\ Of • »I te d % 1 ►I FAYi I’KINl'Kn ^lONl)AVS ^\l) TTnM?si)\Y.? J. HALE &. SO>S, FI TTORS \\n T’ROPRIKTOUR. ■ioe for .he Serni-Wppkly Obskuvkr (),), p^;,} 'I'iv'inot* hor the orkly ORsBPvpn $} OO .I'tv'ilico. 1' r annutn, pnM in *^A1)VKRTISFMKXTS ,nseriel for S2 per . u»ro X.f 16 Hues for rhe first, and one d->IUr for each s.ic- coo.iwg pnbiicaMon. A.lvmisemenls not exce^ Iine . -l.Kire (eijrht lino ) «?1 for (ho fir.t «n-l 50 o«fs i lor.vi',h Puococ.ling puhlioation. A.Jyerti!ors »rc re qt.- to stale th^ nnmher of in:»erlions ilesirt'tl. or j Ihov will be continue-l till forhi.l. ar\-\ ohnrge.J nt'cor.l- ' iujtiy. ' I Atlveriiseni. 'Its Continued tertisemen'o. »Y Tin: GOVKIl\»u OK \OKTII ( \UOU.\A. a*HM B.A.II %TIOi\. \\f *' 'I iiKinb- r of public uifeMTics h:ivi- rec.ont M '.V bci :i h.'l i it\ vari'in portions >)f t'le Sta^o. in soni' of whiiili tiir uf- hive b.ou m nJe of c.'tnbinnJ r*‘xistancp to thf (XHculio i of tliJ* iiiw.-^ i.'f Congres?. in r«'?;ini to conscripti.-n n.ij (he colleotion of ta:^t s. thi're bj en.lHuceritin (he puh'io pcacs and irAn.piitity ns w )' 1 'h(> f.>ni>n .’1 c:vU'e of ir)df*nerJl(?oc,’, wi.-tth wi' h,iv.> . y riiKi.-p,l to defeull: And whi>re;i] li i-. ny s» r-> .i„(v to ae.' all the l;w« of tho lanJ fai’th- nniv i, ... 1 .julet aii.l order maintaiueJ withiu our Nonlvr?^ Nj-. -b.-rcrMv. I ZKBTLON IV VANCK, Gover-ior ef the S! !it.‘ (,f v-v(h «’ vroIini, Io I8.«ue this ni_v Pro> I'lni uioii, o.imi;! \n ';i>g al’ siirh pereond to ri'noiitice stu h •’ T--\.niuc fhem to bewire of ti.e ac'3 L'f carrying ,- iich tLron'- UST OF CHARGES FOR PASSE\«ERS. vvnjj:. SEPTExMBER obarcjrd as n *w ad Fr'^m ail Ml).; ribor - w.:u tiuio SPKCIAL NOTIOK. I tfr'lii ,lrt.>, noii;>,,u>. Th :u'w Kilt be enti-red without p.»'>-,u.o«t n.ivf«noo, i > i = -tich «ub: ^ibej-s for a lon«r (nan is pnid fur. SiioL ofor.r .Id --ibscribers as desire to take the pa per on this n-stem will please u- ify „s when making remit.ances. j„^ ^ UMi. *ircL,. .?Jf AM 1-, Attorney at Law, FAYETTEVlIiLK, N. C. JTILL attend the County and Supevior rourts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17. 1859. 5g.,f BEO. W. WILLHMS & CO., lVlioli*«ale Dealers in fiirocerit'K, ANP IMPORTERS AND T»EAT-ERS IN hardware and Cutlfry, Swedfs Iron, &c,, HAT STRKET, FVYETTKVILLK, N. C. Juiy -1, 1S;U. 3,;,f JOS, LtI. EV, iil'oeer and C'ommissioti .fterehant, FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C. •lan’y 10, 18G3. 93-tf j T. C. & B. «. H ORTH, !v.l :t crimi-i i! .md l.ifi! in'll c.\ oini n. 1 !' • it'^li - r.-ihle iiij'' tujTi 111' P't th;T Vi’ !. its li:- sj.. ii:. .•in i i I'.',' p/’. 'il- n. by t iio most 8 fin^I . rurl'fT in t h> .s.i i; ' ■: - i;. • of i iv,. .it! ! imii I' j t'-...: t.>ivs,. } iy ' ti'IU :.f th. r I' ' 1, purvi -.r, 'I. I', -r f. sisr-int^' to thorn ! v ; com‘'iti i‘io;t. h ; n I coiinir; 1. ' V > . ■ Iaw> I tvd itiil •.nvalu‘'.ble rigbt of tJ;- pcoplo l.i an 1 MiisuU for the coinin.'n g iod. to i-'.iry concomitants, the free fim of ■■». av secured to you, iny c.'UDtr} . .I compacts. They shvil! nevrr iVe! you will renio'-brr thu hich iTuar.ititee thew^ (frent rifjli'.-s iia 0. ’vill\i.; :)j(> oounda H; • II in? th'} inu 'fiuy of ?:eei’ ^ ' H' f trtnii^ri'.-se 1 Tne Conj'.itu- ru'" and -ill laws passed in ‘ i^uprrme law of the land; rc- cniiibin'.tirn is ireison, and without '■) i '-inje ‘ip.iircx ihe laws of your !i ’ he dec'iTPd So l^nj; as the^e r.- i:a;u uf -n tr.e .-tatute book they shall be execu- >ur..ly, !uy c uatrynicn you would ufit eeei^ to eiire (he ev^ls of ono -ev,.Union by plunp'ng the country uit,> .mnt.i. r \ uu will not ka jwingly, to (he present I J „ Je-eUfin;; war with the coinmo:i enemy, add the hor W he County and Supevior Courts of i rors of internal strife and entire subversian of law .and M C umberland, Harnett. Moore and Robeson Poiin. I Civil authoritj.' You must not ^orfcet the enviable character wliich you '.ave always maintained, twa sober, C'nservative an.l law abi,line people; nor would 1 have you to foriref the pbiiii. easv and ronrtitnfional method of redressing your gr!^.vance9. Meet and ienounce any oxis:ni^ lawH if you thiuK prop r—>ou hate that right rnl uisTuct your rcpr« sentatives in forpress or the Sia’e L.-e;-*'ai!ue. as the c»se may be. to rtpea- (hem \ onr own chosen servants made those o^noxi..us laws—they can repeal them, if such >»re your iustruc/ tious If y..u lejjud them as imconstiiutional. our Ju preme Court sits ready lo d.'cide upon all cases proper ly brotjght before it Its derisions are final in the ^ Slate of North Carolina, an.1 shall be execut.