FAYKTTRVlLLr., N. C., SEPTEMBiiR 24, i8>3. •v l. i‘??iN’TKD MONi\\y« and T!f U IIS j\VS U5I) j. H4LK & SOSS. KTITOr.S AND PROPRIETORS. ' ■ .'t na-V.\cUl}- (>K.xKitvKR $6 00, pai.i ic U T OF rn\nms fo*? p\ssr!v«ers. Far the Weekly Observbr $4 00 per annum, paid in ftdvrince. 'ADTERTL'^KMKNT? infiorfod for f 2 p(*r s juare •f 16 ines fer the first, ani one doll»r for each 8UC- eeedinp puhiication. AlTrrtiseinent!i not exceoJing a . U|* half square (eiRht linr?^'! for the first and 50 cents [ proa, Wilmiugton to F»y«tt«Tille, for eajh succeeding publication. Advertisers are re }ueHl*»d to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly. Adv?rtiqAii,(»niP con'iniifd inside, charged as new ad Tertis©tncnr?. SPKClAi NOTIOK. £ r ’Ti ai» i M .t?r this daf«, no name of % ^ew subscriber r e eiiii rei without payment in advance, nor will ^ ■ paper be senr to such subscribers for a longer time - p J i f..r. Such ofoi’.r o’ I Hiib-^oriberp a? desire to take th# pa- p.T 01* I his system will please !ir’ = fv us when making n inittancei^. Jan'y 1, 18'>8. n\?f. wfTrMj. JncK*1l\\ Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. ri7lT-L attend the County and Superior Courts of r f ■■ iimherland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Mromj.: attention jjiven te the collectioa of all claims er.iru^iO'l to hi** hands. 7. 6b-lf W jrr no., XI 5>‘aler?^ isi iJroi:ersr«, ■'.irORTFH'; AND DKALERS I .N »-dv»Jire and Cutlery, Sweafs Iran, &c., niY .nTKKKT. FATKTTKViLliK, X. C. J ?, Sttf JOJS. iJTLSY, • ' - r* ani Vomtninsion ,fierchant^ i'A'i i'TTEVllJ.E, N. C. Jan’y lO, 18G‘i. 93-tf T. WORTH, ^ : Frr 55frrka«ts, 4 1 N C . .a'j iH b-..i i T with bdurri it . HOOPER. I>0\V F.-om F ly.'fteville to Wtlmingiow, 1>IU 0(> “ ' •• • E’.izabelh, 5 00 “ “ Whitff }f c jr, “ “ “ Ke”iyV COve, 7 Oo “ .11 pciai-j; hc’o^fr, 1'} 00 fciECONl* CLAS.-', OU DKCK Frora Faycttevilla to WiltviugtoB, f j OC “ “ Elizabeth, 2 60 “ “ “ Whitehall, 8 60 “ “ “ Kelly’s Goto, 4 00 “ “ “ All )i»intB below,' i Od UP. sie 00 i " “ *■ Kelly’s C«To, 4 50 1 “ •* “ White Hall, 6 60 “ , “ “ Elizabeth, C 69 j “ “ “ Prespect Hall, 8 00 “ “ “ All peiat.s abeve, 10 00 ; 6ECPNP CLASS, OR I»EOK. j From WilmingtoQ te Fayettoville, (5 00 ■ “ “ “ Kelly’e Opt©, S 09 i " “ “ yfhite Hall, 4 00 ! “ “ “ All peiats abere, 6 00 ! Secon4 Class or Deck PaiseAferi ntiist atay »■ lower deck or pay full price, or taae a* Firit Class, j t&‘ An extra charge will be Made fer Way Pataea- I gers getting imto Berths duriaj day time, and for oceu- I pyiag a Berth with their boots or ihoeB •■, at tko discretion of the Captaim. J. A. WORTH, for C. F. gt’m Vt Co. R. M. ORREIjL, fer St’rs Kato aad Sum. T. S LUTTERLOH. May 4, 1863 2«-tf From and alter thi» dat# the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave a» 8 o’clock, A. M., ea Moiday and Thursday JOS A. WORTH, April 6—ITif] t C F. Stcaoa Boat Co. WC!»iTEeif RAIL ROAD. The Trains of this Read leave Fayetteville daily, iSuniwys pxospted) At 8 •'clock, A. M., and re- I tUminj: 1p:*ve Mclver's at 1 o’olocK, P. M. Tram MONFjAV, WEDNESDAY and FltlDAT. By oraer yf tiie Pres«ileat JNO. M. ROPE, Treas’r and Act’g Tr.an.'’. Ag’i Jan. 2:^, v7tf A^fS E vTbJi.E, WILL open the EA0LE H^>TEL for tho re- cpption'af iuest« tho first of June, anfil i hope be able to eatertaia from seveaty-five to a hundred persons duriag the Suaaier. In coEQection with this large Hotel, I have a nuraWr of Iiiicks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Hors>?d that my guests caa get at s miauto’s notice. •T. M BLAIR, Praprietv-r A;h. ville, N. C. May l;j, lS*io . ^!-ypd tro*'* iS" to c R II! \Tv)TIC .A th.r i. i m »'*. h have thiriy (-iO) pans now in operation,nine miles fast of WilmiEjftou. Puiiies w;;hing to supply . .'J - with. salt, uau V.C ’•'urTiiabed by applying to Juha-oB, Jr., Ageat at FayettesiIk*, tv L. Pago, auft/'r ttt 'he works, or to J. M. WILLIA.M3, General Supsrintcuiuent. V Nov. 20, ISoli. bltf 0 kAA WHEAT, -g,OUV i r,00 “ CORN. • r- I iViag the above articles to iitill will receive 1 piico by calling on Mr. M Tho.ri>*bon, M I .e M*-rv',: -.Mi Millp, Fayetteville, or on the sa.'-.-rj ■1 h. .1 on Markst Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. N.^v. ft, lf(r,2. 75tf Fayettoviii«j Sept. 2d, 186?. TICfc i» . c'.-eby is h.' «o - .