V or ? ror- tl.:- ilu; . •. ^ ur, ... ^ aiU ,; , tlv.' *i!s. * I''-’- i ‘J.; I L* U ' - = - I •. mil ut'ii, n our. i, ; 1. tv. !*c . i.V-1 . >ru\ Ki. u. es, i, , ^ i-.ii’, ; u Ccu, . , , au.irj. . . «r ‘ .;. ') «d and ;s 1 chu Ui if 111 v.ii , - lio cstid,4 V wx tsaitv -ut her- ;n ■prv- lud .1,:; .b--=-- • -i u . dl Uic eat '.'-i Ost wli. .'it-r- les p/ ;. ^ tur tfiburi. ‘H to •Uiy, d tor .genta 1 ^ tiiO shall »froui eaeh »e du.^ ■ au- om ;b. >c»«i a .■Stitt. Liiii; ! ua't . • ^ a 1 ^ . -■ -C ,r * M &e i- a Cjnr- .. r.ae .tT 'i. c Ls I -' u L C ^ - . u u:,;*- •11- dt. >• . 5- leir SO t w: lui:;. . Ux S W.»i , C U i.-tbi tu>, Ux t -,■ ths b. aa.A fy ? i aui I'i ■• !(i .1 >fcS, i&Qoe: ich Coi-’ tr-.rj- ... iha^ , i 6i- tnt :Ollu 3 Ol ' - t reo 1 t->r r ii- , ifjaU V. ha -era'- ie oil ear ; i. C' ftlbii.- aud - - d tn ~ * A t ’ iJp*; . tic tax \» aij.- 11 b.- i-.iver- the am- - i the ,h iL chief lleot* u t. - tt ■? 1.4. . ? il l( ■ V-ii- Jf il,. • f net U.itt w'jLiir- eea: .. or ad- tae? ♦ae- sr r> - rer) i.cjr ui£c .1 ..y iiit'Ui' = ' an be , ..i-d ; «t 1 Uliu i J ftf.U r,--. , '-(OO w; - wr J n- triti •er. ' 1 be Jiio' J i i c ■ , vj; iwM- 0 Jrth aiVs' ■A r; * *,fc ...'I * It- tLc ;t b.. 3av ■n F, r df -■ra ar J, il nt'.i. .•U,‘ Iff I .. ja: \lil. FAYKTTKVILLi:, ^ SilPTEMBER ‘^8', [NO. ri67.j t’K;VlFl> MON: AVS aVD ThTKSIMVS KPW \i?i» j. MilE \ SHNS. hli noi^S \Ni> I’RoFixIKT • t'.T f tvaiioc • -\V '^klv Ob-J'JK VKR •'0. pai'i in ‘■'or flie "'oc^ly Obsekvkk 54 00 por antinm, paM in •» Ivnnof ?»^' AUVHUTISI'.MKNTS insr>ri(«il fo' $2 prr « M'lre •if 1(*> lii\oh for t)ie ain! one 'i->H4r f«»r e>i'h srp rae.Uns publication. A lT«rn«emen’« not (•xcpf‘'ling; % *ialf sqn-iro ^eieht linr^ ' '*■1 f«v th** fir^t ati l r*-ntj> for eu:h f«\»ccof.liiie pu^'rn’n'im. A.l»t‘riiser ;»r* re que*t(*>l to state ilie nn'jiVier oT in.eiTiions ilf'iircJ, or iiiev will he oortinue'l till frrhi l. snJ ch irred aci'ord- iiigiT. AdTerlisoivit>nls oor.tinuel insiJf. charfei) n> new ail Tsrtisemen'«. S?ECIA_L NOTK'K. Fr*m an ' ,.»er thi* ilaie. no uam« of m new ijubs rifcrr will b« cnterf'i without pftymen; in a-lvtaice. n#r will ihti V“|'*>r be (rrut t« -;>ich for h lotiirer tint* thriu is pni'l t->r. Such of our oM •'ub-icribers desire tg take t>># pii- p«r «n this ey?teni will plt^a^ie nwtifv iir« wheji making remittance* Jftu'y I, ItAt. ■ . I 1"! '!■' ■ 'MUWggy* UV?f. !•, Attorney at Law, FaYETTBVILLK, N. C. Ilf ILL attend the ('ouMty and -Superior CwurU ' f I'BMborlfind. aarnett. Monro an i Robeson ’*«>■- tief!. rr*iB]»t attention given to eliUBt!‘ enfru?te*l tt* hi'-; hands. Oct. 17. 1^59. GL(). W. WILLIAMS k CO., \Vliole?«iale l>ealer« in 4iirorerit*«, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1-N Hardware aniTCatlfry, Swedf? Iron, ito., HAY STRKKT, FVYKTTKVILLK, X. C. J uly l^iil. 3»itf JOS. I T L K V, liroerr and Commission .fterchant, FAYKTTK.VTLLE, N C Jan'y li.;. 1S63 • T. C. A: B. a. WORTB, roiJimlssiou and ForwardiH^ M»*rch8nts, WILMINGTON, x\. C JsLcy -i8. 1S61 the collection »f all »S-tf tisT OF huu;ks fou pisse\(;eks. #>'>« Ti. l-'i'Mii Kmv. 10 ''■':irnit^iOti, »|ll (t't *• •> •• Kli*tVn>th. 5 1)0 ■ • •• 'Vbite Hall, t; r>(i “ ‘ K*lly> ('ove, 7 00 “ “ “ All points below, lU Oi' SECONU CI.AbS, OR IJEOK. Frijiii I'nyettcville to WiltniuRton, S5 i)M •' “ “ Klizabeth. '1 fiu “ “ “ Whitehall, iJ aO “ ■■ Kelly’s Oovo, 4 O'* “ •• All piint^ bt'lnw, ?> 00 rp. From Wilniini'ton to Faynitevilla, {10 00 “ “ '• Kelly's PoTc. 4 50 * “ White Hall. 5 £»9 “ Klii’ibpth, ij 9\) “ ^ . •• “ Vr*i]»ect 11*11, 8 00 I ■ “ •* All poio'4 abate, iO H> ItECOND CLAiS, OR DK8K.. From Wilmiujtoa to FayetttTille, 55 00 “ “ •* K' !!y’s r*re, 0«i *• ^7Wite N ’i. 4 »u “ “ • Ail p*i«ts >»b9ve, 5 WO ;ond Clans or Dt«k Pai^eagor' must ptfty on lower 4e«k #r p>iv full T'rice. *r s*ae as Firat Clan's mr \n extra cr«.TL-'i; will b* f«r Pa*s.*n- i nw» {•■tniai; into B!*'ttjs 'I'jrinj ti-ae, and for on*u- • pyinf? a ISerth wi.*i Iheir b,»uM or shoeo on, at tht* 4iseretion the J A Wt)RTU. for 0 S' St’in B't Co. R. M On^E!.L. f'r Si’rs K.»i8 and Sun. i T S LUrTKRLOn I May4, 26-tf i rrAin and attrr fhi!» dsite ibe Steamer A. P. HURT will leave r.f. R o’clock, A. . ^n Mandiy and Thurf^iy. JOS \. WORTH, ■\pril ti — 17tf ] .A?’t C. F >!tean B#at Ca. WE)5«iTE:R.\ RAir fitOAD. THFi Traias *>f this Rond leave Fayetteville daily, (Sunday* excej»tei) at 8 o’clock. A. M., and re- turniBj: leave Mc!»er’s at 1 o’clacK, F M. Frn^ki Trgin MON I* AY, W EDNESDAY and FRl D \ Y. Bv order of the PresiJeBt. JNO. M ROSE, Treaa’r and Act’g Trans. .