, or II, Citizens ¥rho dtsire to promote (he safrtv and in- : fortunes of war prove adverse to our arnisi:' terestB ot the ariuv Sy riiScouraging avsserlton, or wtio ,,,, , 1 ^ j u' 4 1 e desire to save therr neighborhoods from the inevitable | IS the fate of Missouri and Kentucky of mischiefs of marandint;, terror and insecurity that must J Icn-nessec and 3Iaryland.' f hese are regarded by grow out of the presence of lawless deserters and skul I the enetny as border States which luuy be hUi- kera, cau he made useful t>y tendering tbeir aid to the I uiately reclaimed to the cause of the I'nion; and enrolling officers They can render service as guides dragRod *at the wheels of his brazen and in sweUiQir the numV>er8 of patrol?^ som out by »u- i> *. i • • j thority. A few d.ays absence, at most, only would be j captive slaves. But Louisiana and required of theni Thcr^* if? no provision of law under ■ lill tlioso portions ot \ irginia wtiicli ar6 overrun ‘ which pay can t,e niven them, t.uf all their expenfen of by the invader—how humiliating their fate! how t fcubsistpnop, lodjing and torage will be paivV and a lib- hopele.Sri their condition! The people of Mississip pi and Alal'ama have not even tasted the cup which \'irginia has drained to the biiter dregs. Atid still her people have not been able, by oaths ot allegiance extorted in dungeons and uniler the, nor by .submission to the woes t»f slavery, nor by’quietly yielding up all they possess, t,u ob tain pertui.'jsion of their implacable masters to drag out the remnant of a miserable existence by the graves of their forefathers. Their lauds have been de.solatod, their houses reduced to heap.s of cial hire allowed for the use of (heir horses. By order 01 Col PETER MALLETT, Cotoniandant of Conscripts for N. C. J W Mallktt, Adjutant Aug, 28. fa- 8. J ] 69-3^ FAVETTEVlLlit AR'^ENAL AM) ARMUliY. ) Ano. 27, lSr»3. J Kirr,F. STOCKS THK p'triittf from whom bils were Rccapted Having failed to execut‘d the proper controct, proposals will be received untifthe 2()i>idiv of SFP’TKMBEP. next i ashes, their property confiscated, and their old for the delivery of 50,000 Walnut Rifle Stocks at this Ai^enal and .Armory. Bids will be consi'ierod either for the whole or any part, not less than 1000 Specifications will be furnished on applioaiion to 52tt] Maj F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. 360 ACRES OF LA'^JU for Sale. The attention of persons wishing to invest thei*- money is called to 3ti0 acres of Land situate six miles south of Chapel Hill and eight miIeH souih-we>t of Hilleboro’. The entire tract is well wooded in Chest nut Oak, and part if cleared would do well for cultiva tion. At the commencetnpnt of tho war the above tract on it a good faw Mill and well c'-niucted Tan Yard, but owing to tho parties who own'.;J it ''av- ing their time fully engaged, the fixtures have ? ecome out of repair. There is however the Mill and Bark houses and several other buildings and also a first rate Mill Dam. For further ioformition application can be made to A. MICKLE. Chapel Hill, or U. J. ASHE. Wilmington. N. C. Aug, 28. 59-6t Standard 6t and bill to this Office. FOR SALE, A Valuable young NEGRO WOMAN and TWO CHIL DREN Anv per.;ou wishing to purchase will ap- MARY ANN EVANS. 59-tf ply to me. Aug. 28. PROPERTY lor Sale. /AN SATURDAY next the 5th of SEPTEMBER, I vJ will sell for C.\SH at the Market House in Fayette- vill«, the property on Mumford and Donaldson Streets known as the Curtis Stable Lot. J. G SHEPHERD, Trustee. Aug. 2it. 59-2tpd A>;;ro Woman at Auction. ON the first Moiiday in Septemiier next, 1 will sell at Auction, at the Market Uou-e, in the to\«a of Fay etteville, a good COOK ani? WASHERW'O.M.AN, and ac customed to field labor, JOHN II. COOK, Auct’r. Aug. 28, 18G3. 