>r tu*'reeeptieh of the Tax trf (iakia l, Jud u.ivi'. r S-.'. wi' Lijv C'?t;t?-i6r»re Congrfifi. : "•f-J Aprii 24, iftoi. F.simers and i'ianters having articles ready for de- iiV'^ry, vtn fo’va.'d t« this Depot at once Ileceipls -V... ,>g Subject to cndorsemeat on the Aesessor’o CJ'tiinntf.'' Tfthcn an^a. T; ; » L- lag a reatial piint, an1a oouTtruipa; io: ciitlri- bntiou, i: is issirud as far as practicable that tax p.i/- ern should df'livef their quota of taxeo at this Depot. iiii*eral coiupcutM-,.:.a will be made to persons deliver iag articles at a distance of over eijrht miles. Ofhce fct the store ftirmeriy occupied oy i ;,.n- « iiani^. J. M. VTILLIAMS, 60-1m] Ajreat for Cum^’^rl;ind ccuni.-/. Vernon Finale Sepiinary, At Mt. fernon Mineral Springs, Chatliam t'ouoty. 1st Session to coianieiic& 26th Sept. Trn.:,ff; Higler Eoc Rro.ncLti ; rr of 2(» f ?0 ‘Jt A.v.ftcleciic Clans, 2' 00 Primary Class. 18 00 Hn=in •■nd Painting, oacb, 30 00 Lp.tin, French and Drawing, eaoh, 12 60 B'^ard, 2Q0 qq School Room ezpeasea, 1 00 Rev. WM. HOOPER, 1 „ . . , T C HOOPER, I* Principals ABplioatio.ns for pupils nay be aduretsed to aie at Favettovjlle . t C HOOPER Sept. 8 82tf ard will re- " an Thursday THE ¥ j isath itars. Catlkariiie J, •ume the duties of her Bohool ic \rcb the 1st day ef Got. 1863. Sept. 12 6;i 4t 0 F tho highest order will bo opened at Mclnois’a Bridge, Marion District, 8. C., under thesuperviuon of Mr. John C. Sutherland, on Monday the 14th inst. This School will embrace many advantages—it* location bemg notsd for its hsalthfulneirt aa wall as the intelii- gtnoe and moral tone flf the lurrounding society; and as to the Principal nothing need be »aid as an enoomium upon his qualificationi at an efficient ins'ructor and correct disoiplinarian—and peiaessinff from oiany yeara of experience, a wide spread reputation as one of the very beat of Teaobern. Board can be had at 520 per taonih aa«’ luitien at $16, $20 and $24 per seeaion of five tii'^uth-.^ .\ddrcsa M McRae ^-c’y, Molnnis’s Bridge P. O , Marion District, fl, C. Sept. ’.0, 1863. 1^3 1m year of iiicocdsfal i»p -ari-ri. •vltii i gi wWiug capital iu l SriKer up '. j^ublio c ;r- j ciEntiQiies l-j inf>un* th • lire^ ef ai’ *. .■ , soas froiA M ni CO yeira ui ujto ioi' -)'■ » i'*" ’■ '■•’'■'jE- 1 aad f*»r life— all ili'a ) sU -m' . U; the ,-».-#fits ; All slaves from 10 to CO yeara age are in.^ui’e‘1 'or j ono year or for five years for tw# thirds their value. i All lossnf are puaotually paid within SO days after { satisfactory preof is presented. For further informatioa the publi'^ Is referred te Agents ef th« Company in all parts 0 ’ cho State, aad te R. H BATTLE, Seoretary, Raleigk, K. J. HALE, AgeKt at Jttn’y 1S59. Fa7ett«TUi«, K. U. F A yIeTTE V1 LL E MUTlilL INSURANCE COMPiil. capital in Fremiuui Kotes aoiounts to $267,o8i 2b C».'h ou uaud *md oth«r aaacta, 5,077 35 Total, $272,766 61 The Company have paid all losseb proMptly, and havo never mado aa assesBment on their preiniuDi aotea. .4 A Teacher Wanted. L.\DY w.’io can t«:ach all the Enjligh branohss, Music, io., to te^oh in my family. W. A \TS!NSnN. Elixabelhtow*, Sept. 9. Ot 4t*pd Cotifederate Tax J^*oitce. THE ‘.sse.sKcra for Sampson county having completed I tlio va; };.'inn of property and assesiBsent of Taxes, li.->t will r«imi*in open for ex»tnii«ation for fifteen iftys from this day. Durin;; that tic:'* I f.ili Bttead at my eflice in the towr. of Clinion, to hear all camr'-ainta aad detertniao .®.1I appea’? that tax payers may make, v^hich will be conclu»ive and final Tax payers ara rcque8t>^d to notify the Aesngsors of any delinquents ther may ki^ow of’. .) R. BKAM.\N, Collector for Sampson county. Seyit. 10, 1SK3. * ti-'^-4t Span Coito!! Eifhanged for Lard» WE will give ->pi -5 an i'otioa in part paymwui f-r ur ;i4 i’er’’: ; S;. ivLAtji 'lLIN ARD ■- -■ ■rv K ..0 A .M; L\UC:IL1N • . .1 ciir .t CO. B.IH TOilL2^'T SO.IP F>r Sile at our Factory . A McLAUCllLI;^ ;'v CO. Fayette?;lle, Sept 12. 1S63. GVt)r.ipd Arseiiai a’^iu Araior^tl FAYiTTiBViLLK, N. C , Junc 29, liv3. J WAIVTEII. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) BOUNTY. XJ.AVING ree,iv«d autheriiy frem th? Secretary of ToUl losses paid, OFFieKRS: €l£0. MeN£lLL, Prosidcnt. D. A. RAT, Vice President. C. A. MeMILLAN, Jiee’jr. DlsaCTOB.3: $29,682 %9 Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A.