f«*r \ r»c. .'til.- Kl ‘f Ij rv.\i:v •itaH tka s ot >nr. ■ ba- ’ jred c li, . u ■ ■u .IS- is i 111 v-U. %■ ^, 11 I i r. X. ted 11 ;i. - \ t in Cl t ;.x- ml : . ,Bi OsUiR^tL ot i>u^' ^uienl ll- '1 ITy- Ul.u licil 1- ’ii;^ • ■ 'V J L . l*J>- rn lilV, ► •r tie a?0> ; liSli ' tr. : o.'t ie u .m- 'lu f-UIJ C aj a »fM 1 ^ kw hall i| fur- aud;' : a.--^ A if f ■ ■■ t.\3 ho i = «nd C.-t. or ^ bo e.>{ i ia hii b , ^u•w- 1 M;. . w>» -u* - d tu i • d.s- ir r to Ptfit 6 flic iivin„ •' o« ot i i -iii ;a "cpurt wje A \V '■juny J po*t tax ” llLU KX m- ie-K>r wur- 1 :;l au- pt tf > OT- ciji.t e ■ _ r :Mi tn»~ d any ; .ir»i*ti Midoi ■\ on (dtC( 1 ilte n lax T •«t- - tbe P * e f li-J - • th- fci* hey ! be •. ana - Is-'t r py- ;b«. ■on.u '5i lti8 su » fdr i: • i s4i- . .U .CHt; :.c rii - . -Of;; i -ilw “•y ^ or lal ; ’ n-d a-f i-r- be r v.d h-c ^ r. fa- .ieC' . -u. 1 i: n- rt) . ; ’ n : Oil I ,. -.1 ar, ,1 ; '-'C t.»ie ,U'i 1, ■«. th- pef aua - be . . 1C «.i,- ;i ict. ue, a 1 the thfe iotor I tils 01 li tii. tax ll b- te, .. '1- bili- n (J .tec. titor ict, rf.i,,-. ry f • ri i; r 1 th id.-i * ry • all ’ pp., f j1. )itaii4 sj,. Jllri r ytu U 1‘jf : '1 ; . r' 1. - iirri lOOtti- > 1 ji ly f' . :P Li VOL xm.i FAYb^TTRVILLE, N- SKPTEMHKR 10, IH(>3. Tinvrnn moxdvys and thuhsoays. EDWARD J. HALE & SO\S. EP!TORS .\ND rROPRlETOKS Trie* for the Serai-Weekly Ohskrvf.r §fi 00, pa'nl in advance. Fof the Weekly Obskrvkr $4 CK) per annnm, pai'l in advance. fl^°*ADVERTISKMENTS inserted for f 1 per s uare of 16 line^ for the first, and 50 cent? for each sue*- ceeding fiubl Tent ion. Advi*riisemcnt9 not, exceeding a halftqiiare (8 lines) ceflSs for tiie tirsi and 30 cents for eaih succeeding piihlicaiion. Advertisers are re quested to state the numher of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly. Advertiseoients continued insidf, charged as new ad- Tertisement*. SPECIAL NOTICE. From an ) M.ter this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without prxynient in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. §uch of our old sub.scribers ns desire to take the p:i per i'« this system will please noufy us when making remittances. Jan'y 1, IS.'iH. U\?f. .TJfZ.. .?lf Jk'.fl’, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. [JILL aitend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt aitention given to the collection of all olaims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 18.5y. f)8-tf GEO. W. WILLITms & CO., %Vliolegale .Dealers iii >Jro€erie«, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, H\Y STKKKT, FATKTTEVIl.LK, \. C. July 2, 18ol. StUf JOS. ITI.EY, Grocer anti t'ommin'iion .ftrrchant^ FAYKTTHVILl.E, X. C. Jan'y 10, 180-3. 93-tf T. C. A: B. U. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Iferohaafs, WILMLVGTON, N. 0. Jan'y 2S,1?61 84tf LIST OF CHARGES FOR PASSE\wERS. i^OTICK. From FiiyefteviII« to Wilmington, $10 00 ^ “ ' “ “ Eliz:ibeth, 6 00 “ White Hall, f) 60 • ‘ “ “ Kelly’s ('ove. 7 00 ' “ “ “ All points below, 10 00 , SKOO.Nl> CL.AS.S, OR DKCK. 1 From Fayetteville to Wilmington, 00 ; “ “ “ Elizabeth, 2 fiO i “ Whitehall. .3 50 “ “ Kfll^^’H (’ove. 4 00 ' “ “ *• .\11 prints below, 5 ^ II*. From Wilmington to Fayetteville. ?10 00 ' “ “ “ Kelly's Cove. I oO : “ “ *• White Hall, 5 50 i “ “ “ Rliz'ibeih. 6 60 1 “ •• “ Prospect Hall, S 00 i “ “ “ All points abovPj 10 00 SECOND OR DECK.. Pram Wilmington to Fayetteville. $•5 00 “ “ “ Kellv's Cove. 3 00 “ White Hall. 4 00 , *• “ Ail points above. .5 00 0^, Second Cla-s or Deck f*asst*ngers must stay on 1. ^Sl’KGERl for flELU and HOSPITALS. A'! now ptepared to furnish my Work on Surgery to Riibscribrrs and ethers who mv wish to pur- I ch-ise it. On the receipt of $5.00 the b ;ok will be sent by mail, postage p-ii.l. EDWARD WARREN. M D. Aug. 20, 1863. 58-1 ni W lower deck or p'ly f;iH pric», or s-inie as f'irst Cla-'s Beir An exirn ch.'llge will m ule for Way Passea- gers gettinif into l?..r:hs d-.iriu^ liay tioiP, aui for occu pying a V>Tth with their boots or aboes on, at tbo discretion of tho C iptain. * J. A Wtnn n. for C. F Sfm B’t Co. 11 M. OHRE'iL. for Si’rs Kate and-Sun. T. .‘=: LUTTEKLOH. Miv -I. 26-tf F/roiii and alter date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o'clock, A. M , on Monday and Thur*d.'iy JoS ,\ WORTH, Aprilb — ITtf] Ag't C. F. Steam Boat Co. RAIL KOAD. ^ ' ^pHE Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, L (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, M., and rc- j turnine leave Mclver's at 1 o'clocK. P M. Freiqht Trinn MON'l) \Y, W ED.NESD AY and FKIUAY. by order of the Pre-si lent. .IN'O. M ROSE, Treas'r anJ Act’g Trans. .