\g’t. Jun. 2-2, l*t3:i. 97tf A^HEVII.LE, ^Te. WILL open the EAflLK HOTEL for the re- * ceptian of Quests th« first of Juae, as4 I hop« to be able to ^ntertaia from seventy-five l« ft hundred persons during th* Suwiner. In ctfoneciicn with this large H«to]. 1 bavt a Duoiber of Hacks, C.%rr;agf«. Bu;eies and Saddle nurses that mv tuest* can eet at a rainnt»‘» notice. J. M. BLAIR, l*r'priptor Eagle Hotel, .^shev•lle. N ( May 1:;, 1?08 Sl-yp^ iHoKut VerHon Female Seoiiiiarj. At Mt. »rn*n Mineral Springs. rh;ithiini rouiity. 1st Ssssion to cowmeiico 28th 5ept. • TKRMfl: Highri E 'g Braafihca per ofw>“ k AciJeniic (’l*ss, Piiinary , ■Mu«ic •■n l Pilnting, each. Latin. Freiictt and Drawing, eaoh. B.a''d, J^chool Hnom exprrses, Rov WM. HivoPER, ) „ . . , T 0 H(>OPE», r ier>lic".tir,»i>, for pupils tnav be addrf>“«-'d to Pie at Fatet „vii1e ' T. C HO'JI K'r Sfpi. '* • (ij'f i -f) 00 •2 ' OU 1-S 00 a'i 00 I-^ |')0 £ ,.> 00 I 00 Ur*. 4':itliaraiio J. Ward will fume the ]uti-« of her ychi#o' iu Arch St., on T* u’- the 1 St day f o't Igtiii Sept Gi 4; re- ifky 0' iF 'he bin’h'st •rk’' ^^ill he opened at .Molnn's’t Hridg-. «ri .n Dist-ijt,C , u^Her thesuj'i vi»:wn of Mr. J')',., ('. Su'rer.’asd. on Mi*nd.y the 14th ii'*t. T'.ii* Web ')1 etnbrace nian-? * Ivanfa^e*—in l.'‘'4tiott being not. d f 'r itj hf'\'ihfulne8« ai waii as t! c iuteUi- gence sn 1 ii. tone »t the lurrouiiding »oci*iy; and if to the Princip''] nothing need bo »aid as an c»«;rtniuiD upon hifl i^jualiftoitirtiij os an effioiem intiruc’ >r '.nd ciirrcci disoip'inarian—and poi*«s*ing from mi-y = er;r» of_ exp*ri(*nc*, a spreal r«put*ii*u «s oni* !ff the ▼cry bf»t of Tew>berj R^arJ c»n b« h;id at .$!’• pt*r »oni5i »nd Tir,*''T» at $16, J20 and $24 p«r sessien «f fl'’w in 'nths \d iv sti U M-R U:. H-.-’y. 'fcln'ils’s Bridgs P. O , (t • )> «^ri r, Sent. >. I>t53. Oli Iti A Teacher lDY wba c.»n leach 'tl! tkf Knglii h braoches, &0., to t*aoh in luy fioily W. A .'.TKlNSdN. Eliz*b?thtowi, 8ept. y. 4’*fjd A u. Music Tl££ .^(»3C'S'i8 CAK4»I.I.TA U!-fi l!«SimtWS 19*iriSf, vow i(i i,tie tenth y;'ar wf iuccesnful •pcratiwu. with * growiug capital and liraier Ui»ld upf»n public cou- tdence, c."Btinues t* iasure tbu lives of all healthy v»r- -■•'n'j frora i4 l* iO,years of aje, f#r one y*!»r, for seven rears, aud fwr life- all lifo jnembers sharing iu tha profits. .\11 sUvee frsai 10 to years of ago ar>» iHiureri t'i»r ,nc y*ar of for fiv? years for tw* thirii tkeir value.. j AU lo??es are vuactually p.iid within 9V days aft«r | -• itisfuctory proof is presented. For fiivthrr infisrwatiQa tke publ'-‘ ts referro4 to . r ‘ntf of lh“ Conana-ny in all parts « .he jJtat«, aad to { H 8ATTL«, Sesretury. Raleigh. j fci. J. N .iLS, -Lgeat at ' J n’y 185». FAy-itterUle, 't. «. rA VKTTKVII.LK IflfTlAL COMPAIf. $2S7,Set 2k i,#77 S6 Capital in t'rcisiuw Nofci a«nni«te te »";ash -r lii'i.’ rttier »s!r'«. Tatal, $27-2,76« «1 I 'c.. Sniupany have paid all losses proKptly, asd hftv,' r.ever wide uh assMiment on their preBnin* 'I'-.'tal pai^, 9rvi«hZ.‘: M*?EILL, Pro«ii«rnt. 9. A. RAy, ^ic» Prkeideat C. A McMILLAX, *•«> ^'*tRlCT»Ki.; W. X. TiW-Mghast, H«cry Lilly, H. L. Myr^ver, S. T. Eawley, Nathan ▲ iJtedTnaa U. B. MalUtt, Jaaier Ky:«. A. A. UcXetkan. J. #. tfilliap»g, S. W. Tilliagkast. S. J. Kicsdale, W »a. '-IcLanrim. T t. L«(t*rlib, J. 4. C*«k, H*b j. €. 9kepher4L, ». F lrt»wn, > , A. a Hall, ha CoUin» C. C. MeCrttaaes, Travyli*g Amenta ifir-Th« W ’:'Qrany invits appUcalioKt. M*iy 2$, 1»51 ■ *i- iUntfetieralf Tax •Yolice. The ^s«e»»nri for Sampson conn;y having completed the valiiatiitn of pruparty and asies-mtni of Taxfs. the lint will r»niftin open for •xiT'in';ti»n f -r fifie:»a days frsui this day. Durtag th>.t liin* I will fcitcnil ^t my otfico in th« town of' Clinton, to hear ali oaniplajuts determine *11 ‘>itpe»1« that tax piyrrs may make, which will be concluriv# a.id final ,T*x payers are requesteH to notify the .\ss’s«or* of any delinquent? they may know o^ J R. BEAMAN, (?f'l!.‘C!.''r for SampsTii county. Sep:. 10. 18CS. 4t Spiiu Totloii . ■ )xchangfd for iiardt >r LARD 84 tf KF'V L\D1K. llie 8e»:nary 'tfi-t 12. Ifttil C A K D! I'an ^** a'co"ipodated T C. \ w JOHMSO.V WILLIAMS & (U. i K4LT .nAKtRS). li hiive thirty (80: pans now in operation aine miles ea»: of Wi'lraingto* Parties wishing t& supply j them>*e'.Te« with salt, can V furnished by applying to i A Jjhn'> n. Jr . .\pent at FayetteviUe, to E Page, ; iaa(Wv.*r .' Lje wonts, or to J. M WlLLLi.MS, General Superintendeat. f iv»tt> villo, Sov. 2m, 1Hid2 %VA.