69 2t Wanted to Kent from 1st October, a commodious DWELLING HOUSE in town or vicinity. Apply to S, T. iIAWLEY & SON. Aug. 31. * 61 4tpd North Carolina Institutioa for the Deaf and Damb and the Blind. The next session of .hia Institution will commence on MONDAY, Sept 7th, 18G3, and continue tea montha It is important that pupils should be pre?eDt at the com mencement of the session. For information as to the method of admisuon, &c , addref.s WILLIE J. PALMER, Principal, Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 14. 59-^w 2000 W(.; .■i J !■ J u; I ■ TiTP-i 1 u t avi'’lev D. M r Up, N L. KIYKTT, .;nb. .I'lTid. N. C. SH '■ni:) 1 The HUi.-.cri^ i-r ua?iiig ,1; Dfeceiiibc Ttriu. l>^fiU, of the (Jounf-’ I'l.uri of Curr'>'tr! !ml euHl.''.e l an A I ministrator t: :-:ie F^tate of Neill U. McXeiil, dei^'d. notiiies all per-oriH having clJi-ims ag'^irist the K'.tate to present them witnin the time limited by luw, otherwise bin Co cS^ttllLS .‘nd t;L'll.L ,Otl,'II JVl'll.A. Ci' FhIIs. N. .1 ’4 !ai* Ro >- ‘ U'lW prrj ared fo furnifh, at .;e, »ll kir>.!, of Rt^BHlN.S, , ,Vo . f:>’’ Woolen and J. M. ODKLL, A^ren , il; 1 fimvi A «2i?ai Thp Xow Sly],", StnalJ, rof,o'tf’!> PH«.”!»•;; !i,i?ks, \r Vit >!:i Jtery. AR^. ooii waB'«i V .Sofitr 4'nniacra. this neiic^' wili ^re re^vi'- ’! ' n«. HJ U .k.: pr....>i : p...y HFf’TO-’. i rm over, M NKll.L A';ir «r,- I 1. I t.| IfVCO ...fl POMI 'OW I.O.ST. OW i, iiii K .~l tide o! C.ipt- Fi-ar '-,,m:‘?rhcro (.p poMite t s iiiiiphplit'iT. I'Viti.'T fit .’i ll ir^'o Ltii- riv. r by boys and i: -’i t tin'- aer w ly biif*'* She is marked with crop in each ear, has a bfil on, wbi'e in her tare, white on buck an4 btliy. red on neek aad s.d^s. Who ever will t>ik'; tier up ..u l let nit' kn ..7 it, or bring her up to me ia ' wiii be libf';4!ly rewarded. The said cow w ti ,uc;ht in the upper part of Bladen aounty atd niay j)r..i a!>iy fin I her way back t« that coutity. .INt). ,A, WAT.SON. Jr.^« li to t .f OIL AND LAMP BLACK. IUNNKk.- an'i LUBRl . Lv\MP BLAt^K in barrels JOS, R M»roh 7. vting oil For rtjiltj by BLtlSHO.M CO,, WilniingtoR. N. C «« If SAI/B—SAI/r. 'I o ^'oJtosB 8*la8#ferM. AVK b..en appoio^cd by the Secretary of thcTrea- iry. t/’ii’.er .\j»er,i f .r tlio puroha'Sv' of Colton for the I (’onrt-der.i’*.;V,.iliin t oe ':^:a'f nf .'I.irih. C'lro- I litii*, and will pay for tbe mrn^ in 7 .'cr cent. Bonds or j ■.«b. ■ bub Aecnts visit ng th; difJeri-nt parts of the State, i on.inf; tu my >>a:ne, nili h.ivc >»ritteu certiricii.efi cf •.kp[>'.;ntm-!ni. By order of the .S«cr«lary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchi.itd by mysolf or my agetits, on and after the IHih day of .March 1803. be paid for in 7 per oeut. Boiiiis ur Ca.'iti, aud uot 8 p-.r ceut. Bonds as stated t.i a foruier advertisernent. Up to that ti.niie, however, tho 8 per cent, bonds will be furnish.jJ as stated. Palriiiiic citixens are now olfered au opportunity to aid the »}overnu»ent by « to it lliair Cotton rattier thttiO to private capitalisti). LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotx:-. M'lrv- 21, 13»13. [0. n.] 14tf Alter tili« date I will pay 10 Cents per pound for raga, or the highest market price, delivered in Fayetteville, or at my tniUs on ilookfiih. D. MURPHY. Julv 28. 18H3. f*Off HOTOGR.VPHS can bo had al V.imirHdeirH 8k,vU|rht Ghillorv, Uay street, oppo.'iie Marble V ar 4.' Fny- j I etteville, N, plain, retouched, colored, in waior t colors, oil atid pastile; from small to life size. Ambro tH £^A. i-\ Sflarrin^toii, iio«% in tlie iite,i- ra'M .Arf'iy, is hv^reby aunounced as a candidate ! for i!.e Legiriaturt fr.'m Moore county. — ■ Ati/ust 1?^. 