tru I t wpiETlIMi i-wf.f.m:, I. t. VO! Xifl. ■ ' g FAYlVrrKVILLK, N. c;. SEPTEMBER 7. 1869. [NO. 1261.] :i.\TKl> wn TlU’HSn\vs j. X 0S. H! 1 T(' ANl> 1‘iU'PRlKT -P.S I' So!»ii Weekly i*u-j nvKK Si’> OO, paM K ■’■ ' t‘ Wpf -ilv >Bv:nTKn ?4 00 animm, p iM in favi:tti:vii.i.e TKMALE HIGH SCHOOL KIiVTH tSCHOLAaTIC YEAR. 1ST TK1{'! Ivgir.** 2Jfh Sfpiotuher; emls 24th Dec’r. •-M " •• ]«t ’^tn’y: “ 31ii March. “ lal July **; \ '\ F.K 1 iSKXlKNT?' in«orte l for SI t or s H'f e I* fir-^r. ami AO r'ont-^ f'lr p.ach si '- ' ''J'. A iv«>riUi‘ni^iiM ri'i' oxpot'jing ;» '' 'ino'^i for the 'ir-'t '^0 c?nts ir-a-'h puccecding publioaMon. A Ivortisers are re- ■-''‘■1 to »tat(‘ 'l-« numhpr of iu«eriious« ile^iretl. or w l be cod iiuu*! till forbid, and charged accord- ' ? . ■ Advortiseinent* coutKiucJ insiir, cl.argcd new ad- ('oHc ’ -A c:idf ]«t ’>tn’v: •‘ •• IsT Apri' Tl ITI -iN. t!C D(’p irti>. 'u:, r Session, (IS weeks,) $20 U 14 25 Id 120 veri - - 'tnent“ - i't.t • AL Nt 11 II. r ’ 'TH an n.tcr thi'»d»te, no name of a new sub^cribtr ' be entered without p.nymen; in udv.incc, n«r will ' t Mij'fr he pput t^.>iueh .'iiri.-.-'ribers Tor -i longer time , • !f i« paid f.^r. i h of I’r oM sul'scrihers as desire to If^ke the ]>a- r. :i ili'.s s\>;cm will notify us when makiHg : 'aiic’«. Jnn'y 1, ISoS. Attorney at Law, j Favhttvvii.i.v,, N. C. r.L ftt’end ihu ('ounty and Superior ("ourls of' I'uniberland, Harnett, Moore and Kohe.'sou ('•iin- i Prompt r.;:cntion given to the collection of all S'*: ontn'.^tcd to his hands. I 17. I-'- '. 5S-tf I IifHHi'y •• •• “ Mu-ic »r.d H’iinli'it, 1.1’ill Krpn,“'i inii Driwini, (••vch Boiird, I)': •'''•■ision, Incid.'n' H4p*u»‘iJ. iTiiiiivM paya'.'le IN ADVANt'K by the Term.) Piipils will reoeivpj ;it any tiia* »rii charged frew th« U«ki> of ig tb« close of tke Sf»si«n, but so deduction wil': bo allowed f>ir tba withdrawal «f a pupil b«fore the close of the rfqutar Ses'iian. Rev. ’.TM noori:R. T. C HOOPER July ?, 18i»'! 4t-?ia WILL op^n the KVtJl.E ll(>l'Hl.i for the re- ce;jtion et Oui'^fH the tir»» of .hiue, anH I hepo to ht ;.'olt* to PBicitrr.n tvnvi fi^'venty-tiye te a h'ln fre*^ per?ons during the Summer. In cotiiieetion wiia ihi« Urgi/ Hotel. I have a number of Hack-i, (’ivii i2««, Sujp'*'-* 4nd Sadd’a Hovseri that my puests can get \t a mi*ut«'s notice. .1. M. BLAIR, Proprietor CajjU Hotel. Aiherille. M. C. May 1;^, 18b:! 3I-ypl LIST OF (HAHGKS J Oil PASSENGERS. PRHTI\« PRESSES AND FIXTCIIES FOR 5mi.« BT Tirtu# ef a Utti ef Trus-. exTsutel \»y Pet#r J Jiiuclair. May S8*h. IS^iO. for :k# pii'-^oiet there- ia iientieBed, I ofier f^r ealo the PP.FS8K3 and FIX- TUIVKS belonging to B«wspa)ier esiaMi«»hnient, in the town »f F*yeti«TilIe. kaov^a the ••Nona 0*relinian.” U will be seld priTately itU^sirnble, an^ «u bao.nui»- «latin4( lart i If »ot itefere. it will We olf»r«v* *t publia sale on the Slh dav ef S«p'.«ui)i*r next. • KJ n Wlo!!TMAN. Tr«*tPe. Favdiievilie, N C . .luU ^ T Library at .Aiictaoii. ^HK \ itlu'ihlc Lli5UtK\ be’oagiae to tiie l&ie W.'tr- ren Wiuilew, will e# s >ld a* Ai'.eiioo on TUKSDAY of SJepiemher Ceuoty Ceurt in Feret eyille. heiacr the 8th day of the monft. Tk« sale wi’l be six mouths’ eredii. The Library m»y be I'eund at the stere of Mr. Willk- inge. Apply to E. W. iTiUkinge er t* J. O. SHEPHERD, Aug. 12. .i-tlortey fur Adtn'x. 54-tsj.d lassa?!;* ^PflE Boird ef I>ir«o: r.t o 1 tee feffiije of Alitirsn. new v;cu& unencunih red f«*jale-t aeeii »,’p!y thM lukiiiution t ) till None r>;her For intorin*t.ien. j resoect^in^ ttn duties. uudti'al|{ued. Aug. 14. io , ot iu« »ppiy t» ihe tID. C. .'ISHEil, lV;ysi. 'tn licd Superinteudaat. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. l%’holr«i:ile flralcTw in lirorcrie**, ANi> IMl'oilTKRS AND DEALERS IN Hardware aud (’iillery, Swedesi Iron, &f., IHY STKKKT, KWKTTKVILLK, X. C. / ; y2. I^'il. 3(ltf J OS. I T L E V, Urocrr and ('nmmittion .ftrrrhant, FAYKTTEVILLK, N. C. : .ii V Irt, lFt!:-i. 9^-tf T. i\ A: «. U. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding MmhaHN, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 2S, 1S61 84tf ( A HO! i FEW LADIES ran be accoramodatei wiih board at ^ the Remmarv. T, ( . HOOPKR. ^■•pt. 12. 