*d while! the powpr remains in your Executive to enforce any : law. There is n-> frrievauco to redress and no proposi ! tion to be made, but can be njost beuefioially etf'es'.eJ in i the way oar fathers nnrkxl .uit by ih j ballot-box, and 1 the other con-'tim'i na’dy appointed means. In limes 1 of fft^af ptibhi’ pon'ibi !'y t:ke the present, any depar 1 lure from this ’.t-eal channel is revolutionary and d ju J' 1 • in — 1 and IcTids to the division aud di3*riction of our ! (omaih^ion and Forwarding Merchan(fi,' r^^pie ! It IS my great deiire, and, I hope, Ibat of all good 3 ,M) t 4 It) I 5 00 j f10 00 i •t 60 j .i 60 I t; ; .s Ott ■ DOW.’V. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, “ “ “ Elizabeth, “ While Hall, “ “ “ Keliy’H Cove, “ “ All points below, SEf^OND CLASS, OK DKt'K. From Fayetteville to Wilmington. “ *. 4 Kliznbeth. “ Whitehall, ** “ “ Kelly’s t'ove. ** “ *■ All points l>eIow. IP. From Wilminj^ton to FayetU'ville. “ " “ K>“!ly’s (’ove, “ “ “ While HhI!. “ “ “ Klizibnth. “ " ‘‘ T’rospect IfaH. “ “ “ All points above, SECOND CLAS.^, OR I'KCIC. Prom Wilminpton t6 Fayetteville. “ “ “ tol'y’B Cov^, “ “ “ White {f ill, c'ecoiid or urci 1 lower deck or pay t'uli price, or sam An extra charge will be made for Wav P.assen- ger.-> get!in? into Rerihs dHiing day time, aul for oocb- pying a Berib with their boots or shoen nn, at the discretion of t.*ie Taptaia .). A WORTH, forC-. F l?t’m B’t Co. R M. ORKiiliL. for rit’ra Kale and ,'^n. T. S LUITKKLOH. May 4, 26-tf Prom and after IBiin date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday , JOS A. WORTH, ^pril «—17if ] Ap’t C F. Steam Boat Co. WESTERli RAIL ICOAD. The Trains of tUis Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock. A. M., and re turning leave Mclver’s at 1 o’cl«cK. P ,\I, Tr^tn MONDAY, WEDNESDAVund FRIDAY. By order of the President. ' JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and Act'e Trans. Ae’t, ‘’•’MP6S. r^ARfilE OF FI/RiVlTfrRE I AT AUCTIOX. The Subscriber, as Executor of Thom'ip WaddiM d’- cease.l, will olFor fir 8-le, On Thursday the 1st of October next, At tho FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. j 113 the lloui^eliold & Kitfhen rurnilure ne!on»ioc to ■»aiil Kslat(>. The vtic'.ea con«''jt of Beds .?lnnkets. iiedsfeads. Tables, Chairs, Plates, Knives ani torks. ( ookin^ Utensilrf. —ALSO- Horse and Carriage; I one Horse Wagon, ^^ows and Ho«rs. T-»m‘ u Sh1,«. w, McL McK\r. Ex’r. f .v-'ftov-Up, S!.n». 10, $10 ( ■ 5 Oil C. 60 7 (ta 10 ("' $5 OP ^ CO •1 on ■/J’ tnnm stay on as First Cla«s Jan. 22,' 97tf WILMINGTON, N Jan'y 28, 1861 0. 84tf ^ FEW L.\DIES can be accommodated with board at T. C. V\ R D 1 can be tie Seminary. Sept. 12. 1S51. JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO., $$ALT .TlAKER«i. HOOPER. ,SC- have thirty i30 tT east of Wilmingto citiieus, that ur people should remain united, befall us what may Should we triumph iu th“ great struggle for iodependenc?. let no feelings of revenge, no bitter ness, mar the rejoi.’inzof that glorious day Should we j fall, and come sli^ri of tha’. great object for which we I have struggled eo !-ng and bled so freely, let n )t our _ .strifi s and domestic feu Is ad 1 to the bitterness of defeat. Attempts suddenly to change the existing order o'* i tiuniTs Would only re.sult in bloo l«hed and ruin. I j therefore in;plore you, my countrymen, of all shales of j p-tUiicHl opinion, to from ftss*mblin^ toi^etber i for the rnrpose of denouncing c«ch other, whether at A«HEVII.I.E, ¥. V. WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for the re ception of Guests th^first of Jua«'. an i 1 hope be able to entertain from sev- >ity-five to a hundred persons during the Summer. .In connection with tl.is largo Hotel, T have a nunjber of Hacks. ( irri’ijes. Bugces and Saddle Horses tl;at my guests can e*t at a minute's noiice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel, V-b ■ ille, N. C. May 1.1,1 FayettevillQ, Sept. 2d, 1863. VrOTICE is hereby given, that a Depot is now op«n at this pJace. for the reception of tn« T AX ES (in kind) dui under Act of the Confederate Congress, approved April 24, 18t)3. ^ Farmers and Planters having articles r. :.ily for de livery, can forward tc this D»pot at once. Receipts will be given subject to endorsement on ihe Asacsadr’a estimates when made This being a central point, and convenient for di^tri- N'OTICB. 4 T »p'f>tnbcr T-riii of tha Tourt of Pleas A . V y i ir-l-. r Se^sims of Cuwborland County, the sub- orit , r was-ivpoinie 1 Administrator of the Estate pf '■'-c late Jvmes A J Braiiford. Persons indebted to ■ 7 ini .'-i >%• ..;u- ! ni ik' payj'iont to me Those having tft'.' I (> >T>p .'iru't prc«>?nt •bcTn in '!ue tioo# or this naticc ^ili be pleaded in bar of a recovery. I’ETER P. JOHNSON. Sept. 12. r rRTIIKIl X(JTK’H. On ^.