fir,, •r iL.'Ut i»r «|ujuy iU^id -JtOl of s-id f/trtiii 'sed on t« (ke r«««ipt eoiiectf ^ >t e agsnts f MBsi*! •aitaU^ ^ hs h^U ; tll^J ar- rccoived 6ic:%.Ui~ ;t ib eaid laiol arii- tliroci IB the firbt and b« pr. •ita, itO- th'j i=JC )«a f..Aid *C‘ 'jm- ia ttirtf®- oik;ior It TlllLIL ^JR.W f-W XMl. !L s. C.. SEPTEMBER 21, |Sf)3. [NO. 12(55.] MNT'.vP M(^NT>AYS \Xn TMUn^DXY'^ !'0H AR!) J. HALK Jt Sm. FI TT(>??S! \\T> PK(1PR ! KTO!;s. .'V the S.mmUWopVW Ohsvuvkii 00 pai \ in F‘r tlic cekly (^bsrkvkr ?4 '>0 per ;innuu>, pai.l in l\ IIIL'I* r^vMDVKRTlSK'.fKNTR in-^ort.-J for $ ' pp- ^ -i-ivo ? 1’ linps for the nnil ono dolour for eacb sue ‘ lin^ publtcaiioii. A.l'^->rtisemeiits not cx>'i-*''iinK a /•■ .jr.are (eirhi liii.-s) 5^1 for the fir>Jt anJ r>u fpals ■ e;vh «uc;ce»>iling piiWioHtion, Aiivt^rlisors are re- ;i] I t.' 1 \tn the niiirih**r of int>riioiis ilt'iiroiJ. or ti«‘\ w '! ho oonfiimi' I till forhiil. und ph.irged acooril- \'ivercisenietifs continned charged as now ad T.Tti-i>uieni-». SPr.C^AJj NOTK'K. ' r 1^1 ■ ; 'rr this da*c. i»o name of n new uVi«icriber '■. 'ji'i-ri 1 witK.ii [MVinfnt i?i alvun'^o, will : aper be to such stibsri’ibers for a longer tini» ■ iii i« paid for. Siii'h ofor.r old-iub-^cribers as de>ire to take tfie pa- .r- . ;i thi .'jstom will ple:ise tn. ity U' wlien inakiiij; n-.. - t:ince«. Jan’y 1, l.'^oP. ' ' ■ "I I II i_i n\Ti. .iicti.iw Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. N. C. Al’II.L attend the County and Superior Courts of H I'umberland, Harnett, Moore and Kwbesau Coun- ti. I'roiiipi attention j?i''’eB to the collection of all »Y Tin: (iOVKK.\OK OK \0KT11 CIROLIXA. A PaO B. t:»S AT!!0.\. A57HElll'A'. :i iinnibiT of public in.-etinirs hrtvo reconi 'V i\ lu-eii Ui-b; VI v:iri"U- portions of l'»e Statu, iii (»f wit; !i luvc b;en niide of c.'nihliipd v.'yi-ilHiice to tti.* t xeeution of the Iaw-( of (’oagres^, in I'f^rd to cnntcripiion and the oolleotiou of taxes, theie li^ cud'ingcrin}; the public peace and trannuiiiij as w-t;'." :! I,' i-.iu-- * «»;■ .ndi'p.'r Ji'iiC * w!.ic!i Vi- hi:e:;- ^ 'i'll ’!', enplepil t(. dofpud. And hereat, it i' :v.\ MA" ■^:r' I 1 *;»'(• all !he l;Trs of the ’and faith- t, i j'i'cl ind order n>aintaini'i* with';. LIST OF riUKUKS FOSl PiSSEXtiRltS. fully 111 t'tir h r '.M s iV iW. t: r.-{.f r,r thi- Z H I' I l, >N H VANCn. Gcvi rn-.r til i’r:roIit;a. do isHUe thin tuy I’roti la^'i itio' oo>'im-\n UiiT all “ijc'b per?Ans to rerotiuee “ucli ■,‘Til iotPi>ti^iu , '»n 1 w irtiint: them to bewirt* of the ::ria>ui il 'in I f'»i «1 cons Mjueocea of carrying such threaip i)to OT-eii.ion, 'V'l*' iiiali-tisbl,' a-n i iTvaluable riaht of th” peof le to arijeiiiblo t.'g. .hi'v vn i coiis ilt for tlie coiMUon poo»t. to- ■reihcr Tvitri i'k tnv'.--:iry I’oiicomitatits, the fri'edom of >.p-eeh .ml the p-.-ss. are st-oured to you, niy coimiry- • ri.-n. by the most sv.irt'd couipacts. They shali never tji;d di«it!'biT in in'* Vei y- ii will remetnlitr that the «.4 - :r\ii!t n:- . :ec--'a' rig?r.-« nN,. ^Ui^ i' i. : I , .-.MTv vi'' Vi.-iii. wilhiu iLc boauds ('f l iw. .in i i:np *f' ui."u me soleiiin of se'‘i^->t,.‘He b ii:t. Is ir-o n i* tr.^’isj’resHe I The Constitu tion of th C..;if‘ drrlie Stales, and al! laws passed in DOW\. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, $iO (t;) “ “ “ Eliiabeth. 5 00 » White Hall, (1 f»0 “ “ “ Kelly’s t'ove. 7 Ot) “ “ “ All points bplow. 10 00 SKOOND rr.ASS, oh DKI'K. From Fayett(»ville to Wilmitirton. ^j,r, 00 “ Elizabeth, 2 fill “ “ Wbitohall, ■i 50 “ “ *• Kelly’8 (,'ijvo, 4 0-) “ “ “ All points below. 5 00 Froni Wilniingtou to Fayetieville, SU) 00 “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 4 50 ** “ “ White Hall, 5 M “ •* “ Elizabeth, 0 50 “ *• Pro^p^ct Hall, 8 (Ml “ •• •• All potiit*^ at)ovi". 10 00 SK»'ONl> Cl.ASS, OR DPXK. From Wilmington to Fayeitevill.*. Of) “ ■■ K«lly’s Cove. •S 00 “ White Hall. 4 “ •' •• A'l J 'i;...' n'l' 6 00 Second ’la“s or Deck Pa'^eng^srs n»u*t stay on I.AR^mK SAI.S: of FVR?¥ITUKK AT auction. ^pHR SijKpcriher. as Kxecutor of Thota-if Waddill, d«i- I cOMud, will offer f,jr s .'.e, On Thursday the 1st of October next, At the FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL, \ll the Household Al KUeheii FiiriiHure BelonpWitf t'i «aid Estate. The nrticle^ co»’«^«t of Beiln. lUankels. T^blea, Chairs, Plates, Knives and ftO f Forks. Cookini; Utensils. &c —\LSO— 1 llorsc and Carriage; 1 one Horse Wagon, Cows and llogs, Te;:nH .t W. McL. iloKAT, Ex’r. F.ijettevnie, Soyit. 10, 1863. 63t? puf'(iian ’*“ rh ! ^ sisi inoi' to t'leii contain I'.io i, i> country Lt-t ■ laws lil ted .'^ur.:l3'. I th us entrusted to his bands, ft. 17, 58-if GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., U lioh‘«»al(* Dealers in liJrocerie«, AND 1MP0RTER.> AND DKAl.KRS IN Hrtrdware and fuHrry, Swedes Iron, &o., HVY STRKKT, FATKTTEVIUE. >. t'. .. .’