\g‘t. Jan. 22. l^ti ?. ^^7tf a^iiiovii.i.e:, \ , J_ _■ I WILL op>^n th# EAGLF. H>TEL for the re- £ cepti.'n of tjii’sifs the first of June, and I hope ,:*M^.to be able to cn'ertain from seventy-five to a I hundrci persnns •iuri-ig th^* Summer, j In connec’’ 'n with rhis large Hotel, I have a number : of Haok-', C irri ir .-', niigg:*>s and S:id.l!e Horses that ; my euP't'* cii. ^et nr •» minute's notice. ; J. M. BLAIH. Proprietor Eigle Hotel. Asheville. N. C. Msy T', 1 :U-yp I CONSCRIPT OFFICE, 1 Cami> Holmes, Au*.' 27tli, 1863 / THOSE peraonfl enrolled or liable to enrollment who can furnish horscg will, fo'- th? present, be ac cepted with their horses. >vnd receive cavalry pay, to be temporariiy cnployed is moiit'tcd n;-;-u iv';.ile the tjecessi- ty continues, remaining for the timn on 'luty in l^is Stat", f.ir purpos**s of e'-ii-d ^nJ ).at-ol It is do'^ired that they r-'port with th«*ir ho'-'.«»s wil'i it delay it this Camp or Camp Vance, uefir a? ni'iy be n. convenient II. Cit'Zfns who d"‘8ire.to promote the safety an! iti- terests of the nrmy Sy discourqginc; d.-si»rtio’>, or w’;io desire to save their neighborhoods i‘r m the inevitable mischiefs of marau line, terror and iosc.-’irity that mtist grow out e*f the prpssnce of lawlpss dfscrtt-rs and skul kers. can be naJe m-^ful "by fendrrint- th^ir aid to the enrolling f'ffio-rs They can render rf-rvice as ruides and in swelling tho numbers of patrols srn- out by au thority A few livs abs’ncp, at rr>ct;f, only H.mld be roquired of th«>m There is no provi^i-^p of law under which pay can ^>c- given tiiem,.hu' all their expenses of! ii®'' L>'ftisl»tare from Moore county, subsistence, lod'.’ine and forage will ha paU. and a lib- 5 August 18. eral hire allowed tor the u-;c of thfir V.'i/'i'a. By order of Co) PETER MALLETT, Comraan i'>nt of Conscripf f-tr N. C. J W A .iutant ■\ug 28 [r s. j."] f>9 3w WANTED, for the Hospital at Fort Fisher. 1>()ULTRY, Cliickens. Butter and otlior delicacies for the sick Soldiers at this Ho-piial Persons having th='se -.fticlfs can obRin the market princ cn applica- tijn to the subscriber at his old stand or Mr John Ciilhreth’s at the foot of Hay Mount. R E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. ALSO. W'antrd for the above Post, 10,000 lbs. HAY. R. E HEIDE. OenM Ag’t. Aue. 25. 68-tf I^A. i-\ Harrington, now in the Gonfi’dorate Ar.uy, is hereby annauncnd as a candidate 56-lmpd DKPO^ITORY €. S. A Fay'etteville, Sept. 1, 1SG3 NOTICE ip given that all the Bonds subscribed for at i this office, are' now r^ady for delivery. Subscri- ' hers will pleaso return their certificates properly en dorsed an'l receive th^ir Botids «0 2w] W G. BROAOFOOT, Dep’y. l>KPO^IT(»R¥ €. A., I Fayetteville, 1st Sept. 186S. ) The rat^ of vx per cent. COTTON INTEREST •BONDS hiring baen fixed by the Govfrnm«at at fifty per cent prsmium,.—purchases at this rate can be ma-Je at tbi« dfUce until and including the l^th in8t. One fourth of ihe purchase money will be received in Treasury notes, issued since 1st April, 186S, iiud the ro- mainder may be paid in *»ny non-interest bearing Trea sury note? 60 tl8S] W. G TJROADFOOT, Dep t. A CARD! FEW LADIES om be accomin .'..atcd wi^h - I d at C. H(i the Seminary. Sept. li*. 18f)l. JOHNSON, WiLIJAMS & >IM-R. Ofi- 10.. HAV1N-( Wir • w MAi/r iiake:r!s. E have thirty pan> now in operation nine miles ! east of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply thems^ves with salt, cun be furnished by »pplvm^ to i A. Johnson. Jr.. Agt*nt at Fayetteville, to K Page, manaicer at the works, or to J, M WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. : Fayetteville, Nov. 20, 18ti2. 81tf WAA'TEn. 21-AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU l.ont) “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Casa price by calling on .Mr. .M Thoinason. at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stanl on .Market .''■^uare, ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Not. 5. 1802. 75tf AR^V ll.VR\KJ^>. I AM prepared to manufacture all kiuis of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can gire good bargains. Agents wili do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt a'tention, and ••nt off in ijuick dispatch. Jt>HN CARTER. Goldjiton P. (J., Chatham Co., N. C., ) June 13, 1802. / Fayetteville Arsenal and triiiorj, \ F.\tk''t\vih,k, N. C , Juae 2'.*, Isoo ( W A ATEI>. t»NK Hl'NDRi: • 'Li.\KS ,-1.h* IMLNIV. G rocciv- . a iih.iritj frota the .‘Secretary of inc’«*a-!e tin >>tronL”l’ >f '.h.- pre-i- nt Corps at this \r»ien tht» .iti - 1 will en’.ist one hun dred : nori c' trnr’t for th.-it p'irpo«e Those .fub- j.»ct to c >'" :■ ij'tioa ni’- I «■.' dpp'u TriiL^S'ri and t'liih'in/'-• f ni ^n now in srvioc can- U'^'t be caadf. MATTHrW P. T.