1*^61. 6fi- JOHNSON. WILLIAMS & TO., i^Ai.T nAKi:ii«. Tl't have thirty 30, pans now in operation nine miles IT east of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply themselves w'.'h SJi'.t, can be furnished by appl^'ing to A. Jehneon, Jr . Agent ai F*i^st!evU!e,'to E i’a^c, manager it the wortis, or to .1. M WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. FayetteTille, Kov. 20, 1862. 81if AOriCE. AF I expect to be absent from home a few months in the Weat, Archibald McLean is my authorized Afent to irausaci my business Tiutil I return. N. u. JONES. Decr28, ihSO. %VAATE«. 2;-/^/-k f.L-^HELS WHEAT, C*>RN. Person> having the abovr .-iracleB to .sdl will receive t>he highpr*! ' >.«n rrioe caiiitig ci; .M. M ThoLaaoja, bA the Meicliant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old siand on Market .S'juaie. ALEX. JtiUNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 75tf AKIIY HARAE?^?^. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harne-n for .Army use. I tan my leather and can give g :^l bkiva :Aji -ni.r wUl 1: well to ;rentl their ordern to me th.,/ ihi.ll have prompt gent ua in f^uick di.-; From ^lyetteville to Wilmine'on, $10 00 “ •“ •• Elizabeth, ^ Oft “• nhite Hall, 6 .=.0 “ “ *•' Kully'u Cove, 7 HO •* “ .\ll pnints belew, iO 00 *;i-:COND CLAS.S. OR DECK. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, $5 00 *• •• Elizabeth, • 2 50 •• Whitehall, 8 50 “ “ " Ktti'y'g Cove. 4 00 “ '• “All point ji below, b 00 i'p. From-Wilmington to Fayetteville. SIO OO “ " ■• Kelly'!* Cove, 4 iO *• Whu'e Hull, 5 60 •• •* Elizabeth, ti 60 “ “ “ Prospect Hall, 8 00 “ “ “ -All points above, 10 00 bECOND CLA«i.'^, OR DECK. From Wilmingten to Fayetteville, $4 00 “ Kelly's Cove, S ©0 “ VVhite Hall. 4 00 “ •' .\11 peintti above, 6 00 81^ Second Claes or Deck Passengeri must stay on lower deck or p.a)- full price, or same as'First Clase ftaT An ex tra eharge will be made for Way Paiseti- j gers getting into Perths during day time, and for eccu- I pying a Berth .with their boots or shoes on, at the diserftion of the C.»piain J. A. WdRTH, for C "F Sfm B’t Co. R, M ORKEfiL. for St’rt Kate and Sun. T. S. LLfTEIlLOH. May 4, IS'.'^. 2';-tf WAATES), O \OTE.^ fif \or*V ''vr«l'na. >'4 Mh Carolina, t) 'V ii'ginia aa l Cieorgi*. Alsa, Nar:k ('a"#liaa «'.x Cf at. FuaiibU Ketes. Also. Nenis Oarelina nix per ceat Bend*, new issue. W. R. I lOHARDSON A, CO.. Bri'kerti. Raleigh, N. C. Marah y. 9tf 4'oltoii Yam "^OTICK is hereby given **i.. for WooS. >t ai'(*r t.'iis du:« Cexcert in cates where we have l)4rg*i«?4 for Woe! aec-jrd- iag to the terott of oiii- ai^eittneaceni of the SOih of May, >7lBick terias are sew rtveked,) we will gire 1 bun dle of Cotton Tar* fer 4 lb. ef W'ool unwasued, or i Iba. Wa.-'bei aai picked, lui.i change ia made at the instance of the Q iartermaiter at Raleigh, ia order to make the terms of e'xchange uaiform thraughout the State. GEt). W. WILLIAMS k 00. Fayetteville, June 2^>, 18t33. 41 tf MOTICK. Tm UKDERSIGNED, beth having eatered the mili tary service ef the Ceifederate States of Aieeriea, hereby give aotiee te their eld custoimert and friends, that they have appointed Jehn D. Starr atad John V. WilliaaiB, ef khis plaee, their attoraeys te eelleet either separately er eoajeintly all aeneys dee them either by aee^ant or nete, and otherwise t« attead to their ba- eineed geaeraHy dariag their abeenee. They respeei- fuUy ank lUl persons iBd«bte.i te i.hetB to oaU as proap^ ly as possible «n their agbiit^r make o&voieat. ^TA3,il i WILLI\M8. Sapt 19, 1.5161 i£-tS attention and JUlll'i CARTER. Gv’-u.iion P O., 'ibatham Co., N. C., 1 June 13. 1^H2 J 34tf *200 Iiiiiiii Arabic lor !*^ale by J. R LEB 09tl J«iALT! SALT!! SACKS for sale by U.'c. 22. ROBERT MITCHELL. S8-tf I'roiii and atter lhi«> date ttie St'-inirr A. P. HURT will leave sit 8 o clock, .M., on Monday atil Thu'''«day. .lOS. .\. WORTH, .April •>—17:f ] .A?'t C F. i>ieaan Boat Co. WE.vrER-\ RAII. ROAH. ” '■PHE Tt lins of this F.oad leave Fijetteville daily, L (Suuiays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and re- turnitig leave Mclver'u at 1 e’clocK. P. M. Frfviht Train MONO \Y, WEDNESDAY and FHIDAT. By order of tho President. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and Act’g Trans. Ag't. Jan. 22, IR'^.'^. 97tf Kaycltevllle Arsenal and .trmory, > FAVKTTKVtLLB, N. C , Juue 2'J, 1B63. j WAATED. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS i$100) BOUNTY'. ■WING receive'l aut'iority from the Secretary of ir to iacreaso the :„rengih of the present Corp? it tiiis .Arseii il, the du iersigned will enlist one hun dred (100) nun co'iscnpu for t^iat purpose. Those sub ject to ooascripMou nerd not apply. Transfers and exchanges of men now in service can not be made. MAJTHEW r. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8. 85tf OFFllK OK THK \t FU ASS‘1 QyARTERMASTEU, | Fajetteville Ancual and Armory, V FaYKFTKViLLK, N ’ , July 17. iJsti-'i. J UOOD WAATED. ^E.\LED PROl't).S-ALS will be received for the deliv- io «*ry of four hunlve l cords of good sound black-jack wood, I lUO,) at the rale of sixty (00 cordsi per month. The wood to t)e delivered at the Arsenal, where it will be properly cord^-i. It must conform strictly to the t-tandai d mea^sureiuent for cor I wood, viz; 8 x 4’ x 4’. Propoaal-j to be marked •-Proposals for wood for Act’g Ass’t Q lartermaster.” MATTHEW P. lAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A. C. 8. 47-tf and Aot’g Ass’t Quartermaster. TEHTAIIEATS AAI> (lONFEDEIlAI'E States Bible Society Tostameuts. J .A t'ell'ieiion of Sabbath Sfhool llvmtii. r -ilo by B J H VLE .v FOHJi. N F J uae I THE AORTH I'AROl/lAA larTLAL LIFE IXSrUAXCE COMPANY,; ,Tt>*>V in the tenth year ef »«ecestful operation, with j gri-wing capital and firmer held upon publie con fidence, eeatinues te in.^are the lives ef all healthy per- | sone from 14 te CO years ef age, for ene year, fcr itevea | yearf), and far life—all life members shariag in the profit,-). ' All glares from 10 to fiO year« of age are in*ured for i one year »r for five years for iwe third* their value. All looses are pmnetnally paid within 99 dayt after | satisfactory preof is pre»ented. For further infermatien the public it referred I* | Agents ox the Company in all pans e .he Sta-e. am i te : R. II. BATTLK, iietrettry, Rileiga. E. j. HALE. .Agent at I Jan’y 18St. Fayetteville, N. G. I TOItACCO. 1 QA boxes VIRGINIA TtJBACCO, various grades, X»/\/ for sale on consignmeni, bv GEO. W, WILLIAMS 4 CO. May2i?. 31 if Mole Eratlier wanted. LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHEH, vUv suitable for Belting. Apply to U. MURPHY. Fayetteville Vpr 1 H. 20tf AdininiHlrator’!« Aolice. TI^E subscriber having at December Term. lHfi2, of the ’ouuty Court of Cunjberland, qu ilitied as Ad mit isirator upon ihe istate of Neiil G. McNeill, dec d, n- uUi - all persons hnving claims against ttie Estate to pret-.^ni them within Ihe time limited by law, otherwihe this ntKice wiil ne pleade^f in bar of recovery. Debtors Me recjaefcii d "o muke prorrjpt psvyment. HK'’T()!i NirNKILL, Adm r. bee, 10. 10i,- Sfi- t A»i iiHual the Blockadc WILL fcompel us to do what we should have done be fore this, wail upon yeur‘\*lf and cut loose from the enemy. The proprietors having started tho manufac turing of all 'iiin Is of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southern States, will he able to fill orders at short notic":. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C. Address I>. L. KIVEFT, M iach'*-.;er, Cufiibeibiwd. N. C. .June 9, l8fiiJ. 3*> tin>pd The Cfdar FaFFs Bo >- bin Co. arf) now ^.r*pared to furniph. At short notice, all kinds of ROBF.INS, QL ll-L.^-s .'*0 , suitable fot^ Wooloo aa.I J. M. ODELL, Agent. N C . J'liv ft. 36 tiropd FlYETTtb:VII.I.i: NI’TliL I.ISlRnCK tOMPI.M. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to f 267,688 Ca^ on hand and other assets. ft 6,077 85 Total, $272,765 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an asse-sment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,082 69 Officers: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. RAT, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec y. Diekctors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, R. J. Hinsdale, P. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Studman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J. G. Ceok, A. A. McKethan, Hon. J. G. Shepierd, J. D. Williams, R. F, Bro',vn, 1 , S. W. Tillinghast, A. E, Hall. [ P‘on- hn Collins and C, C. McCrummen, Traveling Ajrents HS^The Company invito applications. May 28. 1861. 21- AUCTIf^SALES. B} Wilke* iTlorrU, Auclioneer. Auctiou Sale of laported Gotdi* Es Stetmship# G«n’l Beauregard, Arabian and Flora. ON ^^EDNESD.AT, Sept 9th, 1861, eeamenoing at ® o’clock A. , 1 will Sell at my daUt RoaA*, S*. J, Gr*oiie Row, Wilruiogtjn, N. C , the eatire aarfoas of j Sleaui^hifs General Beauregard,.Ar*biaa aad Flova, j together with sundry consignments ax Mary Ann and j >Urp:net and Jeeilt. .Making tlttgalhtr th« tfiMl im- j portaiit sale ever beld iu the Confederacy, via: 1 P bales printed Saxenies, 8 b^les wLi'e Sixonieu, j 6 bales Oxford Cloths, I lo cases Madder Prints, j 11 cases Mourning do, I 86 eases F«lt Wool aud Cassimere Hats, 6 ofcsei dark DeLaines, 4 cases black Lustre, 1 case drab “ 1 e*se black Alpaca, 2 C3«es Bonibs»ine, 2 ( i«es bS-jk and white Plaids, 2 fMss •> find scarlet “ ‘ ;i French HeTino, (various eelera,) 1 c»'T bl^ck Frilled Shawls, 1 eat.« •• Lama “ 1 cfc#' “ }rouad fliaghams, 2 eases Wove Flannel, 5 2 cas» printud * “ 5 caic- Melton Cloths, 1 ca.-^e F»ncy Capsimeres, 1 cKse Flannel, assorted colors, 1 o'se assorted Braids, ’ 1 c»j^i Ariel Stripes, 1 ca'jc Merino Shirts, 1 case black Broajcloth, 4 easfg Flanael and Striped Shirta, 2 ca.-»s Netdles, llfiO M, 12 caE(s Coats’ Spool Cotton, 200 yds, blaok and ^hiie, 1 ca,*i Agate Buttons, 300 gt gross, 1 Cirit Bone Buttons, 237 gt gross, 3 balps gray Blankets, 1 c»se S-ttcnels aal I’ortmonaies, 1 ca^e Tooth Brushes an'l Purses. 82 csiivs Cotton Cards. Nos Ss, 9s and lOi, 1 cacte English ('arding and Fillets, hales Sea Island and Gunny Bagging, 120 coils Manilla Rope. 3‘J cases Letter and Cap Paper, 5 Cites Steel Pens. 7 cises Lead Pencila, 3 cases Envelopes, 2 cases Playing Card*, 4 C48es Meinerandum Books, &o, 2 cases Bank Note and Parohmeat Paper, 04 cMes Gent's, Ladies’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, 4 cases French Waxed Calf Skins, 4 bales Super Sole Leather. 119 barrels Mack«rel, 2-34 bags Prime Coffee, ?4 birrels Prime Cotl'ee, 212 do do Brown Sugar, 60 do Crii-,hed Sugar, 5 chests Congou Tea. 21 caoks pure perm Oil, 7 ‘ Kerosene Oil. 2 cases klustard. •i6tl k*g« Bi. Carb. Soda, 150 hbls. Soda I’rystals, 83 boxtp Extract of Logwood, 13 bbls F.psora Salts, 3 tbis. Glauber Salt*, ) ca.k R;:ftced Borax, 5 ca'^ps do do, 5 bbls. do do, 1 bbl. Glue, 2 cac^ks Sugar LeaJ, 0 c-ises CMor.iform, 4 casks Crucibles, 2 oases Magenta Crystal*, 2 ci^^es Dover'e Powders, ‘2 cases t.'aloinel and Jalap, 1 hi lia Khubarh. 2 oases Calomel and Ipeoav 1 ease Quiniae, 1 case Ptnsphoias, 1 ca.sp Castor 0*1, . . 3 ci^og Tinct. Opium, 1 case Comp. Cxt Colocyntb, I case Sulpkiite .Morphia, 1 case Adnesive Plaster, 8 casks Soda Ash. 6 cases Briar Root Pipea. 260 sacks Liverpoel Salt. 100 kegs cut Nails assorted. 479 cases Imported Brandy, Pinet, 1848. 330 *• “ “ various brands. 40 “ “ “ “Brisson.” 10 “ “ Gin. 49 “ “ Champaigne, Anchor, and 0. D. Binnet&Ca. .50 cases Imported Claret, St. Julien. 36 Puncheons Rum, Extra. 3 pipea Cognac Brandv. 4 quarter casks Cognac Brandy. 6 “ •' choice W’hiskey, AND 25 casks .\lcohol. Aug. 27. 59-t« IVOTICE. 1 the YANKEE CONSCRIPTION. CONSCRIPT OFFICi, \ I ^ Philadelphia Ledger gives one day's scene Gaup Holmuh, Aug 27th, 18(58 ) 1 burgeon 8 office in tb&t city^ where the 1 THoSi persons enrolled or liable to enrollment j grafted men and siibstitutes are ezaminsd betore L« who onn furnish horses will, for the prestnt, be ao- j being ‘‘passed. 'V e make an extract: ceptcd with th«*ir horse*, and receive cavalry pay, to be t Many attempts at fraud are made. Men upfit temporarily eu-'ployed as mounted men while the neeessi | foj. service sell themselves as substitutes, foolishly ty continues, remaining for the time ^n in this ^ theniridvcs able tO CODceal their infir- Stite, for purpotes of cuard aad patrol. It i* desired : .