IP'A'irilSWWlllM. li KAVKi r.Kv iLv.U N. C.. SEPTEMKER 14, 1863. [NO. 126a.] TKINTKD MOXUAVS A\l) TPrnSDW Kim mu J. HALK & Sil\S, vNi') rur:rr^ir,T>> I4ST ()F rOK I’ASSGVUeitS. piti'l in Price f r t - s. • Wopkl;, ,!u-KKvtr , alv.iin'p. For thp 'VceVly yBSKnv»5r $1 >0 p,.« am |®r“ KbVERTISljMKNTS inseno l for per • mire of iii'*'. for the tirst, an l •■>■' oent^ for paoli snc- cefding ic.'tiion. Ad\ -r ji >t oxcopJing a halt ; I line'-;) i:i) (’t nts for Ihr first anil ('eni's for enih Jinj; pubii>!aiion. \i|vf*rtT«»rs :ir? re qufsled to ?tatp the number of in^frrions (}e‘»ired, or they will be continn#«l till forbid chjvrj;e'l ;if>oord- ingiv. I Advertiserucnts continued charjjed new ad- { Tertisemeni«. | sPKClAL N'tfTK'K. s from )*n i s.ter ihi-date, nonaiueof a new suhscrihcr j will be entereil without p.iymeiit in adv»n(v, nor will the paper !.■ ;ii o such subs ribers for > longer time • than ■' I I- i i->r. I Such of our old >ub?cribers as desire to take th# pa- i per on this system will please Botify us when inakinj^ remittance!*. Jany 1, 1?"(8. W\Tf. •TfrA’.f V, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. WILL attend the Count}' and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett. Moore and Robeson Coun- iiti Prompt attention gives to the collection of all claims eHtru.«ted to his hands. Oct. 17, 185ft. 58-tf Gm vv. wFlliams & co., %Vhole!^ale Dealers^ in (iirocerie»i, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlfry, Swedes Iron, HiY STREET, F.VTETTEVIILK, X. C. July 2, 1861. 36tf JOs7 UTLEY,' drocer and V^mtni^sion ^fterchant^ FAYETTEVILLE, xV. C. J&n'y 10, 18U3. 93-tf ~ T. C. A: B. a. WORTH, Comnissieu and F»rwardiug Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf caiTd! 1 FEW LADIES caa be accommodated with board at ix the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. 12. 1S61. oG- * JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO., ^Al.T .nAl4E:Rlli. Y\7E have thirty (oO) pans naw in operation nine miles Vf ea«t of Wilmington. Pa.rties wishing to supply themseWes wilk salt., can be furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Ageut at Fayetteville, lo E Page, manager at the work*, nr to J. M. wir.LlAMS, General Superintenaeui FayetteTille, Nov. 20, 1862. 81tf \VA.\'TE1K 2 '"AA bushels wheat, ,OUU 1.500 •• CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M ThooiasoB, at i^e Merchaut Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 6, 1862. 76tf now:^. tT’im Fnv,*i.vMio (0 V, :’.,u;ngion. #10 00 *• •• •• I'.iri ibeth. 5 00 “ ‘Virie H:iU. 6 5t) “ Ki-iiy’t Cov->, 7 yt) All points beli'W, 10 00 .SKCt>NU ni.-ASS, OR DECK From r.iy''it'vil!e to Wit ninii *>n. • 00 •• Eliz'ir-.'i!) 2 r>o “ •* *• WK.iipbiil, 3 r>o “ ... K>-Vy’p ^JTe, 4 00 “ ,\!l 0-*1tjt ; below. 6 00 I'H. From \Vilmin(Tt(n t.> Favi-ttoville. $10 00 “ *• •• K lly’f Cove. \ 50 V I,, .. Hnll, Ft .St > “ “■ *• K!'7.ihe’V, “ • “ P'’o«p.*'.-l Hall, 8 00 “ . .. ^11 p .ints above, 10 00 Ct.ASS, (m DKCK. From Wilminploti 'o FtyeMev;!!.-, $5 00 “ “ “ Kel'v'- C.'ve, 3 00 “ Whiie H iV.. 4 0« “ i. .. \ 1 p ,j„n ,;bove. 5 00 S':roii i rr D*ck i'ii«>.*nei»r^ rni’ot fctay os low- ■ ifi i ,-»r p ly tiiH pt'ce, or siwe a-» F irsi Cla.'s .All extra ch irre will be raide for Way Passen gers gelling into B'ntis during day time, and for occu- pying a Berth with iheir boets or shoes on, at the discretion of the C'tptiiin J. A WORTH, for C. F St’m B’t Co. R. M. OS I'EI.L.Jnr Si’rs Kate ani Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 18KX 2t>-tf 1. i\’o’rscj3':., CON:- 'RIPT | Camp lim.MKH. An » 27-i. 18 >3 ( THOSE persons e.uiol!* ’. (-r liril' , «rtroVuiefil wtio can fiipnish Lorriffi wiil. -or i!j- (•••---tif, ht! ft : oep'ed wii.'i theh hoises, au t rcce; i tl: y j ' v. lo ! ' (»>riipoinrily e'^'.ploy.-d hs mounted iu*^n u'ule tiec^ssi • V ■’)n r,-.'i;iinin}' for ti/»; tisijt; ;,?! li r , ini; 'p S(>**: r r jmrt'^sps ^ pii o I .UiJ {'ifi 1 ; i t]f\i riiey r^por* wiih their tT!r'’'rt will'oiii .li '; i: Caiup or ('acip Vance, oeav Miirt iiit in, ;r,“y CTiivenient 11. who i"«ire ! ) promote ihi- “afeii: terept* of the T>uiy li n .iir4giii>i; d vr!ioii. ••it (hi? :ili 1 iil- or who SIIRKKKV for KIELU and HOSPITILS. I A'.! now T ro -ivtd to mrnish my Work on Siirffcry to pubjoriber-: and others who may vriah lo pur chnse it. Oi. !:!*• r^cL'ip;. of J5.0(i the h rok will «e seut by mail, t }>^^l EDWARl) WARREN. M D Rti' vlt. Aug 20, isr,8. rj^-lta DF.POKITORV S. A.,) FAVKTTfcviLLKjSept. 