\TEI>. O '■'nil bcshels wheat, «,OUU 1. C -KN Person* living the ab«v» articles tc «ell will receive tSe t's'h price by cal'ii*2 on Mr. M TheJia^on. at th^ \l8-ehan' Mills. FHy'itev'.l’e, or ob tie subscri ber ai I-* ’.il stani on Market S'^uare ALEX JOHNSON'. Jr. N 'V •. ARUV HARA'fcJS^. 1A-M rreparcd t-i manulacture all kmdi of Wagon Har-ne^- for \riiiy «se. I tan my leaihtT and can give id bHrz'iinp Agents will du »rell to scud their orders to me as they shall have prompt attentien, and se’t rff in qniok dispat.jh. JOUN CARTER. X^dmoii P O.. Chatham Co.. K. C.. 24tf Fayettovill®, Sept. 2d, 1863. OTICK ib hereby given, that a N^p.i: is now epen a* this place, for the reseptioa of the TAXES (in kind ) fith board at ,-i.ip un'ler Ac' of th^ C«Bfedi?ratc Concr'es, approved : April -24, ISb^ HOOPER. I Farmers uBii Planters having arileles ready for de- 6^- i livery, can forward to tbi^ t>epo* at one* Receipts will be fiv^n subject to endoreeatent on ihe .Assesser's estiwHt's when made k This h *ing a central point, and ef>nvenifat for di'tri bation, it i'^ il«ired aii far as practicable that tax pay- tr» fheuld dtiiver their ij’iota of taxes at tbii Depot Liberal cimpcnsa'i >n will be made to parsans delWer- ing articles at a di«tis.o.’c of ov*r eirht nsiUs Ofliee at the store formerly occupied ' y .'iarr A VVil- liaini J. -Vl. 60-1 im] Agent for Cumberland county. SIKUEKV for KICLU aud HOSPITALS. I AM now prepared to furnish nay Werk on Surgery to subscribers &ad others who may wiak pits' ••oii,Ju in pan paymsnt our Farto'-y un iVrsm St. A McLAU 'HLIN i, CO 1. 4KI> 4>l I. F.'\otory. V verv ti-j-- »rii'!!c. I'.^'r sale at. our A. McLAUCHLiN i CO B4K .4^l> TOII.i:r SOAI*—For f.le at )urTactory A 'lcL.\l CJILIN k (’O. Fayetteville. Sept 12, l>*t)3. *;x Hnip 1 H to pur- •lune 18. 200 lb«. Gum Arabic* tor vale by J. R, LEI Oct. V.- 5»tf S A I.T! D«c 22 SALT!! ROBRRT MITCH RLL. tf TO«A€i:«. 1 OA VlRGINl.A TOBACCO, various grades. JlJv for wale on consignment, br GEO W. WILL! VMS & CO. M*y-23 $»ole Leather wauted. LDS. of heavy well tanned 8^>LE LEATHER, vUUU Buitable for Belting. Apjily to - D MURPHY. ?ay*"'-”'i \ir 1 1 20tf to subscribers and others who cbaae it. On Ihe receip- of 55,0t) the b.'ok will b« sent by mail, postage paid. EDW'ARD W.\RREN, M D. R.aleigh. Atig ’20. IHt’i.'. ^8-lifl WANTED, for the Hospital at Fort Fisher. I)OULTUY, Chickens. BuMer and other delicacies fer the sick ^.ildiers a» t^’is llospi'al. Persons having the*e ark'.clei can obtain the market price on applica- lii.n to tfic •nbscriber a bis old stand or at Mr. .Joha Culbreth's ai thj' foot of liar Mount, i r'. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. I A L0, i Wanted forthe above Pcif, ‘20t).0X) lbs. n.-\Y. j . R. E. HEIDE. Oen’l Ag’t. I Aug. 2'.. •'jS-tf Aft iiviial the Bioi'kade ! IITILL tetapel us te do what we shaultl-have done he- V T fore this, wait upon youreelf and eut looite frea» the enemy. The nropriotors having started the manufac turing of‘all kinds of BOBBINS Tjr Factories in tke Southern States, will b^ able to fill orders at short notice. Work dcliverei in Fayetteville, N C. Address L. KIVEIT, Manchester, Cumbeiland, K. C. June 9, 18RS .S6-bmpd FaycU«Tille Arsfssl and Iriaurj,) Fatpttivilli, N. C . June 2^*, lS'»:i ( WA.’^TKD. ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS .Sli'O) BOUNTY. AVI.V® received auttieriiy tV«M the Secretary of War to in'^'-f.aje the stremgrk of (he present C«rps this Ar«eti.tl, the ud^ers.gk'n wul relisc *ne hun dred (10#) riitn etrucriptM f»r Ihit purpese’ T-J«ose sub ject t« eooKC'-ytiea nffd net tpplv Transfer, nad exohaages ef *en new in service can- net be MATTUKW P. TAYLOR, Capt. O. S. A Juae 3. 25tf OrritK OF THK Acr« ASS*TlCARTKRJIA(iTKR, ) FayrttfTilli Arsenal and Armtrj, ^ Fayittetih,*, N. C , July 17, lit>8, ) \VH>D WAATED. ^ilALED PROPOSALS will be received f«r the deliv- ery of feur hundred eerds ef gead fund hlaek-jack weed, (400.) at the rate of sixty (tiO cards) per siewth. The weed te be delivered at tae Arsenal, where it will be prep^-rly cerded. It must confarea strictly tj the standard mea«areaient far cerJ weed, vii; I' x 4’ x 4' Proposal* te be marked ‘‘Propesal# fer weed fer Aei’g As^’t Quartermaster ” MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Art'y, P. A C. S. 47-tf and Act’g Ass’t Q.i«rteri«ift»ter. 1400 The Cedar FalU RoV bin Co. arc now prpared to furniah, at Bnort noticc, all kinds of BOBBINS, SFOOLS and QUILLS, &e , Buirable for Woolen and Cotton Mills. J. M. ODKLL, Agent. C-dar Falla. N O . July 9. SP fin-pd THI tl AdmiiiiNtrator’K Aoticc. IE su''scriher having at December Terra, 1^*52, of th. C.ounty Pf»urt ot Cumberland, *juslificd as .Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, deo’d, notifif-.-* a’l peiions having ela-.ms against th«* £>4tate to prestut tiieni within the time limitel by law, otherwise this ndioG will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors ar« reqaesled to msko prompt payment HRCTOR McNRILL. Artn-’r Def 10. 1882 t:OW LOST. My cow is on East side of Cape Fear, bomewhere op posite to Campbellton. being driven into the river by boys and can’t fi«d her way b^ok. She is markt--! with crop in eaoh ear, has a b dl on, white in her face, while on back and bel'y. red on neck and sides. Who ever will tjike her up and let m; kn-’w it, or bring her up tf, ta in C irapbelUon, will he liberal^’ rewarded. The said ow was bought in the upper part of Bladen ceucty ftT d mav i>r;)bahly find hftr way back to th%t • r ^ v; 1ft- OIL ANB LLViP BLiCK. TANJJtRS^ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BI/JSSOM A CO., Wiljningtop,, N. C Marob 7 ' s\M/r~s\t/r. PKRSONP wi»hing to purchase a good find it 'o their advantage to call at EASTERS & CO., at Little River. S. C k»**’P on hard a larg.> suf-ply which they will Bell at low fieures. Tbfre ia 'il*io fi^e facilities for (ceti'n^r th» Hah up to the Rsiilmad by fl^Us. EASTERS & co . Little River, H. c Anc FOR »%LE. ACRtS of LAN!) witb goad buildiag and ex cellent wa'er The upland timh»r is piae oak and hickory, swamp is gum, peplar and juniper S;iuat-;d on the head of Ellis's Creek in Bladen ceuaty 6 mi'es East ef the Cape Fear River. Any sine wishing to purchnse can apply to the subsoriber er R. P. Mel vin, Sheriff, at Eliiaheth, Bliden coanty, who will take pielsnre ia shewing the premises J. Sept. 1. 18C3. N. Mcr'OLL. til-19:pd A mam The 5ew Style, Small, PHOmRAPHS, AT Tanor«d«ll'a Gallery. Pay Toiir Confederate Taxes*. I -.".'n 1 at the oftics of M. Gatn"be11 in the ■o^ 11 of r'syetteville, witS the Assessors fur this 6i*- iri* til' finrpoje (>f qoII^h ing the Hstel T'tr.-s o« Thi rs-i ir, Friday, SMurday and Men lay, tSr> 1«'. "2d, id a^.d -5*^ of OCTOBBR. 186^ At !»vv| i \JcN"'ir» on Tu^eday 6t», At X^ry'* Jarien on Wednesday ih^ 7ib. At \^«,Millan’s on Thursday the Sth, At 8 !;ulhr>»th'e on Friday the 9ih, .\t M. Saturday Vhe 1#tS, At Duac-ii on .Mondipy tha lUth, At Peter Mn*ro...’s on Tuesday tke IStb, .\t Dani-1 McFC'nnon’s on Thu’’eday the Ifcth. At tie sane >iws and pNcits. I will receiva the T«x-., e« du'? from A'tctiojieere. pitheoarien. Butchers. Ba- ktre, (’ommisfii'ii \fer?'banl». CiHle Broker*. I'iatilleri. Psdlar'. Pliet^r%ph»n, Retail D.-a'e'S, Retail Dealers in LiqU'iri, WVile^-’e D«alr.>i, WhoWiale Dialer? in Li^u-ire. All pereia* are karabv netifted that the abeve 'Taxaa esust be p«id i^lihin the tine.lia’Ied by law. otherwise tie heavy penalties laipoied will be ea- f*»oel witHout regar«l te persona or rroperty R w. HARDII, Pii>t Collecter f*r CutnVerland. Tb* Ataea.sort for Cum^priand County will attend at the'abeve iMaied places, with the D etHet ColUeter. fer the pnrpoce of aeeeesing the Tax in kind on Wheat, Oata, Rve, Iriek Petat'>s«. eured Hay and Fedder, W'eel, Jte. Psraevi intvetted are requested te aeer ui as above, with aiatementa af their matu’^d erops. emennts pre- due-Kl. JU S. T. HAWLIT. A. M CAMPBILU Afisesseri fer Cumberland. Rept. I«, 18M 84tt Principal of a Fenale High Seho*! I WA!¥TED. THB Trusteea of the FayatieviOe Female Vigh Seheel desire te eifags the eervi^ea efa coi|jpetent aad tait- } able Toaoher to take charge of the Soheol as Principal. I The patrenage of the tewn and adjacent oeuntry is large J eneugh te keep up th« School at all times. The Trustees invite atteatien to this aetiee and will { make liberal terma with a suitable perenn who ia pro- I paivid to enter soon upon the work Addrtas S. J. LILLY, President. 8ept 17. 84-3tpd A.RT. Woodviard’tf Solar Himcra. PUUTWOR.\PHS eaabehad at Taaersdell’s Skylight Gallery. Flay streot, eppnsite Marble Yard, Fay- •iteville. N. C.; plaia, retsaehed, eeUred, ia watw eelcrs, eil and pastile; fre« satall te life siie. Aatbr»- ype«, Melaneetypes, and all ether styles ef Pietarea p«-r.4iia ig te the Art. Alse, Cilt Frames, Cilt Meald- ag. «■' • i for very large pictarw—as large as 28 by 16 Lnches Cerd aud Tassels ''er hanging pietnres; lastra- aects. Steei^ and t'hewiealf f«r ea’e lew fer cash. Life (ice c»lercd Pitwtegraphs made freai saiall pietarea. Uavmg peruanently leaatea here 1 hepe te aieriC you- patroDagc I w,>uld aise return ny siaeere thaakfl for he Uhsral patronage bestewcd no. aie heretefere by the coo i pe&pie of Fwetteville aad vieiaity. «. M VA^fO&SDHLL, an4 Praprt’for t>A** r iu ' *-S^ T - .