^tedmaa, G. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. M'oKethaa. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tiliinghast. W. N. Tilliagbast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wn. MoLanrin, T. S. Lutterleh, A. W. Steel, J. 6. Ceek, Hon. J. 6. Shepherd, K. F. Brewa, \ , . A. B. HaU.' hn Collins and C. C. MoCruiaiBiin, Traveling A jwntf itit^Thc GoEapany invite applioatioas. May 28. 1861. ji. A The Ifew Stjl^ COLORED PHOTOKRiPHS, AT VaHorittlellN Gallery. yosir -ill: L:4-.v;. I Will attend at the olSce of A. M. Campbell la L'jWi. ^f Fayettevilli’, v’it'o ihe A'soaiur* foi tl. ■ Du- for ;b» ^nrpf'^s oo'le^;?3'^ :^»e !int»'l T*.xe» eii Thursdtv, Friday, Saturday and \ionuay, lh«^ 1st. lid. If 1 *r;d >jf OCTO.BHIR. if'ti.i. At .M-iNeul « oti rue.*jJ%7 the 6i.u, At .aary a Garueu oh /Vsducrt lay the "la At Maleona MoMiliab’s bu Tl:ui»day the Sta, At B. Culbreth's «n Friday the i«th. At E. MoNoill’s 0* S'iturday the At Duuoan Sbaw’H on Monday too I’itU, At Peter Mouroe’a on Tu«.s4ay the itiih, At Daniel MoKitinen’s on Thursday the 16th. Ai the «ami* litnos and pliooH, T wiH rsraive the Tax es due from Auotiosic. ra, ^ttfftbrcarier, Datrh»r8. Ba- bars, Comiaisrsioii M.>;r.:!haats, Broxcnt, Distiller*, t’edlarf, Phetographers, P.etail Doaicrs, Hetail DeaWru in Liquore, W holesale Dealers, Wholei*ald Dealers u. Li‘4Uor&. AU i*>«ra?i.ed are hereby notified that tho above Taxes must be ^aid within th« tia« liuited by law, otherwise the beavj penalties imposed will be ea- foroed without regard to persona or property R. W. HARDIK, Disi. Collector for Cumberland. The Assessors for Cumberland County will a.t«ad a; ike abeve named places, with the Distriei. Colieotor, for the purpose of assessing the Tax in kind on Wheat, Oats, Kje, Irish Potatott, cured Haj and Fadder, Woal, Ac. Persens interest'd are requested to aeet us aa above, with siatemeatf of their matured aro^s, aiueuatg pro duced, Aa. 8. T. HAWLET, A. M CAMPBELL, Aitsessers fer Cuaiberland. SepL 1C, 18a. «4ti frineipal of a Fenale Higk Sehotl WAITED. THB Trustees of the Fayetteville Female High iokeel desire te engage the services ef a competent and amii- able Teacher to take charge of the Schaol as Principal. The patronage of the town and adjacent oeuntry ii larfe enough te keep up the School ‘at all times. The Trustees iavite attention to this aetiee and will make liberal terms ^ith a suitable person who is pre pared te enter soea upon the werk. Address B. J. LILLY, President. Sept. 17. 04-8tpd IN !" >L I i Vi li, lkl,(j l.UfUj‘L'C(i J' tj'' ' ' j t-i:;. ol I. .'»] uvooviic ^^tr.Jci..i^;^ * - ART. jiloiar Camera. PHOTOSRAPHS eaabekad at YanorsdeH’i SkjM^bt ©allory. Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouohed, colored, in wafcec eolors, oil and pastile; from small te life size. Ambro- typc" Mel&nectypes, and aU other styles ef Pieturee pertB,.a>ag to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Silt Mould- ;ng, Ol xc'i for very large picturee~as large as 26 by S6 ^ oorfi and Tbsk^Is for hanging pictures; Insira- oi*ui^, Stock ai.16 Ckeiuituls for sale low for cask. Life size calored Photographo mad; from small pictures. ifbving pei'ffLanantty located hero I hope to merit your pa'roaage. I would also return my linecre thaakB for the Ubtral patronage bestowed on OtO heretofore by the gooc - -opie of Fayctte-/iile and vicinity. € M. VAN0R3DELL, Puot-,jptiphiic>i a.'id Pro;Pi^>iOir. IrO^’r SO. 1 ■ ' jy Horsf, Bug^iei, Malts tnd Wag«n, AT AUCTION. ON Wednesday the '30th iast. 1 shall sell at Aabtioa; One pair stHotly No. 1 MULES; One team 4 MCTLEf, WACON and IARMM3S; Two IBUQCIBS and HARNE3I, one new, Miekery; One extra HARNBSi HORSB. JOHN H. COOK, Aaot’r. Sept. Is. 4-tt Hcadqiiartcrt Home Gnarfll,) Town Dist., 3d Reg't N. C. Militia, > Fayetteville, N. 0., Sept. 16, 18G3. ) N#TIC£ is hereby given, that there is a r^ular Drnl every Saturday evening, at Military Greea, at 4 o’closk, P. M., of say Company, and all the mer>bere are required to be toere to drill, otherwise tho law will bo rigidly enforced upon (hose that do not attend. RUB'T MITCRSLL, Cap'., fept. 16. 