^VLOP, Capt. C. S, A. June 8 3-itf OFFICE OF THK ACT'ti isS'T Ql iUTKRWASTKK, ) Fajetlpville Arsenal and Vrmory, \ F^VKrPKViLLR. N ’ , July 17. 18»>;i j WA \Ti:i>. ^E.VLED PRiipoSALS will be receiv I for iLp delir- ery of four hun lr* i cord' of good found black j-.ick wood. ;4K). i at^the rate of sixty (W) cor lsj per month. The wood ta be delivered ai the .Vrsenal, where it will be properly corded. It must conform tfricdtt to the standa'-d measurement fiir cor 1 wood, viz; 8’ i 4’ x 4'. Proposals Jo be marked “Proposal* for wood for Ae’- 'e. Ass’t (4uarieriaa.iter. " MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt:*i[i Corps Art y, P A. C. S. 47-if and Aci'g Ass't (.^iiariermaster :iO« AC^RKS OF iiA'^EJ lOr «ale. attention of persons wishin/ !> inv.-st their X monpy is callr 1 to 8*Jt) acr®s of Laud situate six miles south of Chapel Hill and eiftht milf’S south-west of Hillsboro’. The entire tr4Ct is well wjod.'d in Chest nut Oak. and part if clearpJ wf^ul 3 do we!! fi'r cu’tiva- tion. .\t the ccmmence-nent of the w\r tho above tract had on it a good Saw MiU and well conducted Tan Yard, bnt owing to the piriies wLr O'vned it hav ing their time fully engage!, the fixtures have become out of repair. Thi r? is ^lowev -r the Mill and Ba^'k houses and several other biiildinps and also a first rate Mill Dam. For further inf)rmation application c.%n b« made to A MICKLE. Chapel Hill, or R J. ASHE, Wilmit3g:on. N C. Aug. 2H fiy Ot Standard tit and bill to this Office, Wantt'fl to Ivcrit from 1st ^">f'tohcr, « comm^di JUS DWELLING HOl.^''F in town or vic’nity. Apply fo S T. HAWLEY v SON .\ug. ;il. -')l-4tpd North Carolina InsUtutioa for the Deaf: and Dumb and the Blind. The next se>i )U of this In'tttuiiin will cnmmenee on MOND.\Y, Sop’ 7th, l^tj;;. and continue ten months. It is imp"‘rtaat that pupils should pre'*ent at.thec m- m«ncemen: of thi- w for inf.rmiti n as to the , meihad of ainii->'-'..>n x^.aHrvi- I WILLIF, .T. PALMLR, Prin- lpal. | lUlcirH. N C. i Aug. M. 0'.' 2w ^leain I'litrinc' lor ^alo. IMIK unl-r-ii»r.-d .-•'■-r« STHNM EN'OINK uf -i> n 'rse PiwiT. au 1 a r od Cyi »} i !’ .-i- r ■! f('»t !orte a'l I iT!''h->- dis M- er .\lso, if d**-*!:'^!, all the fixtures of a Ciri".’ ir Mi’! .\LSO. f->-^ f very " -.1 "'liiftin^. ' i'-.chcs in M- ameter, with couplings If not di-p wed of hi private ■i’o. th* 'w!>,iv; will be o’f-rrd ti^ t'ne highe-t hi 1 !cr on the 2 ’> I d 4V of .oriem- bor next. T.'rms c I*"!': delivery on or aft^r the ]«i ^ii-ty of Octo*>er. • HENHY K. COl.Tt>N, Kero-jpne Oil Works. Favf tleville, N. C T. ' . UA\Ti:£K IWIStl to hire by t^le tiv or for the 'aalance of the year. FIFTY i; I01> H.VNDS accustonx-J to Kailroi.d work, to be employed in cuttini; a C'ln i1 throuirh L' ti Swamp r> Bladen countv. (iood wages wi!' b“ pai i s.nd the hand- vvill be well fed. Apply to me at Fayeitevill*’, or to I’>. ‘i Worih at Wilmington, pr .V P. Hurt We wouH be willing to c^n'ract the w 'rk by the yar.i. The job is a large one au'i will be worth lookine afier. JtX-^. A. WOftTH. .\ug. 27. .'(H-f.w f^OTI.CE. THB UNDFRSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary srrvice of the Confederate States of Amerioa, hereby give notice to their old customers and friend^ that they taTa appointed John D. Starr and John D. Willia:.iB. of this place, their attorneys to collect either 8eparai.ely or conjointly all moneys due them either by acoounl or note, and otherwise^to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respeot- fuVy a^'k all persons iudebt«d to theru to eaU arprompt- ly as possible on their airentR P-nd make payment. S’* ATS & WILLIAMS. Sept 1 !, 1^61 W-tf TEJ^T ATI K.A TS A A D H Y U CONFEDER\TE Slates Bible Society Testaments. •\ (’ollection of Sabba'h S-?hool Hvmns. For sale by E J. HALE & SONS. June 1 FayettevillCj Sept» 2d, 1863. "^OTICE is hereby given, that a Depot is now open at 11 this place. f«r the ri-ocption of the TAXES (in kind) due under Act of tho Confederate Goucress, approved April 24, I8«:^. Farmers and Planters having articles ready for de livery, can forward to this Oepot at once. Receipts will be fiven subject ta endorsement on the Aeaessor’s estimates when made. I This beins a central ]»oiQt, an 1 convenient for diitri j bution, it is desired as far as pr-.4ctic»ble that tax pay- I cm shouM deliver their quota of faxes at this Depet. I Liberal compensation Will be made to persons dsllTer- ing articles at a distance of over eight milts Oflice at the sloro formerly otcup'ed by Starr & Wil- ! J. M. WILLIAMS, I 60-Im] Agent for Cumberlawd county. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Sept. 7, 1R6.3. WAIVTED. I WISH to purchase a COOKING STOVE; any per son having one, can find a ready sale by applying to Captain Taylor, at the Arsenal. 