1, 18H:5. f T^OT'CK is given tSat t.ll th" Hen'll snbscrihe J f v at (hip o!fice. are now ri*T*U’ fnr d'livery. Su'h‘’r*‘i- tci:) pV.ioe return tl;eir prf>p“rly en- dorpi J Hn t f'O 2w] ’ve *V*e BoTids W O BROAI'FOOT, Deo’y. WANT^p, for the Hospital at Fort Fisber.: j>OULT:\, C.iioken.s, rutt>r i.ud otKor Jel'cicies for . From »ucl after date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A M., oh Monday and Thursday JOS. A. WORTH, April (j—17tf] Acr’t C. F. Steam Beat Co. WE>^TER.\ RAIL ROAD. The Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, .A. M., and re turning leave Mclver’s at 1 o’cl»clt, P M. Freight Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order of the I’resideiit. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Act’g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1863. 97tf 34tf ARTIY HAR.\E»}i. I AM prepared to manui'aetur« all kiniia of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and caa give good bargains. Agents will Jo well to send tkeir orders to me as they jhall have promp? aiteation, and sent off in quick dispp.tch. JOHN CARTER. Ooldston P. O., Chatkam Co.. N. C.. 1 June 13, I8H2 J 300 lb». Ciiiiii Arabic tor ^ale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 15. SALT!! ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf SAI.T! r SACKS for sale by Dee. 22. TOBA€C«>. BOXES VIRGINIA T(,)B.ACCO, various grades, 190 for sale oa consienmeot, by May 23. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 31tf Sole Leather naiited. OAAA henvy well tanned SOLE LE.ATHF^R, wUUv/ suitable for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHY. Fayatteville. April 11. 20tf Adiuiuiwlrator^M I\oticc. The subscriber having at Deoe*iber Teriii, 1863, of the Ceunty Court of Camberlaud, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate ef ^’eill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims .igainst the Estate to present them withiu the time limited by law, otherwibe this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reciueeted to make prompt payment. HECTOR McN’EILL, Adm r. Dm 10. 1862 I COW LOSiT. My COW is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere'o|>- pogite to Campbellton. being driven into the river by boys and caa’t find her way back. She is marked with crop in each ear, haa a bell on, white in her faoe, while on back an-1 belly, red on neck and sides. Who ever will Lake her up and let me know it, or briug her up to me in Campbellton, will be liberally rewarded. The said cow was bought in the upper part of Bladen county and may probably find her way back to that oountv. JNO. A. WATSON. Jnn* 12. 1R6: l OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington. N. C. Marab 7. SALT-SALT. PERSONS wishing to purchase a good article, will find it to their advantage to call at the firm of E ASTERS & CO., at Little River. 8. C., wnere they keep on hand a large supply which they will sell at low figures. There is also fine facilities for getting the Sail up to the Railroad by flats. EASTERS & CO., Little River, 8. C. Aug. 6. 53 I9,p.i Alter thi» date 1 will pay 10 OenU per pound for rags, or the highest market price, delivered in FayttteTiile, or at my milla on Rookfish. D. MUBPHY. ASHE villi:, IV. €. WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for the re ception of Guests the tirst of June, and I hope be able to entertain from seventy-five t» a hundred perjons during the Summer. lu connectijn with this large Hotel, I have a number of Hacktf, C%rria»;es, Biigpie.' and Saddle Horses that my gue'f" c'in get at a minute's notice. J. M. BLAIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel. Asheville. N. C. May 13,1863. 31-ypd Fayetteville Anenal and Armorj, > FAYETT«vii,tK, N. C , June 29, 1863 / WA.\TED. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (^$100) BOUN”l'V. Having received authority from the Secretary of War tn increase the strength of the present Corps at this .Arsen vl, the uudersigned will enlist one hun dred (100) non coiiscnpU for that purpose. Those sub ject to conscriptioa ne^d not apply. Transfers and cxchaaees of men now in service can not be miide MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8 35tf ^FltE OF TUE Ur« ASS'TQUAKTKRMASTKIl, ) Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, >- FAVBTT V (' . July 17. 