.y 2. l>i’'.l. Hotf jo^. rxI.EV, Ot’octr and ^Uerchftnt., FAVKTTKVILLE, N. C. ■ II! y 10, 1S08, 03-If T.i lk H. a. WORTH, (omniissiou and Forwardius: >!erohauts WILMINGTON, N. 0 J in'y-JS. IRtil 84tf C A R W! L FLvV LAI>1ES can be %ccomraoJated with board at he Setninarv. T. C. HOOPER. Sppi 12. 18»il. 5tj- JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO. %\l/r HAKERJli. ll'E have thirty (30) pani^ now in operation nine ujilfS TT east of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply tht’mselyes with Bdlt. cao be furnished by applying t i A J.ihnsjn, Jr., Agent at Fayette'^ilie, to E Page, manager a» the work«, or to J. M. ^SILLL^V-; General t'aperinlendent. Fayetteville, Nov. ‘20, 1861! tltf WA.\TEI>. 2~AA BUSHELS \VHE\T, ,OUU 1.500“ COHN. Ppft-oas having the above articles to sel: ih • higheot price by calling on M at the Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or on ber at his old stand ou Market Square. ALiiX. JOHNSON. Jr. N jv. -J. IboJ- 75tf will receive Thoaia.'^on. he Eub.-cri- AR^IY HARAE»'. AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon i H.irT.e=^- for Army use. 1 tan my leaihar and can ; C l- .1 bivgains. Agents will do>?;i to send ttieir i ’ 'j ni? US they shall have protiipi attention, and , ’ • •* ;a'V'-'k dispatch. JOHN CARTFK. G' .i- >iiP ' > . ('hatharn Co.. N. June 13. l^f:2 1 litf *200 I !»!». fill 111 Arabic lor ?*ale by J, R. LEE «9tf 2 '01. IS. SALT! 1“ SACK? for sale by 0 l**-e 2'^ HAi/r:: ROBFRT MITCHRLL. fif It TOBAll'O. BOXES VIRGINIA KJBACCO, various grale bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS 190 for Kile on cooBignmcDt, by M^y 2S. i. CO. 31tf 200U F ive'ie’: «ole Leather wauled. LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.^THER, suitable for Belting. Ap>ply to U. MURFHV- .r 1 U. Administrator’^ A'otsce. a'^HE rubscriber having at December Term. 1862, of I i the County Court of Cumberland, (jualified a** Ad- { ministrator upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, dec’d, j notifies all vev-ion^- having claims against the Estate to preBent them within the time limited by law, otherwise j this no’ic? will be pleaded ;n bar of recovery. Debtors j are re&aee'ed tr' make prompt payn.enf. ! HECTOK MoNElT.L, Adm r 1 Dr: 10. 1«R2 ’ 1 c on LOST. I MV cow is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op- , posite to Campbellton, being driven into the river • by boys and caa’t find her way back. She is marked «upr-»me !(iw of ihe bind; rc- ; ■ y V- -^-ir. tii'n is treas'n, and wifhou! i t.i'h cri'>5e agiiti?; the l iws'of your ■ •!K' be iro'-i’Tod. So Iomq; as th^’se . T the St V ute bo-'n they -■hall be ex»cr.- I y c utitiyii en you would uot sec'ii lo : , cure the evils of ortu revolution by plunging the country i into ail.itb r. \\u will uui btsuwingly, to the present | ; deC'Nting war with t&«v coiumon eiieoij'. s^dd ion hor- | ■ rors of internal strife and entire iubv^rsion of law and I ; civil auihorit^! V ''i must not''org«t the enviable! , ch ir vcter w hich you hav» always tnaiatai»eil, a^ia a iber, ; ' c:'nser\.'itive and h»w :it.-idiag peopie; nor would 1 have j I yoa to forget the pKm, easy an I conftuutiorml method ; I of redressinc your gnev iiices 'vl.-et an 1 denotince any ; existiag law- if you 'hiuk prop r—you have that right ‘ ' —r.nd in'truct your reprt'S^aistives in I'otigre'S nr ■ the Si-i'.- ji e, .iv ;ne c-»se niay be. to rfpea- | ; them V jar uwu cnoson servtinis roade ihose oSn-isr us } ! laws—'iiey r*” i- ;l thorn, if such ■ y^i'ir iusttuct I ■ tious 1:'\ l: te^.rd thcni as uncoustii utiou il, our Su ^ ■ preine Couri s;;s ret.dy to d> eide upon all cases proper : Iv 1 r-ueht before it Its deeisii-cs ar^* final in the i S:ate of North (Vroliiia. and shftll be e\ecuted while I ' the power reaiaiu-^ in your Executive to enforce any ' law. Tiiere i- n*> K^i- >'ance to redre'S and no proposi ^ j tion to be mad-, but cm be tuost bet.etii;ially effected in | i the way our fiitlier-i :i. rkeil out by the ballot-box. anil ; the other cons’ituti ,nally at'pointed meaits. In times , of i^'-e-it piibl’i- ?-eti'-;bility Vik‘ the prescui. any depar- ' t'.ire friiu thi-; leg^l I'b -nuel is ri-volutii>nar^ and dm ! geruU'. an.i tonJ- t > the itv' and distr.ictUn of o'lr people : L is my great destre, snd, I hope, tha! of all good : ' ciiinens. thar ;ir pe,-.ple .sh 'ti'd remain united, befall us | I wh it may .'^ni'uld we trimn’h ia the great struggle ; i for in-letvndcnso. let no f *e!ings uf reveuse. no bitrer- j ne-s, rr.'ir the rej ns? -t th it glorious day Should we i fall, anil c.")!!!!’ --iiiort nf tha’ great object for which we have struggk-d to Icnsr an 1 bled co freely, let mt our : strifes and dom'-stic feu 1“ ill to »he bit’erni’ss of defeat i Attempts 8udil»nly to chanee the exi^'incj order o' ; things would on'y result in bloo ihed and ruin 1 I . thrrefore implore you. ttiy O 'linirymea. “f ^'.1 sha le-" of ' politioikl opiniju, t.i abstain from asseuibhng tocether ' f..r the ri-rp-ige of den .uncicz each other, whether at ■ I 1 houi.' or tne nrr'-y. an 1 to av.jid sacking any remedy , ; for the evils of ih > ti'.ies by otoor than lejjal means and ' thrcugh the properly constituted authorities. We ar5 embarked in the holic-i of all causes which can s!ir the : boar^a of patri'i's—the cause of lib»rty anJ indepen- I dence I bin I an and btsi h.ive alre;*iy others, giving uf aU eat thlj^nposse.'sious, arc (“ither lan- I guishing in dunzeins or are homeless wanderers through i the Un--Vand all have felt, in a greater or le^s degree, ^ ttie iron hand of war A great and glorious nation is ; s'rugglinit t > be b rn an 1 kingd.jms and dis- • tant empires ar? still'iJ wii'.i listi.’n’.ng hope aoJ adtni- ■ rati'^n. watching th'.s gr. itest ot human events Let ; them not. 1 p. ay y > i, he suock'd with the -Jpect icle of '•1 mrsti j Bir'fe, aud p-t^y. maligaaut feud-> L;tu-.>1 our ^neoiv b;' n-joicjl to hrho’-d our strong ar^3S and i strongi'r devotion, which have often made him tremblf, turned a?ainsi oura^lve'. Lot us ritiher show that the God of Li -■.-'•ly is in His lioly Ten-ple—thp hcirts of free- n,,.n—.in l bi.l all the p y bicioriogs of earth kc-p ei lence b. f.,re H:/ * Inste*!! of e^ii'i^ing i this unholy ani unpatriotic ; strife in 1 threi' 'Ti'.'ig to re'i"*t the law^ of the latid and ■ endangering che p ' lce of soci'^y. le' u» prepare dill- _ g**nt’\ and wih hf.-oful hearts for the bar Iships ar.d ! 9uff' ru>g>- of the cotii!nj» winter. He-iven has blessed i a- wth abiinlaut crops, but thousan '-s of the poor are ; unabl to purch ise. Let us begin in time and use every I effort to pv 'Vi'ie for them and secure ifaeiti aicainst sui ; lering. ,\/id let us exeti ourselves to the utmost to re- ; turn to fiuty the many brav» but misguided men who : have lef: their sotii.try's tlag ia the hour of danger, and I God will yet bless us and our children, and our chil- ; jren'e chibln n y. ill thauk us for not denpairing of the j Rep'Ublic in its darkest hours of disaster, and still more, fur adiiering to and preserving, amid the fiery trials of I war, con»i'*rva'iv>^ seutime'its aud the rigi.ts and civil i liberties of the yung ('onfederaiy , In witness whereof, Zkiu'Lmn I>. \ anck, our i L. s \ Governor, ('.aptain General and Commander in I > Chiff, hath sigoed these prefients and caused the Great S*al of the S'ato to be affixe I Done at the city of R-ileigh, this 7th day of Septem ber, A D , atid in the year of American Inde pendence the HBtti Z. B. VANCE. By the (Jovermr; R. H. Battle, Jr., Private Sec’y. t}2-2w lower deck or pay full price, *r saoje a« Firdi Class. An extra chargs will be made for Way Passen gers g«tti«ij info Bertlis dHring day time, and for occu pying * Htirth wiik their boots or rIiopb on, at the discretion of th* Captain .1. A WORTH, for C F rtt’m R'l Co. R M ORRR'iL, for Si’ra Ka'e .iitd Suu. T S LUTTERLOH. May 4, l«*i . -o-f NOTICE. \T oeptivnber Terin ISG‘1. of th;' Court of Fleas & Q,.arier Sessiona of (’umberland County, '.he sub- I souuer »4is appoiuied Admii;istrator of the Estate of I 'tie lai.' J*:»eii .V J Bradford. F«irsoDa imdebted to : ray i&te: ate mu t make payment to me Those naving ; clniiu* :v?iiist his e-*!ate !uus‘ preteui them in due time I or thi.s n»>;ici» will be pleaded in bar of a reo'iv?rv. 4 PETER P. JOHNSON, Sept. 12. 18()3. • MoiiHt Vernon Female Seminary, ■\t Mt. Vernon Mineral Springs. Chatbam County. 1st Session to commence 28th Sept. TERMS: High-r El g Branches per sesjiton of 2*> we.jkfi, $^0 00 •Academic l:\s3, 2' H> Primary ('bis. * 18 00 j Mti“^i* •’n.l P i’iitini. each, «0 00 Latin, Frcnc?*. and Drawing, each. 12 60 Board, ■ 200 00 School RoC'Tii » xpenses, 1 **0 Rev WM, HOOPER, > T C HOOPER. [Principals -ApplTo^ itjns for pupils may b»> addressed to me at Favet'eville T C HOOPER. Sept 8 62tf 'Hlr*. U:ithariiie J. Ward will re sume th* (iuti»i of her School in Arch St., ou Tliuraday the lit d«.y t f Oct 18U3 Itpt 12 ia it 0’ From aiid after tliin dat* the Sl»aner A P HURT will leavc* at P o’clock. M , ou .Monday and Thtir(t*lay. J()3 A WORTH. April 6—17tf ] ,\g‘t C. F ^'(ean: Bjat Co. ^ %VESTER\ RAIL ROAW. ^piIE Trai«i of this Road leave Fa\ ettoville daily, 1 (Sundays excepted) at S o':lu-k. A. M.. and re turning le.ive .McTv.-'r's at 1 o'clock, !’ \I. Frriqht Trahi NIOND.W, '»VKliNL-^U VVanJ FPilD.