61 2w A«TI€E j '^pilE undersigned will expose at public sale to the : I high*‘.*‘t bidder, at the Court House in Lillington, on Tu«-d*y the lOih day of September, TWt) WELL IM- PROV’ED LOTS in the town of Suramer»ille. One lot ot* 2i acr--s on which there is a large dwelling, with eight rooms, and all necessary out houses Tbe other lot of IJ acres on which is a comfortable dwelling and out houses. Terms of sale, one, two and three years, with iuturist from due. E. BAILEY. Summervill*, Harnett Co., Aug. 22. 59*-3tpd AliniAI^TRATOR\«>i AOTI€£. The Und 'rsigne l having qualified as Administrator with tlie will annexed, dur'intf absentia, upon the estate of the late Mr.^. Caroline .M Winslow, at June Term l.Si>:i of Cumberland County Court, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come for ward and ni'ike payment, and to all persons having claims agiinst said estate fo present them duly authen- tic-ito i. or this notic will be pleaded in bar of recovery. FrilTHKR NOTICE. rnile’^HiKill'd ha« a negro Voman with three l^en to hire out for tbe 'o.ilance of the year; she is an exci’lle*it cook, wa«h-’r and ir ner. Kl>U"l» I, WINSLOW. Adm’r &c. h M *«)w CARD. Finding it entirely itapracticable to continue my School according to my advertised rates on account of the enormous advance in the price of wood and other articles of prime necessity, I am compelled to with draw my advertisement of the Fayetteville Female High School. I shall open a Boarding School at Mt. Vernon Springs in Cbstham county, on the 1st of Octobt”-. T. C. HOf PEtl Sept. 7. Oltf Kerosene Burning Oil, I^OR S.\LE at the Fayetteville Kerosene Wtrts; price $12 per gallon. Purchasers must furni.sh cans. HENRY E. COLTON. We shall soon be prepared to furnish a very su perior artiole of Paratfine Lubricating Oil Sept 7, 1803 61-tf J ! 'FHE I 11 I 1 child - N 31tf 200 tiiiim Arabic for xale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 15. b''tf SA I.T I SACKS for sale by bee 22. .•!*AI/r!! ROBERT MITCHELL. 8K-tf 190 T4HIAC C O. BOXES VIRGINIA TtJBACCO, various grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIA.M3 k CO. May 23. 31tf Mole Leather v«autel. QAAA LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.VTHER, OUUU suitable for Belting. Apply t D. MURPHY. F *yett.eviile. .Apr 1 II. 2utf Administrators .\otice. THE subscriber having at December Term, 1862, cf the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNcill, d;c’d. notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to pr«Bent them within the time limited by law, otherwi.se this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are re^aesled to make Y)roropt payment HEi'TUK McNEILL. Adro r. I>ee 10, 1S62 I € OlV tAtHT. My cow is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to CampbfHton. being driv.-n tuio the river by boys and cnn't find her way back. Shu is niarkcd with crop in each ear, iia- -a b^'Il ou, white in her twe. white on. back ;»n-i belly, rod onn*?c^ and sidetj. Who ever will take ner up and let >iie know it, or bring her up to me in CampbclliDU, will oe li.oerilly rew.ird.-d. The said cow was bought in tho upp**r p'*rt of Bladen county and may prob;»t)ly find b.-r way back to tiiat INO. A WATSON. 1" tf I FWKTTKVII.LI' AKSLWL W.) \lillllRV, ) .\i'I. , 1''*>•>. J Ktrtjt: sTotas 1''HK parties from whom bids were acc«pted havinz tailed to execute the proper contract, proposals will ! be received until the i!U:h day of SEPTEMBER next I for the delivery of -On.nijO Walnut Riile Stocks at this I Arsenal and Armory. Bids will be oon-i tere^ either for the whole or any part, not les® thin I'l'i'i, ■ Specifications will be furnished ou application to j.V2tt] .Maj F. L, t'HlLDS, Comd'g Officer. I A« ii«iial the Blockade ! \17ILL ’ompel us to do what we should have done be | tV fore this, wait upon yourself an.1 cut loose from the j enemy. The proprietors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the S'jutbern States, will bj abii to fill orders at short notice. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C. Address D. L. KIVETT, Manchester, Cumbeiland, N. C. June 9, 186S. .U-ttmpd The Cedar Falfi^; Bo’>- bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kinds ot BOBBINS, yUILLS, kti , suitable for Woolen and J. M. ODKLL, Agent. N C., July 9 18(>il. 36 6mpd SPtJOLS and Co'ton Mill.^ Cedar Fails. county. Jn..* OIL AND LA.\Il* BIACK. TANNERS’ and Lin’.HlCATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS R. BLOS.SOM .Si CO., WiliniiijffOR. N. O March 7. ‘' .•«*AliT—NAI/r. 1)ERS0N8 wishing to purchase a good article, will find it to their advmtage to call at the firm of EASTERS & CO., a* Little River. S. C., where they keep on hand a large supply which they will sell at low figures. There is also fino facilities for getting the Sail up to the Railroad by flats. EASTERS « CO., Little River, S. C. Aug. 5. 