1863. J WOOD WAATED. ^E.ALEU PROPOS.ALS will be received for the deliv- (O ery of four hundred cords «f good tound black-jack wood, (4(K),) at the rate of sixty (60 cerdsi per month. Xhe wood to be delivered at the Arsenal, where it will be properly corded. It mii.st conform strictly to the standard metwuremen! for cord wood, viz; 8’ x 4’ x 4 Proposals to be marked “Proposal? for wood for Act’g Ass’t Quartermaster” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captiiia Corps Art’y, P. A. C. 8. 47-tf and Act’g Ass’t Qaarteriuister FWETTEVILI.H ,\RSKN.U ARMflRV.Y Aug. 27. 18ti:j. } RMFLE STOCKS Hh p»rtif» tro.n whom hids were accepted hnvinft tail* d to xeo’ite the proper contract. propos^N will 5>e receive i uutil the 20; i day of SEPTE.NiBER next for ihe delivery of •■)'!,OuO Walnut Rifle Slocks at this .Arsenal and .Armory. Hid- will fe coD.(i lered either for tne whole any part, not less th in 10t>» .Spf cific itions will be fiirnished on ;ippUcation lo G-t>] Mij F. L. CHILD.S, Comd’g t'fbcer. A«« tiie Blot kade 7ILL iompel uh to do whi* we should have done be fore thid, wa‘.. upon ycurf-olf and cut loose from the enemy. The pnpri.->:o’'B‘i ivi.ie star'.-lthe manufac turing r.f all k nJi of BOBBINS for F*c:ories in the Southern Stites, will '>o aHle y fill orders at short notiee. Wort dt!Uv:;rod in FavvtfevilU, N C. AddrrBS D. L. KrV^EFTi Msnch-'i’er, Cu!nbe!la»id, N. C. Jure 9. 1S63. 3rf-6mpd de.Mive to sire l’>»ir ;i ’gbfi'iih'.c.ds li 'iii! the in. vital.le aiiscinefr’ of mnr iu.ling, terr^ir'VTi • ’"•jef'ti-ity th-. ini'st grow •■'at of th(' presi.nce of 1 wlo8« ^'--s^rt-'r.* n l k' rs. oan bf maJe iis»fu1 by tendering tlipir aid to tbij er.rollin^ i ffi.-itrs Thf-y o-iii render ncrviae gai.lef aud in »-weiUiip thu Tiuc»!iers of pa;rols sitjt -ut !>y :.;t- thori'T A few ‘ ■>.- nt at mr 't, only h' uM required of them There i^ni provision of ’■»«- tindei* whieh pay C'in : • givca them. tt aM ir.eir *xp»t.«e" of sub'i.^'eiice. ln.ieW;;? atid f r;-,{r* will ^>e r V 'in'i a li'i- era! liiro allcwci tor i!i-- o.- i‘iwir h.^.n-.^. ' ' By order of C.?l PETER MALLETT, Coinmau'iivnt of Conscripts for N. C. J W. M.nli.utt, A.rfitant Au?. 28. [tt. s. J.] '?!> iyf »00 ;i€RES OF LA.Vd for SaSe. The ftiiention of pers.ins wishing (o iiiTest their money is ci»lle l lo 360 acre:* of Land niiuate six miles south ef Chapel Hill and eight milen south-west of Hillsboro’. The entiro tract is ♦ell wooded in Chest nut Oak. and part if cleared would do well for cu’tiva- tion. At the commenceaiont of the war tt' above tract h».l on it a good Saw Mill and well conducted Tan Yard, bnt owi^J ^o the p\rtiea who owned it hav ing their time fiilly engi-^ed, the fixtures have becoice )ut of repair. There is however the Mill aud Bark aousei aud several other buildings and also a first rate Mill Dam. For further information nppHcation can be made to A. MICKLE. Chapel Hill, or R J. ASHE, Wilmington. N C. Au'g. 28 59-6t Standard Ot and bill to this Ofl&o«i. Wanted to Rent from 1st October, a commodious DWELLING HOUSE in town or vicinity. Apply to . S. T. tIAWLEY & Aug. 31. 51-4tpd I t e fii''!; S^.’di TH at liii.s Ho pital Pi^rson^ *;aving Lene jU-j c:»»i o>»tain (!;e :iiarktf price oti ugplica tion to iSe eubscriher at ’a;t» old si.'jfid or it Mr Johu Culhreth’s at tli“ foot of H ty M.-'ins’. K E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag't. ALSO. Vv III f, r;he ;it>ove Post, lO.OOOjHs. H.VY R. E HElbE. Geit’l A»’i. Aii^'. L'.%. ,')8 If &irA. F. ISarriBB^rteiB, ii4>w in tiie vyOuf#i'wrat.* Ari,,.y, is hereb/ aii) >uuced a*« a candidate . ■;« Ltipujlaiuri! from .’>InOre cjuuty. Augii '' I*'’’ 66 Impd B0N9S 5h:posit«ry €. s. Fayetteville, 1st Sopt \ ^ fix per cent COTTON INT*-XFST fifty per cent f.roniuia.—rarcha‘3?s at th'» • e j' be raaiie at thi- flio-' UM'il irichi tin?; the l^ch ins*. One f uri!) of li“ pi.r *has*‘ 'i •)t>v.»y will Uertieivtd >n Tieaiury notes, i^'l!'.i h!n'--e 1'* .Anr’l, 1>^K3 »rd th*.'ro- mainder rray be paid in a^!y non in'»*r,'’St bi'ar’ng I'r, .v- Burv note.*. CO tl8>:i W. G. BROADFO0T. U«p’v. P^OTSCK. 1‘RE LNURRtiKiNED, both having entered the naiii- tary s.-iv a •/,' th« Confederate SiAten *f Ai«ariea, haret*y nsatf, te tkeir i»ld c.sist^mero and friends, th)»t tb»y Ht>pointed Jii’jh J>. Starr and Je’in D. i WilliuJii*. of th!s> >>laee, their a:to”n«ys l.« collect either i scpai'a'.eiy er oonjoiutly all uoheys due tke« either by 1 aeeeunt or uote. n»il ottaerwise to attend to their bu- ! siness geaeraUy diirinir their alnenee. ; fully ask all (lersobs iMdebted t« fcheua to uaU. as preoapt- I ly as pesitiible on their aget>t,i K.sd wake paymeat. { .=^Arwli * WILLIAMS. ! Hart 19. 1851 t/ TESTAflE.