\Y'. By order of the President JNO, M ROSE Treas’r and .Vc*‘j^ Traas. Ag't. Jan. 22, 18G:L 97tf FlRTIlKll NOT I Cl-:. % 5>iCHOOL F the highest •rd?r wiil ba opened at Mclnnis’s { Bridg*, Marion District, S. C , under the•np«rviiioa " I of Mr. Joba C. Sutherfand, on M«i:day the 14th inst. I This School will embrac# many advantages—its location I )»eing noted for its healthfulneso as w«ll i4S the intelli- fence snd moral tone of the surrotinding socisty; and as Om S\TURDA'\ the .3d of October, at t.y store in i to thg Principal nothing need be said as an eiconiium T' tl I ri't ;• r i;hu'*c u> im.""! V»e are c.-mtuitted to,it, bv tverv lie tba: c*»i honorable p?'''plc Multitude?^ o* ■'^ur braveist L h.ive alreaiy scaled it wuSi thesr bio "1, whilst A«HEVII.Lr., V. WILL open the E.\GLE H'lPEL for the re ception of Quest.*! the tirst of iune, an J I hope be able t* entertain frota seventy-five to a hundred persons dttriag the Sunimer In counection with this large Hotel, I have a number of Hacks, Carriaijes. Buggies and .Sn-Ji’.e Hors.*s that my guests can tret at a minuie’s notice J M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eigl"j Hotel, .•Veheville, N. C. May 1-%, 31-ypl Fayetteville, Sept. 2d, 1863. N otice is hereby given, that a Depot i-j now open at this place, for the reception of the TAXES lin kind) due under Act of the Confederate Cotigress, approved April 21, 18ti8. Farmers and Planters having articles ready for de livery, can forward to thia Depot at once. Receipts will b»* yiven subject to endorsement on the .\ssesscr’s *‘«timatps when made j This being a central point, and conveni»nt for di*tri- I buti-in. it is desired as far as practicable that tax pay- I ers should deliver their 'luota of taxi? at this Depot. i Liberal compen.sation will be made to persons deliver- ; inp articles at a distance of over eight mile.s | Office at the store formerly occupied hv Starr .t Wil- ' liams. J. M. WILLIAMS, — nr^K^ial AniJ n«»1* Fayeiteville, i will sell sundry articles perstmal pro perty be! inking to the late James A J Bradford A- j uionw uierii i« a fine Gold W*fcb, an «xcellert Clock of j a rue kind, .Stiver Ware, Table Cutlery, choice Bnoks f and other v.iluahle articles Also, J2000 in Confode- ‘ ra^.e 8 oer cent Bjuds Tersrs; Six msnth’s credit. i PETER P. JOHNSON, Ad»’r. | Sept. 12. 1S6:L «3-2t j Presbyterian copy tvfioe. :il>0 AC’Rfes or LAI^lTforl^le.! HE attrtUtion of perjionB wishing to invest their i money is called to 8'0 acres of Land situate six ' nnies south of Chapel Hill atul eight miles south-west i of Hillsnoro'. The entire tract is well wooiwJ in Chest- I nut v)ak, and part if clcared would do well for cu'tiva- | tio.i. At the cotameni'ement of the wf.r Ibt abovs tiar^t had an it a ROi d .Saw Mill and well conducted i Pin T'lr.l, but owing >o the partiee who owned it hav- J it'.? rir time fnlly engaged, the fixtures have becom# ' out of r»pair. TLiere is howeve'" the Miil anil Bark . houses aud several other buildings and also a first rats ^lill Dim. fiir-’ii'-r irf'r-iation application can be nsade to A. MK'KLE, Chapel Hill, or II J. ASHE, Wilmington. N. C. i ,\uc. 2b. 5y-til j Stnndard tit and bili to this Office. | 5^teaiii Eii;;:iiie tor Sale. The uudersigtted offers for sal* a STE.-VM ENGINE j of 20 Powsr, and a good Cylinder Boiler 82 1 feet long aud iiO inche- diatouier. .Alsu, if desired, all \ tU« fix'ur'.s of a Circular Saw Mill. I -\LStJ, 32 feet of very good Shafting, 3 inohes ia di- ; atMuier. with couplings ! If not disposed of at private sale, the abova will be ' offered to the hii?hesi bidder on the 28d day of Septem- i her next. Torrus c.ash; delivery on or after the 1st d*y of October. HENRY E. COLTON. Kerosene Oil Works, Fayetteville, N. C. Auf. 27. 68tf upon bis qualifie*tior;s a3 an efSoient instructor aad c‘*rr*ct disciplinarian—and p‘>s.s*ssinjj IVom many ysars of experience, a wide ipreai reputation as mae of the very best of Teachers. Board can be had at $20 per nonth and Tuitioa at $16, :(20 and $24 per leision of fivs months. Address M McRVE, Sec’y, Mclnftis’s Bridge P. O , Marion District, 8. C. Sept. 10, 1863 G3 Im FOR ^ALE. 1 I nn L.\ND with good building and ex- l4-UU cellent water The upland timbor is piti#, i OAk and hickory, swamp is fum, poplar and juniper. ' Situated on the htad of Bllis’s Crsek in Bladen cnuDty, j 6 milex Saet *f the Capo Fear River. Any one wishing j to purchas" can apply to the subscribsr or R. P. Mel vin. Sbsrifif. at EUiabeth. Bladen cnnnf» wKn »iti ».v« “ — owing toe premi'*— A Teacher Wanted. 4 LADY who can leach all the English bratjchaa, a Music, Ac., to teach in my family. W. A -\TKINSON. Elizibflthfowa, Sept. 9. 63-9t-4t*pd Confederate Tftjr *Votice. '■pHE .Assessora for Sampson county having completed L the valuation of property and asseesmeut of Taxes, the list will remain open for examination for fifteen days from this day. During that lime L will attend at my office in the town of Clinton, to hear all eomplainta and determine all appeals that tax payers Vj-'y lu ike, which will be conclusive and final Tax payers are requested to notify the .V'S.ssors of any delinijuents they may know of. J. R BEAMAN, Collector for Sana s -n county. Sept. 10, 1863. ‘ t;:V4t Spun Cotton Exchanged for Lard* WE will give Spun Cotton in part payment for LARD delivered at our Factory on Persin St. A. McLAUCHLIN & CO. I..4un on. —A very fine article, for aalo at our Factory. A. McL.