56-fmp'I l:^ivypt Coal ilfine. I ^'•ME undersign" 1 wrr-, at tho Novewber Term of the i I (.'onfe ior:ito (.’'ritri, Di'»tri>.rt of North Caroliaa, ap- ' po\n:ed'r-- '>f the Egypt Coal Mine properly, i and havo entfr"d ir :o copartnership for the purpose of ' minins: and ‘■o'.iiuj^ Coal, and solicit orders for the same 1 iu fcn.v de»;re'd ^a iiinty. Orders for any amount can ! he rtupp'iie'l on “hort Jiotice. The Coal from this pro- I perty is iiO'l .>i!''teJly the best in the Confedera(,e .’^fAtes. I .Applications may ‘'o ma'le to Chas B. Malle.rt, Fayette- villw, N. or Browne, Ch'irlcp:>a, S O. 1 H\RLES B. A*.ALLETT JAMES BIIOWNE. Fajotte'Ville, Jab'y 20, IHfvi. ■?«tr Steam En;;:ine lor Sale. TUIE und.irsigoed ofters for sale a STE.\M ENGINE of J& Horse Power. i»n i a good Cylinder Boiler 32 fe«t long and 36 inches diameter. .Al^o, if desired, all the fixtures of a Circular Saw .Mill. ALSO, 32 feet of very good SUafting, 3 inches ia di ameter, with couplings If not disposed of al private sale, the abova will be offered to tne highest bidder on the *23'1 d'vy of Septem ber next. Terms cash; delivery oa or after the 1st day of October. HENRY E. COLTON, Keroseue Oil Works, Fayetteville, N. C. Aug, 27. S8tf i’ LOST.—A WlllTK COVERED BASKET at ths Lan tw.g of t!.e St r Kate McLauria, on Sunday the 30th iiist No m-»rk on bask»t, bui there were sev eral articles inside m ii'ked *‘J. E L . The tiuder will secure a liberal reward by leavin;; it at ihis ()ftice or with Capt. TAYLOR at the .\rsenal, Auk. 31. 69-2tpd 4 VERY FINE BLVCK MtiRG.VN HORSE, Apply j\ ,0 T M SIKES " Exchange. B’a'lcjOo,. Au^, *28. * 5>* -^ip.l men torn from their homes and immured in pris ons. f/arge and populous districts have been con verted into-deserts, and the people, old and young, male and female, driven into exile. But the thought of yielding has never once entered their minds. On the contrary, the brave men and women of this proud old Commonwealth are more resolved than ever, never to ground their arms as long as a man is left to wield a musket or a wo man to ply a needle and offer up a prayer. They have tried the enemy and know him well. They know he will keep no pledge, however sacred, and observe no oath, however solemn. The war cry of ihe great apostle of the elder revolution is still the rallying call of his undaunted descendants: “ (rti»e me liberty, or give me death!” “No, let the people of the Southwest dismiss all thought of* compromise. Victory,* or all the horrors of a hell on earth, are the only alternatives left them. If they fail on the field, or sue for peace and forgiveness at the footstool of 1* ederal power, their fate will be alike the same; in either event, they will be stript of their possessions, and by hostile legislation reduced to the condition of serfs or driven into banishment, Ot all the ty rants known to history, the Puritan is the most implacable. More cruel than the Spaniard, more treacherous than the Italian, more blood-thirsty than the Turk, there is no wrong or humiliation however atrocious, that his malignant ingenuity would not devise, and in which his savage nature would not find a diabolical pleasure,” ShamefiU.—Is it not n, shame for a man who sells his flour for S35 and S4O a barrel, corn and meal for 83 and S.t per bushel, and all other farm products in proportion, to be found growling be cause'he has to pay to the Government a tax in kind—one-tenth ol' liis wheat, oorn, ifcc.? Those who have held meetings and denounced the tith ing feature of the tax law, and used their influ ence to array public feeling against the Govern ment, ought to be the last ones to be heard grum bling and growling. If they are not satisfied with the immense profits they are now realizing, and not willing to give a small proportion to