53 Iftip.l To ('otton Planter?^. I HAVE bren appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief .\gent for ths purch*si of t’otton for the Confederate Govcrnrneut within the Slate of North (’aio- liua. ail 1 Wiil pay far ihe siine in 7 per ceat. Bonds or C'af.h. iSub-.Agents visiting the different parts of the State, biijrin^ i>i tny tia:;ie. will nt.v« tr-riovn Aori iti.i^l.an of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treisury, all Coiton purchased b,y myself or .my agents, on and after tfie i 18th ‘.ay of .March IHti-'i, will be paid lor ia 7 per cent, j Bonds ar Ca^u, -ind not 8 p^r ceat. Bonds as staled tn j a frinner >idv;rtis"m.’nt. Up to that time, however, the ! S per ccnt b.'.ii !s will be furaishc i as af,ited. Patriotic oitizeus are now oJere i an opportunity to j aid the G'>vernment by billing to it their ('otton rather I than to priv.ate c^'pital’.rits. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21, lHfi3. |^c. u.] 14tf ^to8> the 3>eMcrter.s. rpilK following enlist,-il men have deserted this com 1. pany at different periods wince 2‘.tth July. All Mili tia Officers snd lojuil citizens are r»,((U3st»id to arrest the game if opportunity offers: Dinipl Lassiter, Thomas C. Smith, Wm. B. Smith, Jno B. Smith, Joseph Wiggins, Wm R. Frick, Stephen T Barrentine. G>'orge ('tiavers, ,Iohn M. Ole, Dan’l B. lirown, Dan’l 15 Snead, James L Freeman, John (!. Smith and .fosi ph WiUougnby, of Richmond county; Wm. Bowlin and Ambrose L. Hoke, of Iredell ooiinty; Jacob Wright of Riadolph county. The usual reward of :»30 each, will be pud for their apprcliensiou. L. H WEBB, Capt. Coin i’g Webb's Battery Lt. Ari’y. C«mp near Petersburg, Aug. 23, 18G3. 4'J-4t Cotton Yarn lor Wool. OTICE is hereby given that aft r this date (except in cases where wa have birgained for Wvol accurJ- inz to the terms of our adveriisement of the 3uih of May. which term** are now revoked,; wo will give 1 b'.in- d'e of Cotton Yarn for lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at th* instance of the Quariermister at R-i!?*igh, in order to make the terms of cichanga uniform throughout the State. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, June 2^^, 18*i3. 41tf ('oal n^HE undersigned were. ai the Noveuin>;r Term of the I Confederate Court, Districi of Norih Carolina, ap pointed .Managers of the Eeypt t'o.al 'line property, aud have entered ii^to copartnersiup tor the purpose of mining and selling ('oal, aud solicit orders for the same- iu any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on ehort notice. The ifcjai from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Cf nfe lerato iitates. Applications iHsiy be madu to Chas B ^I illett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne. Chariest n. S C. CHARLES L MALLETT JAMES litlOWNE. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, l!^r53. 9*»tf 4RIAD J^TOAKJ»i SAlIk. The undersigned have taki'n th’ Agency for the sale of Messrs W B Farrar & ('o’s Grind Sloue‘», and have now on hand piz«^s running from 18X2;| Inches to 6 feet by 11 inches; and can have cut at st'orf notice ,\NY SIZES wiute l. Pers(^n.s in want cf Griad Stoues will please correspond' with the undr-'igned. who will fill order's p'ompMy .in* g.iar'xntc!? tho q'i-»lity of the grit a* r.'presentcd, GEO. W WILLIAMS & CO. Tlli-; .\OKTII \KOIil.\.l Ml Tin. LIFE lXSl ll.t.\CE ( O'IPAST, \^i >W in tlif tonih v.»ar of ■JuccessTul 0Derati«n. with . iN ’apita’^lu l firmer noid upon public con- fideu'.-e. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons fr"m 14 to ',.0 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. .^11 «l»ves from 10 to ijO years of age are insured for one year or for fiv.* years for two third** their value. .\ll losses ara punctually paid within DO day« after s.atisfactory proof is pres»ente-l. For further information the publ'" is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c he State, and to R H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.\LE, Agent at Jan’y 18.5'*. Fayetteville, N. C. I’AVETTKVII.liK .WTl’AL l>SiJU.t\CK fOMP.\\?. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to 1^267,^j88 lib Cash on hand \nd other assets, -5,077 35 Total,* $272,705 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,682 69 OFricKRS: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. DlttBCTOKS: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, 8. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. .McLaurin, Nathan A. Siedman, T. S. Lutterloh, Brin;;^ in your C'ane. WE have at work the very superior Iron Roller Sugar Carie MiU and ten good Kettles Tho Iron MiU presses out all th^ juice from the cane, the wooden rollers about one-half. Terms of Toll —t intity which will make a barrel or less one-ha'f the syrnp (J lantities greater ene thir l. Persons having small crops would-do well to club. An acre of good cane will jield^O gaMons or more of syrup- H. E. COLTON JNO. KIIIKPATRICK. Sept. 7. Cl- C i*cl t Lost, on Saturday the 22d iiii.. hetw:-'»n my house and my still on B'a''k La^e, Biai-^a soiiuiy, a pair of heavy GOLD SPECT.\CLE.S. iu a tic c-tse A rew'ird of $25 will be paid to the finder on tueir d.-livery t;i me SAMUEL ASDi.R.S. Gravelly Hill P. O.. BUden, Sept. 4 *11 I'.pi WA.ATEO, Two large furnished HO(>VIS in » pleasant part o Fayetteville, with board for a lady, two children and two servants. Apply through Box 175 P. .) , or by let ter to Col. Wm. Lamb, Fort Fisher. Sept 7, lt6S. 4tpd AOTICK. "OTI'^E is hereby gt*’fcn, that ap^-lica'ion w.U be made to the Legislature ot North Caro;iua, f-oon to convene for a Charifr for Pilmyra Lodge, No 147. M.\SONS OF AVER.VSBORO’. Aug 31,1803. t)0-3t An A A'o. I Work Morse lor sale. Apply to J. H. COOK. Auci’r. Sept'r 4 6I-2tpd A. W. Steel, J. G. C^ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, \ , . \. E. Hall, J-Wilmgton. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling .\gents jsa^The Company invite applications. MaViB, 18«1 21- C. B. MaUett, James Kyle. A. McKethan, J. L. Williams, S. Tillinghast. FOR !>>AI.E. 1 1 A A -^CRES of L.\ND with good building and ex- X'tUU cellent wafer. Ttie upland timber is pine, oak and hickory, swamp is gum, poplar and juniper. Situated on the head of Ellis’s Creek in Bladon couLty, 0 miles East of the Cape Fear River. Any one wishing to purchaiTe can apply to the subscriber or R. P. Mel viu. Sheriff, at Elizabet'u, Bladen county, who will take pleasure iu showing the premises. J. N. McCOLL. S*pt. I, 18G3. ttl-lOipd A The New Style, SmHil, COLORKU PHOTOGRAPHS, AT STOLEi\, 1'^ROM my ptable on Wednesday night last, a SPLEN ! DID B \Y' M.VRE, 3 years old fee 1st day of this mouth, has a small whJ.e streak in her forehead, and her left hind foot’s 7?hite som-^ distance above the hoof; she had been bled that day, and l(ai the ^ta^ very bad; toltrable large of bar age. 1 wiU pay any man verj liberally who will return her to me, or give me some in formation that I may get her. JOSHUA B\SS, Monk's Store, Sampson Co., N C. Aug. 29. 00 3tpd Fayetteville, May 27, 18(53. 32-tf .%-wvliiiaa fpHK Hoard of Uireeiors f'l;? Inatif.i.;tn Wi»h to till L the otlice of .'Uairor., now v;.cant N >na vther than unanniirnbcrei f«maleu neu‘1 «pp'v Fir iu.-rmation, respecting the duties, &c , of the oflio-, arpiy to the undersigned. ED. I'l^ilRR, Physician and Superin'«'ndent. Aug. 1 }. 6i tJw Voiiai^^s Snidf .^achisso. A FEW ON HAND AND FOR SALE. These need ing had best order soon, as material for making is nearly worked up, and n._> more to be had. Address, ALEX. DICKSON, Hillsbiro’, Oranjte onunty, N. C. Jii'y 20 47 ICtpd Foundry Having in my employment c.')mpelenl workm-'n, 1 am pr.>par.’ 1 to execiito work at the shortest notice and for a reasonable charge. M. A BAKER. Fayptleville, Aug. 18, 1803. r.fiif Palma diristi Beans. ^|'HE subscriber w-U pay the highest cash prices f^r ART. H'oodtiard^N ili»olar C'atiicra. The «tar JS again ia full operUion. Alter this date 1 will pay 10 Cents per pound for rags, or the highest market price, delivered in Fayetteville, or at my mills oa Rookfi^. D. MURPHY. Jklj 28, 186t. 60tf B W^ATKD, North Carolina, South Carolina, ANK Ni)TES Virginia and Georgia. Also, North t’aroSina six per cent.' Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Ealeigh, N. G. M»r«k 9. any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J A Fayetteville. Oo* 8. Reward. WORTH. »w-tf PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight X Dallery, Hay etrett, opposite MarM« v^ra, F»y- etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in wafer colors, oil and pastile; fr«m small to life size. Ambro- types, Melancotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the •■X.rt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G' .' • for very large pictures—a.s large us 26 by 36 inches. Joi'ii and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instrn- ments. Stock atid Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on rca heretofore by the good people of Fayettefille aud yio'nity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Pliotojraphist and Proprietor. 20, 1 RftP 17 i^iartiie Fsictory, Kipi ^ AN.\W.-\Y fnwn tlic xubscribor on Monday Ihe 3d ii of August 18‘>3, my ni^gro |?i.’l .\MY. ay;'’l 17 yt 1 lay years; 5 feet ) or 7 inches high; black comrlectiou. 