\UCHLlN Sl CO. B.\lt Al^n TOII^ET SOAP—For sMe at our Factory. McL.AUCHLIN & CO. Fayetteville, Sept 12, lf-03. ti3 >m Hands W’'anted, To work on the Boats of the Navigniou Company. Wages $2 per da^ ^nd boird Apply i.TiraeJiately I to W. N TILLINGHAST, Ag t C. F N, Go j Sept. W. G3lf I, Sl KliKitV for I'lELU and HUSPITALS. .\M r -w prepared to furnish my Work on Surgery siib v-ribers and othprg who may wish to pur chase, i* On the roceip^ of i-j.OO the book will b* s«ut by mail, postage paid. KUWAKD WAHRtiN, M D, Raleiph. -\ug. 20, .)8-lm pieasur* in snoi Sept. 1, le03. J. N. MoCOLL. 61-1’Jtpd iXOTICK. CONSCRIPT OFFICE, \ C*Mr Holmes, Aug 27lh, 1863 ) 1 THOSE persons enrolled or liable to •nrollment , who cau ^^rui»h hor**s will, for the present, be ao- WANTED,’ for tke Hospital at Fort Fisher. : 'epte l w th their horses *nJ receive cavalry pay, to b* . , „ , . , , temporarily emt'loyed as mounted men while the necfssi i \Y )OULTR^, Chicken... BtiMer and othrr ,i...cacies r.r ; ^ P ^ ^etniniug for the time sn duty in tais the .ick Soldiers at tnis Hospitul. P. - us , ; - , 1 i. i these articles can obtain the market pii tion to the sub-crib’r a' his old ^'p.ti 1 o WOOD WAATED. of WOOD, chiefly Pine. E J. HALE &.SON. Sept. 14. TIIILE. STRAA^ THEKE is a Stray Mule at Fair Haven, Moore county. Prove property, pay ohargos and take it away. HARRIS TYSOR.. Sept. 9. 62-6tpd “7/ojc fhf- Rtftch Carry on Hu/’.”—The cor respondent uf the London Times, who accompained Gen. liCeV army during the lato invasion of the North, writes: The greatest surprise ha.s been expressed to me by officers from the Austrian, Prussian and English armies, each of which ha.s now 'a representative hen*—one of them (the Pru.ssian) t^uasi-official, the other two private individuals traveling lor their own pWasure—that volunteer troops, pro voked bj' nearly twenty seven months of unparal leled n’fhlcissnesj and wantone.5S of which their country has bei n the sccne, should be under such control and willing to act in harmony with the long suffering forbearance of President l)avis and Gen. liOe Individual cases of atrocity of course there have been, likely, it got hold of by the Northern press, to point many an argument from singular to universal, and to be represented as the invariable rule of the action for the rebel army. One .solitary case df rape has been reported certain as the perpetrator has been caught, to be visited with contiign punishment, or, in other words, with death; two murders of private individuals, an offset to many dozens of murders inflicted with impunity by the Federalson Southrons. Among them I may mention the of Mr. Robert E. Scott, of Fautjuier county, in Virginia a man re garded on this continent very much as Mr. Henly is in England who apparently to the delight of the Washington Cabinet, was ruthlessly robbed and murdered by some Yankee stragglers, and likely to be signally avenged by General Lee. But with these exceptions, the damage done to Pennsylvania consists in the seizure of many horses, cattle, stores, wagons and much forage, in exchange tor which Confederate money has been paid, or, if preferred, receipts hrfve been given in the name of the Confederate Government. Not a barn has been burned; not a •shed destroyed. \ pon each side of the execrablc road which leads from Ilargerstown to Chambersburg a broad track as wid.» as Regent street has been trodden down by the onward line of horse and loot; beyond this damage there has been none, save such as is com prised in the plucking of a few cherries from the abundant cherry trees which grow wild in this latitude, and the occxsional larceny of a few chick ens. To day a spectacle was wituiissed, the like of which, iu my beliet, has never been exhibited bv any great Captain during the last I'JO years. Gen, liCe wandered a few yards away from his quaters and observed a rail fence girding a field of which a few rails had been pulled down and a gap into the field opened. With his own hands, and unassisted, he commenced repairing the lence until at last Dr. Cullen, ot Gen. Longstreet’s staff came to his assistance, and together they made good the damage. I am told that whijnever he has observed them he has, either personally or through his staff, ordered the rebel blackbirds to desist from pilforing the cerry >trees. 