\TURl).i^ the 3d 'f October, at ciy store in F.iyettpville, 1 will sell sun Iry articles of perf-onal pro perty bclonifing to tho late James A J. Brr.lford. A- tiiyjig tbein is a fine Gold Watch, an excellent Clock of ^ Ware, fable Cutlery, choice Books :vnd other valuable articles Also, ^2000 iu Confede rate 8 per cent B(,nds. Terms: Six month’s credit I’t^TER P. JOHNSON, Adm’r. Sept. 12. 1868. 6S-2t * Presbyterian copy twice. 300 ACETEf!^ OE EA.liD lor Sal^. '^rilE attention of persons wishing lo invost Iheir money is called to 3flO acrcs oi Land situate six miles south of Chapel Hill and eight miles south-west of Hills’oaro’. The entire tract is well wooded in Chest nut Oak, and part if cleared would do well for cuUiva- fi.on. Af the commencement of fhe war the abovo tract had on it a good Saw Mill and well conducted Tan \ ard, but owing to the parties who owned if hav ing their time fully engaeed, the fixtures have becom* oi;t of repair. There is however the Mill and Bark houses &nd several other buildings and also a first rate Mill Dam. For fiir'ber information application can be made to A. MICKLE, Chapel Hill, or H. J. ASHE, Wilmiogton. N. C Aug. 28 59.6t Standard Ct and bill to this Office. MIealii Eii^rine for S»ale. f|MIE undersigned olfers for stie a STEAM ENGINE 1 of 20 Horse P.iwer, and a tfood Cylinder Boiler 32 feel lotig and 36 inches diameter. Also, if desired, all the flxtares of a Circular Saw Mill. •ALSO, 32 feet of very good Shafting, 8 iaches ia di- araeter, with couplings It not dispot-ed of a* private sale, the above will be offered to the highest bidder on the 23d day of Septem ber next. Tcrm^ash; delivery on or after the 1st day of October. HENRY E. COLTON. Kerosene Oil Works, Fayetteville, N. C. Aur. ’^7. 58tf i pans now in operation nine miles , or the army, and to avoid seeking any remedy ^'*tion, it is desired as far as practicable ;hat tax pay- j 1 •^CRES of LAN^ with good hailding and ex- ;ton. Parties wishing to supply i fp*"of ih * times by other than legal means an I - 0^ ***®s at this Depot j cellent water. The upland timber is pine. c. - lug to 8UJ.ply tnem.selves with salt, can be furnished by applying to A. Johnson. Jr . Agent at F.ayettevilie, to E ' Pag.*, manager at the works, or to J. M WILLIAMS, Qaneral Supprintendont Fayetteville, Nov. 20, 1862. Sltf WA.l^TED. 2^aa bushels whe.\t, ,?)UU l.'WO “ CORN. ■^ersons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M Thooiasou. at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at hie old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Nov. 5. lSf,2. 7otf ARTIV HAR.\E*i».«i>. 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon narneps for .\rray use. 1 tan my leather and can give good burgains, A;reuts wil. do well to send their or loro to me as rh. y ^'» ill have prov.jpt attention, and ietit otf in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Qoiittton P. 0.. Chatham Co., N. C., I June 1.3. 1862 j 34tf tJOO ll»«. (wiitn Arabic lor **ale bv J. R. LEE.* Oal. lu. B9if SAET! SALT!! SACE>^ for sale by I)**! 22 ROBFRT MITCHELL. 88-tf TOBACCO. 1 QA VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, 1 t/U for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO. May 23. 31 tf Pave’ Mole Leather wanted. 3ned S Applj le \ir.l li. OAAA LBS. of heavy well tanned S'»LE LEATHER, iwUUv suitable for Belting. MURPHY 20tf Administrator^ .\otiee. The subscrihnr iiavuig ai December Term. 1862, of the C 'unty Court ol Cumberland, qualified as Ad- minmrutor upon the E.‘.;aie of Neil! G. .McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having cki.im3 against the Est.»te to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise this nrtice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reqaeste.l to maKe prompt payment. HECTOR McNKTLL. Adn' r D^ 10. 1P«2 . 4 0 W My COW is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite lo Campb>>lIton, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way b.ack. She is marked with crop in e:icb ear, has a bell on, white la her face, white on b i>:k an I belly, red on neok and "iiice. Wbo- ••V.T will t .Kp her up ani let me kmw it, or bring her up ’ m.‘ in '’ampbolli-.n, will be liberally rewarded. The said 'ow was bought in the upper part of Bladen C*'unty i';d tnay probably find her way back to that • our.T )NO. A 'WATSON. 'o'j VJ IR. •: »o V’.tr ' •' OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM Si CO., Wilmington. N. C M»roh T. « through the properly constiiurcd authorities. We are , einb.arked in the hoiie-t of all causes wbich can stir the j hearts of pafrijts—the ciu'c of" liberty an J ind«'pen I dence We are committed to it by every ti; that can i bind )ln b inorshle pe-q le Multitu ie.s of our nravest { and best have already sjaled U with their blood, whilst i others, giving up all earthly p'>.ss?