64*iw An Engineer*! Lerel for Salei ON Monday, the 23th dtiptember, at tho CenrX Beusj • deer, 'u the tewti of Lumbartoa, I will j*Ii te th^ } \V ARflY HARilTEl^^. I AM prepareu to manuiacture all kinds of Wagon Uarncsa for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall hive prompt attention, and *eui ''I? in •jiii ik dis]>atch. JOHN CARTER. . i.-iwi. I . O., f'Latnttm Co., X. C., 1 June 13, 1M»2 j SUKKERV for FiELD aad BOSPiTALS. T ^^f•r.ow pr; p»re.J to furnish ray Work on .Surgery I 1. to subscriber.- aad ottiers who may wish to pur chase it. r On the r^poeip* ol $!5.tM» the book will be pent by nail, postare p^-id. EDWARD WARREN, M l>. I Raieiffh. Aug. 20, 5P-lm WAiifTtii), for Ike Hospital at Fort Fisher. I3OULTRY, ChiekoD-, Butter and other delicacies for X the sick Soldiers at this Hospital. Persons having these articles can obtain the market prioc on applica tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. John Culbreth’s at the feot of Hay Moun .. R. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. ALSO, W'anted for the above Post, 200,000 lbs. ffAY. R. E. KSiDE. Gen’l Ag’t. Aiitt. 2i). 58-tf Htrenxtb ef ihc presrtnt (]erps I th s :\r.Kcos^l, me uodersi;;n«d wi:l enlist one haa-j drc-u i i'/O} ni>n- c*rmcrtpts for tia,r. purposo Those aub- f ti> cyiiPoriiition uffd no/ Trunsfer* r.ad exohs.'Ji$c-. rss u now in scrvice can nut bt Kitdn. ’•'ATTHliW 1- Oaur 0-S. A JUE.0 fl. colt Ma,rbte Factory* ■ i !»rghest bidder, ea a credit ef Eix moaths, the abov named instrument, a very with fixturas oompletg Bend with approved acourity will bs required before is dtliv.^riid to the purchaser. R. VoNJTR Sf»t. 17 1 30-^ ^iRirui Arabic lor ixale by J. R. LEE. t ir : 69tf OFFICKiJF laK A( T’« .tSS’TQCAnTKjTtf AMK'i, , j Juyeitevilic Ar.st‘njf5 aMJ APin»:rj, [ | Faykttkv llm. N. C., July 1, j | s SALT! -*^A' ?iCS for sale by SALT!! ROBERT Dm 22. MITCHELL. 88-tf TOBACCO. BOXE3 VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO W. WILLIAMS k CO. May 2;^. 81 tf ^ole Leather wauled. LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, euiiable for Bolting. Apply to D. MURPHY. Aor 1 14. 20tf 190 2000 Ariminii^lrafor’K A'otice. K -.•Hjoriher haviue at December Term, 1862, of i *,ountv Court of (Jamberland, qualified au Ad- ■ ifit^'ati.r uj '1 liie Estaifc of Neill G. McNeill, def’rt Qr,>;^(.a .ill pert-.'tis »;aving claims against the Eatate tv j.:eeent 't>fra within the lime limited by law, otherwise this nctice will be ple.*ded in bar of recovery. Debtors aro re4ieHrt-; iti i;*ake prompt li.tyineii' HEf'TOR MeNP.nT, • IW 10. TS62 B6 • COW LOST. [Y COW is on Ea.?t side of Cape Fear, somowhere op- pesife to Campbellten, being driven into the river by bovs and can’t find her way back. She^ is marked wiiri crtfp in cach ear, has a bell on, white in her faee, while on buck an«l belly, red on neck and aides. ^ Who ever will lake he" up and let me know it, or bring her up ti. m-> iu Oftii.pbelUon, will be liberally reworded. Tne said oow was bought in the upper part of Bladen -n; t” a-A -e .y .‘rot'tkMr f>o-» her way tiwk to thw! A wA'my'i • U> OIL AND LAMP BLACKr ■l^AiNNKRb and LUBIUCATING OIL. 1 o ‘ MF 3L \GK -li ’''■•r sal'? by JOB. R BLCS-SOM Sl go., WilnHm^t-on, N G Ah ii^iiai llie Blockade WILL aoapel us te do what w": should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the enemy. The proprietors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Factories in the Southern States, will be able te fill orders at short notiee. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N. C. Addross D. L. KITETT, Manohester, Cumbetlaed, N. C. June 9, 1863. 86-6mpd The Cedar FaUs Bo^ bin Co. are xmw prepared te furnish, at short notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, SPOOLS and .QUILLS, &o., suitable for Woolen aad Cotton Mills. J. M. OI^ELL, Agent. Cedar Fails. V S., Jnly 9. 1868. S« Pmpd To Collon JPIanlers. I HAVE beea appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confederate Governmont within the State ef North Caro lina, and will pay for the same in 7 per eeat. Bonds or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of tho State, bayiug in my name, will have written certifieatea of appointment. By o^der of ibe Secretary ef the Tr-Mksvu-y, all Coii.en purchased by myself or my sweats, on -and after tko 18th day of March 18C3, will be paid fer in 7 per oeat. Bonds «r Ca«h, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a for.'uc-r advorusement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per oeni. bonds will be furnished as statod. Patriotic cititi ns are aow oSFerad an opportunity to aid the 9oV*;rumfca- by selling to- it theirvCotton rather than to privrtte caoitrvlists. LEWIS 3. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Maroii 24, 1868. [c. d.] 14tf '' WAr¥TE»V‘ ^ B.\NK notes' of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and 3eorgia. AlsOj North Carottna six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also North Carolina six per cent. Bonds, now iesue W. R. RICHARDSON 4 CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9 ^tf >£ALED proposals will be received for the deliv ery of four hundred oovds of good sound black-jack wood, (400,) at tho rate of sixty (60 ocrds) ^er c-cnt’rj. The wood to be delivered at the Arsenal, where it will be properly corded. It laust conform ttrlctly to the standard measurement fer cord wood, viz: S' x 4’ x 4’. Proposals to be marked ‘‘Proposals for wood Ux Act’g Ass’t Quartcr-s&st^r.’’ MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art’y, P. A. C. S. 47-tf and Act’g Asf’t Quartermasier. 1400 FOR §IALE. ACRES of L.AND with good building and ex cellent water. Th? upland timber is piae, oak and hickory, ewaoap ie gum, poplar and juniper. Situated on the head of Ellis’s Creek in Bladen couBty, 6 miles East of the Cape Fear River. Any one wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber or R. P. Mel vin, Sheriff, at Elizabeth, Bladen county, who will take pleasure in showing the premises. J N. McCOLL. Sept. 1, 1863. 61-19tpd WAilfTEO, I WISH to hire by the day er for '.e balance ef the year, FIFTY GOOD HANDS accuitoned to Railroad work, to be easployed in catting a "m..!- through Lion Swamp in Bltkltn county. Go 'd • ?' ill be paid and the bands will bo well fed. Appl>- io ok; Fayetteville, or to 3 G. Worth Wilnii^gio.j. Oi 1^. *. Hurt. Wo would be wilUu^ to contract the wuik by the yard. The job is a large one and will be worth looking after. JOS. A. WORTH. Aug. 27. 68-6W A T I i. '1.. I '* lu"- "O WA."^'TEO. i LADY ci ‘.xr-iriaTi V .* ; , uo- in tne priiiiiry 1.4 paiiuientof the RicbmjDd Acaieioy and take oisarro of ft aru Ui In order le savrt Ur-? ap^iicaiii? Wi;i . iv..da cat - ’ • -iu- n !* ^ r AudrcB.s iB'^uf liAtsi”, JUls-\ I>\uLY. Rockingham, Rich d flo S.^Di. t»i 1 j II: Litliuuriia, since the arri'’al ut the uu/cruur IMourcvicli every day bcun marJccd . ^-\ ii lc;i;cra|:-hiu acd- I _v*‘^toli xAvjui Orttcow Htutcil ttiui Oouiio .I'iutCA liiicL I bteii hauged at \v ilna by order oi ■.L# (> jvoruvr J * • u'liC'al, atidiiii' a H' .‘=^. flctifi AclCiit, (iiiU a iH'iCnt, .)i. A OLJi r.-K.i, ' TUct wi’h tile rjaiiia laco ai, \\ arsiiw. iiic iluatsiaii oiiitiiai jouruala coDtaiu a ii.st 01 ail the oxccutiou.' wrach have lakeij place during' the iast week at Wiina, amuug wluoil t.re ttiusc ul‘ tiie i*rie.st Zaaoroti, aged tvvcaty-eight years, shot, Triejt i^iieLueclKi, aged diity y^a.o, ahoij Iii. d« iiaakiewiet, Id. de Kolyokc, hanged. The moot illustriuus ui thcrfc victiius, tjouiit LcoCi i’laief, beuia oiit oi tu« olde.st and most honored uaiuc.^ iu i'ulaiid. Wliui, adds to tilt odiOUsfie.^.S ui tuetit haii>uiOUc5 CACcUtioLio is, that Qone ol these ineD who hav« ju.-st becu Htnii-k down, were taken with arins in iheir naudd. Count Plater was arrested in Uis chateau and the nole com plaint made against him by the iliwsian Goveram't wais that he had coDcealed arm». All those who were handed over to the cxeoutiouci at tho •am-.; time as Count Plater, were arrehted before tht; proclamation of the amne^jty. A letier in tlio “Temps" gives a frightful account of the circum- stancee attending some of these executions. The Abbe Ischora, who was Huot ou the 3d, in the presence of an immense crowd, at Wilna, was not killed at the first discharge of musketry, although twelve soldiers are supposed to have fired at him at only a few paces' distance. The soldiers reload ed and fired a second time. Of course the popa lace belioved this was done intentionally. Kelysko was hung under most revolting circumstanoes. A cord was put round his neck while he wa« on tho ground, and he was slowly hoi.stcd up to the plat form. By some means