1 pur chased said girl from .\lex. G ilbreth of Ribesoa county, near Bethel It is supposed she is lurkini; in that neighborhood I will giv» the above r?war l fir her de livery to mo near Laurinburg, N C. A. L. CURRIE. Randalsvilla, Aug. 27. 59- 2tpd Blanlt Warranta for sale at this Officc. 'Flic fo'I>\viiig iiaiiietl nie-* ot my (?ompany,^, “Siaiily Itetiels,’’ 521 R?g't N. C. Troops: Priv.atcs W B. Dees and J (’ Tolbert, atisented them- aelv's without leave, on the night of the 5th ult They aro the only two the t’orapany 'r.as ever lost bj' deaer- tian. Thtiy ar« Kiippo---* «o W lu oTwaly Ijounty, N. (. , and having failed to avail themselves of the amnesty offered by the President of the Coufedtrate States, are hereby alverfised as D‘8ertcr3, and a reward of Thirty Dollars each ijill be paid for their apprehension. All ether absentees are warned to return, or bring them selves uuder the Regulations. J D. HEAUNE, Capt. Co. I, 52d Reg’t N. C. T. Orange C. H., Va.. .\ug. 31. 01-3tpd 'riic Subscriber wi.slics to purchase u few YOUNG NEGROES for which he will pay the highest Cash price. Those wishing to sell would do well to call on me or address me at Raleigh' N. 0. P. J. STERNE. Sept. 7. 61-3mpd $*^olfte\VARD. t) .\N.\WAY from tbe "ubscriber on the 3l of last ulti- ti mo, my boy BILI^ a bright mulatto, some 17 years of age. He is five feet two inches high; ha* a lh:n face and long nose, his upper front teeth are a little decayed; quick spoken. When he left he had on now osn;^burg pants and shirl; he also wore a brown sack coat. He has some relations in Salisbury, N. C. where he was raised; he may try to make his wa^ back. Any infor mation couceruing said boy thankfully received. My address is Rockingham, N. C. MARK COLE. 61-f>tpd for the 0B8BKVER. ^AMp 2d Army Corps, Near Orange C. H., V'a., Aug. 20. ; In conse4jueuce of the pernicious doctrines pro- [ niulgated by certtiin journalists in North Caroli- j na, the character and integrity of the good old State are constantly a.s.sailcd and her loyalty to the Confederacy seriously questioned.* The untimely and injudiciou.s etforts which are heing zealously exerted in favor of negotiations with the United States, justify the suspieion^abroad, that there is a treacherous design, at least, upon tho part of those who advocate these principle?. With more thani sixty gallant regiments in the field, composed of as brave and true men as ever drew smord in defence of liberty, it is disgraceful and utijust, in those who pret«ind to have her interest and honor at heart, to placc her in the anomalous p isition she would miw .seem to occupy. Kver faithful and true to the virtuous instincts of justice and honor, she gallantly and indignantly spurned the yoke of despotism and oppression which connect ed her with a desperately corrupt and inhuman government, and cheerfully and wii^ely united her destinies with the South. Her brave a«d patri otic sons have nobly vindicated'her self-sacrifioing spirit, and scaled her undying devotion to the cause of liberty upon many a glorious and bloody field. But the proud reputation they have pur chased for her, at the sacrifice of so much blood, is about to be tarnished and trampled in the dust. Apprehensions ot danger, unwarranted by any just or reasonable cause, have spread a dark and ominous cloud over the spirit ef the timid and lukewarmj whilst the reverses that have lately be fallen our arms may have revived long-cherished hopes in the bosoms of those who are destitute of the nobler tjualities of the heart, but are debased by low and selfish passions to the condition that renders them incapable of appreciating a just cause. Under the influence ot some such motives or passions, peace meetings have been held in several counties in the State for the purpose of organizing a peace party and nominating candi dates for the next Congress, who, if elected, will favor immediate negotiations with the U. States, in order to bring about a speedy peace. And up on what conditions';:'• In the name of humanity 1 ask, what are to be the terms of the negotiation which has this much-coveted peace for its object? Is it to be purchased at the sacrifice of our inde pendence? Are we, the good and true people of North Carolina, to kneel in humV>l(? contrition at the feet of a vindictive and triumphant enemy ami sue for mercy and forgiveness? Arc we to hum ble our.selves in the dust, and trembling with fear, in the presenL-e of an unscrupulous foe, implore his mercy and jirotection? Ood forbidi Let those who value their precious lives more than honor, and who still have a hankering after the fleshpots of Egypt, cry peace, peace, in response to the cow ardly dictates of their craven hearts. In the name of the .soldiers of tho (’onft'deracy, I toll them there can be no peace until the N«irth. by virtue ,1- vrv. i.., •-« ...