\TS~Ai¥D IIYH\s. | C|ONFEDER\TE States Bible Society Testaments. j I .A C.'lleation of Sabbath Schoot Hymns Fornaleby E J. HALE & SONS. June 1 . • Fayetteville, Sspt. 2d, 1853. "^OTICE in i(«rrby ji- en, 'iiut >. i>0] oi :• now ©'■.■a *■ iN this place, f'er th r.i3‘-pMoB o*’the T i XES (i» j du« under Act of the Conte lerate Conjr^ss. a)ir>rev^'«'. I April 24. 1S63. » I Farmers ar 1 l’’>*uter? hfivinf articles ready for d# I livery, cnu forward to thi* Bpp'»t. at *r ce P.^c-ipt i will be pivcn s i'-ject to en lorgeuient cn ihe .Atsessar'f ' estirti.Mcs when ori^de. * This keing a central point, and eouvenient for di^tri 1 bution, it is dssirad as far as practicable that tax 1 eri should deliver their 41101 a of taxes at this D^pot I Likeral c jmpensation will be made to pereeHS deliver ing articles at a distance of ever eight ajil«9 Office at the store formerly occupied by 8tarr & Wi! Hams. J. M. WILLIAMS, 60-Im] Agent fer Cumberland county. I\OTI€E The undersigned will expoee at public sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House in Lillington. on Tuesday the lOih day of September, TWO WELL IM- PROV^ED LOTS in the town of Summerville. One lot of 2^ acrce on which there is a large dwelling, with eight rooms, and all necessary out houses. The other lot of 1^ acres on which is a comfortable dwelling and out houses Terms of sale, one, two and t^ree years, North Carolina Institation for the Deaf and Dumb and-the Biir.d. The next sension of this lodtitution will coinmencc on MOND.AY, Sept 7th, 1883. and continue len months. It is important that piipiN should be present at the c'm- meacement of the H68*sion. Fer iuforaiitiou as to the method of admission, ko., address WILLIE J. PALMER. Principal. Il&leifch, N C. Aug. 14. 59 2w SteaiH En;^ine (or Sale. The uudersigeed ®fteri for s*U a SIFAM ENGINE of 2« Horse Power, and a good Cyl.nd^i Boiler 82 feet long and 86 inches diameter. Also,*if dc«ired, all the fixtures of a Circular Saw Mill ALSO, 32 feet of vtry gooii Shaftiug. 3 inches in di ameter, with couplings If not di*po^ed of at private sale, th- above will be oflfered to the highest bidder on the 23d lay of Septem ber next. Torms cash; delivery on or ^iter the Isi day ofOctobv. HENRY E COLTON, Kerosene Oil Works, Fayetteville, N. C. Aug. 27. 581 f W/tATEO, I WISH to tiire by lUe viaj ui ru> i.uv tbe year, FIFTY GOOD HANDS accnitomcd to Railroad work, to he employe'd in cutting a eH.nH.1 through Lion Swamp in Bladen county. Good wng^s will be paid and the bands will be well fed. Apply to me nt Fayetteville, or to IV G. Worth at Wilmirgion, or .A P. Hurt We would be willing to crntract the work by the yard. The job is a large one and will be worth looking after. JOS. A. WORTH. .Aug. 27. 55-6w C'ottoii T.arn for Wool. N’OTICE is hereby given that after this date (exeept in c'lses where we have birgaiaed for Wool accord ing to the terms of 0 ir adv. rti^e>«»ni .f the SOth of with interest from date Summerville, Harnett Co. Aug. 22. E. KAILEY. 69*3tpd Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,) Sept. 7, 1863. '/ WAI^TED. I WISH to purcfaawe a COOKING STOVE; any per son having one, can find a ready lale by applying to Captain Taylor, at the Arsenal. 61-2w ~ ~ CARD. Finding it entirely impracticable to continue my School according to my advertised rates on acconnt of the enormous advance in the price of wood and other articles of prime necessity, 1 am compelled to with draw my advertisement of the Fayetteville Female High School. I shall open a Boarding School at Mt. Vernon Springs in Chatham county, on the 1st of Octob*r. T. C. HOrPLR Sept. 7. 61if Kerosene Burning Oil, For SALE at the Fayetteville K^iroseae Works; price fl2 par gallon. Purchasers must furuisb o;ms. HENRY E. COLTON. We shall soon be prepared to furnish a very su perier article of Paraffine Lubricating Oil Sept 7, 1863 61-tf AD.ni.^lSTRATOR’S IVOTICE^ 1IHE Undersigned having qaalified as Administrator with the will annexed, durante absentia, upon the estate of th.' late Mrs. Caroline M. Winslow, at June Term 1863 of Cumberland Connty Court, hereby gives notioe to all pei i>4as indebted to said estate to come for ward and make payment, and to all persons having elaims against said estate to present them duly authen- tioated, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. FURTHER NOTICE. , . .u • • . ! presses out all the juice from the cane The Undersiijued has a negro weman with three^^out one-half, children to hire out for tK^ balance of the year; she 1 is an excellent cook, washer and iroaer. ! EDW’D L WINSLOW, Adm’r Ao | Aug. 5 5«-*6w 1 Brins your C'ane. Wl have at work the very superior Iron Roller Sugar Cane Mill and ten good Kettles* The Iroa Mill the wooden - PJLi-' A Ji>proi/iu-iioa at rompeii.