help support their Government, they are certainly un- - deserving of freedom. If those who have provi sions to sell are determined to squeeze every ceut they can out of those whose necessities compel them to buy, they ought to have patriotism and sense of justice enough to induce them to pay a small tax t help support the Government and feed the soldiers. * Could the yankee robbers get possession of the country, these grumblers and miscl ief-makers would see cause to regret that they did not exert themselves to unite the Southern people, instead of producing divisions and opposition to the au thorities of the Confederaojr. If they want to be come the slaves of Abo Lincoln and see their farms and property conliscated to the use of North ern vagabonds and fanatics, let them continue to hold “public meetings” and denounce Jeff Davis and othors who are working to achieve our inde pendence. But if they want peace and indepen dence aud freedom from yankee confiscation, let them trive the (lovernment a cordial and liberal types, Melaneotypes, and all ether style^ of Pictures 1 'PHE tji .Also, Gilt Frames, (Jilt Mould- i I '1 STO^iKS POR SALE. tjndiT.'tig!!' 1 have t*keu the Agency for the fi»Ie 1)ERS0NH wishing to purchase a good article, to their a'lv.ntage to call at t^e (ir: will Voun^’M Sniiit .TIachine. EASTERS t '()., .at Little River. S. C., where they 4 FKW ON HAND .V.ND FOR SALE. Thosi need- keep on hand a large "upply which they will sell at low iV int; al best Oc4er soon, as material for making is figures. There is n.l8» tine faoilities for eetting the Salt nearly worK*d up, aud no ciore to be had B.K_ a ,... EA.STEK8 &C0.* i Address, ALKX. D’ Lillie River, 8. C. 1 HiUabor*', Oraog* oouniy, N, G. ^ JwIjSO. ■ pertaUi^'.g to ihe Art. ing, C]' ■--■ i for very largo pieturea—as l.argt; as *i5 by 3I inchcs, Cord and Tassels for hiinf^ing pioLures; laitrn- iDoats. PtocI' and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life si*a colored Photographs made from small picture.-*. Having permanently located here T hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my gincerc th ink.s for the liber'll pa ronage bestowed on rui, heretofore by the good people of Fayetteyille and vioiiufy. C. .M. VANOlii^DJaL, PhotogTaph.i>.t r^,r>iJ P't)V>riofcr 2rt. I HftP f~, Factor^/ ^ W B Karrar .t CoGrind Stjnes, and nave now on hand vir.fs running; from 18X2} inches to 0 r*i't by 11 inohirs; rtnd can have out ai, short notice _\N V SIZES w;»ate-.l. Pe.’soos in want of Grind Stone-* »ni |il.-a«e coirenpond with the undersigned, who wiU fill •of,l>‘rs p.’omptiy ail I sjii'vrantce the quality of the ari' ;s c'.'*r)rcso!i>e 1 GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayelf.pviiio, May 27, 18U3. ‘ 32-tf The S4ar Foundry IS Again in full oper»vtio*i. Having in my employment competent work.m'^n, I am prepared t^ execute work I at tho a’uoftest notice an i for a reasonable caarge. 1 M A BAKER. I FayeitevilTt, Aug. 18, 1863. 5fiff Palma Cliri«ti Rean». j FHRB subseriber will pSy th® highest cash prices for 1 I any quantity of Christi Beans. I J. A. WORTH. I Payettevitle. Oct 8 67-tf ap t* the Railroad by fate. Ab(. 6. 6S19H>d ALKX. DICKSON, uaty, N, ( 47-l«ftp4 ^iy URO. LAIJDE.II, TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. UAlGfl k S«W STttlil!i FayettcTille, C. JMl’7 so, 1860. Reward. I) AN.\W.\V from the subscriber on Monday the 3d day 111 of August I8t)3, my negro girl AMY, aged 17 years; 5 feet t) or 7 inch.^8 high; black comp’ectioa. I pur chased sai 1 girl from Alex. Galbreth of Robeson county, near Bethel It is supposed ishe is lurking in that neighborhood I will give the above reward for her de- , livery to me near Laurinburg, N. C. I ▲. L. CURRIB. i iMwtalaviUta Ab|> 27. 