- l-_ -I- > arms and desist truui an unjust and most cruel invasion. Then, and never till then, will we hear of negotiations, unlt-ss the proposition come from the enemy. For there is at present no possible chance for us to negotiate with thetn exc-cpt upon tcrnis of compromise. The unconditional acknow ledgment of the independent and separate exist ence of the Southern Cotifederacy, as a nation, is the only proposition we would fur an instant en tertain. And we will have this acknowledgment ur we will have nothing. We wiil make a nation or transmit a natne to* posterity that will never die.* We have put our hands to the plough and will W)l look back. The honored banner of our country has floated triufnphantiy over many a bloody Held, and there are stout hearts and stal- wait arms enough in our noble army to bear it in itlory and honor to decisive and lasting victory. We all want peace. Every man, woman and child n the laud would greet its happy tidings with houts of joy.. Th 're is nothing we desire so ear nestly in comparison with it, and we pray for it most fervently and tri^’. Hut we can never con sent to accept it at the sacrifice of all that makes life dear to us. .What terms can the people ot North Carolina ofter to the ruthless invaders, of her soil but the sword? To a band of robbers and desperadoes who are endeavoring to incite a ser vile insurrection, the more efiectually to accom plish their object of extermination, with which they are constantly threatening us? Can they have so far forgott2u the past history of our enemy—the cruel and unnatural warfare he has been waging against us for more than two y(^^rs—as to suppose he would for an instant en tertain any [iroposition coming from us except such as we would scorn to offer? Is any man so stupidly blintl to the vindictive animosity with which the enemy is seeking the final extermina tion of our race, that he would accept, in good faith, any gu;irantees we did not extort by the force of our arms? “Breathes there a man with soul »o dead.” and mind so depraved and degra ded, that he would be willing, upon any terms and under any circumstances, to accept reconstruc tion as the price of peace? lie who would be biuie enauiih tu iorsako our aLwiftna V .i„—J TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAIflH & SONS’ STORE FaycttcTille, IV. C. '20, i HtiO. 84- Blank Warrants for sale her»« .A Sept. 1. £x\iilAi: WAATED. 4 or 6 horse po»er RnKiNe wr.^ fixtures complete \t.r 21 E .T IT 'M.H' % Spoilt hem Arranged expressly for 09.mp. Price 60 cts. Just reowved. H. J. HALS ft B0N8. Confederacy, endeared to our hearts by so many sacred and honored associations, is not a true son of N. Carolina. If we are to be sul’jugated (a most unreasonable ap prehension,) in the namo of our heroic dead let it be done by our enemy—by the force and power of his arms —and not by the weakness of our will and the indul- genoe of unmanly fear! Think you! ye who are trem bling with constant apprehension, and cringing for peace upon any conditions, that your property or pre- cion's persons would be-respected by the inhuman ene mies of your country, should you succeel in negotiating a peace upop any other terms than tbe unconditional acknowledgment of the independence of the South. If any are prompted by such selfish and dishonorable mo tives, they may rest assured they would be most egire- giously disappointed. Even the enemy would despise their weakness and laugh at their^olly. I conceive that our Government has an outstanding off2r (if 1 may ao express it) of the orjy terms of adjust ment thiit would b? compatible with onr interest or con sistent with our honor. She has again and again pro claimed her williiignese, nay her earnest desire, to con summate a peacs, upon the acknowledgmefat by the en emy of our national existence and a withdrawal of th® hostile forces of the United States from our terntory. Could we offer more or accept less? And would it not be the height of folly, and betray, at least, an apparent weakness upon oar part, to importune the enemy to grant us what blood alone will purchas*? We must either extort peace by virtue of our prowess m the field or submit to the most cruel and heartless op- pressirn. We aje not fighting for conquest, but national existence. Abandon this principle and we give up aU. I am no partisan, and these sentiments are prompte by no party spirit If I have spoken warmly, ®* cHUse I feel deeply mortified at hcanng jhe ir.y native State constantly assailed. the causes wnich have brought it'auUy of fe«l- I fairs may be speedily removed, and J I jp£ Mid ioUOB mAy b®