—A recent viaiter to the buried city says: ‘■(.kac day, iugidt' a house, amid fallen roofs and u.^hes, the outline ol’a human body was perceived, an I M. Finreili, the chiel of the worLs for eicava- tioM. av^on ."-icertainc-d that there was a hollow un- di r tii3 suriUct; lie- aoco^uill^ly mad© a small lioif thr^i'igh its oovcrin;^, and lilled it up with li- plaster ol l*ari3, as if it were a mould The re^-ult wa- tiut ho had obtained a complete plas ter -‘tuttv* of a lljiuan lady ol the first century ot the (,'hri-tiaii ora. ’luse by were found the re mains of a iiiati, another women, and a girl with !U pieco.=! ot silver nioriey; four earrings and a fln- ir>?r rin_', ali ^clJj two huri keys, and evident re mains; ol a ll'K-.ii bu^ or pur>e. 'I'he whole ol those ^n>dies liiive boon oarelully moulded in plaster. Tiio lii flt btitlj it-( d w j- ii At’iiian iyirig ou pcr ri^hf sid'.*, v> ith her limhs contracted, as if she h i 1 did iij c mvulsions. Thi* lorm ol the head dress and tli'- li.iir are (juite di'tiuct. On the b*»ne the littl. linger were two silver rings; and with ills body were the remaius ol the purse above mentioned with the nionoy at.d kejs The girl i!.s t-juiid in HU adjoiuing room, and the plaster ui'iuld takeu ot the cavity dearly fIiows the tissue ol her drebS By l>er side wa;' «n elderly woman ho had an iruii ling on her iittle finger. The ast per^oiiaire I t'hall describe wut^ a tall, well made man. lying lull lenirth. T.hu plar^ter dis tinctly shows his Ibrm, the folds ot his gr.rnjent, is torn sandals, his beard ivpd hair. I contem plated these human lorms with an interest which defies expression. It is evident that all these un* fortunatcshad made great efforts to escape destruc tion. The man appears to have perished in a vain attempt to rescue the terrified women, who thought they could be nowhere so sale as in their own home, and hoped that the fiery tempest would soon cease. From the money and keys found with the body of the first woman, she was, probably, the mistress of the house and the mother of the girl. The slender bones of her arms and legs and the richness of her head dress seem to indicate a wo man of noble race From the manner in which her hands were clenched, she evidently died in reat pain. The girl does not appear to have suf fered much. From the appearance of the plaster mould, it would seem that she fell from terror, as she was running with her skirts pulled over her head. The other woman, from the largeness of her ear, which is well shown by the plaster, and the ring on her finger, evidently belonged to a lower class, and was, probably, a servant of the family. The man appears to have been struck T May, which terit^ are new ^le of Cottca Yarn for 4 3 lbs. washed .io i pickr>d. instance ef the Qu«rtnrcni revoked.) we will iv.! 1 buo- Ihs. of Wool uBwiiae^t. or This ehiNge is made at the ter at Ril?.i?h, in order to THE .HORTH CABOLI^A MCTGIL LIFE INSCRINCE COMPINT, NOW ia the tenth year of successful opev*tien, with growing capital and firmer hold upon p;iblic con fidence, continues to insure the lives of *11 healihy per sons from 14 L» 60 years of age, for one year, f»r seven years, aua ror life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to VO yearn of ag« are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the publ>'» is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c ^he State, aad to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE. Ageat at Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. Term* of Toll —Quantity which will make a barrel or less oue-half the syrup Quantities greater ene-third Persons having small crops would do well to club. An acre of good cane will yield SO gallons or more of syrup H. E. COLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept 7. 61- W FAYETTE VIL.L.E HCTGIL INSCRINCE COMPIXT. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $267,68i Cash on hand and otheir assets, 5,077 86 Tiie 13edar Faljl:? Bob bin Co. arc now prepared to furnish, at *j.irt nu'ic'*, nil kinds of BOBBINS, SPOOLS >ind QUILLS, &c , 8ait*»ble for Woolen and Cotton M IK J. M. ODELL. Agent. C.»dar Fr*!l», S C . Jiilr 1803 86 fimpd To €otlo!i Planters. I HAVE b?e>. appointed by tbe iSecret^ry of the Trea sury, Chiet Agent for tiie purch^s’} of Cotton for the Coniederati* Govurnmeut wiihin the State of North Caro- liua. and will p^y for tke satni; in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. ,|Sub-Agents visiting tha'dilforent parts of the State, buying in my naaie, will iiave written oertifioates of appointment. By order of the .Secretary of tde Treasury, all Coiten purenased t>y uiynieic nr iuy agents, on auti sficr tho 18th day of March !863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds «>r Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonis will ba furnished as stated. Patriotic citiiens are now offered ao opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, 1853. £0. n.] 14tf Stop tiie De!>erters. The following enlisted men have deserted this com pany at different periods since 2'Jth July. All Mili tia Offio«srB and loyal citizens are requested to arrest the same if opportunity offers: £>^niel Lassiter, Thomas C. Smith, Wm. B. Smith, Jno B. Smith, Joseph Wiggins, Wm R. Frick, Stephen T Barrentine. George Chavers, John M Cole, Dan’l B. Brown, Dan’l B. Snead, James L Freeman, John C. Smith and Joseph Willoughby, of Richmond county; Wm. Bowlin and Ambrose L Hoke, of Iredell county; Jacob Wright of Randolph county. The u«ual reward of $30 each, will be pa*d for their apprehension. L. H WEBB, C'ipt. Coml’^ Webh’d Battery Lt. Art’y. Camp near Petersburg, Aug. 23, 18ti3. 49-4t make the terms of exon-injjtj uait'orra throu«»iout the State. • W. WILLIA.M.*?'& CO. Fayetteville, June 20, 18ti3. 4ltf Esryi’t Joal i^isse. '^pHE uu lersignt'd were, a' the Nove-sber Term ef the I CoBf*-.1er .te Court, bisirict of North Caroliu i, ap pointed M'tan.-er? of tho Egypt Coul Mine prepvriy, &v,d hiivi. entered ir.to copartnership for the purpose of uiiuing aad 6 lling Co-i!, and solicit orucrs for the sania iu any degiicd 4.. .utity. Oidi-rs for any amouiii. caa be supplied oa ^^hert unttce. The C>jal :ro:n this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in t.he Confederate State!-. Applications la^y be iiilo to 'h^s B M.*riett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, Chailestoa. S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BRoWNE. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, 18b:-!. ?.''itf 4UIAD STOAES FOR SALE. ^PHE undersigned have taien the .^e**noy f^r the sale JL of Messrs W U Farrar H Co’s Hrind Stones, and have now on hatid sizes running fr'm 18X2j inc'.;e- to 6 feet by 11 inrhes; and cau nave oat at short no-ice .ANY SIZES warned. Persons iu w..ni. of Grin.l Srone.^ will please corre'^poud with the ucdersiitned, who will fill orders promptly and sr'iarantee the fjuality of the grit as represented. GEO. W WILLIAMS * CO. Fayetteville, M*y 27, 1863. 82-tf Insane A«(viiiin The Board of Direc'ors of this lostitMtion wish to tall the olhcw of .Uatrou, n»w vaoaat. None oilier ihau unencurnoered females neeJ apply For informition, respecting the duties, ito , of the office, apply to the undersigned. ED c FiauRR. rnysiciaa and Superintendent. Aug. 14. 6'‘>-6w Total, $272,766 61 The Company have paid ‘all losses promptly, and have never made an assessirent on their premium notes. Totil losses paid, $29,682 69 OrrioiBS; GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. MeMILLAN, Soo’y. Di»kctohs: Henry Lillr, W. N. Tillinghast, H L. Myrover, 3. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawlcy, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan .A Ste’.Tnan, T. S. I.aiterloh, C. B. M'rilett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J. Q. C«ok, A. A. MuEsLothan, Uon. J. G. Shepherd, J. L). WilliausH, R- E. brown, 1 . S. SV. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall. [ hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents SsSrThe Company invite applications. Vvv -IS. 18^51 21- S|>ectacle«« Lost. Lost, on Saturday the 22d uh., between my house and my still oa Black Lake. Bladen county, a pair of heavy GOLD SPECTACLES, in a tin case. A reward of 1(25 will be paid to the finder on tLeir delivery bo me SAMUEL ANDEfta. Gravelly Hill P. O., Bladen, Sept. 4 61 4tpd Wai^ted^ TWO large furnished ROOMS in a pleasant part of Fayett«ville, with board for a lady, two children and two servants. Apply through Box 175 P. 0 , or by let ter to Col. Wm. Lamt), Fort Fisher. Sept 7, 1863. 61 4tpd IVOTICE. VrOTICE i.'» hereby given, that application will h« ll made to the Legisl'iture of North Carolina, soon convene, for a Charter for Palmyra Lodge, No 147. M.ASONS OF AVERASBORO’. Aug 31, 1863. 