* f i-^xi i .x, j i , i. that they raprrt with their berses without delay at this ^ ^ey little know the ordeal through Caaip or Oatap Vance, near Morgaaton, as may be most I which they luust puss. They entirely overlook ooaveuieit ; the fact that a surgeon in tive minutes can over- II. Citiiei* who desire to promote the safety and in- ' haul them as a watchmaker overhauls a watch, tere.t. of the army *jy ditcouraging desertion, or who i abundant attempt at fraud all arOUnd. UMirc to 8%T# tiitir neijraborLoodjj fitvui'the luevitablt i •, j » • i- F-a ^ mischiof* of Mur&adinf, terror and inteeurity that must j I^rafted men cluim disnualification on t e grouu grow out ef the presence ef lawless and ^kul ; ot disability, and men who want substitute money kers, caa be made useful by tendering their aid to the ' endeavor to conccal their ailments. _ Both call enrelHng ef&cer*. They can render service as guides aad in swelling the numbers of patrols sent out by au tbority A few days abstnce, at most, only would be required of4hem. There is no provision of law under I whieh pay can be given them, but all tbeir expense* of ; subsistence, lodging aad forage will be paid, and a lib- J eral hire allowed for the use of their horses. By erder of ' I Col PETER MALLETT, Commandant of Conscripts for N. C. J W. M.^llhtt, Adju-ant • Aug. 28. [a, 8. J ] 69 8w P.1YETTKV1LLE ARSE.VAL i\i) .IRMIIKY, \ Au(}. 27, lstj;i. J STOCIaS 1^11 E parties from whom bids were sccepted having . failed to execute the proper contract, propottls will ! be received until the •.iOih day 0/ SEPTE.MBEU next j for the delivery of 60,0«j0 V/alnut Rifle Stocks at this Arsenal and Armory. Bids will be considered either for the whole or any part, not less than 1000 Specifications will be furnished on application to 52tt] Maj F, L. CHILDS, Cofiad’g Officer 300 A€RE$ >E EAAU tor Sale. 1IHE attention of person* wishing to invest Iheit money is called to 3ti0 acres of L^nd situate six miles south of Chapel Hill and eight miles south west of Ilillpboro’. The entire tract is well wooded in Chest nut Oak, and part if cleared would do well for cu’tiva- tion. At the commencement of the war the above tract had on it a good Saw .Mill and well conducted Tan Yard, but owing to the parties who owned it hav ing their time fully engaged, the fixtures have become out of repair. There is however the Mill a:ri Bark houses and several other buildings and also a Hrst rate Mill Dam. For further Information application cart be made to A. MICKLE, Chapel Hill, or R. J. ASHE, Wilmington, N, C. Aug, 28. . 69-6t Standard 6t and bill to this Office. FOR Jj^ALE A Valuable young NEGRO WOMAN and TWO CHIL DREN Any person wishing to purchase will ap ply to me Aug. ‘2i MARY ANK EVANS. 59 tf TOW^IJ PROPERTA" for Sale. ON SATURDAY next the 5th of SEPTEMBER, I will sell for C.\SH at the Market House in Fayette ville, the property on Mumford and Denaldson Streets known as the'Curtit Siable Lot. J. G. SHEPHERD, Trustee. Aug. 29. 59-2tpd iVe^ro IVoman at Auction. ON the first Monday in September next, 1 will sell at •Auction, at the Market House, in the town of Fay etteville, a good COOK and WASIIERVVO.MAN, and ao- cuctomed to field labor. JOHN H. COOK, Aifci’r Aag. 28. 1868. 69 2t Wanted to Rent from 1st October, a commodious DWELLING HOUSE in town or vicinity. Apply to 8. T. HAWLEY & SON. Aug. 81. 61-4tpd North Carolina Institution for tlie Deaf and Onmb and the Blind. TH£ next setsion of this Institution will cemmenoe on MOND.AY, Sept. 7th, 18U3, and cuntinaa ten months It is important that pupils saeuid be present at th* com mencement of the sesaion. For information as to the method of admission, &c , addrett WILLIE J. PALMER, Principal, Raleigh, N. C Ang. 14. 69-2w ^ Steam Eng’ine tor Sale. The undersigned offer* for sale a STEAM ENGINE of 26 Horse Power, and a geod Cylinder Boiler 82 feet long and 36 inches diameter. Also, if desired, all the fixtures of a Circular Saw Mill. ALSO, 82 feet of very good Shafting, 8 inches in di ameter, with couplings If not disposed of at private sale, the above will be offered, to the highest bidder on the 23d day of Septem ber next. Terms cash; delivery on or alter the 1st day of October. HENRY t. COLTON, Kerosene Oii Works, Fayetteville, N. 0. Aug. 27. - A CJE11! The New Style, Small, COLORED PaOTOi;RAPHS, AT od^A. F. Harrington, now in the ^"'onfedcrate .