01^ HifA Slop iiie SK“Nierler'». 11HE fol’owior er,listed men have dt.-seried this com pany at ditT Ti-nt periods fine- -'ttii July. All Miii tia Otiicors and lov'»i eitixeus are reniieaied to arrest the same if opportunity o^Tcrs,- Daniel Lassiitr, Th-caw C. .^niith, W.n 15. .Smjth. Jr.o B Smith. J tseph W R Fi iai., Stephen T Barrentiue Georco (''' -lobn M (^'le, Dan’l B. IJrown, Dan’l B. Sn->ad, .lame" L Freeman. John (V Smith and -I Mrph W?!!on.rl>bv, of Ktchmot* i oonniy; W'm.' Bowlin and Ambrose L f^cke. of Iredell .'OMnty: Jacob Wright of Randolph count.'-. The usu-vl reward of $-^0 «a'*h, will be p'l 1 for their apprehptlsion. L II WEBB. Capt Horn !’c Wel.b's H'ltiery f.r. \rt’y. fVimp ne’T Petersbiirir. Aug, ’23, 1‘^tj-'^, 19 4( iVotice to Krid;?e Riiilderw. WILL be Ipt out to the lowest bid'ler at the Court Hon*e in Lumherton, on Tuo!-day Sept. 8th, the building of & BRIDGE ovor Lumber Rtver, P’ ms and specifications made kn >wu on. the above day oi before, bv applicatioK to the undersicued, C “GODWIN, I A W. FULLER, VCofn. O. C. NORMKNT, j Lumberton, Aug. 28, 1863. 59-2t support, and encourage harmony and peace among Otar own people at home, 'fhe grumblers and fault-finders may rest a.ssured of one thing, there never Qan be peace until the independence of tho Confederate States is established. Those who produce divisions anu opposition to the Goverti- ment among Southern people, are helping to pro- Ion tr the war, and therelorc ou-^ht not to be tole rated in Southern society.— ('lotr/otfc Democrat. CnI. Ln-ryitJrirprs^ Srrtdnf —Tho. servant of Col. Iicventhurpe, ol’the 11th Ucy’t, who remain ed with his when wounded and captured at (icttvsbnrfr, li'ts mudc his escape irom the yan kees and returned to Rutherfordton, and reports tho Colonel doing well, so well that he was able to bo removed trum Mereersburg to Baltimore on the ‘iTtli July. A letter IroBi Rutherfordton to tho State .lourntil says;— “(iienrge nursed his wounded ma.ster until his removal, j>i«eovering that he would be forced to hccome n I’nion volunteer, he skillfully duped the .Abolitionists by donning Federal uniform and by a feigned conversion to yankee philanthropy and bribery, until he secured from the Colonel of the tth Massachusetts infantry a along their pickets. With (he aid of this, (which he holds as a trophy,) and by some strategy, George safely reached Dixie, as he says, “heartily sick of all yankees and all yankeedom.” W AIVTED, I WISH to hire by the day or for the balance ©f thft year, FIFTY GOOD HANDS accustomed to Railroad work, to be employed in cutting a canal through Lion Swamp in Bladen county. Good wages will be paid and the hands will be well fed. Apply at FayetteTille, or to B, G, Worth at Wilmington, or A.. V. Hurt. We would be willing to contract the work by the yard. The job is a large one and worth looking after. JOS. A. WORTH. Aug 27. 58-6 w Snbwtit*ute Wanted. A SUBSTITUTE between the age of 45 and 50 years is wanted. For one entirely satisfactory a liberal price will b« p&id oa appIicftUoa Io JOHN H. COOK. .SlUUiERV for FIGLU and HOSPinLS. r AM now prepared to liirnish my Work on Surgery L to subscribers and others who may wish to pur chase it. the receipt of $5.0t» the book will be sent by mail, postage paid. EDWARD WARREN, M, D, Raleigh, Aug, 20, 18G3. 58-1 m WANTED, for the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Chickens, Butter and other delicacies for the sick Soldiers at this Hospital. Persons having these articles cau obtain the market price on applica tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. John Culbreth’s at the foot of Hay Mount. R. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. ALSO. WtAted for the abort Poat, 10,000^- • K. £.