9*20 REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber on tke •’Jd of last uiti- mo, my boy BILL, a bright muUtto, some 17 yeara of ag«. He is five feet two ino'aes high; has a thin fao« and long nose, his upper front teeth are a little decayed; pao'ts and^seirt; ^ Jjti'irfl’^dSSirooat. ‘ He has some relations in Salisbury, N. C where ho was raised; he may try to make his way back. Any infor mation concerning said boy thankfully received. My address is Rockingham, N C. ^ MARK COLE. Sept. 1. 61-9tpd us having 11 appl’':a- i Mr. John t'ulbrelh’3 It the f;'*'t «.if Hav M nut. K C. HF.ID", G^n'l Az't. .A1.>0, "WanteJ for the above Pi;-=!, 2'^".("to Ih^. H \\ . K. K. IIEIDE. Oe: ’1 Ag’.. Aug. 2-5. ■i?-tf \h iiHiial tlie Block'aiie TILL «ompcl us to do wLat we should have done w fore this, wait upoa yourself and cut lo»s> trom the enemy. The proprietor.^ having started the manufac- turing of all kind3 of BOBBINS for Factories ia the Southern States, will be abl« to fill orders at short notice. Work delivered iu Fayetteville, N C Address L. KlvETT, Manchester, Cuinbeilaad, N. C. Juae 9, 18fi.S. 36 Cmpd 1A FO R H AT 141 If W A AT E D. information coucerniug Enoch E. NewioB, Co 38th Regimetst North Caroliiia Troops, wasthsr deader alive, wouM he thankfully receive 1 fr*mi an person He is about six feet high, blaek hair aad eyes, h *s a scar on his right hand and leg caused Wy a burn The last certain newa froDi him the comfany was charg II. Citizens who desire to promote the safety and In- ; jjjg ^ baitery near Cfanncellorf vllle, Vtrtrtnia. Addres.-i rests i f the army by iliscjur ging desertion, or who ' GEORGE NEWTON, State, fur purnot-es cf guard and patrol It is desired that they report with ttieir horses without delay at this Camp or Cauip Vance, near Morgantou, as may be most convenient ■i*birL“ to p-ivo their neighborhoods from the inevitable mischief-! of marauding, terror and insecurity that nmst grow out of the prestnce of lawless desertsrs and ekul kerw, ran be made useful by tendering their aid to the wnrolliug oflicors They cau render service a3 guides and in bwelling the nutnbers of patrols sent oyt by au thority A few days absence, at most, only would be required of them There is no provision of law undar Sept. 14 Fayettevill«', N. C. 63 titpd LAAD FOR SALE. I NOW offer for sale my plaoe. coataiuing 350 acre'?, situated in Mo«re coumy ou KtlieU’s Croek, three miles west of Carthage. .About 75 .acres of the above lands are under cultivation. There is on the place a which pay can be given them, but all their expensee of j coQifortablc dwelling, with necessiry outhouses. I will subsistence. li'>djriag and forage wiU be paid, and a lib- ; gpjj^ should the purchaser desir«, all Hiy this year’s S?r.t 8 Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,) FAVKTTEVIL1.K, N. C , June 29, 18t3 / WAATED. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS iflOO) BtJUNTV. Having received authority ^rffm the Secretary of War to increase tiie strenirih of the present Corps at this .\rsenal, tue un lersiRned wiil enlist one hun dred (lOOj ntn for that purpose. Those sub ject to conscription nvt apply- Transfers aa 1 excli.anges of men now in service can not be made. „ „ , .MATTHEW P, TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8. ’ wVji crop in each ear, baa a bell on, white in her face, OFFH'R OF TllK VCrii .\SS’T qi'.^liTKR\l.\STKU, white on an I belly, red on neck and sides Wno- t“ver will t-iite her up snd li}t me kn .w it, or bring her ut IA m.> in i'ampSelUon, will be liberally rewarded. The said oow was bought in the upper part of Bladen '■ mill', a.ay pr.ii.ahly find her way back to that A WATSON. OJL AND lAMP BLACK. '^PANNERH' aud I.UBHICAT1NG )IL. I LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM i CO., WiltniniztoH, N. C M»rob 7. * J^.VLT—>^AI/r, 1 PERSONS wishing to purchase a good article, will j find it to their advantage to call at the firm of' EASTF.RS S CO . at Little River, S. C., where they i ke»p on V’aml * large supply which they will stll at low figures lucre \h also fine facilities for gett-ng the Salt UD to the Railroad by flats. EAiTERS .v CO , Little River, S. C. Aug. 5. After ttilM date 1 will pay 10 Centa per pound for rags, or _ the highest market price, delivered in F^etteville, Or at my mills on Rookflsh. D- MURirxlx. Jal/28, 1863. Wtf F TllK \( T-li .\SS’T qi\liTKRM.\STKU, | KayeUeUile Arsenal and Armory, ^ F.aykttbvih-k, N. C., July 1/, 1803. ) WOOD WAIITED. MEALED PR»Pi)S.ALS will be received for the deliv- 0 erv of four iiua ired cords of good sound black-j.ack wood (400,) at the rate of sixty (GO cords) per month. The wood t’o be delivered at the Arsenal. wb«re it will be prop.-rly co-d.-d. It must conform strict!;/ to lh« standard moasurciaeiit for cord wood, vi?.; 8’ x 4’ x 4’. Pfop.js'ils to be marked “Proposal? for wood for Act g Ass’t Quartermaster.” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A, C. S. 47_,f and Act’g Ass’t Quartermaster. FWFTTEVILLE \UVMl ANil IRMORV, 1 Am. 27, 1H»‘)3. i 1 Mitrijt: STOCKS rnHK. parJie* from whom bids were accapted naving i I failed to execute the proper contract^propo^^^^^ I be received until tb ‘ 2»*th day of I for the of 50,1'UO Walnut Rifl- Stocks at this ! Arsenal and Armory. Bids will be coo'-iilered either fior the whole or any ' part, not less than 1000. Sneciticitionrf will be furnished ©n i.ppltcation fo . 52tt] M4j F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. ^ »:^A. F. Harrington, no%»’ in the j Coufederfite Army, is hereby aauounced as a candidate j I for the Legislature from Moore county. » August 18. 66-lmpi The Cedar Fal??^ Bo> bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kiuis of BOBBINS, STOOLS and QUILLS, Ac, sui'^il.le for Wuolra and Cotton MilK J. M. ODELL, Agent. Cedar Falls, N C , July 9. 18rt3. Urnpd To Cotton Planter4. 1IIAVE been appointed by the Secretary of :he Trea sury, Chief Agent for the» of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or C;ifh. Sub-Agents visitint^ the different partF of the S*ate, buying in ray name, will have written (i-rtiii.'ates of appointment. Bv ordt-r of the Secretary of the Treasji'y. all Coiton purchased by myself or luy ‘ifrents, ou and after the IKt.h day of March 18is:i. wilt be paid for iu 7 i>'!r ceiii. Bonds ur C»sh, and not 8 par oeat. Bonds as stated tu a former advertisemen:. Up to that time, how-iver, the 8 per cent bonds will be furnished as siatu-d. Patriotic citiieus are now otl'ered au o{)ponunity to aid the Govornnteut by selling to it thoir Cotton rai.her thaa to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 21. 1803. [o. n.] 14u WAA’TED, BANK NOTES of North (\irulina. South (!arolinr. Virginia and Geo’^jtie.. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable .Notes. Also North (Jaroliua six p«r ceat H mdis, new issue. W. R. RlCilARDSUN .'i CO., Broker.s. Raleigh, N. C. .March 9 «tf Brin^; in your Cane. rl have at work the very superior Iron Roller Sugar Cane Mill and ten good Kettles The Iron .Mill pressfs out all the juice from the cane, tiie wooden rollers about -.lUe half. Terms of Toll —Qaantity which will make a barrel or less one-half the syrup Quautitios giv’ater one third. Persons having small crops would do well to club. An acre of good cane will yield 80 gallons or more of syrup. H. E. ('OLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept. 7. 01- ln.«anc A^yliiin rpHE Board of Directors of this InstiiHtion wish to fill X the office of Matron, now vacant. None other t^an unencumbered fetnalea need Kpply. For information, respectiug the duties, &o , of ttie office, apply to the undersigned. ED. C. Fli^HER, Ph/siciam acd Superintendent. Ao|. 14. 56-6n eial hire allowed for the uso of their horses. By order of Col PETER MALLETT, Commandant of Couecripts for N. C. J. W. Mallbtt, Adjutant Aug 28 [tt- s. J.] f)9 3w \ crops, farming utensils, stock, &e , all upon reasonable ! terms. For further particulars, address nM_ atCar thage, N. C. Sept V2. ‘J. B. KELLY. 62-l2t AOTICE. rpHE chairman of each Captains’ District will rsport t» %% ALiitnbertoa. Saturday the lUth Sept., of th# WISH tc hir^ by the day or for the balahcs of the | ^uaiber and names of each indigent family in their rt-, FIFTY GOOD HANDS accustomed to Railroad i ppgctWe Districts in Robe?r>n county, and appear in per rk, to be employed in cutting a canal through Lion \ there is business of importance to transact. ' want to ray the 3d insta’iaent on that day. W. J. BROWN, Cotnraissionjr of Robesen county. 62-3tpd Swamp in Blaien county. Good wajics will be paid and the hands will bo well fed. Apply to me at Fayetteville, or to B. G Wortl: at Wilmi^i^ton. or A. P. Hurt Wn woul i be willing to contract the work by the yard. The job is large one and will be worth looking after. JOS. A. WORTH. Aug 27. o8-6w Sept. 8. TESTA nEATiS A A D llV fl.HS. lONFEDERATK Stat*» Bible Society Testj-meots. U A Collection of Rabhaih Schu-?l Hymns. Par sale by Jiuae 1 K .1 HALE St SONS. THE \ORTH CAROLIAA MITIAL LIFE IXSIUIIXOK (OHPANf, \TOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hoid upon puolic con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 t» 60 years of age, for one ye;»r, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All,slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for Sve years for two thirds their vaMe. All losses ara Jhiucttially p.aid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further inforraation the publ*" is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts c ihe State, and to R. H. B.ATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. Hale, Agent at Jau'y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. FAYETTE VI I.LE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAXl. $267,688 ‘.ito 6,077 35 Coltois Yarn tor W^ool. .VTOTICE is hereby given that after this date (except in cis'-s w.