‘ssions. are either lan- , guishing in dun^«*ons or are jmeless wanderers through j the land, and all have felt, in a greater or less degree, j liie ii’oo hand ■' war A great and glorious nation is strtgglini t.i be born an 1 wondt'ring kingdoms and dis tant empires an* stilled with listening hope and admi ration, watoh'niz this greatest of human events Let them not, I j ray y.m, he -hocke.l with the -pect.icle of domestic str-fo. ml o.'t'y. malignant feuds. L.>t not our enemy b" rej >iced to behold our sironfj-arrns and strougpr devotion, which hitve often made him tremble, turned agaiiiHi uurhivv'-Lei us rather show that the God of Liberty i? ir. His Holy Temple—the he'r'-s 01 free man—an i hi I dl the p *ity bickerings of earth kerp si lence before 11 im lni"tea 1 of enriging in this unholy and unpatriotic strife and tbrea'ei3ing to resist ihe laws of the land and endangt-ring th*' pe*-'e of society, let us prepare dili- g»ntly and with hoppful hearts for the hardships and sufferings of the coming winter. Heaven has bleesed us wuh ab.in lant crops, but thou>^anls of the poor are iinabl to purchase. Lt-i iis ^leein in time and use every eff"rt to proviie fir them ani secure them acainst suf fering. And let us exert our-elves to the utmost to re turn to -iuty :h» nun}- br;»vif hut ini.sguided men who have left their ■ i.r 'ry -i tl'-g in the hour of dftager, and God will yet bl«« us and our children, and our chil dren s children wii! thank us for not despairing of the Republic in its djtrkest hours of disaster, and still more. f-)T adberin? to and preserving, amid the fiery trials of war. conxervitivp sentimi'nts and the rights and civil liberties of ttie yoiine Confederacy, ^ . In wi.'ae-s w!i*re-»f, ZuBULtN B. Vancb, our \ t. s V Governor, Cajiiain Gerujral and Commander in- —Chief, h ith sig-iod these preser.ts and caused the Great S.*al of fji» .Sfate to be affixel. Djne 9t the city of Ra leigh, this 7th di»^y of Septem ber, A D. If'rt':, arid in the year of .Vmer’can Inde pendence the ^8th ' Z. B. VANCE. By the Gov.'ru'ir: R. H. Batti.k, Jr., Private S?;’y. Sept 8 02 2w Fa>ett«*ville Arsenal and Armory,) FAVKrrsviLLB, N. C , June 21i, I8»>i j WA'VTEO. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) BOUNTY. Having rcceivel •.■Itliority fro n ttie Secretary of ^ War to incri,‘a?e the str.^ugth of the present Corps i at this .^rnena!, the iiT; !ersigTied will enlist one hun- I dred : 100) non if'tinrr'ipts for that purpose Those 8ub- ! j -ct to ociscrip:iou nre’i 'lot npphf. j '1 rau-^ferrf ati-l .‘x':h*ifxg-vj of i.a.^n now in Bervice cxii- : not be made. I MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. 8. A. j June 8. SiiLf prepared to furnish my \>ork on Surgery stjb-icribers and others who mny wish tj pur- . - - Depot Liberal compensation will be made to persons deliver ing articles at a distance of over eight miles. at the store formerly occupied by Starr & Wil- J. M WILLIAMS, CO-ituJ Agent for Cnnihcrluad county. SI RGEUl for FIELD and HOSPITAL^ I AM n to sul cha On the receip* of {•'>.('>) tlieb^ok will’ e sent by mail, postage paid. EDWARD WAHREN, M. D. R-ileigh, Aug 20. 18«.i. 58-lm WANTED, for tlie Hospital at Fort Fisher, 1)0ULTR^, Chickens, Butter and oth^r delicacies for the sick Soldiers at this Hospital Persons having ihe«e articles c.an obtain the market price on applica- tiou to the subscriber at his old stanl or at .Mr. John Culbreth’9 at tha foot of Hay Mount. ' R..E. HEll'K, Gen’i Ag't. ALSO, Wanted for the above Post, 200.0i>0 ibg. HAY. R. E. HEIDE. Gen’i Ag’t. Aug. 2.’i. r>8-tf IjERSoNS wishing to purchase a good find it 10 their advantage to call at the firm SALT—ALT. article, will of EASTERS &. CO., at Little River. S. (3., where they keep ou haml a large supply which they will sell at low figur.»8. There is also fine facilities for getting the Salt up to the Railroad by flats. EASTERS i CO., Little River, 8. C. Aug. /». 6i?-lf)tp«l After tIliM date fl wiSI pay 10 Cents per pound for rags, or the highest market price, delivered in Fayetterille, or at my milia on Rockfish. D. MURPHY. Jalj 26, 1B«3. 60tf OFFICR OF THE \rT'K VSS’T Ol’ARTKRMASTKR, ) Faycftt*vlll»‘ Ars«‘nal and Armory, > FAVt;Trevii.i.B, N. (!., July 17, 18ti'l. j WOOD WAATEI>. MEALED l’R>POSALS will be received for the deliv- ery of four hundred cords of good sound black-jack wood, j[4o0.^ at the rate of sixty (CO cards; per month. The wood to be delivered at the Arsenal, where it will be properly corded. It must conform strictly to the standard nieasureaieat for cord wood, viz: 8’ x 4’ x 4’. Prop jsals to be marked “Proposals for wood for Acf’g Ass’t (Quartermaster” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A. C. S. 47-tf and Act’g Ass't (jiiarlerma.star. F.WKTTKVIL hKmWi .