\r»ny, is hereby aunouaced as a candidate for the Legislature from .Moore county, August 18. .5G-lmpd SPOOLS and Ccti'ic Ot-dar Fails. aHT. WooiUvard’s ^olar M', t oIV LOST. ' 'W i« .E.^st si'le ef Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to •‘'impbel'.ton, being driven into the river by boys and c-ir/i Pud her way btck. Sh* is marked with orop iu c.uih e%r, has a bell on, wliite in her face, white on back hu4 helly, r(.d on nec^t and sides. Wno- ever W’ll lake uer up m l let me know it, or bring her np to me in Carap''»Ut n, will be liberally rewarded. The said cow w-m b-tuijht in tae upper part of Bladen county aud m>»y tjn.| way back to that conntv, 'vm •.VATSCN'. 1 >tr. \ r* 0!' •^WNN vvv*' - -.ii> I C .IUC VT!: ( ■ I'.ICVT!: OS. R. Bi/ Ma^. 7. '! i (’O., Wilmit!jtfm, q ’^ALT—SAIiT. To 'oI3oi!i Pl:iiiilt‘r'. IH.AV'E been appwimed tiy me .S?*creiary of the Trea- Bui’v, Chief Ag-tit for ihc pitrch i‘-w of (.'oiton for the Confederate tJovf'•n'oent within the State of North Caro lina, and wili pay f>«r the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash.* • Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, bnyinc in my name, will have written certificates- of appointment. By order of the S^^cretary of the Treasury, all Colton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds #r Cash, and not H per cent.- Bonds as stated tn a former adveriisemeiit. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as slated. Patriotic oiti-^ens are now utfered an opportunity to ai i Ihe GovcrYi.’ii^nt. by .'lling ■ .1 it their Cotton rather t.ha?« >} private •.lapi^aiists. •J:W1S-P. WILLIAMS. 'I i^rloitr-, March 21, 1 :i)[_c. u. ] 14tf A Ster Dili's (late 1 wili p>y 1(1 jnu per pound for ra«s, or the high* it market price, delivered in tTyetiiwuiy, or it :ny mills ju ttockfish. ^ MURPHY. 60tf T OTOGP.APnS can he had ii. Vivn.t,-=idoirt- 8k>li.,i.t Gnllery, Ilay street, Mar'tle T*;rd, ! i.y- »*rcviile. N. C.; plain, ; t.iucherl. culoroi, in w;.;«r colors, oil ani ptstile: fiKtii tiinall to life size. .Anibro- types, Melaneolype.s, ani .all otm-r styles of Pictures pertain' -.g ty ih-.; \rt. (Jilt Krarars, viilt Moiild- in;», G’ .• i for vjry inrgo pictures—ti*’ iav'q as -tJ hy .'!*j inches. Cord ,*id 'J'assels lor hanging pictures; Instru ments, Stock aud Chemicals for .^aie low for ca‘'h. I.ife siie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanentlj’ located here 1 hope to merit vour patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks | •‘^^ repres?uted for th3 liberal r>atronage bestowed on n.« heretofore by the good people of Fayette/ille and vie>nity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographi.-»l and Proprietor Dee’r 20, 1 «5« 77 Ei^ypt jCoal iTline. I^HE undersigned were, at the November Terra of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the s&m* in any desired quantity. Orders for any amoant can be ^upplied ou Abort notice. The Coal from this pro- p«^rty is timl’tibte'ily the he^t in the Confederate States. Applicjiiidiis mny he maio lo Chas B. Mallett, Fayette- vi’ji, ii. or Jckuies lirowne, C larlesten. S. C. CliAKLBO B; MAL.L.BTT. J.aMES BROWNE FavPi'-'-ville. JV 2v‘, l‘*0-^. 96lf LOST.—A WHITE COVERED BASKET at the Landing of the St’r Kate McLaurin, on Sunday the 30th inst No m irk ou basket, but there were sev eral articles insidw marked “‘J. E L .” The fiudtt will secure a liberal reward by leaving it at this Olfice or with CapL TAYLOR at tne ArBsual. Aug. 81. 69-2tpd into practice the utmost skill of the siAgeon mak ing the examination. At Capt. Ijehman’s office yesterday w« saw some humorous incidents. A man about 40 years of age came into the office. He wanted ex emption. ‘•What ails your legr”’ was the first question, ‘‘Why, it’s stiff, that air leg is. it’s been stiff nigh on two year.” “What make.s it stiff?’' “Why, 1 reckon it's the rheumatis, Doctor, l^at leg ain’t got no more joint in it than a crow bar.” “Well, we’ll see. Step outside there and we’ll look at you.” Uh, you need’nt give yourselves uo trouble. 