^larble Factery* Horse, MnUs afld Wastn, AT AUCTION. ON Wednesday the SWth iast, I shall aell «t Anetlon: One pair etrictly Ne. 1 MULES; One team 4 MULU. WA«05 and 1ARN«1S; Two BUaVISS and HAR'£SS, tne new, Uiakery; One extra HAR:«B3d HORS I. JOHN H. COOK, »uot’r. Sept. Iti. ' *4 St Headquarters H«iuc Guard,) Tow5 1)ist.,8d Rio’t N. C Mjlttia, ^ Fayattaville, N. C., Sapt. 16, IfoS. ) N9T1CI if hereby given, that there ii a regular Drfll evaiy Saturday eveaing, at Military Qreen, at 4 I o'elo??:, P. M., ofaiy Company, and -iU tl>* meaibers are ' ra^nired to be there to drill. oth?rwis» the law will be i rigidly anforoed upon Ihof*# that do not attend. . ROB’T MITCHELL. Capt. Sept, 16 64 gw Ad Engineer’! Lerel for Sale* > ON Menday, the 2S:h September, at the Cenrt Reuse doer, ia the iow>j of Lumbertea. I will aell te the highest bidder, en a crcdit of Six u^'nths, the above uanaed iastruisent. a vtrj/jlne »n», wi.h fixture# complete Bond with ajiprevei seourity will b;i required before it is delivered to the purch»s»r. R. IVKR. Tte Si’feKs mu. fc. T. HUGB k mt: smi FavriSorille. V,. ’▼ t-’. i'*'• M JfOTICE. : TQI ¥!DRRSICMB9. both haviag entered the adU* tary service ef the Cenfederate States ef Anaerica, hereby give nntiee te their old enstemers and friends, that taey have appeinted Jeha B. Starr and Johfl B. *riUia«?. of this place, their atrurneys to eellcet either separately or eenjeintly all aaetieys dne then either by aeeenuv er note, and otherwWie to attend thek ba- viness generally during tk^h- aVswioe. They respe«tt- fally ask all persons iadebted to tttexa te eaii as prompt ly as possible on thrir agpets acd uftke pavment. eTA&B k W^ILLIAMS. 8?pt. 1«. 18C1. Sept. 17, UeNAIR. (4 ttpd WA.^TED. To Colton Planters. I HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury; C.iief Agent for the puroha^# of Cettor f*>r the Confederate tJoverument within the St%ie of Ncrth i''aro- j lina. and will piy for the ‘^arao in 7 per rent. Bor. Is or j Ca."h. I 8nb A^tn,ta visitiug the di»l\.T;;ni part-i of th* S' »'e, j '►^.ivins? i ' 'ny na:u‘-, will aa/e ;vritten of app«>iDtHiei)tt By order of the Secretary of 'he Treasury, allCeitor purchased by myaolf or uiy aguat.'i. ou and afier tae I8ih day oI March 1868, will b*i paid for ia 7 per eeat Bonds *T C.»sh, and not 3 par cent. Bonds as s'ltod tu a for»utr advertisenieat. Uy to ttiat time, aowevcr, the 8 por cent, hoario will be /urni«*jeJ *9 Patriotic citijiens are a-jw oi'cr,id an opportunity to ai 1 the tl.-^erniaeni by (ftlling to it their Cotton r.ithor thaa to privkte oapit*li:ife. LEWIS S WILLIAMS. ] 14if JKO. A WATSON 1>IT * ''' article, ^ the firm wi»are they WAI¥TE1>, iWlSH to hir by t'le day ar for ih halan-a ef tk year, FIFTY Oi)Ofc> HA.S»3 accaatj'nad to R'liln'ad work, ta be empl«yed in cn tmg a ■•anal tlirou(h L b Swamp in Bladen cou;ity. G»ed irili he paid aad t'.’.e hanJn wi'l be well fed. Apply !-■ me at Faye t?vill«, or to B. Q. W.irth at Wilmingtisn. rr A. P. flurt We would be will'ug : i contrast the w-ir' by tli» y.arri. The jab is a iiree cna and wi’d be w-jrth Inoking after. JOS. A. WORl’il. Aug 27. i'otto23 Vliria lor Wc'Ol. OTiv'K IS V ny gi«’vn that after thi? date (ercVat III car'i-s wa-:-* w? av*i l.argain'd for ’-V.jol tec'r-'- ia.r to ihe -»f ^ur advertis'^-onent o* laa SWta •May, which r»re new revokrJ,) we will 1 k>un die of Cottou Yarn f«r 4 li»i. of Wool un-riehej, er 8 lh. wa-'ted and picked. Tiia change is U it-c iahtauce of the QuarteriHaKier at. R-lei2*i. in •r-»*r t.* njahc tb« vf exchange ’iniforra th"0'ichout th** Slate. GEO W. WILLIAMS K CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 186.3. 41 tl N Cif^rlotte, M'^rc'x 2t. I8G3. [o. WAiWED, Bank, notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia anJ Gc.)rgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Also North Cari>lina six per cent. Bonds, new is'i-.ie. W. k. UlCHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9 Rrin^ in your Cane. WE have at work tho very superior Iron Roller Sugar Cane Mill and ten good Kettles The Iron Mill prefSfS out all the juioo from the c»ne, the wooden i rollers about one-half. j Tfrrnt of Toll —Quantity whioh will make a barrel or less one half the flyrup yuantities greater one-th rd. , Persons having p-iill crops w.