60-«t An A rVo. 1 Work Hors^e for sale .Apply to J. H. COOK, Auct’r. : Sept’r 4 61-2tpd 1400 FOR SA LE. ACRES of LAND with good building and ex cellcnt water. Tae upland timber is pine i oak and hickory, swamp is gum, poplar and juniper Situated on the head of Eliis’s Creek in Bladen cnuot ; 6 miles East.of tlio Cape Fear River. Any one wis' icg I to purchase c-in apply to the subscriber or li. P. Me! j vin, Sheriff, at Eiiiibeth, Bladen coui;iy, who will tske ' pleasure in ihowitig tiie premises, j J. N. Mc'^OLL. ! Sept. ;, 1863. 61 10:n.l by lightning, for his straightened limbs show no signs of a death struggle. It 'is impossible to imagine a more affecting scene than the one sug gested by these silent figures; nor have I ever heard of a drama so heartrending as the story of this family of the lastjdays of Pompeii.’' PVBLlCATlO.liS BY BRANSON, FARRAR & GO. MYRTLE Le*>ves, by Rev. A. W. Maagnm, now in press. 8ecoj3d edition—a book peculiarly adapted to the times—euitea alike to the ssldiers in camp and those at homo. Priea $1 MORVEN AND LINDA —A tale of a soldier’s faith ful love—an extract from ilj'Ttle Leaves—a pretty poem, now ready. Price per hundred, $10 00. HESPER AND OTHER POEMS, by Theo. H. Hill. Second edition. “It sparkles on every page with bright gems of thought and expression."—Church InteUigencsr. “This is true, genuine poetry.’*—Banner. Price $1 00. THE EMEMENTARY SPELLING BOOK, revised from Webster and adapted to Southern Schools, now ready. Priee $1 00. THE DIXIE PRIMER. Second edition. A popular book for the children. Price per hun dred, $10 00. THE DIXIE READER will soon be ready. Price 50 cpnts. , THE GEOGRAPHICAL READER, with Maps—in press new Setd ia your orders Price $1 60. FIRST BOOK IN COMPOSITION, is designsd t« precede Engli.-'h Granti.ar, and contains a number of pl*a&ant writing exercises for the student. A raluabla text book. Price 75 cis. III'^TORICAL SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS, suited to Si'ibtth Schools and to soldiers in camp. The best i o.'k of the kind yet published. Price 60 cts. Mi^eellaneous Books ob hand for sale* i^\TECHI'M FOKS.ABBATH SCHOOLS. Price per J"'r. , V2 51' A The Jew SljrJo, Small, COLORED Piit>TOi;UAPHS, AT Gallery. Yoiiih«’^ Smut .llaciiine. A FEW t .. HAND AND FOR SALE. Those need ing had *''ist order soon, as material for making is nearlv workt>^ up, and no more to be had. ' Address, ALBX. DICKSON, Hillsboro’, Orange county, N. C. Tuly 20 47- 16tpd Tiie St.ir Foundry Is again in full operation. Having in my employment competent workmen, I am prepared to execute work at the shortest notice and for a reasonable charge. M A BAKER. Fayetteville, Aug. 18, 1863. Sfitf Palma diristi Beanw. ^FHE subseriber will pay the higl.set ca?h prices for 1. any quantity of Palma Cbristi Boanp. J A WORTH. Payett«vin?i. 0??t 8 H7-tf Reward. R'.*? : stol.e:«, From my stable on W.;'Jnesiiay n.giit list, a fiP.LEN- DID B\Y MARE 3 vea-s old tae lat day of ' month, has a small w'.ii c sir ik In li.’r foryht^d, an i j her left hind foot s wliile t-otue di^iiance *b:,ye ihe ii'ief; i she tLad been ble.i that day, aa i tvvl the ft ib very i tolerable large ot her ag?. 1 wiil pny any m^n r. j liberally who wiH retuin h; r !o me, or giVc me some lu- 1 formali n ii.ut I may h r. I JO^IJUA BA?!S, I Monk’s Store, tSanipson C"., N C. 1 Au'^. 2it, 60 3tpd n'.TECHI'M FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. 50. • illE .-UNuaY SCHOOL BELL. A collection of il niDs tor S -bbitn Sch -ols —ht.s been long and favor- vbi' kn -^n P tr« ["i 1 i . $3 tiO. t4RE\T EXl’E T.aTIONS. Pr c-$3 00 TUi: .'I'TLP Price ^1 50. I'aRIIi'IjL .'I.aRKHAM. Price $2 00. 1 \ MN !-:.\USEP.. or THE BATTLE OF THE BARDS, a •rltn'did po*-!!!. Pfio-.* S2 oO. IIW;>S AND ROMANt;!. OF MORGAN AND HIS ART. Woodward’^ Solar Camera. The To Inwiii;^ luiiiied iiic" t'omfiiuy, I, ‘'S atily It-;! c.**,' bzx t N. PIIOT()OR-A.I’HS oan be had at Vanorsdell’* Skjrlight Oallery. Hay -itreet, opi>osi(e Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water ■ •«'* fvaiB HuiaU to Ufa size. Ajabro- types. Mel.’ineotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertun* ig to the Art. Also. Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, O' I? for very large pictures—sw large as 26 by 36 Inches. Cord and Tassels for banging pictures; Instru ments, Stock aud Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit yeur patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on ma heretofore by the good peopl§ of Fayetteville and vievnity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photograv'hisi and Proprietor t>«e’r 40. IRfiO 7" iliarble Factory, B WAIVTED, of North Carolina, South Carolina, Mj 28, 60tf ANK NOTES Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Caroliua six pcr cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICHARDSON * CO., Brokers, Baleigh, N. C. .AN.AWAY froiu the subsc ib«r ou M.uxday !h'? 