1 kin jest roll up my trousers leg right here.” “W'e don’t do matters that way. Walk into that room. W’o want to see that leg; perhaps we c^xn cure it. We’ve perfoi:med some remarkable cures lately.” The man didn’t want to go into the room, but saw there a guard at hand likely to enforce the order. So he went in. He stripped, exposing a very dirty hide to the sunlight. The doctor look ed at the leg and formed his own conclutions. He asked the man more questions, and received posi tive answer that the limb was immovably stiifen- ed, the result of rheumatism. You must take ether, my man. I can cure you ot this stiffness,” said the 'l>»etor. I reckon you hain’t got no right to do nothin' ol that kind,” said the man. “I come hero with a stiff leg. You can see I haiut tit for sojor'm’, nohow, and you haint got no right to pizen me neither.” We have the right to prevent sneaks and liars from evading the duty of every citizen, and we are going to test the truth of what you have been saying.” The man grew v«ry uglj. The sponge of ether was brought and applied, but he pushed it away. Five men were required at last to hold hi:u down, but the ether was applied, and the mai at last rendered insensible. To accomplish this ri quired a lull bottle of ether. The surgeon was satisfied the man was shamming. About his leg there was not the least rigidity. It was in all respects perfect. When he came to consciousness the man wa.s told that until his aubstitufce was procured h5 was considered a conscript. He was exceedingly surprised that his deception was unmasked. Another man followed him, who wished to be a substitute, upon whose limbs were big nodules, like spavins upon a horse. He was an Irishman. The doctor saw at a glance that he was unsound, and dismissed him with a sharp reproof for hi* stupidity in presenting himself. The next was a little man, who claimed to be ruptured. The removal of his clothing disclosed a truss with pads about as big as tea saucers, large enough to cover a lirst-claas rupture upon the Belgian giant. The doctor could find no sign of auy rupture, but aj a rupture sometimes descends or recedes, the man was told to sit down for a while. In half an hour, if it existed, it would be perceptible. The man sat down, in jturis naht- i-alibus, upon a chair, trembling like a leaf. But the rupture didn’t show itself. The sflrgcon said that if he could bring a respectable medical certi ficate of rupture existing, it should have due weight. The man left, saying* he would get it He appeared honest. Out of about thirty whom we,thus saw examin ed yesterday morning, more than a dozen were badly ruptured, a fact which shows that dealers in trusses do a lively business. One fellow had voluntarily relinquished his front teeth to escape conscription. To his unutterable dismay he was accepted for cavalry service. He was evidently a coward. When he found himself caught his knees' smote together, and his face paled to the whiteness of the paper on which the surgeon - wrote his name and condition. He was in splen did health. Tiie gums from which the sound teeth had been violently drawn had net yet re ceded into position. FOR SALE. 4 VERY FINE BLACK MORG.AN HORSE. Apply JA to T. M. SI-KKS Pieasant Exchange, Bladeu Co.. -\ug. 28, 59-3tpl FOR SALE. 'HE uudT-r.T;: h ivf tak.'U the .Ageacy far the tale I ^Ip- ir-^ 'V :j bv.i-'-ir t'o ’a Gnud Stones, and n.r/v nvw ':u 'i-: ! ..Ijeri r;jiir!5.i^ from 18X2| inches t» H tVet bv 11 an J can iiave cut at short notice ANV SIZES w ,iit,;d. Persuc.-: in want of Grind Stouei will please corr.-.v-poni with the undersigned, who will fill orders p-ompily and ^iiar-inte* the quality of the Factorv GEO W. Fayetteville, May 27, lft)3. WILLIAMS A CO. 32-tf I)." " W' hinjr to purchase a g'"l article, wi? 1 tinl : to their advan'aee to call at the tirm of' '•-A-I LlL.- I i. , ai ijii .ie Uiver, S. C., where th‘'y ♦ eep iiai a inrga supply which tfaej will sell at hgures. Tnere is also tine facilities for getting the Salt ttp to the Railroad by flats. EASTERS & CO., Little Kiver, S. G* 1 6. 