\Ni) wm\, ) AutJ. -7, 185o. j sto€:ks fPHK partiafi froDi whom bids wi;re accupied havinir X t^viled to execute the proper contract, proposals will be received until the 20ih day of SEPTK.MBER next for the delivery of 60,(KK) Walnut Rifle Stocks at this Arsenal and Armory. Bids will be considered either for the whole or any part, not less than lO^X) Specificationd will be furnished on application to J)2tt] M ! j P. L. CHI IDS, Comd’g Officer. «iarA. F. Elarring^ton, now in the I Confederate Army, ia hereby announced as a candidate for the Legislature from Moore oouaty. A.ugastl8v 5€*lmp4 As iiMiial tlie Blockade WILL *ompeI us to do what we should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the enemy. The proprietors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for F i-.tories in th^ SoutbeiTj States, will be abl* to fill orders af short notice. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C. Address D. L. KIVETT. Manchester, Cumbc-iland. N. C. June 9. 18fi3 3t’> 6mpd The Cedar Faffb BoV bin Co. are now prepa»-ed to furnish, at short aotic'.*, all k^tilr ot ROBBINS. SPOOLS aud QU1LL8, &c , suitiibie lor W;-,!en and Cotton .Mills. J. M. ODELL. A,jfnt. Cedar Falls. N. C.. July 9. ISfwi. fitnpd To Cotton rianter*. I HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent f*r the purchass of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of Not*tn (Caro lina. and will pay fcr the same .n 7 per cent. Binds or Cash. Sub-Agentg visiting (he different parts of th.? State, buying in oiy name, will .iHve written r»rtifi->ate.s of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coitou purchased by mysalf or oiy agents, on and after the 18th day of .March 18G3, will b« paid for in 7 per cent Bonds »r Cash, and mt 8 per cent. Bondi as stated lu u former rt.dv«rliHaiu»nt l/p to toat tiaio. however, the 8 per cent. t>onds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now offered an ojiportunity lo aid the Government by selling to it litair Oottoa ratlier than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, ^arch 24, 1863. [c. n.] 14if WAI^TEB, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six j*er cent. Bonds, new issutj. W. li. RICHARDStJN & c6.. Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. .March 9. 9tf Brinj; in your Cane. \\7E h.ave at work the very superior Iron Roller Sugar Tf Cane Mill and ten good Kettles The Ji^on Mill pre-Hi's out all tho juice from the cane, the wooden rollers iboui one-halt’. Terr/is of Toll —tiaantity -/hich will maita n b.arrel or less one-half th-j .syrup (iuaniitie.i groat»r otia thii-d. Persons having small crops would do we^l to club. An acre of good cane will yield 80 gallons or more of s-7vup. H E. o;lton. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept 7. (71. oik and hickory, swamp is gum, |>oplar and juniper. Situated on the head of Ellis’s Creek in Bladen county, 6 miles Baf^t of the Capo Fear River. Any one wishing to purchase can apply to tho subscriber or R. P. Mel vin, Sheriff, at Elixabeth, Bladen county, who will take pleasure in showing the premises. J. N. McCOLL. Sept. 1, 1,"63. 61-l»tpd .\OTICE. CONSCRIPT OFFICE, 1 Camp Holkes, Aug 27th, 1883/ 1 THOSE persons enrolled or liable to enrollment « who can furnish horses will, for the present, be ac ceptel with their horses, and receive cavalry pay, to be temporarily employed as mounted men while the necessi ty continues, remaining for the time on duly in this Slate, for purposes of guard and patrol. It is desired that they report with their horses without delay at this Camp or Camp Vance, near .Morganton, as may be most convenient. 11. Citiiens who desire to promote the safety and in terests of the army Sy discouraging desertion, or who desire to save their neighborhoods from the inevitable* mischiefs of marauding, terror and insecurity that must grow out of the presence of lawless deserters and skul kers, can be made useful by tendering their aid to the enrolling officers They can render service as guides and in swelling tho number:?of patrols sen* out by au thority A few dAys absence, a' most, only would be required of them Th-'re is no provision of law under which pay can be given them, bu' all their expenses of siibHistencp, lodging and forage will be paid, and a lib eral hire sllowed for the use of their horses. By order of Col PETER MALLETT, Commandant of Conscripts for N. C. J. W. Mallktt, .Adjutant Aug 28. [r. s. j.] 59 8w WAATEO, 1WL''H to hiiv by the day or for the balance of the yt'a’’. I'IFT\ GOOD H.\NDS liocastomed to Railroad w nk, ti. be eniployad iu cutting a canal throuf.h Lion Sw.iTip in Bla ien o.isty. G ;>d wai>es will be paid and t hands wi'd be well f>'d. -\pply 10 me at Fayetteville,, or to B. G 'Vor'h ai Wilmington, or A. P. Hurt. We vr >u' I he will-ng to contract (he work by the yard. The job i.s a large on^ an.l will b? worth looking after, JOS. A. WORTH. Aug 27. 