3d day y 6 feet 6 or 7 inches high; b^ack con.p^BCi.'tCn I pur- A’lgust 1863, my ne/ro ?irl AMY, 17 year?; 9Cf chased said girl from .Alex. Galhret»i o.' iv,»bison county, near Bsihel. It io supposed she ii> l.trkir.c: ia iLat neighborhood I wiil gi»»- tho above tcwar-.l f.-,r her de livery to roe near Launnuurg, N. C. A. L. CU.-RIE. Randalfivilla, Au;?. 27. ' 50- 2»pd Blank Warranti for tale at this OlQBce. ol iny tj. I'rooi-s; Privates W B Dec's and J tl Tv.hen, a'lsevited tti. it;- ifslveH without leave, on the uight of the 0 :1 tiU T le; are tho ouiy two ihe Company' has ever lost by deser tion. Ttjpy are supposed to be in 8f«nly 0‘'uniy, N. ’ , aud having fail-d 10 atail themselves .of the amnesiy offered by the President 0.' thi.Jiji^dfcrau« fctnuwy. >0 T>«5DT«ers, ana a reward ot ininy DoUarp each wnl be paid for their appreher&i-in. .A ! other absentees are warm-d to return, or briog tbern- selves under ttie Regulation!). J D HEABNE, Capt. Co. I, 62d Reg’f N. t). T. Orange C. H., V» , .Vug. 31. 6l-S'pd MEi. Tru.* an ; xj ni^ •hi t received, a ii:ge 'i^NTS. ..‘.0, H, I> S ■'.No, a v.k’-iH .nai s at P-'l ’i U C-.U ai' ) be na i by early applica- PO JK Y(^U MAN if- uut quite Tlie Subscriber wishes to purcimse a few YOUNG NEQtiolJS for which he will pay the highest Cash price. Those wisiiing to seil would do well ti call on me or address me at Raleigh. N 0 P. J STERNE. Sept. 7. 6I-3mpd R Bv GltlO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAI6H h SONS’ STORE Fayetteville, W. C. 30, IHRO. 84- Blaak Warrants for sale hm. $•^0 REWARD. •AN AW AY from the subscriber on the 3d'of last ulti mo, my boy BILL, a bright mulatto, soroe 17 ye^rg of age. He is five feet two inches hia;h; hnfl a thin face and iong nose, his upper front teeth are a little decayi d; quick spoken. When he left he had on new osii:\t>ur? pants and shirt; he also wore a brown !ack coat He has some relations in Salisbury, N. C. where he was raised; ^e may try to make his way baci. .Any infor- matiou coucerning siid bjy tha-iiit'ully received Mv address is Rockingham, N. C. * MARK COLE Sept. 1. 61-9ipd £A>ilA£ WAATED. ^ 4 or 6 hor^e power Rngme, w'lh fixtures complete. M*v 21 R J H4I.F * SONS Soutliern Song^istcr. Arranged elpressly for Camp. Prioe 60 ct«. Just reoeived. K. J. HALB h SONS. Tom M- . .. :.f FIR.^T YE 'R OF THE W.AE. iNti & il-vMPuELL'S Pnbii- Ai.j. UiiGh.’’. Y, a ri;'c’l lid work fir Pbysl- i-. .■ I: is cottsn up I'j ue»t style i-.i i w'H w-i . a Pnct- t'O. .A'-o, a lew ' rf the p- pular uew Novel: NO NA.ML by :lt-ie C .•VlRO 'd^ F ion. hOMAN' E OK ^ exhanrfii-d: .'i in y .n' ri ”' York .S ENGtvl.'il O UA vi VI ' K. f jr Common Fcnools, and con cie.i, i>u h wl re;;tii;irly. Tnis ia r uroly a Southeru GrAiutnir, and uo beiter work of the kiiid'na? tieen ptivri's'-.ra. HARDEES TVCri-jS WHEELERS CAVALRY TACTI .‘t?. Peri >-iieal.s, Pap'Ta, sad th.i Laera- tiire of the Svuth gfnoi.t ly :> School Bou'rs of the old and r* w puVlic itiotio, here aud elsewhere kept for sale. Tde usual deducii^^ijs mad* 10 th® irade Sond in your orders and you aiiall have aiien^ion. JUST RKCEIVED. A LARGE LO! of the very bos' Eiivelopes, Paper, Jtc. Also, A VAhlEl'Y of Mi'.o*I'wneous Dojks. 00m- prisiijg Histories. Biograj hies, Travels, Bchool Books, and Poetic li Works. Also, .A QU.aNTITY of New Southern Mu^io. Also Portraits ‘f Sto:. wall Jackoa Price when sent by .Mail i>» 00 All orders prciup'ly b'tended to. BRANsON. FARRAR & CO., No. 12, Faveti", vil'e St , Raleigk, N 0 Sept. 1. ' 60-tf LAi\D FOR SALE. The Subscriber oIT.ts to-- s.»lo abou' 400 'Acres of Laiid in Rjbei>on County, abiut 10 miles from Lum- b>rton and 9 miles from Cape Fear River. Said land is well adapted to f iie growth of Corn t’otton, &c.; is well timbered with Pine aud Oak—the pines have bet-n box ed and worked about 3 feet hign There ia about 2(f mros cleared ana in cultivation; tne buildings are old and ordinary. A further description is unnecessary as purchasers would like to examine for themselves A^ person wishing to see the laud can apply to ^ White on the premises or to me at my resideuoe »n aob- eson county near Baokhorn P. O. ^ JQNBg, Sept. 1. ■

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