-re we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the tonus of our advertiaemtint of tho 30th of .May, which terras are now revoked,) will give I bun dle of \)tton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. watiho 1 svnd picked. This change is made at the in.stano.-) tl.e (iunrtermaster at Raleigh, in order to if’ike the t.’3rujd of exchange uniform throughout the State. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 1863. 41tf i ^ MjOST. • TN Favetteville, on Friday last, two CERTIFIC.ATES issued by W G. Broadfoo-, C. S Depos’y, one for I f 1000, dat^ 22d April 1863, No. 22=^, in favor of Thos. I Underwood. The oth«r for S1500. .rated 31 July 'No. 237, in lavor of G U Williaius, with hi* indorse- 'nienton the back of it. Payment of the V’•|ificata!« 1 has been stopped. The finder will please deliver th«m j to W. G. Broadfoot, Esq , at the Bank of Fayetteville, j..„dBre..lyoblig. CT^DIRTVUUU. ton Grov^, Pampson Co., Sept. 14. 63-8tpd Not %VAiATED, A YOUNG GENTLEMAN who has a very good under- eUnding of Latin, Grfek and English lar.guages. desires to obtain a situation as Teacher. Address . G W. JONES, Oaki P O., Orange county, N. C. «2 Iti'pd 1»IA A«> WAATED. Any Person having a second haud Piano to rent out will find ft fla‘e place with me. Please ?tate the terms. .Address Miss E. DRUMMOND, Lumberton, N Sept 10 H2 tlipd I 'Tlic Subscriber wishes to j)mcl«asc j a few VOUNG NEGROES for wi.ich he wil! rpilE undersigned have tak *n the Aeency for the sale i highest Cash price. Those wisiiing '' “ [ of Mtssrs W B Farrar & Co’s Grind Stones, and j well tc call on me or .adlres» me at Kaleign Kffvpt Coal .^ine. I The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, !>»•. i solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any timount can be supplied ou t*bort roticc. Ths Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly tho t est in the Coufederata Slates. Appli*'ationH may be nn le to Chas B Mallett, Fayette- rille, N. 0,, or James Bri/wne, Charloston. S C. «JHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20. 18K3. 96tf €.}KI.AD «TOAE54 FOR ^ALE. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and otner assets, Total, $272,766 81 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their Total losses paid, $29,682 o» Officres: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. >IcMILLAN, Sec’y. Dikbctorb: Heury Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrovcr, S. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. riawley, 'Vm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stc luiau, T. 3. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A W. Steel, James Kyle. J. U. Ceok, A.. A. M'oKcthan, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, J. D. Williams, R- F. Brown, \ S. W. TUlinghaat. A. E. Hall, ; hn Collins and C. C. McCrumiaen, Traveling Agent# 3*jrTh> Cowjpany invite applications. Ma^ 28. I8fil ' 21- have now on hand sizes rnnniug from 18X2jJ inches to 6 fert by 1 1 inohen; aud om have cut at short notice ANV SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stonen will 1 lea-e coire-po'id with the undersigned, who will fill orders promptly an.l guarantee the quality of the arit as repicHeuted GEO. W WILLIAMS A CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 18t33. 32-tf Sept. N C J .STERNE. 6l-3mpd A iiEn! The New Style, tmall, COLORED PHOTOtifUPBS, AT VaHor^«l«liN Oallery. ART. Woodward’^ ^olar Camera. W AATED, TWO large ftirnis’aed ROO.ViS in a pleasant part of Fayetteville, with board for a lady, two children and two.servantR. Apply through Box 175 P. O., or by let ter to CoL Wm. Lamb, Fort Fisher. Bept.7,18S3. ' 61-41p4 The Ntar Foundry Is again in full operation. Having in my employment competenf irorkmen, I *ini prepared lo execute work at the shortest ootice and for a rcasonabl* ch-arge_ M. A. BAKER Fayetteville, Aug. 18, 1863. Sfitf Palma Chritsti Bean». The Bubsoriber will pay the highest cash prices for *nj quantity of Palma ChriflU wORTH. Oct. 8. • , W-tf PHOTOGRAPHS can be bad at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallerr, Hay street, opposite .Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaueotypes, and all other styles of Picturea pertain! ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt .Mould ing, Q' ^ J fer very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock aud Chemicals for sale Tow for cash. Life siie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope »o merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thank* for the liberal patronage bestowed on tu3 heretofore by the rood people of Fayetteville and vicjniiy. - ^ ^ C. M. VAN0B8D&LL, Pbotogr»p)uat ajjcTPropritlgr. 77-

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