68-6w In^iane A«%Siiim rrHE Board of Directors ot t'ds Inatitw.'ion sFtsh to til! X the officc of Matron, now vi o.int Is'oae other than unencumbered fetn.ales need apply For ini':>rmation. respecting the duties, &o , of the office, apply to the undersized. ed. c, FI^^HER, Phjuciaa »&d Superiaiead«nt> Au«. Us 56,ew C'otton Yarn lor Wool. Notice is hereby gi,ven that after this date (except in ca'.'S where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of our advertisement of the 30th of May, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool iinwa.‘«hed, or 8 lbs. w*^ho«l 'aud pioke.J. Thifl change in made at ttie ln«tanc^ of the Quamrmaster at Raleigh, in order to nrake the terms of exchange uniform throughout the GSO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 1863. 41tr Coal iVliuc. The undersigned were, at Ihe November Term of the Confederate Court. District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for (he purpose of mining and selling ('oal, .and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The (’oal from this pro- i(erty is undotibtftdly the best in the Confederate States. Applicati'.ins tnay he ipado to ''"n is B Mallett, Fayette ville. N. C , or Jatnetj Browne, (^’harleston. S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JA-'IKS BROWNE F.ayettcville, Jan’y 20, ^^68. 96tf KI A' l> ^TO> FOA L^.~ flIHE undersigned have tak -n the .Agency for the sale I of Messrs W B Farrar * ’s Grim! Stones, and hi'.va now on hand .^izes runutnr from 18X2^ inches to j G feet by 11 inches; aa J can have rut at short notice .ANY SIZES wante 1. Persiios in want of Grind Stones will jlease corrcspoml wj^ih the undersigned, who will fill orders p-omptlv and Ku*iran(es ehe qualify of the grit as repre.sent.ed. • GEO. W. williams & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1863. 32-tf WAATEI>, Two large furni.s'icd ROOMS ia a plea.sant part of Fay«(tteville, with board for a lady, two children and two servants. Apply through Box 176 P. 0., or hy let* ter to GoL Wm. llimb, Fort Fiaher. 8«l^ 7,1168. itfoiint Vernon Female Seminary, At Mi. \eriion Mineral Springs, Chatbam County. 1st Session to commence 28th Sept. TERMS: H'fhr E'lg P.ranchfB per session of 20 weaks Acidtniic ( loss, Pritnt>ry Class. Miixir^ "ijl Ps'inin?, each, Latin, Frnuch anil Drawing, each. Board, School Roorii f'xpAnses Rev’wM. HOCPRR, . - T r, HOOPER, ’I Principals .\pr.Hca(if.iis •■•r pupils luay bi: addressed to me st Favet'cvillo ‘ -p p HOOPER Sept 8 62tf ^rM. Catharine J. Ward will re sume ths duties of her School in Arch St., on Thurfdny the 1st day of 0.?t 186:? Sept. 12 ■ .^t, JPG (»0 2' Ot) 18 ('0 yo (.(0 12 r.(i 200 00 1 (M) A MCIIO»L OF the er?)er will Lo opi' :'>d i- McI.an!S Bridge, Marion Dis(rict, S. C.,-tinder the supprvisioi) of Mr. John C. Suther'and, on Monday the 14th insL. rbis School will (*rabra’e many ^idvaniages—i'3 location being noted for its heabhfulneos »s w^ll a« the i’ltelii- g^n^e and moral tone of the surrounding society; ami «« to the Principal nothing need be said as aa encomium upon his qualifications as an efficient' instructor and correct disciplinarian—and posseseing from many years of experience, a wide spread reputation as one of the very be.st of Tescb«ri-'. l^ar 1 can be had at $20 per month and Tuition at Sib, ^2t> and $24 per session of five months. Addresn M . McRAE, Sec’y, Molnnia’s Bridge P. O , Marion District, S. C. Sept. 10, 18t53 63 1m . r Wanted. A »» ■ ^ teach all the English branches, rX. Music, «c., to teach iu my family. W. A ATKINSON. Eli*»beth«owB, Sept. 9. G3 9t-4t»pd Confed.cratc Tnx •Votiee. The .Asseseorjj for Sampson county havi.ig completed the valuation of property and ass>'ssmeut of Taxes, the list will reinain open for exsLmiuation for fifteen days from this day. During th»t time I will attend at my office in the town of Clinton, to hear all complaints and determine all appeals that fax payers i)i».y ta.ike, which will be conclusive and final. Tax payers are requested to notify the .\s«'.,-33ora of any delinquents they mav know nf. J. R BEAMAN, Collector for Samj s n county. Sept. 10, 1863, 6.‘^-4t Spun Cotton Exchanged for Lard* w E will give Spun Cotton in part payment for LARD delivered at our Factory on Person St. A. McLAUCHLlN & CO. LARD Otlj Factory. -A verv fine article, for sale at our A. McLAUCHLlN A CO. BAR AlfD TOIi^ET SOAP For «ale at our Factory. A McLAUCHLlN & CO. Fayetteville. Sept. 12. 1863. 