-»uld do well to olub. An j acre of eood caac w. 11 yield 80 gallons or morn of syrUp. I ' H. E. COLTON. ; JN»>. KIRKPATRICK. 61- A Iter thix date I will j,aj- 10 Ctnfs per j>ound for rag^, or _ th*' highest Eoarket price, delivered in Farett«Tille, or at my mills on Rookfish. 1>. MUBPHY. J«lj 28, 1869, lOtf SepI 7. Iis»:aiae A«vIm*« ^PHFi Bortfd of I'lreciors of tuis Inslitiit' «n wish to fill the otiiLV of -Matr.io. noTV v "'aiit. Niii^e other than UB“ncu'iil.ereJ fe.nales need apply. For informalion, respecting the duiies. Ao , of the olKoe, apply to the I undtrsigoed. ED. C. KI'^HER, I Phjsiciaa acd Sup«riDtond«nt. \ Aoc X4. (ft-ew E^ypt Coal .Yiiiae. ^pnE undersigned wrre, at the November Term of th '. 1 Confederate Court, District, of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of Ihe Egypt-Coal Mine property, and have entered into oopartnership for the purpeee of miuing and selling C»al, and solicit orders f.’r the name i: any desired quantity. Orler« for ajy amount can be supplied on short notioe. The Cof.l from thif pro perty is undoubl.«-dly the best ia the Confederate States Applications may be made to Chas B. MsllPtt, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S C. CHARLES B. MALLETT J\MES BROWNE. F.ayeftrvillc, Jan’y 20, 1863. fti>tf I^RIAD }^TO^E« FOR SAIiE. I^HF. uad!rHigued have taken the .\geticy for t.ie sale of Messrs W. B Farrar Co’« Grind Ston«s. and have now oc hand aiiei niniiing frotn 18X2i( irtohep t* C f'’ t bv 11 inohi-s; and caa hav^. rut !*i sh>.rt notice ANY sfZK.'B wan*cd. Pcr.qonB in want ol Grind Stones will plrar-e col•^e^'po^d with tho u;.'i^rpigriCd, who will fiU order" pro.Tiptlj nui giiarante* ’he qu.ility of the gri^'as repre*!onted. , GEO W WILLTA.'.1.«! k CO. Fayett'*'^ille, May 27, 1.S63. 82-:f $*20 REWARD. O AN.iVWY from t^e suhscrihar on the .^d ot last alti- li( mo, my boy PILL, a bri;{ni rruUtto, sa-as'? 17 yeirs of Hje. He i fiv- feet twT ir.ohre high; h»» a thin f&'^« and I' tij; nose, hit; upper f.'ont teet^-. are a I!H;« decay^il; qaiiik Bpcdccn Wh«,n he left he had on n«w B8n.bp*-'» panis and shirt; he nisi wora a brawn sack coat He has s >n3e relttions iu Salisbury, N. C where fee was raised; may tr3’ to make bis way 'nask Any inhr- mation cotic-ruing .s^id b*>y (^.•'.nk^ully rcaeirod. My addrvss is Rockiotrbara, N C MARK COLE. S«pt. 1. fil-Ptpd B A B'Oan\TiO \ WAIJTEi>. VN'» i:tf 1 mat 1'1 c.n‘'->:inns' E:i-;ch E Ncwi.-n, Co. K, 3“tri R»g:nie-it Nor;n i’vrol!''.-.', Trr>niiJ. wn-ihtr d.ad or (T.v , won. I be than'tc'u’ly rocoivod fro'n eny « about six i;ii:h, black h^ir and eyef, Ui« riji'-.r and Ipg catif«ed l^y a burii. ■>\ if'vi • f) o;^ Sit. the C’>t«|r'aTty wns charg- 4’ir 'i) -lia-llorsviUe, Virginia. Addrvaa GEORGK N'r:WTON, FavrtteviO*', N. O. 63 6tpd A LADY f>t experience to initruct in the primary d*- partment of the Richmc’nd Academy aad taka ahargt of a small Music Clas In order ta save lime applicants will •nc'ass testimonial* with their appli'^ations. Address imiii‘d!*tely, • JONA H. »ALLY, Rockingham, Riah’d G* , N. C. Sept. 16 «4-tf DISi^OLUTIO^I. T.HI Firm of «TEDMAN & HORNB was dissaWed by murnal nonseBt on the lat day of May 1863. All those having claims agaiaet th« firn will pleaia preieot them for payment. All those indebted to he firm will please tall and lattle. . N. A. BTEDMAN. W. T. HORNB Sept. li. l»6!l _ _ *4 4t ^ CRATES! «iRATE»!! WE are now j«r«pared to m*ke GRATES for burning Bituminous Caal er Coke. These Grates art so made that they will fit any fir« plaee Hardee Throton in the Shade.-—There is a story in circulation in the army of Northern \ir ginia, which runt as follows : A well known Con- ledefate Major General was stopping lor a while in a Georgia village, Koine, tinno since; which fact I coming: to the knowle«i^e of the Captain of the “Home Guard”—a portion of that arm of service, 8.S I heard.a friend remark, the other day, gener ally formed with the'Undert-tanding that they are “not to leave houie unless th ir home is invaded'' —said Captain resolved to give the General an opportunity ot witnessing the “revolutions” of his superb corps. In due time Capt. ’» Company having “fell in,” were discovered by the General in front of his quarters, in the execution ot the command, “In two ranks, git,” &c. Dur ing the exhibition, by some dexterous double- quick movement, only known among militia offi cers, the Captain, much to his surprise and cha- s^rin, found the v’ompany in a“fix” bfst described, 1 reckon, as a “solid circle.’