6i-l9ipd I July 28, 1H63. Youn;i;N Snmt .’TSacliine, A FEW ON HAND AND FOR SALE Those need ing had best, order soon, as Hsalerial for making is nearly worked up, and no more to be had Address, ALEX. DICKSON, HiUaboro’. Onac« Munty, N. G. j«ij ao. » —• '.-t By (iEO.'LAlJDEli, TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAIGH & SONS’ STOR£ Tlie Star Foundry Is ag.ain in full operation. Having in ray ciuployiHent coropetent. workman, i tra prep-ired to eX'-'r^ute work s' th > «ho.'t»!s: notic-* an 1 t'iv i r , vsnianle c-iargn. M. A BAKER. F:-V-‘lOTl'b . _ 5fitf TJts’Ni? rpHE Kub-eribi:;- ««U1 i.;iy h'crhjst cash prioes ftor i Any quantity of B'^ans. J. A. WORTH. Fayette Om '• b7-i.f Stop She iK‘Merter»«. The following eolisted nieu have deserted this com pany at differetH periods nince 'JOib July. All Mill lia Officerd aad loy;»I citizous .-ire requcated to arrtst tb> same if opportunity offers: Daniel Lassiter. Thouiaa O Smith. w„,. d. s.uio., Jco B. Pmitb, .Tosef^'Yit^eiiiS, Wm R Frick, Stepheji T Barrcn iae. G-;oi ge Cfiaterfk, J ‘.n M C;b, I) ui’l B, Brown, DiV'l B. Snv^^rtd. Jan.“« L Frce-u^.i;. J-.b”. C. Sraith Jostpil W.-Iioug^ir,,-, -j' Kictn”Ond C.iuary; Wm. Bowlin aud Ambro-? L iloke, of Ircdrll .lo'imj; Jacob Wrig'it of Raudolr-li coouty. The u‘ual reward of eiicii, wili be pa’d for their apprebensiot'. L. H WE31). V,’^bb’% B.itiery Lt. Ari’y. Camp near Peterat.urt:, Aug. 53, iKoS. 49 4t lAolice to Brid^^e Biiiller«. ITflLL be let out to me lowest bidier at the Court VV House in Lumberton, on Tuesday S^pt. 8th, the building of a BRIDGE over Lumber River, Plans and specifications made known o'h the above day or before, by applicatijn to the undersigned. C. GODWIN, A W FULLER, '-Com. O. C. NORMENT, J LuTTvbe.rton. Aag. £8, TH03. .'Sy-2t ii FavelieYiiiet IV. C. 0. 04- Reward. I) .\NAWAY from t‘ie Mubscriber oa Monday the 3d dav t of An*;vi9t my negro girl AMY, aged 17 years; 5 ’e';.: or 7 inches Idgh; black complectioa. I pur- chas.?d said g^rl from Al.-'X. Galbrfth of Robeson county, near Bethel. It is supposed she is lurking in t^hat neighborhood I will give the above reward for her de livery to me near Laurinburg, N. G. ▲. CURBIB. iai(. 27. %if4 WISH t.d hire by tbe Aav tr year, FIFTY GOOD HA'-M>- ^ work, to t>e employed in c' tin? Swamp in Bladm oounty. (i. i't the hand^ >111 be well f^d. Apt* or to B. G-. Worth at Wiliuinir' • • We w.d.i I b'^i wiHii.;' •■■’ti The j'lti ir .'arge one ■‘■uJ »ri‘' b Aug the b'i''i”.C8 "if th.’ 'ne-; , (’u!i-t' ttirouch Lio’.t • ;k.i'S «-il‘ -uii'^ an • : :i tn^ »t F . ■■ HtV! ' •'• ^ t’ lli.r .- w-rk bv ihe y »r i¥-.r, I) *:t JO.'J. A UitRrH. Why Methuselah got so old.—We were upon the streets a few evenings since, and heard a most novel explanation of the astounding great age of the above named character. A number of men Were talking of the recent conscript call and its effect upon the people, when an old wortliy remarked:— “Well, Mr. , I liave studied a long while about it, a.nd jii»t uow ’’^^7 Mcibu- sclah got to be ; 0 old. Y ou see, in his day there was a conscript law, and eyery time a new call was luade old Methuselah run his age up a hun dred y: -.trs—juat enough to keep him out of the conscript. A lieap of men in these days are play ing the same dodge.” SlliGEUV ior FIELD and HOSPITALS. I AM now prepared to furnish my W'ork on Surgery to subscribers and others who m*y wish to pur chase it. On the receipt of $o.00 the b )ok will be sent by mail, postage paid. EDWARD WARREN, M. D. Raleigh; Aug. 20, 1863. WANTED, for the Hospital at Fort Fisher. l)'>UL'l KY, (.’hickens. Butter an 1 otber .i*-l Cici.*s for 1 t ie siek H ■'’.di'*» i^t. this Ho,; si. P.^r-'ins W.» ”.nr n.'tifil^a can obtain r''•. ■"♦ r-r-:-" on ».r.r. - •>- t.vf to the ^ub‘^cr^b9r \nd or .' Mr .T-iSu Culbr«th'3 av the foot f t 1? y 'I ■ :i’ w f SiibMtltiite Wanted. ASITBSTITUTE between the age of 4.5 and 60 year« is wanted. For one entirely aatiifactory a liberal price wiU t>e pftic^oa appliouiou to JOHH H. COOK. Soiiilie-rn I RKANOiSu xptctv-Ly t.*rOtu,. Pr •>'' reoeived B- -i HALk -v Uno ?0 i J ttONS. XH£ IMJLIE PRIiltE% ^ , kkaUsil*Mki. 4

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