63-6m Hands Wanted, r' work on the Boats of the Navigation Company. Wages $2 per daj and board Apply i.'umediately to W. N TILLINGHAST, Ag tC. F. N. Co. Sept. 9. C3tf WOOI> WAATED. The Subscribers wish to oon'raet tVir the ilelivery at their residences on Hay .Mount of FIFTY CORDS of WOOD, chiefly Pine. li J. HALE & SON. Sept. 14. J^TRAY .nULE. There is a stray Mule at Fair Haven, Moore comity. Prove property, pay charges and take it away. HARRIS TYSOR, Sept. 9. 62-6tpd I A[ FO R.Tl AT IO A W A A T El>. AN\ information concerning Enoch E. Newioa, Co K, 38th Regiment North Carolina Troops, whether dead or alive, would bo thankfuily received from any person. He is about six feet high, black hair and eyes, has a scar on his right hand and leg caused by a bnm. The lait certain news frt^m tiim the company was char^ ing a b-iltery near ChanceUorsville, Virginia. Address GEOFlGE NEWTON, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept 14 ’ 63 6tpd LA AD FOR «.ALE. f NOW offer for sale my pla;e, couL*iining -350 acres, A situated in Moere county on Kill.Ht’3 Creek, three miles west of Carthatje. .Vbgut 75 aeres of the above lands are under cu'Mv'ation. There is on the place a comfortable dwelling. With necessary outhwises. I will also sell, should the purchaser desire, all my this year’t cr->ps, farming utensils, stock. all upon reaeonable terms. For further particulars, address me at Car thage, N. C. J. B. KELLY. Sept 12. 62-12t AOTiCE. The chairman of each Captains’ Dis'TTct w'll repoft to me in Lumbenoo Saturlay the i9tc Sept.. cf tie nur.ber and naTies o'" each in iiirfnt famiJy in their ra- .«p«ctive Districts in Kobe'^^on cotinty. and appear in per son, as there is business of iTjportaico to transact. I want to pay the 31 icstali'isnt '.n tl; \i -Jay. W J BROWN, Commisaioner of Rabeson count *'. Sept. 8 62-3tpa M^OST, * IN Fayetteville, on Friday la«t. tvro CERriFIC.il'E.'? is-ueil by W, 0 Brjadfoo’, C S. De^v'*-one fcr $1000, dated 22d April 1K6.^, No. 22-^, in favoi'of Tho-*. Underwood. The other for .f l.'iUO, .lafed oJ Jti.Jy No. 287, in lavor of G R Williams, wi:n hi» in.lnrse ment on tbe hack of it. Payment of the ' e’'£,if>eates has been stopped. Th« finder will pli'a.se deliver ihem (o W. Q. liro.adfout, , at the Bank of K>yettevlHc, and greatly oblige THOS UNDERWOOD. Newton Grove, Sampson Co.. Sept. a'p-* WAI¥TEO, AIOUNG GENTLE.UAN who has a very gi>od under standing of Latin, Greek anil English l;^i:;giiages, desires to obtain a situation as Teacher. .AdiJress , G. W. JONES, Oaks P O , OrjMrgfl countv. N. C. Sept. 6. 62-16‘pd A PIA.liO WAillTEU. N\ Person iiaviug a second hati'l Piano to rent out will fiad a sa'‘e place with me. terms, .\dlrass Sept 10 Please slate the Miss E. DIIU.MMOND, Ltjmberton. N. C 62 C.tp'l 7'Ii(3 SuiiscribL'r wishes to iMirciiaso a few \>UN(1 NEGR'*ES for w jic'’ he wil' hig;HS'. (? ish price. Those wishing (■« s *11 w. uld do well to call on me or address me at R'.leigh. V C P. J STERNE. Sept. 7. t)l-3mpd The istar Foundry Is again in full operation. Having in my employment competent workmen, I am prepared to execute work at the shortest notice and for a reasonable charge. M. A BAKER Fayetteville, Aug. 18, 1863. ofitf Palma Chri^tl Beans. The subseriber will pay the highest cash prices for ftnj quantitj of Palma CbriBU BeasB. i. A. WORTH. (M. 8. «7^f AN ARMY INCIDENT. Many stirring incidcnts • take place alonir the lines of this army which are suffered to pass away from memory lor want of a chronicler. This oii'jht not to be, as the future historian may de rive from them important a.«>sistance in forminj^ an accurate idea ot this ;reat contest, and the niat.chle!^> courage oi the men of the South! i heard Yesterday an incident which deserves to be put on record. When General Stuart com menced his march to 1‘ennsylvania, by way of Mana.ssa.s, jibout the 2-lth of June, hu had a tight with a body of the enemy’s cavalry at Glasscock’s in the lJull Run Mountain, near Thorough- fart', and ilrovc them off. *^\bout twenty prisoo- ers were taken, and as the road was thouglit to be clc.ir they were uvuercd to be taken t> the rear, in tho direction »d (’ulpcpcr C. 11. Lt. Saussy, of the Jefl. !>avi.s Legion, was put in charge of them, with a tletail of four men to s-»rve a» a gUir.] Tl I' Li’'u»''u.am j>r ivv'lt'd with Lis prisoners l>y Little Baltimore in the direction of NVarrenton, supposing that the way was entirely clearj but a/ter proceeding eomc distance was met Ly a .scouting party who informed him that they had ju.