he fell, and for ten minutes he waa in a st^to of great agony, during which time the soldiers struck him sevoral times witli their musket^* The people ot Lithuania seem for the moment stupefied with horror. The national oommiftee of the district have issued a proclama tion stigmatizing these Itorrors in "‘♦trongcst language, and calling on the people to avenge them. Gen, Mouravieff has issued au ordinance pro claiming that the penalty of the knout will be in flicted upon all ladies dressed in mourning. Sev eral ladies arc detained as hostages, and are threatened with death unless their husbands sur render themselves to the authorities. More than one thou.s:uid of the landed proprie tors :ire imprisoned iu the caijrm;ttt*s. and proi ur- ation.3 are be-'.^ Ui;iV Irr Ih. , a .jfrjcttd in ,ir, .iiie, lor wniuh purpose thy Bci^ucjtcvo'.i OvkOVtiits in W i'na Ua>u Ut.''lglicd. In a word, ihj terror now introduced by (>en. Mouravieti 1.: t>ucii i.? tu ”;rovIucc despair in tao av\irt oi every oaii, and w. -r.';! e;-:pectoi. The in.iurrectionary bar.l-- arc boii-: za'aitiplied an^ victoriou.s. Th>. {.ciikaiu., ur' ‘.ivcr.ibie to the i pw.v. . . •’ ;oi’ ^ . ^ i uf;\ b-x / Xi’ -.Uii- Hi Ul.iv j ft.'* ! yo!i I.”' MiC i'’r‘jiic- tiivii apueaiaiiC j wili att f de with tho inriur£t'at au .'■t ' vA.lv. J leave ■ ! OiJ'r'I'i iiil i (’raou'W, on the i>'u altimu, .sLat«-. i V. - ... i;,.' . ‘ . - . ^v.l; J' ./wf: f \Sf I n \sr-i n^?l ~n i>wbl i' ^ M 1 I' ; aB6VS C. T. 5AISH & SJi.W I T^E ffirm of STEU.MAN iiOUNK was ;ii.e.6!vv. FaVCttCTl I i«' ' luutuai conf!*-L.t cn tiie lit day of May ietjS. ■‘I ■ * j those having clairos againrt the ti'TTi -«f’U Y-lease p’’ I vbeia fi'-r p.».ytaeut All those ;uu;L:va tj me riaa j plea.«^ call :.nd settls. - - I i bT ^ eunip.uiiv i-t K 'if V/0- ill NOTICE. The undersigned, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate SWites of .amerifte, hereby give aotiee to their old eustomers and frirn'ls, that they have appointed John 9. ^tarr and Joint I). Willians, of this piaoe, their atterneys to eelleei etijr.-; •eparately or oonjeially all moneys du» them either by aeooan; or note, aad otherwise te &i:end tu thoir bn- siness generally during their aUgenee. They respeot- folly ask all persons indebted te them te aall as prosapi- ly as possible en their agents aad make payment. STAJUL & WILLIAMii. Sept. 19, 1861. 6»-tf Sf»pt. 10, A. STEDMA?(. 64 it li .ld . sihuUii thy = C;^2.1TiSJi! «RATES!! Wr. are V.' pr-^jo^rad to make 0R.ATE3 for burning Bituscinous Coal wr Coke. These Orates art so ior t- ftiey Wr.vA- l(» him; 7 !»*ALT—«ALT. PRBIK>Na wishing to pnrchase a good article, will find it to their »dTftat»ge to oall at ih» firm ef hA8TRH8 & CO., at Little Rivor, 8. C., wh/»re they keep on hand a laige supply which they will sell at low fismres. There is ^eo ine facilities for getting the Salt ap te the H^ilroad by flat? EASTfiRS &. CO., Little River, S. C. Aoj:. 6. M-l?Mpd Alter this date 1 will priy 10 Centg per poand for ra^^s, or th-’ highist. market i>rico, drlivartxi in r nay niiiU on Roo?>£bti. D. murphy. i.yetU «Otf ill your iJaiie. WE have at work the very superior Iron Roller Sugar Oaae 7'IiU and ten good Kettles Tho Iron Mi’l presses out all the juioo from the cane, the wooden rollers about one-half. Termg of Toll—Quantity which will make a barrel or iess one-half the syrup Quantities greater one-third. Persons having amall crops would do well to club. An aero of eood cane will yield 80 gallons or more of syrup. H. E. COLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept. 7. ^*__L Iit§aAe Aii(Vliisii B;a,fd of Plreato.'a of this Ii:jti;ttfi«rU wish to till JL the ofiiae of ala.voa, now vaeaat. None oiher iy»n unencu^ahzred fotnaloa need apply. For intoimatioa, respect:*.^ the duties, &e , of the elKoe, apply t« the* undersigned. £D. C. FIHHER, PhjtioiaB %rA SuBerinteadent ▲ii|. 14, Colton ITarii lor Wool. NOTICE is hereby given tiat after this date (except in cases where we have bargained for Wool aoeord- ing to the terms of our advertisement «f the 30i.h of May, which terms are new reveked,) we wiilgiv«l bun dle of Cetton Tarn fer 4 lbs. ef Woel unw!*8hed, or 3 lb>!. washed and picked. This change is rnade at tko LMtanoe »f the Quarternr»«t«r at Raleigh, i >irder to make the terms of e2.ohaa£e uniform throughout the State. 