* In stontorophonic tones'he callod to them to “halt!” The General became intere.st®d, and drew near, in order to lee in what way things would be righted. The Cap tain, in hi.s confusion, turned his head to one side, like a duck when she sees tl:a shadow of a hawk flit past, and seemed to be in the deepest thoiight At last an idea seemed to strike him; a ray ot in telligence mantled his face, and straightening up, he turned to the Company, apd cried out, “C’om- pany, dis*nt'ingle^ to the front, M.^RCn!” The Company was “straightened,'’ ami the General gave it as his opinion that it was the best command he had ever heard given.—Richmond Sentinel. Surgeon liat.-r-Onr neighbor of tlie Petersburg ‘•Express,” is responsible lor the following: We have .heard and read a great many Htories about the rat, but in all our experience, we never before had one brought before us in the character of a Surgeon. We learn that at one of our larg hospitals a night or two since, an operation was successfully performed upon an invalid soldier by a common rat, which the Surgeon in charge had himself delayed for a time, with the hope of caus ing less .sutFering to the patient. This patient was suffering from the effects of a fracture of the frontal bone of the skull—a piece of which pro jected outwards to some length, and the healing of the fleshy parts depended upon its removal. The bone was so firmly fixed, however, as, in the opinion of the Surgeon, would cause unnecessary pain in its forcible removal, and such remediei were applied as would assist nature in eventually ejecting it. A soothing poultice was placed upon the part a night or tw^o ago a hole being made through the application for the insertion ot the projecting toee. The patient was soon asleep in his bed; but during the night was aroused by the sting of pain, and awoke to discover a rat making off with the piece ot bone in his mouth.* He struck at and hit the rat, but did not hurt him. The rat had probably been drawn to the bed of the soldier by the scent of the poultice, which was pleasant to his olfactories; but on reaching it his keen appetite, no doubt, caused him to rel ish in a largtf degree the juicy bone so convenient to his teeth. lie therefore seized and drew it from its position, and was made to *amper off by the patient whom hp had aroused with pain. It was a skillful operation, quickly performed, and will result beneficially to the invalid. Wo under- Ptand the patient is getting on remarkably well. D. Sept. 19, 1868. ANBRRSON A CO. 65-2w President and Directors’ Office,) Laurinburg, Sept. 15, 18G3. ) '^nilR ANNUAL MEETING o' the e.aekholders e' ib» I Wil'nington. (’harb'ttf. % Ru«b«irford Rail Road C-uu- p^ny will ba held in the Tewa of Rockingham, on Wed- ursdav, 21st t.>«*obtr 18S3. JAMES I. McCALLUM, See’y. S«-pl, 10. U‘ person tiw» a ec 1jv»* c- iii/ a ba’ Sept. 14. LA.liD FOR .SALE^ I Now olfer i'>r nai«' njy pl.auo. cuiitainiug 850 acres, “ii .iUfdin Vtoii(ri» ^o.iuiy on Killi*tt'B Crcrk, three miles wst of Cirttia,-!”. About 74 acres of the abova iauda -re un-ic cuiiiTaiiou Tiiifre ia on the place a comfirtaV’le dw-*lling, wiih !)f3i*s? vry oulhonsss* I will .iHo 8-?ll, shou'd Ihe pu;-nhaser desire, all aiy this year’s crcpfl, farming utcn«ilh, si.ick. &o , all upon reaeronable t'Tins For further partiealar-* address me at Car- th i*e, N. C. J R- KELLY. Sept i2. 52-12t %VOOD WA.^TED. !'I1HE .S’lbsori'-'ira «if! ‘ > c.ai'.r*s the deMvery at I their resil-'nces ou Hay \!^unt of FIFTY CORDS of WOOD, chiefly Pin.’. E J HALE & SON. Sept. 14 JliTRAY TtIiTs.e! rpilERE is ft Htrp.y Mule :jt F. ir H^v^n, Moore county, i. Prove property, pay chie-^;.rt auJ lake it sway HARRIS TYSOR. Sept. 9. 6‘2-6tpd COAL. PtlRSO'-'S in towii wanting small quantities of COAL from tJie Egypt Coal Mins will be promptly sapplie'^ by ca! in? ea the sn>'0cnh3r and obtaining a ticket for tho quintiiy w‘ntfi B. ROSE. Sept 19. «6-3tpd Real Estate at Auctaon. \\TILL he 8 -H. I' Vlarkf* H- u-e, at 12 o’olock on W Friday O'at. ItJ 'i, to o’ose a Detd of Truat, tha t^TORK on Gi''eEfie ftrect. occupied by Lava h i)7erbau»ri. The b-iusa is iu good repair, and well lo- e-»ted for retail tr*de. Jf'HN MURrWT. ■JV. DR \ UGHOS. Trustaa. A. M CAMPBELL, ^nct’r. Sept. 21, 18ft3 _ _ SlOO Reward. R.ANAW.W from tha subscriber on the 1st day of June la-t. his negro boy FED. Said boy wa* pur- obase.l by Ihe -ub'’C ♦ or .Tf R. C. ria:i;»;r, M inon li*iPt. 8 C , oa tha: day. an.l it is thought he may be lurk n£ in the neighborhoad beiwteu Hamer’s in S C. and Jn". Thompson’s in Robeson Co , N. C. He is about pis f et high, will weigh 170 to 180 lbs , and is of pVasHnt countenance. The above reward will be pai I for his lodgment in any j lil fio tbit I may recover him, aad JlOO nor* for evidence to c'jnvict any white p-.