-it luu aguiaat a regiment of Yankee caval ry in the fog which prevailed and nearly been captured. Having given him this information they proceeded on their way. Instead of turning back, Lieut. Saussy deter* mined to see for himself, and not change his route unless compelled to do' so. He marched his prisoners to the woods, by the side of the road, and ordering them to lie down on their faces in a dry ditch, put two of his men in charge, direct ing them to run their sabres through the first man who turned over even. With the two other men, he then went in the direction of the enemy and dismounting, proceeded on Icxit and came on their column drawn up in the road. Creeping through the undergrowth until he and his two men were close on the yankees, he suddenly opened fire on thorn with a loud shout to an im aginary stjuadron to “Charge the KascalsI” The ene2t was instantaneous. The enemy were thrown inic> entire disorder, and scatter ed in every direction, Ifeavluj.' the Jjieutenant iii possession ot the field. lie then mkrohed hisprison- er'^ to Warreuton,'crossed the Rappahjiuuock, and delivered them to the Provost Marshal at (!uJ- pepcr C. 11. As he wa.s leaving them, a Captain of the party said, with concentrated venom: “I hope we will meet again in ibis war, sir.” ‘‘I hope we will,” was the Confederate Lieu tenant’s reply, “but you won’t see anything like this.” “Like what?” “Why, five of your men taking twenty Con federates to the rear, and driving off a regiment of our men on the roadi” I don’t ttiink the Yankee Captain made mucli “by his motion.” Do you, Mr. Editor? Cor. Richmond Dispatch. Duel hetioeen Ladies.—We find the following paragraph io the Philadelphia Inquirer of the 2d: On Monday ,iorenoon several ladies, while on a visit to a friend’s house, a short distance from Gray’s Ferry, were amusing themselves by sing ing and dancing, when one of them, a resident £»f Baltimore, sung a verse of the Btmnie Blue Flag; one ot the other ladies jestingly eaid: “You are a rebel,” at which another commenced the South- ttrn Marsellaise; when it was finished, the lady who had been called a rebel, said. “I “wish we had pistols, I’d fight a duel with you for calling me a rebel.” At this, a daughter of the gentle man at whose house they were, said: “We have pistols in the house, but they are not loaded,” They were brought; and, in order to give it the form of a duel, distances were measured in the room, tile ladies took their places, word was given, one, two, three, when the lady who had called the other “rebel” said “1 will sit in this chair, as I wish to die easy.” Word was again given, and the Baltimore lady, who had a self- cocking pistol, pulled the trigger and bang went the pistol; a piercing s!ream was heard, and in an instant the room was tilled with the members of the family, when it was discovered that two of the ladies had swooned; the Baltimore lady waa standing motionless, and the one who wished to “die easy,” sitting pale with terror, in her chair; one ball had passed through her dress on the left side, grazing the skin, while in the leaf of a table on which she had rested her arm were eight dis- ti&ct shot holes and o»e bullet embedded in the wojd The j*istol had been loaded by a boy ou the Fourti’: ol July, but the charge had not been fired. The '.allies were soon restored to conscious ness, and cotumenccd to realize the danger of meddling with trc-arms, a-waruing, it is needless to say, they will net disregard for tho future. H«:WAR». R.VNAW.W irou! t' l* r*i:hscriber on the .-id of last ulti mo. ii'.y hoy L-'1l!.i, brigni nul^iTo, eonie 17 years ■>f ag*’. He !;■ tjve f-“i t vo iccr.os higti.' has a thin face Slid ione iiC»>'e, hiit ui>ptr froo' teeth are a little decayed; ^u\ek spoken. W.itu he nut h ;'» ou inir otatburg ps-uts a:*d ghirl; be ala. wore a br.wn sacK coat He has »omc relations in Sniitibur/. -N. (' wh*re lie was riistd; nn may try 10 ni*ilie f.is way Any infor- ooucerniuK s lid boy itianiifuny received. .My address is Kockingham, N. C MARK COLE. Sett. 1. (il-9tpd TESTA.TiEtATS A.AD H1MIA.*. (CONFEDERATE St^t^s Bible Society Testaments. J A Collection of Sabbvth School Hvrans. Fot sale by E J. E & SONS. June ). NOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, b.itb having entered the mili tary fiorvice of he Confederate Statea of .Amarici, hereby give ni'tice to their old custonisrs and friend> that they have appointed John D. Starr and John 11 Williftms, ot this place, their attoraeys to collect either separately or conjointiy all-moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during *heir ubaence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. 8T4^tR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 13. 1861. 58-tf 'E.\«IAE WAATEO. 4 or 6 ijorse power F.mrine. w fixtures complete. K J H ALK « S»SfH W, i^outhern ^on^^ter. VRRANGED expr?s.sly for Camp. Prioe ota. Just r-‘coived E J HA LB * SONS ^’.mr id F the; mxiB prihek, OR the Little Folks. A fturther supply at wholesale or retail by R. J, HAL.B * SONS. Blank Wanviti for nUe tt Un« Ofllce.

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