6E0. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Juae 29, 1863. 41tf Eg^ypt Coal Mine. T^HE undersigned wero, at-lke Noveaaber Term of thj i Confederate Court. District of Nerth Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal M'iPe property, and have entered into copartnership fer the piirj^o^e of mining knd selling Coal, and solioit orders fer tb*; same in any desired quantity. -Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice Tho Coal from this pro perty if! uadtiubtidly the best in the Confederate States. Appli'5&tions maybe mtide to Ctjis. B. Mallett, layette- ville, K. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHAKLES B. MaLLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1156^1. (.iKli^O ^^TOi^E^ FOR .«$ALE. The uaderaigaed have tak?n the Ageticy for the sale of Messrs. W. B. Farrar & Co.’s Grind Stones, and bave now on hand sizes running from 18X2| inches to 6 feet by 11 inches; and can have cut at shert notioe ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond with tho un i rsigned, wno will fill orders promptly and guarantc*^ '_>ic qu.^lity of the grit as represented. aEO W Ui_LIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, M^y 27, 180-^. , 82-tf $*10 REWARD. RANAWAY from the aubsoriber on tie Sd of iait ulti mo, my boy BILL, a bright mulatto, ao ae 17 yt-rs of ago. He is five feet two inches high; ha« a Ihia face and long noie, his upper front teeth are a little decayed; quick spoken. When be left he had on new osnaburg pants and shirt; he alio wore a brown sack ooat. He hfts some relations in Salisbury", N. C. where "he was raised; he may try to'make his way baok. Any infor mation coneerning said boy thankfully received My aldres8 is Rockingham, N. C. MARK COLE. Sept. 1. ' 61-9tpd IXFORillAT Iol¥ WA^TEd7~ Any information concerning Enoch E. Newton, Co. K, 38th Regiment North Carolina Troops, whether dead or alive, would be thankfully received from any person. He is about eix feet higrb, blaek hair and eyes, kaa a eoar on his right hand and leg caused by a bum. The laat certain news from him the company was charg- ^g a battery near Chancellorsville, Virginia. Address SEORGE NEWTON. Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 14. 63 6tpd t'”i‘ they will fi; Sept. 19, 18«3. iny D.’ANDSvIl30N CO. 65-2w ‘.iti*r,.'^d t'l Ui.at^ K : il . M.iij ’k r nd j ‘ ‘ UiC tile O'.Vl.i. i -ir .i i JUr'i. lii T. I “Yes,” r('rli-.il ]>oi.': k. “is ih^Tv: i,- . r I living iu that house'” ‘‘Vos.” “11' w i> hj cm j ployedy” screamed the General, o]iiioh:D; hi fnt I ti 0 th»). iirosby ir.” arfi a iiar; he uta'C.s unif jrhi.-'tor tiic iti.-ni: .reLt.s.'’' “I have not iCt u ii;ru, and I cannot toll anything President and Directer?*’ Oifice, | Lauiunburg, Sept. lo, lsG!i. ) ^i'aE ANNUAL MELTING of the Steckholder.s o n- •t- iii« LAMD FOR SALE. I NOW offer for sale my place, containing 360 acres, situated in Moere county on Killett’s Creek, three miles west of Carthage. About 76 acres of the above lands are under cultivation. There is on the place a comfortable dwelling, with ueoessary onthonses. I will also sell, should the purchaser desire, all my this year’s CT ps, farming utensils, stock, &e , all upoD reasonable terms. For further partieularn, address me at Car thage, N. C. J- B. KELLY. Sept 12. 62-12t W001> WAIWTED. TIHE Sabscn'oerB wish to contract for tne delivery at 2. their residences on Hay Mount of FIFTY CORDS v)fWOOD chiefly Pine. E J. HALE & SON. Sept. 14. $$TRAY nULE. There is a stray Mule at Fair Haven, Moore oounty. Prove property, pay charges and take it away. HARRIS TYSOR. Sept. 9. 62*6tpd FiAI^O WAiVT NY Person having a aecond-hand will fiad a safe place with me. terms. Address Miss £. , . to rent cut ftate the DB.L UVIOND, Lunibuj'toa, N. G. WAIVTED, A YOUNG GENTLE VIAN who has a very*good under Standing of Latin, Greek and English languages, d.t^jires to obtain a situation as Teacher. Address Q. W*. JONES, Oaks P. O., Orange oounty, N. C. Sept. 6. . 