-rson of harborine him. B. F. HAMER ChPTaw, S. C . Sept. 16 ^.5 4tpd 'IMie Subscriber wishes to purchase a few YOUNG NEGROES for which be will P'^7 highest Cash priee. Those, wishinc to sell wanld do well to call en me or ad IroRs me at P. J n 1 £«lvri D« 61-3n!pd A PB VrisO WAATEIL NV P..’r9oi\having a becond-iiand i*iiuo to renf out will fiad a place wiih me. P;ei.se state tho j terms. Address Mias K. DilUMMoND, Lumt>Cfton, N. C. j Ti'' 4p4 \x WA.^TED, YOU'-'G GENTLE VI.\.N wbo • asavt-ry goo«l under- Htan iing of La'in. Greek ar’l Englisrv languages, dos'tre^ to out'-,'a i s'tnaaon is Teacher, .^dlres? * G W. JONKS. Oftks P O , (■'•raugt; c ity, N. C. Sept. 6. ‘ 62 ICrpd PUR Lie ATIOMS BY BRANSON, FARRAR & CO. Myrtle Leaves, by ^ev. A. W. Maafoni, now in press. Second edition—a book ]^culiarly adapted to the tiiaes—suited alike to the seldien in camp aad those at home. Prica $1 60. MORVEN AND LINDA —A tale of a soldier’i llitk- ful love—an extract from Myrtle Leaves—a pretty poem, BOW ready. Price per hundred, $10 00. HESPER AND OTHER POEMS, by Theo. If. Hill. Second edition. “It sparkles on every page with bright gems of thought and expression.”—Church Intellifenetr. “This is true, genuine poetry.”—Salisbury Banner. Price SI 00. THE EMEMENTART SPELLING BOOK, revised from Webster and adapted t-> Southern Schools, bow ready Price $1 00. THE DIXIE PRIMER. Second edition. A popular book for th“ chil Iren Price per hun dred, f10 00. THE DIXIE REVDER will soon be ready. Price 50 cents. THE GEOGRAPHICAL READER, with Maps—in presH new S^r>d in your" orders Price $1 60. FIRST BOt)K I"^ ('0MP031Tlf)N. is dcFignad to r.vr-'fide En-»rli*'a Grammar, and o-nt'iina a num'.'er of n'r^.'isant vT'itins e?;--ci»es for the atud A valuable text-book ’ Prie? T-*) els. HISTORICAL SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS snitad te Sabbath Schools snd to seUier? :n camp. The best book of tbe kind yet pnbMsHed. Priea 50 cts Miscellaneous Books on hand for sale. CATECHISM FOR SABBATFl SCHOOLS. Price per d -i . ?2 60. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL- iJELL. A cnlleetion of Hymns T.ir Subbii.i '^cho .Is -has bp'n loxj wnd fnvor- aMy known Pfic“ p»’’ d -i , T3 CO GREVr EXPE TATIONS PrS3 OO THE STEP SISTER Pric? *1 50. DARRELL MARKHAM Pi:-, f2 fX' T.-lNNffAU.’^KR >» THE B ^TTLT OP TtU: B \RDS, a eplf-ndid poem P^ ic-t Ji'2 GO. RMDS AND ROMANCE OF M"RGAN AND HIS MEN Tru 'an 1 exalting Piic« .'>0 . Just r,-o8ivcd. a large io*. .f BIBLES and I'KSrA- MENTS Also, a few opi.-t ot FIRST YEAR OF THE WAR Alro, a variety of S'»'ERr I'--J & C iMPRELL'S Publi- ca'ion* Sp-llers, R tiKrs. WAKRliN’*^ ^UiG^.Ry. .a * VrJid work for Phyei rians at home '-r in i" cot.'er. ap in neit style and iff Wi.ll wri'ten. Pric-’ ’fo OO AT^o. r* few c.'P’-" 'f the p-ipnlnr rew Novel: NO NAME, by V. ilkie C-.'lius AUROR\ FLOYD oan al^o ►e had by early applicv tion. ROMANCE OF A POOR YOUNG MAN is not quite exhiyisfpd; s-'nd .n your ord-*r^ YORK’S ENGLISH GRAM MAR. f.->r Common Schools, revised »nd corrected, can bo had rezularly. This is purely a Southern Grammar.'and no b’tter wrrk of the kind ha® been publis'ied. HARDEE’S TACTICS WHEELER’S CAVALRY TACTICS, Periodicals, Papers and the Modern Litera ture of the South generally. Al»o School Books of tha old and new publicitions, here and eNewhere kept for sale ^ • The usual deductions mads to the trade. Send in your orders snd you shall have altentioa. 10. TRE DIXIE PRmER, OE the Little Folks. ▲ fartlier sap^y a^ vfaoloMU* w v«taa kf K> iUXi * Sept. 7. The Star Founrtry IS again in full operation. Having in my employment C0Tap«tent wi^rkra^'a. I am propftrcti in exscute wofk at tho s’aoriest notio-^ au i for a roisonabio char^. M. A. BAKER FaycUeviile, Aug. 18. ipalina ChristI Reaus. The subseriber will pay the highest eash prices for *ny quantity of P^ma Chiristi TTOMH- Vi9«llnin%Q«LI. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT of the very bent Envelopes, Paper, Ac. Al'O, A VARIETY of MiBoellannous Books, com prising H stories. Biographies, Travels, School Books, and Poetical Works. Aleo, A QUANTITY of New Southern Music. Al.-o, Portraits of Stonewall Jackson Price when Bent by Mail 51 00. AU orders promptly attended to. BRANSON, FARRAB & CO., ?»y*ttatill* St, Q. 'M i . rj

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