62-16i,pd i. Wilmington, Charlotte i Rutberferd Rail Road Ooni- j)ftny will be held in tho Town of Rockinfhaui, oa Wed nesday, 21st Oetober 1868. JAMES I. McCALLDM, Soo’y. Sept. Ifl. * 56-tia COAL. PER80N8 In town wanti^ng small quantities of COAL from the Egypt Coal Mine will be promptly supplied by ealling en the sabsoriber and obtaining a ticket for the quantity wanted. B. ROSE. Sept. 19. ■ 66-3tpd Real Estate at Auction. WILL be sold, at the Market Jlsuae, at I'J o’clock en Friday Oct. lOtb, 1868. to close a Deed of Truit, the STORE on Gillespie Street, occupied by Love jt Overbaugb. The house 1s in good repair, and well lo cated for reta.il irarA* JOHN MURPHY W. DRAUGHON. Trustee. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auot’r. Sept. 21, 1868. 6it« - $100 Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber on the 1st day of June last, his negro boy FED. Said boy was pur chased by fhe subscriber of R. C. Hamer, Marion Sist. S. C , on that day, and it is thought he may be lnrkng in the neighborhood between Hamer’s in S. 0. aad Jno. Thompson’s in Robeson Co , N. C. He is about six feet high, will weigh 170 to 180 Ibe , and is of pleasant couatenanoe. . The above reward will be paid for his lodgment in any jail so that I may recover him, and S190 more for evidence to oonviot any white person of harboring him. B. F. HAMER Cheraw, 8. C , Sept.'lO 65-4tpd about that.”. “Well,” ri‘].Ued tl.t teach yoit tu know h. nos.;u*i wVcn; > ' are doing, you ah.ill n:(,-eivo • W' The rencrai’.M dijO’''- \v:i- • the Cossaukfi, and Use uiilor us . d two hours afterwards Tiio'I i:t " out-tlie luilowing day for the town of l?ruk. and r.u hi;* pussage he commanded tLat the Stui^ iorcstt shouiid be set on fire. By his command seven hundred and fifty acre.s of full grown timber were con.sutii.id, A correspondent says: ‘‘To show what Europe is content to be a mere spectator of, leok at tho following summary: Puring these last five months the Russians iu the Kingdom ahme have destroyed by fire and pillage no less than twenty- eight towns and twenty-three villages, destroyed about sixty palaces and halls, and put to swordi above two thousand wounded, clergymen, chil dren, old men and women, not to speak of out rages on ladies and girh rj it older th.iri '‘K^vyn Yet the barbarities committed in the Kit^gd ui cannot be cftnip:ir»*d with th-*- • v _r. Lithuania, W^lynin, ^nrl tVie Tki i-.i- \ ^ tieman just cstme from W’^olynia tel!' in ' f .n i.ily safe place for a Pole is the camp of the rebels; but how are we to expose ladies and children of tender age to such a life? It is for this we grieve, not for ourselves, since, remaining at home, wc run the risk of being murdered by the infuriated peas ants or drunken soldiers, while by going to the camp we can at least die gloriouslj. The Subscriber wishes to purchase a few YOUNG NEGROES for which he will pay the highest Cash price. Those wishing to sell wonld do well to call en me or address me at Raleigh. N. C. P. J teRNE. Sept. 7. 61-3mpd £ THE BIXIE PRimER, ike XiiUle PoUca. A further nipplj at WB«Ies*l« « MlM) 1. ^ lUJil * IWft. The Star Foiindry Is afftia in full operation. Having ia my employmeat competent workmen, I am prepared to execute work at the shortest^aotiee and for a reasonablo charge. M. A BAKER Fayetteville, Aujf. 18, 18^3. 68tf Palma Christ! Beanii. rPHS Bubseriber will pay the highest oash prioes for X anj iaaatitj ef Palaia Ckristi Beans. ▲. WOBTH. fi4t Spectacles Lost. Lost, on Saturday the 22f ult., between my house and my still en Black Lake, Bladen county, a pair •f heavy GOLD SPECTACLES, in a tin case. A reward of $25 will be paid to the f.nder on their d:livery to mt. SAMUEL ANDERS. Gravelly Hill P. 0-. Bladon, Sept. 4 61-4tpd State ot IVorth Carolina, ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Aug. Term, 1888. Jebn Mclnnis, Adm’r of Peter Levingaton, dec’d, v«. « the Heirs-at-Law of Peter Levingston. IT appearing to the satisfaction ef the CouM, that Hugh G Levingston and Dunoan J. Levingsten, twu of the Defendants in this cause, reside beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made for six weeks suo- oossively in the Fayetteville Observer, notifying the said Defeaiants of the filing ef this Petition, aiid tL-it unltasi they appear at the next term of this Goiurt and aauwor the petition, the same Will be taken pro oorfeseo aad heard ex parte as to th«u», . Witneas, Joha A. Rowland, Clerk of oar said Court at Office iu Lumberton, the 4tk Monday of Anguai A. D. 186a.

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